business mobile plans, business broadband

BusIneS s TimEleSs FleEt PlaNs Looking for greater flexibility and budget control? Then these are perfect for teams of 6 or more. Enjoy unlimited standard national calls, text and Voicemail from within Australia, credit towards a new Smartphone, and the option to add mobile data to share. THE NITTY GRITTY BUSINESS TIMELESS FLEET: 1. Cancellation fees may apply. You must maintain a minimum of six services connected to a Business Timeless Fleet Plan on the same customer account number for 24 months. For the first part month, you will only pay part of the minimum spend and you will only receive part of the included plan value and “Included Mobile Internet Data Value” . 2. HANDSET FUND: The $550 mobile credit is a special offer available to customers that connect to the $69 Business Timeless Fleet Plan. The $650 mobile credit is available to customers who connect to the $79 Business Timeless Fleet Plan. It allows you to purchase mobile phones, mobile broadband devices and accessories from Optus and it cannot be used for any other purpose. The value of the Handset Fund is not redeemable for cash and may not be transferred or used for any other purposes (for instance, it may not be used to pay for service charges, minimum monthly call spend or call costs, cannot be used against cancellation fees). If your account is cancelled for any reason any unused credit will be forfeited. 3. INCLUDED DATA: Data usage will be counted in kilobytes where 1024KB = 1MB and includes both uploads and downloads for use in Australia. Unused data does not rollover. Your data allowance is shared with other Business Timeless Fleet services on your account. 4. UNLIMITED BLACKBERRY POP3 EMAIL AND BLACKBERRY BROWSING THROUGH THE BLACKBERRY BROWSER: For customers with a BlackBerry using an operating system version 7.1 or below, the plan also includes unlimited use of BlackBerry POP3 email, use of the BlackBerry Browser, and applications from Optus and third party applications that require a BlackBerry Data connection. Unlimited BlackBerry POP3 email and browsing through the BlackBerry Browser is subject to the Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy. International data roaming usage is excluded from the usage allowance. You will not be able to view your monthly usage prior to receiving your bill. You can increase your data allowance by changing to a higher Shared Business Fleet Plan or by adding an eligible Business Mobile Broadband Plan (BMB) to your account. 5. DATA SHARING WITH BMB: If you have an eligible BMB plan on your account, data usage will be deducted from your BMB data allowance once you’ve used your Business Timeless Fleet data allowance. Once you have exhausted both your Shared Business Fleet and BMB data allowances, excess usage charges apply. SEE PAGES 22–24 FOR MORE NITTY GRITTY. BUSINESS TIMELESS FLEET PLAN RATES MONTHLY ACCESS FEE PER USER $ 69 PER MONTH $ 79 PER MONTH Minimum total cost over 24 months 1 $1,656 $1,896 Standard national voice and video calls UNLIMITED (excludes 13/1300/1800 numbers) UNLIMITED (excludes 13/1300/1800 numbers) Voicemail UNLIMITED UNLIMITED Standard national SMS and MMS UNLIMITED UNLIMITED Handset option $550 mobile credit 2 OR Upfront mobile $650 mobile credit 2 OR Upfront mobile Included mobile internet data 3,4 2GB 3GB Mobile data sharing across the account (excludes BlackBerry® running OS 7.1 or below) ALL TO USE WITHIN AUSTRALIA Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy applies. STANDARD NATIONAL RATES WITHIN AUSTRALIA BUSINESS TIMELESS FLEET PLANS $69 $79 Voice call rate to fixed lines and mobiles (per min.) Rates do not apply 2 min. call to mobiles (including flagfall) Rates do not apply 13/1300 calls 30¢ per call 1800 calls* Variable rates apply SMS (per message – up to 160 characters) Rates do not apply MMS (per message) Rates do not apply National video call (per min.) Rates do not apply 1MB of data (excess usage) 10¢ Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy applies. *Calls are billed in per minute increments, unless stated otherwise. National video calls: Coverage is mobile dependent and both parties to the call must be in 3G or 4G coverage areas. WHAT YOU GET: VOICE PLAN INCLUSIONS Includes unlimited standard national voice and video calls, text and Voicemail to Australian mobiles and fixed lines from within Australia. MOBILE OPTIONS Choose from the latest whizz-bang Smartphones that can be purchased upfront or at any time during your contract. SHARE YOUR DATA Never waste a single byte by sharing data across all your team’s mobiles. Need more? Easy. Just add a Business Mobile Broadband Plan whenever you need it. 5

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Page 1: Business Mobile Plans, Business Broadband

Business Timeless Fleet PlansLooking for greater flexibility and budget control? Then these are perfect for teams of 6 or more. Enjoy unlimited standard national calls, text and Voicemail from within Australia, credit towards a new Smartphone, and the option to add mobile data to share.

THE NITTY GRITTY BusINEss TImElEss FlEET: 1. Cancellation fees may apply. You must maintain a minimum of six services connected to a Business Timeless Fleet Plan on the same customer account number for 24 months. For the first part month, you will only pay part of the minimum spend and you will only receive part of the included plan value and “Included Mobile Internet Data Value”. 2. HaNdsET FuNd: The $550 mobile credit is a special offer available to customers that connect to the $69 Business Timeless Fleet Plan. The $650 mobile credit is available to customers who connect to the $79 Business Timeless Fleet Plan. It allows you to purchase mobile phones, mobile broadband devices and accessories from Optus and it cannot be used for any other purpose. The value of the Handset Fund is not redeemable for cash and may not be transferred or used for any other purposes (for instance, it may not be used to pay for service charges, minimum monthly call spend or call costs, cannot be used against cancellation fees). If your account is cancelled for any reason any unused credit will be forfeited. 3. INcludEd daTa: Data usage will be counted in kilobytes where 1024KB = 1MB and includes both uploads and downloads for use in Australia. Unused data does not rollover. Your data allowance is shared with other Business Timeless Fleet services on your account. 4. uNlImITEd BlackBERRY POP3 EmaIl aNd BlackBERRY BROwsING THROuGH THE BlackBERRY BROwsER: For customers with a BlackBerry using an operating system version 7.1 or below, the plan also includes unlimited use of BlackBerry POP3 email, use of the BlackBerry Browser, and applications from Optus and third party applications that require a BlackBerry Data connection. Unlimited BlackBerry POP3 email and browsing through the BlackBerry Browser is subject to the Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy. International data roaming usage is excluded from the usage allowance. You will not be able to view your monthly usage prior to receiving your bill. You can increase your data allowance by changing to a higher Shared Business Fleet Plan or by adding an eligible Business Mobile Broadband Plan (BMB) to your account. 5. daTa sHaRING wITH BmB: If you have an eligible BMB plan on your account, data usage will be deducted from your BMB data allowance once you’ve used your Business Timeless Fleet data allowance. Once you have exhausted both your Shared Business Fleet and BMB data allowances, excess usage charges apply. sEE PaGEs 22–24 FOR mORE NITTY GRITTY.

BusINEss TImElEss FlEET PlaN RaTEs



Minimum total cost over 24 months1 $1,656 $1,896

Standard national voice and video calls UnliMited (excludes 13/1300/1800 numbers)

UnliMited (excludes 13/1300/1800 numbers)

Voicemail UnliMited UnliMited

Standard national SMS and MMS UnliMited UnliMited

Handset option$550 mobile credit2

ORUpfront mobile

$650 mobile credit2

ORUpfront mobile

Included mobile internet data3,4 2GB 3GB

Mobile data sharing across the account (excludes BlackBerry® running OS 7.1 or below)

All tO Use within AUstRAliA

Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy applies.

sTaNdaRd NaTIONal RaTEs wITHIN ausTRalIa

BusINEss TImElEss FlEET PlaNs$69 $79

Voice call rate to fixed lines and mobiles (per min.) Rates do not apply

2 min. call to mobiles (including flagfall) Rates do not apply

13/1300 calls 30¢ per call

1800 calls* Variable rates apply

SMS (per message – up to 160 characters) Rates do not apply

MMS (per message) Rates do not apply

National video call† (per min.) Rates do not apply

1MB of data (excess usage) 10¢

Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy applies. *Calls are billed in per minute increments, unless stated otherwise. †national video calls: Coverage is mobile dependent and both parties to the call must be in 3G or 4G coverage areas.

wHaT YOu GET:vOIcE PlaN INclusIONsIncludes unlimited standard national voice and video calls, text and Voicemail to Australian mobiles and fixed lines from within Australia.

mOBIlE OPTIONsChoose from the latest whizz-bang Smartphones that can be purchased upfront or at any time during your contract.

sHaRE YOuR daTaNever waste a single byte by sharing data across all your team’s mobiles. Need more? Easy. Just add a Business Mobile Broadband Plan whenever you need it.5

Page 2: Business Mobile Plans, Business Broadband

2 OPTus BusINEss PROducT GuIdE

choose your mobile, anytime

choose This

or This


cHOOsE a NEw mOBIlE uPFRONT• Start afresh with a mobile for every service

at the start of the contract.

cHOOsE a mOBIlE cREdIT• Lets you purchase a mobile later on, at any time

during your contract• Combine credits to purchase an even better mobile• $69 Business Timeless Fleet = $550 mobile credit

per service• $79 Business Timeless Fleet = $650 mobile credit

per service.

Page 3: Business Mobile Plans, Business Broadband



THE NITTY GRITTY FOR small aNd mEdIum BusINEss cusTOmERsThe Nitty Gritty summarises important details relating to our products and services as well as inclusions and exclusions. For further details of the terms on which Optus supplies its products and services see the Standard Forms of Agreement available at

Critical Information Summaries also help you understand and compare your plan inclusions. The summaries are available at for consumers and for business customers.

GENERalAll prices quoted are GST inclusive. Approved customers only. Offers only available to eligible, credit approved Optus Small or Medium Business customers as defined by Optus. Optus Prepaid, MobileSat, service provider customers, or corporate customers are not eligible. For technical and commercial reasons not all eligible customers will be able to be connected to all plans.

POlIcIEs: All mobile services are subject to the Optus Mobile Fair Go™ policy. All consumer broadband and data services including the Optus TV with Fetch Service are subject to the Optus Internet Acceptable Use policy. All business data services are subject to the Optus Internet Acceptable Use policy or the Optus Business Internet Acceptable Use policy. All home services and business phone services are subject to the Optus Local and Long Distance Fair Go™ policy. These policies prohibit among other things excessive use, unreasonable use or unacceptable use, and commercial use of non-business services. Where we consider your use is in breach of a Policy, we may take action as detailed in the Policy.

YOuR sTaTuTORY RIGHTs: Any warranty or guarantee offered on our goods and services is in addition to, and does not limit your, statutory rights including under the Australian Consumer Law. For example, exceptions apply to cancellation or termination fees if you terminate in accordance with your statutory rights.

call aNd TExT TYPEs aNd daTa sERvIcEs: Please note that video calling, data services and MMS are only available on compatible handsets. Message charges may be incurred for up to eight days from the original send date regardless of successful delivery or not. sms: You will be charged for each SMS (standard length 160 characters). The character length limit for an SMS may vary depending upon you handset or message. PHOTO mEssaGE (mms): Charges apply regardless of successful delivery or not. If an MMS message is sent to a handset or network that is not Optus MMS enabled or compatible, the message recipient will be sent an SMS. You will still be charged for sending the MMS. vIdEO callING: Only available between video capable handsets within 3G or 4G coverage areas. If you or the other person on the video call move out of these coverage areas, your video call will drop out and you will only have the option to call the person back with a voice call.

BIlls (mOBIlE mONTHlY OFFERs aNd PlaNs): A $2.20 per month fee applies if your account is not paid by direct debit. If online billing is not available to you, we won’t charge you the fee. For further information, please see A payment processing fee will also be charged if you pay your bill by credit or charge card or via Australia Post outlet.

See for details. Non-payment of a bill may result in the suspension or disconnection of the services.

mONTHlY cHaRGEs aNd INclusIONs (mOBIlE mONTHlY OFFERs aNd PlaNs): During the term of your plan you will pay the monthly amount as a minimum charge even if you do not use all of the included calls, SMS, data, value or other benefits each month. Any unused inclusions do not roll over unless otherwise stated.

RaTE PlaN cHaNGE (mOBIlE mONTHlY PlaNs): We may charge you a fee if you move from one pricing plan to another before the end of your minimum term. The amount of the fee will depend on various factors, including the terms of your current pricing plan, your call spend under your current pricing plan and the terms of the new pricing plan you are moving to. You should contact customer service for further information on the fee that may apply to you. If you select a new rate plan any calls made from the date of the change will be charged at the applicable rate of your new plan.

dEvIcE lOckING: Some devices are locked to the Optus network. Optus can only unlock devices purchased from an Optus outlet within Australia. For Mobile Account customers only, who wish to use their device on another network, please call Optus on

ackNOwlEdGEmENTs: Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc. The BlackBerry® and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties of and trademarks or registered trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. Foxtel marks are used under licence from Foxtel Management Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

OPTus ZOO: You need to have an Optus 4G or 3G compatible mobile phone which is provisioned with the required settings and SIM to activate data use. Optus Zoo activation time may take up to 24 hours. There are no data charges to access the Mine, Explore and New Tabs on Optus Zoo within Australia except when accessing via WiFi. Data charges may apply to access other areas of Optus Zoo. Additional charges may apply to access content within Optus Zoo. Additional charges may apply to access and subscribe to third party content. Content may be suspended, changed, or terminated without notice. Optus is not responsible for third party content. Content is tailored for viewing on Optus 4G or 3G network and may not include all content and features of internet websites. Optus will endeavour to provide current, accurate information but makes no guarantee regarding the timely delivery, currency, or accuracy of any information provided to you as part of the Optus Zoo Update service.

cOvERaGECoverage on the Optus Network is location and device dependent. For detailed coverage maps, see 4G services are available in selected areas. To access the Optus 4G Network you need a compatible device and plan. 4G dual band refers to our 4G 1800MHz/2300MHz coverage and devices. 4G single band refers to our 4G Single band 1800MHz coverage and devices. Compatible 4G devices can also access the Optus 3G Network. Optus 3G dual cand refers to our 3G 100MHz/900MHz coverage. To make the most of our network we recommend using at minimum a 3G Dual band device.

sPEEd: Many factors affect speeds such as your distance from the mobile tower, the capacity and load of the mobile tower, which network you are currently using (Optus 4G/3G/2G), your hardware and software, the source of your download, and general internet traffic.

ROamING: International roaming is available by contacting us on 133 343 (charges may apply) or 1509 from your mobile. International data usage is not included in your pricing plan and additional international roaming charges apply to use data whilst overseas. Your device may be incompatible with networks in some countries. For examples of charges, destinations and roaming partners refer to Optus makes no guarantee regarding the quality and availability of international coverage or services. It may take several months for roaming charges to appear on your mobile phone bill.

call RaTEsFor call rates that apply to your plan see the Critical Information Summaries available at for consumers and for business customers.

INcludEd mOBIlE INTERNET daTa valuE: If you elect to take an eligible Business Mobile Broadband (BMB) service on selected Business BMB Plan, the plan’s included mobile data value can be shared (not applicable on Business Complete Plans). The included mobile internet data allowance cannot be used for voice and video calls, Voicemail, international SMS and MMS, premium and third party SMS and MMS and third party content purchases and subscription fees, 1300, 1800, 1900, Surepage, VPN data usage and data used while roaming internationally. If you access such services, you will be charged at prevailing rates.

uNlImITEd BlackBERRY® POP3 EmaIl aNd INTERNET BROwsING Plus INcludEd mOBIlE INTERNET daTa: You will not be able to view your monthly usage prior to receiving your bill.

INcludEd INTERNaTIONal valuE: Any unused portion of the international value expires at the end of each bill cycle. Standard ‘yes’ Business International rates apply for usage over the included international value. See

caNcEllaTION FEEsFor cancellation fees that apply to your plan see the Critical Information Summaries available at for consumers and for business customers.

mOBIlE mONTHlY PlaNsIf you pay for your handset by the monthly payment option on a 12 or 24-month plan and you change or cancel your Optus Mobile service or it is disconnected before the term expires you must pay the remaining amount on your phone, if any, plus applicable “Cancellation Fees” which differ by plan.

HaNdsET cREdIT (mOBIlE mONTHlY PlaNs): If you connect to any My Plan with a monthly handset repayment, you may receive a handset credit each month for the minimum contracted period of your chosen plan to reduce the monthly repayment costs of the handset to you. If you change or cancel the plan during the minimum contracted period, you may no longer be entitled to the handset credit and may be required to pay the handset credit and remaining handset repayments in addition to any cancellation fees.

BusINEss TImElEss FlEET PlaNscaNcEllaTION FEEs: For cancellation fees that apply to your plan see the Critical Information Summaries available at for consumers and for business customers.