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Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample 1 <Project Cover Page> Template for Building Energy Audit Report carried out by ESCOs

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Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


<Project Cover Page>

Template for Building Energy Audit Report carried out by ESCOs

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


1 ................................................................................................................. 2

……………………………………………………. 3


Prepared By 4 Name Surname Certificate Number


1 Logo of the organization that prepared this report 2 Name and title of the organization that prepared this report. 3 Name or owner of the facility (Company or Organization) 4 Name, Surname and Certificate Number of those who prepared this report will be written In reports that are prepared by facilities, Energy Manager Certificate Number; and in reports that are prepared by ESCO, Audit-Project Certification Number will be written. 5 Date will be written in month and year format. (For example; January 2009)

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


<This is a general building energy audit report template to guide ESCOs that will perform normal or detailed energy audits in buildings in the framework of the project “Energy Sector Technical Assistance Project, Consulting Services for the Energy Efficiency”. The energy audits aim at identifying energy saving opportunities in the envelope and energy systems of the building. However, the main purpose of the audits is to analyse concrete cost- effective energy efficiency investments that could attract financing by Financing Institutions with possible involvement of ESCO contracts. This template is based on the official “Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample” (Reference e.g. Ministry of …. XXXX) adapted for the case of ESCO-type auditing. All information included in the official audit report templates are included in the present templates slightly reorganised and with additions to serve the purpose of an audit carried out by ESCOs. It is noted that general audit templates serve as a guide only. The auditor should adapt this template to the particularities of each audit case, as required. Finally, this template should be seen in conjunction with the training for ESCOs during which, specific methodological issues and auditing techniques will be analysed and presented to participating ESCOs.> CONTENTS In this section, section titles, sub titles and appendices as numerated by the related sections will be given with page numbers in a separate page. “Contents Page Number

1. …………… ............................................................................................................ 1

1.1. ……….. .................................................................................................................. 2

1.2. ………….. .............................................................................................................. 3

1.2.1. ................................ ............................................................................... 3


APPENDIX 1: M&V EQUIPMENT AND MEASURED VALUES .............................. ... APPENDIX 2 : ................................................................................................. …”

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample



ToE Tons of oil equivalent

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample



The following table presents the reference values for electricity and fuels that are used in this audit report. (1 MWh=0.08598 ToE or 1 ToE = 11.63 MWh) TABLE Ref1: Fuels/electricity characteristics, costs and emission factors

Energy form

Original unit Lower Heating Value, (ToE/original


Energy price (TRY/ToE)

CO2 emission factor (kg CO2/ToE)

Electricity E Electricity purchased 1000 kWh see note 1 Epr Electricity produced 1000 kWh see note 2 see note 3

Conventional fuels F1 Mazout (heavy fuel oil) ton F2 Diesel 1000 l F3 LPG ton F4 Natural gas 1000 Nm3 Other F Thermal energy purchased Gcal see note 4

Renewable energy RE1 Renewable energy (biomass,

biogas, etc.) (please specify)



1. CO2 emission factor for “Electricity purchased” refers to the final electricity at the meter of the consumer 2. Please ensure that the study avoids “double counting” of fuel costs (cost for electricity produced e.g. by a CHP

and the cost of fuel used to produce this electricity). 3. Please ensure that that the study avoids “double counting” of CO2 emissions (emissions associated to

electricity produced and emissions from fuels used to produce electricity). 4. CO2 emission factor for “thermal energy purchased” is calculated on the basis of the emission factors of the

fuels used by the producer of thermal energy (if produced by RES the emission factor is 0) and the generation / distribution losses until the meter of the facility.

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this section, information about the building, production and energy consumption are briefly presented; especially consumption and cost information is presented with graphs. Also, the objective and scope of the audit, areas that are examined as well as the summary of findings and recommendations is provided for the information of the executives. 1.1. BUILDING INFORMATION (OVERVİEW) Table 1.1: Overview of the building

1. Building Name/Title : 2. Year of Construction : 3. Main Use of the Building : 4. Total Closed Volume : 5. Building Area : 6. Total Useful Area : 7. Annual Heating Degree Days : 8. Annual Cooling Degree Days : 9. Heating/Cooling System : 10. Insulation status : 11. Number of Employees / Occupants : 12. City/Province : 13. Owner, Manager or Responsible of the Building


13.1. Postal/Mail Address : 13.2. Telephone Number : 13.3. Fax Number : 13.4. e-mail address :

14. Assigned Energy Manager : 7.1. Certificate Number : 7.2. Telephone Number (Work/GSM) : 7.3. Fax Number : 7.4. e-mail address :

15. Total Annual Energy Consumption6 Consumption (ToE) 201.. 201.. 201..

Average Annual Energy Consumption for the past 3 years

1.2. OBJECTIVE OF THE AUDIT <The purpose and objective of the audit will be explained in detail>

1.3. SCOPE OF THE AUDIT The boundaries of the energy audit (physical limits, e.g. a single process or a group of processes, an entire enterprise) and the systems to be examined, as agreed with the management of the company, 6 The total annual energy consumption for the last 3 years will be quoted as well as the average consumption of the last

3 years

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


are briefly presented in this chapter. <Please provide a narrative brief description about the scope of energy audit. If the energy audit does not cover all energy systems please provide a brief justification for this decision> Table 1.2: Scope of the audit System to be audited Level of detail of

analysis (brief / normal / detailed)

Data, measurements and analysis7

Appendix 1 presents the equipment used for Measurement and Verification (M&V) along with documentation that show their calibration status. 1.4. DATE(S) OF THE AUDIT Date(s) of the site visits/audit will be indicated. 1.5. ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND COSTS8 Energy consumption and costs of the previous fiscal year are summarised in the following table and graphs. Table …: Energy consumption and costs year 201…


Quantity Unit ToE % Total 1000 TRY % Total TRY / ToE

Electricity (purchased) 1000 kWh Electricity (produced) 1000 kWh Natural Gas 1000 Nm3 Mazout (heavy fuel oil) ton LPG ton Diesel Fuel 1000 lt Other TOTAL Note: In case of electricity production, attention should be given not to “double count” energy and costs of electricity production and of the corresponding fuel that is used to produce electricity. The distribution of energy consumption is presented in the following graphs: Figure …: Distribution of energy consumption and costs

……. YEAR

7 Please provide in brief, information about the sources of data used (company records/ peramantetely installed meters, audit measurements), brief description of audit measurements performed, methodologies/software used for the energy analysis and other relevant information. 8 The infomation in this section will be maily presented in forms of tables and charts.

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample





1.6.1 Energy efficiency investment projects This section presents in a form of table, a summary including general findings and recommended projects, the energy savings in terms of energy form and amount, other “non-energy” cost savings or revenues associated with the proposed measures, estimated investment cost, payback period, CO2 reduction, proposed implementation plan, sources of financing, etc. <Furthermore, the above table should be accompanied by a summary explaining the recommended projects. From those projects that would be given priority, the size of the savings will be discussed so as to attract the attention of executives. Within the scope of the implementation plan that will be prepared in conjunction with the building energy manager, energy saving projects will be prioritized as short, medium or long term projects and presented in the implementation action plan that will be determined under the scope of the energy audit. The prioritization criteria that are taken into consideration for prioritisation will be explained. In addition, a first assessment of the expected sources of financing and the potential involvement of the ESCO through Energy Performance Contracting or other type ESCO contract will be discussed with the building energy manager and presented in brief.>

Fuel Oil87,18%


Fuel Oil55,24%


Thermal .... %

Electricity .... %

Thermal .... %

Electricity .... %

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


Table ... : Summary of proposed energy saving investment projects

No Project Energy form

Annual Energy Savings Other cost savings / revenues9

Net Annual


CO2 Reduction

Investment Cost

Payback Period

Implementation Plan 10

Financing Sources /

Suitability for ESCO contract 11

Amount Original

Unit ToE/Year 1000 TRY/Year

1000 TRY/Year

1000 TRY/Year Ton/Year 1000

TRY/Year Years Completion date % per source / ESCO (Y/N)

1 <……..Project 1>

2 <……..Project 2> e.g. electricity

e.g. fuel oil

Total Project 2


Expected Energy Performance Class after the implementation of the energy efficiency projects: ………………...

9 “Other cost savings/revenues” refers to any additional annual benefits or costs (could be negative number) of the project that may be added to the fuel cost savings (e.g. electricity tariff cost savings, O&M cost savings, benefits from reduction of production costs, etc.). The sum of “energy cost savings” and the “other cost savings” is the “Net Annual Revenue”. 10 Completion date will be specified for the implementation plan. Periods that are shorter than 1 year will be named as short term (ST), 1-2 years as medium term (MT) and 2-5 years

as long term (LT). 11 Proposed financing plan: % own financing-equity (E), % bank credit (BC) % other sources e.g. grants (O). Please also indicate if the project is suitable for Energy Performance

Contacting or other type ESCO contract: ESCO Yes (Y), No (N).

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


Table ... : Summary of annual energy and cost savings by energy form (from the implementation of the proposed investment projects) Fuels Energy Savings12 Energy Saving

Percentage (%)

Amount Original unit

Energy (ToE


Cost (1000 TL/ Year)

Fuel Oil Ton Natural Gas 1000 Nm3 Coal ton Electricity 1000 kWh ……… Total

1.6.2 Other energy efficiency opportunities and recommendations <The auditor can propose additional identified recommendations for energy saving opportunities, reduction of energy waste, etc. through improvement of energy management and/or no- or low-cost measures that can be easily implemented by the facility using human and/or limited financial own resources> 2. BUILDING INFORMATION, ACTIVITY, CONSUMPTION AND ENERGY

MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW 2.1. BUILDING GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1.1 Company Overview (Company owning the building) Company establishment date and brief history: .............. Shareholding structure: <public / private shares; main stakeholders> ................. Summary of company overall activities: ................... Main markets of the company: ................. 2.1.2 Building Overview Year of construction and brief history: .............. Year of the most recent repair/reconstruction – brief description: .............. Location of building: ................

12 Explanations about table will be given item by item (Received date of fuel prices and investment cost etc.). This table is prepared for each type of fuel used in the building.

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


Main use of the building: .................. Operation mode (hours / day, days / year): .................. Data of capacity and activity of the building: …………………… <The data provided in this section depends on the type of the building e.g. number of beds for hotels, hospitals / occupancy rates for hotels, annual patient-nights for hospitals, etc.)> Main energy forms used: ........................... Annual budget or turnover (for the last 3 years and average of the last 3 years): ................ Other general information/clarifications: ...........................

2.2. BUILDING ENVELOPE <Emphasis will be given to those parts of the building envelope with significant energy efficiency potential. Other parts of the building envelope may be briefly described or omitted if they are not part of scope of the audit as defined in Chapter 1.3> 2.2.1 Building current status (Energy Performance Certificate etc.) Brief description of the current situation of the building taking into account information included in the Energy Performance Certificate (if available), such as energy performance class, etc. …………………… 2.2.2 Architectural Structure Brief description of the architecture of the building including drawings / layouts /photos (here or in Appendices). …………………… 2.2.3 Building Components, Building Envelope, Building Materials, Construction Details - Description of each building element (walls, roofs, floors) including description of the U value (W/m²K), area (m2), building materials and construction details. - Assessment <good, fair, poor> of each building element, against the good/best practices regarding energy efficiency with brief explanations. Scope for energy saving interventions / Identification of projects to be further analysed in Chapter 3 on the basis of the estimated energy efficiency potential and the likely attractiveness of the investment. …………………… 2.2.4 Window and glass area - Description of the material type, frame type, glazing type, U value (W/m²K), area (m2) for windows and doors. - Assessment <good, fair, poor> of each window / door type, against the good/best practices regarding energy efficiency with brief explanations. Scope for energy saving interventions / Identification of projects to be further analysed in Chapter 3 on the basis of the estimated energy efficiency potential and the likely attractiveness of the investment. …………………… 2.2.5 Energy use and CO2 amount

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


…………………… 2.2.6 Other …………………… 2.3. BUILDING SYSTEMS <Emphasis will be given to those building systems that are important energy consumers with energy efficiency potential. Other building systems may be briefly described or omitted if they are not part of scope of the audit as defined in Chapter 1.3> 2.3.1 Heating system (Boiler, burner, installation, insulation, radiator, etc.) General description: Brief description of technology / capacities / fuels used / other data …………………… Technology assessment / energy saving opportunities: Assessment of technology <good, fair, poor> against the good/best practices regarding energy efficiency with brief explanations. Scope for energy saving interventions / Identification of projects to be further analysed in Chapter 3 on the basis of the estimated energy efficiency potential and the likely attractiveness of the investment. …………………….. 2.3.2 Air Conditioning and Ventilation System …………………. 2.3.3 Cooling System ………………… 2.3.4 Installation/piping (Cooling Lines, Steam, boiling water, hot oil, hot water lines etc.) ………………….. 2.3.5 Other ………………… 2.4. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2.4.1 Purchased Electrical Energy (Tariff, Invoice Analysis etc.) Presentation of the electricity tariff and assessment of the opportunities of cost reduction through interventions in electrify demand etc. 2.4.2 Electricity Distribution System General description: Brief technical description and data ……………………. Technology assessment / energy saving opportunities: Assessment of technology <good, fair, poor> against the good/best practices regarding energy efficiency with brief explanations. Scope for energy saving interventions / Identification of projects

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


to be further analysed in Chapter 3 on the basis of the estimated energy efficiency potential and the likely attractiveness of the investment. ……………………….. 2.4.3 Transformers ………………… 2.4.4 Electricity motors – pumps, fans etc. ………………… 2.4.5 Lighting ………………… 2.4.6 Electrical devices and office equipment ………………… 2.4.7 Building automation system ………………… 2.4.8 Other Systems ………………… 2.5. ANALYSIS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF THE BUILDING In this section, consumption of fuels that are used in the building are given on a monthly basis by tables and graphs, and analysed/explained in detail. Note: As with the previous similar tables in case of electricity production, attention should be given not to “double count” energy and costs of electricity production and of the corresponding fuel that is used to produce electricity. Table ... : Monthly energy consumption and costs of …….. , Year 201..13 Electricity or Liquid Fuels or Gas Fuels or Solid Fuels

Months Consumption Costs (1000 TRY) Purchased Produced

Purchased Produced Total 1000 kWh or

other unit

ToE 1000 kWh or

other unit


January February March April May June July August

13 This table is prepared for each type of fuel used in the building. Explanations (obtained energy and cost data, etc.) about each table will be given

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


September October November December Total

Explanations/Remarks (as appropriate): ….……………….. Table ... : Summary of monthly energy consumption and costs of …….. , Year 201..14 Total Energy Consumption

Months Electricity Liquid Fuels

Solid Fuels

Gas Fuels Total

Total Cost Purchased Produced

ToE ToE ToE ToE ToE ToE 1000 TL January February March April May June July August September October November December Total

14 This table is prepared for each type of fuel used in the building. Explanations (obtained energy and cost data, etc.) about each table will be given

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


Figure…: .………………..15 Energy Consumption by month for year 20...

2.6. ANALYSIS OF CONSUMPTION In this section, tables and graphs are given for the: - Total Thermal Energy Consumption by Month and Degree Days - Total Electricity Energy Consumption by Month and Degree Days - Total Energy Consumption by Month and Degree Days In addition other appropriate energy performance indicators can be provided according to the type of building.

2.7. ENERGY MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS IN THE CURRENT SITUATION 2.7.1 Assessment of existing energy management system To ensure the efficient use of energy resources and energy, an assessment will be made about education, energy audits, measurements, monitoring and implementation activities regarding monitoring the efficiency of energy consuming equipment in the building and the specific energy consumption with the purpose of producing appropriate indicators, planning the energy needs and implementation of energy saving projects, preparation of the energy audit and the implementation of energy saving projects, determination of the procedures and precautions about improving consumption habits and preventing waste of energy and organization of training programs. 2.7.2 Energy Management recommendations Proposed measures to eliminate deficiencies and shortcomings in existing energy management methods. The results expected from these recommendations will be explained.

15 Name of the building

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


3.ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY INVESTMENT PROJECTS This section presents the analysis of energy investment projects identified in Chapters 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (building envelope, building systems, electrical systems) and summarised in Chapter 1.6.1. Each project may consist of one or more energy efficiency measures that can be financed, implemented, measured and evaluated as a stand-alone investment. The analysis must cover all aspects (energy and cost savings, CO2 emission, investment costs, implementation plan, etc.) of the investment, with adequate justifications. 3.1 PROJECT 1: …………………….. 3.1.1 Existing situation/Establishment of baseline Definition of the boundaries of the project: …………… Description of the existing situation, technologies and technical characteristics: ………………………… Baseline energy consumption: (origin of energy and other data, measurements, energy consumption, fuel and O&M costs, efficiencies/ specific energy consumption16, etc.) ………………….. Further details, drawings, measurement results, baseline and other detailed calculations can be added in Appendices. 3.1.2 Project technical description Description of the Energy Efficiency project: (equipment to be installed, works, general technical specifications, quantities) ………………………. Proposed measurement and verification systems: (metering systems to be installed to enable energy management and measurement and verification of project results) ………………………… 3.1.3 Energy and Cost Saving analysis General methodological approach: (General description of the method(s) for the calculation of savings, software used, etc.) …………………. Energy saving analysis: …………………… Energy cost saving analysis: (fuel cost savings) ………………….. Other cost savings/revenues analysis: Analysis of any additional annual benefits or costs of the project that may be added to the fuel cost savings (e.g. electricity tariff cost savings, O&M cost savings, benefits from reduction of production costs, e.g. effects on production capacity, costs, sales, etc.). Detailed calculations, software model outputs, etc. can be added in Appendices.

16 If given in previous chapters, references to those chapters can be made)

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


3.1.4 Investment Cost analysis (Breakdown of project implementation costs, including possible costs due to loss of production during implementation, if any) …………………. 3.1.5 Environmental impact assessment Effect on CO2 emissions: …………………………….. Other environmental impacts/effects (if any): ……………………………. 3.1.6 Project implementation plan (Prioritisation of the investment, duration, possible start-end date of implementation – to be agreed with the facility management) ……………………………. 3.1.7 Other remarks/conclusions ……………….. 3.2 PROJECT 2: …………………….. ……………….. 3…. CONCLUSIONS - EXPECTED ENERGY PERFORMANCE CLASS AFTER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS ………………..

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample


OTHER ISSUES AND GENERAL ISSUES ABOUT THE PREPARATION OF SIMPLIFIED /DETAILED ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 1. Explanations will be given about the “Acronyms” in the beginning of the Energy

Simplified/Detailed Audit. 2. After “Acronyms”, there will be "Reference Value Table" including calorific values of the

fuels, conversion factors, fuel and electricity unit prices, annual working hours of utility services (non-process) and process units, exchange rates etc. that are used for calculations in the report.

3. Graphics given in this format for monitoring energy consumption and/or production are examples and can be prepared in various types.

4. General Specifications of the Report: • Page number will be in middle-bottom of the page. • Main titles will be uppercase and bold, not underlined. • Sub titles will be bold, not underlined. • Tables, figures and graphs will be numerated, numbers will be above tables; below

graphs, figures and photos. • Section numbers that are given to sections such as Utility Services, Process Units and

Electrical Systems may be different than those stated in the report format, based on the survey in the facility.

5. Depending on the conditions and the sector of the facility, Energy Audit work will be done

for Utility Services, Process Units, Other Systems in Electrical Systems of industrial facilities; and Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Cooling Systems, Insulation Implementation and Structure of the Building and other systems in electrical systems and all these will be involved in the report. The units/systems involved in this report format but not located in industrial facility or building may not be involved in the report.

6. For every section; measurements, measuring devices and their calibration status,

calculation methods and calculations, drawings and outlines will be given at the end of the report in “Appendices” section.

Building Energy Audit Report Format Sample



In the energy audit, measuring equipment that are calibrated and labelled by accredited national and international organizations will be used. Documentation that show the calibration status of these measuring equipment obtained from national or international organizations will be given as an attachment that contains at least the information given below in the following format. Types, functions and purposes of the measurements that were taken during the audit will be specified.

Equipment Serial no Calibration Information Areas where the equipment is used During Audit

Date of Calibration

Validity Period Calibrated by

<Please attach here the relevant documentation>