business lessons from the u.s. navy seal

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Roberto Lico

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Business Lessons From the  U.S. Navy Seal

Business Lessons From the

U.S. Navy Seal Roberto Lico

Page 2: Business Lessons From the  U.S. Navy Seal

The United States Navy's Sea, Air and Land Teams, commonly known as the Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force.

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Introduction

Page 3: Business Lessons From the  U.S. Navy Seal

Corporate and Military environments are distinctively different for 02 main reasons:

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Important

The military’s leadership

is focused on leading organizations responsible for

our country’s security and fighting


The corporate’s leadership is focused on creating value and

protecting the interests of their stakeholders, with profit and return on investment often

being the top priorities.

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Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal 04 Main Seal Navy’s Strategies

1. Meticulous Planning2. A Reliable Contingency Plan3. Clear Expectations4. Tough Rules of Engagement

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From a management standpoint, one of the greatest lessons that can be learned from Navy SEALs is their skill of being highly effective and meticulous planners.

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal 01. Meticulous Planning

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They operate with a backup and contingency plan in place for almost every scenario, focusing on the importance of time management, on-target execution, and completing the mission.

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal 02. A Reliable Contingency Plan

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Navy SEALs focus on a very clear set of objectives, where significant importance is placed on defining the goal and motivating the team to follow.

Even with highly complex operations, each SEAL has a clearly defined role, and expectations can be recited by each team member.

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal 03. Clear Expectations

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The SEAL’s rules of engagement (how they respond when confronted) are clearly established before each mission, and modifying these rules could negatively impact the entire operation.

Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal 04. Tough Rules of Engagement

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Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Navy Seal - Business Advices

Teamwork is our top priority:A mission cannot be successfully executed unless the team is

functioning as one.

Stay calm:The military trains its team to be more comfortable and calm

when taking risks.

Hard times help us to adapt:A soldier who goes through hard times recognizes that those

times will not only strengthen him, but truly train him to properly and successfully lead his own teams when battling

facing a battle.

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Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Navy Seal - Business Advices

Don’t back down from the sharks:Recruits are ordered not to back down when facing sharks in swimming exercises, but rather to punch them in the nose.

There are a lot of sharks in the world. If we’re going to succeed in life, we need to face our sharks.

Study Darwin:Survival is not about who’s the strongest or fastest, but who can

best adapt to change. Navy SEALs are masters of adaptation, being able to operate in jungle, desert, or artic conditions.

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Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Navy Seal - Business Advices

Be your very best in the darkest moment: Part of SEAL training is to conduct attacks on enemy ships. This requires being deep under pitch black water while listening to

loud, distracting noises from the ship’s engines and systems. It’s very easy to get disoriented and fail. Every SEAL knows that when it’s darkest is the time when you need to be the most

calm, composed and focused.

Take smart risks:A SEAL is aware that his mission is bigger than any of his team

member. That also means taking smart risks and being willing to do so in support of the greater good.

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Business Lessons From the U.S. Navy Seal Our Sources – Thank you!

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LRCL – Business Services ConsultingRoberto Lico – [email protected]

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