buddhism the “middle way”. founder of buddhism… siddhartha gautama siddhartha was born in...

Buddhism Buddhism The “Middle Way” The “Middle Way”

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BuddhismBuddhismThe “Middle Way”The “Middle Way”

Founder of Buddhism…Siddhartha Gautama

Siddhartha was born in Nepal to a Hindu King and Queen.

Legend says he was born fully awake and could speak.

He could stand and walk a short distance. His mother died 7 days after his birth. At his birth, an old and wise sage (prophet),

predicted Siddhartha would become either a great king OR a great priest and savior of humanity.

His father, the king, did all he could to make sure Siddhartha would become a king, not a priest.

As a prince of a warrior caste (kshatriyas), he trained in the art of war.

His father gave him everything he could ever desire but did not allow him to leave the palace walls.

He grew up to be strong and handsome. He was married to a princess and they had a child.

Siddhartha managed to leave the palace and for the first time, he saw suffering, old age, and death.

He spent the rest of his life trying to find an end to all suffering.

You tube clip:You tube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0Cq2FS

JMdc (Class Project) The Epic tale of Siddhartha (Class Project) The Epic tale of Siddhartha


I. Siddhartha GautamaA. Founder of Buddhism.B. Siddhartha’s early life:

1. Very wealthy prince,2. Gave up all he had to

wander as a monk to find meaning in life.

3. He starved himself with five Hindu men, this still didn’t help him.

4. He then ate so that hunger would not occupy his thoughts.

5. He meditated for 49 days and

achieved the “enlightenment” he was seeking.

6. He believed he found the answer to the “riddle” of life.

II. Teachings of Buddhism

A. Four Noble Truths:

1. Life is filled with suffering.

2. Suffering is caused by selfish desire.

3. The cure for suffering is to stop

one’s selfish desire. (Live in moderation.)

4. The way to stop selfish desire is to

follow the Noble Eightfold Path.

B. Noble Eightfold


1. Right knowledge (To know truth.)

8. Right Concentration

(To be able tofocus in everyday


7. Right mindfulness(To be in controlof one’s feelingsand thoughts.)

6. Right effort(To try to free

one’s mind from evil.)

2. Right intention(To intend to

resist evil)

4. Right conduct(To respect life and property.)

5. Right meansof livelihood(To work at a job

that does not Injure others.)

3. Right speech(To not say anything

to hurt others.)

C. Withdraw from the world.1. Greed for power and possessions is

wrong.2. Live in moderation with necessities:

food, water, shelter, and clothing.

Why are so many Buddhist countries poor?

So many Buddhist countries are poor because Buddhism teaches wealth does not guarantee happiness.

Many devoted Buddhists give up all their possessions and do not hold jobs.

D. Nirvana- It is a heaven-like state one reaches after many reincarnations.

1. To reach Nirvana, you must:

* build a favorable karma.

* meditate and pray

* help others and show compassion.

III. Buddhism Spreads to AsiaA. Some people found wisdom in Buddha’s words because of the following


1. Buddha was a Hindu.

2. He believed in karma, ahimsa, and reincarnation.

3. He disapproved of the caste system.

a. He taught that everyone could find peace without the aid of priest’s rituals.

b. He taught that all people are equal.

There are many Buddhist monks and monasteries because of the belief

that Buddhists need to meditate and teach others.

1. They live a very simple life.

2. They meditate and teach.

3. They own no property

4. They receive food donations.