bures c.e. primary school newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/26.06.20.pdf ·...

Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 [email protected]ffolk.sch.uk Date: 26th June 2020 Big Queson of the Week What will you be doing on 4th July?Looking Forward We are very much looking forward to welcoming a few more children back to school over the next three weeks. We obviously are still following strict government guidance to keep everyone safe so the week in school will look quite different but will be great fun and hopefully incredibly reassuring for your children. As I said in my letter, the children will be in mixed age groups. They will not be joining children who have been part of the Critical Workers Club(these children need to stay in their current teamfor their own safety) but they will all be with some of their class mates and will get to meet and connect (in a socially distanced manner) with others when they are outside. We have had to think carefully about which staff will support the children who are returning as it is important to ensure that our adults do not mix with too many other children outside their team’. We are pleased to say that we have managed to organise things so that the children who will be joining a teacher they have never worked with before in September will have the chance to get to know them during this week. (See table of September Class teachers below). Our main aim for the week is for the children to enjoy spending time with each other and the staff. Wed also like them to see that school is still a happy and safe place to be, even if some things are being done in a slightly different way. We cant wait to see your children and you at the gates from next week onwards. Class Teachers for September IMPORTANT NOTICE The last day of our school term will be Friday 17th July for ALL pupils (including those in the Critical Workers Club). We have made the decision to close school to pupils on this day to ensure our staff have time to prepare for whatever we may face in September before they begin their hugely well- deserved summer break! Explore, Believe, Shine ‘The Adventure Awaits…’ Class Teacher Class Teacher Reception Miss Moore Year Four Mrs Baker Year One Mrs Bacon Year Five Mr Allen Year Two Mrs Fairley Year Six Mrs Holmes and Mrs Wilcox Year Three Miss Atkinson Welcome Back Mrs Wilcox (School News Part 1) It was lovely to see Mrs Wilcox back at school this week—The children in Nursery have been learning about Dinosaurs. If you ask us we know that some were carnivores- they ate meat and had sharp teeth and some were herbivores- they had flat teeth and sometimes no teeth and ate plants. A dinosaur visited the play- ground and we built dinosaur traps, and looked for claw marks and footprints. We've made dinosaur cakes in the water tray, put them in family groups and size order.

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Page 1: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/26.06.20.pdf · 2020-06-26 · Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk

Bures C.E. Primary School


Contact us: 01787 227446 [email protected] Date: 26th June 2020

Big Question of the Week

“ What will you be doing on 4th July?”

Looking Forward We are very much looking forward to welcoming a few more children back to school over the next three weeks. We

obviously are still following strict government guidance to keep everyone safe so the week in school will look quite different but will be great fun and hopefully incredibly reassuring for your children. As I said in my letter, the

children will be in mixed age groups. They will not be joining children who have been part of the ‘Critical Workers Club’ (these children need to stay in their current ‘team’ for their own safety) but they will all be with some of their class mates and will get to meet and connect (in a socially distanced manner) with others when they are

outside. We have had to think carefully about which staff will support the children who are returning as it is important to ensure that our adults do not mix with too many other children outside their ‘team’. We are pleased to

say that we have managed to organise things so that the children who will be joining a teacher they have never worked with before in September will have the chance to get to know them during this week. (See table of September Class teachers below). Our main aim for the week is for the children to enjoy spending time with each

other and the staff. We’d also like them to see that school is still a happy and safe place to be, even if some things are being done in a slightly different way. We can’t wait to see your children and you at the gates from next week

onwards. Class Teachers for September

IMPORTANT NOTICE The last day of our school term will be Friday 17th July for ALL pupils (including those in the Critical Workers Club). We have made the decision to close school to pupils on this day to ensure our staff have time to prepare for whatever we may face in September before they begin their hugely well-deserved summer break!

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Class Teacher Class Teacher

Reception Miss Moore Year Four Mrs Baker

Year One Mrs Bacon Year Five Mr Allen

Year Two Mrs Fairley Year Six Mrs Holmes and Mrs Wilcox

Year Three Miss Atkinson

Welcome Back Mrs Wilcox (School News Part 1) It was lovely to see Mrs Wilcox back at school this week—The children in Nursery have been learning about Dinosaurs. If you ask us we know that some were carnivores- they ate meat and had sharp teeth and some were herbivores- they had flat teeth and sometimes no teeth and ate plants. A dinosaur visited the play-ground and we built dinosaur traps, and looked for claw marks and footprints. We've made dinosaur cakes in the water tray, put them in family groups and size order.

Page 2: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/26.06.20.pdf · 2020-06-26 · Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk

Mr Allen thoroughly enjoyed learning a bit more about Sir Alan Sugar from your fabulous biography, Casey. Well done. Perhaps we’ll see you on ‘The Apprentice’ one day!!

I think your nanny will love receiving this postcard—I hope you get to see her soon Isla (Y3). I can tell you are missing her!

For anyone who is miss-ing the daily briefing it looks like Isaac (Y2) has plenty of statistics for us here. Well done Isaac—I know you have been working hard on a range of different activ-ities at home!

Miss Atkinson is pleased to see that the hot weather hasn’t stopped Sophie in Y4 getting her money maths done—she just took it out to the garden! I wonder if she can afford an ice cream?

Your Year 1 friends are missing you Emily but I know they were glad that you were able to rescue this baby bird.

Page 3: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/26.06.20.pdf · 2020-06-26 · Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk

School News Part 2 We have been pleased to welcome back lots of lovely new children this week and what a fun-packed week it has been. Orange and Yellow teams have been busy learning about caterpillars and butterflies. Eric Carle’s “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” was our story of the week and this inspired lots of different activities. We have been studying the butterfly life-cycle, helped by learning the song “I went to the cabbages one day”, and even had a go at drawing our own. We made caterpillars and butterflies out of just about every con-struction material that we could get our hands on. We looked at circles in-depth, and painted our own Kandinsky style paintings. Both teams are becoming expert bug hunters, and we look forward to continuing our insect learning next week. This week the Green and Blue Teams have been learning about Ladybirds. We learnt about their lifecycle; hatching from eggs into larva then turning into a pupa and eventually emerging as a ladybird and we were lucky enough to find some larva and pupas outside! We made chocolate nests using shredded wheat and melted chocolate! Our experiment to see if an egg can float was a great success, we added to salt to make the water denser than the egg. St. Lucia is an island that we are investigating at the moment, we found it on the map and globe and found out what its flag looks like. Silver Superstars have had a great week. In forest school, they demonstrated fantastic teamwork to create one giant den. They created their own snapshot movies and iMovie trailers based on stories the had created in English. They also explored the word love, and discussed how important it is to not only love others but also love ourselves. From this, we created one humungous love heart filled with mini hearts that highlighted one thing we all love about ourselves. Golden Galaxy Team have been reflecting on who they love and making heart mobiles to display their ideas. They have also been investigating volcanoes and using what they have learnt in their creative writing. I won’t go into too much detail about what our Purple and Turquoise Teams have learnt this week—Mrs Holmes has spent time with both groups exploring some important themes in Relationships and Sex Education—she has done a great job—it’s not the easiest bit of the curriculum to teach! The children have also been finishing off their year books and getting to grips with statistics in maths. They finished the week with a Water Fight!

Celebrating Achievement This week’s certificates go to:

Well Done to all of them!

Home Learners Year One—Chloe Year Two—Darcey and Beatrix Year Three—Florence and Ellie Year Four—Sophie and Oliver Year Five—Caitlin and Ellie

School Teams Orange Team—Miley and Celestia Yellow Team—Jesse and Lucy Green Team—Charlie H and Willow Blue Team—Alfie and Aaron Golden Galaxy—George and Lyla-Rose Silver Superstars—Lucas and Evie Turquoise Team—Dylan and Millie Purple Team—Betty and Harry

Online Safety The Government have recently updated their guidance for parents and carers on keeping children safe online. This is of course highly relevant as many of us are spending more time online. It is worth a quick read! https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-keeping-children-safe-online/coronavirus-covid-19-support-for-parents-and-carers-to-keep-children-safe-online

Church School Here is the link to share the next video in the ‘Faith at Home’ for you own DIY assembly! This week’s video is about ‘Generosity’ https://youtu.be/F7CqMXK15MU Sadly no robot Boris this week but a really catchy song! Rev. Steve

Page 4: Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/26.06.20.pdf · 2020-06-26 · Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletter Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk