business & functional strategy unit ii

Business Level Business Level Strategy Strategy

Upload: pankaj-kumar

Post on 28-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Business Level Strategy

2. Business Level Strategy

  • A Business Level Strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of commitments & actions designed to provide value to customers and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specific individual product markets
  • Three Issues:
    • Whom it will serve
    • What needs target customers have that it will satisfy
    • How those needs will be satisfied through implementation of given strategy

3. Types of Business-Level Strategies

  • Business-level strategies are intended to create differences between the firms position relative to those of its rivals
  • To position itself, the firm must decide whether it intends to perform activities differently or to perform different activities as compared to its rivals

4. Five Generic Strategies Competitive Advantage Competitive Scope Cost Uniqueness Broad target Narrow target Cost Leadership Differentiation Focused Cost Leadership Focused Differentiation Integrated Cost Leadership/ Differentiation 5. Types of Business Level Strategies

  • Cost Leadership
  • Differentiation
  • Focus Strategy
  • Cost Leadership:
    • Integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at lower cost
    • Focus on driving costs lower relative to competitors cost
    • Features that are acceptable to customers

6. Cost Leadership Strategy

  • Cost saving actions required by this strategy:
    • building efficient scale facilities
    • tightly controlling production costs and overhead
    • minimizing costs of sales, R&D and service
    • building efficient manufacturing facilities
    • monitoring costs of activities provided by outsiders
    • simplifying production processes

7. How to Obtain a Cost Advantage Cost Drivers Value Chain Determine and control Reconfigure, if needed

  • Alter production process
  • Change in automation
  • New distribution channel
  • Direct sales in place of indirect sales
  • New advertising media
  • New raw material
  • Backward integration
  • Forward integration
  • Change location relative to suppliers or buyers

8. Major Risks of Cost Leadership Strategy

  • Dramatic technological change could take away your cost advantage
  • Competitors may learn how to imitate value chain
  • Focus on efficiency could cause cost leader to overlook changes in customer preferences

9. Differentiation

  • Unique attributes & characteristics of a firms product provide value to customers
  • Premium prices due to unique need satisfaction
  • Firms must be truly be unique at something to be perceived as unique
  • Unusual Features, Responsive Customer Service, Rapid Product Innovations, Different Status , Engineering Designs, Prestige & Status
  • Anything to create real or perceived value
  • Challenge to identify features that create value for customers

10. Factors That Drive Differentiation

  • Unique product features
  • Unique product performance
  • Exceptional services
  • New technologies
  • Quality of inputs
  • Exceptional skill or experience
  • Detailed information

11. Focus Strategy

  • Integrated set of actions designed to produce goods or services that serve the needs of a particular competitive segment
  • A particular Buyer group, A different segment of a product line, different geographic market
  • Focused Cost Leadership or focused Differentiation
  • Firms have the core competencies required to provide value to a narrow competitive segment that exceeds the value available from firms serving customers on industry wide basis

12. Focused Business-Level Strategies

  • A focus strategy must exploit a narrow targets differences from the balance of the industry by:
    • isolating a particular buyer group
    • isolating a unique segment of a product line
    • concentrating on a particular geographic market
    • finding their niche

13. Factors That May Drive Focused Strategies

  • Large firms may overlook small niches
  • Firm may lack resources to compete in the broader market
  • May be able to serve a narrow market segment more effectively than can larger industry-wide competitors
  • Focus may allow the firm to direct resources to certain value chain activities to build competitive advantage

14. Major Risks of Focused Strategies

  • Firm may be outfocused by competitors
  • Large competitor may set its sights on your niche market
  • Preferences of niche market may change to match those of broad market

15. Advantages of Integrated Strategy

  • A firm that successfully uses an integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategy should be in a better position to:
    • adapt quickly to environmental changes
    • learn new skills and technologies more quickly
    • effectively leverage its core competencies while competing against its rivals

16. Benefits of Integrated Strategy

  • Successful firms using this strategy have above-average returns
  • Firm offers two types of values to customers
    • some differentiated features (but less than a true differentiated firm)
    • relatively low cost (but now as low as the cost leaders price)

17. Major Risks of Integrated Strategy

  • An integrated cost/differentiation business level strategy often involves compromises (neither the lowest cost nor the most differentiated firm)
  • The firm may become stuck in the middle lacking the strong commitment and expertise that accompanies firms following either a cost leadership or a differentiated strategy

18. Functional Strategies

  • The short-term goal-directed decisions and actions of an organizations functional departments.
  • All organizations perform 3 basic functions as they create and deliver goods and services:
  • Marketing (to assess and establish product demand then market and deliver the product after production)
  • Production and operations (to create the product/service)
  • Financial and accounting ( to get payment for the product/service and information on performance results)
  • These three basic functions typically expand into:
  • Production-Operations-Manufacturing Strategies
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Human Resource Management Strategies
  • Research and Development Strategies
  • Information System Strategies
  • Financial-Accounting Strategies


  • Building Customer Satisfaction, Value, & Retention
  • Market Oriented Strategic Planning
  • Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buying Behavior
  • Setting the Product & Branding Strategy
  • Developing Price Strategies & Programs
  • Designing & Managing Value Networks and Marketing Channels
  • Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, & PR
  • Direct Marketing Fundamentals

20. Financial Management

  • Acceptable cost of capital
  • Desired proportion of short term & long term debt; Preferred & common equity
  • Balance b/w Internal & External Funding
  • Appropriate Risk & Ownership structures
  • Levels & Forms of leasing for providing assets

21. Financial Management

  • Priorities for Capital Allocation Projects
  • Final selection of Projects
  • Capital Allocation by operating Managers w/o approval
  • Proportion of earnings as dividends
  • Importance of dividend stability
  • Cash Flow Requirements; Minimum & Maximum Cash balances
  • Liberal/ Conservative Credit Policies
  • Payment timings & Procedures

22. Financial Management

  • Optimal Capital Structure
  • Debt & Equity Ratio
  • External vs. Internal Financing
  • Cash Flow Statements

23. Functional Strategies in the R & D Area

  • Research vs. Commercial Development:
  • Emphasis on Innovation & Break Through
  • Emphasis on product development, Refinement & modification
  • Time Horizon:
  • Short Term or Long Term
  • Orientation to support business strategy

24. Functional Strategies in Personnel

  • Development of Managerial Talent:
    • Employee Recruitment, Selection & Orientation
    • Career Development & Counseling, Training & Development
  • Compensation & Regulatory Concerns:
    • Compensation, Labor/Union Relations
  • Competent & Well Motivated:
    • Discipline, Control & Evaluation
    • Performance Appraisal, 360 degree Feedback