build your own security lab - gbv

Build Your Own Security Lab A Field Guide for Network Testing Michael Gregg WILEY Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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Page 1: Build Your Own Security Lab - GBV

Build Your Own Security Lab

A Field Guide for Network Testing

Michael Gregg


Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Page 2: Build Your Own Security Lab - GBV




Chapter 1 Hardware and Gear Why Build a Lab? Hackers Welcome

Hacker Software Hacker Hardware

The Essential Gear Obtaining Requisite Hardware /Software

Stuff You Already Have New-Equipment Purchases Used-Equipment Purchases

Online Auctions Thrift Stores Company Sales

Assembling the Network Lab Starting Clean Configuring the Network Installing Operating Systems

Windows XP Linux

Connecting Everything Together Adding On

Summary Key Terms Exercises

Equipment Checklist Exploring Linux Options Exploring Other Operating System Options



1 2 4 4 5 8 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 21 21 23 23 25 26 27 28 28 29 30


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xiv Contents

Chapter 2 Building a Software Test Platform 31 Server OS Installations 31

Microsoft Windows 32 Linux 36

Navigating in Linux 39 Linux Basics 41

Other Operating Systems 44 Mac OS X 44 ReactOS 45 Windows PE 45

Virtualization 47 VMware Workstation 48 VMware Server 51 Virtual PC 52

Client-Side Tools 53 Learning Applications 55 Summary 56 Key Terms 57 Exercises 58

Using VMware to Build a Windows Image 58 Using VMware to Build a ReactOS Image 59 Running BackTrack from VMware 60

Chapter 3 Passive Information Gathering 63 Starting at the Source 64

Scrutinizing Key Employees 68 Dumpster Diving (Electronic) 71 Analyzing Web Page Coding ,. 74 Exploiting Web Site Authentication Methods 77

Mining Job Ads and Analyzing Financial Data 80 Using Google to Mine Sensitive Information 83 Exploring Domain Ownership 84

WHOIS 85 Regional Internet Registries 88 Domain Name Server 89 Identifying Web Server Software 93 Web Server Location 95

Summary 96 Key Terms 97 Exercises 98

IP Address and Domain Identification 98 Information Gathering 99 Google Hacking 100 Banner Grabbing 101

Telnet 101 Netcat 102

VisualRoute 103

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Contents xv

Chapter 4 Detecting Live Systems Detecting Active Systems

Wardriving ICMP (Ping)

Port Scanning TCP/IP Basics

The Network Access Layer The Internet Layer The Host-to-Host Layer The Application Layer

TCP and UDP Port Scanning Advanced Port-Scanning Techniques

Idle Scan Port-Scanning Tools

Nmap SuparScan Other Scanning Tools

OS Fingerprinting Passive Fingerprinting Active Fingerprinting

OS Fingerprinting Tools Scanning Countermeasures Summary Key Terms Exercises

Port Scanning with Nmap Port Scanning with SuperScan Using Look@LAN Passive Fingerprinting Active Fingerprinting

Chapter 5 Enumerating Systems Enumeration

SNMP Services SNMP Enumeration Tools SNMP Enumeration Countermeasures

Routing Devices Routing Enumeration Tools Routing Enumeration Countermeasures

Windows Devices Server Message Block and Interprocess Communication Enumeration and the IPC$ Share Windows Enumeration Tools Windows Enumeration Countermeasures

Advanced Enumeration Password Cracking Protecting Passwords

105 105 106 107 111 111 112 113 116 117 120 123 123 126 126 129 129 131 131 134 135 136 139 140 141 141 142 143 144 146

149 149 150 152 153 154 156 158 161 163 164 165 168 170 170 174

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xvi Contents

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Sniffing Password Hashes Exploiting a Vulnerability Buffer Overflows

Summary Key Terms Exercises

SNMP Enumeration Enumerating Routing Protocols Enumeration with DumpSec Rainbow Table Attacks

Automated Attack and Penetration Tools Why Attack and Penetration Tools Are Important Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Source Code Assessment Tools Application Assessment Tools System Assessment Tools

Attributes of a Good System Assessment Tool Nessus

Automated Exploit Tools Metasploit

Metasploit Web Metasploit Console Metasploit Command-Line Interface Updating Metasploit

ExploitTree Exploitation Framework

Core Impact CANVAS

Determining Which Tools to Use Picking the Right Platform Summary Key Terms Exercises

Metasploit BackTrack Metasploit Windows Exploring N-Stalker, a Vulnerability Assessment Tool Exploring the Web Site

Understanding Cryptographic Systems Encryption

Secret Key Encryption Data Encryption Standard Triple DES Advanced Encryption Standard

One-Way Functions (Hashes) MD Series

174 175 178 180 180 181 181 184 185 187

189 190 190 191 192 192 194 195 203 203 204 209 211 211 212 212 213 214 214 215 215 216 216 217 219 221 222

225 225 227 229 230 231 231 232

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Contents xvii

SHA 232 Public Key Encryption 232

RSA 233 Diffie-Hellman 234 El Gamal 235 Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem 235

Hybrid Cryptosystems 235 Authentication 236

Password Authentication 237 Password Hashing 237 Challenge-Response 240

Session Authentication 241 Public Key Authentication 242 Public Key Infrastructure 242

Certificate Authority 242 Registration Authority 243 Certificate Revocation List 243 Certificate-Based Authentication 243

Biometrics 245 Encryption and Authentication Attacks 247

Extracting Passwords 248 Password Cracking 249

Dictionary Attack ^ 249 Brute-Force Attack 250 Rainbow Table 250

Other Cryptographic Attacks 251 Summary 252 Key Terms 253 Exercises 254

RainbowCrack 254 CrypTool 255 John the Ripper 257

Chapter 8 Defeating Malware 259 The Evolving Threat 259 Viruses and Worms 261

Viruses 261 Worms 264 Timeline 265 Detecting and Preventing 269 Antivirus 269

Trojans 271 Infection Methods 272 Symptoms 273 Weil-Known Trojans 273 Modern Trojans 274 Distributing Trojans 274

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xviii Contents

Rootkits Spyware Botnets Phishing Summary Key Terms Exercises

Virus Signatures Building Trojans Rootkits Finding Malware

Securing Wireless Systems Wi-Fi Basics

Wireless Clients and NICs Wireless Access Points Wireless Communication Standards Bluetooth Basics

Wi-Fi Security Wired Equivalent Privacy Wi-Fi Protected Access 802.1x Authentication

Wireless LAN Threats Wardriving

NetStumbler Kismet

Eavesdropping Rogue and Unauthorized Access Points Denial of Service

Exploiting Wireless Networks Finding and Assessing the Network Setting Up Aerodump Configuring Aireplay Deauthentication and ARP Injection Capturing IVs and Cracking the WEP KEY Other Wireless Attack Tools Exploiting Bluetooth

Securing Wireless Networks Defense in Depth Misuse Detection

Summary Key Terms Exercises

Using NetStumbler Using Wireshark to Capture Wireless Traffic

276 278 281 282 282 283 284 284 285 285 289

291 292 293 294 294 296 297 297 299 301 302 302 304 307 307 311 312 313 314 314 315 315 316 317 318 318 318 319 320 321 322 322 323

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Contents xix

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Intrusion Detection Overview of Intrusion Detection and Prevention IDS Types and Components IDS Engines An Overview of Snort

Platform Compatibility Assessing Hardware Requirements

Installing Snort on a Windows System MySQL Limiting Access Installing the Base Components

Basic Configuration Verification of Configuration

Building Snort Rules The Rule Header Logging with Snort Rule Options Creating and Testing a Simple Rule Set

The Snort User Interface IDScenter

Installing IDScenter Configuring IDScenter

Basic Analysis and Security Engine Advanced Snort: Detecting Buffer Overflows Responding to Attacks /Intrusions Summary Key Terms Exercises

Building a Snort Windows System Making a One-Way Data Cable

Forensic Detection Computer Forensics Acquisition

Drive Removal and Fingerprint Drive-Wiping Logical and Physical Copies

Logical Copies Physical Copies Imaging the Drive

Authentication Trace-Evidence Analysis

Browser Cache Email Evidence Deleted/Overwritten Files and Evidence Other Trace Evidence

325 325 326 328 330 331 331 333 333 333 334 337 339 342 343 345 345 347 349 349 349 350 355 356 357 360 360 361 361 363

365 366 367 369 371 372 373 374 374 376 379 382 383 385 386

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xx Contents

Hiding Techniques Common File-Hiding Techniques Advanced File-Hiding Techniques Steganography

Antiforensics Summary Key Terms Exercises

Detecting Hidden Files Basic File-Hiding Advanced File-Hiding

Reading Email Headers Use S-Tools to Embed and Encrypt a Message

About the DVD System Requirements Using the DVD What's on the DVD Troubleshooting Customer Care

387 387 389 391 395 396 396 397 397 397 398 399 400

405 405 406 406 408 408

Index 409