bundle product marketplace add-on - magento...please note – you should be using webkul multi...

3/10/2017 Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On webkul.com /blog/marketplace-bundle-product-for-magento2/ Product bundling is a marketing strategy where a seller combines multiple products and offer the bundled items as one product. Bundle Product is a Marketplace add-on for Magento2, it allows the sellers to create bundle product for their store. The sellers can add customizable options and set the input type as checkbox, drop-down, multi-select, and radio button. The customers can select the items of the bundle product and enter the desired quantity. Simple and virtual types of products can be added to a bundle product. Shipping for bundle items can be done either together or separately. Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work. Features The sellers can add many customization options for the bundle product. Various input type available such as – checkbox, drop-down, multi-select, and radio button. Pricing for the bundle product can be configured either fixed or dynamic. Summary information about the bundle items selection is visible for the users. The seller can do the shipping for bundle product items either together or separately. Custom title for bundle items selection can be set. Default quantities for bundle product items can be set. Items in the bundle product can be preselected by the seller. Bundle product SKU and weight can be set as fixed or dynamic. This module supports multiple languages translations. Module Configuration The admin needs to go the backend panel and configure the Marketplace Bundle Product module. Please navigate through Stores->Configuration->Marketplace->Seller Product’s Settings . Now in Product Type for Seller option, select the Bundle Product. Click the Save Config button to apply changes. 1/11

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Page 1: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work


Bundle Product Marketplace Add-Onwebkul.com /blog/marketplace-bundle-product-for-magento2/

Product bundling is a marketing strategy where a seller combines multiple products and offer the bundled itemsas one product. Bundle Product is a Marketplace add-on for Magento2, it allows the sellers to create bundleproduct for their store. The sellers can add customizable options and set the input type as checkbox, drop-down,multi-select, and radio button. The customers can select the items of the bundle product and enter the desiredquantity. Simple and virtual types of products can be added to a bundle product. Shipping for bundle items canbe done either together or separately.

Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle ProductMarketplace Add-on will not work.


The sellers can add many customization options for the bundle product.

Various input type available such as – checkbox, drop-down, multi-select, and radio button.

Pricing for the bundle product can be configured either fixed or dynamic.

Summary information about the bundle items selection is visible for the users.

The seller can do the shipping for bundle product items either together or separately.

Custom title for bundle items selection can be set.

Default quantities for bundle product items can be set.

Items in the bundle product can be preselected by the seller.

Bundle product SKU and weight can be set as fixed or dynamic.

This module supports multiple languages translations.

Module Configuration

The admin needs to go the backend panel and configure the Marketplace Bundle Product module. Pleasenavigate through Stores->Configuration->Marketplace->Seller Product’s Settings.

Now in Product Type for Seller option, select the Bundle Product. Click the Save Config button to applychanges.


Page 2: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Seller Front-End View

After the module configuration, the sellers can create Bundle Products easily from their end. Click the NewProducts option in My Account section. Select the Product Type as Bundle Product and click Continue.


Page 3: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Now the seller needs to fill in the Bundle Products details as follows:

Product Category – Select the categories where the bundle product should be visible.

Product Name – Enter the name of the bundle product.

Description – Enter the details regarding the bundle product.

SKU – Enter the SKU value for the bundle product.

Price – If you want to set the bundle product price as Fixed, enter the price else leave it blank.

Dynamic Price – Tick this option, if you want to calculate bundle product pricing as per the product items.

Special Price – Enter the special price for the bundle product. It does not work with Dynamic Price.


Page 4: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Special Price From & To – Select the dates from which the special pricing will start and end.

Stock Availability – Select In Stock option, if the bundle product is available. Else select Out of Stock option.

Visibility – Select the bundle product visibility as either – Not Visible Individually, Catalog, Search andCatalog & Search.

Weight – If you want to set the bundle product weight as Fixed, enter the value else leave it blank.

Dynamic Weight – Tick this option, if you want to calculate bundle product weight as per the product items.

Meta Title, Keywords & Description – Enter the meta elements for the bundle product.

Product Images – Upload the images for the bundle product.


Page 5: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Configure Bundle Product Items

Ship Bundle Items – Select how you want to do the shipping for the bundle items, select Together orSeparately.

Add Options – Click this button to add items and configure for the bundle product.

Option Title – Enter the title for the bundle items selection section.

Input Type – Select how you want your customers to select bundle items. Checkbox, drop-down, multi-select,and radio button are available.

Required – Tick the checkbox, if the users are required to select this option.

Position – Enter the order position of the options.

Add Products to Option – Click this button to add products into the bundle product.

Default Quantity – Enter the default quantities for the each item.

Click Delete button to remove an option or an item.

Click Save button save your changes and add the bundle product to the store.


Page 6: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Select Bundle Items:

After clicking the Add Products to Option, a pop-up window will appear where the seller needs to select theproducts for the bundle. After selecting the products click Add Selected Products button as shown below:

Use Filters option for finding any specific product from the list.

Use checkbox option to select the products.


Page 7: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

User Front-End View

Just like any other product, bundle product will also appear on the website. When dynamic pricing is set, theusers will see the prices for the lowest and highest bundle items. In the case of fixed type of pricing, the users willonly see the bundle price.


Page 8: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Bundle Product Page:

Sample Bundle Product: Input Type – Checkbox

Here’s a sample Bundle Product, T-Shirt Pack. The customers can click the Customize and Add to Cart buttonto select the bundle items.

Use Checkbox options for selecting the items.

After selecting the items, the customer can set the Bundle Quantity and view the Summary details of theBundle Item selection.


Page 9: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

Sample Bundle Product: Input Type – Radio Button

Here the input type for user selection is Radio Button and 4 options have been added to the bundle product.


Page 10: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

The customers can first select the t-shirt colors using the Radio Buttons and then enter the quantities for eachitem.


Page 11: Bundle Product Marketplace Add-On - Magento...Please Note – You should be using Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace extension, otherwise Bundle Product Marketplace Add-on will not work

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