buifa bmlleftm. -...

... -- i. r-- -i ... -T te ytfpw'; '' ?,''T"1 TjjpW,.M3flJMBBg yrrsy -- j1' 7 tTi y' wswvfy t t "JtfgftgMW? '"'9 & - $styr J'"g'P '"T7 ;! 4 , rv oUJUTv , -- W j Buifa BmlleftM. H. MONDAY, DECEMBER :', 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIII. NO. 1202. HONOLULU, 1., THE DAILY BULLETIN MINTED AND EVERY AFTERNOON axuirr icMUAY it tb Dully Bulletin Publishing Co., LU, AT Till OfHUi 136 328 Vsretuat St., Hosotala, B. I. rtllltHOIllPTlON-B- lx Uollam a Yarn. in Honolulu at Kirrr Oawre a Miinth, in adrance. fUE WEEKLY iiOLLETIN - IU PUHMBHKD-IUVHJR.- "V TUBBDAY VI KotIR DftLlAM a Yiai to Domestic, mil Kira Doi.t.Mio to Foreign Hnhwrllmr nayable In advance BOOK AND JOB PRINTING mill ID Keratin TTL IV) 1 IUITH TKI.KPllONKl far- - P. o. iiox . a Daily Hni.taTi In printed and pub llalied by tbe Dally llulletin Publlshta? Company, Limited, at it offlce. Mer chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian let audi. Daniel Iok.hi, editor, reside on Aissea nirtei, nnnoiuiu, aroresatil. Address letters tor the pair 'Kdltor Ui'i.b(Tih," and business letteri " Manager Dally lliilletlu Publishing Company.' Usinu a Dentinal address mav ratise ilelav in attention. Huatncae Oarda. LKWEUS UOOKK. l 4Mb IUm.ii i, ,i,-- ei, ,. li. aiaii iir Miiildihu Matiiiai. Kort Street, Honolulu H. HAaKPKJLO dk CO.. Uimsil Oomwisniii tHitn hurt ami queen Blreeu. Honolulu. tttO. 8. SMITH1KA "'' l'Ulll, III..... -- .t. Mahukuna, Kohala, Hawaii. TU08. LINOBAT, MAabrAirriiiinM JlDILII tan e tTiiN MAKBa. Kttkui Jitwelry a (iMHliailr. t'artiuulai aitentlmi paid ui all kind of repair Campbell lllock, Merchant Street. HONOLULU IBON WOUKS. tlTaAM Knhihu, Boua Muu Huil.u, OonLSkN Uon, Hiiak. hi l,.r Oakiiwi. Machinery of Krery DviMiriptiuii M UUe lu Order. I'artlcillur attention paid to Hlilnl' BlAckiiulthliig. Job Work atiHiuutil ai UI....I . lk.'.t..A w..i t.uiit'r, K. A. JACOBSON, WaTOIIMAKBH AND .JrCWKI.KK OU3 Fort Htrret. Hnnnlnh. M I P. O. llox 287. Mutual Tele. . FRED. IIAItniSON, CONTKAOTOU AND BuiI.DKK. Kstlmates kIvoii on all kinds of llrlck, Iron, Hlone and Woodon Uul.dlngs. Job-hin- t; of all kinds. JIulldlliK Matorlal for tmlti. 310 ami OIL' King strt'ut. ltesldence Teleplume, Hell 227; P. O. Pox 11. DR. C. W. MOORE, H00 Van Mess Are., 8. P., Cat. Blegut AjMrtaeitt for PaUenU. iLsttsiuiTif in aaavocs dibbarbh. aT" Dr. Moore oUera Invalids all the comforts of home, with constant and care- ful treatment. Hefer to H. H. Macfarlane. WM-- tf C. 8. B1PLBT & ARTHUR RBYNOLDS, AR.OHITBOT8, orriua; New rJafe Deposit Bulldliia, Fort street, Honolulu, H. I. Plans, Bpecltlcatloni and Superintend. no Ktren for Kvery Description of Build lua. Old Building successlully Kmod. ailed and Enlarged. Deslvin for Interior Decorations. Mars oi Merimni"! Draw- ing, Traclni: and nine 1'rlntliiK. Drawliigs for Hook or Newspnper llliutrutloii METROPOLITAN iEATCo7 fit 8iisi ISSi Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND - UAVT COHTKACTORS ti, J.Waukii, i t Uauttur. WH. 6. IRWIN St GO. (Ulmlteci) UrPBU POU HAliS KK UTILIZERS scat. cio(i a oas CeieonusH Hltf Grade Cue Hum. We era alio prepared to take order Air Mnaara. N. Otllflktldt aaOo.'a Vaarttllaiaarai disarm; prompt dolirers KOI LED LUCOL! WThU l a eutierior Faint Oil, oon-inni- tent plament than Llneead Oil, and Klring a latllnR brilliancy to eolora. Deed with drier It aire a inlendld Door or urfare Liimt Oerxieni. ' irMltHIJHAfUi HAJ.MO Patrb-ai- t Caiihtf (.' CMMi Beat m "n.' Gomponods, Roofing & Paper, ii'd'i pubii 3tio Pip cifiriM JartKM' DUaeifl, Eiaael Bter- - KKwcialij iwaiimi tor Vaoiiuui fan Wm.G.lrwiDKo. .LIMITKDi Wru ti. Irwm. I'reddenl and Mauagvr Ulan Hprerkeft W M.UIirard Hecreury and Treaiorar J'hao ) 'nH Auditor Sigar Factors AND COOJIZIIBHIOU A(HUtH oaar ur thb Oceanic Steiashlp Ctapuj , OK HAN PKANUJ8UU, OAU Bicr.L Tku .T8l. Mutual Tku fl07. P.O. IIOX 32I. HONOLULU 'jirrijige Manufactory I28 & ISO FOHT BTHKKT. Carriage Builder AND llKPAIKElt. Blacksmithing IN ahkh. Orders from the other Island In Balldlai, Trlautlig, PalatU, Ete., Etc., Promptly Attended to. W. W. WRIGHT, Prop. iHnoresaor to O. West,) 414 BOTH TKLKPHONKH 414 lli:STACE&C(). COAL Mi units In any quantity from . haic to a ton. CHARCOAL from one ban to any quantity FIREWOOD In L leiiKths and 8a wed or Bpllt from a bag to any quantity; also WHITE & BLACK SAND AT THE ANCHOR Ojratar Cocktail I Bauor Brunnen I Froderlckaburg Bear I Straight and Mixed Drinks Of All Kind aud liest Quality. ftoBtmwaat doraar Ui 4 Raaua It. BEACH GROVE WAIKIKI. Bathing and Picnic - Resort For Fumllitm, ladles and Ohl'dren. THIMB KKXHONAIILK. UBAS. F. WARNEH, : : . : Manager. The Europttn Lunch Rooms CHOCK HI Nil, Proprietor, Hotel titreut, nearly opposite llcthfil blrt'ut, First-Cla- s Mods at ModeraH Prices At all Hours. 1'iitronaue HollolU'd. U&7-3I- U Dtissmakiig. IIHH UI.AIIKK HAH HKTUUNKII 11 tr.im toe uim' and will r.siime Dussiuakliiu at 3J lUirclaula tiu HbU-t- Pacific Mail S.S. Go. aml' rue Occtaenui and Oneoui S. S. Co. Par TOKOIAMA ui 10NQI0N0. Btaamer of the abort Oompantei will oall at Uonolaln on their way to the abore porta on or abont the following dateti Btmr "OOKANIO"... December It, 1KM Btmr"OHINA" January 21, 180 Btmr "OOKANIO". .February 1, 1K Rtmr "OHINA" April il. IK far BANFSANC1SCU Otaaineri of the abore Oumtianie will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong kona and Yokohama to the abore port on abont the followlnr 'later-- Btmr"OURANI0"..Norember IU, 1894 Stmt "OHINA" December 31, 1KM 8tmr "OAK1.IO" February IU, lttSO Btmr'TKHU" March 29, 1898 Btrar "UAKLIO" April 28, 185J6 IITI8 OP fASSISI All US FOLLOWS: MTOko ii noun UAH OKO. Oatiifi. tm u Dabin, round trip month M ii pa rabln, round trip 1 month.. , , an t. 116 it Knropeaii Burage iiW on Ba?" Paaaeiiger payin full tnrr will lu percent oil return '" if niuin-In- within twelre month Kur Krelght and i'amM(r ipl u a HACKFELD k CO., kW7 tl Aynnta. Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service Per'SaiFnuicifwu. The New aud Fine AI Hteel Htai.ihu "MONOWAI" Of the Ocvanir rJteamshlp Vonitiaiiy wii o da at Honolulu from Sydney and Aurk land on or about December 13th And will leare for the above inirt with Malls and Passenger on or abont that dale. Por Sydiey u. AaokJju4 : The New and Fine Al Bleel Bteamshii M " MARIPOSA Of tbe Ooeanlo Bteamshlp Cumimiiy will b dne at Honoluln, from Ban e'rannoco. on or about December 20th Aud will nara prompt denpaici with Mans ana passenger for the abo ve ports The undenlKnad are now prepared to issue THOUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IR THK UNITED STATUS M9" tot further particular renardinn Krelfc-h- t or Passage apply to TM. 0. IKWM CO., LU., w Oaaaral Aau. Oceanic Steamship Go. Time Tettol LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Houulnlu Leave Honoluln from 8. F for B. F. Dec. 1 Di-c- . H Den iO Jnn 6 Jan. l Feb. 'J Feb. a Match.! March 21 March 30 AprPai April '.T May IH Mav ' June 15 JuiierJ July 13 Juiy au Auk. IU auk. 7 Bepi 7 Bupf 14 Oci.fi Oct Yi Nova Nov. U THROUGH LINE. From rJau FranclHoo Krom Bydney foi for Bydney Han Francisco. Arriv Himolulu L$aw fonoulu MlHIPOHA.Den 00 MONOWAI, Dec 13 MONOWAI, Jan. 17 AI.AMKDA. Jan 10 AI.AMKDA, Feb. II MAItll'O.MA Feb 7 MAltll'OHA Mar It MONOWAI, Mar. 7 MONOWAI Apr II AI.AMKDA Apr. I AI.AMKDA May U MAKIPOHA Msy 'i MAltll'OHA Junnli MONOWAI, Mai l MONOWAI, July 4 AI.AMKDA, June 7 AllDOIIrim, vuy. I AiAiuriiHA jiii) an MAKIPOHA, Aun.ttl i MONOWAI, Ailir i MONOWAI, Bept.VO . AI.AM DA pt 111 AI.AMKDA, Oct 24 MAltll'OHA Oni. 17 Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd BBjPLiA.NA.DH3: Cor, Altai k Fort 8U . Hnnulnla IK)IilirSTHl Ar CO., I0MU Ak-eil- Canadian-Australia- n steamers ot the above Una, running In connection witu tti' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Itetwcen VanroiiTRr. . 0., and Bydney, N. Honolulu and A.R-B- Q DXJH3 A.T On or about the dates from Hydney and Sura, for Victoria and Vancouver, B. O.t Derember2 Btmr "MIOWKKA" January I 8tnir"WAItKIMUO" rebiunry 1 Throngb Ticket turn! trea Boaelala to raiiUHT and rAsntania Aciaarsi D. McNICOI.li. Montreal. Canada. ffi'J?"'8? n an oinint i. U Mr-- nitOWN. Vancouver. 11. 0. Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLK m ii. Wilhh, fre. H. It. IUjh. tu--v lUrr. J. A. Kink. I'ort dupt Stinr. KIN AD ULABKC, CoBtauadai Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. .. Uiucliuia at Lahalna, Mnnlav Hay and Mnkena the same day, .MahiiLuna, Kimallinc and the followlnc day arrirlnr t tllln at midnight l.KAKH IIONOI.UM Friday Dec Tuenday Deo. IH Keturnlng leave liilo, totichinK at l.au-ahich- same day, Kaaalhue i. m.. Ma- - hukoiia Id a. m.; Mnkcna 4 r. .: Mnalara Hay Mr. M.; I.ahslra r r. m. the followlili; day; arriritiK at Honolulu t( a. v. Wednn. ilayi aud Hatunlavs. AKKIVKrt AT MONOI.tII.il Wednesday Deo. 5 8 At unlay Dec. 1.1 Wednesday Der. Vl No Fre-nh- t will be reilv.xl after li! noon on day nf lalllinr Stmr. CLAUD1NE, OAasLKON, CoBuundar. Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at a r. m., louchiiii! at Kahuli ul. Huelo. liana, Uamoa aud imliulu. HelurnliiK will I arrive at Honolulu every Bunday mornlni !! No Freight will be received after 4 r. m. on nay of salllui. Oonsluuees must be at the landlUK to receive their Freight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after mrli Freight has been landed, While the Comnauv will u.e due dill. Rence In haudlliiK Live Block, we decline any responsibility in case of the loss of same. The Company will not be responsible for Money or Jewelry mile plaeed lu the care of Purser. As K &QQ&: f tlSUi? v A I TOMAN J Wholesale Retail. Plll.l. LINB or Japanese'.' Goods 1 Slit and Cotloo Dress Goods, U). tUK CIO U. Silk, Liiieo aud Crape Shiits I OF COMP1.KTK HTOUK Made by Yamatoya ot When rou are In need 5s of Japauebe Goods, give ilk save koi nn an arounu towu aoe arort St aai Cuatam Soum BEAVERSALOON, The Best Lnncb in Town. W r-- H and OotTvi tt KU. liuUHa Mth KISKST UIUNIXS of Cigars and Tobacco tLWsTV ON tiANIl H. J jNroxyrJfi. prop HO YKN KKIfl & CO., 41 'lliianil hlreel rinunithH, P.umbinQ, Etc, OUOUKKKY ami Ol.ABbWAHB. Steamship Line B. W.. and calling it Vlrtoria, H. U. 8ava IHfjIJ, HONOLULU below stated, rla.: From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0., for Suva and Sydney! Btmr"WAKKIMOO" December 2t Btmr "MIOWKKA" January 21 Stmr"WAKKIMO0" February2l Uaaaaa, Oallat HUtai aad Enrop. gW For Freight and l'airage and all Oeneral Information, apply to Theo. H. Davies & Co.. L'd, Agent for the nicnftnu hlnndt Best Family Medicine CURE Sick Headache,Constipation( OYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES. Purely Vegetable Easy to Take. The ilvlicnlc aiiir.ir-co.itlt- of Arr' I'lll ilhnle linincdl.tti'lyou rcnrlilnu tln tnm. ni'li.iilid mtiiiIIi tin' full ntrriiBlh ol o:n'li liiKri'illeiit to be " odlly nltiill.ited. . it puruiitlte.elllipr fiirtrntellrriiriiin l.iinlly medicine, Aycr's IMII nru tliu bol lu tbu world. AYER'SPILLS. tUili-lij- r Hr.J.C. Arcr A (i..Lnicll.lMMUSJl. HIOHEaT AWARDS AT THE World's Great Expositions. Ltf llew.ranf rliri ImlUtli'ii.. llii'iinne Arer'" I'lIU I. Mukii In lli til.. ul vu'b bf wur butllvi. Hollister Drug Co, Ld Bole Akoi.U for thn Kepubllu of Hiiwnll FOR SALE ! 400 Aores OP MOUNTAIN LAND Bultalile fordruiliiK, fvnctil on two nidus- - fhliU. 1,000 Acres, a Urge Gulch, 'JU0 Acres or mom miltulile for Coilt-- fiUUO. Kliqulru D. DAYTON, H7-l- ni 42 Merchant htrt'ot. A. F. Medeiros &, Go. Merchant "II Tailors Hotel lit., under ArlltiKtou Hotel. Lateit Patterns in Suitings Kecelved by Krery Hteamer, PERFECT PIT OR NO SALE. Regan Vapor & PaclQc Gas Engines d Launches ! THE BE8T IN THE MARKET. Tlny cannot be nirrtmul for iuoIIvh Kwcr. 8KND FOK UATAI.OUUK- - JOS. TINKER, llttvtl Bole AkfiU, Nuuhiiu street LESSONS IN Drawing and Painting, n. Howard Hitchcock Drawing and PalutiiiK taught by the Int. est Kurox-a- methods Classes every W ed nesday aud Haluntny forenoon from K a. u. to li noon. EfJu liessons for Private I'uplls lu spe. oial lines of work also Klren U The Hlmllo will be oieu to vUMiiih every Friday afternoon, Atlas Assnrance Go. OV X.02T330X4 AMSYS, 110,000,0(10. u. w. sgiimFut a sons. AkuU ior Hawaiian Islands. The Reason. Thcru me some people in Honolulu who think thoy tiro not properly clad unk-H- s thu jjiirmcntH they wear eostfWorSIO. The rea-t-o- n is apparent they are rich. A Fact. Everybody ih not ncli in fact, most people in this world have to get a mighty move on to make both ends meet, and at the end of the year have nothing to show for their labor except an extra wrinkle or two. Ladies. I have something that will utrikc vonr fancy m the Hhape of a Jacket u Flan- nel .laeket with a hilk stripe a pirl'ect lit or no Hale. I bought several cases of these Jacket very cheap tor cash. They are just the thing to slip on to make a call, go to market, a pic- nic, or church in fact, they are good enough or poor enough to wear any where and everywhere. The Price. Now this is the important part. After you have se- lected one that looks well with your dress and you find that it fits, you say, 'I low muehV" The Salesman huh, J?l.(ri. nmdam," or ".l.()0 miss,' us tho caKis may he, and there you aie. Thu modest Cleric dotH not even hhifh when he in told "how cheap.' He i used to lhM kind of thing. That tireless toiler after trade, J. J. KGAN, fiM Fort street. Golden tiulu Bazaar. I. P. Reynolds. : : Prop. XMAS, XMAS, XMAS. Presents for Everybody Ciali Alwiy Ta'ka and Tbrelora Cuh Price are Made. HANDSOME GIFT BCORS At PulilMiora' l'rlut-s- ; llllilrH mid Prayer llookn, Unu boulvty Nolo Papers In latest styles, 1.HWII Tennis Supplies, Xmui Curds, Cukiutiirs mul Hooklcts, NOVELTIES oi nit Dcsalpllons 1 l'lilulK nnd I'aliitliiK HooIih, Uuuiiiuii 1 X I. Kulvus mid lliuors, tinlr llrunlK'.i mid i oiuoi, V i' I oc pud c s nnd Wagons, Do.MKSTIC SKWINf! IaCIIINKK HiiiiiI Hefting Mil lilntufs. Hi l'p, Shaving Miih uiul llru-lu- n, (Inluiro (rum I.MI V, IDollS and TOVS lu Omit Variety ; l.eutliLT Oooili iu I'nr-r- i, Dmrli-i- , 1'oukut Hooks, Kin,, Kto , l.tc, DruwiiiK Muti rials. And Don't Forget Me Imvu addi-- n News Department And all SuliM'rlptloiiK will have Prompt, attention. Orders ior Music hy Every Bltauisr. IlOOniB AND HOARD. IXKlMS AM) IIOAItl) Ik. lor a fuft porniiin run I in liint at lluniuni, on thu Will t&i MM lii'Mi'h. w s liAitri.Ki i. l'7.vtf Proprietor. TO LET A' I, AltOH A IKY u I ' io rem on moderate terms on the -- m t,f t unit lloir nf die Hp'ec Kt'lk- - iikiik iiuiri; AlilHT 10 IIKKim W U. IIIWI.N A CO., I.'n. J)iif7y UulltUn CO centt ftr wouC,, WHY WALK BR WAS LXFT. The Admiral Waa Too Enthualaetic on Behalf of Annexation. Washington, Nov. 1C When Ad- miral Walker was sent to Hawaii last spring iu comtuaud of the Paci- fic station it was with tbe intention that on his return ho should bo made superintendent of the Naval Aradutuy, autl orders detaching him from the station directed him to re- port at Annapolis Sept. loth. A few days before thejr were to go into effect it was announced at tbe Navy Department that the time for Admiral Walker to report had been extended, but no explanation was olfered for this uuusual procedure, considering that the annual term began October 1st, aud it waa im- portant that tho new superintendent should be on hand then. Admiral Walker is regarded aa tho Atilust ollieer in tho Navy, and ia said "uover to have failed in securing any billot ho wished. When it be- came known therefore that he waa not to be superintendent the entire Navy was stirred to its depths to know the reason for tho sudden change of program. It turns out now that the President was displeas- ed with the report Admiral Walker made on Hawaii and that this led to his countermanding the orders. Walker, it was said, waa expected to make a survey of the now proposed naval station at Pearl Harbor, aud on his return the Navy Department promptly gave out too report Be- tting forth what had been accom- plished. While this aurvey waa in- cidental, the real catiso of walker's assignment was to feel thu pulse of the people regnttllug annexation anu to report thereon to the President direct. This report showed that the entire feeling among the better class of inlaudera was unanimously iu favor of utiiiexntiou, aud it ia now claimed that Walker went out of his way and encouraged those influential lu the Provisional Government to koep up tueir light ior closer relations with the United States. Admiral Wulker will not discuaa thu reason of his failure to secure the Naval Academy detail, but his friends claim that he can still have uiiy duty he wauts, aud they point to his recout detail as a member of the examining board as evidence that he exercises his pull with tho power that he has for years. This duty, however, is not the most desi- rable which falls within tho pro- vince of otbVors of his rank, aud it was only taken by Walker because no other was available. French Dinner. The first Fronch dinner of the new series, at tho Hawaiian Hotel on Saturday evening, was enjoyed by several people outside of the regular guests. Had the San Fran- cisco steamer arrived tho dining room would have afforded a sur- prise party to tho passengers. Stow-ar- il Chapman put up an elegant dinner, thu serving of which was in keupiug. Flowers bedecked the tables and everything was bright aud cheerful. Prof. Bergor attend- ed with his orchestra from the Gov- ernment baud, aud there waa dance iu the lauai after dinner. Poor Digeatlon Leads to norrousuesB, fretfulneaa. poovishucsB, chronic Dyspepsia and great misery. Hood's barsaparilU is the remedy. It tones thu stomach, creates au appetite, and gives a relish to food, it makes pure blood ami gives healthy action to all the organs of the body. Take Hood's for Hood'a Saraaparilla Cures. Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 2f)C Preparing for Ohrlatmaa. Mrs. Board mail's "KaMaile" stock-i- s uearly all sold aud anticipating a Imavy demand for Christmas goods hIio ordorud a fine line of Fancy Articles, etc., they will arrive on the next Australia. Her large ami commodious lauai will be fitted up as a show room. All her old customers and the Honolulu people in general are invited to inspect this maguiticoul stock of Christmas Goods. m m Btoamer for Kahulul. The steamer Sirius ban been laid up at this port for a long time. Somo mouths ago au offort was made to setid her to South Africa, but tho freight aud passeugers expected for that voyage did not materialize. She is now billed for Kahului, under the llawaiiau flag, with name chang- ed to Kahului. .V. F, Jlullttiu. Miniature Art. At Williams' Studio are to be seen Portraits on Watch Dials, which he is making a specialty of. Lantern Slides for lecture by the set or dozen, a. The British whip Clan Graham has arrived at Situ Fraueisco from Newcastle, N. S. W., via Kio Janeiro. Al the latter place she lost seveu men by yellow fever. Thu receiver ot thu Capital Na- tional liAiilt at Omaha, which Presi- dent Mosher wrecked iast year, go- ing to thu penitentiary for five years for stealiug a million, is applying to the courts for ait order subjecting stocks belonging to Moshor to the juduuiuut. lu thia way it is hoped I to recover half a mllliou, ........ ) ULa3

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... -- i. r---i ... -T te ytfpw';'' ?,''T"1 TjjpW,.M3flJMBBg yrrsy --j1' 7 tTi y' wswvfy

t t "JtfgftgMW? '"'9 & - $styr J'"g'P '"T7;!



rv oUJUTv , -- W j Buifa BmlleftM.H. MONDAY, DECEMBER :', 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS.VOL. VIII. NO. 1202. HONOLULU, 1.,




axuirr icMUAY it tb

Dully Bulletin Publishing Co., LU,

AT Till OfHUi

136 328 Vsretuat St., Hosotala, B. I.

rtllltHOIllPTlON-B- lx Uollam a Yarn.in Honolulu at Kirrr Oawre a

Miinth, in adrance.



TUBBDAYVI KotIR DftLlAM a Yiai to Domestic,mil Kira Doi.t.Mio to Foreign Hnhwrllmrnayable In advance


mill ID Keratin TTL


far-- P. o. iiox .

a Daily Hni.taTi In printed and publlalied by tbe Dally llulletin Publlshta?Company, Limited, at it offlce. Merchant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian letaudi. Daniel Iok.hi, editor, reside onAissea nirtei, nnnoiuiu, aroresatil.

Address letters tor the pair 'KdltorUi'i.b(Tih," and business letteri " ManagerDally lliilletlu Publishing Company.'Usinu a Dentinal address mav ratise ilelavin attention.

Huatncae Oarda.


l 4Mb IUm.ii i, ,i,-- ei, ,.

li. aiaii iir Miiildihu Matiiiai.

Kort Street, Honolulu


Uimsil Oomwisniii tHitn

hurt ami queen Blreeu. Honolulu.

tttO. 8. SMITH1KA

"'' l'Ulll, III..... -- .t.

Mahukuna, Kohala, Hawaii.


MAabrAirriiiinM JlDILII tan e tTiiNMAKBa.

Kttkui Jitwelry a (iMHliailr. t'artiuulaiaitentlmi paid ui all kind of repair

Campbell lllock, Merchant Street.


tlTaAM Knhihu, Boua Muu Huil.u,OonLSkN Uon, Hiiak. hi l,.r

Oakiiwi.Machinery of Krery DviMiriptiuii MUUe luOrder. I'artlcillur attention paid to Hlilnl'

BlAckiiulthliig. Job Work atiHiuutil aiUI....I. lk.'.t..Aw..i t.uiit'r,



OU3 Fort Htrret. Hnnnlnh. M I

P. O. llox 287. Mutual Tele. .


Kstlmates kIvoii on all kinds of llrlck,Iron, Hlone and Woodon Uul.dlngs. Job-hin- t;

of all kinds. JIulldlliK Matorlal fortmlti. 310 ami OIL' King strt'ut. ltesldenceTeleplume, Hell 227; P. O. Pox 11.

DR. C. W. MOORE,H00 Van Mess Are., 8. P., Cat.

Blegut AjMrtaeitt for PaUenU.iLsttsiuiTif in aaavocs dibbarbh.

aT" Dr. Moore oUera Invalids all thecomforts of home, with constant and care-ful treatment. Hefer to H. H. Macfarlane.

WM-- tf


AR.OHITBOT8,orriua; New rJafe Deposit Bulldliia,

Fort street, Honolulu, H. I.

Plans, Bpecltlcatloni and Superintend.no Ktren for Kvery Description of Build

lua. Old Building successlully Kmod.ailed and Enlarged. Deslvin for InteriorDecorations. Mars oi Merimni"! Draw-ing, Traclni: and nine 1'rlntliiK. Drawliigsfor Hook or Newspnper llliutrutloii


fit 8iisi ISSiWholesale and Retail Butchers


ti, J.Waukii, i t Uauttur.


(Ulmlteci)UrPBU POU HAliS

KK UTILIZERSscat. cio(i a oas

CeieonusH Hltf Grade Cue Hum.

We era alio prepared to take order Air

Mnaara. N. Otllflktldt aaOo.'aVaarttllaiaarai

disarm; prompt dolirers

KOI LED LUCOL!WThU l a eutierior Faint Oil, oon-inni-

tent plament than Llneead Oil, andKlring a latllnR brilliancy to eolora.Deed with drier It aire a inlendld Door orurfare

Liimt Oerxieni.' irMltHIJHAfUi


Patrb-ai-t Caiihtf (.' CMMi Beat

m "n.'

Gomponods, Roofing & Paper,

ii'd'i pubii 3tio Pip cifiriM

JartKM' DUaeifl, Eiaael Bter- -

KKwcialij iwaiimi tor Vaoiiuui fan


Wru ti. Irwm. I'reddenl and MauagvrUlan HprerkeftW M.UIirard Hecreury and TreaiorarJ'hao ) 'nH Auditor

Sigar FactorsAND


oaar ur thb

Oceanic Steiashlp Ctapuj ,OK HAN PKANUJ8UU, OAU

Bicr.L Tku .T8l. Mutual Tku fl07.

P.O. IIOX 32I.

HONOLULU'jirrijige Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND llKPAIKElt.

Blacksmithing INahkh.

Orders from the other Island In

Balldlai, Trlautlig, PalatU, Ete., Etc.,Promptly Attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Prop.iHnoresaor to O. West,)



COALMi units In any quantity from .

haic to a ton.

CHARCOALfrom one ban to any quantity

FIREWOODIn L leiiKths and 8a wed or Bpllt

from a bag to any quantity; also


AT THE ANCHOROjratar Cocktail I

Bauor Brunnen I

Froderlckaburg Bear I

Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kind aud liest Quality.

ftoBtmwaat doraar Ui 4 Raaua It.


Bathing and Picnic - ResortFor Fumllitm, ladles and Ohl'dren.


UBAS. F. WARNEH, : : . : Manager.

The Europttn Lunch RoomsCHOCK HI Nil, Proprietor,

Hotel titreut, nearly opposite llcthfilblrt'ut,

First-Cla- s Mods at ModeraH Prices

At all Hours. 1'iitronaue HollolU'd.U&7-3I- U


11 tr.im toe uim' and will r.siimeDussiuakliiu at 3J lUirclaula tiu HbU-t-

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

aml' rue

Occtaenui and Oneoui S. S. Co.


Btaamer of the abort Oompantei willoall at Uonolaln on their way to the aboreporta on or abont the following dateti

Btmr "OOKANIO"... December It, 1KMBtmr"OHINA" January 21, 180Btmr "OOKANIO". .February 1, 1KRtmr "OHINA" April il. IK


Otaaineri of the abore Oumtianie willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hongkona and Yokohama to the abore port on

abont the followlnr 'later--

Btmr"OURANI0"..Norember IU, 1894Stmt "OHINA" December 31, 1KM8tmr "OAK1.IO" February IU, lttSOBtmr'TKHU" March 29, 1898Btrar "UAKLIO" April 28, 185J6


MTOko ii nounUAH OKO.

Oatiifi. tm uDabin, round trip

month M ii parabln, round trip 1

month.. , , an t. 116 itKnropeaii Burage iiW on

Ba?" Paaaeiiger payin full tnrr willlu percent oil return '" if niuin-In-

within twelre month

Kur Krelght and i'amM(r ipl u

a HACKFELD k CO.,kW7 tl Aynnta.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service

Per'SaiFnuicifwu.The New aud Fine AI Hteel Htai.ihu

"MONOWAI"Of the Ocvanir rJteamshlp Vonitiaiiy wiio da at Honolulu from Sydney and Aurkland on or about

December 13thAnd will leare for the above inirt withMalls and Passenger on or abont that dale.

Por Sydiey u. AaokJju4 :

The New and Fine Al Bleel BteamshiiM "MARIPOSA

Of tbe Ooeanlo Bteamshlp Cumimiiy willb dne at Honoluln, from Ban e'rannoco.on or about

December 20thAud will nara prompt denpaici withMans ana passenger for the abo ve ports

The undenlKnad are now prepared to issue



M9" tot further particular renardinnKrelfc-h- t or Passage apply to

TM. 0. IKWM CO., LU.,w Oaaaral Aau.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

Time Tettol


Arrive Houulnlu Leave Honolulnfrom 8. F for B. F.

Dec. 1 Di-c- . H

Den iO Jnn 6Jan. l Feb. 'JFeb. a Match.!March 21 March 30AprPai April '.TMay IH Mav 'June 15 JuiierJJuly 13 Juiy auAuk. IU auk. 7Bepi 7 Bupf 14Oci.fi Oct YiNova Nov. U

THROUGH LINE.From rJau FranclHoo Krom Bydney foi

for Bydney Han Francisco.

Arriv Himolulu L$aw fonoulu


MONOWAI, July 4 AI.AMKDA, June 7AllDOIIrim, vuy. I AiAiuriiHA jiii) anMAKIPOHA, Aun.ttl i MONOWAI, Ailir iMONOWAI, Bept.VO . AI.AM DA pt 111

AI.AMKDA, Oct 24 MAltll'OHA Oni. 17

Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd


Cor, Altai k Fort 8U . Hnnulnla

IK)IilirSTHl Ar CO.,I0MU Ak-eil-

Canadian-Australia- n

steamers ot the above Una, running In connection witu tti'

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYItetwcen VanroiiTRr. . 0., and Bydney, N.

Honolulu and

A.R-B- Q DXJH3 A.TOn or about the dates

from Hydney and Sura, for Victoriaand Vancouver, B. O.t

Derember2Btmr "MIOWKKA" January I

8tnir"WAItKIMUO" rebiunry 1

Throngb Ticket turn! trea Boaelala to

raiiUHT and rAsntania Aciaarsi

D. McNICOI.li. Montreal. Canada.

ffi'J?"'8?n an oinint i.U Mr-- nitOWN. Vancouver. 11. 0.

Wilder's Steamship Co.

TIME TABLKm ii. Wilhh, fre. H. It. IUjh. tu--v

lUrr. J. A. Kink. I'ort dupt

Stinr. KIN ADULABKC, CoBtauadai

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. .. Uiucliuia atLahalna, Mnnlav Hay and Mnkena thesame day, .MahiiLuna, Kimallinc and

the followlnc day arrirlnr ttllln at midnight


Friday DecTuenday Deo. IH

Keturnlng leave liilo, totichinK at l.au-ahich-

same day, Kaaalhue i. m.. Ma- -hukoiia Id a. m.; Mnkcna 4 r. . : MnalaraHay Mr. M.; I.ahslra r r. m. the followlili;day; arriritiK at Honolulu t( a. v. Wednn.ilayi aud Hatunlavs.


Wednesday Deo. 58At unlay Dec. 1.1Wednesday Der. Vl

No Fre-nh- t will be reilv.xl afterli! noon on day nf lalllinr

Stmr. CLAUD1NE,OAasLKON, CoBuundar.

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at ar. m., louchiiii! at Kahuliul. Huelo. liana,Uamoa aud imliulu.

HelurnliiK willI arrive at Honolulu everyBunday mornlni !!

No Freight will be received after4 r. m. on nay of salllui.

Oonsluuees must be at the landlUK toreceive their Freight, as we will not holdourselves responsible after mrli Freighthas been landed,

While the Comnauv will u.e due dill.Rence In haudlliiK Live Block, we decline

any responsibility in case of theloss of same.

The Company will not be responsible forMoney or Jewelry mile plaeed lu the careof Purser.

AsK &QQ&:

f tlSUi? vA I TOMAN J

Wholesale Retail.

Plll.l. LINB or

Japanese'.' Goods 1

Slit and Cotloo Dress Goods,

U). tUK CIO U.

Silk, Liiieo aud Crape Shiits I


Made by Yamatoya ot

When rou are In need5sof Japauebe Goods, give ilksave koi nn an arounu towu

aoe arort St aai Cuatam Soum


The Best Lnncb in Town.


r-- H and OotTvitt KU. liuUHa


Cigars and TobaccotLWsTV ON tiANIl

H. J jNroxyrJfi. propHO YKN KKIfl & CO.,

41 'lliianil hlreel

rinunithH, P.umbinQ, Etc,


Steamship Line

B. W.. and calling it Vlrtoria, H. U.8ava IHfjIJ,

HONOLULUbelow stated, rla.:

From Victoria and Vancouver, B 0.,for Suva and Sydney!

Btmr"WAKKIMOO" December 2tBtmr "MIOWKKA" January 21Stmr"WAKKIMO0" February2l

Uaaaaa, Oallat HUtai aad Enrop.gW For Freight and l'airage and all

Oeneral Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co.. L'd,Agent for the nicnftnu hlnndt

Best Family MedicineCURE

Sick Headache,Constipation(OYSPEPSIA, LIVER TROUBLES.

Purely Vegetable Easy to Take.

The ilvlicnlc aiiir.ir-co.itlt- of Arr' I'lllilhnle linincdl.tti'lyou rcnrlilnu tln tnm.ni'li.iilid mtiiiIIi tin' full ntrriiBlh ol o:n'liliiKri'illeiit to be " odlly nltiill.ited. . itpuruiitlte.elllipr fiirtrntellrriiriiin l.iinllymedicine, Aycr's IMII nru tliu bol lu tbuworld.

AYER'SPILLS.tUili-lij- r Hr.J.C. Arcr A (i..Lnicll.lMMUSJl.


World's Great Expositions.

Ltf llew.ranf rliri ImlUtli'ii.. llii'iinneArer'" I'lIU I. Mukii In lli til.. ul vu'b

bf wur butllvi.

Hollister Drug Co, LdBole Akoi.U for thn Kepubllu of Hiiwnll


400 AoresOP

MOUNTAIN LANDBultalile fordruiliiK, fvnctil on

two nidus- - fhliU.

1,000 Acres, a Urge Gulch,

'JU0 Acres or mom miltulile forCoilt-- fiUUO.


D. DAYTON,H7-l- ni 42 Merchant htrt'ot.

A. F. Medeiros &, Go.

Merchant "II Tailors

Hotel lit., under ArlltiKtou Hotel.

Lateit Patterns in Suitings

Kecelved by Krery Hteamer,


Regan Vapor & PaclQc Gas

Engines d Launches !


Tlny cannot be nirrtmul for iuoIIvhKwcr.


JOS. TINKER,llttvtl Bole AkfiU, Nuuhiiu street


Drawing and Painting,n. Howard Hitchcock

Drawing and PalutiiiK taught by the Int.est Kurox-a- methods Classes every W ednesday aud Haluntny forenoon from K a. u.to li noon.

EfJu liessons for Private I'uplls lu spe.oial lines of work also Klren

U The Hlmllo will be oieu to vUMiiihevery Friday afternoon,

Atlas Assnrance Go.OV X.02T330X4

AMSYS, 110,000,0(10.

u. w. sgiimFut a sons.AkuU ior Hawaiian Islands.

The Reason.Thcru me some people inHonolulu who think thoytiro not properly clad unk-H-s

thu jjiirmcntH they weareostfWorSIO. The rea-t-o- n

is apparent they arerich.

A Fact.Everybody ih not ncli infact, most people in thisworld have to get a mightymove on to make both endsmeet, and at the end of theyear have nothing to showfor their labor except anextra wrinkle or two.

Ladies.I have something that willutrikc vonr fancy m theHhape of a Jacket u Flan-nel .laeket with a hilk stripe

a pirl'ect lit or no Hale.I bought several cases ofthese Jacket very cheaptor cash. They are justthe thing to slip on to makea call, go to market, a pic-

nic, or church in fact,they are good enough orpoor enough to wear anywhere and everywhere.

The Price.Now this is the importantpart. After you have se-

lected one that looks wellwith your dress and youfind that it fits, you say,'I low muehV"

The Salesmanhuh, J?l.(ri. nmdam," or".l.()0 miss,' us tho caKismay he, and there you aie.Thu modest Cleric dotH noteven hhifh when he in told"how cheap.' He i usedto lhM kind of thing.

That tireless toiler after trade,

J. J. KGAN,fiM Fort street.

Golden tiulu Bazaar.

I. P. Reynolds. : : Prop.



Presents for Everybody

Ciali Alwiy Ta'ka and TbreloraCuh Price are Made.


At PulilMiora' l'rlut-s- ;

llllilrH mid Prayer llookn,Unu boulvty Nolo Papers In latest

styles,1.HWII Tennis Supplies,Xmui Curds, Cukiutiirs mul Hooklcts,

NOVELTIES oi nit Dcsalpllons 1

l'lilulK nnd I'aliitliiK HooIih,Uuuiiiuii 1 X I. Kulvus mid lliuors,

tinlr llrunlK'.i mid i oiuoi,V i' I oc pud c s nnd Wagons,

Do.MKSTIC SKWINf! IaCIIINKKHiiiiiI Hefting Mil lilntufs. Hi l'p,Shaving Miih uiul llru-lu- n,

(Inluiro (rum I.MI V,

IDollS and TOVSlu Omit Variety ;

l.eutliLT Oooili iu I'nr-r- i, Dmrli-i- ,

1'oukut Hooks, Kin,, Kto , l.tc,DruwiiiK Muti rials.

And Don't Forget Me Imvu addi-- n

News DepartmentAnd all SuliM'rlptloiiK will have

Prompt, attention.

Orders ior Music hy Every Bltauisr.


IXKlMS AM) IIOAItl)Ik. lor a fuft porniiin run I inliint at lluniuni, on thu Will t&iMM lii'Mi'h.

w s liAitri.Ki i.l'7.vtf Proprietor.


A' I, AltOH A IKYu I ' io rem on

moderate terms on the --mt,f t unit lloir nf die Hp'ecKt'lk- - iikiik iiuiri; AlilHT 10

IIKKim W U. IIIWI.N A CO., I.'n.

J)iif7y UulltUn CO centt ftr wouC,,


The Admiral Waa Too Enthualaeticon Behalf of Annexation.

Washington, Nov. 1C When Ad-

miral Walker was sent to Hawaiilast spring iu comtuaud of the Paci-

fic station it was with tbe intentionthat on his return ho should bomade superintendent of the NavalAradutuy, autl orders detaching himfrom the station directed him to re-

port at Annapolis Sept. loth.A few days before thejr were to go

into effect it was announced at tbeNavy Department that the time forAdmiral Walker to report had beenextended, but no explanation wasolfered for this uuusual procedure,considering that the annual termbegan October 1st, aud it waa im-

portant that tho new superintendentshould be on hand then.

Admiral Walker is regarded aatho Atilust ollieer in tho Navy, and iasaid "uover to have failed in securingany billot ho wished. When it be-

came known therefore that he waanot to be superintendent the entireNavy was stirred to its depths toknow the reason for tho suddenchange of program. It turns outnow that the President was displeas-ed with the report Admiral Walkermade on Hawaii and that this led tohis countermanding the orders.Walker, it was said, waa expected tomake a survey of the now proposednaval station at Pearl Harbor, audon his return the Navy Departmentpromptly gave out too report Be-tting forth what had been accom-plished. While this aurvey waa in-

cidental, the real catiso of walker'sassignment was to feel thu pulse ofthe people regnttllug annexation anuto report thereon to the Presidentdirect.

This report showed that the entirefeeling among the better class ofinlaudera was unanimously iu favorof utiiiexntiou, aud it ia now claimedthat Walker went out of his wayand encouraged those influential luthe Provisional Government to koepup tueir light ior closer relationswith the United States.

Admiral Wulker will not discuaathu reason of his failure to securethe Naval Academy detail, but hisfriends claim that he can still haveuiiy duty he wauts, aud they pointto his recout detail as a member ofthe examining board as evidencethat he exercises his pull with thopower that he has for years. Thisduty, however, is not the most desi-rable which falls within tho pro-vince of otbVors of his rank, aud itwas only taken by Walker becauseno other was available.

French Dinner.

The first Fronch dinner of thenew series, at tho Hawaiian Hotelon Saturday evening, was enjoyedby several people outside of theregular guests. Had the San Fran-cisco steamer arrived tho diningroom would have afforded a sur-prise party to tho passengers. Stow-ar- il

Chapman put up an elegantdinner, thu serving of which was inkeupiug. Flowers bedecked thetables and everything was brightaud cheerful. Prof. Bergor attend-ed with his orchestra from the Gov-ernment baud, aud there waadance iu the lauai after dinner.

Poor Digeatlon

Leads to norrousuesB, fretfulneaa.poovishucsB, chronic Dyspepsia andgreat misery. Hood's barsaparilUis the remedy. It tones thu stomach,creates au appetite, and gives arelish to food, it makes pure bloodami gives healthy action to all theorgans of the body. Take Hood'sfor Hood'a Saraaparilla Cures.

Hood's Pills become the favoritecathartic with every one who triesthem. 2f)C

Preparing for Ohrlatmaa.

Mrs. Board mail's "KaMaile" stock-i-s

uearly all sold aud anticipating aImavy demand for Christmas goodshIio ordorud a fine line of FancyArticles, etc., they will arrive onthe next Australia. Her largeami commodious lauai will be fittedup as a show room. All her oldcustomers and the Honolulu peoplein general are invited to inspect thismaguiticoul stock of ChristmasGoods.

m m

Btoamer for Kahulul.The steamer Sirius ban been laid

up at this port for a long time.Somo mouths ago au offort was madeto setid her to South Africa, but thofreight aud passeugers expected forthat voyage did not materialize.She is now billed for Kahului, underthe llawaiiau flag, with name chang-ed to Kahului. .V. F, Jlullttiu.

Miniature Art.At Williams' Studio are to be seen

Portraits on Watch Dials, which heis making a specialty of. LanternSlides for lecture by the set ordozen,


The British whip Clan Grahamhas arrived at Situ Fraueisco fromNewcastle, N. S. W., via Kio Janeiro.Al the latter place she lost seveumen by yellow fever.

Thu receiver ot thu Capital Na-tional liAiilt at Omaha, which Presi-dent Mosher wrecked iast year, go-

ing to thu penitentiary for five yearsfor stealiug a million, is applying tothe courts for ait order subjectingstocks belonging to Moshor to thejuduuiuut. lu thia way it is hoped

I to recover half a mllliou,



RjSWSSflW t -




Holders of water jirlvllt-jjcs- , or tliu--

paying witter raws, art) bcrcby no llleilthat the hours (or Irrigation niruHcs nrofrom 7 to 8 o'clock a. m., ami l to U

o'clock p. M. A. IMOWN,Superintendent Honolulu Wntvr Work.

Approved!J. A. Kino,

AiltiMcrof tlic Interior.Honolulu, .May i., Mill. llS-J-t-

lugnUtj gamin.Pledied to neutiti titci tt.tr tany,but KtluoUified lor thr Wlt of At,.

MONDAY, DEC. 11, ltlA Washington duspatuli of Nov-

ember 'M najs: "Mr. Hasting,Chargu d'Affairo at llio HawaiianLegation, boliovos tho nuwspapuriutorviotv attributed to MinisterThurston, regarding tho intuiitiouof Jiawaii to rid horsolf of Jnpaui'snlaborers, which has caused ill feel-

ing between the two govern tuenlo,was not a correct quotation." Thatis for Mr. Thurston to say. Theexpression was certainly Tluirs- -


Mr. Wotuiore, who contributed adisquieting article to the Advertiserhere which was published with agreat flourish of trumpets has beenrepudiated by the San FranciscoExaminer as its correspondent. Thatpaper at the same time representsMr. Wotmoro as being not altogethersquare in his Honolulu transactions.Mr. Wutmore is the gentleman whowas admitted into the secret coun-sels of the HoyalislH in Honolulu,when they would not give the slight-est confidence to their real news-paper friends here, only to bo be-

trayed by him with the addition ofgross fabrications to his revelations.


It Was Suicido Von Topaz wnsHard Up.

Simon von Topaz, who shot him-self through the head, died at theQueen's Hospital on Saturday after-noo- n,

about an hour after Inn re-moval there. The funeral tookplace yesterday afternoon, beingconducted by Co. A, N. U. 11., towhich von Topaz belonged. TheGovernment band was in attend-ance.

A jury was empaneled on Satur-day afternoon. In company WilliDr. Cooper and Marshal Hitchcockthe jury drove to the house wheretho shooting took place, belowSmith's bridge, and later to tho(jueeu'a Hospital, where tho body lay.iCeturuiug to the Marshal's oliicoami after hearing the evidence oftwo native women, the jury returneda verdict of "death by mucide."

The cause of the self-murd- is be-

lieved by people who knew von Topaz to nave oeeu money irouoie.Not half an hour after the report oftun shooting had Immiii spread twohacktueii arrived posthaste at theStation and inquired if he was dead.They wanted to collect bills. Cap-tain Kosohill held an 1. O. I', for$11 from von Topaz, who also oweda business man uptown ill). Therewere women also in the case. VonTopaz had lived seven years withone native woman, aud left herfor a now one. While the womenwere fighting about him, he solvedthe dispute by putting himself outof the way of everybody. The pistolwith which the shooting was donewas borrowed from Captain Koso-hill. Topaz was afraid of severalineraborri of the Kchuotzou Club,aud asked for the loan of the pistol.


Berlous Trouble in Brazil.

A special despatch to the NewYork World from llio Janeiro sas:

Italy has decided to send a Heelagainst this couutry, it is learned,ou account of Brazil's refusal toarbitrate a pending question.

Though the rcliou of the Govern-ment in the case is universally ap-

proved, Moraes will prepare newpropositions aud forward them tothe Italian Government. The UnitedSlates may be asked to arbitrate.

Part of Brazil's fleet has left withsealed orders, ll is rumored thatwarships have been sent after

who now commands HXJO

men. The monarchists, the reportsays, propose rising all over thecouutry. It is feared that the Government will be unable to cope withthem. Troublous times are pre-dicted.

Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of theSanta Maria Times, Cal., in speakingof the various ailments of children,said: "When my children have croupthere is only ouo patent medicinethat I evor use, aud that is Chamber-lain's Cough Jtemedy. Jt possessessome medical properties that relievothe little sutTerers immediately. Itis, in my opinion, the best coughmedicine in the market." If thisremedy is freely given as soon as thecroupy cough appears it will pre-vent the attack. It is also an idealremedy for whooping cough. Thereis no danger in giving it to children,as it contains nothing injurious.For sale by all dealers. Benson,Smith At Co., agents for the Hnwaiiau Islands.

The regular monthly meeting ofthe Woman's Board of Missions willbe held at the Central Union Church

(Tuesday) afternoon at2:!H) o'clock. An interesting paper,prepared by Mrs. A. B. Lyons, oumissions in Korea will be read. Allladies interested in mission work arecordially invited to attend.

Deputy Collector F, B McSloekeraud wife are back from a visit tothe Coast.

fcr "?w? '- -- - - wr rtff" " " -".'vttB8&3-Tr- - ail.W--- ' iT "(


Delay in tho Doparturo and Not intho Pnssnfje.

Tho S. S Australia, H. C. Houd-lott- o

commander, was Righted offKoko Houl at 7:15 o'clock thismorning, aud the sounding of theHonolulu Planing Mill's whistleheraldiug her arrival gratified thoheart of many Crowds flocked tothe Oceanic wharf. The steamercame alongside at '.) o'clock, aud notune w.n lost by the passengers ingetting ashore. The faces of severalkamaama were noticed, and manypeople welcomed relatives homo. Intho smoking room on tho tippetdock were imprisoned four male andtwo female Portuguese and a Chinaman, because they did not have thonecessary 5(). Everyone was eagerto learn what detained the Australiatwo days behind time, At first someof the passenger said it was badweather, but it was later found to boan accident to her crank pin on thetrip up, the repairing of which de-layed her departure from Saturdayto Monday The accident happenedtwo days before she got into SanFrancisco. Purser McCombe fur-nished the following memorandumof the Australia's passage:

Left San Francisco Nov. 2(5, 18H I,at 8 p.m. with forty-sow- n cabin andforty-seve- n steerage passengers andfifty-fiv- e bags of mail. Passed theS S. Oceanic Nut. '27 at 2:!K) a.m.Experienced fine weather through-out the vovage aud arrived at Hono-lulu Dec. .'1 at !) a.m.


IVstlvltlos of tlw Wodding of CarlWoltors and Miss iBunberg.

Tho wedding of Carl Wolters,manager of the Lihue Plantation,and Miss Helen Iseiiberg took placeon Friday evening at that place,IJov. 11. Iseiiberg, uncle of the bride,otlicialiug. The little church wasnicely decorated for the occasionand the Hawaiian tjuiutel Club,which went from Honolulu, furnish-ed music. The following select fewattended a reception and dinnerwhich took place after the wedding:Jtev. It. 1 sen berg and wife, PaulIseiiberg, Mrs. Otto Iseiiberg, W. H.Uico and wife. Mrs. F. W. Ulade, J.F. Hackfeld, Mrs. Grail, Mrs. Liude-mau-

H. Wolters and W. Wolters.1'tieru were a few dances and theparty broke up about midnight.

A grand ball had been given theWednesday evening previous, atwhich there wa a large gatheringof friends and invited guests. Danc-ing was iM'guu at 8 o'clock and keptup until 1 o'clock next morning.Ou Thursday W. II. Itice and Mrs.Kico gave a dinner at the new hotel.On Saturday afternoon there was alea party at Kalapaki. At lS:ltlo'clock the same evening the visitorsfrom Honolulu returned on thesteamer Mikaliala. Although thoweather was boisterous, everythingpassed oil" mroiioly and the contract-ing panics were fairly lauded on thewave of weddeit lti.--s.

Frank J. Kruger dropped a ten-doll-

bill ou the O. S. S. C'o.'swharf this morning, after the arrivalof the Austrhba, and never discover-ed ins joss until he reached his oliicouptmwi. Ho returned hurriedly andfound the greenback lying ou thewharf. There were five natives sit-

ting ou a box within four feet of lliobill and they had thought all thetime it was useless paper.


-- 'lYI.Ks IV

Tortoise Shell Goods!

Tlio lartfo 1 nin TopHii'll ( null) is the cor-

rect tiling this full. Sothis Coinli " Gramlmo-i1ht- m

wore comes in justtitfht. Strange how theol.i ih Kiire to he revived;li'iw every new idea ishut the old in a differentform. My line of realShell Combs i very largeat the present time andcontains many specialpatterns not generallyfound in other stocks.All the shapes in plainand carved, and plentyof them. Home as cheapas !? 1.0C, some as high asSKi.OO.

Side Combs

are also onee. again re-

vived, and with this s n's

etyle of dressing thehaie, absolutely iudKpeu-sib'- e.

We have them in

man shape, both goldand silver; and knowyour taste can be satis-lie- d

; while for regularhair ornaments in bothgold and silver, our stocknever offered such tempt-ing display.


Fort Streot.


W.- -


enough Fertilizer Distributorsto list a little while, but we

were evidently mistaken. Outn the-- car n;nl received hv the

Alameda we have three icft

end (hose are being watchedbV dlllereilt plantation maiia- -

III. ... ..is... u ....,.U...-:.- . l

U won i view iu imiiii.i:iiiji;k

rust come Inst served, how- -. jt

ever, and il vou want one ol

incm mm1 is our opportunu)nnnnrfnnifvin bnv ttiu uu ii.

We've opened our cases ofPiano, Banquet and HangingLamps and sold a lot of them.They are entirely different andhandsomer in design than anywe have ever had before. Oneof them, a Banquet Lamp, is apink coral scheme of coloringwithout any decoration wha-teverstand and globe alikeand decidedly rich. A coupleof others are in antique shapes j

and colorings, and look as if

they might have been used in. .M ! -f II.- - i.ll lrompeu ueiore me iau. we

had ome Sewing Lamps of thesame design that were soldwithin twenty-fo-ur hours after!we opened the cases. They'rebeauties in every respect. In

this same class of goods ourPiano Lamps are deserving ofspecial mention. Brass andNickel Stands prevail and thepatterns are every one new.These Lamps are useful even ,

to people who have electriclights in their houses, for wehave no doubt the Superinten- - t

dent of the Electric Light Com-- 1f

pany could wire piano lampswith the same perfection thathe did your dwelling ask Ar.Hoffman about it.

Our Onyx Tables this yearare prettier than any we haveever had, the shapes are differ-

ent and the onyx has hand-

somer colorings. There's onein the store (already sold) thatis worth while examining. It

is perfectly plain in shape, twosquare shelves supported byfour cylindrical columns, all inmilk-whi- te onyx.

The Ice Chests and Refriger-ators mentioned last week havefrozen out all other makes,simply through their ice-savi- ng

qualities and handsome appear-ance. These things are im-

proved ever so often, and wenow have the latest ; anythinglater is to be evolved in thebrain of the inventor. Ourscover every point necessary in arefrigerator or ice box, and theprice is just about right.

If you want a pair of LinkSleeve Buttons that are strong,handsome and serviceable geta pair of Aluminum ones for adollar. They look like silver,will not tarnish and you getthem for a third of what youpay for Pinchbeck jewelry.Other articles in Aluminumare serviceable and cheap con-

sidering the quality.A glance at our showcases

of iolid silver will convinceyou that the goods are the lat-

est designs from the factory.The assortment is completeand must win the admirationol i.,..... one ...Ur. likes prettyii.;,,,,.. 'I'll. CmittliMI lillttCIm.l rwl.ti-Qni- .i,-- . iviriitnl.irli,

IIIIVI JIV.I ULU HIV. .U in-llltl-ll

noticeable lor their beauty andusefulness.

A grade lower than the solidgoods is the Plated Ware, someof which we show in the makaiwindow. We have everythingneeded in this class of iroods.Surprise yotuself by coiuparinj;prices with those charged else -where.

Tbe Hawaiian Hardware Co. Lid.

By Iiowis J. Levey.

Household -:- - FurnitureAm A TTI 'IITI TlT

I mn f (erected hv Mr Alex MKlhb nt"H'l nt 1'ilhHc Auction t his Kpiiilenc,itHroinnU riir,P,. nilnln.. lmh iiuIoi... . """ ""

FKIDAY, DKO. 7th,AT 10 O'CUX'K A. Al.,

the whole of his

Hi'iioehold Furniture A ElFeits,

(!o,,,,,s,l,,fi '" J,art of

ltoPWi d Sofn, Kv Chub, MnrMe Topenter Tnl.lc, ft.ey Tables, Whatnots, l.large Hon Miteli nr.l KnaSMi Tib'rnnil

fhftir.,, iifm,il.i.i. Iiatiit-oni- e Tm leut in

, umiery, h enum tui mi r ttm '

Warn Vl'almti I'm hinl I i Iti.t ,,(MUM r iiimiiii lllli nun ll nni-"r(ii- -

iibihimhu MniioKiiy V"rr ."".'''n iiiinii, I'lmir, Jim-kiiii- i nn r, Iicn,,u,( 1l'n' nfe bnrler tn.- - "I ivy nmly,,,u.i, iaw,, ,. ne. snimrbr.(I inlen Seals, Wire Kloner Sinul, t llttcollection of Kerns, Orclihl, I'otteJ I'latit-.- .

A cm,!e,e wl.fiiowsnn.i Arrof..rAr,,,,fry

" " J eMiikiK fw.U"W,B J- - vey.

' 0Mtt ai.ot.onkk.i.

m mi iirnnr i n nn( Xj

" ,,AV lu "uv l,u'


OK Till'. It

Irod Balk "Paul Iseiiberg"

I'JJ Dnys fmiii (lreleinun',e wldi n


-- OK




Steamship CoKOI! SAN MtANCISCn.




run tiik a HOVE roiiT on

Saturday, Deo. 8th,AT MOON.

I'lm iincHiral:m'il nre now prclinrcit toIioiiu 'I'liriiinjli Ticket!, from tlilx I'lly to allriilnth ill tho United Htiltrb.

l&-- for further iinrticulim rennUi!Freight or IWaw', ly to

VM. O. I It WIN ti CO., I.'b,

YiJl ! (lenernl Airfnt

TIIK CI IK'll IT COt'KT OF TIIKIN Firm Circuit. Ilituuiiaii lulaiuln. K.AUllUSl' IHM'K v. IIAI.IIIM I10'K.Tim llmwill: To the Miirnliulof tlm iluwitiluii IdlumlH, or bin llcoiiiy,Uriutlni;:

Vmi lire coiiiiiiiuuliil to Huiiiinoii lliilbllilllcick, ilefuniluiit, In sli luill Hid u rli-it'- li

iiimwtir witbin twenty ilnyiiufieriieivii'elicn-oi- , to t mitt iiiiieitr liulore the 1'lri.uitCiiii.t ut tiui Novuiuiier term tit- - reof. to lieboliluii ut Uonolulii, Ihlitml of Oiiliu onMONOAV, the .Mb day of November next,ut leu o'clock A M., to hbow run hi why thucliilm of F. Aukuki IIiick, iil.iiiinll', klmulilnot bu iiMurJetl to lilm pursuant to thutenor of bis unuuxeit nuiitiuli

Anil buveyou then there ibU writ withfill ruiurn ot j our iitcH'eutluiL's llnretiu.

WitiifHa Hon. W. A. WJ1IT1NO,I'irnt Jiiil).'i) of tho Circuit

h i:i.J (oiirt of the First Circuit utlloniilulu, tills lUtb Uuy ofOctober, Ib'.ll.


1 t'eillfy the foregolui; to Imi it true copyof (lie original HUinuioim lu rulil caui-e-.

uml tliui taiil Court orilureil puhllcallou ofthu MIIIIU Hllll COUtillUlllieu of Mild CllllhOuntil the next February term of IbU Court.

OKOIttlK 1,1'CAH Clerk.Jlouolulu, .Nov. 'M, Ib'JI. Ull.'-U- t

IN TIIK ITKOUIT OF TIIK FlItSTJudicial Circuit of tint lliiwiiiluu IkI--

nix. -- lu Probate, lu the mutter of theUntitle of All hKK, latent lluuului, Kituui,diceumd, liiteMate.

On reatlliiK mid llllng tint uf Alliviiii, oi Jiuuuiei, ivauai, pitiinvr in humlicofaltl All Hio, allttulliB that All JaH,onimmiei. Kie.Hi.iiiuiiii.u.tnut num.:lol, Kim!, ontliii ilui of October, A.I), imi., uml emyliiK ilmt l.t.i;r ofAdiiitiiUlriitloii to (J. Wlimiii, ofnuiHiMIII.llitl.lt

ll inonlurtd lliat Kill DAY. the Ulct duvof Hi cumber, A 1). IMJl, bo and.iiiiiliil il for hearing huld i'elltlou, In thu(j.iiirt Itoom i f thin Court, ut Uonolulii, utw blob llnm am! plain all ierMiiiHcoucernedmay uppu.tr uml hIiiiw cuukc, If anylbeyhave, iy mud I'mitlou nIioiiIiI not boK rained.

Hated llono'lllu, il. I., Nov. 'JU, A. 0.IKII.

liy tbeCo'irli1 IIAKI.KS F. I'KTKlthON.

llltlJl Clerk

FI03STEE3R.Building and Loan Association,

'pill? ItlliilM.AIt .MONTHLY MKKT- -lilt! Mill be held lit the I dumber of

l tiiuliiene mi .MUMMY IvVli.MMI, )va.v, imii, hi 7.:ui o'clock.gtf I'tiJ inenl urn rciiulred lu (lobl.

Ai V. tlKAIt,I lywi-'.'- l b'l'orclury.


SDA'l '"Tyv IrontoTTiJ.., fcticl.Iv.l.,A Ml. Art

rift inaifcHr. , l WWittrwt.il ""m i';.n2JJ .iA. ' I ' ivniuram00 i(ii.n .'A - i. t ' im iy -

Id. Ato MM SOW.

1BH 4wwT4VSIa.

Oi Mi Ml tot old bucket-- f V KSXt-'- ' KT104 WlldoVnlfllb Will


Tliu Hoard of Health roconi-iiieii- d

Hint nil drinking widerlie boiled nnl filtered. No one

vuulinu with our citv sunplv,bul those who drink

NAPA SODAnro always sure of its absolutepurity. Wo warrant every bot-

tle. Naca Soda is a puro mine-ni- lwater, just as it comes charged

with sparkling gas from the bo-

som of mother oiiith. It is pro-

scribed and recommended by themost eminent physicians. It isnot one of the now "inako-be-lieve- "

natural waters, but hasbeen in extensive use for twenty-liv- e

years. We furnish this"King of Table Waters" by thoHolllu, Dozen or Case. Wo nowhave eases of Sixty Holtles, es-

pecially for families, al the veryreasonable price of if (5 per case.A trial order solicited by tho

HollisttTDrugCo., L'd,

Agents for tbe UuwuIIsm Ulimla.


4 CD0




ega to

Q3 i a s. cs

&t . - o one 2 I z s. S

CO 5 "i"

n sDO



Just Received!

iW to




At tbe Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolte, Proprietor.

liMi-a- t


TWO OU THKKKYears, u Cotuiijn (cun- -

rally loeaicdi of hourItonuiK .with 1'iinirv nnil flitSSlbKllcbun uttliclied. lliubrnnin. Hervant'nuud Ciirriui;e-rooui- uml Stiihlea on theI'reniihes. Thu lloilhe Ih i:iy IHtml upfor hoiiM'l;eeliiK, uud the lot will liedivided oll'froui thu muiii yard by u fence,(lond rehHiuiible leuuulu uru wanted.

ut the llri.i.r.ri.N Oltlce. 12 il- - tf


rpilK 1'ltKMIUKU. OK.1 ii. r tjiieen ami I'uncli- -

boIH rceiH, (irmeriy oecu- - mikpled by Hauderii' rUnrena.1'0-- sion civen uli.tcu fir li nut, Hp.jily to J 1 1 1 . )'. i;iii,imiun

I Ifi iv

TO LET.f.,tltrvuil a l I ,.! It v I

Itniin.iiniiui'uii.iinii iB.--

m in, inn pi yii .i nn ,tMiliilmo, onlioi tit rear of aaVvTathe u.uiruli IIUS lw IStarSSlI


rpilUltK WILL HI'. A bl'hCIAI, MIU'.T1 I mu (if tbe Hli cklinlilerH of the V..- -

IiHi'h HrKMKIIir Co., ut llielr OU.ec, nn'IIIIIHDAV, lieo 1 llll ut IIIo'cIih'I: a, U.

U. II. II'IHK,iLSjuat betrciary.


ir-f- n dn--,

X 1 1

OU should hi ing your Carriageto us, as wc sire the exclusivemakers of the Oahlsox Siraft


tlcr, is tho only surewhicli, as nn iinli-rnt- -

thing in the world.


No. T'O Queen fc3trt


in the most perfect dentifrice yet discovered.

It in manufactured after a celchrated formula now

in our poHifSftion. The materials uncd are the pi i rotohlainuhle; contains nothing deleterious to the teeth

or gums, aud it use cannot he otherwise than pleas-

ant aud beneficial.

Many people while laudahly attentive to the preser-

vation of tin ir teeth, do them harm using a tooth

powder containing excessive "grit." Daily applied

such dentifrices tuv calculated not only to injure the

enamel by excessive friction, but hurt the gums.

A trial of Aloha Tooth Powhku will convince

anyone of its merits and the advantage of lining a

dentifrice of the purity of which they can be certain.

It is attractively put up, and will be sure to please

you in every way.



Benson, Smith Ik Co.,Comer lon. te H.ot,-?.- i t n

From Recent Direct Importetious

MAWS' T00THBRDSHE8!The Only Perfect Toothbrush.


Perfumes & Soaps !


Beware of Bacteriated Waterl

Drinking water should he boiled and filtered.

The Only JIkuaui.k Watkk Fnrrcu is the Slack ItBrownloW. They are nride on seientillc. iiiiciplcs. Theyare accessible in all parts ami can be readily domed.






-- fl





"The Qneea of Tablt Waters."


Aw York Tribune.




St. Jamm BmbjrA.

For 8!e at Orclly Uwtnc-- Kntoby

F. A. Schaefer & Co.11U-- lr

Telephone Co.:Yalual)le Real


A T TUB ADJOUUNKD ANNUALMeeting of this Cotimany held Nov.

llrth, 181)1, the following OlliceM weruelected (or tho ensuing yean

Wm O. Irwin 1'rr'MciitCecil Drown


James Canibell, Qodfrcy llrowti. It. A.Wldeiuann, J. V. Drown and W. F.Allen.

At Directors' nicotine ot Nov. 20, 18111,

under tho lly-la- o( tlie Coiiipmiy, fur-

ther elections wcro made ns follows t

J. F. Drown HecrelnryUodfrcy Drown Treasurer0.0. llcrifur Auditor

J. F. DIIOWN,IKO-lt- u Hccretay Mutual. Tel. Co.

Paps For Sale

Dam Honolulu Ilrlto (ex Oldv- -

whose iinm was Yen, uyDuke of Vernon lniiorttd;slro of Honolulu llnile wn

UlctibuiKti wtiowaslniiortcd frrni Knlandatacott of $1000. The tiro of tlime uisIs Honoluu Duke (Imporied) from l lietihaborna Kennels, Ottawn, III. The brent- - I

Iiik of these mips cannot bo beat on the(finis. Father and mother both broVento hunt. Also two Uonlnti rct'urs nl'-m-

marked, 8 nionthi old. For further par-ticulars, apply to

W.M. CUNNINGHAM,llltl-l- Anchor 8n'oon.

M. T.



New Patented Pol Strainer '

MP All Orilrm or Commnntcstlonddrciaed to K. O. Jf nil A. Hon, I.M.,

(who hare them on ule), or to M. T.bonuell, will receive iironii.t attention.


Fur Silul

1 KNOINK. Double Cylinder. HIiikIp Ac-tion, UxU Uyllndor, 'l llorco l'ownr.

lVKItTlUAIiTUIIUI.AUUOII.KK.Afcotlone, 40 Inches diameter, contain. iiklUO'J-lnc- ti tiilMii; wlil niipply toiu furlo tlono tower Kiik no,

1 FKKI) 1'UMl' with all oonnrotlons.

Thn abore art) alt in good order and ennbe had a bargain oy applyliiK to the

uioim UbIom tedi Co., Ltd.

People'! BiQflirje ExpressOAI.I. ANY PAKT OF TIIKWII.I. for IIAOUAOK. All lliUK"Ke

recelyed by uh will be liuudle.l with curt.and dispatch. WaKKn will lie ou theWharf to meet all and Inter-Islan- d

Bteamer. Moving I'Ihiij andFurniture a vpeclalty. Olllce UnitedCarriage Co. and l.lvcry Stablen, corner ofKing and Fort btreeiu. next to K O Hall& Hon. llotu 'XeleiihoneH ViO.



PfrDay f 21'erWeek si

BI'KIUAI. MONTHLY RTKH.The Best of Attendance, the llnt Hltuallon

and the Kinebt Meals In the City.

T. IRODSE, Proprietor.


1ST. F. BXTR,OHISSlaaKaln prepared to repair Urdcu Hone,Bprliiklem, water Tap, ef. buw Fllliit;aud all klndi of Tools eharyeneil, Inclun.lng Carving Knives ami bcUHirx; IawiiMoweria iK'cIitv: alio Betilng (Haas; Iufact all kinds of Jobbing. Worn uulled forand returned huig up 102 Mutual 'IV

any time boforu 0 a. m. 1171)11

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Kitlmatei given on all kind of


MaW 00H0MTB a araouLTT -- aJOHN F. BOWLER.


Olibea and Glassware Wanted I

Clocks, Watches and Jewelry Wanted I

Old Gold and Bllver Wanted I

mr mMt mm pii ji114 Ktnir Btreot, Oornnr of Alakon.

H. EGA da SIlVA,Uua, Baa,,

(MVK MIIHIO I.KSSONS ONWll.l, Hlrluged Instruinenti, lit ehhii'

lX i "' Aln I ;.b 'le ,KurrA llil.ee. 1IIU4

7Vi JHitiy IlirfUtlii mi rriit Vrtnuiilh, delivered by carrier. ,

iyVT! tow fiww" raw w "?3ra&TT$SSOf'S


By Jaa. F. Morgan.




, Wlninlptf a tul t itnpfliln if rn it fl at I . .1,i "'"p""At oc locki we took forts on bIWJf ,oo rf ,, ,

G' ' ' l ' Arthur the battle.J2l n the h, afcrnoon of November allI ( llf Y.i.. i, iir,tll,i, r.liftc. Iwuui tnuitti. Ili'itr i it t i . , n . i::""": ": nnireu. a noi out

Mutual Estate





AT AUCTION.On Wednesday and Threat,

December 5th and Oth,


I nm ltitrncU'l Ioy Mcmm H.Khl.l) t CO., to tell at Pulilli: Auction, nt...... . .....- fl. v. f..ll.... i.... i

racciin'orC TuOpHo"OttoalUlBJLCS, 1WCCU9,, ,, , .

Pt A A 9 A n Afl. . -

anil QUU IdUl railtirllSt

Piece, Drill., Hack., Mult, .

ltas KlnnncN. Vloto-l- a Lawn.MtBiiilfti Vatihirt Hntf'iirt 'Plirrrit.4iV,",w" hi- -

Buckles, Buttons, Needles, ,

'Ktc, Ktc.,

Jets. TP. Morgan,ll!0U5l AltOTtONKKK.

A.T AUCTION.Ou Thursday, Dec. 13, 1894


I nm InitfiirtMl by the umlfrthe WIP ot Mr. II. 1. llshop, tn to I

I'ub.lu auction, at my salesroom, (itcentitricl,AM, THAT THACT OF LAND COM- -


riltuttcd on Avcnuo Kewalolriit. Mnfetkl. II innMllll. Imltlir Him lll- -

anceof tuc ilc rnbui In Mrant '.TtW, I

..". i!.1?. '.?..L"iVtf,,,V.",.,.,i,l.,S iiiiisii iiiiuiiiisiii in iiiniiL kt.i. ins in iu i

Il'tltO.Tlio timoof i he l v can ho stii

t my nucllon room.

Terms h. II. 8. (lold Ctln.Dn'Os nt uxi'iivi uf uirlnt!'cr,

Jan. J Morgan,Mill 71 MHTIOMKKK


. - I

Pnflftf mOCk PjITiO I

Ulll lOlllldw UUI UO




Water Color Cards o

Hawaiian Scene's i Subiecls

'i i AIJjO : : t


Beautifully Colored


Sond Somnthlnff Hawaiian to YourFrlonde Abroad.


"Hotel StreetDnnl TJnfnri n n A I AnnoilOfil CloLdLU 0.1111 LUfllla. - ,v

imliiru. incut ol the LOAN MarketoNKtn cnwr the wnntu and iiiit"IiIcs ot

the laro uiiiulHrof Ihiio-uIiI- ii ivo Iu whoare not uwuiirn of iiiiIiumiiiiIhtpiI Itcul

win eiii- - of the iiiu-- t iimxiMry lutio-vallu-

of ri"cnt ji'iir. To iimny It lumitici.iit ri'lluf from pretiitf clii'iu. m ihovery time wlii'ii Whenpniin'rly mid huiinriiiily conducted thishiMliuij is of t.piiilly grfiit liniiortHiK'Hmid Vdlitu tothti ciiiiiiiiiiiiily lit iliilldlliKiiml Lniiii .Mii'ltttiuu lutvu proved thuin-M'lVl- 's

to be.

The Hawaiian Iuvestmeut Go.

MnUus n jc('ltilly of Negotiating mid Pro-riirl-

limmfir IlnrrouirH n. iirudlM-Hiii- tlnlr No esut llu Hunks

mid who do not oiiru to obllgiiiu tbciii-nlvi'-

to .omit or uciiuiiliitiincu byiiMug Ills timli rM'iiitntH to Not.

This t.'i'pmiy will milieu l.imns uponIlipiisi'lmlil I'lirnltiirit, 1'liiinii. Drguns,llnrroi, Mules, Wiiginis, I'lirrluKt-- s midrcrMiimi j rupny i'iiuui itiiiuviiik uh'Property from the llorrowt-r'- s poiHen.liiumid nil IiiisIiiuis will hi ..'oiidiiL'ttd ou n


The Hawaiian IuveBtmeat

Gkni:h.vl Hcai, Estati: Aodst.s,13 and IS KhhIiuiiibiiu Utnets,

(N. ar 1'iiu Oilic.H )

Notary Public. Mutual Te.oplioae G39.lifrj-iii- u


QXTB1B1M BTR.BHT.BatvMO Auuu and Uekardi StraeU

'pHK UNUKKHIUNK1) AKK WtKL pared to make all klmU of Iron

Uraau, llronio, Zlnu, Tin and Uad Castluga. Also a General Hepalr HIioii forHtram KnglnnK. Klre Corn Mills,Water Wheels. Wind Mills, etc. Marhlnesfor th( Cleaning of Cotlee, Castor Oils,Iteaus, Kumle, BibhI, l'iuenpple Iyesother Fibrous 1'lmitb and l'air Htock.Also Mnchlneh for Kxtractlng Hlarch fromthe Arrow Hoot, etn

All orders promptly attended t.




L u:iu tilliM K. lloi.i. nielli. WKIINI'.K- -

llAY, re, HI li. Apple alien lur udliil- -

kliiu iiiny lie addrp.il In I'iiI'i: nllh-- rat lHlll.iliaiil.ini .MXlliini, or m vne mi- -

. ... Kid,rBnM, lloon, ,,,H. hauirdiiy n.orn.,, 1, icanli I'll Imlloii Is I'ltty llullari a

lr Nw ,,,,,,!,.,, Vr. under twelveeuru ol Hge, Us-M- I

lu gaHju tUdln.



Port Arthur rnkon by the JapaneseAtor Desperate Fighting.

Tim London Times of the 2."ith

inM. publishes duanitfli from Hiro-shima, Japau, nlviux tho report ofKi.ilil Mnrali.nl Cnlllll OvnniA. Mrlinoii... .J ' ....

K"" tlionttnok oh tlmlntulwnnf fortsnt Port Arthur nt tlawu on Novom- -

bor 2It. Tho Chinoo offorotl

ruljrM till' IUIIP HHJ vr'rb HV

An) dapanoso oiiicors ami men werekilled and wounded. The Chineseloss and tho uumlKrof prisoners isHtill unknown, luo spoils are almntlant and inciml e a specially largo

tirf ll.tft I

8:3o whk,hafter ...outthe ,,, all,i

Lritlwir forta umiuni




VMIdur mid














would bo au oirense againstand a quantity of ity. Wo hope that hear

he Chinese garrison favorably her object enemy's overuumber ofammunition. Iat tho lowest ustuuato was 20,UU0mon."

A Clieo Foo despatch to the Timessays: Port Arthur is still burning.Twelve Japanese war ships havebeen seen there. Tho Chinese fleetis at Wolhoiwoi.

A Shanghai despatch to the Timesstates that it is reported from NewChwaug that tho Chinese armycommanded by General Sung lnnbeen divided. One part is liruilyholding Mothieling and constantlyrepulsing part of the first Japanesearmy. Th- - other part is making aforced march to Port Arthur to at-

tack the Japanese there. A part oftho lirnl Jitpauoso army is followingtho CniiiuMJ on the way to I'ortArthur.

A despatch received from lliro I

.l.lt.ln. .1,.,,,.!..-1U-..- II... l..vl f 1 1...

.I....IA el. ImiiI he A.lmlr.il II... ........w..!'..-- - . . y ".-"- "f " I

mntidur or tho tJtiimtioso, from roitArthur ou tiaturdny. The despatchsays: ''This place was captured by.Marshal uyarua on i iiuruay. 1 lieunited siiuadrous stood oil shore,merely nllracliiig seaward the atten-tion of the coast batteries. SinceFriday morning tho men of the ll.ethave been ham Ml work tetuoviugthe torpedoes and protecting themouth ol the entrance to the forts.The dock yard, nrsenal ships inthe port have been handed over tol,, JPt N'nvy Di'partuiont.i ue hock yani unit arsenal nro inperfect working order. A despatch-boa- t

left l'iug Vang inlet this morn-ing for I'ort Arthur, conveying thoKmporor'it congratulations to CouutOyaina and bis thanks to thotroops."

A despatch soul from I'ort Arthurvia Uwntig Jti on Thursday hasImhiii received hero. It states thattho Chinese fought vigorously. ThoJapanese loot 250 moil killed orwounded. Tho Chinese loss wasover 1000.

The despatch adds that for over afoituighl p;ht Count (Kama's armyhas been steadily iiinrchiiig in twodivisions down tho l'eiiiiiHiila toI'ort Arthur. Xo organized rorisl- -

mice was offered by tho Chiuesotroops for three-quarter- s of themarch. Since thou, houovor, therewere occasional brushcH with thooiiemy. On Thursday the right divi-sion of the advance guard hnd aikirmih with tho enemy who retiredin good order. Iu the afternoon thefort and village of Sliuisy Chiugwas captured.

Iloth divisions moved forwardduring the night. Karly iu themorning the right division crept upthe range of low hills to the north- -

west of J'oit Arthur carriedhem with a tush. The minx were

then dragied up. and lire openedi " . .

ona siruug reuotiia hssj yams iiistnui.Tho enemy returned the lire briskly.Tho Japanese inf.intry advancedagainst a well-tlincte- d tiro withoutaltering, shortly before II o clock

tho fort wan carried by storm in amoil gallant Tho Chinesestood for a minute or two againstthu liual onslaught, lighting fiercely.Then they Hint toward tho dockyard.

Tho right division then advancedin force against the Koklnsan fort,which wat armed with Mivernl heavyKrupp guns which were well served.Scores of uieii were killed or wound-ed iu this brio! advance. At noonthe fort itself was stormed aud cap-tured after a hhort but tlsperatelight. Uy It o'clock iu the afternoontho right division uas in full posses-sion of the western purl of thostronghold.

Meanwhile the left divisionbeen ll.ircly engaged on the south-oiih- I,

where tho ground was less dilli-cul- t,

but far from easy. Their pro-L'rch- rt

waH momenturilv uhecked liv alumv) lire from three forts that were I

conuected by trenches. Those fortswere strongly hokl, aud were wellplaced ou the highest ground iu thevicinity. The Japanese artillery andthe Chinese guns iu the forts keptup a steady lire. The first assaultwas splendidly delivered, the Chi-nese being driven headlong from thewoiks after making a gallant stand.By livening Tort Arthur was iu poxsession of tho Japanese, but theenemy still hold soiuu eight or tenredoubts, with a total of abouttwenty guns ou the coast line.


It is ollicially announced in iWlinthat Japan rocogui.eH United StalesMiuibter Dun at Tokio as tho suit-able channel through which Chinacan open up negotiations for peace.The Powers will simply remain spec-tators. It is considered that Chinais In a position to pay I lie Japauesedemands if the war ceases now.Japan is to hold I'ort Arthur untilthe demands are satisfied, Thothird Japanese expedition, which isatloat, is opposite Wei llni-We- i.

An ollleial despatch has been re-

ceived at Koine from Tokio sayingthat Japan has intimated that assoon as China may make pence pro-posals Japan will accept the goodolllces of tho Lulled States In thenegotiations.

Tim Japanese Legation at Wash- -

ington has recoived confirmation oftho capture of Port Arthur.

CHINA AT TIIU MKIIIY OK .tAPAS.A Washington despatch of this

date In tho San Fratiufouo Heportsays: Tho capture of Port Arthursoveral days ago makes easy thoprogress of the Japanese troops totho Chinese capital. Competentmilitary authorities who are thoroiihly familiar with the physicalconditions of China ay that a Japa-nese army could march from theoast coast of the Gulf of Pechili toto IVkiu in ten days.

There was uo natal battle nt PortArthur. Admiral ho did not takepart iu tho attack because the en-trance to tho port was Muddd withtotpedoes and all tho usual land-marks fur the guidance of pilots luulbeen removed.

he ,il"l,ii cnwo


human-- iJapan will




It is believed in Washington that


Tho London Daily News says:To further prolouir tho strnuulo

tures."The Standard says: "Probably

Wolhalwel and New Chwati will bocaptured in a few days. Japan oughtnow to accept the offer of peace.China wilt waive all rights to Coreaand pay i,''A,000,(XX) if Japan insistsou suchnMim, although China couldnot raise it without being crippledfor half a century. The countriesthat hitherto have stood aside mustdecide soon whether they will allowJapan to crush China utterly, notpolitically, but. also commercially.The Anglo Itussiati entente can bodirected to urging Japan to be tem-perate in the use of her victory."


.a I hi.i -vr. ou.pmui. oi.or-- u xo nnvoBu0M Mul m f"Bt 8W"d1'oiit Townsuxi) (Wash.), Nov. '.--Despatches from San Francisco

regarding a contemplated uprisingof the Koyalists in Hawaii to over-throw the present Government audplace Queen Lilltiokalatii ou thethrone receive part confirmation iuthis city. A well-know- n and re-

sponsible ship broker, who request-ed that his iiauie be withheld fortho pros. ut, made the statementto-da- y that he know of his own per-sonal know ledgo that large quanti-ties of firearms and ammunition hadbeen recently shipped clandestinelyto Hawaii on lumber vessels.

Uo had heard that a load of armscame from tho East over the GreatNorthern to I'uget Sound, where itwas transferred to a small tug,which intercepted two sailing ves-sels In the straits below I'ort Towns-en- d

after they had cleared from theCustom House and there transferredthe cargo.

The shipments were originallymarked as general merchandise, des-tined for the Sound, but the car wasside-tracke- d at a small station neartide-wate- r and its content trans-ferred to tho lug. All this occurredearly in September, and after thoarms were placed ou tho vessels thotug returned, and several ciphertelegrams, it is said, were sunt toHonolulu via Sail Francisco.

That tho contraband consignmentwas Intended for thu royalists therecan be no doubt, owing to the sur-reptitious movements surroundingtho shipment. It is also stated thata consignment of rilles and car-tridges from the East was receivedover tho Canadian 1'acilic Kailwayami shipped from Vancouver to SailFrancisco ou an ocean steamer forrcshipuioiit to less than ayear ago. It was marked as mer-chandise and consigned to a well-know- n

shipping linn iu Honolulutiulrieudly to thn new Government.The information camo to the Cus-toms Department and it was prompt-ly sent to the Secretary of thuTreasury.

From statements made here byperso us engaged in business transac-tions with vessels in the Hawaiiantrade there is every reason to believethat army stores aud munitions ofwar have been smuggled into Hawaii, and at a prearranged timeevery royalist iu the country willsuddenly appear well armed audprepared to overthrow the preneutGovernment.

That, taken with the recent asser-tion of certain royalists iu Honoluluto thu oiled that thu Uuilod SlatesGovernment had proinisud thoQueen's envoys who wont to Wash-ington not to interfere iu case ofanother rebellion, and the presentunsettled condition of political af-

fairs in the islands, lends much colorlo the supposed discovery of a plotto violate thu neutrality laws be-tween Hawaii ami thu United States.

Mil. HASTINGS NOT A1IU1U.Wajiiiinoion, Nov. 'Si -- Frank Hast- -

iugs,Secrolary aud Charge d'Allairesof tho Hawaiian Legaliou here, isconfident from information ho haspersonally recoived that the royalistuprisings and revolutionary move-ments at Honolulu will not mate-rialize. He is assured, too, that oventhu natives do not Mipport thu viewsuf the white rojalists, who receiveda death blow to their hopes whenthu llritish Government formallyrecognized thu Dole government.Minister Thurston, who in now inI'ort ugal enlisting immigration tothe islands, is expected back aboutthe first of the new year.

A. K. Kilpatrick, of Fillmore, Cal.,had the misfortune lo have his legcaught between a cart and a stoneand badly bruised. Ordinarily hewould have been laid up for two orthree weeks, but says: "After usingone Dal tie ol uiiatnoerlalu h I'aiu

' Balm I began to feel better, aud hithree days was entirely well. Thupeculiar soothing qualities whichChamberlain's I'aiullaliu possesses I

have neter noticed in any other lini-

ment I take pleasure iu recom-mending id" This liniment is alsoof great wiliie for rheumatism andlame back. For sale by all dealers.

I llensou, Smith Co., agents for thuI Hawaiian Islands.

What .

'h I Ionic without a



Whatin Mother without

a Baby?


WhatIk Uahy without a

Pair of


Shoes ?105 fort Strent.

.You,l...l.1.l lHr I.....I...I ll.il , ,,,,.

who huvc been ,.,....!ur-- 1

nishiug iiml Tailoring for n life- -'

lime come very nenr knowing '

what you


iu Hit rlnipc nf properly iniiitcclothing. Mr. Sl.uey, was for

.vciiii. the culler for Ail.iuie, tinlilliioils S.lll Tailor,We have it frol, line of Hoods

.11,111 ",u


We are iiI.ii way up iu the (l.-nl-

Furnishing Line, and keep con- -

mainly on hum! a full supply of

the wry lalest Ties. Dress Shirts,Fine Underwear. Etc.. Kin., amiwit.Illicit to compile holh iupriceauil qu dily with any similarstore iu Honolulu


llia-'li- u OH Kurt tflrrct.


Frozen TurkevssS.

For ThnnlcHglvlng Day !


Liv.5 Tu-- k ys, Gese & Chickens



Kalitii Poultry RanchAil I'.iiiltrr fioiu tin' iiIkivii Itnncli

re I'ai and Hrin K.il ou tlraiiiund I'r. sliM0..1.

faT tie d.rli-r- s fur any desr! tlmi ofriitrtrj tu e, or k u.ti ana iirt"ei

( aifonda Fralt Market.Comer KIiik mid Alskett bis.

Mutual Tei.ki'iion'k J78.Iltll-t- l



- WholHuale Dual em In

Liprs aid Manila (lipsAXD

General Chinese Merchandiseseen am -

Nm Oils, Kid, MattliiK.Dhlliese Hllks, TeaR, Ku.

Bnulitb and American QrnceritiaUy Ktery Coast HUainer.



laDemeDt and Sals ot Prtipori)

- sr -

Collecting Id All Its Branches.Orrioa No. i'l Merchant rilrtwt


Coiltcor and Real Estate Agent

llipii'i'i lli'Mrt. lii'iiiH i'iiIIii'I.mI,

oillrri Cuiiiiiilni.' Illiiok, Miuili'tiit Btrrellltfj tin


flicker Work!

A large iiHMirliiiont

liux jut lioi'ii fd

nor "1J. 1".

Kiuliut" mid "V. ).

I'ryant," mid more

to at rive pel "Tran-


ttox-- & So Co.,No, 74 King Street



BESTPAINTOIL!Amount of Vour 0,1

Bill Throuicb HttvinK in fltftnout.

Kvcry p.uutcr ln.uhl use I.imoi. liesteml ol UiimviI Oil, licciiiisu:

i, l.ui'OL Is more .fiiruf.re than l.lnwr.1till.

'i. I.l'i'iil. Is morn rrvmomfraf than I .Inseed tin


six years of actual toe In cxicrmihouse painting in California (Hitiimst " viiiuiuu nir iiiiiuti;, inl,, 'rulug heat of the Arixoua lie- -

crt, the Arctic colli of Alaska, anil onlliu Atlantic coast, have fully amipractically shown that I.ttcoi. idwayroutwears Miirccil Oil iimlcr the sunnconditions. AU the iicld works inWan Francisco have discarded I.ln- -

H'l;,, oil f,,r 1',":""


l',u strong ttiiiinouiii on Linseid amiLcol paints. The Linseed p.dnUare destroyed iu a few minutes; theljji'''l ndnU urn practically unalhcl.


Hrcnk up 1 11m. paste white leadiu one pint of Li'coi., ami the saiurquantity iu one pint of Ltusccd Oil.Spread the painta ou similar darksurfaces for coiuiiarison. The Lu.olpaint spie.nls as far as and covcremuch butler than the Linseed paint.To get equally ginid covering with the

ifwwii()lli .niHIK.ilhUravhl,, f j lll 0iiiisle loud lo each pint of Lucoi. used,or (I llii. to escry gallon, iqiiivalcutto your saving mure than half thefirst cost of Hie I,!()!..

I. ucoi. is not iu competition withcheap Linseed Oil siib'tiliites.

iiM.fi. IRW1K UUM

L.1M.IT3C1Da rnr the Hmiun mwm





Elegant Patterns,an.. Latest Stylos.

, OOOIIH Wll.l, UK KOI.l) IN


100 Yards Down to Enough

to Make a Single Suit I

- a nii at -

Hard Times Prices!L. B. KEKIl, - lMPouTK.it,



Finu CasH moros SoryoH,Whtto Llnonn, Eto.

Suits Made lo OnlurON hllOlll' NOTK'i:.


C AKl.MA, 111 Nmimiii Stri'ot.IJoooni



Hvory variety, slylo

ami price in Iho

Km nittire line. Tliohv and ino.st va-

ried in llonoluht.

Call and iii-jic- 'i't our-- toek.

NEWGrocery y Store


Hotel nixl KliiL'.Strn't, next toSliootliiK Uiillcry.

GEO. MCINTYREHas illeil n I'lro-cl:,- .. (Inx-cr- Hloroa nli.ve. Me will k. nlvai on handthe llel Mild l'filit-- l

AmCDCdn M E gllsil GNCtritt

Provisions, piiM'H,.,Ulllllll'U CtOOllH, Ltf,

Ami do hi Im1 to pli-n-- allCiMoineri).

I'lirchaea delivered to all 'nartioftl.eCl.y.

Mutual Wol.epla.sno S2ST.",.,.,

rL1FL an,



W. lwnMm. . .. .,

llHHtK, I7,l09,l2b.49Uuinn UBC4fthl Pll IJML Ct,

Asia fa 14 317 ni9'Thami aim Hentej MarlBt) Int. Co.,

Lilll.lUil)amjiU , 1Ro,IA,hii.

Nw Turk Lllu 111. Co.iniftMeWlia7,4SW.lW.JW.

. l Krnrvir.H U U Uv U U II U II H .




flarclufli Tailor,3rt3 ITuu.jiu fc:rt


Krtftliso, uric!) dix' Anifflcau GMs."trli and re HiinrMiie.-i- l

tJluiitmii: tv Itopiii'ltigHiitiml T'lf. fihb f "I r"i l4


Criterion SaloonW1ELAND . EXTRA - PALE

Lager Beer!2 M0uMhS FOR 26 CfiNYS

chas j McCarthy,,lol.,( ManaRer.

ui.miliercial -:- - SalOOIlHARRY KI.l'.HMr: Minan.r

t.or SmMa A Ut.ri,ttniu Bti ( Honolaliu

iue uaiy sporiiug House in Town. -


- s aSpecialtyL0henflrl11 Lafler BMP

A'lays on DfitDght. 2 Ota for 15c.

t of Wines, l.iiimiri Niul Hlaraalwnymiu IihihI

Meruhauts' ExchangeH. I. HIIAW, I'roprletor.

clluico u H

mid tfine Boer


Cor. IIiikuiu Nuuanu titrevt, Huiiolula,

'l&-- X ttaMkiMiaftjJl an9- - - j















vkj CWYWtm

f '

HRE'S Ttfz Point. .NTTF S




Crockery Department.Ilavilaml China, plain and decorated, Glassware,

rut and engraved, Flower Globes, Baskets, Vases,and a meat varietv of other useful and ornamentalarticles. Expected daily per ship Routonbock fromEngland, lour new patterns of linest Limoges China,con.Msting of Dinner Ware, Tea Sets, Fish Sets, Honlion Plates, Olive Trays, Salad & Ice Cream Sets,etr. Beautiful line of Semi - Porcelain Ware,plain and decorated. By Australia: Small lot ofCrown Milium Ware, something new for Honolulu.Tlii.s department is under the management of Mr.Diuioud, who will always he found ready to showgoods ami quote prices.





Manufacturers' ShoeWaterhouse, Queen Store.

Groceries and Bottled Goods.This department is filled to the ceiling with fresh, new goods,

such ax Hams and Bacon (Cedar Bapids), Teas, Coffees, Sugar,Spices, Sonp, Pearl Oil, etc. Bottled Goods in great variety, Eng-lish J Me Fruits, Lee & J VrriuV, genuine Worcester Sauce, Olives,Catsups, sour and sweet Pickles, etc., etc. CANNED GOODSfor Soups, Tahle Fruits, Tomatoes, Com, .Peas, Asparagus, Chicken,Turkey, Curried Oysters, Ox Tongue, J junch Tongue. This de-

partment is under the supervision of that genial and well knownsalesman, S. .1. Salter.

General Merchandise.This heading cover.--, a multitude of articles, and means everything

from a knitting needle ton plow, hut we have them all in stock, youdon't have to wait a mouth for the goods to come from the Coast.If you don't helieve it, call and see for yourself. Mr. Henry or J.T. "Waterhouse, Jr., will always he found at the Queen St. Store,and will give you the attention your patronage deserves.

No 10 Store,on Fort Street is keept open solely for the accom-

modation of our customers who do not wish to comeas far down town as Queen St. A great variety ofgoods is kept in stock, such as dressedand undressed Kid Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, etc.Figured Silks and Satins, India and Surah Silks, allshades, Bcal Lace, Ildkfs., Lace Curtains, White& Ecru, Down Pillows, all sizes, Leather Goods ofNew Designs, and Toys from a .Jumping .lack to a

No. 10 Store is under the manage-

ment of Meters. Jordan and Murphy, who under-

stand their husiness








J. T. Waterhouse, No. 10 Store

Kwwiww ' "yttgay '' , ''y"wg;?iy m :,' i'j- -' ' '"fpF III







San Francisco, Nov. 26.

I'cr S. S. Austrnlln.l


Tacoma anil Seattle are excitedover thu question of whether thereis volcanic action at the u in rait ofMount llainier. Vapor has beenseen to rise, and some insist that itwas smoke.

The only sou of Governor Pen-noy-

of Oregon died of fever atWilliamstown, Mass., where he wasattending Williams College.

The Populists gained 000,000 votesin two years.

Bishop McQuaid at lloohestorpreached a sermon attacking Arch-tiifho- p

Ireland for coming to NewYork and engaging in the last poli-tical campaign.

Tho Atuerieau linor Indiana, fromLiverpool and Queeustowu for Phila-delphia, with a crew of 70 men and110 steerage passengers, is sit daysoverdue. The Hod Star steamerPennsylvania from Antwerp is fivedays overdue.

A new village of tho ancient cliffdwellers lias been uiscovoreu In Ari-- 1

zona, together with the first evidenceever oulaluou tuat tnoso pooplo cul-tivated tho soil.

Election frauds are turning up allalong the line in San Francisco.

Secretary Carlisle has decided toaccept the proposal of John A.Stewart, President of tho UnitedStates Trust Co., fur the entiro issuoof $o0,000,C00 bonds at 117.077 andaccrued interest from November 1.

The steamers Lucania and Parisbrought from England $2,000,000 ofAmerican gold for the Hank of Brit-ish North America. It is surmisedthe money is to buy bonds.

John Burns, M. P., the Englishlabor leader, is visiting tho UnitedMales.

Two million dollars' worth of pro-perty and eight miles of timber woreburned by recent fires in the Colo-rado mountains.

Superintendent Byrnes of theNow York police one of the mostfamous police commanders in theworld -- will have to resign owiug tocorruption denounced by Dr. Park-hurs- t.

Rev. Father James O'Connor, ouoof the best known Catholic priestsin San Francisco, was found (lead inbed, having been choked with escap-ing gas.

A rich Gud of gold is reported inthe Cascade mountains, Washing-ton.


TUHKISII ATKOCITICS.' Armenian in America and Kug- -

land are stirred up over a massacreof Armenian Chrixtians by thu Turks.The latest advices received by thuAiiKlo-Auierica- n Association iu London indicate that thu Turkish nrtil-lor-

without discrimination, tired onArmenian women and children aswell as thu members of thu Kurdishtribes.

Thu Association is dissatisfiedwith the personnel of tho commis-sion appointed by tho TtirkUh Gov-ernment to investigate the outrages.Its members do not believu thu com-mission will do moru than order thearrest and trial of those Armenianswho Mere fortunate enough to es-

cape to the mountains.ittiDsiau representatives in Con-

stantinople aru instructed to de-

mand nu investigation into pastatrocities ami thu prevention of attacks on the Armenian Christians iufuture.

The Muftir of Moosh has beeudecorated, although he is ouu of theotUcials implicated in thu massacre.American newspapers aru prohibitedfrom uuteriug Turkey.


Jean Victor Duruy, thu Frenchhistorian and a former Miuister of

' Public Instruction, is doad.A sensation has b:m caused in

Paris by the exposure of the veualityof thu press of thu gy capital.

Rubinstein, thu famous HusiauI composer and pianist, died on thu

20th of heart disease at Peterhof.The Pall Mall Gazette publishes

an interview with Count Bismarck,who sayB his father, Priuce Bis-- ,marck, is weak and cannot last muchlonger.

Serious earthquake shocks havehappened at Mossiua aud lleggio,


Priucess Bismarck is seriously ill.A mob uumburiug 000 persons, in- -

eluding many womun, roso against' thu collection of octroi duties in the' town of Alatir, iu tho province of

Homo. The police were powerlessand thu military only suppressedthe riot after thu Mayor's residencehad beeu stoned and three of thuoctroi ollices destroyed.


Czar Nicholas 11. and PrincessAlix were marriedtoday. An enormousthe womliuir procession.


resignationthey work together


regiment. VictoriaWindsor

lug wedding,marriage grand-daughte- r

limperorNicholas, occasion

marriage, manifestoremitting

and modifying

trade most liberal terms their largo

varied stock Dry Fancy Goods, Boots

Shoes, Hats, Shawls, Clothing, Saddlery, etc., etc.,

Furniture and Hardware, Bags, Bagging, Building

Material, Crocker)' Glassware, Groceries, Wines,

Lirpuors, etc.,

Sole Agentsfor Golden Flour,

Flour, Merchant Flour.

Fort and Queen Streets.

Henry May & Co.make a specialty



Ceylon, Flowery Orange, Pekoe, 5 boxes.Asam Primrose, lb. boxes.

English Breakfast Congo, f lb. boxes.Shilling's Blossom, lb. canisters.

Comet Oolong, and boxes.Silver Stote Oolong, and bojccs..

Formosa Oolong, f boxes.Japan, uncolored, 5

China, different grades Chcsto.


Fine Selected, bags 100

Fine Selected, one year bags 100 lbs.Collbo roasted ground daily.

Vol-!- ; Si-taoo-.





he moved entire shoes outaud placed entire new following goodsshelves: new hue throughout celobnitcd Stetson

Hats, sizes and very latest block; Wilson Bros.'Neckwear; Jaeger's sanitary Underwear, a com-

plete Gents' Furnishings quality andstyles. Steamer Trunks, Valises, Hand

Flannel suits. Fort and Merchant Sts.


to ourentire stock,

Men's Seamless Socks,Heavy Undershirts, 5 for 81.

Gaiter Shoes, finish, 81.50 pair.at Petersburg ' bilk Handkerchiefs, all sizes, 50c.

crowd cheeredI Good Huck lowols, II

1 ho Czar staitlod omcials i

walking in the streets an Mull s Blue Suits, from 7.50'eort. ' 5.00.

When statesman DoQiers,Poreigu Aifuirs, tuuder Men s Black Suits, reduced from

oo ins llie U.ar said uuhoped would 88.00.

a time yet. this U,jUH' Kt 75c. Worth 81.25Giors replied! "But, your .majesty, at feet. They Ladies' jjuitoii ftlioos, in great I

cannot carrythe (J.ar rcpliei "1 do not wantyour feet. I only waul your head."

l lie iv.ar lias won apiiointeu lion-- ,orary colonel of Scots Grays

Oiicuii gave abanquet at Castle thu oven- -

of the In honor of thuof her to

the of Itussla.C.ar on thu of

issued a ofclemency arrears of taxes


Offer to the on the

and of and and



We of the



Brown 81.00.


brands of TEA:in lb.

in 25


15 .'10 lb.18 lb.


lb. taxes.in

Old iu of lbs.old, of

Q5 and



t Minform


that has the stock of of the cornerhas an stock of the M.

on the A of theall of the

etc., iuof of the best tho

Bags, etc.


we one our

10 & 15c per



St. 15 to

forhas by

totho oldof

tofor long ToDe

iook my romme;






fbegs to his







Christmas Gifts.undersigned has just received,

direct the manufacturers in Ire-

land a fine assortment of new goods,

consisting ofLadies' Embroidered Hand-

kerchiefs, Tea Cloths, Sideboard Cloths,Linen Damask Sets of the Celebrated

Shamrock Linens, Etc., allot which

are suitable for Christmas Presents.

C. Sproull.

Desiring reduce large stockoffer for month, beginning December 1st, at the

following prices:

25e.fine per









Brown Cotton, heavy, 3(5 inches wide, 13yards 81.00.



10-- 4 Shooting, 25c. nor yard.Blue Deninie, 7 yards 81.00.White Cotton, soft finish, 30 inches wide, 13

yards 81.00.Farwoll White Cotton, 30 inches wide, 9c.

per yard,liiuliuh' Fast Black Stainless Hose, 20c. per

pair, 82.00 per dozen pairs..Men's Fast Black Stainless Socks, 20c. per

pair, 82.00 pur dozen pairs..Men's White Unlauudored Shirts, Liuun

.Bosom, 50c.

Come early and avoid the rush, and remember: these prices hold good for one month only,

YEE CHAN,Nuiiu Strut, mi Dr mtikt i! Kti Itmt,



1 .fcJ



Dll tt



$lu gnUg gMtlctitt.

MONDAY, DEC. 3, l8iM

MA-RHTT- NEWSArrival..

SrsnAV, Deo.Am 3tunlril clir V V Jewrtt, Jolnuon

iT'ilms from Pert Aii?li,Hi in r Wnhilcnlo from II utnikiiaulmr Mlknlmln friim Kmtnlrilnir (Mainline from MaulM mr Kllaiica I tint from Hawaiihtmr J A t'ltmmiiis from Koolatl

Monday, Dec. 3S S Australia, Himdl.ttf, from Han Krati- -


Monday, 1it. 3.

llnw lik II P Kltliut, Mo rlson, tor HanKmticl e.j

Blrnr Kvnitlioti for Muknlpia, Ivttliuku amiI'lllinlnii

Rtinr.lns Makoc for Knp.iant I p inaimi Mokolli lor Molokal anil l.niinl

Vnssols LeavingAtu bk Albert. Orttllt ti. for ban I'rnliuWcoHtmr W U Hall fur Maul uml Hawaii at lu

a in"tmr Mlkahnla for Knitnllittnr I'laiiillmi lor Mini

Cnron from Inland Porttitmr Mlkaliala 'iSKl bites Ulnar, ul tmgs

rice, 3i lulls littles and HI pkys sun-dries.

fcliiir Walalpali- - SMI Imp nignr, 8 hagscoirep and '.II If ail entile.

Stmr Clniidlnu 60 h'ad caltlu and 111 pkftositmlrir.

btmr lwalanl 3.VW tiaiii sugar.

tnntVAL.From Port AiikcIcs, irs'lir V K Jew

eu, i;ectlaiiglitcr,


Mr and Mrs i.ambvrt ami

Kroni Hawaii ami Maui, tor Minr t'lioi-illi.- e,

l3 a- -0 J l'alk, A Hani, nr ilt--

II rbi-rt- , A Haiit-buru-, 0 Von Haiiiui, MMurphy.

From Kitunl, iwr stmr Iwnlanl, Due 1

Mix M.iIiIiiiii, r I' IViirmlt, K ri HarrisMm D DouKlai, 0 U Marglla, I Jnpuiiutuand II deck.

From Kauai, perstinr Mlknlial, Uie'lO N Wilcox, .1 F Paul iMMiberi;,Mrs Wit HclimMt, WT 8clinil.lt, II Wei-Ut-

Mrs A M Hproull, MIm D llumpkc, 0O llalleiitlnv, O l.yfurL'iP", M D Mommrrat,t! band boj x nml l.t ili-u-

From Ban Francisco, pr H 8 Australia,Dfo:i-.MIr- -i'S Afo'ijt CI), J K Alkuu, ' oAnthony, Mm lllurimin, II I! Ilitriir.a macK m Jianu'ii, jnrsj ii nowii's, r.I, l'iiac, JoM'pli llrownr nml wife, W nConey. A F I'noku, A Drrli-r- . Jim (lu,Fariiliam, Mrs J Uoodi'lilld, Mm J Urnlmiuand 'Juli'ldrpn, Mrn W FOi'UiT. M llm'll,Mr Ftlooilmnuaml.'lflillilrt'ii .1 ' llnrrl-- ,Fred JiiO'il)., MrnC I. Joii.m., MNa Allmllnl.ovry, Dr II 1 Moon'. I, Maitnln, F ItMi'Hlorkeraml wife, J F OToiuuir MajorW T Ki'wanl, H-- U'iniiid K rlmeiilvr,Mrn V 0 Wilder, Fred T llrlitow and wlfo,A T llrlxll ami wlfi-- , A II 8mall, Wml.ltclillclil ami wifi', T It 'llmm. Mill.

lil'ARTUKIIx.For "an Fracloo, iwr bark Albfrl, Di

Hamilton, Ton III ami l.rff.IHIlK.

For Kan Francco, pur bark It P Kltliut.Docll Mm l.ntlirop. . l.uUrop, U JlHatili,OHWalkr.

ShippiiJk: Nol.The Imrk Kumatin nrrlvud at Hllo. Ha

waii, on hatiirday last from .S.m FrancUco.Ttiu bark it. 1. Kltliut, Morrlxou mater,

railed llii afternoon for Han Fraiii'lruowith n Unlit cargo of Mi;ar.

Tin-- hrhoonur W. F. Juwutl,Johiixon iiiHrtur, arrived iv fontPort Annrli-- with it carpo of of III" bcrnu railroad material for IIih U. It. ,tCo.'Hcxittniiloii to Walaiuu. Hhu dorkrdat th railway wharf wheru kIip Iicjjuu dclmri;llii; IIiIn iiioriilm;.

AN IIIAM'IKMI NOTIM.Di'parturuii- - Nov '.'l.lMirkx Martha D.ivix

and n. C. Allen, Nov. -'', harkentlni's V.II Dlmoud and S (I Wilder, b. H. Aus-tralia; Nov. 27, svlioonur Alolia, all furHonolulu.

Dlod.JUNKS--I- tlilHcIt) Die. 't, 1MII, Aiiiiis I.

Jones, a ustlvu of Maine, nged N)ears,KUA-Iill- hU liy, 1),. '.. 1MU, the in-

fant daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. J.Kgau, aifi-- 'l hour.


No Blood Shod by tbo Man Who IsStill Druuk.

An eldorly man uametl Taylor fir-

ed two shots at his native wife onSaturday afternoon while under theinfluence of liquor. Neither shotlook effect. Tho police woro notifiedaud Taylor was arrested for assaultwith a deadly weapon. Cash hail of$350 secured his release aud Taylorcontinued his spren. This afternoonthe case was mil pros'd and Talorcalled at the Marshal's otlice for hispistol, which had been taken posses- -

bioii of. It was refused him, as hewas then under the itiUueuce ofliquor The man toltl outsiders thatthe Marshal was a good friend ofhiu, ami he was all right.


The Coucordia Soeie'y has electedthe following oflieerH: Si. G. Silva,president; J. S. Lihoruio,

J. T. Figuerdo, secretary; J.V. Fernandez, treasurer.

A Strong Horse




OF- -

Hay and GrainInxi Arrived per "8. 11. Wlhlir.'



Ouriier ljueeil .V Niluitlili His.

Uoth Tklkimionks 121,

- - ry ,r'avjpr M

tpiim - !7SsrtnT? evwr ,yr?- -t3WfcYifrr 'rsi

". - --ei' Mr?.?: 1 V.to -

Ut) "i '

"Xo( f.VQ-


Cropo tisdtio paper rccoirod atThrum'ii.

Frank Poor is now purser on thont o.iiiie r Hawaii.

The Novnmlmr term of tho CircuitCourt will close this ovoniuR.

Major W. T. Seward has returnedfrom a business trip to San Fran-cisco.

H. F. Wichman uives the latestnews by the Australia on adorn moutof the hair.

R. V. Wilcox has added twelvelots to his homesteads for sale ad-


Purser McCombe favored thoBulletin with tho latest San Fran-cisco pacers.

Tho S. S. Australia will loav forSan Kraucisco on Saturday next at12 o'clock noon.

Clarence W. Macfarlane hrn ac-

cepted the tiositioti of captain ofI lie ticatani boat unit).

Wray Taylor sold moro than ahundred tickets this morning for thetopers' Christmas beueGt concert.

A slight shock of earthquake wasfelt iu town about 1 o'clock thismorning. No damage ii reported.

Frank Clifford is no longer clerkin the Marshal's oCico. Ho has takencharge of tho Press PublinhintrCo.Vofllce.

"Bummer," tho Australia's dog,was one of tho happiest animals ontho arrival of that steamer thismorniug.

There will bo a special meeting oftho Wilder' Steamship Co.

at 10 o'clock a. in. at the com-pany's olllco.

Thos. Lindsay tho jeweler was apassenger by the S. S. Australia to-day. Mr. Liudsay looks much bene-fited by the trip.

Seoloy I. Shaw has received by thoAustralia an iuvolco of Enterprisebeer, also oyster lor cocktails, at theMerchant's Exchange.

Dr. I. I. Mooro is back again. Hitreturned by the Australia thin morning, and wan greeted by his numer-ous friends at. tho landing.

Tho "Ladies Column" to-da- y willbo it revolution iu prices of curtains.Therein ample time yet to come inon the free volcano trip prize.

il. Hackfold k Co. announce thattho bark Albert, Capl. GrilUlhs,leaven for San Francisco at I) a. in.to morrow. Get ready In time.

Tickets are selling fast for thoLcilani Boat Club's coming ball onFriday evening next. Tho boys sayit will bo tho event of tho season.

The Pioneer Butldinir and LoanAssociation will hold its regularmooting at 7:30 o'clock this evening,at the Chambor of Commerce room.

Chryvanlhomum " button-hole- s "are all the rage on tho Coast. "Doc"Moore and Chester Doyle woro yel-low and white ones about town to-day.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotelanil Xuiiauu streets, lodging by day,week or mouth. Terms: 25 anil 50cents per nik'lit; $1 and J1.2T per


The following are bonked to leaveby tho S. S. Warrimoo for Van-couver: 12. Worthiugtoti, V. S Law-rence, Nicholas Bradley and Kari-alliu-

There was a good attendance atthe irofcpel tout last niuht, not with- -

standiug the storm, t'reaohing tonight at 7:!H).

Highway "Subject: "The King's

The ladies who have charge oftables at the coining KawatahaoFair are requested to meet at thelleretauia street Armory at 10 a.m.

A photograph of V. H. Dailey amiMrs. Dailey, with the motto "AlohaHonolulu, is on exhibition. Mr.and Mrs. Dailey are well aud favor-ably known here.

The Government, has received acablegram from Minister Thurstonin Loudon. As the bvcutive Coun-cil was late iu Bosiou this afternoon,particulars could uot be obtained.

A. 1. Jones, who was a sugarplauter on Maui iu the early days ofthe industry, died Sunday eveningat the age of 80 years. He leaves awife, who was absent ou Maui whenhe died, also a sou aud two daugh-ters.

G. It. Harribou, practical pianosnd orgau maker and tuner, cau fur-nish best fautory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-

ceive prompt attention. All workguaranteed to lie the same a donein factory.

Haviuir purchased largely at alate ere tut sale, I am now enabledto sell goods cheaper than any otherretail store in town. All kinds ofDress Goods will bo sold at auctionprices for cash, Sale commencingMouday, Nor. 20th. M. S. Lew.

Two natives were fined & eachami a Chinaman $T for assault audbattery in the District Court thismorning. Seven $2 fines for drunk-enness weto also recorded. Hahale,for alleged robbery of .2l front J.Ambler, ou Saturday night, was con-tinued.

The Claudiiie ditl nut arrive until7 o'clock yesterday evening, her tielay having been caused by stormyweather, She was unable to touchul Maalaea, Kahiilui or liana. Sheleft Lahaiua at 11 o'clock yesterdaymorning. The Claudiuu hail a veryfew cabin passengers,

The iiianauer of the Grove streetTheatre, S. I'., was at the wharfwhen (lie Australia arrived with theDailey t'liiup.tiiy and engaged MUsOalglulsh for leading roles; also Mr,mid Mrs, llelmoiir, who open lu"May lllossom," This news is lu aprivate lutter to Dr, MuLuuuau.

Ur. Konnan D. Iouti(fOHdaw a, N. Y.

Helpless as an Infant

Jno. A.


each of

' ' 'e"er herewith:After Pneumonla-Welghodeo- ibs '" publishedI

, 8, Ib'Jl.Hood's Him Fool J- - A- -

as Young as a Doy. I 'Mir Air; Iu reply to in to tho "Avery" Stubble-- c. I. Hood a Co., Ma.i and

"(luntlcmcii- -l Hi t expreM my cratefal 1 say that 1 been using the Diggersthanks fur itood'a Hiimparilia. 1 am on my I and am highly pleased with them. As name riguifles,crnth bottle and It has truly been a blelnii 1 fiml specially adapted to the of loosening tho soil about

and l had ft soero attack ol toon aud may be used to great advantage before orpiuMHiwiiiia.iiieceinDer, ana i was ipougiii , -- f,ur .... t,'Hr izer D striblllors. thernliv nnttlni? Urn rnUnnti ImliU In1 aiinuM die, but I pulled thrmiuli.

I men ma nut eeni 10 mm any MrenKin. tt to be liolppd like an Infant, and had t.itlco

aw.iyirnni ivt) ko lhi. l re.ia annul iioouf8arnp.irlll.i, and I decided to tako IU

I Soon Gained In Strengtho that I could sit up, and then bating a erer

pain In tho small of lay back, sent for a TiuSanug flatter, which soon cured me ol

Eood's", Curesthat ttoiible. Today 1 feel as well as erer latny life, and as young as a boy, nltlitiiigli I amIn itiv '.l- -t )r.ir. I raiuuit express the crttltiuUit la v .iiU'.r Itiiiiil'sSarsap.irlllu." Nihimam

1). Vol XI, ntsrt;., Co., .New York.

Hood'd Pi!l9 euro Coiitipatln by relortat; Uie jwi Istullle a.jtlou of the ranal

Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,Bote Agents for the Kiilhllr. of Hawaii.




TIiobo majjie. wonla, ihbt"Right," cxprcsH the presrntcouditiou of our atock midI'liceH.

We hit the key note of huc-een- H

we liuinelied todo hiiBiiii'HH on the QuiekStiles nml Profit ;

goodri Bell fuhter nd we nreeiiabli d to keep our stock fullof the vry latent of every-thing 1o be had ; the dayHof whop worn goods are over

Ur; Itn new stylcH andfilliui IIO , I ! il y; in iMirmif-n- ,

whU'.li to you ineaiiH XewVork, L n'on and Parisgoods at lut a blight advanceover York, London andParis Asa pr.ict'ieilillustration, we are selling thisweek, Madhas Cinnwis's for."?1 a pair. We have beenutiilty of selling the very

Ci'iitains tor $7 u pa rsimply because we fum-erl-

ehariicd the rtilhiLT HonoluluIViees Dues not men-

tion of a cut like thin one con-

vince you that Quick Salesand Small Profits is no deln-hio- n

or If it 1 n t,the Cuiitains will when youlook at tin-Hi- . The rcsiiiHare hcaufiful, the colons arebeautiful are another t' we want to callyour attention to week.(hamois Iii.ovks white

kid eight,sixteen, and tweuty buttonlengths sizes are eouiplt t .

Perhaps you need hoiuc. It'm do we suggist taking a

look t ours. The Ui.ovksare Jin--t Right, tt e Prieis ureJust Right.

fi? Only tin co weeksnow, to accumulate ticketsTor the Volcano trip youmay be lucky one.




-0- 1" T11I- H-


Mineral -:- - Water !



Paul Iocnbcrg"

H. Hackfeld & Co.


To Plantation Managers.

The following letters received from Ar. Scott, Aana-ajr- er

Hilo Sugar Co., refer to the Avery Fertilizer Distrib-utors and Stubble Diggers, for which the Hawaiian Hard-

ware Co. are sole agents. Ar. Scott lirst saw these implementsat the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago, and was so favorablyimpressed their appearance that he immediately orderedsamples shipped to the Hilo Sugar Co. Ar. Deacon, Mana-

ger for Pepeekeo Sugar Co., secured one these imple-

ments from Ar. Scott and expressed satisfaction with them

Aug.Sarsnparllla Mndo Scott,

yours relation DiggersLowell, Fertilizer Distributors.

would have almost constantly sincercceivedtthem, tho

them work rat-toiue- lf

wife, stools, thoy eithrtin.




when out









gloves in





very best couditiou for a rapid growth. They are a light draft machine,and I would recommend them to any plantation owner.

The Fertilizer Distributor is a great labor saving machine, aud I findthat I shall need one more to till our requirements here.

I remain, yours respectfully,(Signed) 11. Deacon,

Manager for Pepeekeo Sugar Co.o

Waixaku, Hilo, Aug. !), IS'Jl.Mr. E. It. Hendry. Honolulu.

Dear .Sir. In loply to your enquiries regarding tho working of tho"A very" Stubble Diggers aud Fertilizer Distributors. I would say that Ihavo been using the Diggers fur some mouths aud have dug some eighthundred acres of stools with them, thoroughly looaoniug tho soil iu amiabout tho roots, thus giving them an excellent opportunity for many moroshoots to come forth than usually do. And I find that there is a thickerstand of cane where it has leen stubble dug. Tho machine works in fer-tilizers on rattoou stools without any further hand labor, mixing themthoroughly with tho soil and allowing them to get to the roots of theplant.

The Fertilizer Distributors 1 have had at work for some time and Ihavo fertilized ab'ut four hundred acres with them thus far ami they aredoing all tho makers claim for them, distributing the fertilizers iu an evenmanner on each side of tho cane ami iu whatever quantity desiretl. Theyare a good labor savimt machine aud are doinu tho work of several men.These machines are of light draft aud strongly made aud thoro Is not hintliable to get out of order.owners.

I can fully recommend those to plantation1 remain, truly.

(Signed) John A. Scott,Mauager Hilo Sugar Co.

We received by the Alameda a carload of Avery & Sons' Im-

plements which include Fertilizer Distributors, Stubble Diggersand Improved Sugar Land Cultivators. The latter hab soliddiscs and shovel attachments. They are admirably adapted foruse in the soil here and will be found necessary on every plan-

tation.The Fertilizer Distributor is arranged to work on land where

the furrows are irregular with the same facility as where theyrun even.

Any information regarding these machines will be furnishedon application to


ii.i m, 307 Fort Street, Honolulu.

l'JOI-l- ui


Cor. Fort and Streets.





(mm all llmlVI. hr.tfil

Factories lu the United....Pipes and




Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars.


If you are in need of HAY and

CJUAIN for your h ,,n

fcjl 3?" King up Teleph nes

175. Wo deliver to all parts of

the city. -:- - -- : - -:- -

Union Feed Co.,Queen Street,

Temple of Fashion61 ffort Street


On December 1, 1801, we will begin our

ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALETirhiliMs ciiiMitiu dur iik thu K I'lltK MONTH OK IlKi KM- -

M,lt I III' lll'll'W ID lll NMIH l)f 'l.,l III

Dry & Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Etc.Hoot, SIiooh nml Goat's Furnishing Quods.. aii I iii" nl TOYS rOlt I'lllilHl'MAH .Mt

m., o. SILVA., Proprietor.


1ST.520 Fort Strpol,



Si 1 kolines ! Silkolines !

An rl.iiit rtment In Figured and Solid Colors.

2Sr:EJ"W RIBBONSA new of Satin ami SmIii-KiIk- p Hlbbons, freity odd shadet for Face? Work.

NEW STAMPED GOODS!Co isl'tiliu' of e'lrtiiiifd It b Tin CI th,

Tr.-- Cloths. Side Hoard Scarfs, Splashers, DoylUs, Etc.

Fancy Figured and Solid Color CrapesIn l.l(?ht Hl'ie. 1'ink, Leghorn, ('renin, l.svendsr and Cardinal.

Cardinal Cotton Duck. White Matting Cloth,Jut the tiling fur Ldlrs' Costumes.


In the litest lMald and Htilfes, and full assortment ot

SOLID COLOIt WORSTED DRKSS GOODS!In all the latest blades.

Drink Everywhere

And at All Times

HIRES' ROOT BB3HSR.Tl' IS A MllMKMADK AND IIOMKMAKINU HEVKHAOE.--L It is very e.iiily pii'piirul, aiiil if the plain directions arefollowed, it will nlwiiya be giniil. Kvery memhur of tho family,from the luihy to the griiiiilfuther, I'liit enjoy HlliKrt' Koot IlKKK,

mid every one of them will hitve belter health for each swallowthey lake. Il improves the appetite, purities the blood, andlom tin' whole ryrteiu. Chililren ipeuinlly delight in HlHKS'

Itoor l)hi:u llh iiepiiraliiiii intirt'ttc them, and its tice doesthi'iii wn. In tliiitiiintln of humeri, "IIiiiks Koot IlKKK thatiiiiither iiiiule," will lie among the liuppienl rucollect'ous ofiliililliooil It ek'iinsch the cynieiii of the pniconiniH humors thatilivi'lep iu kidney uml iiriuury diHeiiM.'s, iuiiI in fuel, in tiny casethiil arl.-i.- -j from nu impure fl.ite of the Mood.

Dihtiui'tly uinlirMiiiiil IIiiikh' Itoor IIkkk in without mltilte-rulio- n

ur iiny I'liemiinl or nrlilli'itl iiilmixtiire we prove it it ismmle iu our open I.aliorutory. No priu'enn. Wc take thelnvt lleibi ami KihiIh, boil thi'iii down, buttle llieut ami tendllieiii to yuii. l'erliiipi there iiui'l iinutber Itoot Iluer I.uhnra-tor- y

iu tin1 eoimiry open in puhlic !. KveryhtKly knows IIiiiks'Itoor IIkhii I'hemieiils can't approacli unlure. Will you useuatiiial ItiMit It. ti mill nttiify y.nir Ihirrl and strenglhuu yotnbody, or will you iii--e nrlilieiitl Itoot Heer to savti a few penniesand ruin your lii'.iltb? Tleie is leu timtv as miieh Hiiikh' Koot1)i:ki; miIiI than nil other Knot lk-e-r extracts combined.

JOBBERS:IIoitKoN Dun; CompanyHknson, Smith &. Company- -

Hoi.i.iBTKit Dui'ii Company", Ltd..Lkwis A: Company...



".'' r--i . rf11.1 ... m.a



. Wholesftle Druggistrt



' I' v W . - j i ft

Mr.John A. .Sn.tt,.M.ii,.it .,f the Hilo Sugar Company, Kivo tho follow-mi- !.n;l;-in- l .. tin- wmkuig of tlu- NATION Af (JANE

by their woik nl tliu vuiiimeiicumonl of the crop" During the putt wi-e- the HiU, Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ofitfiiiiiii.rnr..iilH l.i . UmK nu 12.1 hours nrinilinK with an output of 3001ton. I in. - fully III t ,,t iri. ,Mll ,!, ,L,Hl Work t)f fr

he "n "" ,;i",, -- ; SI iu. uml the two roller mill 30 in.! ii iu. hri-- i nu i oiiil' i biK ninoiiiit ,,r tL.,rL- - t ...:....... ..... iu mi iiiiwiiieramii nulli emu imm, eoiupand with work ou whole cane,the'l'ou! I",','.!' ", lilCaiioMlirrtlilit-cwinyi.r"otetlt-...... r

Aim i.y a iim. ihr extra, lion MH been iiiere.iHed from :i percent to fiill on all Uimlri ..I . .1 i .. .... . . . . . .

tier-i- u.

V.. 4- - ';""" "Mill-i-ii- mi leruciii huh ncen miclied;tin hut iki. Ik-i- i 7. to iH p. ui-iii- , auor.biit: to uiinhlv.1 cotltliUUi In lilhl llit iiu'lmmi from ,hnililiil imhh lii.tt. p UmA it....

Wllull' I'UIH.' -.. .,.,, rwitv aiivs (flit

I he cIii.mIiI.t ha- - l.irn working day ami ittlit for sevtm mmiths and hitspveu mi. ..nun .aiimiu'inui, hiiviiiK hrnMi'd liming that time about suvuntyllioiiMUid Ii.iin ..f .mi.. , and a laiKe pan ,.f it Iikiiik hard ruttMius.

I III' Kliri'llili I ami I liuilie rt'lllliri' verv llllln i'nm or iiiliiiiil.ui '


-- l.l . .. .' -' .".. ........,,,

i lam, nun fpieiiii-atiiiiii-, ol uu Shii'ililers may bo M'cn at the olllcu of

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,Wt Agtntt n IJM HhkUUh itUmM,


. . i







sa twiwm tv KrVHP' -- w;Pg'r5fjTIT mrw

Artistic Furniture!

New Goods of Every Description

and of the Very Latest Designsjust arrived from the Const perbark "Bryant," at prices to suiteveryone's purse.

ORDWAY & PORTER,Hotel Street, "Robinson Block."

Bell 626 TELEPHONES Mutual 646

Pioneer Furniture HouseESTABLISHED 1 SB.

New Goods ! Latest Designs ! Largest Stock !



Special Feature No. 1 Whit3 Seamless Matting1'er lloll of 40 Yards. 112.00.

And a Fine Quality for $9 per Roll.

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos for 'Rent I Chairs for Rent I

Bell 179, TELEPHONES Mntnal 76.

WILLIAMS BROS.Successors to 0. K. Williams.



Importer anfl Dealer in Enroiei Dry ail Fancy Goods

Ladles' Wares of every description. Also, Iresh line of (JIiIdpcc Ooods.

Pongee Ss "Wliite Sills. PajamasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

Befit Black and Green ChineHe Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc.

MERCHANT TILORINC.ttf" Fit Guaranteed. Price Moderate. -- Jtt

wsr IM-atue- il Teleplione 542TBL1PHONB 118 f O BOX VH



frtsh California Roll Batter and Island BnttertfT ALWAYS ON HAND M

lei Goods ReceUed by Ever; Steamer from Sao Francisco

4V AJl Orders faithfully atUmd to. Satisfaction guaranteed luami DninnollolWd and packed with care.

Limoolm Block, Kino Street, Hkt. Port and Alaska Strceta.



Importers, Wholesale & detail Grocers

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFrnk Oooif by Every California Stealer.

GOODS A SPECIALTY.HOUSEICE - - - -Ulamm Obdih Solicited tt t0 STisr action Odaramtkcu.

MLWHONB 91 P. O MX 146


Groceries, Provisions - and Feed.Hew Hoods Baoelvad by Rrery Packet from the KHsUtru States and Knro.


All Orders faithfully attended to and (looiu Delivered to anyPart of Urn City FHKK

Ibuvd Omum Souoitio, SaTirrmoi ODiittrrcirvART OOUNBU FOHT AND KINO BTUKKTB.

m imf



Dai Nippon.Hotel Street.

War Rumors.Tho war between China and

Japan is still on. So rar thoJapnueso have all tho bost ofit. How long this will last,tinin alonn can toll.

Flushed by their numerousvictories, tho Japanese arepushing their armies into Chineso territory. Tho capttiroof Ping Yang with its fortsand treasure was their firstgreat success.

The naval battle at thomouth of the Yalu Kivcr andtho total destruction of threeChinese men-of-w- followedthis quickly. The final expul-sion of the Chinese from Coreaand tho capture of Kiow LionChang loft the road open tothe Japs to both Moukdeuand Peking.

To carry on this warfaroJapan has (so far) enlisted onehundred thousand men asidefrom her regular standingarmy, and hundreds of thebone and sinew of tho land oftho chrysanthemum arocrowding the recruiting ollicos daily.This has caused the price oflabor to increase KM).. Inconsequence Japanese mate-rial and products of everydescription have nearly dou-bled in price.

However, as we had ourlarge Christmas order in seve-ral months ago, we will notbe affected.

Why trade wilh firms whocarry an assortment of goodsthat are of inferior quality ormade by the cheapest labor,when you can get the best forthe same price? We guaran-tee etery article in our storelo bit the very Ix-s- t that theJapanese market can produceand at prices that were invogue before war was de-


For LadiesWe have an assortment ofArticles both Useful and Orna-mental that must please themost Fastidious. Every ladyis particular about the Hand-kerchiefs she uses. We haveall kinds Plain, BeautifullyHmbroidered, Drawn nudOpen Work nil Colon) nudSi.es.

Doilies, hnnd-pniute-d nud

embroidered, Crepe SilkSnshes, Silk ami Crepe Shawls,and a variety of Scarfs. Wealso received a large varietyof Silk Dress Goods.

For GentsWo have Silk Shirts whiteand coloredeither plaiu orembroidered; Cravats, Neck-ties of every variety, shadeand shape, Smocking Jacketsami Caps, that nre a pleasureto wear, nud Silk and CottonPajamas that are comfortableaud well made; also the twoextremes Straws Hat andSlippers.

Nothing in Honolulu canapproach the small order ofBoots, that we have. Theywere made by tho best Japa-nese Mechanics, and wo guar-antee the quality, style, fitand finish Calf, PatentLeather and Tail.

MiscellaneousArticles, such as Tea Cosiesfor covering Tea Services, etc.Fine Table and Bed Covers,and pretty Chair Backs wohave in profusion.

Also rouio Menu Cards forThanksgiving, Christinas andNew Year's that are prettyand tasty.

ChildrenEnjoy Christmas princi-pally becnuso tliey receive lovenlferingh from parents andfriends, A good present togive a hoy is one of our But-terfly Pius, mid a nice presentfor your girl can he had bygetting one of our Books ofFairy Tales, they are made offine Crepo paper profuselyIllustrated and the Stories aretranslated from Old JapaneseLogftiula,


Rov. H. fi. Howl-ind'- s CharacterVontilated in a Pasadena Court.

Pasadena, Nov. 2. A young manchlliug himself Rov. II. E. Uowlaud,who was supposed to have comehere from San Francisco, has for thopast two months been posing as acombination of preacher, spiritualistaud astrologer, aud making manydollars in Pasadena by pretendingtoj euro all diseases by tho aid ofspirit power alouo.

Howlaud is getting into deep wa-ter now. He had a prominent citi-zen arrested for for disturbing hisalleged religious meetings, and inthe trial, which resulted iu the ac-

quittal of the defetidaut, tho Rev.Mr. Howlaud was shown up in a badlight. Mrs. M. Prahl, who kept aboarding house at 1 12 Seven! h st reet,sail Francisco, ttuoxpeclt uly turnedup aud declared that the plaintiffHowlaud, boarded with her previ-ous to his departure for Honolulu;that his property was attached fora doctor's bill, aud that the man isa "fakor."

To-da- y now developments havecome to light, showing that How-laud practiced his arts iu SantaBarbara under the name of H. Ed-wards before coming here, aud wasthoro exposed by some San Frau-cisc- o

acquaintances.Howlaud is a good looking young

man, with black hair, a spiritual,smooth-shave- n face, an arrogautmaimer and a lavish display of jew-elry. Ho made so good an impres-sion in certain circles here that thewomen of his following presentedhim with a nickol-plate- d bicycle,and some of these pooplo still affectto believe in him.


Such is tho Opinion on Japan Heldin Tncomn.

Says a Taeoma despatch of Nov.10: Japan will havo control of thoworld's supply of camphor should itf;et the Island of Formosa as part of

indemnity from China, accordingto Anthony T Pilchard, who livedmany years iu Asia. "Camphor soldfor less than 10 cents a pound twen-ty years ago," ho says, "but it Jiasadvanced to over $1 n pound. It isgenerally believed by Japnnoso mer-chants and travelers that if Japanhad not been drawn into the warwith China at this time it wouldhave seized the Hawaiian Islands,on the ground that there are moreJapanese there than any other na-tionality. These men look upon themove to secure Formosa as in linowith Japan's policy to strengthenherself as 'the England of the Pa-cific,' and as preliminary to securingthe Philippine Islands and the Ha-waiian Islands, should the UnitedStates fail to annex them."


Although Expoctnd Ho Game Proma Qunrtar Unexpected.

A notable personage is iu townagain. He arrived on the steamerClaiidiuo yesterday in the person ofJ. W. Brown, whoso presence alwayscreates an opium panic iu "theauthorities." lie joined the Claudinoat hnhaiua and kept "mum" all theway. although emirls were made toget him to say something. Inquirieson the steamer to-da- y were unsuc-cessful as regards how and when hearrived iu Maui. Brown is a prettysmart fellow and is bothering thewits of tho revenue, detective andregular police forces. They havo noidea how ho got to Maul. It hasbeen reported that Brown was inBritish Columbia. He has bobbedup serenely, however, in Honolulu.Air. Brown, who is known justly orunjustly--a- s "Opium Brown," washeralded iu the Government pressas likely to appear first on Kauai,surprised "the natives" by droppingin from Maui.

The popularity of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy and the high esteemiu which it is held leads us to be-lieve it to be an article of greatworth aud merit. We have thepleasure of giving tho experience ofthree prominent citizens of RedoudoBeach, Cal., in the use of the remedy.Mr. A. V. Trudell says: "I have

received prompt relief when Iused Chamberlain's Cough Remedy."Mr. James Orchard says: "I amsatisfied that Chamberlain's Coughremedy curod my cold." Mr. J. AI.Hatcher sayB: "For three years Ihave used Chamberlain's CoughRemedy iu my family aud its resultshave always been satisfactory." Forsale by all druggists. Benson, Smith& Co., agents for Hawaiian Islands.


AT TIIK ADJOritNKI) AN.Nl'ALminning ot tbu Kaiiitiiii IIaiiiiciaii

1'ohi'a.nv, Limited, held ut their OibVu, Inthis city, on ilio'Jilli Inst., the followingOlllieri were elected to servu during theuiimuiiu' tear:

(1. P. Wilder. President,b. (I. Wilder,b. II. U..M. . Kt unitary,0. I.. Wight .. Treasurer,O. J. Fulk . .. . Auditor,

B II. II09K,Huirutnry.

Honolulu, Nov. 2ii, Itiul HtM-l-


AT TIIK ADJOIMINUIi ANNUALmeeting nl Wii-iiid'- HrKAUHiiii'CoM.

i'a.sy, Limited, held ut tlieir Olllut, in tliUCity, on Mm Ltllli IiihI., the foil. in IriK OMU'erswero fleeted to ervo durilii; die iuiiiiIiil'jeiiri

11. I. Wlfc-lit- . ... I'ruildeiil,J. K. llitukleM ..Virn-I'riitldt'ii- t,

b. II Komi .S'iru.iir),K II. Ito-- . Tieiisurur,W.K.Allen.. .. .Amiilor.

b. It. nasi:,beerutitry.

Honolulu, Nov. 31, INll. IHM-l- m

City Oakuiaue Co.,Oonwr KIiik sud lletliel Htn


Fine OurrmguH St Civil Drlvornfo )f lind at all liourn.

.J. S. ANDKADJfi,JUMMf Manager.

Santa Claush gathering together theiiHtial choice array of Holi-day Supplies at Thrum'sPoiiT-STitEB- T Store, whichfor variety in carefully se-

lected goods from Paris,Xew York, Philadelphiaand San Franc'iHCo rendersthis long established storethe recognized

Headquartersof Holiday "Novelties in allthe lines of Dolla and DollSundries, Toys and Games,Wagons, Carriages, Keck-ing Horses, Shoollies, Velo-cipide- s,

-- Tool Chests, Cro-quet Set, Hlt.cks, Juvenileand Toy Books, Etc., Etc.

The Attractionsof Christmus Novelties Sty-lish Stationery, with a fineiiHsortment of LeatherGoods in Pur-e- s, MagazineCovers, Card Cases, AVrit-in- g

and Traveling Cases,Albums, Etc., give oppor-tunity for choice selectionsat moderate prices.

Yet to ArriveMarble Statuary, Presenta-tion and MiscellaneousBooks, more Dolls, latestdt signs in Indian Workand Bon-Bo- n Baskets, alsoa large stock of Crepe Tis-sue Papers in choicest co-lors and tint edgt s.

THOS. gTtbRUM,IIIIMf Kri Hirrrt.


Will be made to keepexcellent time if leftfor time days withFarkku & Co., theWell-know- n and Reli-

able Watch Makeis.If satisfaction is notgiven your money willbe refunded in full.

FAKKEK & CO.,O 1 O lort Htroot,


FOUR NICE LOTSNear KIiik .Street, Opfxialte Itnlor-itiet'ir- y


W For I'drttctiluru, Inquire of

R W. WILCOX,Corner of li'ieen and Niiuann Htree.ii,

lliy-t-f U. HiutrH.I

O. B DWIGrHTDors all kinds of Work In

& stone Sideways & Curbing.

Hx Iiah on band a laru" supply of Old-n-

Uran.lH C'urlt ami alwuy,, kM'ps ll.wiiilnn Curbing Stone. Ktimat-- i givenand lowest iiricsi assured. 1MI Telephone

. llir-B.t-


L1IAVK THIS DAY, by special poweroppolnt'diiiynni, Kdtvard

J)oYMett, lo truumct till my biiHlneas Into my property on tbn Inland of

Maul. J. I. DOWHKlT.Honolulu, Nov. '.7, 1HUI. llim-i'- v


D II JUNO MY A1IBKNOK FHOM THEUuwailHii IhIuihIh, Yim Hmrvuk is

te.tbor zed under full power of uttoruey totntnsuct all busiuesu for m .

YIM tJUON.Honolulu, Nov J7, IH'JI. lxH-l- w


I'Oltllll) ANY ANJ) ALLIKirt-oii- from luudlnu or boIiik upon

my propurcy Known as I'uuloa, IilstrlutofEwu, Oitbii, J. 1. DOWSE IT.

Honolulu, Nov. 1!7, IbUI. ll'.M-l'-


fpHK IINDKHSIONKD JUVK DULY--L uppoluteti Mr Ylm tiearock underfull ituwrr of mtoiicy to eolleoi ail outHlaudiliK debts for our llrm.

WlNO ON WO ,t CO.,by Ylm Qunn

Honolulu, Nov. 27, 1SU1. illW-l- w


rpilK WINO ON TAI CO. WILL DO,AX (JeierHl Itetnll Merniutlle Luali.et

III llun.ilulll, Ulnlll ol Oallll. Ill) . 1,11111

hum i bin Is tliti Miinaner of .aid businebHand bits fml nutliorily lo un ibe llrmiihiiih iu nil mutters uppurtalulni; to sadbtWlllfbH.

WINO ON TAI CO,113 --' King ctrcet.


IS IIKUKIIY (1IVKN THATHM IMlllllI'M IllMlltikl ll... ilrilu.lni. U,..

loon will be rutilid by Mr. Jus. V, Mor- -

K'ih, nun mi i.ilinilllllllllK IIITOUIIIH HUH llieCrlt; rion SiiIikiu mid tbn jobbing bouse ofL, II. Dee up In tliu abon ,lut Hrn ptyahlutoMr.L. II.D All bills ngNlnsi L. II,Deo pleitse present iuimedliilely for pity"'ill. U Jl, I IKK.Honolulu, Oct. 3, IKUI, 1IU!-3- iu



Wliiter !

Prices below any other

Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.


Waialae RanchMEANS



Mutual Telephoue 507.

Bell Telephoae 460

The 10-MiieRo-ad Race

A BIG SCOOP-- rou TU- K-


ALFRED GUIFFITIISWin First Time i'rlre.

LOUIS MAKSIIALLHrcoud Place I'rlre.

llotb Klders Mnitnted on "Cleveland"ll'cyeles.

A. L 0. Atkinson, wbn nrnptlmllv

vtr,Tir,,,, "''n4V-- "0 evelan I" Ulcj eles and Tires arefaM, cnriHkferliiir lher wer only Ibree"Clov. lands" In tbn Kace.

H. E. WALKER. AgentMortfragoo'a Notico of Intontion to


IN ACCOIIDANCK WITH THR l'UO.visions of ii certain MioriusL-- o msde by

DnarlrH Jl. Wibon of Honolulu. Oabu, toOvorgrt l'. Tow use nil, of nsld llonolu u,itiited Auuiiri Utb, A. 1). lb'JI.nud rcco-di--

In tbu OIIIch of UejiBtrar of Conveyances,in 11 ok 147. page 478, 17 aniHSU, notl.-- e

is btrt-b- glren that tbn said Ueorge i'.Townsend, mongsgee, lutuuils tn forecloHetbu tnlil iuortvui;o lor condition broken, towit: of principal nbendiin,

Notleu Is also buiebv Kiveu Hint the pro-perty eovered by mid mortKsgu will beold at Hublio Auutlmi. ut tbu Auction

Kooni of Jttrt F. MorKiiu, in said Honolulu,

On SATUKDAY, Docoinbor 22, 18!1,AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.

'Ibe l'ropeny Mivuied by luld mortirngeIs deserllied us follows: All that ler'alnineceorpu cl of laud HltiiuUnt Kuluuka-Iiiim- ,

In ulil Honolulu, bounded and deseribed as follows, vz : Commencing atIbe uuka corner of Young and IMIkolstreets and running in aneasurly

Young street 210-- 8 Tet, IbeuueIn a northfr v dlreuiluu 1MI feet, tliuiic init wester! v direction lo t'llkol Htieni 2IU.Ufeel, tin life in a -- nutbi'rlv (1 reotb.n ul .igl'ilk-- 1 street lfj.3 leet to place of comnienivment continuing uu area of 7.'tl-- lt 00of an acre.

(IKOKOi: I'. TOWNHICNDIIIM-l- m Mortg.M'e.


AslUtHY IN VKUYItltimlp. AUn fflSzii lew llrakes botb New

and Keu Hid. bund. Anoiv InWW. Wltlf HIT.

Illi7tf Honolulu CurriiiKH .M'f'y,

AIAfllTFN Mtiiiibiultirnrof Kituny. WroiiHlit Iron IViiu-- hor ii in. ii ijii, uesuieuees, unrilnus, Hal

lollies, etii Union klreut, nearly oniiosltuDoll Tower, 1176-- tl

V Bread


Stronger !

Standard Flour in Market.



Express Co.

will conduct a General For-- Iwarding and lOxprcss Busi--nes between the ciUbo uroup

;of Is'ands. We make oui-selv- es

responsihle for ull Pack-- Iag s und Got ds sent by ih.We have responsible Acentsat all ports touched by Steam-ship Companies.

Our Express Wagons willcall fr and deliver to anypait of the tity.

Baggage Checked direct todestination from hotel or resi-


Packages and money sentby our Expro-- s System areguaranteed for their full va-


Our Agents board all in-

coming steamers.

Baggage and Goods storedthree days free of charge.

KS6 Place of Rusineos:Hotel and Union streets.Both Telephones 179.

r. o. jox us. K. A. JONEd.


Safe Deposit and fuvestment Co.

no. ins KoiiT sritEirr.

SAFES of VtirloiiN SUei for lleut by (beMontb or Yiar.

VAULTS onen from ) a.m. nntll 4

r. m. exiupt on Bit'ur.liiyM, wben tb'iy willbo clofiid at 2 'M : h

Wo Uny nnd Sell llrst-cln- HTOOKBand DO., j)H nnd uiiiKii ndvanees on same,


Wire -:- - NailsA.:HiXj SI23SS.


FinishingVEIVZ" CEC33-A.TE- 9.

WIJ.DEIt & CO., L'j).HIiKliu


Fine iltirnoss, SaddlesBRIDLES,

Carriage Tops, Cushion,Fenders, Dailies, Storm Aprons, Clu,, Kh

210 Kiog St. P. 0. 1x 496.ISLAND UUIir.UB HOLlOirKD,