budget consultation meetings, march 2008

1 School District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) 2008/2009 Budget Consultations March, 2008

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This powerpoint presentation was delivered at three public meetings during the month of March 2008. This working document is part of School District #46 (Sunshine Coast) consultation process for the development of the 2008-09 Budget.


  • 1. School District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) 2008/2009Budget Consultations March, 2008

2. Working Together Creating Our Future 3. Overview

  • 2007/08 Educational Highlights
  • Budget Timelines
  • Enrolment Information
  • District Revenues & Expenditures
  • 2008/09 Funding Challenges
  • 2008/09 Proposed Educational Initiatives

4. 2007/08 Educational Highlights

  • District staff and other educational partners continued to initiate and implement new programs this year:
  • Two Strongstart Centres opened at Gibsons and Sechelt Elementary Schools
  • Fast ForWord Program initiated (Language and reading skill building using technology)
  • Full time Autism Teaching position created, including a separate website with comprehensive information available on autism
  • Dolly Parton Imagination Library program for preschoolers
  • Culinary Arts Level I Apprenticeship Program
  • Residential Construction Framing Apprenticeship Program, Level I, initiated in spring 2007, and continues into spring 2008
  • Distance Learning course numbers grew fourfold
  • Full time numeracy teacher starts March/08 to support implementation of new math curriculum
  • Learning Community Team projects in every school

5. Early Learning Programs 6. Early Learning Programs Community based event. Provide learning tools and information about childs development. Children birth-5 years and their parents Early Years Fair School based event. Provide Ministry of Education book. Provide learning tools and information about childs development. Parents of children 3 years Ready Set Learn Three 90 minutes sessions yearly. Provide learning tools and information about childs development.Parents of children birth-5 years SPARK! Provide childrens book.Teach How to Read to a Newborn Invite to Early Learning programs. Parents Prenatal Class Description LevelProgram 7. 8. Early Learning Programs Provide a childrens book to each child once a month. Children birth to 5 years Dolly Parton Imagination Library Weekly program, March-June. Provide activities, information, guided support specific to school entry. Children age 4 and their parents. kinderSPARK! Daily program, September-June. Provide snacks,activities, information, guided support. Children birth-5 years and their parents. StrongStart Description LevelProgram 9. 10. Literacy Programs Builds language and reading skills through a web-based computer program focusing on auditory processing. Students K-12 Fast ForWord Monthly program for children age 5 (kindergarten) and their parents. Kindergarten Parents as Literacy Supporters Students are taught to teach each other to read. Available for older students. Available for Numeracy. Currently for Kindergarten and grade 1 students Peer Assisted Learning Description LevelProgram 11. Sunshine Coast Alternative School An expanding student centered program, meeting the needs of individual students, allowing them to reconnect to school, and complete grade 12 12. 13. Budget Timelines

  • October/2007: Principals prepare three year enrolment projections
  • November/2007:Board level discussions regarding the budgetprocess.
  • February/2008:Management and Administrator team meetings
  • February 2008: Principals revise three year enrolment projections
  • March 6/2008:Finance Committee reviews budget process
  • March 10,11, Budget consultation meetings at Madeira Park 12/ 2008: Elementary, Chatelech Secondary, and GibsonsElementary

14. Budget Timelines-continued

  • March 14/2008:Ministry of Education announces 2008/09 PreliminaryBudget funding
  • March 25/2008: Management analysis of public budget(week of) discussion input, review of actual Ministryfunding received
  • March 28/2008: First draft of school budgets to Principals
  • April 8/2008:Budget consultation report presented atApril Board meeting
  • April 15/2008:Staffing plans for 2008/09 to PersonnelDepartment
  • May 13/2008:Preliminary Budget Bylaw approval
  • June 30/2008: Preliminary budget submission to Ministryof Education

15. Enrolment Information

  • District Enrolment, which dictates the level of funding we receive, continues to shrink due to:
  • Demographics :In February 2008,206students enrolled in Kindergarten versus355students in grade 12
  • Ministry Funding Formula Change :Grade 10,11 & 12 students are now funded by course, not by head count
  • This reduction has been partially offset by an increase in the number of students enrolled in Distance Learning

16. Enrolment History - 18 Years 17. Current District Enrolment by Grade 18. Enrolment- Past, Present & Future 19. 2008/09 Ministry Funding

  • The Ministry of Education will be announcing our 2008/09 funding on March 14, 2008.What we do know prior to this announcement:
  • No increase will be made to the basic funding block.
  • $122 million for the province will be added to offset negotiated wage and benefit costs
  • The only new education money added is for new Strong Start Centres, with funding to continue for those centres already in place

20. District Revenue

  • School District Revenue is largely derived from provincial grants:
  • 2007/08 Total Budget $37.0 million
  • Provincial Grants(93%) $34.3 million
  • Other Revenue ( 7%) 2.7 million
  • (Interest income, Surplus space rental income,
  • International students, carry forward prior year reserves)
  • Note:No local taxation revenue is available to SD46. All school taxes flow to the general revenue of the province to offset the overall cost of public education in B.C.

21. Expenditures 22. Expenditures contd 23. Balancing. the Challenge. 24. Balancing the Financial Challenges:

  • Projected enrolment decline due to
  • fewer students $240,000
  • Projected enrolment reduction due to
  • Ministry formula change293,000
  • Projected Cost Pressure s200,000
  • Total Projected Funding Challenge $733,000

25. Funding Challenge: Enrolment Decline

  • 2007/08 Enrolment 3502
  • 2008/09 Estimated Enrolment 3295
  • Projected enrolment decline207
  • Loss of 207 students is due to:
  • Fewer students entering schools167
  • Ministry Funding Formula change40
  • (See next slide for this financial impact)
  • After direct expenditure reductions (for wages, benefits & supplies) the decline due to167 fewer studentsresults in an estimated net funding shortfall of
  • $240,000
  • (All student numbers are stated as FTEs)

26. Funding Challenge: Shrinking Provincial Grant due to Formula Change:

  • The impact on our District:(all student numbers are FTEs)
  • Ministry now funds Grade 10,11 & 12 students by course,
  • not by head count.This reduces FTE student numbers by90
  • This loss partially offset by an increase in students enrolled
  • in Distance learning courses of 50
  • Net Loss of 40 FTEs in 2008/09 results in a net shortfall,
  • (after direct expenditure reductions for wages, benefits
  • and supplies) of approximately$60,000
  • Elimination of funding for retirement costs (GAAP)233,000
  • Total Estimated Provincial Grant reduction: $293,000

27. Funding Challenge: Cost Pressures

  • Increasing costs for supplies and services such as learning resources, computers, software, and utilities could total$100,000.
  • Carbon neutral initiatives introduced in the 08/09 BC budget could add another$100,000to costs.
  • (EG: Diesel for school buses, gas for district vehicles, natural gas to heat schools)

28. Rising..to the Challenge 29. Looking Ahead to 2008/09 Educational Programs

  • New Provincial Curriculum implementation, including the creation of a full time numeracy teacher
  • Possibility of new Strong Start Centers
  • Continuation and possible expansion of Early Learning Programs
  • Distance Education Program will continue to grow and require additional staff
  • Continuation and possible expansion of Apprenticeship Programs
  • Continuation of Fast ForWord program

30. Working Together Creating Our Future 31. Feedback from 2008/2009Budget Consultations

  • What programs/services are we providing that youd like us to continue providing?
  • Are there existing program/services that youd like to see expanded?
  • Are there new programs that youd like to see offered?
  • Given that financial pressures are a constant challenge, are there areas/programs/services that could have a reduction in funding with a minimal impact on students?EG:Energy savings, Book Mobile (sharing learning resources)