burris gazette spring 2010

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  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


    Burris GazetteSPRING 2010

    Make It Happen (Our discipline), Get It Right (Our focus), and develop I AM Burris (Our commitment)!

    A couple weeks ago, Mike McGrawand I attended the Annual BJs General

    Managers Meeting in Orlando, FL.They held a dinner at the Dolphin Hotelto thank the vendors that support their

    business there were a few hundredpeople in attendance. A few of those

    vendors...Nestle, General Mills etc...

    were presented with awards for exem-plary performance in various areas.

    Then the Senior VP of Club Opera-tions, Cornel Catuna, walked up to the

    podium and gave a rousing speechabout all the incredible things that this

    one vendor had done for BJs. Thespeech was gushing with accolades

    about unheard of accuracy levels, on-time deliveries and doing whatever ittook to make sure that the clubs had their products. He talked about how thisvendor had constructed new facilities to support BJs growth, plowed through

    snow storms, etc...About this time, McGraw and I started looking at eachother with a grin...thinking that a few of those items sounded vaguely familiar

    :-) ......... I am very pleased to tell you that McGraw and I had the privilege ofreceiving an award for BURRIS on your behalf.

    We were unanimously selected as the most Operator Friendly vendor outof all the vendors that do business with BJs. Whats encouraging about thisaward is that it came from Club

    Operations...not Logistics. All 5Zone VPs said, this award should

    go to BURRIS!I just want to say Thank

    You so very much for all thatyou have done to make this pos-

    sible. We have just a little over3 years left on our Rocky Hillcontract. It will be here before

    you know it and our challenge isto continue to add value to our

    partnership with BJs and makeeach year better and more efficient than the last so that there is no doubt

    in their minds that BURRIS is the best decision for perishable distribution.






    Elkton, Maryland

    Rocky Hill, CT




  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Make I t Happen

    Cl of 2010

    Jy 4-8, 2010



    shop h


    stOre fo

    h pcl m!

    Te Burris Logistics Supply Chain and ransportation Management Services are now being marketed andoered to a wide range o rozen, rerigerated and dry ood manuacturers. Modes o marketing include our WebSite, direct ace to ace sales meetings, cold calls, Ad marketing material and our newest approach, webinars. Werecently conducted our frst introduction to our Supply Chain Services and

    ransportation Management Services Webinar. Our target list or this initialwebinar were companies that had expressed interest in the past as well as mid-size to smaller companies that we elt would have a possible need thus creat-ing an interest in our services. Our plan is to conduct one webinar per quarteror a period o a year. We will then complete an evaluation to determine howeective these have been. We can then determine how to proceed regard-ing the uture utilization o this marketing approach. o help jump start ourmarketing o these services we have decided to conduct another introductorywebinar during the month o May. Our hope is to generate enough interestwith these frst two webinars so that they lead to a solid base or pipeline ocandidates to begin working with.

    We currently are working with a number o companies on the develop-ment o Supply Chain and/or ransportation Management proposals and programs. Tese proposals include a com-bination o our Supply Chain network optimization and reight management solutions. Each o these activitiesprovides reduced costs as well as enhanced processing o customers order and transportation unctions. We have alsodeveloped specifc customer target lists, which the Sales eam is now contacting, to present our new services. Longterm these new service oerings will ft nicely into the overall portolio o Burris Logistics services and in many caseswill assist and attract longer term value added storage opportunities and programs. Written by Kirk Hoover

    Mkg h B Mgc . . .


    Find outwhatit means to be a Burrispartner.Ourcustomers describe how we

    go above and beyond.


    Burris Logistics's trategyis

    to provide goodsand

    logistical services forthe

    entire food distribution

    channel with a primary

    emphasis on the

    refrigerated componentof


    Ourtactics will be to

    provide everincreasing

    value added goods and

    logistical services.

    "WOW"service will be the

    waywe differentiate


    "Make itHappen"is our


    "GetitRight"is our focus!

    "Iam Burris" i sou r


    Bob Burris

    CEO,Burris Logistics

    2010 Burris Logistics Cont act Us Empl oyment News Vendor Forms EDI Tr adi ng Par tner Site Design by Aloysius Butler& Clark

    Integrity Delivered

    Ifyou have special requirements andhaveconvincedyourselfthat noonecando itlike we can,considerthisquote froma currentBurris Logistics


    Ourcompany had special deliveryrequirements thatwe thoughtonly our

    people could handle. Burris proveduswrong.


    Custom Distribution

    View more



    Empl oyment News Company St or e Servi ce Awar ds

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t








    Have you done your HRA?

    Have you participated in your Biomet-ric Screening?

    I N C E N T I V E SC A N B E Y O U R S

    D I D Y O U K N O W ?

    Once you (and your spouse-if coveredunder your policy) have completedyour HRA and YOU have participatedin the Biometric Screening; you,

    the Burris Team Member, will havethree possible ways to be awarded$100.00? Its possible to earn all threeincentives!!




    COMinG sOOn


    **Important Reminder: Those TeamMembers that have been with Burris

    6 months and participating with BlueCross Blue Shield as of January 01,2010 and choose not to complete theirHRA and Biometric Screening will notbe eligible for any incentives and yourBlue Cross Premium will increase$10.00 weekly beginning July 01,2010.

    Please note: Your spouses partici-

    pation is important! If your spouseis covered under your policy they willhave to complete their HRA to makeyou eligible for your Healthy RewardsBonus(es). If your spouse does notcomplete their HRA, your incentiveswill not be available and your Blue

    Cross Premium will increase $10.00weekly beginning July 01, 2010.

    Now that most of our BiometricScreenings are complete; DONT dropthe ball.Please log in to the website

    inish that HRA if you havent com-pleted yours. Ask your spouse (if cov-ered by your policy) to please finishtheirs. Please see your HR Represen-tative immediately if you need to takeyour Biometric Screening. Take timefor your health. Reap all the benefits

    of good health!! Take advantage of theHealthy Rewards offered to us!!

    Please continue to log in to yourHealthways account and use the valu-able tools and tips they offer. Eachtime you log in you will add points toyour account. Reach 7,500 points(very easily). You will be rewarded witha choice of gift card from a very niceselection!!

    Get to work on you! Look forward to

    next years screening. It will be inter-esting to compare this years num-bers with your numbers in 2011. Wecan all use these months between tobetter those numbers that might needattention!

    Take afreshlook






    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware (BCBSD) is dedicated to promoting good health and wellness. As part of its BluePrints for Health initiative, BCBSD has selectedHealthways as a partner to assist with its care management and wellness programs. Healthways is an independent company and a recognized leader in the field of

    . ..

    , .

    Whether your aim is to lose weight, quit

    smoking, reduce stress, run a marathon,

    eat better or just look great -- My

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    to f

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


    Make I t Happen

    Burris Lakeland (Making It Happen)

    Alicia Bowers 1st Place Biggest Loser for November 3%

    weight loss $100.00


    2nd PlaceBiggest

    Loser forNovember2% weight

    loss $50.00


    we all know a truck Driver can be yourworst enemy or your best salesperson.While I was attending the Burris Univer-

    sity in JanuaryDonnie wasspeaking aboutWOW serviceand had askedor suggestions on how we could WOW our customers.Megans husband Kahlib made a suggestion about giving

    out some typeo goody orappreciationbag to thedrivers andDonnie saidwell I wonderwho will bethe frst todo this. Well

    eam Burris Lakeland has got the ball rolling, they arestarting on Monday the 15th o March handing outdriver goody bags to all drivers that pick up or deliverproduct to the Lakeland acility. Te goody bags are to

    include a bottle o water, healthy snacks, a Burris Pen, aBurris letter opener, a Burris key chain and a Burris busi-ness card. Randall Brownings special thanks to Kahlibor the suggestion.

    Jim Nestle awarding Gill

    with his 15 yr serviceaward.





  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t


    Perfect Attendance -

    S U M T E R

    Jacksonville, Florida







    September 2009 George Thompk ins WHSE

    October 2009 Laura Riggs Admin Asst

    November 2009 Jefry Choice WHSE

    December 2009 Steve Sadler WHSE

    January 2010 Ontonje Oruamabo WHSE

    February 2010 Earl Green WHSEMarch 2010 Alvin Carn Sanitation

    T E A M M E M B E Rof the YEAR 2009George Thompkins

    January 2010 Total $120.00 for Black out cardBilly Finn (Sanitation), George Thompkins (Whse), Derrick Small (Whse), Marvin White(Lead Whse)

    April 2010 Total $134.00 for letter TJackie Simon (CSR), Marvin White (Lead Whse)






    (L-R) John Lancaster, Johnny Wells,Michael Cabbagestalk, and Phillip Shipley.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


    Make I t Happen



    Harrington wOwsrvc.MakiHappn.iAmBrr.All o these describe what we are as an organization and what our people

    represent as the heart and soul o that organization. Never were these doctrinesbetter represented than between February 6 and February 13 when our mid-Atlanticregion was socked by two blizzards, almost biblical in their size and scale. Duringthis incredible time the Harrington operation, other than pushing back a ew deliver-ies during the frst blizzard, continued to operate. We received orders, selected themand delivered every order given us. And, when asked by our customers to modiy ourwork schedule so our customers could better manage their business, even though itmeant getting a crew here while twenty inches o snow ell in a driving wind, we didthat too. We did not do this or accolades, we did not do this so that we may boast,

    we did it because it was our duty and our customers needed this product, especially in times like these.Indeed, that is the business we are in, we Make It Happen. Tat is the company we represent, I am Burris.

    We service our customers no matter what it takes, and that is Wow Service. And these are the things, carried outby the heart and soul o the organization, that will keep this organization alive and well. When other companieshave allen by the wayside, well continue to thrive.

    o all the team members in the Harrington Warehouse and ransportation amily and the Customer Service andSales and Purchasing sta that support the Harrington operationWELL DONE and may God bless you all, orits through your combined eorts that we were able to Make It Happen.

    Larry Passwaters | V.P. of Distribution & Transportation | Burris Logistics

    perfectattendancefor 2009:Artie Bunting, Paul Carmine, Lynn Donaway, DonaldEvans, Billy Griffin, Craig Holleger, Gilbert Howdershelt, David Legates Sr., George Legates, Cliff Libby, Mel Miller, Greg-ory Patrick, Frank Plummer, Sue Ranalli, Leonard Russell, John G Smith, Bert Stubbs and Kenny Turner.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    Tim Peterman, Make It Happen

    Federalsburg Driver, DRIVES HOMESTATE RECORDS!

    One of our Malvern, PA, team members, Kelly Delaney, wasrecently awarded the Jack Cofer scholarship in the amount of$1,000 towards her education. Tis scholarship is awarded annu-ally by the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association to acollege student exemplifying great promise for success in the foodindustry.

    Kelly is currently attending her fourth year of classes at St.Joes University as part of a 5 year co-operational food marketingprogram. Kelly worked for Burris with the retail frozen and spe-cialty teams during her last co-op. Kelly contributed to the teamwith detail-oriented insights, a fervor for excellence, and a conta-gious positive attitude. Kelly is a very deserving recipient and wewish her success throughout college and her career.

    Presenting the award to Kelly Delaney is Mark arzwell from Burris Logistics and Jim Mullen from AcmeMarkets.


    McGiley d

    Buis mde

    the acme


    STARSDecember 14

    th, 2009 Period 11, Issue 2



    Way to go Phyllis Dukes, FloralManager from 7949 Fairhaven. Phylliswas recently approached by a customerwho was interested in buying wreaths.She mentioned that she was going tocheck out a local Christmas tree lot untilshe saw Acmes displays. Phyllispersonally showed her the variety ofwreaths that we sell and she explainedto the customer that our prices are muchbetter than anywhere else. Thecustomer was very happy with theattention she received from Phyllis anddecided to buy 57 of the $10.99 wreathsto decorate her house. This amounted to

    a $626 sale. The floral departmentenjoyed a +66.56% increase in sales forthe day! It just goes to show you thatwhen you take the time to ask thecustomer questions, listen to them, andeducate them about our great selection,you can achieve outstanding salesincreases. Way to go Phyllis you are anAcme Star!


    A woman from the Sunday BreakfastMission in Wilmington, DE called 7872Prices Corner and asked to order 1000pumpkin pies to distribute to the needyfor Thanksgiving. This proved to be awonderful opportunity to display Acmestrademark team spirit. Kathy Merchelfrom Malvern worked closely withBridgett McGinley from Burris to getthe pies delivered to the store in atimely manner. Nancy Szulewski from

    Malvern worked with Dodi Tate ScanCoordinator at 7872 so that the salecould be rung up accurately. SOMCindy Morse and SD Bucky Springerworked together to ring out the pies, 500at a time, then Bucky helped to load all1000 pies into the Sunday BreakfastMissions truck. Time was of theessence because they had to get to thecustomers freezer before thawing. Theresult of this total team effort? A $3,895sale! WAY TO GO TEAM ACME ANDTEAM BURRIS!


    As of December 4th, team 7738 Limerickranked as Acmes #1 store in cookwaresticker issuance. How do they do it?Patty Matlack, Office Coordinator, hasled the charge. She speaks about thepromotion to every checker every day.The team also credits their success tothe SCOT lane-every day the SCOTattendant is reminded by the managersto stay on top of sticker distribution andthey dont miss a chance to please acustomer. This team is determined todifferentiate Acme from our competition.WAY TO GO TEAM LIMERICK!


    You dont have to be an E-Commercestore to give door to door service.Elizabeth Dunfee of Manasquan, NJ foundthat out. Home sick with diabetes and nolonger able to shop for herself, Mrs.Dunfee called 7946 Manasquan andexplained her problem. Our Stars trulyshine every other week when she calls inher order to Lynne Sharkey or DianeDitzig from the office staff. They shop herorder, and then it is hand delivered by JimMurphy the Produce Manager within anhour. GREAT SERVICE. GREATTEAMWORK. GREAT SALES. TRUE



    Jim Kolankiewicz, Receiver at 7974Westmont, defined the meaning of theterm question everything when henoticed a copy of an invoice that wasmistakenly placed on his desk. As hequickly reviewed it to figure out its rightfulhome, he noticed it was from a companywho came in and made a number ofrepairs within the store. Upon reviewingthe details within the invoice, he identifiedseveral inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Hebrought his concerns to management whoescalated them from there. The result? Weidentified and were able to investigate andmitigate inaccurate charges form a longterm vendor saving our banner thousandsmoving forward. WOW! Lets talkscrutinizing details like you own it!!!!WAY TO GO JIM, THANK YOU!!!!

    Submit your stories /photos/etc. [email protected]

    nFra scholship wd fo Kelly Deley

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


    Make I t Happen

    For the 2nd year in a row,Federalsburg came through with

    a record-breaking campaign.In todays economy and with

    fewer employees, United WayCoordinator Vanessa Adams-

    Cannon had set a realistic goal,but was thrilled when the goal wasmet by the end of the morning

    presentation. Vanessa said,These guys never cease to amaze

    me, they came through again.They challenged each other to

    meet or beat their donation. Thefriendly competition paid off in abig way. By the time the campaign

    wrapped up, Federalsburg hadbeaten their record set the

    previous year.

    Congratulations to Paxton

    Batson and Anthony Deshields Jr.who were recognized as the Stars

    of the Quarter the 3rd Quarter 2009.Both men have 15 years service with

    Burris Logistics. Paxton is currentlythe Receiving Supervisor. Anthony Jr.

    (a self-proclaimed put-me-anywhere)is the Assistant Supervisor to Paxton.Both men emphasize teamwork and

    cover a 6-day workweek for both frontand back dock. There is rarely an

    obstacle that these two cannot tackle.Their working relationship expands

    past the warehouse, as both menare genuine friends on and off theclock and have seen many changes

    over the


    Mac) ismarriedand he

    and wifeTomeco

    havea son Paxton Jr. Paxton is actively

    involved in his sons sports activi-ties (football, basketball, baseball)not only school but travel sports as

    well. Paxton is also an accomplishedmusician as he can play the trumpet,

    piano, French horn, and several othermusical instruments. Paxton is one of

    the nicest people and rarely will yousee him without a smile. He dem-onstrates the I Am Burris attitude in

    everything he does.

    For Anthony Jr., a career at Burris

    runs in the family. His dad has beena long-time supervisor for Burris for

    over 20 years. Jr. picks up where dadleaves off. Anthony has 3 girls and

    2 boys and is a big kid at heart. Heloves taking the kids to amusement

    parks and spending time with thefamily.

    He is also known as the CookieDaddy as he sells and supports

    the local Girl Scout Cookie drive!

    Hes no stranger to getting the jobdone. Whether he is filling in with

    receiving or training on-site or travel-ing to help start up new facilities, he

    jumps in and is willing to help when

    and wherever. His vast knowledge ofthe Company and his cross training

    makes him a valuable asset.

    Congratulations to both men, as

    individuals they are great as a teamthey are unstoppable.

    Congratulations to Sam Schuy-

    ler for being recognized as the Star

    of the Quarter for the 4th Quarter

    2009. Sam is a Hi-Lift Operator in theReceiving Department. Sam came

    to Burris Logistics 3 years ago, afterthe company he had worked for forover 25 years closed. Not wanting to

    waste time, Sam immediately beganseeking employment. His prior ware-

    house experience and his willingnessto learn made him a great candidate.

    Sam demonstrates the I am Burrisattitude and takes pride in his job. Hehas received perfect attendance for all

    3 years of employment. His dedica-tion does not stop there. He is a team

    player and jumps in to help whereverneeded. When Sam is not work-

    ing, he enjoys spending time with hisfamily (wife and Daughter) and is an

    Congratulations to Rickey

    Dodd for being selected as

    Federalsburgs Driver of theYear for 2009. Rickey has beenwith Burris since 2002. He hasan excellent attendance record.

    Rickey has received severalsafety awards over the past few

    years. He really makes safety apriority. He takes great pride in

    completing his logs and to assuretheir accuracy. He is a team

    player and receives high praisefrom customers. It does not matterwhat you ask of him he will tackle

    it head on without question. Hesa loyal team member and we are

    pleased to award him the honor ofDriver o f the Year.

    Federalsburg Corneravid NASCAR fan and tries attendingseveral races a year. Congratulationsagain for being a shining example.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


    Get I t R igh t

    2/5/10: I am pleased to

    announce that RoseMaryFidacaro has been named

    Vice President of Sales forHonor Foods. For the past

    two years RoseMary hasled the Honor Sales Team

    with great determinationas Sales Manager. Hercontributions to the sales

    effort have led to her beingappointed to this vital lead-

    ership role. RoseMaryexemplifies the need for

    hard work and preparationin knowing the customerand in determining their

    needs daily. She also has

    a unique understandingof the marketplace and aninsightful perspective of

    what is required to competeevery day. RoseMary leadsby example and is very

    deserving of this opportu-nity to further lead Honors

    sales effort as we moveforward. Please join me in

    2/26/10: I am pleased

    to announce that ScottThompson will join Honor

    Foods as Vice Presidentof Procurement. Scott

    brings with him more than35 years of experienceand knowledge of the

    food industry which theoflast 25 years have been

    in purchasing and sales

    Celebrating Anniversaries with Burris

    Logistics are

    3 Years Service: Pam Prim (AccountReceivable), Jamal Thompson (order

    selector), John Simms (scanner),

    Sam Schuyler (hi-lift receiving).

    Leanne Clymer (security)

    5 years of Service: John Telmanoski

    (driver), Tim Peterman (driver)Wilbert Miles (security)

    10 Years Service: Markus Manokey(receiving)

    John Steward (driver)

    15 Years Service: Paxton Batson(Receiving Supervisor)

    Congratulations to Paul Holland who was named

    Federalsburgs Star of the Year for 2009. Mr. Paul is no stranger tohard work. He has been with Burris for 21 years where he originally

    started as a driver. Forthe past few years hehas settled into the

    role of yard jockey. He

    comes to work everyday,has a great attitude anda great spirit. You never

    hear a harsh word comeout of his mouth. Heis a great inspiration to

    the team. He is just anall-around team player.

    Long time team membersor those new to the team

    could learn from his workethic and his enthusiasm

    for the job. We congratulate you on this honor and we are so proud

    that you are part of the Federalsburg Team.

    congratulating RoseMary on

    her achievement and hard-earned success. RoseMarywill continue to report to

    Margie Rossiter, Senior

    Vice President of Sales andProcurement. Congratula-tions Rosie !


    Six Sigma Sponsor. Scott

    lives in Chester County withhis wife Maureen and theirfour children. With Scotts

    passion for the businessand his keen instincts for

    growing sales along with

    his push for purchasingexcellence, we look for-

    ward to his contributions toboth Honors growth and

    future development. Scottwill report to Margie Ros-

    siter, SVP of Sales andProcurement.

    Please join me in welcom-ing Scott to our Honor

    merchandising. Scott most

    recently worked at AcmeMarkets as Manager of Gro-cery Category Management

    where he had oversight ofpromotional planning, sales

    and category man-agement. Previously,

    Scott has performedin roles as Director ofCategory Management

    in Grocery, GeneralMerchandise and in

    Perishable departmentswhere he was respon-

    sible for purchasing,advertising, strategicsales growth and vendor

    relationships. Havingheld many Buying and

    Merchandising posi-tions, Scott started his

    career in the stores work-

    ing in various positionsfor Acme. Scott holds aBachelors in Business fromthe University of Delaware

    and an MBA in Marketingfrom Widener University.

    He also has achieved acertificate from Watershed

    Associates for Best Nego-tiating Practices and is a

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Make I t Happen

    unewayCampagn were held throughout

    our locations. We were told of needs that existed in ourhome towns. People in all communities; all walks oflife; all agesneed our commitment. Tat commit-ment involved weekly donations via payroll deduction,perhaps volunteering, or simply taking a few momentswhen your location held their campaign, just to listenwith an open heart. When Burris eam Members aretold when someone needs their assistance, Burris comesthroughBIG IME!!

    Burris eam Members stepped up to the challenge.

    Our eams collected: $68,200.00FANASIC!!Tis winter was hard for everyone. Whether youveonly experienced inconvenience (shoveling all thatsnow), too much rain or lost your power during thesevere storms that hit this year, didnt you feel that sigh

    but how sweet the reward!! We and our communitiesare fortunate that Burris cares enough to encourage our

    giving with a Corporate Match Program. Tis Burrispolicy started in the early 1990s by Jack Burris. He andhis wife Lillian have been champions for United Wayand putting others before themselves. Teir children,Lillian (Lilla), Bob, John and Howard have followedin their parents footsteps by continuing the legacy ofgiving. Tey just dont encourage us by words alone; theymatch every pledge we give to United Way Burris dollarfor dollar! Tat spirit of caring keeps our Burris Logis-

    tics family strong in all of our communities.Te Corporate-Wide Grand Prize Drawing Winner

    was: David Legates, Sr. of our Harrington, Delaware,facility. He won a round trip ticket (for 2) to anywhereSouthwest Airlines services in the U.S.

    C O N G R A t u l A t i O N s , d A V i d !Written by Barbara Smith


    Kuhling receivescongratulations from

    Wayne Romanczuk on celebrating30 years with Burris Logistics. Asthe Accounting Manager, Linda is

    the key to making sure all of the functions ofthe Finance Department run smoothly. Tankyou Linda for MakngiHappen all theseyears!


    childneededmaterialstolearnandgetreadyfor1stgrade.Teseexamplesdontevenbegintodescribethereliefyouhavebroughttoothers!!Everyonedeservesabetterlife.YouandBurrismakebrightspotshappeninmanypeopleslives. Tankyouallsomuchforyourparticipation!!TeseCampaignstaketimeandalotofworkforeachlocation,

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    Congratulations to Floyd Jefferson, Vernon Fletcher,

    Rodney Phillips, and Frank Sanchez for Perfect Atten-dance in 2009.

    Biggest Loser Campaign By now everyone in America knows about the Big-gest Loser elevision Show. Weve watched the emo-tional and exciting journey o olks who are acing one

    o the biggest challenges o their lives. With BurrisHealthy Rewards initiative that began during OpenEnrollment 2010 we asked ourselves how we could helpensure that the maximum number o team members hadan opportunity to beneft rom the $100 bonuses thatwere being oered or acceptable BMI and good choles-terol numbers. With that in mind we took an idea thathad already been working at two o our acilities (Elktonand Rocky Hill) and decided to make it a corporate-wide challenge. Each acility has been holding weekly,biweekly, or monthly weigh-ins. Te support team

    members have given each other has been tremendous.Tey are sharing secrets to their success and recipes.Burris Biggest Loser Challenge to date has shown a com-pany wide weight loss o 916 lbs. Tis number will mostlikely reach the 1000 mark when April numbers are in.Isnt that amazing?

    Each acility will announce their biggest losers orthis 6 mo challenge ending in April. Tere will be onemale and one emale winner. A prize will be given atthat location or their winners. Te biggest losers (onemale, one emale) corporate-wide will win the grandprize o a $500.00 Visa git card. Along with thechanges in eating habits that we are seeing across ourcompany, we are seeing many team members becomemore active. Tis challenge along with our ree wellnessprograms or smoking cessation and health education isproviding our team members with the tools they need toimprove their well-being and reduce health care costs orall o us!

    I you are interested in joining the challenge, it is nottoo late. We will start another campaign

    beginning May1, 2010. Moreinormation will beavailable rom yourHR representative.


    2009 Felecia Agnor

    February Samantha Daniels

    March James Spears

    April David Flavin

    May Rosalind Harris

    June David Seaman

    July Tracey Greenwood

    August Greg Staebell

    September James Spears

    October Lee Sanchez

    November Marcus Hevener

    December Adan Hernandez



    Keith Johnson

    February Terri Mooneyham







    We would li ke to extend our congratulations to

    each of these Team members for their teamwork and

    dedication to the Lyndhurst team. They were chosenfor thi s award based on their attendance and work per-formance and going the extra steps to take care of our

    customers and helping other team members.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010


  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    Vuthy Chea I Am Burris Award March 2010

    s of h qu

    Din JohnonJnic todd admin

    employ of h


    Mch 2010

    Bndon Jkicic

    rciving employ

    of h MonhMch 2010

    V o n n e l l M c K i n n e y

    Atlantas Driver of the Year

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Make I t Happen

    The pictures show Mike Wingate and team member Seaton Jack donat-ing turkeys and potatoes, along with some apple pies to a school in New

    Haven, CT. This is our second year donating to this school. This is actu-ally the fifth year that I have been involved with this school. Our night shiftmanager Chris Costas wife works at the school as a teacher.

    The school is located in downtown New Haven in an area where mostfamilies are quite underprivileged. Courtney Costa approached me and

    asked if there was anything we could do to help at Thanksgiving time. Wemanaged to donate

    30 turkeys, alongwith a 10lb bagof potatoes, and

    an apple pie. The

    school also does their own food drive to complete meals for thosethat would have very little to be thankful for.

    Christopher Columbus Academy is part of the New Haven

    public school system. They are part of a pilot program which runspre-kindergarten through 8th grade and teaches all subjects in bothEnglish and Spanish. I believe the school is now in its seventh year

    and next year will graduate its first group that is fully bilingual. It is areally great program and has an incredibly dedicated teaching staff,

    well deserving of our donations.

    Rocky Hill, CT

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    D r i v e r s B a n q u e t 2 0 1 0

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Make I t Happen

    Every year e l k t O Nannounces their Driver o the Year attheir annual Driver Appreciation andSaety Awards Dinner. Tis dinneris held to honor our drivers or their

    commitment to sae driving, dedica-tion, and outstanding customer service.Our warmest congratulations go out toRichie Acevedo, Elktons 2009 Driver o

    the Year.Richie embodies our goal o putting

    the WOW in service. He has beena devoted Burris team member since2002. Originating in our Harringtonacility, his driving career began inElkton in 2003. With him came a vastknowledge o not only driving, but alsoa great understanding o equipment,

    procedures, and DO requirements.His ability and willingness to trainothers on the road, as well as on properpre and post trips and logs, has been aninvaluable asset not only to our newestteam members but to everyone in ourtransportation department.

    As driver o the year, Richie will bejoined by his wie Magdalena on a Nor-wegian Cruise out o Honolulu, Hawaii.In addition to enjoying the sunshineand beautiul scenery, they visit our

    islands along their journey. With the$1000 provided as spending money,they are sure to have a glorious timeand will certainly have the opportunityto bring back many mementos o theirtrip.

    Tank you Richie, you are truly oneo a kind and we are honored to haveyou in Elkton.

    B u R R i s e l k t O Nrealizes that our key to success is thegreat team members that we haveworking with us. Each day, ourteam members give their best eortto ensure that Burris Elkton canmake it happen. We nd it impor-tant to recognize several o our topperormers.

    edgarHrnandz has beenemployed by Burris or ve years.He is currently working as a selec-tor and appreciates the companyor allowing him to come in eachday and use

    his speed andaccuracy onthe foor todetermine hisrate o payin this tougheconomy.Edgar enjoys the ability to workhard and appreciates the respect hereceives on a daily basis.

    JanAyon has been work-

    ing or Burris or 10 years and hasacted as a selector, a loader and iscurrently working as a hi-lo opera-tor. He ndsBurris to be avery enjoyablecompany andhe looks or-ward to comingin each day

    to work hard.Juan believes that his experienceand desire to work hard each daycontributes to him being a top per-ormer.

    ercPppr has been workingwith Burris Logistics since 1992and has worked in several locationsincluding New Castle, Lancaster,


    Lakelandand mostrecentlyElkton.Eric iscurrently

    workingas a hi-lo operator and he enjoyscoming to Burris each day becausehe is given the opportunity to be hisown boss and control his pay by thetype o work he is willing to do. Ericbelieves that his competitive natureand experience with the company sethim apart and allow him to be a topperormer. Eric has been awardedEmployee o the Month three times

    and Star o the Quarter on two occa-sions.

    One o our newest team mem-bers, Bryankany, enteredBurris Elktonwith competitivedrive, ambitionand a desire towork hard. In

    just a short amount o time, Bryanhas proved with his great attitudeand hard work that he is denitelya top perorming team member.Bryan believes that it is importantto set a good example, do all thatis expected o him and work saely.Much appreciation and thanks goto all o our team members or theBy: Cheryl Krygier

    Regina Gallo

    Eric appreciatesthe great work

    ethic, respect andmorale that he

    experiences work-ing in Elkton.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    Elktons Biggest

    Loser Elkton kicked o its Biggest Loserprogram in August o last year. TisHealthways program is designed toencourage employees to lose weight andeel better about themselves. During thecourse o the year, we have team mem-bers who have lost weight and continueto stick to their individual maintenanceplan, but one team member has def-nitely won the title o Biggest Loser

    with a 42 pound weight loss since join-ing the program in November o 2009.

    Kenny Comerwho works in ourInventory ControlDepartment has beenwith the companysince 1999. Kennysays that his desire tojoin a weight man-agement plan had a lot to do with hisobserving a lot o guys who were start-ing to have back trouble rom carryingextra weight. How has he been losingthe weight? I basically watch what Imeating, Ive cut down on a lot o carbs,but I also dont starve mysel. Some-times Ill have pizza, but I wont eat ourslices, says Ken. During biometricscreenings here at Elkton during theweek o April 5th, Ken was astonishedwhen he learned that his blood pressurewas dropped to 118/70 compared to the

    high number that it was last year whenhe had the testing done.

    Ken said that he recently was get-ting ready or church one Sunday andwhen he went to put on a dress shirt,he had to take it o because the shirtlooked more like a dress on me. Heis encouraging other team members toget on the Biggest Loser campaign, but

    tHePONyexPRess(sHuttle)was originally created as a value-addedbeneft or BJs Wholesale Clubs inJanuary 2003 to assist their north-east vendors in moving product toOrlando, FL, quickly and economi-cally. In 2004, the shuttle evolved intothe Pony Express relay system, and byJuly 2005 had begun its transition to a

    true business entity. oday, the PonyExpress is not only a reliable means tomove product between Elkton, MD,and Orlando, FL, 10 times per week,it has also become a proftable segmento our business. Although many peoplecontribute to the shuttles daily opera-tion, its success would not have beenpossible without the proessionalism anddedication o the shuttle drivers. Teyinstinctively resolve any problem thatarises to protect product and ensure

    on-time delivery. Teir contributionsare deeply appreciated. tommsprjoined the PE on 5/3/04 when the relaywas started. He starts his daily run inSumter, SC. He is a very dedicateddriver and has received several recog-nition awards or perect attendance.ommy is working on 6 years o acci-dent-ree perormance. He startedworking or Burris Logistics on 9/5/88and will soon celebrate his 22nd yearwith Burris. Congratulations ommy!Craigengihalso joined the PE on5/3/04 and is based out o Sumter, SC.Craig has a Make It Happen attitude.We can always count on him or anyspecial requests or needs. Craig hasvolunteered to monitor our trailers thatstage in Sumter every weekend to ensureproduct temperature integrity. Craigwill be with Burris 7 years this May,

    hard work and dedication that theydisplay everyday.

    By: Lauren D. Weyant

    he says that everyone has to make thatdecision themselves. Ken is hoping tolose another 50 to 60 pounds withinthe year. Good luck Ken! Te BiggestLosers are behind you.

    By: Peggy Maher-Daniels

    2010. emmawagnr joined the PE inJuly 2007. She drives out o our Elkton,MD, acility. Emma is organized,knowledgeable, and very personable.When problems arise, she adapts to

    the situation quickly to ensure on-timedelivery. Emma is working on 5 years oaccident-ree perormance. Emma willalso be celebrating 7 years with Burristhis May. HoBnnjoined Burrisand the PE in Apr 2004. Based out oJacksonville, FL, Holsey is working onhis sixth year o accident-ree peror-mance. Holsey is very knowledgeableand knows how to handle any situa-tion. We know that Holsey will alwaysget the job done. ChrkingjoinedBurris and the PE in Oct 2006. Cheryldrives out o Jacksonville, FL. She wasoriginally one o the temp drivers whoflled in when the previous Jacksonvilleshuttle driver was on vacation. Becauseo her proessionalism and her drive tosucceed, she was the driver I wantedwhen the position became available.CaroRorigzjoined the PE inSept 2007 and drives out o Orlando,FL. Carlos not only does his Pony

    Express run each day, he routinely helpsOrlando transportation with additionalruns when needed. Te extra dutieshe perorms are truly appreciated. Hehas been working or Burris since July2007. domingoMarinzalso joinedthe PE in Sept 2007 at the Orlando,FL acility. He is always ready to help,with extra runs, taking equipment toRyder and Penske or repairs, or assist-ing as the yard jockey. His exuberantpersonality is inectious. His energetic

    Hi Bob, how are you today, makesmy day. lnCi joined the PEjust this past January in Elkton, MD,

    making him our newest PE driver. Hispleasant personality and drivingknowledge make him a valued teammember. We are looking orward tomany years o working with Leenell.He has been working or Burris sinceMay 2008. By: Bob Bristow

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Make I t Happen

    Congratulations to our Team Members of the Month. Each of you Made It Happen!September Lolly Barran (Pictured with Stacey Hayes and Mike Sullivan)

    October Kenny Randolph

    November Jean Saintilus (Pictured with Luis Sandre)December Shaune Williams (Pictured with Mike Holley)

    January Jose Soto-Negron (Pictured with Julio Rivera)

    February Craig Uliano (Pictured with Stacey Hayes and Chris Stepien)


    Hunt Over 2,800 eggs were found by ourteam members and their families while the Or lando

    Leadership served lunch. Our team members and

    their families walked through the warehouse to see where we Make it Happen every

    day. W e a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o a n o t h e r E g g c e l l e n t H u n t i n 2 0 11 !

    (L) Danny Rojas was promoted to Lead in the Sanitation department andhelped us to a Superior rating on our recent Steritech audit.(R) Ken Grable was promoted to Lead in the Edys Shipping department, wherehe has been a top selector for many years.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    Get I t R igh t

    Congratulations to Orlandos Perfect AttendanceRecipients for 2009. From left: Guillermo Suarez,Doris Hutchins, Rocio Suarez, and Juan Hernandez

    are pictured with GM Stacey Hayes. (Not pictured isAugustin Salazar.)

    sfey awrd Winner

    thnk for working fe


    Perfec aendnce 2009








    OrlandO driverOfthe Year

    Congratulations to Maykell Gonzalez who wasawarded Driver of the Year 2009. He consistently

    impresses our customers with his I Am Burrisattitude. From left: Charles Hollowell, Maykell Gonza-lez, Stacey Hayes, and Mike Holley.

    Congratula-tions to ReinaldoIgartua who wasawarded Runner-Up Driver ofthe Year 2009.Reinaldo is a tre-mendous asset tothe transportationteam. From left: Charles Hollowell, Reinaldo Igartua,Stacey Hayes, and Mike Holley.

  • 7/31/2019 Burris Gazette Spring 2010



    M k I t H


    Tonia (Office/HR Manager) and Steven

    Sikes are proud first time grandparents.Daughter Tiffany gave birth to a son Ayden

    Lee on Nov. 02, 2009 at 9:51 a.m. 6lbs.

    8oz. 19 in. long. Lakeland, FL

    Tim Simmons (Supervisor) and wife Monicaannounce the birth of their son Chase Mat-

    thew Simmons born on March 19, 2010,

    weighing in at 9 lbs. 7 oz. 23 in. long. BabyChase Matthew has five older sisters, and two

    older brothers. Lakeland, FL

    Carlos and Theresa Sealey were marriedon May 15, 2009.

    Haines City, FLTavares and Joteish Reddish were mar-ried on July 2, 2009.

    Haines City, FL

    Robert and Heather Flores, baby girl born on

    June 8, 2009, 7 lbs 9oz, Lilly Flores.Haines City, FL

    Tavares and Joteish Reddish, baby boy born

    on Feb 4, 2010, 7 lbs 18 1/2 inches long, TysonLandon Reddish. Haines City, FL

    Danielle Barhorst (Warehouse) and AllenShull are the proud parents of a son,

    Jessup, born March 5, 2010. He weighed6 lbs 15 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches.

    Lyndhurst, VA

    Corry Colvin (warehouse) and HeatherDrumheller are the proud parents of a

    daughter, Maci, born March 24, 2010. Sheweighed 7 lbs 3 ozs and was 18 inches.

    Lyndhurst, VA

    Congratulations to Mike Sartin (driver)

    and wife Marittza who were married onDecember 28, 2009.

    Federalsburg, MD


    Congratulations to Mack and KarenAurand married October 31, 2009.

    Jacksonville, FL

    Congratulations to Rory and Tracy

    Dillard married February 21, 2010.Jacksonville, FL

    Congratulations to Adam and JennyRiggs married March 13, 2010.

    Jacksonville, FL

    We extend our sympathy to Tina

    Eavey (dock clerk) and Shane Chandler(supervisor) on the death of their mother

    Lavonne Chandler on February 2, 2010.

    We extend our sympathy to KeithJohnson (warehouse) on the death of his

    grandfather, Henkel Michael, in January2010.

    We extend our sympathy to John

    Johnson (warehouse) on the death of hisgrandmother, Margaret Johnson, in Febru-

    ary 2010. A few days later his grandfather,Lewis Johnson, passed away.

    We want to extend our heartfelt sym-

    pathy to Lindsey Megginson, other familymembers, and his friends on the tragic

    death of Matthew on November 13, 2009.Matt had worked at the Lyndhurst

    facility only a few months when he passedaway. During that time he had become an

    important part of our Lyndhurst team and

    family. He always had a smile and a kindword to all he came in contact with.

    Lyndhursts Team Members

    Rachael and Lloyd Keys, baby boy born Dec

    27, 2009, 8 lbs 15 oz, Marshall Paul Keys.Milford, DE

    We extend our sympathy to Lynn Morean

    Federalsburg office on the death of herfianc, William (Davey) Davis on February

    19th, 2010.

    Shawna and Troy Alexander, twin boys bornMay 26, 2009. Evan Ryan 5lbs 4oz and

    Anthony John 5lbs 14oz. Milford, DE

    Congratulations to Rob Miller and his family

    as they celebrated a new addition on 12-3-09,

    Cameron Cam Miller.Jacksonville, FL

    501 S.E. 5TH STREET

    MILFORD, DE 19963

    We lost a great employee this year.Eric Beauchamp was a warehouse

    leadman at our Benson facility, wherehe has been a part of our team for 1 years. Eric was a very effective part of

    our team, and a great friend to manyat our facility. As friends and co-work-

    ers, we continue to keep Eric and hisfamily in our thoughts and prayers.


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