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ABsolute: Building Great Abs A Michael Wittig 4 Week Program Building Great Abs

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs A

Michael Wittig

4 Week Program

Building Great Abs

ABsolute: Building Great Abs i

AbsoluteBuilding Great Abs 4 Week Program

Michael Wittig is a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer based out of Tulsa, OK. His areas of specialty include weight loss, bodybuilding, strength training, exercise therapy, and nutrition. He has worked with celebrities and helped people all across the world reach their full potential.

Follow Michael Wittig for daily workouts, motivation, and nutrition tips:

Copyright 2016 by Michael Wittig All rights reservedPublished by Wittig Works

This program is intended only for healthy men and women. People with health problems should not follow this program without a physician’s approval. Before beginning any exercise or dietary program, always consult with your doctor.

Photography by Jerad Roberts, design by Jessica Wittig,

ABsolute: Building Great Abs ii


Dear Reader,

Thank you for purchasing this book. I am honored to help you reach your fitness goals. Let me start by sharing that I am currently 39 years old at the publishing of this e-book. I have never taken a steroid or any illegal performance enhancing substances. I feel and look better than when I was 19 and 29. I work full time and have 4 kids. I was very skinny growing up and do not have great genetics for muscle building. Once I hit my early 30’s I was not exercising regularly and actually had a fairly high body fat percentage. What I am trying to say is that I am a regular guy like most of you. If I can do this so can you. You purchased this book because you are either new to fitness and want a nice 6 pack, or you have been lifting for a while and haven’t figured out the secret to defined abs.

Let me begin this book by explaining some truths to you. Everybody has abdominal muscles though they may not be highly developed and/or covered in a layer of fat. If you don’t have a low body fat percentage even the best abs will not show. You have to reduce your body fat for your hard work to shine through. This means in addition to the ab workouts I lay out in this book you have to work even harder on your diet and cardio. Doing ab exercises alone will not reduce body fat in your midsection. Overall body fat has to be reduced by diet, weight training, and cardio. So I recommend incorporating these ab workouts into a total body resistance training program. Building muscle will help your body burn fat more effectively. It may take you longer than this 4-week program to get your body fat percentage low enough for your abs to show. If this is the case at the end of this program just continue everything you have learned. The best and safest way to lose body fat is at the rate of 1-2 pounds a week. Take it one day at a time. Be consistent and dedicated. You have all the tools to look however you want. When you feel like wimping- simply don’t.

Sincerely, Michael Wittig ISSA CPT

ABsolute: Building Great Abs iii

Table of Contents


The Program The Schedule Guidelines Cardio

Week 1Week 1: Workout 1 Week 1: Workout 2Week 1: Workout 3

Week 2Week 2: Workout 1 Week 2: Workout 2 Week 2: Workout 3

Week 3Week 3: Workout 1 Week 3: Workout 2 Week 3: Workout 3

Week 4Week 4: Workout 1 Week 4: Workout 2 Week 4: Workout 3

What Is Next? Nutrition Protein Sources Nutrition Guidelines Sample Meal Plan Supplements

Special Thanks

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 1

The Program

Absolute is a 4 week program focused on building the abdominals and lowering overall body fat so they can be seen. Two days a week you will do weighted ab exercises and once a week body weight ab circuits. It is recommended that you incorporate this program into your total body resistance training program.

Body Fat: No matter how hard you work your abs they won’t show until you have a low body fat percentage. Abs start to show in men around 10% and in women around 20%. There are a few ways to measure your body fat percentage, but they are either expensive or not very accurate. The cheapest way would be to purchase some body fat calipers ( The only draw back is it may be hard to get accurate readings without the help of a trained professional. Otherwise I recommend just looking in the mirror and comparing.

This link has some good pictures of men and women at various body fat percentages:

The Schedule:

Abs are like any other muscle in the body. After working them hard they need rest to recover.

Day 1: Workout 1 Day 2: ----------Day 3: ----------Day 4: Workout 2Day 5: ----------Day 6: Workout 3 Day 7: ----------

*Cardio is recommended daily

Example of how to fit this program into a total body resistance training schedule:

Day 1: Chest and AbsDay 2: Back and ForearmsDay 3: LegsDay 4: Shoulders, Traps, and Abs Day 5: Biceps and TricepsDay 6: Cardio and AbsDay 7: Cardio

Day 1 is always Monday for me personally. Your Day 1 can be any day of the week. Then I take the weekends off from lifting to rest and spend time with family. My Day 6 Ab workout I generally do at home. Feel free to move the off days to whatever days best fit your schedule. They don’t have to be consecutive either. Just be consistent week to week.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 2

The Guidelines:

Journal: I highly recommend that you keep a workout journal noting the day, workout, exercises, sets,reps, and weights used. Be as detailed as possible. Mine typically looks like:

Date, Body part: 1. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight 2. Exercise: reps/weight reps/weight reps/weight

Repetition Ranges: Rep ranges are given for each exercises and this program is periodized meaning the rep ranges change from week to week. Ideally you use enough resistance that you hit muscular failure, cannot do another rep with proper form, at the repetition ranges listed. If you can do more reps than listed use more resistance.

Progression: This program progresses weekly in difficulty. If Week 2 exercises are too difficult you have the option to repeat Week 1 as many times as needed until you are strong enough for Week 2. This will be true for all subsequent weeks to come. I designed the program to be adjustable to your strength levels.

Breathing: You should exhale while exerting force and inhale while performing the negative. Never hold your breath while exercising.

Weight Training: The core will develop much faster and stronger when you do resistance training for the entire body. Building muscle helps your body burn fat more effectively. Some of my favorite weightlifting exercises that really work the core include:

Squats Front Squats Deadlifts Barbell Pullovers Weighted Chin Ups Archer Side Raises Standing Barbell Presses

If you are new to weightlifting and don’t know how to put together an effective program check out my e-book “Genesis: The Beginning of Greatness”. Genesis is a 6-week introduction to muscle building program. It’s only $10 on my


You have to do cardio if you want those Abs to show! Cardio will be an important part of this program because many of you will need to drop some body fat to reveal the abs hiding underneath. Working your cardiovascular system is a added bonus. I personally always do cardio even if I am in a gaining cycle. I exercise for health first and then physique. What good are muscles if you are dead? Ha!

You will be doing Interval Cardio on a daily basis starting with 20 minutes and slowly building each week. By “Interval Cardio” I mean using a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio.

This breaks down to: 3 mins easy:1 min hard, 2 mins easy:1 min hard

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 3

Depending on your level of conditioning cardio can be: brisk walking, jogging, running, sprints, recumbent biking, rowing machine, elliptical, etc. My two personal favorites are recumbent biking and the rowing machine because they are friendly on my knees and feet. I recommend doing cardio after resistance training or at another time of day.

Nutrition: Don’t fool yourself. If you don’t eat properly you will not get the results you want. Nutrition is as important if not more than exercise when it comes to building and revealing abs. Read and follow the Nutrition section of this book.

Supplements: Supplements are not absolutely necessary to achieve your goal. If your nutrition and exercise are not in order supplements are a waste. But if you are eating right and working out correctly the right supplements can definitely help you lower body fat and uncover your abs. Read the Supplement section of this book before starting to see which supplements are right for you.

Tracking Progress: Many of you will need to lose some body fat for your abs to show. So before you start this program I recommend weighing yourself. I would do it first thing in the morning wearing just underwear. Note the date and weight in your journal. Then let’s check it only once a week on the same day. Losing 1- 2lbs of body fat a week is ideal.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 4

Week 1

Week 1: Workout 1

Today is your first step into developing and revealing a superior midsection. When training abs do your reps slow and controlled. If in doubt go slower. Don’t let momentum come into play. Try and feel your abs working on every rep. Make sure to take your diet and cardio seriously if you want serious results. Today’s workout is meant to be “weighted” if you are able. This simply means doing the exercises with extra resistance versus just body weight. The majority of this program has you training abs like any other muscle group. You wouldn’t just do body weight squats to build impressive thighs.

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Captains Chair Knee Raise: 5 sets of 13-15 reps.

Raise your knees as high as possible. Your upper legs should be parallel to the floor if not slightly higher. Pause at the top for a count and slowly lower your legs to a straight position. If you can do 13+ reps add resistance by placing a DB between your feet.

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2. Decline Crunch: 5 sets of 13-15 reps.

Raise yourself until your abs contract, pause at the top, then slowly lower. Don’t go all the way back until you are laying on the bench. Keep your abs working and contracted at the back position before performing the next rep. If you can do 13+ reps hold a 10, 25, or 45 pound plate against your chest.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 5

3. Plank

You will be holding a standard plank on your forearms. Keep you body straight. Don’t let your hips drop or raise up too high. Keep your core tight the entire time. Set a timer and hold the plank as long as you can. Record the time. If you held it less than 30 seconds rest 1 minute and hold another plank as long as possible. Record this second time as well.

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This entire first week you will be doing 20 minutes of interval cardio daily. Choose the type of cardio depending on what you have available and what you are physically able to perform. Good choices include: brisk walking, jogging, running, recumbent biking, elliptical, spin biking, and the rowing machine. Your intervals will run in a 3:1 ratio.

This will break down as follows: 3 minutes moderately comfortable: 1 minute hard

Moderately comfortable: Active rest. You should keep moving, but recovering enough that when your hard minute comes up you can give it your all.

Hard: This is basically a sprint. Depending on the type of cardio you choose you can either go faster, use a higher resistance, raise the incline, or a combination of both.

Week 1: Workout 2

The first workout began with a lower ab exercise. Today we will start with upper abs. This will enable you to use more weight hitting those upper abs. Remember to concentrate and make every rep count. Don’t ever just go through the motions.

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Cable Crunch: 5 sets of 13-15 reps.

Use a rope attachment on a cable tower. Get down on your knees with your hands over your head holding the rope. Crunch down in an arch until your elbows almost touch the ground, squeeze the abs hard and hold for a count, then slowly raise back up. Don’t rest at the top. The moment you realize you are at the top crunch back down.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 6

2. Jack Knife: 5 sets of 13-15 reps.

Lay flat on your back with your arms and legs straight out. Once you begin your legs will not touch the ground until you are finished. Bring your legs and arms up towards each other as if you are folding yourself in half. At the topmost position contract the abs hard before slowly lowering. If you are able to do 13+ reps with body weight hold a DB or 10, 25, 45 pound plate in your outstretched hands while performing.

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3. Side Plank: Hold yourself up in a side plank position using your inside foot and inside forearm. Keep you body straight from feet to shoulders. Don’t let your hips drop. Keep your core tight the entire time. Set a timer and hold the plank as long as you can. Record the time. If you held it less than 30 seconds rest 1 minute and hold another plank as long as possible. Record this second time as well.

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Cardio: 20 minutes of 3:1 interval cardio.

Cardio Tip: Make note in your workout journal of speed/resistance/incline used. Try to challenge your self on a day-to-day and especially week-to-week basis. Don’t just coast.

Week 1: Workout 3

These third workouts of the week are going to use only body weight and involve multiple exercises back-to-back in the form of supersets and giant sets. I also designed these third workouts so you can do them at home if you wish without any equipment.


Giant Set: Do these exercises back-to-back for 1 set. Do 3-4 sets total. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

A. Half Burpee: 15 reps

B. Full Body Crunch: 12-15 reps.

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C. Half Burpee: 15 reps.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 7

View Half Burpee into a Jack Knife here:

D. Jack Knife: 12-15 reps

E. Half Burpee: 15 reps

F. Side Crunch: 15 reps each side.

View here:

G. Half Burpee: 15 reps

Hit Cardio Circuit:

Giant Set: Do these three exercises back-to-back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total. Keep rest between sets as minimal as possible no more than 60 seconds.

A. High Knee: 30 seconds B. Push Up Knee Up: 15 reps.

Do a standard push up then bring one knee inwards towards your midsection and back, do another push up, then being the other knee inward. Repeat alternating legs between each push up.

C. Jump Squat: 15 reps

Lifestyle Tip: Consistency is the key to creating new good habits. Bad habits are created by repetition over time. Good habits are created the same way. While it will take effort at first to eat right, prep meals, and exercise, but after time and repetition it will become a welcomed part of your life. As well as your new, healthy look.

Week 2

Week 2: Workout 1

Each week intensity will slowly step up. Here in week 2 that means we will do exercises with a little more resistance and slightly lower reps. Cardio time will also increase by 5 minutes.

Reminder: If Week 2 exercises are too difficult you have the option to repeat Week 1 as many times as needed until you are strong enough for Week 2. This will be true for all subsequent weeks to come.

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Ab Rollout: 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Use an ab roller or barbell with small matching plates on each side. If using a barbell make sure the collars don’t hit the ground. Get down on your knees and hold the barbell out in front of you and slowly roll out as far as possible, face to the ground is ideal, then roll back in using your core muscles and keeping them tight.

View here: e57EaAXN0

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 8

2. Russian Twist: 5 sets of 20-24 reps (10-12 each side).

Sit on a padded floor with your knees up and off the ground. Lean back slightly engaging your abdominal muscles. This is starting position. Holding a dumb bell, plate, or kettle bell slowly twist from side to side using your core muscles.

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3. Plank w/Foot Lift

Perform a normal plank on your forearms. Have a timer set in front of you. After the first 15 seconds lift one foot slightly off the ground for 15 seconds, then switch legs for another 15 seconds, then finish the plank with both feet back on the ground for as long as you can hold it. Go through this procedure 2-3 times resting 30-60 seconds between sets.

Cardio: 25 minutes of 3:1 interval cardio.

I challenge you to vary your cardio methods up. Try something new!

Abdominal Muscle Control Tip: It’s a good idea to learn muscle control of your abdomen. Two beneficial ways to do this include:

1. Flexing:

Do short repetitions of flexing your abs and holding for a few seconds. Rest and repeat. This can be done throughout the day even when you are not working out. Definitely get in the habit of doing this between sets during ab workouts.

2. Vacuum:

These can be done on your hands and knees, in a sitting position, or standing. Start by breathing in as much air as possible and then as you slowly exhale the air suck your stomach in as much as possible. Once in position breathe slowly, don’t hold your breath, and hold this vacuum position as long as you can. This is simple.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 9

Week 2: Workout 2

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Wood Chopper: 5 sets of 12 reps each side.

The arm closest to the cable tower should be locked. Place the other hand over the gripping hand for support. Twist using only your core muscles. Imagine your arms being metal rods connected to your core which is the engine producing the movement.

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2. Lion Leg Raise: 5 sets of 12 reps.

These are done like a leg raise, but at the top slightly lift your hip up using your ab muscles to perform a spear. You can make these more intense by going slowly. On the final rep I continue performing as many spears at the end as possible. A great addition to these are adding alternate twists at the top of each spear like shown in the video.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 10

3. Side Plank Reach: 2-3 sets of 10-12 each side.

Perform a standard side plank like last week, but lift your outside arm straight up in the air. Slowly bring it down and reach under your lifted body as far as you can go then slowly bring it back straight up in the air. Perform 10-12 reaches on one side then switch sides and repeat.

Cardio: 25 minutes of 3:1 interval cardio.

Exercise Tip: Every repetition you perform of a given exercise has a purpose. Always know the purpose and make sure you find it on every repetition you perform. Don’t waste even one second when you workout. Your time is valuable and you want results. Don’t do reps just to do reps. Find the purpose, exploit it, and get the most out of every ounce of energy you expend.

Week 2: Workout 3

This workout was designed so it can be done at home. Just use body weight today. The intensity will come from doing multiple exercises one after another which will introduce a cardio aspect to your training.


Giant Set: Do these exercises back-to-back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

A. Twist Crunch: 15-20 reps.

I see articles saying crunches are worthless. They are only worthless if your form is off and you don’t concentrate. Make sure to feel a strong contraction at the top before going side to side.

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B. Wiper: 30-40 reps (15-20 each side).

Do these slow and controlled using your core muscles to swing your straight legs side to side.

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C. Side Leg Raise: 12-15 each side. Concentrate on your obliques when performing these.

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Hit Cardio Circuit:

Giant Set: Do these exercises back-to-back for 1 set. Do 3-4 sets total. Keep rest between sets no more than 60 seconds.

A. Burpee: 15 reps.

View here:

B. Jumping Jack: 60 seconds.

This is intended to be active rest so take these easy so you can rock the next round of burpees.

C. Burpee: 12-15 reps

D. Jumping Jack: 60 seconds

E. Burpee: 12-15 reps

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 11

There are no rules to putting together your own interval cardio program. After running a few variations of the circuits I have put together for you try designing your own. Make it challenging by manipulating the time, reps, and exercises. I like to change it up every workout for variety and to keep my body confused.

Mid-way Point ReviewCongratulations on making it halfway through this program. But understand I want more for you than just plugging through these workouts. I want to help you lower your body fat, develop your core, and educate you. This may take longer than 4 weeks, but I will give you the tools to adapt these methods until you reach your goals. Let’s evaluate your current weight loss and abdominal strength.

Fat Loss:

Remember lowering your body fat percentage is absolutely necessary for abdominal muscles to show. Losing 1-2 pounds of body fat a week is our goal. In the last two weeks following this program and changing your diet have you lost anything? If not let’s evaluate your total exercise program and nutrition and find areas that can be improved. Ask yourself the following questions to do a self- evaluation:

1. Nutrition:

Am I eating clean and according to plan? Am I skipping meals? Am I getting enough protein? Am I having too many cheats?

2. Resistance Training:

Remember building a little muscle helps your body burn fat. Am I doing any resistance training? If you have no idea where to get started here look at my e-book “Genesis: The Beginning of Greatness” a 6-week introduction to muscle building. It’s only $10 on my

3. Cardio:

Have I been doing my daily cardio or skipping every now and then? When I do cardio am I working with intensity or just taking it easy?

If you have lost 1-4lbs that is great. I understand you may need to lose quite a bit more for your abs to show. You are on the right path. Just keep doing what you are doing. While I have this outlined as a 4- week program it is also adaptive and can be drawn out until you look how you want.

Abdominal Strength:

This program progresses in difficulty and intensity weekly. If one particular week is very difficult or even impossible at the moment I recommend repeating the previous week that you did accomplish. Increase your strength in this way until you are ready for the next challenging workout. Again, this program is adaptive and you can continue working your abs much longer than the 4-weeks outlined in this book.

The Next Phase:

In the second half of this program in addition to new exercises I will be introducing supersets to our weighted exercises and two of my favorite advanced techniques: Pause Rest and Drop sets. Cardio time will not only increase in time, but by intensity as we upgrade to a 2:1 ratio. We will also play around with Tabata cardio intervals.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 12

Week 3

Week 3: Workout 1

Intensity will increase to another level here in the third week with the introduction of the two “beyond failure” techniques: Pause Rest and Drop set.

Pause Rest: Once you cannot do another rep with proper form, muscular failure, rest for 10 seconds and then do a few more reps to failure. This can be repeated more than once in a given set if needed to hit the total rep count.

Drop Set: When you are doing a weighted exercises and cannot do another rep with proper form you lower or drop the weight completely and continue doing reps until you hit failure.

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Weighted Decline Crunches:

5 sets of 13-15 reps. Start with a heavier weight that allows you to only do 8-10 strict reps. Once you hit failure do a Drop Set by dropping the weight completely and do as many body weight reps as possible.

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2. Weighted Jack Knife:

5 sets of 13-15 reps. Start with a heavier weight that allows you to only do around 10 strict reps. Once you hit failure incorporate Pause Rest and work to get another 3-5 reps.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 13

3. Spider Man Plank:

Do 2-3 sets of 13-15 reps each side. Get in standard plank position. Slowly lift one leg and bring your knee out to the side and towards your elbow. Return that leg back to position and repeat with the opposite leg. Some people can touch their elbow while many cannot. Just bring your knee towards your elbow as far as you can.

Shown in the second half of this video:

Cardio: 25 minutes of 2:1 interval cardio.

Notice we are changing from 3:1 to the slightly more intense 2:1. 2 minutes moderately comfortable: 1 minute hard

Moderately comfortable: Active rest. You should keep moving, but recover enough that when your hard minute comes up you can give it your all.

Hard: This is basically a sprint. Depending on the type of cardio you choose you can either go faster, use a higher resistance, raise the incline, or a combination of both.

Extra Core Work Tip: Here is a little extra trick to sneak in some extra core work during your weight training sessions. Between sets instead of just resting hold a plank for 1 minute. Do these between every set for an entire Chest or Back workout. I don’t recommend doing this daily, but throw it in every now and then to tighten up your abs.

Week 3: Workout 2

Today we are going to do a barbell ab workout continuing to incorporate the Pause Rest and Drop Set techniques. It’s amazing what happens to your abdominals when you work them like any other muscle.

Pause Rest: Once you cannot do another rep with proper form, muscular failure, rest for 10 seconds and then do a few more reps to failure. This can be repeated more than once in a given set if needed to hit the total rep count.

Drop Set: When you are doing a weighted exercises and cannot do another rep with proper form you lower or drop the weight completely and continue doing reps until you hit failure.

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Barbell Rotations: 5 sets of 13-15 each side.

Start off using just the bar to get a feel for these. Do these with control and do not twist aggressively. Slowly increase weight and incorporate a Drop Set by lowering your weight or just using the bar to get a minimum of 13 reps on each side.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 14

2. Barbell Rollouts: 5 sets of 13-15.

Increase intensity on these by going slowly and going to a full stretch. If possible pause for a count or two when your face is about to the ground. Slowly bring yourself back in using your core muscles. Incorporate Pause Rest if needed to knock out 13-15 reps.

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3. Side Plank with Weighted Dip: Do 2-3 sets of 13-15 reps each side.

Get in a standard side plank position, but hold a weight on the top of your outside hip. Slowly lower your inside hip to where it just barely touches the ground then raise back into starting position for one rep. Do these slow and controlled.

Cardio: 25 minutes of 2:1 interval cardio.

Nutrition Tip: The key to winning when it comes to nutrition is planning and preparing. Think of each day as a battle and make a “battle plan” the night before. What can you do the night before to make the next day easier? Think of all possible situations or obstacles you might encounter the next day and plan to overcome them. If you even think you might get caught up and miss a meal pack some healthy snacks. If a meeting is going to take place at a sketchy restaurant try to change to a healthier option or just eat before the meeting. Don’t dwell on excuses, but come up with solutions to win your daily battles.

Week 3: Workout 3

This workout was designed so it can be done at home. Just use body weight today. The intensity will come from doing multiple exercises one after another which will introduce a cardio aspect to your training.


Giant Set: Do these exercises back-to-back for 1 set. Do 3-4 sets total. Rest 60 seconds between sets.

A. Reverse Crunch: 15-20 reps.

Lift your hip slowly off the ground using your core muscles. This should be a controlled rolling and not a bounce.

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B. Scissor Kick: 15 reps each leg.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 15

Do these slow and controlled. Try to keep the starting position right above the ground.

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C. Twist Crunch: 20 reps.

In my example I am doing these with feet up on a box. Crunches are only worthwhile if you really concentrate and don’t just go through the motions. Find that squeeze at the top of every rep. I am also crunching up and then twisting side to side.

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D. Scissor Kick: 10 reps each leg

E. Reverse Crunch: 10-15 reps

Tabata Cardio:

This is a type of interval where we work in short bursts of all out energy. You will work hard for 20 seconds getting as many reps as possible, then rest for 10 seconds, and repeat. You will get 2 rounds per minute and 10 rounds in 5 minutes. I am having you do this to demonstrate you can do cardio anywhere, with no equipment, and in no time at all.

1. Jumping Jack: 5 minutes of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. View here:

2. High Knee: 5 minutes of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. View here:

You can switch these exercises out with almost anything: Step Ups, Kettle Bell Swings, Jump Squats, Jump Lunges, Push Up Knee Ups, anything. It’s about moving and working.

Cardio Tip: Now that you have been introduced to Tabata open your mind to all the possibilities. Let’s say you have a busy day and no time to do any sort of traditional cardio. But you can surely find 2 minutes here and 2 minutes there. Between phone calls take 2 minutes and do 4 rounds of Tabata cardio. Doing something is better than nothing. Maybe throughout a busy day you can fit in 10 minutes of Tabata cardio broke up into five separate 2 minute sessions. Just because the situation may not be ideal is not an excuse to do nothing.

Week 4

Week 4: Workout 1

This is the final week of Absolute. Intensity increases one step higher by introducing Supersets to our weighted exercises. We will continue incorporating Pause Rest and Drop Sets when needed. Cardio time is increasing to 30 minutes continuing to use the more challenging 2:1 interval ratio.

Superset: Doing two exercises back to back without any rest for one set.

Pause Rest: Once you cannot do another rep with proper form, muscular failure, rest for 10 seconds and then do a few more reps to failure. This can be repeated more than once in a given set if needed to hit the total rep count.

Drop Set: When you are doing a weighted exercises and cannot do another rep with proper form you lower or drop the weight completely and continue doing reps until you hit failure.

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Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total.1A. Around The World: 8-12 reps.

I prefer to do these hanging for a complete range of motion. These are difficult. IncorporatePause Rest if necessary to get 8-12 reps total.

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1B. Cable Crunches: 10-12 reps.

View here:

2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total

2A. Weighted Captains Chair Knee Raises: 10-12 reps.

Start with a heavy weight that allows 8 strict reps. Then perform a Drop Set by releasing the DB and continuing on with as many bodyweight reps as possible. If the body weight reps are easy do them very slow and pause at the top.

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ABsolute: Building Great Abs 17

2B. Lion Leg Raise: 10-12 reps.

Alternate twisting to each side at the top of each spear.

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3. Walk Outs: Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Starting in a standing position then reach down with both hands and touch the ground. Slowly walk out with your hands as far as you can then slowly walk back to starting position.

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Cardio: 30 minutes of 2:1 interval cardio.

2 minutes moderately comfortable: 1 minute hard

Moderately comfortable: Active rest. You should keep moving, but recover enough that when your hard minute comes up you can give it your all.

Hard: This is basically a sprint. Depending on the type of cardio you choose you can either go faster, use a higher resistance, raise the incline, or a combination of both.

Workout Tip: I highly recommend resistance training your entire body to develop the best core possible. If your abs are a priority work them first. Prioritize your weak points and train them when you have the most energy.

Week 4: Workout 2

Superset: Doing two exercises back to back without any rest for one set.

Pause Rest: Once you cannot do another rep with proper form, muscular failure, rest for 10 seconds and then do a few more reps to failure. This can be repeated more than once in a given set if needed to hit the total rep count.

Drop Set: When you are doing a weighted exercises and cannot do another rep with proper form you lower or drop the weight completely and continue doing reps until you hit failure.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 18

Abs: Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets.

1. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total.

1A. Unilateral Cable Crunches: 10-12 reps each side.

Use a rope attachment and hold it with one arm over your head. As you crunch down twist towards the opposite knee.

View here:

1B. Spears: 10-12 reps. Do these as I have instructed previously. Do them controlled and muscle up rather than bounce. Incorporate Pause Rest if needed to hit 12 reps.

View here:

2. Superset: Do these two exercises back to back for 1 set. Do 4 sets total.2A. Incline Leg Raises: 10-12 reps.

The incline makes these more difficult. Do them slow and controlled really squeeze the abs at the top. Incorporate Pause Rest if needed to complete the rep count.

View here:

2B. Weighted Decline Crunches: 10-12 reps. Using the same bench just get into position the opposite way. Start with a heavier weight that allows you to do only 8 strict reps. Once you hit failure do a Pause Rest, resting for 10 seconds, then perform more reps and repeat if necessary until you complete 12 reps.

View here:

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 19

3. Plank Play: Lets work towards 90 second plank holds per round.

Do 2-3 rounds total. Break the time up as follows:

3A. 1-15 seconds:

Regular Plank

3B. 16-45 seconds:

Slowly raise your right leg just off the ground and swing it out to the side and then back into starting position. Do the same with the left and keep alternating legs.

3C. 46-60 seconds:

Both feet back on the ground, but raise your right arm straight out to the side.

3D. 61-75 seconds:

Bring your right back in and raise your left arm straight out to the side.

3E. 76-90 seconds:

Regular Plank.

Feel free to play around with planks and design your own Plank Play to challenge yourself and keep it interesting.


30 minutes of 2:1 interval cardio.

Lifestyle Tip: Every day won’t be perfect and some days during workouts you will feel weak. The point is you did something. You are doing more than most people you see. Don’t let the quest for perfection keep you from doing your best. Things don’t always have to be perfect they just have to be done. Consistency even when you don’t feel like it. Keep moving forward despite all obstacles even when that obstacle is you.

Week 4: Workout 3


Monster Set: Do these exercises back-to-back with no rest. Only 1 set is needed.

1. Jack Knife: 12-15 reps

2. Crunch: 15-20 reps

3. Reverse Crunch: 15 reps.

View here:

4. Bicycle Crunch: 12 reps each side.

View here:

5. Leg Raise: 15 reps

6. Side Crunch: 15-20 reps each side.

View here:

7. Cross Body Scissor: 12-15 reps each side.

Lay flat on your back. Raise one leg straight up and reach for your foot with the opposite arm.

View here:

8. Scissor Kick: 15 each leg.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 20

View here:

9. Side Leg Raises: 12-15 each leg.

View here:

10. Wipers: 10-15 each side.

View here: fun making up your own Monster Sets. Make it up ahead of time or just pick random exercises as you go.

Tabata Cardio Circuit:

Do these back to back as outlined. Just one time through. This will be 10 minutes of continuous cardio so get ready. Just use your cell phone timer to keep on track.

1. Mountain Climbers: 3 rounds of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off.

View here:

2. Step Up Knee Up: 3 rounds of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off.

Use a step height appropriate to your level. It may be a short normal sized step or a high bench.

View here:

3. Burpees: 4 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.

4. Jumping Jack: 3 rounds of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off.

5. Half Burpees: 4 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.

This is just push up position and thrusting both legs in towards your stomach at the same time and then thrusting them back into starting position. No stepping.

Workout Tip: I’ve outlined many ab workouts in this book. I built this program progressively so it builds from week to week. I used many of my personal favorite ab builders and incorporated advanced techniques. I strived to educate you during the course of this book so you can design your own ab and interval cardio workouts. Don’t over complicate things. Sometimes simple also works great. Here is an alternate “simple” ab workout that I guarantee will be most challenging:

1. Leg Raises: 1 set of 100 reps2. Crunches: 1 set of 100 reps

What is next?

Congratulations on making it through Absolute! I hope you dropped some body fat, strengthened your core, learned new exercises and techniques, and developed good habits that will help you get closer to your personal goals. So what’s next?

Firstly, if you are steadily losing body fat keep doing what you are doing.

Here are a few other things you can explore:

1. Follow me on and I post my personal daily workouts. You can try to do my personal workouts that change from week to week.

2. Look into following a total body muscle building program. I recently released “Genesis: The Beginning of Greatness” a 6-week introduction to muscle building. It’s only $10 on I plan to release more e-books later this year including: Mass Protocol, Diamond Cutter, Extreme Load Training, and more.

3. If you are needing a more personal touch I design custom nutrition plans and workout programs for people all over the world. Visit my for more information.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 21

Communicate with me personally:[email protected]

NutritionIf you have any health problems, allergies, or special nutritional requirements talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Let me just plainly say that if you are not eating right, you won’t get the results you want. You have to take nutrition seriously. This will be difficult for some of you, but if you are going to sweat in the gym why not get maximum results. I will break this down for you and make it as simple as possible. Our bodies need the macronutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. I recommend determining food intake by macronutrient amounts rather than calories. Read labels and use Google to figure out what macronutrient profile your food contains.

Dropping Body Fat:

Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of body weight Carbs: 1.0 grams per pound of body weightFats: 0.50 grams per pound of body weight (mainly healthy fats)

*1 pound = 0.454 kg

If you are overweight, out of shape, and over 230lbs use 230 for your calculations until you are below 230. If you are over 230lbs, but muscular use your body weight. If you eat like this and are working out hard, but not losing body fat or eventually stall you can drop carbs down to 0.50 grams.Once you drop down to that low carb diet of 0.50 grams per pound of body weight, you must have one high carb day a week of 1.5-2.0 grams per pound of body weight.


180 pound person (81.6kg) Protein: 180 x 1.5 = 270 grams of protein per day Carbohydrate: 180 x 1.0 = 180 grams of carbs per day Fat: 180 x 0.50 = 90 grams of fat per day


1 Gram of Protein = 4 Calories1 Gram of Carbs = 4 Calories1 Gram of Fat = 9 Calories

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 22

Following our example:

270 Grams of Protein = 1,080 Calories80 Grams of Carbs = 720 Calories90 Grams of Fat = 810 Calories

Total Calories = 2,610

Protein Sources:

Eating enough protein will be a challenge for some of you especially if you are a vegetarian, but do not worry. In addition to meat protein sources, I also have a short list of dairy, vegetables, and fruits that are high in protein as well. These are just ideas and not all the possible foods in the world. I recommend reading labels and Googling the nutritional content of any foods you plan to eat. Make sure the foods you eat fit into your daily macronutrient requirements.

Whole eggs and egg whites are an excellent source of protein and should be included in any fitness diet if at all possible.

Meat* Dairy Carbohydrate Vegetable* Fruit** Soya

Chicken Non-fat Greek Yorgurt Sweet Potatoes Soy Beans Almonds** TofuTurkey Non-fat Cottage Brown Rice Edamame Dried Apricots Tempeh

Lean Ground Cheese Quinoa Lentils Raisins Veggie Soy

Turkey Low-fat String Whole Wheat Lima Beans Guava Burgers

Lean Ground Cheese Bread Products Green Peas DatesBeef Low-fat Milk Whole Wheat Kale PrunesLean Steak Pasta Broccoli AvocadoLean Pork Loin Beans Artichokes KumquatFish SpinachBeef Jerky Mushrooms

Collard GreensAsparagusPumpkin SeedsBean SproutsCorn

*Meat Protein Sources: I realize that some of you may be vegetarians. Any of the meats below can be switched out with dairy or whey protein powder.**Other nuts are an excellent source of protein as well. Just be careful not to exceed your total fat amount for the day as nuts are high in fat.

Nutrition Guidelines:

1. Drink more water. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake of water is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups or 1 gallon) per day.

2. Avoid processed foods. This includes most things in boxes, cans, and wrappers.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 23

3. Don’t add salt, sugar, or butter. Use natural seasonings whenever possible. Check out for natural seasonings that taste incredible.

4. Spread your meals, snacks, and shakes out over 6-8 servings a day. Upon waking try to eat every 2-3 hours. You should bring in more calories before high energy events. Fewer calories before long periods of sitting or sleeping.

5. Allow yourself no more than two planned cheat meals a week. If you want to start out with none and go as long as possible, that is an option as well. Eat and drink whatever you want until you are comfortably full. Plan ahead and eat a little less before and after these planned cheat meals. I typically give myself 2 cheat meals a week plus a sweet treat.

6. The key to eating healthy and bringing in the proper amount of food on a daily basis is proper planning. Always think ahead and make sure you have the foods available and prepare before you run into trouble.

7. Drinking a high-quality whey protein shake immediately after workouts is always a good idea for recovery. I take two scoops of Cellucor’s Cor-Whey (50 grams of protein) after every workout. More information on this in the supplement section.

8. Try to avoid fast food unless it is for a planned cheat meal. Even the “healthy” choices are typically not very healthy.

9. Eating properly and exercising with intensity are a priority. If you are doing both of those things, some supplements can help assist with your goals. They are not a requirement, but can help. Read the Supplement section of this book for my recommendations.

Sample Meal Plan:

Here is an example of what I currently personally eat in a given day, based on my weight and current goals that are to stay lean and build muscle slowly. When I am aggressively working on dropping body fat, I eat even fewer carbs than listed below (the 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight mentioned above). Below is the process I go through to plan my personal eating. I do this every time I start a new cutting or gaining cycle and then adjust as necessary. Once I do this, I just eat close to this on a daily basis. Things don’t have to be super exact.

1. Calculate macronutrient amounts in grams like shown above.2. Set a schedule based on my typical day (waking up, working out, sleeping).3. Using Google, I determine the nutritional content of the foods I plan to eat and make note of the

Protein, Carb, and Fat content.4. I total up the Protein, Carb, and Fat grams and adjust as necessary.5. Stick to the plan and schedule eating similar things foods. I do switch things out for variety.6. Once I have lost or gained 10lbs, I adjust slightly for the new weight.

6:00 am: 1 scoop of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein upon waking. I sip on this while preparing breakfast.6:30 am (Breakfast): 1⁄2 cup oatmeal (dry measurement) with raisins, crushed walnuts, and a drizzle of honey.7:30 am (Breakfast): 3 whole eggs and 1 egg white. I have to split breakfast up unto shifts since I take my

children to school.10:00 am (Workout): 1 scoop of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein. I sip on this while I am working out.11:30 am (Post-Workout):

2 scoops of Cellucor Cor-Whey protein and 30 grams of Dextrose. I mix the dextrose into the protein shake.

1:00 pm (Lunch): 8oz lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 fruit. I try to eat a healthy meal as close to one hour after my workout as possible.

3:30 pm (Snack): 1 cup of non-fat Greek Yogurt with 1/4cup of crushed walnuts and drizzle of honey 6:00 pm (Dinner): 8oz of lean protein, 2 cups of vegetables, 1 large sweet potato9:00 pm (Snack): 2 slices of P28 high protein bread with P28 high protein peanut butter spread

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 24


I have never taken steroids, or any illegal performance enhancing drugs and do not recommend that you consider taking them. I exercise for health first and then physique. Supplements are not necessary to reach your goals, but they can surely help if properly used. Remember if you are not eating correctly or working out with intensity supplements can be a waste. I use Cellucor products and have had great results. So have hundreds of my personal training clients.

Here is a list of my favorite Cellucor products that help me cut body fat:

Cor-Whey: I consider whey protein food and not a supplement. There is lots of research on whey and its benefits. Whey is a fast absorbing protein source that is ideal to use immediately after workouts. I also have some immediately upon waking up to get protein quickly to my muscles after fasting (aka sleeping). Whey is also a good snack in emergencies when solid food is not available. Protein shakes can be very beneficial for vegetarians as they sometimes have difficulties eating enough protein to gain muscle.

Alpha Amino BCAA: BCAA’s are Branched Chained Amino Acids. Alpha Amino helps with endurance, recovery, and hydration. It’s also great for any sports related activities. I drink this during workouts.

Super HD: This is a thermogenic fat burner. I have used this product for all my cutting cycles when getting ready for photo shoots or competition. It works well with Cellucor’s CLK which is a CLA product.

C4 Ripped pre-workout: This gives me focus and energy to smash through the toughest workouts. It also contains extra metabolism boosting ingredients. I drink this 30 minutes before all workouts.

Multi-vitamin: It’s always a good idea to take a good multivitamin to make sure all you cover all vitamin and mineral bases. Cellucor does not currently make a multi-vitamin.

Dextrose: It is important to replenish glucose supplies after a hard workout to retain the muscle you have worked hard to build. Dextrose is a super quick burning carb that helps accomplish this process. I buy a huge tub of dextrose and add 30 grams into my post-workout Cellucor Cor-Whey protein shake. A giant Wonka Pixi stick will also accomplish the same goal. Cellucor goes not currently make a dextrose product.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 25

Get 25% off all Cellucor products on using my code “WW” during checkout.

Register your email for free shipping.

*Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Take at your risk. I take these products and have had no adverse side effects. But honestly, the long-term use of supplements are being studied daily. Nobody can universally say they are 100% safe. Wittig just being honest with you all.*Cellucor is not available in all countries. If not, search your country for suitable replacements. I am not aware of all supplement distributors throughout the world.

ABsolute: Building Great Abs 26

Special ThanksThe following companies have given me great support and have been game changers in my personal fitness journal. I encourage you to check them out in hopes they will help you as much as they have me.

Cellucor: Their products have been the foundation of my supplement program for years. My favorites are their Cor-Whey, C4 pre-workout, Alpha Amino BCAA’s, Super HD Fat Burner, and CLK. When eating and exercising correctly, these products have helped me tremendously. I have had a chance to meet their top employees and visit their headquarters. Great people who make an excellent product. Get 25% off all orders on using my code “WW” during checkout. Register email for free shipping.

Extreme Rush Apparel: I wear their clothing almost exclusively in and out of the gym. You will see me wearing their gear in all my Facebook and Instagram posts. This company has supported me like no other. I believe in looking killer while killing workouts. Check them out at Get 30% off all orders using my code “Wittig30” during checkout.

Shields Of Strength: In most of my pictures you will see me wearing a Plate necklace. This necklace has the verse Phil 4:13 engraved on it, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. This company makes jewelry and other products with powerful verses printed on them. This company donates thousands of dog tags with verses to the US military every year. Check out them at Get 15% off all orders using my code“Wittig”.

P28 Foods: These guys make high protein bread, spreads, pancake mixes, flatbreads, and more. Their products have been a game changer for me and my eating. On my Instagram, you will occasionally see the pizzas, chimichangas, and Belgium waffles I often make using their products. This is stuff I can eat while staying cut. P28 products make eating healthy easy. Check out them at

Flavor God: They make healthy seasonings that are amazing. Low sodium and no preservatives. All natural. Their seasonings have been another game change for me when it comes to eating. There is no reason healthy food has to be bland. Do yourself a favor and check out

Jerad Roberts Photography: This guy made me look good for this e-book. If you are in need of fitness, or any photography, this is the guy. Check him out at