burnaby now october 12 2012

A longtime Burnaby resident and devot- ed Conservative is at the heart of an internal squabble that could threaten the future of the B.C. Conservative Party – and she’s not about to back down. Ariane Eckardt, president of the Burnaby North constituency association for the B.C. Conservatives, and her Surrey-Whiterock counterpart, Allison Patton, are two of the figures calling for the party’s leader, John Cummins, to resign. Cummins issued an Oct. 7 ultima- tum insisting that party dissidents get in line or quit by Wednesday, Oct. 10 at noon, and Eckardt and Patton penned a letter in response criticizing Cummins. “And while you may argue that we have no right to challenge your legitimacy as head of the party, you have no right to challenge our legitimacy as heads of the (constituency associations) and call us ‘dissidents’ and then ask us to leave the party. We are the party,” the letter reads. Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com Going blind: “It’s an interesting sensory experience” PAGE 3 City family plugs in the new car PAGE 11 Burnaby’s first and favourite information source Delivery 604-942-3081 • Friday, October 12, 2012 ‘Dissidents’ battle on CONSERVATIVE PARTY Residents united against pipeline proposal Roughly 250 people packed Confederation Seniors’ Centre Wednesday night for the first public town hall meeting organized by a Burnaby residents’ group opposing Kinder Morgan’s pipeline expan- sion plan. Speakers talked of widespread public opposition to the expansion and recounted their experiences with Kinder Morgan’s 2007 pipeline rupture that sprayed local homes with oil. Rueben George of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation opened the meeting, talking about the importance of protecting the environ- ment for future generations. “It’s not just a First Nations problem,” he said. “It’s all of our problem.” Local resident Mary Hatch told the crowd of her experience with the 2007 pipe- line rupture. The Inlet Drive resident did not know her home was next to the pipeline until it broke and sprayed her home and car with crude. “That was a traumatic time for our com- munity,” she said. “Our health and safety had been breached.” Kennedy Stewart, the NDP member of Parliament for Burnaby Douglas, spoke of the pipeline issue from his perspec- tive as a new politician. The first call he received after being elected was from Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Primate encounter: Joanne Smith took a copy of the Burnaby NOW along to Uganda, where she is volunteering using her specialized hand therapist skills to help train doctors and health-care professionals in Africa. Here she’s seen visiting silver-backed mountain gorillas in the jungle in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. For more paper postcards, see page 21. TAKING THE BURNABY NOW ON A GORILLA MISSION Jennifer Moreau staff reporter Conservatives Page 8 Jennifer Moreau staff reporter Contributed photo/burnaby now BROKE Page 8 Former MP Paul Forseth says media encourages the ‘silliness’ See pg. 10 ‘It’s his party and he can do what he wants to’ See Our View on pg. 6 RELATED ARTICLES www.BrianVidas.com YOUR BURNABY AGENT centre realty BRIAN VIDAS 604.671.5259 Brian Vidas Personal Real Estate Corporation 3010 Boundary Road, Burnaby 2009-2011 OLD ORCHARD MEDICAL CLINIC DR. GIDON FRAME MD, CCFP, ABAAM, NAMS WALK-INS WELCOME WOMEN’S WELLNESS CLINIC BOTOX & FILLERS COSMETIC TREATMENTS #11 4429 KINGSWAY BURNABY 604-431-6585 burnabymedicalclinic.com Open 7 days a week (604) 434-6220 4334 Kingsway, Burnaby www.nandoscanada.com Valid only at Nando’s on Kingsway. Add Portuguese Garlic bread for only $1! Has no cash value and can’t be combined with any other offer. Valid for eat-in orders only. Expires October 31st, 2012 Enjoy 5 Legs + Thighs, 2 Regular Sides and Portuguese Garlic Bread for just 19.99!

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Burnaby Now October 12 2012


Page 1: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A longtime Burnaby resident and devot-ed Conservative is at the heart of an internalsquabble that could threaten the future ofthe B.C. Conservative Party – and she’s notabout to back down.

Ariane Eckardt, president of the BurnabyNorth constituency association for the B.C.Conservatives, and her Surrey-Whiterockcounterpart, Allison Patton, are two of thefigures calling for the party’s leader, John

Cummins, to resign.Cummins issuedan Oct. 7 ultima-tum insisting thatparty dissidentsget in line or quitby Wednesday, Oct.10 at noon, andEckardt and Pattonpenned a letter inresponse criticizingCummins.

“And while youmay argue that we have no right to challengeyour legitimacy as head of the party, youhave no right to challenge our legitimacyas heads of the (constituency associations)and call us ‘dissidents’ and then ask us toleave the party. We are the party,” the letterreads.

Your source for local sports, news, weather and entertainment! >> www.burnabynow.com

Going blind: “It’s an interestingsensory experience”


City family plugsin the new car


Burnaby’s first and favourite information source Delivery 604-942-3081 • Friday, October 12, 2012

‘Dissidents’battle on


Residents united against pipeline proposalRoughly 250 people packed

Confederation Seniors’ Centre Wednesdaynight for the first public town hall meetingorganized by a Burnaby residents’ groupopposing Kinder Morgan’s pipeline expan-sion plan.

Speakers talked of widespread publicopposition to the expansion and recountedtheir experiences with Kinder Morgan’s2007 pipeline rupture that sprayed localhomes with oil.

Rueben George of the Tsleil-WaututhNation opened the meeting, talking aboutthe importance of protecting the environ-ment for future generations.

“It’s not just a First Nations problem,” hesaid. “It’s all of our problem.”

Local resident Mary Hatch told thecrowd of her experience with the 2007 pipe-line rupture. The Inlet Drive resident didnot know her home was next to the pipelineuntil it broke and sprayed her home and carwith crude.

“That was a traumatic time for our com-

munity,” she said. “Our health and safetyhad been breached.”

Kennedy Stewart, the NDP member ofParliament for Burnaby Douglas, spokeof the pipeline issue from his perspec-tive as a new politician. The first call hereceived after being elected was from IanAnderson, president of Kinder Morgan

Primate encounter: Joanne Smith took a copy of the Burnaby NOW along to Uganda, where she is volunteering usingher specialized hand therapist skills to help train doctors and health-care professionals in Africa. Here she’s seen visitingsilver-backed mountain gorillas in the jungle in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. For more paperpostcards, see page 21.


Jennifer Moreaustaff reporter

Conservatives Page 8

Jennifer Moreaustaff reporter

Contributed photo/burnaby now

BROKE Page 8

Former MPPaul Forsethsays mediaencourages the‘silliness’See pg. 10

‘It’s his party andhe can do whathe wants to’See Our View on pg. 6




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Page 2: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

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Page 3: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Smartsource*Superstore*Comfort Shoes*B.C. Fireplace*BuyLow FoodsTranscontinental*M&M Meats*

* not in all areas

6 Opinion

11 Community

12 Movers & Shakers

15 Top 5

21 Paper Postcards

22 Events

40 Classifieds

Last week’s questionDo you have a personal hero?

YES 45% NO 55%

This week’s questionDo you support the rowing club’svision for Burnaby Lake?

Vote at: www.burnabynow.com

5 Chocolate factory heist 6,7 Readers write 11 Plugging in the car

For Judy Larush, the world looks likean impressionist painting.

Like a Monet or Renoir, coloursblur together and shapes have soft edges.

“There are nodetails, but it’s verybeautiful,” she said.“It’s an interestingsensory experience.”

Five years ago,Larush was diag-nosed with age-related maculardegeneration, adisease that causes

slow vision loss.Today, she has only about 10 per cent

of her vision in each eye.“Frankly, I didn’t really know what

macular degeneration was,” she said. “Ithought of it as something I might haveto worry about when I was 75 or 85. Soto get the news at 55 was absolutely ashock.”

The disease causes damage to themacula, the central part of the retinaresponsible for seeing fine details, such asreading print or seeing faces.

People who have it experience blurredcentral vision and a growing central blindspot.

In 90 per cent of all cases, vision lossoccurs slowly, usually over a number ofyears, and the condition may cause few orno symptoms until it’s more advanced.

As a customs officer for Canada Post,Larush had intended to retire at the endof next August, but when her eyes couldno longer handle the strain of her job ear-lier this year, she was forced to work herlast shift in May.

In light of the recent Age-RelatedMacular Degeneration Awareness Week,Larush wants people to know what theycan do to prevent vision loss.

The most important thing, she sug-gested, is to maintain a regular check-upschedule with an eye specialist.

“If things are starting to get a little bitfuzzy, for heaven’s sakes, go,” she said.“You could have glaucoma and lose yoursight completely, just for want of goingfor a check-up.”

Dr. Keith Gordon, vice-presidentof Research for the Canadian NationalInstitute for the Blind, confirms Larushhas the right idea.

“Early diagnosis is extremely impor-tant to prevent vision loss,” he said.“Especially if you’re over 50, you really

need to be getting your eyes examined ona regular basis. New treatments for AMDare quite effective, but the earlier thedisease can be diagnosed, the better theoutcomes.”

Othere preventative measures includenot smoking, eating a diet rich in leafygreens and omega-3 fatty acids, wear-ing sunglasses and exercising regularly,according to the CNIB.

Though there’s no cure for her visionloss, Larush hasn’t let her diagnosis slowher down.

She still goes to the gym regularly,attends social and community events andrecently found a new ballroom dancepartner.

Most of her travels have been withinthe last five years, since her diagnosis.

“When I was first diagnosed, Ithought, there’s so many beautiful thingsin the world, I have to see them before it’stoo late,” she said.

Having always been passionate aboutthe visual arts, Larush took off to Europeto take in the cultural experiences there,making a point to visit world-class galler-ies in Greece, Italy, France, England andalso New York City.

This year she is planning a couple ofmonths in Mexico, which she plans tocontinue to visit no matter what level ofvision she retains.

“Even if I can’t see anymore, I’ll enjoythe warm sand under my toes and freshpapayas,” she said.

Larush said she can get around “quitewell,” especially having had a volunteer

from the CNIB help her figure out thebest routes to take on a regular basis inher neighbourhood.

She has also learned how to use a com-puter program that allows her to interactusing her voice rather than having to readthe screen.

Clearly one to always look on thebright side, Larush suggested her situa-tion is not as bad as it could be.

“Macular degeneration is an uglything, but you know what? It doesn’thurt,” she said. “And a lot of people ageand end up with things that cause thempain every minute of every day, and thisis not one of them.”

For more information about the CNIB,or about living with vision loss, visitwww.cnib.ca.

Visit www.burnabynow.com


Connecting with our community online

Christina Myers’ Blog

‘It’s an interesting sensory experience’

No warning: Judy Larush was shocked to learn, at age 55, that she has age-related macular degeneration. The Burnabyresident wants people to know how they can prevent this and other types of eye disease.

ON MY BEATMarelle Reid

MP blasted for spending Thanksgiving with LennikovWhile many families celebrat-

ed Thanksgiving dinner at home,ex-KGB agent Mikhail Lennikov

spent the holiday in Vancouver’sFirst Lutheran Church, avoidingdeportation.

The former Burnaby residentis now in his third year of churchsanctuary.

The Canadian governmentwants Lennikov deported becausehe used to be a member of theKGB, the former Soviet Union’ssecret service.

Burnaby – New Westminster

MP Peter Julian and Don Davies,MP for Vancouver Kingsway,hosted a Thanksgiving meal onMonday, Oct. 8 with the Lennikovfamily.

“This event is an opportunity

for us all to express our sup-port for Mikhail Lennikov andhis family, who have been livingin church sanctuary since June

Jennifer Moreaustaff reporter

Lennikov Page 4

Jason Lang/burnaby now

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A03

Page 4: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A04 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

2009,” Davies wrote on his website.Lennikov first came to Canada on a

student visa in 1997, but Canadian immi-gration law states that members of anorganization that spied on a democrat-ic government are not allowed to stay,unless the public safety minister deemsthey are not detrimental to national secu-rity. Lennikov and his supporters haveargued he’s not a threat, but the govern-ment has not budged on its position thathe’s inadmissible.

The Ukrainian Canadian Civil LibertiesAssociation, which has lobbied the gov-ernment to forcibly remove Lennikovfrom church sanctuary, spoke out againstthe Thanksgiving dinner.

“Millions of Ukrainians and other eastEuropeans now living in Canada werevictims of the KGB,” wrote the associa-tion’s Lubomyr Luciuk in an email to theNOW. “We find it reprehensible that Mr.Julian and Mr. Davies would sup with afugitive who is openly flaunting the ruleof law in this country.”

Lennikov and Julian declined to com-ment. However, Davies told the NOWabout 75 people from the communitycame to the dinner, and Lennikov’s fam-ily was in good spirits.

“They are just lovely people undervery difficult circumstances,” he said. “I

think they appreciated the support of thebroader community.”

Davies said Lennikov was a low-ranking official in the KGB, performingbureaucratic work, and there’s no evi-dence that he’s harmed anyone.

“I’ve been working with MikhailLennikov for the last four years, and Idon’t think I could find a better candidatefor Canadian citizenship than Mikhail,”Davies said, adding the family is involvedin the community, they speak English,and they are people of great integrity.“They are exactly the kind of peopleCanadians would want to welcome to ourcountry.”

Davies said he understands Luciuk’sdeep feelings about the historic oppres-sion Ukrainians may have faced at thehands of the Russians.

“But I think it’s completely unjust,totally illogical and unacceptable for(Luciuk) to use someone like MikhailLennikov as a pawn in those historicalpolitics,” he said.

Davies said if the public safety minis-ter thinks Lennikov is a threat to nationalinterests, he should provide evidence tosupport that position.

“They can’t provide us an iota of evi-dence,” he said. “We want a system that’sevidence-based, not based on guilt byassociation.”

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FFaammiillyy ttiieessConnecting with our community online

Christina Myers’ Blog

Lennikov: Former KGB agentstill living in church sanctuary

continued from page 3


This is your opportunity to see the Parks, Recreation & CultureCommission in action right in your neighbourhood. The meeting isfollowed by a public question-and-answer period, then everyone isinvited to join the Commissioners for coffee and a chance to chat.

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WATERMAIN FLUSHINGThe City Engineering Department will be commencing its annualprogram of flushing and cleaning watermains on October 1, 2012through until December 31, 2012.This activity may cause pressure fluctuations, some discolourationand sediment in the water supply reaching your home or business.These conditions should be of short duration and do not pose ahealth hazard.If your water appears discolored after our crews have finishedflushing, clear your water by running a cold water tap.

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Page 5: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

With more than four decades in thechocolate industry, Charlie Sigvardsenthought he had seen it all.

But the owner of Charlie’s ChocolateFactory at 3746 Canada Way got a surprisethis past weekend.

“We got broken into by thesame guy who broke in heresix months ago,” said the ener-getic Sigvardsen. “From oursurveillance video, we’re pret-ty sure it’s the same guy. Thistime, he paced up and down inthe parking lot for some timebefore he broke in.”

The first time the culpritbroke in, he knew where thestore’s monetary float wasstored, so he got away with acouple hundred dollars. Thistime, with Sigvardsen’s staff tighteningtheir security, the float was safely lockedaway.

“We can see on the tape that he tries

to go to the same spot where the floatwas before, but we moved it,” saidSigvardsen.

But that didn’t deter the thief, whostole two silver bowls that Sigvardsenholds particularly dear to his heart.

“These are bowls won over the yearsfromourorganization(RetailConfectionersInternational),” said Sigvardsen. “They’remeaningful to us.”

The bowls are presented to organiza-tions that receive the most votes in acontest where companies put forth their

most innovative ideas andconcepts.

“He got away with somechocolate as well, but all Icare about is the bowls,” saidSigvardsen.

Sigvardsen has talked tothe police and offered up thesurveillance video for theirreview.

He believes the thief madehis getaway in a dark-colouredvan.

Anyone who knows wherethe bowls are is asked to con-

tact the Burnaby RCMP at 604-294-7922or Charlie’s Chocolate Factory at 604-437-8221.


Popular chocolate business hit by thief – again

Missing bowls: Charlie Sigvardsen had two bowls stolen from Charlie’sChocolate Factory last weekend.

Charlie’s Chocolate Factoryon Canada Way loses a pairof silver award bowls in theft

Alfie Laustaff reporter

“We can see onthe tape that hetries to go to thesame spot wherethe float wasbefore, but wemoved it.”CHARLIE SIGVARDSENBusiness owner

Community conversationsCommunity conversations

Connecting with our community online Visit www.burnabynow.com

Jennifer Moreau’s Blog

Let’s talk. From the personal to political. Life in Burnaby

Larry Wright/burnaby now

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A05

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Page 6: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A06 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

Idon’t know how importantreligion is to people in pris-on. I suspect it depends on a

multitude of things.For some, religion might

have been what held together afragile home life. For others itmay have been an oppressiveforce in an already frighten-ing existence. For still others,faith in God might never haveentered their minds until theywere facing a 20-year sentencefor a crime they wished theyhadn’t committed.

In any case, some might bethinking about faith this weekafter the federal Conservativesannounced they were going tocut chaplain services in prisons.

The cancellation of the pro-grams will, according to theCBC, remove all the part-timechaplains, leaving about 80full-time chaplains. Whetherintended or not, this will leaveonly one Christian chaplain.

The government stumbledupon this when a Wiccan inB.C. was going to be hired as aprison chaplain. (Yes, of course,

we can hear the chuckles now,“only in B.C.”)

Needless to say, the minis-ter in charge did not believea Wiccan chaplain should beon the taxpayers’ tab, and heimmediately suspended the hir-ing plan and ordered a reviewof the whole program. Goodfor him. While the Wiccan mayhave triggered the review, areview was certainly in order.

The changes, which will hap-pen in 2013, translate to a $1.6million savings – not a lot ingovernment budgets. But to theaverage taxpayer, it’s certainlyworth saving.

Of course, the first mediacoverage of the cuts gave theclear impression that otherfaiths were being targeted andonly Christian chaplains pro-tected. It was, of course, not thatsimple. But, understandably,given religion’s emotional side,there were a lot of suggestionsthat the Conservatives were gal-loping along on a pre-ordainedplan to make Canada a trulyChristian country.

I suspect human rights andconstitutional lawyers are por-ing over law books wonderingif there’s a high-profile case tobe made here.

I also suspect that the federalgovernment will have to reviewhow it’s hiring full-time chap-lains and make a concerted


The Burnaby NOW is a Canadian-owned community newspaper published and distributed in the city ofBurnaby every Wednesday and Friday by the Burnaby Now, 201A–3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby,British Columbia, V5A 3H4, a division of Glacier Media Group.

Brad AldenPublisher


PUBLISHER Brad AldenEDITOR Pat TracyASSISTANT EDITOR Julie MacLellanSPORTS EDITOR Tom BerridgeREPORTERS Janaya Fuller-Evans, Christina Myers,Jennifer MoreauPHOTOGRAPHER Larry WrightDIRECTOR, SALES AND MARKETING Lara GrahamADVERTISING REPS Cynthia Hendrix, CamNorthcott, Domenic Crudo, Veronica Wong, JenniferKasteleinAD CONTROL Ken Wall

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It’s his party and he’ll do what he wants toWe are reminded of the lyrics, “It’s

my party, and I’ll cry if I want to” everytime we hear another criticism of JohnCummins’ leadership.

Of course there are also strains ofFrank Sinatra’s I did it my wayand ABBA’s The winner takes itall in there somewhere.

Cummins certainly doesn’tappear to be one of those leaders whowelcomes criticism and input from hisfollowers. In fact, he seems to considerquestioning or complaints as a sign ofdisloyalty and mutiny. Both actions

deserving of either a cold shoulder or acounter-attack.

And who can blame him? When theConservatives were an amusing politicalsidebar that very few took seriously, he

soldiered on and ran the show.Then the Liberals

started free falling and theConservatives looked like a

possible alternative for the right wingin B.C.. Politicians with some credibilitysigned up with the Conservatives hopingfor a bit of respect and potential power.But what they quickly discovered was

that Cummins wasn’t going to share hislimelight with anyone. And he didn’tseem to care if the Johnny Come Latelysquit over it.

Now, most leaders are supposed to atleast give the impression that they valuemembers’ input – no matter what theybelieve or do behind closed doors. But, togive him some credit, Cummins appearsto take the same dim view of dissidentsin public as he does behind closed doors.

Will charges of voting irregularities inhis leadership race shake his hold on theparty? We doubt it. The anti-Cummins’

team want him to resign – he wants themto leave or toe the line. It’s a Mexicanstandoff, for sure.

But there’s a venerable tradition inB.C. of attacking one’s leader. Usually theattacks increase in intensity as leadersappear closer to actually obtaining power.The stakes are so much higher at thatpoint. But these attacks may just send theConservatives back to the ‘amusing’ side-show category in B.C. politics.

But, perhaps, the next tune Cumminswill hear is, Na Na Hey Hey Kiss HimGoodbye?

The cost of religionbehind prison bars

Rumble a problem for decadesDear Editor:

Re: Rumble repairs delayed, Burnaby NOW, Oct.3.

I read with interest, the article about the conditionof sidewalks along Rumble Street. Having lived inour home for more than 34 years, I strongly supportthe concerns of neighbour Nia Furtado, but must addmany years to the duration of the issue.

I spent several years in the 1990s as a traffic andsafety advocate, trying to secure safe walkways alongRumble – the major commuter route for the pedestri-ans as well as students walking to both Suncrest andBurnaby South. Eventually, I was able to convince thecity to put in “interim paved walkways” on the north

side of Rumble from Joffre to McKay avenues, wherethere had been no sidewalks.

Now 15 to 20 years later, those “interim” north-side sidewalks, as well as the poorly maintainedsouth-side walkways, continue to be the only areafor pedestrians to use. In those years, the no left turnfrom Griffiths Drive to Rumble has been removed,and very aggressive construction throughout southBurnaby has significantly increased the traffic (andaccidents) on both Rumble and Patterson Avenue.

Currently, massive development is starting atStation Square with an obvious traffic increase. Theresidents of South Burnaby surely deserve to havea safe and easily walkable route along Rumble. Wehave waited long enough.

Diana Mumford, Burnaby



The Burnaby NOW, a division of Glacier Media Group respects your privacy. We collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at www.burnabynow.com or by calling 604-589-9182.



Religion Page 7


Page 7: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

The Burnaby NOW welcomes letters to the editor. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length.Priority is given to letters written by residents of Burnaby and/or issues concerning Burnaby. Pleaseinclude a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A-3430Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4, fax them to 604-444-3460 or e-mail: [email protected]

•NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE•Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on the Burnaby NOW website, burnabynow.com

The Burnaby Now is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing theprovince’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct ofmember newspapers. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverageor story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go towww.bcpresscouncil.org.


effort to represent themajor faiths.

But, honestly, wouldn’tit be better to spend thismoney on victim servicesinstead?

The total program costsabout $6.4 million. Thatcould buy a lot of non-religious counselling.

I’m sure supporterswill argue that chaplainswho offer counselling and

faith can play a big part inrehabilitation. They couldvery well be right. Butshould taxpayers be pay-ing for religious services,however well intentioned,for prisoners?

Personally, I’d rathersee religious folks doingvoluntary work in pris-ons.

It strikes me as a bet-ter example for prisoners,and, dare I say, a more

“Christian” thing to do.Surely, freedom of

religion doesn’t extend totaxpayers having to payfor religious services inprison.

Or does it?

Pat Tracy is the editor ofthe Burnaby NOW newspa-per. Follow her on Twitter atwww.twitter.com/PatTracyor email at [email protected].

continued from page 6

Religion: Who should pay?

Where’s the money?Dear Editor:

Re: Rumble repairs delayed, BurnabyNOW, Oct. 3.

I am glad to see Ms. Furtado is speak-ing out about the state of our sidewalksin the city.

In my neighbourhood, Burris and SixthStreet, sidewalks end, leaving pedestri-ans, cars and bikes to share a two-lane,90-degree corner.

Pedestrians have no choice but to walkon the road, in the direct path of vehicles.

The City of Burnaby had no problemputting a very large and no doubt expen-sive bike path at that corner but does notseem to care enough about pedestriansafety to put sidewalks around the cor-ner.

I note that the city owns the land onboth sides of the corner as well.

Our council loves to remind us of howwealthy Burnaby is, so perhaps our coun-cil will see fit to put some of that moneyback into Burnaby, making it a safer andnicer place to live.

Or they could just spend the money onanother visit to one of our sister cities halfway around the world instead.

Keith Bemister, Burnaby

Too many questionsDear Editor:

Re: City gets risks, few benefits, BurnabyNOW, Oct. 5.

The more people who become part ofthe campaign to stop Kinder Morgan’sTransMountain pipeline expansion, themore willing we all seem to be to speaktruth to power.

Mayor Corrigan is right when he saysBurnaby is going to be left with extremerisks and very few benefits from theproject. In addition to having the pipelinecapacity more than double, there will also

be increased tanker traffic in the BurrardInlet, possibly requiring a dredging of theinlet.

The environmental costs of such adredging, and the continual potential fora spill in or around Burnaby waters andland is too much of a burden for a dozenor so permanent jobs.

Those of us who live in the neighbour-hood of the last leak will never forget howawful the pipeline was when it was onlypumping 300,000 barrels a day.

More than doubling the capacity isgoing to present more of an environmen-tal risk than Kinder Morgan is willing toadmit, and I’m grateful to the mayor andcouncil for standing up for Burnaby resi-dents and opposing this pipeline expan-sion.

When will Kinder Morgan start explain-ing and answering questions?

Citizens still have no idea what Mr.Anderson’s spill cleanup plan is, or if thatwas just stated to alleviate concerns.

What about dredging the Inlet? Whopays for that, and who deals with theenvironmental impact from species dis-placement?

Too many questions and no answers,say no to Kinder Morgan.

Trevor Ritchie, Burnaby

No parking fees, pleaseDear Editor:

I have recently had occasion to visit theBurnaby Hospital emergency ward.

There is a sign there that states “Patientsplease do not eat or drink until the doctorhas seen you.”

This allows you to pay $4.50 per hourfor parking while you starve to death.

Outrageous. Seriously, no one shouldhave to pay to park at a hospital, no oneother than the staff really wants to bethere.

Russ Leach, Burnaby


Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A07

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Page 8: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A08 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

Canada, explaining that the companywas intending to twin the current pipe-line, which runs oil from Alberta to B.C.,and more than double shipping capacity.Stewart said he raised the issue with hisconstituents, conducted phone surveysand found the majority of respondentswere not supportive of the expansion,and had a map made of the current pipe-line route when Kinder Morgan declinedto give him one.

“My job is to take what I’m hear-ing here back to Ottawa and develop anational position,” he said.

Stewart also mentioned that thereare 2,200 homeowners along the pipe-line route. Kinder Morgan clarified withthe NOW, stating that there are 2,200landowners (not homeowners) along theexisting right-of-way from Edmonton toBurnaby. In Burnaby, there are a total of13 landowners – one is Kinder Morgan,seven are “government,” and five areprivate.

Mayor Derek Corrigan criticized thefederal government for having no nation-al energy plan and leaving the fate ofCanadian energy security up to marketforces and corporations that oversee bitu-men shipments to China, where there are

less stringent environmental regulations.“We’ll be handing those environmen-

tal problems off to China, and they’ll bedrifting back over the Pacific into ourcommunities,” he said. “To impose uponour communities this incredible risk andto risk tanker traffic that will affect theoceans of our world is beyond ridiculous– it’s absurdity. And we need to standup as a community – if we are the onlyvoice across Canada that is heard – weneed to stand up as a community andsay we are not going to tolerate thisfoolishness. We want an energy policy inCanada that answers to Canadian needsfirst that ensures our long-term viabilityas a nation and that we do not export ourenvironmental problems to other parts ofthe world.”

Ben West, a healthy communities cam-paigner with the Wilderness Committee,described the region as the frontlines ofa fight against some of the richest, mostpowerful companies on Earth.

“We’re fighting some of the richestpeople in the world,” he said. “This is justthe beginning of a long fight.”

He also said diluted bitumen, whichKinder Morgan has been shipping throughthe Trans Mountain pipeline for years, is“very different from light crude,” and he

raised the spectre of the Enbridge spillin Kalamazoo, Michigan, where dilutedbitumen sank to the bottom of a tributaryafter the chemical dilutants evaporatedand residents were evacuated because ofthe fumes.

The town hall meeting was organized

by BROKE, Burnaby Residents OpposingKinder Morgan Expansion, and was thefirst public meeting the group has hosted.BROKE spokesperson Karl Perrin said thegroup may organize another town hallmeeting and possibly a debate and inviteKinder Morgan.

Viscous:Ben Westof theWildernessCommitteeholds a jarof bitumenfromAlberta.West wasone of thespeakers atWednesdaynight’s townhall meetingagainstKinderMorgan’spipelineexpansion.

BROKE: Group considers second town hall meetcontinued from page 1

Conservatives: Both sides are digging in their heelsCummins’ noon deadline rolled by, but

there were no real changes in the standoff.“There was nothing earth shattering,”

Eckardt said. “We had been led to believeMr. Cummins was going to announce hisresignation.”

Eckardt, who held a press conferencewith Patton Wednesday after the noondeadline, is digging her heels in and stillcalling for Cummins to resign.

“There’s no other way. Mr. Cummins isdivisive, and the way they want to reconcileus all is kick us out,” she said.

Cummins, a former federal MP, wasacclaimed as leader of the B.C. ConservativeParty in May of 2011.

According to Eckardt, the trouble becameapparent at the party’s Sept. 22 annual gen-eral meeting held in Langley. Eckardt said

she witnessed a split with Cummins on oneside and John van Dongen on the other.Van Dongen, who had left the B.C. Liberalsto join the Conservatives only a few monthsprior, was their only sitting MLA, but heresigned from the B.C. Conservatives afterthe meeting, citing “differences of opinion”with Cummins “regarding the directionand operations of the party.”

Eckardt’s not sure if it was a personal-ity clash or ideological split, but she wasupset nonetheless, and said Cummins, whowas “clearly not a team player,” was notonside with van Dongen, who could havebolstered the party’s status at a time whenthe Liberals are not faring well in publicopinion polls.

“We know for a fact there were someMLAs who would have liked to join us, andMr. Cummins made it quite clear he wasn’t

interested,” Eckardt said. “That’s when werealized we were in trouble.”

According to Eckardt, many constit-uency association presidents were alsoupset following the AGM, so they decid-ed to put their concerns on paper, butsomeone prematurely leaked their letterto the media, and that’s when Cumminsreplied with the ultimatum to get in lineor quit the party.

Eckardt said the party has about 54constituency associations in B.C., andpresidents from more than 21 of thosehave signed the letter.

Eckardt also said Cummins has sur-rounded himself with “dinosaurs” asadvisors.

“Their attitudes and their advice (are)just not conducive to today’s political par-ties,” she said.

In a statement posted on the partywebsite, Cummins pointed out that 70 percent chose not to review his leadership atthe last AGM.

“I am unwavering in my dedication tothe B.C. Conservatives, and fully intend tolead my party into the next general elec-tion,” he said in the statement, describinghis detractors as “few but vocal.”

But Eckardt, a lifetime party member,has no intention of backing down.

“He is digging in his heels as are we,”she said. “We actually see it the otherway. With Mr. Cummins, we don’t standa chance in the next election.”

No one from the B.C. ConservativeParty returned calls from the NOW bypress time.

For more on this story, see Jennifer Moreau’sblog at www.burnabynow.com.

continued from page 1

Jennifer Moreau/burnaby now

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Page 9: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A09


Fair Haven United Church Homesby Kelina Kwan

203-2101 Holdom Avenue Burnaby604.294.5533 www.volunteerburnaby.ca

Volunteers of the Month...Recognize every day volunteers! Do you have someone that madea difference in your life through volunteering? Recognize thatperson by sending us a short story and a photo to be published in anupcoming volunteer feature. Volunteering and helping is a value we allshare in Canada. It’s part of what gives us our good name at home andabroad. Go ahead show someone you care about their contribution...saying thank you goes a long way!

Fair Haven resident Fay Clarke who volunteers in the facility as aResident Council President and Auxiliary member.

“We believe in enriching the livesof our Fair Haven community byproviding a secure, compassionateand inclusive environment.”This is the vision of the Fair HavenUnited Church Homes, whoprovide affordable housing andlong-term care for seniors in theBurnaby andVancouver area. It isnot only an ultimate goal to strivefor, but it is also a true descriptionof the community that they havebuilt through their 60+ years ofhistory.The Fair Haven United ChurchHome in Burnaby is truly acommunity, not only in terms ofits residents, but also in the spiritof volunteering – it is an exampleof how a volunteer communitycan be created through the simplebelief of connecting and caringfor each other. Volunteers arerecruited to help in the One-to-OneVisit programs, specialprojects as well as a varietyof recreational programs. But

Fair Haven’s volunteers are notonly comprised of outsiders.Recently, I spoke with NormeoChung, Director of TherapeuticRecreation andVolunteer Servicesat Fair Haven, and discovered howthe spirit of volunteering is allaround Fair Haven. In addition torecruited volunteers,“residentsvolunteer too,” said Chung.“Residents help fold towels andprotective cloths every day, theywater the plants in the gardenand inside the building, theyhelp in a variety of recreationalprograms, and they help providecompanionship for otherresidents” – a role that is usuallyfulfilled by recruited volunteers.“Residents also volunteer asofficers in the resident councilthat, like a strata council, providesa voice for fellow residents toraise concerns.”

But that is not all, staff membersand workers at Fair Haven oftenintroduce their friends and families

to become volunteers, and familymembers of residents also oftenbecome volunteers for the carehome. Neighbouring organizations,such as L’Arche GreaterVancouver,also volunteer at Fair Haven.

Fair Haven’s volunteer“community” also extends toresidents of neighbouring cottagesand apartments, and members ofthe South Burnaby United Church,who form auxiliary groups andvolunteer to help raise fundsfor the long-term care home.An upcoming Christmas craftsale fundraising event will behosted by the auxiliary group onNovember 17, from 1:30pm to3pm. At this Christmas craft saleyou can purchase Christmas andother craft items prepared by theauxiliary members.There will alsobe a tea, bake sale, white elephantand raffle. For more informationon this and other events, pleasevisit their website www.fairhaven.bc.ca

Although the entire communitypitches in, Fair Haven is still verymuch in need of volunteers. FairHaven’s volunteers are mostlyhigh school students and retirees,who are usually only available onweekends or in the evening. FairHaven needs more volunteers whocan help out weekdays and in theday time when elderly residentsare more alert and can enjoy theactivities more,“especially for theOne-to-OneVisit program,” Chungsaid.“We have 100 residents in theBurnaby home, and they would alllike to have a visitor every day.Weneed a lot of volunteers!”Another initiative that FairHaven is working on is corporatevolunteering. Chung would like tosee corporations and companieswho would like to give back to thecommunity, volunteer with FairHaven.Volunteer opportunitiescan be arranged for companyemployees, such as helpingout with a BBQ, helping with

events such as the upcomingcraft sale, helping with graphicdesign for posters, or helping in arecreational program.There aremany opportunities to volunteeras a team in your community.So get involved in your communityand join the Fair Haven team ofvolunteers!If you are interested involunteering for the Fair HavenUnited Church Homes, or if yourcompany would like to set upvolunteer opportunities with FairHaven, please contact NormeoChung at 604-435-0525 (ext. 312)or 604-433-2939(ext. 2230), or visit their websiteat www.fairhaven.bc.ca and lookunder “Join the team”.For more information on how toget involved in your community,please contactVolunteer Burnabythrough their website atwww.volunteerburnaby.caOr call 604-294-5533.

Jean Mills at the special care unit with Hamish,one of the pet therapydogs.

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Page 10: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A10 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

For New Westminsterprovincial Conservativecandidate Paul Forseth,there’s no doubt who he’ssupporting in the brouha-ha surrounding the belea-guered party.

“I’m 100 per cent behindJohn Cummins, who res-urrected the Conservativeparty from oblivion,” saidForseth, the former federalMP who is hoping to makehis mark in next May’sprovincial election. “Hedeserves to lead us into thenext election.”

Forseth was respond-ing to a Wednesday after-noon press conference heldby an opposing faction ofConservatives who are ask-ing for Cummins’ resigna-tion. He said it’s simply acase of sour grapes.

“The main board of theparty, they’re carrying onbusiness as usual,” saidForseth. “A few people,people who are unwilling

to accept a 71 per cent votein favour of John’s leader-ship, they’re continuing toagitate. And it’s typical ofthe media that they con-centrate on the minority. …The majority of the partysupports John. I just thinkthat these so-called dissi-dents, they call a press con-ference and what you haveis a one- or two-day story.They have no other place togo. It’s just silliness.”

Forseth contrasted thedissidents’ press confer-ence with the media con-ference Cummins presidedover earlier on Wednesdayafternoon.

“The dissidents say the

party can’t raise money andcan’t sign up new mem-bers. They create the con-troversy and call a mediaconference to try to get thatpoint across,” said Forseth.“John comes out and showsthe finances are in goodshape and we’ve grown bymore than 300 members. …That’s John’s way. He hashis facts, he has substance,and that’s his style.”

The dissidents havegiven Cummins an ultima-tum to resign by Oct. 12 orface a continued assault,but Forseth put little stockin that threat.

“I know John, and he’snot going to resign,” said

Forseth.As for what conse-

quences the dissidentsmight face, Forseth saidthe Conservative party hasclear rules and processes todeal with such dissent.

“If individuals continueto undermine the party,there is a due process towithdrawing their mem-berships,” said Forseth. “Ifit comes to that, that’s whatwill happen, but it will bedone in a professional andfair manner. The board hasto follow its constitution ifthey want to pull a mem-bership.”


Former MP backs CumminsAlfie Laustaff reporter

Duck and cover,Burnaby.

The third annual B.C.ShakeOut, a province-wide earthquake drill, istaking place on Oct. 18 at10:18 a.m., according to apress release from the Cityof Burnaby’s emergencyprogram coordinator,Charmaigne Pflugrath.

“During the drill, par-ticipants will be asked to‘drop, cover and hold on’for up to two minutes,simulating the quake-saferesponse to an earthquakeevent,” Pflugrath stated inthe release.

Everyone is welcome toparticipate. The theme forthis year’s drill is SecureYour Space, she added, andparticipants are encouragedto assess their surroundingsand take appropriate pre-cautions.

It will be the largestearthquake drill in history,according to Pflugrath, withCalifornia, Washington,Oregon, Alaska, Arizona,Nevada, Idaho, Guam,Puerto Rico and southernItaly participating, as well.

For more information onthe drill, go to www.shakeoutbc.ca, and for informa-tion on how to prepare foran earthquake, go to www.burnaby.ca/getprepared.

Ready, set,ShakeOut


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2011 Kia Forte #8833, selling price $11,888 and 2012 Kia Rio 5 #3388, selling price $13,998, payments are based on $500 down payment over an 84 month term @4.95% interest. The cost of borrowing is $2806 for the 2012 Kia Rio 5 and $2374 for the 2011 Kia Forte. 2012 Kia soul, #8383, $62 weekly payments are based on the selling price of $18,000 over a 96 month term @6.5% intererst, thecost of borrowing is $5,734. 2011 Kia Sorento #3838, $79 weekly payments are based on the selling price of $23,000 over a 96 month term @6.5% interest the cost of borrowing is $7,322 All weekly payments are based on 4.99% interest, terms vary with vehicle, OAC. 08 Accent #26878,72 month term the cost of borrowing is $1673. 07 Chrysler 300, #27119, 72 month term, the cost of borrowingis $1950.02. 2012 Nissan Altima, Stock#26961, 84 month term, the cost of borrowing is $3746.50. 2012 Nissan Sentra, Stock#26963, 84 month term, the cost of borrowing is $2938.07.. 2008 Kia Rio, Stock#26830, 72 month term, the cost of borrowing is $1508.34.10 Mazda 3 Sport #27241, 84 month term, the cost of borrowing is $3537.90. 11 Kia Soul, #27231, 84 month term, the cost of bor-rowing is $3537.90. 08 Ford Ranger, #27237, 72 month term, the cost of borrowing is $2127.94. Mazda 5, #27223, 72 month term, the cost of borrowing is $1686.26 All offers are valid only on the stock #’s that are noted in this ad and have a value of $600 total. Offers must be negotiated at the time of the deal. Please see dealer for complete details. All prices and payments do not include tax, license,insurance or documentation fee. All prices and payments are OAC. Vehicles may not be exactly as illustrated. Offers valid until closing on Sunday, October 14th, 2012, or while supplies last. Please see www.scrapit.ca for all details on the scrap it program.


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Page 11: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

16 Community conference 17 Coats for kids sought

SECTION COORDINATOR Jennifer Moreau, 604-444-3021 [email protected]

12 Movers and Shakers

Trading luxury for a ‘green’ machine




convinced hiswife to splurge

on a ToyotaPrius Plug-in, ahybrid car thatcan be chargedwith a regular

outlet or atpublic charging

stations, likethis one atBurnaby’s

BCIT campus.Klippenstein

thinks the extracost is worth

the investmentin the planetand his son’s


Jason Lang/burnaby now

Matthew Klippenstein’s idea of a luxu-ry purchase is something that leaves himwith a clean conscience and his one-year-old son, Leo, with a brighter future.

The Burnaby resident and his wife areamong the first in Canada to get theirhands on a Toyota Prius Plug-in, a newelectrical hybrid vehicle that plugs intoany old outlet.

“It’s worth it for going green. Instead ofspending a bit of extra money on luxuryfor me, it’s worth it to spend a bit of extramoney on the car, which will benefit Leoin the coming years,” Klippenstein said.“I want him to be able to grow up in theLower Mainland that I grew up in, and inorder for that to happen, people do need tomake prudent decisions.”

For the Klippensteins, that prudent deci-sion meant shelling out more than $39,000in late September when the Plug-in hit themarket. The price includes a $2,500 rebatefrom the provincial government to encour-age drivers to go electric.

Klippenstein estimates he spent about$2.80 on gas to drive 20 kilometres in his

previous vehicle, a 1992 Nissan Sentra,and the new Plug-in costs roughly 20 centsof electricity (or $1.20 in gas) for the samemileage.

Klippenstein estimates he would haveto drive 150,000 kilometers before the elec-tric savings would cover the cost of thecar.

“It’s not something mostpeople can afford at thispoint,” said Klippenstein,who works as a chemicalengineer, while his wife isan administration assistant.“Some people splurge onluxury or ‘sportiness.’ I wasable to convince my wifethat we should splurge onsomething that would pol-lute somewhat less for thekid’s benefit.”

Part of the reason theKlippensteins could affordnearly $40,000 for a new caris because they are rentingtheir home in Burnaby andthey kept their old car for10 years.

“If we had a mortgage, I’m pretty surewe wouldn’t be able to afford it,” he said.“We are not wealthy. We rent, but weappreciate and recognize we are in theluckier half of the income spectrum.”

Most hybrids run on either gas or a

battery that charges from “regenerativebraking,” where the energy it takes to stopthe vehicle heats up the brake pads, and aset of magnets generates electricity as thecar slows down.

“The forward motion, the kineticenergy of the car gets transformed into

electric energy,” Klippensteinsaid. “Now, there’s been a lotof effort by many, many peopleto allow vehicles’ batteries to beplugged into the wall so theycan be charged from the grid.”

Klippenstein’s vehicle plugsinto a standard 120-volt walloutlet, the same electrical out-lets one would use for a toasteror hair dryer.

Klippenstein has been fillinghis battery wherever he hap-pens across a charging station– on Granville Island or at a cardealership. He plans to strike adeal with his landlord so he cancharge the car in the building’sunderground parking lot whilehe sleeps.

Klippenstein also has an iPhone appli-cation, called Plug Share, that points himto the nearest charging stations. Thereis a handful in Burnaby and more tocome since the provincial governmentannounced funding for new station loca-tions, which should be up and running by

March 31, 2013.Klippenstein is looking forward to 10

new stations planned for Metropolis atMetrotown, so he can plug his car in whileshopping or watching a movie. It takesapproximately three hours to fill the bat-tery, which costs about 20 cents and allowshim to drive for roughly 20 kilometres.

Once the Plug-in runs out of electric-ity, Klippenstein can switch to gas at thetouch of a button, so there’s no fear ofbeing stranded between charging stations.Klippenstein said the vehicle is very quietand smooth to drive, and he expects tohave it on the road for the next 20 years.

“If you have a car and buy a new car, ittakes a lot of energy to make that car, so Ihope to make very full use of the vehicle.I hope we can drive it for a long time,” hesaid.

But going green on the road is more forhis son than anything.

“This is a chance to walk the walkand put my money where my mouth is,”Klippenstein said. “I guess it’s like sacri-ficing for your children, I suppose. … Wewanted to try and reflect that sensibility,that ethic.”

He’s looking forward to hitting the150,000-kilometre mark so he can say he’sdone the right thing and saved money.

For more on Klippenstein’s electricvehicle experience, visit his blog at eclecticlip.com.

Jennifer Moreaustaff reporter

Plug-in car reduces fossil fuelconsumption and greenhousegas emissions for local family

“Some peoplesplurge on luxuryor ‘sportiness.’I was able toconvince my wifethat we shouldsplurge on some-thing that wouldpollute somewhatless for the kid’sbenefit.MATTHEW KLIPPENSTEINPlug-in owner

Check www.Burnabynow.com for breaking news, photo galleries, blogs and more

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A11

Page 12: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A12 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

The Burnaby Board ofTrade is starting upits Student Access

Program this month.The board launched the

program with an orienta-tion event at the ElectronicArts facility in Burnabylast Wednesday.

The career developmentprogram was created lastspring to connect post-secondary students withbusiness leaders and rep-resentatives.

Access has three com-ponents, including onethat works by connectingfinal year post-secondarystudents with someone intheir field for a one-on-onemeeting. That person willthen connect them withtwo other professionals,who will connect themwith two more each.

The other two compon-ents of the program are theseminars and workshopsoffered by local consult-ants and business net-working opportunities atstudent and board of tradeevents.

The goal is to help stu-dents build a professional

network before leavingschool.

For more information,go to www.accessprogram.ca.

Carve it up withcity credit union

The Burnaby branchof Community SavingsCredit Union is holding apumpkin-carving contestfrom Oct. 27 to 31, accord-ing to a press release fromthe credit union.

There are three categor-ies: ages 12 and under,ages 13 to 18, and People’sChoice.

The two age categor-ies are to be judged byrepresentatives fromthe Burnaby HeightsMerchants’ Association,while everyone can votefor the people’s choice cat-egory, the release stated.

“Halloween is sucha fun holiday, and Ihave great memories ofpumpkin-carving withmy daughters. My old-est always enjoyed pull-ing out the pumpkin’sinnards while my young-est spent hours planningthe right design,” said ValBahnman, branch man-ager, in the release.

“I think this is a won-derful activity. The staffand I can’t wait to seewhat the neighbourhoodkids come up with.”

The branch recom-mends parent supervisionof pumpkin carving.Pumpkins that have beendecorated or painted,instead of carved, will beaccepted, as well.

Pumpkins can bedropped off at theBurnaby Heights branchof Community SavingsCredit Union at 4590Hastings St.

Prizes will beannounced and awardedon Nov. 1, the releasestated.

Microsoft pop-upstore in Burnaby

Microsoft is launchingone of four holiday pop-up stores at Metropolisat Metrotown on Oct. 26,according to an email fromTania Divito from HighRoad Communications.

The store will only beopen during the busy holi-day season.

The other storesare planned for theToronto Eaton Centre,West Edmonton Malland Oakridge Centre inVancouver, she added.

For more informationon Microsoft stores, goto content.microsoftstore.com/store/store-lookup/allstores.

Send business news [email protected].

Bringing students intothe business world

MOVERS & SHAKERSJanaya Fuller-Evans

Local inventor at storeThe woman behind a local business suc-

cess story will be in Burnaby this weekendas part of a special event at the ChaptersIndigo store in Metropolis at Metrotown.

Elaine Tan Comeau, a Burnaby schoolteacher and Maple Ridge resident, will beat the Chapters as Author of the Day, from2 to 4 p.m., to promote her Easy Daysiesproduct.

Easy Daysies is a magnetic visual orga-nizer for children to help them see andknow what’s coming next in their day – forexample, morning tasks might include

brushing teeth or packing lunch.Comeau got a boost in bringing her

invention to a bigger market after appear-ing on Dragon’s Den last year.

The elementary school teacher used asimilar visual organizer in her classroomand, for many years, made them for herstudents by request. After hearing fromparents how useful it was, she decided totry to build a business with the concept.

Keep an eye on an upcoming edition ofthe NOW for a full feature on her story.

– Christina Myers

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Pumpkin Créme BrûléeGingersnap cookie

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Page 13: Burnaby Now October 12 2012


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Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A13

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Page 14: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A14 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

The Burnaby Board of Trade heldits 13th annual Burnaby BusinessExcellence Awards luncheon onWednesday at the Hilton VancouverMetrotown.

This year’s inductee into the busi-ness hall of fame is G&F FinancialGroup, which first opened inBurnaby 75 years ago, according to apress release from the board.

Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan

was scheduled to present the induc-tion, the release stated.

“G&F has been serving the LowerMainland and Burnaby since 1936,”said Paul Holden, the board’s presi-dent and chief executive officer, inthe release. “Their commitment tocustomer service, business excellenceand to this community as a whole hasbeen remarkable and clearly the keyto their success as one of Burnaby’spremier financial institutions.”

The group is a member-ownedfinancial institution with more than26,000 members, according to therelease. The group has two branchesin Burnaby and 12 throughout theLower Mainland.

“The history of our credit union

is characterized by the positive part-nerships we’ve been building sincewe first opened our doors in Burnabymore than 75 years ago,” said BillKiss, co-CEO of G&F FinancialGroup, in the release.

“We’re thankful for the supportwe’ve been given by the peopleof Burnaby and look forward to afuture of continued growth with ourBurnaby members and partners,”added Jeff Shewfelt, co-CEO of G&FFinancial Group.

The finalists for all the BurnabyBusiness Excellence Awards catego-ries were announced at the luncheonon Oct. 10. To see the full list ofnominees, go to www.burnabynow.com.

G&F gets nod from trade boardAnnual Burnaby businessexcellence awards includeinduction of G&F Group

Janaya Fuller-Evansstaff reporter


Stay mobile with NOW newsCatch up with the

Burnaby NOW on smart-phones, online and inprint.

The Burnaby NOW isavailable anytime, fromanywhere, on multiple plat-forms – so NOW readers

always know what’s goingon in their community.

Our print edition con-tinues to go out in the com-munity on Wednesdayand Friday each week, butcheck out our website atwww.burnabynow.com

for new stories and photosdaily.

Those on the go canconnect to the NOW fromtheir smartphones atm.burnabynow.com ordownload the free BurnabyNOW app at the App Store

for iPhones.The NOW is on Twitter

at @BurnabyNow_Newsand find us on Facebookat www.facebook.com/BurnabyNOW.

[email protected]

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Page 15: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Keep busy in cityTOP 5

We’ve survived theThanksgivinglong week-

end and we’re well intoautumn.

There may still be somegood weather left and it’stime for Burnaby residentsto get out and enjoy thebest of the city.

We’re continuingwith our popular feature– our staff’s Top 5 (OrMore) Things To Do ThisWeekend, and we have afew more events sure toexcite all locals.

1Get listening onSunday, Oct. 14 at2 p.m. for the UBC

Opera Ensemble, whichwill be playing in room103 at the Shadbolt Centrefor the Arts at 6450 DeerLake Ave. The ensemble,which is under the direc-tion of Nancy Hermistonand accompanied byRichard Epp will performa preview of the operasto be featured in the UBCOpera School 2012-13 sea-son.

2Get sharing musicat the second annual

Music Share fundraiser,featuring live musical per-formances by Feedback,Jason and the Diatonics,a silent auction, a com-munity art project hostedby 4 Cats Capitol Hill andmuch more.

The event’s on Sunday,Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. at theScandinavian CommunityCentre at 6540 Thomas St.Tickets are $15 for adults/teens and are available atStaccato Studios or by call-ing 778-998-1075.

Children 12 and underare free with an adultticket holder. All proceedsraised will continue tofund music outreach pro-

grams operated throughBurnaby Family Life.

3Get educated aboutbreast cancer at the

Breast Cancer Preventionand Risk AssessmentClinic being held atthe Bonsor RecreationComplex from 1:30 to 3p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 13.This cliniceducateswomenon how toimprovetheir breastcancerawarenessthroughhealthy life-style chang-es, such asmaintaininga healthyweight,increasingphysicalactiv-ity, eating ahealthy dietand limit-ing alcoholconsump-tion. For more info, go tohttp://breastcancerprevention.med.ubc.ca/ orcall 604-603-5140 or emailinfo@[email protected].

4Get cheering onFriday, Oct. 12 for

the St. Thomas MoreHomecoming footballgame at Burnaby LakeWest at 5 p.m. STM playsTerry Fox and the Knightsare coming off a hugeroad win over W.J. Mouatlast week. After the game,people are invited to visitthe post-game reception,which will be held in aprivate room at Burnaby8Rinks.

Tickets to the reception,available in advance, getyou a burger, salad and

an adult beverage. Therewill also be a 50/50 drawin support of CovenantHouse. If you haven’t hadenough football by then,New Westminster andNotre Dame play imme-diately after the STM-Foxgame. The Jugglers have ahuge complement of North

Burnabyplayers ontheir squadand theHyacks arealways funto watch.


and buyingon Saturday,Oct. 13 forthe Art Showand Sale,hosted byMy Artist’sCorner atthe ShadboltCentre forthe Arts inDeer LakePark.

The thirdannual show and sale runsfrom 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.,with a reception at 5 p.m.,and showcases recentwork by artists who aredealing with mental healthissues and features a silentauction. Admission is free.For more information, visitwww.myartistscorner.ca.

◆Email your Top 5 ideas to

[email protected] send them to [email protected]. You can alsocheck out our full arts andevents calendar listings onour website’s homepage atwww.burnabynow.com.

Compiled by staff reporterAlfie Lau

5(or more)

Things to dothis weekend

Visit www.Burnabynow.com

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A15



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PUBLIC HEARINGThe Council of the City of Burnaby hereby gives notice that it will hold a Public Hearing

TUESDAY, 2012 OCTOBER 23 AT 7:00 P.M.in the Council Chamber, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C.,

V5G 1M2, to receive representations in connection with the following proposedamendments to “Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965”.

1) BURNABY ZONING BYLAW 1965,AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 39, 2012 – BYLAW NO. 13140Rez. #10-344151 Norland AvenueLot 61, D.L. 79 and 80, Group 1, NWD Plan 73491From: P5 Community Institutional DistrictTo: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P5 Community

Institutional District, RM3 Multiple Family Residential District and CentralAdministrative Area Plan as guidelines and in accordance with thedevelopment plan entitled “Dania Home Complex Care” prepared byNeale, Staniszkis, Doll, Adams Architects)

The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to permit the developmentof a new two storey 102 bed complex care facility to replace the existing 67 bedDania Home Care facility.

2) BURNABY ZONING BYLAW 1965,AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 40, 2012 – BYLAW NO. 13141Rez. #12-097301 Market CrossingLot 4, DL 155B, Group 1, NWD Plan BCP21081From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on P8 Parking District)To: Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on M2 General

Industrial District and M5 Light Industrial District and in accordance withthe development plan entitled “Marine Way Market” prepared by KasianArchitecture)

The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to permit the constructionof a two-storey multi-tenant industrial building for office, manufacturing, warehousingand permitted accessory uses.

3) BURNABY ZONING BYLAW 1965,AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 41, 2012 – BYLAW NO. 13142Rez. #10-207575 North Fraser WayLot 2, D.L. 166A, Group 1, NWD Plan BCP29939From: CD Comprehensive Development District (based on M2 General Industrial

District and M5 Light Industrial District)To: Amended CD Comprehensive Development District (based on M2 General

Industrial District and M5 Light Industrial District and in accordance with thedevelopment plan entitled “Site Development Plan” prepared by SanfordDesign Group)

The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to permit the constructionof a two-storey multi-tenant industrial building for warehousing, manufacturing,office and permitted accessory uses.

All persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by a proposed bylawshall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissionsrespecting matters contained in the bylaw. Written submissions may be presented at thePublic Hearing or for those not attending the Public Hearing must be submitted to theOffice of the City Clerk prior to 4:45 p.m. the day of the Public Hearing.

The Director Planning and Building’s reports and related information respecting thezoning bylaw amendments are available for public examination at the offices of thePlanning Department, 3rd floor, in Burnaby City Hall.

Copies of the proposed bylaws may be inspected at the Office of the City Clerk at4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C., V5G 1M2 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. weekdays fromWednesday, 2012 October 10th to Tuesday, 2012 October 23rd.



Page 16: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A16 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

What does it meanto be part of acommunity? And

what kind of an impactdoes it have on our chil-dren, families and neigh-bours?

That’s the focus of anupcoming provincial gath-ering that will be hostedin Burnaby on Oct. 18, 19and 20.

Together for Kids andCommunities: A CommonVision is the theme ofthe 2012 conferencefor the Association forCommunity Education inB.C.

Doreen George, withthe Burnaby SchoolDistrict, told the NOWthat the concept of com-munity education refers tothe process of identifyingthe strengths and needsof the community andthen bringing togethercommunity resources– be it human, organiza-tional, physical or financial– to address issues anddevelop the leadershipcapacity of the community.

Burnaby has a strongconnection to the concept.The local district andcity hall came togethermore than 30 years ago todevelop the communityschool model here. Today,there are seven elementarycommunity schools anda pilot secondary schoolmodel.

“Community schoolsact as a community hub- places where students,families and communitycan come together, feelwelcome, access resourcesand access a vast varietyof programs for both stu-dents and adults,” shewrote. “The premise is thatstudents belong in familiesliving in the commun-ities. By working together– schools, families, com-munity members and thevast array of organizationsin Burnaby – we are better

able to support our stu-dents and their learning.”

George says the confer-ence will attract a mix ofpeople, including parents,community members,educators, principals, com-munity school coordin-ators, and those from thenon-profit organizations.

She notes that severalof the sessions may be ofinterest to parents, particu-larly the keynote presenta-tion: a talk by well-knowncommunity developerJim Diers, from theUniversity of Washington,entitled “NeighbourPower: Building StrongCommunities.”

“Jim has a passion forgetting people engagedwith their communitiesand in the decisions thataffect their lives,” she toldme.

Others speaking at theconference include MollyMcCloskey, managingdirector of the ASCD’s(formerly the Associationfor Supervision andCurriculum Development)Whole Child initiative, andAbe Fernandez, deputydirector of the NationalCentre for CommunitySchools, Children’s AidSociety, New York.

David Rawnsley withBurnaby’s Byrne CreekSecondary will also speakin the opening of the con-ference.

Workshop sessionsinclude themes as diverseas advocacy, educatingthe whole child, innova-tive before/after schoolprograms, chronic absen-teeism, and communitycouncil/Parent AdvisoryCouncil best practices.

For more informationabout the conference andto register, see www.sd41.bc.ca.

CollaborationThere’s another unique

event related to childrenand education happeningthis month.

On Oct. 19, the B.C.Cooperative LearningAssociation, along withthe Dalai Lama Centrefor Peace and Education,hosts the Social EmotionalLearning: What Do We

Know, What Do We Do?conference at the MichaelJ. Fox Theatre at BurnabySouth Secondary.

The event is a profes-sional development oppor-tunity for educators andeducational researchers,with a keynote by DavidOsher from the AmericanInstitute of Research.

Sessions include a close-up look at mindfulness-based approaches, restora-tive practices, classroomclimate and cooperativelearning.

Adoptive familiesNovember is adoption

awareness month andthe Adoptive FamiliesAssociation of B.C. iscelebrating with its 11thannual Family Fun Dayright here in Burnaby atthe Village Museum onNov. 4. From 11 a.m. to3 p.m. there will be facepainting, balloon craftsand more – as well as anopportunity for adoptivefamilies to connect withone another.

For more information,see www.bcadoption.com.

Spooky round-upOver the next week, I’ll

be compiling a list of fam-ily-friendly events happen-ing on Halloween and theweekend just prior to thebig day.

Does your neighbour-hood have any festivitiesplanned? Do you host ahaunted house? Knowabout activities at localcommunity centres?

Let me know about itby sending me an email [email protected] a fax to 604-444-3460.

Keep an eye on theBurnaby NOW later thismonth to see all the besthappenings around town.

Christina Myers is areporter with the BurnabyNOW and its sister paper,The Record. Know about afamily-focused event, busi-ness or story happening inBurnaby? Send details toChristina Myers at [email protected], by mailto 201A-3430 Brighton Ave.,Burnaby, B.C., V3R 2A1, or byfax to 604-444-3460.

Conference focuseson community ties

FAMILY TIESChristina Myers

Make somenew friends

Join us on Facebook … BURNABY NOW



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Page 17: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

The annual drive tokeep local childrenwarm this winter is

in full swing. Rotary CoatsFor Kids is an annualaffair, where volunteerscollect donations of newor gently used waterproofwinter coats with hoods.

The coats are loadedinto a van, which func-tions like a travellingdressing room, where kidsin need can climb aboardand pick a coat they like.

Donations can bedropped off at anyBurnaby Public Librarybranch, the South BurnabyNeighbourhood House(at 4845 Imperial St.), atThe UPS Store at 7655Edmonds St. or at localStaples stores.

The neighbourhoodhouse is also the placeto drop off cheques. For

more information, call604-431-0400 or go to bur-nabymetrotownrotary.org.

Get walkingCongratulations to local

resident Linda Dawsonfor organizing Burnaby’sfirst walk for Parkinson’sresearch on Sept. 10.Dawson said the eventdrew about 35 walkers,who raised $2,726.83.

“We did just great,”said Dawson, who suffersfrom Parkinson’s.

The money goes to theParkinson Society of B.C.,which funds research andhelps people with thedisease. For more on theorganization, go to www.parkinson.bc.ca.

Save the dateThe annual Fill a

Stocking, Fulfill a Wishfundraiser for the BurnabyChristmas Bureau is onNov. 22.

The event raises moneyfor the bureau, whichmakes sure low-incomefamilies have toys for theirkids and food on the tablefor Christmas.

Last year, the bureauhelped 5,196 people bydistributing more than13,000 gifts and $63,500 infood certificates.

Keep an eye on upcom-ing editions of the BurnabyNOW for full details onthe Christmas Bureau, runby Burnaby CommunityConnections.

Free bookWe have a copy of

Kim OK, a self-publishedautobiography of LowerMainland resident KimOk-Ran, a businesswoman who immigratedto Canada from Korea.

The first person toemail me with Kim OK inthe subject line gets thebook. It will be here at ouroffice for the winner topick up.

Do you know someonewho’s made a differencein your community whodeserves a little recogni-tion? Do you have an eventyou want you neighbours toknow about? Email Here andNow items to [email protected].

HERE & NOWJennifer Moreau

Dig through the closetto find coats for kids

Community conversationsCommunity conversationsCommunity conversationsCommunity conversations

Connecting with our community online Visit www.burnabynow.com

Jennifer Moreau’s Blog

Let’s talk. From the personal to political. Life in Burnaby

Make some new friendsJoin us on Facebook … BURNABY NOW

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A17

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Page 18: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A18 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

Jimmy Page says, “It’sas close as you’ll everget to the real deal.”The real deal being

Led Zepagain, the LedZeppelin tribute band herefor one night only at theMichael J. Fox Theatre onOct. 14.

If your Led ZeppelinIV vinyl is scratched andworn, maybe it’s time tohear Stairway to Heavenlive one more time.

Rock.It BoyEntertainment and GeeDan Productions pres-ent a band that capturesthe heart and soul of “theworld’s greatest band,”replicating the “ultimateLed Zeppelin experience,”according to promoter RobWarwick.

The band will resur-rect the classics, such asImmigrant Song, WholeLotta Love, Rock ‘n’ Rolland Black Dog, with nearperfect imitation of Page’ssoaring guitar leads,John Paul Jones’ brilliantkeyboard passages, JohnBonham’s trademarkpounding rhythms andthe signature Robert Plantvocals.

Tickets are $32.50

(plus charges), online atTicketmaster.ca or chargeby phone 1-855-985-5000.

Doors open at 7 p.m.and the show starts at 7:30p.m. at 7373 MacPhersonAve.

For more information,visit www.zepagain.com.

Celebratingcolour in show

Fire engine red, cobaltblue, spring green andcanary yellow will be justa few of the many hues ondisplay at an upcomingexhibition at the ShadboltCentre for the Arts.

In Love With Colour,presented by the BurnabyArtist’s Guild, will be heldfrom Oct. 26 to 28 with anopening reception at 7:30p.m. on the Friday even-ing.

The show runsFriday from 7 to 10 p.m.,Saturday, from 10 a.m. to6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m.to 5 p.m.

Featured artist MurielCorson and the Guild’smany talented artists willshowcase original artworkin a variety of styles andmediums.

The show includes araffle for an original paint-ing and a sale of art cardsand magnets.

Admission and parkingare free.

For more information,call 604-291-6864 or visitthe Guild website www.Burnabyartistsguild.com.

Awards night forBurnaby writers

Want to hear some ofthe best poetry and proseby local amateur writers?

The Burnaby Writers’Society is holding itsannual awards night onOct. 16 to recognize thewinners of the society’sannual writing contest andgive them a chance to readtheir works.

The evening will featurereadings on the subject of“Earth,” which was thisyear’s contest theme, atLa Fontana Caffe at 101-3701 East Hastings (atBoundary Road) from 7:30to 9:30 p.m.

Open mike sign-upstarts at 7:15 p.m.

The 2012 winners are:Clarissa P. Green fromVancouver, in first place;Lynne Burnett from WestVancouver, in second;Sharron Bertchilde fromNanaimo, in third; and anhonorable mention goesto Julia Van Gorder fromVancouver.

Spoken INK is a read-ing series presented by theBurnaby Writers’ Societyon the third Tuesday ofeach month (except Julyand August). For moreinformation, visit www.BurnabyWritersNews.blogspot.com or [email protected].

Send arts items to [email protected] or by fax to604-444-3460.


To the birds: Burnaby Arts Council directors Brian Daniel and Bill Thomsonat the Bird Art Installation Project held at the Burnaby Arts Council house lastweekend. The event was part of a worldwide visual art effort.

Jason Lang/burnaby now

Led Zep tribute bandcomes to Fox theatre





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Page 19: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

He’s lived a life as unique andexotic as some of the pieces offurniture he sells at his ColumbiaStreet store in New Westminster.

Urban Gypsy owner andBurnaby resident Jason McGillhas travelled to more than twodozen countries, lived through apolitical uprising and bought abusiness after just one visit.

There’s no question McGilllikes adventure, and his store hasallowed the family man – he has aone-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter – to go on buyingtrips but to still have a home basefrom which to share his wordlytales.

In the 1990s, McGill startedhis career in the fashion business,in marketing, which took him toall of the usual stops in Europe.Eventually, he took an unusualroute, finding a job teaching at afashion design school in Asia.

“I was thinking London orMilan,” McGill says. “And theysaid, ‘Jakarta, Indonesia,’ and Isaid, ‘Sounds good, let me get mymap.’”

McGill got off the plane, andfell in love.

Bringing pieces of the world back to Canada

Exotic tales: Jason McGill owns the Urban Gypsy, a furniture and art store on Columbia Street, which he took over after visiting justonce. McGill has lived an adventurous life – travelling to more than two dozen countries and living through a political uprising.

Jason Lang/burnaby now

Burnaby resident hasunique offerings in hisUrban Gypsy shop

Niki Hopestaff reporter

Urban Page 20

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A19


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Page 20: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A20 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

“As much as Jakarta was an absolute, Imean, it’s a dump. It’s the dirtiest, craziest,most polluted and one of the biggest citieson the planet. But I was young, doing busi-ness, and I had a five-bedroom penthouse,and I worked in the fashion industry – Iwas living the life,” he says.

But the good times wouldn’t last. In1998, the Asian currency crisis hit, McGillsays, summing up the economic atmo-sphere.

“And things happened, like there wasbasically a small revolution in Indonesia.They pretty much overthrew the govern-ment, when they kicked out Suharto,” hesays. “I got caught up in all of that and losteverything. I lost my business.”

McGill spent three days trying to get tothe airport in the middle of what was basi-cally a war zone.

“I spent three days curled up in the fetalposition in my penthouse waiting for mybuilding to burn down,” he says. “Therewere thousands of people killed, and itwas like the whole city was on fire. I wasin a bad area. It’s a long and complicatedstory.”

After he fled Jakarta, McGill began doingmarketing for international education, butit wasn’t thrilling enough because he spentall of his time stuck inside hotel rooms. Hegot burned out and quit.

McGill returned to Canada and eventu-ally walked into a store that sold Asianfurniture and decor pieces.

He started telling the owner what heknew about the pieces in the store.

“It was driving me crazy, and about aweek later, I walked back in and said, ‘I’llbuy the store.’”

It was that simple.Interestingly, while McGill didn’t live

in New West or grow up there, there wasa connection – beyond the fact that he wasborn in Royal Columbia Hospital in 1970.McGill’s parents met in New West, just acouple of blocks up the hill from the storehe bought.

“My dad, the first job he got when hecame to Canada (from Scotland in the1960s) was bouncing in a night club calledthe Grooveyard. It was about two blocksaway in New Westminster, and that’swhere he met my mother in 1967,” McGillsays, referring to a previous incarnationof what is now called Metro Hall. “Thatwas the coolest nightclub anywhere. Ikeand Tina Turner and Little Stevie Wonderas the opening act. Marvin Gaye, I thinkplayed there.”

McGill says New West’s downtown haschanged dramatically since he took overUrban Gypsy.

“Five years ago when I opened mystore, I’d be kicking some guy out of mydoorway in the morning and now, I lookdown the street and see young couplespushing baby buggies,” he says.

The downtown redevelopment has been“massive,” McGill says.

“My thing has always been let’s do it assmart as we can, let’s do it as cheap as wecan, the best that we can, but most impor-tantly, let’s just do it,” he says. “Let’s justget stuff done.”

The influx of condo developmentsdowntown has been good for McGill’sbusiness, which specializes in South EastAsian furniture and art, with most of thepieces coming from India.

McGill used to import quite a bit fromIndonesia, but he doesn’t like buying newteak because it’s not sustainable, he says.

“For 200 years, that’s all the colonialswanted was teak and mahogany, so they

wiped out teak forests all over, and it takestoo bloody long to grow,” he says.

McGill does have teak in his store, butit’s either original antique teak or recycledwood.

On a trip to India, he saw sheeshamwood, a native tree of the sub-Himalayanregions of Pakistan and India.

“It’s heavier than oak and teak, yet itgrows like a weed, so it’s totally sustain-able,” he says.

It’s the wood McGill uses for some of thenew handmade, solid hardwood furniturepieces he sells, like dining room tables.

The India experience was transforma-tive for McGill.

“When you go to India, I don’t care whoyou are, your head completely explodesjust because it’s unbelievable,” he says.“It’s so vast, it’s so varied, I don’t carewhether you are talking architecture to his-tory to furniture to clothing – there’s noth-ing you can’t do see or get in India.”

McGill also carries statues of Hindugods and Buddha figures, which may seemsomewhat specialized, but McGill says hisclients are as varied as his products.

Urban Gypsy carries unique story-filledpieces, like a bookshelf made out of oldcamel carts and a dining table made out ofan 150-year old door.

McGill also supplies the film industry.McGill got a call recently with what mayhave seemed like strange request for some.The set designer wanted a snake-charmingbasket. McGill happened to have one fromCambodia.

“When these guys need some crazystuff, they’ll call me because there’s not toomany guys around,” McGill says, laugh-ing.

As for his own home, McGill says thehouse he shares with his wife and kids

looks more like a “horrible preschool” thanan exotic temple.

“I don’t have any of my beautiful pieces.I’ve got multi-coloured foam mats on thefloor and baby gates and toys from one endto the other,” he says, “but I keep a coupleof pieces that I can’t part with.”

With two little tots running around anda store chock-full of striking furnishingsand art, it seems McGill has the best of bothworlds.

Urban: Store supplies unique pieces to customers – including film biz

Global art: Urban Gypsy carriesstatues of Hindu gods and Buddhafigures.

Jason Lang/burnaby now

continued from page 19

ROTARYCoats for Kids

The 9th annual Rotary Coats for Kids campaign is now underway!

You can help children and youth in Burnaby by donating:! new or “gently” used waterproof hooded winter coats! cash/cheque ($12 will buy a new coat; tax receipts available for $15+)

All coats will be distributed directly to Burnaby children and youth in need by the RotaryClub of Burnaby Metrotown.FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, COAT DONATIONS CAN BE DROPPED OFF AT:Any of the Burnaby Public Libraries (Sept. 8 – Oct. 31):Cameron, McGill, Metrotown, Tommy Douglas

South Burnaby Neighbourhood House (Sept. 8 – Dec. 31):4845 Imperial Street, Burnaby

The UPS Store (Edmonds location only) (Sept. 8 – Dec. 31):#105-7655 Edmonds Street, Burnaby

Staples Stores:5821 Marine Way (Sept. 8 – Dec. 31)4561 Kingsway (Sept. 8 – Dec. 31)4265 Lougheed Highway (Oct. 15 – Dec. 31)


Brought to you by:

Burnaby Metrotown Burnaby

For more information:burnabymetrotownrotary.org

[email protected]

Page 21: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Leaping lizards: The Der family took the Burnaby NOW on holiday to theGalapagos Islands. Above, from left, Josh, Jeanie, Jessica and Jim Der with marineiguanas in the background. Below, Jessica and Jeanie with a giant tortoise.

Contributed photos/burnaby now


At right, EvanCupit took

his one-year-old daughter

Adelle toVaradero,

Cuba, and tooka copy of his

local paperalong on the


Contributed photo/burnaby now

Travelling with the NOWWant to be featured in

Paper Postcards? Take a copyof the Burnaby NOW alongwith you on your next trip.Take a photo of yourself infront of a scenic backdrop orlandmark, holding the news-paper.

Send your photos by e-

mail to [email protected] or by mail to theBurnaby NOW, 201A-3430Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C.,V5A 3H4.

Include a few details aboutyour trip and the names ofeveryone in the photo.

Happy trails!


Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A21


Page 22: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A22 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12St. Thomas MoreHomecoming 2012, BurnabyLake West, 5 p.m. STM playsTerry Fox. After the game,people are invited to visit thepost-game reception, whichwill be held in a private roomat Burnaby 8Rinks. Ticketsto the reception, available inadvance, get you a burger,salad and an adult beverage.There will also be a 50/50draw in support of CovenantHouse.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13Alley Sale - The Sequel, 9a.m. to 3 p.m., 1.5 blocksnorth of Anton’s Restaurant,major cross streets areWillingdon and Gilmore, saleis east of Carleton and westof Madison. Items availablewill include: antiques, collect-ibles, records, books, garden-ing tools, furniture, lighting,lamps, clothing, kitchenware,camping gear, toys and more.

Breast cancer preventionand risk assessment clinic,Bonsor Recreation Complex,1:30 to 3 p.m. For more infor-mation and registration, go tohttp://breastcancerprevention.med.ubc.ca/ or call 604-603-5140 or email info@[email protected].

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14Celebration Tea,Confederation SeniorsCommunity Centre, 4585Albert St. Enjoy an after-noon of light refreshmentsand entertainment by TheNotables, 1:30 to 3 p.m.Registration is required. Usebarcode # 271945.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 15Drop-in blood pressureclinic, including height/weightmonitoring, health info and

consultation, massage andsocializing. Bonsor SeniorsCentre, 6550 Bonsor Ave.,9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Info: 604-439-1456.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16Burnaby Writers’ Societyawards night, presentedby Spoken Ink. Readingsbegin at 7:30 p.m., followedby an open mike at the LaFontana Caffe, 101-3701 EastHastings. For more info, go towww.BurnabyWritersNews.blogspot.com or email [email protected].

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17Breast cancer preventionand risk assessment clinic,Bonsor Recreation Complex,2 to 3:30 p.m. For more infor-mation and registration, go tohttp://breastcancerprevention.med.ubc.ca/ or call 604-603-5140 or email [email protected].

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to 2p.m. at South Burnaby UnitedChurch. Clothing, householditems, books, toys and more.Donations welcome.

Drop-in blood pressureclinic, including height/weightmonitoring, health infoand consultation, massageand socializing. EdmondsCommunity Centre, 7282Kingsway, 10 to 11:45 a.m.Info: 604-524-9060.

Librarians’ Choice: Thrills,Adventure, Mystery, McGillBranch, Burnaby PublicLibrary, 4595 Albert St. 7 to8:30 p.m. We will be talkingabout page-turners that getyour heart thumping, storiesthat keep you on the edgeof your seat, and thoughtfulbooks with a sense of adven-ture. There will be lots to

appeal to “guys who read”,so bring along the man inyour life for this fun eve-ning! Everyone is welcome.Refreshments will be served.Free admission, but spaceis limited. Register online athttp://bpl.bc.ca/events/librarians-choice-thrills-adventure-mystery or in person orphone 604-299-8955.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20Forever Edmonds CapsuleCountdown, 10:30 a.m.to noon at the EdmondsCommunity Centre. This freefamily-friendly event cele-brates the rich heritage of theEdmonds community. Seethe contributions for the timecapsule before they’re sealedaway and placed in the newEdmonds Community Centre.Donations to the EdmondsSeniors Society gratefullyaccepted.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21Bottle and penny drive,Bottle Depot at 6893 HastingsSt. Noon to 3 p.m. Help smallanimals in need by droppingoff your returnables, penniesand Canadian Tire money. Allmoney goes towards medicalfund for spays and neuters,surgeries and medications.For more info, email [email protected] or goto www.smallanimalrescue.org.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 22Drop-in blood pressureclinic, including height/weightmonitoring, health info andconsultation, massage andsocializing. Bonsor SeniorsCentre, 6550 Bonsor Ave.,9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Info: 604-439-1456.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to 2

p.m. at South Burnaby UnitedChurch. Clothing, householditems, books, toys and more.Donations welcome.

Drop-in blood pressureclinic, including height/weightmonitoring, health infoand consultation, massageand socializing. EdmondsCommunity Centre, 7282Kingsway, 10 to 11:45 a.m.Info: 604-524-9060.

The Light Bulb Conspiracy,documentary presentationat McGill branch, BurnabyPublic Library, 4595 AlbertSt., 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Freeevent, but space is limited.Register online at www.bpl.bc.ca/events/mcgill/ or call604-299-8955, or in person atthe library.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 29Drop-in blood pressureclinic, including height/weightmonitoring, health info and

consultation, massage andsocializing. Bonsor SeniorsCentre, 6550 Bonsor Ave.,9:30 to 11:15 a.m. Info: 604-439-1456.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to 2p.m. at South Burnaby UnitedChurch. Clothing, householditems, books, toys and more.Donations welcome.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5B.C. Fuchsia and BegoniaSociety meeting, 8 p.m. atSt. Helen’s Catholic Churchgym, 3871 Pandora St.Refreshments will be served.Info: Fran at 604-591-3262 orElsie at 604-299-5438.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to 2p.m. at South Burnaby United


Calendar Page 23

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Page 23: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Church. Clothing, householditems, books, toys and more.Donations welcome.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to2 p.m. at South BurnabyUnited Church. Clothing,household items, books, toysand more. Donations wel-come.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to2 p.m. at South BurnabyUnited Church. Clothing,household items, books, toysand more. Donations wel-come.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24Giant flea market, 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. at MaywoodCommunity School, 4567Imperial St. Lots of bargains.Admission 50 cents. Tablerentals $10. Info: 604-664-8208.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29Thrift shop sale, 10 a.m. to2 p.m. at South BurnabyUnited Church. Clothing,household items, books, toysand more. Donations wel-come.

ONGOINGApplications for crafters’tables, Holy Cross annualChristmas Market to be heldon Nov. 17 and 18 in theschool gymnasium locatedat 1450 Delta Ave. Info or toreserve a table, please [email protected].

Sunshine Sing-Along, sing,dance, and socialize toyour favourite popular old-ies music with a live band.Starting Monday, Oct. 22 andheld every other Mondayfrom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at theCameron Seniors’ RecreationCentre, 9523 Cameron St.Info: 604-420-6478.

Burnaby Scottish CountryDance Club 2012/13 classes,Monday nights from 7:15to 10 p.m. at the EdmondsCommunity Centre, 7282Kingsway. New memberswelcome, no experience orpartner required. Drop in orcall Gerry at 604-451-1161 orRosemary at 604-298-6552 orgo to www.rscdsvancouver.org/burnaby.html for info.

Spoken Word ToastmastersClub, meets on Thursdays 7to 8:45 p.m. at the TommyDouglas Library and at 7175Royal Oak Ave. on alternat-ing weeks. Info: Susan at604-298-6693 or http://spo-kenword.toastmastersclubs.org.

Burnaby InternationalFolk Dancers, meets everyTuesday night from 7:30 to9:30 p.m. at Charles RummelCentre, 3630 Lozells Ave.Learn folk dances fromaround the world in a friend-ly club environment. Newdances taught every night; alllevels welcome, no partnerneeded. Info: 604-436-9475.

Burnaby Hospice Societygrief support programs, freefor Burnaby residents whohave suffered the loss of aloved one. For informationabout the ongoing weeklyWalking Group for Grief andthe fall Adult BereavementSupport Group beginningOct. 17, call 604-520-5087 oremail [email protected].

Scandinavian dancing,Wednesday nights at theScandinavian Centre, 6540

Thomas St., with separateinstruction for beginners.Learn the waltz, polka, schot-tis, hambo, etc. All welcome.Call Judith at 604-526-4722 oremail [email protected].

Parkinson Society BritishColumbia, Burnaby sup-port group, secondMonday of each month,1 to 3 p.m. ConfederationPark Community Centre,4585 Albert St. Meetingincludes sharing ideas, cop-ing strategies, informationand resources, and goodconversation. Info: RobbinJeffereys, 1-800-668-3330 or604-662-3240 or email [email protected].

Line dancing, beginnerswelcome. Moderate exercisefor body and brain and lotsof fun. Monday mornings at10 a.m. at Deer Lake UnitedChurch, 5135 Sperling Ave.Enter by ramp at rear. Moreinfo: Georgie at 604-522-5647.

Dine dance and lessons,swing/Latin/ballroom, every

Wednesday night, Legionballroom, second floor, 4356East Hastings. Buffet: 6:30to 8 p.m., beginner lessonat 7 p.m., intermediate at7:30 p.m., dance starts at 8p.m. $15 for lessons; danceonly, $5. Contact ByronStarr: 604-726-0153, [email protected]. Nopartner needed. Info: www.StarrPortbleDanceFloors.ca.

Drop-in English conversa-tion class, run by BurnabyMulticultural Society.Tuesdays and Thursdays,10 a.m. to noon andWednesdays and Thursdays,2:15 to 4:15 p.m. Anyonewelcome for socializing whilepractising English. Classaccommodates all levels.Sessions at the BurnabyMulticultural Society, 6255Nelson Ave. Info: 604-431-4131, ext. 27 or 29.

Evening seniors dance,Monday evenings atConfederation Seniors Centre(excluding holidays), 7:30 to10:30 p.m. Band: G7 Johnny

Hsu, $5 for members, $6guests. Includes refresh-ments in the break.

Edmonds senior golf club,for players of all levels, withgames at either Central Parkor Kensington Park pitch andputt. Call Reg at 604-515-7511or Pat at 604-433-2072 formore info.

Burnaby BlabbersToastmaster club, every sec-ond Wednesday from noonto 1 p.m., 215 - 4299 CanadaWay, free for guests. Info:[email protected].

Lochdale Hall, located onSperling Avenue at HastingsStreet, in Burnaby has mid-week day and evening timesavailable for rent to lowimpact renters. A beautifulheritage hall at reasonablerates. Call Bill, 604-298-8182.

Bingo for seniors, EdmondsCommunity Centre, 7282Kingsway, every Saturday,11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., gamesstart at 12:30. Dabbers and

paper used. Come early tobuy cards. Info: Tom, 604-430-2763.

Carpet bowling, EdmondsCommunity Centre for 55+,7282 Kingsway. Wednesdaysand Thursdays, 1 to 3 p.m.Info: 604-297-4400.

Wii club for seniors,Edmonds Community Centre,7282 Kingsway. Call Luke,604-297-4403, if you are inter-ested in joining.

Snooker for seniors, atEdmonds Community Centre,7282 Kingsway. BurnabySeniors’ membershiprequired. Info: Tom, 604-430-2763.

Vancouver Rape Relief,needs male volunteers forgroup that raises money forthe crisis centre and transi-tion house. Contact LouisaRussell at [email protected].

Hominum, an informal dis-cussion and support groupfor gay, bi-sexual and ques-

tioning men with the chal-lenges of being married,separated or single. Meetingsevery Monday around theLower Mainland, includingBurnaby. For more info, callDon, 604-329-9760 or Bernie,604-688-8639.

Edmonds’ computer club,classes run Wednesdaysfrom 9 to 11:30 a.m.,Edmonds Community Centrefor 55+, 7282 Kingsway. Info:604-297-4400.

Whist, come and try outthis classic card game,Wednesdays from 9 to 11:30a.m., Edmonds CommunityCentre for 55+, 7282Kingsway. Info: 604-297-4400.

Social dance, practiseyour dancing skills atweekly dances at EdmondsCommunity Centre for55+, 7282 Kingsway, $1 formembers and $2 for others,Fridays from 1 to 3:30 p.m.,Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m.and Mondays from 12:30 to2:30 p.m. Info: 604-297-4400.

continued from page 22

CALENDAR OF EVENTSBurnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A23

www.hpo.bc.caToll-free: 1-800-407-7757

Email: [email protected]

This helpful, easy-to-use, online resource is availablefrom the Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) websiteat www.hpo.bc.ca. Savvy homebuyers are using it tomake more informed purchasing decisions.

The New Homes Registry provides free access to findout if a home has a policy of home warranty insuranceand is built by a Licensed Residential Builder, orwhether it’s built without home warranty insurance.Homebuyers can obtain valuable information such asthe name and contact number of the warranty provider,the builder’s warranty number and whether an owner-built home can be legally offered for sale.

Every new home built for sale by a Licensed ResidentialBuilder in British Columbia is protected by mandatorythird-party home warranty insurance. Better known as2-5-10 home warranty insurance, this coverage includes:two years on labour and materials, five years on thebuilding envelope (including water penetration), and10 years on the structure. It’s the strongest system ofconstruction defect insurance in Canada.

For free access to the New Homes Registry visit theHomebuyers section of the HPO website.

Buying or building your own home? Find out about your rights,obligations and information that can help you make a more informedpurchasing decision.

Visit the B.C. government’s Homeowner Protection Office (HPO)website for free consumer information.

Services* +#9 8%4#A <#B>A?!& 3 -1. %=? >" 51& @%4# !#B>A?#!#. 9>?@ ?@# 8()'* 051 2# 7#B577& %6#!#. "%! A57#* @5A 5 $%7>0& %" @%4# 95!!51?& >1A=!510#* >A 2=>7? 2& 5 />0#1A#. <#A>.#1?>57 ,=>7.#! %! 51 %91#! 2=>7.#!

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* Buying a Home in British Columbia Guide* Guide toHomeWarranty Insurance in British Columbia* MaintenanceMatters bulletins and videos* ;=2A0!>2# ?% 0%1A=4#! $!%?#0?>%1 $=27>05?>%1A

Consumer Protectionfor Homebuyers

New Homes RegistryKeeps Homebuyers Informed

Page 24: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A24 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

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All prices and payments are net of all incentives and are plus taxes, levies and $395 documentation fee. See Dealer for details. Financing on approved credit. Vehicles not exactly as illustrated. 0% Financing for 84 months available on select models. Bi-weekly payments are based on 96 mo., 5.99% APR, $0 down. TP – Sonic $18,926, Cruze $19,486, Spark $19,486, Orlando $21,874, Equinox $30,953, Avalanche $39,529, Volt $43,391, Camaro $33,222, Silverado Ext $25,530, Silverado Crew $27,909,Silverado Crew 4x4 $32,088, Silverado Ext 4x4 $37,133, Enclave $57,310, Lacrosse $37,149, Regal $38,393, Verano $29,566, Corvette $79,544, Malibu $25,924, Traverse $37,133, Acadia $40,916, Terrain $33,349, Yukon $76,226, Canyon $28,772, SRX $47,772, CTS Sedan $48,483, CTS Wagon $52,267. Cash for Clunkers available on select models, see dealer for details.






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bi-weekly for 60 months, amortized over 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. $7,576 remaining balance.Offer includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,772 and $1,650 “3 payments on us” savings¥ and$500winter tire credit.∞ BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $28,667. Offer based on 2013 Sorento LX AT.

HWY (A/T): 6.2L/100KMCITY (A/T): 9.5L/100KM





$146" $0DOWN





Sorento SX shown"

HWY (A/T): 7.5L/100KMCITY (A/T): 10.6L/100KM

Includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,772, $750 Rondo cash bonusΩ and $5,500 cash savings.‡

BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $22,767. Offer based on 2012 Rondo LX with AC.



Rondo EX V6 Luxury shownΔ

bi-weekly for 60 months, amortized over 84 months with $0 DOWN PAYMENT. $6,794 remaining balance.Offer includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,577 and $1,200 “3 payments on us” savings.¥

BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $23,572. Offer based on 2013 Optima LX MT.









HWY (A/T): 5.6L/100KMCITY (A/T): 8.6L/100KM2013

Optima SX Turbo shown"

Includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,477 and $3,477 cash savings‡ (some conditions apply).BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $17,472. Offer based on 2013 Forte Sedan LX MT.

HWY (A/T): 5.5L/100KMCITY (A/T): 8.0L/100KM

2013 SEDAN

Forte SX shown"


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VANCOUVER• 10 minutes from Delta • 15 minutes from Surrey

• 5 minutes from Richmond • 5 minutes from Burnaby• minutes from Downtown

1 year FREE vehicle adjustments • Lifetime FREE car washes• Lifetime FREE oil & filter changes $$ FIRST TIME NEW VEHICLE BUYER PROGRAM

Never leased or financed before?Ask about $500 incentive on Rio, Forte or Soul. Restrictions apply.

Offer(s) availableon select new2012/2013models throughparticipatingdealers toqualified customerswho takedeliverybyOctober 31, 2012. Dealersmay sell or lease for less. Someconditions apply. Offers are subject to changewithoutnotice. Seedealer for completedetails. Vehicles shownmay includeoptional accessories andupgradesavailable at extra cost. All offers exclude licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes anddownpayment (if applicableandunlessotherwise specified).Otherdealer chargesmaybe requiredat the timeofpurchase.Other leaseandfinancingoptionsalsoavailable. **0%purchasefinancing is availableonselectnew2013Kiamodelsonapprovedcredit. Termsvarybymodel and trim, seedealer for completedetails. Representativefinancingexamplebasedon2013OptimaLXMT (OP541D)witha sellingpriceof $23,572 is $134withanAPRof 2.49% for 60months, amortizedover an84-monthperiod. Estimated remainingprincipal balanceof $6,794plus applicable taxesdueat endof 60-monthperiod. Delivery anddestination fees of $1,455, $1,200 “3payments onus” savings, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) andA/C charge ($100,where applicable) are included. License, insurance, applicable taxes, variabledealer administration fees (up to $699),PPSA and registration fees are extra. See dealer for full details.!“Don’t Pay for 90Days” on select newmodels (90-day payment deferral) applies to purchase financing offers on select 2012 and 2013models on approved credit (2012/2013 Sportage/Sorento/Sedona excluded). No interestwill accrue during the first 60 days of the finance contract. After this period, interest starts to accrue and the purchaserwill repay the principal andinterestmonthly over the termof the contract.¥3 Payments OnUs offer is available on approved credit to eligible retail customerswhofinance or lease a select new2012 Soul 1.6LMT/2012 Soul 1.6L AT/2012Optima/2013Optima/2012 Sorento/2013 Sorento/2013 Forte Sedan/2013 Forte Koup/2013 Forte5 fromaparticipatingdealer betweenOctober 1 –October 31, 2012. Eligible lease andpurchasefinance (including FlexChoice) customerswill receivea cheque in theamountof threepayments (excluding taxes) to amaximumof $350/$350/$400/$400/$550/$550/$350/$350/$350permonth. Leaseandfinance (including FlexChoice) purchases are subject to approved credit. Customerswill begivena choicebetweenup to$1,050/$1,050/$1,200/$1,200/$1,650/$1,650/$1,050/$1,050/$1,050 reductions fromthe selling/leasingprice after taxesor dealer can issuea cheque tothe customer. Someconditionsapply. Seeyourdealer for completedetails. OfferendsOctober 31, 2012.!$500Winter Tireoffer is open to retail customerswhofinanceor leaseaneligiblenew2012or 2013Kiavehicle fromaparticipatingKiadealerbetweenOctober 1 andOctober 31, 2012 inclusive. Eligiblemodels include2012/2013Rio4-DoorandRio5, 2012/2013 ForteSedan, ForteKoupandForte5, 2012/2013 Sorentoand2012Soul 1.6 LATorMTmodels. $500 canbe redeemed, at customer's choice, towards thepurchaseof awinter tire/tires for their newKiavehicle, in the formof a cheque in theamountof $500or as a reductionof $500 fromthenegotiated sellingprice (before taxes) of thenewvehicle. Someconditions apply. SeeyourKiadealer for completedetails. Offer endsOctober 31, 2012.§$500 cashbonus is available for all qualified customerswhopurchaseandtakedeliveryofa2012/2013KiaForte, ForteKoup,Forte5, Sorento,OptimaandRondomodelonOctober 11 to 15, 2012. Cashbonus isdeducted fromnegotiatedpricebefore taxes.Offeravailableatparticipatingdealerson in-stockvehiclesonly."Bi-weeklyfinancepayment (onapprovedcredit) fornew2013SorentoLXAT(SR75BD)/2013OptimaLXMT(OP541D)basedonasellingpriceof$28,667/$23,572 is$146/$134withanAPRof0%/2.49%for60months, amortizedover an84-monthperiod. Estimated remainingprincipal balanceof $7,576/$6,794plus applicable taxesdueat endof60-monthperiod.Deliveryanddestination feesof $1,650/$1,455, $1,650/$1,200“3paymentsonus” savings, $500/$0winter tire credit, other feesand certain levies (including tire levies) andA/C charge ($100,whereapplicable) are included. License, insurance, applicable taxes, variabledealeradministration fees (up to $699), PPSAand registration fees are extra. Retailermay sell for less. Seedealer for full details.!Cashpurchaseprice for 2013 Forte Sedan LXMT (FO540D)/2012Rondo LXwithAC is $13,995/$16,517 and includes a cash savingsof $2,427/$5,500 (which is deducted fromthenegotiated sellingpricebefore taxes and cannotbe combinedwith special lease andfinanceoffers), $1,050/$0“3payments onus” savings,$750 Rondo cash bonus, delivery and destination fees of $1,455/$1,650, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies) and A/C charge ($100,where applicable). License, insurance, applicable taxes, variable dealer administration fees (up to $699), PPSA and registration fees are extra. Based on theManufacturer Suggested Retail Price of $17,472/$22,767. Retailermay sell for less. Available at participating dealers. See dealer for fulldetails. ‡$2,427/$5,500 cash savingson the cashpurchaseof aneligiblenew2013 Forte Sedan/2012RondoLX fromaparticipatingdealerbetweenOctober 1–October 31, 2012. Cash savings is deducted fromthenegotiated sellingpricebefore taxesandcannotbe combinedwith special leaseandfinanceoffers. Someconditionsapply. Seeyourdealer for completedetails.#RondoCashBonusoffer is available toqualified retail customerswhopurchase/financeor lease anew2012KiaRondo (CashBonusof $750) fromaparticipatingdealer betweenOctober 1 andOctober 31, 2012 andwill bededucted fromthenegotiatedpurchase/leasepricebefore taxes. Lease andfinanceoffers areonapproved credit. Someconditions apply. Seeyourdealer for completedetails."Model shownManufacturer SuggestedRetail Price for 2013 Sorento 3.5L SXAWD(SR75XD)/2013 Forte SXLuxuryAT (FO74XD)/2013OptimaSX TurboAT (OP748D)/2012RondoEXV6w/Navigation (RN750C) is $43,045/$27,150/$35,550/$29,945and includesdelivery anddestination fees of $1,650/$1,455/$1,455/$1,650andA/C charge ($100,where applicable). License, insurance, applicable taxes, other fees and certain levies (including tire levies), variabledealer administration fees (up to $699), PPSAand registration fees are extra. Retailermaysell for less. Available atparticipatingdealers. Seedealer for full details.!Highway/city fuel consumption is basedon the2013 Sorento2.4LGDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2013 Forte Sedan2.0LMPI 4-cyl (A/T)/2013Optima2.4LGDI 4-cyl (A/T)/2012RondoEXV6w/Navigation2.7LDOHC4-cyl (A/T). TheseestimatesarebasedonTransport Canada’s approved criteria and testingmethods. Refer to theGovernmentof Canada’sEnerGuide Fuel ConsumptionGuide. Your actual fuel consumptionwill vary basedondriving habits andother factors. Some conditions apply to the $500GradRebate Program. Seedealer or kia.ca for details. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the timeof printing. Formore information onour 5-yearwarranty coverage, visit kia.ca or call us at 1-877-542-2886. KIA is a trademark of KiaMotors Corporation andKia Canada Inc. respectively.

Page 26: Burnaby Now October 12 2012


DI’ve always liked the FJ

Cruiser, not only because it’s“so different” than other SUVsbut also because it’s so practicaland usable in the real outdoors.Unlike most SUVs – which arereally cross-overs designed forcasual off-roading – the FJ is atrue work horse when it comesto driving through tough ter-rains.

Yet, surprisingly it’s not a badroad vehicle too, with a comfort-able ride and predictable hand-ling that might surprise you.

The FJ Cruiser can seat fiveand has unusual rear-hingedside doors that allow access to itsrear seats. Ease of entry has beenimproved on the passenger side,with a front passenger seatbackthat folds farther forward. Therear cargo door is hinged onthe driver’s side of the vehicle,instead of the usual liftgate.

The outboard rear seats have

also been upgraded with foldinghead restraints. This handy fea-ture improves the driver’s rearvision when the seats are not inuse. That said, outward vision isan issue in an FJ, mainly due toits extra wide roof support pil-lars.

The FJ’s gutsy 4.0-litre V6engine produces 271 lb-ft oftorque, which peaks at 4400 rpm.It’s a modern engine with dualvariable valve timing, whichmeans the valve opening/clos-ing sequence on both the intakeand exhaust camshafts changeswith engine speed.

The base six-speed manualversion comes with full-timefour-wheel drive. Our test FJCruiser came with the optionalfive-speed automatic ($1,000)and part-time four-wheel drive.A separate shift lever allows thedriver to select a higher-ratiogear range (for off-road use).This package also adds a reardifferential lock and skid-plateprotection for the engine, trans-fer case and gas tank.

An “Adventurer Package”($5,995) was also fitted to ourtest FJ. It includes a long list offeatures, including the very cool

looking safari-style roof rack,which looked strong enough tohold a buffalo. An interestinginclusion in this package wasthe 10-speaker JBL audio systemwith its massive subwoofer in

the cargo area.Another is the Multi

Information Display. This is atrio of gauges that sit on topof the dashboard and provideoutside temperature, a compass

and an inclinometer, which tellsyou that the FJ is on an incline,in case you need to know.Toyotahas used the FJ and J designationon an older military-style utility

The Toyota FJ Cruiser still a true work horse

Off road: The Toyota FJ is a practical SUV in its genuine off-road capabilities.

Toyota Page 29

Contributed/burnaby now

A true SUV in off-roadcapabilities for popularToyota offering

David ChaoNOW contributor

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A27

Page 27: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A28 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

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Page 28: Burnaby Now October 12 2012



vehicle that it made,which became the LandCruiser in North America.

While some stylingcues are transferred, the FJCruiser is a unique designthat attempts to recapturethe spirit of its predeces-sors.

Toyota’s design studiosin southern Californiacame up with the conceptand the engineering andproduction work on theFJ Cruiser was done inJapan. Retro exterior FJstyling cues include thatnarrow slot in the hoodthat acts as a secondaryengine air intake and theupright windshield withits trio of wipers.

While the FJ Cruisershares much of its under-structure with the Toyota4Runner and Tacomapickup truck, it has ashorter wheelbase andvery short front and rearbody overhangs.

This, of course, is toallow it to manoeuvre bet-ter in tighter confines andbe an even better off-roadvehicle.

The purpose-built high-ly functional theme of FJis continued on the inside.Forget leather upholsteryas the FJ only comes withwater-resistant clothupholstery and easy-cleanrubberized floor andcargo mats.

The dash has a utilitar-ian, industrial look andan odd lower section thatsticks out into the cabin.

I caught my knee onit a couple of times whilehauling myself in thedriver’s seat. When seated(and possibly cursing andhurting) the driver thenfaces an instrument panelwith plain white-facedgauges that are easy toread.

In addition to the regu-lar glove box, there’s ahandy although smallercovered storage box ontop of the instrumentpanel in front of thedriver.

Cup holders are pro-vided in the centre con-sole and in all four doors.A feature that could comein very handy is a second-ary fold-down sun visorabove both front doors.

The rear-seat cushionstip forward to allow therear seatbacks, which aresplit 60/40, to fold for-ward and expand is cargobay.

It’s not a completelyflat expanded cargo floorfeature, but its closeenough to still be highlyusable.

The side curtain airbags come with a rollsensing and activationsystem, which is goodto have on a tall, highercentre of gravity vehicle.

The front seats alsocome with active headrestraints that help pre-vent whiplash-type injur-ies. An auto-dimmingrear-view mirror is a newfeature.

While it’s more capablethan most utility vehiclebuyers will ever putto test, the FJ Cruiserbestows its go-anywheredriving freedom and astatus level on its ownerthat many will enjoy. It’salso rated to tow as muchas 2,268 kg (5,000 lbs),which is a good-sizedtrailer.

If most driving is donein the city, however, fuelconsumption will prob-ably be an issue.

The FJ is a heavyvehicle with a fairly largeengine and its trans-mission gearing is notdesigned to provide opti-mal fuel economy.

The manual transmis-sion version of the FJCruiser has an off-roadcrawl ratio of 41.84:1 anda clutch-less start featurethat can come in handy,especially if you plan todo some rock-crawlingmanoeuvres.

The automatic trans-mission’s four-wheel-drive system offersshift-on-the-fly selection.The choices are H2 (highrange/2 wheel drive),H4 (high range/4 wheeldrive) or L4 (low range/4wheel drive) settings onthe transfer case.

The wide roof supportpillars and short windowglass do present somedriver vision issues, par-ticularly if you’re an avidshoulder-checker.

The driver has a wide Bpillar over the left shoul-der and C pillar on theright do restricts visionof traffic in the so-called“blind spot.”

The big side mirrors,if used correctly, can cer-tainly minimize or elimin-ate this issue.

The roof extends fur-ther forward than in mostvehicles and the widefront A pillars can alsorestrict cross-traffic driversightlines in some inter-sections. Extra caution isthe answer here.

On city streets and onhighways the FJ Cruiseroffers a more comfort-able ride than you mightexpect, even in the backseat.

While there’s somewind noise from the bigroof rack at highwayspeeds, its oh-so-cool fac-tor would certainly out-weight this minor annoy-ance.

SummaryNot for everyone, in

fact, the bold and bluntone-of-kind Toyota FJ

Cruiser selects its masters- they simply have to ownit!

The SpecsTrim levels: Base plus

packages.Base Price: $32,725 to

$41,995.Power: 4.0-litre V-6, 260

horsepower.Transmission: six-speed

manual/five-speed auto-matic

Fuel consumption(auto): 12.4/9.5 L/100 km(city/highway)

Basic Warranty: threeyears – 60,000 km

Powertrain Warranty:five years – 100,000 km

Rust Warranty: fiveyears – unlimited km

The CompetitionJeep Wrangler Unlimi–

ted: $27,795 – $34,795Nissan Xterra: $33,998

– $37,998Subaru Forester:

$25,995 – $35,995

OnlineSee www.toyota.ca.

Toyota: ‘Oh-so-cool’ factor helps boost FJ into a popular optioncontinued from page 27

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A29

Page 29: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A30 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW



Dear Tom and Ray:I’m an authentic Chinese

citizen writing to youguys from China. Did youimagine you would ever havefaithful listeners and readersacross the Pacific?

Well, you have at leastone! I studied and worked inthe U.S. for 10 years beforemoving my family backto China. Now I commuteabout 50 miles a day bycar. Your “Car Talk” radio-show podcast has made thisroutine journey bearable,and even joyful sometimes.Thank you!

My question: Last week,a huge storm hit Beijing,causing serious floodinginside the city. One manreportedly drove his SUVunder an underpass and

got trapped under 10 feet ofwater. Realizing that his carwindows and doors were allstuck (or locked), he desper-ately tried to crack a windowto escape.

Meanwhile, he called hiswife, asking her to come andrescue him with a hammer.Sadly, after spending about40 minutes inside the car, hestill could not break the win-dow. When his wife arrived,it was too late. Of course,shame on the government’sinfrastructure system.

But I wonder what adviceyou would offer to anyonewho finds himself in this sortof situation. You may thinkit is an uncommon scenario,but who can exclude the pos-sibility that a disgruntledhusband, like myself, desper-ately annoyed by his wife,may want to terminate hislife by driving his car intoa lake?

And when he is alreadyin the water, he realizes heforgot to turn off the ricecooker, and suddenly needsto get out? Thanks!

YangTOM: That’s why we

always say make sureyou double-check the ricecooker before leaving thehouse, Yang.RAY: Actually, this kindof accident, where a carends up under – or largelyunder – water can happenanywhere. So here’s whatyou need to know in caseit happens to you.TOM: First, the windowis a better option than thedoor.

There’s a huge amountof pressure against theoutside of the door fromthe surrounding water,so it’s very, very hard topush open a door.RAY: Second, on manycars, power windows willcontinue to work for atleast a short time after acar has been submerged.So Step 1 is to take a deepbreath and try to openyour window immedi-ately.TOM: In case the powerwindows do not work,then you should keep atool in the glove box thatyou can use to break awindow. Car windows are

hard to break.RAY: Car glass also istempered, which meansit’s been specially manu-factured to be harder tobreak.RAY: Your best bet prob-ably is using your feetand trying to push out thewindshield or rear win-

dow. Neither of those isset in tracks, like the sidewindows.TOM: But our best adviceis to be very carefularound water.

It’s hard to know howdeep a puddle is beforedriving into it. So if youdo encounter a puddle of

unknown depth, proceedvery, very slowly, andstop if necessary.

Got a question aboutcars? Write to Click andClack by visiting the CarTalk website at www.car-talk.com.

CLICK & CLACK TALK CARSRay & Tom Magliozzi

Use caution around water to avoid troubles

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Page 30: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A31

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Page 31: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A32 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW


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Page 32: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A33
















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Page 33: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A34 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW
























































































































Page 34: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A35

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Page 35: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A36 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

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Page 36: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A37



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Page 37: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A38 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW













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Page 38: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A39


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A40 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

1031 Coming Events10311010 Announcements1010

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Page 40: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

COLLECTOR BUYING Antiques,collectibles, household items, oldpost cards, photo’s, antique guns,old toys, militaria, most anythingpre 1960 Ron 604-590-1570

2005 Antiques2005RETRO DESIGN

& ANTIQUES FAIR175 tables & booths of fun, fabulousfinds for you & your eclectic abode!SUN OCT 21 10-3 Croatian CulturalCenter 3250 Commercial Dr,604-980-3159 Admission: $5

2035 Burial Plots2035Above Ground plot in amausoleum $29,000. Located inprestigious Forest Lawn MemorialPark in Burnaby. Above ground,plot in a garden mausoleumsetting. Permits burial for family offour. Incls two exterior decorativevases. Priced at market value.604-272-7250 or 604-874-2423

OCEAN VIEW Cemetery PlotBurial plot in Calvary 6 section

of Ocean View Cemetery.Plot will hold 1 casket plus

1 urn or 2 urns. $8900.Call: (604) 557-0506

2 SXS Burial Plots in ValleyView Memorial Gardens, Gardenof Last Supper area. Priceincludes plot, vault, and openingand closing for each site. Asking$7000 each. Call: (778) 574-0717 email: [email protected]

VALLEY VIEW MemorialGardens Burial Plots

2 SxS burial plots in Valley ViewMemorial Gardens, Garden ofFour Prophets. Each plot can be1 burial and 1 urn or 2 urns.Currently selling at Valley Viewfor $6500 + HST each. Asking$5500 each. Call: 250-769-3895email: [email protected]

2055 Food Products2055


Persian & Mediterranean Foods22351 Selkirk Avenue,

Maple Ridge, (604) 477-2070

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

ELECTRIC SCOOTERS. 4 whls:Ortho-Kinetics, needs batteries,$100; Celebrity X, $400; Fortress2000, new oversized batteries,tires & toys, $795. 3 - 4 wheels:Shoprider Cobra, new August2012, mint condition, $1500.604-786-4689 or 604-528-8422

2060 For Sale -Miscellaneous2060

FREE 120 PAGE CATALOGUEfrom Halfords. Butcher supplies,leather & craft supplies andan ima l con t ro l p roduc ts .1-800-353-7864 or Emai l :[email protected] visit our Web Store:www.halfordsmailorder.com

JANOME 8000 Embroidery/Sew-ing Machine, memory cards, mir-acle stitcher/piping ft. Complete,all manuals. $650. 604-435-0204

Looking for something trulyunique & original? Purchasedoverseas, solid teak, intricatelyhand carved, extensively detailed5pc living rm showcase ste, suit-able for rustic resort or spac.home. $12,000 or highest offer.Consider part trade for newervehicle w/low km’s. 778-241-5477

2075 Furniture2075

MOVING - Excellent Furniturein Great Condition Solid 48"Oak Dining Table, leaf + 4 chairs$425; Almost new 8’ cotton sofa$275; Queen Solid Pine 4-posterbed $200; Solid Oak MediaCentre $25; New bone low-flotoilet - not used $50; DoubleMaple Bed $25; 18 SpdMountain Bike $40 email:[email protected]

MAPLE TABLE $350, fourchairs $235; Garden Harvestdishes, 64 pcs $175.

Call: (604) 307-0404

GORGEOUSBuffet and Hutch: $1450.

Gorgeous all wood Buffet andHutch, 85" high, 73" wide.Classic style: will work with anyfurniture you already have.email: [email protected]

2075 Furniture2075DRESSER WITH wing mirror$60. Chest with shelves & draw-ers, $60. Chest of drawers, $50.Oak dinning table with 6 chairsleather seats, ext to 86', exclcond, $400. Bby N. 604 293-1187

Queen size BR ste, 5 pc, nomattress $395. Kitchen tble & 6chrs $350. TV stand w/glass drs$75, all obo, 604-940-2906

QUEEN SIZE Mattress SetBrand New. Original Plastic.

Never Used.Must sell $200

Call: (604) 790-0021

2080 Garage Sale2080NEW WEST Estate Sale

306 Churchill AveSat Oct.13th 9:00 - 3:00

Everything must go! 5 pcebdrm suite, recliner, lift assistrecliner, couch, love seats,end tables, desks, lamps,patio furn,tools,loads of mischousehold goods, kitchenappliances & much more.Sale inside- rain or shine

2100 Tools &Equipment2100

ALL KINDS of Restaurant Equip-ment for sale. Open House Fri/Sat/Sun. For info 604-729-9767

2105 MusicalInstruments2105

HUNTINGTON PIANO & stoolwith glass ball feet. Excellentcond. $550 obo. 604-431-6809

2135 Wanted to Buy2135STAMPS wanted Collector

looking to buy stamp collections.email: [email protected]

Tim Stephens' Astral Reflections Oct. 14 - 20, 2012★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Aries March 21 - April 19: The accent lies onrelationships,especially Sunday/Monday.All October,you’ll hear secrets, divine someone’s true intent, orshare in financial knowledge/action with another. Ifsomeone attracts you (a co-worker?) intimate talkis not far behind. (Perhaps Monday to Wednesday– with no guarantee of success.) Careful – this lovecan turn to work. Your cultural, intellectual, traveland love nature emerges strongly late week (andto mid-November). A new project in these arenas ispretty certain. But avoid legal hassles/suits, into mid-December. Be ambitious Saturday: contact VIPs.Taurus April 20-May 20: Work hard – it’s theonly “sure thing” now, especially Sunday (maybeMonday) when your efforts can lead, financially, tosuccess that somehow involves the government,an institution or large corporation. Relationshipsdemand diplomacy, co-operation midweek. Youmight be attracted to a sexual or financial situationWednesday night to Friday eve, and right into mid-November. Be careful: impulsivity can lead to chains.But there is also a money opportunity here, on theearnings-for-work side – mostly Thursday. A sweet,gentle mood flows over you Friday eve, Saturday:love brews.Gemini May 21-June 20: The accent continueson romance, infatuation, pleasure, creativity, beauty,children’s affairs and taking successful risks,especially Sunday/Monday – if you’re single, youcould fall in love. (This is a bright, nervy,witty, friendly,“electric”meeting/person – and the “falling in” couldbe delayed – but not long.) Tackle chores Tuesday/Wednesday. Relationships, exciting meetings, occurWednesday eve to Friday afternoon. Be diplomatic,co-operative. All links are heating up – this causesyou great hope, but irks another. It’s love or war.Home remains sweet. Sexy urges Saturday.

Cancer June21-July 22:The focus remainsonkids,home, food, shelter, security, basics and foundations,both Sunday/Monday, and this whole week.These areyour zones of strength, so all should go well. While athome (or café, park, plant nursery, etc.) you mightget a splendid career/work idea. Communicationsare affectionate all month. You might receive or senda love “note” (glance, flirty email). Midweek bringsromantic notions, though whether you should followthem is not certain. (If you meet/date Tuesday eve, anew love might begin.) Tackle tasks Thursday onward– your career will benefit.Leo July 23-Aug. 22: Travel, communicate andvisit Sunday/Monday – Sunday’s much better. Aromantic wish could come true, or you could makea great friend. Be home, focus on domestic mattersMonday night to Wednesday. Family members areunusually talkative (and would love a trip). Thisevening to Friday brings romance, adventure,pleasure, beauty and speculative luck. Tacklechores Saturday. All October, your money, incomeand spending luck sail sweetly along. Now to mid-November, your romantic courage is high; you couldmeet an exciting, marriageable partner (better thisweek than the next four).Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22: Continue to chase money,especially Sunday (and Monday, though routine isbetter this day). Travel, communicate, contact casualfriends and do paperwork Tuesday/Wednesday. Bedomestic, strive to further your security, retirementnest egg, children’s interests, late Wednesday night(listen to mate’s misgivings) to Friday afternoon.Romance, creativity and/or pleasure lure youSaturday – go.All month, you radiate a subtle charm;it attracts others, financially and emotionally. Butstep lightly at home: the floor burns with potentialquarrels. Yet you desire to buy property.

Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22: Your charisma and energyremain high, Libra. Continue to start things, to seekattention, favours and affirmative replies. You’reespecially “in your power” Sunday/Monday – thoughwatch the “start nothing” interval. Chase money, buyand sell Monday night, Tuesday – but avoid jewelry,travel tickets and luxury items generally. Thursday/Friday bring travel, notes, reports, media, minorjoys and casual friends (a potential mate might beamong these). Focus on home, domesticity, security,children Saturday. Your inner world and confidantsremain affectionate, lucky all month.Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21: Continue to lie low, rest,contemplate and plan, especially Sunday/Monday.(Let the plans be dreams Monday, as this day’s oneswon’t really come true.) Your energy rises mildlyMonday eve to Wednesday eve – lots of progresspromised Tuesday. Chase money Thursday/Friday.Saturday’s for friends, trips, errands and paperwork(or read a paper). Now to mid-November muchmoney will come to you, but you could spend evenmore, ending at a loss. Be conservative, bank it.Friends remain a delight this week and next. Thoughyou’re tired, you remain unexpectedly alert andcommunicative.Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21: Dreams come truethis week, especially Sunday/Monday – or you mightmake a wish that later comes true. (Fully expressedwishes seldom manifest: so let yours be a “feeling,”or semi-conscious.) Retreat, rest and think thingsover Tuesday/Wednesday: you’ve met a new friendor two in past weeks, might have begun a flirtatiousrelationship. Your energy and charisma soarWednesday night to Friday – as does your popularity.Your romantic quotient is surging. However, a “suitor”– one who talks partnership – has the advantage.Higher-ups favour you all month. Buy/sell, Saturday.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19: Continue to pursue yourambitions, especially Sunday (best) Monday (but stickto routine, projects already “safe”) Tuesday (butter upVIPs or enhance co-worker relations via “fun”) andThursday to Saturday. Your hopes and sociability riseTuesday/Wednesday. Rest and plan, Thursday/Friday.Your energy and charisma lift Friday eve, Saturday– start something! All month, benefits come fromintellectual, foreign, legal, publishing and similarsources. You might improve/purchase a property forsecurity or family reasons anytime now into mid-November – seek government aid.Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18: The mellow, loving moodcontinues. You benefit this week from international,publishing, educational, cultural, ritual, intellectual,legal, far travel and similar matters, especially Sunday/Monday and Thursday. (Don’t start anything Monday,though.) Be ambitious Monday night to Wednesdayeve – higher-ups approve of your energy, but they’recasting a skeptical eye on your romantic and creativeepisodes/ideas. These VIPs (now to 2015) don’t like“fun.” Optimism, popularity, entertainment and lightromance come Thursday/Friday. You’ll be popular intomid-November. Sleep Saturday.Pisces Feb. 19-March 20: The mysteries continue– research, perform detective work, diagnose health,makechanges,invest,fixfinances,makecommitments,and seek intimacy – these are very lucky Sunday, (seekearnings) and somewhat favoured Monday. (Monday’sthings have a hard time “culminating.”) Wisdom anda mellow mood bless you Tuesday/Wednesday. Beambitious, speak with higher-ups Thursday/Friday.(People in charge are testy, impatient now throughmid-November, but that shouldn’t impede your ambitions.)A gathering, a flirtation, your popularity, future plans– something makes you happy Saturday.

[email protected] • Reading: 604-727-3673

CALLING ALL QUILTERSWe’re looking for quality fabric inexcellent condition. Want toclean out some of your stash?email: [email protected]

MILITARY Medals &Collectibles Wanted

Especially collections ofCanadian & British Common-wealth medals, orders, badges,swords, etc. $250,000+ availablefor immediate settlement. Re-search & Appraisal Service.Collecting since 1975. MemberMCC of C, OMRS 604 727-0137

MARKETPLACE3507 Cats3507

CATS for ADOPTIONRoyal City Humane Society.

604-524-6447 www.rchs.bc.ca




3508 Dogs35082 BOXER PUPPIES, 5 monthsold, pb with cert, tan with whitemusk, $800 obo. 778-998-0355

3508 Dogs3508

REG GERMAN SHEPARD Pups,2 m, 3 fem, plush/sables, blk/tan/red. $1500 obo. 604-625-7890

REG/BELGIAN SHEPHERDMalinois pups, top Europeanworking bloodlines. Avail endA p r i l v e t c h e c k e d , v a c [email protected]

CKC CHOCOLATE lab puppies 4males/4fem. Exc pets. 1st shotsincluded, $1000. 604-454-8643

BERNESE Mtn Dog Puppies,family raised, $1000.

Call 604-940-2218

BOXER PUPPIES CKC Reg’dPurebred. Fawn w Blk Mask 3males. Ready now. Vet checked$1000. Call: (604) 852-1673

SAVE A LIFE. Wonderful rescuedogs from Foreclosed UponPets. Spay/neutered, regularv a c c i n a t i o n s & r a b i e s ,microchipped. $449 adoption fee,avail at your local Petcetera stores.

UKC REG PAPERED GottilinePitbulls Blue, Short, Stocky BornAug 27 778 385 4695

P/B YORKSHIRE Terrier TeacupPup 1 tiny Male with breeding rightsCKC microchipped healthy smartadorable view parents $2000.


LHASA APSO Male Dog, black &white, 4 yrs old, $250. all shots,family raised. 604-812-9800

1225 CustomerService1225

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRequired FT & PT $10.25/hr.

Drop off resume to:3826 Canada Way, Burnaby

or email: [email protected]

1232 Drivers1232


with Class 2 Drivers LicenseCompetitive wages &

training provided.Start immediately.

Please send resume &driver’s abstract to:THIRDWAVE BUS

SERVICESFax: 604-247-1222

Email:[email protected]

1240 GeneralEmployment1240


LANE CLOSURE TECHS• Must have reliable vehicle• Must be certified & experienced• Union Wages & Benefits

Apply in person19689 Telegraph Trail, Langleyfax resume to 604-513-3661

or email:[email protected]

1240 GeneralEmployment1240


Glacier Media Group makesevery effort to ensure youare responding to areputable and legitimate jobopportunity. If you suspectthat an ad to which youh a v e r e s p o n d e d i smisleading, here are someh i n t s t o r emembe r .Legitimate employers donot ask for money as part ofthe application process; donot send money; do not giveany credit card information;or call a 900 number inorder to respond to anemployment ad.

Job opportunity ads aresalary based and do notrequire an investment.

If you have responded to anad which you believe to bemisleading please call theBetter Business Bureau at604-682-2711, Monday toFriday, 9am - 3pm or [email protected] they will investigate.

1293 Social Services1293

Call 604-708-2628www.plea.ca

Some great kids aged 12 to 18 who needa stable, caring home for a few months.Are you looking for the opportunity todo meaningful, fulfilling work? PLEACommunity Services is looking forqualified applicants who can providecare for youth in their home on afull-time basis or on weekends for respite.Training, support and remunerationare provided. Funding is available formodifications to better equip your home.A child at risk is waiting for an open door.Make it yours.


S P C Asupport your localA






Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A41

Page 41: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A42 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

3015 ChildcareAvailable3015

Funded by the Prov. of BC

For information contact us at:604.931.3400 (Tri-Cities)604.294.1109 (Bby/NW)


Are You ProvidingChild Care?

Join the YMCA CCRR!• Referrals

• Resources• Training, and more!

All About Kidsis a local guide for KidsActivities, Lessons, Education& Childcare – If this fitsyour business then thisis the perfect advertisingopportunity for you.This Feature runs the lastFriday of each month in TheBurnaby Now and New West.Record.

To advertise call

Darla604.444.3054Email: [email protected]

CANADAPROVINCE OF QUEBECDistrict of Saint-FrançoisRecord No. 450-12-026631-129

ARMANDO CHAVEZ1945, des Boisés Street, apt. 7 Sherbrooke (Québec) J1H 3Z1

PlaintiffFLOR MARIA MURICA, last known address

6707 Dow Avenue, apt. 8, Burnaby (B.C.) V5H 3E1Defendant

SUMMONS (139 C.C.P.)BY ORDER OF THE COURT:Notice is given to the defendant that the plaintiff has filed a motion toinstitute proceedings, in the office of the following court: superior courtof the district of St.-Francis. A copy of the motion and of the noticeto the defendant has been left for the defendant at the office of theCourt, at the Sherbrooke courthouse, located at 375 King West Street,Sherbrooke (QC). The defendant is ordered to appear within 40 daysof the publication of this order.Failure to appear within the time fixed could cause a judgment bydefault to be rendered against the defendant without further notice asof the expiry of the time fixed.Notice is also given that the motion to institute proceedings will bebrought for a ruling before the Court on December 13th, 2012, at 8:45a.m., in Room 2 of the Sherbrooke courthouse.At Sherbrooke on October 5th, 2012.

Catherine Lapointe,Special Clerk

SJ-902A (2005-11)

COURT: SUPERIORDivision: Family Division


Re: the estate ofDorothy Katherine Sweet,

deceased, formerly of3962 Yale Street, Burnaby.Creditors and others havingclaims against the estate ofDorothy Katherine Sweet, arehereby notified under section38 of the Trustee Act thatparticulars of their claimsshould be sent to the executor

c/o Hawthorne & Company,Barristers & Solicitors,

#208-1899 Willingdon AveBurnaby, B C, V5C 5T1,on or before December 7,2012, after which date theexecutor will distribute theestate among the partiesentitled to it, having regard tothe claims of which the

executor then has notice.

5505 Legal/PublicNotices5505

REPAIRER’S LEIN ACTWhereas,617436 BC Ltd. Inderjit Virk

is indebted to Andre’sMechanical Repairs Ltd. forrepair & storage fees on a1989 Mercedes 300 SL VIN:

WDBCA25D5KA435318.There is presently an amountdue and owing of $3250.31plus any additional costs ofseizure and sale. Notice ishereby given that on the29th day of October 2012or thereafter, the said vehiclewill be sold.

For more information callAndre’s Mechanical

(604) 525-1433Unit #1 - 816 Boyd Street,New Westminster, B.C.

LEGALS5505 Legal/Public

Notices5505#1 IN PARDONS

Clear Your Criminal Record! StartTODAY for ONLY $49.95/mo.Our Accredited Agency offersFASTEST, GUARANTEEDPardon.For FREE Consultations,

call 1-866-416-6772www.ExpressPardons.com


E S T A T E O F S T E P H E NDANCHUK ALSO KNOWN ASSTEVE DANCHUK, DECEASEDAll persons having claims inrespect of Stephen Danchuk alsoknown as Steve Danchuk,deceased, formerly of 407 – 4425Halifax Street, Burnaby, BritishColumbia, Canada, are requiredto send full particulars of suchclaims to the undersignedExecutor, at 400 Burrard Street,3rd Floor, Vancouver, BritishColumbia, V6C 3A6, Canada, onor before the 23rd day ofNovember, 2012, after which datethe estate’s assets will bedistributed, having regard only toclaims that have then beenreceived.

CIBC Trust Corporation,ExecutorCLARK WILSON LLPSolicitors

REAL ESTATE5005 Accounting/


TAX RETURNS - BOOKKEEPINGPersonal - Small Business

Current - Delinquent20 yrs exp. 604-420-1108

5010 Business for Sale5010

#1 JANITORIAL FRANCHISECustomers, (Office Cleaning),Training and support. Financing.www.coverallbc.com 604-434-7744

5035 FinancialServices5035

AVOID BANKRUPTCYSave up to 70% of your Debt.

One affordablemonthly payment, interest free.For debt restructuring on your

terms not your creditors.Call 1-866-690-3328

or [email protected]

5040 Business Opps/Franchises5040

*Annual starting revenue of $12,000-$120,000*Guaranteed cleaning contracts*Professional training provided

*Financing available*Ongoing support

*Low down payment requiredContact Coverall of BC

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4530 TravelDestinations4530

GREAT FALL SPECIAL3br - 1700ft - Perfect Getaway inthe Valley of Sun! (Phoenix, AZ)Accommodations: House,3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths (Sleeps 6)Located in the wonderful GardenLakes community of 2000 homes,located in a spectacular setting 12miles west of Downtown withgreat access to interstate 10 andhighway 101. Great location closeto all Major Sporting arenas. NHLCoytoes, Nascar, NFL Cardinals,and MLB Diamondbacks. Not tomention close to lots of golfcourses, shopping and numerousother outdoor activities.TheGarden Lake community boastsgreat walking trails, North Lakeand South Lake. This wonderfulfully furnished 3 bedroom 2bathroom home is located on acorner lot with its own privateoutdoor pool and patio!Great rates this fall from $2500per month! - Perfect for thesnowbird!

To secure yourreservation please call

Tony at 604.813.4686 or [email protected]

For more information, photosand rates check out


JUDY KILLEEN • 604-833-8044Sutton Group – West Coast Realty

LIKE NEW 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOMEImmac. compl. updated 2 level NE &south-facing end unit in Greentree Village.Updated kit, d/g windows, cabinets,floors, appls., W/D, new drapes, blinds,light fixtures & more! Lge. patio, fencedentrance, sundeck off L/R, parking, 2 stg.lockers. Swimming pool in rec complex,weight rm., party rm. MLS# V959341

For Pictures & Floor Plan:www.mrsrealestate.ca

OPEN SAT., 2:30 TO 4:30PM • $335,0004260 GARDEN GROVE DRIVE, BURNABY

JUDY KILLEEN • 604-833-8044Sutton Group – West Coast Realty

LIKE NEW 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMEClean, e/w facing, 1856 sq. ft.,3 level, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath,18-year-old duplex style Polygonbuilt townhome. Updates includegranite countertop, laminate floor,interior paint. Facilities includeoutdoor pool, hot tub, exerciseroom. Double-car garage, rec roomor 4th bedroom plus 2-pce. bath.

OPEN SAT., 12 to 2PM • $710,000#55 - 5950 OAKDALE ROAD, BURNABY

6008-04 Burnaby6008-04

6002 Agents6002


EMMERY LEUNG604-728-7170

Have qualified BUYER!Realtor speaks English,Cantonese & Mandarin.

Homeland Realty

6005 Real EstateServices6005

ADAM LLOYD 604.526.2888Re/Max Advantage Realty

Buy or Sell with Meand Use My Truck for Free!

[email protected]

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-02 Abbotsford6008-02

IMMACULATE TOP fl 963sf 2br condo, insuite laundry, +55building, $124,900 604-309-3947see uSELLaHOME.com id5565

TOP FLR 762sf 1br condo, in-stelaundry, 45+ building Mt. Bakerview $89,000. 778-822-7387see uSELLaHOME.com id5553

HIGHGATE RIDGE 1 levelground fl tnhse, 845sf 2br 2baw/lge backyd $420K 604- 376-7652see uSELLaHOME.com id5550

NR EDMONDS sk/train stn. 788sf2br 2ba condo across from Taylorpk $388,900 604-764-8384 seeuSELLaHOME.com id5571

6008-06 Chilliwack6008-061 BDRM Condo in Chwk, 780sf,55+ bldg, reduced to $85,000.604-219-8485 or 604-583-2510

IMMACULATE 984SF 2br condoinsuite laundry, mountain view40+ bldg $95,300 604-703-3839see uSELLaHOME.com id5543

LARGE 2200SF 3br 2.5ba reno’d3 lvl tnhse w/unique loft on 3rdfloor, $269,900 604-799-0213see uSELLaHOME.com id5578

6008-12 Langley/Aldergrove6008-12

REDUCED TO sell 1536sf 3br2.5ba 1 owner end unit 6 yr oldtownhome $319K 604-833-4246see uSELLaHOME.com id5549

NICOMECKL RIVER hiking trailsnr this1279sf 2br 1.5ba tnhousew/pool, $224,900 778-240-3699see uSELLaHOME.com id5512

RENO’D 770SF 1 BR 2nd fl withnew appls insuite laundry, petskids ok $189,900 604-530-6247see uSELLaHOME.com id5584

WALNUT GROVE 1311sf 3br1.5ba, on quiet side of complexwith private back yard $293,000see uSELLaHOME.com id5539

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-14 Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6008-14

IMMACULATE 2446SF 4br 4bat/h. Incredible view, huge masterbr $414,900, 604-466-3175 seeuSELLaHOME.com id5226

6008-18 NewWestminster6008-18

OWNER SELLING Newly Reno1236sf. 2BR & den, 2 baths,7appls, pets ok, NWest concretehi-rise. (#806 The Woodward)Direct secure access to RoyalCity Ctr Mall. $429,900 obo778-238-1056, 604-271-0777

TOP FLOOR quiet side of bldg650sf 1br+den condo nr Hosp,& Sky train $259K 778-241-4101see uSELLaHOME.com id5580

6008-26 Port Moody6008-26

INLET & Mtn views, reno’d 928sf2 br condo, insuite laundry rentalsok $228,500 604-936-7547 seeuSELLaHOME.com id4642

6008-28 Richmond6008-28

STEVESTON VERY large 1284sf 2br 2ba top fl condo amazingmtn views, $455K 604-618-8362see uSELLaHOME.com id5376

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

$10K BELOW assessment, 2br+Den or 3br, 2ba 1083sf condo,Nr SFU $339,900 604-866-7326see uSELLaHOME.com id5557

CLOVERDALE UPDATED 696sf1br condo, rents for $650 insuitelaundry $103,900 604-341-9257see uSELLaHOME.com id5500

GUILDFORD 650SF 1br 3rd flcondo, pool, exercise rm, partyrm etc, $213,900 778-834-8224see uSELLaHOME.com id5576

GUILDFORD QUIET 905sf top fl2br condo, recent flooring paintetc $179,500 604-496-3397 seeuSELLaHOME.com id5593

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

NEWTON 723SF 1br groundlevel w/private entry, insuitelaundry $139,900 604-984-8891see uSELLaHOME.com id5546

NEWTON HUGE 2017sf 3 or 4br 2.5ba tnhouse w/double sxsgarage $393,000 778-218-0389see uSELLaHOME.com id5320

NEWTON UPDATED 1007sf 2brground lvl, private entry, insuitelaundry, $196,900 604-592-2991see uSELLaHOME.com id5598

PRICE REDUCED 1200sf 2br2ba upr lvl tnhouse +55 complxw/chairlift $199K 604-951-7738see uSELLaHOME.com id5547

SURREY CENTRE ½ block tomall, skytrain, SFU, 668sf 1br+den $227,900 604-572-9095see uSELLaHOME.com id5609

6008-40 W.End/Down/Yaletown6008-40

FORECLOSURE SALEDistress sale. Receive free listw/Pics $2 Mill and up.


6008-42 S. Surrey/White Rock6008-42

EXECUTIVE LIVING gated1864sf 4bedroom 2.5bath, mainfloor master bedroom, 19+ adultcomplex $568,900 604-575-7636see uSELLaHOME.com id5552

HUGE 2650SF 4br 3.5ba 2 yr old3 level tnhse, double sxs garagerec room $649,500 604-560-4109see uSELLaHOME.com id5555

PARTIAL OCEAN view, 920sf2br+den 2ba quiet condo, kids,pets ok. $310,000 778-294-2275see uSELLaHOME.com id5575

PARTIAL OCEAN view, large1270 sf. 2 br + den 2 ba in a +45building $295,000. 778-809-0769see uSELLaHOME.com id5574


PIZZA FRANCHISE QUICKSALE Due to medical reasons.New equip + lease hold improve-ments. $93,000 interested partiesto meet in person. 604-729-4089

White Rock Tea & Giftshop$60K + Inventory

Call Jeff 604-889-9164 for info


Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.


Avail in North Vancouver★ with DEALERS LICENSE ★

■ all equipment included■ Ready to operate■ Established business

Serious Inquiries onlyCall OWNER604-612-5536

for further information.

Real EstateContinues on next page


Page 42: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

WILLOUGHBY NEW 3034sf 6br5ba w/legal 2br basement suitequiet cr, $599,900 604-649-6030see uSELLaHOME.com id5607

REAL ESTATE6015 For Sale by


1 BD top floor in Chilliwack granitecounters, 9’ ceilings, stack w/d.elec f/p. Secure undergroundparking. $149,000. 604-795-7367

2BDRM+DEN/2BTH CONDO forSale Owner must SELL. Helen604-762-7412 $269,500.See onhttp://propertyguys.com/property/index/id/69236

PRICE Reduced Abbotsford35014 HIGH DRIVE

2400 sq.ft. 5 bed, 2.5 bath, incl.in-law suite. Private back yard.$380,000 obo. (250) 702-3415

DUNDARAVE HOUSE 2 stories,part view, finished bsmt, 4 br, 4ba, office, lrg kit/family rm, 3 carheated garage, nr schools/shops3,900 sf + encl solarium, lot 8,139sf, $2,588,000. 604-730-9912

Open Hse, Sat/Sun 1-3pm, 2 BRT/H Convenient & DesireableLocation Marine Dr @ 21st,W Van, $789,500, 250-862-7322

2BDRM/2BTH, $274,90038 19797-64 Ave, LANGLEY

Superb location updated upperend unit townhome w/vinyl-

plank flr, bths, appls, paint, newroof. 2 sundecks, s/s+intrcm,

garage. 604-533-6652

VIEWS! 3BD/2.5BTH Top WVancover Location, Lifestyle,Kitchen, Cherrywood Floor, LikeNew, Just Gorgeous $1,599,000.Interlink Realty (778) 882-8381

2BDRM/1.5BTH INVESTMENTProperty in Lower Lonsdale.

862sq ft w/ 800sq ft patio.$289,000. Call: (604) 961-4349

REAL DEPARTURE Bay-Nosteep stairs on cliff front. Just 2blks to sandy, usable beach. 8min to ferry, shopping closer.2,600 sq ft, 2 bdrm suite, activeviews, 3 full baths, sep. laundries.Oversize corner lot w/ access toRV pad behind house. $439,000.Drive by 2895 Fairbanks (cnr BayS t . ) N a n a i m o . V i e w b yappointment. 250-585-1111,250-729-7420

2BDRM/2BTH#308-10186-155 Street

Move in ready! Designer colors,custom bar. Near transit, mall,park. $216,000 (604) 808-6847

[email protected]

6015 For Sale byOwner6015

QUIET FAMILY AREASouth facing 3861 sq ft customhome (6028 sq ft lot) inFleetwood/Tynehead, Surrey... 6bedrooms, den/study, 3 1/2bathrooms, maple kitchen. Largemaster bedroom has a BIG walk-in closet, and beautiful mountainviews. Neutral colours, brightand light throughout. Sweeping,double sided staircase. In-housevacuum system. In-law suitedownstairs has 2 bedrooms,maple kitchen, laundry, separateentry and a large games/mediaroom. Landscaped garden,private back yard, covered patio,hot tub, cedar deck. Primaryschool is a 3 minute walk, SurreySports & Leisure Complex (icerink & pool) is a 2 min drive.16939 - 84 Ave, Surrey.REDUCED to $689,800

Call 778-227-6253


CUL-DE-SAC IN CLOVERDALEExcellent location in desirable

neighborhood. Close to schools,transportation and shopping.Bright open plan. $552,000.

Call: (604) 575-4686

THOM CREEK Ranch - House forSale By Owner. In Chilliwack’spremier retirement complex. 2090sq ft finished plus 294 unfinishedready to model. In the top row withsuperb, unspoilable views of theCity, mountains and way beyond.Excellent Clubhouse. Friendlyneighbours $399,000 negotiable.No HST. 604-824-1892

UNIQUE LARGE Seymour Riverestate for sale, 5500 sf on 15,000

sf river property, a natureparadise. B&B potential!

$ 1,655,000Serious inquiries only.

[email protected]


Private Greenbelt Lot2000 Sq.Ft. 3Bed 3.5 Bath

To View 604-838-5958

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01

Mission 3 br 1900 sf many reno’s incl newroof, 4 car gar + 1600 sf shop $635,000

PropertyGuys.com id#81332

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6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-02 Abbotsford6020-02

AT ASSESSED value 2200sf 5br 2.5ba backing onto greenbeltsuite pot $379,900 604-557-2205seeuSELLaHOME.com id5618

EAST, STUNNING Mt Baker view2850 sf 5br 3ba bungalow, mn flrMaster, $454,900 250-656-0549see uSELLaHOME.com id5456

6020-04 Burnaby6020-04

BURNABY South; CORNER8810sq ft lot 3 BR 1200sf home.$999,000. No agents. 604-439-7554

6020-06 Chilliwack6020-06

AGASSIZ NEW 2350sf 3br 2.5Bath, high end finishing, hugemaster $369,900 604-614-1489see uSELLaHOME.com id5603

CHILLIWACK LK 1250sf rancherw/guest cabin, .5 ac lot, 2km tolake, pool $360K 604-824-5687see uSELLaHOME.com id5561

CULTUS LK gardener’s dream1160 sf 2 br 1.5 ba rancher, a/c50+ complex $68K 604-858-9301see uSELLaHOME.com id5400

OWN THE land, 1092sf 2brrancher style mobile home, kidsOK, $179,900 604-824-7803see uSELLaHOME.com id5541

PRICE REDUCED, 1280sf 3br1.5ba ½ duplex, large 4480sflot $229,900 604-792-9287see uSELLaHOME.com id5511

RETIRED OR 45+ ? GreatRancher in Qu ie t Ga tedCommunity in Chilliwack, 2 BR, 2f/bath, all appls, 1200sf, a/c, gasf/p, dble garage, maintenancefree yard, strata fee $136mo.Reduced open to reasonableoffers. Mint cond! Open Housecall for date/time 1 604 625-3498

6020-08 Coquitlam6020-08

OFFERED AT assessed value1000sf 3br 2ba home on huge10,000sf lot $414K 778-859-0717see uSELLaHOME.com id4272

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-08 Coquitlam6020-08

RANCH PARK 3136sf 7br 3.5bafabulous vu, below assessmenton CDS $699K 604-498-2616 seeuSELLaHOME.com id5595

6020-12 Ladner/South Delta6020-12

W. LADNER ½ block from theFraser Riv,1600sf 3br characterhome, $545,000 604-617-3748see uSELLaHOME.com id5599

6020-14 Langley/Aldergrove6020-14

ALDERGROVE SXS DUPLEX65K below assessment. $3K/morent income $535K 604-807-6565see uSELLaHOME.com id3428

6020-18 Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6020-18

MAPLE RIDGE, Open House,Sun, 2pm-4pm, 21587 128th St, 6BR hse (legal 2 BR ste) 3 baths,detached garage, .88 acre viewlot, $729,000. 604-250-9007See www.t-rahproperties.com.

6020-24 North Delta6020-24

OPEN HOUSE SAT 2-47610 Barrymore Dr N Delta

$599,000Fab 3000+ sq.ft. Family Home inRoyal York. DAN SKALNIK604-377-7008 Coldwell BankerWestburn. [email protected]


6020-26 NorthVancouver6020-26

2490 CALEDONIA, North VanOPEN Sat 1-4pm, Sun 1-3:30pm

or by appointment.One of the Best Views in Deep

Cove - $1,390,000Beautiful 3 bedroom cedar homewith stunning, pristine 240 degreeviews over Deep Cove and 2marinas. 3 floors on rare,landscaped 10,000 sq ft lot withstream. 350 sq ft deck. $2,100mth luxury suite to help pay themortgage. Steps to the forest trail,Deep Cove and just 20 mins toDowntown. Lovingly renovated

www.deepcovehome.comCall Deanna 778-829-6993

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-30 Port Moody6020-30

OCEANFRONT 4700SF 5br 3½bath main fl br, 6286sf lot, suitepotenl $1,949,000 604-469-1813see uSELLaHOME.com id5606

VANC DNTOWN medical office672sf+188sf common area nearSt Pauls hp $375K 604-572-2785see uSELLaHOME.com id5509

NORTH VAN Prime area, cornerof Lonsdale/Esplanade, 2541sf, +mezzanine, zone retail/comm, 3parking stalls, fixtured luxuryoffice. $2.5M, 604-984-0836

6025 Industrial/Commercial6025

COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL2300sf home w/suite above 3Comm units $985K 604-882-6788see uSELLaHOME.com id5533

6020-52 Other AreasBC6020-52

HOPE, FISHERS dream 1850sf4br 2ba rancher on lg ½ ac lotmtn vu $287,900 604-869-3119see uSELLaHOME.com id5611

6020-46 S. Surrey/White Rock6020-46

SOUTH SURREY, 4 bdrm tradi-tion home, 2.5 baths, mediaroom, 3000sf, on 1/3 acre, in-grnd pool, 2 gazebo’s, quiet CDS,under $900k. Call 604-313-1406

6020-38 VancouverEast Side6020-38

VCR - Killarney clear titleproperty approx 37x103, mins tobus, skytrain, schools, rec ctre, 10min to downtown. 604-619-0964*604-916-5104

6020-38 VancouverEast Side6020-38

OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun May 12& 13th, 10am - 2pm, 2396 East39th Ave. 50x140 lot, 1,050 sqftbungalow, asking $1.2 mllion.

6020-36 Tsawwas.6020-36

CUSTOM BUILT, 2200sf, 3BR+den, 2.5 bath, new fixtures,7300sf lot, $659K, 604-943-9600

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-34 Surrey6020-342 BR + bsmt house, 1/2 acre lot,rented, 13690 Bentley Road.Reduced. $695K 604-324-0655

GUILDFORD MAGNIFICENT4952sf 10br 6.5ba back on creek,main floor master br, $789K

604-581-5541 see:uSELLaHOME.com id55066020-34 Surrey6020-34

BOLIVAR HTS beautifully up-dated 1600sf 3br rancher, 7830sf view lot $399K 778-394-0228see uSELLaHOME.com id5562

CEDAR HILLS 2140sf 5br 2baw/bsmt suite, huge 7200sf lot,updates, $549K 778-320-7506see uSELLaHOME.com id5568

CHIMNEY HTS 3600sf 7br+den6ba w/2 suites quiet cul-de-sac4600sf lot $669K 604-866-3515see uSELLaHOME.com id5597

CHIMNEY HTS like new 4100sf8br 6ba w/main floor bedroom,2 suites, $649K 604-441-9652see uSELLaHOME.com id5563

CLAYTON IMMACULATE 3523sf 5br 3.5ba w/bsmt suite acrossfrom park $648K 604-575-7636see uSELLaHOME.com id5551

CLOVERDALE 3765SF 4br 3.5ba,on quiet CDS, suite potential inbasement, $575K 604-619-0603.See: uSELLaHOME.com id5559

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-34 Surrey6020-34

CLOVERDALE 3850SF 6br 5ba3lvl 2/suite potential on 1/2ac GDlot, $849,900 778-549-2056 seeuSELLaHOME.com id5564

FLEETWOOD ACROSS fromSchool, reno’d 2600sf 6br 5baw/suites $579K 604-434-3482see uSELLaHOME.com id5577

FLEETWOOD RENO’D 2140sf4br 3ba, large 7100sf lot, bsmtsuite $559,000 604-727-9240see uSELLaHOME.com id5617

GUILDFORD NEW 4889sf 9br6½ ba, main fl br, 2 suites river+mtn vu $899,900 604-649-6030see uSELLaHOME.com id5610

INVESTMENT PPTY 2800sf6br 4ba w/2 suites, rent $2,650.5ac lot, $485,000 604-809-1177see uSELLaHOME.com id5205

NEWTON NEW 2200sf 5br 3.5ba½ duplex with 2br bsment suite$475K incl. HST 604-728-1419see uSELLaHOME.com id5591

QUEEN MARY large 3700sf 7br+den 5ba on 7869sf lot, 2br sidesuite $754,900 778-688-3621see uSELLaHOME.com id5615

TYNEHEAD 3800SF 5br 4.5baexecutive home 12,077sf lot, withside suite, $875K 604-575-7311see uSELLaHOME.com id5350

Real EstateContinues on next page

Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A43

Page 43: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A44 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

NEW WEST Studio Penthouse,nr all amens, laundry facils, instef/p, ns/np, $620. 604-783-6003

BBY S Lg 3 BR, 2 baths, w/d,prkng, garage, n/s, n/p. $1400 +% hydro. Nov 1. 604-433-3113

BBY N. VIEW 4 BR + Den, 2 lev,2 kitchens, w/d. $1990. N/P.121 North Warwick 604 299-0403

BBY METROTOWN/BCIT, LrgUpper 3 BR, 2 bath, all appls,garage/carport. $1450. NS/NP.Nr skytrn/bus/schl. 604-438-0786

BBY LAKE, Just reno’d 3+ BRtownhouse, 3 bath, very bright,2000sf, Townhse, all appls.$1795. Immed. By amens, transit& SFU. NS & NP. 778 838-3686

6540 Houses - Rent6540BBY EAST, 2 BR uppper, fullbath. 4 appls, n/s, n/p, $1000.Avail Immed. 604-512-8196,604-722-4142, 604-754-7378

6515 Duplexes - Rent6515COQ, MUNDY Park. 2 BR. 5 appl,big l/rm, carport. $995/mo incl util.Ns/np. Now/Nov1. 604-291-2090

6510 Co-ops6510115 PLACE CO-OP

Located in Burnabynear Lougheed Town Centre

Accepting applicationsfor waiting list for

2 BR’s - suits couples.Very reasonable unit fees.

Adult oriented high rise. Pool,exercise room & workshop.No pets. Participation mandatory,

$2000 share purchaserequired.

Enquiries toMembership CommitteeCall 604- 421-1222


22588 Royal Crescent Ave,Maple Ridge

Large units. Close to GoldenEars Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857cell: 604- 375-1768

ROTARY TOWER25 Clute St, New West

Reno’d concrete high rise.1 BR & Bach. By RoyalSquare Plaza, Safeway &transit. Rent incls heat, hotwater, hydro, cable. 55+ bldg.Contact Ana 778-859-0798

Bayside Property 604-432-7774

6508 Apt/Condos6508NEW WEST. Bach & 1 BR From$675 to $825. Nicely upgradedbldg. Avail Now. 604-724-8353

BBY/COQ, across Lougheed Mallskytrain, hirise, quiet side, 1 BR +lrg den, (could be 2nd BR) 2 fullbaths, all appls, balc, sec prkg,storage, all gym facilities, Pool.NS/NP, Refs, $1250, avail Nov 1.Lease req’d. Taz 778-997-4786

6508 Apt/Condos6508BBY NORTH, 2 BR newly reno’dste, 5 new appls, 2 balcony, sec’dprkg. Avai lnow. $1200. NS/NP.Near SFU, transit. 778-240-7023

7005 Body Work7005

9916 Lougheed Hwy., Bby.604-421-5161

#104/204, 8364 Young Rd.,Chilliwack 604-795-2230





AVAIL ASAP , Newly reno’d 1BR, 1 block from Queen Park &Canada Games pool. No pets,$725/mo. Call 604-454-4540

BBY, BRENTWOOD. Spac 1 BR,top flr, $830/mo incls ht & h/w.Adult oriented bldg. Close toBrentwood skytrain, N/s, N/p,Avail Nov 1. Call 604-841-6984

BBY • GOV’T & LOUGHEED.2 BR Garden Apt, fireplace, W/DHookup, Sec prkg & entry. Extraprkg. Onsite Manager. By skytrn.Lease. $950. Nov 1. NS/NP.604-585-8500 or 604-816-1412

BBY, Lougheed Mall. 2 BR$1050. Avail Now or Nov 1. Inclheat & hot water. u/g prkg avail,ns/np, newly reno’d, 604-779-3882

BBY METROTOWN, Large apts:1 BRs avail now & Nov 1. $886 to$895. Includes heat/hot water,basic cable, coin W/D, 1 storage,1 prkg, sec bldg. Onsite ResManager. Call 604-677-7375

1 & 2 BDRM APT for rent, h/w& basic cable incl. No Pets. RefReq. 1yr. lease. $750/mo & up.Call: (604) 525-2599

700 PARK CRESCENT NewWestminster, 1 BEDROOM $925.Adult friendly building. visual in-tercom, gated parking. Nearshops & bus. Includes hotwater &storage. Sorry No Pets!!

Call 604-522-3391

Balmoral Street

1 BEDROOM APTAvailable Now

Close to trans, Highgate Mall &shopping. Rent incls heat &h/w. Refs req’d. Reno’d stes.

Ana 778-859-0798 or BaysideProperty Office 604-432-7774

AMBER ROCHESTOR545 Rochester Ave, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall,S.F.U. & Transportation.

office:604- 936-3907

AMBER (W)401 Westview St, Coq

Large Units.Near Lougheed Mall.

Transportation & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-2136cell: 604-727-5178

ARBOUR GREENE552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms.Close to Lougheed Mall &S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-4903cell: 778- 229-1358

CALYPSO COURT1030 - 5th Ave, New West

Near Transportation &Douglas College.

Well Managed Building.

office: 604- 524-8174cell: 604 813-8789

COQ CTR, 1 BR, top flr, gas f/p,w/d, d/w, new hardwood flr, u/gprkg, quiet, N/S, lease, refs,$900/mo. Showing Saturday &Sunday, 2 - 4pm. 778-998-9690


7175 Pandora St, Clean quietbldg., close to SFU, shops,transit,1 Br $797, 2 Br $997, incl H/hw,h/w flrs, 1 yr lease, free rent on the12th month, np, Victoria AstleDorset Rlty 604-270-1711 ext 132

NEW WEST 2 BR, nr all amens,laundry facils, inste f/p, ns/np,$920. 604-783-6003

BRENTLAWN TOWERSBright and spacious 1 BR +Den and 2 BR apartmentswith large open balconiesfrom $1200 (heat and h/wincluded).Close to Brentwood Mall andHoldom Skytrain. Securekeyless building access.Parking & storage available.No pets. 1 Year lease.Call: (604) 293-2239; Email:

[email protected]

BONSOR APTSRenovated high rise, concretebuilding. Penthouse, 1 BR &2 BR available. Very close toMetrotown, Skytrain & Bonsorswimming pool. Rent includesheat, hot water. Refs req’d.

Contact Alex604-999-9978

Bayside Property ServicesOffice: 604-432-7774

SKYLINE TOWERS102-120 Agnes St, N.West

Hi-Rise Apartment withRiver View & Indoor Pool.1 BR & 2 BR Available.Rent includes heat & hotwater. Remodelled Buildingand Common area. Gatedundergrd parking available.References required.



Incl heat, h/w, cable &parking. Near Skytrain.

Avail Oct 15th & Nov 1st.Cats ok! Deposit req’d.

Call 604-521-2884

VILLA MARGARETA320-9th St, New WestBach & 1 BR Available.

All Suites Have Balconies.Undergrd Parking Available.Refs Required. Small Pet Ok.

CALL 604 715-7764Bayside Properties Services

KING ALBERT COURT1300 King Albert, Coq

Close to Transportation,Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604-937-7343cell: 778-829-3567

JUNIPER COURT415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, allTransportation Connections,

Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-8905cell: 604- 916-0261

GARDEN VILLA1010 6th Ave, New West

1 BR & 2 BR Available.Beautiful atrium with fountain.By shops, college & transit.Pets negotiable. Ref required.


COTTONWOOD PLAZA555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Large units some with2nd bathroom or den.

On bus routes, close toS.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

office: 604- 936-1225

SUNSET PARK5870 Sunset StreetClose to Bus & BCITSTUDIO & 1 BDRM

★ Quiet park-like setting★ Newly Reno’d

★ Heat/hot water incl’d604-291-8197


WHITGIFT GARDENS550 Cottonwood Ave., Coq.1 BR $775, 2 BR $950

3 BR $1,150(incl. heat, h/w, parking)

Indoor pool, near Lougheed Mall,SFU, public transit, schools1-888-495-7106

[email protected]

1 or 2 Br.Apt.,1 or 2 Br.Apt.,Large Balcony,Large Balcony,Updated,Updated,

Near Transit &Amens.Small PetOK.OK.


AvailableAvailableNOW!NOW!St Andrews StreetCall 604.202.2420Call 604.202.2420

3BDRM/2BTH #67 - 4500Claridge Road, Powell River

All new carpets, paint andcurtains. Eat-in kitchen, largebedrooms, office, workshop andmore. New fridge/stove, w/d andd/w. Immediate possession.$99,999 Call: (604) 483-3688email: [email protected]

Like brand-new andready to move into!

6075 Sunshine Coast6075

OCEAN FRONT boat access only2 yr old 1600sf 3br 2.5ba 30minfrom W Van $799K 778-998-9141see uSELLaHOME.com id5424

LOT & Trailer. This little gem islocated 120 miles from Van, pool- C.H, hiking, fishing, history of1860’s gold rush. Caretaker,maint $775/yr, $40,000 obo. Lot33 - 30860 Trans Canada HwyYale BC. Ph 1-604-792-6764

LADYSMITH, 3 bdrm house, nrNanaimo Airport, oceanfront,moorage, move-in ready, newlyrenovated, includes revenuesuite, virtual avail 604-984-0836

HATZIC LAKE Swans Point, 1 hrfrom Vanc incl lot & 5th wheelski, fish, $148,500 604-209-8650see uSELLaHOME.com id5491

HATZIC LAKE 1 hr drive fromVanc, 2 vacant lots 1 is lakefront$70K is for both 604-240-5400see uSELLaHOME.com id5588

GET AWAY or PermanentLiving close to Manning ParkCommunity, wilderness & rec, 3BR, 1.5ba, 6appls, sleeps 12+,$250K by owner, 604-795-3663

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Exclusive & Private Lake Shore

Cottage, for all info:www.cottageonlake.ca $329,000


6065 RecreationProperty6065

CULTUS LAKE beautiful year roundRV site grt location, low fees, allament., $117,500. 1-604-795-9785

6065 RecreationProperty6065

3 BR, lrg kitchen/lving room,1300sf seasonal, Gambier Isl.Sea Ranch $325K 604-266-6191

TRIPLEX- SOINTULA B&BGuest House, Malcolm Island,N.Vancouver Island. New reno,on view half acre. cost $900,000,sell $525,000. 5pm 604-628-4592

LANGLEY RENO’D sxs duplex+1/2ac lot, rental income $2,200/month $479,900 604-807-6565see uSELLaHOME.com id3186

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITYLarge property near OCP LowerCap Marine Drive Village Centre.9,000 sq ft lot 3 OR 4 Bed/2bath in excellent condition. Re-development area forthcoming.$1,020k Lisa Gordon MacdonaldRealty. Call: (604) 626-1298

6052 Real EstateInvestment6052

90FT WATERFRONT, SointulaGuest Beach House Malcolm Is.N. Vanc Is. 2 BR, water, sewer,hydro. $229K. 604-628-4592www.sointulabeachhouse.com


Anacortes - Biz Pt.$899,000 USD

4,100 sq.ft. on .5 acres, 5 br within-suite bath, oversized 4 cargarage 38’ long x 16’ High RV

garage. Custom home ICFexterior walls, geothermal heat

system. MLS# 313575Alan Weeks

3688 Birch Way, Anacortes,ZIP 98221-8440(425)691-9515

[email protected]

6050 Out Of TownProperty6050

PORT ALBERNI reno’d 2000 sf5br 2 ba with 2 br basement suite2 laundries $210K 604-542-1995see uSELLaHOME.com id5537

Ocean Front Lux Contemp.private home on 2.73 Acres-Quadra Island. 250-884-0000www.bcoceanfronthomes.com

NANAIMO, OCEAN View 1283sf3br 2ba 4yr old home on .11 aclot $339,900 604-308-8266see uSELLaHOME.com id5556

HOPE, PRICE reduced, large2376sf 3br + den 3.5ba on .23acre lot, large workshop, view,solarium $299,900 604-869-7554see uSELLaHOME.com id4889

CRANBROOK 2060SF 4br 3bareno’d home w/side suite on 2lots $239,900 778-887-4530see uSELLaHOME.com id5304

COZY 2 bdrm on 10 acres in LoneButte, barn, 2 car garage, new, nosteps, complete reno, oak beamsin L/R, large deck, drilled well,outbuildings. Close to Horse,Watch and Green Lakes.$250,000. Call 604-462-7292

BIRCH BAY WATERFRONTREDUCED. Quality cust 3 BR, delmstr, 2 f/p, lrg dck/balc, priv beachw/stairs, amazing views/sunsets!$598,988. Windemere Real Estate

RANDY WEG • 360-305-5704

6050 Out Of TownProperty6050

1.6 ACRE OCEAN VIEWPROPERTY, in Town, Sointula,Malcolm Island, N.Vanc Island.Assessed $132,000, Se l l$129,500. 5 pm 604-628-4592

MERRITT HERITAGE style 3070sf 4br 5ba on 9.9ac lot detachedshop, view $949K 250-378-8857see uSELLaHOME.com id5592

LIVE ON Mayne Island2 lots,one Turn Key house

all for $380.000, 250-539-5011http://members.shaw.ca/


6040 Okanagen/Interior6040

EXCEPTIONAL LAKEVIEWLots from $140,000. Nice trees.No time limit to build. Ownerwants to retire. Will carry financing.Also: 1 spectacular 3 acre parcel$390 ,000 . 1-250-558-7888


6040 Okanagen/Interior6040

1996-30 ft. Corsair 5th Wheel.#20 in South Valley RV Park,7th Ave. across from ChristiePark on Skaha Lake. Steps tobeach. Great lot , lease$389/mth. R.V. $15,900 Call:778.867.8735

CHILLIWACK MUST be moved1130sf 2br 2ba mobile w/2 add-Itions $10,000obo 604-795-7570seeuSELLaHOME.com id5612

6035 Mobile Homes6035

ABBOTSFORD 1100SF 2br 2badouble wide, must be moved offsite $20K OBO 604-850-6498see uSELLaHOME.com id5315

SURREY TYNEHEAD 1ac dev.ppty into 5.5 lots starting Jan2013, $1,399,000 604-951-8777see uSELLaHOME.com id5566

PRINCETON, BC 15.78 acresPanoramic views, hydro, well,pumphouse, & septic installed.$384,900. [email protected]

LANGLEY NR town fully reno’d2474sf home on 5ac ppty, bsmtsuite $1,270,000 604-825-3966see uSELLaHOME.com id5582

LANGLEY BUILD your dreamhome, secluded 5 ac view ppty,well inst $649,900 604-825-3966see uSELLaHOME.com id4513

INVESTOR ALERT Clayton 1.27acre ppty w/1944sf 3br 2.5bahome $1,299,000 778-574-2519see uSELLaHOME.com id5613

CHILLIWACK BUILD 5000sfHome, 10,742sf serviced flatbldg lot $279K 604-798-5050see uSELLaHOME.com id5536

358 Pine St, Cultus Lake, BCFabulous & Affordable CultusLake Property. Cleared & withapproved building plans ready togo. Priced to Sell! More info at:www.shaunagold.com

6030 Lots & Acreage6030

RentalsContinues on next page

Page 44: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

Artistry of Hardwood FloorsRefinish, sanding, install, dustlessProf & Quality work 604-219-6944


For: COASTAL RESTORATIONRep: LHunterAd#: 1384269


www.solutionrenovations.com Call John 604-817-6093


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8250 Roofing8250Samra Bros. Roofing Ltd. 40 yrs+Cedar / Fiberglass / Torch OnFree Estimates. 604-946-4333

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8250 Roofing8250

SOLUTION RENOVATIONS &Custom Homes - additions,kitchens, baths, decks, porches,structural repairs, windows,doors, etc. John, 604-817-6093www.solutionrenovations.com

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D & M RENOVATIONS, Flooring,tiling, finishing. Fully Insured. Topquality, quick work 604-724-3832

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8240 Renovations &Home Improvement8240

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Truck Mounted Machine


8220 Plumbing8220

METRO BLACKTOP CO. LTDCustom work for Driveways &new lane Aprons. Repairs/resur-facing. Call Gino 604-657-9936

8205 Paving/SealCoating8205

ALLEN ASPHALT concrete, brick,drains, foundations, walls, mem-branes 604-618-2304/ 820-2187

★ QUAYSIDE PAINTING ★Insured • WCB • Texture Ceilings

6 0 4 - 7 2 7 - 0 0 4 3

Painting &Painting &RestorationRestoration



Painting &Renovation


Interior/Exterior SpecialistMany Years Experience

Fully InsuredTop Quality, Quick Work

Free Estimate604-724-3832

8195 Painting/Wallpaper8195

8193 Oil Tank Removal8193STORMWORKS OIL Tank Removal.Certified, Insured, ReasonableRates. A+ BBB. 604-724-3670

8240 Renovations &Home Improvement8240

COASTAL RESTORATIONFully isured, bonded, licensed

25 yrs exp. 604-913-2228

8010 Alarm/Security8010


Systems Ltd.

8030 Carpentry8030* RENOS * Bsmt refinish * Drywall* Bath Tiles * Windows * Doors *Stairs. Call Norm 604-437-1470

8055 Cleaning8055Honest, Reliable Cleaning Lady

will make your home sparkle!$20/hour. ★ Call 604-436-1362 ★

IWONA & EWA European Clean-ing Service, $25/hour & up, excrefs. (604) 521-4155, 817-5492

8060 Concrete8060Dall’Antonia Brothers ConcreteRemove, Place & Finish. No Jobtoo small. Call 604-240-3408

8075 Drywall8075VINCE’S MAGIC Drywalling &textured ceiling repairs. Bonded604-307-2295 / 778-340-5208

8080 Electrical8080

D & W ELECTRICALComm/Res/Ind. All electrical. Lic& Bonded. WCB. 778-862-0098

YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 ser-vice call. Insured. Lic # 89402.Fast same day service guar’d. Welove small jobs! 604-568-1899

8087 Excavating8087


BOBCATone mini, drainage,

landscaping, stump / rock /cement / oil tank removal.

Water / sewer line, 24 hoursCall 341-4446 or 254-6865

8105 Flooring/Refinishing8105

Golden Hardwood & Laminate& Tiles. Prof install, refinishing,sanding & repairs. 778-858-7263

INSTALLATION REFINISHING,Sanding. Free est, great prices.Satisfaction guar. 604-518-7508

8125 Gutters8125

NO HST!til Oct.15

• Gutter Installation,Cleaning & Repairs

• Roofing & Roof Repairs• Moss Control,

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(max. $400)



GRANT’S Home MaintenanceGutter Cleaning & Repairs. Strata& Residential. 604-936-2808

A1 Steve’s Gutter Cleaning &Repair from $98. Gutters vacu-umed/hand clean. 604-524-0667

8130 Handyperson8130A Semi Retired TradesmanTo fix small annoying things.

Richard 604-377-2480

HANDY ANDYHandyman services. Odd Jobs.(WHATEVER). 604-715-9011

HANDY MANCarpentry, Drywall, Renovations.30 yrs exp. David • 604-825-4072

HANDYMAN - framing, decks,tiles, hardwood, drywall, re-roof.

Total additions & basements. Ken604-500-2426 or 604-455-0740

8130 Handyperson8130

HANDYMAN Int & Ext repairs &reno’s. Carpentry, Kitch & Bath,Plumbing. Walter 604-790-0842

Greenworx Redevelopment Inc.Hedges, Pavers, Ponds & Walls,Returfing, Demos, Drainage,Jackhammering. Old Pools Filledin, irrigation. 604.782.4322

★ OPERA LANDSCAPING ★Bobcat, retaining walls, irrigation,paving, fences. 778-688-2444

8160 Lawn & Garden8160


Pruning & Hedge RemovalSpring Clean Up

Chaffer Control & LawnRestoration. Comm/Strata/Res

Aerating & Power Raking.Free Estimates.604-893-5745

604-723-2468; Tran the Gardener.New lawns, trimming, weeding,gutters, fall cleanups 604-723-2468

A Gardener & A GentlemanLawn, garden, tree svcs. Pruning,yard clean-up, rubbish. 319-5302

A & W Landscape • Clean-ups,Disposal, Pruning, GUTTERSSeniors Disc. Al @ 604-783-3142

8175 Masonry8175

Constructive LandscapingStonework.paving stones, Cedardecks/fences, Pergola’s, 30 yrsexp. Call Danny 604-250-7824www.constructivelandscaping.com

8185 Moving &Storage8185



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ABBA MOVERS bsmt clean 1-4ton Lic, ins’d from $35/hr, 2 men$45 hr honest 26 yrs est 506-7576.

AMI MOVING ★ 5 ton cube.Starting at $49/hour. Local & longdistances. 24/7 ★ 604-617-8620

B & Y MOVING Exp’d movers, 2men $55. Over 10 yrs exp. Pianoswelcome! 604-708-8850

BROTHERS MOVING & DeliveryLocal & Long Distance 604-720-0931Best rates. brothersmovingservice.com

AMAZING TOUCH LAND’GBobcat, paving, retaining walls,turfing, planting. 604-889-4083

8155 Landscaping8155


★ Stonework.paving stones★ Cedar decks/fencing★ Pergola’s ★ 30 yrs expCall Danny 604-250-7824





(Coquitlam Centre area)

2 BR & 3 BR Townhouse2 levels, 5 appls, decorativefireplace, carport. Sorry nopets. Great Location!We also have apartmentsBachelor, 1 BR & 2 BR call foravailability.


6605 Townhouses -Rent6605

PITT MEADOWS 3 BR T/H, quietfamily complex, Rent geared toincome, n/p, 604-465-4851

POCO 2 BR g/lvl, sep ent, fencedyd, nr amens, w/d. $860 inclsutils. N/s, n/p. now, 604-945-0534

COQ WEST New 2 BR bsmt, n/p,n/s, $800 incls utils & cbl. Immed.604-937-6692 or 604-727-4549

COQ, COMO LAKE. Newer 1 BRbsmt ste. Priv laundry & entry.$700/mo + sh’d utils. Avail Nov 1.Near bus & amens. 604-939-6765

BBY SOUTH 2 BR mn flr, clsschools & skytrain, $975 inclsutils, Nov 1. Call 778-737-1462

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

BBY SFU, 2 BR bsmt, 1000sf,f/bath, bright & clean, sharewasher, prkg, Suits 2. $850 +50% utils. NS/NP. 604-421-1196

BBY METROTOWN, Quiet 2 BRbsmt, w/d, $775 + 1/3 utils. NS/NP. Avail now. 604-430-8144

BBY METROTOWN, Newer spac1 BR g/l, $750 incls utls/cble/wifi.NS/NP. Nov 1. 604-454-9188

BBY METROTOWN, BRANDNEW 1 BR ste avail now. $700incls utls. NS/NP. 778-883-4366

BBY METROTOWN, 2 BR g/lev,f/bath, f/p. NS/NP. $950 incls utls.604-451-5795 or 604-837-5795

BBY DEER LAKE, Lrg 2 BR, lrglvg rm, g/l, CDS. Near bus/schls,BCIT. $850 incls cbl/net/hyrdo.Avl Nov 1. NS/NP. 778-855-7471

BBY, CDA Way/Burris. 2 BR g/lvlste, full bath, 10x12 cov patio, nrtransit, n/s, n/p, $900 incls utils,washer, Avail Now. 604-524-5962

BBY; BSMT bach ste, Furn’d,incls wifi, flat screen TV/DVD,access to W/D & pool, elec & hotwater. $650. Canada Way/Burris.N/S. Avail now. 604-525-3880

BBY 1 BR, fully furnished, $700incls utils, nr Edmonds skytrain/bus/schl, n/s, n/p. 604-524-0998

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

2 BR bsmt, E Richmond, custombuilt home, NOW, ns, np, $950,604-522-3658. 778-323-3658

COQ WEST (Rochester area)5 BR, 2lev, 2 ba, 2 kitch, lrg backyard, huge deck, all appls, $2,350+ utils. Oct 15. 778 865-6696

COQ 5 BR house, 2.5 baths, allappls, $1775 + utils, lease, Refs,ns/np, Avail Now. 778-285-1616

6540 Houses - Rent6540

BBY, Upper 1400sf, 3 BR, 2 bath,all appls. Avail Nov 1. $1450 +50% utls. NS/NP. 604-721-1607

STOP RENTING-RENT TO OWN● No Qualification - Low Down ●

CHILLIWACK – 9557 WilliamsSt, 3 bdrm, 2 level HOUSE, newfridge, Gas stove, hot waterheater, with 10% down... $888/M

Call 604-435-5555 for showingwww.homebuyingcenter.ca

CENTRAL Coquitlam housewith Outdoor Pool & HotTub on Large, Bright &

Sunny Lot, well maintained3 Bdrm/2bth home, locatedat the top of Thermal Drive.Stunning lot backs ontoprivate green space withbeautiful North Shoremountain view. Pets OK.$2,295 Monthly.Call: (604) 733-4923 email:[email protected]

6595-15 SouthBurnaby6595-15

BBY ROYAL Oak, lrg 1 BR,Furnished. Nr skytrain. $500 inclsutls, cbl, net, W/D. 604-729-5610

6595 SharedAccommodation6595

6595-10 NorthBurnaby6595-10

BBY, N. Ednor Cres. Big 1 BR,incl cable, wireless ’net, utils, w/d,prkg. Female only. Near SFU,Lough’d Mall, Brentwood, transit.ns/np. $420 Nov 1. 604-298-3479

NEW OFFICE SPACE inMarket Crossing Fullyfurnished office. Only $750/mPlease call: 604-558-0678.

6565 Office/Retail -Rent6565

BBY Lougheed/Boundary 2 offices102sf - $715/mo & 109sf - $800/mo,bright, lrg meeting room, kitchen,parking; − more services avail.Info call: 604-777-1808 Extn 8110

6540 Houses - Rent6540VAN E. 3rd/Renfrew, 2 BR, 4appls, garage, no bsmt. N/P. Oct15. $1150/mo. 604-813-3672


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Burnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A45

Page 45: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A46 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW

2007 BMW 525I, black, loaded,leather, sunroof, very clean,130K, $24,900. 604-999-4097

AUTOMOTIVE9102 Auto Finance9102


In House $$$ Availablewww.ergmfinance.com

Call Today 1-888-861-3841DL#8214

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1963 FORD FALCON Futura,auto, 6cyl, 2 door hardtop, lowmlg, new paint and brakes, $7500604-874-4397

1964 FORD FALCON 289, auto,2 door, hardtop, totally restored,$6,900. Call 604-585-2397

1967 DODGE Cornet 500,beautifully restored, $25,500 obo,604-946-2932, 604-916-9249

1968 THUNDERBIRD 429 quadrajet, 2 dr cpe, reblt mtr, new brakes&lines & paint, $9,500 604-376-8363

1969 FORD Falcon Futura 302auto, fully restored, immac paint &body, numerous high perform-ance options. $13,500. Photos atwww.photobucket.com/69falcon

Call 604-307-0201

1970 Jaguar E-TYPEIn excellent shape and ready togo for sunny summertimedriving. Too many upgrades tolist. Pictures and invoicesavailable. REDUCED - $64,[email protected]

1971 CHEVY Suburban, 3 dr 350automatic, body work all done,needs paint and interior, aircared. $4500 obo. 604-769-4799.

1976 MGB Roadster. Britishracing green colour. 4 speed.New top and carpet. Engine workdone. $6,995. 604-591-8566

1979 Chevrolet CorvetteCoupe Auto,153,000 kms,asking

$8,900 604-492-2220

1981 LINCOLN Town car,signature series, stock, collectorplates, $3500 obo 604-792-6367

1985 MERCEDES 500 SEL, V8 ,4 dr, heat lthr frnt/rear, s/roof, grtcond, recent work, RARE mustsell $3000. 604-910-1139

1986 CHRYSLER TC WoodyWagon, Town & Country, allor ig ional , loaded. $2,350.Consider trade. 604-534-2997

9110 Collectibles &Classics9110

1986 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, red,v6, 2 dr, 50k, a/c, auto, exc int, 1owner, $6500. 604-533-3191

1989 JAGUAR XJS coupe, V12159 K, pristine cond $7,500 obo.Priv sale, call Bob 604-986-8516

1989 PORSCHE 944 Turbo,white on burgundy, all rcrds, newexhaust, 5 spd, a/c, Ltd slip, greatcond! $15,900 Call 604-943-0945

1990 Bentley Mulsanne SFlagship. Mint. 43k.Priv. Sale $25,000. 604 644 6061

1991 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 DRFully loaded,kept inside,in familyfrom new $2995.604-899-6119

1991 ROLLS-ROYCE 60,000kmall orig collector plate eligible, asnew. $28,000 604-987-3876.D24627

1992 PORSCHE 928 GTS, rarefactory widebody, 103,000 km, alloriginal, as new. $31,800.604-987-3876. D24627

9125 Domestic9125

1976 THUNDERBIRD, 1 owner,no accidents, serious inquiries.only. Call 604-465-7997

1993 PLYMOUTH Sundance126 K, 4 dr, w/hatch, 2.2L, $2400obo. Great 1st car 604-809-6353

1997 BUICK Skylark GS,170,000 km, no accid, clean runsgrt, $1850 604-924-2608

1997 CADILLAC Deville, 4 door,166K, blue, loaded, 1owner, exccond, $5500 obo, 604-946-7039

2001 TOYOTA Camry, auto, pwrpkg, exc cond, no accid, 150,000km, $5,700. 604-724-4262

2003 HONDA Accord, 70,000 km,f/loaded, sunroof, heated leatherseats, new tires, serviced byHonda, $11,200, 604-219-5346

9125 Domestic9125

2006 CHEVY MALIBU, veryclean, auto, a/c, 4 cyl, 100k, runsgood, $7,500. 778-855-5206

2006 CHRYSLER SEBRINGTOURING (2.7L), 96,000kms,Fully loaded: auto, air cond., p/w,tilt/cruise, keyless entry, pwr.driver seat, am/fm CD, dualairbags, fog lights, new battery.No accidents / good cond. Asking$7,500 (Surrey) 604-715-7469

2006 Ford Freestyle Ltd Blackleather interior - 7 Pass. 114Kkms. LOADED WITH OPTIONS.$12,500. Call 604-786-6001

2006 FORD Fusion, 73,000 km, 4cyl, grt cond, 2nd owner $8800.604-852-0533 * 778-241-3528

2007 FORD Focus SE, 4 dr, AC,auto, pwr grp, 68k kms, $4900604-439-9840 or 604-612-5122

2007 Ford Mustang GTConvertible fully loaded,automatic, 140,000km, local.$17,000. (604) 721-8411.

2008 Chrysler SebringAutomatic 32,400 kms. Granniesummer driven. No accidents.

Reduced price! $13,900.Call: (604) 820-1002

2011 Dodge Charger SE 1,700kms. Very cool,mint,smells new!$24,600obo. Gord 778-300-2538

2011 DODGE Charger SXT, fullload cars #4155 Sale $19,780.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2011 FOCUS S SEDAN 4DRSDN silver $ 11,950 #1109552AWWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM

1-866-549-8503 301 StewardsonWay, New Westminister

2012 FORD Flex Sel leather/Sunroof/loaded #4311. Sale Price$26,988. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2012 FORD Focus TitaniumTopof the line #4314 Sale Price$16,998. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

9129 Luxury Cars9129

1987 JAGUAR XJS Cabriolet, 1owner, lady driven, V12, ps, pb,pw, rebuilt ac, new tires, $8900obo, Don 604-826-7012

1989 BENTLEY Eight, Immac,68,000 kms, gorgeous charcoal/tan, no accidents, show winner$19,900 obo 604-889-2525

1989 BENTLEY Eight, Immac,68,000 kms, gorgeous charcoal/tan, no accidents, show winner$19,900 obo 604-889-2525

1993 Mazda MX-6 LSMint. Automatic 171,000 kms.V6, Auto, AirCrd, Lady owned.Receipts, too much to list.$3,900 Call: (778) 689-6094

1997 Lincoln Town CarSignature 268K. $5,000

Call: (604) 316-2527 Great Car

1999 BENTLEY Arnage Stunningsapphire on cream interior. Quick4.4L twin turbo. Non smoker, Noaccidents. Mint. Looks new!$44,900. Call 604-889-2525

2004 Jaguar X-Type Automatic93,500 kms Excellent condition.$10,500 Call: (604) 786-0941email: [email protected]

2005 ASTON Martin DB9. 'JamesBond style car!' Silver metallic.23,000 km. 6.0, V12, 450 hp. Newtires. 1 owner. You deserve thebest! $82,980. 604-781-7614.

9130 Motorcycles/Dirt Bikes9130

1998 HONDA Goldwing SE +Champion Daytona 2+2 conv.sidecar, loaded, 36K, new cond,classic, $14,900. 604 945-0376

2004 KAWASAKI Vulcan Nomad1500cc, Vance/Hines pipes, lotsof chrome, heated storage,service records, 30,000 miles,new tires/clutch, lots of extragear, $7500 firm. 604-761-7491

2005 KAWASAKI EX500R Ninja,16K, stored 2 yrs, 1 lady owner,$3000 obo, 778-788-8136

2007 YAMAHA RI- Dark Red & Black- Double & Single seat cover- 12600 KM- Custom Front & Rear Lights- Twin Black Carbon FibreAkrapovic Exhaust

- Very fast and awesome,Mint Condition (Cloverdale)

$7900 Call 604-788-0060

2008 HARLEY D, Nighttrain, 110cu.in 11K, cost $31K, ask $20K,604-847-9353 (Chill) after 5pm

2008 HARLEY D, Sportster,1200low, 4400km, cost $14K, ask$10K, 604-847-9353 Chill aft 5pm

2010 TRIUMPH American Motor-cycle, 900 cc, never driven,$8700. 604-533-4962 morn/eve

9145 Scrap CarRemoval9145



#1 FREE Scrap Vehicle RemovalAsk about $500 Credit!!!

$$ PAID for Some 604.683.2200

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVALMinimum $150 cash paid for fullsized vehicles. 604-518-3673


604-790-39002 HOUR SERVICE

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1988 S10 Pickup, small cab &box, new 4 cyl & clutch, 128k, z28rims, $2450. 604-522-8358

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1993 FORD Explorer Ltd. 6' lift on35' tires, running gear dannastraight front axel, fully rebuiltw/chrome molly inner and outeraxel shafts, new universal &brakes, motor replaced with anewer less km V6 that runs great.All leather interior with powerseats, $4800 obo. 604-220-0910

1996 CHEVY Silverado 2500,extended cab, bed liner, cloth int,ps pb pw, incls tow kit, exc cond$4500. Don 604-988-0170

1996 JEEP Grand Cherokee, V8auto, 178,000km, no accidents, 1owner, $4,995, 604-290-8012

1997 LANDROVER Defender(s)90, 5 spd diesel, mint, 60,000km,f r o m d e s e r t $ 2 9 , 0 0 01-780-945-7945 or [email protected]

1998 FORD F150, 4x4, auto,Triton V8, 4.6L, silver, trailer towpack, 6 ft box, aircared. $3650.604-255-5453

1999 SUZUKI Grand Vitara, fullyloaded, 4 door, all wheel drive,white, $8500. Call 604-518-3166

2001 JEEP Grand Cheroke, silver250,000 km, new engine, goodcond $5000 obo. 604-971-3435

2002 Ford Escape Black w/Grey Auto, V6, 2 WD, A/C 6 discCd, 199,500 Kms Clean GoodCond. $6,500. (778) 772-5513

2002 Nissan Pathfinder172,000 kms, Chilkoot Edition,power everything, A/C, $6,500Call: (604) 591-7526

2003 FORD F250 4x4 XL $8500o b o , 1 8 7 , 0 0 0 k m , a u t o ,604-323-3662 or 604-315-9384

2003 Nissan Xterra, 162,000kms, 5 Sp. A/C Power Grp, NewTrans/Clutch, New Exhaust, NewBrakes, 17" Wheels, Tow Pkge.$7,900 Call: (604) 218-5460

2004 GMC Yukon XL, auto,244Kms, 2WD, p/s, p/w, cruise.$6950. Jim 604-377-5751

2005 Acura MDX 122,700 kmsExcellent Condition, many niceluxury features. 3rd row seatingmakes this a very reliable andsafe family vehicle $16,000email: [email protected]

2008 FORD Pickup Lariat,49,000km, loaded + +, $37,500Must Sell! 604-313-2763

9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

2005 FORD Escape XLT, 4WD,6cyl, auto, white, grey interior,n e w b r a k e s , 9 5 , 0 0 0 k m ,$8900obo. 604-813-6934

2005 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, 108K,Auto,air cond.,FWD, Hankooktires, silver. Clean, well maint.$10,500. Phone 604-792-4517

2006 BMW X3 2.5i Auto,117,000 kms, AWD, Premium

Pkg, $17,000 negotiable,Phone 604-760-3390

2006 Chevrolet Equinox LTAutomatic 86,000 kms 6cylinder,leather seats,sunroof,airconditioning 5x cd player 6 waypioneer speakers $12,250.

Call: (778) 859-7204

2006 Ford F150 XL, 4X4, 5.4L,extended cab, seats 6, long box,canopy, A/C, 107K. $12,950.must sell! (604) 773-4235.

2007 FORD ESCAPE, V6 XLT4WD 3L, 64k, Exc.Cond. $14,300obo. Must sell! 604-522-6877

2011 MAZDA CX7 Fully loaded/big select #4353 Sale $21,888.1 888 861 384 1credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 MITSUBISHI Endeavor 4wdbest deals in BC #4188 Sale Price$19,995.1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 MITSUBISHI RV4 4wd auto,air, loaded #4293 Sale $19,995.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2011 NISSAN Xterra 4wd BiggestSelection in BC #2895Sale Price $23,995. 1 888 8613 8 4 1 c r e d i t a p p r o v a lwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2011 TOYOTA RAV4 4wd auto,air, loaded #4403 Sale $21,888.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2012 FORD Escape 4wd GoodSelection #4279 Sale Price$21,995. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.comDL#8214

2012 LEXUS RX350, V6, fullloaded, 6/mo, no accidents, navi,rear camera, top model, 6 yr wrty,$52,800, obo, 604-925-3111

2012 NISSAN FRONTIER CREW4wd Fully Loaded Trucks #4405Sale Price $27,888. 1 888 8613 8 4 1 c r e d i t a p p r o v a lwww.ergmfinance.com. DL#8214

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1989 BMW 325 is, 2dr, red, 5 sp,1 owner, 210K, gd cond, loaded,$4200 obo, 604-946-8862

www.BurrellAuto.com3094 Westwood St, Port Coq

604 945-4999.2925 Murray St, Port Moody

604 461-7995.


In House $$$ Availablewww.ergmfinance.com

Call Today 1-888-861-3841DL#8214

2009 Audi Q7 3.6 Automatic80,000 kms, silver ext, black

leather int, sunroof, tow hitch,nav, bluetooth. $40,000.

Call: (604) 913-9221

2010 Mazda3 $18,500 4door,16,638 kms excellentcondition (604) 710-9252

2007 BMW 335 coupe62km 1 ownr, mint cond,

leather, auto, sunroof,Sports Package & Prem

Package $28,900. 604-616-7727 [email protected]

AutomotiveContinues on next page

Page 46: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

9173 Vans9173

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1991 MERCEDES BENZ 300C.Auto, new tires. 111,000 km. Exccondition. $7,500. 604-786-6495

1992 SUBARU Loyal S/W, 4 cyl,auto, aircared, pwr grp, exc cond,all rec. $1950 obo. 604-433-3039

1994 MERCEDES C280, 85K,grey, fully loaded, extras, exccond, $10K obo, Ladner604-940-6460

1994 MERCEDES E320. Silver,blue leather, 269K km. Aircared, 4snow tires. $4,500. 604-521-0691

1994 PONTIAC Trans Am GT redwith grey int., well maint., ladydriven $4800. Serious inquiresonly. Ph 604-997-2583

1997 JAGUAR XK8 cpe, black,blk lther int, 84,000 ks, full load, allrecords, DB7 rims, sport pckg$13,900 obo. 778-889-6557

1997 TOYOTA Camry LE. 4 drs,4 cyl, auto, a/c. Well maintained.Aircared. $2900. 604-936-1270

2000 AUDI S4 2.7T, 6sp, 4wd.Black with black leather interior.Upgraded exhaust, turbos, andmore. 219,000 km $9800778-229-0283

2000 MERCEDES E55 AMG,beautiful, exc cond, 113K, price tosell, $12,900, 778-846-2933

2001 NISSAN Sentra GXE, 4 cyl,auto, 4 dr sedan, loaded 208 Kkm, exc cond. 1st $3900 takes.604-924-9232, 604-805-5187

2001 Toyota Celica GTAuto 138,000 kms -many extras

$8,950. Call: (604) 690-6235

2002 BMW 525i Agent maintained,200,000km. Fully loaded, exc cond.$7K (778) 991-4001

2002 C240 Benz, 4dr, auto, silver/blk leather, lady driven, 280K,excl cond, $4500. 778 893-8151

2002 HONDA Civic SI, auto, 2dr,ac, sunrf, 103K, exc cond, inclswinter tires, $5800, 604-916-2634

INFINITI G35 2003, exc. cond.power all, m.green, 83,000 km.$13k OBO. Call: 604.721.4414

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2002 HONDA Civic, 4 dr sedan,auto, prestine cond, 151 K, fullyserviced, a must see, asking$5400 obo. 604-852-3506

2003 INFINITI M45,excellentlocal, no acc, loaded, luxury, fast,auto, $12,500, 778-995-3862

2003 MAZDA Protege 5, 5 spd,140K km, new water pump, timingbelt & front wheel bearings,sunroof, pwr windows, locks,cruise, aircared, nice cond.$7,000. 778-227-2010

2004 HYUNDAI Elantra 79 K km,5 spd, 2.0L, 4 cyl, new clutch, a/c,loaded, $6500. 604-980-0051

2 0 0 4 J A G U A R X - t y p e102,000km, Auto, 2.5, V6, noaccident $10,500. 778-862-6891

2004 MAZDA 626, black, leather,auto, ht seats, gd cond, 110k km,aircared. $8500. 604-440-4322

2005 AUDI S4. Quattro (AWD).102,000 km. Blk leather. Incl 2 setof wheels & tires. 6 speed. Powereverything! Exc cond. $19,500.Call/text Rick @ 778-847-2975.

2005 NISSAN Altima 2.5 Sl, rebuilt4 cyl, very clean, 177 km, s/roof,loaded $6,000. 778-889-6166

2005 PONTIAC Sunfire 2 drcoupe stnd, 119,000k’s, $4800obo. Ph 604-798-0767 lve mess

2005 VW CABRIOLETautomatic, immaculate, no

accidents, 85500 km.$9,999 obo. 604-341-6543

2006 ACURA 3.2 TL custom fullyloaded, 300 HP 6 spd. 125,000km on body, only 44,000 km onengine $15,500. 604-241-0357

2006 BMW 325i 79,000kmImmaculate condition!! $16000OBO - Moving & need to sell(778) 388-0007

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2006 HYUNDAI TIBURON SE.103K km. Leather, mint, sunroof,a/c, CD, alarm. 2.0 L, 4 cyl. Noaccid. $9600. 604-839-6253

2006 MERCEDES Benz SLK280premium pkg, auto, low kmsretract hard top, receipts sincenew, $24,800. 604-734-8861

2006 MERCEDES C280 4Matic,local, 1 owner, 63,000 km, immacD2467 $17,800. 604-987-3876.

2006 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT.46,000 km. Grey. 4 drs, auto, p/w,p/l, leather heated seats, sunroof,mag wheels. Good condition!$16,000 obo. 604-240-9912

2007 BMW 525i88,400km Premium Pkg, loaded$21,900 obo. 604-532-9292

2007 FORD MUSTANG GT, fullyloaded 22,000 kms, $29,500.604-721-4228

2007 KIA Rio 5, 5 dr, blk, 5sp, 1owner, 72K, exc cond, incls wintertires, $7500 obo, 604-603-2548

2007 TOYOTA Camry LE, 4 dr,special leather, auto, 89K, f/load,$14,800 obo, 604-808-9518

2007 Volkswagen Rabbit129,000km Single owner. Fullyloaded, sunroof, heated seats,5speed $10,500 604-329-6735

2007 YARIS 4DR SDN AUTOpw pl green $7,888 #2791785

WWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM1-866-549-8503 301 Stewardson

Way, New Westminister

2009 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE/BUG 35,500kms, automatic, fullyloaded, sunroof mfgr., warrantycar proof available, $16,500serious buyers please, Call604-836-1014.

2009 Volkswagen GTI Golf.DSG/18" rims/leather/powerS/R. New tires. 65,000 kms.Factory warranty. $21,600.(604) 731-9739

2010 BMW 328XI, AWD, loaded,metallic black sapphire with blackinterior colour, never smoked in,no accidents, auto steptronic$ 2 9 , 9 0 0 . 6 0 4 - 8 2 1 - 0 4 4 0 ,778-242-5503 Serviced at BrianJessel BMW

9160 Sports &Imports9160

2010 Ford Mustang GTPremium Manual 12,000 kmsLimited Edition Roush Stage 3,4.6 liter, 540HP, 510 ft/lb torque,warranty to 2016, mint condition!$46,000. Call: (604) 540-7036email: [email protected]

2010 NISSAN Sentra fully loadedcars #4372 Sale Price $11,988.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2010 TOYOTA Corolla LE CPackage/ Ful ly Loaded #4364Sale Price $12,988. 1 888861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2010 VW Tourag, 39km, touchscreen nav, leather, luxury pkg,trailer hitch, moon roof, pushbutton start, very clean, no acc,$43,000 obo, call 604-351-5631

2012 MINI Cooper Convertible,auto, black, fully loaded, 2400km,not a demo, cost $31,000, sell$32,000, 604-971-3179

2012 MITSUBISHI Spyder Cov-ertableAuto, air, loaded #4394Sale Price $22,888. 1 888 8613841credit approval www.ergmfinance.com. DL#8214

2012 NISSAN SENTRA, auto, air,loaded #4387, Sale Price$15,995. 1 888 861 3841 creditapproval www.ergmfinance.com-DL #8214


Rear bath, queen bed,new tires. New cond.

$11,950.Call: (604) 325-7871 or

email: [email protected]

1 9 9 5 F O R D W i n d s t a rMinivan,165,500km, air cared, gdcond, $2000, 604-347-8238

2002 HONDA Odyssey EXL,loaded, gray, new tires, 206K kmMust Sell! Call 604-787-7335

2002 SIENNA 4DR LEgray $ 8,888 #2299506

WWW.KEYWESTFORD.COM1-866-549-8503 301 Stewardson

Way, New Westminister

2002 WINDSTAR (Ford) 145 kms,good cond., $2975. 604-392-3909after 4pm or all day wkends

2003 CHEVY Venture, 7pass,red, good cond, 128K, incls snowtires, $3500 obo, 604-946-4725

2003 KIA Sedona EX 2tone silver/grey, 3.5ltr,auto, pw/ps, am/fm,cd, 5dr, 7pass, cloth seats, roofrack, 171K, $3900 604-820-0486

2006 Honda Odyssey EX-L Wellmaintained, Perfect for Families.$13,900 obo. (604) 908-3323

2010 TOWN & Country luxury Vans/loaded vans #4207 Sale $16,888. 1888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2012 DODGE Avenger SXT auto,air, loaded #4380 Sale $17,488.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

2012 DODGE Grand Caravan Stown Go/ Loaded #4347 Sale $18,888.1 888 861 3841 credit approvalwww.ergmfinance.com DL#8214

9515 Boats9515

14 ALUMINUM DURABOAT,25hp evinrude motor, fishing rods,incls trailer, $4750. 604-519-0075

1980 SAN JUAN, 7.7, 5 goodSails, good motor furling, goodcondition, $5800, 604-568-2050

1982 COMMANDER excellent.condition Bowen Island, $18,000604-947-92140

1989 19’ Bayliner Capri Blue, 2.3litre IB Fresh water cooled Exccond. Well maint. Lots of extras,c/w trailer . $4,695. 604-837-7564

19FT SEARAY, 165 merc in-board, w/trailer, runs awesome,$5500 obo. 604-817-9004

BOAT FOR SALE 17’ bowrider/144hp io/ready to go $5,000Call: 604-703-0133email: [email protected]

1989 Prowler/Cooper 19’, 4.3Merc. inboard, dry-storage kept,loaded, like new, $18,000 oboCall: (604) 921-9433

SAILBOAT/CS 27 Deep CoveNV. $12,000 Call: (604) 929-5278email: [email protected]

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

TOYOTA HIACE CAMPERVAN90 2.8l deisel,auto, camp incomfort $15,400. 604-275-3443

1992 PROWLER 5th Whl, withhitch, needs fridge, good cond,$3500 obo, 604-992-5478

1995 FLEETWOOD Coronado,very low miles, new tires, sleeps6, excellent cond. $13,950 obo,Call 778-822-2475

1996 31’ Motorhome retiring fromRV’ing, exc cond, mechanicallysound, all papers, loaded, Reasoffers accepted. 604-746-5898.Abby

1998 NOMAD 5th Wheel 25 ft.1 slide; Standup/walk aroundBdrm $12,000 604-796-2866

9522 RV’s/Trailers95221998 SLUMBER queen 7.6’ Im-port camper 520 kg, new propane2011, folding alum steps & handrail, 3 brn stove, porta potti, forcedair furn, hyd jacks - hold downs,pressure 50 ltr water/ 3 wayfridge/freezer. Will fit short boxp/u or import. Excl cond $4500obo. Ph 604-858-5624 Chwk

1999 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel28ft Must see, in great shape.$8,400 Call: (604) 240-2793 oremail: [email protected].

PREVOST RV Prevost RV.8V92DD w/ 5 spd auto trans. Lowmiles. $95,000. 604-313-6694

2003 NEWMAR Dutch Star, 3slides, 39’, 65,000mi, full paintfreight liner Chassis, 330 Catengine. Computer desk, soliddesk oak cabinets. $73,500. Ph604-846-5046 Chwk

2004 PLEASUREWAY PlateauM/H, Mercedes Benz diesel, Mi.61,588K, Immac cond & loaded.$54,900. Ph 1-604-220-5005

2004 TITANIUM model 32E37DS, 2 slides, mint cond,1 owner, $27,900. 604 535-8688

2005 FOUR WINDS Class C 30’sleeps 7, like new cond, 132,000km, $24,888 [email protected]

2005 SIERRA 30ft 5th wheel.Slide. N/S. OBO $18,000.

Call: (604) 888-7717

2006 ALFA Luxury Mtr Home 330CAT Diesel Pusher, 6 new tires,3 5 , 5 0 0 m i . E q u i p e d w i t heverything, too much to list! Exccond. $117,000. 604-767-3894

2006 GEORGETOWN XL, 35’ 9',3 slides, V10, 20k miles, tow caravail, $62,000 604-948-5048

2007 CHEROKEE 18ft trailer,FULLY LOADED. Incls warranty.Sleeps 7, awning, f/bath, A/C, fullsize fridge & stove. Very light &easy to pull. Incls hitch & stablizerbars! $11,000. ★ 604-939-5002

2007 PROWLER 5th wheel, 32 ft,grt family rv, fibreglass, slideout,bunkbeds, air/cond, sleeps 8$19,900. 604-824-1426

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2007 TRAIL Lite Model TL8230,Light Weight. New cond. 1 owner.Extras. $16500 604 224 4927

2008 31 ft Colorado RL 5thWheel Private sale. 3 slides. 4awnings. Rear living room. Mor/ryde hitch and suspension. Likenew condition! Check this videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdKBKukigg8Asking: $27,000. 604-751-1573

2008 ALPENLITE 31ck Ltd Edi-tion, 3 slides, ex cond, retail $80K,ask: $49,500, obo 604-814-5071

2008 ITASA SUNOVA 29RMOTORHOME 41,000 kmsV10 Ford engine, automatic HDShaw Direct satilite dish, 2 slideouts, Jensen entertainment 12volt HDTV, viper alarm system,2-80 watt solar panels, 2400 wattinverter, 2 awning curtains forback and side, front and sidewindow shields, ducted airconditioning with heat pump,excellent condition ready to go.$69,900 Call: (604) 755-0423 oremail: [email protected]

2008 NASH 25’ 5th whl, q bed,rear kitchen, 1 slide $19,000. Ph604-792-2201 Chilliwack

2009 BIGFOOT 30MH28TE Topof line, immaculate, loaded, lowkms, $88,650. 604-230-7546

2009 OPEN Range 28ft 5th wheel3 slides, k/island, winter pkg,hitch. $33,000. 604-591-3868

40’ MOUNTAIN Aire, Dsl pusherLike new. incl tow jeep. $79,000.Ph 604 795-9967

KEYSTONE 2 slide light lowkm, 2 qn beds, sleeps 8, extkitch,$13,900 Call:604-988-1408

REC Trailer 0 kms restored likenew. Sleeps 6. 18’ awning incl.$4,000 obo Call: (604) 255-7150


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AUTOMOTIVEBurnaby NOW • Friday, October 12, 2012 • A47

Page 47: Burnaby Now October 12 2012

A48 • Friday, October 12, 2012 • Burnaby NOW