business organization and financial markets some basic concepts financial management: lecture 2

Business Organization and Financial markets Some basic concepts Financial management: Lecture 2

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Business Organization and Financial markets

Some basic concepts

Financial management: Lecture 2

Financial management: Lecture 2

Today’s agenda

Understand the types and features of business organizations

Understand the goal of corporation and agency problem

Understand financial markets and their functions Understand the concept of the cost of capital and

the time value of money

Organize a business

Types of Business Organizations• Sole Proprietorships

• A business owned and run by one individual

• Partnerships• A business owned by two or more people

• Corporations• A business organized as a separate legal entity

owned by stockholders.

Financial management: Lecture 2

Organize a business

Financial management: Lecture 2

Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation

Who owns the business?

The manager Partners Stockholders

Are managers and owners separate?

No No Usually

What is the owner's liability?

Unlimited Unlimited Limited

Are the owner and business taxed

separately?No No Yes

Organize a business

Financial management: Lecture 2

Sole Proprietorships



Limited Liability

Corporate tax on profits +

Personal tax on dividends

Unlimited Liability

Personal tax on profits

1- 6

Who is The Financial Manager?

Chief Financial Officer

Treasurer Controller

Financial managers

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)• Oversees the treasurer and controller and sets

overall financial strategy. Treasurer

• Responsible for financing, cash management, and relationships with banks and other financial institutions.

Controller• Responsible for budgeting, accounting, and taxes.

Financial management: Lecture 2

The goal of corporation

The financial managers are supposed to maximize shareholders’ wealth or maximize stock prices

Financial management: Lecture 2

Agency problems

Managers, acting as agents for stockholders, may act in their own interests rather than maximizing shareholders’ value.

This conflict of interest between shareholders and managers causes the agency problem.

Financial management: Lecture 2

Career In Finance

Financial management: Lecture 2

Career Annual SalaryCommercial Banking

Loan Officer $ 90,000 +Department Manager $ 200,000 +

Corporate FinanceFinancial Analyst $ 61-78,000Credit Manager $ 73-92,000Chief Financial Officer $ 222-367,000

Investment Banking (bulge bracket)First Year Analyst $ 90-180,000First Year Associate $ 200-350,000Assistant Vice President $ 300-900,000Director/Principal $ 500k - 2 milManaging Director/Partner $ 600k - 30 milDepartment Head $ 1 mil - 70 mil

Financial management: Lecture 2






(1) Investors buy shares with cash


(2)Cash is invested


(3) Operations generates cash


(4a) Cash reinvested


(4b) Cash returned to investors


Financial markets and investors

Real assets


(stockholders save and invest in closely held firm.)

2- 12


Investment in real assets


Financial markets

Stock marketsFixed-income marketsMoney marketsMarkets for Commodities Foreign exchange Derivatives

Financial Intermediaries

Mutual Funds Pension funds

Financial Institutions

Banks Insurance companies


Financial Markets

2- 13

Total U.S. Financing





1.4 HouseholdsRest of worldBanksInsurance CosPension FundsMutual FundsOther

% Holdings of Corporate Equities (Qtr 3, 2007)

Financial management: Lecture 2

Financial markets

A financial market • Securities are issued and traded

The classification of the financial market• By seasoning of claim

• Primary market

• Secondary market

• By nature of market• Debt market

• Equity market

Financial management: Lecture 2

Financial markets (continue)

• By maturity of claim• Money market

• Capital market

Financial management: Lecture 2

The functions of financial markets

1. Conducting exchange

2. Providing liquidity

3. Pooling money to fund large corporations

4. Transferring money across time and distance

5. Risk management (hedge, diversify)

6. Providing information

7. Providing efficient allocation of money

Financial management: Lecture 2

Conducting exchange

What does it mean ? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Providing liquidity

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Pooling money to fund large corporation investments

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Transferring money across time and distance

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Risk management

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Providing information

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

Providing efficient allocation of money

What does this mean? Examples

Financial management: Lecture 2

The cost of capital

The cost of capital is a very important concept in capital budgeting.

It links investment opportunities in financial markets and investment opportunities in real assets markets.

Financial management: Lecture 2

What is the cost of capital?


Investment opportunity (real

asset)Firm Shareholder

Investment opportunities

(financial assets)

Invest Alternative: pay dividend to shareholders

Shareholders invest for themselves

Cost of capital

Cost of capital sometimes is also called • The opportunity cost of your money

• The interest rate

• The discount rate

It is defined as the expected return required by investors for the same risky project in financial markets.

Financial management: Lecture 2