building a new stomach-1

Building A New Stomach By V. G. ROCINE Food Chemist, Discoverer of Chemical Types of People, Author of Seventy-four Copyrighted Books, Food Maps and Correspondence Courses, Teacher and Lecturer. 1

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Building A New Stomach



Food Chemist, Discoverer of Chemical Types of People, Author of Seventy-four

Copyrighted Books, Food Maps and Correspondence Courses, Teacher and Lecturer.


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Copyright, 1929, by



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This book is written in the interest of those millions of people who suffer from incurable stomach trouble, who have spent their money on treatments, operations and cures that do not cure anything else than the pocketbook.

The soul and the blood are the architects that built us when we slept our innocent sleep in the creative matrix of nature, according to the Divine Law of Evolution instituted by God, the Master-Builder of the entire Cosmic fabric.

That same Soul that built us and that same blood which supplied the building material can also build a new stomach of the old one, by cell-building and cell-removing processes, as has been proven over and over and over again. Our own blood is our only doctor. If our blood cannot cure us, the thread of life is spun; our body, stomach included, will be converted into dust and gases, and our soul goes back to Him who gave it.

We have proven to our own satisfaction that a new stomach can be built, that bone fractures can be healed, that muscles can be built, that we can gain or lose in flesh. We know that stomach building is possible.



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Good Blood Can Cure Stomach Trouble.

The stomach is the laboratory of the human body. If the stomach is weak or sick, fool cannot be digested, nor are the various organs in the body well supplied with blood. The whole system suffers at such a time. All at once health is disturbed, the blood becomes depleted, or impoverished, and cannot cure anything. Ailments commence, and disease follows. So soon as the blood is impoverished, the waste matter cannot be removed from the body, nor can the various organs in the body be supplied with the proper nutrition. This results in disease, which disease has received a thousand names, translated by doctors into Latin and Greek, but never cured. So soon as the stomach, liver, bowels fail, health fails also. Health depends upon the condition of the stomach, liver and bowels, not upon operations and poisonous pills. Each organ in the body must be washed with good blood every minute of the day and night, otherwise, how can organs be vitalized, and health maintained? If the stomach is sick, it is impossible to make good blood, whether we eat rightly or wrongly. If there is something wrong with the stomach, it matters but little whether we eat pills or alfalfa, or whether we live on a vegetarian diet, or on a milk diet, fish diet, meat diet, cooked diet, raw food diet, low calorie diet, fruit diet, nut diet, mono diet, or on any other diet. The well meaning vegetarian tells us at such a time to live on vegetables and greens, to avoid meat and fish, and to eat nuts, mainly. But, at such a time, we can eat nuts until we become nutty, but when the stomach is sick, it is simply sick. Then, the stomach cannot digest food of any kind, no matter whether it be greens or fruit, or indigestible nuts, or meat, or anything else. Then, it is only foolish to eat. And how can pills and poisonous dope cure a sick stomach? Nasty pills, uncharitable dope, and surgical or bloody knives, cannot possibly cure a sick stomach. Neither can diets cure a sick stomach. A sick stomach must cure itself, or it will never be cured. A sick stomach requires rest. It is more important to know not to eat pills, nuts, meat, fish, etc., when the stomach is sick. Give a sick stomach rest. This means that we must not eat anything when the stomach is sick, or weak. At such a critical time. it becomes necessary to drink such nutritive juices, tonics, beverages, that need no digestion, juices that contain the principles of life, without being digested, tonics that contain such juices of vitality that requires no digestion; analeptics that clean, recuperate and supply the vital properties needed for stomach repair, without taxing the already enfeebled stomach; beverages that alkalinize and tone up the weak and acid stomach, without giving it still more work; nutritive, vital agents that supply the juices of life to the stomach, without digestion, so that the stomach is constantly furnished with re-building material during the entire period of rest. By so doing, we will soon build a new stomach of the old, sick and enfeebled stomach.

According to chemistry, the processes of up-building and down-tearing (catabolism) are going on in every organ of the body. Old cells die and new cells take the place of the dead ones. Life is nothing but a series of cell transformation, cell building, cell death, cell removal. Chemistry informs us that the heart would not last longer than thirty days, were it not supplied with new blood. Practically we have a new heart every thirty days, says the chemist. The stomach, the kidneys, the brain, the liver, the muscles, are melting away every fleeting moment of the day. It is the up build-ing processes of life that build, repair, renew, our organs, and keep us alive. How long would the kidneys last if they were not washed daily with good blood? How long would the heat continue to beat if it were not constantly supplied with fresh blood? How long would the stomach continue with its important work if it were not supplied with that vital re-building material found in the blood? “The blood thereof is the life thereof,” says the Bible. Even bone, teeth, nails, tendons, hair,


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must be fed, or they, also, weaken, decay and die. A sick stomach is a sick stomach, because it is acid and because it has not been supplied with the right kind of nutrition. Or it may be weak, or sick, because it has been overworked, abused and misused. Good blood is made from good food. The question is, what is good food? That which is good food for one man, or that food material which is needed in one man may not be good food, nor good food material, nor good blood building material, for another man. What does the blood need in a certain man? The various organs of the body are built of various kinds of building material. The muscles are not built of the same kind of material as the bones. The liver is built of different material than the brain. The tendons and joints are built of different material than the heart, or than the stomach. The skin, the teeth, the hair, the nails, the lungs, and all other organs in the body are built of different material. When the stomach is sick, it must be fed. The question is what feeds the stomach? When the stomach is sick, the blood must be supplied with certain food material, or with that kind of food material which feeds the stomach. When the stomach suffers, there is always a lack of food iron, food sodium, food chlorine, and also a lack of alkalinity. All such food substances must be supplied. When these food substances are supplied to the stomach, by the blood, it is possible to build a stomach, but not before. The blood is the doctor of the body, and it is also the architect of the body, under the supervision of the soul.


It is not necessary for a stomach sufferer to know anything about the ovoid, musculo-memraneous pouch below the esophagus, nor about the muscularis mucosae, the pyloris and pyloric sphincter, nor about gastrosuccorrhea, gastropylorectomy, nor about anything else that some of us doctors have translated into Greek and Latin so that you people cannot judge of our ignorance. You see, we doctors want to appear wise, learned, erudite, to you common people, so that you may admire, even worship us, patronize us when you are sick, give us your money, whether we can cure you or not, and still admire us. Even if we kill you with our dope and write you a scientific death certificate, we still want your money, or money from your relations still alive, for our learned serv-ices, as well as admiration and patronage in the future, in the interests of our pocketbooks. For if you did not eat our sugar-coated dope, and patronize our bloody surgical knives, nor have faith in our Latin and Greek system of treating, but not of curing, we would be compelled to rig up in overalls and toil in the dirt, for a living, the same as you common people do. Besides, your admiration, then, would not tickle our vanity bump. This is the reason that we have a language of our own, a language which you do not know neither do we want you to know, or you would soon find out how little we know, and that we cannot cure you. Then, you would patronize us doctors no longer. You see, you common people, we doctors are wise though we may also be otherwise, which last fact we do not want you to know. Hence, we use Latin and Greek in our business.


All such scientific effervescence, we said, it is not necessary for us people to know when we suffer from stomach trouble. It is more important to keep solid food, acid-forming tonics, patent medicine, pills, drug dope, serums, alfalfa and surgical knives, out of the stomach. Then, we must build a new stomach, for the old one. You who suffer from stomach trouble can build a new stomach in about ninety days, or a little longer, if you rest your stomach the entire rest period, and constantly supply it with the building material needed. But you cannot build a new stomach of pills, dope, serums, dangerous patent medicines, fried potatoes and excorticated food any more than you can build a new brick house of moonlight and air. Nor can you build a new stomach of


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impoverished rice, burnt health food, decorticated barley, dopey coffee, foodless dumplings, rheumatic beef. So long as you, we or others, eat acid pickles, embalmed meat, business soup, lank jelly, drained corn beef, doped sausage and spooky bakers’ bread; so long as we drink diluted, doctored milk, laboratory fruit juices, without a drop of fruit juice, or so long as we drink yeasty glucose drinks put into bottles, and given fancy names; so long as we continue to eat prostrated cake, fried pie crusts, lank broths, demineralized crackers, dead jams, punished, sulphured fruit, pickled, dead fish, off-scum honey, void hermits, mercid noodles, muffins made of expurgated spook flour (white); and so long as we continue to eat lifeless candy, foodless hot cakes, stale puffs, flayed oats, doctored butter, flat rolls, impaired spaghetti and dumpy sausage, or meat-balls made of rheumatic meat, coming from gouty, limping creatures—that long we will be sick, pills or no pills, operations or no operations. Neither do we deserve anything else than bloody operations, pain, aches and disease, so long as we are not willing, even eager, to study the philosophy of a correct diet, and live closer to nature than to the drug shop, closer to the Almighty than to the can opener, closer to the farmer than to the manufacturer, closer to the orchard than to the meat market, closer to the vegetable garden than to the sausage maker, closer to the cow and goat than to the milk-king, closer to the berry patch than to the canner, and closer to the home fruit juice preserver than to the laboratory chemist hired by that monopolistic food king who is largest around the equator.

A healthy stomach has its roots in red blood, not in blue, anemic blood, nor in fat and tar-like blood. This holds good in regard to genius. There is no genius in the frying pan. Genius has its roots in good food, and good food makes good blood. A wrong diet leads to the operation table, to the undertaker, to the grave, where no more white bread, pie, cake and embalmed beef are needed. The secret of stomach building is in the food that we eat, just the same as the secret of beauty is in our diet. As a general rule, we follow our appetite, but appetite knows no more about the stomach than a house cat knows about mathematics. Appetite does not know that peeled rice and white flour will kill rats. It does not know that heavy meals are as depressing as the Chicago atmosphere in August. It does not know that starch and sugar produce more catarrh than all the specialists in the world can cure. It does not know that a calorie diet leads to the operation table, nor does it know that a heavy protein diet undermines the kidneys~ nor does it know that a heavy protein diet and goiter go hand-in-hand. Nor does it know that homeliness, old age, bad complexion, a monkey- face and disease, are found in the frying pan. Nor does it know that good blood cannot be made of ghost bread, fatty gravy, gouty meat, dopy coffee, and lank soup. Nor does it know that diet professors who study diet in rat yards, instead of studying and experimenting with people, do not bring about any favorable results. Nor does it know that food manufacturers who dope and adulterate the people’s food have their conscience in their own pocket-book. We cannot make good blood of postum, scorched breakfast food, puffed rice, laboratory jams, burnt pie crust, and pigs’ feet soaked in vinegar. The diet of a dyspeptic is very likely to send him on an express train to eternity. The dyspeptic does not know that table salt eats into the walls of the stomach, like rust into iron. He does not know that acid-forming food, ulcer, cancer and the undertaker, go hand in hand. A man who lives on sugar, starch and fat, lacks power of conviction. A woman who lives on cake and coffee is as nervous as a chased roe. What vitality is there in cream puffs? What life is there in cup cakes? What strength is there in business soup? What genius is there in postum? What magnetism is there in embalmed sausage? What health is there in civilized spook bread? Such food makes the blood blue, thin and anemic, and sends the eater up on operation tables, and from there to the un-dertaker’s yard. The liver is man’s poison center and toxicologist, but we must feed it something else than fried steak, greasy soup, baked pie crusts, scientific arsenic, civilized serums,


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philosophical antitoxins, and embalmed meat. This holds equally good in regard to the stomach. Foamy, carbohydrate dishes, swell in the stomach like a sour dough. The man at a dinner table forgets to chew his food, he forgets that the stomach has no teeth, and no meat grinder. He forgets that stomach acidity is the mother of disease, that it is also the mother of stomach trouble. He forgets that the health engine does not run successfully on the medical track. He should beware of the doctor who recommends operations, and who buries his victims. He forgets that the candy eater usually dies on the operation table. He forgets that worry dries up the bones, corrodes the heart, poisons the stomach, darkens the mind and ruins health. He forgets that consumption lurks on the dinner table, that gout dwells in the dinner pail, that dyspepsia is born in the frying pan, that heart disease dwells in the coffee cup. Candy may be sweet, but it sours the stomach and drives beauty to Siberia. Rheumatic sauces or meats are the doctor’s friends, and the druggist’s gain. Sugar, starch, rheumatic meat, and postum, would kill a gorilla, by the inch. This holds good, also, in regard to the bub and grub of most restaurants. In fact, ordinary restaurants are making work for the surgeon. A wrong diet kills, but a correct diet cures. A correct diet is man’s only medicine. He needs no other medicine.

So long as we continue with that diet which made us sick, we will remain sick, until nature turns us into dust and gases, and we go to the realms of the blest, else to the other place, where no more spook flour, no drained sausage, no prostrated cake, no health food, no pills, no fried pie crusts, no dopy coffee, no operations, no scientific death certificates, are needed any more.

I.E our stomachs are weak, or sick, there is a reason. If we do not improve on experimental diets, there is an underlying cause. If we’ do not improve on dope, pills, technique, Christian Science, punches in the spinal region, water cures, grape cure, electrical treatments, homeopathic potencies, heliotherapy, heat cure, and other scientific cures formulated by doctors, there is a reason.

When the stomach is weak, catarrhal, enfeebled, inflamed, ulcerated, sour, inflated, dilated, half paralyzed, fallen or hanging like a dead bag, or thickened in its walls, or bleeding, shrunken, yeasty and watery, like a bog, or enmossed by fungi, mold and bryozoa, or if it is rising, heaving and swelling like the dough, or ale-vat, or boiling and burning from many different kinds of angry acids, or if it is wasted, atrophied and creased like a burnt piece of skin, or if it is nearly dead — we must remember, that, if we still stuff the stomach with pills, dope, coffee, fried potatoes, gravy, cake, milk, meat and all sorts of acid-forming foods, or other death foods, we cannot, will not, improve, nor will we be able to build a new stomach. A stomach that has been the receptacle of everything that a perverted appetite craves, from dopy coffee to burning alcohol, from vegetable dreams to whole wheat bread, called “vim,” from French pudding to coco-cola, from drained corn beef to rheumatic sausage, from beverages to cheese, and from the simplest dish to the most complex dish of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and watery food, whether cooked or raw, natural or artificial—how can that stomach improve? Almost everything that appetite and custom dictate enters the human esophagus, and sinks into that poor, misused, stuffed, yeasty, burning, acid, inflamed food-basket— the stomach. Candy, coffee, potatoes, gravy, meat, mustard, pie, cake, white bread—all descend into that poor food laboratory at one and the same meal, three to ten times more than is needed, three times a day, year in and year out. And when the poor stomach is prostrated from wrong eating, then nasty pills and poisonous dope are added. This is called science. Lastly, the poor victim is stretched out on an operation table, under the influence of more dope, and down into the nasty mass of the victim penetrates the knife of the surgeon. The victim dies and another scientific death certificate is issued, and science (?) builds a hospital on dead bones and


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calls it civilization. The question is, is it necessary to die under the surgeon’s knife? Or why should we eat dope when we are sick? Dope would kill us when we are well, why should we eat dope when we are sick? Can poison cure? Ask the doctor and the graveyard. Would it not be infinitely preferable to eat, drink and live, in such a way that we never would need dope, pills, doctors, surgeons and undertakers? Would it not be more scientific to build a new stomach when the old one has been so miserably abused that it absolutely refuses to function any more? The nasty mass is still there; the nerves continue to generate nerve impulse from the brain; the coats, glands, blood vessels, may be sick, or almost dead, but the blood, that life-building and disease-removing fluid still flows to that almost useless mass—the stomach. And so long as the blood flows in the arteries to the organs and to the cells, in the stomach, there is hope of removing that almost dead mass, the stomach and of building a new and more efficient digestive laboratory, providing we persevere and adopt constructive, sanative and eliminative methods, for about ninety days, more or less.


The blood carries building material to organs and cells. It also carries away dead cells, mucus, impurity, dead germs, fatigue products, waste matter and transfers such dead disease and useless products to the excretory functionaries of the body for a permanent exodus from the body. The soul that once built that old stomach through the blood is still engineering that stomach, which you so recklessly abused for many, many years. Under the influence of that same soul, and that same blood, you can remove that old, useless mass and build a new stomach. The blood can repair a broken bone, we can gain in weight at one time, and lose in weight at another time. Nature can heal a cut. It can heal and repair the skin, or build new skin. Is not consumption arrested in the lungs by the skilful hand of nature? Do not athletes develop muscles in arms and legs until powerful bunches of muscles hide beneath the skin? Were it not the soul and blood that built those organs in the body—the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach and others? The soul and blood build and remove. The blood is the doctor of the body. No doctor can heal a wound, repair a bone, eat for us, circulate our blood, digest our food, or carry away waste matter, or supply building material for the tissues. The blood is the great builder of tissue, and the great remover of dead and useless tissue. The blood does the work. Cell after cell is supplied, cell after cell is removed. Thus nature’s rebuilding and removing processes continue until a new heart, new kidneys, new stomach, new skin, powerful muscles, appear and the old, useless, sickly, diseased organs shall have passed into the sewer, in the form of excrements, or through the kidneys, in the form of water, sodium chloridee, phosphoric acid, organic salts, urobilin, leukomains, hippuric acid, uric acid, sulphuric acid, pus, casts, fat, acetone, epithelial cells, and other waste matter; or some may have passed out through the skin, lungs, or through other excretory avenues into space. This is all done by that wonderful doctor, the blood, under the supervision of the soul. This same process goes on in animals, fish and birds, in trees and plants and everywhere. That which we call life—what is it? Some may call it life, some may call it spirit, others may call it soul; still others may call it animal soul, or cell soul, while still others may call it breath. But it matters not what it is called, for it is not a question of a name, but it is a question of the building and repair of organs, growth and development. That wonderful architect that built the stomach, that repairs the stomach, that removes cell after cell, that same architect can also remove the old stomach and build a new one.

The one thing for us to do, when we suffer from stomach trouble, is to supply the material, and to give nature an opportunity to cure us, or we will never be cured, except by a death certificate and a funeral abounding in flowers.


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To build a new stomach, the following general rules are imperative:

1. We should rest that feeble stomach, both by staying in bed a short time, if necessary and by abstaining from solid food, until the stomach is sufficiently rebuilt to digest solid food without difficulty.

2. We should absolutely abstain from all of such foods, tonics, frescades, beverages, waters, soda fountain drinks, pills, dope, patent medicines, etc., that we have been eating, drinking, or using in the past, as they, in connection with our habits, are the direct, or indirect causes of our stomach trouble, whether we know it or not.

8. We should supply our stomachs with such vital juices, stomach tonics, blood builders, stomach elements, recuperative blood salts, secretory and eliminative material that do not require digestion, so that we may maintain the integrity of our blood during the entire period of stomach repair and rebuilding.

4. We should never despair, nor become impatient, and never become reckless at any time, by eating, or drinking anything that is bad for the stomach, nor drink too much at any time, especially such drinks or juices that are acid-forming.

5. We should eat very small meals, in the form of vital juices, broths, or tonics. If we eat food later on, it should be the most easily digested food, in the smallest quantities, say a spoonful or two, each time. We should eat often, so as not to tax the stomach with great quantities of food or drink.

6. We should supply oxidation food material, (food iron), so that the function of oxidation, which is the main process of reconstruction, may improve from time to time. Building a new stomach requires di-sodium phosphate and food iron in great quantities, so that oxygen may enter blood and tissue in abundance.

7. We should alkalinize our stomachs so that stomach tissue may become alkaline instead of acid, otherwise our stomachs can never improve. For this reason, we should never, never eat nor drink anything else than that which is highly alkaline.

8. We should divide the entire stomach building time into two periods:

(a) The Recuperative (critical) Diet Period (60 days).

(b) The Constructive (anabolic) Diet Period (60 days).

9. During the Critical period, we should not exert our strength, nor use our brains, nor read, study, talk, reason, argue, get excited, sing, play, pray, worship, worry, lift heavy lifts, jump, dance, lose sleep, attend movies, run, rush upstairs, stay in heated rooms or places, work heavily at physical work, fight, quarrel, etc., nor do anything that draws the blood from the stomach, or that consumes the blood, or fills our systems with waste matter, so long as we cannot afford it, for when the stomach is sick, our blood-making capacity is below par. The blood that we, then, can make, is needed for the building of a new stomach. We must become conservative in our habits, so that we do not impoverish our blood, nor use up the blood that we need for the building of a new stomach, for other purposes. We must use common sense and use our blood sparingly. When we suffer from


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stomach trouble, we cannot manufacture enough blood for all working purposes. We should remember that fear, temper, excitement and emotion, burn up blood; that attending movies and staying up late at night impoverish the blood; that work, effort, lifting or exerting ourselves require blood; that reading, writing, talking, reasoning, argumentation, singing, playing on instruments, each and all use up and weaken the blood, also lower our strength; that praying, p r e a c h i n g, worshipping, fighting, contention, quarreling, always use up blood; that running, staying in hot rooms, or in a heated atmosphere, rushing upstairs, jumping, dancing, physical culture, hopping, throwing, etc., churn the blood, consume and impoverish that very blood that we now need for the building of a new stomach. When the stomach is on a strike, blood-making almost stops. We must economize with our blood at such a time, or we cannot build a new stomach. After we shall have built a new stomach and can make good fresh blood in abundance, we can again work, pray, quarrel, fight, love, hate, worry, jump, dance, run to sensational movies at night, and spend our money, throw, play ball, eat ice cream, drink icy drinks, eat five to ten times more than we need, swear, stamp on floors, bang doors and live like Turks, as usual, if we so prefer. But, when the stomach is weak, or sick; when we have no blood to spare, we must behave ourselves, rest, recuperate, relax, sleep like little babies and take lessons from the domestic cat on the rug.

10. We should never eat nor drink anything that is acid-forming during the entire time of stomach reconstruction. Such foods, or drinks, or dope, or patent medicines or pills, that are acid-forming make the stomach more acids and enfeebles it still more. Potatoes being high in starch are acid-forming. Rice, bread, cereals, gravy, nuts, muffins, biscuits pancakes, crackers, cake, pie, peas, beans, lentils, are all acid-forming. Milk cream, butter, fat, make the stomach more acid. A glass of any kind of milk taken into an acid stomach curdles at once and makes the stomach more acid. Coffee, chocolate, tea, cocoa, postum and most cereal coffees, are formidable acid-makers. Even ordinary, otherwise harmless water, when introduced into an acid stomach, decomposes at once, increases gastric acidity and is converted into gas. In fact, about one thousand, or more, of ordinary foods and drinks, sold in grocery stores, served in restaurants. hotels, or in eat shops, are acid-forming. It is difficult to find any really sufficiently alkaline food to make an acid stomach alkaline. Coffee is so acid that one single cup is enough to make the whole stomach acid.


Acidity is an enemy to health. It is impossible to get sick so long as our tissues and secretions are alkaline. It is equally impossible to regain perfect health so long as tissues and secretions are acid. Acidity is the father of disease. Acidity results in catarrh. Bacteria thrive in catarrhal mucus and phlegm. Acidity breaks down healthy tissue. Leucorrhea, nasal catarrh, bronchitis, tonsillitis, gastric catarrh, mucin-formation, mucous secretion, gastric mucitis, cyst-formation, polypus, mucocolitis, catarrhal enteritis and all sorts of mucous formation, or putrefactive decomposition, or pyogenic ailments, or bacterial ravages within the body, are always caused by acidity. Acidity is a prolific etiological factor in almost all diseases that afflict mankind. Acidity is the main cause of stomach diseases. Ulcer will never, can never, form in an alkaline stomach. Heartburn (gastralgia) is caused by acidity in the stomach. Hyperchlorhydria—what is it but hydrochloric acidity? Burning sensations in the stomach, bowel and gastric colic, cramps, periodic stomach pain, gastric bleeding, pain from emptiness in the stomach (gastralgokenosis), stomach catarrh associated with eructations of sour, frothy, ropy, liquid substances arising from the sick and acid stomach—are they not all caused by acidity? Is not gasterasthenia caused by stomach acidity? Is not inflammation of the gastric glands a result of acidity? Nervous dyspepsia, is it not caused by


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phosphorous acidity produced by excessive excitement, temper, or brain activity? Acute indigestion, gastritis weak and sick stomach, sloughing of the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenal inflammation, duodenal ulcer, gastroenteritis, hydrosis of the stomach, and softening of the stomach, (gastromalacia), are all caused by acidity. Gastro-esophagitis, is it not caused by acidity? Even fungus growth, cancerous accrescencies, exotic bulb-formation, quaking, heaving, fatty tumors, parasitic bulb-like growth3 in the stomach, can they not all be traced to acidity? Falling of the stomach (gastroptosis), thickening of the stomach walls, shrinkage of the stomach, gastric distension, gastrorrhea, bloating, gas-formation, discomfort, sleeplessness, various forms of indigestion and a thousand and one such unpleasant symptoms and ailments and painful diseases that bother the dyspeptic victim—each and all can be traced to acidity.

Acid in, or around, nerves causes neuritis, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve ailments. Nervousness, what is it but acid nerves? Is not headache caused by acid brain matter? Acid heart structures cannot function normally. Heart disease is a result of acidity and can never be cured with digitalis and other scientific dope. Acid joints ache, swell, stiffen and it is called rheumatism, arthritis, gout, suppuration, arthritis deformans, ankylosis, arthrophyma, arthrosynovitis and so on. Acidity around the prostate gland results in prostate ailments, difficulty of urination, prostate tumor, cancer of the prostate gland and other ailments. Acidity in and around the kidneys de-composes the kidneys and leads to hopeless Bright’s disease, granulation of the renal cortex, diabetes, nephritis and death. Acidity in or around the uterus, ovaries, or other generative structures of a woman, results in menstrual difficulties, cramp, hysteria, sterility, leucorrhea, inflammation, ovaritis, fibroids, uterine cancer and hundreds of female ailments. An acid liver cannot function normally. Poisons are retained in the blood, perhaps carried to the brain to pervert its function and lead to insanity, murder and wild deeds. Acidity in, and of, the stomach leads to stomach trouble of every description. When the stomach is acid, water, food, drink, dope, etc., are converted into many different gases. These gases dilate the stomach until it is twice its normal size. This weakens the stomach until it refuses to function. The stomach, then, hangs like a lifeless bag. Food passing into this lifeless food bag lies there, undigested, until the food ferments, putrefies, heaves swells, frets, heats, froths and effervesces like a sour dough, only to generate more gas. This gas, or gasses, may press upon the heart, upon the liver, spleen, pancreas, spinal nerves, or ganglia, upon the colon, etc., and create a hundred symptoms and as many ailments and disagreeable sensations. The poor suffering victim thinks be suffers from heart disease, and he “calls on his doctor,” a medical Johnny-Raw, who “prescribes’ digitalis for the poor victim until the victim’s heart stops and charges one hundred dollars for his scientific services and ethics and calls it science.


The symptoms of stomach trouble are legion, as every victim knows. Shooting pains, sour eructations, frothy saliva, a stone-like fullness in the pit of the stomach (epigastrium), constipation, occasional diarrhea, pain in the stomach, dislike for work, temper, uneasiness, gloomy views, weak eyes, tired eyes, forgetfulness, sleeplessness in some patients, tired feelings, occasional stupidity. murky skin, sunken cheeks in many cases, burning in some cases; cold feet, hot sensations, or cold sensations; itch in different places, nervousness, a sense of weakness in the stomach, sleepiness after meals, drowsiness during the day, dislike for studies, talking and association, inability to use the brain; a desire for cold drinks after meals, coated tongue, discomfort, etc., are all symptoms of stomach trouble. Symptoms are different in different types of


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people, and may even vary in the same man at different times. But all feel miserable, dissatisfied with conditions, full of trouble or anxiety, and some may be grievance-mongers. Something dark and threatening hangs over us when the stomach is feeble and sick. In our misery, we patronize doctors. One doctor gives us scientific pills and dope which we eat religiously, to no avail. We go to another, and he gives us a thought cure, and charges us two dollars per think, telling us: “Believe that you are well, and you are well,” which of course, is difficult to do when the stomach to a diseased mass and as yeasty as a brewer’s vat. We go to a third one who gives us scholarly punches in the backbone until we see the seven stars in the sky, in broad daylight. We call on a fourth physicians who gives us pugilistic awe-commanding, yet academic technique, lays us out on a rack-bench, or perhaps on a stretching machine, with many marvelous levers and commences with iron-hearted operative engineering until we are nearly convinced that we are in the Holy Office of Spain during the dark days of inquisition. We visit a fifth doctor, a wise hydropath, who believes in cold douches, or water-cure. He lines up against a solid stone wall and gives us a fierce baptism in ice-cold water from a hose under high pressure, until we are willing to acknowledge that we are cured. We are informed by some friend of “a wonderful stomach specialist.” In our misery, we call on him. He uses a stomach pump, washes our stomachs and treats us in his way for a month or two, still our stomach trouble continues. Now, we try a medical electrician who sends electrical treatments along the nerves into the stomach, until the stomach contracts like the biceps in a modern pugilist. We continue with these electrical treatments for a while, but see no improvement

We try a homeopath, who gives us charitable potencies of certain drugs, and we continue to take his spiritual doses for some time, yet our stomach trouble proceeds as usual. We try a change of climate, only to learn that our stomachs followed us into the different air-belts. We try sanitariums, health resorts, bath establishments, calorie dietists, vegetarianism, sun-cure, limotherapy, myo-therapy and thirty doctors and specialists in addition and spend twenty-six thousand dollars on these worthies and on various treatments, yet, although they have cured our pocketbooks, our stomach trouble continues. We feel sad at heart, angry and irritated at that army of doctors who took our money under false pretense, that of curing us. We are in a worse condition, now, than when we commenced with their treatments. We are embittered; our money has passed over to pretenders; we are sick, useless, discouraged and no one cares whether we float or sink, nor do we want any more scientific treatments. We have no respect for science any more, because it is a science that brings no results, a science that cures our pocketbooks only. Doctors may mean well, but their schools are at fault. They may be just as good as the best of us, but their systems are wrong and they are as sick as we are.


The blood is the doctor of the body Supply the stomach with good blood and the blood soon builds a new stomach. Neutralize the acidity in the stomach and let the blood do the rest. It is strange that no one seems to know that stomach acidity is the principal cause of stomach diseases. No medical college, no university seems to know that acidity and disease go hand in hand. No one seems to know that it is possible to build a new stomach. All depend upon pills and dope. What can pills do for an enfeebled stomach? If a tree is dying from lack of moisture and potash in the soil, what good would it do to stick a pill under the bark? If a boiler is so full of ashes and clinkers that the machinery stops, and you call an expert to doctor the machinery, what would you think of that expert if he threw five pounds of strychnine into the machine and charged you fifteen dollars for the job? What would you think of an automobile mechanic, if you called him when your auto


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refuses to move, if that mechanic poured one quart of serum into the auto mechanism and charged you ten dollars for his scientific service? A mechanic must bring results, or he is at an utter failure. But a doctor charges you full price when he only cures your pocketbook. When the stomach is sick from acidity, a punch in the backbone does not remove the acidity. Again, when the stomach is weak from lack of food sodium and food chlorine, a carload of pills, or lying on an osteopathic table, or pouring cold water on the stomach victim, will not supply food sodium chloridee, will it? The lip-talk of some Christian Scientist cannot remove mucus, gas and ferments from the stomach, can it? If the stomach is acid, it is acid. If that acidity is the cause of the stomach trouble, we should not only neutralize that acidity, but should also build a new stomach by proper methods and by a correct diet. The only doctor there is, is our own blood. The blood builds; the blood removes; nature is our only specialist. A doctor may kill us, but our own blood will not. If there is any pos-sibility of a cure, our own blood will do it. Our stomach has been ruined by a wrong diet, by acid-forming food. Neutralize that acidity; rest that almost dead stomach; abstain from solid food, difficult of digestion; make new, fresh, good blood; oxidize your blood and tissues well; let your blood go to your sick stomach, which it naturally will without your effort; supply food containing sodium chloridee, iron, magnesium phosphate, to your sick stomach and impoverished blood. Become your own doctor, or let your blood build a new stomach like this and watch the results. When science fails to cure, your blood will cure you free of charge by building a new stomach. When we learn that doctors cannot do anything for us and we take our own case into our own hands, rightly, make good blood and live close to nature’s God, we are cured by our own blood. If our own blood cannot cure us, we will never be cured. All people have this lesson to learn. The sooner we learn the lesson, the better it is for us. That which we eat and drink is the important factor. On a given diet, rats die. On a different (correct) diet, rats live and thrive, Place chickens on a white flour diet, and in about one hundred and twenty days they are dead. Place any animal on an exclusive carbohydrate diet, and in three to six months that animal is dead. Let a healthy, young lady live on acid-forming food and in the course of a few years she suffers from disease. Nor can she be cured before she is placed on an alkaline diet. More than one hundred and ten thousand patients have passed through our hands during our past diet practice. Some of these patients were given up by doctors to die. But when they began to eat rightly, according to our instructions, their own blood cured them. If the blood is lacking in sodium, disease follows. If there is a deficiency of iron in the blood, soon health is on crutches. If food lime is lacking in the system, it results in pus formation, catarrh, softening of the bones, perhaps in consumption. Let us lay out a disease diet for you for six months and watch the results. Let us place you on a calcium and fluorine-free diet for six months and you will be a consumptive. You can prove it to yourself to your own satisfaction. You can develop any disease that you wish by living on a certain diet, the same as you can cure a special disease by a special diet. Most diseases are diet diseases, though all diseases are not diet diseases. Those diseases that are not diet diseases cannot be cured by diet, though a correct diet has its effect on any disease. If a diet disease has progressed so far that the human body absolutely refuses to assimilate that food element which has been deficient for a long time, there is nothing ahead of that person but death. Starve the body of a special food element for a long time and lastly, chemical disorganization takes place, which finally results in dissolution and disintegration. Those diseases that are called chronic or incurable, by prominent doctors, are diet diseases. But such chronic diseases yield to diet. Such diseases as consumption, dropsy, catarrh, heart disease, beriberi, pellagra, Bright’s disease, diabetes, lime-hardening, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, indigestion and hundreds of others, are diet diseases and can only be cured by a correct diet. But we must know what that correct diet is. This can only be determined by bromognosis, founded on


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diet experimentation and on chemical types of people. This is a new study, a new discovery, a new system by which each man becomes his own physician. Each man becomes responsible for his own diseases. Each man can cure his own diseases, or he can eat himself sick, if he so wishes, or he can commit food suicide in from sixty days to five years, if he chooses. This new system of health-building is absolutely infallible, so that the man knows how to eat, how to make health-blood and the blood becomes the doctor.


That which is called stomach trouble is different in different types of people. Stomach trouble has many causes.

In one type, the body is so hungry for sugary food substances that at last the stomach becomes a yeasty, swelling, fermented food receptacle, full of frothy, sugary acid and yeasty. This always leads to stomach trouble and disease. But it is a special cause of stomach ailment, caused by sugary acidity and fermentation. Starch and sugar fermentation is the cause. Here, starch and sugar gluttony is the main cause.

In another type of people, fat metabolism is excessive, because the man is fond of fatty food, such as pork, olives, oils, fatty fish, butter, cream, gravy, lard, sweet potatoes, walnuts, peanuts, bacon and so on. He eats such fatty foods year in and year out. At last he suffers from fatty degeneration. His entire alimentary tract becomes lined with fatty tissue. Fatty-tumors form in the stomach, perhaps, also, fatty cancers (liposarcoma), and fatty, burning acids form in his stomach. He complains of stomach trouble, but it is a different kind of stomach trouble, and has a different cause, and brought about by a different acid.

A third man is lean, grim and determined. He works like a mule, comes and goes with the regularity of a clock. Perhaps he is a mechanic, or some kind of a laborer. He is like a machine. He is a critic, perhaps a pessimist. He is bony, strong and sturdy. He lives a cheerless life. He eats a meal in two to three minutes, drinks several cups of coffee at each meal, uses mustard, table salt, pepper, in abundance, perhaps, also, a glass of gin, whiskey, or brandy, with Jamaica ginger added. He is fond of salty ham, smoked meat and fish, salty cheese, salty dishes. He drinks ice cold water during the day, even at meals, in abundance. All at once he suffers from vagatonia. This increases from time to time, and develops into hyperchlorhydria, ulcers, cancer, perhaps in. sanity. He may have suffered from stomach trouble for years, but his stomach trouble is different, his acidity is different, as is also the cause of his stomach trouble. His diet and habits should be changed, else there will soon be a scientific operation and an equally scientific death certificate and a correspondingly sad funeral and also another completely cured pocketbook.

So on with all the twenty different chemical types of people. Stomach trouble has many causes; but, in nearly all cases, it is caused by some kind of gastric acidity. When we neutralize that acidity, eat differently, oxidize blood and tissue, make good blood and change our habits to a certain extent, our own blood cures us. Soon we have a new stomach. By eating rightly, we may live from ten to sixty years or longer. We may be able to accomplish three times as much as usual and enjoy perfect health while we live. A good stomach is our best life insurance policy. We should be our own stomach doctors. Our own blood can cure our stomachs, but doctors cannot. Doctors cannot cure their own stomach trouble. Hundreds of doctors, their wives, sons and daughters, have come to us for diet advice. Then, by eating rightly and by making health-blood, they cured themselves. This is


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no discredit to them, but it is a discredit to the college that graduated them and never told them how to eat, when to eat, what to eat, when to stop, what alkaline foods are, what foods are acid-forming, nor anything about quantitative food chemistry, human chemical types, bromognosis and how to eat according to their own chemical type. Of course all these studies are new and have not reached colleges yet. We feel that people, not doctors, should be given the information of these great discoveries, so that the people may become their own doctors. Our sympathy is with the sick, be they doctors or laymen, rich or poor, learned or ignorant.


How to build a new stomach could be told in two minutes of time to a man who believes that it can be done, who knows how to proceed and who is honest to himself. An enfeebled, mucus.. covered, distended, liposic, semi-paralytic stomach, lined with fungus or parasitic growths, with almost dead glands, and with thickened walls; a stomach that is rising, heaving, swelling, boiling, fretting and fermenting like a sour dough, from frothy acid substances; a stomach that has been softened, perhaps sloughed from catarrhal pus-degeneration—We need not think that such a stomach can be cured with pills, nor with the surgeon’s knife, nor with chiropractic punches in the backbone, nor with technique, nor with Christian Science faith-prattle. Nor can it be repaired like a plow in a blacksmith’s shop. It must be made new by the blood; it needs a long rest; it must be made alkaline; it must be removed by the skillful hand of nature, and a new one substituted. The blood, under the wise guidance of that soul architect that built that misused stomach, at the time we slumbered in the creative matrix, that same blood, under the generalship of the in-dwelling soul, can do the work, by adding cell after cell and by removing dead tissue, pus, mucus and impurity. To build a new stomach is simply a process of cell-building and cell-removal, carried on by the blood itself. That same blood that heals a broken bone, that wards off consumption by filling up the eroding lung cavity with calcium fluoride, leaving a pulmonary cicatrix that no consumption germs can pass any more; that same blood that heals a wound, a cut, a stab; that same blood that heals an injury, that same blood that cures the ugly cut of the surgeon—that same blood can remove a useless stomach and build a new one, in your own home, without any doctor to watch the job.


A worn out stomach needs rest, just the same as a fatigued man, or a jaded woman, driven beyond her strength, needs rest So long as we are on our feet, the stomach is not at rest, but in a hanging position. When we are moving, jumping, hopping, walking, running, working, the stomach is being roughly handled, jerked, pulled, vibrated. We do not always realize how we are misusing our stomachs each hour of the day. We do not rest the stomach before we lying down in a horizontal position. Even when we are sitting, the stomach is often cramped. To rest an enfeebled stomach, we must stay in bed for some time and not eat any kind of solid food, nor drink cold drinks, nor burning drinks, nor use pepper, salt, vinegar, cider, coffee, drugs, patent medicine, pills and medical dope, recommended by doctors. A cold drink weakens the stomach still more. Hot drinks, or prolonged heat, or very hot fomentations, or hot prolonged baths, or Turkish baths, or continuous fever in the stomach (gastritis), or food lying undigested in the stomach, producing heat, ferments, gases and stomach inflammation—all such conditions, drinks or heat, have a weakening effect on an enfeebled stomach and may even ruin the stomach forever. The stomach rests when it is empty and when we are lying down. No drinks, juices, tonics or analeptics should be taken into the stomach hot, nor cold, except when specially recommended. The most favorable temperature of drinks is eighty degrees Fahrenheit to eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Any drinks


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below sixty degrees Fahrenheit are cold; any drinks above one hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit are hot. Anything cold stays in the stomach longer. Anything hot passes into the bowels more quickly. Drinking water, juices, broths, milk, etc., in great quantities, fill the stomach too full and weaken it. Milk in an acid stomach sours, decomposes, and weakens the stomach still more. Stomach rest means stomach rest. Such juices that do not stay long in the stomach, that require no digestion, that build good blood, that are sanative, antiseptic, antitoxic and nearly lukewarm, may be sipped slowly, hourly, as often as desirable. The main thing that an enfeebled stomach needs is rest, relaxation, rest from work. So long as we eat something solid, if only a teaspoonful a week, or less, we are not resting our stomachs. So long as we irritate our stomachs with dreadful pills, medical dope, cruel bitters, sharp acids, cold drinks, burning tonics, acid-forming coffee, drinks or foods, or anything salty, peppery, or mushy, we are not resting our stomachs. So long as we work, run, jump and otherwise over-exert ourselves, we are not resting our stomachs. Stomach rest means stomach rest. So long as we irritate the stomach, and agitate its nerves and glands with temper, hatred, jealousy, maliciousness, fury, quarrels, pessimism, passion, worry, anxiety, care, annoyance, fretfulness, stir, and all sorts of unfavorable emotions, constantly elaborating fatigue products from organs and brain and poisoning the stomach and secretions—we are not resting the stomach. We may think that we cannot afford to stop work, thought, worry and emotion, but that is exactly what we can and must afford. For if we think that we cannot afford to stop industrial activity, thought and emotion, we will soon be forced into a dark coffin and a still darker grave, where there is no hope for us any more. Then our business, jobs, studies, friends, partnerships, politics, loved ones and the world, will be compelled to move along without us, while we rest our stomachs in the grave.

Neither do we need to think that doctors and medicine can save us. if we patronize doctors, we will be turned into dust and gases that much sooner. The only thing that will save us is our own blood. Our blood can build a new stomach for us, if we do not impoverish the blood and consume it on vain ambition, false hopes, temper, fretting, work, thought, passion, emotion, business work, movies, etc.

An ambitious young lady of twenty-two, studying in a university, once called on us, suffering from stomach trouble, caused by excessive studies. We told her that she must give up her studies and rest stomach, brain and functions, or she would die in less than six months. “No, no,” said she, “I cannot afford to stop my studies at the university. I will go and see my doctor. I think he can help me out. Good day.” And her doctor did help her out, for he issued her death certificate that very year. She had to stop her studies. She died and has been dead ever since. Besides, the world rolls on as usual. Afford! Nature will out fool us when we think that we cannot afford to take care of ourselves. Health cannot be purchased in drugstores, nor on operation tables. Stomachs cannot be repaired in hospitals like a boot in a shoemaker’s workshop. Health is developed from within. Hospitals and sanitariums remind us of the rigid corpse, the dismal hearse, the funeral sermon and the solemn undertaker. Every hospital is surrounded by a mortuary atmosphere that can be detected a thousand feet away. The corpse-like odor of a hospital fills even a healthy man with the chill of death. There is something hideous and dismal about the doctor, the grave-digger, the hospital and the mortuary. To come in contact with any one of the above has a chilling, creepy effect. When we get sick, we go to nature’s sanitarium (the woods and hills), where there is oxygen and ozone, instead of a mortuary odor, disease-peddlers, sick people, corpses and death-fright in the very atmosphere enough to frighten a gorilla.


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Stomach trouble makes us low-spirited, ill-natured, fault-finding, forlorn and even quarrelsome. Faith and hope take wings and fly away. It is difficult for a dyspeptic to believe in success and recovery, or to cultivate cheerfulness of mind, or to pray and hope. His mind seems to be as dyspeptic as his stomach. His prayer is a sour compound. This state of mind, this lack of faith and hope, this depression of mind, poison his secretions and interfere with his recovery. While it may be true that it is not easy to be trustful, hopeful, loving and cheerful when we suffer from stomach trouble, it is nevertheless, true that hope, cheer, love and faith are important factors in the building of a new stomach. Now is the time when hope, faith and cheerfulness should stir the functions to new effort. These Christian qualities should now be called into action, as they are important aids in 8tornach-building, though by themselves they can bring no results. It is not impossible to convince ourselves that we are improving. We can talk and think, dream and sing about our own progress. We can hope for a speedy recovery. We can promise ourselves future health. We can cheer ourselves and develop faith in God, nature and our own blood. We can fill our minds and souls with a hopeful, trustful conviction of the fact that we are improving. We can cultivate a happy, cheerful disposition and promise ourselves a speedy and permanent recovery. We can rest and hope, trust and hope, live and hope, will and hope and bring our mental forces to act in conjunction with our reconstructive efforts. Hope, faith, and cheerfulness act upon the vital functions, upon the secretory glands and upon the blood. Unfavorable emotions, temper, ugliness and depression have a depressive effect upon the blood, the glands, the secretions, the internal secretions and upon all of the anabolic functions. But favorable emotions, trust, faith, cheerfulness and hope vibrate the cells, tone the nerves, stimulate the trophic centers, stir the blood, arouse the glands, quicken the eliminative functions and expand the air-cells in the lungs so that greater quantities of the revivify-ing oxygen may enter the blood for the building of a new stomach. When animal life, soul life, blood life, cell life, nerve impulse, when they all act with mind, reason, will and a constructive diet—then the life doctors are at work, not only in latent potentia, but in synergic actu. Will they fail? If they fail, the thread of life is spun. Where science, pills, operations fail, blood, diet and the forces of life succeed. When every other treatment under the sun has failed, our inner life doctors, our own blood and a correct diet will cure us. But do not trot to doctors until you are dead-alive, and ninety-nine per cent ready for the undertaker. Forget science. Let your blood and diet cure you. Your stomach is your greatest life insurance and your own blood is your greatest doctor. Eve had no surgeon to slash and cut in her sanctum sanctorum; Adam had no drug store at his command; Methuselah had no specialist to consult; Samson had no M. D. to prescribe pills for him, no one to inject dope into his powerful muscles; Hercules could get no scientific gland treatment, and Christ said: “Physician, heal thyself.” There must be a reason. “The blood thereof is the life thereof,” says the Bible. Your blood will cure you, when pills fail.


Lying in a horizontal position and practicing abdominal breathing, slowly and steadily, for five to ten minutes, morning, evening and several times a day, exercises the stomach itself and pumps the healing blood to the stomach. This breathing should not be forced, but should be slow and steady. Each steady inhalation sends nerve ‘life and blood life to the stomach and each exhalation relaxes the stomach and permits the blood to gather up the dead cell material for elimination. This breathing must not be rapid; it should be stow and steady. It should be abdominal breathing, kept up by the stomach and diaphragm, ‘but mainly by the rising and falling movements of the stomach.


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Forcible physical culture exercises, or kneading, punching, percussive Swedish massage must not be introduced, as they may rupture. or injure the enfeebled stomach. The best stomach exercises, now, are slow, steady, daily abdominal respirations, so that the stomach may be washed daily with fresh blood, also well supplied with fresh oxygen.

It is well to remember that the daily diet should carry food sodium, food chlorine and food iron, in such forms as oyster broth, blackberry juice without sugar, raw meat juice, alkalade drinks, tonics made of goat brown cheese, with kal-bis-ma added, celery juice, Romaine tonic, gizzard broth, lobster broth, strawberry juice without sugar, imported French Vichy, raw lettuce juice. In these juices and broths may be added a little citro-carbonate to make those juices and broths more alkaline. Such juices, broths, tonics, or drinks, supply sodium chloridee and iron to the blood, thus increasing the air-function in the system, by supplying blood salts and the oxidation elements. If these blood salts and oxidation elements are not supplied, breathing would only be a comparatively dead mechanical function. To practice breathing when these blood salts are not supplied, is like sitting in a food-full pantry and starving to death. The air that we breathe is useless unless it is absorbed by blood and tissue. It is through iron that oxygen enters the blood; it is through the di-sodium phosphate molecule that carbon dioxide is carried out from the body. Food sodium chloride is always lacking in the stomach in times of stomach ailments, except in one kind of gastric trouble.


So sure that we suffer from stomach trouble, our diet is wrong, no matter what we may believe or think, no matter what any one says, be he white, black or green. We admit that you are careful and learned; that you have many academic titles; that you are eating good food; that you are a Christian, or a thinker, or a dietician, or a doctor and so on. But in spite of what you are, your diet is undermining your constitution, ruining your stomach and digging your grave. You may eat good food, but it is not good food for you. You may be a serious vegetarian, or a diet experiment, or a stomach specialist, but if you suffer from stomach trouble, your diet is wrong. It is impossible to suffer from digestive ailments upon a correct diet. Whatever you may be1ieve, think or be, stop that diet, no matter what that diet may be, nor how the food is prepared or seasoned. Upon a correct diet, we can work, worry, storm, abuse ourselves in a hundred different ways, yet not suffer from stomach trouble. We may think that it is the coffee that we drink, or the meat that we eat, or the white bread, or the onions, or some other article of food that gives us stomach trouble. But if we stop meat eating and substitute postum for coffee, our stomach trouble continues just the same. It is not one article of food, nor even one dozen food articles that are at the foundation of the trouble. It is our former and present diet that has ruled our stomachs and, now the trouble is in the stomach and in the food, both. We must stop that diet, altogether, and build a new stomach. Then, when we have a new food laboratory, let us forever leave that former diet alone, or the stomach will fail permanently. It is not so easy to build a new stomach the second time.


When the stomach is sick, it needs rest. When the stomach is vigorous, it needs work, but never, never does it need heavy meals. We are all in danger or over eating. We do not require more than about one-fourth as much as we eat. When the stomach is weak, we should eat the smallest meals possible. It is better to eat oftener than it is to eat heavy meals far between. We should eat when we are hungry, only, when the stomach is weak. When the stomach is diseased, or enfeebled, it cannot


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digest food. Then, eating does harm. The food becomes diseased in a diseased stomach, acid in an acid stomach, fermented in a yeasty stomach, overheated in an inflamed stomach, undigested in an enfeebled stomach or in an overloaded stomach. Eating a heavy meal and drinking water, or liquid, in addition, stops digestion entirely. Eating acid-forming food when the stomach is already acid, increases the trouble. No hunger means that there are no digestive juices. To eat when we are not hungry, is a bad practice. It results in indigestion, autointoxication, putrefaction, bowel ailments, constipation, colitis, perhaps in gastritis, gastric dilatation, bloating, and in other ailments. A prudent man eats only when he is hungry, and only small meals. The three-meal-a-day system is a bad diet system. Row many meals should we eat each day? One? Two? Three? We should eat when we are hungry, and eat small meals, about one-fourth as much as the appetite craves. The less we eat of calorie food, the better it is for our health. Proteins are subject to decay, to toxic generation, to putrefaction. The less protein we eat, the better will be our health. How much protein, fat, carbohydrates, moisture food should a man eat each day? No one can determine this, for each man needs more one day, less some other day. One type of people requires more protein than some other type, while certain types cannot digest, nor assimilate, the coarser proteins. So with the carbohydrates, the fats, and with water-containing food. Each man should know food properties, his own chemical type, his own work and his own diathesis. He should eat accordingly and be a law to himself. One year one man may require a high protein diet; next year that same protein diet could make him sick. No chemist can, nor should determine how much protein or carbohydrates or fats or moisture containing food each man requires a day. Climate, seasons, states of health, states of ill health, occupation, digestion, oxidation, age, states of mind, chemical types, assimilation, altitude, the size of the man, growth and many other conditions must be taken into consideration in determining the food quantity required by an adult man. All such conditions vary in the same man at different times and they vary in different types. That professor, that chemist, who undertakes to measure out food requirements needed a day for each man and woman, or the number of calories, or the ounces of food required for each man every twenty-four hours—that same man would soon have some of us in jail, others in the asylum; some would starve to death, some would be in hospitals on operation tables, millions would die and other millions would become unfit for the duties of life, in case all people should follow his diet advice. Even the same man requires a higher heat-producing diet in the winter than he does in the heat of July and August, on cold days than he does on warm clays. When he does heavy physical work he would require a heavier protein diet than he does when he uses his brain at his desk. Between the age of seven up to about the age of thirty, a heavier protein diet is required by almost every man; but in advancing years, a heavy protein diet would be dangerous to health and life. That professor chemist or dietician who lays out menus in books, or in newspapers, or in magazines, calculated to answer the daily diet needs for all men regardless of age, weight, size, temperament, type of work, season, state of heath, altitude, power of assimilation etc., is not a thinking man. Each man must be his own dietician and his own law in regard to his daily diet requirements. Each man, however, should eat at least three fourths less at each meal, when his digestion is poor. He should eat very sparingly, indeed, of the proteins, fats and carbohydrates and should absolutely avoid foods and drinks containing vegetable toxins, preservatives, adulterants, food sulphur and dangerous ingredients. He should leave alone constipating articles of food and foods difficult of digestion. He should avoid acid-forming food and live mainly on an alkaline diet. In order to do this, he must have a Food Guide of quantitative food chemistry to consult in the selection of his food. Then, he could eat intelligently, buy wisely, combine properly, cook and prepare rationally, as could also his wife, or cook.


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When the stomach is weak, no man should eat before he is hungry~ No man should eat in a hurry. All people who have a weak stomach should use their minds in eating and drinking; they should eat slowly, enjoy the food, masticate it well, relish any liquid foods such as soups, broths, tonics, juices, beverages, etc. No man should eat when he is jaded, only sip some broth or tonic. No man should eat when his brain pulsates with thoughts and emotions, nor when he retires, nor when he is angry, nor when he is moved by intense unfavorable emotions, or passions, or fears, for then his stomach cannot digest food. Then, a broth, or vital tonic is desirable. If his stomach is acid, he should make it alkaline and not eat before he is hungry. By such eating habits, there will be no disease, no death before late in life.


If we live on an alkaline diet from childhood on, there is no special danger of stomach trouble through gastric acidity. Some types of people are never bothered with stomach acidity, while other types are dangerously subject to acidity, even to the point of ugly ulcers and deadly cancers.

As a rule, the stomach alkalinizes itself, under a liberal flow of saliva, during the process of efficient mastication and also from the prudent in-take of small meals, eaten when we are hungry only. But since almost all of our manufactured foods are acid-forming and most of our natural foods are also add-forming, because we pay no attention to our soils, nor supply our soil with alkaline soil elements for the alkalinization of food, the stomachs of most people are highly acid. This is why the Americans are a nation of dyspeptics and not only Americans, but also other nations.

When the stomach, the tissues, the secretions, become highly acid and limotherapy (starving for a few meals) does not overcome the acidity, the stomach can be made alkaline by Waterbury’s Acidosis, now called Cal-Bis-Ma and purchasable in any drug store; also, by the use of vegetable soda. Waterbury’s Acidosis seems to neutralize the stomach almost immediately, though the stomach may become acid again, thus requiring this efficient alkalinizer again and again, from day to day, whenever the stomach becomes acid. When the whole system is acid, several months may be required for complete systemic alkalinization, in many cases. A so-called alkaline diet, alone, does not contain enough of the alkaline food elements (Na203, CaO, MgO, K20 and Fe203, mainly) to alkalinize a highly acid stomach. Even the most alkaline foods contain a relatively low per cent of alkalinity. The most alkaline drinks are made of boiling soft water and New Life Food compound added, well stirred into the boiling water and drank as hot as can be borne. Vegetable soda is also highly alkaline. This can be made into various kinds of tonics, drinks, beverages, or it can be used in food. Vegetable soda is better than mineral soda. Other alkaline drinks, or foods, are egg-shell broths, correctly made, raw beaten egg-white in a little sweet, fresh milk, from the goat, and a few others of less Importance. Most foods usually called alkaline are positively acid, as anyone can prove to himself by eating them, or else by a litmus paper test, else by a laboratory test.

An acid stomach can be made alkaline by the foregoing simple and inexpensive means. Never permit acidity to ruin your stomach, embitter your life, make you an operation victim, or send you to an early grave. No woman can be a wifely wife, no husband can be a model husband, no Christian can be noble and saintly, when the stomach is acid. An acid stomach leads to ulcer, cancer, wild deeds, divorces, misery, operations and to an early funeral.


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We need not think that dilated, over-stretched, lax, flabby and fallen (gastroptosis) stomach can digest food. It must be normal in size and in a proper position before it can digest food. Simple as it may seem, yet a pint to a quart, or more, of unsweetened blackberry juice, drank at one at a time luke-warm, has a tendency to contract a dilated stomach to its normal size, if drank once or twice a week, for a few weeks. It will constipate; but one can use laxatives to counteract intestinal stegnosis. Doctors may smile wisely at this, but with all their pretended remedies, they have nothing more efficacious for contracting a dilated, fallen stomach than simple, ordinary blackberry juice, rationally used, as the writer knows from experience. Medical colleges and doctors know nothing about the cause and cure of diseases, especially about diet disease. If we knew how to take care of our soils, how to protect crops, how to raise fruit, grains, nuts and vegetables, how to protect our food supplies, how to cook and eat, doctors would not be needed and undertakers would be idle most of the time. Doctors would be needed elsewhere as chemists, analysts, superintendents of food supplies and in hundreds of other directions.

Blackberry juice contains three chemical food properties that cleanse, contract (astrict) neutralize the stomach and help to dissolve vegetable toxins. Blackberry juice and many other food articles are toxilytic and astringent. Such astringent juices contract a dilated, stomach. When a few quarts of such fruit juices bring favorable results, inexpensively, why should we report to operations, lose time, lie in hospitals, fill our blood with morphine dope, suffer, pay out our hard-earned dollars to hospitals, doctors, surgeons, to such an extent that it would require a Kansas farm to pay for the unnecessary operation. A few bottles of blackberry juice, only a few boxes of Cal-Bis-Ma, a few jars of New Life Compound, a few dozens of eggs and the white of the egg used only, well beaten; a few alkaline food articles, tonics and broths, a little patience and prudence, will save us from the surgeon’s bloody knife, from an early grave and will also save our pocket books.


Fresh, juicy round steak from a healthy young steer in the bloom of life, the steak slightly seared until the juice exudes and the meat juice pressed out from the steak by means of a meat press, is one of the most efficient blood builders known to the food chemist. It is highly alkaline and rich in nutritive value. It is as near to human blood as it is possible to obtain, at a time when we cannot manufacture our own blood. Such meat juice contains nearly all of the sixteen chemical food elements needed by man, in almost normal proportions. Besides, it is nearly as alkaline as the human blood. But the meat juice that comes from the meat of an old, diseased animal, is full of impurity, meat toxins, by-products, meat acids and even disease. Such meat juice is undesirable for blood-building, or for a sick stomach. The meat must come from a healthy, young steer and the meat must be fresh. Otherwise it would do no good. Good fresh meat juice is readily taken up by the blood.

A few tablespoonful of fresh goat milk may be added to the meat juices. One pound, or more, of the round steak may be used each time and as often as is deemed necessary for blood-building during the critical period of the stomach. Any harmless flavor or essence may be added to the meat juice to make it palatable, such as fresh goat milk, unsweetened fruit juice, celery juice, or savory broths. But sugar must not be added nor any kind of fat, nor oils. It is better to drink the meat juice fresh, slightly heated, but not hot, nor cold. It is important to get juicy meat and a powerful meat juice extractor. Some meat contains only a few drops of meat juice while a pound of juicy round


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steak may fill a teacup, as we have seen again and again. A cup full of such juice each day would supply the blood with ample blood material for the building of a new stomach, in connection with such tonics, broths and juices which are mentioned elsewhere in this book. It is difficult to make good blood from tonics, analeptics, broths, drinks, beverages, etc., when the stomach cannot digest solid food, or when the blood-making function is disabled, or when the stomach, glands, tissues and secretions are highly acid. Of course one could drink pure, fresh blood n some form, but fresh blood is nauseating to most people, although blood, milk and eggs are among the cleanest, purest food fluids of which the food chemist knows. Nature protects blood, milk, egg-yolk, egg-white, above all, from impurity and disease. But cow milk, after it comes from the cow, becomes so loaded with microscopic wigglers that by the time it reaches the housewife it could almost be called a germ soup. This is not the fault of the healthy cow, except when the whole cow is diseased However, raw meat juice as it contains almost all of the blood elements needed by man enables us to maintain the integrity of the blood, while we are building a new stomach, or while blood-making is, difficult, even impossible. Raw meat juice, pressed out of fresh and cooled meat from a young vigorous steer, does not require digestion. It is full of life and reconstructive vitamins. It supplies us with blood-building material at a time our stomach is unable to digest food and make good blood.

Under no consideration should the fibrin of the meat be eaten, as it contains meat toxins, solid protein, and products that would be dangerous for enfeebled, or sick, or inflamed, or fallen, or ulcerated stomach. But the meat juice from healthy round steak, pressed out by a meat juice extractor, is so near human blood that it will feed, nourish, vitalize, build and rebuild the man and will supply that blood-building material which is essential for the building of a new stomach during that first period when no food can be digested by the stomach and no blood can be made. For when digestion stops, blood cannot be made. And how can we live and gain in health and vigor, when we no longer can digest food, nor make new blood? Acidity, disease, germs, impurity, putrefying food, putrefaction, dangerous gases, the doctor’s dope and the surgeon’s knife soon end our life and we are no more. But raw meat juice, in connection with alkalades and rest, will save life when it is slowly ebbing away.

There are some people who object to meat, to meat juice or to meat products of all kinds and justly. so. Nevertheless, when health is low, when life is ebbing away, when the blood is depleted, when food cannot be digested and new blood cannot be made—raw meat juice will, and can save life and help to build a new stomach. Those people who object to raw meat juice had better leave it alone and eat what they think is better.


As an enfeebled stomach requires two diet periods, in order that we may overcome stomach trouble, we shall divide stomach-building into

1—The Recuperative, or Critical Diet Period.

2—The Constructive, or Anabolic Diet Period.


When the stomach is extremely enfeebled, sick or disabled, it is a wise precaution to give the stomach a long rest, as elsewhere explained. One single meal may end our career, when the


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stomach is sick, enfeebled, or inflamed, by developing acute indigestion. Many people have died in a few hours by eating solid food at suet a time. One man died by eating sour cherries and drinking milk after. A second man died from the eating of alfalfa, as a curative, as recommended by a “wise” one. A third one, a young doctor, died from drinking three cups of coffee and eating six doughnuts with his coffee. A fourth died from eating of canned salmon, bread, dried potatoes and pie, with a cup of coffee and so on. We must not eat solid food, acid-forming food, sulphur-carrying food, nor toxic food, nor preserved food, when the stomach is inflamed and strongly acid no matter whether we are hungry or not. Give the poor inflamed stomach a rest, and live on such vital juices that require no digestion, that do not irritate the stomach, that pass out of the stomach quickly, that contain no vegetable toxins, no metallic acids, no preservatives. It is better to live on such lenitive, sanative, antiseptic, antitoxic, nutritive and blood-building juices, broths, tonics, as the following:

Get one pound of juicy round steak from a young, healthy steer, full of life, vigor and constructive vitamins. Cut off all of the fat. Sear the meat in a hot oven until the meat juice exudes. Be sure to have the meat juice extractor rather warm. Run the meat through the meat juice extractor, placing a dish under the opening where the juice comes through. Then add a few tablespoons of fresh goat milk, or a few drops of peppermint, or celery juice, or parsley juice, or juice from mint, or juice from asparagus, or a spoonful of New Life Food Compound dissolved in boiling water, to make the meat juice more palatable. Then drink this life tonic warm, neither hot nor cold. Such a meat juice tonic is life-building and does not stay long in the stomach. It is soothing and healing to inflamed or ulcerated surfaces of the stomach. It is rapidly taken up by the blood. It is one of the best life-builders known to food chemistry in times when the stomach has been much enfeebled and the blood lowered in the constructive vitamins of life.

Almost every stomach sufferer suffers from acid anemia, from iron hunger, sodium deficiency and oxygen hunger, resulting in weakness, fatigue, lack of energy and in hundreds of negative symptoms. Hence, food iron (not drug iron, or “shots” of iron in the arm) is the right article. Raw meat juice and New Life Food Compound contain a higher per cent of tissue iron (myc-hematin) than even the best iron food extant. Ironization and oxidation must be improved in stomach trouble. Here New Life Food Compound and raw meat juice are highly valuable.

Then make drinks of boiling, distilled water and New Life Food Compound well stirred in, sipping slowly, neither hot nor cold, say a glassful, using two full tablespoons of New Life Food Compound and flavoring with two spoonful of good milk and juice pressed out of peppermint, else two to three drops of oil of peppermint added, to counteract gas formation in the stomach.

Cool distilled water, alkalinized with Cal-Bis-Ma, is a lenitive drink when the stomach is acid, burning, weak, bloated, inflamed, ulcerated, enfeebled or in a state of fermentation.

Warm peppermint tea may also be used to dissipate gastric gases.

Juices simmered out from sodium food such as tender romaine, eggplant, tender Swiss chard, young Chinese cabbage, celery heart, adding two to three teaspoons of fresh goat milk, may be taken frequently.

Water simmered out from egg-white will soothe the inflamed stomach and make it more alkaline.

Broths simmered out from crab meat, or fresh crabs, or lobsters, or oysters, or gizzard and sipped


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slowly, arc beneficial also.

The sodium foods may also be used in connection with such shellfish, or gizzard broths.

Egg-white may be well beaten up and eaten slowly by itself, or with unsugared strawberry sauce, or blueberry sauce, or dewberry sauce, or with two or three spoonful of fresh goat milk, or with imported Vichy water, sipped slowly.

French Vichy water may also be drank by itself at times.

No matter whether we be hungry or not, we must not eat solid food for about sixty days. Even then prudence is the greatest safety guide.


During this entire diet period, we should stay in bed and rest the stomach, as explained elsewhere. We should lie in a straight bed, with no depression in the center. The bed should be elevated at the feet about twelve inches, so that the stomach may decline towards the chest by its own weight and thus be relieved from tension. The declining position should be assumed now and then during the day and night for about ten days or longer. The head should be supported by a low pillow only.


Hot, wet packs may also be applied to the stomach for forty minutes at the time. But the stomach must not be chilled at any time, when taking the applications. The stomach must be well protected at all times when it is weak. All weak parts are easily chilled and weakened, because they are sensitive to temperature changes, drafts, chilly sheets and bed clothes.


Take part of a woolen blanket or a big flannel, folded into about six or eight thickness. Hold this flannel by each end and dip the center into boiling water for three minutes. Then turn it over in the boiling water, still holding the dry ends, and let the flannel remain immersed about three more minutes, so that the intense heal may penetrate the flannel, or blanket. Now, lift the flannel out of the boiling water, twist it with your hands and wring out most of the water, doing so quickly. And, just as quickly, place the flannel between two large Turkish towels and wrap the towels around the flannel. Place this hot, wet towel on your stomach and cover up well. This application will keep hot for twenty to thirty minutes. It may also be heated again, if necessary, though this is seldom needed. All of the time that this hot, wet application is on your stomach, you should inhale and exhale slowly, but rather vigorously, ‘but not laboriously, using the abdominal method of breathing, so that the stomach may be exercised, and the healing blood may flow freely to the stomach, and so that the peristaltic action of the stomach and bowels may increase, and help to overcome constipation.

This hot application may be taken two or three times a week, for about thirty days, and no longer.


Gentle massage of the stomach, after about thirty days, or less, is also desirable. Massage of the spine, and of the whole body, stimulates the general circulation, and favors health in general.


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A great many different agents have been recommended for gastric acidity, such as:

Hot, wet stomach applications,

High enemas made of warm water, milk, soda, and

Castile soapsuds,

Vigorous stomach massage,

A long vacation to the hills, to an altitude of three

thousand to seven thousand feet,

Milk of magnesia,

French Vichy water,

Vegetable soda,

A basic diet,

Citric fruit,

Goat milk whey, and raw well beaten egg-white, alternately,

Cal-Mis-Ma alkalades (drinks)

Carbonated waters,

Bi-carbonate of soda.

Manitou ginger ale, and juice from grapefruit, half and half,

Sprudel Saltz from Germany,

Hot drinks made of New Life Food Compound.

Of all such anti-acidity agents, an alkaline diet, a long vacation to the hills, in a high altitude, French Vichy, vegetable soda, goat milk whey, well beaten egg-white (vigorously beater with a Dover egg-beater), raw meat juice with fresh milk and vegetable soda, Cal-Mis-Ma alkalades, seem to counteract stomach acidity more successfully than anything else.

Hot drinks made of New Life Food Compound seem to counteract sulphur acidity and sulphur gas in the stomach, brain and blood. Such New Life Food tonics supply the blood with the essential blood salts that are alarmingly precipitated, or broken down, in the body in such ailments as paralysis, acidosis, carbonosis, obesity, oxygen hunger, gastric acidity, brain fag, dropsy, acid anemia, pneumonia, stomach trouble, convulsion, Such New Life Food tonics should never be forgotten in the diet, when such ailments prevail.


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For constipation, a laxative diet is the best of all, namely:

Light cherries Satsuma plums,

Black cherries Indian plums

Gooseberries Kalfost pudding

Tamarind plums steamed onions

Rye bread made of rye Cabbage slaw

meal Boiled cabbage

Sauer kraut Red oranges

Cooked peaches Blueberries

Lactic acid milk German primes

Fruit sauce Oregon prunes

Mammee French prunes

Green fig Prune juice

Fresh black figs Collards

Sun-dried black figs Eggplant

Pepper tree fruit Prune salts

Persimmons Oranges

Sweet plums Wilted spinach

Australian plums Strawberries-strawberry

Orleans plums sauce

Tomato toast Pumpkins

Blue Damsons Leek leaves

Chickasaw plums Grapes

Yellow plums Grape sauce

Nectarines Apollinaris and buttermilk

Green gages (half and half)


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Raw meat juice French Vichy and butter-

Wild grapes milk

Pleurisy root tea Red Raven and buttermilk

Green lima beans, with (half and half)

beaten egg-white and String beans, with egg.

pineapple white and pineapple

Senna tea, with prune added

juice and fig juice added Citron

Bergamot Papaw

Papaya Huckleberries

Upon such a diet, it would he impossible to become constipated.

Of course, when we suffer from stomach trouble, such laxative foods cannot be eaten. Then, Dr. Simm’s Little Liver Pills, or Adlerika, or Bliss’ Native Herb tablets, or castor oil, or bowel injections of salty, warm water, or milk and water with soda and castile soapsuds added to the injection, or prolonged abdominal massage, until the bowels become loose, are often recommended, especially the abdominal massage and the bowel injections.

For gas and bloating, Cal-Bis-Ma, Sodoxylin, vegetable soda, Adlerika, Bi-sodol, drinks made of boiling water and New Life Food Compound, Bliss Native Herb pills, dill and spearmint tea, catnip tea, are often recommended.


During the Constructive Diet Period, the previous diet should be continued, with slight modifications, at first, as the stomach may not, at first, be able to digest solid food, except to a slight degree. We must not eat heavy meals, in the beginning. Only such food should be selected that is easy of digestion. The smallest meals possible favor the stomach, now.

The first ten or fifteen days of this Diet Period, the following laxative and easily digested foods may be added, very gradually, at first:

Celery heart Tender Chinese cabbage

Tender young lettuce Lettuce salad with beaten

Fresh green figs egg-white in abundance

Fresh black figs Avocado

Black sun-dried figs Papaya


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Ripe bananas, sparingly Steamed Italian onions

Blueberries Fresh plums, not sour

Blueberry juice Stewed sun-dried prunes

Blueberry sauce (not sour, and without

Broiled shad table sugar)

Broiled whiting New Life Food, often, as

Steamed smelt drinks, or in tonics, or

Fresh crabs on muffins

Crab broth Mellow cottage cheese

Gizzard broth Beaten eggs scrambled

Lobster broth lightly in milk

Oyster broth Blackberry juice

Clam broth Dewberry juice

Roquefort cheese, sparing- Huckleberry juice

ly Muskmelon

Grape sauce Egg-yolk and orange juice

Salads of tender greens, egg-shakes

with egg-white dress- Pineapple

ing in abundance Ripe olives

Prune sauce Smoked whitefish

Baked fish roe Spinach cooked in its own

Baked sole steam with baked fish

Sprat, baked String beans, with beaten

Good strawberries egg-white

Milk whey Strawberry sauce

Tender boiled tongue Toast made of hot toma

Steamed young perch toes and hot Shredded


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Melons Wheat biscuits

Eggplant baked in milk Tender pears

Grapenuts with Roque- Grape nuts

fort cheese and pine- Whole rice, cooked

apple Kellogg’s starchless bran

Steel-cut oatmeal muffins

Tender young romaine

Cooked food agrees with some types; fresh food is better for other types.

To cook the baked fish roe, place it in a pan on the stove for a few minutes, then remove to the oven and bake until thoroughly done. Fish roe is a very valuable food.

Here we have about fifty fairly safe foods, either, or all, of which are laxative and easy of digestion. Those foods supply the stomach and the secretions with the essential food elements needed for a weak stomach. Upon such a diet the stomach will gain strength, will constantly be rebuilt, vitalized, and made new. There are a few of those foods that are rich in stomach building food elements. Those foods are:

Celery heart Goat brown cheese, rightly

The broths mentioned made

Blueberries Green figs

Drinks made of New Life Black fresh figs

Food Compound and Cal-Bis-Ma drinks (alka

boiling water, with lades)

some milk French Vichy

Raw meat juice tonics Melons

Ripe olives Baked roe

Tender lettuce Milk whey

Scrambled eggs in milk Soft boiled eggs, with

Salads with egg-white greens

dressing Lean lamb chops, broiled

Shellfish broths Broiled shad


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Steamed Italian onions Raw meat juice

Baked eggplant in milk Raw beaten egg-white,

with sauce

We should give the preference to the foregoing food articles. Absolutely no other foods should be used than those recommended. We may eat certain other foods than those recommended, and not notice any bad effects for ten or twenty days, but all at once the stomach gives out again. If it gives out before it is new and strong, it will be exceedingly difficult, perhaps even impossible, to build a new stomach the second time. The writer has had so much experience with stomachs, that he absolutely knows that the foregoing diet is the safest.

Vinegar poured on to salads will ruin the stomach, and the blood. Bread and meat eating during a stomach-building period is baneful. Drinking coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, soda fountain drinks, is pernicious to the stomach. Eating candy, cake, Die, sweets, sugars, starches, etc., is ruinous to a weak and convalescing stomach. We should eat nothing else than that which the long experience of an expert has proven a success.

One lady drank coffee in spite of our earnest advices. Where is she now? A young doctor drank sour cow’s milk, saying, “It can do no harm.” What happened to him, do you think? You can guess. Another one wanted his steak; so he dug his molars deep into the juicy meat-protein. What became of him? Guess. A vegetarian patient started to eat raw wheat, whole wheat bread, honey and nuts, until he went away to an asylum and died! A Canadian athlete, fond of cold baths, disregarded our advices and died from heart-cramps in the cold water. A running foot-champion kept on with his running, and fell dead on the race track. And so with many others who ignored safety advice when their stomachs and blood were weak and impoverished. “Safety first,” is a good slogan. Recklessness does not pay. Let us build a new stomach and make good blood, first, before we disregard sense, reason, experience and prudence.

If we live on such safe foods outlined, for a brief period, we give nature and our own stomachs an opportunity to build such a new, powerful and efficient stomach that we can smile at over-work, late hours, icy drinks, competitive games, cold water baths, coffee, fried food, heavy meals, abuse and misuse.

At the beginning of the Constructive Diet Period, we may begin with a leaf of tender lettuce, or with a small, tender celery heart, or with a leaf of tender romaine, or Chinese cabbage, or a half a cup of milk whey, in addition to the Recuperative Diet; then, gradually, introduce some of the other foods mentioned, until the stomach gains in strength and vigor, and commences its work with increased power. Hunger sensations will agitate us, and we will long for more solid food; but we should always remember that our appetite is perhaps ninety times stronger than our digestion. Appetite is a poor judge of the stomach.

All of the foods mentioned cannot always be found in our markets, in all localities, and in all seasons, but some of the foods can always be found. Such foods that we cannot find in our market, we may omit. We can, however, send to large cities for some foods. We can also raise a number of favorable greens, or buy the same from farmers; we can keep a few goats, or a young Jersey cow, and also a few egg-laying hens, so we may get fresh life-food, so much needed during this period of stomach building.


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So soon as the stomach can digest more solid food, we can assume our industrial duties, but not so long that the stomach cannot support our strength. It matters not whether we are ambitious, rich, poor, young or old, we must not use our strength at a critical period, as we cannot afford it. Jobs, or no jobs, studies or no studies, homes or no homes, we can never afford to use brain and muscles when the stomach is feeble and sick. If we must use brain and muscle at such a time, let us choose some easy work, and learn to conserve our strength. Let us keep that tongue in chains, that passion in fetters, that temper in irons, those emotions in captivity, those thoughts in stillness, those eyes at rest, those fingers motionless. To imitate a statue will develop self-control, self-repose, stillness and self-composure, at the same time as we build a new stomach. We are often such energetic fools that we waste enough of vital and brain energy to build a city as large as Buffalo. We ought to be willing to keep still and serene for sixty to ninety days, considering that we can turn ourselves loose for almost a life time later on.


It is now about seventy-five days since we commenced with the building of a new stomach. If we have been honest to ourselves, our stomachs will soon be able to digest heavier meals. Still, safety demands that we exercise prudence in the selection of foods. The following foods may now be introduced, more or less, into the dietary.


(In times of health)


(Broths tone the system)

Clam Broth Bone joint broth

Crab broth Gizzard broth

Oyster broth Broth from simmered

Lobster broth greens

King crab broth Fruit soup

Sea crab broth Milk soup

Fish broth Vegetable soup

Meat broth Tomato soup

Mutton broth Soup made of whole rice,

Raw meat juice, as pre- chicken and greens

viously mentioned.


Page 32: Building a New Stomach-1


(Steamed or Broiled)

Squab Chicken Goose liver

Tuna fish Turkey (young) Liver from deer

Weak fish Domestic duck Chicken liver

Whiting Domestic goose Turkey liver

Wild duck Cisco Calf’s liver

Pheasant Clams Lamb chops

Wild dove Oysters Lamb shoulder

Wild goose Lobsters Mutton shoulder

Woodcock Fresh crabs Roasted lamb

Flounder Crab meat Muskellungs

Fish roe Sea crab Pickerel

Plover King crab Pork tenderloin

Pompano Frog legs Red grouper

Porgy Gizzard Smoked whitefish

Quail Heart Fresh herring

Shad Young kidney Snipe

Sole Smelt Tongue

Sprat Young fowl Perch

Steaming, broiling or roasting, meat and fish destroys possible toxins, acids, and germs, which are present not only in meat and fish, but also in greens, vegetables, nuts, grain, and even in some fruits. Almost all foods contain undesirable acids, toxins, disease virus, and microscopic organisms, except in healthy blood, fresh milk from a healthy goat, or a young cow, or in eggs from thrifty, well-fed hens. But all food that can be eaten fresh from nature should not be cooked.

Many people object to meat and fish, but people in general do not. It is true that we should not eat meat and fish, not because it is a dangerous food, but for moral reasons. Nevertheless, meat and fish contain food elements that the food chemist cannot find in other foods, elements that are essential for health, for the internal glands, and for the nervous system. Where, for instance, can we find iodine, except in fish? Iodine has been washed into seas, lakes, and oceans by rains and floods. Most fish contain iodine, but most other foods are lacking in this important element. How


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much iodine do we find in whole wheat, oats, corn, barley? Ask the food chemist. Oysters, crabs, herring, turtle, shrimp, are high in iodine, so much needed for goiter and the neutralization of protein toxins, which toxins would injure the brain, unless iodine (iodothyrin) be normally supplied to, and by, the thyroid gland.


Alfalfa buds in salads Shallot in salads (for iron)

Fish salad (for iron and Chayote in salads (for

sodium) iron)

Avocado salad Peppermint in Salads (for

Tomato salad (but not gas)

use sour tomatoes) Salads of all eatable greens

Lettuce salad (for iron) (for life)

Dwarf-nettle salad (for Artichokes

iron) Artichoke chard

Romaine salad (for so- Asparagus tops (for as

dium) paragin)

Green peppers in salads Boiled beets (for sodium)

parsley in salads (stimu- Beet tops (for iron and so

lation) dium)

Cabbage sprouts (for Broccoli

iron) Cardoons

Raw meat juice for iron Crisp celery

and life Juices simmered out of

Young carrots greens

Celery heart (for natri- Chinese cabbage (for so-

um) dium)

Cauliflower with milk Chard (for sodium)

(for sodium) Dandelion (for potash)


Page 34: Building a New Stomach-1

Clover blossoms in salads Fresh lima beans (fur so-

(for vitamins) dium)

Young curly cabbage Globe artichokes (for

Melon iodine)

Green sugar peas ( not so Green butte~ beans (not

good) so good)

Kohi-rabi Green tender peas {fair)

Lettuce ( young, best) New Zealand spinach

Panama rhubarb (not so (iron)

good) Okra (sodium and chlorine)

Pumpkins (fair) Okra and tomatoes

Romaine (sodium) Eggplant (not fried)

Steamed onions (Iron) Senna leaves in salads

Corn on cob (fair) (laxative)

Young Swiss chard (so- Tender string beans with

dium) egg-white and pineapple

Vegetable marrow Burbank tomatoes

Good ripe watermelon Tomato sauce

Winter melon Spinach cooked and stirred

Collards 4 min. with only 3 tea-

Lambs’ lettuce (sodium) spoons water (for iron)

Sage in salads (tonic) Crispette lettuce (for

Marjoram in salads (sexu- iron)

al system)

REMARK: All greens and vegetables should be well washed in running water on both sides, and all decayed leaves should be discarded. Many greens and vegetables contain dust, dirt, creepers, wigglers, germs, dog dirt, acids, impurity, decomposition products, etc. Everything that can be washed off should be washed off before eating greens in their fresh state. A weak stomach must be guarded. A strong stomach is seldom effected by bacterial, or by parasitic life, nor by vegetable


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acids, toxins, or impurities. We should eat considerable of greens, salads and vegetables, in their fresh state, each day, as such foods are life-building foods. Cooked foods are almost dead foods, but are needed for certain uses in the body, just the same.


Anonas (if available) Elderberry juice

Stewed dried apples (fair) Sundried Imperial prunes

Avocado Fresh figs (very good)

Baked pippins Black sundried figs

Ripe bananas Fig sauce (no sugar)

Bergamot (if available) Fruit mucin

Black cherries Fruit peel gelatin (for

Light cherries nerves)

Black currants Whole rice-fruit pudding

Black currant sauce Nectarines

Dewberries, or sauce Florida oranges (best)

Dewberry juice Papaw (if available)

Blackberry juice Guava sauce

(but not berries) Bartlett pears

Blueberry juice, or sauce Persimmons

Blue Damsons Sebesten plums

Stewed sundried pears Strawberries (not sour,

Prune sauce for iron)

Simmered prunes Tangerines

Blackcaps (excellent) Wild cherry juice

Blackcap juice or sauce Green grapes (not grape

German prunes (If juice)

available) Grape sauce

Kumquats (only fair) Loquats (fair)


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Lemon juice on salads Mammee (If available)

Juice from limes on Mandarines (if available)

salads Mangoes (good for bad

Juice from grapefruit on odors of the body)

salads Mulberry juice (calming)

Pineapple Papaya Marmalade

Pineapple marmalade (Florida Products Co.,

Pineapple with cottage 220 N. E. 1st Ave.,

cheese Miami, Fl.)

Pineapple sauce Prune juice from sun-

Cooked peaches dried prunes

Almost all sorts of pears Prunes (not sour nor

Cantaloupes sulphured)

Satsuma plums Raisins in rice meal

Shaddock (a Chinese muffins

orange, grown here) Ripe olives

White currant sauce Dried olives (for potash)

Canned cherries Wild strawberries (for

Fresh, non-acid plums iron and sodium)


REMARKS: Fruits contain a great many fruit acids, harmful to many people. There are probably close to five thousand varieties of fruits and berries cultivated in the world. We have selected such fruits and berries that favor health in general. Many fruits act like poison on some people, but the foregoing fruits favor health, as a rule. There are some twelve hundred apple varieties cultivated in America, but of all of those apple varieties, there are only three varieties that agree with an acid, weak stomach. Apples do not favor the stomach in many types of people. Malic acid fruits seldom favor the health of the stomach, though there is one type of people that is benefited by malic acid fruit. It is better to eat fruit by itself, or to drink the juice from the fruit by itself.


Home-made rye bread, made of rye meal


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Whale rice meal muffins, made with raisins

Whole meal barley, rice and rye loaf

Whole meal barley, rice and rye muffins

Oatmeal bread, made of steel cut oatmeal, only

Oatmeal crackers

Muffins made of whole rice meal, Pettijohn’s breakfast food and cocoanut

Shredded wheat biscuits, sparingly

Oatmeal muffins, made of steel cut oatmeal, but no other

Grapenuts agree, but it is almost scorched to death


Boiled rice (whole grain)

Imported Ry-Krisp

Rye meal cereal and whole rice meal cereal foods are better for the health of the stomach, though bread in general is acid-forming. It may be necessary to grind our own rye and rice, to make bread, though such meal can also be purchased. But all cereal foods are acid-forming, without exception. Cereal foods should be eaten sparingly, even after the stomach is in perfect order. Rye sometimes contains ergot, though seldom. Rice contains a principle that is called oryzanin. Rye and rice are more safe for the stomach than other cereals.


A great deal of liquid should not be introduced at meals, when the stomach is weak, as it does not favor the vigor of the stomach. It is wise to drink between meals, and not within three hours after eating, nor after one hour previous to a meal.

The more favorable drinks are:

Distilled water, or filtered rain water, or clean, soft water

Good home made beer, low in alcoholic contents First class ginger ale mixed with juice from grapefruit

French Vichy

Blueberry juice

Dewberry juice

Blackcap juice

Egg-white water, simmered slowly


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Liquids simmered out from greens

Orange juice

Blackberry juice

Mulberry juice

Elderberry juice

Rice water

Cherry juice

Wild cherry juice

Plum water

Prune juice

Strawberry juice

Lemon, or lime, juice drinks

Pineapple whey

Peach juice and water

Milk whey

quickly soured goat milk, well beaten

Egg-yolk and orange juice, well beaten

Egg-white, milk and water, well beaten


Raw meat juice, with milk

Drinks made of boiling water and New Life Food Compound

Juniper berry beer, mild

Raw juices, pressed out of greens

Milk and water, half and half

Apollinaris and buttermilk, half and half

Here, we have more than thirty different health drinks, without drinking dope-drinks.


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Goat brown cheese, most valuable for blood and stomach

Goat milk cottage cheese, with pineapple or cream

Clean cow milk cottage cheese (from the milk of a young cow)

Imported Roquefort cheese

Swiss cheese (fair)

Goat cream butter (sparingly); (dairy butter


Goat buttermilk (agrees fairly well)

Quickly soured and well-beaten goat milk (fairly good)

Presbycasin (a specially prepared white cheese, of goat milk)

Fresh milk from goats or from a young cow (not good in acidity)

Home-made ice cream (not often favorable)


We are sorry to state that cakes, sweets and delicacies never favor the stomach. Angel food cake, made of fine whole wheat flour, favors the stomach function. Sour cream cake is fairly good for a healthy stomach, but generally unfavorable. We know of no sweets, no delicacies, no oils ,no honeys, that favor the health of the stomach.


Puddings are never favorable. The puddings that do least harm are:

Whole rice fruit pudding

Bread pudding

Milk and rice pudding

But all puddings are acid-forming, and bad for the stomach.


Nuts are positively harmful for most types of people. The least harmful nuts are:

Almonds (not bleached and sulphured)



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Thin-shelled pecans

It is better to leave nuts alone when the stomach is weak.

Let us leave alone all manufactured foods, all processed flours, all artificially dried, sulphured, preserved, bleached fruits, flours and foods, all bottled goods, all dope drinks, all drugs, all bakery goods, all laboratory-prepared food, all doctored milk, butter and cream, all manufactured beef juices, doped meats, and sausages, all commercial fruit juices, soda-fountain drinks, jams, jellies, extracts, table salt, sugar, candy, starches, and vinegar-soaked foods. Let us leave them alone for one year, and live exclusively on those foods, drinks and tonics recommended in this book, and watch the results. When we have tried everything under the sun, and still suffer from stomach trouble, our own blood and a correct diet will cure us.


We must not eat regular meals when we are bothered with stomach trouble. Regular menus, at such a time, are positively injurious. Heavy meals are dangerous. We should eat simple meals, and eat often. We should become nibblers. We should eat when we are hungry, only. If we are never hungry, we should live on such nutritive food juices that do not require digestion, juices that pass out of the stomach in a few minutes, and that never tax the stomach at all. When the stomach is en-feebled, it cannot digest food. Eating regular and heavy meals, at such a time, is as foolish as it is reckless. It is equally foolish, then, to plan regular menus three times a day. So long as we eat according to a menu system, the stomach will never reconstruct itself. Meals, menus, a regular eating system—all are out of question. We should treat the stomach about the same as we treat a little, weak and sickly infant A spoonful of food, or the smallest, simplest meal of the most nutritive alkaline, lenitive and non-toxic kind, is all that we should eat. When the stomach is inflamed, or full of poisonous1 burning gases, or when it is sour, or fermented, or contracted, or elongated, or when it hangs down like an empty, lifeless bag, or when it is full of decaying, fermenting beef, fish, fried potatoes, doughnuts, butter, coffee, pie, cake, etc., or when its walls are thickened, or when there are fatty, or moldy, or cancerous, growths in the stomach, or when it is strengthless, almost dead, or when it boils, swells, and works like a dough, or when it is poisoned by its own contents, or when some other unfavorable gastric condition prevails-- it stands to reason that regular meals, and menus, are out of the question. When the stomach is only more disturbed by our insane menus, eating, drinking, dopery, and drugging, is it not rational to any thinking man, or woman, that a complete stomach rest is imperative? Simple, easily digested food is the safer food, at such a time. But when the stomach has been so enfeebled that it cannot digest any kind of solid food, highly alkaline and nutritive juices that do not tax the stomach, nor stay in the stomach more than a few minutes, are absolutely imperative. Then, the stomach needs a complete rest for some time. At such a time, we do not realize how weak the stomach is. We may feel hungry; we may think that we can eat anything, and may even indulge in heavy meals for a day or two, but we soon learn a lesson that we will not forget, if we use our higher judgment. We soon learn that it is our appetite that is strong, and that our stomach is still weak. If we would only remember this fact, and use our brain and judgment, we would not listen to the voice of appetite, nor demand complex menus and heavy meals, three times a day, before we have a new stomach, stronger than it was even in youth. During the Critical and the Constructive Periods of stomach building, let us forget all about menus, the three-meal-a-day system of eating, social custom, manufactured foods, and everything that does not favor the health of the stomach. To eat a heavy meal all at once, and fill the stomach full of food, is a bad practice. Chicken, birds, cows, goats, sheep, horses, deer, and


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other animals, are all nibblers. They eat all day long, and little at the time. They never give their stomach a rest, but they never eat a heavy meal all at once. It has been said, by doctors, that the stomach needs a rest between heavy meals. But we should not eat a heavy meal all at once, and then rest the stomach for a few hours. We should eat often, and litt1e at the time. The three-meal-a-day system, regular menus, heavy meals, with intervals of stomach rest, are detrimental to the health, and integrity of the stomach. The stomach needs no more rest than the lungs, blood, heart, kidneys, or some other function in the body. But the stomach needs a smaller load at one time, and more evenly distributed. We should eat email meals and often. In fact, meals are not needed. We should nibble, now and then, and not eat regular meals, the same as animals, birds, children. There should be food in the stomach all day long, when we are active, but never in big quantities. A heavy meal taxes the stomach too much at one time, but small meals, eaten often, do not overwork the stomach. To eat three heavy meals a day with intervals of “rest,” is a pernicious system. Moreover, the stomach gets no rest by such a method. For the stomach is compelled to work like a Missouri mule to get that breakfast mass of a mixture out of itself by noon. Has the stomach had a rest since breakfast? Surely not. It has been overworked, abused and misused. It is worn out by noon, but at noon comes another cart-load (menu) of—.

“Sliced roast beef

Highland potatoes

White bread

Head lettuce salad

Fruit salad

Raspberry preserve

Orange sauce



One to three cups of coffee

A glass or two of ice cold water

Ice cream, perhaps,

and, also, cheese at the close of the meal.” Then, the stomach gets another “rest” until six or seven o’clock. Rest! Do we give the stomach rest by such eating methods continued year in and year out? Great rest for the stomach! Yet, doctors tell us that we should eat three meals a day, and give the stomach a rest. Great “rest” for the poor stomach! Is it any wonder that we are a nation of dyspeptics, with our three-meals-a-day, our fashionable menus, our heavy meals, our food mixtures, our stomach “rest,” our starch and sugar-gluttony, our scientific pills, and bloody operation tables?


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Good Blood Can Cure Stomach Trouble ...................................................................

How Most Doctors Feel and Why Doctors Use Latin and Greek..............................

What Ruins the Stomach?..........................................................................................

How the Soul Engineer and the Blood Build a New Stomach ..................................

General Rules for Stomach Building ........................................................................

Acidity the Main Cause of Stomach Trouble ............................................................

Symptoms of Stomach Trouble .................................................................................

Good Blood Cures Stomach Trouble, Pills Never Cure ............................................

Different Causes of Stomach Trouble........................................................................

How to Build a New Stomach ...................................................................................

How to Rest the Stomach....................................................................................... ...

Building a New Stomach on Faith and Hope.............................................................

Breathing That Favors Stomach Building..................................................................

The Diet That Ruined Your Stomach ........................................................................

Meals and Habits of Eating........................................................................................

How to Make An Acid Stomach Alkaline .................................................................

Row to Contract a Dilated Stomach ..........................................................................

Blood-Building Material for the Building of a New Stomach...................................

Two Reconstructive Stomach Building Periods ........................................................

The Critical Diet Period.............................................................................................

Position In Bed Favoring the Stomach ......................................................................

Hot, Wet Stomach Applications ................................................................................

How to Make Hot, Wet Applications ........................................................................

Stomach Massage.......................................................................................................


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Gastric Acidity, Bloating, Gas and Constipation.......................................................

Constipation Laxatives...............................................................................................

The Constructive Diet Period.....................................................................................

Continuation of the Constructive Diet Period............................................................

General List of Foods From Which to Select Our Menus .........................................

Meat and Fish.............................................................................................................

Vegetables and Greens ..............................................................................................

Fruits and Berries.......................................................................................................


Dairy Products ...........................................................................................................

Cakes, Sweets and Delicacies ....................................................................................


Nuts ............................................................................................................................

Do Three Meals a Day and Menus Favor the Stomach .............................................