business and professional communications

Business and professional communications Association of County Commissions of Alabama By Dave Hogan

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Post on 08-May-2015




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A basic primer on business and professional communication tips, including tips for proper use of cellphones and email. Includes recommendations for personal and business etiquette.


  • 1.Business and professional communications Association of County Commissions of Alabama By Dave Hogan

2. Lets talk about your communication habits 3. 4. Communication styles have changed 5. Some things havent changed Courtesy Respect Primacy Sincerity Understanding 6. Whats your biggest pet peeve about people using their cellphones? 7. Phone etiquette In the office In restaurants At a meeting or conference 8., BWWMusicWorld 9. Email in the office More than 100 billion emails are sent and received per day in the office, well more than half of all email correspondence worldwide. Source: The Radicati Group, April 2013 10. Email in the office Email is the primary form of communication in most offices today Pros: Efficient, fast, removes distance barriers and provides a written record of correspondence Cons: Email distracting and a potential time waster; it is easily misunderstood or ignored; not good for conveying complex or negative messages 11. Think twice before sending that email! The employer owns and controls office email; assume its monitored. Always assume email may be forwarded, viewed by others. There is no such thing as privacy with office email. Restrict email at work to work-related topics. Never email in anger. Be careful with email humor and forwards. 12. Office email fails Nancy Sebring, resigned before starting work as new superintendent for Omaha public schools Racy emails from previous employer, Des Moines public schools, became public. 13. Office email fails School board member Herb Degroft in Virginia asked to resign due to derogatory email messages he sent regarding First Lady Michelle Obama. His defense that the emails were political, not racist, didnt help his case. 14. Office email fails Cornell University case shows risk of email carelessness Know who you are sending email to! Keep your personal and business lives separate 15. Using email more effectively Control the email monster! Make subject lines clear Use good language skills and PROOFREAD Leave off the emoticons! 16. Using email more effectively Keep it short and focused. Avoid attaching documents when possible Practice the Count to 10 rule Know when to email and when to communicate in another way 17. Non-verbal communications First impressions are hard to change How is your handshake? Focus on the person you speaking to Show sincere interest and concern 18. Summing it up: Practice the Golden Rule. So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12)(NIV) 19. Questions?