building portlets building portlets with ajax behavior with377

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  • 8/9/2019 Building Portlets Building Portlets With Ajax Behavior With377


    Building PortletsBuilding Portletswith Ajax Behaviorwith Ajax Behavior

  • 8/9/2019 Building Portlets Building Portlets With Ajax Behavior With377




    Issues with Current Portlet Architecture


    Maintaining portlet state Avoiding namespace collision

    Next generation Portal server

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    Issues with CurrentIssues with CurrentArchitecture (forArchitecture (for

    supporting Ajax) &supporting Ajax) &One work-aroundOne work-around

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    Issues with Current Portlet

    Architecture No easy way to make asynchronous call

    The response contains markup for the

    whole page not just for the target portlet Will be addressed in JSR 186

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    One Work-aroundOne Work-around

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    One Work-around

    Make an asynchronous call to Servlets andJSP that are bundled with the portlet> Because a portlet is a Web application that can

    contain other resources, such as servlets and JSPpages

    > The portlet and the servlet should be able to shareinformation between themselves through theirsesssion

    > The Invoice Viewer sample includes a servlet thatyou can call to asynchronously render new contentin the portlet

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    Maintaining Portlet StateMaintaining Portlet State

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    Sharing Portlet State

    When you dynamically update portletcontent with an Ajax call to a servlet, howdo you maintain the portlet's state?

    > The PortletSession must store all attributes in theHttpSession of the portlet application.

    > A direct consequence of this is that data stored inthe HttpSession by servlets or JSPs is accessibleto portlets through the PortletSession in the portletapplication scope.

    > Conversely, data stored by portlets in thePortletSession in the portlet application scope isaccessible to servlets and JSPs through the


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    Saving Portlet State in HTTP

    Session in Servlet code InvoiceServlet stores the invoicenumber

    attribute in HttpSession when doPost() isasynchronously called by the portlet, asfollows.> request.getSession().setAttribute(namespace +

    ".invoicenumber", invoice);

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    Retrieving Portlet State from HTTP

    Session in Portlet Code Portlet's main JSP page (view.jsp) can

    check for the invoicenumber attribute bycalling getAttribute() on PortletSession, asfollows.

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    Information Sharing Between a

    Portlet and a Servlet

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    Using JavaScript LibraryUsing JavaScript Library

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    Using JavaScript in Portlet

    You can use many emerging JavaScript librariesand toolkits within a portlet's Web application> Dojo toolkit

    > Many more

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    Example: view.jsp

    /* Use to asynchronously get invoice content. */function _loadInvoice(invoice) {

    /* If an invoice was selected ... */if (invoice != null && invoice != "null") {

    /* Put selected invoice value on query string. */var querystring = new Array();querystring['invoice'] = invoice;/* Set up bind arguments: */

    /* url: url for request *//* method: http method *//* content: key/value mapping of parameters sent with request *//* handle: function to run when there is a response *//* mimetype:mimetype of response */var bindArgs = {

    url: "",method: "POST",

    content: querystring,handle: function(type, data, evt) {if (type == "error") {

    /* Swap returned error message */data = "

    " + data.message + "


    }/* Swap the returned data into the div tag. */var div = document.getElementById("_content");div.innerHTML = "";div.innerHTML = data;

    },mimetype: "text/html"

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    Avoiding NamespaceAvoiding NamespaceCollisionsCollisions

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    Two Possible Areas of Namespace

    collisions Portlet namespace

    Dojo namespace (or any other JavaScript

    toolkit library)

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  • 8/9/2019 Building Portlets Building Portlets With Ajax Behavior With377


    Dojo Namespace Collision Issue

    The sample bundles the Dojo JavaScriptlibrary in its WAR file and, once deployed,references that library. However, other

    portlets on the portal might also use Dojo, butDojo allows only one top-level reference for itsreserved namespace.

    Verify that it is not loaded by checking thenamespace and dynamically loading the Dojolibrary only when it is absent.

    Subsequently, the script dynamically addsJavaScript on the client when the content isloaded.

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    Avoid Dojo Namespace Collision

    /* Load the Dojo library if it hasn't been loaded already. */if (typeof dojo == "undefined") {

    /* Build script tag. */var script = document.createElement("script");script.src ="";script.type= "text/javascript";/* Insert at the top of portlet main. */

    var _main =document.getElementById("_main");_main.insertBefore(script,_main.firstChild);


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    Next GenerationNext Generation

    Portal Server Desktop withPortal Server Desktop withAjax SupportAjax Support

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    AJAX Desktop Functional Overview

    Asynchronous loading of channels and portlets

    Delegates aggregation to the client (viaAjaxTableContainer)

    AJAXified container controls such as refresh, maximize,minimize, and remove

    Drag and drop positioning of channels

    Support for multiple page layouts Seamlessly support AJAX portlets developed in

    NetBeans, using the NetBeans plugin

    Integrate into PS 7.x as global level container provider

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    High Level Architecture

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    High Level Architecture

    DOJO Javascript Library









    Portal (Enterprise Sample)

    JSON: Javascript Object Notation (

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    High Level Architecture

    JSON: JavaScript Object Notation> It is easy for humans to read and write.

    > It is easy for machines to parse and generate.

    >It is based on a subset of the JavaScript ProgrammingLanguage

    JSON is built on two structures:> A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is

    realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table,keyed list, or associative array.

    > An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realizedas an array, vector, list, or sequence.

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    Design Constraints

    The AJAX Container must meet the followingconstraints:

    >The client browser is required to support Javascriptand have it enabled.

    >The AJAX Container will NOT automatically AJAX-enable content within a channel/portlet.

    It is the channel/portlet developer's responsibilityto incorporate AJAX functionality (if required) in

    the channel/portlet content.>Edit pages of channels and portlets may have to be

    customized to appear properly in the inline edit box.

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    Client Side Library Design - Dojo Open source DHTML Toolkit

    written entirely in Javascript

    Provides easy to use Eventsystem, DOM and I/O APIs

    Ships with a small core that canload packages as required

    Sun is standardizing on Dojo asAJAX library of choice

    Javascript library provides moreflexibility in application designthan hybrid frameworks such asDWR and GWT

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    Client Side Library Design





    JSON container model JSON channel model

    sunportal.AJAXTableContaineruses Dojo DOM API to construct

    portal page from the JSON container model All requests made using sunportal.AJAXRequestwhich uses

    Dojo I/O API

    Event system uses XHR Callback model to handle server


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    Desktop Server-Side Design

    Desktop acts as a content service for the AJAXclient.> Requests are made via standard desktop URLs (e.g.

    provider=foobar&action=content)> Responses are either:

    > HTML content

    > JSON messages

    Desktop defers aggregating the content to the client(container model).> Powerful performance implications

    > Aggregation can be half of used CPU cycles.

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    Desktop ServerDesign Get Content

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    JSR-286 Effort onJSR-286 Effort onAjax SupportAjax Support

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    JSR-286: Ajax Support

    Currently asynchronous rendering of portlets is notcurrently mentioned in the Portlet Specification

    AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript technology andXML) support is vendor specific

    Difficult to get AJAX working for more than one portleton a page

    State is updated without server roundtrip and thus thestate that may be encoded in other portlets may bestale

    Bypasses standard browser paradigms, like backbutton and reload.Lot of extra effort is required to getthese paradigms working again in an AJAXapplication

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    Ajax and PortletAjax and Portlet

    Sang ShinSang Shin

    [email protected]

    Java Technology ArchitectJava Technology Architect