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  • 8/7/2019 Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer




    Product ion Deta i l s :

    Wr i ters : Joss Whedon, Mart i Noxon, Jane Espenson,

    Dav id Greenwal t , Dav id Fury , Doug las Petr ie

    D i rec tors : Whedon, James A . Contner , Michae l E .

    Gershman, Dav id So lomon, Dav id Grossman

    Producers : Whedon, Fran Rubel Kuzu i , Ga i l Berman

    Cast :

    Buf fy AnneSummers (Sarah Miche l le Ge l la r )

    Wi l lowRosenberg (Alyson Hannigan)

    A lexander 'Xander ' Harr i s (Nicholas Brendon)

    Rupert G i les (Anthony Stewart Head)

    Anya/Anyanka (EmmaCaul f ie ld )

    DawnSummers (Michel le Trachtenberg)

    Sp ike/Wi l l i amthe B loody (James Marsters )

    Ange l /Ange lus (Dav id Boreanaz )

    Fa i th (E l i za Dushku)

    Corde l ia Chase (Char i sma Carpenter )

    Dan ie l 'Oz ' Osbourne (Seth Green)

    R i ley F inn (Marc B lucas)

    Tara Mac lay (Amber Benson)

    Goodmov ies have somet imes beenmade into goodte lev i s ion shows; Robert

    A l tmans M*A*S*H (1972) , for example , was t ransformed into a longrunning ,

    popular TV comedy (19721983) , the f ina l ep i sode of which garnered the h ighest

    ra t ings in Amer i can te lev i s ion h i s tory . Buffy theVampireSlayer may be the on ly

    example of a bad mov ie that becamea super ior te lev i s ion ser ies . Now in i t s seventh

    season (20022003) , Buffy , a hybr id i za t ion of teen drama, humor, and horror ( i t s

    c reator Joss Whedondescr ibed i t in a BBC interv iewas a c ross betweenMySoCal led

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    The Col lected Works of David Lavery 2

    Li fe and TheXF i les ) , premiered in midseason on the WBnet let in 1997 and

    became, desp i te ra t ings that would have led to cance l l a t ion on the major networks ,

    one of The Frog s s i gnature shows. ThoughBuffys Nie l sens genera l l y ranked i t in

    the bottomth i rd of pr imet imeprograms, i t a t t rac ted a l a rge enoughshare of the

    h igh ly sought youth demographic to make i t luc rat i ve . About to go into synd icat ion

    a f ter one hundred ep i sodes and embroi led in d i f f i cu l t contrac t negot ia t ions , Buffy

    moved in Fa l l 2002 to r i va l UPN, a net let , better known for profess iona l wrest l ing

    than qua l i ty te lev i s ion . In Fa l l 1999 , Buffy hadspunof f Angel , i t se l f an exce l lent

    ser ies , that remains on the WB. A secondsp inof f , Ripper, starr ing Anthony Stewart

    Head, was c reated for Br i t i sh te lev i s ion , and an Amer i can TV cartoonvers ion of Buffy

    i s l i kewise in deve lopment .

    Buffy te l l s the s tory of Buf fy Summers , a southern Ca l i forn ia post femin i st g i r l

    ( Johnson) , a G idget for the f in de s iec le (S iemann) l i v ing in Sunnyda le , a townbu i l t

    over a center of demonic energya"Hel lmouth." ( In the shows Lovecra f t ian

    mythology demons were the or ig ina l inhab i tants of the earth , and vampi res a re

    demon/humanhybr ids . ) As the ser ies beg ins , Buf fy has a l ready d i scovered ( in the

    mov ie) her chosen ro le as the "one g i r l i n a l l the wor ld w i th the st rength and sk i l l to

    f i ght the vampi res ." Hav ing moved f romLos Ange les to Sunnyda le to escape her past ,

    she would prefer to be a normal teenager , but her newhometown, p laguedby

    vampi res , demons, and other ev i l s , w i l l not permi t her to i gnore her ca l l ing . Wi th the

    ongoing he lp of her Scooby Gang f r iends , Buf fy cont inues to batt le not on ly the

    forces of darkness but her own inner demons. Beg inn ing wi th Season Four , Buf fy and

    the Scoobies head of f to co l lege (a t the Univers i ty of Ca l i forn ia , Sunnyda le) but w i th

    no let up in the enemies they must confront . Wi th great w i t , emot iona l rea l i sm,

    apoca lypt i c exc i tement , and the best spec ia l e f fec ts a sma l l te lev i s ion ser ies budget

    can buy , Buffy theVampireSlayer stands as the perfec t example of what Sarah

    Vowel l ca l l s a long hau l ser ies , capable of perpetua l se l f renewal . Exh ib i t ing some

    of the best wr i t ing on te lev i s ion , i t has a lmost never sett led for s imple so lut ions ,

    easy mot ivat ion , or superf i c ia l charac ters .

    Fromthe beg inn ing Buffy s ensemble cast has beenone of i t s g reatest

    s t rengths . A l l ma jor and someminor characters have acqui red devoted fans in the

    Uni ted Sta tes and abroad, insp i r ing ador ing webs i tes and generat ing pro l i f i c fan

    f i c t ion . So a t tent i ve has Buffy beento i t s fans that devot ion to the bad guy Sp ike , a

    oncev i c ious , b leachb londe, punk vampi re , resu l ted in h i s e levat ion to ma jor

    character s ta tus . Neutered by a computerch ip in h i s bra in in Season Four ( I 'm

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    The Col lected Works of David Lavery 3

    say ing that Sp ike had a l i t t le t r ip to the vet and nowhe doesn ' t chase the other

    puppies anymore) , Sp ike has beenpa instak ing ly morphed into a hero , unt i l , a t the

    end of Season S i x , he too, l i ke Ange l , has reacqui red h i s sou l .

    Buffy has generated a mul t i tude of anc i l l a ry texts . Of f i c ia l t i e in books l i ke

    the twoWatchers Guides, TheMonster Book, scores of nove l s , comic books , and

    sc r ipts of the f i r s t twoseasons a re ava i l ab le , and the ser ies has garnered a great

    dea l o f c r i t i ca l a t tent ion as wel l . At th i s wr i t ing , twobook length co l lec t ions of

    essays have beenpubl i shed (Wi l cox and Lavery ; Kaveney) , a t l east three more are on

    the way , and Buffy , l i ke Xenabefore i t , has insp i red an internet scholar l y journa l :

    Slayage: TheOnl ine Internat ional Journal of Buffy Studies (ht tp ://www.s layage. tv ) . In

    October of 2002 , B lood, Text , and Fears : Read ing AroundBuffy theVampireSlayer

    was he ld a t the Univers i ty of East Ang l ia in the UK . A North Amer i can scholar l y

    conference i s p lanned.

    Scholars and c r i t i c s have foundBuffy a complex te lev i s ion text , r i ch in

    cu l tura l s i gn i f i cance , invest igat ing i t s w i t ty and pun f i l l ed use of l anguage (Any

    S layer can brandi sh a weapon, Overbey and PrestonMatto observe , but for Buf fy

    the Vampi re S layer , the tongue i s as po inted as the stake) , i t s metaphor i c dep ic t ion

    of the horrors of h igh school , i t s subvers ion of the t rad i t iona l fami ly and c reat ion of

    subst i tute fami ly un i ts , i t s se l f consc ious and p lay fu l invers ion of the convent ions of

    the horror genre ( Johnson) , i t s h igh ly postmodern intertextua l i ty and se l f

    re ferent ia l i ty , i t s h igh popcu l ture IQ , i t s energet i c fan base , i t s re l i g ious themes

    ( see Er i ckson, P layden) , i t s dep ic t ion of l esb ian i sm, otherness , and minor i t ies , i t s

    s ta tus as a femin i st text .

    Thoughser ies c reator Joss Whedonhas of ten ins i s ted he set out to make a

    femin i st te lev i s ion ser ies , Buffy i s somet imes descr ibed as post femin i st , and some

    on the po l i t i ca l l e f t have quest ioned the shows femin i st c redent ia l s , d i s turbed by

    the somet imes sexua l l y provocat i ve appearance of Sarah Miche l le Ge l la r , espec ia l l y

    in her many extra d ieget i c appearances as a model ( see Dougherty , He l ford , Pender ,

    V int ) . Others have been t roubled by i t s fa i lure to inc lude s ign i f i cant minor i ty

    characters ( see Edwards) . To the ever recurr ing c r i t i ca l quest ion i s Buffy the

    VampireSlayer a groundbreak ing , empower ing and t ransgress i ve text , or i s i t s

    po l i t i ca l potent ia l compromised, commodi ty dr i ven and conta ined? Pender of fers

    the fo l lowing tentat i ve response: Buffy i s a te lev i s ion ser ies that de l i ghts in

    de l iberate ly and se l f consc ious ly ba f f l ing the b inary ; the juxtapos i t ion of mundane

    rea l i ty and surrea l fantasy in the l i ves of the S layer and her f r iends evokes a wor ld in

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    The Col lected Works of David Lavery 4

    which the sentent ious mora l i ty of b lack and whi te d i s t inc t ions i s i t se l f demonized as

    an unnatura l threat f roman anc ient past (35) .

    I t s ac tors cons i s tent l y snubbedby the prest ig ious Amer i can EmmyAwards

    ( ind iv idua l ep i sodes [Hush, The Body] were nominated but fa i l ed to w in) , Buffy

    did rece ive the 2000 Founders Award f romV iewers for Qua l i ty Te lev i s ion . Indeed,

    Wi l cox and Lavery a rgue that Buffy can lay c la imto a l l the def in ing character i s t i c s of

    qua l i ty te lev i s ion as ca ta loguedby Thompson: a qua l i ty ped igree , a l a rge ensemble

    cast , a ser ies memory , c reat ion of a newgenre throughrecombinat ion of o lder ones ,

    se l f consc iousness , pronounced tendenc ies toward the controvers ia l and the rea l i s t i c

    ( see Introduct ion) . In 2002 , however , the conservat i ve Parents Te lev i s ion Counc i l

    would rank the ser ies as the s ing le worst ser ies ( i .e . , conta in ing the most

    ob jec t ionable content) on te lev i s ion . Unt i l such dubious recogni t ion , the ser ies ,

    desp i te i t s sexua l exp l i c i tness , de l i c ious double entendres , occu l t themes, and

    extens ive v io lence , had for the most part f lownbeneath the radar of the po l i t i ca l

    r i ght , though i t d id not ent i re ly escape controversy . In the wake of the Co lumbine

    massacre in Apr i l o f 1999 , twoSeasonThree ep i sodes (Earshot , in which Buf fy

    seeks to s top a k i l l i ng spree a t Sunnyda le H igh School , and Graduat ion Day , Part I I ,

    in which a g igant i c serpent s a t tempt to consumethe graduates a t commencement i s

    fo i led by Buf fy and her c lassmates work ing as a team, though they must destroy the

    school in order to save i t ) were postponed. (See Tay lor . )

    Hav ing learned lessons about the l i ab i l i t i es of mul t ip le season story a rcs f rom

    the forever incomplete TwinPeaks andthe ever f rustra t ing TheXF i les , Buffy has

    sought c losure in each year s narra t i ve l ine . In the f i r s t f i ve seasons Buf fy and the

    Scoobies batt led , in add i t ion to a var iety of ind iv idua l menaces in s tanda lone

    monster of the week narrat i ves , a s ing le mul t ip le ep i sode b ig bad nemesi s ,

    defeat ing i t in a nonc l i f f hang ing season f ina le . In Season One, i t i s the resurrec t ion

    of The Master , an anc ient powerfu l vampi re , and the opening of the He l lmouth that

    must be stopped. (Buf fy d ies in the process , not the on ly t ime in the ser ies run ,

    brought back to l i fe thanks to Xander s mouthtomouth resusc i ta t ion . ) In Season

    Two, Buf fy must save the wor ld f romthe ev i l Ange lus (Ange l w i thout a sou l ) and send

    h imto he l l i n the process . In Season Three, the Scoobies batt le Sunnyda le s century

    o ld mayor , R i chard Wi lk ins , whoasp i res to becomean immorta l demonunt i l

    destroyed, a long wi th Sunnyda le H igh , in the f ina l ep i sode. Season Four s B ig Bad i s

    Adam, a Frankenste in i sh "k inemat i ca l l y redundant , b iomechanica l demonoid ,

    c reated by The In i t i a t i ve , UC Sunnyda le s topsecret agency of mi l i ta ry demon

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    f i ghters , who i s vanqui shed on ly a f ter G i les , Wi l low, and Xander cometogether to

    summonthe inher i ted power of The F i rs t S layer . G lory , Buf fy s nemesi s in Season

    F ive , i s no less than an ev i l god f romanother d imens ion, cometo Sunnyda le to c la im

    a supernatura l key , now incarnated in the formof DawnSummersas i s ter ne i ther

    Buf fy (nor the shows fans) ever knewshe had, that w i l l enab le her to open the door

    betweend imens ions and return her to power . To save the wor ld and her s i s ter and to

    s top G lory s p lans , Buf fy must aga in d ie in the f ina le . ThoughSeason F ive ends w i th a

    c lose up of her headstone






    A LOT

    she wi l l be resurrec ted by Wi l lows w i tchcra f t in subsequent ep i sodes . Only Season

    S i x , the darkest season so fa r , departs f romthe customary narrat i ve pattern : instead

    of one enemy, Buf fy has severa l , inc lud ing her own inab i l i ty to read just to l i fe a f ter

    hav ing beenca l led back f romthe grave , three loca l geeks whoasp i re to becomeher

    nemeseses , and Wi l lowherse l f , whose ev i l wrath i s un leashedby Tara s death .

    Whedon, a th i rd generat ion te lev i s ion wr i ter , authored the sc reenplay for the

    or ig ina l 1992 campf i lm, a c r i t i ca l and commerc ia l fa i lure , went on to wr i te for other

    te lev i s ion programssuch as Roseanne, andhad subsequent ly ga ined a reputat ion as a

    sc r ipt doctorhehe lped rewr i te such f i lms as Speed (1994) and ToyStory (1995) .

    Buffys success as a cu l t h i t e levated of Joss to rockstar s ta tus among fans of the

    show. Though long tempted by a career move to the mov ies , Whedonhas

    demonstrated a t rue gen ius for the mediumof te lev i s ion (Lavery 25156) .

    Many of the t ru ly memorable and innovat i ve ind iv idua l ep i sodes of Buffy

    Whedonboth wrote and d i rec ted: Hush, in which The Gent leman, fa i ry ta le

    monsters , s tea l the vo i ces of the res idents of Sunnyda le and fu l l y ha l f the show

    transp i res w i thout a word of d ia logue; Rest less , compr i sed of four aston i sh ing

    dreamsequences in which the sp i r i t o f the F i rs t S layer t r ies to k i l l the Scoobies a f ter

    they have defeated Adam; The Body , minute ly deta i l ing the emot iona l a f termath of

    the suddendeath of Buf fy s mother ; Once More wi th Fee l ing , a long ant i c ipated

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    musica l ep i sode in which a v i s i t ing demoncauses the Scoobies and a l l o f Sunnyda le

    to behave as i f t rappedon Broadway .

    In an interv iewwi th TheOnion, Joss Whedonadmi ts that

    I des ignedBuffy to be an i con, to be an emot iona l exper ience , to be loved in a

    way that other showscan ' t be loved. Because i t ' s about adolescence, which i s

    the most important th ing people go through in the i r deve lopment , becoming

    an adu l t . And i t mytholog i zes i t in such a way , such a romant i c wayit

    bas i ca l l y says , Everybody whomade i t throughadolescence i s a hero. And I

    th ink that ' s very persona l , that people get someth ing f romthat that ' s very

    rea l . And I don ' t th ink I cou ld be more pompous. But I meanevery word of i t .

    I wanted her to be a cu l tura l phenomenon. I wanted there to be do l l s , Barb ie

    w i th kung fu gr ip . I wanted people to embrace i t in a way that ex i s ts beyond,

    'Oh, that was a wonderfu l showabout l awyers , l e t ' s have d inner . ' I wanted

    people to interna l i ze i t , and make up fantas ies where they were in the story ,

    to take i t homewi th them, for i t to ex i s t beyondthe TV show. Andwe've done

    exact l y that .

    I t i s d i f f i cu l t to imag ine howanyonewhohas fo l lowedBuffy theVampireSlayer as

    both a te lev i s ion showanda cu l tura l phenomenoncou ld d i sagree. In the Season

    Three ep i sode The Wish , Corde l ia s fantasy that Buf fy Sommers had never cometo

    Sunnyda le i s g ranted by the vengeance demonAnyanka , w i th d i sastrous resu l ts :

    Sunnyda le i s overrun by the c reatures of the He l lmouth; vampi res ru le the n ight . I f i n

    somea l ternate un iverse Buffy theVampireSlayer hadnever cometo te lev i s ion , the

    l andscape of the mediumwould a l so have beena l tered. The imag inat i ve l i ves of i t s

    fans might seemas b loodless as a vampi re s v i c t im.


    Buffy i s somet imes descr ibed as post femin i st , that i s to say that i t s imply presumeswomens equa l i ty and never a rgues for i t . What do you th ink of Buffy as

    a femin i st text?

    What ro le does l anguage p lay in Buffy ? Cr i t i c s l i ke Larbe lest ier and Zweer ink and Gatson have shownhowBuffy has

    respondedto i t s fan base . In what ways does Buffy exh ib i t an awareness of i t s

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    The Col lected Works of David Lavery 7

    audience? Can you p inpoint spec i f i c scenes that demonstrate i t s se l f

    consc iousness as a te lev i s ion text?

    Buffy i s a ser ies h igh ly dependent uponcu l tura l and popcu l tura l re ferences in estab l i sh ing i t s humor and i t s meanings . Can you g ive someexamples?

    In what sense can the Scooby Gang be seen as a subst i tute fami ly? Somec r i t i c s have beenperp lexed by Buffys mixture of dramaandhumor. Do they

    work wel l together? Howdo the c reators of the ser ies succeed (or fa i l ) a t mix ing

    such d iverse e lements?

    Johnsonspeaks of Buffy s se l f consc ious and p lay fu l invers ion of the convent ions of the horror genre . (42) . Buffy demonstrates a l leg iances w i th other formulae as

    wel l . What other genres put in an appearance?


    Kaveney , Roz , ed . (2002) . ReadingtheVampireSlayer: AnUnoff ic ia l Cr i t ical

    Companionto Buffy andAngel , London: Taur i s .

    Wi l cox , Rhonda V . (1999) . There Wi l l Never Be a Very Spec ia l Buffy : Buffy and

    the Monsters of Teen L i fe . Journal of Popular F i lmandTelevis ion 27 .2 : 16 23 .

    Republ i shed in Slayage: TheOnl ine Internat ional Journal of Buffy Studies . Number

    2 (March 2001) : ht tp ://www.s layage. tv/essays/s layage2/wi l cox .htm

    ___ and Dav id Lavery , eds . (2002) . Fight ingtheForces: Whats at Stake in Buffy the

    VampireSlayer. Lanham, MD: RowmanandL i t t le f ie ld .


    Dougherty , AnneMi l l a rd . Just a G i r l : Buf fy as I con. Kaveney : 14866 .

    Edwards , Lynne. S lay ing in B lack and Whi te : Kendra as Trag i c Mulatto in Buffy the

    VampireSlayer . Fight ingtheForces: 8597 .

    Er i ckson, Gregory . Somet imes You Needa Story Amer i can Chr i s t i an i ty , Vampi res ,

    and Buf fy . Fight ingtheForces : 10819 .

    He l ford , E l yce . My Emot ions G ive MePower : The Conta inment of G i r l s Anger in

    Buffy . Fight ingtheForces : 18 34 .

    Interv iewwi th Joss Whedon. BBC Onl ine .

    ht tp ://www.bbc .co .uk/buf fy/rea l l i fe/ joss interv iew.shtml

    Johnson, Cather ine . (2001) . Buffy theVampireSlayer . TheTelevis ionGenreBook.

    Ed. G len Creeber . London: BF I . 42 .

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    The Col lected Works of David Lavery 8

    Joss Whedon. OnionAVC lub 5 September 2001 .

    ht tp ://www.theonionavc lub.com/avc lub3731/avfeature_3731 .html

    Larba lest ier , Just ine . Buf fy s Mary Sue i s Jonathan: Buf fy the Vampi re S layer

    Acknowledges the Fans . Fight ingtheForces : 22738 .

    Lavery , Dav id . The Genius of Joss Whedon. Fight ingtheForces : 25156 .

    Overbey , Karen E i leen and Lahney PrestonMatto . Stak ing in Tongues: Speec Act as

    Weapon in Buffy . Fight ingtheForces: 7384 .

    Pender , Patr i c ia . I mBuf fy and You re H i story : The Postmodern Po l i t i c s of Buffy .

    Fight ingtheForces : 35 44 .

    P layden, Zoe Jane. What you are , what s to come : Femin i sms, C i t i zensh ip and the

    d iv ine . ReadingtheVampireSlayer : 12047 .

    S iemann, Cather ine . Darkness Fa l l s on the End less Summer: Buf fy as G idget for the

    F in de S iec le . Fight ingtheForces : 12029 .

    Tay lor , Char les . The WBs B ig Daddy Condescens ion. Salon.com.

    http ://www.sa lon.com/ent/ log/1999/05/26/buf fy_rant/ index.html .

    Thompson, Robert J . (1996) . Televis ions SecondGoldenAge: From Hi l l S t reet B lues to

    ER. NewYork : Cont inuum.

    V int , Shery l . " K i l l i ng us Sof t l y ? A Femin i st Search for the Rea l Buf fy . Slayage

    Number 6 . ht tp ://www.s layage. tv/essays/s layage5/v int .htm

    Vowel l , Sarah. P lease S i r May I Have a Mother? Sa lon.com.

    http ://www.sa lon.com/ent/co l /vowe/2000/02/02/vowel l_wb/ index.html

    Wi l cox , Rhonda V . and Dav id Lavery . Introduct ion . Fight ingtheForces : xv i i xx i x .

    Zweer ink , Amanda and Sarah H. Gatson. www.buf fy .com: C l iques , Boundar ies , and

    Hierarch ies in an Internet Communi ty : 239249 .

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