b_tech cse 2013-14

Dr. K N Modi University, Newai  Student Evaluation System Continuous Assessment All courses undertaken by students are evaluated during the semester using internal system of continuo us assessment. The students are evaluated on class /tutorial participation, assignment work, lab work, class tests, mid-term tests, quizzes and end semester examinations, which contribute to the final grade awarded for the subject. Students will be notified at the commencement of each courses about the evaluation methods being used for the courses and weightages given to the different assignments and evaluated activities. In order to make the evaluation system as similar and transparent with any of the globally reputed educational institutions like N.I.Ts, I.I.Ts etc. the Dr. K. N. Modi University Academic Council has adopted the grading practices. Here marks obtained in the continuous assessment and end semester examination are added together and a 10-point grading system will be used to award the student with on overall letter grade for the course (subject). Distribution of Marks (i)Courses without Practical Components Continuous Assessment - 25 Mid  Term Examinat ion - 15 End  Term Examinat ion - 60  _________________ Total : 100 (ii)Courses with Practical Components only Continuous Assessment - 30 Mid  Term Examination (Practical) - 20 End  Term Examination (Practical) - 50  _________________ Total : 100 Letter Grading system Final evaluation of course is carried out on a TEN POINT grading system. Performance Grade and Grade Points are as shown below: Table 1 Marks Grade Value Grade Description 91 to 100 10 A+ Out Standing 81 to 90 9 A Excellent 71 to 80 8 B Very Good 61 to 70 7 C Good 51 to 60 6 E Average 41 to 50 5 E Fair Less than 41 0 F Fail

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Dr. K N Modi University, Newai

 Student Evaluation System 

Continuous Assessment

All courses undertaken by students are evaluated during the semester using internal system ofcontinuous assessment. The students are evaluated on class /tutorial participation, assignment work, labwork, class tests, mid-term tests, quizzes and end semester examinations, which contribute to the finalgrade awarded for the subject. Students will be notified at the commencement of each courses about theevaluation methods being used for the courses and weightages given to the different assignments andevaluated activities.

In order to make the evaluation system as similar and transparent with any of the globally reputededucational institutions like N.I.Ts, I.I.Ts etc. the Dr. K. N. Modi University Academic Council hasadopted the grading practices. Here marks obtained in the continuous assessment and end semester

examination are added together and a 10-point grading system will be used to award the student withon overall letter grade for the course (subject).

Distribution of Marks

(i)Courses without Practical Components

Continuous Assessment - 25Mid – Term Examination - 15End – Term Examination - 60

 __________________________________________Total : 100

(ii)Courses with Practical Components only

Continuous Assessment - 30Mid – Term Examination (Practical) - 20End – Term Examination (Practical) - 50


Total : 100

Letter Grading system

Final evaluation of course is carried out on a TEN POINT grading system. Performance Grade andGrade Points are as shown below:

Table 1 

Marks Grade Value Grade Description91 to 100 10 A+ Out Standing

81 to 90 9 A Excellent

71 to 80 8 B Very Good

61 to 70 7 C Good

51 to 60 6 E Average

41 to 50 5 E Fair

Less than 41 0 F Fail

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Absent in the UniversityFinal Examination

0 I Incomplete

*However, within the above grading system the student has to earn a minimum of 24markseach in

Continuous Assessment and End Term Examination, thatis a total of (24) + (24) =48 marks have to be secured forgetting declared pass in the “Fair” category. 

Note : In order to convert the GPA and CGPA into percentile, multiply the same with theConversion factor of 9.10.

A student who earns a minimum of 5 grade Point (E grade) in a course (subject) is declared to havesuccessfully completed the course, and is deemed to have earned the credits assigned to that course. Acourse successfully completed cannot be repeated.

A student should have appeared for the end semester examination of the prescribed course of study(mere appearance in the continuous assessment test is not sufficient) to be eligible for the award of thedegree in the course.

If a student is eligible for but-fails to appeared in the end semester examination, he/she will be awarded

an ‘I grade (in complete) on the grade sheet. For all practical purposes an ‘I‘Grade is treated as an ‘F’. 

If a student is not eligible to appear in the end semester examination owing to his/her not fulfilling theminimum attendance requirements, he may be permitted to re-register for those courses in which he/shehad attendance shortage, at the next available opportunity.

Grade Point Average (GPA) &Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Each course grade will be converted into a specific number of points associated with the grade asmentioned in above Table 1. Here points are weighted with the number of credits assigned to a course.The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of grade points awarded to a student. TheGrade Point Average for each semester will be calculated only for those students who have passed all

the courses of that semester. The weighted average of GPA’s of all semester that the student hascompleted at any point of time is the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at that point of time.

CGPA upto any semester will be calculated only for those students who have passed all the coursesupto that semester.

Calculation of GPA and CGPA :


Table 2

Courses Credits Letter







PointsMathematics 3 C 7 3x7 21

Chemistry 3 B 8 3x8 24

Physics 3 A 9 3x9 27

Language Lab 2 B 8 2x8 16


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In this case GPA = Total Grade Points 88Credits 11

Suppose the GPAS in two successive semesters are 7.0 and 8.0 with 26 and 24 respective coursecredits, then theCGPA = 7x26+8x24 = 374

26+24 50

After the results are declared, grade cards will be issued to each student which will contain the list ofcourses for that semester and the grades obtained by the student, as well as GPA of that semester.

However, a conversion factor of “9.1”, will be included, enabling students and future employers fortransforming CGPA into percentage of marks at par with the existing practices of I.I.Ts, N.I.Ts andA.I.C.T.E.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements in Dr. K. N. Modi University for proceeding to the next

academic year of study.

A First year Student of Dr. K. N. Modi University satisfying the below mentioned requirements is

eligible to study in the 3rd Semester of next academic year.

“Pass with Minimum E Grade in Four Theory Papers & Pass in Four Laboratory Papers in the I & II

Semester ( Combined)” 

A Second year Student of Dr. K. N. Modi University satisfying the below mentioned requirements iseligible to study in the Vth Semester of the next academic year.

“Pass with Minimum E Grade in Four Theory Papers & Pass in Four Laboratory Papers in the IIIrd&

IV Semester (Combined)” 

A Third year Student of Dr. K. N. Modi University satisfying the below mentioned requirements is

eligible to study in the VIIth Semester of the next academic year.

“Pass with Minimum E Grade in Four Theory Papers & Pass in Four Laboratory Papers in the Vth&VI Semester (Combined)” 

= = 8.0 

= 7.48

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Study and Evaluation Scheme (Year-I Semester-1st)

B.Tech (Common to all branches)Effective from session 2013-14

S. NO.

Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme CredContinuousAssessment




1 01BT101 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

2 01BT102  Physics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

3 01BT103  Chemistry 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

4 01BT104  Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

5 01BT105 Environmental Science& Ecology

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

6 01BT106 Engineering Graphics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

7 01BT107 ProfessionalCommunication

3 1 0 40 60 100 3


1 01BP102 Physics-laboratory 0 0 2 50 50 100 1

2 01BP103 Chemistry-Laboratory 0 0 2 50 50 100 1

3 01BP104 Workshop Practical 0 0 2 50 50 100 2

4 01BP107 ProfessionalCommunication Practical

0 0 2 50 50 100 1

5 01BP1010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 01BP1011 Co-Curricular Activities 0 0 4 100 100 1

Total 21 7 16 28

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Year-I Semester-2nd



Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme Credit







1 01BT201 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

2 01BT202  FundamentalElectricalEngineering

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

3 01BT203  Basic Electronics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

4 01BT204  Computer Concept &Programming in C

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

5 01BT205 Applied EngineeringPhysics

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

6 01BT206 ManufacturingProcess

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

7 01BT207 Professional Ethics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3


1 01BP202 Electrical EngineeringLab

0 0 2 50 50 100 1

2 01BP203 Basic Electronics Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 1

3 01BP204 Computer Concept &Programming in C

0 0 2 50 50 100 1

4 01BP206 Mechanics lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 2

5 01BP2010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 01BP2011 Co-CurricularActivities

0 0 4 100 100 1

Total 21 7 16 28

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Year-II Semester-IIIrd

S.NO. Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme Credit






1 02BT301 Mathematics-III 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

2 02BT302 Material Science 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

3 02BT303 Digital Electronics 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

4 02BT304 AUTOCAD 3 1 0 40 60 100 3

5 02BT305 Object OrientedProgramming &C++

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

6 02BT306 Total QualityManagement

3 1 0 40 60 100 3

7 02BT307 Human ResourceManagement

3 1 0 40 60 100 3


1 02BP308 Autocad lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 1

2 02BP309 Programming usingC++ lab

0 0 2 50 50 100 1

3 02BP310 Digital Electronic lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 1

4 02BP311 Material Science lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 2

5 02BP3010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 02BP3011 Co-CurricularActivities

0 0 4 100 100 1

Total 21 7 16 28

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Year-I Semester-1st


CODE: 01BT101 

Course Objective: The main objectives of this course are to train the students to read and write mathematical Poofs;to develop the students' mathematical problem solving skills; and to familiarize the students withStandard concepts in mathematics

Unit –  I:


Elementary row and column transformation, Rank of matrix, Linear dependence,Consistency of linear system of equations and their solution, Characteristicequation, Caley-Hamiltion theorem, Eigen values and eigen vectors,Diagonalisation,

Unit - II:

Differential Calculus-I

Leibnitz theorem, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous function,Change of variables, Expansion of function of several variables.

Unit –  III:

Differential Calculus-II

Jacobian, approximation of errors, Extrema of functions of several variables,Lagrange’s method of multipliers (Simple applications).Unit –  IV:

Integral Calculus Double integral, Areas and Volume by double integral, Change of order ofintegration, Change of variables, Beta and Gamma functions (Simple Properties)

Unit –  V:Differential EquationsDifferential Equations of First Order and First Degree  –   Variable Separable,Homogeneous Forms, Reducible to Homogeneous Form, Linear Form, Reducible toLinear Form, Exact Form and Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order withConstant Coefficients Only

Reference Books:

1. Grewal, B.S. Engineering Mathematics, Hanna publishers.2. Grewal, B.S. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna publishers.3. KreyszigE.Advanced Engineering Mathematics, JhonWiley&sons.4.  Neil, PeterV.O’.Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Learning.

5. H. K .Dass : S. Chand Publications

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CODE: 01BT102

Course Objective: The main objectives of this course are to educate students to think and participate deeply,creatively, and analytically in emerging areas of engineering technology. Educate students in the

 basics of instrumentation, design of laboratory techniques, measurement, data acquisition,interpretation, and analysis.UNIT 1: Relativistic Mechanics.Introduction, Inertial & non inertial frames, Lorentztransformation of space and time, Length contraction, Time dilation, Proper frame, Properlength, Proper time, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Einstein postulates, Addition of velocities,Variation of mass with velocity, Mass energy equivalence.UNIT 2: InterferenceIntroduction, Interference of light, Biprism experiment, Displacement offringes, Interference in thin film, Wedge shaped film, Newtonian ring.Diffraction Introduction,Difference between interface and Diffraction, Single, double & N slitexperiment, Diffraction grating, Grating spectra, Rayleigh’s criterion and resolving power ofgrating.

UNIT 3: Polarization  Introduction to Polarization Phenomenon, Plane of polarization oflight,Malus law, Calcite crystal geometry and applications, double refraction, Nichol Prism, production and analysis of plane, Circular & elliptical polarized light, Fresnel’s theory of opticalactivity, Polaroid’s , Polarimeter types.Laser:Introduction to Laser and its main components, Spontaneous & Stimulated emission ofradiation, Einstein’s coefficient, Types of laser, Construction & working principles of Ruby, He- Ne LASER, Laser application and semiconductor laser and its advantage.UNIT 4: X- raysIntroduction, Production of x ray, properties of x ray, x ray spectra, Energylevel diagram of x ray,Mosley’s law, Absorption of x ray, diffraction of x ray, Brag’s law,Application of x ray, Compton effect.UNIT 5: Quantum Mechanics Introduction, Dual nature of light,Debrogli’s experiment – wave& particle nature, Davison and Germer’s experiment,Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle & its

application, Schrodinger’s wave equation, time dependent & independent Schrodinger’s waveequation, Application of Schrodinger’s wave equation. 

Reference books:1. Yadav, V.S.EngineeringPhysics by (TMH publications)2. Serway, R.A.; Jewett, J.W.Engineering Physics (Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.)3. Beiser, Aurthur.Engineering Physics (Mac Graw Hill)4. Khare, P.Fundamental of Physics


CODE - 01BT103 

Course Objective: The main objectives of this course are toanalyse atomic and molecular structure in terms ofwavefunctions, charge densities and energy level diagrams.Characterized the structures ofdiatomics and polyatomics in terms of molecular orbitals and relate intermolecular forces to thestructure of liquids. UNIT 1: Chemical Bonding and States of Matter

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MO Theory and its applications to homodiatomic molecules, types of bonds  –   ionic, covalent,metallic and hydrogen bond. States of matter, liquid crystalline state, Classification andapplications of liquid crystals. Types of unit cell, space lattice and Bragg’s law, fullerenes. UNIT 2: Reaction kinetics, Phase rule and ElectrochemistryOrder and molecularity ofreactions, zero, I and II order reactions, integrated rate equations. Phase rule (statement,

definitions and meaning of terms involved) and its application to one component system (water).Cell potential, electrochemical, galvanic and concentration cells, electrochemical theory ofcorrosion and protection of corrosion, fuel cells.UNIT 3: Structural and Mechanistic Concepts of OrganicsInductive, electrometric,mesomeric and hyper conjugative effects, stability of reaction intermediates (carbocations andfree radicals), mechanism of nucleophillic substitution reactions (SN1 and SN2), mechanism ofthe following reactionsAldol Condensation ,Cannizaro Reaction,Diels Alder Reactions Opticalisomerism, Molecular chiratity,R,S Configuration and E-Z nomenclature, Molecular chiralityand optical isomerism, E - Z nomenclature, R, S configuration, conformational analysis of n- butane

UNIT 4: Polymers and Organometallics

Polymerization and its classification, thermoplastic and thermosetting resins, elastomers andsynthetic fibres, ion exchange resins. General methods of synthesis of organometalliccompounds and their applications in polymerization and catalysis.

UNIT 5: Analytical Methods and Fuels

Titrimetric analysis, acid base, red ox, precipitation and complex metric titrations, elementaryideas and simple applications of UV, IR and 1H NMR spectral techniques, Water treatmentmethods for boiler feed water by Calgon process,zeolites and ion exchange resins. Classificationof fuels. Analysis of coal, determination of caloric values, biomass and biogas.

Reference books:

1.  Sivasankar, B. Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill publications2.  Wilkinson, F. A.; Cotton, G.; Murrillo, C. A.; Bochman Advanced Inorganic Chemistry , 

Willey India Edition3.  March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure: John

Wiley & sons, 6th Edition4.  Gray, G. W.; Winsor, P. A. Liquid Crystals and Plastic Crystals, Vol. I, edited by and

Ellis Harwood Series in Physical Chemistry, Network.


CODE - 01BT104

Course Objective: The main objectives of this course areto develop the ability to analyze any staticproblem in asimple and logical manner, and to apply to its solution afew well-understood basic principles ofPhysics.

UNIT 1: Two dimensional force systemBasic concept, law of motion, principle of transmissibility of force, transfer of force to parallel position, resultant of a force system simplest resultant of two dimensional concurrent and non

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concurrent force system, distributed force system, free body diagram, equilibrium and nonequilibrium.

Friction:Introduction, law of coulomb friction, equilibrium of body involving dry friction, belt friction,application.

UNIT 2: BeamIntroduction, shear force and bending moment diagram.Trusses:Introduction,simple truss and solution of simple truss, method of joint and section.UNIT 3: Centroid and moment of inertiaCentroid of plane , curve , area , volume , andcomposite bodies , moment of inertia of plane area , parallel axis theorem , perpendicular axistheorem , principle moment inertia , mass moment of inertia of circular ring, disc ,cylinder,sphere.UNIT 4: Kinematics of rigid bodyIntroduction, plane motion of rigid body, velocity andacceleration under translation and rotational motion, relative velocity.Kinetics of rigid body:Introduction, force, mass and acceleration, work and energy, impulse andmomentum, D’Alembert‘s principle  and dynamic equilibrium.Vibration:  Undamped freevibration

UNIT 5: Simple stress and strainIntroduction, normal and shear stresses, stress strain diagramfor ductile and brittle material, elastic constant, one dimensional of loading of members ofvarying cross section, strain energy Pure bending of beams:Introduction, Simple bendingtheory, stress in beam of different cross section.Torsion:Introduction, torsion of shaft of circular section, torque and twist, shear stress due totorque.

Reference books:1.  Kumar, D.S.Engineering mechanics2.  Shames, H. lrvingengineering mechanics by prentice-Hall.3.  Mubeen, Abdul Mechanics of solid by Pearson Education Asia.4.  Popov, E.P.Mechanics of Material by Prentice Hall of India private limited.


CODE - 01BT105

Course Objective:

This course provides an introduction to the science of ecology and the physical and biological processes that affect our environment. Main objective of the course is for student to learn aboutthe conceptual framework of ecology.

UNIT 1: Definition

Scope, & importance, need for public awareness- environment definition, Ecosystem, Balanceeco-system, Human activities- food shelter, Economic and social Security. Food web and foodchains. Housing Industry, Mining and Transportation activities, Basic of Environmental ImpactAssessment. Sustainable development.

UNIT 2: Natural Resources

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Water Resources- Availability and Quality aspects. Water borne diseases, Water induce diseases,Mineral resources, Forest Wealth, forest resources, uses forest resources. Material cycle- Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulphur Cycle.UNIT 3: Energy

Different type of energy, Electro-magnetic radiation, Conventional, Non-Conventional sources  –  

Hydro - Electric, Fossil Fuel Based Nuclear, Solar, Biomass and Bio -gas, Hydrogen as afternative future sources of Energy.UNIT 4: Pollution

Environmental Pollution and their effects, Water Pollution, Land pollution, Noise pollution,Public Health aspects, Air Pollution, Social waste managementCurrent environment issues of importance: Population Growth, Climate Change and Globalwarming- effects,

UNIT 5: Environmental ProtectionRole of Government, Legal aspects, initiatives by Non-governmental Organization (NGO),Environmental Education, Women Education, Automobile pollution, Acid rain, Green HouseEffect, Ozone Layer depletion, Animal Husbandry, hazardous waste management

Reference books:1.  Venugopal Raw, P. Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering  – PrenticeHall of India.

2.  Meenakshi, Environmental Science and Engineering – Prentice Hall of India.3.  Reddy, M.Anji.Environmental Science & Technology - B.S. Publications.


CODE - 01BT106Course Objective: Drawing is the language of engineers and technicians .Reading andinterpreting engineering drawing is their day to day responsibility. The course is aimed at indeveloping basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation ofengineering drawings, their reading and interpretation. The emphasis while impartinginstructions should be to develop conceptual skills in the students following BIS SP 46 - 1988and angle projection in generalUNIT: I

Introduction: Handling use and care of Drawing Instruments and Materials Layout of drawingsheets, Free Hand Sketching and Lettering, Different types of lines in Engineering drawing as per ISI specifications .Practice of free hand sketching of vertical , horizontal and inclined lines ,geometrical figures such as triangles, rectangles and circles .

UNIT: IILettering Technique and Practice: Instrumental single stroke lettering of 35 mm and 70 mmheight in the ratio of 7:5, Free hand lettering ( Alphabet and numerals )- lower case and uppercase , single stroke and block letters , vertical and inclined at 75 degree in different standards, Necessity of dimensioning , method and principles of dimensioning (mainly theoreticalinstructions).

UNIT: IIIScales: Scales - their need and importance - (Theoretical instructions).Drawing of plain anddiagonal scales.Projection: Theory of projections (Elaborate theoretical instructions) Drawing 3 views of givenobjects (Non symmetrical objects may be selected for this exercise), Drawing 6 views of given

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objects (Non symmetrical objects may be selected for this exercise), Orthographic drawing orinterpretation of views.

UNIT: IVGeometrical Construction and Engineering Curves: Regular polygon of given side, Conicsections- construction of ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, Construction of cycloid, epicycloids and

hypocycloid.UNIT: VIsometric Views: Fundamentals of isometric projections (Theoretical instructions), Isometricviews from 2 or 3 given orthographic views.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS1.  Elementary Engineering Drawing (in first angle projection) by ND Bhatt, Charotar

Publishing House2.  A Text Book of Engineering Drawing by Surjit Singh, Published by Dhanpat Rai and

Co., New Delhi3.  Engineering Drawing by PS Gill, Published by SK Kataria and Sons, Delhi


CODE - 01BT107 

Course Objective:The aim of the course is to provide high level professional communication skills to the students. It willhelp the students to increase the ability to work within and across diverse and converging media


Unit 1: Basic Applied GrammarWords and Sentences, Kind of Sentences, Parts of Speech: Noun (Definition, Singular, Plural,

Pronoun and Determiners, Verb, Usage of Modal Verb, Adjectives, Articles, Adverb,Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection, Exercise.

Unit 2: Grammar (Tenses) Present Tense : Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present PerfectContinuous, ExercisePast Tense : Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous,ExerciseFuture Tense : Simple Future Tense, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future PerfectContinuous,ExerciseActive and Passive Voice: Exercise

Unit 3: Comprehension and Precise Writing

Reading Comprehension: Exercises, Reason for poor Comprehension, ImprovingComprehension Skills, Developing skills of Comprehension, Precise writing, Use and Procedureof Precise Writing

Unit 4: Letter writing and Review WritingLetter: Letter writing, Classification of Letters, Social Letters, Business Letters, ResumeWriting, Review WritingUnit 5: Essay and Paragraph Writing

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Essay writing: Types of Essay, Argumentative Essay, Descriptive Essay, Paragraph writingComponent of a Paragraph (Topic, Unity, Coherence, Adequate Development), Techniques forParagraph Writing.Reference books:

1. Sinha, R.P. Current English Grammar and Usage with composition by Oxford Univ.

Press New Delhi.2. Nesfield, J.C. English Grammar, Composition and usage by Macmillan India Ltd. Delhi.3. Wren P.C.; Martin English Grammar & Composition , S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.4. Raman, Meenakshi Technical Communication Principles and Practice by, Oxford Univ.

Press New Delhi.5. Sharma, Neeru.Communication Techniques: Vayu Education of India, New Delhi.


CODE: 01BP102


To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newton's ring.2.  To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel's Biprism.3.  To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter.4.  To study the polarization of light by simple reflection using laser.5.  To determine the specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster's bridge.6.  To determine the unknown resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster's bridge7.  To verify Stefan's Law by electrical method.8.  To calibrate the given ammeter .9.  To calibrate the given voltmeter by potentiometer.10.  To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material.11.  To determine the characterstics of a P-N Junction diode for reverse saturation current andtemperature.12.

 To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid.


CODE - 01BP103 1.  Determination of amount of Oxalic acid in 1 liter of solution using N/10 NaOH

solution.2.  To determine the temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA as

standard solution.3.  To determine the viscosity of given liquid by Ostwald’s viscometer. 4.  Preparation of Bakelite resin.5.


Determination of COD of a waste water sample.6.  To determine the alkalinity of a given water sample.7.  To determine the total residual chlorine in water.8.  Determination of BOD of a waste water sample.9.  Determination of TDS value of a given water sample.10. To determine the ion-exchange capacity of a given cation exchanger.

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CODE –  01BP1041. Carpentry Shop: 1.Timber, definition, engineering application, seasoning and presentation. 2. Plywood and ply boards.

2. Welding Shop: 1.Defination of welding, brazing and soldering processes and theirapplication.2. Mould any pattern.3. Gas welding practice on mild steel flat by student. 4. Lap joint by gas welding. 5. Square butt joint by MMA welding.6.Lap joint by MMA welding7.Demonstration of brazing.3. Machine Shop Practice: 1.Study of machine tools and operations. 2. Plane turning 3.Stepturning. 4. Taper turning. 5. Threading.4. Foundry Shop: 1.Study of tools and operations. 2. Pattern making. 3. Role of gate, runner,riser, core and chaplets. 4. Casting defects.5. Fitting and Smithy Shop: 1.Study tools and operations. 2. Finishing of two sides of a square piece by filling. 3. Tin smithy for making mechanical joint and soldering of joint. 4. To cut asquare notch using hacksaw and to drill three holes on PCD and tapping. 5. Study tools and

operations of gas welding & arc welding.


CODE: 01BP107

(i)  Orientation to Speech Sounds through International Phonetic Alphabets (I.P.S.): BritishReceived Pronunciation. 

(ii) Speech Drills with Emphasis on Articulatory Phonetics, Place and Manner.  

LIST OF PRACTICALSStress in Speech: Based on Accentual Patterns.

Intonation-Pattern-Practice: Rising, Falling and Level-Tones.Rhythm in Speech-Practices on Strong and Weak-form Words.Individual Conferencing / Speaking along with Quizzes.Conversational Skills for Interview/ Seminars / Workshops with Emphasis on Kinesis along withPromotion of Phonetic-Script-Skills.Group-Discussion: Practices based on Accurate & Current Grammatical Patterns.Official / Public Speaking: Practices based on Mechanics of Articulation.Theme Presentation-Practices Based on Linguistic Patterns.Developing Argumentative Skills/ Role-Play Presentations with Proper Rhythmic Stress.Testing comprehension: Reading and Listening Exercises with the use of Audio-Visual Aids.Audience-based, Effective Speech Production (Elocution)

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Year-I Semester-2nd


CODE: 01BT 201

Course Objective:The main objectives of this course are to train the students to read and write mathematical proofs; to develop the students' mathematical problem solving skills; and to familiarize thestudents with standard concepts in mathematics. Unit –  I: Laplace Transformation 

Existence condition, Laplace transform of standard functions, Properties, Inverse Laplacetransform of functions using partial fractions. Convolution and convolution theorem. Solvinglinear differential equations using Laplace transformation 

Unit –  II Fourier Transformation:

Existence condition, Fourier transform of standard functions. Properties, Inverse Fouriertransform of functions using partial fractions, Convolution theorem. Function and their

transforms. Unit –  III: Vector Calculus Point function, Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector and their physical interpretations, Line,surface and volume integrals, Statement and problems of Green’s, Stroke’s and Gauss

divergence theorems (without proof ).

Unit –  IV: Differential Equations- I Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Variables Coefficients, Homogeneous andExact FormsChange of Dependent Variable, Change of Independent Variable, Normal Forms, Method ofVariation of Parameter  

Unit –  V: Differential Equations- Ii Series Solutions of Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients(Complementary Functions only), Partial Differential Equations of First Order, Lagrange’s

Form, Standar d Forms, Charpit’s Method 

Reference Books:

1. Grewal, B.S. Engineering Mathematics, Hanna publishers.

2. Grewal, B.S. Higher EngineeringMathematics, Khanna publishers.3. KreyszigE.Advanced Engineering Mathematics, JhonWiley&sons.

4.  Neil, PeterV.O’.Advance Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Learning.5.  H. K .Dass : S. Chand Publications. 

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CODE: 01BT202

Course Objective:

To teach students and make them understand about electrical quantities, Measuring Equipment’s

used in industries as well as in houses.

UNIT I - Electrical Engineering Materials Materials for Resistor, Inductors and Capacitors, Types of Capacitors, Types of substancesViz;dielectric, piezo electric, diamagnetic paramagnetic and Ferro magnetic

UNIT II – Magnetic CircuitsIntroduction, Comparison between magnetic circuit and electric circuit, Behavior of magneticcircuit, Parallel magnetic circuits, B-H curve, Rise of current in inductive circuit, Decay of eddycurrent and their losses.

UNIT III - A.C.CircuitsR-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits (series and parallel), Time Constant, Phasor representation, Response

of R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuit to sinusoidal input Resonance-series and parallel R-L-C Circuits,Q-factor, Bandwidth.

UNIT IV – Basic principle of InstrumentsPrinciples, Construction and application of moving coil, moving iron, dynamometer type,induction type instruments, extension of range of ammeter, voltmeter (shunt and multiplier),Two-wattmeter method for the measurement of power

UNIT V - TransformersConstruction and Working principles and phaser diagrams of Single-phase Transformer, Emfequation, Equivalent circuit, Regulation and efficiency, and Auto transformer. Rotating Machines

Construction and working principles of dc motor and generator and its characteristics

Applications of DC machines, Construction and working principles of 3--Induction motor,Torque-speed characteristics, and Industrial applications.

Text Books:1. P.C. Sen “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, Wiley Eastern 2003. 2. Vincent DEL TORO “Electrical Engineering Fundamental’s Prentice Hall India”, Ed 2002. 3. D, P. Kothari, I. J NagrarhMcGraw Hills


CODE: 01BT203

Course Objective:

Electronics Industry is called the backbone of IT industry also Electronic Equipments are usedevery where irrespective of the type of industry. Hence the course is designed to make studentsfundamentally clear about the basics.UNIT I -- Electronics Engineering Materials and Semiconductor Devices (EEMSD): Solids, Classification of solids, Energy levels and Energy levels diagrams, Semiconductor and itstypes, intrinsic and extrinsic Semiconductors, conduction in metals and Semiconductors,

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difference among metals, semiconductors and insulators, current components in semiconductors,continuity equation.

UNIT-IIVarious methods of formation of PN Junction, drift and diffusion current ,difference betweendrift and diffusion currents , PN Junction diodes, diode under forward bias , diode under reverse

 bias, V- I characteristics of PN Junction diode, Break down and types Break down diodes ,diodeas a switch, diode as a Rectifier, Half wave Rectifier, Full wave Rectifier. Types of diodes  –  Zener diodes, Photodiodes, Light emitting diodes (LED’s), Varactor diodes and tunnel diodes. 

UNIT-IIIRectifiers and filter circuit: Half wave, full wave and Bridge rectifier circuits and their analysis,L, C and Pi filters, Basic regulator supply using zener diode. Working of Switched Mode PowerSupply. 

UNIT IVBipolar Junction Transistors, Construction and Principles of Operation of npn and pnptransistors, BJT configurations e.g.: common base, common emitter, common collector,characteristics of bipolar junction transistors (BJT’s)-Comm. Base, Comm. emitter, Comm.

Collector configuration.UNIT-V

Principles of Operation of Junction field effect Transistors, physical structure, JFET biasingCircuit, JFET Configurations as common source, common gate , common drain. JFETamplifier, MOSFET Construction and Principles of Operation. MOSFET characteristics.


1. Electronics Devices and circuits by Millman & Halkias.2. Electronics devices and circuit theory by Robert Boylestad

REFERENCE BOOKS:1 .NN Bhargava and SC Gupta: Basic Electronics : TMH2. JB Gupta : Basic Electronics : S K Kataria and Sons Delhi



Course Objective: The Objective of-C language is a simple computer language designed toenable sophisticated programming language. C is a powerful, flexible language that provides fast program execution and imposes few constraints on the programmer. It allows low level access toinformation and commands while still retaining the portability and syntax of a high levellanguage.C is defined as a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard ANSI C language.

Its additions to C are mostly based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programminglanguages.

UNIT –  1 Computer FundamentalsFunctional units of Computer: I/O devices, Primary and secondary memories, Introduction to theDigital Computer, generation of computer Number System: Decimal, Binary, Octal, andhexadecimal, Number Systems and conversion methods


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Standard I/O in “C”, Fundamental Data Types and Storage Classes: Character types, Integer,short, long, unsigned, single and double-precision floating point, storage classes, automatic,register, static and external, Operators and Expressions: Using numeric and relationaloperators, mixed operands and type conversion, Logical operators, Bit operations, Operator precedence and associatively,

UNIT 3:Conditional Program Execution: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if and else,restrictions on switch values, use of break and default with switch, Program Loops and

Iteration: Uses of while, do and for loops, multiple loop variables, assignment operators, using break and continue, Modular Programming: Passing arguments by value, scope rules andglobal variables, separate compilation, and linkage, building your own modules.UNIT 4:

Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multidimensionalarrays, arrays of unknown or varying size, Structures: Purpose and usage of structures,declaring structures, assigning of structures, Pointers to Objects: Pointer and address arithmetic, pointer operations and declarations, using pointers as function arguments, Dynamic memory

allocation, defining and using stacks and linked lists.UNIT 5:

Sequential search, Sorting arrays, Strings, Text files, The Standard C Preprocessor: Definingand calling macros, utilizing conditional compilation, passing values to the compiler, The

Standard C Library: Input/output : fopen, fread, etc, string handling functions, Math functions: log, sin, alike Other Standard C functionsReference book Let Us C  –  Yashwant Kanetkar.9 edition 

C complete reference  McGraw-Hill Osborne Media 


CODE: 01BT205

Course Objectives

This course stresses the creation of physical models for real systems. Applications of a basicdescription of the properties of elastic media given. The methods required to predict the performance of physical or engineering systems are demonstrated using examples drawn fromvarious fields of science and engineering with emphasis on mechanics and nano physics.

UNIT I - Field:Introduction, Scalar and Vector fields, Co ordinate Systems, Definitions of gradient Divergenceand curl, Maxwell’s Equations Boundary Conditions, Wave equation and its solution for freespace, Nature of E.M. Waves, Pointing vector

UNIT II - Electromagnetic Theory (EMT)Introduction,Scalar & dot products, gradient of scalar system Ampere’s Law, Maxwell’s

equations (differential and integral forms), pointing vector, Pointing Theorem (Statement only), propagation of plane electromagnetic waves in conducting and non-conducting medium.

UNIT III - Solid State Physics

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Introduction Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Position of Fermi level in intrinsicsemiconductors (with derivation) and in extrinsic semiconductors (variation of Fermi level withtemperature (without derivationFormation of energy bands in metals, semiconductors andinsulators; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi energy levels for doped, undopedsemiconductors and pn junction; Tunnel diode, Zener diode. 

UNIT IV - Superconductivity: Introduction Meissner Effect, Type I and Type IISuperconductors, BCS theory (Qualitative only), London’s equation, properties ofsuperconductors & applications.X-Rays: production and properties, Crystalline and Amorphous solids (Brief) Bragg’s Law,Applications.Ultrasonics: Introduction, Production of Ultrasonics (Magnetostriction and piezoelectricmethods), engineering applications. Unit V -Recent Developments in Physics (Nano Physics):

Introduction, Nanoparticles, Properties of nanoparticles (optical, electrical, Magnetic, structural,mechanical), Brief description of different methods of synthesis of nanoparticles such as physical, chemical, biological, and mechanical. Synthesis of colloids. Growth of nanoparticles,

Synthesis of metal nanoparticles by colloidal route, Applications of nanotechnology-electronics,energy, automobiles, space and defenses, medical, environmental, textile, cosmetics.

Reference Books:

1. Principles of Physics, Serway and Jewett (Saunders college publishing)2. Introduction to Solid State Physics, Kittel C (Wiley and Sons)3. Physics of the Atom, Wehr and Richards (Addison, Wesley)4. Nanotechnology, Principles and Practices, Dr.S.K.Kulkarni (Capital Publishing house)5. Engineering Physics, V.S. Yadav


CODE: 01BT206

Course Objective:To make students familiar with material forming processes, extrusion, wire drawing and sheetmetal shearing, welding, material removal process including cutting tools and machine tools,welding processes metal casting process ,design and application.

Unit-I - Basic Metals & Alloys: Properties and Applications

Properties of Materials: Strength, elasticity, stiffness, malleability, ductility, brittleness,toughness and hardness. Elementary ideas of fracture fatigue & creep.Unit-II - Ferrous Materials: Carbon steels, its classification based on % carbon as low, mild,medium & high carbon steel, its properties & applications. Wrought iron. Cast iron. Alloy steels:stainless steel, tool steel. Non-Ferrous metals & alloys: Common uses of various non-ferrousmetals & alloys and its composition such as Cu-alloys: Brass, Bronze,

Unit-III - Introduction to Metal Forming & Casting Process and its applications

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Metal Forming: Basic metal forming operations & uses of such as: Forging, Rolling, cuttingand forming, its applications. Hot-working versus cold-working.Casting: Molding sands and its desirable properties. Mould making with the use of a core.Gating system. Casting defects & remedies. Cupola Furnace. Die-casting and its uses.

Unit-IV - Introduction to Machining

Machining: Basic principles of Lathe-machine and operations performed on It., Drilling, Milling& Grinding. Shaper and plannerUnit-V - Welding: Importance & basic concepts of welding, classification of welding processes.Gas-welding, types of flames. Electric-Arc welding. Resistance welding. Soldering & Brazingand its uses.

Reference Books

1.  K.M .MohitUmesh Publication2.  P.C .Sharma: S. Chand Publication3.  AshishDatt Sharma: College Book House , Jaipur


Course Objective: • To create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values.• To instill Moral and Social Values and Loyalty. • To appreciate the rights of others. 

UNIT I - Human valuesMorals, Values and Ethics –  Integrity –  Work Ethic –  Service Learning –  Civic Virtue –  Respectfor Others  –  Living Peacefully  –  caring  –  Sharing  –  Honesty  –  Courage  –  Valuing Time  –  Co-operation –  Commitment –  Empathy –  Self-Confidence –  Character –  Spirituality

UNIT II- Engineering ethicsSenses of 'Engineering Ethics' - variety of moral issued - types of inquiry - moral dilemmas -moral autonomy - Kohlberg's theory - Gilligan's theory - consensus and controversy –  Models ofProfessional Roles - theories about right action - Self-interest - customs and religion uses ofethical theories.UNIT III - Engineering as social experimentation

Engineering as experimentation - engineers as responsible experimenters - codes of ethics - a balanced outlook on law - the challenger case study

UNIT IV - Safety, responsibilities and rights  Safety and risk - assessment of safety and risk - risk benefit analysis and reducing risk - theThree Mile Island and Chernobyl case studies. Collegiality and loyalty - respect for authority -collective bargaining - confidentiality - conflicts of interest - occupational crime - professionalrights - employee rights - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - discrimination.UNIT V - Global issues Multinational corporations - Environmental ethics - computer ethics - weapons development -engineers as managers-consulting engineers-engineers as expert witnesses and advisors -moral

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leadership-sample code of Ethics like ASME, ASCE, IEEE, Institution of Engineers (India),Indian Institute of Materials Management, Institution of electronics and telecommunicationengineers (IETE),India, etc.

Reference Books


S.DineshBabu : Laxmi Publication Delhi2.  A text book on Professional Ethics and Humane values: R.S. Nagarazan3.  A. Alavudeen, R. KalilRahman M. kumaran,Laxmi Publication Delhi4.  Vaishali R. Khosla&KavitaBhagat: Technical Publication Pune.5.  V.S.Bagad, I.ADhotre Technical Publication Pune.



List of Practical’s A minimum of 10 experiments from the following:1 Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem. 2 Verification of super position theorem3 Phasor diagram and power circuit of LCR circuit4 Measurement of power and power factor in single phase load using 3 ammeter/bolt meter.5 Calibration of energy meter watt meter voltmeter ammeter6 Two wattmeter method of measuring power in 3 phase circuit (Register load only)7 Load test on single phase transformer regulations and efficiency of transformer.8 Short circuit / open circuit test on single phase transformer9 Measure the ammeter and field resistance of DC machine.10 Connection and starting of 3 phase induction method using direct on line or star delta starter.11 Starting and speed control of a DC stunt motor.


List of Practical’s 

A minimum of 10 experiments from the following:1 To know and study symbols of various electronic components2 Tobecome familiar with various electronic components equipments]3 To calculate rms values of current and voltage

4 To study CRO and function generator5 To calculate rms value , max value ,time frequency etc for the giving wave .6 To absorve lissajous figures on CRO.7 To study printed circuit board and method for manufacturing8 To study and practices soldering and desoldering of components9 To study and draw characterics of PN junction diode10To study and draw characterics of Zener junction diode

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List of Practical’s 


1 Write a program which calculate the average of two no , also print the remainder if secondis divided by first no2.  Write a program which read three numbers and then print greater no.3.  Write a program which read a no. between, 1 to 7 and then print the day corresponding.4.  Write a program which calculate the factorial of given no5.  Write a program which generates the following pattern.

11 21 2 31 2 3 41 2 3 4 5


Write a program which read a number and then check whether that number is prime or not .7.  Write a program which read a set of number from keyboard and then find out smallestelement. Use array for store number.

8.  Write a program which read an array sort that and then print.9.  Write a program which read two matrix and then print a matrix which is addition of these

two matrix10. Write a program which read two matrixes and multiply them.11. Write a function which calculate the multiplication of two number , call this function in

main program12. Write a program which calculates the factorial of number using recursion.13.  Write a program which reads two strings, concatenates these two and prints the result.14. Write a program which reads a string and then prints total no . of characters in this .15.

 Write a program for file handling .

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List of Experiments1.  To verify the parallelogram law of vector addition2.  Toverify the triangle law of forces using given model.3.  To verify the belt friction law4.


To study simple gear train using given model5.  To study worm gear using given model.6.  To study screw jack using given model.7.  To study coefficient of friction.

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Year II Semester III.


CODE- 02BT301

Course Objective

The main objectives of this course are to train the students to read and write mathematical proofs; to develop the students' mathematical problem solving skills; and to familiarize thestudents with standard concepts in mathematics. 

Unit –  I:Function of Complex variable:Analytic function, C-R equations, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula forderivatives of analytic function, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, Residue theorem. 

Unit –  II:Z –  TransformZ-Transform- Review of Sampled Data Systems, Time Domain Representations of DiscreteTime Signals, Definition of Z transforms Theorems and Examples of Z transforms, ROC in Z

Domain , Properties of the Z-Transform, Inverse Z-Transform,Unit –  III:

Statistical TechniquesMoments, Moment generating functions, Skewness, Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression,Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution.Unit –  IV: Numerical Techniques –  IDifference operation Forward backward and central, shift and average operators and relation between them, Newton’s forward and backward differences interpolation formulae, Lagrange’sInterpolation Formula,

Unit – V: Numerical Techniques – II Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration, Trapezoidal, Simpson’s one third and three-eight rules, Solution of ordinary first order differential equations by Euler’s, Picard’s and forth-order Runge - Kutta methods.

Reference Books:- 1. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa PublicationHouse,2002.2. Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya, 2010.3. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 20104. Devi Prasad, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Narosa Publication house, New Delhi5. S.P. Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan and Sons, New Delhi, 2009.6 H. K .Dass : S. Chand Publication.

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CODE: 02BT302

Course Objective: At the end of the course the student will have an understanding ofmechanics, physical and chemical properties of materials including metals, ceramics, polymersand composites and the reasons for these properties to exist.

Unit 1:Crystal structures Crystalline and noncrystalline materials. Miller indices.Anisotropic elasticity.elastic behavior ofcomposites. Structure and properties of polymers.Structure and properties ofceramics.Pointeffects. Theoretical yield point. Line defects and dislocations. Interfacial defects.Bulk or volumedefects. Atomic vibrationsYield criteria and macroscopic Property ariability and design factorsRecovery, recrystallization and grain growth. Strengthening by second phase particles. Optimumdistribution of particles. Lattice resistance to dislocation motion.Unit2:

Applications and Processing of CeramicsTypes and applications of ceramics. Fabrication and processing of ceramics.Applications and

Processing of Polymers mechanical behavior of polymers. Mechanisms of deformation andstrengthening of polymers Crystallization, melting and glass transition. Polymertypes.Polymersynthesis and processing. Composites Particle reinforced composites. Fiberreinforced composites. Structural composites. Degradation of polymers.


Electrical Properties

Electrical conduction. Semi conductivity. Super conductivity. Electrical conduction in ionicceramics and in polymers. Dielectric behavior.Ferroelectricity. Piezoelectricity ThermalProperties Heat capacity. Thermal expansion. Thermal conductivity. Thermal stresses.Unit4:

Magnetic PropertiesDiamagnetism and paramagnetic. Ferromagnetism. Antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism.Influence of temperature on magnetic behavior. Domains and HysteresisUnit5:

Optical PropertiesBasic concepts. Optical properties of metals. Optical properties of nonmetals.Application ofoptical phenomena. Economic, Environmental and Social Issues of Material Usage Economicconsiderations.Environmental and societal considerations. Recycling issues. Life cycle analysisand its use in design. Reference Books:-

1.Material Science: V. Raghawan, Prentice Hall Of India.2. Electronics Material: Bell, Oxford University Press, YMCA New Delhi3. Material Science: S.L.Kakani, New Age Publication, New Delhi4.Material Science: G K Narula, Manohar Publishers and Distributors,New Delhi

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CODE: 02BT303

Course Objective:Digital electronics or switching Theory is taught with the aim to give in depth knowledge of Number systems which provide the basis for all operations in information processing systems.

The goal of logic expression minimization is to find an equivalent of an original logic expressionthat has fewer variables per term, has fewer terms and needs less logic to implement. There aremanual methods for logic expression minimization; algebraic minimization helps whiledesigning logic memory organizations are also introduced. 

UNIT 1: Number Systems, Basic Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra:Radix representation of different numbers. Sign & magnitude representation, Fixed pointrepresentation, complement notation, various codes & arithmetic in different codes & their interconversion. Features of logic algebra, postulates of Boolean algebra. Theorems of Booleanalgebra. Boolean function. Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR, NAND, NOR gates, their blockdiagrams and truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions and vice-versa. Converting

logic diagrams to universal logic.UNIT 2: Digital Logic Gate Characteristics:

TTL logic gate characteristics. Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate circuitry. Open collectorTTL. Three state output logic. TTL subfamilies.MOS & CMOS logic families. Realization oflogic gates in RTL, DTL, ECL, and C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to oneanother. 

UNIT 3:Minimization Techniques:Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map up to 4 variables. Simplification of logic functionswith K-map, conversion of truth tables in POS and SOP form. Incomplete specified functions.Variable mapping. Quinn-McKlusky minimization techniques. 

UNIT 4:Combinational Systems:Combinational logic circuit design, half and full adder, subtractor. Binary serial and paralleladders. BCD adder.Binary multiplier. Decoder: Binary to Gray decoder, BCD to decimal, BCDto 7-segment decoder. Multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder. Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3encoder. Diode switching matrix. Design of logic circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decodersand demultiplexers. 

UNIT 5:Sequential Systems:Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J-K, and Master Slave flip flops. Conversions of flip-flops. Counters:Asynchronous synchronous and synchronous decade counter, Modulus counter, counter,counters design. Ring counter. Counter applications.

Reference Books1. Digital Electronics: R.P. Jain. TMH New Delhi2. Digital Electronics: M. Moris. Mano, McGraw Hills3. Digital Electronics: V.K. Jain and Arti Aggarwal, Genius Publication, Jaipur4. Digital Electronics: Salivahnan, S.K. Kataria and Sons New Delhi.

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Unit I

Introduction to Computers and Computer Aided Graphics  –  Workstations –  Display Technology

 –  Input and Output Devices –  Graphics standards.Unit IIIntroduction to Computer Aided Design and Drafting –  Applications –  Various CAD Packages –  Study of AUTOCAD 2000 software –  Hardware requirements. Unit III

Simple Exercises using various Drawing and Editing commands of AUTOCAD 2000Unit IV

Simple Exercises using various formatting commands  –   Basic Dimensioning practice usingAUTOCAD 2000.

Unit VSimple Exercises using Layers and Blocks –  Introduction to Isometric Drawings –  Basic Plotting

 practice. Text Book

1. George Omura, ‘AUTOCAD 2000’, BPP Publications, New Delhi, 2000 Reference Books1. Shyam Tickoo, ‘AUTOCAD 2000 BIBLE’, BPP Publications, New Delhi, 2000 2. K.V. Natarajan, “Engineering Drawing and Graphics”, 15th Ed. 2001 


CODE: 02BT305

Course Objective:

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a Programming Paradigm that uses objects datastructures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions to designapplications and computer programs.Unit –  1

Introduction to OOP: Procedural Programming, Object oriented Programming Paradigm, Basic concept of objectoriented programming: Object, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, Inheritance,Polymorphism, dynamic binding, message passing, application of OOP.

Unit - 2

Tour of C++:

Application of C++, A simple C++ program, structure of C++ program. Basic Facilities: DataTypes, new operators and keywords, Type conversions in C++, Classes and Objects, Definingdata members and member functions, Static class members, Array of objects, Constructors andDestructors

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Unit - 3


Introduction, Base class and derived class, Types of Inheritance: single, multilevel, multiple,hierarchical, hybrid, Virtual base class, Abstract class, this pointer, Virtual functions and purevirtual functions.

Unit - 4Polymorphism:Run time, Compile time, Early binding, Late binding, Functions:Call by reference, Functionoverloading, Inline Functions, Friend Functions. Unit - 5

Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators, overloading using friend functions. Exception handling:Error Handling, Exception Specification (i.e. Usage of Try, Catch, Throw).Reference Books:

1.  James Rumbaugh, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”, PHI2.  Herbert Schieldt, “The Complete Reference: Java”, TMH.


E. Balaguruswamy, “Programming in JAVA”, TMH.4.  Thinking in C++ - Bruce Eckel.5.  Rajesh K. Shukla “Object Oriented Programming in C++”.  


CODE: 02BT306

Course Objective: Understanding the total quality concept and techniques for improvingquality. Gain the information and skills needed to implement total quality practices. Determinethe impact of quality on profitability, TQM as a fundamental business strategy, Communicate theimportance of customer focused TQM, Use seven QC tools for data collection and analysis,Implement a business strategy driven by Total Quality Management (TQM), Accomplish thecultural transformation necessary for successful implementation of total quality practices,Achieve globalization in manufacturing and service through TQM, Apply the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award guidelines to TQM initiatives.


Evolution of Quality, Customer satisfactions, Quality , Characteristic of Quality , Cost of Quality,Quality Control and Inspection, , TQM concepts and Tools and Technique of TQM.

Unit2: Deming’s Philosophy, Gurus of TQM, 5 Principles of TQM, History of Quality control in India,

TQM organization, Leadership, Characteristics of Quality Leaders, Role of TQM Leadership.

Unit3: Continuation Process Improvement, the PDSA cycle, 6 sigma Quality, Benchmarking, Type of benchmarking and competitive analysis, TQC tools, process capability.


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Statistical process control, Control Charts for attributes, p chart, n p chart, c chart, acceptancesampling, types of sampling plans, operating characteristics curve, double Sampling plan,reliability, redundancy.Unit5:

Quality by design, Experimental design, Introduction to design experiments, Terminology used

in design experiments, some important design , quality control, statistical quality control tables,Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution , Normal Curve .Reference Books

1.  Dale H. Besterfield et al, Total Quality Management, Third edition, Pearson Education(First Indian Reprints 2004). 

2.  Shridhara Bhatt K, Total Quality Management  –   Text and Cases, First Edition 2002,Himalaya Publishing House.

3.  William J. Kolarii, Creating Quality, Mcgraw Hill, 1995. 4.  Poornima M. Charantimath., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, First Indian

Reprint 2003. 


CODE: 02BT307 Objectives: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the different aspects ofmanaging Human Resources in the organization through the phases of acquisition, developmentand retention.Unit I:Introduction: Concept, Nature, Scope, Objectives and Importance of HRM; Evolution of HRM;Challenges of HRM; Personnel Management vs. HRM.Unit II:Acquisition of Human Resources: HR Planning: Meaning, Objectives, Significance &process ;

Job Analysis –  Job Description and Job Specification; Difference between RecruitmentandSelectionUnit III:Training and Development: Concept and Importance of Training; Types of Training; Design ofTraining Programs; Evaluation of Training Effectiveness.Job Changes  –  Transfers,Promotions/Demotions, separations & Lay Off.

Unit IV:Job Evaluation –  Concept, Process and Significance; Components of Employee Remuneration –  Base and Supplementary; Performance and Potential Appraisal –  Concept and Objectives;Traditional and Modern Methods, Limitations of Performance Appraisal Methods, 360 DegreeAppraisal Technique; Overview of Employee Welfare, Health and Safety, Social Security.Unit V: HRM Strategies for the New Millennium: Role of HRM in strategic management; human capital;emotional quotient; mentoring. Socialization & Paternalistic approach. 

REFERENCE BOOKS:1.  Aswathappa, K., (2010), Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill Education.2.  DeCenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S.P. (2007), Fundamentals of Human Resource

Management, 9th edition, John Wiley.

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3.  Durai, Praveen, (2010), Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.4.  Monappa, A. and Saiyadain, M: Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill Education.5.  Dessler, Gary : Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.

Jyothi, P. and Venkatesh, D.N, (2006), Human Resource Management, Oxford Higher Education 

Reference Books: 1. A Text Book of Machine Drawing Laxmi Narayana and Mathur, M/s. Jain Brothers, NewDelhi.2. Machine drawing by N Sidheshwar, Kannaieh, V S Sastry, TMH, and New Delhi.

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Write programs to carry out:

1.  Write a simple program for understanding of C++ program structure without any Class

declaration.2.  Write a function which calculates the root of ax² + bx + c = 0, call that into main program,

root are x = - / 2a.

3.  By using structures write a program which reads the bio data of students, and then prints the bio data of those students which has more than 400 total marks.

4.  Write a C++ program to demonstrate concept of declaration of class with public & privatemember, constructors, object creation using constructors, access restrictions, definingmember functions within and outside a class.

5.  Program involving multiple classes (without inheritance) to accomplish a task. Demonstratecomposition of class.

6.  Write a program to Representing concepts of data hiding and function overloading.


Write a program to demonstrate Friend function, friend classes and this pointer.8.  Program to use the protected members, public & private protected classes, multilevel

inheritance9.  Write a program to demonstrating multiple inheritances.10. Write a program to represent virtual functions, virtual base classes, and abstract classes.11. Write a program that creates a binary file by reading the data for the students from the

terminal. The data of each student consist of roll no., name and marks.12. Write a program by using class, object, and inheritance to read two complex nos ,store in

different object and then print the sum of these two..13. Write a program to demonstrate hierarchical inheritances.14. Write a program for overloading of ‘+’ operator. 


Write a program by using try catching, which read two no and then dividing first no bysecond no raise exception if second no is zero.

Text Books:

  Object oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy, 2001, Tata McGraw-Hill

  C++ How to Program by H M Deitel and P J Deitel, 1998, Prentice Hall

  Programming with C++ By D Ravichandran, 2003, T.M.H

Reference books:1.  Computing Concepts with C++ Essentials by Horstmann, 2003, John Wiley,2.  The Complete Reference in C++ by Herbert Schildt, 2002, TMH.3.  Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore, 1994, The WAITE Group


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Course Objective:To train the students with help of state of art electronic equipments for the demonstration ofdigital logic, number system conversion, adders, sub tractors, multiplexer, encoders etc. Also

to give basic idea of digital logic design with the help of memory containing digital devices, sequential circuits like flip- flops, shift register, counter etc.

List of experiments:1) Study of the operation of OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR gate and to

verify truth table.2) Design NOT, AND, OR gate using Universal gates and to verify truth table with

conventional basic gates.3) Study and verify Truth Table of Binary Half-Adder & Binary Half Subtractor, also study

and verify the Truth Table of Binary FULL Adder (Using two Half adders).4) Study and verify the Truth Table of 4-to-1 Line Multiplexer.

5) Study and verify the Truth Table of 1-to-4 Line Demultiplexer.6) Study and verify the Truth Table of 8-to-3 Line Encoder.7) Study and verify the Truth Table of 3-to-8 Line Decoder.8) Study of

(a) R-S Flip-Flop(b) J-K Flip-Flop(c) D Flip-Flop(d) T Flip-Flop

9) Study of(a) 4- bit Synchronous Binary up Counter(b) 4-bit Asynchronous Binary up/down Counter.

10) Verification of operation of IC 74190 as modulo-N programmable Counter.11) Study of 4-bit

(a) serial-in-serial-out shift register(b) serial-in parallel-out shift register(c) parallel-in-parallel-out shift register

(d) parallel-in-parallel-out shift register

12) Study of 3-bit(a) serial-in-serial-out shift register(b) serial-in parallel-out shift register(c) parallel-in-parallel-out shift register

(d) parallel-in-parallel-out shift register

Reference Books1. Digital Electronics: R.P. Jain, TMH New Delhi.2. Digital Electronics: M. Moris Mano, McGraw Hills.3. Digital Electronics: V.K. Jain and Arti Aggarwal, Genius Publication, Jaipur.4. Digital Electronics: Salivahnan, S.K. Kataria and Sons New Delhi.

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CODE: 02BP311 Course Objective: At the end of the course the student will have an understanding ofmechanics, physical and chemical properties of materials including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites and the reasons for these properties to exist.

List of experiments:1. To study different types of material property.2. To study crystal structures of a given specimen.3. To prepare solidification curve for a given specimen.4. To study heat treatment processes (hardening and tempering) of steel specimen.5. To study microstructure of heat-treated steel.

6. To study the creep behavior of a given specimen.7. To study equilibrium of Iron Carbon diagram.8. To study the UTM machine.

Reference Books:-

1. Material Science: V. Raghawan, Prentice Hall Of India.2. Electronics Material: Bell, Oxford University Press, YMCA New Delhi3. Material Science: S.L. Kakani, New Age Publication, New Delhi4. Material Science: G K Narula, Manohar Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.

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1.  Draw the figure 1 by invoking line tool in absolute coordinate system?2.  Draw the figure 2 by invoking line tool in relative polar coordinate system?

3.  Draw the figure 3 by using line and circle tool?4.  Draw the figure 4 by invoking line, ellipse and arc tool?5.  Draw the figure 5 by invoking line, arc and offset tool?6.  Draw the figure 6 by invoking polygon tool?7.  Draw the figure 7 by invoking line, arc and mirror tool?8.  Draw the figure 8 by invoking line, offset and trim tool?9.  Draw the figure 9 by invoking line, circle, arc and arraypolar tool?10. Draw front, side and top view as shown in figure10?11. Draw isometric view as shown in figure 11?

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

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Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 7

Figure 8 Figure 9

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Figure 10 figure 11

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DR. K. N. MODI UNIVERSITYStudy and Evaluation Scheme

B.Tech(Computer Science)Effective from session 2013-14

Year-II Semester-IVth



Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme Credit





1 02BTAS401 Mathematics IV 3 1 0 40 60 100 4

2 02BTCS402  Internet Fundamental 3 1 0 40 60 100 4

3 02BTCS403  Database ManagementSystem

3 1 0 40 60 100 4

4 02BTEC404  Electronic ElectricalMeasuring Instruments

3 1 0 40 60 100 4

5 02BTCS405 DataStructures&Algorithms

3 1 0 40 60 100 4

6 02BTCS406 MultimediaTechnologies

3 1 0 40 60 100 4


1 02BPCS40


Internet Fundamental


0 0 2 50 50 10



2 02BPCS402

Database ManagementSystem Lab

0 0 2 50 50 100


3 02BPCS403

Data Structure Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100


4 02BPEC404

Electrical &ElectronicsMeasurement Lab

0 0 2 50 50 100


5 02BP4010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 10



6 02BP4011 Co-Curricular Activities  0 0 4 100 10



Total  18  6  16  30 

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DR. K. N. MODI UNIVERSITYStudy and Evaluation Scheme

B.Tech(Computer Science) Effective from session 2013-14

Year-III Semester-V

S. NO.

Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme

L T P Continuesassessment


Total Credit

1 03BTCS501 Principles ofOperatingSystem

3 1 40 60 100 04

2 03BTEC502 Microprocessor 3 1 40 60 100 04

3 03BTCS503 Computer graphics 3 1 40 60 100 04

4 03BTCS504 Theory OfComputation

3 1 40 60 100 04

5 03BTCS505 ComputerArchitectureand Organization

3 1 40 60 100 04

6 03BTME506 IndustrialEngineering

3 1 40 60 100 04


1 03BPCS501 Operating System


0 0 2 50 50 100 01

2 03BPEC502 Microprocessor Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

3 03BPCS503 Computer GraphicsLab

0 0 2 50 50 100 01

4 03BPCS504 PC Hardware Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

5 03BP5010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 03BP5011 Co-CurricularActivities 

0 0 4 100 100 1

Total  18  6  16  30 

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DR. K. N. MODI UNIVERSITYStudy and Evaluation Scheme

B.Tech (Computer Science)Effective from session 2013-14

Year-III Semester-VI



Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme

L T P Continuesassessment


Total Credit

1 03BTCS601 Artificial intelligence 3 1 40 60 100 04

2 03BTCS602 Algorithms Design &Analysis

3 1 40 60 100 04

3 03BTCS603 Programming in Java 3 1 40 60 100 04

4 03BTCS604 Software Engineering 3 1 40 60 100 04

5 03BTCS605 Information Security 3 1 40 60 100 04

6 03BTCS606 Computer Networks 3 1 40 60 100 04

Lab1 03BPCS601 Software Engineering Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

2 03BPCS602 Artificial Intelligence Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

3 03BPCS603 Java Programming Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

4 03BPCS604 Computer Networks Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

5 03BP6010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 03BP6011 Co-Curricular Activities  0 0 4 100 100 1

Total  18  6  16  30 

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  DR. K. N. MODI UNIVERSITYStudy and Evaluation Scheme

B.Tech(Computer Science)Effective from session 2013-14

Year-IV Semester-VII



Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme

L T P Continuesassessment


Total Credit

1 04BTIT701 Software Testing 3 1 40 60 100 04

2 04BTCS702 .Net 3 1 40 60 100 04

3 04BTCS703 CompilerConstruction

3 1 40 60 100 04

4 04BTEC706 VLSI Design 3 1 40 60 100 04

5 04BTIT705 Data Mining & WareHousing

3 1 40 60 100 04

6 04BTCS706 Neural Networks 3 1 40 60 100 04


1 04BPEC706 VLSI Design Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

2 04BPCS703 Compiler Design Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

3 04BPCS702 DOT NET Lab 0 0 2 50 50 100 01

4 04BPCS709 Industrial Training /Seminar

0 0 2 50 50 100 01

5 04BP7010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 01

6 04BP7011 Co-CurricularActivities 

0  0  4  100 100  1 

Total  18  6  16  30 

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DR. K. N. MODI UNIVERSITYStudy and Evaluation Scheme

B.Tech (Computer Science) Effective from session 2013-14

Year-IV Semester-VIII

S. NO.

Sub Code Subject Name Period Evaluation Scheme

L T P Continuesassessment


Total Credit

1 04BTCS801 Mobile Computing 3 1 40 60 100 04

2 04BTIT802 Digital ImageProcessing

3 1 40 60 100 04

3 04BTCS803 Distributed Systems 3 1 40 60 100 04

4 04BTCS804 Real Time Systems 3 1 40 60 100 04

5 04BTCS805 Human ComputerInteraction

3 1 40 60 100 04

LAB1 04BPCS802 MATLAB 0 0 2 25 25 50 01

2 04BPCS808 Seminar 0 0 2 25 25 50 01

3 04BPCS801 Shell ProgrammingLab

0 0 2 25 25 50 01

4 04BPCS809 Major Project 0 0 8 25 25 50 05

5 04BP8010 Seamless Learning 0 0 4 100 100 1

6 04BP8011 Co-CurricularActivities 

0 0 4 100 100 1

Total  18  6  16  30 

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Year-II Semester-IV.th



Course objective:The main objectives of this course are to train the students to read and writemathematical proofs; to develop the students' mathematical problem solving skills; and tofamiliarize the students with standard concepts in discrete mathematics. 

Unit1: Differential Calculus: Asymptotes and Curvature (Cartesian Coordinates Only) Concavity, Convexity and Point ofInflexion (Cartesian Coordinates Only) Curve Tracing (Cartesian and Standard Polar Curves  –  Cardioids, Lemniscates of Bernoulli, Limacon, And Equiangular Spiral

Unit2: Calculus of variations

Functional, strong and weak variations simple variation problems, the Euler’s equation. 

Unit3: Statistics and Probability Elementary theory of probability, Venn diagram Baye’s theorem with simple applications,

Continuous probability distribution, Joint probability, chebyshev theorem,

Unit 4: Sampling methodsSampling techniques, Hypothesis, level of significance, test of significance, confidence limits, t-distribution, Chi –  square test.

Unit5: Curve fitting and Regression analysis

Methods of least square and curve fitting of straight lines and parabola, solutions of cubic and biquadratic equations. 

Reference Books:1)  Higher Engineering Mathematics , B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publications2)  Engineering Mathematics Vol. 3, H.K. Dass, S. Chand Publishers



Course objective:

Internet fundamental is a programming paradigm that uses objects of data structures consistingof data fields and methods together with interactions to design application and computer programs. The course is including the HTML tags to design the web pages.

UNIT I :Electronic Mail: Introduction, advantages and disadvantages, Userids, Pass words, e-mailAddresses, message components, message composition, mailer features, E-mail innerworkings, EmailManagement, Mime types, Newsgroups, mailing lists, chat rooms.

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The Internet: Introduction to networks and internet, history, working of Internet,InternetCongestion, internet culture, siness culture on internet. Collaborative computing & theinternet.Modes of Connecting to Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and Internet address,

standard address,domain name, DNS, IP.v6.Modems and time continuum, communicationssoftware; internet tools.

UNIT III:World Wide Web:  Introduction, Miscellaneous Web Browser details, searching the www:Directories search engines and Meta search engines, search fundamentals, search strategies,workingof the search engines, Telnet and FTP.Introduction to Browser, Coast-to-coast surfing,hypertext markup language, Web page installation, Web page setup, Basics of HTML &formatting and hyperlink creation. Using FrontPage Express, Plug-ins.


Languages: Basic and advanced HTML, java script language, Client and ServerSideProgramming in java script. Forms and data in java script, XML basics.


Servers:  Introduction to Web Servers: PWS, IIS, Apache; Microsoft Personal Web Server.Accessing & using these servers.Privacy and security topics: Introduction, Software Complexity, Encryption schemes, SecureWeb document.

Text books and Reference:

1.  Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web, Raymond Green law and EllenHepp –  2001, TMH


Internet & World Wide Programming, Deitel, Deitel & Nieto, 2000, Pearson Education3.  Complete idiots guide to java script, Aron Weiss, QUE, 19974.   Network firewalls, Kironjeet syan -New Rider Pub.


Course Objective:A Database Management System (DBMS) is a plant of computer programs that assures the beginning.The objective of this syllabus is to provide broad introduction to the concepts ofdatabase systemand relational systems in particulars. It also introduce the standard databaselanguage SQL Structured Query Language and the description of relational model which arefundamental of relational system and we also concerned with transaction management system.

UNIT I : Introduction: An overview of database management system, Database System Vs File System,Database system concepts and architecture, data models schema and instances, dataindependence and data base language and interfaces, Data definitions language, DML.

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Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model:  ER model concepts, notation for ERdiagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primary key,Generalization, aggregation.


Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints:entity integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints,Introduction to SQL: Characteristics of SQL, Advantages of SQL, SQL data types and literals,Types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, Tables, views and indexes,Queries and sub queries, Aggregate functions, Insert, update and delete operations, Joins,Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors in SQL, Triggers

UNIT III : Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, thirdnormal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependencies, loss less join decompositions, normalization usingFD, MVD, and JDs

UNIT IV : Transaction Processing Concepts: Transaction system, Testing of serializability, Serializabilityof schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery from transactionfailures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling.

UNIT V : Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, locking Techniques for concurrencycontrol, Time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, Recoverywith concurrent transaction. Transaction processing in Distributed system, data fragmentation.Replication and allocation techniques for distributed system

Text books and Reference:1.  Date C J, "An Introduction To Database System", Addision Wesley2.  Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, "Database Concepts", McGraw Hill3.  Elmasri, Navathe, "Fundamentals Of Database Systems", A. Wesley


CODE-02BT404Course Objective:To provide a basic understanding of electrical measurement systems. To alert the students to themany varieties of meters, 'scopes and transducers available, their operating principles, strengthsand weaknesses. To give students enough applications information that they can select optimummeters, transducer, amplifier, recording and readout devices to assemble a system for routinemeasurements of electrical phenomena. 

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UNIT I:Theory Of Errors: Accuracy& precision, Repeatability, Limits of errors, Systematic & randomerrors Modeling of errors, Probable error & standard deviation, Gaussian error analysis,Combination of errors. 

UNIT II:Electronic Instruments For Measuring Basic Parameters: Electronic Voltmeter, ElectronicMultimeters, Digital Voltmeter, Component Measuring Instruments, Q meter, Vector Impedancemeter, RF Power & Voltage Measurements. Measurement of frequency. Introduction to shielding& grounding.


Oscilloscopes: Crt Construction, Basic CRO circuits, CRO Probes, Oscilloscope Techniques ofMeasurement of frequency, Phase Angle and Time Delay, Multibeam, multi trace, storage &sampling Oscilloscopes. Curve tracers.

UNIT IV:Signal Generation: Sine wave generators, Frequency synthesized signal generators, Sweepfrequency generators, Instrumentation amplifiers, frequency to voltage converters, temperature tocurrent converters, function generators, timers, sample and hold, Signal Analysis - MeasurementTechnique, Wave Analyzers, Frequency - selective wave analyser, Heterodyne wave analyser,Harmonic distortion analyser, Spectrum analyser,.


Transducers:Classification, Selection Criteria, Characteristics, Construction, Working Principles,Application of following Transducers- RTD, Thermocouples, Thermistors, LVDT, RVDT, StrainGauges, Bourdon Tubes, Bellows. Diaphragms, Seismic Accelerometers, Tachogenerators, LoadCell, Piezoelectric Transducers, Ultrasonic Flow Meters.

Text books and Reference:

1.  A.K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation.


CODE:02BTCS405Course Objective:This course couples work on program design, analysis with an introduction tothe study of data structures. Data structures capture common ways to store and manipulate data,and they are important in the construction of sophisticated computer programs. Emphasize will be given on development of clear, modular programs that are easy to read, debug, verify,analyze, and modify 

UNIT I :Introduction to Data Structures: Definition of data structures and abstract data types,Staticand Dynamic implementations, Examples and real life applications; The Stacks: Definition,Arraybased implementation of stacks, Linked List based implementation of stacks, Examples:Infix, postfix, prefix representation, Conversions, Applications.

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UNIT II:Queues and Lists: Definition, Array based implementation of Queues / Lists, LinkedListimplementation of Queues / Lists, circular implementation of Queues and Singly linkedLists,Straight / circular implementation of doubly linked Queues / Lists, Priority Queues,Applications.UNIT III: Trees: Definition of trees and Binary trees, Properties of Binary trees and

Implementation, Binary Traversal pre-order, post order, In- order traversal, Binary Search Trees,Implementations,Threaded trees, Balanced multi way search trees, AVL Trees, lamentations.UNIT IV:  Graphs: Definition of Undirected and Directed Graphs and Networks, The Array basedimplementation of graphs, Adjacency matrix, path matrix implementation, and The LinkedListrepresentation of graphs, shortest path Algorithm, Graph Traversal  –  Breadth first Traversal,Depthfirst Traversal, and Tables: Definition, Hash function, Implementations and Applications.UNIT V: Running time: Time Complexity, Big  –   Oh - notation, Running Times, Best Case,WorstCase, Average Case, Factors depends on running time, Introduction to Recursion, Divideand ConquerAlgorithm, Evaluating time Complexity. Introduction, Sorting by exchange,selection, insertions: Bubble sort,Straight selection sort, Efficiency of above algorithms, Shellsort, Performance of shell sort, Mergesort, Merging of sorted arrays& Algorithms; Quick sort

Algorithm analysisText books and Reference:

1.  Data Structures using C by A. M. Tenenbaum, Langsam, Moshe J. Augentem, PHI Pub.2.  Data Structures and Algorithms by A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and T.D.3.  Ullman, Original edition, Addison-Wesley, 1999, Low Priced Edition.4.  Fundamentals of Data structures by Ellis Horowitz & Sartaj Sahni, Pub, 1983,AW5.  Fundamentals of computer algorithms by Horowitz Sahni and Rajasekaran.6.  Theory And Problems Of Data Structures (Schaum series) 



Unit-1:Basics of Multimedia Technology:  Computers, communication andentertainment;multimedia an introduction; framework for multimedia systems; multimediadevices; CD- Audio, CDROM, CD-I, presentation devices and the user interface; multimedia presentation and authoring; professional development tools; LANs and multimedia; internet,World Wide Web & multimediadistribution network-ATM & ADSL; multimedia servers &databases; vector graphics; 3D graphicsprograms; animation techniques; shading; antialiasing; morphing; video on demand.Unit-2:Image Compression & Standards:  Making still images; editing and capturingimages; scanning images; computer color models; color palettes; vector drawing; 3D drawingand rendering;JPEG-objectives and architecture; JPEG-DCT encoding and quantization,JPEG statistical coding,JPEG predictive lossless coding; JPEG performance; overview ofother image file formats as GIF,TIFF, BMP, PNG etc.Unit-3:Audio: Digital representation of sound; time domain sampled representation;methodof encoding the analog signals; sub band coding; Fourier method; transmission ofdigitalsound; digital audio signal processing; stereophonic & quadraphonic signal

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 processing; editingsampled sound; MPEG Audio; audio compression & decompression; briefsurvey of speechrecognition and generation; audio synthesis; musical instrument digitalinterface; digital video andimage compression; MPEG motion video compression standard;DVI technology; time base mediarepresentation and delivery.Unit-4:Video:Digital video and image compression; MPEG motion video compression

standard; DVI technology; time base media representation and delivery.Unit-5: Virtual Reality: Applications of multimedia, intelligent multimedia system, desktopvirtualreality, VR operating system, virtual environment displays and orientation making;visually coupledsystem requirements; intelligent VR software systems.Applications ofenvironment in various fields.

Text Books:

An introduction, Villamil & Molina, Multimedia Mc Milan, 1997Multimedia: Sound & Video, Lozano, 1997, PHI, (Que)

Reference Books:Multimedia: Production, planning and delivery, Villamil & Molina, Que, 1997

Multimedia on the PC, Sinclair, BPBMultimedia: Making it work, Tay Vaughan, fifth edition, 1994, TMH

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Exercises involving:1) Sending and receiving mails.2) Chatting on the net.

3) Using FTP and Tel net server.4) Using HTML Tags (table, form, image, anchor etc.).5) Making a Web page of your college using HTML tags.



List of experiments1.Write programs to carry out:

Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.2. Record operations:

a) Creating a table b) Add a record, delete a record, and modify the record in the databasec) Generate queries

d) Generate the report; listing all the records of database in ascending ordere) Create table from a given tablef) Insert the data into the table interactively means by using & operator.

3. Write SQL queries using SQL operators4. Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions5. Write SQL queries for relational algebra6. Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table7. Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries8. Write programme for the use of PL/SQL .9. Concepts for ROLL BACK, COMMIT & CHECK POINTS10. Create VIEWS, CURSORS and TRGGERS & write ASSERTIONS.11. Create FORMS and REPORTS



1. Write a program to search an element in a two-dimensional array using linear search.2. Using iteration & recursion concepts write programs for finding the element in the arrayUsing Binary Search Method3. Write a program to perform following operations on tables using functions onlya) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Transpose4. Using iteration & recursion concepts write the programs for Quick Sort Technique5. Write a program to implement the various operations on string such as length ofString concatenation, reverse of a string & copy of a string to another.6. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using ‘call by value’ and ‘call by Reference strategies.

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7. Write a program to implement binary search tree.(Insertion and Deletion in Binary search Tree)8. Write a program to create a linked list & perform operations such as insert, delete,Update, reverse in the link list9. Write the program for implementation of a file and performing operations such as insert,

Delete, update a record in the file.10. Create a linked list and perform the following operations on itA) Add a node b) Delete a node11. Write a program to simulate the various searching & sorting algorithms and compareTheir timings for a list of 1000 elements.12. Write a program to simulate the various graph traversing algorithms.13. Write a program which simulates the various tree traversal algorithms.


CODE: 02BPEC404 

1. Measure earth resistance using fall of potential method.2. Plot V-I characteristics & measure open circuit voltage & short circuit current of a solar panel.3. Measure unknown inductance capacitance resistance using following bridges(a) Anderson Bridge (b) Maxwell Bridge4. To measure unknown frequency & capacitance using Wein’s bridge. 5. Measurement of the distance with the help of ultrasonic transmitter & receiver.6. Measurement of displacement with the help of LVDT.7. Draw the characteristics of the following temperature transducers:(a) RTD (Pt-100) (b) Thermistors (c) Thermocouple8. Draw the characteristics between temperature & voltage of a K type thermocouple.9. Measure the speed of a Table Fan using stroboscope.10. Measurement of strain/ force with the help of strain gauge load cell.11. Study the working of Q-meter and measure Q of coils.12. To study the working of Spectrum analyzer and determine the bandwidth of different signals. 

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Year-III Semester-V



Course Objective:

Understand the overall architecture of the operating system and its main components,Functionsof Kernel, file system architecture and implementation, concurrent programming andconcurrency.

UNIT I: Introduction: Definition and types of operating systems, Batch Systems, multi programming,time-sharing, distributed and real-time systems, Distributed OS, Network OS, Operating systemstructure, Operating system components and services, System calls, system programs, Virtualmachines.


Process Management: Process concept, Process scheduling, Threads, Interprocesscommunication, CPU scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms (First come first serve, Shortest job first, Priority, Round robin etc), Multiple-processor scheduling.

UNIT III : Process Synchronization and Deadlocks: The Critical-Section problem, synchronizationhardware, Semaphores, Critical regions, Monitors, Deadlocks-System model, Characterization,Deadlock prevention, Avoidance and Detection, Recovery from deadlock, Combined approachto deadlock handling.

UNIT IV:Memory Management: Memory Management-Logical and Physical Address Space, swapping,Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Segmentation with paging, Demand paging and its performance,Page replacement.


Storage management: File systems, secondary Storage Structure, File concept, access methods,directory structure, Efficiency and performance, recovery, Disk structure, Disk scheduling, Diskmanagement.Security & Case Study: Protection and Security-Goals of protection, Domain of protection, TheSecurity problem, Program threats, System and network threats, Authentication.

Text Books & References:1.  Abraham Siberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin, "Operating System Concepts", Fifth

Edition, Addision-Wesley2.  Milan Milankovic, "Operating Systems, Concepts and Design", McGraw-Hill.3.  Harvey M Deital, "Operating Systems", Addison Wesley4.  Richard Peterson, "Linux: The Complete Reference", Osborne McGraw-Hill.

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CODE: 03BTEC502Course Objective: The course is intended to give students good understanding of internal architectural details and

functioning of microprocessors.Having undergone a first course on Microprocessors andInterfaces, this course provides the student to the Advanced Architectural features of the State ofthe art Microprocessor. 

UNIT I: Introduction:Introduction to Microprocessors, 8085 Microprocessor, Architecture, pin description, Busconcept and organization; concept of multiplexing and demultiplexing of buses. Input/outputdevices, buffers, encoders, latches. Brief introduction to comparison of different features in8085and 8086 microprocessors.


Software architecture registers and signals, Classification of instruction, Instruction set,addressing modes, Assembly Language Programming and Debugging, Programming Technique,instruction Format and timing.

UNIT III:Advance Assembly Language Programming, Counter and time delay; types of Interrupt and theiruses, RST instructions and their uses, 8259 programmable interrupt controller; subroutine; Stackimplementation and uses with examples; Memory interfacing.


8085 Microprocessor interfacing, 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, 8254, programmableinterval timer, interfacing of Input/output device, 8279 Key board/Display interface.

UNIT V: Computer Architecture: Central Processing Unit, memory and input/outputinterfacing. Memory Classification: Volatile and non-volatile memory, Primary and secondarymemory, Static and Dynamic memory, Logical, Virtual and Physical memory. Types of memory:Magnetic core memory, binary cell, Rom architecture and different types of ROM, RAMarchitecture, PROM, PAL, PLA, Flash and Cache memory, SDRAM, RDRAM and DDRAM.Memory latency, memory bandwidth, memory seek time.

Text Books:1. Gaonkar, Ramesh S, “Microprocessor Architecture, programming and applications with the 8085” Pen ram International Publishing 5th Ed.2. Uffenbeck, John, “Microcomputers and Microprocessors” PHI/ 3 rd Edition.3. Ray, A.K. & Burchandi, K.M., “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals: Architecture, Programaming and Interfacing” Tata Mc. Graw Hill. 4. Krishna Kant, “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” PHI Learning. 

Reference Books:5. Brey, Barry B. “INTEL Microprocessors” Prentice Hall ( India) 

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6. ADitya P Mathur, “Introduction to Microprocessor” Tata Mc Graw Hill 7. M. Rafiquzzaman, “Microprocessors- Theory and applications” PHI 8. B. Ram, “Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing” Tata McGraw Hill 9. Renu Singh & B.P.Singh, “Microprocessor and Interfacing and applications” New Age  International


CODE: 03BTCS503Course Objective: Understanding the fundamental graphical operations and the implementation on computer, Get aglimpse of recent advances in computer graphics, Understanding user interface issues that makethe computer easy for the novice to use.

UNIT I:Introduction to Computer Graphics: What is Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics

Applications, Computer Graphics Hardware and software, Two dimensional GraphicsPrimitives: Points and Lines, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenham’s; Circle drawing

algorithms: Using polar coordinates, Bresenham’s circle drawing, midpoint circle drawingalgorithm; Filled area algorithms: Scanline: Polygon filling algorithm, boundary filled algorithm.

UNIT II: Two/Three Dimensional Viewing: The 2-D viewing pipeline, windows, viewports, window toview port mapping; Clipping: point, clipping line (algorithms):- 4 bit code algorithm, Sutherland-cohen algorithm, parametric line clipping algorithm (Cyrus Beck). Polygon clipping algorithm:Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm. Two dimensional transformations:transformations, translation, scaling, rotation, reflection, composite transformation. three-dimensional transformations: Three dimensional graphics concept, Matrix representation of 3-DTransformations, Composition of 3-D transformation.

UNIT III: Viewing in 3D: Projections, types of projections, the mathematics of planner geometric projections, coordinate systems. Hidden surface removal. The Z- buffer algorithm, scanlinealgorithm, area sub-division algorithm.

UNIT IV: Representing Curves and Surfaces: Parametric representation of curves: Bezier curves, B-Splinecurves. Parametric representation of surfaces; Interpolation method.


Illumination, shading, image manipulation: Illumination models, shading models for polygons,shadows, transparency. Image, image Filtering, image processing, geometric transformation ofimages.

Text Books & References:

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1.  Computer Graphics Principles and Practices second edition by James D. Foley, Andeiesvan Dam, Stevan K. Feiner and Johb F. Hughes, 2000, Addision Wesley.

2.  Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, 2nd Edition, 1999, PHI3.  Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics  –  David F. Rogers, 2001, T.M.H Second




Course Objective: Understand the influence of programming languages and architectures on the efficiency of

language translation. And concept of DFA and NFA using formal language.Knowledge ofnumber of areas in theoretical computer science and their hierarchical interconnections. 


Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Finite State Systems, Basic Definitions NonDeterministic finite automata (NDFA), Deterministic finite automata (DFA), Equivalence ofDFA and NDFA Finite automata with E-moves, Regular Expressions, Equivalence of finiteautomata and Regular Expressions, Regular expression conversion and vice versa.

UNIT II: Introduction to Machines: Concept of basic Machine, Properties and limitations of FSM. Mooreand mealy Machines, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machines, Conversion of NFA to DFA by Arden’s Method 

UNIT III: Applications of the pumping lemma, . Properties of Regular Sets: The Pumping Lemma forRegular Sets, Closure properties of regular sets, Myhill-Nerode Theorem and minimization offinite Automata, Minimization Algorithm.

UNIT IV: Grammars: Definition, Context free and Context sensitive grammar, Ambiguity regulargrammar, Reduced forms, Removal of useless Symbols and unit production, Chomsky NormalForm (CNF), Griebach Normal Form (GNF).

UNIT V: Pushdown Automata: Introduction to Pushdown Machines, Application of Pushdown Machines,Turing Machines: Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Turing Machines, Design of T.M,Halting problem of T.M., PCP Problem. Chomsky Hierarchies: Chomsky hierarchies ofgrammars, unrestricted grammars, Context sensitive languages, Relation between languages ofclasses.

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Text Books & References:

1. Introduction to automata theory, language & computations- Hopcroaft & O.D.Ullman, RMothwani, 2001, AW

2. Theory of Computer Sc.(Automata, Languages and computation):K.L.P.Mishra &

 N.Chandrasekaran, 2000, PHI.3. Introduction to formal Languages & Automata-Peter Linz, 2001, Narosa Publ..4. Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation- Principles and Practice by



Course Objective: This course offers a good understanding of the various functional units of a computer system and

 prepares the student to be in a position to design a basic computer system. Finally the studentwill be exposed to the recent trends in parallel and distributed computing and multithreadedapplication.

UNIT I: Adders, Multiplexers, Encoders, de-coder Store program control concept, Flynn’s classification

of computers (SISD, MISD, MIMD); Multilevel viewpoint of a machine: digital logic, microarchitecture, ISA, operating systems, high level language; structured organization; CPU, caches,main memory, secondary memory units & I/O

UNIT II:Instruction Set Architecture: Instruction set based classification of processors , addressingmodes: register, immediate, direct, indirect, indexed; Operations in the instruction set;Arithmetic and Logical, Data Transfer, Control Flow; Instruction set formats


CPU Architecture types (accumulator, register, stack, memory/ register) detailed data path of atypical register based CPU, Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle (typically 3 to 5 stage);microinstructionsequencing, implementation of control unit, Enhancing performance with pipelining.

UNIT IV: The need for a memory hierarchy (Locality of reference principle, Memory hierarchy in practice:Cache, main memory and secondary memory, Memory parameters); Main memory :RAM &ROM organization, Static & dynamic memory types; Cache memory

UNIT V: Introduction to Parallelism: Goals of parallelism (Exploitation of concurrency, throughputenhancement); Amdahl’s law; Instruction level parallelism (pipelining, super scaling –  basicfeatures); Processor level parallelism (Multiprocessor systems overview).

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UNIT VI: Instruction codes, computer register, computer instructions, timing and control, instructioncycle, type of instructions, memory reference, register reference. I/O reference, Basics of LogicDesign, accumulator logic, Control memory, address sequencing, micro-instruction formats,micro-program sequencer, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Types of interrupts; Memory


Text Books & References: 1.  Computer Organization and Design, 2nd  Ed., by David A. Patterson and John L.

Hennessy, Morgan 1997,Kauffmann.2.  Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edi, by John P. Hayes, 1998, TMH.


Course Objective:The course aims to develop the skills of the students in the area Industrialmanagement and their problems. This will be necessary for understanding the Industry system.

UNIT l:-Introduction: concept, development, application and scope of Industrialmanagement.Productivity: Definition, measurement, productivity index, types of productionsystem, industrial ownership.

UNIT 2:-Management Function: Principles of Management  –  Management Tools –  time and motion study production planning, specification of Production requirements.UNIT 3:-

Inventory Control: Inventory cost, Deterministic models, Introduction to supply chainmanagement.

UNIT4:- Building construction, Inspection of site, high rise building, Fire protection introduction , Earthquake, Lightning and electrical hazard protection, Building construction, Building materials,Plan reading and method, Standard, symbols, designation, Personal hazards, Fire escapestructural precaution, Fire hazard in a building, Building collapse and symptoms, Fire tower/fireescape.

UNIT 5:-Environmental Issues: Environmental pollution  –   various management techniques to controlEnvironmental pollution –  various control Acts for Air, Water, Solid waste and Noise Pollution

Reference Books -

1.  Industrial Engineering –  O P khanna

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1.  Study of WINDOWS 2000 Operating System.2.  Administration of WINDOWS 2000 (including DNS,LDAP, Directory Services)


Study of LINUX Operating System (Linux kernel, shell, basic commands pipe &filter commands.)4.  Administration of LINUX Operating System.5.  Writing of Shell Scripts (Shell programming).6.  AWK programming.




Program to perform addition (1) 8-bit numbers (2) 16-bit numbers.2.  Program to perform subtraction (1) 8-bit numbers (2) 16-bit numbers.3.  Program to perform division: (1) 8-bit by 8-bit (2) 16 bits by 8 bit.4.  Program to perform multiplication: 8-bit by 8-bit5.  Find one’s and two’s complement of 16-bit numbers.6.  Transfer of a block of data in memory to another place in memory.7.  Sorting of array in: (1) Ascending order (2) Descending order.8.  Program to perform following conversion (1) Binary to ASCII (2) Binary to BCD.9.  Program to find the smallest number in an array.10. Program to the largest number in an array.11. To display ‘n’ elements of the Fibonacci series using 8085 12. To generate Sawtooth, triangular, sine and square waveform using 8085 microprocessor.13.

 Find addition of 32-bit numbers using 8086.

14. To move contents of array from one memory location to another memory location.15. To convert a BCD number into hexadecimal with 8086 microprocessor.16. Transfer of a block of data in memory to another place in memory using 8086.17. To separate odd and even numbers using 8086 microprocessor.


CODE: 03BPCS5031.


Basic graphics function2.  Wap to draw a line using brehenham’s algorithm 3.  Wap to draw a line using dda algorithm.4.  Wap to draw a circle using bresenham’s algorithm. 5.  Wap to draw an ellipse using mid-point ellipse drawing algorithm6.  Wap to show line clipping7.  Wap to rotate a triangle about origin.

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8.  Wap to scale the triangle9.  Wap to translate a triangle10. Wap to rotate a point about a point11. Wap to rotate a point about origin12. Wap to reflect a triangle


Wap to draw a hut using simple graphic functions14. Wap to fill a polygon


CODE: 03BPCS5041. To check and measure various supply voltages of PC.2. To make comparative study of motherboards.3. To observe and study various cables, connections and parts used in computer communication.

4. To study various cards used in a system viz. display card, LAN card etc.5. To remove, study and replace floppy disk drive.6. To remove, study and replace hard disk.7. To remove, study and replace CD ROM drive.8. To study monitor, its circuitry and various presents and some elementary fault detection.9. To study printer assembly and elementary fault detection of DMP and laser printers.10. To observe various cables and connectors used in networking.11. To study parts of keyboard and mouse.12. To assemble a PC.13. Troubleshooting exercises related to various components of computer like monitor, drives,memory and printers etc.14. To study of networking, making lan, wan , man ,using cable , connecter ,etc

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Year-III Semester-VI



Course Objective:

Understand the notions of rational behavior and intelligent agents. Develop a generalappreciation of the goals, subareas, achievements and difficulties of AI.Knowledge of methodsof blind as well as informed search and ability to practically apply the correspondingtechniques.General understanding of major concepts and approaches in knowledgerepresentation, planning, learning, robotics and other AI areas.Developing programming skillsfor AI applications.Exposure to logic rogramming with Prolog.


Meaning and definition of artificial intelligence, Various types of production systems,Characteristics of production systems, Study and comparison of breadth first search and depthfirst search. Techniques, other Search Techniques like hill Climbing, Best first Search. A*algorithm, AO* algorithms etc, and various types of control strategies.

UNIT II :Knowledge Representation, Problems in representing knowledge, knowledge representationusing propositional and predicate logic, comparison of propositional and predicate logic,Resolution, refutation, deduction, theorem proving, inferencing, monotonic and no monotonicreasoning.UNIT III :

Probabilistic reasoning, Baye's theorem, semantic networks scripts schemas, frames, conceptualdependency and fuzzy logic, forward and backward reasoning.

UNIT IV :Game playing techniques like minimax procedure, alpha-beta cut-offs etc, planning, Study of the block world problem in robotics, Introduction to understanding and natural languages processing.

UNIT V :Introduction to learning, Various techniques used in learning, introduction to neural networks,applications of neural networks, common sense, reasoning, some example of expert systems.Text books and Reference:

1. Artificial Intelligence: Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Mc-Graw Hill.2. Introduction to AI & Expert System: Dan W. Patterson, PHI.3. Artificial Intelligence by Luger (Pearson Education)4. Russel & Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall



Course Objective:The objective of this syllabus is to provide an overview of algorithms and their complexity andtheir place in modern computing system .The algorithms are described in pseudo codes whichare not any conventional programming language

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UNIT I : Background: Review of Algorithm Complexity, Order Notations: definitions and calculatingcomplexity.DIVIDE AND CONQUER METHOD: Binary Search, Merge Sort, Quick sort andstrassen's matrix multiplication algorithms. GREEDY METHOD: Knapsack Problem, JobSequencing, Optimal Merge Patterns and Minimal Spanning Trees.

UNIT II :Dynamic Programming: Matrix Chain Multiplication. Longest Common Subsequence and 0/1Knapsack Problem. BRANCH AND BOUND: Traveling Salesman Problem and Lower BoundTheory. Backtracking Algorithms and queens problem.UNIT III :

Pattern Matching Algorithms: Naïve and Rabin Karp string matching algorithms, KMP Matcherand Boyer Moore Algorithms. ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS: Formulation of Assignment andQuadratic Assignment Problem.UNIT IV:

Randomized Algorithms. Las Vegas algorithms, Monte Carlo algorithms, randomized algorithmfor Min-Cut, randomized algorithm for 2-SAT. Problem definition of Multicommodity flow,

Flow shop scheduling and Network capacity assignment problems.UNIT V:

Problem Classes Np, Np-Hard And Np-Complete: Definitions of P, NPHard and NP-CompleteProblems. Decision Problems. Cook's Theorem. Proving NPComplete Problems - Satisfiability problem and Vertex Cover Problem. Approximation Algorithms for Vertex Cover and Set CoverProblem.

Text books and Reference:1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India.2. Horowitz and Sahani: Fundamental of Computer algorithms.3. Aho A.V , J.D Ulman: Design and analysis of Algorithms, AddisonWesley4. Brassard : Fundamental of Algorithmics, PHI.


CODE: 03BTCS603Course Objective:Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language with simple code structure. You cancreate applications and applets with graphics and user interfaces because Java has built-inapplication programming interface (API) and due to its rich set of interfaces java has a platformin itself. Java provides errorless programming with platform independent feature. Javadevelopers tried to write the code structure similar to the syntax of C++ so it would be easy forC++ programmers to learn java. In comparison to C++, Java handles many operationsUNIT I:Java: Introduction to Object Orientated Programming, Abstraction, Object OrientedProgramming Principles, Features of JAVA, Introduction to Java byte code, Java Virtualmachine. PROGRAM ELEMENTS: Primitive data types, variables, assignment, arithmetic, shortcircuit logical operators, Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators, relational operators, Booleanlogic operators, the assignment operators, operator precedence, Decision and control statements,arrays.

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UNIT II :Control Statements: Java’s Selection Statements, if statement, switch statement,Iteration Statements, while, do-while, for, for-each, Nested Loops, Jump Statements, Using break, Using continue, return. OBJECTS AND CLASSES: Objects, constructors, returning and passing objects as parameter, Nested and inner classes, Single and Multilevel Inheritance,Extended classes, Access Control, usage of super, Overloading and overriding methods, Abstract

classes, Using final with inheritance.UNIT III :Package And Interfaces: Defining package, concept of class path, access modifiers,importing package, Defining and implementing interfaces. String Handling: String constructors,special string operations, character extraction, searching and comparing strings, string Bufferclass.UNIT IV :Exception Handling: Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types, uncaughtexceptions, try, catch and multiple catch statements. Usage of throw, throws and finally, FileHandling: I/O streams, File I/O.UNIT V :Concurrency: Processes and Threads, Thread Objects, Defining and Starting a Thread,Pausing Execution with Sleep, Interrupts, Joins, Synchronization. Applet: Applet undamentals,using paint method and drawing polygons.

Text books and Reference:1. Herbert Schildt: JAVA 2 - The Complete Reference, TMH, Delhi2. Deitel: How to Program JAVA, PHI



Course Objectives:

The course should provide an introduction to the fundamentals principles of softwareengineering. The present course should seek to equip the student with a repertoire of principles,tools and techniques and make him/her appreciate that software engineering is, after all, anexercise in making compromises.

Unit-I: Introduction

Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Components, Software Characteristics, SoftwareCrisis, Software Engineering Processes, Similarity and Differences from ConventionalEngineering Processes, Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Models: Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, Evolutionary Development Models,Iterative Enhancement Models.Unit-II: Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

Requirement Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review andManagement of User Needs, Feasibility Study, Information Modeling, Data Flow Diagrams,Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standards for SRS.Software Quality Assurance (SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans, Software QualityFrameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Model.Unit-III: Software Design

Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design, Low Level Design: Modularization,Design Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures, Design

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Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design, Top-Down and Bottom-UpDesign. Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halestead’s

Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures, Cyclomatic Complexity Measures:Control Flow Graphs.

Unit-IV: Software Testing

Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing,Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance, Top-Down and Bottom-Up TestingStrategies: Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing), FunctionalTesting (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation, Alpha and Beta Testing of Products.Static Testing Strategies: Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through, CodeInspection, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.Unit-V: Software Maintenance and Software Project Management

Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance:Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities, ChangeControl Process, Software Version Control, An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various

Parameters such as Cost, Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO),Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management.

Text books and Reference:1.  Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman2.  Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville3.  Software Engineering by K.K. Aggarwal



Course Objectives:This course provides the student with a background, foundation, and insights into the fulldimension of the subject of Information Security. This knowledge will serve as a foundation forfuture study in selected aspects of this important field or as an important dimension to theireffectiveness in the broader computer science field. The primary objectives of the course are tounderstand the importance of information security and how it affects our changing world.Identify the key areas of information security and how they work.

UNIT I :Introduction to security attacks, services and mechanism, introduction to cryptography.Conventional Encryption: Conventional encryption model, classical encryption techniques-substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers, cryptanalysis, stereography, stream and blockciphers. Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principals, Shannon’s theory of confusion anddiffusion, fiestal structure, data encryption standard(DES), strength of DES, differential andlinear crypt analysis of DES, block cipher modes of operations, triple DES, IDEA encryption and

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decryption, strength of IDEA, confidentiality using conventional encryption, trafficconfidentiality, key distribution, random number generation.


Introduction to graph, ring and field, prime and relative prime numbers, modular arithmetic,

Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, primality testing, Euclid’s Algorithm, Chinese Remaindertheorem, discrete logarithms. Principals of public key crypto systems, RSA algorithm, security ofRSA, key management, Diffle-Hellman key exchange algorithm, introductory idea of Ellipticcurve cryptography, Elganel encryption.

UNIT III:Message Authentication and Hash Function: Authentication requirements, authenticationfunctions, message authentication code, hash functions, birthday attacks, security of hashfunctions and MACS, MD5 message digest algorithm, Secure hash algorithm(SHA). DigitalSignatures: Digital Signatures, authentication protocols, digital signature standards (DSS), proofof digital signature algorithm.


Authentication Applications: Kerberos and X.509, directory authentication service, electronicmail security-pretty good privacy (PGP), S/MIME.


IP Security: Architecture, Authentication header, Encapsulating security payloads, combiningsecurity associations, key management. Web Security: Secure socket layer and transport layersecurity, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET). System Security: Intruders, Viruses and relatedthreads, firewall design principals, trusted systems.

Text books and Reference:1.Information Security Management Handbook, 6th Edition by Harold F. Tipton, Micki Krause,Shroff Publishers2.Executive Guide to Information Security, The Threats, Challenges, and Solutions Authors:Mark Egan & Tim Mather,Publisher: Symantec Press

3 Cryptography and Network Security (4th Edition),William Stallings 



Course Objective:

This course provides knowledge about various types of Network, Network Topologies, and protocols.


 Network layer- Network layer design issue, routing algorithms: Optimally principle short path,flooding, Distance vector, link state, hierarchical, Broadcast routing. Congestion control: General principle of congestion control, congestion prevention policies, congestion control in Datagramsubnets, load shedding, jitter control Quality of service: requirements and techniques.

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Internetworking: Differences in networks, connecting networks, concatenated virtual circuit,connectionless internetworking, Tunneling, Internetwork routing, Fragmentation Network layerin the Internet: IPV4, IP addressing including Subnet addressing CIDR, NAT, ICMP, OSPF,

BGP, IGMP, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP(only working and purpose, packet headers etc. notincluded), Differences in IPV6 over IPV4 III Transport layer: Services provided, Transportservice primitives. Elements of Transport protocols: addressing, connection Establishment,connection release, Flow control & Buffering, Multiplexing, Crash Recovery, UDP, RPC, RTP.Principles of Reliable Data Transfer: Reliable data transfer over a perfectly reliable channel,Channel with bit errors and Lossy Channel with bit errors.

UNIT IV :Transport Layer in the Internet: Introduction to TCP, TCP service Model, TCP Header andsegment structure, TCP connection establishment and release, transmission policy, timermanagement, Transactional TCP. TCP Congestion Control: Fairness, TCP delay modeling.


Application Layer: Service needs. Domain Name System: Name Space, resource record, nameservers, resolution process, introduction to DNS poisoning. Electronic Mail: Architecture andservices, MIME message formats, SMTP, POP3, IMAP. World Wide Web: Architecture,responsibilities of client and server sides, HTTP, performance enhancement. P2P File Sharing:Centralized Directory, Query flooding, exploiting heterogeneity. 

Text books and Reference:1. Tanenbaum; Computer Network, 4th Ed., Pearson.2. Kurose; Computer Networking, 3rd Ed., Pearson.3. Peterson, Davie; Computer Networks, 4th Ed., ELSEVIER



In this lab first 8 experiments are to practice software engineering techniques. Use any opensource CASE tool. Many of them are available at www.sourceforge.net. You can choose anyother CASE tool, as per choice.Language : C++ / JAVADesign Approach : Object OrientedThese designing can be done on any automation system e.g. library management system, billingsystem, payroll system, bus reservation system, gas agency management system, book-shopmanagement system, students management system.1. Do a feasibility study2. Document all the requirements as specified by customer in Software RequirementSpecification

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3. Design sequence diagrams for project4. Design Collaboration diagram5. Design Data Flow Diagram for the project6. Design Entity Relation Diagram for the project7. Design Class diagram

8. Design at least 10 test cases for each module.9. Code and test the project, which you have designed in last 8 labs.


CODE: 03BPCS6021. Study of PROLOG.Write the following programs using PROLOG:2. Write a program to solve 8 queens problem.3. Solve any problem using depth first search.4. Solve any problem using best first search.

5. Solve 8-puzzle problem using best first search6. Solve Robot (traversal) problem using means End Analysis.7. Solve traveling salesman problem


CODE: 03BPCS603Objective: At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood andimplement the following:1. Develop an in depth understanding of programming in Java: data types, variables, operators,operator precedence, Decision and control statements, arrays, switch statement, IterationStatements, Jump Statements, Using break, Using continue, return.2. Write Object Oriented programs in Java: Objects, Classes constructors, returning and passingobjects as parameter, Inheritance, Access Control, Using super, final with inheritanceOverloading and overriding methods, Abstract classes, Extended classes.3. Develop understanding to developing packages & Interfaces in Java: Package, concept ofCLASSPATH, access modifiers, importing package, Defining and implementing interfaces.4. Develop understanding to developing Strings and exception handling: String constructors,special string operations, character extraction, searching and comparing strings, string Bufferclass. Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types, uncaught exceptions, try, catch andmultiple catch statements. Usage of throw, throws and finally.5. Develop applications involving file handling: I/O streams, File I/O.6. Develop applications involving concurrency: Processes and Threads, Thread Objects,Defining and Starting a Thread, Pausing Execution with Sleep, Interrupts, Joins, andSynchronization.7. Develop applications involving Applet: Applet Fundamentals, using paint method anddrawing polygons. It is expected that each laboratory assignments to given to the students withan aim to In order to achieve the above objectives

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Indicative List of exercises:1. Programs to demonstrate basic concepts e.g. operators, classes, constructors, control &iteration statements, recursion etc. such as complex arithmetic, matrix arithmetic, tower of Hanoi problem etc.2. Development of programs/projects to demonstrate concepts like inheritance, exception

handling, packages, interfaces etc. such as application for electricity department, librarymanagement, ticket reservation system, payroll system etc.3. Development of a project to demonstrate various file handling concepts.4. Development of a project to demonstrate various applet concepts


CODE: 03BPCS604 1. Find the IP address of a host or turn an IP address into a name.2. Connect to an FTP server and get or put files. Automate the one-time transfer of many files todownload the file everyday, which have changed since yesterday. (use Net:FTP)

3. Write a program to send mail. The programs should monitor system resources like disk spaceand notify admin by mail when disk space becomes dangerously low. (use Net:mail)4. Fetch mail from a POP3 server (use Net:pop3)5. Find out who owns a domain (use Net:whois , Whois is a service provided by domain nameregistration authorities to identify owners of domain names)6. Test whether a machine is alive. Machine can be specified using IP address or domain name ofmachine.7. Write a program to fetch content of a URL from a perl script, convert it to ASCII text (bystripping html tags) and display it.8. Write program for TCP Server, TCP Client and create a sample code to show server-clientcommunication over TCP.

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Year-IV Semester-VII



Course Objective:

Understand all the software techniques, risks and ways for handling the software errors and bugs.Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application.Testing is done with the intent of finding software bugs. 

UNIT I:Introduction: Faults, Errors, and Failures, Basics of software testing, Testing objectives,Principles of testing, Requirements, behavior and correctness, Testing and debugging, Testmetrics and measurements, Verification, Validation and Testing, Types of testing, SoftwareQuality and Reliability, Software defect tracking. 

UNIT II:White Box and Black Box Testing: White box testing, static testing, static analysis tools,

Structural testing: Unit/Code functional testing, Code coverage testing, Code complexity testing,Black Box testing, Requirements based testing, Boundary value analysis, Equivalence partitioning, state/graph based testing, Model based testing and model checking, Differences between white box and Black box testing. 

UNIT III:Integration, System, and Acceptance Testing : Top down and Bottom up integration, Bi-directional integration, System integration, Scenario Testing, Defect Bash, Functional versus Non-functional testing, Design/Architecture verification, Deployment testing, Beta testing,Scalability testing, Reliability testing, Stress testing, Acceptance testing: Acceptance criteria, testcases selection and execution, 


Test Selection & Minimization for Regression Testing : Regression testing, Regression test process, Initial Smoke or Sanity test, Selection of regression tests, Execution Trace, DynamicSlicing, Test Minimization, Tools for regression testing, Ad hoc Testing: Pair testing,Exploratory testing, Iterative testing, Defect seeding.


Test Management and Automation : Test Planning, Management, Execution and Reporting,Software Test Automation: Scope of automation, Design & Architecture for automation, Genericrequirements for test tool framework, Test tool selection, Testing in Object Oriented Systems. References:

1. S. Desikan and G. Ramesh, “Software Testing: Principles and Practices”, Pearson Education.2. Aditya P. Mathur, “Fundamentals of Software Testing”, Pearson Education. 3. Naik and Tripathy, “Software Testing and Quality Assurance”, Wiley 4. K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International  Publication.

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DOT NET ( ASP with C# )


Objective: The main objective is of the course is to introduce the students to the fundamentals ofC#, .NET. Framework, databases and Web application development with ASP.NET. Studentswill learn how to build dynamic data-driven Web applications with SQL Server and ASP.NET

.After completion of this course student will able to create a web page using .NET and C# andable to access database using SQL with ADO.NET.UNI I C# Programming with Microsoft .NET: Understanding C# Language Fundamentals, CreatingObjects in C#, Implementing Object-Oriented Programming Techniques in C# , Programming with C#,Building .NET-based Applications with C#.UNI II Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET): Overviewof the Microsoft .NET Framework, Introduction to a Managed Execution Environment, Working withComponents, Deployment and Versioning, Common Type System, Working with Types, Strings, Arraysand Collections, Delegates and Events, Memory and Resource Management,UNIT III Developing Windows Forms Applications using C# (VS 2005 and .NET 2.0) : Introductionto Windows Forms, Taking Advantage of the Form Event Model, Common Windows Forms Controls,Data Binding Techniques , Creating Custom Controls, Working with Toolbox Components.

UNIT IVADO.NET using C# (.NET 2.0): Accessing Data with ADO.NET Retrieving Data, Caching Data inDatasets, Applying Constraints, Data Relations, Updating Data Using Strongly Typed Dataset,ADO.NET, Handling Input/output Tasks Container Controls Menus and ToolbarsUNIT V ASP.NET using C# (.NET 2.0): Introduction to ASP.NET, What's New in ASP.NET 2.0Working with Controls, Using Rich Server Controls, Accessing Data, Configuration, Data Binding,Validating User Input, Themes and Master Pages, Site Navigation, Displaying Data with the Grid ViewControl, Managing State, Managing Users with ASP.NET's Membership Features.

References Books:

1. Wiley,” Beginning Visual C# 2008”,Wrox 

2. Fergal Grimes,” Microsoft .Net for Programmers”. (SPI) 3. Balagurusamy,” Programming with C#”, (TMH) 

4. Mark Michaelis, “Essential C# 3.0: For .NET Framework 3.5, 2/e, Pearson Education  5. Shibi Parikkar, “ C# with .Net Frame Work” , Firewall Media.  



Course Objective:The course is intended to convert the high level language given by the user into the machinelevel language, binary code. It is concerned with the syntax,  grammar and semantics of programming languages 

UNIT I :Compiler, Translator, Interpreter definition, Phase of compiler introduction to one pass &Multipass compilers, Bootstrapping, Review of Finite automata lexical analyzer, Input, buffering, Recognition of tokens, Idea about LEX: A lexical analyzer generator, Error handling.


Review of CFG Ambiguity of grammars, Introduction to parsing. Bottom up parsing Top down parsing techniques, Shift reduce parsing, Operator precedence parsing, Recursive descent parsing

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 predictive parsers.LL grammars & passers error handling of LL parser.LR parsers, Constructionof SLR, Conical LR & LALR parsing tables, parsing with ambiguousGrammar. Introduction of automatic parser generator: YACC error handling in LR parsers.


Syntax directed definitions; Construction of syntax trees, L-attributed definitions, Top downtranslation. Specification of a type checker, Intermediate code forms using postfix notation andthree address code, Representing TAC using triples and quadruples, Translation of assignmentstatement. Boolean e expressions and control structures.


Storage organization, Storage allocation, Strategies, Activation records, Accessing local and nonlocal names in a block structured language, Parameters passing, Symbol table organization, Datastructures used in symbol tables. 

UNIT V:Definition of basic block control flow graphs, DAG representation of basic block, Advantages ofDAG, Sources of optimizations, Loop optimization, Idea about global data flow analysis, Loopinvariant computation, Peephole optimization, Issues in design of code generator, A simple codegenerator, Code generation from DAG.

Text books and Reference:1. Aho, Ullman and Sethi: Compilers, Addison Wesley.2. Holub, Compiler Design in C, PHI.



Course Objective:The course is intended to clear the concepts of the fundamentals of Computer-Aided Designtools for the modeling, design, analysis, test, and verification of digital Very Large ScaleIntegration (VLSI) systems. Andto understanding of the various phases of CAD for digitalelectronic systems, from digital logic simulation to physical design, including test andverification.

Unit1Complexity in microelectronic circuit design and Moore’s Law, design styles – Fullcustomdesign, standard-cell design, Programmable Logic Devices, FieldProgrammable GateArrays, Design Stages, Computer-Aided Synthesis andOptimizations, design flow and related problems.

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Unit 2Boolean functions and its representations  –   co-factor, unite, derivatives,consensus andsmoothing; tabular representations and Binary DecisionDiagram (BDD), OBDD, ROBDD andBryant’s reduction algorithm and ITEalgorithm. Hardware abstract models –  structures and logicnetworks, Statediagram, data-flow and sequencing graphs, hierarchical sequencing

graphs.Compilation and behavioral optimizations.Unit 3Architectural Synthesis –  Circuit description and problem definition, temporal andspatial domainscheduling, synchronization problem. Scheduling algorithms  –   ASAPand ALAP schedulingalgorithms, scheduling under constraints, relative scheduling, list scheduling heuristic.Scheduling in pipelined circuits.Unit 4

Resource Sharing & Binding in sequencing graphs for resource dominated circuits,sharing ofregisters and busses; binding variables to registers. Two-level logic optimization principles  –  definitions and exact logic minimizations. Positional cube notations, functions with multi-valuedlogic. List-orientedmanipulations.

Unit 5Physical Design. Floor planning  –   goals and objectives. Channel definition, I/O and power planning. Clock Planning. Placement  –   goals and objectives. Placementalgorithms. Iterativeimprovement algorithms. Simulated Annealing. Timing-drivenPlacement. Global routing –  goalsand objectives. Global routing methods. Timing drivenglobal routing. Detailed Routing  –  goalsand objectives. Left-edge algorithm.Constraints and routing graphs. Channel routing algorithms.Via minimization.Clock routing, power routing, circuit extraction and Design Rule Checking.Text Books:1. S.H. Gerez. Algorithms VLSI Design Automation. Wiley India. (Indian edition available.)2. Michael John Sebastian Smith. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits. Addison-Wesley.(Low-priced edition is available.)3. G.D. Micheli, Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits, TMH.

References:1. S. Sait and H. Youssef. VLSI Physical Design Automation: Theory and Practice.



Course Objective:

The course is concerned to analysis of  database used for  reporting and finding out the useful dataand result from that database. The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operationalsystems. Data Mining is the analysis step of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases process.

Unit-IOverview, Motivation(for Data Mining),Data Mining-Definition & Functionalities,DataProcessing, Form of Data Preprocessing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values, NoisyData,(Binning,Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection),Inconsistent Data, Data

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Integrationand Transformation. Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionalityreduction, DataCompression, Numerosity Reduction, Clustering, Discretization and ConcepthierarchygenerationUnit-II

Concept Description:- Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization, Analysis

ofattribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons, Statistical measures in largeDatabases.Measuring Central Tendency, Measuring Dispersion of Data, Graph Displays of BasicStatisticalclass Description, Mining Association Rules in Large Databases, Association rulemining,mining Single-Dimensional Boolean Association rules from Transactional Databases –  AprioriAlgorithm, Mining Multilevel Association rules from Transaction Databases and MiningMulti-Dimensional Association rules from Relational DatabasesUnit-III

Classification and Predictions:What is Classification & Prediction, Issues regardingClassification and prediction, Decision tree, Bayesian Classification, Classification by Back propagation, Multilayer feed-forwardNeural Network, Back propagation Algorithm,Classification methods K-nearest neighborclassifiers, Genetic Algorithm.

Cluster Analysis:Data types in cluster analysis, Categories of clustering methods, Partitioningmethods. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon, Density Based Methods-DBSCAN,OPTICS,Grid Based Methods- STING, CLIQUE, Model Based Method  – Statistical Approach, NeuralNetwork approach, Outlier Analysis

Unit-IVData Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Delivery Process, Difference betweenDatabaseSystem and Data Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Stars, SnowFlakes,Fact Constellations, Concept hierarchy, Process Architecture, 3 Tier Architecture, DataMarting.Unit-V

Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAPServers,ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery,TuningData Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse.References:

1. M.H.Dunham,”Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics” Pearson Education2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber,”Data Mining Concepts & Techniques” Elsevier  3. Sam Anahory, Dennis Murray, “Data Warehousing in the Real World: A Practical Guide



Course Objective:

Understanding the whole structure of the network even with the very small parts of the networkand how they communicate with each other. Neural networks used in artificial intelligence, havetraditionally been viewed as simplified models of neural processing in the brain.  Unit-I:

 Neurocomputing and NeuroscienceHistorical notes, human Brain, neuron Mode l, Knowledgerepresentation, Al and NN. Learning

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Process: Supervised and unsupervised learning, Error correction learning, competitivelearning,adaptation, statistical nature of the learning process.Unit-II:Data processingScaling, normalization, Transformation (FT/FFT), principal component analysis,regression, covariancematrix, eigen values & eigen vectors. Basic Models of Artificial neurons,

activationFunctions, aggregation function, single neuron computation, multilayer perceptron,least meansquare algorithm, gradient descent rule, nonlinearly separable problems and benchmarkproblems in NN.

Unit-IIIMultilayered network architecture, back propagation algorithm, heuristics for making BPalgorithmperforms better. Accelerated learning BP (like recursive least square, quick prop,RPROP algorithm), approximation properties of RBF networks and comparison withmultilayerperceptron.Unit-IV

Recurrent network and temporal feed-forward network, implementation with BP, selforganizingmap and SOM algorithm, properties of feature map and computer simulation.

Principal component and Independent component analysis, application to image and signal processing.

Unit-VComplex valued NN and complex valued BP, analyticity of activation function, application in2Dinformation processing. Complexity analysis of network models. Softcomputing. Neuro-Fuzzy-genetic algorithm Integration.

References:1. J.A. Anderson, an Introduction to Neural Networks, MIT2. Hagen Demuth Beale, Neural Network Design, Cengage Learning3. R.L. Harvey, Neural Network Principles, PHI4. Kosko, Neural Network and Fuzzy Sets, PHI



PART-ISchematic design and make Device Level Layout of following circuits.1. BJT/FET Amplifier in various configuration..2. Counters, Shift Registers & Sequence Decoders.3. Various circuits with Op-Amp.PART-II

Design of following ckt using appropriate software like VHDL/ FPGA.4. 3-input NAND gate.5. Half adder.6. D-Latch.7. Serial in-serial out shift register.

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List of practical’s: 1. Write grammar for a fictitious language and create a lexical analyzer for the same.2. Develop a lexical analyzer to recognize a few patterns in PASCAL and C (ex: identifiers,

Constants, comments, operators etc.)3. Write a program to parse using Brute force technique of Top down parsing4. Develop on LL (1) parser (Construct parse table also).5. Develop an operator precedence parser (Construct parse table also)6. Develop a recursive descent parser7. Write a program for generating for various intermediate code forms

I) Three address code ii) Polish notation8. Write a program to simulate Heap storage allocation strategy9. Generate Lexical analyzer using LEX10. Generate YACC specification for a few syntactic categories11. Given any intermediate code form implement code optimization techniques

ReferenceV.V Das, Compiler Design using FLEX and YACC, PHI



.Net using C# Programming

1)  Write a Program in C# to performed arithmetic operation.

2)  Write a program using winForm controls.


Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Command line arguments processing.4)  Design a simple calculator using Switch Statement in C#.

5)  Write a Program in C# to find the roots of Quadratic Equation.

6)  Write a program to demonstrate Operator overloading.

7)  Program using constructors, overload constructors and class events

8)  Program using inheritance, constructors in inheritance.

9)  Functions to perform various string operations.

10) Write a program in C# to build a class which implements an interface whichalready exists.


Write a program to implement interface .12) How can implement exception handling concept using c#.

13) Write a program to implement basic class ado.net.

14) How can connect database with sql2005or 2008 with ado concept.

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ASP.NET programming

15. Develop a package for student data processing.16. Develop a package for employee data processing17. Design software for Inventory control system.18. Design software for Bank data processing19. Design package using various built-in objects

20 Implement client server concept using asp.net.



1)  For the subject 04BPCS704Student Select Company for industrial training in different field(software /networking /database/testing)(provide by TPO /his /her concert). 

2)  A team consisting of Dean, HOD and External examinerappointed by University shall carry outthe evaluation of the student for his/her Seminar and evaluation for his/her professional branch A

 presentation of 10 minutes duration is to be given on his seminar

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Year-IV Semester-VIII


CODE: 04BTCS801 

Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide an overview of mobile

technology and its related feature . Temporary ordered routingalgorithm, mobile routing algo.mobileIP,TCP wireless network.Unit  –   IIntroduction, issues in mobile computing, overview of wireless telephony: cellular concept,GSM: air-interface, channel structure, location management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical, handoffs, channelallocation in cellular systems, CDMA, GPRS.Unit –  IIWireless Networking, Wireless LAN Overview: MAC issues, IEEE 802.11, Blue Tooth,Wireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless, Wireless applications, data broadcasting, MobileIP, WAP: Architecture, protocol stack, application environment, applications.Unit –  IIIData management issues, data replication for mobile computers, adaptive clustering formobilewireless networks, file system, disconnected operations.Unit –  IVMobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in mobilecomputing environment.

Unit –  VAd Hoc networks, localization, MAC issues, Routing protocols, global state routing (GSR),Destination sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV), Dynamic source routing (DSR), Ad Hoc ondemand distance vector routing (AODV), Temporary ordered routingalgorithm (TORA), QoS in Ad Hoc Networks, applications.


1. J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley.2. A. Mehrotra , GSM System Engineering.3. M. V. D. Heijden, M. Taylor, Understanding WAP, Artech House.4. Charles Perkins, Mobile IP, Addison Wesley.


Course Objective: The course offers a good understanding of computer  algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. Course provides a wide range of algorithms to beapplied to the images and pixels and provide solution for the problems such as the build-up ofnoise and signal distortion during processing.

Unit-1: Introduction and Fundamental to Digital Image Processing: What is Digital ImageProcessing,Origin of Digital Image Processing, Examples that use Digital Image Processing, Fundamentalsteps in DigitalImage Processing, Components of Digital Image Processing System, Image sensing andacquisition, ImageSampling, quantization and representation, Basic relationship between pixels?

Unit-2: Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain & Frequency domain: Background, Basic grayleveltransformation, Histogram processing, Basics of spatial filtering, Smoothing and SharpeningSpatialfilters, Introduction to Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain, Discrete FourierTransform.Smoothing and Sharpening Frequency-Domain filters.

Unit-3: Image Restoration: Image Degradation/Restoration Process, Noise models, Restorationinpresence of noise, Inverse Filtering, Minimum Mean Square Filtering, Geometric mean filter,Geometrictransformations.

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 Unit-4: Color Image Processing: Color Fundamentals, Color models, Basis of full color image processing, Color transformationsImage Compression: Fundamentals, Image compression models, Errorfree compression, Lossy compressionImage Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary detection

Unit-5: Thresholding, Region oriented segmentation.: Representation, Description and Recognition:Representation-chain codes, polygonalapproximation and skeletons, Boundary descriptors-simpledescriptors, shape numbers, Regional descriptors-simple, topological descriptors, Pattern and Patternclasses-Recognition based on matching techniques.

Text Book: Digital Image Processing by Rafael C.Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods  – 2002, PearsonEducationReference Book:Digital Image Processing by A.K. Jain, 1995,-PHI



Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide an overview of distributedsystem that consists of multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a computernetwork. The computers interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal.Unit – ICharacterization of Distributed Systems: Introduction, Examples of distributedSystems, Resourcesharing and the Web Challenges.System Models: Architectural models, Fundamental ModelsTheoreticalFoundation for Distributed System: Limitation of Distributed system,absence of global clock, sharedmemory, Logical clocks, Lamport’s & vectors logicalclocks, Causal ordering of messages, global state,termination detection.Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Classification of distributed mutualexclusion,requirement of mutual exclusion theorem, Token based and non token basedalgorithms,performance metric for distributed mutual exclusion algorithms.Unit – IIDistributed Deadlock Detection: system model, resource Vs communication deadlocks,deadlock prevention, avoidance, detection & resolution, centralized dead lock detection,distributed dead lockdetection, path pushing algorithms, edge chasing algorithms.Agreement Protocols: Introduction, Systemmodels, classification of AgreementProblem, Byzantine agreement problem, Consensus problem,Interactive consistencyProblem, Solution to Byzantine Agreement problem, Application of Agreement problem,Atomic Commit in Distributed Database system.Unit – IIIDistributed Objects and Remote Invocation: Communication between distributedobjects, Remote procedure call, Events and notifications, Java RMI case study.Security: Overview of security techniques,Cryptographic algorithms, Digital signaturesCryptography pragmatics, Case studies: Needham Schroeder,Kerberos, SSL & Millicent.Distributed File Systems: File service architecture, Sun Network File System,TheAndrew File System, Recent advances.Unit – IVTransactions and Concurrency Control: Transactions, Nested transactions, Locks,OptimisticConcurrency control, Timestamp ordering, Comparison of methods forconcurrency control.DistributedTransactions: Flat and nested distributed transactions, Atomic Commitprotocols, Concurrency control indistributed transactions, Distributed deadlocks,Transaction recovery. Replication: System model andgroup communication, Fault -tolerant services, highly available services, Transactions with replicateddata.Unit  – VDistributed Algorithms: Introduction to communication protocols, Balanced slidingwindow protocol, Routing algorithms, Destination based routing, APP problem, Deadlock free Packet switching,

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Introduction to Wave & traversal algorithms, Electionalgorithm.CORBA Case Study: CORBA RMI,CORBA services.Books:

1. Singhal & Shivaratri, "Advanced Concept in Operating Systems", McGraw Hill2. Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, "Distributed System: Concepts and Design”, Pearson Ed.

3. Gerald Tel, "Distributed Algorithms", Cambridge University Press



Course Objective:The course is intended to understand the use of computers and networks in the real-time application requests. Real-time programs must guarantee response within strict timeconstraints. Scheduling is also used in the real time systems. 


IntroductionDefinition, Typical Real Time Applications: Digital Control, High Level Controls, SignalProcessing etc., Release Times, Deadlines, and Timing Constraints, Hard Real Time Systems and SoftReal Time Systems, Reference Models for Real Time Systems: Processors and Resources, TemporalParameters of Real Time Workload, Periodic Task Model, Precedence Constraints and Data Dependency.UNIT-II: Real Time Scheduling Common Approaches to Real Time Scheduling: Clock DrivenApproach,Weighted Round Robin Approach, Priority Driven Approach, Dynamic Versus Static Systems,Optimality of Effective-Deadline-First (EDF) and Least-Slack-Time-First (LST) Algorithms, OfflineVersus Online Scheduling, Scheduling A periodic and Sporadic jobs in Priority Driven and Clock DrivenSystems.UNIT-III: Resources Access Control Effect of Resource Contention and Resource Access Control(RAC), No preemptive Critical Sections, Basic Priority-Inheritance and Priority-Ceiling Protocols,Stack Based Priority-Ceiling Protocol, Use of Priority-Ceiling Protocol in Dynamic Priority Systems,Preemption Ceiling Protocol, Access Control in Multiple-Unit Resources, Controlling ConcurrentAccesses to Data Objects.UNIT-IV: Multiprocessor System Environment Multiprocessor and Distributed System Model,Multiprocessor Priority-Ceiling Protocol, Schedulability of Fixed-Priority End-to-End Periodic Tasks,Scheduling Algorithms for End-to-End Periodic Tasks, End-to-End Tasks in Heterogeneous Systems,Predictability and Validation of Dynamic Multiprocessor Systems, Scheduling of Tasks with TemporalDistance Constraints.UNIT-V: Real Time Communication Model of Real Time Communication, Priority-Based Service andWeightedRound-Robin Service Disciplines for Switched Networks, Medium Access Control Protocolsfor Broadcast Networks, Internet and Resource Reservation Protocols, RealTime Protocols,Communication in Multicomputer System, An Overview of Real Time Operating Systems.Books:

1. Real Time Systems by Jane W. S. Liu, Pearson Education Publication.2. Real-Time Systems: Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification by Prof. Albert M. K. Cheng, John Wileyand Sons Publications.

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Course Objective:The objective of the course is to understand the user interfaces of the computers ,and the ways bywhich the human being can interact with the computer. The different models and principles for

the interaction. It focuses on the basic concepts of how human perceives and interacts withcomputers.Unit 1: Introductions & overview of HCI.: History of computer user interfaces, HCI - history and intellectual rootHuman information processing limitations, human decision making.1. Human cognitive and sensory limits2. Humanmemory3. Human problem solving4. Skill acquisition5. Users’ conceptual models (mentalmodels)6. Decision making

Unit 2: Computer systems and user interfaces, human-system interaction:Input and outputdevices, Mechanics of particular devices, Speech input, sound and speech output,Computerarchitecture, Performance characteristics of humans and systems, Color issues,Computergraphics , Color representation, color maps, color range of devices

Unit 3:Interaction models and metaphors: Use of abstract metaphors for describing interface behavior, Use of metaphors to support userunderstanding, Dialog input and output techniquesand purposes , Screen layout issues, Dialoginteraction: types and techniques, navigation andorientation, multimedia and non-graphical dialogues, Dialog issues: response time, control,standards, look and feel , Layers model of architecture of designand windowing systems,Windows manager models, e.g., X, Macintosh, MS Windows, Hypermediaand WWWUnit 4:Principles guiding well-designed human-system interaction:Paradigms for interaction,Principles to support usability, Accounting for users with disabilities. The design process - taskand user needs analysis: Task analysis definition, Techniques for task analysis, Sources ofinformationUnit 5: The design process  –  overview:The typical software development lifecycle (idealizedvs. actual), User-centered design overview,“Three pillars of design”, Usability engineering

overview, Reconciling UCD and usability testing.The design process  –  making use of task anduser data for system design. Use cases, scenarios, Structuring the information, Informationarchitecture, User and process flows,Text books: 1. Hackos, J.T. & Redish, J.C. (1998). User and task analysis for interface design.John New York: Wiley & Sons.2. Norman, D. (1988). The design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Reference Books:1. Designing the User Interface: Strategy for Effective Human Computer Interaction, 3rd edition,Bel Shneiderman,Perason Edu. Publ. 20002. Human Computer Interaction Dix, A et al. Prentice Hall 19933. Graphical User Interface Design and Evaluation Redmond-Pyle, D. & Moore, A. Prentice Hall19953. The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design Laurel, B Addison-Wesley 1990

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LIST OF EXPERIMENT IN DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING USING MAT LAB1.  Understanding various type of images in MATLAB’s DIP Toolbox 


Reading, writing graphic images3.  Converting the image type of images4.  Displaying all types of images5.  Special display techniques  –  adding a colorbar, displaying multiple images, zooming in

on a region of an image6.  Performing geometric operations- image resizing, image rotation, image cropping7.  Image scaling & translation, sums & differences8.  Implement the spatial image operations on bitmap images –  

(a) Mirroring (Inversion) (b) Enlargement (Double Size)(c) Arithmetic operations (d) Logical Operations

9. Image Enhancement by point processing

10. Working with color images –  extracting different RGB planes11. Implement Histogram Equalization12. Implement linear filtering –  convolution filters13. Image transforms –  FFT14. Introducingvarious types of noises in Images15. Implement (a) Low Pass Filter (b) High Pass Filter (c) Arithmetic Mean Filter (d)Geometric Mean Filter and illustrate Smoothing and Sharpening of an eight bit color image16. Implement Morphological operations (a) Dilation (b) Erosion (c) Opening (d) closing17. Implement Edge Detection (a) Sobel edge detection operator (b) Canny Edge detection



1)For the subject 04BPCS803, a student will select a topic from emerging areas of ComputerSc.& Engineering and study it thoroughly and independently.2)For the subject 04BPCS803, a student will select a topic from emerging areas of ComputerSc.& Engineering and study it thoroughly and independently. He has to submit weekly progress to the faculty appointed for his/her seminar. A presentation of 10 minutes duration

is to be given on his seminar3)  A team consisting of Dean, HOD and External examinerappointed by University shall

carry out the evaluation of the student for his/her Seminar and evaluation for his/her professional branch

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CODE: 04BPCS8011. Practice commands: cp, mv, rm, ln, ls, who, echo, cat, mkdir, rmdir. Wildcards (?, *) ,I/O redirection (<, >, >>), pipelines (|)2. Practice commands: xargs, alias, set-unset, setenv-unsetenv, export, source, ps, job, kill.3. Practice commands: head, tail, cut, paste, sed, grep, sort, uniq, find , locate, chmod.

4. Writing a simple shell script to echo who is logged in.5. Write a shell script to display only executable files in a given directory.6. Write a shell script to sort a list of file either in alphabetic order or largest file first according to userresponse.7. Write a shell script to count the lines. Words and characters in its input (Note : Don't use wc).8. Write a shell script to print end of a glossary file in reverse order using array. (Hint: use awk tail).9. Modify cal command to accept more than one month (e.g. $cal Oct, Nov, )(Hint : use alias too)10. Write a shell script to check whether Ram logged in, continue checking every 60 seconds untilsuccess.


CODE: 04BPCS809 

Note:1) Project load will be treated as 2 hrs. per week for the project coordinator and 1 hour for each participating teacher. Project involving design, fabrication, testing, computer simulation, case studies etc.

2) For the subject 04BPCS804, a student will select a topic from emerging areas of Computer Sc.&Engineering and study it thoroughly and independently. He has to submit weekly progress to the facultyappointed for his/her major project. A presentation of 15 minutes duration is to be given on his major project 3) A team consisting of Dean, HOD and External examinerappointed by University shall carry out theevaluation of the student for his/her major project and evaluation for his/her professional branch.