building a communications committee

Building A Communications Committee; A Plan For Your Organization Joe Mueller Mueller Communications Community Service Public Relations Council 2013 Spectrum Conference

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Joe Mueller, Principal of Mueller Communications, presented on building a communications committee at the Community Service Public Relations Council's 2013 Spectrum Conference on May 7, 2013. Get more information on improving your organizations communications at


Page 1: Building a communications committee

Building A Communications Committee;

A Plan For Your Organization

Joe Mueller

Mueller Communications

Community Service Public Relations Council

2013 Spectrum Conference

Page 2: Building a communications committee

Always ask, ‘Why?’

Simon Sinek’s TED Talk 10.4 million views “Start With Why” book

published in 2009

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Why are you here?Objectives Why you need to develop a committee, group or

team? Where do you get volunteers for committee—

players for the team? How do you get organized and execute? How do you evaluate performance? Takeaway: 2 or 3 action items. Who is going to do

what and by when?

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Why build a committee or group? Assist with creating, maintaining

content—your organization’s story Assist with specific channels—

print, web, social media, etc. Become an executive producer or

editor—a project manager Become better at strategy—create

time to survey landscape/battlefield

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Why build a committee or group? Increase institutional knowledge

of marketing & communications Increase efficiency—better

results without substantially increased overhead

You can’t do it all Free your psychic RAM

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Review your organization’s mission Why do we exist? What are foundational elements for operating?



Awareness—who needs to know we exist?

People—volunteers, staff

Program—services and activities

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EVERYONE in your organizationplays a role in communications

Establish a clear vision you want to achieve Use your plan as a map—everyone gets something

from your success Get buy-in from,

Executive director Staff Board Key volunteers Key funders, donors

Create benchmarks and reporting mechanisms

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Primary functions of your committee Develop, implement and evaluate the plan Identify, communicate trends Communicate to audiences Support delivery of the organization’s program

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Primary functions of your committee Promote new programs, projects Create consistent messages Create content Conduct, analyze and utilize research

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Talent Defin









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Identify your needs Publications Photography Video Website (analytics) Digital—e-newsletter and social media Writing and editing Research Media relations Special events support

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John,CEO ofWOMP.R.

Cindy, Owner of Web Solutions

Tim, Production Mgr. KWMU-TV

Ella, VP of Rather Marketing

Greg, Freelance Graphic Design

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Sample Organization Chart


Social Media





Program Promotion

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Committee or group structure Chairman, member of governing board Get more brains in the game—assemble people with

contacts and influence to brainstorm ideas for people to serve on committee

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Committee or group structure Where to find committee members

Local college, university marketing and business departments

Ad agencies, PR firms Radio, television stations AMA (American Marketing Assoc.) PRSA (Public

Relations Society of America), IABC (International Association of Business Communicators)

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Committee or group structure Where to find committee members

Corporate marketing, advertising, graphic design companies

Freelance writers, designers, photographers Newspapers, magazines, other print media Companies with large marketing presence University and school district communications, public

relations coordinators

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Developing an integrated plan Conduct a communications audit SWOT analysis of five fundamental areas of

operations Determine your organization’s most important

objectives Determine the tactics you will implement to

accomplish each objective

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ObjectivesIncrease individual donations

Increase clients

Improve Awareness Of Prevention Programs

Assist upcoming capital campaign for new facility

Increase participation in volunteer training

Establish awareness of endowment fund

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Increase participation in volunteer training

Increase individual donations

Increase client services








Direct Mail

Direct Mail

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Implementing, executing the plan Build a team that can serve your organization, OR Assign people to work with program department

and request assistance for services Establish editorial calendar Create accountability—meetings, scorecards More information on planning:

Attend Allison Collinger’s session today at 3:15 p.m. Visit:

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Review—are our initiatives moving the organization forward?

Review your organizational metrics or scorecards How do we improve, be more effective? Celebrate success

Share results with staff, volunteers, board Earn, maintain a ‘seat at the table’

Stay on top of trends Do we need more help? Do we need help in new, specific area?

FEEDBACK IS A GIFT—accept positive or negative response as precious

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Recognition Reward your team Build camaraderie, enthusiasm Celebrate success People jump ON bandwagons and OFF sinking ships

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Joe MuellerBlog/Website:


E-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @jfmueller

Cell: (636) 232-7730