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  • 1. Ref: VIT/SITE/FFCS/B.Tech(IT)/Curriculum/Ver. 1.0Dt. 25-03-2010 School of Information Technology & EngineeringBTech (Information Technology)I. University CoreCourse Course Title LTP CPrerequisite CodeENG101English for Engineers I (or)300 3---ENG001Effective EnglishENG101English for Engineers I (or)300 3ENG102English for Engineers II ENG101Ethics and Values 300 3---Comprehensive Examination2 ---ENV101Environmental Studies 003 3---MAT101Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations 310 4---PHY101Modern Physics302 4---CHY101Engineering Chemistry 212 4---CSE101Problem Solving and Computer Programming202 3---Foreign Language200 2--- Total Credits31II. University ElectiveCourse Course Title LTP CPrerequisite CodeUniversity Elective I 300 3University elective II300 3Total Credits 06 III. Program Core CourseCourse TitleLTP C PrerequisiteCodeMEE101 Engineering Graphics004 2MEE102 Workshop Practice 002 1MAT106 Differential and Difference Equations 310 4 MAT101ITM105 Discrete Mathematical Structures310 4ITE102 Information Technology Fundamentals 300 3EEE101 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering302 4ITE103 Data Structures and Algorithms310 4 ITE101ITE104 Data Structures and Algorithms Lab003 2 ITE103 (Co) Numerical Analysis300 3 Linear Algebra310 4EIT201 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors 300 3 EEE101EIT202 Digital Electronics and Microprocessors Lab 003 2 EIT201 (Co)ITE204 Computer Architecture and Organization300 3 EIT201ITE203 Theory of Computation 310 4 ITM105ITE201 Object Oriented Programming Concepts300 3 ITE101ITE202 Object Oriented Programming in C++ Lab003 2 CSE201 (Co) Probability and Statistics310 4ITE211 Programming in Java 302 4 ITE201ITE213 Operating Systems 302 4 ITE204ITE215 Human Computer Interaction300 3 EEE101ITE314 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 300 3 ITE201

2. ITE315Database Systems3024 ---ITE317Data Communication and Computer Networks3003 ITE213ITE318Computer Networks Lab 0032 ITE317 (Co)SWE307Principles of Software Engineering3003 ITE201ITE311Embedded Systems3024 ITE204ITE322Artificial Intelligence 3003 ITE203ITE328Distributed Systems 3003 ITE317ITE325Web Technologies3003 ITE311ITE326Web Technologies Lab0032 ITE325ITE323Network Programming 3024 ITE213ITE329In-plant Training1 ---ITE411Computer Graphics and Multimedia3024 ITE327ITE417E-Commerce3003 ITE325ITE413Network Administration3024 ITE323ITE416Data warehousing and Data Mining3003 ITE315ITE399Mini Project 2ITE499Final Project 20 IV. Program ElectiveITE341 Basic Bio-Informatics3003ITE342 Real-Time Systems3003ITE343 Open Source Programming3003ITE344 System Programming 3003ITE346 Software Project Management3003ITE347 Graph Theory and Its Applications3003ITE441 Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture 3003ITE442 Soft Computing 3003ITE443 Mobile Computing 3003ITE444 High-End Computing 3003ITE445 Digital Image Processing 3003ITE446 Advanced Database Management Systems 3003ITE451 Software Agents3003ITE452 Natural Language Processing3003ITE453 Knowledge Management 3003ITE454 Geographical Information Systems 3003ITE455 Parallel Processing3003ITE456 Information and Storage Management 3003 ITE456Total Credits 09 3. Credit SummaryMinimum Qualifying Credits180Total Credits Offered(UC+UE+PC+PE)UC31UE06PC 134PE09 4. ENG001 Effective EnglishLT P C 30 0 3Prerequisite English at + 2 levelObjectives To help the second language learners to acquire confidence in their basic writing and speaking. To enable the students to acquire structure and written expressions required for their profession.Outcomes The learners will get the required training in LSRW through the given tasks. Speaking: Introduction and greetings - asking/offering information - requesting/inviting Writing: Making meaningful sentences from the jumbled words - development of basic writing skills applying studied grammatical structures - hints development Communication & Functional skills: Fundamentals of communication and barriers to effective communication. Corrective Grammar I - parts of speech Speaking: Integrated interrogative and discourse use with targeted vocabulary and functions; Communicative and decision making activities based on authentic reading materials; Authentic video materials to improve extraction of information from the given source. Writing: Rewriting the given texts following the prompts - instructional writing skills - illustrative and descriptive writing. Communication & Functional skills: Non-verbal communication Corrective Grammar II - concord Speaking: Role-plays in various life like situations - debating to express points of view - project development in groups and pair-work to increase communication practice. Writing: Critical appreciation of the given text - narrative written structures to express past events - written communication for task oriented goals. Communication & Functional skills: Listening and negotiating Corrective Grammar III - tenses & error detectionText Books 1. Sunitha Mishra and C. Muralikrishna, Communication Skills for Engineers, Pearson Education. 2. A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar,OUP, Delhi1.Michael McCarthy and Felicity (2003), English Vocabulary in Use - Advanced, CUP. 3. Andrea J. Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson Education Asia. 4. Murphy, Murphys English Grammar with CD, Cambridge University Press. 5. English Skills for Technical Students, WBSCTE with British Council, Orient Longman. 6. Robert J. Dixson (2006), Everyday Dialogues in English, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd. 7. Bhaskaran and Horsburgh, Strengthen Your English,Oxford University Press. 8. M. Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication,McGraw-Hill. Adrian Doff and Chris Jones (2006), Language in Use, CambridgeMoEWriting and speaking skills, tests, quizzes, assignments and seminars.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 5. ENG101English for Engineers I LT PC 30 03Prerequisite English at + 2 levelObjectives To help the second language learners to acquire fluency in spoken and written English. To make students communicate with clarity and precision in the workplace. To give the students a perspective to appreciate life in its variables by exposing them to comprehension texts to enrich their word power.Outcomes Enable students to acquire structure and written expression required for their profession. The students will get the required training in LSRW through the prescribed texts. Communication SkillsAspects of Communication and Body Language Textual Comprehension Text 1, 2 Structure and Word Magic Tenses, Concord, Tag Question; Word formation Stylistic Expression Paragraph Writing, Cloze test, Informal letter writing and email Communication SkillsListening and Interpersonal Communication Skills Textual Comprehension Text 3, 4 Structure and Word Magic Voice Conditionals, Transformation of sentences; Work and Study Stylistic Expression General Essay, Note making Communication SkillsSpeaking and Group discussion Textual Comprehension Text 5, 6 Structure and Word Magic Answer as Directed; Leisure and lifestyle Stylistic Expression Reading ComprehensionText Books1. English for Professionals - Book 1, Faculty of English, SSH, VIT.2. Sunita Mishra and C. Muralikrishna, Communication Skills for Engineers.3. R. Srinivasan and M. Sahul Hameed (2008), Functional Grammar & Composition,VIT Workbook.4. Michael McCarthy and Felicity (2003), English Vocabulary in Use - Advanced,Cambridge University Press.5. Krishna Mohan and Meera B. Annerji (1997), Developing Communication Skills,Macmillan India Ltd.6. Murphy (2006), Essential English Grammar, CUP.7. Adrian Doff and Chris Jones (2006), Language in Use, Cambridge University Press.8. Kris Cole (2005), Crystal Clear Communication, East West Book.MoEWriting and speaking skills, tests, quizzes, assignments and seminars.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 6. ENG102English for Engineers II L TP C3 00 3PrerequisiteEnglish at + 2 levelObjectives To make the students communicate in English for academic and social purpose. To develop the ability to write assignments in a style that is appropriate for university study or within a training context. To develop the ability to understand spoken language in both lecture format, formal and informal conversational styles. To develop the ability to speak on general and specific topics in real life situations.OutcomesThe learners will get the required training in LSRW through the prescribed texts. Theywill also have a holistic outlook as they go into the world.Unit ICommunication Skills 14Team Talk, Negotiation and Emotional IntelligenceTextual Comprehension Text 1, 2Structure and Word MagicError Detection (Errors in Formation of Sentences : Tenses, Passivity,Conditionals, Synthesis of Sentences, Direct & Indirect Speeches, Degreesof Comparison, Affirmative & Negative Sentences, Begin with the givenword) (- based on workbook); TechnologyStylistic ExpressionLab Report; Polite Expression; Dialogue Writing; Case StudyUnit II Communication Skills 14Creativity And Leadership skillsTextualComprehension Text 3, 4Structure and Word MagicError Detection (errors in use of words : Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs,Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Articles, Antonyms / Synonyms,Homonyms, Affixes (from General Study); Health and TravelStylistic ExpressionTechnical Reports, Transcoding, Business Letter Writing, Technicaldescription.Unit IIICommunication Skills 14Mind Mapping and Career Planning (Self-efficacy skills)TextualComprehension Text 5, 6Structure and Word MagicError Detection contd.; Idioms and Phrasal VerbsStylistic ExpressionTackling Situations / Argumentative EssaysText Books1.English for Professionals, Book II Ed., Faculty, English SSH, VIT.2. Mishra, Sunita & C. Muralikrishna, Communication Skills for Engineers,PearsonEducation, Delhi, 2004.3. Functional Grammar & Composition: VIT Workbook, 2005.(for Semesters I & II) by R. Srinivasan, M.A. Sahul Hameed.Reference Books English Vocabulary in Use Advanced, Michael McCarthy and Felicity, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2003.Developing Communication Skills, Krishna Mohan and Meera Bannerji,Macmillan India Ltd. 1990Essential English Grammar, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Language in Use, Adrian Doff and Chris Jones, Cambridge University Press, 2006.Corporate Soft skills,Sarvesh Gulati, 2006. 7. Effective Communication, John Adair , Macmillan Ltd.1997.MoEWritten Tests & Examinations, Quizzes, Assignments, Seminars. Speaking skills will be tested through assignments.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 8. ENV101 Environmental StudiesLT PC 30 03Prerequisite English at + 2 levelObjectives Awareness of environmental factors affecting human populationOutcomes Basic understanding of the major causes of environmental degradation. Influence of ecological disturbances on human health. Social and other related factors influencing the human population.Unit I Environment & Natural Resources Improvement Definition, scope, importance, need for public, Natural Resources forest resources use, exploitation, deforestation, construction of multipurpose dams effect on forests, Water resources use of surface and subsurface water; effect of floods, drought, water conflicts, food resources food problems, advantage and disadvantage of fertilizers & pesticides, effect on environment, Energy resources need to develop renewable energy.Unit IIEcology & Bio-diversity Concept of ecosystem, structure & function of an ecosystem, producers, consumers and decomposers, energy flow, ecological succession, food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Bio diversity: Definition, genetic, species and ecosystem diversity, bio- geographical classification of India, hotspots, threats related to habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Conservation of bio-diversity.Unit III Environmental Pollution Definition Causes, pollution effects and control measures of air, water, soil, marine, noise, thermal, nuclear hazards. Solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes, pollution measures, case studies, Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.Unit IVSocial Issues and the Environment Urban problems related to energy & sustainable development, water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management, problems related to rehabilitation case studies, Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism and waste products Environment Protection Act, air, water, wildlife, Forest Conservation Act, Environmental legislation and public awarenessUnit V Human Population and the Environment Population growth, variation among nations, Population explosion Family Welfare Programme, Environment and human health, Human Rights, Value Education, HIV/ AIDS, Women and Child Welfare, Role of Information Technology Visit to local polluted site / Case Studies.Text Books 1. Kurian Joseph & R. Nagendran, Essentials of Environmental Studies, 1st Edition,Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Keerthinarayana & Daniel Yesudian,Environmental Science and Engineering, 1stEdition, Hi-Tech publications, 2004. 3. Erach Bharucha, A Text Book for Environmental Studies, Text Book of UniversityGrants Commission, 2004. 4. Peavy, H.S., D.R. Rowe & T.George, Environmental Engineering, New York: McGraw Hill, 1987. 5. Metcalf & Eddy,Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, New Delhi, TataMc Graw Hill, 2003.MoEContinuous Assessment (Written Exam) and Assignment 9. CSE101Problem Solving and Computer L T P CProgramming 2 0 2 3PrerequisiteObjectives To provide an overview of computers and problem solving techniques using CLanguage that serve as a foundation for the study of different programminglanguages.Outcomes By the end of the course, the students are expected to learn, Various problems solving technique Implementation of the problem solving techniques using C language.Unit IINTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND ALGORITHMS Parts of a computer Overview of operating systems, compilers, interpreters and programming languages. Algorithms for exchanging the values of two variables, counting, summation of a set of numbers, factorial computation, sine function computation, generation of the Fibonacci sequence, reversing the digits of an integer, base conversion and character to number conversion.Unit II CONSTRUCTS OF C Lexical elements Operators - data types I/O statements format specifications control statements decision making and looping.Unit III ARRAYS Array handling in C declaration single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, sorting and searching on single and two dimensional arrays. Array order reversal, array counting or histogramming, finding the maximum number in a set, removal of duplicates from an ordered array, partition an array, finding the kth smallest element strings: Character array string handling functions manipulation on strings.Unit IVFUNCTIONS Prototype declaration - arguments (formal and actual) return types types of functions difference between built-in and user-defined functions.Unit V STRUCTURES Declarations - nested structures- array of structures - structure to functions - unions- difference between structure and unionText Books 1.Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon (2001), Introduction to Information Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill. 2.R.G. Dromey (2001), How to Solve it by Computer, Prentice Hall of India. 3.Al Kelley and Ira Pohl (1998), A Book on C Programming in C, 4thEdition, Pearson Education.MoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 10. MGT301 Ethics and Values L T P C3 0 0 3PrerequisiteObjectives To understand the moral problems faced in the corporate setting and widerphilosophical frameworks along with social importance and their intellectualchallenges are given its due placement.Outcomes The students will have hands-on experience with the day-to-day problems andtheir allied alternative decision making towards social and business environmentUnit I Scope and aims of Professional Ethics. What is Ethics? - Why Study 15 Ethics? Professions and Professionalism.-Ethical reasoning and theories Professional ideals and virtues Study of reasoning Theories about right action Self interest Customs and religion.Unit II Social Experimentation and Environmental Ethics Experiments and 15 responsible experimentations and moral autonomy and accountability - Code of Ethics and balanced outlook- Responsibility towards employersUnit III Safety and Risk Management Safety Risk Assessment Risk 15 reduction analysis . Global Issues in Ethics Loyalty Authority - Collective bargaining Conflicts of Interest Occupational Crime.Text Books 1. L.H. Newton & Catherine K.D. Classic cases in Environmental Ethics, Belmont: California Wadsworth, 2006.Reference Books1. Mike W Martin & Ronald Schnizinger, Engineering Ethics, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill,Latest Edition 2. OC Ferrell, John Paul Frederich,Linda Ferrell; Business Ethics Ethical Decision making and Cases- 2007 Edition, Biz Tantra, New DelhiMoECAT I/CAT II, End Term Tests, Assignments and any of these following components Mini projects/Seminars/ Quizzes /Case Discsussion/Term Ppaer/Class Participation/Assessment of class NotesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 11. MAT101Multivariable Calculus and L T PCDifferential Equations3 1 04Prerequisite Mathematics at 10+2 level (or) Basic Mathematics (MAT001)Objectives To provide the requisite and relevant background necessary to understand other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers and Scientists. To introduce three important topics of applied mathematics, viz., multiple integrals, Vector calculus and Laplace transforms.Outcomes By the end of the course, the students are expected to learn How to evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Sphericalgeometries. Vector calculus with application in Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic fields. To solve ordinary differential equations.Unit I MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUSFunctions of two variables - limits and continuity - partial derivatives total differential Taylors expansion for two variables maxima and minima constrained maxima and minima - Lagranges multiplier method - JacobiansUnit IIMULTIPLE INTEGRALS Evaluation of double integrals change of order of integration change of variables between Cartesian and polar co-ordinates - evaluation of triple integrals - change of variables between Cartesian and cylindrical and spherical polar co-ordinates - beta and gamma functions interrelation - evaluation of multiple integrals using gamma and beta functions - error function and its properties.Unit III VECTOR CALCULUSScalar and vector valued functions gradient physical interpretation - total derivative directional derivative -divergence and curl physical interpretations - vector identities (without proof) - scalar and vector potentials -line, surface and volume integrals - Greens, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof) -verification and evaluation of vector integrals using them.Unit IVORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSLinear higher order ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients solutions of homogenous and non-homogenous ODEs - method of undetermined coefficients method of variation of parameters equations reducible to linear equations with constant coefficients.Unit V LAPLACE TRANSFORMSDefinition: Laplace transforms of functions - properties of Laplace transforms - initial and final values theorems - inverse transforms - transforms of periodic functions - convolution theorems step functions, impulse functions - concept of transfer functions applications to the solution of differential equations.Text Books 1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney (2002), Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9 e,Pearson Education 2. Michale D. Greenberg (2002), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd Edition,Pearson Education. 3. Peter V.O Neil (2003), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5thEdition, ThomsonBrook/Cole. 4. Erwin Kreyszig (2004), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition., JohnWiley & Sons. 12. 5. B.S. Grewal (2005), Higher Engineering Mathematics, 38thEdition, KhannaPublications.Reference BooksMoEContinuous Assessment Tests, assignments, tutorial sheets, class Tests, quizzesRecommended bythe Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 13. MAT 106Differential and Difference LT PC Equations 31 04PrerequisiteMultivariable Calculus and Differential Equations (MAT101)Objectives This course is designed to give a comprehensive coverage at an introductorylevel to the subject of ordinary differential equations and difference equations.Matrix methods and eigen value problems are integrated in to the course.Sufficient emphasis is laid on mathematical modeling and analysis of simpleengineering problems.Outcomes By the end of the course, the students are expected to know how to modelsimple physical problems in the form of a differential and difference equations,analyze and interpret the solutions. Further the students are expected toacquire necessary background in matrix methods and Eigenvalue problems soas to appreciate their importance to engineering systems.Unit IMatrix methods to Linear Differential Equations 9+3The eigen value problem- eigen values and eigen vectors - Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its applications- symmetric matrices- properties ofeigen values and eigen vectors-similarity of matrices - diagonalisation of areal symmetric matrix-quadratic form.Solution of equations of type X11 + AX=0 - reduction of nth ordersystem to a system of first order equations by diagonalization.Unit II Power Series Solutions 9+3The Strum-Liouville Problem-orthogonality of eigen functions- Bessels andLegendres equations- power series solutions method of Frobenius.Unit IIIFourier Series 9+3Fourier series -Eulers formulae- Dirichlets conditions - change of interval-half range series RMS value Parsevals identity computation ofharmonics.Unit IV Difference Equations and Z-transforms9+3Difference equation-first and second order difference equations withconstant coefficients-Fibonacci sequence-solution of difference equations-complementary functions - particular integrals by the method ofundetermined coefficients.Z-transform-relation to Laplace transforms - Z-transforms of standardfunctions-inverse Z-transforms by partial fraction method-by convolution-solution of simple difference equations using Z-transforms.Unit VApplications of Differential Equations 9+3First order equations: Newtons law of cooling radioactive decay, L-Rand C-R circuits-Equation of motion for a particle in gravitational field Terminal velocity.Second order equations: Free undamped and damped vibrations,Forced oscillations-Resonance phenomenon, series LCR circuit - Model ofa vibrating systems with two masses Solutions by matrix methods.Text Books1. Erwin Kreysizing, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Edition, John Wiley &Sons, (Wiley student Edison)(2004).2. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40th Edition. KhannaPublications(2007).Reference Books 1. W.E.Boyce and R.C. Diprima, Elementary differential equations, 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.(2002).2. Michale D. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Pearson 14. Education, First Indian reprint (2002). 3. Peter V. O Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th Edition, Thomson, Book/Cole (2003). 4. C. Ray Wylie, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edn, McGraw Hill (1995). 5. Gary L. Peterson, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Addison-Wesley (2002). James C. Robinson, An introduction to ordinary differential equations, Cambridge Univ. Press(2000).MoEContinuous Assessment Tests, Assignments, Tutorial sheets, Class Tests, Quizzes.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 15. MAT 104Probability and Statistics LTPC3104Prerequisite MAT101 Multivariable calculus and Differential EquationsObjectives To provide the mathematical support by way of probabilistic models andstatistical methodology to tackle problems encountered in Science andEngineering applications.Outcomes Understand basic notions of probability arising in a variety of uncertainsituations which are nontraditional in areas of science and engineering. Knowing the basic tools of statistical methods Emphasize the study of data analysis leading to probabilistic modelsUnit I Random Variables 9+3 Random variables- distribution and density functions-random vectors-joint distribution and joint density functions- conditional distribution and density functions-co-variance-correlation - mathematical expectation - moment generating function characteristic function.Unit IIDistributions 9+3 Binomial and Poisson distributions normal distribution gamma and exponential distributions Weilbull distribution - regression and correlation partial and multiple correlation- multiple regression.Unit III Testing Hypothesis9+3 Large sample tests- procedure of testing hypothesis- small sample tests- Students t-test - F-test- chi-square test- independence of attributes and goodness of fit.Unit IVANOVA 9+3 Analysis of variance one and two way classifications - CRD- RBD- LSD.Unit V Non Parametric Tests9+3 Non-parametric tests-sign test-signed-rank test-rank-sum test- Kruskal-Wallis test-runs test- tolerance limits-rank correlation coefficient.Text Books R.E.Walpole, R.H.Mayers, S.L.Mayers and K.Ye, Probability and Statistics for engineersth and scientists, 7 Edition, Pearson Education (2003). thReference Books1. J.L.Devore, Probability and Statistics, 5 Edition, Thomsun (2000). 2. R.A.Johnson, Miller & Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers, seventh edition, Pearson Education, Delhi (2008).MoEContinuous Assessment Tests, Assignments, Tutorial sheets, Class Tests, Quizzes.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 16. MAT202 Linear AlgebraLT P C31 0 4Prerequisite MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential EquationsObjectives Linear algebra is one of the most important subjects in the study of engineeringbecause of its widespread applications in electrical, communications andcomputer science. The objective of this course is to give a presentation of basicconcepts of linear algebra to illustrate its power and utility through applicationsto computer science and engineering.Outcomes By the end of the course the students are expected to learn the concepts ofvector space, linear transformations, matrices and inner product space. Furtherthe students are expected to solve problems in cryptography, computergraphics and some physicalUnit I Linear Equations and Matrices10+3 System of linear equations- Gaussian elimination/Jordan block matrices- elementary matrices- finding inverse of matrices-permutation matrix-- LDU factorization- applications to cryptography and electrical network.Unit IIVector space10+3 Vector spaces- sub spaces -bases-spanning space-dimensions-linear combination-linearly dependent-independent -finite dimensional-row and column spaces Rank and nullity invertibility- application to interpolation.Unit III Linear transformations13+4 Linear transformations invertible linear transformation- matrices of linear transformations vector space of linear transformations change of bases similarity application to computer graphics.Unit IVInner product spaces13+4 Inner products the lengths and angles of vectors matrix representations of inner products- Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization projection-orthogonal projections relations of fundamental subspaces orthogonal matrices and isometrics applications to least square solutions.Text Books Jin Ho Kwak and Sungpyo Hong, Linear Algebra, Second edition, Springer (2004). (Chapters 1,3,4 and 5).Reference Books1. Stephen Andrilli and David Hecher, Elementary Linear Algebra, 3rd Edition,Academic Press(2006) 2. Charles W. Curtis, Linear Algebra, Springer (2004) 3. Howard Anton and Robert C Busby, Contemporary linear algebra, John Wiley(2003). 4. Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th Edition, Wellesley-CambridgePress (2009).MoEContinuous assessment Examination, Assignments, Tutorial sheets, Class Test, Quiz.Recommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 17. PHY101 Modern PhysicsL TPC3 024Prerequisite Physics as one subject in 12thStandard or equivalent level.Objectives To enable the students to understand the basics of the latest advancements inPhysics, viz., Quantum Mechanics, Lasers, Fiber Optics, Ultrasonics, Microwavesand Nanotechnology.Outcomes At the end of the course, students will acquire the necessary knowledge aboutmodern physics and its applications in various engineering and technologydisciplines.Unit I QUANTUM PHYSICS Dual nature of electron magnetic radiation - de Broglie waves Compton Effect experimental verification -Heisenberg uncertainty principle Schrodinger equation application - particle in a box (ID) Spectroscopy. Application of Quantum Mechanics - Scanning Tunneling Microscope - Atomic Force Microscope problems.Unit IILASERLaser characteristics - Einsteins coefficients - its significance - population inversion - three level, four level laser Schawlow and Townes condition Nd. YAG, He-Ne-CO2laser welding, drilling, cutting optical disk systems recording data readout from optical disks Holography Recording and Reconstruction Problems.Unit III FIBER OPTICS Light propagation through fibers Acceptance angle - numerical aperture types of fibers step index, graded index single mode, multimode dispersion intermodal, intramodal application of fiber optics in communication source LED Laser diode Detector PIN photodiode endoscope problems.Unit IVULTRASONIC AND MICROWAVES Properties generation Magnetostriction method Piezo-electric method detection of ultrasonic applications- NDT Characteristic features of micro waves TE and TM modes Klystron Gunn diode applications of microwaves.Unit V NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanoscale Nanomaterials properties of Nanomaterials Moores Law Semiconductor nanoparticles Nanocomposites Quantum well Wire Dots Nanolithography Applications of Nanotechnology Aerospace components sensors Medicine.Text Books 1. B.B. Laud, Lasers and Non-Linear Optics, 2ndEdition, New Ages International. 2. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan (2002), Introduction to Fiber Optics, CambridgeUniversity Press. 3. William Silfvast (2002), Laser Fundamentals, Cambridge University Press. 4. Djafar K. Mynbaeu (2004), Fibre Optic Communication Technology, PearsonEducation Asia. 5. Kittel (2001), Solid State Physics, 7thEdition, John Wiley & Sons. 6. K.C. Gupta (2002), Microwaves, New Age International. 7. Arthur Beiser (2003), Concepts of Modern Physics, 6thEdition, Tata-McGraw Hill. 8. Charles P. Poole, Jr. and Frank J. Owens (2003), Introduction to Nanotechnology,John Wiley & Sons 9. Edward L. Wolf (2006), Nano Physics and Nanotechnology An introduction toModern Concepts in Nanoscience, Wiley VCH verlagambh & Co., Weinheim. 18. Reference BooksMoEWritten examinations, surprise test, quizzes, assignments, seminar, group discussionRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 19. ITM105Discrete Mathematical Structures L T PC3 1 04Prerequisite EIT201Objectives The aim of this course is to motivate the students to address the challenge ofthe relevance of inference theory, Algebraic structures and graph theory tocomputer science and engineering problems.Outcomes By the end of the course, the students are expected to use inference theory incircuit models, and algebraic theory in computer science problems, graphtheory in net work models and lattices & Boolean algebra in Boolean functionsUnit I SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 9 Sets (Venn diagrams, complements, Cartesian products, power sets); Pigeonhole principle; Cardinality and countability; Relations (reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, equivalence relations); Functions (surjections, injections, inverses, composition).Unit IIBASIC LOGIC 9 Propositional logic; Logical connectives; Truth tables; Normal forms (conjunctive and disjunctive); Validity; Predicate logic; Universal and existential quantification; Modus ponens and modus tollens; Limitations of predicate logic.Unit III PROOF TECHNIQUES9 Notions of implication, converse, inverse, contrapositive, negation, and contradiction; The structure of formal proofs; Direct proofs; Proof by counterexample; Proof by contraposition; Proof by contradiction; Mathematical induction; Strong induction; Recursive mathematical definitions; Well orderings.Unit IVBASICS OF COUNTING9 Counting arguments Sum and product rule, Inclusion-exclusion principle, Arithmetic and geometric progressions, Fibonacci numbers; the pigeonhole principle; Permutations and combinations Basic definitions, Pascals identity, and the binomial theorem; solving recurrence relations Common examples, The Master theoremUnit V GRAPHS AND TREES9 Trees; Undirected graphs; Directed graphs; Spanning trees; Traversal strategies. DISCRETE PROBABILITY:Finite probability space, probability measure, events; Conditional probability, independence, Bayes theorem; Integer random variables, expectation.Text Books 1.Kolman and Busby, Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer ScienceReference Books1. J.P. Trembley and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, Tata McGraw Hill 13th reprint (2001). 2. Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 5th Edition, Pearson Education (2001). 3. S. Lipschutz and M. Lipson, Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition (2000). 4. B.Kolman, R.C.Busby and S.C.Ross, Discrete Mathematical structures, 4th Edition, PHI(2002). 5. C.L.Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill (2002).MoEWritten examinations, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 20. ITE203 Theory of Computation LT PC31 04Prerequisite Discrete Mathematical Structures, Algorithm Design and AnalysisObjectives To provide an understanding of the basic concepts in theoretical computer science. To comprehend complex concepts and formal proofs in theoretical computer science in order to improve reasoning and problem solving skills. To prepare students for more advanced courses in automation theory, formallanguages, algorithms & logicOutcomes At the end of the course students should able to Understand the essence of computing through simple computational models; Apply these models in practice to solving problems in diverse areas such as pattern matching, cryptography, and language design; Understand the limitations of computing, the relative power of formal languages and the inherent complexity of many computational problems of practical importance;Unit I AUTOMATA Strings, Alphabet, Language, Operations, Finite State Machine, definitions, finite automation model, acceptance of strings and languages, on deterministic finite automation, deterministic finite automation, equivalence between NFA and DFA, Conversion of NFA into DFA, minimization of FSM ,equivalence between two FSMs, Moore and Malay machines.Unit IIREGULAR EXPRESSIONS Regular sets, regular expressions, identity rules, manipulation of regular expressions, equivalence between RE and FA, inter conversion, Pumping lemma, Closure properties of regular sets(proofs not required),regular grammars, right linear and left linear grammars equivalence between regular linear grammar and FA, inter conversion between RE and RG.Unit III CONTEXT FREE GRAMMARS Context free Grammars, Derivation trees, Left Most Derivations, Right Most Derivations, Ambiguity in Context-Free Grammars, Specifications of Context Free Grammars, Normal Forms, Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Greibach Normal Form (GNF)Unit IVTURING MACHINE Turing machine, definition, model, design of TM, Computable Functions, recursive enumerable language, Churchs Hypothesis, Counter machine, types of TMs(Proofs not required).Unit V CLASSES OF PROBLEMS Chomsky hierarchy of languages, linear bounded automats and context sensitive language, Introduction to DCFL and DPDA,LR(O) Grammar, decidability of problems, Universal Turing Machine, undecidability of posts correspondence problem. Turing reducibility, definition of P and NP problems, NP complete and NP hard problemsText Books 1. J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, and J. D. Ullman, Introduction to automata theory,languages, and computation, Addison- Wesley, 2006. 2. Krishna Murthy E.V. "introduction to theory of Computer Science", Afiiliate EasteWest Press 21. 3. Lewis H.P. & Papadimition C.H. "Elements of Theory of Computation", Prentice HallReference BooksMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 22. ITE327 Graph Theory and Its Applications L TPC3 003Prerequisite ITE103 Theory of ComputationObjectives This subject aims to cover basic concepts of Graph theoryOutcomes The students would be able to understand and explain fundamentals of GraphTheory their applications.Unit I INTRODUCTION Definitions, importance, isomorphism, walk, paths, circuits, connected, disconnected graphs, operation on graphs operation on graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian graphs.Unit IITREES Properties, distance and centers, trees, spanning trees, fundamental circuits, minimal spanning tree, Cut sets Properties, fundamental circuits and cut sets, connectivity, separatability, network flows, 1-2 isomorphism ,Planar and dual graphs, Combinatorial representation, planar graphs, kuratowskis graphs, detection of planarity, dual graphs.Unit III MATRIX REPRESENTATION OF GRAPHS Incidence matrix, circuit matrix, cut set matrix, fundamental matrices, relationships amongst matrices, path matrix, and adjacency matrix.Unit IVCOLORING, COVERING AND PARTITIONING Chromatic number, chromatic partitioning, matching, covering, four color problemUnit V DIRECTED GRAPHS Different types, directed paths and connectedness, Euler digraphs, trees- matrix representation, tournament. Graph theoretic algorithms , Computer representation of graphs input & output, algorithms for connectedness, spanning tree, fundamental circuits, cut vertices, directed circuits and shortest paths.Text Books 1. Narasing Deo, Graph Theory With Application To Engineering And ComputerScience, Prentice Hall India, 1995. (Chapters 1 To 5,7 To 9,11.1 To11.5) 2. Tulasiraman And M.N.S. Swamy, Graph, Networks And Algorithms, John Wiley,1981. 3. F.Harary, Graph Theory, Addison Wesley/ Narosa, 1998. 4. E.M.Reingold, J.Nievergelt, N.Deo, Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory andPractice, Prentice Hall, N.J.1977.Reference BooksMoEWritten examinations, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 23. Numerical AnalysisL T P C3 0 0 3Prerequisite Differential and Difference EquationsObjectives To provide concepts of numerical methods that can cab used in manyengineering applications.Outcomes On completion of this course student able to apply numerical algorithmsconcepts in engineering applicationsUnit I SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS AND EIGEN VALUE PROBLEMS Iterative method, Newton Raphson method for single variable and for simultaneous equations with two variables. Solutions of a linear system by Gaussian, Gauss-Jordan, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods. Inverse of a matrix by Gauss Jordan method. Eigen value of a matrix by Power and Jacobi methods.Unit IIINTERPOLATION Newtons divided difference formulae, Lagranges and Hermites polynomials. Newton forward and backward difference formulae. Stirlings and Bessels Central difference formulae.Unit III NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION Numerical differentiation with interpolation polynomials, Numerical integration by Trapezoidal and Simpsons (both 1/3rd and 3/8th) rules. Two and Three point Gaussian quadrature formula. Double integrals using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule.Unit IV INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS Single step Methods Taylor Series, Euler and Modified Euler, Runge Kutta method of order four for first and second order differential equations. Multistep Methods-Milne and Adams Bashforth predictor and corrector methods.Unit V BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY AND PARTIALDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Finite difference solution for the second order ordinary differential equations. Finite difference solution for one dimensional heat equation (both implicit and explicit), One-dimensional wave equation and two- dimensional Laplace and Poisson equations.Text Books 1. Sastry, S.S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis (Third Edition), PrenticeHall of India, New Delhi, 1998. 2. Kandasamy, P.,Thilakavthy, K. and Gunavathy, K. Numerical Methods, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi ,1999. 3. Grewal B.S., Grewal J.S., Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999. 4. Jain M.K., Iyengar S.R.K and Jain R.K., Numerical Methods for Engineering and Scientific Computation (Third Edition), New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1995. 5. Gerald C.F., Wheatley P.O., Applied Numerical Analysis (Fifth Edition), Addison Wesley, Singapore, 1998. 6. Narayanan S., Manickavachakam Pillai K. and Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students-Vol.-III, S.Viswanathan Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 1993.MoEWritten examinations, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 24. CHY101 Engineering ChemistryL T P C2 1 2 4PrerequisiteBasic Chemistry at 12thStandard or equivalent level.Objectives To impart technological aspects of modern chemistry To lay foundation for the application of chemistry in engineering andtechnology disciplines.Outcomes At the end of the course, the students will be familiar with the fundamentals ofwater technology; corrosion and its control; applications of polymers indomestic and engineering areas; types of fuels and their applications; andrecent trends in electrochemical energy storage devices.Unit IWater Technology 8Hardness of water: Hard and soft water, Units of Hardness (numericalproblems). Disadvantages of hard water: Scale and sludge, causticembrittlement, priming and foaming, corrosion. Estimation of hardness:EDTA, alkali titration method (numerical problems). Softening methods:Lime soda (numerical problems), zeolite, ion exchange, mixed beddeionizer, treatment of municipal water. Desalination: Desalination of seawater, brakish water, electrodialysis, reverse osmosis.Unit II Corrosion & Corrosion Control8Corrosion: Types and causes of corrosion, factors influencing corrosion,corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion control: Protective coatings, electroplating,metal finishing, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition.High energy coating processes: Ion implantation.Unit IIIPolymers 8Classification of polymers: Thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics -properties and industrial applications of important thermoplastic,thermosetting plastics. Moulding of plastics into articles: Compression,injection, transfer and extrusion methods. Conducting polymers:Properties and applications - biodegradable polymers.Unit IV Fuels and Combustion 8Fuels: Classification of fuels, calorific value - LCV, HCV; measurement ofcalorific value using bomb calorimeter (numerical problems). Combustion:Calculation of air qualities (problems). Liquid Fuels: Knocking and anti-knocking for petrol and diesel (octane number and cetane number) -diesel index. Gaseous fuels: LPG, natural gas, CNG: Composition andapplications. Biofuels: Biodiesel and Biogas -composition and applications.Unit VElectrochemical Energy systems 8Electrochemical energy systems: Basic concepts of electrochmical energysystems. Conventional primary batteries: Dry cell. Advanced primarybatteries: Lithium and alkaline primary batteries. Conventional secondarybatteries: Lead-acid, nickel-cadmium secondary batteries. Advancedsecondary batteries: Nickel-Metal hydride and lithium-ion secondarybatteries. Fuel cells: Key issues Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells - newgeneration fuel cells electric vehicle application solid oxide fuel cells.Text Books1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain (2006), Engineering Chemistry, 15th Edition, Dhanpat RaiPublishing Co., New Delhi.2. S.S. Dara (2006), A Text book of Engineering Chemistry, 11th Revised Edition, S.Chand & Co Ltd., New Delhi.Reference Books 1.B.R. Puri and L.R. Sharma (2004), Principles of Physical Chemistry, 27th Edition,Vishal Publishing Co.2.J.C. Kuriacose and J. Rajaram (1996), Chemistry in Engineeringand Technology, Vol. 1, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.3.David Linden (2002), Hand Book of Batteries, 3rdEdition, McGraw Hill Publishers.MoE Written examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzes.Recommended 25. by the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil EEE101Basic Electrical and Electronics L TPC Engineering3 024Prerequisite Physics at +2 or equivalent level.Objectives To provide overview of electrical and electronics engineering that serve the foundation for advanced studies in the area of electrical and electronics engineeringOutcomes On completion of this course student able to understand the concepts of electrical and electronics engineeringUnit I Elementary Circuit Analysis Ohms law, KCL, KVL, node voltage analysis, mesh current, circuits with dependant and controlled sources, Thevenins & Nortons equivalent, maximum power transfer and superposition theorem, VI characteristics for capacitors and inductors.Unit IIAnalysis of DC and AC CircuitsSteady state DC analysis, RL and RC transients in circuits with DC source, analysis of a second order circuit with a DC source, RMS values, the use of phasors for constant frequency sinusoidal sources, steady state AC analysis of a series circuit, series and parallel combinations of complex impedances, AC power calculations.Unit III Digital Systems Basic logic circuit concepts, representation of numerical data in binary form - combinatorial logic circuits, synthesis of logic circuits, minimization of logic circuits - sequential logic circuits - computer organization, memory types, digital process control, computer based instrumentation systems, measurement concepts and sensors, signal conditioning, analog to digital conversion.Unit IVSemiconductor Devices Basic diode concepts, zener diode voltage regulator concepts, ideal diode model, rectifier and wave-shaping circuits, linear small signal equivalent circuits, basic amplifier concepts, cascaded amplifiers, ideal amplifiers, differential amplifiers, NMOS and PMOS transistors, bias circuits, small signal equivalent circuits, CMOS logic gates, bipolar junction transistors, current and voltage relationship, common emitter characteristics, large signal DC circuit models, small signal equivalent circuits, ideal operational amplifiers, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, integrators & differentiators.Unit V Electromechanics Magnetic fields and circuits, self and mutual inductance, ideal and real transformers, principles of rotating DC machines, shunt, separately excited and series connected DC motors, speed control of DC motors, 3- phase induction motors, synchronous machines and single phase induction motors, stepper motors and brushless DC motors.Text Books 1. Allan R. Hambley (2008),Electrical Engineering-Principles and Applications, PearsonEducation. 2. D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath (2002), Basic Electrical Engineering, 2nd Edition, TataMcGraw-Hill. 3. D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath (1998), Theory and Problem of Basic Electrical 26. Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. R.A. DeCarlo and Pen-Min Lin (2001), Linear Circuit Analysis, 2ndEdition, OxfordUniversity Press, New Delhi. 5. W.H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly and S.M. Durbin (2002),Engineering Circuit Analysis,6thEdition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.Reference BooksMoEAssignments, seminars, written examinationsRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 27. ITE101Information Technology L T P CFundamentals3 0 0 3PrerequisiteObjectives The subject aims to introduce various IT related concepts of current Interest. The subject focuses on important application areas of computing and Information Technologies.Outcomes The students will be able to understand the importance of IT in business environment and the technologies involved in knowledge engineering. The students will acquire basic knowledge about Internet, multimedia, virtual reality based concepts. The students will be exposed to the application areas of IT.Unit I IT IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTIntroduction: Business and Information Technology, Information Technologies in the Modern Organization, Information Technology for Multimedia Communication, Principles of Visual Information Analysis.Unit IIIT INFRASTRUCTURE Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Managing Organizational Data and Information, Telecommunications and Networks, The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets.Unit III APPLYING IT FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Functional, Enterprise, and Inter-organizational Systems, Electronic Commerce, Computer-Based Supply Chain Management and Information Systems Integration, Data, Knowledge, and Decision Support, Intelligent Systems in Business.Unit IVINFORMATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS Strategic Information Systems and Reorganization, Information Systems Development, Implementing IT: Ethics, Impacts and Security.Unit V IMPORTANT APPLICATION AREAS Issues & Challenges, IT in Healthcare & Telemedicine, Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, Cybermediary Concepts, Principles and Applications of Soft Computing, Industrial information Technology, IT in Mining and Electrical Load Forecasting, Information Processing from Document Images, IT for Rural Development.Text Books 1. Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Richard E. Potter, "Introduction to InformationTechnology", John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 2. Ray Ajoy Kumar, Acharya Tinku, "Information Technology: Principles andApplications", Prentice Hall of India. Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen, Cathleen Morin, Introduction to Information Technology The breaking ware Tata McGraw hill.Reference BooksMoERecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 28. ITE201Object Oriented ProgrammingL T P C Concepts 3 0 0 3Prerequisite ITE101Objectives To introduce the salient features of Object Oriented Programming, with focuson generic programming with templates and Exception Handling.Outcomes Students will be able to know the fundamentals of object oriented programmingand incorporate OOPs features such as inheritance, polymorphism andtemplates.Unit I Introduction to Fundamentals concepts Object oriented fundamentals- Structured versus object-oriented development, elements of object oriented programming, fundamentals of OO-class, object, and abstraction and its importance, encapsulation, polymorphism, benefits of OOP, structure of object oriented program..Unit IIClasses and Objects Working with classes- Classes and Objects- Class specification, class objects, accessing class members, defining member functions, inline functions, accessing member functions within class, data hiding, class member accessibility, empty classes, constructors, parameterized constructors, constructor overloading, copy constructor, new, delete operators, this pointer, friend classes and friend functions.Unit III Overloading Overloading-Function overloading, operator overloading- overloadable operators, unary operator overloading, operator keyword, limitations of increment/decrement operators, binary operator overloading, arithmetic operators, concatenation of strings, comparison operators, Generic programming with templates-Function templates, class templates.Unit IVInheritance Inheritance- Base class and derived class relationship, derived class declaration, Forms of inheritance, inheritance and member accessibility, constructors in derived class, destructors in derived class, constructor invocation and data member initialization, data conversion, abstract classes, virtual base classes, virtual functions.Unit V Exception handling and Files Files and Streams-Opening and Closing a file, file modes, file pointers and their manipulation, sequential access to a file, ASCII and binary files, random access to a file, error handling during file manipulations, Exception handling-exception handling model, exception handling constructs, lists of exceptions, catching exceptions, handling exceptions.Text Books1. K.R.Venugopal, T.Ravishankar, and Rajkumar, "Mastering C++, Tata McGrawHill, 19972. Herbert Schildt Java: The complete reference J2SE 5 Edition Tata McGraw-Hill , 20053. Bjarne stroustrup, The C++ programming Language, Addison Wesley, 3rdedition, 1988.4. Cay S.Horstmann and Gray Carnell, Core Java Volume I Fundamentals, Thesun Microsystems Press Jvava Series,2000.Reference BooksMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 29. ITE202 Object Oriented Programming inL T PC C++ Lab0 0 32PrerequisiteITE201Objectives To make the students learn object oriented way of solving problems. To teach the student to write programs in C++ to solve the problemsOutcomesAt the end of the course students should able to Improve their programming skill. Apply the object oriented technology for application developmentExercises 1. Program illustrating function overloading feature.2. Programs illustrating the overloading of various operatorsEx : Binary operators, Unary operators, New and delete operators etc.3. Programs illustrating the use of following functions :a) Friend functions b) Inline functionsc) Static Member functionsd) Functions with default arguments.4. Programs illustrating the use of destructor and the various types of constructors (noarguments, constructor, constructor with arguments, copy constructor etc).5. Programs illustrating the various forms of inheritance : Ex. Single, Multiple, multilevel,hierarchical inheritance etc.6. Write a program having student as on abstract class and create many derived classessuch as Engg. Science, Medical, etc. from students class. Create their objects andprocess them.7. Write a program illustrating the use of virtual functions.8. Write a program which illustrates the use of virtual base class.9. Write programs to illustrating file handling operations:Ex. a) Copying a text filesb) Displaying the contents of the file etc.10. Write programs illustrating how exceptions are handled (ex: division-by-zero, overflowand underflow in stack etc)MoE CAT, Coding Practice, Observation Book, On-the-spot Exercises, and TEERecommendedby the Boardof Studies onDate ofApprovalbythe AcademicCouncil 30. ITE204Computer Architecture andL T P COrganization3 0 0 3Prerequisite Digital Electronics and MicroprocessorsObjectives To Gain an understanding of computer data representation and manipulation To understand the basic organization for data storage and access across various media. To provide knowledge of interfacing techniques and subsystem devices.Outcomes The students will be able to Understand number systems, instruction sets, addressing modes, and data/instruction formats. Write program using assembly language programming. Understand memory control, direct memory access, interrupts, and memory organizationUnit I FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Organization of the von Neumann machine; Instruction formats; The fetch/execute cycle, instruction decoding and execution; Registers and register files; Instruction types and addressing modes; Subroutine call and return mechanisms; Programming in assembly language; I/O techniques and interrupts; Other design issues.Unit IICOMPUTER ARITHMETIC Data Representation, Hardware and software implementation of arithmetic unit for common arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division( Fixed point and floating point); Conversion between integer and real numbers; The generation of higher order functions from square roots to transcendental functions; Representation of non-numeric data (character codes, graphical data);Unit III MEMORY SYSTEM ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE Memory systems hierarchy; Coding, data compression, and data integrity; Electronic, magnetic and optical technologies; Main memory organization, Types of Main memories, and its characteristics and performance; Latency, cycle time, bandwidth, and interleaving; Cache memories (address mapping, line size, replacement and write-back policies); Virtual memory systems; Reliability of memory systems; error detecting and error correcting systems.Unit IVINTERFACING AND COMMUNICATION I/O fundamentals: handshaking, buffering; I/O techniques: programmed I/O, interrupt-driven I/O, DMA; Interrupt structures: vectored and prioritized, interrupt overhead, interrupts and reentrant code; Buses: bus protocols, local and geographic arbitration.Unit V DEVICE SUBSYSTEMS External storage systems; organization and structure of disk drives and optical memory; Basic I/O controllers such as a keyboard and a mouse; RAID architectures; Video control; I/O Performance; SMART technology and fault detection; Processor to network interfaces.Text Books1. J. L. Hennessy & D.A. Patterson, Computer architecture: A quantitative approach, Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufman, 2004.2. W. Stallings, Computer organization and architecture, Prentice-Hall,20003. M. M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, Prentice-Hall4. J. P. Hayes, Computer system architecture, McGraw HillMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 31. ITE213Operating Systems L T P C3 0 0 3Prerequisite ITE204 Computer Architecture and OrganizationObjectives To provide a grand tour of the major operating system components. To impart knowledge of process, memory and device management To teach security issues related to OS.Outcomes The students will be able to Understand how the operating system abstractions can be implemented Understand the principles of concurrency and synchronization, and apply themto write correct concurrent programs/software. Understand basic resource management techniques (scheduling or timemanagement, space management) and how they can be implemented. Use Linux system, windows 2000.Unit I FUNDAMENTALS Overview: Role and purpose of operating systems; history of operating system development; functionality of a typical operating system; design issues (efficiency, robustness,flexibility, portability,security, compatibility). Basic principles: Structuring methods; abstractions, processes, and resources; design of application programming interfaces (APIs); device organization; interrupts; user/system state transitions.Unit IIPROCESS MANAGEMENT Scheduling: Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling; scheduling policies; processes and threads; real-time issues; Concurrency: The idea of concurrent execution; states and state diagrams; implementation structures (ready lists, process control blocks, and so forth); dispatching and context switching; interrupt handling in a concurrent environment; Mutual exclusion: Definition of the mutual exclusion problem; deadlock detection and prevention; solution strategies; models and mechanisms (semaphores, monitors, condition variables, rendezvous); producer-consumer problems; synchronization; multiprocessor issues.Unit III MEMORY MANAGEMENT Review of physical memory and memory management hardware; overlays, swapping, and partitions; paging and segmentation; page placement and replacement policies; working sets and thrashing; caching.Unit IVSECONDARY STORAGE MANAGEMENT Device management: Characteristics of serial and parallel devices; abstracting device differences; buffering strategies; direct memory access; recovery from failures. File systems: Fundamental concepts (data, metadata, operations, organization, buffering, sequential vs. nonsequential files); content and structure of directories; file system techniques (partitioning, mounting and unmounting, virtual file systems); memory-mapped files; special-purpose file systems; naming, searching, and access; backup strategies.Text Books1. A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin & G. Gagne, Operating system concepts, JohnWiley,20052. W. Stallings, Operating systems, Prentice-Hall,2005Reference BooksMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 32. Operating Systems LabL T P CITE214 0 0 3 2PrerequisiteITE213Objectives To implement the basic resource management technique [Processor, Memory] To design and implement synchronization, concurrency related problems.OutcomesThe students will be able to Simulate the principles of resource management [Processor, Memory] Install and use operating systems [Windows, Linux etc.,]Exercises 1. Program to report the behavior of the OS to get the CPU type and model, kernal version.2. Program to get the amount of memory configured into the computer, amount of memory currently available.3. Implement the various process scheduling mechanisms such as FCFS, SJF, Priority, round robin.4. Implement the solution for reader writers problem.5. Implement the solution for dining philosophers problem.6. Implement bankers algorithm.7. Implement the first fit; best fit and worst fit file allocation strategy.8. Write a program to create processes and threads.9. Write a program that uses a waitable timer to stop itself K. Sec. After it started where K is a command line parameter.MoE CAT, Coding Practice, Observation Book, On-the-spot Exercises, and TEERecommendedby the Boardof Studies onDate ofApprovalbythe AcademicCouncil 33. ITE317Data Communication and Computer LT PC Networks30 03PrerequisiteObjectives To study the foundational principles, architectures, and techniques employed in computer networks. To study the concepts of communication networks, protocols and their performance.Outcomes Students shall be able to Understand about working of Intranet, LAN, WAN, MAN setups, different topologies. Gain familiarity with common networking protocols and algorithms Implement network protocols and analyze its performance.Unit I INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKS Networking principles; switching - circuit switching, packet switching, frame relay, cell switching, multiple access.Unit IICOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK PROTOCOLS Network protocol (syntax, semantics, and timing); Protocol suites (OSI and TCP/IP); Layered protocol software (stacks): Physical layer networking concepts; data link layer concepts; network layer concepts; transport and application layer concepts; Network Standards and standardization bodies.Unit III LOCAL AND WIDE AREA NETWORKS LAN topologies (bus, ring, star), LAN technologies (Ethernet, token Ring, Gigabit Ethernet), Error detection and correction, Carrier sense multiple access networks (CSMA), Large networks and wide areas, Protocols (addressing, congestion control, virtual circuits, quality of service). Internet - addressing, routing, end point control; Internet protocols - IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, CIDRUnit IVROUTING AND CONGESTION CONTROL ALGORITHMS Flooding; Minimal spanning trees; Bellman Ford, Dijkstras, OSPF, BGP shortest path algorithms; The leaky bucket, floyd warshall and Random Early Detection congestion methods; Data security and integrity: Fundamentals of secure networks; cryptography; Encryption and privacy: Public key, private key, symmetric key; Authentication protocols; Packet filtering; Firewalls; Virtual private networks; Transport layer security.Unit V NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF NETWORKS Overview of the issues of network management; Domain names and name services; Issues for Internet service providers (ISPs); Quality of service issues: performance, failure recovery.Text Books 1. W. Stallings, Data & Computer Communications, Prentice-Hall, 2005. 2. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer networks, Prentice-Hall,2005. 3. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Tata Mc-grawhill,2007. 4. I. Mitrani, Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems, Cambridge, 1987. 5. J.Walrand and P.Varaiya, High Performance Communication Networks, HarcourtAsia (Morgan Kaufmann), 2000. 6. J.F.Kurose and K.W.Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuringthe Internet, Pearson Education, 2001. 7. D. E. Comer and D.L. Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol.1, Prentice-Hall 34. Reference BooksMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 35. ITE318 Computer Networks Lab L T P C0 0 3 2PrerequisiteITE313Objectives To write programs to configure LAN,WAN To analyze protocols and their performanceOutcomesStudents shall be able to Implement network protocols and analyze its performance. Configure Networks.Exercises 1. Write a program to display the servers date and time details at the client end.2. Write a program to display the clients address at the server end.3. Write a program to implement an echo UDP server.4. Write a program to develop a simple Chat TCP and UDP application.5. Write a program to capture each packet and to examine its checksum field.6. Network layer concepts; to be done with only computer a. Configuration of IP addresses b. Configuration of Subnet mask c. Configuration of Gateway d. Setting up LAN e. Connecting two or more different LAN with different subnet mask f. Making computer to work like router/gateway with the help of IP address7. Protocol analyzer using ethereala. Capturing and analyzing Ethernet framesb. HTTP GET/response interactionc. Analysis of ICMP and Pingd. Analysis of ICMP and Traceroutee. Capturing a bulk TCP transfer from your computer to a remoteserver8. Additional activities (Optional)a. Compute checksum fields using CRC-12 and examine the same during the frame transmission.b. Implementation of sliding window protocol as part of DLC.c. IPv4 and IPv6 protocol testing and implementation.d. TCP and UDP protocol testing and implementation.e. SNMP implementationf. SMTP implementationg. RSA public key and private key encryption and decryptionh. Data compression using Huffman codes.MoE CAT, Coding Practice, Observation Book, On-the-spot Exercises, and TEERecommendedby the Boardof Studies onDate ofApprovalbythe AcademicCouncil 36. ITE315 Database SystemsL TPC3 003PrerequisiteObjectives To teach role of data, files and databases in information systems. To impart knowledge of data modeling techniques. To provide the fundamentals of front-end and back-end of databasesOutcomes The students will be able to Understand fundamental concepts of database management system, database modeling, design, SQL, PL/SQL, and system implementation techniques. Model and implement database applications Understand transaction processing of DatabasesUnit I DATABASE SYSTEMS History and motivation for database systems; components of database systems; DBMS functions; database architecture and data independence.Unit IIDATA MODELINGData modeling; conceptual models; object-oriented model; relational data model.; Database query languages: Overview of database languages; SQL; query optimization; 4th-generation environments; embedding non- procedural queries in a procedural language; introduction to Object Query Language.Unit III RELATIONAL DATABASES Mapping conceptual schema to a relational schema; entity and referential integrity; relational algebra and relational calculus; Relational database design: Database design; functional dependency; normal forms; multivalued dependency; join dependency; representation theory.Unit IVTRANSACTION PROCESSING Transactions; failure and recovery; concurrency controlUnit V PHYSICAL DATABASE DESIGN Storage and file structure; indexed files; hashed files; signature files; b- trees; files with dense index; files with variable length records; database efficiency and tuning.Text Books 1. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth & S. Sudershan, Database system concepts,McGraw Hill, 4th Edition 2002. 2. R. Elmasri & S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of database systems, AddisonWesley, 2005. 3. C. J. Date, An introduction to database systems, Addison Wesley,2003. 4. H. Garcia et al., Database system implementation, Prentice HallReference BooksMoEWritten examinations, seminar, assignments, surprise tests and quizzesRecommendedby the Board ofStudies onDate of Approvalby the AcademicCouncil 37. ITE316Database Systems LabL T P C 0 0 3 2PrerequisiteObjectives To model data for different applications. To teach implementation concepts of databases in information systems. To teach implementation of front-end and back-end of databasesOutcomes The students will be able to To perform database modeling, design, To create databases and pose complex SQL queries of relational Model and implement database applications.Exercises1. a) Create a table EMP with the following fields.ENameEno.SalaryDeptNoAddressDname b) Insert 5 records into EMP c) ALTER EMP table i) varying size of Eno fieldii) adding a new field job d) Delete the table EMP 2. Createa table EMP with the above mentioned fields.i) Insert 5 records into EMPii)Update the salary of the Employees by 10% hikeiii) Delete the employees whose name is AAA 3. Create a table ORDER with the following fields and constraints. ORDER Column NameConstraint NameConstraint Type Order-no pk-order-noPRIMARY KEY Item-nameitnUNIQUE Qtyck-aty CHECK(25