building drawing-doors and types of door

ER.Roshan kr. Chaudhary Faculty Department of construction engineering ER. Roshan kumar chaudhary R.a.g.c, Thane

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Page 1: building drawing-Doors and types of door

ER.Roshan kr. Chaudhary


Department of construction engineering

ER. RoshankumarchaudharyR.a.g.c, Thane

Page 2: building drawing-Doors and types of door

Dimensions and Details of Foundation C/S. DPC,

Different Types of Door and Windows

Roof Trusses, Flooring C/S, Staircase, Brick Masonry

Lintel, Arches, Chajja, C/S details of RCC Chajja,

Lintel, Beam, Footing, Column, Slab.

Staircase etc.

Page 3: building drawing-Doors and types of door

Minimum size in W.C/Bathroom.

75cm 190cm

Minimum size of Door in residential Building:

90cm 200cm

Note: Thumb Rule For ht. of the door.


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Ledged doors

Ledged and braced doors

Ledged and Framed doors

Ledged Framed and Braced doors

Framed and paneled doors

Flush doors

Louvered doors

Revolving Doors

Sliding Doors

Rolling Doors

Collapsible Doors

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Formed of vertical boards battens.(Fig. next)

Battens supported by horizontal members ledges.


Ledges:10-20 cm wide,30mm thick

Battens:10-15 cm wide,20-30 mm thick

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Similar to ledged doors but additional diagonal member is attached.

Diagonal member is called Bracing

Braces are 10-15 cm wide and 30mm thick.

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It is combination of ledges, Frame and bracing.

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Vertical Battens are not used.

Panels are Mounted between the frames.

One of the most popular type of door.

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Factory made doors

Consists of rails and styles and pressed under high compression and temperature.

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To allow Free passage free passage of air without compromising with Privacy Louver doors are used.

Louvers can be fixed or movable.

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4 radiating Doors are attached to a central support.

Used where there is a continuous flow Rush.

Useful For AC halls of malls, Show rooms etc.

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Shutter of the door slide instead of opening.

Rollers and guides are used to provide sliding to the door.

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Consists of Frames ,A drum and a shutter.

A gear arrangement is also provided for relatively large sized Rolling doors.

Diameter of drum is about 20-30 cm.

Used in shops, Show rooms etc.

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