business news - september 2012


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Business News - September 2012 - Issue 211


Page 1: Business News - September 2012


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Page 3: Business News - September 2012



12. The Business of Doing Good

16. The Employment Matrix


4. Editor

5. Biz News

9. Comment

10. New Appointments

15. Competition

20. Regulation

21. Legal

26. Recruitment

28. Regulation

34. Aged Care

38. Tech Guy

40. Arts

42. Community

44. Wine

46. After Hours

50. What’s On

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Page 4: Business News - September 2012



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During the era of the last Coalition Government, Tony Abbott used his aggressive terrier tactics to support John Howard’s policies, now he is backing away from them at a fast trot.Howard, meanwhile, has re-entered political debate with not one but two headline-grabbing policy suggestions in recent works. The former PM and political mentor of Opposition leader Tony Abbott, according to a recording of his speech at a Westpac Forum, believes we should return to WorkChoices industrial relations policy and reinstitute AWAs. Mr Howard, it seems also suggested that the GST base should be extended to include taxing fresh food. Then there were the comments that Tony Abbott should abandon his politically-motivated opposition of the Carbon Tax,

with the former PM pointing out that the Abbott’s position was costing Australian business certainty.None of this would have been music to Mr Abbott’s ears and he has moved to distance himself from his former leader. Tony Abbott has proved himself very strong on the attack, but this month has shown himself to be weak once on the back foot – as Leigh Sales proved so tellingly with her tough questioning on the ABC’s 7.30. His repetitive incorrect labelling of asylum seekers as ‘illegals’ was again called into question, as was his linking of BHPs Olympic Dam decision to the Carbon Tax, despite Marius Kloppers’ statements to the contrary. It was far from a statesman-like performance.Julia Gillard, in the meantime, looks like she might actually

be doing what she has been threatening, but ultimately failing to do since the last election – to focus on the job at hand. The decision to remove the carbon floor price and link the Australian carbon emissions trading scheme is a shrewd move calculated to further alleviate concerns of emission-intensive trade-exposed business, particularly the big players.Coming into a pre-election year, the focus of political debate in Australia will shift to policy, and that is where it will all get very interesting. Tony Abbott and his Coalition have been extraordinarily successful in nullifying policy debate thus far – and that is what Oppositions are supposed to do. But now we need to hear what a Tony Abbott led Government would do, and a jocular ‘Not what a Gillard Government would do’ is not going to cut it.Tony Abbott has spent the past two years telling us we can’t trust Julia Gillard as Prime Minister. But while he’s been so busy on the attack, he has left himself little over twelve months to convince us he would have credibility as PM, while off to the side, Malcolm Turnbull has been stockpiling his own credibility credits…


Giving credit where credit’s dueTony Abbott has urged the voting public again and again to look on Julia Gillard’s past with a very critical eye, and for good reason - it’s been working for him. The PM has spent much of her time in office defending her past decisions and policy positions rather than spruiking her current policies. However, with the public’s attention now turned to Mr Abbott’s political past, Tony may be wishing he had taken it down a notch.

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The Gordon in Geelong is celebrating the awarding of a $1 million contract as part of the National Broadband Network (NBN) roll out. The announcement followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the region’s largest employer, Barwon Health, and The Gordon earlier last month, that will see The Gordon deliver customised training for people entering healthcare (including retraining manufacturing workers) and providing further training for existing health workers.In a statement released by The Gordon, the “Remote delivery of school-based traineeships to regional and rural students” project is described as being part of the Government’s NBN-Enabled Education and Skills Services (NBN-EESS) program, which takes advantage of the high speed broadband connections being made available through the NBN.

The innovative 18 month project is a collaboration between The Gordon and Lightmare Studios, which will deliver school-based traineeships in Certificate III in Media to 100 students in remote Victorian areas who would otherwise have limited capacity to gain interactive media skills.Some of the innovative concepts to be trialled include live interactive virtual class in Certificate III in Media for students in regional Victorian areas, including access from the home; a virtual environment where remote learners can join on-campus peers via a fully interactive video link; and real-time online assistance allowing trainers to individually demonstrate or assist remote learners.Gordon CEO Grant Sutherland says the timing couldn’t be better, with the project’s successful tender a part of The Gordon’s pursuit of other sources of revenue.

“This $1 million contact is a fantastic outcome for The Gordon and presents a significant amount of funding from the Federal Government to deliver the project, which is also aligned to our strategy of new delivery methodologies,” he said. “We also expect the project to create two new teaching jobs at The Gordon, as well as additional jobs in the region with Lightmare Studios. The project also funds

professional development of Gordon teachers and provides for ongoing support for them and others to ensure it is sustainable beyond 2014”.

“This is another of the many exciting initiatives happening at The Gordon following this week’s signing of the new agreement with Barwon Health, and is indicative of our positive future ahead,” he said.

The Gordon secures NBN contractIt has been a tough couple of months for training providors in Victoria following the slashing of funding by the state government, and there will continue to be tough times ahead.

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‘Fraccing’ or hydraulic fracturing is the process of breaking apart extremely dense rock or coal deposits using highly pressurised water, sand and in some cases chemicals as part of the mining process. The method is used to release coal seam gas, and while there is, at present, no fraccing operations in Victoria, there are a number of exploratory licenses that

have been issued by the Government.The Victorian Farmer’s Federation has been particularly vocal in its opposition of fraccing in Victoria over concerns about what they believe to be risks to aquifers from the process and the use of potentially harmful chemicals under farmland in the process. The mining industry, however, disputes that the process

poses any quantifiable risk to aquifers and farmland.“The VFF has long argued we need to ensure land and groundwater resources are protected during coal seam gas developments,” VFF Land Management Committee chair Gerry Leach said.In a statement, the VFF said that ultimately it wants to see the states and Commonwealth work towards delivering a National Harmonised Framework for coal seam gas that strengthens farmers’ rights and ensures no permanent off-site impacts. Once the framework is complete in December, the VFF wants the Victorian Government to strengthen the state’s own minerals legislation.To this end, the VFF is calling on the Victorian Government to give farmers

a right of veto over mining activities on their land, to give landholders the right to sign off on rehabilitation plans alongside the Secretary of the Department, to remove the 10 per cent cap on solatium payments (compensation for intangible values of land or assets). The farmer’s federation also wants the Government to increase the period of time in which claims can be made following rehabilitation, from three years to five years, and to reinstate the mining development advisory committee to Government and renew the role and powers of the mining warden.The Victorian Government has announced it will establish a mining advisory committee in the form of a new Earth Resources Ministerial Advisory Council.

Farmers welcome fraccing freizeThe Victorian Farmers Federation has welcomed the State Government’s decision to ban the controversial fraccing process until a national framework is established on coal seam gas developments.

The Executive Director of the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), Roman Domanski, has been outspoken in his view of the severe increases in electricity prices seen in Australia in recent years, labelling them as akin to “an electricity price hyper-inflation – a disease badly in need of a cure” in relation to the impact of energy price hikes on business costs, living costs and the economy. He particularly highlighted the role of unjustified network price increases and a growing layer of environmental related

charges (from carbon, to renewable to energy use taxes) to the electricity price increases and called for a range of immediate and longer-term measures to deal with the problem. Mr Domanski welcomed various steps being taken to address the matter, including various reviews and State government decisions, but said that not enough was being done and nor was the action timely enough.One action that has been taken was the announcement late last month that the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), the

body that sets the rules for the nation’s energy providers, is proposing to reform the rules around setting prices for energy network businesses. The AEMC says the new roles better equip the regulator to set network prices, so consumers don’t pay more than necessary for reliable supplies of electricity and gas. The rule changes would include benchmarking network businesses against each other, the annual publication of benchmarking reports and allowing the Australian Energy Regulator to take past efficiency into account when determining future network spending allowances (or what we, the consumers, would term as the network expenditure that is then paid for via our bills). The commission is aiming to implement the rule changes by November this year.Also in August, the AEMC released its Transmission Framework Review, looking at way to encourage cost-

efficient investment into the future. Calling for comment on the review, the AEMC said that under current arrangements customers pay the full cost of transmission network investment and generators make investment decisions which are not fully exposed.

AEMC Chairman, John Pierce, said, “Essentially our proposals are for a more market-oriented approach to providing transmission services - and to redirect some investment risk from customers to generators.

We consider that the combined costs of generation and transmission should be taken into account when investment and operational decisions are made.

The Government has also stepped up its interest in energy prices, moving to set up a Senate select committee to examine electricity prices that would report back to the parliament on or before November 1.

Energy issues generating heatEnergy price hikes and what is behind them has been a hot topic during these past few cold winter months. Why has this issue generated so much heat? Put simply, because when you compare the soaring increases in energy prices against, say, the cost impact of a carbon tax, it’s a bit like comparing the cost of a three course meal at your favourite seafood restaurant with the cost of a nice glass of wine. You may not like the cost of the latter compared with what it used to be, but it’s nothing compared to the former.

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The website is compatible with all popular smart phones and has, a Council statement announced, been designed for maximum ease of use.The mobile version of the Council website ( has a menu specially designed to minimise the amount of typing required by the user, with a large list of typical requests for service is available from drop down menus.

In addition to the Request for Service function, the mobile website features a list of Council road closures, a direct link to Council news and a calendar of events in the area.To access the City’s new mobile website go to on your smart phone or iPhone/iPad. It’s also available as an Android app and will shortly be available as an iPhone app.

City goes mobileThe City of Greater Geelong has launched a new mobile website that lets smart phone and iPhone users easily report a problem and access popular Council information.

The release of the one minute solar data is a significant step, as previously the only readily available resource was half hourly data from surface stations and hourly data derived from satellites.

Expensive and time-consuming measurements then had to be undertaken at the site of planned developments.

The new one minute data set has been made available following a $100,000 Australian Solar Institute project to make the data freely available through the Bureau of Meteorology.

ASI Investment Director, Olivia Coldrey, said this is the first time solar data at this resolution have been made widely available in Australia, and in an online format. “This resource will help accelerate large scale solar deployment in Australia by making it easier and cheaper to compile the data necessary to design power plants,” Ms Coldrey said. “Together with work underway to improve solar energy forecasting techniques, project developers will be better able to understand the solar resource and the likely power plant output at prospective sites, helping them to optimise plant design and ultimately secure financing.” Ms Coldrey expects international solar researchers and companies to also use the resource, as there are few like it globally. The data is available at

A step forward for solar?It seems a bit like every time we hear about the development of solar in Australia it is a story about an industry failing to take the next step. The release of a one minute solar data resource may just hint at an imminent step forward.

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The winds of change are howling

The personal cost is high to Bob and his great staff. Every businesses that closes its doors has a human cost to the owner and their families, and certainly to the staff that are losing their livelihood, and also to the loyal customers that now have to find alternative suppliers. A closure costs not only money but also self-esteem and confidence – it can knock the wind out of your sails (or should that be sales?).Thanks Bob for all your years of service. But the story is not about Bob alone, because a drive through Victorian towns sees a gap tooth economy. You will see a few surviving shops and then a closed and derelict building. The deeper question is why have these businesses closed down? Is it that our economy is ailing like some would attest or is there something else going on?Amhar Bhide from Harvard University researched 35,000 business in the endeavour to find significant differences between the success factors of a small business compared to their larger cousins, and he found many factors including flexibility, quick responsiveness and willingness to work for smaller margins evident in niche markets. Like a lot of university studies, it is fine to identify factors in a broad study, but much harder to put into practice.We often see small business owners concentrate on the immediate relationships, and many have the expectation that personal will power will solve all business ailments. However, top Canadian thinker, John Ralston

Saul (who recently visited Australia) suggests that the success of a business is largely due to external factors, rather than the range of internal factors and personal skills that most business owners would claim. We can put these factors together and see that at times external factors change and there is a need for a business to change, but when you have a long term lease, investment in stock and staff that are trained to a quiet perfection, it is not so easy to stop what you are doing and do a 180 degree change. From a broad and impersonal economic perspective, small businesses do change, by one closing and another different style of business opening. Forgetting the real and present personal cost for a moment, the economy is satisfied that a small business has flexed and adapted. But is this enough to explain the holes in our streetscapes?It might be an adequate explanation, when we understand some of the factors that are causing our economy to change. Decades ago, big businesses change slowly, in that most were struggling giants filled with bureaucratic sludge and inefficiencies, but global pressures have forced big businesses to update and improve at an unprecedented rate and to an unprecedented extent. Many are now very efficient, with sophisticate control systems and world leading management practices. Intranets, and Enterprise Resource Planning, customer relationship management

programs and much, much more have led the survivors to be far more competitive than ever before. Also, some of these businesses have global reach, as well as efficient local operations.While computers are common in small businesses, the range of sophisticated management systems pale in comparison to the powerful array of tools available for big business. Imagine a Bunning’s Hardware store located close to a small local version. Guess which one is eaten for tea?Looking at some of the small businesses in Australia, we can see some fantastic operations, but many have grown as a result of the reformation of our large cousins. Now that they have practiced and polished sophisticated systems, there is less need for the multitude of small businesses; it is now time for the millions of tiny businesses to lift their game or they will go the way of the dinosaurs. But here is the challenge, as there is no unified method for them to upgrade. Left to their own resources; sadly some fall by the wayside and then another one bites the dust – one more empty shop. Our small businesses need

to get some help to radically improve their productivity in orders of magnitude. Productivity is not working harder, as small business operators are already working beyond a reasonable level, and it is not another useless diploma sitting on their toilet doors. It is knowledge and science, it is lean systems, and JIT supply chains, it is CRM’s and ERP’s and a touch of TOC, but to most people these are just stupid hollow acronyms. If we don’t get a lot smarter then we will have one more empty shop; one more closing down sale, one more sadly displaced ex-owner.The problem is not the broad economy, but, to borrow some great words, “I have seen the enemy and it is US”. This situation is not going to be solved by government bodies throwing tinsel and fluff money, it is not going to be solved by the tired training systems we currently have, if it is to be solved it will be by the valiant efforts of small business banding together and doing the hard work.We wish you all the best Bob.

Drysdale Village Hardware store is closing. A few short years ago it was an award winning shop. It is was run by Bob Shultz a well-known and easy-going guy who had a profound knowledge of all things construction. He probably supplied significant proportions of thousands of local houses.


Australian Business Development Centre

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A fair welfare system

What both the Left and Right often overlook is that there are two core moral principles underpinning the welfare state. One is the care principle emphasised by the Left – nobody who needs help should be denied assistance. But the second has to do with fairness, or what Jonathon Haidt in his recent book, The Righteous Mind, calls the ‘proportionality’ ethic. People must be helped, but the way we do it must be fair.Haidt shows that many of our fundamental moral ideas are instinctive, honed through thousands of years of human evolution. Studies on infants show that caring about the suffering of others is one such instinct – even at six months, we know it is wrong to harm others and right to help them.Similarly, Haidt outlines a number of psychological experiments demonstrating

that we also have an instinctive sense of fairness – a feeling that people shouldn’t take without contributing, and that it is wrong to free ride on others.Our instinctive desire for fairness as well as compassion suggests that any welfare system should conform to at least three basic rules.First, people on welfare should never be better off than those who work. This applies financially (work should always pay better than benefits) but also in terms of time (people on welfare should not enjoy more free time than those who work). Here is the moral argument for workfare. Research shows that activity conditions attached to welfare often fail to help recipients find jobs, but this is not their prime purpose (even though

politicians pretend it is). The point of workfare is to make the welfare system fairer.Second, everyone in need must be helped, but not necessarily in the same way. Those who have contributed through taxes should be treated more generously than those with weak or non-existent employment records, and people whose behaviour has led to their own misfortune should be subject to different conditions than those who are victims of circumstances beyond their control. People unable to work because of drug addiction, for example, should not be treated in the same way as other ‘disabled’ claimants but should be required to undergo treatment as a condition of receiving benefits. The Left often rails against distinguishing the ‘deserving’ poor from the ‘undeserving’ poor, but this distinction is actually fundamental to a fair welfare system, and today it is too often neglected.Finally, we should not expect strangers (taxpayers) to help before people have tried to help themselves, and this includes seeking assistance from close family members. In Germany, the Civil Code requires children, parents and grandparents to support

each other, so if, say, a father cannot or will not pay child support, his parents are expected to make up the difference. Similar rules apply in Japan and throughout Asia. Again, the Left is often resolutely opposed to policies like these, but they are an essential component of a fair system. As the adage has it, charity begins at home.

Professor Peter SaundersProfessor Peter Saunders is a Senior Fellow at The Centre for Independent Studies.

There is a recurring tension in welfare policy between those who insist that the vulnerable and needy must be helped, and those who worry that too much help can weaken the work ethic and undermine self-reliance. The Left takes the moral high ground in these arguments by demanding that people in need be helped, even if this means higher taxes. The Right’s more practical arguments about costs and perverse incentives often seem mean spirited in comparison.

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Page 10: Business News - September 2012



Coulter Roache lawyers welcomes Jane Thomas to the marketing team. Jane has more than 18 years experience in marketing and communications in the private, not-for profit and consulting sectors, including with the Cancer Council’s SunSmart program and the Victorian Bushfire Appeal..

Barwon Health welcomes Irene Krishnan (nee Heer) to lead on a number of strategic financial initiatives. Irene is a Chartered Accountant and was previously Financial Controller at Alfred Health, with former roles at Tabcorp, Fosters and Deloitte, and a number of overseas roles.

Sarina Russo Apprenticeships welcomes Gary Reyment to the role of Industry Consultant at their new Geelong offices. Gary has lived in the Geelong region for over 20 years and has spent 14 of those years within the apprenticeship and training industry.

For 22 years, Jan Clarke has worked as a mentor and consultant for apprentices and their employers in the Geelong region. Jan’s expertise and experience in assisting employers and their apprentices is a wonderful asset for the Sarina Russo Apprenticeship team.

Peter Jennings has joined Betta Home Living as Manager of the Pakington Street store. Bringing 17 years of industry experience and knowledge to the team, Peter is excited to be part of Betta’s change to Betta Home Living bedding and furniture.





Andy Ingham is proud to join the professional team at Buxton Real Estate as a Sales Consultant. Andy brings with him not only his passion for real estate, but his genuine enthusiasm, interest and commitment to each of his clients.

Page 11: Business News - September 2012

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Local physiotherapist Rick Clingan is combining 25 years of experience and his special interest in treating headache patients, to launch Geelong’s first dedicated headache treatment centre. The multidisciplinary Headache Centre Geelong is located at 47 Thomson St Belmont.

Encompass Community Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Tess Dolman as House Supervisor to support four individuals with a disability to live independently in a shared accommodation setting. Tess brings 10 years of human services experience and has an Advanced Dip in Disability.

Encompass Employment Services welcomes Brian Church as an Employment Consultant. Brian has extensive experience in the community services sector and holds a Certificate 4 in Disability. Brian knows that he can enhance the quality of a participant’s vocational and personal life in this role.

Tracey Egan recently joined the Encompass Youth Services team. After completing a Diploma in Community Services, Tracey volunteered at Encompass. She loved it so much she decided that helping people with disabilities transition to independence was the right career path for her.

Alison Keath joins the Encompass Community Services team as Respite Supervisor. Alison has previously worked for Encompass in Youth Services and Respite Support. She is passionate about the Encompass Respite Program and is looking forward to working with participants and their families.







Shaun Moloney has joined Wightons Lawyers as a solicitor. Having recently graduated from Deakin University with a Bachelor of Law/Commerce, Shaun will be working from our Myers Street office, in the commercial and litigation department.

Page 12: Business News - September 2012

It’s been said that the late Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, started the concept in the late 1970s when she became the first to base a large business on being socially and

environmentally conscious, promoting the idea that “businesses have the power to do good.”

Thirty something years after The Body Shop began to walk the talk about “social

responsibility, respect for human rights, the environment and animal protection, and an absolute belief in Community Trade,” there are many businesses sharing the same values, with varying levels of success and consumer support.

And, despite the belief, and some evidence, that the ethical consumer is a myth and the fact that major fashion and sports brands still use sweat shop and in some cases child labour to manufacture their products, there are statistics that do point to change. Since the introduction of Fairtrade Certification in Australia in 2004, the amount of Fairtrade Certified goods sold in our country has risen from around $300,000 dollars to more than $150 million worth of products in 2011 and is expected to increase by at least 50% again this year.

According to the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand (, “consumer recognition of the Fair Trade Label is increasing significantly year on year, reaching 37% in Australia and 51% in New Zealand in 2010. The range of Fairtrade Certified products available in Australia and New Zealand has expanded to include coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa products, sports balls, cotton, rice, sugar and quinoa… This growth in product range has been supported by mainstream retailers and suppliers seeing the potential of Fairtrade such as Coles, Corporate Express, ALDI, Starbucks, Jamaica Blue, Woolworths/Safeway, New World and more.”“There’s been a dramatic uptake [of Fairtrade products]. Ten years ago you couldn’t buy Fairtrade coffee at the supermarket, and it didn’t taste that good either, but now Fairtrade coffee is equal to the best coffee on the market,” says Nick Savaidis, Managing Director of sports and clothing company Etiko, the first in Australia to receive Fairtrade Certification for a non-food product. Etiko’s range of sports balls ( are Fairtrade sports balls, manufactured by workers who receive fair wages for their effort. The products’ Fairtrade Certification also means fair trade premiums are used to benefit the communities in Pakistan and India where the balls and sportswear are made, and the purchase of products from the Jinta range helps to fund sports programs in a number of remote Australian communities.“We consider ourselves a for profit social enterprise,” Nick says. “Most people think of social enterprise as being not for profit, but we feel there is another model people should be looking at, which is businesses working at making a profit while having a positive impact, whether on fellow human beings or on the environment.


The business of doing goodEthical business. Triple bottom line. Corporate social responsibility. For profit social enterprise. They’re big concepts and big ideals and, while it can’t be said yet that they’re universally embraced (despite what some corporations would have us believe), they are gaining traction in the business world. But what does it really mean to put your money where your mouth is as business owners and consumers?


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“When we make a product, our first priority is to make it as ethically as possible, to make sure that the workers producing it are paid living wages, are working in safe conditions and being treated with respect – the same kind of respect that we would all expect.”But, as Nick acknowledges, “you can’t just expect people to buy something because you kind of tug on their heart strings. The product needs to speak for itself. It needs to be the same, if not better quality than similar products and a comparable price”. Social enterprises face the same challenges to growth as any other business: cash flow, investment, the need to research and understand their target market, and work within advertising budgets to appeal to that market. They need to make effective use of online promotion and social media while attempting to sell their goods to retailers who are being squeezed between rising costs and consumers who demand more for less. However, it’s far from a level playing field. “We’re paying two to three times the price for our products than what the other brands would normally pay for theirs, but selling it for roughly the same price, so our margins are not as great,”

Nick explains. “We don’t have the money to spend on sponsoring sporting personalities and events or a lot of advertising. It’s a challenge trying to get the message out, so we try to take a grass roots approach, which I think in the long term gives you more credibility. We’ve been doing this for six years and we’ve won various awards for social justice and sustainability because people realise it’s not just spin, we’re not relying on a piece of paper called a code of conduct that we put up on office walls and then go and do business as usual.”However, it’s still a struggle to convince mainstream retailers there is a market for ethical goods and devise ways to persuade consumers to “walk the talk” when it comes to purchasing decisions.According to Timothy Devinney, Professor of Strategy at the University of Technology, Sydney, the ideal of the person who is guided in their purchasing decisions by broad ethical or moral concerns is a myth. “People may care about a variety of issues that form part of a broad ethical agenda: third-world debt, child labour, pollution, animal welfare and so on,” he writes in Do You Really Care: The Myth of the Ethical Consumer at “But they tend to be hard-nosed when they trade these things off against matters that are more salient, immediate and mundane: children’s schooling, healthcare, their mortgage – even simply spending less time at the checkout counter.“The question, it seems, is a relative one: ‘How important are social issues when compared with other economic issues?”Nick’s own research reveals a growing consciousness of the ethical issues behind what we buy, although he agrees that what people say they will spend their money on doesn’t always translate into action at the cash register.“It’s really hard to define the eco-ethical consumer because they come from all ages, all socio-demographic backgrounds – they’re not necessarily all male or all female, they don’t all live in the inner suburbs, but there’s people who do kind of share the same values our company promotes. Research we’ve seen says that about 10% of Australians would go out of their way to pay extra for a product, they would go out of their way to find something which is hard to find –they’re not relying on other people to tell them what to do, they’re out there looking for

themselves. But there’s about 30 to 40% of the Australian population who share the same sort of values, but don’t want to pay much more than what they would normally pay for it and they don’t want to have to go too far to look for it.“We refer to them as conscious and conscientious consumers – conscious because I’d say most people are aware of issues like child and sweatshop labour and the need to look after the environment – the question is how many of them are conscientious and actually act on that knowledge?“I spoke to Tim after he gave a presentation,” Nick adds, “and I said that based on what you’re telling me, we may as well just give up because the ethical consumer is a myth. He said no, it’s that you can’t just rely on your ethical credentials; you have to give people something more. So, what we’re trying to do is give people a good quality product at a fair price, which looks good as well. We’re trying to create a brand that people want to identify with - taking the approach of the big sports and fashion brands and using it for good.”



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Page 14: Business News - September 2012



THE Bill containing the amendments to the tax law is the Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No 4) Bill 2012 and is currently before Parliament. Assuming the Bill is enacted in its current form, from the 1st October 2012, LAFH allowances will (in broad terms) no longer be subject to the Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) regime and will be treated as assessable income to the employee. In certain circumstances, the employee may be able to claim an offsetting income tax deduction for the reasonable accommodation and food

costs incurred as a result of having to live away from their usual place of residence for employment purposes. LAFH accommodation and food benefits provided directly to the employee, and reimbursement of such costs will be subject to FBT, unless the employee would be able to claim an income tax deduction had they incurred expenses for the benefits directly. To be entitled to a tax deduction, the employee must maintain a home in Australia that is readily available for their own use and the tax concessions

will also be limited to a maximum consecutive period of 12 months for an individual employee at any work location. Limited transitional provisions will defer the application for some employees until the earlier of 1 July 2014 or a change of the employment arrangement:h For Australian permanent

tax resident employees, transitional rules mean that the requirement to maintain a home in Australia, and to limit the concessional treatment to a maximum of 12 months, will not apply if they had employment arrangements in place prior to 7:30pm on 8 May 2012.

h For temporary residents and foreign residents, the measure which limits the concessional treatment to a maximum of 12 months will not apply if they had employment arrangements in place prior to 7:30pm on 8 May 2012. However, the requirement to be living away from a home they maintain in Australia will apply from 1 October 2012.

Employees who are living away from home for work purposes, and maintaining a home in Australia, will be able to claim an income tax deduction for reasonable expenses for accommodation and food expenditure above a statutory amount. The employee’s spouse and children need to be living away from home with the employee for deductions for their costs to be available. In accordance with current arrangements, the Commissioner will release annual “reasonable” expenditure amounts and no substantiation for food and drink expenses will be necessary if the employee expenditure claimed is at or below this level. If the employer instead reimburses the employee for this expenditure, or provides property or residual fringe benefits, these benefits

will be treated under the normal FBT rules. Where eligible, the taxable value of Fringe Benefits may be reduced under the “otherwise deductible rule”. The employer will need to obtain a declaration from the employee that the otherwise deductible rule applies, and substantiation requirements will also need to be met.The effect of the changes will be that where concessions are not available, by default, the additional cost will be borne by the employee where allowances are paid, and by the employer where non-allowance benefits are provided. With a very short lead time until these changes take effect on 1 October 2012, employers and employees must be aware of the significant impact of the proposed changes. To organise a review of any current or planned LAFH benefit arrangements, contact the tax team at WHK today.

Major shake up to tax treatment of Living away from home benefitsIn the 2012-2013 Federal Budget, the Government announced an intention to reform the tax treatment of Living Away From Home (“LAFH”) benefits provided my employers to employees. According to the Government, the LAFH tax benefit concessions were being “widely exploited in a manner outside the original policy intent.”

Alex Duonis, WHK

Paul Wastell, WHK

Page 15: Business News - September 2012


THIS signature Victorian event brings wine lovers and lovers of a good celebration from across the state and around the country to enjoy the weekend of great food, great music and superb wines. With shuttle buses taking guests across the Moorabool Valley, the Surf Coast and the Bellarine Peninsula regions, the event is a great opportunity to see the region at its best.But perhaps the greatest appeal of Toast to the Coast is how is it is to have a good time. A $40 weekend pass includes a $10 commemorative Geelong Wine glass, which is your passport to free wine tastings at all host vineyards. Plan your day online and book your seats on one of the shuttle buses and be driven around the sample great wines, listen to some live local music and enjoy the region fare on offer. It really doesn’t get any better.

Here’s what local wineries have to say about Toast to the Coast:

“ At Toast we celebrate the good things in life: great wines, gorgeous country and good friends old and new. It’s the weekend we all wait for!”

- Bellbrae Estate Wines

“ Toast to the Coast is an awesome event for us and the region. Not only does it bring heaps of new wine lovers to our cellar door but we are amazed by the return visitors and their friends. They often make mention that Toast was the reason they have returned to us and spend more time to appreciate the whole Geelong area food and wine experience.”

- McGlashan’s Wallington Estate

“ We had our first experience of Toast to the Coast last year and we’re definitely back for more! It’s such a festive occasion that really caters for every one - singles, couples, families, locals, tourists, wine buffs, first-timers and the old regulars who are up to their 4th, 5th or 6th festival. It’s a great opportunity to showcase the region and it’s a fun weekend.”

- Ponda Estate (guest at Leura Park Estate)

For more information and tickets go to


With spring (finally) in the air, we can again start looking to the good life of sunny days, having a good time with our friends and fine food and wine. Celebration of the good life is what Toast to the Coast is all about, with over 30 wineries from across the Geelong region throwing open their doors and welcoming in patrons across the Melbourne Cup weekend. This month, we have Toast to the Coast double passes to give away to Business News readers via our website.

Log on to and enter your details on the competition page for your chance to win.

Page 16: Business News - September 2012

THE Business News has focused heavily on manufacturing in recent months, because like many others, we see the retention of a manufacturing sector in Victoria as crucial to the long-term prosperity of the state. We have seen huge shifts in the economic base towards service industry jobs –particularly health. This has been a big positive for our state, and we will continue to see exponential increases to the health and professional services workforces. However, these sectors are not wealth

generators in an economy. They are sectors that circulate money, but we need things like manufacturing sectors and export sectors because they actually create money – with much of that money then filtered through the health sector, as well as retail, hospitality, tourism and many more. The mining boom may have saved the nation’s budgetary bacon when many other economies have simply been fried, but when it comes to labour force contribution, mining is relatively lean. That isn’t going to change.

What is going to change however, and change fast, is jobs growth – growth, not job losses, according to the Federal Minister for Workplace Relations, Bill Shorten.Figures released by Mr Shorten’s office last month suggest that the Australian economy will need to fill 800,000 skilled positions over the next five years to sustain economic growth. If you missed that headline in The Australian I can assure you that is not a typo. From mid 2012 to mid 2017, Australia will, according to DEEWR analysis, needs to

fill 800,000 new jobs – almost ten times the expected losses in manufacturing of 85,000 positions over the same period. Most of those jobs will be generated in the health and professional services sectors.It all sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? So why aren’t Victorians celebrating this impending flood of job opportunities? These are two headlines from August: “165,500 desperate as unemployment hits 5.4 per cent” and “Wanted: 800,000 workers in five years”. The first is from a report in the Herald Sun, the second from a report in The Australian. Is there any wonder that there is so much doubt and confusion about the outlook for jobs in Victoria?


Any talk of job losses is unsettling, and there has been a lot of talk about job losses in recent months. But are we facing a jobs boom or an employment bust? The answer may be: both.


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The Federal Department of Workplace Relations figures show that as of June 2012 there were 165,000 Victorians looking for work – with 125,000 of those in metropolitan Melbourne. The same Department is forecasting national jobs growth of 800,000 from now until mid-2017, including growth of 180,000 jobs in Victoria over the next five years.The Victorian Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Richard Dalla-Riva, says that as of July 2012 there were 42,600 more Victorians employed than in February this year – based on the latest seasonally-adjusted data from the ABS. Shadow Minister for Employment, Tim Pallas, says the same data shows there

were 4,100 less full-time jobs in Victoria.The statistics don’t lie, but they can be picked apart to support whichever argument you are pushing at the time. Anecdotal evidence is no more illuminating. Ask some people and they will say the outlook is grim, with thousands of jobs to go over the next two years. Ask others and they will say there are more than enough jobs on offer to counter the job cuts.When asked about rising unemployment in Victoria, Mr Dalla-Riva said, “The latest seasonally-adjusted data released this month by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows there were 2,895,000 Victorians employed in July 2012. There are now 42,600 more Victorians employed than in February.“None of this is to downplay the nature of the ongoing challenges, or the importance of government policy in creating the conditions for strong business performance,” the Minister said. “As I have argued, repeatedly, there could not be a worse time for the Gillard Government to impose the burden of a carbon tax. By increasing energy costs for all business, this tax will put additional pressure on profitability, investment and jobs.“Why make life harder for industry in this state than it is already?” When asked to comment on the same topic, Mr Pallas said, “Historically, regional areas tend to have higher levels of unemployment than the inner city and eastern suburbs areas in particular – not so much the outer west and outer northern metropolitan areas of Melbourne. What we’re seeing recently is a distinct difference in the gender impact of the growth in unemployment, in the jobless numbers.“What we’ve seen is a growth of something like 44,200 men who lost their job since the current government came to power, and most of that has been in metropolitan Melbourne. About 35,000 lost their jobs in Melbourne, and 9,000 in rural and regional Victoria. So what that’s showing is that while

overall the figures of people in the labour force continue to hold up, largely due to population growth, what we are seeing is that jobless numbers continue to grow. We all know the stories - we’ve all heard the stories of individual companies that are shedding labour, with examples like the news of 235 jobs lost at a Telstra Call Centre in Victoria.”“What we are seeing is our manufacturing industry and our export-exposed industries are at increasing risk, and that risk is largely as a result of the high price of the Australian dollar. So what the Opposition has consistently said around jobs issues is that the fact that jobs are falling out of the Victorian economy is not directly a result of the actions of the Baillieu Government, but our criticism of the Baillieu Government is that they don’t see that they have a role in being part of the solution,” Mr Pallas said.Mr Dalla-Riva however says the government is working hard to address job losses.“The Victorian Coalition Government has put in place a suite of policies aimed at helping Victorian companies lift productivity and competitiveness. We have announced a $58 million manufacturing strategy to help keep manufacturers strong and successful in challenging economic times. This includes matched funding, on a competitive grants application basis, for investment that will assist companies to diversify or capture new markets,” the Minister said.“The Victorian Coalition will not simply provide assistance to industry if they have failed to upgrade their business practice - this funding is designed for companies to come to Government with a proposal for investing in technology that will help them create a sustainable business model. The manufacturing strategy also provides $4 million for the Industries in Transition Program. This program provides a range of support services for retrenched workers, including financial counselling and putting workers in direct contact with other employers in their

area through the Department of Business and Innovation.”The Minister said the Baillieu-led Coalition has a strong strategy to generate jobs and investment in Victoria, based on a return to a responsible budget and a record $5.8 billion infrastructure spend. He said the government is committed to lifting productivity so that Victorian industries can compete with the best domestically and globally.“I will also add that in the five years to 1999-2000, under Jeff Kennett, productivity growth in Victoria averaged 2.8 per cent. In the five years to 2009-10, under state Labor governments, it grew by an average of only 0.7 per cent,” the Minister said.“From December 2010 to July 2012, employment in the Barwon-Western District statistical region has increased by 18,400 persons (6,800 males and 11,500 females). This represents an increase of 9.4% in persons employed over this time. Over the same period, the region’s unemployment rate has fallen 0.4 percentage points (from 5.4% to 5.0%).“As I said, the Victorian Coalition has a $5.8 billion infrastructure spend which will spur economic activity. The Victorian Government is also supporting investment by Ford and Alcoa into their operations in the Geelong region. The Government has also announced a $4 million investment fund for the region, and we are urging the Commonwealth to make a contribution to this important program. “So far, the Gillard Government has not agreed to do so. But it has imposed a carbon tax, which has led to rising energy costs for all businesses and households, and which puts Victoria’s trade-exposed industries at a disadvantage compared to their overseas competitors. Labor is also responsible for an inflexible industrial relations regime, which is encouraging a “strike first, bargain later” mentality and damaging Australia’s productivity performance.”What do you believe?One point that is beyond dispute is that there is large-


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scale structural adjustment taking place in the Victorian economy – we are in the midst of an economic and industrial relations revolution. The old models of employment are becoming defunct. The question then is what are the new models going to look like?According to Mr Shorten, if you are looking for a job with good long-term prospects, you should look beyond the yellow-collar jobs in the Pilbara and look to healthcare and social assistance instead, with estimates of a quarter of a million jobs to be created across those sectors in the next five years. Construction, science, professional services and technical services are all tipped to increase, as is mining, if at a lesser rate.The fine print in all of this is the areas of jobs growth are dominated by professionals – that is, people that hold a Bachelor degree or higher. Little wonder then that Mr Shorten, who is lobbying business associations around the country to gear up for an impending jobs boom was so scathing of the Baillieu Government’s slashing of TAFE funding, notably stating: “Cutting TAFE training is to productivity what burning books is to literacy.”The Premier, meanwhile, has defended taking a scythe to the TAFE system, saying the previous subsidy system for TAFE had blown out and had to be changed. A report in The Age quoted Mr Baillieu as saying, “Nobody could support endless subsidies for any industry.”Mr Shorten’s comments were the thin edge of the wedge when it came to backlash against the announcement of funding cuts to the TAFE and VCAL training systems. In Ballarat, opposition to the proposed cuts has been fierce. Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ballarat pointed out that its TAFE would lose 40 per cent of its funding, around $20 million, and be forced to close up to 60 TAFE programs. Vocal rallies took place when the Premier visited Ballarat to sell his policy at the local Press Club.

Ballarat High School principal commented to ABC Ballarat that the cuts would hurt the most disadvantaged children in the community, and would damage the ability of those students to move into jobs and careers.At the same time as the health services and professional services sectors are expanding, reducing training options is questionable policy. While an additional 180,000 professional positions over five years in Victoria would indeed be good news for the economy, it would not be great news for low-skilled or unskilled workers, with the number of low-skilled jobs is anticipated to increase by only 10,000 a year nationally over the five-year period. If this modelling proves to be accurate, that spells big problems for those with basic

high school or below education levels. Add to that reducing the opportunities for low skilled or unskilled workers, and non-tertiary destined school leavers, and you start to see a picture of a widening schism between the higher educated haves and the lower educated have nots.The suggestion that Victoria’s TAFE training system was bloated may not have been entirely inaccurate – in tough times, everyone has to tighten up – including the training sector. Taking a scythe to the system as the Premier has done however is to effectively cut tens of thousands of Victorians out of the impending jobs boom. It is also a decision that may very well lose Ted Baillieu the next election.Mr Pallas said, “Our criticism is not that the Government shouldn’t review constantly the value that it gets out of its investments, it just appears to us that these cuts are

ridiculously deep and very poorly targeted. For example, we are seeing direct cuts into rural and regional communities where TAFE after TAFE, whether it’s in Mildura or Geelong or in Gippsland, are announcing job cuts for the delivery of training that makes people job ready. “They have every right, as a government, to look at a more efficient delivery of a service – albeit that we think that many of the hard issues had already been addressed by the previous government. But it seems to me that there is little likelihood that the cuts that they’re making will do anything other than exacerbate the strain that a lot of people looking for work are currently enduring.”Mr Dalla-Riva said, “The Victorian Coalition has invested

heavily in skills training, particularly through vocational education, and we are running a series of programs to assist businesses to find qualified workers, either in Australia or overseas, to fill skills gaps.”Both through natural growth already underway and through migration, Victoria’s population is on the rise. The City of Wyndham – Mr Pallas’ electoral area – is the nation’s fastest growing local government area, outstripping even the Gold Coast for rate of growth. Population growth means more money in the economy, which means more jobs. “It’s a very complex argument, but it’s exactly right,” Mr Pallas said. “The greater the population that you have, the greater demand for consumer goods and services that you have in your economy – and that, in itself, creates jobs. It’s almost like there being an economy of scale when

it comes to employment opportunities. “Now, you can over do that, and particularly you can over do it in terms of the demographics of where your population growth is and where your jobs are, but by and large, when properly managed, population growth can lead to a greater net benefit to the economy and the community as a whole.”This being the case, it would be reasonable to conclude then that strong population growth in Victoria has helped to keep the state’s economy more buoyant than it would have been without that level of population growth. It certainly meant a lot of new houses were built, and continue to be built, albeit at a slower rate, which in itself is a strong factor in maintaining the state’s economic stability – particularly in globally uncertain times. But the correlations in economics are never that cut and dried. As Mr Pallas pointed out, Wyndham’s population is growing by 12,500 people a year – that’s the population of Benella, every year – but the region also has one of the highest levels of unemployment in the state.“This disparity between population growth and local opportunities for employment is a key issue,” Mr Pallas said. “We’ve got to get our population and our planning measures effectively working in a complimentary way.”Mr Dalla-Riva said that is what the government is doing.“The Victorian Coalition has a strong strategy to generate jobs and investment in Victoria by running a responsible Budget that will provide high-quality services and allow for spending on infrastructure vital to the future growth of the state, as well as key initiatives to support business in lifting their productivity and competitiveness so they can compete successfully in emerging growth markets, here and overseas.“Talented people want to come to Victoria. We are the world’s most liveable city, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. We have highly regarded educational institutions, and a world-class reputation in



The mining boom may have saved the nation’s budgetary bacon when many other economies have simply been

fried, but when it comes to labour force contribution, mining is relatively lean.

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science, technology and innovation. The Victorian Coalition has made a raft of policy decisions, across urban planning and transport, that will support the future population of Victoria.”Mr Pallas said that more could be done to support Victorians who face redundancy as our state’s industries continue to transition.“There are a few things that government can do,” he said. “The first thing that they must do is to develop a considered jobs and investment strategy. The State Opposition are going to prepare one and we will produce that by the end of this year. If it does nothing more than generate some discussion about what government should be doing, and maybe shame this government into recognising that they can’t

just commentate about what’s happening, they have to take some substantive action to deal with it. “The sort of things we would be looking at would be considered investment in infrastructure, and we’re really not seeing much other than grand plans of projects that are years away from commencing at the moment… They’re not talking about what you can do in a modest and direct way to create employment.“Secondly, we think that the government does need to invest in skills and training, rather than disinvest in skills and training as they have done by cutting so viciously into TAFE training. Because if you can’t get access to skills, we know and ABS statistics tell us, that, based on your level of education you are less likely to be able to get a job, and if you can’t get access retraining, then you can’t move through the workforce into

different areas of employment as the economy changes. “Finally, we have to look at what can be done to remove the burden on business – particularly in terms of government costs – whether it’s red tape or whether its the taxing regime. One of the things that we’ve been very critical about of this government is that they took away half a billion dollars from WorkCover when that money rightly should have either gone into improving the benefits to injured workers or the reduction in premiums for employers. Our concern is that taking that money away simply to prop up the budgetary position is entirely a false economy that only adds to the cost of labour.”Mr Dalla-Riva said the Coalition is committed to a responsible budget position and prudent

management of taxpayers’ funds in Victoria. He said the Sustainable Government Initiative, under which the state’s public service budget is being pruned, was part of that commitment. “Victoria’s public service grew at an average annual rate of 5.3 per cent over the period 2006 to 2010 compared to a 2 per cent average annual population growth over the same period. Front line service staff, such as doctors, nurses, teachers and police are exempt from the Sustainable Government Initiative.”Mr Pallas said, “Every job that falls out of the economy ultimately carries with it the purchasing power that is lost from communities, and that in itself means that there’s a trickle down effect in terms of other jobs, and jobs in the service sector in particular.”



...180,000 professional positions over five years in Victoria would indeed be good news for the economy, it would not be great news for low-skilled or unskilled workers, with the number of low-skilled jobs is anticipated to increase by only 10,000 a year...

Economic update: four key questions answeredWith financial markets experiencing ongoing volatility on the back of news coming out of Europe, RBS Morgans Chief Economist, Michael Knox, shares his thoughts about what’s happening in the world.

Q. Sum up the European situation as you see it?In some ways, the Euro group still isn’t dealing with the real issue, that some countries need to be provided with assistance to leave the group rather than stay. But these aren’t the sort of issues that financial markets usually concern themselves with. Markets are reacting to a series of short-term shocks. Yes, there’s an ongoing European sovereign crisis but I think it’s important to remember that the financial crisis for the European banks has largely been managed out by the measures already taken.

Q. Closer to home, China’s growth is more relevant to Australian markets. There’s been some commentary that the Chinese central bank’s recent decision to ease its required reserve ratio is another indicator that growth is slowing? Like all economies, China needed a tightening cycle to manage rising inflation, which peaked at 6.5%. With room now to ease monetary policy, this will generate stronger growth in China next year. Much of the commentary on any slowing in Chinese growth has focused on its impact on iron ore demand and pricing, which is, of course, negative for Australia. But there are always movements up and down in iron ore prices. When you look at export volumes for iron ore, rather than prices, they’ve been remarkably stable, so this is a more reliable indicator of the business cycle and longer-term demand.

Q. Australian interest rates were another measure that needed to be revised down in recent months.What led to the change in view by the RBA and will this reflect in future policy setting? The RBA has had a consistent approach with monetary policy based on inflation. The advantage of this is that when you target inflation, you benefit from the downward momentum from the price of internationally traded goods, so in some ways we’ve benefitted from European problems through the transmission of this deflation. From now I think the future direction of interest rates will be dependent on two factors: the size of the surge in mining investment in the next year and the ability of Europe to recover to its normal economic pattern in 2013, as forecast by the European Central Bank. If both actually happen, then the outlook for any major cuts is limited. Conversely, if Europe recovers more slowly or investment in major mining projects is delayed or reduced, then there is more room for interest rate cuts.

Q. Final thoughts on the outlook ahead for financial markets? I think European institutions will give Greece enough time to make adjustments so that the situation both inside and outside of Europe will not worsen. It’s important for us to remember that it is not a US housing crises or Greek debt defaults that impact us, but rather how they affect global banking systems. So, now the world looks to Greece to stabilise itself in the same way it has shored up its crumbling Parthenon. And as it manages to do that, the world will return to a normal growth pattern, not withstanding minor mishaps along the way.

www: is information only and readers should not rely or act on the information provided without first obtaining professional advice on these issues.

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The Government supported the majority of the VCEC recommendations, which include incorporating tourism objectives within the planning system, allowing appropriate, environmentally sensitive private sector tourism development in national parks (bring Victoria into line with other states) and streamlining the development approval process for investment on public land.“Tourism has grown in Victoria over the past decade, as has Victoria’s share of the total Australian tourism market,” said Victorian Treasurer Kim Wells in his response. “There is a need, however, to better

support tourism growth in regional Victoria.”The Government’s recommendations give Victoria’s tourism industry the key to unlock the door to real and valuable tourism investment opportunities, with strong support for reforms affecting nature-based tourism, regional planning and investment facilitation.Victoria has the highest number of national park visitors in Australia, yet people spend the least amount of money in our parks and we still struggle to attract overnight visitors to regional areas, including Geelong and the Surf Coast region.

Revised planning and development restrictions will position our natural and cultural icons as tourism destinations themselves, through sensitive and appropriate tourism development. Proper controls will ensure that the balance is correct, with any approved development taking into account the surroundings and enhancing, not diminishing, these areas as great places to visit and stay.

Planning reforms in particular have legitimised tourism as an appropriate use of land. Tourism is no longer an afterthought, but part of the framework that is central to appropriate development for community and tourism alike.

The policy reforms for the private sector provision of sensible and appropriate tourism infrastructure are also welcome.

A significant extension of the lease terms for infrastructure in national parks has been granted for up to 99 years. This is a major opportunity for tourism investors, providing real opportunities for the private sector to actively be involved in quality visitor experiences, the promotion of our natural and cultural icons, and it will also bring Victoria in line with other states.

International visitors to Victoria, including from markets like China, are projected to deliver strong economic growth to the state. Coupled with the current economic uncertainty in Europe and the subdued economy in the United States, it is vital that Victoria’s tourism industry finds a new edge and refreshes its products.We welcome the State Government declaring tourism development as a priority and significant contributor to the state’s economy. When combined with the removal of regulatory burden also announced in the report, Victoria is now a very attractive place to invest in tourism development.Along with the Victoria Tourism Industry Council, VECCI is keen to see the swift implementation of the accepted recommendations and stands ready to support the Government to do so.


Victoria’s natural assets key to tourism growthVictoria’s tourism potential can now be realised after the State Government’s response to the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission’s inquiry into the industry unlocked opportunities to improve its competitiveness.


JAMES GULLIVECCI Regional Manager, Geelong & South West RegionVECCI offers a range of workplace relations services, from a telephone helpline to one-on-one consulting. For more information, visit

Page 21: Business News - September 2012


The Federal Court of Australia ruled that an Australian company, Knott Investments Pty Ltd and its distributors intentionally hijacked the well-known US company, Winnebago Industries, Inc. Trade Mark in Australia in a bold attempt to pre-empt Winnebago opening its doors in Australia.The Federal Court of Australia held that Knott Investments and its distributors were in breach of the Trade Practices Act, the Australian Competition Law and the Tort of Passing Off for its continued misleading and deceptive conduct since 1982.Knott Investments’ director, Mr Bruce Binns visited the US, Canada and Mexico as a tourist in 1963. Mr Binns observed at this time recreational vehicles plying the highways of these countries. Sometime after his return, Mr Binns began manufacturing “slide-ons”. These caravan-type constructions are attached to a standard utility or a truck chassis. They are not purpose-built RVs designed from scratch. After a modest start, the manufacturing operation grew to include RVs. However, by 1977 this business venture failed. At some point thereafter, Knott Investments began to manufacture and sell RVs under the name Winnebago. It also used virtually identical Winnebago logos.

For 25 years, Knott Investments sold and leased RVs to an Australian market. Knott Investments had no relationship, nor was connected to the Winnebago Industries, in any manner whatsoever.

In cross examination during the trial, it was put to Mr Binns that he had chosen to use the Winnebago name to get the benefit of its good will and reputation in Australia for the benefit of the business that he was about to undertake for manufacturing RVs here in Australia. Mr Binns said that although he understood that a name and logo of a business attach and identify a corporate entity, he believed that because Winnebago Industries was not operating in Australia at the time there would be no objection to his using the Winnebago name and logos.Justice Lindsay Foster was scathing of Mr Binns’ denial that he was not endeavouring to trade off the good will and reputation of Winnebago Industries, Inc. Justice Foster said that, “I find that, by choosing to exploit the Winnebago name and the

Winnebago logos, he was intending to gain for himself as much benefit as possible in Australia from the good will and reputation of Winnebago and its RV.”In a couple of instances prior to initiating proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia, Winnebago Industries had attempted to prevent Knott Investments and Mr Binns from continuing to sell its RVs in Australia. In 1992, Mr Binns signed a settlement agreement with Winnebago Industries, whereby he agreed to stop passing off his products as those of Winnebago, yet he continued to do so, and in 1997 successfully registered Winnebago as a Trade Mark in Australia.The Federal Court of Australia noted that there had been an extraordinary delay by Winnebago Industries in

protecting its rights and did nothing until 1999, despite knowing of Mr Binns’ activities earlier than this. However, Justice Foster acknowledged that there was a significant reputation that could be attributed to Winnebago Industries despite not having made a great number of sales in Australia. The reputation had accrued from numerous advertisements, publications in international magazines, newspapers and films that were available for viewing in Australia.In addition to finding that Knott Investments had breached the Trade Practices Act, the Australian Consumer Law and the Tort of Passing-Off, Justice Foster also ordered that Knott Investments’ Trade Mark registration be removed from the official Trade Mark Register.

This decision clearly highlights the need for those intending to utilise existing products and brands from overseas into Australia to conduct thorough due diligence by searching for similar or identical Trade Marks already in existence, and determining whether it is appropriate or possible for the creation of a Licence Agreement. Regardless of the business acumen that Mr Binns felt he had in this matter, his conduct and his continued denial of inappropriate use of the Winnebago Trade Mark and the reputation attached to the name, misled and deceived Australian consumers into believing there was an association with Winnebago Industries for which he gained significant value.It is imperative that businesses, when attempting to develop and launch new products, ensure that they determine whether the branding of those products is likely to cause confusion amongst consumers. “Jumping on the bandwagon” in attempt to utilise someone else’s reputation is likely to cause significant legal issues and cost in the future.


Brand hijacking – what not to doA recent Federal Court of Australia decision highlights the importance for businesses in Australia to develop and create their own brands and products and resist the urge to utilize or ride on the reputation of international companies and brands that offer similar goods or services.


Disclaimer: This article contains general comments only. Specific legal advice should be obtained in relation to any matters associated with the topic discussed.

Gizelle ManoliLawyer

“... by choosing to exploit the Winnebago name and the Winnebago logos, he was intending to gain for himself as much benefit as possible in Australia from the good will and reputation of Winnebago and its RV.”

Page 22: Business News - September 2012


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400 Pakington StreetGeelong VIC 3220

Tel: (03) 5222 2819 [email protected]

Going back to the classroom may seem like a daunting task. Nervous on the fi rst day in a new class room, meeting students and trainers for the fi rst time and maybe having to brush up on your learning skills can be overwhelming. Encompass Community Services understands and we

This training is delivered with funding from the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments. Eligibility criteria apply or training is available on a fee for service basis.

If you are looking to expand your skills, upgrade your qualifi cations or change your career path, please contact us on (03) 5222 2819. Our friendly staff will help you fi nd the right course and career for you.

make sure your enthusiasm and drive is put to good use in developing your career path.

At Encompass, you will meet people who share your passion, you will make new friends and be inspired.

Our couses include, but is not limited to:Certifi cate II in HospitalityCertifi cate II in HorticultureCertifi cate III in Children’s ServicesCertifi cate IV in Disability

Dual Qualifi cationCertifi cate III in Aged CareCertifi cate III in Home and Community Care

Ever ask yourself that question? It’s probably relevant to many people at different times but not to the people at Encompass Community Services because nothing seems to hold them back.

A quiet achiever, nestled in a quaint brick building down the river end of Pakington Street, Geelong, Encompass has grown from a staff of one and one program to a staff of over 150 and now offers a multitude of programs and services. Deceptively small from the outside, it is surprising at how Encompass Community Services have transformed the modest block into a vigorous melting pot of quality community programs and services.

Starting out as one of only nine Disability Employment Services in Australia in 1985, Encompass has opened its arms to embrace many more people and their needs. Encompass offers services for people with physical, intellectual, sensory and psychological disabilities; individuals who are facing some sort of disadvantage such as disengaged youth, long-term unemployed; and those facing financial, social, or learning barriers. Encompass

also offers the latest training through its Registered Training Organisation, where recent successes in providing training in Whittington have ensured mature aged students living in Whittington now have jobs.

One of the factors for success for those using Encompass’ services, is the staff. From the moment you enter the building, you are welcomed and put at ease by their friendly receptionist Liz Spurdle, who has been part of the organisation since its beginnings. The CEO, Elaine Robb, is proud of her team’s passionate, hardworking and genuinely caring approach. “I have the best staff in the world,” says Elaine. “In a world of globalisation and focus on economic success, it may sound a little trite to say we are like a big family that keeps on growing but that’s really what we are. The Board of Directors works hard to oversee our Strategic Direction and the only way for us is forward.”

“I am still as excited about my role as I was on my first day as Encompass’ CEO 17 years ago,” Elaine recalls. This infectious passion has ensured that Encompass offers services in response to the needs of the people it serves. As Elaine puts it, “Change is inevitable and Encompass absorbs and adapts to change and then assists our people to do the same”. Similar to many businesses, Encompass is concerned about budgets and ensuring funds are spent effectively and that there are good returns on investment. Encompass seeks those returns in a variety of forms such as seeing people through their journey and watching them grow into the person they want to be; seeing people secure in a job that they have trained hard for and witnessing others who for the first time can catch a bus on their own. Encompass staff know from years of experience that when people believe in themselves and their own abilities, other people will see their potential as well.

What’s Holding You Back?

Graduates and Encompass Staff at Graduation in Whittington Training Rooms

Page 23: Business News - September 2012


We cover the whole spectrum from labour hire to professionals. Let us assist you. We may just have your next candidate. Contact our Employment Consultants to discuss your vacancy today on 5222 3377!

Encompass Employment Services are hosting a breakfast on Tuesday the 25th September at Barwon Edge Boathouse. If you are interested in hearing more about what we can do for you and how hiring our people makes great business sense, please contact us on 5222 3377 to book your seat.

Employment Services

We know your next employee!!!

400 Pakington StreetGeelong VIC 3220

Tel: (03) 5222 [email protected]

We cover the whole spectrum from labour hire to professionals. Let us assist you. We may just have your next candidate. Contact our Employment Consultants to discuss your vacancy today on 5222 3377!

Encompass Employment Services are hosting a breakfast on Tuesday the 25th September at Barwon Edge Boathouse. If you are interested in hearing more about what we can do for you and how hiring our people makes great business sense, please contact us on 5222 3377 to book your seat.

Employment Services

We know your next employee!!!

400 Pakington StreetGeelong VIC 3220

Tel: (03) 5222 [email protected]

We cover the whole spectrum from labour hire to professionals. Let us assist you. We may just have your next candidate. Contact our Employment Consultants to discuss your vacancy today on 5222 3377!

Encompass Employment Services are hosting a breakfast on Tuesday the 25th September at Barwon Edge Boathouse. If you are interested in hearing more about what we can do for you and how hiring our people makes great business sense, please contact us on 5222 3377 to book your seat.

Employment Services

We know your next employee!!!

400 Pakington StreetGeelong VIC 3220

Tel: (03) 5222 [email protected]

A success story and the journey moving forwardIn 2011, Elaine and the Encompass’ Board of Directors reflected on the organisation’s vision, mission & values statements and strategic plans. It was clear that these statements and plans had not only stood the test of time but in many ways, reflected the changing values of the community. Encompass’ practices were based on person-centred planning long before this term become a “buzz” word. Refocusing for the future, the Vision now states, “Your vision is our vision-whatever it takes!”

The phrase ‘whatever it takes’ has caused some controversy and Encompass knows innovation is always controversial. The Board of Directors has a healthy appetite for risk and Encompass is committed to breaking stereotypes and knocking down barriers which stop people from achieving their dreams. “Thirty five years ago, travelling overseas was viewed as something that people with disabilities could never do. Now it’s taken for granted. Everyone can do everything, given the appropriate support and encouragement,” a smiling Elaine Robb says. Elaine is supporting two Encompass people with disabilities to present a paper at the Inclusion International conference in Washington DC in October this year. Together with three other people from Encompass, she forms part of the inaugural Inclusion Australia delegation. The theme of the conference is Achieving Inclusion Across The Globe. “This is a wonderful opportunity and there will be people from all over the world attending and sharing their stories. I am still unable to define exactly what inclusion means, but we all seem to know what exclusion is and people who access Encompass have lots of stories to tell about what it feels like to be excluded,” says Elaine.

Simply put, Encompass’ vision aims to work purposefully towards a community where access is a priority; whether it be access to training, employment, life skills programs, or just being included in the community. “We would like to see that every person who wants a job, gets one, that everyone has a home to call their own, and that everyone who has a goal is listened to and taken seriously.”

- Elaine Robb, CEO, Encompass Community Services

Got the time to give back?We all need a bit of support now and then. Partnering with Encompass as a volunteer means even though you are just one person, whatever you do can makes a difference to someone’s life, including your own. “People often undervalue their own contribution not realising how much it is valued by those who are affected by it,” says Elaine Robb. “It is all the little things some of us take for granted that count.”

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Dare to give your home some personality!!

HomeStart steertS oiroC dna pahgnirehG fo rnC

Geelong VIC 3220 PH: (03) 5221 0667


Dare to give your home some personality!!

HomeStart steertS oiroC dna pahgnirehG fo rnC

Geelong VIC 3220 PH: (03) 5221 0667

Are you looking to jazz up your home, giving it a touch of your personality? Classic or groovy home wares can give your house the character your crave. It doesn’t have to cost a lot. If you want to keep your costs down, then HomeStart is your treasure trove.

At HomeStart, we are grateful for your donations from nearly new to really old. We shall happily accept your donations that can be used again by others. Call us to arrange a free pick-up of donations on 5221 0667 or call in to see what little gems you

HomeStart is a hidden jewel in the heart of Geelong. With a bit of creativity, this pre-loved furniture store is a room filled with adventure - finding just the right new piece for a funky apartment or perhaps spotting something that you can turn into a new project. At HomeStart, you can shop till you drop without spending your entire pay check. Give your home some personality, with pieces that you will love from “old school” chairs to trendy couches. You never know what you will find in our charming shop onthe corner of Gheringhap and Corio Streets in Geelong.

Every volunteer hour is valuable; every dollar counts and it’s true nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Without volunteers, donations and people who help build an inclusive community, Encompass Community Services would not have been able to achieve the success that it has, nor would it be able to continue to offer some of its activities. “The Geelong community is a fantastic community in which to live and operate. The businesses here have been very supportive of giving our people a go and this has resulted in us securing many great jobs. The Geelong Community Foundation and Give Where You Live also provide tremendous encouragement and support to organisations like Encompass. These local groups ensure local Geelong organisations receive assistance to help local people” said Elaine.

Encompass has a number of projects on the go including trying to secure support for their new extension at their Leopold farm. The farm offers an array of activities including feeding the chickens and collecting the eggs to use in cooking classes, feeding the sheep and helping the vet to keep them happy and healthy, propagating plants and growing vegetables, mowing the lawns and everyone’s favourite, driving the new red tractor. Chris Evans, the farm coordinator says, “The focus is ultimately for the people at Encompass to become experts in horticulture, food production, hospitality and when you want to know how to collect the eggs, our people can show you how. We have lots of plans and at the centre of all of these are our people.”

Volunteers from GE Capital assisting at the Encompass farm in Leopold.

If you would like to support the projects at Encompass, visit their website at

“We are keen to get people involved in any way they can. A $5 donation can purchase material to make an apron or purchase kitchen utensils. Every donation of $2 or more is tax deductible

and we can ensure that your donation goes towards the project you want to support”

said Elaine.

Page 25: Business News - September 2012


munch n crunch

Munch ‘n’ Crunch Catering provides healthy, gourmet food to customers, whilst also being a hospitality training venue.

Let us develop the perfect catering solution for your next event - from something basic, delicious and scrumptious fi nger foods to gourmet platters and individual lunch boxes.

Remember Munch ‘n’ Crunch next time you are catering for your event, such as:

Corporate Lunches and Business Meetings Family or Club Gatherings and Milestones Anniversaries, Birthdays and Parties Exhibitions and Open Houses

Call us on 5274 2242 and our staff will develop the perfect catering solution for you.

• •••

Munch ‘n’ CrunchNorlane Community Centre

Rose Avenue, NorlanePhone and Fax: 5274 2242

[email protected]

Catering for all your social gatherings...

Is your wardrobe jam packed with clothes? Are you unable to shut the door without thinking that any minute your jeans or shirts are going to attack you for storing them in a crammed space? Do you fi nd clothes from years ago that you have never used and with the tag still on? Have no fear! You are not alone. You are just trendtastic! The good news is, we can help you. Space is just a swift spring clean away and we can fi nd a new and loving home for the clothes that have made their way from being your favourite piece, to being stored at the back of the wardrobe.

Pre-loved shops are often perceived as dingy, dusty and dreary places; where the moths have made homes in the pockets of an old coat. Think again! Some pre-loved shops have given a few high-end stores a run for their money. At least, this is the case at ReadyStart, where treasures can be purchased, and a shopping impulse can be fulfi lled, without blowing the budget. At ReadyStart, you are sure to fi nd fabulous items at shockingly low prices.

We rely on donations from the community. So, please visit our little shop of pre-loved treats at 138A Wilsons Rd in Whittington. Our friendly staff are all eager to help you. Come and visit us soon!


ReadyStart 138a Wilsons Road Whittington VIC 3219 PH: (03) 5248

Make room for another shopping spree!!

Page 26: Business News - September 2012

“We have seen a number of candidates become disillusioned with the FIFO lifestyle,” says Simon Winfield, Senior Regional Director of Hays Resources & Mining. “Onsite facilities, time away from family and friends, and the rosters on offer are common issues raised by these candidates.“While many are unable to justify the huge reduction in salary that would result from no longer working in such roles, others are now pursuing residential positions that are more favourable to families and work/life balance.”The general perception amongst candidates that salaries in mining states,

particularly in Western Australia, are significantly higher and that a high-paying role can be quickly secured is also not necessarily the case.“Employers are looking for skilled professionals with relevant industry experience, often in the local region,” said Simon.As Chris Bowen, Immigration Minister, noted in reference to one mining region on the ABC’s Lateline program earlier this year, “The Pilbara is a great place, but it’s not for everybody.” Hays has coined the phrase ‘orange collar’ to describe the unique candidates needed by the sector, and who will

suit FIFO roles. While the term evolved from the fluorescent orange, high visibility uniform commonly worn by employees in the sector, it refers to much more than a dress code.“Orange collar candidates do not fit standard definitions of white or blue collar; they could be geologists, bogger operators or even the chief executive. “They are those candidates who possess highly technical and specialist skills, are willing and able to work in remote locations, possess the necessary training and tickets, have the right attitude to compliance and are willing to commit to a project long-term. “This is a very unique combination of

characteristics, which not every candidate possesses.”According to Simon, this impacts not only on Australian but international candidates who come to Australia lured by the international reputation of our mining industry.“As a result, there is an increasing frustration that Australia’s mining industry is not as accessible as it is being perceived overseas and many are working in other industries while seeking a FIFO or other mining industry role.”



The attract-repel nature of Orange Collar and FIFOWhile fly-in fly-out (FIFO) roles have lured national and international job seekers to the mining sector, it takes a unique combination of characteristics to succeed in such a role according to recruitment experts, Hays.

The pros and cons of a FIFO role:

Pros• Personal expenses can be

reduced when living on site for extended periods

• Long periods off can lead to more time at home and with families

• Stronger sense of community at work

• Opportunity to pursue other pursuits in time off

Cons• Long time away from home

can impact on family and personal life negatively

• Rigid work schedules can result in important family occasions or community events being missed

• A nomadic lifestyle poses challenges to social life and to wellbeing

• Some onsite facilities don’t provide much privacy with shared rooms and bathrooms

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.

Page 27: Business News - September 2012



Many businesses struggle over the decision about whether they should engage employees or contractors in their business. It is a complex problem and this article seeks to highlight a stark example of the cost of getting it wrong.Late last year the Federal Court, in the case of Ace Insurance Ltd v Trifunovski, dealt with a claim by five insurance agents who asserted that they were engaged as employees and not contractors. The agents were each paid by commission, based on premiums that they had collected. Each agent used their own car to carry out their respective duties and had to engage their own secretarial support. The agents also issued tax invoices for their services and each agent was contracted to the insurer through a company. The insurer considered them to be contractors and had not paid them any leave entitlements.However, the Federal Court found that each of the

agents was an employee. A significant factor indicating employment was that the insurer had control over the agents’ work and that the agents were not conducting a business on their own behalf. The Court concluded that all five agents were employees acting for, and on behalf of, the insurer and were not independent contractors carrying on a business of their own.The finding was a shot over the bow for employers, particularly those within the insurance industry, who engage workers on a contracted basis. It is clear that the Court will apply a ‘substance over form’ approach when considering whether workers are legitimate contractors or employees. For instance, merely executing a contractor’s agreement will not necessarily guarantee the status of a worker as a contractor. The Court will assess the actual substance of the arrangement and roles of the parties.

On 31 July 2012, the Court awarded each employee an amount which represented the extent of unpaid leave entitlements. An assessment was therefore undertaken by the Court in relation to payment for annual leave and long service leave which ought to have been accrued and been paid out upon termination. It was concluded that each of the agents were engaged pursuant to the former Insurance Industry Award 1998. The award provided for payment of accrued unused annual leave on termination at the salary rate which the employee was receiving immediately prior to termination. The Court adopted a wide interpretation of what forms part of an employee’s salary for the purposes of this award provision, and concluded that it embraces all forms of payments including overtime, bonuses and commissions. This finding was particularly favourable to the insurance agents bringing the claim, since a large part of their remuneration was commission based.The award of unpaid annual leave in this case demonstrates the severity of the liability that can accrue by incorrectly classifying a worker as a contractor. The amounts awarded to the five employees under this entitlement ranged from $11,416.43 to a whopping $325,671.38.

The Court then assessed the employees’ entitlement to long service leave. The five employees bringing the claim had ranging periods of service. This entitlement only related to three of the five employees, with amounts awarded in the range of $7,459.87 to $12,564.59. The Court also imposed a civil penalty of $5,000 against the insurer for breaches of the Workplace Relations Act, which in the context of the other amounts referred to above, was the least of the insurer’s concerns.The total amount payable to the five former insurance agents was in the vicinity of half a million dollars. It goes without saying that a finding of this nature would mean the end for many businesses. Any business that engages independent contractors should seek advice on the legitimacy of the contracting arrangement to ensure there is no exposure to a claim of this kind.

The contractor / employee enigmaHalf a million dollar contracting liability exposed

Rohan Kux, Lawyer

Jim Rutherford, Accredited Specialist in Workplace Relations Law

Page 28: Business News - September 2012

Small business scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and scammers will go to great lengths to convince you that the documents they send you or the offers they make are legitimate and genuine. But it’s easy to copy or modify letterheads, names and logos to make them look real, and it’s simple to create phoney websites, use fake credit cards or cheques and obtain business details such as your name and address through public listings or from your website.You can protect yourself and your business by being aware of the common scams targeting small businesses.What they are and what to look for.Overpayment scamsThis sort of scam involves scammers making contact to purchase goods and services from you. They then send you a payment by cheque, money order or credit card for far more than the agreed price. The scammer then asks you to refund the overpayment or to pay the scammer’s ‘freight company’.The scammer is hoping you will transfer the refund or pay for ‘freight’ before you discover that their cheque has bounced or that their money order or credit cards were phoney. Be suspicious if you are overpaid for products.Be suspicious if a number of credit card numbers are used. Be wary of complicated or unlikely orders.

Trademark publication scamThis scam involves a scammer sending you an unsolicited letter or invoice for payment for a trademark listing. The scammer tries to give the impression that they are connected with the registration of trademarks by IP Australia (the official Australian Government intellectual property agency) or an overseas-based equivalent. Be wary and don’t be fooled — publication in IP Australia’s database is free and is automatic when a trademark is registered.Directory entry or unauthorised advertising scamThis scam involves a scammer sending you an invoice by post, fax or email for a listing or advertisement in a magazine, journal or business register/directory that you did not authorise or request. Scammers will send a proposal for a subscription, disguised as an invoice or ‘renewal notice’, for an entry on a questionable website or in a questionable trade directory. Often these businesses are based overseas. It may sound like a free entry, but charges can be hidden in the fine print, resulting in demands for payment later.Another common scam is calling a business to confirm details of an advertisement the scammer claims has already been booked or to ask if you would like a free

trial — it’s only later that you find your business has actually been charged for the advertisement.Investment scheme scamsThis type of scam usually involves telemarketing campaigns targeting small business owners. Peddled as tax-free opportunities, these are often sports betting schemes or betting software offers in disguise and are nothing more than gambling.Common types of investment scams include:Investment and real estate scams: These scams involve high-pressure sales in high-risk investment strategies, often for investments in companies or real estate overseas. In 2011 these scams were most commonly delivered by phone, but can also be delivered through seminars. In this case, scammers profit from attendance fees. Sports investment scams: Scammers offer expensive software packages that promise to predict the results of sporting events or share market movements. When they fail to work as promised, refunds are hard to come by. Superannuation scams: Scammers offer victims early access to their superannuation, often through a self-managed super fund. The scammer will take a large part of the super for themselves and put victims at risk of accessing their super in an illegal way.Be wary of unsolicited offers described as ‘tax-free wealth’, ‘strategic investment’, ‘investment not gambling’, ‘recession proof’ or even ‘investing in the thoroughbred racing industry’ —these schemes are not investment opportunities.Office supply scamThis scam involves receiving and/or being charged for goods you never ordered or never received, or goods that were not what you thought you agreed to buy. The scammer will call you

pretending to be your regular supplier, telling you that the offer is a special or is available for a limited time.Be careful — if the caller claims that your business has ordered or authorised something and you do not think it sounds right, ask for proof. Check that goods have actually been ordered and delivered before paying. Domain name scamUnder this scam you’ll be sent either an unsolicited invoice or email for an internet domain name registration very similar to your own business domain name or a renewal notice for your actual domain name. The notice could be from a business that supplies domain names trying to trick you into signing up to their service or it could be from a scammer trying to take your money.If you have a registered domain name and receive a renewal notice, check that it matches your current domain name exactly—look for small differences such as ‘’ instead of ‘’. Remember, even if the core business name is the same, it could be a completely new domain name. Look to see if it comes from the company you originally registered your domain name with, and check for the actual expiry date for your existing domain name to confirm if it really is due for renewal.Fax back scamThis scam involves sending you unsolicited faxes offering anything from amazing diets to fantastic deals and competition entries. Scammers targeting businesses usually offer directory entries, trade and business lists, and catalogues of goods and services. These offers require you to send a fax back to a premium rate number (starting with 19) to accept.Be careful — premium rate faxes can be charged at more than $6.00 per minute and the scammers make sure your fax takes several minutes to go through, which means you end up with high,


Small business scamsScams targeting small businesses come in various forms — from invoices for advertising or directory listings that were never requested to dubious office supplies that were never ordered. As a business, you can protect yourself by being aware of the common scams that target small businesses.


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unnecessary phone bills (a single fax could cost you $20 or $30!).Golden rulesRemember these golden rules to help you beat scammers:

If you become aware of a scam, let other people and your industry association know about it.Keep your filing and accounting systems well organised — this will make it easier for you to detect bogus accounts and invoices.Never provide personal information and banking details to anybody you don’t know and trust.Make sure the business billing you is the one you normally deal with and ask for the name of the person you are speaking to and who they represent. Never give out any information about your business unless you know what that information will be used for.Do not agree to offers or deals straightaway—always ask for an offer in writing and consider getting independent advice if the deal involves money, time or a long-term commitment. Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!Ensure that you have clear procedures for verifying, paying and managing accounts and invoices. Limit the number of people authorised to place orders or pay invoices.Install reputable computer protection software and a firewall—and keep them up to date.

How to report a scam?If you think you have spotted a scam or have been scammed, there are many government agencies in Australia that you can contact for advice or to make a report. The best agency to contact depends on where you live and what type of scam is involved.Scams from interstate or overseasThe Australian Competition and Consumer Commission The ACCC is Australia’s national consumer protection agency and can give you information and advice on what to do if you have spotted a scam or been scammed.The ACCC runs SCAMwatch, the Australian Government’s website for information on scams. Use the SCAMwatch report a scam form to lodge a report online.SCAMwatch Infocentre: 1300 795 995SCAMwatch website: Twitter: @scamwatch_gov or

An initiative of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network, receives complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies and helps cross-border enforcers spot fraud trends. www.econsumer.govLocal scamsYour local consumer protection agency is best placed to consider scams that appear to come from

within your own state or territory. Here in Victoria, you can contact Consumer Affairs Victoria. 1300 558 181 and investment scamsThe Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator and can give you information and advice on what to do if you have spotted a scam or been scammed in relation to financial products and services.ASIC runs MoneySmart, the Australian Government’s website to help you make better financial decisions. Use the MoneySmart report a scam form to lodge a report online. 1300 300 630 MoneySmart website: and credit card scamsYour bank or financial institution If you think you have received a scam about your account, let your bank or financial institution know. If your account details have been compromised, alert them immediately. In some cases your bank may be able to reverse an unauthorised credit card charge for a transaction that was not fulfilled.Spam email and SMSThe Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) The ACMA is Australia’s regulator for broadcasting, the internet, radio and telecommunications, and can give you information and advice on what to do you if you have received spam scam via email or SMS. 1300 850

Spam email—forward on to: [email protected] Spam SMS—forward on to: 0429 999 888

Fraud, theft and other crimesYour local policeMany scams may breach the fraud provisions of various crime acts such as identity fraud or theft. If you think you have been defrauded, you should contact your local police station. If you have been threatened, assaulted or had your property stolen, contact the police immediately.Victims’ CertificateIf your identity has been compromised, you may be able to apply for a Victims’ Certificate to assist you in overcoming problems in your personal and business affairs caused by that crime—contact the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department for more information. informationThe Australian Government has some great resources on how stay secure and safe online.Stay Smart Online Service— website— Protecting Yourself Online publication—available at’t let scams sneak under your radar!Stay one step ahead of the scammers—visit the SCAMwatch website to get the low-down on scams that target Australian consumers and small businesses. Find out more about how scams work, how to protect yourself and what to do if you’ve been scammed.Register with the SCAMwatch subscription service to receive free email alerts on new scams doing the rounds. Follow SCAMwatch on Twitter at @scamwatch_gov or


Page 30: Business News - September 2012

Australian Public Service Benevolent Society Ltd

Membership of APS Benefits automatically entitles you to a funeral benefit issued by APS Benefits. You should consider the Combined Product Disclosure Statement & Financial Services Guide (available from APS Benefits or our web site on before making a decision to become a member of APS Benefits or buy any products offered by APS Benefits. Financial services provided by Australian Public Service Benevolent Society Ltd are provided under its AFSL No. 244115. APS Financial Planning Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative No. 305923 of Futuro Financial Services Pty Ltd (‘Futuro’). Financial services provided by APS Financial Planning Pty Ltd are provided under Futuro’s AFSL No. 238478 APS Savings Disclaimer: This is not a bank product, it is an unlisted APS Note. No independent assessment has been made about the risk to investors losing any of their principal investment. Applications for APS Notes can only be made on the Investment Application Form which accompanies the prospectus issued by APS Savings Ltd. Please read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to make an investment.

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Page 31: Business News - September 2012

The Australian Public Service Benevolent Society (APS Benefits) is a not for profit organisation that provides a wide range of financial services to all government department employees and contractors, their families and friends. Having been in existence for over 100 years, the APS Benefits family has earned the trust of over 27,000 members and clients now offering the following financial and personal services listed below: APS Tax & Accounting Alfred Mallia at APS Tax, Accounting and Business Services has over 25 years experience. Whether it is setting up a business, managing your superannuation fund or just obtaining quality service and lower fees, Alfred can help you. APS Financial PlanningTimothy Foster provides access to advice and information on the important financial decisions we all face, whether it be superannuation, investments, pre and post retirement planning, life insurance, gearing, disability and trauma insurance, managed funds or savings plans. APS Mortgage BrokingSam Athans treats every mortgage as if it were his own. He has access to 20 mortgage lenders and has over 40 years experience in banking. Let us do the leg work for you.APS Insurance (General Insurance Broking)Danielle Rowe heads up our insurance broking team and is a salaried employee of APS Benefits. With over 15 years experience in the industry, Danielle has access to products that include home and contents, motor vehicle, boat/caravan, landlord, public liability, income protection, life, disability & trauma insurance. The next time you receive your insurance renewal notice or want insurance for the first time, call Danielle on 1300 131 809.APS Personal Loans The APS Benefits personal loans team can assist members to obtain an unsecured loan, or they can apply online at Either way, loans can be approved within 24 hours.APS Funeral Cover. Adult & Child Cover Available.APS Benefits Membership Coordinator Jesse Clarke can assist members to gain immediate funeral cover up to $15,000 for adults and $7,000 for dependent children (aged 2 to 15 next birthday). Do you have cover in the greatest time of need? Call us on 1300 131 809.APS SavingsAPS Savings Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of APS Benefits and offers a Fixed Term Investment product. Ask Sam Athans about the interest rate on offer and you will be pleasantly suprised. The term can be 6 months, 12 months or 24 months. Call us on 1300 131 809.APS Wills & EstatesPhil Lambourne from APS Wills & Estates has over 25 years experience as a lawyer. Phil can help you with wills, powers of attorney, probate and estate administration. Is your will up-to-date? Have you reviewed your will recently? It affects more than just you!Further to this, APS is owned by its members, so any profits are channelled back to members. Help spread the word by introducing new members and APS will send you, your nominated charity or your staff social club $50 for each new member you nominate. For more information call us on 1300 131 809 or visit

Notice the difference a NOT-FOR-PROFIT financial service provider can make to the public sector, their families and friends.

Page 32: Business News - September 2012

APS Wills & Estates Pty Ltd Important Information regarding Wills & Estates

1. Your Right – it is your right to make a will and distribute your assets according to your wishes. This right is given to you by your state or territory of residence.

2. Sound Mind – The right to make a will must be exercised while you are in sound mind. You must be fully capable of comprehending the ordinary affairs of life including the extent and character of your property.

3. State Statutes – Your will may be invalidated if you do not follow the directions of the state statutes.

4. Witnesses - Signing the will in the presence of the required number of witnesses; having the witnesses sign their names and addresses are two of the important rules to be adhered to. Some states require three witnesses while others require two witnesses. Having less than the required number of witnesses may void the will.

5. An Interest in the Will – None of the witnesses should have an interest under the will or be a beneficiary.

6. Executor – It is important to select an executor or personal representative with care. Having an alternative is also wise in case the first choice in unable to serve.

7. Original Will – It is advisable to leave the original will with a lawyer. A copy of the will should be given to the named executor. To leave the original in a safe deposit box, which may be sealed on your death may be problematic.

8. Start and Review – In general, making a will while everything is fine is a prudent step to take. A review of your existing will is just as important a step to take.

APS Wills & Estates Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Australian Public Service Benevolent Society (established 1905) which has over 27,000 members and clients.

Phil Lambourne of APS Wills & Estates offers an Australia wide service and is an experienced lawyer who has acquired a reputation for excellence in Wills & Estates in Australia.

Find out why having a will saves your family time and money. Don’t get caught with the wrong people sharing your assets. Take control of who gets your property and possessions after you die. A valid will also decreases the likelihood of your hard earned money ending up in the wrong hands.

Beware the home made will. Does it cover what you need? Is it asking the correct questions? To be safe, use a trusted source. Contact Phil Lambourne at APS Wills & Estates on toll free 1300 131 809 or (03) 9322 2009.

Page 33: Business News - September 2012


‘Jobs Queen’ Sarina Russo has expanded her education, training and employment business to Geelong with Sarina Russo Apprenticeships now employing an experienced team to support Geelong employers.

Miss Russo said whilst we are new to Geelong, we have a great team of local employment experts and we are proud to have invested in a processing centre in Gheringhap St to ensure all contracts and claims are processed quickly.

“We get results for our jobseekers and employers because we think differently, challenge the status quo, deliver with speed and urgency and exceed the expectation of our clients. This is what our brand stands for and this is why people have trusted our brand for 33 years.

“My entrepreneurial philosophy to getting people a job or an apprenticeship is simple. I empower people to be accountable and responsible for their life, to never stop learning, to persist and to believe in themselves with passion,” Ms Russo said

In 2011 the Sarina Russo Group enhanced the lives of 69,000 people:

• 25,000 apprentices started a career;

• 17,000 jobseekers were placed into work across Australia and UK;

• 15,000 people were placed into work experience in Australia and UK;

• 10,000 local and international students, from over 60 countries, studied for a career;

• 2,000 jobseekers were given psychological assessments; and

• 600 small businesses were started.

Sarina Russo Apprenticeships CEO, Steve Wyborn, said Sarina is successful because she lives by the adage - Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

“Our Geelong team care about our community. We will be working hard to persuade young people, their parents and their teachers that an apprenticeship can result in professional, financial and personal rewards.

“In Geelong, Sarina Russo Apprenticeships is determined to attract more and more people, into a trade career particularly under-represented groups such as mature workers, women and people with a disability.

“It is also important we make employers aware of the free on-going services, Government incentives and training options for both new and current staff.

“It’s understandable many employers focus on the $3,000 - $4000,

government incentives but when you look at the opportunities to reduce staff turnover and increase productivity, $3000 benefit is just the tip of the iceberg.

“The importance of local employers can’t be underestimated because everyday, through apprenticeships, employers provide a better future for Australians through inspiration, education, the creation memories, confidence, mateship, and careers,” Mr Wyborn said.


Sarina Russo

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‘Jobs Queen’ invests in GeelonG

Page 34: Business News - September 2012


Ph 5222 4288

• Long term and respite care

• Small boutique facility

• Beautiful ensuite rooms

• DVA and TAC approved

• All rooms with individual air conditioning and heating

• Homestyle meals

Chesterfield homestyle accommodation

345 Shannon Ave. [email protected]

Originally built by JP McCabe-Doyle in 1909 as a private residence, Chesterfield is a charming and friendly small facility of just 30 rooms.

Located in leafy Newtown, Chesterfield still retains many of its period features as well as the charm of yesteryear. Enter Chesterfield and you will immediately notice its welcoming and homely atmosphere.

Generous sized rooms, private en-suites, individual heating and cooling in all rooms, home style onsite cooked meals, and daily breakfast in bed all contribute to ensuring your stay will be a pleasant one.

We cater for respite, convalescence and permanent stays and are DVA approved. You will be free to come

and go as you choose, have as many

visitors as you like, yet have the

security of experienced, qualified and

friendly staff to assist you.

If you need a break, or a looking for

something more permanent … please

consider. Ring for an appointment or

drop in and see us.

Generous sized rooms, private en-suites, individual

heating and cooling in all rooms, home style onsite cooked meals,

and daily breakfast

A beautiful place to call home

Caring For Our Elderly

Page 35: Business News - September 2012

More and more Australians are now deciding to pre-arrange their funeral, easing the emotional and financial burdens otherwise left to family. Planning for a funeral is now an important and practical step in retirement planning, but with so many options available it can be hard to know where to start.

Fixed Price Funerals, Funeral Bonds, Funeral Insurance... what is the best option for you?

Helping people to get the right information is local funeral company Tuckers Funeral and Bereavement Service.

They are educating consumers about different funeral plan options by providing free, no obligation information as well as conducting educational talks throughout the year.

“…when planning ahead, it is important to find the best option suited to your individual needs. There are many options available and gaining the right information can save money or prevent an expensive mistake. At Tuckers, we provide a range of different funeral plan options, including the facility to pre-plan without a financial commitment” says Alyson Burchell (Community Relations Officer at Tuckers Funeral and Bereavement Service).

Funeral Plans… what you should know before you decide.


The Facts - Fixed Price Funerals & Funeral Bonds

• A ‘Fixed Price Funeral’ will lock in funeral costs at today’s prices – there are no ongoing or future costs. Recorded in detail is each item that has been paid for. These items will be provided on death with no more to pay.

• A Funeral Bond will allow you to invest as little or as much money needed to help cover your funeral costs. Funds can be contributed on a regular basis, or as you have them available.

• There is no age restriction or time limit and your investment is paid out on death.

• All monies are held with a third party fund manager and your investment is capital guaranteed.

In addition, Fixed Price Funerals and Funeral Bonds are both exempt from government benefit means testing and investment earnings do not affect your personal income tax position.

By contacting your local funeral director (and checking they are a member of the Australian Funeral Directors Association) consumers will have a range of options fully explained so they can make an informative choice. For more information about any of the topics covered in this story, contact Tuckers Funeral and Bereavement Service on 5221 4788 or visit

Page 36: Business News - September 2012


IntegrIty equIty & Access InclusIv eness empowerment DIgnIty

the rewards of case management – by lisa Fry, st laurence case manager.The role of Case Management in the aged care sector is an exceptionally privileged and rewarding one. Case managers come into contact with people often at a time when hardship,

loss of independence and increased social isolation are some of the risk factors hindering the ability of that person to continue to ‘experience life’.

I have been working as a case manager for St Laurence’s Aged & Community Care division for the past five years. I have obtained a Diploma in Case Management and will continue my professional development, with the encouragement and support of St Laurence, by completing a Diploma in Counselling.

The people that I support through St Laurence are typically aged, frail, living with a disability, or have complex care needs. It is my role to facilitate people to remain in and connect with their community.

It sounds so simple but empowering clients to be confident in the decisions they are making for themselves comes with a raft of struggles. Clients often suffer from poor health, risk of homelessness, transition in life choices, social isolation, and lack of acceptance of their disability within the community.

Client’s goals are often simply to avoid poverty with the high cost of living they are forced to endure through their reliance on the public health system. It’s a sad reality but independence can be a very expensive commodity for a person ageing or living with a disability.

I know I am making a difference with the acknowledgement from clients and their families that the support they are being provided makes such a difference to the quality and productivity of their life. Poor health, despondency, and being ‘caught in the system’ can be a very demotivating situation. Navigating the ‘aged and health systems’ is difficult and support is needed in a timely manner.

But in my role as case manager, I am here to promote client confidence through reassurance to strive for a realistic level of independence to remain an active member of the community. Seeing that being achieved every day is the reason I cannot think of another vocation I would rather be involved in.

I recall a client once telling me - “I don’t want any more than you, I just want to be able to do what other [able bodied] people do”.

At St Laurence we don’t assess a client to determine their limitations, what they can no longer do independently; we ask what can they do, what do they miss doing, what do they want to do again? We support people to take control and experience life.

what is case management?

Case Management is a client-focused process that promotes independence and supports clients who are frail, aged, live with a disability or have complex care needs, to reach their optimal level of health and well-being. Working with a client and their family, case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services that meet the individual’s health and care needs in a quality, cost effective manner within the community.

St Laurence provides case management to a diverse range of clients throughout the regional areas of Barwon (City of Greater Geelong, Surfside Shire and the Borough of Queenscliff), South West (inclusive of Colac, Otway, Surfcoast, Corrangamite and the Moyne Shires) and Grampians (inclusive of City of Ballarat, Moorabool, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Pyrenees, Northern Grampians, Ararat Rural City, Horsham Rural City, West Wimmera, Yarriambiack and Hindmarsh Shires.

We aim to support people to remain living in the community by providing high quality, person-centred support. Support includes and is not limited to, home care, personal care, social engagement, community access, allied health, increased fitness and mobility and access to respite. In addition, St Laurence understands that the wellbeing of the client’s primary carer is very relevant in the aim to support people to remain living in the community for as long as possible.

to access st laurence case management services or for more information, please contact us today on (03) 5282 1405 or email [email protected].

“It’s a sad reality but independence can be a very

expensive commodity for a person ageing or living

with a disability.”

Caring For Our Elderly Feature

Page 37: Business News - September 2012

IntegrIty equIty & Access InclusIv eness empowerment DIgnIty


31 christmases – by Jenny sheahan, st laurence pr & marketing manager

This year we are celebrating Joan Galvin’s 32nd Christmas spent with the residents at Costa House, who over the years, have become her family. Part of St Laurence Community Services Inc., Costa House offers residential care in Lara for those no longer able to remain

in their own home.Joan is in charge of Food and Domestic Services for St Laurence, which means she is in the kitchen cooking three meals a day, seven days a week. What a commitment!Joan came to St Laurence after being a volunteer at a local primary school, and was recommended into the position by an associate. And she’s never looked back. In fact, Joan’s daughter is now on the staff roster too! We here at St Laurence love to see our workers getting their families involved in a career of community services. It really shows how much they love being part of making a difference in their community.“My family’s support and encouragement is instrumental to my commitment to St Laurence. I’m in at work at 6:30 of a morning, and not out until 5:30pm. And all the holidays and special occasions are spent at Costa House. That’s a lot of time not at home! I can’t thank my husband and family enough for supporting me in my pursuits of servicing our community”, says Joan. Joan not only cooks for all the residents at Costa House, but also provides food services to respite care facilities, the Eric Hart Day Therapies Centre, and for all St Laurence hosted events. That’s a lot of cooking! Joan also manages 15-16 staff members and year after year, passes the kitchen audits with flying colours. Joan runs a very tight ship and says organisation and commitment are essential to running quality services day in day out.Joan says it’s an absolute pleasure working for St Laurence Community Services, and when asked about what is most rewarding day to day and what inspires her to make this kind of commitment, she says “making life that little bit special for those that may not have anywhere to go – especially on special occasions like Christmas Day and Birthdays – is what makes it so easy to get up and go into work in the mornings”. Well said Joan, and so inspirational to the rest of us.Like all our workers at St Laurence, we predict Joan might be a touched embarrassed by this recognition! But she truly deserves the heartfelt thanks from St Laurence, as well as the entire community, for her 31 years of service (and still counting!). So thank you Joan. You have touched the hearts of each of

our residents throughout the years, and have been an inspiration to the rest of us and the Geelong community.who is st laurence community services Inc.?Since 1959 we have specialised in caring for people as they age, supporting them in their own home or in our residential care home.In addition, St Laurence provides leading community services to people who have a disability or who are suffering from disadvantage. St Laurence also offers employment and training opportunities within our community, ensuring employers who are looking to employ a reliable and dedicated workforce, are met with the best prospects of finding an employee. As a not-for-profit organisation, St Laurence heavily relies on donations to cover the shortfall in government fees and funding so we can continue to provide a wide range of services:• Residential aged care (high care/low care) • Support services to assist people who are ageing• Respite care and active ageing programs• Supported low income housing• Community-based, individualised support for people with a disability • Assistance for people experiencing disadvantage • Employment and vocational training services St Laurence’s committed staff and volunteers are passionate about listening to what individuals have to say. Together, we deliver innovative, quality services that enhance people’s lives.our mission“Helping people help themselves”.our visionWe innovate and build resilient, inclusive communities to help people achieve their full potential.

For more information on any of St Laurence’s suite of services, please visit today.

Caring For Our Elderly Feature

Page 38: Business News - September 2012



The PC is dead, long live the notebook

Once a mainstay, now a rarity for gamers, the power hungry real estate hugging PCs are being shipped off to integrated chip heaven. So, which laptops are replacing them?

If your PC was a workhorse then the Dell Vostro range is ideal. Designed for professionals in search of power, portability and value, the new Vostro laptops offer three elegant sizes - 13-inch, 14-inch and 15-inch, (yes, still imperial display sizes) and three colours - Aberdeen Silver, Brisbane Bronze and Lucerne Red (let’s push for Geelong Blue and White).

The laptops are available with options such as the latest Intel 3rd generation processors that enable you to breeze through your intensive day-to-day tasks, while 6-cell batteries on the 3460 and 3560 (4-cell battery on the 3360) enable hours of mobile productivity.

Comprehensive wireless connectivity and collaboration solutions such as an HD web cam and microphone, Waves MaxxVoice Pro, Bluetooth 4.0 and optional 4G LTE mobile broadband (Vostro 3360 & 3460) with Dell NetReady mobile broadband service allow you to stay connected anywhere, any time.

All three laptops, when configured with a 32GB mSATA SSD card, feature near-instant boot-up and hibernate response times with Intel Rapid Start Technology, while Intel Smart Connect Technology keeps content updated even when in sleep mode, allowing customers to access critical business information quickly and easily.

Standard fingerprint readers, file and folder encryption via DigitalPersona File Protection software, and Trend Micro

security software ensure that critical data is securely protected, while Dell DataSafe Online Backup safeguards that valuable data via online back-up to a protected, remote storage site. Additionally Dell’s Accidental Damage Service adds an extra level of security by protecting the laptops from drops, spills, surges and other on-the-job accidents.

The Vostro 15 inch 3560 with a grunty i7 Intel chip fetches around $999.

For speed demons and road warriors, a thin, polished aluminium aerodynamic beast sporting a 1080p screen, 1 terabyte hard drive and slot optical drive will fit the bill.

Dell’s XPS 15 at 23.2mm thin, with a third-generation Intel Core i7 processor with Ivy Bridge technology purrs at 2.1GHz. The 15.6 inch widescreen display has the fulll HD 1080p resolution of 1920:1080, not the typical 1366:768, the usual fare of most professional laptops, including the Macs.

Ports are generous with HDMI, mini-DisplayPort, a Gigabit Ethernet port, three high-speed USB 3.0 ports, 3.5mm headphone jack, and 3.5mm headset jack for use with microphone and headphone combo headsets.

There’s also a Blu-ray drive for your movies on the road and DVD burning facilities, which should make those of you still burning discs, happy. A backlit keyboard, (essential in my view) is standard here and a powerful laptop in a thin, svelte package at $1499 is great value.

The Tech GuyEvery month, our Tech Guy, Jon Mamonski, brings us the wildest, most mind-blowing gadgets he can find...

The would be and the must have

Page 39: Business News - September 2012



At last, your powerful feet giving off something of value… Researchers at Georgia Tech have taken battery recharging to a new level by replacing the usual divider between electrodes with a special film whose piezoelectric nature produces a charging action inside that gap through just a little pressure, with no outside voltage required to make the magic happen. The developers have even slipped the test battery under a shoe sole, giving it a proper dose of energy with every footstep.

At this stage, the challenge mostly involves ramping up the maximum power through upgrades such as more squeezable piezoelectrics. Whilst it’s not in production just yet, nonetheless it’s close enough that we could see future forms of wearable recharging that are quite electrifying.

We’ve all been there. That keyboard, with its months of grime, crumbs and stuff – let’s face it – it’s really hard to keep clean. To the rescue, Logitech has announced the K310 washable keyboard, capable of being submerged in up to 11 inches (about 30 cm) of water. It’s got drainage holes to allow for a quick dry and keys are marked with laser printing and UV coating to keep a youthful appearance.

This keyboard is wired, so you’ll want be sure to keep that USB connector nice and dry. As well as being able to hold its breath under water, for you facebookers, the keys will last for up to five million keystrokes each.

The K310 is expected to cost around $50 and is expected to be here in time for Christmas.

So, you were one of the first to have that big plasma, gathering oohs and aahs from all and sundry. Well things move fast in the tech world and that ooh aah plasma is now yesterday… it’s time to update.

Forget 1080p Hi-Def – that’s passé – it’s got to be the new standard Ultra High definition TV or, as it’s commonly called, 4K (ie: 3,840 x 2,160 resolution). And it can’t be just any 40 to 50 inch off the shelf number.

LG has announced its 84-inch (213 cm) ultra-high definition LCD TV at a price of 25 million won, which currently converts to about $A23,000.

It does 3D with LG’s Cinema 3D passive glasses technology, however its ultra high pixel count means you’re still watching in 1080p even with the resolution loss as it starts at 3,840 x 2,160. It also features “3D sound” with integrated 2.2 channel speakers.

4K res content is hard to find just now, but keep in mind that Peter Jackson is shooting The Hobbit (all three movies) in 4k and you can plug in a BDP-S790 Blu-ray player, certain PS3 apps or just output the latest video you’ve shot and it should be worth the price of admission, plus you can be the very first in Victoria to show it off when they start shipping worldwide in September.

Plasmas – seriously?

Do you remember going to see Star Wars and watching Luke Slywalker zipping around in his landspeeder? How good was that? Life now is imitating art and defying the rules of physics. The basic technology has been around for years, but no one could get the damn thing to hover in a stable way.

A California-based tech company has developed a working hover bike that travels up to 60 kph. It isn’t quite ready for a high-speed chase a la Star Wars, but it still looks pretty cool.

May the force be with you

Clean up your act

Walk the walk

Page 40: Business News - September 2012

This November, a stellar cast of Australian musical theatre stars comes to Geelong for the Geelong season of Side by Side by Sondheim. Tickets will sell quickly for this show, so get in early.Stephen Sondheim is the most acclaimed composer on Broadway. He has won eight Tony Awards (more than any other composer), many Grammys, a Pulitzer Prize and an Oscar.This inspired production celebrates legendary Sondheim musicals from the early part of his career, including West Side Story, Gypsy, Company and A Little Night Music, and features many Broadway classics including Losing My Mind, I’m Still Here, Being Alive and Send In The Clowns.Performing these wonderful songs are Michael Falzon (We Will Rock You, Chess, Rock

Of Ages), Lucy Maunder (Dr Zhivago, Rocky Horror Show, A Little Night Music) and Geraldine Turner (Sweeney Todd, Anything Goes, Into The Woods). Jessica Rowe narrates the show, exploring the themes in Sondheim’s work, and with more than a few entertaining anecdotes about his incredible talent.The original production of Side By Side By Sondheim premiered in London in 1976 to overwhelming success and went on to run for another four years. To this day, it remains one of Sondheim’s most performed shows.Enda Markey presents Side By Side By Sondheim at GPAC for three performances only in The Playhouse, Tuesday November 6 to Thursday November 8 at 8pm. For bookings phone Box Office on 5225 1200 or book online at

‘A marvellous celebration of the wit, insight, heart and genius of Sondheim. Not to be missed!’ - Arts Hub‘A night spent side-by-side, cheek-by-jowl, with Sondheim, means we’ll be opened to laughter, tears, melancholy, introspection, bitterness, generosity,

exuberance and more.’ - Australian StageFor more information visit

What A Man’s Gotta Do08 SeptemberWyndham Cultural CentreWhen Adam’s fiance calls off the wedding saying he’s never gonna grow up, he begs for a second chance. She gives him 24 hours - prove you’re a man by this time tomorrow night or it’s off. What’s he gonna do? What’s a man gotta do to be a man? Spend a night with comedian and award-winning songwriter Andrew Horabin, laughing about sex, work, marriage, mateship, booze, Buck’s Nights, being a Dad and getting old without necessarily growing up. Hilarious, brilliant, sharp, satirical and not to be missed entertainment for adults. For more information visit


Stepping out with SondheimGeelong Performing Arts Centre


Page 41: Business News - September 2012


SOGETSU SCULPTURE EXHIBITIONSunday 23rd September – Sunday 7th October 2012Qdos ArtsQdos Arts is excited to present the 9th Annual Sogetsu Sculpture Exhibition returns to Qdos Arts on the Great Ocean Road for the 9th year, celebrating the unique collaboration between the ceramicist and sculptor, Graeme Wilkie and Sogetsu teacher, Christopher James.Every year at Qdos, Wilkie fires his Japanese anagama, a huge kiln, with a crew of ceramicists and volunteers drawn from around Australia. This team maintains a 24-hour vigil over the 7 days to build up and regulate the

heat in this kiln to fire Wilkie’s sculptures, which are then selected by James and his students to develop their Sogetsu creations.Christopher James is highly respected within the Sogetsu Ikebana community. Having lived on the Surf Coast since his childhood, he finds his ikebana inspired by the natural beauty of the coast and hinterland. As a teacher he inspires his students to express their individual talents, whilst at the same time expressing the spirit of the flowers and materials used. James last year was awarded a scholarship to study at the Sogetsu Headquarters in Tokyo.Together Wilkie and James have created another provocative exhibition that will challenge and enthral its audience.For more information visit

Tuning up to Join the Chorus!Are you a woman in Geelong who loves to sing? The ladies of Geelong Harmony has welcomed a passionate young new director from Perth and are now looking to swell the ranks with passionate singers. Members receive ongoing vocal and performance training from the Musical Directors as well as visiting specialist coaches from Australia and overseas.

With its culture of support and musical empowerment, members improve their abilities as ensemble singers and performers – and enjoy the rush of regular performances around the local area, and occasionally, interstate and overseas.Geelong Harmony is preparing for competition performances at the National Championships in Perth, 2013 and is currently running its ‘Join the Chorus’ program. For more information go to or call 0406 666 737 to register.


29 September – 06 OctoberHer Majesty’s BallaratSet in St. Louis in the 1930s, The Glass Menagerie is a ‘memory play’ about the Wingfield family: Tom, who is torn between his obligation to his family and his desire to break away from the suffocating embrace of his mother, Amanda and his shy and crippled sister Laura, whose memory he will never escape.Now she fights to provide a better life for her grown children, while they

struggle for a future that seems unlikely ever to fulfil their mother’s hopes and dreams. But a change in fortune suddenly seems possible with the arrival of a handsome and mysterious young visitor who arrives without warning.The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams’ evocation of loneliness and lost love, is one of his most powerful and moving plays; an unforgettable American classic.For more information, visit

The Glass Menagerie

Page 42: Business News - September 2012

BacLinks, a division of Karingal, works with businesses and community organisations to facilitate a range of projects and events that support local organisations in need. These in-kind support options can include employee volunteering, as well as donations of goods, services, skills and resources.Recently a group of employee volunteers from the Alcoa Point Henry Smelter spent a day at the Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS) assisting some of our four-legged community members. “The Geelong Animal Welfare Society provides a crucial service to our community,” said Cynthia Crowe, Alcoa’s Community Relations Officer. “Our Alcoa volunteers are strong animal enthusiasts so we were delighted to be able to assist with this project.”

The team of four employees weatherproofed the cattery, renovated the rabbit room, filled blanket stores, bathed, groomed, fed and exercised animals. Alcoa employees also carried out a Pet Food Drive before hand, which collected around $600 worth of cat and dog food, all of which was brought along by the volunteers on the day.GAWS fosters, rehomes, reunites and rehabilitates animals in need, giving them a second chance at the life they deserve. As they no longer euthanise animals unless there is absolutely no chance of rehabilitation, the organisation relies heavily on the generosity of the public to help them provide a quality level of care for these abandoned animals.Belinda Russo, Executive Director of GAWS, was appreciative of the high level

of support provided by the Alcoa employees.“We are desperate for dog and cat food,” said Ms Russo adding “With Alcoa’s help we were able to freshen up our Bunny room, and the animals got some bonus human socialisation in their day. It also gave the staff a lift, knowing that businesses such as Alcoa are reaching out to help organisations in need of assistance.”One employee volunteer went on to sign up to personally volunteer at the shelter in their own time, another positive outcome of this project that highlights the commitment of Alcoa to encouraging employees to volunteer both inside and outside of their working hours.This level of commitment to volunteer support was also evident when a group of Alcoa Australia Rolled Product employees used money awarded to them for a safety record to purchase $3000 worth of blankets for use by disadvantaged local people that are either homeless or unable to pay for heating. Local health insurance provider, GMHBA, has also made a commitment to support this project by placing bins in each of its branches to collect donations of blankets and doonas.

“It was great to see such a quick response to such an urgent need,” said Tracy Bull, BacLinks Business and Community Officer. “There are so many people out there living rough and suffering through this cold and wet winter.”The mental health issues experienced by some of our male community members is another identified issue that negatively impacts on their lives, as well as having consequences to their families and the broader community.Following the successful inaugural event last year BacLinks will again hold the ‘Big Boys Don’t Cry’ Mental Health Forum on Thursday 4th October at the Mercure Hotel. This groundbreaking event can help employees recognise the signs and equip them with strategies for dealing with the mental health issues that can face men, both personally and in the workplace. To find out how you can contribute to the blanket and doona collection, or to find out more about the ‘Big Boys Don’t Cry’ Mental Health Forum, please contact the BacLinks team on 5249 8989.


Lending a helping handCaring for our less fortunate community members is an essential component of strong communities. Businesses can make significant contributions in a number of ways to assist the organisations who care for these community members to assist them to meet their important objectives. In this way they help to support the community that supports them.


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Blue Ribbon Ball goes MasqueradeTAC Chief Executive Officer, Janet Dore, joined members of Victoria Police and Emergency Services to officially launch the 2012 Blue Ribbon Ball. The Ball raises vital funds for the redevelopment of the Children’s Treatment Ward at Geelong Hospital, and young patients got to join in the fun of the Ball’s Masquerade theme at the launch.The annual Victorian Police Blue Ribbon Ball is going “Masquerade for Christmas” at the Arena on Saturday 24th of November 2012. The annual Blue Ribbon Ball is one of the most popular fundraising events of the year in Geelong, and at $100 per ticket for early birds it is once again fantastic value for a wonderful evening of dining, entertainment and doing good while having fun. Patrons are encouraged to come in “Masquerade” with a touch of Christmas theme and to join in the fun - with prizes for the best dressed.As is the tradition, the night will have outstanding

entertainment, MCs, special guests and the popular police band, Code One. Sponsored by the TAC and supported by the combined emergency services the ball raises funds for the Geelong Hospital. Proceeds from this year’s Ball will be designated to the completion of the “Treatment Room” in the Cotton On Foundation Children’s Ward redevelopment.Superintendent Stephen Barber said, “This is a collective effort from the combined emergency services, and in particular the TAC, who again join with us to provide positive outcomes for the community while supporting a message of safety on the roads and health for our children.” Tickets are available from the Barwon Health Foundation on 5260 3355.

Jamie’s Ministry of Food comes to townJamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food is coming to Geelong. The Victorian Minister for Health, David Davis, and

The Good Food Foundation announced the centre would be located at 106 Moorabool Street, just up from Thomas Jewellers.The Central Geelong location was chosen to make it easy for people to access the centre and take part in healthy cooking classes regardless of whether they are driving, walking, cycling or catching public transport. Construction on site is expected to commence soon.Jamie Oliver’s successful program will be based in Geelong as part of Victoria’s new statewide push to promote healthy eating – the Victorian Healthy Eating Enterprise. Victoria has committed $2.87 million to The Good Foundation to support the delivery of the program here in Victoria, which also includes the establishment of a Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen. The Geelong centre and the mobile kitchen together will offer cooking classes to over 10,000 Victorians as well as cooking demonstrations.CEO of Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia, Alicia Peardon said Jamie’s Ministry of Food aims to inspire people to get back to basics and start

cooking meals from scratch again.“The program is designed to empower people, through giving them the resources and confidence to cook at home and make some simple, but powerful, changes to the way they eat and feed their families,” Alicia said.The Jamie’s Ministry of Food centre in Geelong will run classes 7 days a week over ten weeks, with advice in ingredients and fresh seasonal produce, tips on how to shop on a budget, meal planning and how to read food labels, advice on preparing and cooking food, as well as simple step-by-step recipes.Jamie Oliver, who visited Victoria in June, said he was thrilled with the announcement of the Geelong centre.“For the people of Geelong and the surrounding area, this is fantastic news and I know everyone involved from The Good Foundation will make sure that anyone who comes to the new Ministry of Food will leave inspired. My heartfelt thanks go to everyone who has helped to make this happen,” Jamie said.


TAC CEO, Janet Dore with young patient Caitlyn-Rose Stephenson Asborn, with Ambulance officer Lynn Reeve, Caroline Taylor from the SES, and Steve Barber from Victoria Police joining in the fun. Photo by Elisha Lindsay.

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Some wines like Moscato and Lambrusco are naturally low in alcohol. In fact by law, Moscato Di Asti, the real Moscato from Italy, can only be 5% Alc. So, what’s the process involved in making these new low alcohol wines?With sweet wines, low alcohol is achieved through halting the fermentation process. In order for this to happen, you need to kill the yeast. Through rapid chilling then filtering, the yeast is killed then removed. Sweet wines are not to everyone’s taste so, in order to make the dry wines, a different process is used called reverse osmosis.Reverse osmosis is used in many industries for a wide range of uses, such as the bottled water industry to remove salts and to purify. The finished wine is passed through a very fine membrane that extracts the ethanol on the way through, the process is repeated to achieve the desired alcohol level. Reverse osmosis has come under fire by some industry professionals. It is known to be quite an aggressive way of removing alcohol from wine. Many winemakers refuse to use it as they feel that along with the alcohol, positive wine flavours and the general character of the wine is removed.

Only in very warm years, where the winemakers have been forced to pick the grapes later than usual, is reverse osmosis generally used, when the grapes are picked at a potential 15%-16%. In this instance, only a few degrees of alcohol are removed and it is believed the impact on the wine is minimal. These new wines are often as low as 5% to 6% alcohol, which means the wine has been passed through many, many times. The average consumer may not be able to taste the difference, but it could be a fun experiment to see if a flavour change is evident to the average drinker or if it is something only the wine elite can taste.There are some definite advantages to low alcohol wines. If you drink for taste, you can now consume a bottle with a meal and drive home. The other little known fact is the lower the alcohol the lower the calories. It’s official - we now have low fat wine! Ultimately, the wineries are searching for the next big market. If there is a demand for these wines then I wish them all the very best, but I still prefer drinking the real stuff in moderation.


The Low DownSeems to me that we have become just a little obsessed about health. Well, not all of us, surely, but since the alleged obesity epidemic there has been a real shift towards healthier eating and drinking. Less fat, no sugar, low carbs are all phrases that are thrown at us more and more. Liquor has not bucked the trend. As much as we try to tell people that a little wine is good for you, people are still looking for a healthier alternative. The new phrase for the health conscious wine drinkers amongst us is “low alcohol wine”.


ADRIAN MARCHIAROAdrian presents wine tasting evenings at Lamby’s Restaurant + Bar.

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Page 45: Business News - September 2012

A: National Wool Museum Cnr Moorabool & Brougham Sts, Geelong. P: 03 5223 2536 F: 03 5223 2316 E: [email protected] W:

Free Entry, Free Wine Tasting, Free Gourmet Platters For Patrons, Free Live Entertainment Each Week

7th September – A new world of new winesCome taste some wines you may never have tasted or

even heard of before Entertainment: Warm Sands

14th September – Mountains of wineA fantastic line up from Victoria’s Pyrness region

Entertainment: Chic

21st September – Dolcetto, The little sweet oneCome taste blends and straight wines

containing the grape DolcettoEntertainment: Warm Sands

28th September – A toast to your health A healthier drinking option, Organic and low

preservative winesEntertainment: Chic

Page 46: Business News - September 2012



Photos: Pam Hutchinson Photography

Peeking at the pastBrax Window Treatments are celebrating 70 years of business success in 2012, and recently marked the occasion by hosting a Masquerade Ball.

The evening was held at Geelong West Town Hall, with

entertainment by The Bash Big Band and catering provided by The rK Group.

an auction of a Dick Johnston racing experience and raffles on the night helped raise over $3000 for Give Where You Live.

above: Dave and Cal Stewart.

above: Colette and Ian Maxwell.

above: Guess who’s behind the mask?above: Jacquie and Shane Turner.

above: richard and Kathryn Coumans.

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above: Geoff Neilson, Graham Johns, Wendy Maloney, John Gavins and Barry Kittelty.

above: Tim Holt, Lynne Downing and David Jarman.

above: Mark Whelan and alex McDonald.

Celebrating 50 YearsIT was a memorable evening celebrating 50 years of WHK and Day Neilson accounting in Geelong. Held at The Pier, guests from the accountancy firms 50-year history came together to talk about old times

and new times, and occasionally even taxing times…

Guests included business founders and staff from across the five-decade history as well as many valued clients and associates.

Photos: Elisha Lindsay,

above: Keith Fagg, roland Mrak and Mark Osborne.

above: andrew Conlan and roger Northern.

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Photos: Elisha Lindsay

The Art of Networking

Close to 100 attendees gathered at Geelong City Hall last month to gain an insight into how to successfully work the room at business events. ‘The Art of Networking’, was a feature event in the month-long Geelong Small Business Festival.

Speaker, author and business coach, Jen Harwood, provided

strategies on all the insiders’ tricks for breaking into and departing from groups at event, how to use business cards effectively, how to remember people’s names and how to have fun while networking.

The Art of Networking event was provided by the City of Greater Geelong.

Above: Jen Harwood.Above: Geoff Crowl (DUXTELL) and Gary Plumridge, (NOT JUST A TOUR).

Above: Dennis Bridle and Peta Dunn from CJ KEANE.

elisha [email protected]

0439 353 958

Page 49: Business News - September 2012



Above: Rajesh Marfartia and Marc Ghosn.

Above: Kim Prior (Send out cards) and Chelsea Launer (Averonne).Above: Jay, (OG Technology) Caroline Richards BRACE and Rhett McGunnis (MFA).

Above: Luke Fitrige and Ben Johnstone.Above: Hope Smith, Nerelle Jones and Puja Rosemeyer.

Above: Chris Silverstrani COGG, Anne O’Brian (COGG) and Nicole Mitchelle (Aust College of Community Services).

Page 50: Business News - September 2012

Until 29 September

peter misic “eggistential”Remarkable desktop sculptures created by electroplating a myriad of everyday objects with nickel and copper. Where: Gallery on Sturt, Ballarat.

throUghoUt Sept

‘Shoalhaven and beyond’ exhibition and sale of artworks by Jamie boydFrom the Boyd dynasty of Australian artists comes this exhibition and sale of oils, lithographs and etchings from Jamie Boyd, the son of Arthur Boyd.Where: Gallery on Sturt, Ballarat. e. bell - this little piggy... Fades to pinkThis little piggy... Fades to pink explores the taboos of motherhood and the strangely detached relationships that can develop out of convenience.Where: Art Gallery of Ballarat.

06 September

east timor public ForumCome along and hear about the challenges that exist for our nearest neighbour - and one of the world’s poorest countries. You will also hear about the successes (as well as the opportunities for further work) of the Geelong community in working with the people of Viqueque in achieving positive change.Where: Geelong City Hall. timor Fundraising DinnerThe former Victorian Premier and Special Advisor to East Timor on governance issues since 2007 will be speaking. The proceeds from this event will fund education projects in Viqueque.Where: Barwon Edge Boathouse Restaurant, Geelong.

08 September

Central geelong Farmer’s marketSample some of the regions

finest fresh produce and unique gourmet treats, as well as cooking demonstrations, and a miniature animal farm and face painting for the kids at the region’s only Victorian Farmer’s Market Association accredited market.Where: Little Malop Street, Central Geelong.

08 September

Steps to ChangeIs a run/walk from Drysdale to Geelong Waterfront to raise money for the Hosanna Children’s Home in Myanmar. These funds will to meeting basic needs of these children. Where: Drysdale, Bellarine Peninsula. With beatDance Intiative Productions Presents Burlesque with Beat, a cabaret night of dance entertainment. Featuring the 2012 Burlesque Course Dancers. Note: Cabaret table seating, BYO table platters, drinks at bar prices. Bookings Essential on 52511998.Where: Potato Shed, Drysdale.

08 Sept – 21 oCt

the Faulty towers Dining experienceInteractive comedy dinner theatre celebrating the classic British television show. Where: Italian Sports Club of Werribee. Antoinette through the notebook – marion manifold Linocuts exploring female body image inspired by the Notebook of Ladies Attirefrom the Archives Nationales in Paris, tracing the life story of Marie Antoinette, Queen consort to Louis XVI of France.Where: Geelong Gallery. a man’s gotta DoSpend a night with comedian and award-winning songwriter Andrew Horabin, laughing about sex, work, marriage, mateship, booze, Buck’s

Nights, being a Dad and getting old without necessarily growing up. Where: Wyndham Cultural Centre.

09 September

Sustainable house DayBe inspired! Visit an open house or edible garden for practical ideas on how to live a more sustainable life. By designing or modifying your home to be more energy efficient you will save money, live more comfortably and help protect the Country rambleCome on a country ramble to three lovely little churches in the country near Geelong, at Holy Trinity Church in Ceres, Church of the Epiphany in Meredith and St James Anglican Church at Morrisons. Three concerts, luxury coach, lunch at a winery and light refreshments make this ‘ramble’ a special occasion. (Coach travellers only) Where: Leaves from Basilica of St Mary of the Angels, Geelong.

10 September

Ward Councillor Candidates information SessionWe will be conducting a community candidate information session for Ward Councillor Candidates. This session will be conducted jointly with the Municipal Association of Victori and the Victorian Electoral Commission.Where: Geelong City Hall.

10 – 11

grit 2012 Youth theatreThe new play, ‘Take My Hand’, developed as part of the GRIT youth theatre project, which wowed audiences in Melbourne during Platform Youth Theatre’s Month at La Mama, returns to Ballarat for three shows only to be performed along with other work from guest companies from the Melbourne season at Ballarat’s Courthouse Theatre.Where: Ballarat’s Courthouse Theatre.

12 – 13 September

Doris & me: the life & Songs of Doris DayMusical mornings presents Janet Seidel’s celebration of the life and songs of Doris Day.Where: Geelong Performing Arts Centre.

14 – 23 September

Werribee mercy hospital Annual Arts ShowCome to Opening Night on Friday 14th or view the artwork in the main corridor of the hospital. Profits go directly to improving the hospital’s environment and facilities. Opening Night is on Friday 14 September finger food, beverages and entertainment provided.Where: Werribee Mercy Hospital.

15 September

roy orbison reborn: the pretty Woman tourThe world’s leading theatrical tribute to the Big O comes to Geelong, starring the internationally renowned Dean Bourne.Where: Geelong Performing Arts Centre.

16 September

Wyndham pet expoDoes one of your family members have feathers, fur, scales or hide? Well if they do, you better come on down to the Wyndham Pet Expo for all the tips and products for family members of the animal kind.Where: Wyndham Civic Centre.

17 Sept – 02 DeC

Wish You Were hereA private note for all to see... Since the early 1900s, Geelong’s picture postcards have provided an insight into the personal stories of its people and the pride of a developing city. From the bronze figure of farmer and son striking the bell in the T & G Clock Tower, to a cyclist approaching the gas lamp roundabout in Malop Street, Wish You Were Here depicts a diverse range of activities, where

WhAt’S on

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WhAt’S on

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blank canvasses and brief messages reveal intimate details of a growing Geelong. Where: National Wool Museum, Geelong.

21 September

Sleeping beautyThe Imperial Russian Ballet Company returns to Australia with their presentation of the classic masterpiece Sleeping Beauty in three acts. Where: Geelong Performing Arts Centre.

22 September

Damon Dark, UFo hunterA one act, one man play, written and performed by Adrian Sherlock, Damon Dark is a science fiction tale in the tradition of The X-Files and Dr Who.Where: Geelong Performing Arts Centre.

22 – 23 September

Scouts Australia geelong ice breaker regatta 2012The Geelong Ice Breaker Regatta is a Canoeing and Sailing activity for Registered Scouts and Guides.Where: Eastern Beach, Geelong.

22 Sept – 07 oCt

back of house – Werribee open range ZooYou’ve seen the zoo’s spectacular open spaces, now it’s time to discover its secret places! Visit the zoo these school holidays and you will be able to explore many exciting ‘off-limits’ areas where our animals sleep and our keepers work. This rare ‘limited time only’ opportunity includes access to passionate zoo staff who will answer questions about the animals and how they are cared for. Visitors can access several behind-the-scenes areas at African Wild Dogs, hippos, cheetah and monkeys. They will also be the first to experience a new purpose-built animal enrichment space, complete with meerkat exhibit. Here the visitors can create special animal enrichment items such as popcorn-stuffed pinecones for the gorillas or mealworms

in bamboo tubes for the meerkats. Other highlights include an additional display area featuring animal transport boxes and other zoo equipment used to care for the animals, as well as 3D animal boxes.‘Back of House’ is free and available from Saturday 22 September until Sunday 7 October. No bookings are required. Kids are free during school holidays, public holidays and weekends.Where: Werribee Open Range Zoo.

23 – 29 September

national headache Awareness Week80% of Australians suffer from headaches. 70% of us have little knowledge of headache treatments. Treatments other than medication are available, but always consult your Doctor first. Find out more: Where: Headache Centre Geelong.

27 September

KApoW!Voted Best Family Show at Melbourne Fringe Festival 2010, Kapow! is highly visual, full of skilful acrobatics

and set to a spectacular soundtrack. KAPOW! asks some seriously heroic questions: why do we imagine and desire to be superhuman? What are our secret unnoticed abilities? Can you be afraid and still save the day? Where: Her Majesty’s Ballarat.

28 September

QUArC, Queencliff Arts and Crafts twilight marketA fantastic indoor artisan market for the whole family - great children’s craft activities, an opportunity to speak to the artists themselves, food, wine and wonderful live music in a great location. Where: Point Lonsdale School Hall.

29 Sept – 06 oCt

the glass menagerieTennessee Williams’ evocation of loneliness and lost love, is one of his most powerful and moving plays; an unforgettable American classic. Where: Her Majesty’s Ballarat.

02 – 05 oCtober

the princess and the peaThe Princess and The Pea is a delightful funny tale sure to entertain and delight school holidays audiences.Where: Potato Shed, Drysdale.

06 oCtober

Alcoa Australia Corporate head of the river & Dragon boat regatta, Sponsored by tACThis unique and enjoyable event promises stiff competition, the chance to get fit and plenty of fun. Most importantly, you’ll be supporting our community with 100% of the entry fee going to Give Where You Live. Where: Barwon River Rowing Precinct, Geelong.

07 oCtober

the Andrew love Centre pink ribbon ride.Numerous motorcyclists will depart from Mercer Street Geelong, ride around the Bellarine Peninsular and then assemble at Johnstone Park to display the bikes and raise funds for the Andrew Love Centre Geelong. Supported by the Ulysses Club Inc.

Page 52: Business News - September 2012

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