bsms ji knighthood

Vatican, Basilique St Pierre, Photographer: Coupole Jean-Christophe BENOIST ‘Ik Oankar’ ere is only One God Bestowment of Papal Knighthood Pontifical Order of St Gregory on Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia Spiritual Leader and Chairman of GNNSJ 22 April 2012 St Chad’s Cathedral Birmingham

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Vatican, Basilique St Pierre, Photographer: Coupole Jean-Christophe BENOIST

‘Ik Oankar’There is only One God

Bestowment of Papal KnighthoodP o n t i f i c a l O r d e r o f S t G r e g o r y on Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh AhluwaliaSpiritual Leader and Chairman of GNNSJ22 April 2012 St Chad’s Cathedral Birmingham

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Shiromani Gurudwara Pabandhak Committee (SGPC) an apex organisation of elected Sikhs representing some 26 million Sikhs worldwide,

formalised in 1925

Sri Harimandir SaHib Ji and tHe PanJ takHatS

(tHe Five SeatS oF SPiritual and temPoral autHority oF tHe SikH dHaram)

Sri Harimandir Sahib Ji

1. Sri Akal Takhat Ji 2. Sri Patna Sahib

3. Sri Keshgarh Sahib 4. Sri Damdama Sahib

5. Sri Hazur Sahib

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Pontifical Council of Interreligious Dialogue

an interreligious organisation under the Vatican representing some 1.2 billion Catholics,

created in 1964 by Pope Paul VI

Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

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Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ) is a multi-faceted, Faith BasedOrganisation practising and propagating the Sikh Dharam (faith) in the name ofGuru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539). It has been involved in selfless intra-faith work inKenya and India informally since 1950 and formally in the UK since 1978, as aregistered Charity, through five centres for excellence in the inner-city depressed areaof Handsworth, Birmingham, where its Headquarters are based. GNNSJ also hassister organisations in Leeds and London (UK), as well as in Kericho (Kenya) andDelhi /Amritsar (India). Significant achievements have been made by GNNSJ in theconservation and restoration of historical Sikh shrines.

GNNSJ Gurudwara 18-20 Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, UK

The Main Darbar (Gurus Court) of GNNSJ Gurudwara

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GNNSJ Five Centres For Excellence

1. Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (B’ham) UK (GNNSJ) (8-26 Soho Road)

The Gurudwara is at the heart and soul of the Jatha’s activities and aims. It promotesspiritual and physical regeneration through the promotion and propagation of theSikh Dharam (religion). Established in 1977, in the inner city area of Handsworth,Birmingham, it continues to humbly provide voluntary services utilising the monetaryand non-monetary contributions (sewa) provided by its members and the community.Approximately 1 million devotees and volunteers visit the Gurudwara, every year. Thevolunteering (Sewa) is done selflessly (Nishkam) by devotees without want of anyreward and in the community spirit of self-help, self-reliance and community participation which takes place around the clock 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.During one year, this equates to: Over 400,000 hours of volunteering; over 7,000 guided tour guests; over 90,000 hours of continuous Scripture reading; over 100,000 hours of Scripture, Gurmat and Hymn singing (Keertan) and Teaching (GurmatClasses) and; over 1,000,000 meals of Langar served every year.

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2. Marg Sat Santokh Ltd (MSS Ltd) 28-70 Soho Road

This successful limited company was established in 1980 as a workers co-operativefor meeting the employment needs of the community as part of the overall vision. It continues to provide high quality carpentry and joinery materials and provides economic regeneration in the deprived inner city area of Handsworth. Its motto is ‘work is worship’.

3. Nishkam Centre (NCA) 6 Soho Road

This is the infrastructure and means through which GNNSJ provides civic renewal andcommunity capacity building through training and learning, healthy living, employment business support, networking etc. NCA is a separate registered charity currently supported by GNNSJ and originally by the European Regeneration Development Fund (ERDF). The construction of the NCA building adjacent to the Gurudwara complex began in September 2003 and was completed in February 2006. The Land acquired by ‘GNNSJ’ has been made available to NCA on a 25 year lease which it is now extending as part of its on-going commitment to this civic agenda.

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The NCA is a hub of activity helping many members of the local community and delivering ‘Big Society’ in action. In October, 2010 the NCA was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for voluntary service by groups in the community.In the 1860’s Birmingham City gave birth to a dynamic Civic Gospel. Today we arewitnessing a new civic spirit taking shape at the grass roots calling for renewed civicresponsibility and action from our leaders and institutions. Spirituality and secularityare two sides of the same coin - faith in action, and for the Nishkam centre, an opportunity to integrate core Sikh values into civic action. Secularity and spirituality must fuse together to serve the common good.The Nishkam Centre is at the forefront of advancing community and economic well-being; promoting interfaith, intercultural, intercommunity dialogue; and championingsocial justice and inclusion. To deliver its mission, it has embedded and promotes active volunteering and selfless service for the benefit of humanity in all aspects of its work.

4. Guru Nanak Nishkam Education Trust (GNNET) 1-7 Soho Road

GNNSJ embarked upon the establishment of Nishkam School Trust [NST] as aseparate registered charity to provide high quality academic educational services forthe community. [Above Photo] -In September 2011 NST successfully opened the first multi-faith Sikh ethos Nishkam Primary School in the Midlands as a flagship project of the Government’s Free Schools scheme; it is now also set to open a multi-faith Sikh ethos secondary school, Nishkam High School, in September 2012.

5. Proposed Nishkam Health and Social Care

Nishkam Healthcare Centre: An innovative approach to healthcare: infusing faith inspired, values-led care into clinical practice. Promoting prevention, healing and patient empowerment. Improving the health and wellbeing of the community.

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Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia’s Profile

GNNSJ’s current Chairman, Bhai Sahib Bhai (Dr) Mohinder Singh is a Sikh faithpractitioner. A civil and structural engineer by profession, he took early retirement toanswer an inner calling. Bhai Sahib Ji is third in line of spiritual leaders of GNNSJ.‘Bhai Sahib’ is a conferred title, acknowledging his historic contributions towardsfaith propagation and the conservation of sacred and historical Sikh shrines. He is anInternational Trustee of Religions for Peace, Trustee of Museum of World’s Religions(UK) and a recognised ‘Interfaith Visionary’, holding the Juliet Hollister Award fromthe Temple of Understanding. He promotes intra- and inter-faith cooperation and peace building through shared values, locally and internationally, and is the Patron of the Sikh ethos multi-faith Nishkam Primary and High School. For his services to religious faith propagation, community service, education and research, Bhai Sahib Ji has been awarded two Honorary Doctorates from Birmingham’s Universities.

Bhai Sahib Ji recieving the Juliet Hollister Award fromthe Temple of Understanding, New York 2008

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Papal Knighthood The Pontifical Orders represent one of the highest and most prestigious distinctions which the Pope, as Supreme Pontiff and Head of the Roman Catholic Church and as Sovereign of the Vatican City State, can bestow on an individual. Such awards are made to lay individuals, both males and female, of the Roman Catholic faith as well as to those of other Christian denominations and of other faiths. Such awards are granted in recognition of an individual’s pre-eminent service to their faith, community, or the work of the Holy See on a local, national and international level.

Bhai Sahib Ji is granted the Papal Knighthood of St. Gregory the Great by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in recognition of his dedicated work for Roman Catholic and Sikh relations and for his enthusiastic commitment to working for peace among people of all faiths. The following pages of this document are some highlights from the 12 years of this flourishing relationship.

GNNSJ was delighted to announce that the five Jathedars (highest office bearers of the Panj Takhats - seats of Sikh spiritual and temporal power in India) bestowed on our Chairman and

Spiritual Leader - Bhai Sahib (Dr.) Mohinder Singh the prestigious official title of ‘Bhai Sahib’. This revered honour is in recognition of his exemplary work in faith propagation through intra

and interfaith fields coupled with his outstanding contribution in conserving and restoring Sikh sacred and historical shrines. The honour was conferred upon him at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib,

Amritsar, India on 28th June 2010.

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May 2000

GNNSJ’s first audience with the Pontiff was during the Christian ‘Year ofJubilation’. This meeting was arranged through the gracious assistance of WilliamOzanne (Birmingham Archdiocesan Commission for Interreligious Dialogue). Ledby Bhai Sahib Ji, nine members of GNNSJ and one Greek Orthodox Christian, had ahistoric audience with His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh with His Holiness Late Pope John Paul II

Bhai Sahib Ji presented His Holiness with a Sri Sahib (Sword of Peace) which was inscribed with the following:

‘Presented to His Holiness Pope John Paul II for his selfless service to the Christian faith on 10th May2000 by Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh on behalf of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (Birmingham)

UK invoking the Lord’s blessings on His Holiness during the Holy Christian Jubilation year 2000which coincides with the Sikh’s Tricentenary celebrations of the creation of the ‘Khalsa’

(14th April 1999 – 13th April 2000).

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List of GNNSJ delegates :

Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia, Sewa Singh Mandla, Harbans Singh Sagoo,Manjit Singh Sandhu, Gurmit Singh Virdee, Sukhbir Singh, Sutinder Singh Jabbal, Gurcharan Singh Chandan, Harbinder Singh Branch, Costas Skaliros, Sandeep Singh Virdee

Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh and GNNSJ members with His Holiness Pope John Paul II

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The following day at the first bi-lateral Sikh-Catholic dialogue, Cardinal Arinze was presented with a smaller Sri Sahib inscribed with the following:

‘Presented to His Eminence Cardinal Arinze for his service to the Christian faith by Bhai Shaib Mohinder Singh on behalf of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (Birmingham) UK’.

The following points were discussed from both the Sikh perspective and Roman Catholic perspective at the meeting:

1. The role of GNNSJ within the Sikh diaspora

2. The role of the PCID within the Catholic Church

3. Interreligious messages for the Third Millennium

4. The Centrality of Scripture

5. Experience as minorities

6. Institution of marriage

7. The Information Technology and Communications revolution

8. Conversion

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March 2002

‘Day of Prayer for World Peace’ held in Assisi, Italy. Bhai Sahib Ji attended this religious gathering at the invitation of His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

Bhai Sahib Ji’s speech at Assisi :

Your eminences, excellencies, spiritual leaders of all faiths, Blessed brothers and sister of the one Heavenly Father, Greetings!

I, a simple servant of God, am honoured, privileged and humbled to be amongstyou. We should all thank the Holy Father for his wisdom in bringing people of allfaiths together at this crucial time, to invoke the Lord’s blessing for peace on Earth.This is an important recognition that, despite the differences in the practices of ourfaiths, most surely, as time is progressing, we are all coming to the undeniable truththat we are all brothers and sisters with the same Heavenly Father.

The myth of man’s superiority on account of the rise of technology and wealth in the last century was shattered in minutes by the actions of a few troubled souls. The world has become an unsafe place with humanity’s obsession with material wealth; the ‘worship’ of technology; man’s intoxication with self-perceived superiority; fanaticism and fundamentalism. So why is this happening? The root cause is simple. As globali-sation of technology and commerce has taken hold, humanity has divorced itself from spirituality. Any attempts to find permanent world peace must be at the spiritual level, because only the spirit is indestructible. Religion demonstrates that unless there is inner peace within an individual, one cannot generate external peace.

‘Day of Prayer for World Peace’ held in Assisi,

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There needs to be peace between religions, and, even more importantly, peace between the factions and denominations that exist within each of our faith communities.As people of religion, before preaching to humanity at large, we have to lead by example, put our own house in order and correct ourselves first. There exists a lot of rhetoric, theory and talk about religious ideals with little practical application. Without this we are not eligible to receive the Lord’s Blessings.

If as human beings we cannot love one another, there is little chance of our being able to love God or to receive love from him. As mortal beings we all have our shortcomings and frailties but we should never forsake compassion, mercy and forgiveness. Only the power of prayer and service can make us strong. It will not suffice to be strong individually. We have to be strong collectively as well. Until now the focus of world organisations has always been ‘human-centred.’ For this new millennium we have to bring a God centred focus into the equation so that the needs of the human soul are addressed. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, gave us a simple universal truth which embodies the contribution that religions can make to World Peace. This is the promotion of truthful practice and conduct (Satcho upar Sach Achar) – translated it means ‘higher than truth is truthful conduct.’

Let us reflect on a powerful commitment that was made in England at the start of the Millennium agreed by all the Faith communities of the UK, the politicians and royalty.‘We commit ourselves as people of many faiths to work together for the common good uniting to build a better society grounded in values and ideals we share: community, personal integrity, a sense of right and wrong, learning, wisdom and love and truth, care and compassion, justice and peace, respect for one another, for the earth and its creatures. We commit ourselves in a spirit of friendship and cooperation to work together alongside all who share our values and ideals, to help bring about a better world.’

Thank you.

‘Day of Prayer for World Peace’ held in Assisi,

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April 2005

Bhai Sahib Ji was privileged to pay his respects along with prominent GNNSJ member Mr Sewa Singh Mandla, at the funeral of His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

Funeral of His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

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September 2005 Attendance of the Nostra Aetate Inter-religious Relationship Conference with the Institute for the Study of Religions and Cultures and the Cardinal BEA Centre for Judaic Studies to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Nostra Aetate Second Vatican Council Document. In October, Bhai Sahib Ji also attended a Nostra Aetate celebratory event at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham. September 2006

First audience with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singhattend the Basilica with ten other members of GNNSJ. This was again graciouslyfacilitated by William Ozanne.

The second bi-lateral Sikh-Catholic dialogue with a view to making the Catholic and Sikh dialogue a more permanent structure was discussed at a meeting held in Rome between Bhai Sahib Ji and five other members of GNNSJ with Cardinal Paul Poupard, President of the PCID and Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata, Secretary of the PCID. He was assisted by Mgr Felix Machado, Under Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, and Archbishop Faustino Sainz-Munos, ApostolicNuncio to Great Britain. The meeting was kindly arranged by William Ozanne, the Secretary of the Birmingham Archdiocesan Commission for Other Faiths; Dr Josef Boehle, a German Catholic from the University of Birmingham, provided advice and counsel. The purpose of the meeting was to give support to Pope Benedict XVI by renewing the bond of friendship between the Sikh community in Birmingham and the Catholic Church; to renew the warm and open relationship which Sikhs had with the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue; and to set up a permanent structure for continuing dialogue between Sikhs world-wide and the Holy See.

Bhai Sahib Ji’s first audience with His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI.

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List of delegates : Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh, Sewa Singh Mandla, Gurcharan Singh Chandan, Harbans Singh Sagoo, Gopinder Kaur Sagoo, Pritpal Kaur Riat, William Ozanne and Dr Josef Boehle

The following topics were discussed:

1. Basics of the Sikh faith, preservation and upkeep of its heritage including importance of Kirpan and Dastar (Turban)2. Inter-religious and Interfaith co-operation, with emphasis on Sikh interfaith practice as a model3. Education and values, spiritual, moral and ethical4. Challenges and opportunities of the 21st. century.5. Plans for future co-operation, dialogue and action

Cardinal Paul Poupard, President of the PCID

GNNSJ delegates with William Ozanne & Dr Josef Boehle outside the Basilica

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November 2006

20th Anniversary of the World day of Prayer for Peace, two youth representatives from GNNSJ, Phaldip Singh and Pritpal Kaur from Birmingham UK participated in the Inter-Religious Youth Meeting Assisi, Italy.

April 2008

GNNSJ hosted the third Bilateral Dialogue of Sikhs and The Roman Catholic Church at Nishkam Centre, Birmingham, themed ‘Capacity for Dialogue.’ A visit was also made to Maryvale House, Maryvale Institute, Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham, U.K. In his official letter of thanks, Archbishop Vincent Nichols expressed his gratitude to Bhai Sahib Ji and the Sikh community for the richness of the exchanges which took place.

GNNSJ member Phaldip Singh meeting His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI.

Delegates of the third Bilateral Dialogue of Sikhs and The Roman Catholic Church

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April 2010

Bhai Sahib Ji attended the book launch of ‘Meeting God in Friend and Stranger’ - fostering mutual respect and understanding between the religions; The new teaching document on interreligious dialogue from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Archbishop Vincent Nichols confirmed that the Conference and Interreligious Leaders would together engage the new Government together on issues of common concern.

Book launch: ‘Meeting God in Friend and Stranger’ - fostering respect and mutual understanding between the religions

Bhai Sahib Ji, Archbishop Vincent Nichols and Jathedar of the Akal Takhat :

Singh Sahib Sri Joginder Singh Vedanti(Third Bilateral Dialogue of Sikhs and

The Roman Catholic Church)

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September 2010

Bhai Sahib Ji participated in various events of the State Visit to the UK of Pope Benedict XVI including being the Sikh leader to welcome His Holiness to the UK at Her Majesty’s reception party in Edinburgh. Bhai Sahib Ji also contributed to the official record of the visit and the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales wrote a formal letter of thanks, expressing their gratitude to Bhai Sahib Ji for his participation.

Her Majesty The Queen’s reception party in Edinburgh, Scotland

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Bhai Sahib Ji meeting with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London, UK

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November 2010

Bhai Sahib Ji was delighted to receive a official message from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to the Sikh community on the occasion of the Parkash Divas (Birth Celebration) of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of the Sikh Dharam.

Official message from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to the Sikh community

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October 2011

25th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace - Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace

Bhai Sahib Ji had the honour of representing Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha onthe historic occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace.The gathering opened on Thursday, Oct. 27 in the morning with the entire delegationof religious representatives as well as Pope Benedict XVI travelling together by trainfrom Vatican City to Assisi, Italy. The first morning meeting was held at the Basilicaof Santa Maria degli Angeli.

Arriving at Assisi

Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli.

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This was followed by an early afternoon frugal community meal in the refectory of theConvent of Santa Maria degli Angeli. After the meal, each delegation representativewas offered a separate room for a period of silence, reflection and prayer. Bhai SahibJi offered prayers jointly with two other participants - Mr and Mrs Neki. In the lateafternoon, the delegation travelled to the beautiful hill town of Assisi which is associated with St. Francis. Thousands of young Catholics welcomed the delegation with joy and cheer as they entered the courtyard of the Church of St. Francis.

Courtyard of the Church of St. Francis.

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The gathering in the courtyard of the Church of St. Francis began with severalcontemplative dances by smiling and gracious youth from the Focolare Movement,founded by Chiara Lubich. As the sun set over the courtyard of the church, about adozen religious representatives offered a pledge of commitment to peace. The gathering in Assisi closed with the young people offering lighted lamps of peace to members of the delegation. All delegates then returned to Vatican City by train on Thursday.

On Friday, Oct. 28 in the morning, Bhai Sahib Ji and other delegates were invited tothe Apostolic Palace at the Vatican.

Pope Benedict XVI received in audience the delegation at Sala Clementina of the Apostolic Palace. He shook hands with dignitaries who presented him with token gifts. Bhai Sahib Ji was able to present his finger rosary to the Holy Father.

This was then followed by a closing luncheon offered by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State of the Vatican.

This gathering had several firsts. For the first time a Baha’i representative was invitedto attend. Additionally, several non-believers, who are also people of goodwill andconscience, were a part of this gathering.

Due to the previous arrangements made and awareness raised with the Vatican byGNNSJ about the five Kakars and Dastaar, at previous meetings – Sikhs attending thisevent were now warmly welcomed by Pope Benedict XVI with all their Kakars intact.

Bhai Sahib Ji presenting his finger rosary to the Holy Father.

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Bhai Sahib Ji carrying his Siri Sahib at the event

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On this particular occasion, Bhai Sahib Ji was allowed to meet the Pontiff whilst carrying his Siri Sahib that was presented to him at the Akal Takhat in 2010.

Bhai Sahib Ji was extremely moved by the Pontiff ’s address in Assisi, particularlyresonating with the following:

- That religiously motivated violence is not the true nature of religion, but that it contributes to destruction;

- The noble acknowledgement that the Christian faith (which Bhai Sahib Ji believes also applies to other faiths), has in the past course of history, used force, for which he said Christians should be ashamed;

- That God and religion should be used as a force of peace, not violence;

- That violence is a result of God’s absence and his denial;

- That God’s absence also leads to the decline of man and humanity, whereby human-ity feels it is no longer accountable to any criterion or any judge above himself and whereby exploitation and insatiable greed, through the worship of mammon, posses-sions and power, is proving to be a counter-religion, in which it is no longer man who counts but only personal advantage;

- That there is a need to shun hypocrisy and to purify ‘lived religion’

Bhai Sahib Ji also commended the equality which was promoted and practised at the event, visually and symbolically. Overall it was a memorable occasion which Bhai Sahib Ji hoped will promote a peaceful co-existence. For Bhai Sahib Ji, the 25th anniversary of the Assisi gathering was an important landmark in interreligious harmony, in which those present re-committed themselves to peace and justice through dialogue at a time when the world is being increasingly divided.

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GNNSJ’s interaction with interfaith organisations, alongside members of the Roman Catholic faith, over the years have included:

Elijah Board of World’s Religious Leaders Cardinal Telesphore Placidus Toppo; Archbishop BoutrousMouallem; and Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia.

Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions Dr. Leo D. Lefebure; and Mairead Corrigan-McGuire.

European Council of Religious Leaders:Cardinal Angelo Scola; Bishop Bernt Eidsvig; Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke; Sister Marian Murcia; Bishop Michel Santier;and Bishop William Kenney.

Religions for Peace (International)H.E. Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York,Archdiocese of New York; Ms. Karen M. Hurley, PresidentGeneral, World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations; H.E.Oscar Cardinal Rodriquez Maradiaga, Archbishop, Archdioceseof Tegucigalpa; Ms. Stellamaris Ndinda Mulaeh, ProgrammeCoordinator, Fastenopfer Kenya Country Programme; H.E.Angelo Cardinal Scola, Archbishop of Milan, Archdiocese ofMilan; H.B. Archbishop Fouad Twal, Patriarch, LatinPatriarchate of Jerusalem; H.E. Vinko Cardinal Puljic,Archbishop, Archdiocese of Sarajevo; Mme. Jacqueline Rougé,Religions for Peace Representative, UNESCO;H.E. Peter Cardinal Turkson, President, Pontifical Council forJustice and Peace.

Tony Blair Faith Foundation Rt Hon Tony Blair; Professor Ian Linden.

West Midlands Faith Forum William Ozanne.

Birmingham Faith Leaders Group Archbishop Vincent Nichols (now Archbishop of Westminster)and Archbhishop Bernard Longley.

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha 18-20 Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 9BH, England +44(0)121 551 1125

Charity No 508470

Produced for Investiture Ceremony at St Chads Cathedral, Birmingham, April 22 2012

© Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha 2012 / Audio Visual / All copyrights Acknowledged

[email protected]

Bhai Sahib Ji greeting His Holiness the late Pope John Paul IIAssisi, Rome, Italy
