building your own sac system

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  • 8/2/2019 Building Your Own SAC System


    Building Your Own SAC System

    (August 2010)

    By Bob Lentini

    Building your own SAC system can be an exciting and amazing adventure. SAC systems can be created in all shapes and

    sizes and can be built for incredibly low cost. Of course, if budget allows, your SAC system can be the most expensive

    console ever constructed, the choice is yours.

    The systems are extremely scalable and can be any number of input and output channels up to 72 at the time of this


    If you are not comfortable working with computers at the component level or are not skilled with your hands at assembling

    things, you may want to consider purchasing a turnkey system from one of the turnkey system integrators that are listed

    in the Links option on the website.

    This document will give you an example of assembling a SAC system from start to finish. Remember, there are unlimited

    variations in choices of hardware and assembly methods and this example is just one method that creates a very stable

    and high performance system.

    You may find some of the concepts and techniques presented in this document useful in your own SAC system

    construction journey.

    Let's get started.

    One of the first things I like to do at the

    start is to gather some of the basic

    elements I will be using during the various

    construction phases. An assortment ofscrews, tie wraps and clamps of various

    kinds can all play an important role in

    constructing a clean and solid system that

    can be transported to and from events

    without breaking down.

  • 8/2/2019 Building Your Own SAC System


    I also find it very handy to have some sort of labeling machine that easily

    labels cables with a wire wrap format as well as a banner type format that

    can be used on flat surfaces for labeling channel numbers and other

    connection references.

    The machine I use is called the IDPal from Brady. While this particular

    model is no longer being manufactured, there are many current choices

    that replace it.

    Choosing Your Components

    You must first decide on the components you will use, such as sound

    cards, mic pres, analog to digital converters, the type of computer case,

    the overall rack case, etc.

    The system I am building here is a 48 channel system. I chose to use two

    of the RME HDSP Digi9652 sound cards which are 24 channels of ADAT

    optical i/o each. Selecting the sound cards first allows you to see what

    kind of slot configuration your computer motherboard will require, as well

    as the i/o configuration needed to interface with the converters.

    These cards use PCI slots and after some exploring, I selected the ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo motherboard which has the

    necessary two PCI slots as part of its layout.

    This motherboard supports the Intel E8500 Core 2 Duo CPU, which was readily available at a reasonable cost, as well as

    a high speed ram option.

    I selected Windows XP Professional as my OS, and decided to use 4 gigs of 1200 speed ram, which forced the

    motherboard to overclock slightly to 3.6 ghz.

    While there are a variety of front-end choices using high priced mic pres coupled into high priced converters that could

    raise the price of your system into the tens of thousands of dollars, I decided to use the Behringer ADA8000 mic pre /

    converters, since they offer an amazing value at an extremely low price point. These units offer 8 channels of mic pres

    and line inputs as well as 8 channels of balanced line outputs, plus AtoD and DtoA converters all in a single 1U rackspace

    box. It requires 6 boxes to handle the 48 channel system design.

    I first chose an XFX ATI Radeon 5450 video card, but this card caused extreme buffer slipping when redrawing the

    display. I then switched to an older Diamond ATI Radeon 4550 HD video card and all buffer slipping issues disappeared.

  • 8/2/2019 Building Your Own SAC System


    A lesson to be learned here is that certain components can interact with motherboard chipsets and other components and

    cause difficulties. Keep an open mind when exploring different component options if the system exhibits problems.

    I decided to go with a custom built rack case on wheels, made of 1/2 in birch wood laminated with a durable rubberized

    surface and configured as a shock mounted design. I like wood cases, instead of fiber or plastic cases, because I find it

    easier to screw clamps and cable mounts inside to facilitate a neat and clean finished product.

    Assembling the Computer

    I chose a 3U computer rack case that is only about 15 inches deep. You can find a variety of these shallow depth cases in

    3U and 4U styles on the web. I used a SATA boot drive mounted in a removable bay so swapping a system imaged drive

    is fast and simple in case my Windows install ever gets corrupted.

    You can see in this image, that I used 4

    chassis cooling fans, two in front and two

    smaller ones in back. This allows the

    system to run 24/7 without

    temperature issues.

    I generally like to add a second physical

    drive for all data. This allows my boot drive

    to remain at a small (100 gb) size, so drive

    imaging is easy to maintain, and can be

    restored quickly without concern for

    overwriting and loosing data.

    This image shows the basic computer build

    before the sound cards are installed. I like to

    get Windows and all basic components

    installed and tweaked before moving on to

    the sound card drivers.

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    This close-up of the CPU shows that I like to use

    one of the bolt-down CPU fan assemblies, rather

    than the typical plastic push-lock default fan


    The push-lock units can easily pop off when the

    system is jolted during transport and the bolt-

    down units will take a lot more abuse.

    There are many models of these bolt-down fan

    assemblies from different manufacturers which

    can be easily found on the web.

    This image shows the finished

    computer with the RME sound cards


    When using multiple sound cards to

    attain your desired channel count,

    be certain that the sound cards you

    select allow multiples on a single


    Also, pay attention to clocking

    issues. The cards and driver must

    be able to allow proper slaving and sync to one master clock source. These RME cards allow me to set the first as the

    master clock and then connect an internal sync cable between cards and tell the driver to sync the second card to the


    I will set the ADA units to sync to the incoming ADAT optical pipe clock.

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    Assembling The Rack

    There are various options to address all the cable connection issues a system of this size needs to handle. Generally,

    using 1U back plates with 8 male and 8 female xlr plugs per converter, connected with short jumper cables and mounted

    on the rear rack rails creates a neat and clean setup, Or, multi pin snake connectors can be used along with custom made

    back plates for a quick connect setup. Unfortunately, both of these options can add serious cost to the system.

    In this case, since the Behringer units have the

    mic inputs mounted in the front, and xlr outputs

    mounted in the rear, I chose to use inexpensive

    short 8 channel jumper snakes to keep the front

    of the system neat and extend all input

    connections to the rear of the rack on the floor.

    By keeping all wiring in the rear of the rack tied

    off to the sides, the xlr output plugs could easily

    be reached directly, eliminating the need for

    extenders of any kind for the outputs.

    Even though the snakes were color

    coded, I used my label machine to

    neatly wire wrap channel numbers

    on each cable connector to give me

    a clear reading on the front of the

    system of which channel is which.

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    Laying the rack on its back can make the

    mounting of the gear much easier to handle.

    I used a Furman power conditioner mounted

    at the top of the rack as my master AC

    control and also to simplify AC cable


    I then began mounting the Behringer units

    one by one with a small half rack space

    between them. This space is used for two

    things. First, it allows air flow between units,

    which can be very important, because these

    units tend to run hot. Second, it gives me the

    opening I need to weave the small snake extenders between units and keep the input connections clean, neat and


    When mounting the units in this manner, I use

    the bottom two screws for each unit, because

    it holds the units more securely since gravity

    forces the tops of the units tightly against the

    rails even without the top screws.

    This image shows the procedure I

    followed as I continued mounting the

    units into place.

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    Each snake is neatly positioned tight against the previous

    unit and the next unit is mounted, holding that snake in


    This image shows all units in place, with the addition of a

    Behringer HA4700 4 station headphone amplifier.

    Next I mounted the computer case in the bottom of the


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    And here is a look at the front of the finished


    Next, I moved on to the rear assembly and the task

    of connecting everything together.

    This can be a daunting task as the amount of

    cables and connections can quickly grow into a

    tangled mess if you do not pay close attention to

    detail as you go.

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    I started with the AC cables, neatly tying and

    clamping them to the rack case and directing

    them over to the left side where most of the

    AC connections were found.

    I continued along, labeling, and tying off each AC cable for

    each piece of gear.

    I tucked the bulk of the cable mass into the small space between

    the rack case and the units themselves to keep them out of the

    way and make room for what was still to come.

    I also mounted a separate power strip, switched from the

    Furman, to handle extra power needs.

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    Next, I began securing the snakes to therack case and neatly arranging them along

    the right side.

    Keeping the snakes tied

    to the right side kept all

    the output plugs open and

    easily reachable.

    Clamping the snakes in

    this manner also takes all

    the strain from the front

    connectors and allows me

    to easily manipulate them

    behind the system.

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    Next, labeling the outputs makes for a

    clear visual of which output is which.

    I then cable tied the snakes together in groups,

    making it easier to find the correct channels

    when making final connections to large snake

    tails or stage connection boxes.

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    Next, the optical connections were dealt with. Ichose to use a flexible optical cable from

    Oculus. These cables are encased in rubber

    and are much more manageable than the

    typical plastic optical cables, and the cost was

    not much higher.

    Since these do not come cut to length, I used

    the left side of the rack case to clamp and loop

    them to take up the slack. Remember, you donot want to crimp these cables, they must

    remain smoothly coiled.

    I then routed the optical cables neatly along the

    rack bottom and into position snapping them into

    the sound card connectors.

    These cables snapped in fairly tight, but it is still

    generally a good idea to carefully use a small

    amount of clear rubber silicon to lock them

    securely in place.

  • 8/2/2019 Building Your Own SAC System


    The final touches on the system added a rack mount fan assembly tokeep a constant flow of air thru the Behringer units.

    And there we have it. Our very own SAC system,

    complete with 1920 x 1080 monitor, mouse, keyboard

    and 1 Behringer BCF2000 fader pack.

    Who would have ever thought that you could build

    your very own Midas, Yamaha, Digico, Venue, or

    whatever your favorite console used to be, in your

    own garage.

    And what's more, you have not only replaced 1 of

    those expensive consoles, but you now have FOH

    and 24 more monitor consoles.

    Welcome to the SAC Experience... there isn'tanything quite like it.

    Have fun creating your own SAC System!