build tic tac toe with javascript (3:28)

Build Tic Tac Toe in Javascript March 2017

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Build Tic Tac Toe in Javascript

March 2017

About me

• Jasjit Singh

• Self-taught developer

• Worked in finance & tech

• Co-Founder Hotspot

• Thinkful General Manager

About us

Thinkful prepares students for web development & data science jobs with 1-on-1 mentorship programs

Notes for tonight

• Made for beginners, but it will be challenging

• Don’t give up, try to struggle for the answer

• We will probably be going over 1.5 hours :(

• But… we’ll be here after for one-on-one help

• Ask for help if you’re confused

Junior Mentors

Matt Sebastian Connor Erikson Jacob Askew

Format for tonight

• Crash course on a concept

• See how it is implemented in the code

• Try a challenge in the starter code

User story

• Opens to a blank 3 x 3 grid

• Player 1 clicks on a square, fills in an “X”

• Player 2 clicks on another square, fills in an “O”

• Alert pops up when a player wins, restarts game

• If no one wins, alert pops up, restarts game

Creating the board

HTML overview

HTML elements usually consist of an opening tag, closing tag, and some content. These elements also have attributes.

<table border=“1”> #html element starts here

<tr> #body element starts here

<td height=“50” width=“50”></td> #this is an HTML element

</tr> #body element ends here

</table> #html element ends here

Starter code

• We’ve done this for you

• Everything from now on will be Javascript!

• JSFiddle:

Note on different approaches

• There are many ways to solve coding problems

• Your job is to make the right trade-offs

• Here’s our preferred way…

Our approach

1 2 4

8 16 32

64 128 256

Each square is given a value so that if you add up any combination of values, you’ll get a different number

Our approach

1 2 4

8 16 32

64 128 256

After each turn, we’ll add up the “score” for each player to see if they win (i.e. add up to a winning number)






Javascript 101 — Variables

• A variable is a name that is attached to a value

• Gives us a shorthand way to refer to it elsewhere

• Can be string, number, boolean, objects, and arrays…

• Variables also help us manage state (turn = “X”)

var firstVariable = “hello world”;

Challenge: What variables do we need?

We’ll be using three main variables throughout the program to “manage state”. What do we want to remember for the whole program?

Can you figure out what these will need to be?


These variables track where players are in the game

Javascript 101 — Arrays

• With arrays we can store a list of items in a single variable

• We use “brackets” to refer to an array in our code

• The stored item can be a number, string, array, object, etc…

• Each array is “indexed” and starts with 0, then 1, etc

• var firstItem = wins[0] saves 5 to firstItem variable

• What will wins[2] return?

var wins = [5, 10, 15];

Challenge: Fill in “wins” variable

In your starter code, set the win variable to an array with the list of winning scores


wins = [7, 56, 84, 73, 146, 273, 292, 448]

Adding a second array…

<td> <td> <td>

<td> <td> <td>

<td> <td> <td>


Javascript 101 — Functions

• A function is a block of code that can be executed

• You declare a function by defining a name for it (see above)

• You can call that function by adding doSomething()to code

• Javascript has a lot of built-in functions (alert(“Hello”))

function doSomething () {alert(“it’s done”);


Javascript 101 — Parameters and Return

• You can also send a “parameter” to the function (the input)

• You can also “return” a value from the function (the output)

function doSomething (string) {return string;


Challenge: “Call” the start new game function

In the init_game() function, call the the start new game function (replace TODO in init_game)


Another (quick) challenge


Javascript 101: Objects

• Data structure with a “key” and a “value”

• The “key” is always a string, “value” can by anything*

• Can have many different kinds of values in an object

• For example, score[“X”] would return 0

• To add a new value, score[“T”] = 0;

score = { “X”: 0, “O”: 0 }

Score will be tracked with an object…

Adding click “listeners” to the boxes

Javascript 101 — “For” loops

• Used to run same code again and again with different values

• Parameter #1: Executed before the loop starts

• Parameter #2: Defines the condition for running the loop

• Parameter #3: Executed after the loop is done

• This loop will print “Javascript!” five times

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {console.log(“Javascript!”)


First For Loop

Challenge (trickier!)


Javascript 101: If/Else Statements

• Enables program to do different things based on conditions

• You can use if, else if or else

• If the statement in parentheses is true, it will execute that block

• Otherwise the program will move to the next block

if (turn == “O”) {console.log(“It’s O’s turn”);

} else if (turn == “X”) {console.log(“It’s X’s turn”);

} else {console.log(“It’s no one’s turn”);



After each move, what are the three possible outcomes?

Challenge (even trickier!)


Another challenge


Final challenge (maybe) — run the program!



Another Bonus!

There’s a massive bug in our code (to keep it simpler). Can you figure out what it is?

More about Thinkful

• Anyone who’s committed can learn to code

• 1-on-1 mentorship is the best way to learn

• Flexibility matters — learn anywhere, anytime

• We only make money when you get a job

Our Program

You’ll learn concepts, practice with drills, and build capstone projects for your own portfolio — all guided by a personal mentor

Our Mentors

Mentors have, on average, 10+ years of experience

Our Results

Job Titles after GraduationMonths until Employed

Special Introductory Offer

• Two-week program, includes six mentor sessions for $50

• Starts with HTML/CSS/Javascript

• Option to continue into full web development bootcamp

• Talk to me (or email me) if you’re interested

October 2015

Questions? [email protected]

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