business english vocabulary glossary 1

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Glossary 1English academic qualifications account manager added value advancement after-sale(s) service agenda agriculture aisle annual AOB appeal applicant appoint approach approach asap asking price assembly plant backing balance of trade balanced portfolio Definition n pl the exams that you have passed and courses that you have completed n a person who manages the work done for a particular client n U something extra that is included with a product with no increase in its price n U progress in a job or position n help that is available to a customer after they have bought a product n a list of items to be discussed at a meeting, and their order of discussion n U the business of cultivating land and raising animals for food n a row of shelves in a supermarket adj happening or done once a year abbr = Any Other Business, included to a meeting agenda to discuss unrelated topics v to be attractive or interesting n a person who applies for a job v to choose somebody for a job or responsibility n a way of doing something or dealing with a problem v speak to somebody about something, especially to ask them for something adv as soon as possible n the price that somebody wants to sell something for n a factory where parts of products are put together n U help or support for something, for example money for a project n the difference between the value of a country's imports and its exports n a set of shares that somebody has bought in a range of companies in order to reduce the risk of their value all falling at the same time n a person who works in a bank n a record of all the money paid into and out of a customer's bank account in a particular period adj when a business goes bankrupt it fails because it cannot pay its debts n a diagram which uses columns of different heights to show quantities n a series of thick and thin lines printed on the packaging of a product which show its price and other details when it is scanned n something that makes an activity difficult or impossible v to exchange goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money n a period during which people are selling shares, etc. because they expect their price to drop n an offer to buy something, especially in competition with other buyers

bank clerk bank statement bankrupt bar chart bar code barrier barter bear market bid

billion bio-tech blind testing blue-chip

blue-collar board board bond boom boom boutique boycott brainwave branch break even breakthrough bribery bring out broker browse through budget budget bull market bureaucracy

buyer capitalist economies car allowance career prospects cargo carry out cash flow forecast cash machine

n 1,000,000,000; one thousand million adj biotechnology: using living cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes n a market research technique where people try products without knowing what they are, and make comments n a blue-chip company is a well-established one with a good reputation which is thought to be safe and whose shares are likely to make a profit adj a blue-collar worker does manual work, usually in a factory, which requires physical effort n the group of people chosen by shareholders to run a company and decide its policies, v to get on a plane, train, etc. n a document from a company or government promising to repay with interest a sum borrowed from an investor v to become really successful in a short time n a period of wealth and success n a small shop selling expensive clothes v to protest by refusing to buy or handle certain goods n a sudden good idea n a local office or store belonging to a large company or organization v to do business without making a loss or a profit n an important development or discovery which solves a problem or changes the way we do something n U illegally and secretly giving or taking money in order to get help v to introduce a new product or service to the market n a person who buys and sells shares for other people v to look through the pages of a website or book without reading everything adj low in price n the money that is available to a company and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time n a period during which people are buying shares, etc. because they expect their price to rise n U the system of official rules and ways of doing things that an organization or a government has, especially when these seem to be too complicated n person in a company who chooses the goods, equipment or materials that the company buys adj countries in which businesses and industries are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government n an amount of money that is paid to an employee to help them buy and run a car n the chances of being successful in your job n a load of goods carried on a boat or plane v to perform a task or duty n a prediction of a company's income and expenditure over a period of time n a machine in or outside a bank, etc., from which you can get

money from your bank account using a bank card catch on catch up with cease chain chain store chair chair chairperson chase late payments checkout (desk) cheque civil servant claim claim clerk v to become popular or fashionable v to try to reach sb. or something ahead of you v to stop something n a group of stores, hotels, etc. owned by the same company n a store that is one of a series of similar stores in many different towns and cities owned by the same company v to act as the chairperson of a meeting, discussion, etc. n the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee; the person who holds this position n the person who is in charge of a meeting or committee v to ask people to pay money that they owe you but did not pay on time n the place where you pay for the things that you are buying in a supermarket n a printed form that you can write on and sign as a way of paying for something instead of using money n a person who works in a government office v to say that something is a fact without proving it n a demand for payment under the terms of an insurance policy n a person who works in an office, at a sales counter or service desk, performing such tasks as keeping records, attending to correspondence or customers, or filing. n a company, person, etc. that uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization v to reach a business agreement on particular conditions for buying or selling something n words that a salesperson uses when they want to end negotiations and get a customer to buy something n a person who works at the same place as you, especially in a profession or a business v to have a new idea or suggestion for something; to find or produce an answer to something n U an amount of money that is paid to somebody for selling goods and which increases with the amount of goods that are sold adj willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something n a product or a raw material, such as grain, coffee, cotton, or metals, that can be bought and sold, especially between countries n a language that people can use to communicate with each other, even if it is not the language that they usually speak v to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between your place of work and your home n a feature that a country has that makes it more likely to be successful in a particular activity than other countries n U money that you pay to somebody because you have hurt them or damaged something that you own v to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you n 1. a situation in which companies compete with each other for something that not everyone can have, 2. the people who are

client close a deal closing line colleague come up with commission committed commodity common language commute comparative advantage compensation compete competition

competing against somebody competitive market component concession conference n a market in which many companies are competing n one of the parts that something is made of n something that you allow somebody to have or do, as part of a negotiation n a large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views m v to say that something is definitely true or correct adj careful to do things thoroughly and as well you can, without being told n a temporary association of different businesses or groups of people who work together to achieve a common aim n a person who gives professional advice on a particular subject n pl changes in the type of things that people buy v to make something dirty by allowing dangerous substances into it n (especially American English) a shop that sells food, newspapers and everyday items, and which often stays open 24 hours n U the right to be the only person who may publish, broadcast, make copies of, etc. an original piece of work, such as a book, film, or computer program n the most important activities that a company does n (British English) a shop that sells everyday items and which often stays open until late n the language that a company's employees use to communicate with each other n U dishonest or illegal behaviour of people in authority n a person or thing that has a similar position or function in another organization n a letter that you send with a document, for example a CV or a fax, explaining why you are sending the document and giving any other information that is necessary n a person that you work with n a wooden box used for transporting machinery, animals, etc. n an arrangement that you make with a bank, store, etc., to be able to buy things now and pay for them later n a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later abbr = Customer Relationship Marketing or Customer Relationship Management, a system in which a business aims to develop a good relationship with customers, for example by keeping information about their needs n the system of money that is used in a particular country or region n the activities that a company does to make sure that customers are happy with the products and service and have any help they need n a system for collecting and analyzing information about customers in order to provide them with the products or service they need

confirm conscientious consortium consultant consumer trends contaminate convenience store copyright

core business corner shop corporate language corruption counterpart covering letter

co-worker crate credit credit card CRM

currency customer care

customer management

customize CV

damages data day off deal in deal with decline defect degree deliver delivery note demand demand for payment department department store depressing developing country differentiate diploma direct debit

discount discount discriminate against dismiss dispatch display display distribute

distribution DIY

v to make or change something to meet the needs of the customer or user n (British English) curriculum vitae: a document written by job applicants giving their personal, educational, and professional details (American English = rsum) n pl an amount of money that is paid to somebody by the person, company, etc. that has caused them harm or injury n facts or information n a day on which you do not have to work v to buy and sell a particular product as your line of business v to solve a problem, carry out a task, etc. v to become smaller, weaker, fewer, etc. n a fault in something or in the way it has been made which means that it is not perfect n the qualification obtained by students who successfully complete a university or college course v to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to produce or provide what people expect you to n a document that a customer signs when they receive goods n U the amount of goods or services that is required n an official letter that is sent to somebody telling them that they must pay an amount of money that they owe n a section of a large company n a large store, often on several floors, selling many types of goods in different departments adj that makes you lose enthusiasm and feel sad n a country that is poor, and trying to make its industry and economic system more advanced v to make a product or service different from its competitors n a course of study at a college or university; the qualification that you get when you complete this n an instruction to your bank to allow somebody else to take an amount of money from your account on a particular date, especially to pay bills n an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something v to take an amount of money off the usual cost of something v to treat somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than others v to remove an employee from their job, often for poor work or behaviour v to send goods to a customer n an arrangement of things in a public place to inform or entertain people or advertise something for sale v to show goods attractively in a shop or shop window v to make a product available to customers, for example, by delivering it to stores and businesses; to share something between a number of people n delivering a product to many stores or customers; sharing something between a number of people abbr = Do It Yourself, the activity of making, repairing, or

domestic downmarket dump e-commerce economical economise educational history efficiency efficient employment history enclosed enquire enquiry entrepreneur environment equities establish etailer ethical ethics ethnic background exchange rate executive expand expenditure expenses exploit extension face strong competition facilities factory prices fair FAO

decorating things in the home yourself, instead of paying somebody to do it adj of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international adv towards the cheaper end of the market v to get rid of goods by selling them at a very low price, often in another country n the business of buying and selling things using the Internet adj providing good value for money v to spend less money on something than you normally do (BE, with 'z' in AE) n a record of the schools and colleges that somebody has been to, and the exams they passed n the fact of being efficient adj doing something well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy n a list of all the jobs you have had, from the earliest to the most recent adj included in a letter or package v to ask somebody for some information n a request for information or a question about somebody or something n a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks n the place and conditions that you work in n pl shares in a company which do not pay a fixed amount of interest but whose value may rise or fall and pay dividends v to start or create a relationship, an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time n a company that sells goods or services online adj morally correct or acceptable n pl the system of rules and morals which govern business behaviour n the race or nation that somebody belongs to n the relation in value between one currency and another n a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization v to start operating in new markets n the money that a company or person spends n money that you spend while doing a job that your employer will pay back to you later v to use a situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself n a telephone line within a business, linked to a switchboard v to have to compete with good and successful companies n buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a particular purpose n very low prices that you would you pay if you bought goods direct from the factory adj treating everyone equally abbr = For the Attention Of, the heading on a written message, followed by the name of the person the message is meant for

fare fascinating feasible features feedback

field of work final demand financial markets flexible working flyer focus on Footsie foreign currency free trade freelance freight further information glass ceiling

go against go ahead grade grant graph guarantee haggle head office headhunting hierarchy high street shop hi-tech household goods HQ HR hypermarket image

n the money that you pay to travel by plane, taxi, etc. adj very interesting adj that is possible and likely to be achieved n pl the characteristics that a product has n advice, criticism, or information that is given to a company about a product or to an employee about their work in order to improve it n the type of activity or business that somebody works in n the last time that a company asks for payment before it will take legal action n pl markets on which shares, bonds, etc. are bought and sold n a way of organizing work in a company that is different from the traditional way and may not have fixed times or places of work n a small sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a large number of people v spend more time doing one particular thing than others acronym FTSE100, the Financial Times Stock Exchange index of the 100 biggest companies on the London stock market n money that is used in another country n U international trade without any restrictions or taxes on imports and exports adj working, usually at home, for different organizations n U goods that are carried by ships, planes, trains, or trucks n more detailed information n the imaginary barrier that stops women, or other groups, from getting the best jobs in a company, etc. although there are no official rules to prevent them from getting these jobs v to go in the opposite direction from the one you want v to begin to do something after thinking about whether or not to do it n the level of pass that you obtain in an exam v money which is given by organizations to people who want to study n a drawing showing how two sets of figures relate to each other v to promise that something is true or will happen v to negotiate over the price of something n the main office of a company n U persuading somebody to leave their present job to work for another company n a system in which people's positions are arranged in order of importance and authority from highest to the lowest n a shop in the main part of a city or town higher adj high-technology: using the most modern methods and machines n things that are used in a house abbr = Headquarters, a company's main office abbr = Human Resources, the department in a company that deals with employing and training people n a very large supermarket situated outside a town n the general idea or impression that people have of a product, company, etc.; a copy of something in the form of a picture

in charge in chronological order incentive income ingenious innovation innovative interpreter invention invest in investment investor invoice ISO standards issue issue IT itinerary JIT job application form job description

job fair job seeker job title join key customer know-how knowledge-based services labour costs launch launch lay off lead time

adj responsible for something adv arranged in the order in which they happened n something that encourages people to do something, especially to work harder, spend more money, etc. n the money that a person, a company, etc. earns from work or from business adj resulting from clever new ideas n a new idea, way of doing something, etc. that has been introduced or discovered adj introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc. n a person whose job is to translate what someone is saying while they are speaking n a new product or an idea that has not existed before v to spend money on something that will be useful in the future, like shares in a company, property, etc. n money that somebody has put into an industry, a company, etc. in the hope of making a profit n a person or an organization that invests money in something n a list of goods that have been sold, work that has been done, etc., showing what you must pay n a set of international standards which companies use to measure and show how good their methods and practices are n a problem or question that somebody has about something v to allow somebody to have an official document or shares in a company abbr = Information Technology, the department of a company that is responsible for the computer system n a plan of a trip, including the places that you will visit and times abbr = Just In Time, a production system where parts and components arrive just before they are needed n a form to be filled out by a candidate for a job, to be sent back to the potential employer n a written description of the exact work and responsibilities of a job, its position in the organization, the conditions of employment and the pay n an event where people who are looking for a job can meet companies who are looking for new employees n a person who is trying to find a job n the name of somebody's job v to start working for a company n a customer who provides a company with a large amount of business n knowledge of how to do something and experience in doing it n pl services such as telecommunications, computer, financial and other business services, that require highly-educated workers n pl the cost of employing workers v to make a product available to the public for the first time n an event where a product is shown for the first time v if somebody is laid off, they lose their job because there is not enough work for them to do n the time between starting and completing a production process

leaflet letter of enquiry line manager

line worker list price logistical logo long-term goal look into loyalty card

made-to-measure market-specific mass production mature MBA memo middleman minutes monitor mother tongue nano-technology NASDAQ native speaker negative publicity negotiable negotiator network network

neutralize new recruit

n a printed sheet of paper that advertises or gives information about something n a letter written to a company, asking for information about one of their goods or services n a person who has a number of employees working under them and who is responsible for giving them work and checking how they develop n a person who works on a production line in a factory n the official published price of a product, before any discount has been taken off adj connected with the activity of transporting goods to another country n a design or symbol that a company uses as its special sign n something that you aim to achieve over a long period of time v to examine a problem n a card given to customers by a store to encourage them to shop there regularly. Each time they buy something they collect points which will allow them to have an amount of money taken off goods they buy in the future. adj made specially to suit somebody's particular needs adj made especially for a particular market n the production of large quantities of goods in a factory adj fully developed, over a long period of time n Master of Business Administration: a second university degree in business n an official note from one person to another in an organization n a person who helps to arrange things between people who cannot talk to each other n pl a written record of what is said in a meeting v to watch and check something over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make necessary changes n the language that you first learn to speak when you are a child n U technology involving electronic circuits made using microscopic amounts of substances n in the US, a computerized system that allows traders to see the current price of shares, bonds, etc., a big electronic stock market n a person who speaks a language as their first language and has not learned it as a foreign language n U publicity that a company, etc. receives that could be harmful to it adj that you can discuss or change before you make an agreement or a decision n a person who negotiates v to try to meet and talk to people who may be useful to you in your work n a closely connected group of people or companies that exchange information, etc.; a number of computers and other devices that are connected together so that equipment and information can be shared v to stop something having a bad effect n a person who has just started working for a company

niche notice notice board objectives obsolete organigram organisation


outsource outstanding overdue overpriced overseas overstaffed overtime p.a. PA package partnership patent peak penetrate Personnel personnel officer pie chart PIN

pioneer plant plummet policy poorly postpone premises

n an opportunity to be the only company to sell a particular product n information or a warning given in advance of something that is going to happen n a board for putting announcements on n pl what you are aiming to achieve adj no longer used because something better is now available n a diagram that shows the structure of a company or an organization and the relationship between different jobs n a group of people who form a business together in order to achieve a particular aim; the way in which the different parts of something are arranged (BE, with 'z' in AE) v to try to meet and talk to people who may be useful to you in your work; to arrange for something to happen or to be provided; to put or arrange things into a logical order or system (BE, with 'z' in AE) v to arrange for somebody outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company adj not yet paid adj not paid by the required time adj too expensive; costing more than it is worth adj, adv connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean adj having more employees than are necessary n time that you spend working at your job after you have worked the normal hours adv = per annum, each year abbr = Personal Assistant n something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope and delivered to somebody; a set of things that are sold together n a relationship between two people, organizations, etc.; the state of having this relationship n an official document which gives the holder the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention and prevents others from copying it v to reach the highest point or value v to successfully introduce the products and services of a business into a market n service that deals with Human Resources n a person who is responsible for employing and training people for a company n a diagram that shows relative amounts as parts of a circle acronym = Personal Identification Number, a number given to you, for example by a bank so that you can use a card to take out money from a cash machine n one of the first people to use or discover something n a factory (AE) v to suddenly fall a long way n a plan of action agreed or chosen by a company adv badly v to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date n the building and land near to it that a business owns or uses

press coverage press release previous experience prioritize private commission pro forma invoice product tampering

product life cycle

Production productive profile profitable project an image projected promote promotion proposal prosecute prospective employer prospects protectionism prototype publicity stunt put through quality control questionnaire queue quotation R&D raise raise capital Re

n U reporting of something in newspapers, on the television, etc. n an official statement made to journalists by an organization n U jobs that you have done in the past v to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first n a piece of work that somebody is asked to make by a particular person, not by a company n an estimate of how much goods or service will cost, can also be paid immediately if the customer agrees with the price set. n U the act of secretly making changes to products in order to make them dangerous, for example as a protest against a company n the stages in the history of a product, from when it is first produced, to when it becomes more well-known, to when it is no longer produced n the department in a company that produces goods or materials adj doing or achieving a lot n a description of somebody/something that gives the most important information adj that makes or is likely to make money v to make people think of something in a particular way adj estimated future cost, size, etc., based on what is happening now v to make people aware of a product or service and want to buy it through advertising, public relations, or other means n a move to a more important job in a company or an organization n a formal suggestion v to officially charge somebody with a crime in a court of law adj a possible future employer n pl the chances of being successful n U protecting a country's own industry by taxing foreign goods n the first design of something from which other forms are copied or developed n something unusual that is done to attract attention to a product, etc. v if you put somebody through, you connect them with the person they want to talk to on the telephone n the practice of checking goods as they are being produced, to make sure that they are of a high standard n a written list of questions that are answered by a number of people so that information can be collected from the answers n a line of people waiting to do something n a statement of how much money a particular piece of work will cost, an estimate abbr = Research and Development work that tries to find new products and processes or to improve existing ones v to increase the amount or level of something; to get the money you need for something v to get the money that you need to start a business adj = Regarding, used at the top of an email to show what email it is a reply to, or in a formal letter or a memo to show what it is

about recall recap receipt recommendation recover a debt recruitment redundant refer to referee reference refund refund registration regulations relaunch relocate reminder reorganise repeat customer report to representative request for payment resign retail retailer return return on investment rip-off rival rivalry role sale or return sales sample schedule v if a company recalls a product, it asks for it to be returned because there is something wrong with it v to repeat or give a summary of what you have already said n a piece of paper that shows that goods or services have been paid for n telling somebody that a thing or person is good and suitable v to get back money that somebody owes you n finding new people to join a company adj if somebody is redundant, they are no longer employed because there is not enough work for them to do v to mention or speak about something n a person who gives information about your character and ability, usually in a letter, when you are applying for a job n a letter written by somebody who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, to a new employer n a sum of money that is paid back to you v to pay somebody's money back to them n putting your name on an official list n pl official rules v to present a product again in a different way in order to increase sales v to move to a new place for work n a letter reminding someone to pay an earlier bill or invoice v to change the way in which something is organised or done (BE, with 'z' in AE) n a customer who buys things from the same company many times v to have somebody as your immediate manager n a person who works for a company and travels around selling its products n an official letter that is sent to somebody asking them to pay an amount of money that they owe v to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job n and adj involving selling goods to the public n a business that sells goods to the public v to take something back to a shop, for example because it does not work or is the wrong size n the amount of profit that you get from an investment n something that is not worth what you pay for it n a competitor in the same market n U strong competition between two companies that are competing in the same market n the function or position that somebody has in an organization n U an agreement that any item that is not sold can be sent back without having to be paid for n pl the quantity of goods a company has sold n an example of a product that is given to somebody to look at or try n a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing

second-hand sector segment self-employed set up settle share share

shift work shoplifting skills solicitor

specialise in specifications spread risk stable staff stay ahead of the competition stock stock control stock levels stockbroker stockist stockroom storage stretch strong markets subcontractor subsidiary supervisor supplier

take on

adj owned by somebody else before n a part of a country's economy n a part or division of something such as an economy or a market adj working for yourself and not employed by a company v to start something, for example a new business v to put an end to a disagreement v to use something at the same time as somebody else n any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise money; one part of something that is divided between two or more companies, etc. n U a system in which work is divided into periods, each worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes n U the crime of stealing goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying for them n a particular ability or type of ability n a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings, advises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in the lower courts of law v to do mainly one particular type of work, sell mainly one particular type of product, etc. (BE, with 'z' in AE) n a detailed description of how something is, or should be, designed or made v to invest in a range of companies, etc. in order to reduce the risk of losing a lot of money at the same time adj not likely to move, change, or fail n all the workers employed in a company considered as a group v to continue to be more successful than other companies in a market n U a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop n U the activity of making sure that the right quantity of goods is always available for sale in a shop n pl the amount of each item that a shop has immediately available for sale n a person who buys and sells shares for other people stockist n a shop or company that sells a particular product or type of goods n a room for storing goods in a shop n U keeping something in a particular place until it is needed v to expand an existing brand by adding different products and services to its range n pl markets in which a company's products sell well n a company that does part of the work given to another person or company n a company that is owned or controlled by another company n a person who is in charge of somebody /something and makes sure that everything is done correctly, safely, etc. n a company that supplies raw materials or pieces of equipment to companies that make goods; a company that supplies finished goods to other companies which sell them to the public v (so)to give someone a job in your company; (sth) to agree to be responsible for something

talk into talk out of target target target market tariff tbc telemarketing terms token top of the range TQM

track record trade trade customer trademark trainee trend turn around turn down turnover upmarket USP vacancy VAT venture venue viable volatile voucher

white-collar wholesale business

v to persuade someone to do something by giving them good reasons v to persuade someone not to do something by giving them good reasons n a result that a business or an organization tries to achieve v to try to have an effect on a particular group of people or a particular area n the group of people that you want to sell your products to n a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country abbr = To Be Confirmed, used to show that an item in a schedule is not definite yet n a method of selling things and taking orders for sales by telephone n pl the conditions that people offer, demand, or accept when they make an agreement, an arrangement, or a contract n a piece of paper that you can collect when you buy a particular product and then exchange for something adj the most expensive of a group of similar products abbr = Total Quality Management, a system in which everybody in a company is involved in continually checking and trying to improve the quality of products n all the past achievements, successes or failures of a company or person v to buy and sell things n a customer that is a company in the same business n a name, symbol, or design that a company uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else n a person who is being taught how to do a particular job n a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing v if you turn a business around, you make it successful after it has been unsuccessful for a time v if you turn down an offer, you say no to it n the total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a particular period of time adj at the more expensive end of the market abbr = Unique Selling Point, the features of a product or service which make it different from its competitors n a job that is available for somebody to do acronym = Value Added Tax, tax you pay on goods and services n a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks n a place where an event will take place adj that can be done, and is likely to be successful adj if a market is volatile, share prices can go up or down suddenly n a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for something, or that allows you to pay less than the usual price of something adj a white-collar worker works in an office rather than in a factory n a business that buys goods in large quantities and sells them to businesses, so they can be sold again to make a profit

wholesaler withdraw word-of-mouth work out workforce workstation Abbreviations: N = noun = zelfstandig naamwoord

n a business that sells goods to the public and retailers v to stop selling a product, for example because there is something wrong with it n hearing about something, not reading about it v to find the answer to something; to solve something n all the people who work for a particular company n a desk with a computer where somebody works in an office

Adj = adjective = bijvoeglijk naamwoord Adv = adverb = bijwoord Phr v = phrasal verb = werkwoord met figuurlijke betekenis Abbr = abbreviation = afkorting N U = uncountable noun = ontelbaar zelfstandig naamwoord N pl = noun plural = zelfstandig naamwoord altijd in meervoud gebruikt Acronym = letterwoord