business analysis job opportunities

10 BUSINESS ANALYSIS Interview Strategies for 2017

Upload: venkadesh-narayanan

Post on 15-Feb-2017




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Interview Strategies for


Do a thoroughresearch of thecompany

Knowing the audience is the first-stepin an interview process. Hereaudience includes company,department, interviewers etc. Today itis much easier to do through companywebsites, press reports, jobdescriptions, filings in regulatorybodies and social media.


Domain is the kingHave a clarity about your businessknowledge and master it. There aretwo types - vertical (banking,insurance ...) and horizontal (businessanalytics, CRM). Business knowledgeand business analysis skill sets aretwo sides of the same coin.


Review your pastprojects and have agood command

This is one of the time tested methodin interviews. Prepare a list of all theprojects you have done that is morerelevant to the current interview andrecall the key aspects, process andoutcome of the project. There shouldbe consistency between your resumeand your response. This builds truston your resume.


Understand theBusiness AnalysisecosystemBA ecosystem is composed ofbusiness analysts, frameworks,institutions and associations. Today wehave three worlds leading BAassociations such as IIBA®, Canada;PDMA, USA; and IREB® Germany.


Have yourframework on howyou will approach aBA ProjectBusiness analysis is a mix of art andscience and it is a common senseapproach. There is no one methodthat starts with the inputs and resultsin the output. You should have yourown approach in alignment withpopular frameworks. You should be ina position to explain that how youstart, what are all the activities youperform and why your approach willyield results.


Business Analysiscertificationscertainly matters alotSomeone certified as aCBAP®/CCBA®/ECBA™ have adefinite advantage in an interview.This is the one that differentiates youfrom the rest of the crowd. As certifiedprofessionals goes through anintense preparation and aninternational examination, their BAskills are beyond debate.


Good workingknowledge ontools andtechniquesTools and techniques refers tosoftwares and BA techniques. As aBA, one should have a good workingknowledge on MS Office Suite, MSVisio and any one requirementsmanagement tool. There are morethan 200 techniques, but BABOK® v3recommends 50 most widely usedtechniques that a BA must know.


Ask for MockInterviewsIt is okay to ask for help! Speak toyour BA friends and ask them toconduct a mock interview. But theinterviewer should do a goodpreparation otherwise it will becomean unproductive exercise. Fhyzics,conducts mock interviews ofprofessional standards fullycustomised exactly for you.


Brush up yourcompetenciesThere are two types of competencies- core and peripheral. Here corecompetency refers to the businessanalysis skill set and peripheral refersto those skill sets that will help thebusiness analyst to effectivelyperform the business analysisactivities. BABOK® v3 recommends29 competencies that a BA shouldhave.


Exhibit yourProcessknowledgeBusiness analyst is the one whoeither changes a process or introducea new process as altogether. BAshould have a thoroughunderstanding of various processes ina given industry and have goodcommand over process mapping andmodelling frameworks such asBPMN™ and UML®.



Fhyzics, an EEP™ of IIBA®, Canada and an REP ofIREB®, Germany conducts business analysis trainingacross the world leading toCBAP®/CCBA®/ECBA™/PMI-PBA®/CPREcertifications. Please visit for moredetails and to view 60+ videos on business analysis.