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    E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F

    A . K. NarainUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

    E D I T O R SHeinz Bechert Leon Hurvitz

    Universitdt Gottingen, FRG UBC , Vancouve r, CanadaLewis Lancaster A lexander W. MacDonald

    University of California, Berkeley, USA Universite de Paris X, Nanterre, FranceB.J. Stavisky A lex Way man

    WN IIR, Moscow, USSR Columbia University, New York,USA

    A S S O C I A T E E D I T O RStephan Beyer

    University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

    Volume3 1980 Number2

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    C O N T E N T SI . A R T I C L E S

    1. A Yo gacara Analysis of the Mind, Based on theVijndnaSectiono f V a su b a n d h u ' s Pancaskandhaprakarana wi th Guna-p r a b h a ' s C o m m e n t a r y , by Brian Galloway 7

    2 . T h e R e a l m o f E n l i g h t e n m e n t inVijnaptimdtratd:T h e F o r m u la t ion of the Fo ur Kinds of Pu re Dh arm as , by NoriakiHakamaya, t rans la t ed f rom the Jap ane se byJohn Keenan 21

    3 . Hu-Jan Nien-Ch i (Suddenly a Thought Rose) Chinese Unders t and ing o f Mind and Consc iousness , by Whalen Lai 424. Note s on the Ratnakuta Collect ion, byK. PriscillaPedersen 60

    5 . T h e S ix teen Aspec ts o f the Fou r Nob le T ru th s and T he i rO p p o s i t e s ,by Alex Wayman 67

    I I . S H O R T P A P E R S

    1. Kaniska ' s B ud dh a C oins T h e Off ic ia l I cono graph y ofSakyam uni & M ai treya, by Joseph C ribb 792 . B udd ha-M azda from Kara-tepe in Old Te rm ez (Uzbekistan):

    A P r e li m i n a ry C o m m u n i c a t i o n , byBoris J. Stavisky 893 . FausbpU an d the Pa li Ja ta kas ,byElisabeth Strandberg 95

    I I I . B O O K R E V I E W S1. L o v e a n d S y m p a t h y i n T h e r a v a d a B u d d h i sm , by Harvey B.

    Aronson 1032 . C hu ka n to Vuish ik i (M adhyam ika an d Vi j r iap t imatra ta) , by

    Gadjin Nagao 1053 . In t ro du c t io n a la conna issance des h lv in ba l de Th a i lan de ,

    by Anatole-Roger Peltier 1074 . B ud dh i sm , Imper ia l i sm, and W ar . B urm a and Tha i l and in

    M o d e r n H i s t o r y , by Trevor Ling. 1095 . Z ho ng gu o foxue yuanl iu l iie jiang(Brief lectures on th e origins and dev elopm ent of C hineseB u d d h o l o g y ) , by Lu Cheng 111

    6. T h e Ja in a Pa th of Pur i f ica t ion , byPadmanabh S. Jaini 112

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    IV. NOTES AND NEWS1. M inutes of the Jo int M eeting of the Executive Com mittee

    and the Board of Directors of the 2nd Annual Conferenceof the IABS at Nalanda, 1979 116Contributors 118

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    B ud dh a-M azda from Kara- tepein Old Termez (Uzbekistan):A Prel iminary Communicat ion

    by Boris J. Stavisky

    A wall painting d epictin g the B ud dh a sitting in the state of med itationdhydnamudrd was discove red in the autum n of 1979 on the Kara-tepe

    hill, in So ut he rn U zbek istan the ancien t land of Ba ctria-Tokharistan),where systematic excavations have been carried out since 1961 by thejoint group of archaeologists and restoration experts of the StateH erm itage Leningrad ), the State Museum of the Art of the Peoplesof the East M oscow) and the USS R Central Research Laboratory forthe Restora tion and Conservation of Objects of Art since 1979 -theUSSR Research Institute of Restoration).1

    As a result of ou r excav ation s it has be en estab lished that a majorBu dd hist religious centre existed o n the K ara-tepe hill in the peripheryof the vast town-site of Old Termez in the 2nd-3rd centuries A.D., theperio d wh en the Kushan town of Tarmita Term ez) f lourished. T h ecentr e consisted of separate com plexes which included both cave andground structures. For instance, the southern tip of the three-peakedKa ra-tepe hill revealed three such com plex es A, B and D). T he yinclu de d cave tem ples an d courtyards situated on the slopes o f the hill .All these temples and courtyards are basically alike. Each temple wasactually a closed prem ise fram ed on all the four sides by corridors withtwo exits leading to the courtyard. Temple courtyards had porticoes,the wooden roofs of which were supported by wooden columns withstone Attic-type bases.

    Fragments of Buddhist statues in stone and plaster, stone bas-reliefs, and discs adorned with lotus flowers, and painted and gildedstone umbrel las chatras)are all ev ide nc e o f the fact that the Kara-tepecomplexes were decorated with big and small sculptural elements.

    Excava tions of th e courtyards yielded wall paintings. In the A and8 9

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    B com plex es we re foun d f rag me nts of polych rom e pain t ings depic t ingf igures of d on o rs an d two wall pain t ings of the Bu dd ha an d m on ksu n d e r a t r ee we re d i scovered in the B com plex cou r tyard . 2 T h een t ra nc e pa r t s of the A an d B cave t emp les y ie lded f ragmen ts of orna m en ta l p a in t in g . In 1979 a r em arka ble wall pa in t ing depic t ing them ed i ta t in g B ud dh a was d i scovered in the D com plex cave t emp le . I twas thu s ev ide nt tha t f igurative pain tings as well as sculp tures de cor atednot only the cour tyards but a l so the t emples .

    Among other f inds of Kara- t epe are the numerous inscr ip t ions .Some undoubtedly be long to the heyday of th i s r e l ig ious cent re ' shis tory. These are gi f t inscr ipt ions and rel igious dictums on ceramicvessels . T he y a re in the K ha rosh thi an d B rah m i as well as in theK ush an ( i .e . , mo dif ied G reek) alphab et , an d in the so-called un kno w n(or Kam boj ian ) scr ipt of Aram aic or igin.3T he re are o ther s , s cra tchedby vis i tors on the ent rance arches and corr idor wal ls , which may bedated f rom the t ime of the centre 's decl ine. Some of these graf f i t iinscr ip t ionsthe so-ca l l ed Bact r i an or Kushan, Indian and MiddlePer s i an s eem t o da t e f r om t he en d o f t he 3 r d ( ? ) - 4 t h cen t u r i e s A .D . ,whereas the Moslem inscr ipt ions in Arabic date f rom the 10th to thebeginning of the 13 th centur ies A.D.

    The wal l paint ing in ques t ion was discovered in the course ofexca vat ions of the no r th er n c or r ido r . Th i s is on the sou thern wall,wh ich is close to the p assage lead ing to the cells an d to the e as tern exi tto th e co ur tya rd which g ave access to the day l ight (f ig. 1). Un l ike thepo l ychr ome r ep r es en t a t i ons o f t he Buddha f ound i n t he B compl excour tyard , th i s D complex cave- temple wal l pa in t ing i s monochrome.T h e p a in ter ev iden dy took in to accou nt the fact tha t h is c rea t ion wo uldget much l es s l ight than the mura l s in the t emple cour tyards and, notres or t in g to var ious colours an d h ues , prod uc ed a sp lendid p iece of a r tus ing a s ingle r ed over whi te p las ter . Executed by a sure hand, thecontours of the f igure and the fo lds of the robe ( the head , unfor tunate ly, was alm ost com pletely de s t roye d by a later Moslem inscr ipt ion)makes the r epresenta t ion d imens ional and convey the genera l phi losophical mood of the work. Ar t is t ic mer i ts of the paint ing are yet toa t t r ac t the a t t en t ion of a r t h i s tor i ans . How ever , what we got in teres tedin also was a detai l of no smal l im po r tan ce a h alo forme d by two rowsof styl ized but clearly discernible tongues of f lame (f ig. 2 and 3) .

    T hi s de ta i l is cer t a in ly not a chan ce p he no m en on . I t out l ines thesyncre t i c na ture of the r epresenta t ion , which combined the image ofthe Buddha wi th the at t r ibutes of the god of l ight or f i re . That at leas t9 0

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    was how th e local peo ple un de rsto od the image in the period imm ediatelyaf ter th e K ara- te pe re l igious cen tre fell into desolat ion. Th is sevidencedby the graff i t i inscr ipt ion, in the Kushan scr ipt , c lose to the Buddha 'she ad , m ad e by a v i si to r a t the end of the 3 r d - 4 t h cen tury A .D. (? ). T h einscr ip t ion which reads , Buddha-Mazda, and m ay be d i scerned qui tedef ini te ly , points to the syncret ism of the Buddhis t and the local EastI ran ian Mazda i s t cu l t s .

    As we know, the f i re cul t , one of the most widespread cul ts inh u m a n h i s tory , has bee n t raced in Hin du s tan a nd C ent ra l As ia , as wellas in other regions f rom ancient t imes up to the present . I t wouldthere fore be hard ly convinc ing to connec t the appearance of thege ne ra l no t io n of a l igh t -bear ing or sh in ing B ud dh a wi th any loca lt radi t ion. However , a t tempts to t ie up concrete ar t i facts in which thenot ion found embodiment wi th loca l cu l t s might be qu i te l eg i t imate .Thus , the representa t ions of the Buddha wi th tongues of f l ame r i s ingfrom his shoulders , to be seen on two bas-re l iefs f rom the region ofKap i sa ( t he o l d Pa ropa m i sadae a r ea ) , 5 can be t raced to the same t ra dit ion tha t gave b i r th to the imag e of a Kushan em pe ro r wi th tongue s off l ame over h i s shoulder . 6

    I t may be not iced that the above-ment ioned bas-re l iefs f rom theKap isa reg ion , s i tua ted a t the so uth ern bo rd er of B ac t r i a -Tokha r i s tan ,have haloes f ramed with the tongues of f lame s imilar , in the generaldepict ion of the type, i f not in s tyle , to that on the Kara- tepe paint ing.Both the Kapisa bas-re l iefs and the Kara- tepe paint ing probably refert o t he s ame h i s t o r i c pe r i odt he heyday o f t he Kushan Empi r e 7 , andseem to have been c rea ted a t monas te r ies connec ted wi th the Kushanel i te . 8 Most pro bab ly, in bo th cases, the f i re halo has to be exp lainedby East I ranian Mazdais t t radi t ions .

    T h e K ara- tep e B ud dh a-M azd a as well as s imi lar represe ntat ionswith f i re haloes awai t fur ther s tudy. But a l ready at this s tage one mayve nt ur e a qu es t io n : a re no t such represe nta t ion s based on an ap ta r t i s t i c method , devi sed by the Kushan a r t i s t s in Bac t r i a -Tokhar i s tanand in the ne ighbour ing t e r r i to r ies of the Empi re , to c rea te thesyncre t i c ima ge of the l igh t -bear ing or sh in ing B ud dh a? At anyr a t e , as far as I kno w, the Bu dd ha 's f i re halo has no t be en found inInd i an monumen t s o f t he Kushan pe r i od . At t he s ame t i me i n Ch i na ,where the Cent ra l As ian fo l lowers of Buddhism p layed a cons iderab lerole in i t s disseminat ion, this iconographic deta i l has been famil iars in c e t h e 5 t h - 6 t h c e n t u r ie s . 9 I t is to be found in K orea in the 6 t h - 8 t hcen t u r i e s 1 0an d i n J ap an1 1 and Tha i l and ,1 2 since the 7th9th centuries.91

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    AstoIndiaandNepal,Ihave succeeded (thusfar) infindingthe firehalo onlyinmon um ents which are datedin the 11th-12th c entur ies.I3

    N O T E S1. Major publicat ionsMaterials of t/ie Joint Expe dition on Kara-tepe. (Genera l

    Ed i to r , B.J. Stavisky) in Russian):Kara-tepe,ITheKara-tepe Buddhist Cave Mo nasteryin OldTermez.Moscow,1964.Kara-tepe, IIBuddhist Caves onKara-tepein OldTermez. Moscow, 1969.Kara-tepe,IIIABuddhistReligious CentreonKara tepein Old Termez. Moscow,1972.Kara-tepe,IVNewFindsonKara-tepein OldTermez. Moscow, 1974.Kara-tepe, V Buddhist Monuments onKara-tepein OldTermez. In the processof

    publ ica t ion . )2 . For aco lour r ep rod uc t ion o f oneofthemsee B.J.Stavisky,KYuguot Zheleznykh

    Vorot (South of the Iron Gates), Moscow, 1977, pp . 8 8 - 8 9 , fig. 47; for ad r a w i n g cf. B.J.Stavisky, Kushanskaya Bactriya: Problemy IstoriiiKultury TheKushan Bactna: Problems ofHistoryandC ulture), Moscow, 1977,p.2 3 1 ,fig.40 .Thescene is rep rod uce din thebookbyDavid L. Snel lgrove (Genera l Edi tor ) , The Image of the Buddha, Serindia Publicat ion/U N E S C O , L o n d o n - T o k y o , 1978, fig. 142 on p. 193,unfo r tuna t e ly a m irro r reflect ion.The second sceneis now in the processof res tora t ion .

    3 . SeeKara-tepe,I,pp.6 2 - 8 1 ; Kara-tepe,II,pp.3 2 - 3 9 , 4 0 - 4 6 , 4 7 - 8 1 , 8 2 - 1 2 5 ;Kara-tepe, III, pp. 1 1 4 - 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 - 1 2 1 , 1 2 2 - 1 2 8 ; Kara-tepe, IV, pp. 4 7 - 6 0 , 6 1 - 6 9 ,7 0 - 8 1 .

    4 . SeeKara-tepe, IV, pp. 8 2 - 8 7 .5. For the most recent da taseeDavidL.Snellgrove (Gene ra l Ed i tor ) ,The Image of

    the Buddha, pp. 1 8 6 - 1 8 7 ; f i g s . 1 3 6 - 1 3 7 .6 . See Jo hn M.R osenf ie ld , The DynasticA rts of the Kushans. Berkeley-I-os Ange les,

    1967,p. 200.7. See, for instance,H.Plaeschke,BuddhistischeKunst. Leipzig, 1974, taf. 27. 3rd-

    5 th cen tu r i e s ) ; S.Gau l i e r, R.J e r a - B e z a r d and M.Mail lard, Buddhism inAfghanistan andCentral Asia. PartI. L e i d e n , 1976, figs.22, 29 ( 2 n d - 3 r d c e n tu r ie s ).

    8 . J o h n M.Rosenf ie ld , op .at., pp . 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 .9. David L. Snel lgrove (Gene ra l Edi tor ) ,op. at., figs. 155 437 A.D.); 157 477

    A.D.) ; 159 5thc e n t u r yandla ter ) ; 161 518A.D.); 162 522A.D.) ,and 16 3 536A.D.) .Its h o u l dbeno ted tha ta fire haloon figs. 155and 157 isin t e rp re t ed he re ,as in an u m b e rofo the r pub l i ca t ions , as an e l e m e n t of the Old Chinese t radi t ion . Such haloesare to bef o u n d in C h i n a up to the 17thcen tu ry ibid.,fig. 2 8 3 - 1662A.D .).

    10 . Ibid., figs. 172 539 or 599A.D.) ; 177 (early 7th cen tu ry ) ; 178(a round 700A.D.) ; 181 720A.D.) .Cf. fig. 303 end of the 12thcentury) .

    11. Ibid, figs. 188(last qu art eroft he7thcentury); 197 (midd leo f t he9thcentury) ;a n d 202 end of the 9th century) .

    12 . Ibid, Kg. 106( 7 t h - 9 t h c e n tu r ie s ) .13 . Ibid., figs. 202 11th cen tu ry , Ind ia ) ;276( 1 1 t h - 12th centur ies , N epal ) .


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    com p lex comp lex B


    10 15 20 M

    Fig, 1 Plan of exca vation s 1979 (p-wall-paintings)

    F ig . 2 B ud dh a . T h e wal l -pa in ting in com plex D.

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