business plan check list assessment guidelines

Split 21-22 June 07 TEMPUS Project CREATE Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education 1 Business Plan Check List Assessment Guidelines Dr Lisa Cowey MBA Team Leader CARDS 2003 Croatia IPR Project “Intellectual Property Rights Infrastructure for the R&D Sector

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Business Plan Check List Assessment Guidelines. Dr Lisa Cowey MBA Team Leader CARDS 2003 Croatia IPR Project “Intellectual Property Rights Infrastructure for the R&D Sector in Croatia”. Product/service reality Ostvarivost proizvoda/usluge. Market need Potrebe tržišta. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Business Plan Check List   Assessment Guidelines

Split 21-22 June 07 TEMPUS Project CREATE

Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education1

Business Plan Check List Assessment Guidelines

Dr Lisa Cowey MBATeam Leader CARDS 2003 Croatia IPR Project“Intellectual Property Rights Infrastructure for the R&D Sector in Croatia”

Page 2: Business Plan Check List   Assessment Guidelines

Split 21-22 June 07 TEMPUS Project CREATE

Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education2

Product/service realityOstvarivost proizvoda/usluge


Unclear how the product/service will work or what value it gives to the customer

Convincing story on how product/service will work but limited idea of future applications/ modifications.

Convincing story of how the product/service will work and the value to customers. Clear plans for future growth.

Nejasno kako će proizvod/usluga funkcionirati, ili kakvu vrijednost pruža kupcu

Priča o načinu funkcioniranja proizvoda/usluge je uvjerljiva, ali ideje o budućim primjenama/izmjenama su ograničene

Priča o načinu na koji će proizvod/usluga funkcionirati je uvjerljiva, kao i vrijednost koju pruža kupcima. Jasni planovi za budući rast

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Split 21-22 June 07 TEMPUS Project CREATE

Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education3

Market needPotrebe tržišta


Weak understanding of the market characteristics and need.

Adequate description of market characteristics and need without factual support.

Thorough fact-based description of market characteristics with evidence of market need.

Slabo razumijevanje osobina i potreba tržišta.

Zadovoljavajući opis osobina i potreba tržišta, ali nepotkrijepljen činjenicama.

Temeljiti opis osobina tržišta potkrijepljen činjenicama i dokazima o potrebama tržišta

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Split 21-22 June 07 TEMPUS Project CREATE

Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education4

Realism of market opportunity Ostvarivost tržišnih prilika


Vague, unsubstantiated assertions about market size and growth rate.

Adequate description of market size and growth rate with limited factual support.

Thorough fact-based description of market, size and growth rate.

Neodređene, nepotkrijepljene tvrdnje o veličini i stopi rasta tržišta.

Zadovoljavajući opis veličine i stope rasta tržišta uz ograničenu činjeničnu potporu.

Temeljiti opis veličine i stope rasta tržišta potkrijepljen činjenicama.

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Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education5

Business ModelPoslovni model


Business Model unclear or unrealistic.

Business Model defined but may contain major flaws or not compared to other possible models.

Realistic and defensible business model with explanation as to why other models were examined and discarded.

Poslovni model nejasan ili nerealan.

Poslovni model definiran, ali može sadržavati grube nedostatke, ili nema usporedbe s ostalim mogućim modelima.

Realni i obranjivi poslovni model, uz obrazloženje zbog čega su ostali modeli proučeni i odbačeni.

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Competitive positionKonkurentni položaj


Poor description of existing competitors. No obvious reason for continued growth.

Adequate coverage of existing competitors, some issues on competitive edge, defensibility/ sustainability.

Existing competitors described. Clear edge for the proposed business (USP). Defensible/sustainable position.

Loš opis postojeće konkurencije. Ne postoje očigledni razlozi za kontinuirani rast.

Zadovoljavajući opis postojeće konkurencije, neka otvorena pitanja vezana uz konkurentnu prednost, obranjivost/ održivost.

Opis postojeće konkurencije. Jasna prednost vezana za predloženo poslovanje. Obranjivi/održivi položaj.

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SWOT AnalysisSWOT analiza


Poor and unconvincing SWOT.

Adequate SWOT with indication that factors have been weighted in importance.

Substantial SWOT with both weighting and mitigation.

Loša i neuvjerljiva SWOT analiza.

Zadovoljavajuća SWOT analiza koja ukazuje da su obilježja ponderirana po važnosti.

Temeljita SWOT analiza uz ponderiranje i umanjivanje obilježja.

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Lack of information on how the business is to be financed.

Adequate analyses of sources of funds available to make the venture financially viable.

Thorough details on how the venture will be funded in the short, medium and long term.

Nedostatak informacija o načinu financiranja poslovanja.

Postoje odgovarajuće analize izvora sredstava namijenjenih financijskoj održivosti poduhvata.

Detaljni podaci o načinu financiranja poduhvata u kratkoročnom, srednjoročnom i dugoročnom razdoblju.

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Operational plansOperativni planovi


Poor description of logistics challenge and action plan over short and longer term.

Adequate consideration of logistical issues, limited direct experience.

Clean, well thought through plan and a consideration of change over the future years.

Loš opis logističkih izazova i plana djelovanja za kratkoročno i dugoročno razdoblje.

Zadovoljavajuće razmatranje logističkih pitanja, ograničeno izravno iskustvo.

Pročišćen, dobro osmišljen plan koji uzima u obzir promjene koje će se pojaviti tijekom budućih godina.

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Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education10

FinancialsFinancijski zahtjevi


Incomplete and poorly presented. Inconsistencies in cash required.

Essential numbers are consistently and adequately explained.

Complete and consistent financial schedules with financials supporting the amount and type of funding required.

Nepotpuni i loše izneseni. Nedosljednosti vezane uz novčane zahtjeve.

Ključni iznosi su dosljedno i odgovarajuće obrazloženi.

Potpuni i dosljedni financijski rasporedi s financijskim zahtjevima koji odgovaraju iznosima i vrstama traženih financijskih potpora.

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Management teamUpravljački tim


Poor description of the key management team and relevant skills.

Adequate explanation of the management team and their key skills.

Detailed description of the management team and their capabilities.

Loš opis ključnog upravljačkog tima i relevantnih vještina.

Zadovoljavajući opis upravljačkog tima i njihovih ključnih vještina.

Detaljni opis upravljačkog tima i njihovih sposobnosti.

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Stimulating Croatia's Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology Transfer in Education12

Regulatory issuesPitanja vezana uz zakonske propise


Little or not reference to regulatory issues.

Some coverage of regulatory issues but no strong link to the opportunity or business development.

Detailed coverage of regulatory issues and their implications for the business.

Malo ili nikakvo spominjanje pitanja vezanih uz zakonske propise.

Određeno spominjanje propisa ali bez jače poveznice na poslovne prilike i razvoj.

Detaljno razmatranje zakonskih propisa i njihovog utjecaja na poslovanje.

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IP PositionPoložaj IV-a


Little or not reference to or IP issues.

Some coverage of IP issues.

Detailed coverage of IP issues with link to business opportunity and defendable position in the market.

Nedostatno ili nikakvo razmatranje pitanja IV-a.

Određeno razmatranje pitanja IV-a.

Detaljno razmatranje pitanja IV-a s poveznicom na poslovne prilike i obranjivi položaj na tržištu.

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Marketing planMarketinški plan


Unconvincing marketing plan.

Adequate description of appropriate marketing channels and generally reasonable strategy.

Detailed and convincing marketing strategy with choice of marketing channels/media supported by evidence.

Neuvjerljiv marketinški plan.

Zadovoljavajući opis odgovarajućih tržišnih kanala i uglavnom razumna strategija.

Detaljna i uvjerljiva marketinška strategija s izborom tržišnih kanala/medija potkrijepljena dokazima.

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Exit Route


No exit route discussed or mentioned.

Exit introduced but formulaic without realistic discussion (“Trade Sale/ IPO in 3 years”).

Realistic realisation of investment with examples to support from the industry and ROI explained.

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Presentation deliveryIznošenje prezentacije


Rambling structure, missing information. Unconfident, unclear, unoriginal and unenthusiastic presenter.

Clear structure and presentation. Reasonable quality of delivery.

Very well organised presentation with no irrelevant information. Confidently and enthusiastically presented.

Razbacana struktura, nedostatne informacije. Nesiguran, nejasan, neoriginalan i nepoletan izlagač.

Jasna struktura i prezentacija. Razumna kvaliteta izlaganja.

Vrlo dobro organizirana prezentacija bez suvišnih informacija. Sigurno i poletno izlaganje.

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CARDS 2003 Croatia IPR Project

"Intellectual Property Rights Infrastructure for the R&D Sector in Croatia" 

For more information about

CARDS 2003 Croatia IPR Project

"Intellectual Property Rights Infrastructure for the R&D Sector in Croatia" 

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