buddhist teachings. the 3 marks of existence in hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from samsara...

Buddhist teachings

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Page 1: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

Buddhist teachings

Page 2: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

The 3 Marks of Existence• In Hinduism, the goal is to be

liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality.

• The Buddha discovered something else: no self.

• Everything, within and without, is changing

• The Buddha summarizes this changing nature of reality by noting Three Marks of Existence:

1. No self (Anatta)2. Impermanence (Anicca)3. Suffering (Dukkha)

Page 3: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

No-self (Anatta)

Anatta (no-self)• Anatta means there is no ultimate reality within, no

essence underlying existence• Rather than finding Atman, the Buddha found “no-self”• The essence of Buddhism is, there is no essence• Example: where were you 10 years ago?

• You simply did not exits 10 yrs. ago• You simply do not exist now

• You, in the future, will not be the “you” you are now

Page 4: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

Impermanence (Anicca) Anicca means impermanence It focuses on the idea that existence

is constantly changing • Life is a constant change• Nothing we experience in life ever

remains the same• We get used to things – our own

face, family, friends, house, car, neighborhood- that seem to remain the same but that is an illusion for they are changing daily

E.g. a river We may perceive the river as a

real and unchanging thing, but actually it is an ongoing flow, a constant sequence of change.

The same occurs to the self: it appears to be real and unchanging, but in fact it is an ongoing flow

Page 5: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

Suffering (Dukkha) Dukkha means

suffering or sorrow but also dissatisfaction

It refers to the fact that life can never be fully satisfying because of its inescapable change.

It is the natural result of anicca and anatta

Page 6: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

3 Marks exercise

Page 7: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

The four noble truths •The 4 noble truths are the creed for Buddhism•The 4 noble truths lead to liberation/nirvana•During the Third Watch of the night of his enlightenment Gautama perceived the Four Noble Truths:1.To live is to suffer2.Suffering is caused by desire3.Suffering can be brought to cessation4.The solution to suffering is the Noble Eight-fold path

Page 8: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

1st Truth: To live is to suffer (Dukkha) Birth, old age,

disease, death To live means to

experience anxiety, loss, and even anguish

Having a body means that we can be tired and sick

Having a mind means that we can be troubled and discouraged

The past cannot be relived and the future is uncertain

Page 9: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

2nd Truth: Suffering comes from desire (Tanha)

The Buddha saw that suffering comes from wanting what we cannot have and from never being satisfied with what we do have

Tanha can be translated as desire, thirst, craving

Some desires are: food, clothing, friendship, beauty

Desire is insatiable

Page 10: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

3rd Truth: Suffering has an end this truth goes against

Western notions Any kind of attachment

will bring suffering Material possession Loved ones

The shaven head and special clothing of monks and nuns symbolize their radical detachment from worldly concerns

The essence of this truth is this: I cannot change the outside world, but I can change myself and the way I experience the world

Page 11: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

4th Truth: the solution to end suffering

The solution to end suffering is the 8-fold path:

The way to inner peace The 8-fold path is represented in

Buddhist art by a wheel with 8 spokes

The 8 steps of the path form a program that leads to liberation from the impermanence and suffering of reality.

The word right in the following list is a translation of a word that might better be translated as correct

1. Right views2. Right intentions3. Right speech4. Right conduct5. Right livelihood6. Right effort7. Right mindfulness8. Right meditation

Page 12: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

•Karma in Buddhist world: •The moral law of cause and effect•It functions hand in hand with samsara•The nature of one’s rebirth depends on the status of one’s karma•Because Buddhism denies the transference of any self or soul, personal identity depends entirely on karma. •When an individual dies, his or her karma continues on its particular trajectory, as it were, bringing about rebirth. •At conception the new person is possessed of this particular status brought on by the karma of the previous life.

Page 13: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

The 5 Pricepts

•Because karma is affected by the moral adequacy of one’s actions, morality is of pressing concern for Buddhism. •The moral life requires observance of the Five Precepts:1.Do not take life2.Do not take what is not given3.Do not engage in sensuous misconduct4.Do not use false speech5.Do not drink intoxicants

Page 14: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

• The five precepts apply to all Buddhists. •The following precepts are added for monks and nuns:

6. Do not eat after noon (12:00)7. Do not watch dancing or shows8. Do not use garlands, perfumes, or ornaments.9. Do not use a high or soft bed.10. Do not accept gold or silver.

Page 15: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality


So, if you follow the 8-fold path, and you end all desires, then what?

Nirvana literally means “blowing out” (ie like a candle). Nirvana happens when all desires stop.

No desires = No more Karma

No Karma = No more re-birth.

Page 16: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

Nirvana vs. Final Nirvana Wait…The Buddha obtained Nirvana by becoming

enlightened. For the next 30-40 years he teaches the dharma, so we know he continued to exist. If Nirvana means the end of Karma, why didn’t the Buddha just disappear after becoming enlightened?

Answer: Nirvana simply means you stop producing Karma because he stopped all desires and hence all actions. All individuals who reach enlightenment still have “residual karma” they have to “burn up.”

When that residual Karma is “burned up,” then the enlightened being can enter into “Final Nirvana” by dying and not returning to Earth by being reborn.

Page 17: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality

Buddha dies at age 80 So, what is this “Final Nirvana?” Is it an afterlife? Will you enjoy it? The Buddha specifically refused to answer this and many other

philosophical questions concerning God or an afterlife. How could the Buddha describe something he hadn’t yet done?

The Buddha promised only two things about final nirvana: It was the end of suffering and the end of re-birth.

Page 18: Buddhist teachings. The 3 Marks of Existence In Hinduism, the goal is to be liberated from Samsara and become one with Brahman- the ultimate reality


An arhat is someone who has attained enlightenment but has not died yet

The Buddha was an arhat

Arhats are considered saints