b'ryw lf the daily hp · b'ryw '. t jwl m wr trntr b..8f. wm? i 1 j. 0 i' if...

B'Ryw ' . t jwl m wr trntr B..8f . wm? i 1 J. 0 I' if jXm- Lf esr - lar 'i ' T ' Hp 3l . - THE D AIL Y BULLETIN i Vol. II. No. 363. HONOLULU, H. L, SATURDAY, IVIAROII 31, 1883. 60 OENTB 8UD80MPTI0N PER MONTH. THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning nml circu-latc- tl throughout the town by carriers, and forwarded to the other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, . - 50 cents per Month. G. Caiison Kenvojj, Edlton All business communlcnti6ns to bo ml- - dressed, Maunder .Daily Bulletin, Post Offlco Box No. 14. Telephone 258. Office, - - lneen Ntrect, Opposite Wert's Cnrrlngo Factory. J. O. Clkvioh, Manager APHASIA. One of the most curious and baffl- ing of nervous diseases is aphasia, which consists in the loss of power iu the subject of it to recall certain words, and which in serious cases destroys all power of expression. An eminent French Judge who suffered from it would say to his wife 'Give me my dear me I my you know," and he would point to his head. , "Your hat?" "Oh yes, my hat." Sometimes,' again, he would ring the bell before going out, and say to his servant, "Give me my urn um brcl." "Yes, my umbrella." At this time he exhibited no other symptom of diminished intelligence, but was in the habit of discussing the most.intiicate points of law. An- other invailcd w uld substitute the word he desired i- - use with a para- phrase, as, for instance, when he wanted to mention his "aunt," he would say; 'Hho nearest relative by the mother's side."' While in the simpler foims of the disease onlyn few words ate lost by the sufferer, in more complicated cases his vocabulary is limited to perhaps not more than half a dozen words. In one instance the total vocabulary of an aphasia patient WHOIOIW V.1 H. "Wivia J-- '110," i "tlu.ee," "always" and 'hello. He answered all inquiries with one of these, and though when questioned concerning a .number he would invariably say three, he would give the accurate number by exhibit- ing his fingers. The greatest sufferers are unable to express themselves by writing as by speech. They take up the pen eagerly in their hands and cither sciawl a few unintelligible hieroglyphics, or write some word wholly different from the one they intend. No positive cure 'for this strange aberration is know, though the patients sometimes recover, and the most curious feature of.it is, no general weakness of the intellect ac- companies it. Youth's Compan- ion. " . Had One Good Dinner Anyhow. Ouc-Goo- d Friday a freshman was agreeably surprised to find that the hall dinner at Keblc College, Oxford, consisted of fish, of hot roast mutton and of cohbboiled beef, all excellent of their, kind. The repast was not ordinarily of so varied a nature, and B did it ample justice, paying his attentions to each separate dish.. Next morning he received an invata-tio- n to call on the "Warden. "Good morning, Mr. B ," said that digni- tary, "Pray be seated,. I think you may have failed to understand the dinner ari niigcmcnts of yesterday. There was fish for tliosc who were willing, but1, 'from delicate health, might lie unable to do so, and hot meat for those who had no wish to observe f he day iu this respect. Now, yoif partook of nil three " At which point one h ipes the Warden cut the lecture sic at from a dawning sense of the humor of the situation. It is not often, however, that one comes Across such a crushing retort h.h tUftt which'a Sheffield husbaml c4 from his wife the other dny, through tho QiiHn) pf the jiublic press. lie advertised in one of tlc local journals that he, Thomas A , would no longer be answerable for Um debta incurred by his wife, who eeji)s to JinyP been a truly amiable creature, if onp may judgc from the advertisement which alio pnbjiqUod. next day iu reply "This is to notify thjit I, Elizabeth A, am able to pay ttjl jny own debts now that I have got sfiofc Qt Tommy." " Ave yon gong fo s(ayo ne as you did ycUnly?" asked a n)ai who liad token ft pluco ji a local barbcrV chair. " Yes;" reeled tlia barber, l ' Then give ino chloroform , ' was the victim's request, B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Received by every steamer FORT STREET. GRAND OPENING SALE. Having completed the arrangements for the Extension of tho Store, I have com menced with a SPECIAL SALE, which C yards Embossed Prints G yards Plaid and Stripped Plushes, Mciinos, Satins, Cashmeics, Suirnhs, Alp.u as, Silks, Worste'd, "Will lc Hold at :orreMioutllugly low im'Icmjh. Ladles' and Gents' furnishing goods a specialty. ISP" Ladle?, before going elsewhere, you will do well to call at the Establishment of A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium 10t Fort street, LAWRENCE & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Olllcc, 11) and 21 Mciclumt st, above J. W. Robcrton,& Go's. 300 P. O. Boy, 101. ly G. H. ROBERTSON, , Divyuian best teams In town. Telephone Nn. 05. 15 ftt-f- HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, SflJia(Stcani engines, sugar mills, boil- - cis, coolers; iron, urass anu icau cost ings; macnnicry of evcrv description made to order. Particular attention paid tohip's black smithing. (Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 CEDAR SHINGLESI Just Received by 290 Allen & Koblnnon. . BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc- ed hoi hi ike. .wishes se e .i ..., ...... i. .. . , 3xs ulcpuUllU llJiv.IOH llint ill; 13 iiijij iwj.-v- . take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on his Ranch, and attend caicfully to feeding and doctoiing hoisos. He has now iu Ins charge such celebrated teeds as Black Thorn and other thoroughbicds, and has the exclusive charge of all ol Mr. James nnmnlinlt'fl Ktnok. Ordeis left at the Pantheon Stables, or at tho monnnoth'btables on Mr. James Campbell' piopcrty at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 8051y Jr. We Frien, Voterinary Physician, Stables on Berctania bt. SIgx-- 2 near Thomas' Square. Orders sent to P. O. Box 610 will recoivo prompt attention. Dr. De Fries having fitted ,up elegant accommodations on the Plnlus for the doctoring and care of animalB, Is fully prepared to render satisfaction, lias also a larae pasture land and will take general good caic of hoiscs and cattle left In his charge. No cine no pay. 30!) ly A. KRAFT, J EWELER,Jh OPTICIAN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in tho "Hawaiian Gazcttc't build-4- 4 lug, opposite the Bank. Chas. D. Gemsch, t Practical Watchmaker. & Hotel Street, opposite the 12d 3m International Hotel. " ONOLULU ICE MANUFACTOIIV. H Ico delivered to all parts of the City. Shipping supplied In quantities to suit. Telephone, No. 58. Otlleo at Wilder & Co.'h. 18 r4Mio IIttvuiiau Temperance Year Book, For 1883, will bo published hero In THERE 1883, a year book, an and useful volume- with tho above title, A handy book of.Tefcrciicg as woll (isn valuablo book fot the house-hol- It will bo especially devoted to the temperance cause, and will bo of liiiieli un nil the vcar around. You will bo solicited to subscilbo to this book, and can obtain fuithcr Information by un iu HPHt iti I'nv.n.nr.ii 'I Um-nliil- i VI' I. j HMMMt"tui ' llull lroj;raiimei J DESIGNS, lust recolvpq from NEW Frauelsso, it The Daily Bwi.- - Wtw Ofllvo, will be continued during this week $1.00 Dress Goods. . Gingham", Embioldcries, Nainsook", Laces, Lawn4-- , 'Fringes, Mulls &c, .Sec, &Ci Honolulu. J. LYONS, L. J. LbVEV. Lyons & Levey, Auctioned s and Gcncial Commission Merchants, Bcaci Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- - tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 TT S. TREGLOAN. AX. . TAILOB, 204. FORT ST. Itobcrt Leworn, t! Jt. Cooke. LewersJ& Cooke, to Lowers i. Dicksnn,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Mafcrials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, l'.tluts, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials, of every kind, cor. Fort ami Queen Honolulu. 1 & BOBINSON, ALLEN Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 8s PHILLIPS, Piactical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. B" House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 CHR. GERTZ, g No. 80 Foit street, Honolul.lT" Importer and Dealer in Gent'i", Ladles' ami Children's boots, shoes and slipper. Wilson Brothers) GENERAL Horso BLACK8UTHS. Shoeing a specialty A being specially engaged for that woik. Ship and Wagon work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.201 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pak Aia," owned and edited bj' Kawainui Bios. ; has a weekly edition of 3,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of- fice, Uo. C Merchant st. 1 THE EVILS OF FAINTING And their Remedy. "It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with study and acquirement of taste, resume Its rank as a liberal art." Painters' Manual, Believing tho above to bo true, A. B KERU has now reorganised his system of working the business in Honolulu. Iu the first place he has secured the ser- vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. Max Koiik, foimerlyof Sun Francisco, whose work in the line of plain ami decorative paper-hangin- frescoing, &c, is up to tno present itmo unuipabsci, and m thoso Island has ijovpr boon equalled. For houbO painting jobs tlrst-olas- s me- chanics only will be employed. In futuro patrons can depend I'pon my fill-in- g every order on tho most sclentltlQ basis known to the tiadp, Tho S,gu Piilutlng and Lettering de- partment will be permanently presided over by Mi, Gko. SritATMEVtiH, (further comment unnecessary.) P.S. Bend for designs of frescos fo,r ceiling and cornices. Soiuhiuj uew and if yoy wuj i.u. ghiss pui'in call at 'Vigor" Paint Ptore, 347 ly 78 King Street. TWQ OFpiCRR T LKT, on the fcoiv, lioor of tho bulldlug occupied by J, W. Robertson &, Co iau " '' v : ; Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, C . (Limited) UcMtnAt. MnncAvnu: ami Commission Aukms war of otKiCLiis: P. C. Jonls, Jr. . . .President & Managci J. O. Cam en. . . ..Ticusuier & Secietaiy UlltlXTOKS: Hon. C. 11. Bisitor. Hon. 11. A. P. Camtu 339 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Macfailunc. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- - CHANTS Au Sugar Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. AGENTS for The "W.ilk.ipu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llcuia Sugar l'lautatiuii, uaiiu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Strain Plow and Port- able Tramw ay Woi ks, Lc tds, Minlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Mathin ciy, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Clu bprcckil". Wm. O. Irwlu. Tltr Gt. irwin & Company, T V Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHACKFELD & COMPANY, d'ommi&sioii Agents, Queen stiect, Honolulu. 1 Oleghorn & Co. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in Gcncial Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., 'Hono- lulu. 78 THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY, Importers ami Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool' Underwriters, British and Foreign Ins. Company, and Northern Assuiance Company. 71 TMA8 &s GONSALES. JL No. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Diyand Fancy Goods, Inlaid Woik, Embioidcry, 280 &c, &e., &c. JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE, Importer and Dealer in General Mcichandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM St CO., Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. BROWN as Oo , Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 F.T LENEHAN & OO , Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castle. J. 1), Athcrtim. CASTLE & OOOKE, Shiiipiug and Commission Merchants. Importers mid Dealers in General Merchandise, No, 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 "ViriNa WO OHAN & CO., TT Inipoi tors and General Dealcis iinEngllsh, Ahum lean and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and Geucral Supplies, Also, white and colored con- tact imittlnr, all qualities' and prices, &r No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 A. O ELLIS STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Attholr market vuluu for cash. 210 Office with E. P. Adams, Auct'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, NO. 88 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone, and other Corporation Stock, Bonds and Similar Securities Bought and Sold on Commission, Money loaned on Stock Securities, Honolulu, Out. 1st, 1882. 214 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper apd Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c, Stoves and Ranges of all kinds,, PJumbctfe' stook ami niut.ilb, Hoiibt) Furnishing Goods, 7? Cliuudcliuib, Luiiii)b,,&c. Professionals. SARAH B. PE1RCE, M. D., and Children's Physician. OIHee and residence, No. 5 School street, (between Fort and Emma). Office hours 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. 1:30 to 3 :30 p.m. 241) Telephone, No. 201. DR. THACHER, DENTIST, 104' Foit stiect (up stairs.) Chaiges lower than any other dentist In Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or uuicrw isc. oausiacuon guaranteed. 305 D. EMERSON. Residence ami consultation room at No. 2 Kukul st., coiner of Fort. Telephone No. 141). 59 2ra A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notarv Public, Ollloo with the Attorney General, Alllo-lai- ii Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly W. Austin Whiting, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of Instruments. Kaahumanu st., Honolulu.. 209 S. B. Dole, Lawicr and Notarv Public. 11 No. 10 Kaahumanu tut. FRANCIS M. HATCH, , Attorney at Law, -- J IS Kiuihiimanu st WILLIAM O. SMITH, Attorney al Law 7U No. ilQMci chant btrcet. EIOHARD P. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free holds. Office, No. J14 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking w lodgments of Instruments for the Island of O.ilut. No. 8 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. l J. M. MON8ARRAT, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any, )iu t of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotia- ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands ltKl r o. berger, KAAHUMANU STllEiT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, i Tho City of London Firo In. Co(!imit'd Macuealo & Urban Safes, The Celebnikd Springlield Gas Machine Gas FiMurca'of Mitchell, ! Vance & Co. 288 ' QHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknow lodgments to Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllce, luMakee's Block, comer Queen and Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu, 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape DPliotogfrapliek-e- u 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknow ledemenls to Contracts for Labor for the District of Koua, Island of Ouhu, at tho oftlco of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu anu sti cut. 189 tf WILLIAM WOND, to take Acknowledg-incut- s to Contracts if or Labor. Olllcc Station House. U51 ly JOHN A. HAS8INGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Contiaets for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. 7 WT O. AKANA, TT Chiucso and ilnwallun Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Tiauslatious of cither of the abort, languages madu with accuracy and dis- patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 JH. BRDNS, Cooper and Gaugcr, Water Tanks of any dimensions, Cooperage, No. 10 Foil stiect, Honolulu. Oil Casks, ShookH and Hoop Iron con- stantly on hand nnd for sale. 221 ly Job Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, execut- ed wllh neatness and dispatch at Tin: Daily Hullm-i- Olllce, (Jucen si. FIREWOOD! , FOR SALE, Apply lo S. M. CABTfSH, IU7 P. M.S.S.Whirf, .. . t irf iSfei -- X&L.A. fK

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Page 1: B'Ryw Lf THE DAILY Hp · B'Ryw '. t jwl m wr trntr B..8f. wm? i 1 J. 0 I' if jXm-Lf esr-lar'i' T ' Hp 3l THE DAILYBULLETIN i Vol. II. No. 363. HONOLULU, H. L, SATURDAY, IVIAROII 31,

B'Ryw ' . t jwl m wr trntrB..8f .wm?i 1




jXm- Lf esr - lar'i 'T ' Hp 3l . -





WALTER HILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning nml circu-latc- tl

throughout the town by carriers,and forwarded to the other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, . - 50 cents per Month.

G. Caiison Kenvojj, EdltonAll business communlcnti6ns to bo ml- -

dressed, Maunder .Daily Bulletin, PostOfflco Box No. 14. Telephone 258.

Office, - - lneen Ntrect,Opposite Wert's Cnrrlngo Factory.

J. O. Clkvioh, Manager


One of the most curious and baffl-

ing of nervous diseases is aphasia,which consists in the loss of poweriu the subject of it to recall certainwords, and which in serious cases

destroys all power of expression.An eminent French Judge who

suffered from it would say to hiswife 'Give me my dear me I myyou know," and he would point tohis head. ,

"Your hat?""Oh yes, my hat."Sometimes,' again, he would ring

the bell before going out, and say tohis servant, "Give me my urn umbrcl."

"Yes, my umbrella."At this time he exhibited no other

symptom of diminished intelligence,but was in the habit of discussingthe most.intiicate points of law. An-other invailcd w uld substitute theword he desired i- - use with a para-phrase, as, for instance, when hewanted to mention his "aunt," hewould say; 'Hho nearest relative bythe mother's side."'

While in the simpler foims of thedisease onlyn few words ate lost bythe sufferer, in more complicatedcases his vocabulary is limited toperhaps not more than half a dozenwords. In one instance the totalvocabulary of an aphasia patientWHOIOIW V.1 H. "Wivia J--

'110,"i "tlu.ee," "always" and

'hello. He answered all inquirieswith one of these, and though whenquestioned concerning a .number hewould invariably say three, he wouldgive the accurate number by exhibit-ing his fingers. The greatest sufferersare unable to express themselves bywriting as by speech. They take upthe pen eagerly in their hands andcither sciawl a few unintelligiblehieroglyphics, or write some wordwholly different from the one theyintend. No positive cure 'for thisstrange aberration is know, thoughthe patients sometimes recover, andthe most curious feature of.it is, nogeneral weakness of the intellect ac-

companies it. Youth's Compan-ion. "

. Had One Good Dinner Anyhow.

Ouc-Goo-d Friday a freshman was

agreeably surprised to find that thehall dinner at Keblc College, Oxford,consisted of fish, of hot roast muttonand of cohbboiled beef, all excellentof their, kind. The repast was notordinarily of so varied a nature, andB did it ample justice, paying hisattentions to each separate dish..Next morning he received an invata-tio- n

to call on the "Warden. "Goodmorning, Mr. B ," said that digni-

tary, "Pray be seated,. I thinkyou may have failed to understandthe dinner ari niigcmcnts of yesterday.There was fish for tliosc who werewilling, but1, 'from delicate health,might lie unable to do so, and hotmeat for those who had no wish toobserve f he day iu this respect. Now,yoif partook of nil three " Atwhich point one h ipes the Wardencut the lecture sic at from a dawningsense of the humor of the situation.

It is not often, however, that onecomes Across such a crushing retorth.h tUftt which'a Sheffield husbaml c4

from his wife the other dny,through tho QiiHn) pf the jiublicpress. lie advertised in one of tlclocal journals that he, Thomas A ,

would no longer be answerable forUm debta incurred by his wife, whoeeji)s to JinyP been a truly amiable

creature, if onp may judgc from theadvertisement which alio pnbjiqUod.

next day iu reply "This is to notifythjit I, Elizabeth A, am able to payttjl jny own debts now that I havegot sfiofc Qt Tommy."

" Ave yon gong fo s(ayo ne as

you did ycUnly?" asked a n)aiwho liad token ft pluco ji a localbarbcrV chair. " Yes;" reeled tliabarber, l ' Then give ino chloroform , 'was the victim's request,

B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the latest Novelties in Fanoy Goods Received by every steamer FORT STREET.

GRAND OPENING SALE.Having completed the arrangements for the Extension of tho Store, I have com

menced with a SPECIAL SALE, which

C yards Embossed PrintsG yards Plaid and Stripped

Plushes, Mciinos,Satins, Cashmeics,Suirnhs, Alp.u as,Silks, Worste'd,

"Will lc Hold at :orreMioutllugly low im'Icmjh.

Ladles' and Gents' furnishing goods a specialty.

ISP" Ladle?, before going elsewhere, you will do well to call at the

Establishment of

A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium10t Fort street,


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Olllcc, 11) and 21 Mciclumt st,above J. W. Robcrton,& Go's.300 P. O. Boy, 101. ly

G. H. ROBERTSON,, Divyuian best teams

In town. Telephone Nn. 05. 15

ftt-f- HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,SflJia(Stcani engines, sugar mills, boil- -

cis, coolers; iron, urass anu icau costings; macnnicry of evcrv descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidtohip's black smithing. (Job work exe-

cuted at short notice. 1


290 Allen & Koblnnon.. BREAKING HORSES


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough experienc-ed hoi hi ike. .wishesse e.i ..., ...... i. .. .

, 3xs ulcpuUllU llJiv.IOH llintill; 13 iiijij iwj.-v- .

take charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on his Ranch,and attend caicfully to feeding anddoctoiing hoisos. He has now iu Inscharge such celebrated teeds as BlackThorn and other thoroughbicds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all ol Mr. Jamesnnmnlinlt'fl Ktnok.

Ordeis left at the Pantheon Stables,or at tho monnnoth'btables on Mr. JamesCampbell' piopcrty at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 8051y

Jr. We Frien,Voterinary Physician,

Stables on Berctania bt.SIgx-- 2 near Thomas'

Square. Orders sent to P. O. Box 610

will recoivo prompt attention.Dr. De Fries having fitted ,up elegant

accommodations on the Plnlus for thedoctoring and care of animalB, Is fullyprepared to render satisfaction, liasalso a larae pasture land and will takegeneral good caic of hoiscs and cattleleft In his charge. No cine no pay.

30!) ly



Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in tho "Hawaiian Gazcttc't build-4- 4

lug, opposite the Bank.

Chas. D. Gemsch, t

Practical Watchmaker.& Hotel Street, opposite the

12d 3m International Hotel. "

ONOLULU ICE MANUFACTOIIV.H Ico delivered to all parts of theCity. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. 58. Otlleo atWilder & Co.'h. 18

r4Mio IIttvuiiauTemperance Year Book,

For 1883,will bo published hero In

THERE 1883, a year book, anand useful volume- with tho

above title, A handy book of.Tefcrciicgas woll (isn valuablo book fot the house-hol-

It will bo especially devoted tothe temperance cause, and will bo ofliiiieli un nil the vcar around. You willbo solicited to subscilbo to this book,and can obtain fuithcr Information byun iu HPHt iti I'nv.n.nr.ii'I Um-nliil- i VI' I.j HMMMt"tui '

llull lroj;raiimei J

DESIGNS, lust recolvpq fromNEW Frauelsso, it The Daily Bwi.- -

Wtw Ofllvo,

will be continued during this week

$1.00Dress Goods. .

Gingham", Embioldcries,Nainsook", Laces,Lawn4-- , 'Fringes,Mulls &c, .Sec, &Ci



Lyons & Levey,Auctioned s and Gcncial

Commission Merchants,Bcaci Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at- -

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. 318


Itobcrt Leworn, t! Jt. Cooke.

LewersJ& Cooke,to Lowers i. Dicksnn,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Mafcrials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, l'.tluts,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials,of every kind, cor. Fort ami QueenHonolulu. 1

& BOBINSON,ALLEN Dealers in Lumber andall kinds of Building Materials, Paints,Oils, Nails, etc. 71

8s PHILLIPS,Piactical Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. B" House and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

CHR. GERTZ, gNo. 80 Foit street, Honolul.lT"

Importer and Dealer in Gent'i", Ladles'ami Children's boots, shoes and slipper.

Wilson Brothers)


Shoeing a specialtyA being specially engaged

for that woik.Ship and Wagon work faithfully

attended to.Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.201

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPak Aia," owned and

edited bj' Kawainui Bios. ; has aweekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-

fice, Uo. C Merchant st. 1


"It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withstudy and acquirement of taste, resumeIts rank as a liberal art." Painters'Manual,

Believing tho above to bo true, A. BKERU has now reorganised his systemof working the business in Honolulu.Iu the first place he has secured the ser-vices of that celebrated artist, Mr. MaxKoiik, foimerlyof Sun Francisco, whosework in the line of plain ami decorativepaper-hangin- frescoing, &c, is up totno present itmo unuipabsci, and mthoso Island has ijovpr boon equalled.For houbO painting jobs tlrst-olas- s me-chanics only will be employed. Infuturo patrons can depend I'pon my fill-in- g

every order on tho most sclentltlQbasis known to the tiadp,

Tho S,gu Piilutlng and Lettering de-

partment will be permanently presidedover by Mi, Gko. SritATMEVtiH, (furthercomment unnecessary.)

P.S. Bend for designs of frescos fo,rceiling and cornices. Soiuhiuj uewand if yoy wuj i.u. ghiss pui'in call at

'Vigor" Paint Ptore,347 ly 78 King Street.

TWQ OFpiCRR T LKT, on the fcoiv,

lioor of tho bulldlug occupiedby J, W. Robertson &, Co iau





Commission Merchants.BREWER & COMPANY,C . (Limited)

UcMtnAt. MnncAvnu: amiCommission Aukms

war of otKiCLiis:P. C. Jonls, Jr. . . .President & ManagciJ. O. Cam en. . . ..Ticusuier & Secietaiy

UlltlXTOKS:Hon. C. 11. Bisitor. Hon. 11. A. P. Camtu

339 lyGeo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Macfailunc.



CHANTS AuSugar Factors,

Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,Honolulu. II. I.

AGENTS forThe "W.ilk.ipu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llcuia Sugar l'lautatiuii, uaiiu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Strain Plow and Port-

able Tramw ay Woi ks, Lc tds,Minlees, Watson & Co's Sugar Mathin

ciy, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clu bprcckil". Wm. O. Irwlu.

Tltr Gt. irwin & Company,T V Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

HHACKFELD & COMPANY,d'ommi&sioii Agents,

Queen stiect, Honolulu. 1

Oleghorn & Co.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in Gcncial Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., 'Hono-lulu. 78

THEO. H. DAVIES & COMPANY,Importers ami Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's and theLiverpool' Underwriters, British andForeign Ins. Company, and NorthernAssuiance Company. 71

TMA8 &s GONSALES.JL No. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu,Importers and Dealers in Diyand Fancy

Goods, Inlaid Woik, Embioidcry,280 &c, &e., &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Mcichandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM St CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

BROWN as Oo ,

Wholesale Wine and SpiritMerchants, No. 14 Merchant st.,

Honolulu. 330

F.T LENEHAN & OO ,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castle. J. 1), Athcrtim.

CASTLE & OOOKE,Shiiipiug and Commission

Merchants. Importers mid Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No, 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

"ViriNa WO OHAN & CO.,TT Inipoi tors and General Dealcis

iinEngllsh, Ahum lean and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeucralSupplies, Also, white and colored con-tact imittlnr, all qualities' and prices,

&r No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

A. O ELLISSTOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Attholr market vuluu for cash.210 Office with E. P. Adams, Auct'r.


NO. 88 Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Securities Boughtand Sold on Commission,

Money loaned on Stock Securities,

Honolulu, Out. 1st, 1882. 214

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper apd Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gus Fitter, &c,

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds,,

PJumbctfe' stook ami niut.ilb,

Hoiibt) Furnishing Goods,

7? Cliuudcliuib, Luiiii)b,,&c.


SARAH B. PE1RCE, M. D.,and Children's Physician.

OIHee and residence, No. 5 School street,(between Fort and Emma).

Office hours 10:30 to 11:30 a. m.1:30 to 3 :30 p.m.

241) Telephone, No. 201.


104' Foit stiect (up stairs.)Chaiges lower than any other dentist

In Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor uuicrw isc. oausiacuon guaranteed.


D. EMERSON.Residence ami consultation room

at No. 2 Kukul st., coiner of Fort.Telephone No. 141). 59 2ra


And Notarv Public,Ollloo with the Attorney General, Alllo-lai- ii

Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

W. Austin Whiting,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofInstruments.

Kaahumanu st., Honolulu.. 209

S. B. Dole,Lawicr and Notarv Public.

11 No. 10 Kaahumanu tut.

FRANCIS M. HATCH, ,Attorney at Law,

-- J IS Kiuihiimanu st

WILLIAM O. SMITH,Attorney al Law

7U No. ilQMci chant btrcet.

EIOHARD P. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Freeholds. Office, No. J14 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law,

Notary Public, and Agent for taking w

lodgments of Instruments for theIsland of O.ilut. No. 8 Kaahumanu St.,Honolulu. l


ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Real Estate in any,)iu t of the Kingdom bought, sold and

leased, on commission. Loans negotia-ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands ltKl

r o. berger,KAAHUMANU STllEiT.

General Agent forThe N. Y. Life Insurance Company, i

Tho City of London Firo In. Co(!imit'dMacuealo & Urban Safes,The Celebnikd Springlield Gas MachineGas FiMurca'of Mitchell,

!Vance & Co.

288 '


NOTARY PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknow lodgments to


Olllce, luMakee's Block, comer Queenand Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu, 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, - - Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

DPliotogfrapliek-e- u

180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknow ledemenls

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Koua, Island of Ouhu, at tho oftlco ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuanu sti cut. 189 tf

WILLIAM WOND,to take Acknowledg-incut- s

to Contracts ifor Labor.Olllcc Station House. U51 ly

JOHN A. HAS8INGER,Agent to take Acknowledgment

to Contiaets for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu. 7

WT O. AKANA,TT Chiucso and ilnwallun Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Tiauslatious of cither of the abort,languages madu with accuracy and dis-patch, and on reasonable terms. 209

JH. BRDNS,Cooper and Gaugcr,

Water Tanks of any dimensions,Cooperage, No. 10 Foil stiect, Honolulu.

Oil Casks, ShookH and Hoop Iron con-stantly on hand nnd for sale. 221 ly

Job PrintingOF EVERY DESCRIPTION, execut-

ed wllh neatness and dispatch atTin: Daily Hullm-i- Olllce, (Jucen si.



Apply lo


IU7 P. M.S.S.Whirf, ..

. t

irf iSfei-- X&L.A. fK

Page 2: B'Ryw Lf THE DAILY Hp · B'Ryw '. t jwl m wr trntr B..8f. wm? i 1 J. 0 I' if jXm-Lf esr-lar'i' T ' Hp 3l THE DAILYBULLETIN i Vol. II. No. 363. HONOLULU, H. L, SATURDAY, IVIAROII 31,


-- c 4 :?AjjT Is


1 ' ' Notice,JOSEPH STUART UiiutliorbedMR.to collect nil nccounls due Tint

Daily HuiJiUTiN, on mid fitter this diitu,whose receipt for the j.anic will ho suff-icient.

D.VlIA'JlULLETIN OfllcO,Honolulu, Feb. 10th, 1831

3fhc'lnilj. Igulltlin,


, this Day's doings,afternoon

Opening of Lunulilo Homo, ntdo'clock.

EVENING.Gospel Temperance Meeting nt

Bethel, nt 7 :30.

Bethel Sunday School, at 9:43.Fort St. Sunday School, nt 9 :45.Bethel, Rev. Dr. Dnmon, nt 11

Fort St. Church, Rev. J. A. Cur-zn-n,

morning nnd evening.St. Andrews' Cathedral, Rt. Rev.

Bishop Willis, morning, nnd Rev. G.Wallace in evening.

Bible Class at Foit St. ChurchVestry, at 3:15.


is now so nearly coinplotcd thnt themembers hnvc an oppoi Utility offorming a very correct idc.i of whattheir future home will he like. Al-

though somewhat bare in appearancefrom its rigid outlines, it piosentsan imposing aspect to the spectatorfrom the small size of the surround-ing buildings. The straight lines ofthe front arc broken by a poiticosupported by four Coiinthiau pillars,nnd having the top niranged ns abalcony. The steps leading up to iturc not yet tlnished.

On entering the visitor finds him-

self in a spacious hall, to the lightof which is a large room, intendedto be used as n gymnasium, butwhich is not yet finished. On theleft is a broad flight of stairs lendingto the second storey, which forms anaudience room. At the leaf of this isanother flight of stairs leading dow nto the first floor. On the left of thehall the space is divided into threerooms, two of which, by means offolding doors, can be thrown intoone. ,

So far ns one can judge in its pre-

sent stntc the work reflects gicntcredit on the contractor, Mr. Geo.Lucas, who intends to have it finish-

ed in time for the annual meetingearly next month.

Police Court.cmmixal cai.kximk.Friday, March 30.

Y. Coldwell, and J. Hii, drunks,foifeited sju" bail each. C. Duncan,oliunk, lined 5 and 1 costs. F.Davis, O. Olson, and O. Edberg,remanded from 29th found notguilty, and discharged. F. Davis,remanded from 29th found notguilty, and discharged.


C. Afong, vs. D. Kuai, desertingcontract, service, settled out of court,costs 2. T. R.'" Foster & Co., vs.Kalalii, same charge, remanded to31st.

Shipping Notes.Tito J. A. Falkinbutg brought

74G pkgs, 20 cs, 27 bdls, etc, mer-

chandise; 2550 sks oats, bran, flour,336 bis hay, 345 bbls lime, 40,000bricks and 142 V bdls shingles.

The Meefoo brought 580 bgs rice,nnd the Mnnuoktiwtu,til3 bgs sugar,and 199 bgs rice.

The Amelia, Capt Newlwjl anivedyesterday, 2G days from 1'orbBlakcy.

The biig Hazard wis hauled upon the Mnrine Railway yesterday.She will probably be finished lo-dn- y,

nnd will get ready as soon as possiblefor her ci uiso to the South Sea Is-

lands, to get laborers for the Planter'sLabor nnd Supply Company.

Local & General items.Ou Thursday evening merry voices

sounded over the harbor from thepui ty In lite missionary boat.

Tin; mimo of tlio policeman who

bo successfully lassoed tlio luuutiotho other day is'NVaipaa, His num-

ber is 10.

ATFort St. Church, Sunday, ser-

vices at 11 o' clock ii.ni. and 7:i)0 p.m.Ill the eveningMr, Cjmuu will picuehupon "Judns find his Modern Iinitu-tois.- "

' '

Tiik salo of goods in the Tuokcrestate, on Thutsdny, realized nearly

$10,000. This result is highlycreditable to the auctioneer.

YnsTunim morning n nice littlecat that makes her home in, an oilleo

near the wlintvcs en mo "in with anico live mullet about 8 inches long,which she had just caught for herbienkfabt.

Chvxr.its of dogs should bo'carcful'seems to be laid around.

If those leprous, mangy curs only

were killed no one would object,but when valuable dogs are killed itbehoves owncts of dogs to be caio- -


A very nicely painted plaque isnow on exhibition and for sale atJ. M. Oat jr & Go's. It was paintedby a young lady residing in thistwon, and represents a very tropicalscene.

Mn. Gcrkc, who imported a num-

ber of fine pigs by the "NY. H.Dimond, hns about forty of thornstill unsold. Here is u chance forour readers wno wish to invest insucculent pot cine stock to go andspend their money with wisdom.

Tnuin: will bo no music this after-

noon at Emma Square, ns the Bandwill be iti attendance nttho openingof the Lunalilo Home at 4 p.m. TheBand will give an extra Conceit onMonday evening next, April 2nd inEmma Square.

. ,.It is noticed that a great many

people in this town aro given torepeating stories very much againstthe credit of their fcllow'citucns.Pet haps if somo of them would read!

up the law of libel ui tins place itmight restrain their lips from speak-

ing evil. And in these fnattcts thercpeateris held to as strict an accountlib the originator.

.It having been decided that the

Annual Fair nnd Ice Cicntn Festivalof the Glcaneis will be held onThursday evening, the 19th of April,nil those who arc so kindly workingfor thnt object are requested to sendin their finished wolk by the lGth ofApiil. The regular monthby meet-

ing of the Gleaners will be held ou

Saturday of next week, April 7th.

Ox Thutsday afternoon we baw

the first load of wheat hay, grown inHonolulu, brought into the ware-

house. It is of much better qualitythan usually comes to'these islands.

It was grown on II. fllucfarlano'sland on the plains. A little more

than an acre w as ci opped and aver- -'

aged 3 tons to the, acie. It is"

encouraging to soo that hay can be

grown in this country, uotwith-- .

standing the many prophecies ofl

failure, and from the average of thectop it would seem to be a mostpiofitablo .speculation.

Tins afternoon the Lunnlilo Homowill bo open for the inspection ofthe public from '4 p.in. -- till dnrk.'The band will play, nnd a lunch will

be laid out. No formal ceremonieswill be gone through. A portrait ofLunalilo will be hung in the largeroom on the right of the building.The Home is intended for the uged,infirm, nnd poor who have no pro;petty and cannot support themselves.

It will accommodate about 50. TheTrustees are Mcssis. E. O. Hull, J.Mottntith, nnd S. B. Dole., ! Themanager is Mr. H. Swinton, Jr.Tito buildings wcro erected by Mr.K. B. Thomas, nnd, including thewater supply, have coslovcr $10,000.

Stiutixq into Dillinglinm & Co.'syeslerdny our uttention was attract-ed by some novelties worthy of ourrenders' attention, First, an ingeni-

ous saw-guid- e, which hns been justintroduced into this country. Tlicicarc vniious sizes of it which cnu, bo

used for sharpening all eorU nndsies of saws, from tho (smallest car-

penter's to the large cross-cu- t nudmill-saw- s. Next wo looked' at nPatent door-fastene- r, which can boapplied to nny door without anypicparatiou, nnd can be carriedabout in the pocket ready for .use.No matter whether tho door locks ornot this fastener can be applied, and

.teAtok,.'"''yLia jHL. niiTtjfciiAMtfcy,i. JpWHnnVii'i lOirtrifltn

will niak'c that door bniglw-pioo- f,

except by being burst or biokcu.Tli'di Patent bed-key- s for" takingbeds to pieces, nnd lawn-mow-

.shnrpcncis adjustable, to nny, angle,or bevel were looked nt, and we nowsay' to our leaders, " See for your-



4Coircsi)omlcncc Is solleltcd on the top.les of ilic day, or what may become d.

Wciescne the right to ccb-- puiclypcisounl m.UUr.

We do not hold oursehes lcsponslblofor the oninioiis expressed by our coi- -

respondents. En.

EniTon Bui.m.tik : In your issueof the 28th you boem to make con-

siderable out of the fnct that theChamberlain imported n little lot of

duck, per Amy Turner, and wouldliko to know what he is going to dowith it, and you then go on to 8tir-mi- sc

about giving 8 yards to eachsoldier. Now, what good would 8

yards of duck be to a soldier? Inthe first place, theic wcic only20,000 .yards infill, to GO soldiers it!aonly 330 yards to each, which is no

very large quantity elicit you takeinto consideration the fact that asoldier has his pants stolen, on nnaverage, tlnee times a week, nnd

besideslithe "hns many dear' fii


Who wear old clo's. And the " case

of ptints ;" now, if the Chamberlain

did not pay duty on this I can put itdown ns being for the soldicresscs,bay. one woman to two men, whichis a large average, is 30 women, 30

odd yards to each iB low. "Onecase escutcheons" no doubt theynrc for the soldicr.s' quarters I

I think the Chamberlain did right,in making the pm chose, he, no1

doubt, got it low, getting such aquantity, and for cash, too; andagain, it shows to the people down

East just what wc are. How wouldyou feel if you held the position theChambetlain holds, to go into aBoston wholesale house and ask for800 yaids of duck to clothe thearmy? You would neither do your-self or your country justice by do-

ing so. S.


What is known ns the "fire drill"hns been successfully intioducetlinto several of the principal schoolsin San Francisco. By this diill thepupils aro taught how to leave thebuilding in an orderly manner, and,in case, of fire, without, confusion orpanic. In borne of the bchools thedrill is already leduced to such per-

fection that the entire building canbe empticdof.its occupants in threeand a half or four minutes, InBoston, New York and .Philadelphiathe drill has grown to be even betterthan this and ono or two instancesare on record in which it proved tobe of incalculable value in the savingof life'in timcof fire.

London Truth wants ciery journ-alist to denounce nnd ignore theword "unwisdom," which is creep-ing into tht newspapeis. ' TheNorristown Herald upholds theLoudon paper by asseiting thnt'it is no doubt very unright to use

the wonl, and none but ungoodeditors will dp it." It is undoubted-ly uncouth, uuless undei standinglyunused. 'JSf. Y. Com. Adv.

Wnnteil,orrWOrBKHVANTiGHU.6, or

WOMEN; for HousVworkhud-io- r

Minding Children.? J AUply jit ,

a3U 1 w No. iJ School street.


Apply atU5U lw Tun Buixuun Office.

Xoticc.undersigned has bold the Oil

Clothing Blanch ofhln business toJlussrs. 31. W. 3IcChesney &B011, No. 43Queen slicot,

Tlianking the publlo forp.ist libeialpiitionugc, I would ivqucbt for my suoccssors a contiuuaneo of the biune.

M. DAVIS.March 28th, 1883. 1101 lm


THE iiudcriiiKiicd have purchnncd31. Davis his Oil .Clothing

Biitdiicss, uml solicit a eontlmmnoo ofthe geuuious patromigo lecciM-d'h- ourpieileccssor.

31. W. 3Ic0IIE8NEY & SON,No. 4a Queen btiuut.

Honolulu, 3Iiiluh 28, 188tl. aut lm


Cor. of Klfhai-d- And lteretanla Mtw.'OrricK Houns 3 to 10 n.m.j 1 to a A

Uil p.m.: ii:!K)to7:D0p.ui, i)m

.i. .- - " -. a-J



,HowoVj Htnnilmd Scales, endorsed by the United StatesGovcninlciit. Scales for all purposes. Do.mnnt

Wmchouo Sralc, fcr.( iVo.

Anew and rarcfully selected a3oitment,of ,

CliimtlcllorH, jumiH, tiiiul' JLatot'erii-- .

Cnningc Lamp of most npptocd Ainciicnn patterns.

flows and Agricultural ImplantsThe largest variety to be found

on flic iHlnrida.





Something for Everybody a new discovery,

The Magneso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes,Jewel Casus nnd Bond C.isos.

At n 'test of the (lie proof uu'itittct of the Mngncsp-Calcltc- , held, on tlio sanddotnear the City llajl. San FrnncUco, Nov. 27th, pile of about a cord of pitch-pin- e

w ood was prep ircil, mid live gallons of t.ir pom cd over it. A.small iron clicst, witha l)i Inch Htiing of Mngucso c.ilcltc was plat ed In the cuntic of the pile nnd thenniss sullho to. After the chest had hum kept atn icdhoat for hn hotir, it'tfastaken from the the, cooled with water, and opened, nnd thu contents, consisting ofnn.incis nnd clrnuliir.J. wcic found in n ncifcct Mate of nrcsoi vatlon. bclns.not nil

.11 t.It. I.. ..:otoic(i, (Ill IV sit'jntiy W.ll III. 11 11(1 llll VI II 11

. iii

atII inning smcii or amoKc.

We, the unduMt'jnijil, wero.prcient nt tlio nbovc test, nnd saw the box opened,I wc certify id the perfect preservation of its contents. The cntlro test was per-tly satisfactory to us. II. L. Dowik, (of Dodge, Sweeney & Co.); 'C.'ll. Lato.v,


nm1 nlliiiri.4 test of the quality ol these goods will be mado at. an early,date, ,

. i

ii c n 'i ii i "ili.

Reciprocity Relations Rather RevivifyingBetween tlio llawaiiiuribliuids and the United fVates, nnd " 'm ""'

between the Ilnwnliiin Ibhuuls and

T" TGT "7K7" TReal Estate Broker, Employment Agent ancGeneral

Business Agent,Oflicc, 87 Mcichanl Mrect, Hawaiian Gazette Blocf;.

The only recoclilzed Iteal Estate in the Kingdom'. ", ,

Land and property for sale in all parts of Honolulu and, the, various .Islands. (itHouses to lease and rent in Honolulu nnd suburbs. ''Booms to lent, en feuite or single, throughout Honolulu.



25 per cent

PALMER. &IVev Drug" Store,

JlllAi AIM UTllJiiU SiVKJii 11 1UW1N. . - () i in ,

1143 lm jjffl- - IF' YOU D01TT BELIEVE IT, JUST TRY1'IT.' '

11 mr"' "h.j!agnew '

Begs to inform his friends and the public generally, thathe has made complete arrangements for '

.1 11.


Constant Supply ofOrtlie Very

Which ho will ofTer for sale at

"From the 1 stAll oidcis will meet with piompt attention,

NEW STORES!.'Central Location !

U mlled to the LOTATTENTION II. Mclntyic's pic-misc-

on King Mi eel, and tills side ofstores on the cmnci of Alakra and Kingstreet?,' now being elected by Her3Ia-je-t-

the Queen. ,ltchponslble panics who wish to bee

designs, etc., and who desire to suggestabout the election of.storcs, 'number offeet lcipiiicd, etc, can do bo by apply-ingntonc- c

to tho undersigned, r

GEO. AV. LINCOLN,Contractor and Builder, 00 King Mrccl,

or J. E. WISEMAN,General Business Agent, 27 3Icichaut st.

C2T Leases grunted for C or 10 years.aoi 2w

oa:k wo6i),' ' 'S8p7crLoatl, "' iRear of 'Lninc'BiFced'Ayarchouso.' '

Apply toEDWAltD RYAN,

So!) 1W' J ', at" Boat Shop.

GRAPES! GRAPES!fll A. HERBERT havinfj received

ItJL borne choice varletiesotVines li'oiu California, ,

is now able to supply then) in (mtinMllcsto su)t to those who would wish to tiythe opcrluicnl. If any tiro doubtful ofthe sin cess of it thoy Mtould go out andsee his Ranch at Kiilihi,q!10 tf Address P.O. Box 41

Patent, Kotlcc.rpiIB iindeisignul glvo notice thatJL they have obtained a Patent fo anIiupioval finimco for the Coubiuiiptloiiof Green Trash, dhcctly fiom the mill,and other ml 'fuel, by nienns of iutio-ducing- n

cm 1 cut ol hot air into the, fur.1111LC, thiough hot-ai- r lluiues.

This Pntunt j biidftl upon n Caveattiled in the Interior Department, (Jet.ilUth, 1882, and is supurior to all patentsissued after said date,

All persons nio waiued ugniuM In,fringing this Patent; suit will beIn ought ngaimit any poison so doing.Full particulars may be obUiincd of the

Agents. , P. N. 3IAKEE,, U, 41UUH(VYi'.,

35t lm B. HARRISON.



"' I




t(tt.... .itMnll nf rimrtl... " ''


(SbS TCT' Tr A. TJnil





-- Hi


'I i.iff

Hay, Oats, Bran, &c,Ucwt Quality,'

ii 'inthe Lowest Possible Bates,

'! id'of next month.

nnd w ill be tilled with dispatch. 310

.'.'i.y -" 'VA1.UAI81.K

WaiKiKi. Property

THE LOT OP LAND, withan 1110 impiovcmcnts inereon, '

owned bv the lute Chief Jusl.iiee .Harris, now occupied by 3Ir. J. S.-.- ,

Wnller)islnovoileicd FOR SALE.Thispioperty is one of the most vnlii- - ,

abllj at Wnikiki; all 'the houses bt'lngin good repair; a lino grove of cocoanut"tiees In the enclosure; the bebt locationsior.bathiug on the beach; and.can be,0111 innged with little expense, to maketwo complete establlMimehlV'.

Eniy terms can be nrranged'for pnsvment. For further particulars apply 2

ti . P. O. JONES, Jit- - .


O To.bofound'atG. H. Robertson'soJllbe, Queen street. .' ' ' 884

. r


1', 1 lurinui

s can Ijo loft wljh Jy. Ron-- , ,!,

H. Y. HABBINaOPENED AN OFFICE at W.' Fcnncll's Iliiriicss Shop, No. 1)3

King street. -

Bills Collcclod and Book Accounts'Attended to. Orders respectfully solicit-e- d

and promptly uttended to. 858 lmt,.


Per City of 'Npw York, from Sydncyj '

Portmanteaus '

And Valises IAll sizes, '

At AstoniBhingly Low Prices'


, . , o.eS.King street.,'''SST The above ftremanufturwl.'froni-- ,

the best Austral iun Leathur.



risiv MMWffii A

Page 3: B'Ryw Lf THE DAILY Hp · B'Ryw '. t jwl m wr trntr B..8f. wm? i 1 J. 0 I' if jXm-Lf esr-lar'i' T ' Hp 3l THE DAILYBULLETIN i Vol. II. No. 363. HONOLULU, H. L, SATURDAY, IVIAROII 31,

ffi "?



- r .






tmmmmmmmmmmmmmKBmmBmmmmmmmmmmHmmmaKriammuumiwimMMnxin wBmnmnaamammmmmmxmaM:KmmBwmmmmKam9mmmnMMMmmumKBKmmmktinmmmamrwmmmmmm ,, SfiTELEPHONIC.

I ;nimonu"ltcad,iIarch 31 0:80 a.m.

Light 'if windStmr 0 It iiishop 0 imlcsofl"

'n-- wn TTrn "ARRIVALS.

March 00Schr Nettie Merrill from LnlinimiSchr Mftiiiibknwni frolnllmirimntiltfStmr Lolnin from Maui nnd AlolskniStmr Mokolii from KoolaiiSclir Wiumnlu fiom OnoincnSchr IjOholkL from KohhlaBklncuV.neliavftom Port Blokcly

'Mnrch-8- 1

Slnirliilanea Ilou from KnhulnlSluu'.Inalnm from windward, poits




March 30Schr Moi Kciki for MolokaiSchr Ehukai for WnialnnStm'rvWaininnalo for Wniiriminlo


Schr Emma for IleciuSchr Uilama, for Hanalci i

v nBgtne WG Irwin for Son FranciscoStmr Glenoid foPVicto'ria.'U.'C.Stmr Mokolii for Kalaupupn,Schr Ilnlcaknlu for Pepeckco

ASSENGbRS. j , ,From windward ports per Iwalani

March 31 S Ackorman,, Wallenry,W I) Baldwin, K E Robbins, W LValicr, and50 dock.

VESSELS IN PORT.U.S.S. Wachusotts;PearsdnM I i "

Br sAs..Gleudg.-Spccch.l- y .,.Ship Abcr.unnn, ChapmanShip Otngo,

tAm bk Amy TumorBark C.ilb.irlcn, HubbaidBklleimann iXBuk Kalakau.i,MIIlcrBk Lady Lampoon, MaritonBark JubileeBktno W II Dimond, Houdlett .Bktnc J.,A- - Fjilkcnburg, Goodman ,.Bktne Amelii 'HI'T) J- 'Tern Eva.'Bgtne Wm. G. Irwin, TurnerSchr Pannonla, HiggingsBgtne Morning StarSchrChas. Hanbon, Spraguc.


Klg N.imc From DuoStmr Australia, fm'Sydncy, lApril 8StmrSucz."Dodd. from S. F April 8Stmr Cityof Sydnevfrn S.'F. April 15P M S S City of Tolclo, fin Hongkong.II. I. It. M's NnycsdrickH. I. K. M's SkobelcirII. irGrM'STblpilc ' -- 'Gcr S S Elucnfclp, fm Bicmcn, Ap 15Bk Eleanor Vernon, fm N Y, . MhLi.zie Marshall, from Sound, Apii5Br ship Glcnbervie fin Lirern'l, MhAm bktnc Elinor Voinon, fmit.Y.Mh 15Bk Janet Court, fm Liverpool, ' March '

fm KnnmU MlilK.Bk C R Bishop, from Bremen, Ftb SO

Gr bk Canopus fm Bremen, ' Feb 7Br ship Ambassador, fm Newcastle

! ! 5 L? ! ' J

Notice to CoiiMiKiieeK.j?Tt CONSIGNEES by the BriUfcifF''9U s s- - " Glenelg. CaptainvrrgSSpecchly. aro lcnuc-itc- d to

preAdit their Bills of Lading, pay ficlghtand receive orders for their goods at once

C. BREWER-- CO...,802 2t Agents for tho Glcnelg.


rpiIE undersigned bavinsL rpurclmed ,t h ejUoiql, St.

MaikctT takes pleasure 'in announcing that he will give tho businessIlls peisonal attention, and hopes to sup-ply the wants of the public ol Honoluluin a satisfactory manner.

BeefMuttpn, Veal, Lamb,,, r,

And other kinds of meat "for tho tubloalways on hand. '

Prompt Delivery Mntle.OrdcrN taken by Telephone.

By' the' return of the Suez I will be inreceipt of one of the best and newestpatented

(Ho.umuq'c jMucliiiieN,and will then bo prcpaicdto furnish the


5S?"N.B. No Chinese poik used.D. K. FYFE, Proprietor

Telephone No. 280. 1 f 3U7 ly

'THE'Old City Market!

No. 103 Nuuanu Street,


G. J. WaileProprfeior.

Telephone. . . .No, 289.- VV I'll 1

Always on hand and for sale

Prime Beef, Mutton "Veal,

Lamb, &c., &o.

OrderVfeccivcd by telephone, or othorwise, up to 8 o'clock every evening.

Delivery carfsyrill In future run to allparts of the city and suburbs.y47 Guo. Cavanaoii, Manager.

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 0 Queen btreet.. . . .r , .Fish Market,

"'"Dclileriir choicestBeef, Veal, Mutton, WhIi, Ac., ;'

Family and Shipping Orders carefullynttended to. Live stock liirnlbiica tovessels ut short notice, and Vegetablesof all jtlnds supplied to order. 3f(Hy

Jut) Kepfivj (hoie Desirable

HELMET HATS'The most suitabl'o huts for this

ciu)iuru. ( iM, - 75 t


X. H. VleghofU A Co,

Paoifio Mail Steamship Co.THE SPLENDID IRON


City of Tokio,5070 Ions,

J. Mainly, u Commander,' Will sail for San Francisco Ink

Tine 13cf?iniiiii? ol TSLay.Pusscugcts v 111 please cill at oftlco of

,11. IlAOKi'jn.i) & Co., Agents

'P'ACIFlO MAIL jtenm- -

ship Company.

FOR SAN PRANOISCO,The Splendid Steamship ' '

Australia,Cm gill, Commander, ,

Will leave Honolulu lyr Sim Franciscoon or about Api 11 8.

FOR SYDNKYyia" AUCKLANDTho Splcndtd SleanHhlp6ity of Sydtxoy,

Dunrboru - - Commander,? " On or about "Apt II 15.

For .height or passage- apply to. theuhtlerslgiicd tigcnt, ' -- '

Wo aro now.prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,

" 'the Sound Trip '"H.,UAcavELQ.&Co.


&&& The Al British clipper ship

Aberamarm,Clianniiin. Capiaiu,.. '.(... !

Will have iuiok dispatch for the abovepbrtTTor freTglit'or pa5,!igc"ripply to

G W. MAd'All vnk & Co. Aucnts.


Tlie fine dipper bglneW. G. Irwin,

Turner, - ma-to- r,

Will have quick dispatch forthe above,poitv)rrcigliojpussagulapply,jto

Wm. G. Iiiwin & Co., Agents.


aagfym The clipper barkLady Lampson,

Marston, ... Master.Will nave quick dispatch for. thcVibovcport. For fieiglit or parage apply to

C. Bnnwr.n & Co., Ageuts).


The favoiitc bark' Kalakaua,

Miller, .... master,Will have qulckdispateli forthc aboveport. j or neigut.or. parage appiy to

F. A. Scuvi:rKii & Co., Agents.

fcMfc FOR SAN FRANCISCO3ciS5- - t i ) v V

The clipper bark, , Caibarien,

Hubbard, ... Master,Will lmve.quickdispatch for above poit.For freight or'passage apply to

n i'AhTLU & Coom:, Agents


lr Tlie clipper bktneW. H, Dimond,

5'Houdltitt, - -- ' Master,Will liac quick dispatch for tho nbpvoport. For. f i eight orjji.issage, apply to

l WmiG. Inwix & Co., Agents.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO1r3af$yj.tr. tii r

y The clipper bktno(Jane A Palkinburg,

Goodman - - ' . Master,Will have quick dispatcli for above port. '

For frclghr or, passage apply to ,

Oastlk & Cooki:, Agents.



The Bark Martha DavisWill;s"aif from Bosfon on or about thelst'of'JuneT ' Orders tilled piomptly,nnd height taken at the lowest rates;

Apply to C. BRE)rER & Co.810 Queen St., Honolulu.


Sehooner Ehukaiwill run legulftijy

fprvvi Tr A T AT IT uirpnv. rrTkTIAA--

A A(" mupvt auutti.ifciuruing on iiiijreuny, wcumerv

pcrniittlng., l?9rivoight . or passage apply to tho

Captain on boaid, 'or to '181 A. l Cookb, Agent.

'A. FHANK 000EE, 7

Oflice, comer Nuuanu and Queen streets,. Honolulu, H. L, -

Agent for tho following Packets:Wailele, jJt. Wnioll,Wniehii, SR$y 'Waininlu.Mniolo, hiSSi'j Kaluna,Munu, ?K Julia,

Ka Mol, and Ehukai,

Bed Flag, with White Ball.


AlefiiLos Steam Puckiug!For covering Boilers and

Steam Pipes,

A Fresh Lot Just Received,

And for Sale ju'ots tq.sul by'

347 lm TJieo. II.'DavicH SlCo."

Oceanic Steamship Ooinp'y

Sfcfc THE A 1 . t t

Iron Steamer Suez,DOUl), - COMMAMIKIt

Will letivct Honolulu t-- ..FOR SAN FRANCISCO

April lotIiFor fieleht or passage, having supciloraccomodation, apply to

'Ki ' Wm. O, IitwiN&Co.j Agent

Steam Navigation Company'sJLISK OF ftttTHAIHEKS.

?&-?-. -

'The Iwalani,uati'et, .... Commander,

linns rcgulaily to Koniv and Kail, usper following time table:

Lkavj:s Honolulu at i r.M. oxTuesday, Jan 0 Tuesday, Feb 20Friday, .Tan 10 Friday, March 2Tuesday, Jan 30 Tuesday, March 1!J

Friday, Feb 0 Friday, March 23

AmuvKs at Honolulu:Wcdnc-day- , '.ta 17 'Wednesday, Fc 28Satuiday, Ja 27 S.iluulay, Ma 10

Wednciday, Fo 7 Wednesday, Ma 21Saturday, Fo 17 Saturday, Ma 81

The C. R. Bishop,camukon, Commander,

Le ivcs Honolulu evciy Mondayat 5 p.iii., fo.'JNawiRwili, Koloa, Eleclc,ainrWalindiiKaitai: Rctidnlng.'leavcsNawiliwili eveiy Fiiday evening.

The James 'Uiakoe,MCDOK.vi.u, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honoluluovny Thursday, tit 5 p.m. for K.ip.ui andKilnue.i. licturning leaves Kap.iaevery Tuesday evening.

dSfc. Steamer Likelike,King, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahiiina, Mna-lae- a

Bay, Makcna, Mahukonu,Laupahoehoe and Uilo.

Returning, will touch at all thealove ports, nrriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


The clipper schoonerJennie Walker,

Underwood, ' - Master,Will run rceularly between Honoluluand Hilo. For fi eight or passage applyto tlie Captain, on board, or821 8in A. F. Cookr. Agent.

TO I.WT.ON BERETANIA STREET,adjoining the Dillimxlinin pre.muses, a oran new uuiUAUb

never occupied. A little gem ot aplace. Just the spot for a coy home.

Tonus reasonable. Possession immediately. App'y to857 lw B. F. DILLINGHAM.

A Chance for:a. Home. :

pjm&TO LET, OR FOR SALE,iWi'JsSlb.it voiy ple.is.intly situatedHffl2aaSpi(jinlseb COTl'AGE and out-hous-

lecently occupied by Chniles T.Dlilingham and family, on PuuuhuuadioiniiiL' Dr. Whiti.ey's and B. F. Dillingham's." For Mlubrity oijclima,toand ot location, tno place isunsurpassed. Dodd's busses inn to thendjoiuiugcomcr. O.ihu College K nearand agreeable neighbors make this aveiy laiuVlumee. Finther infoimationand keys fuiiiUhcd bv857 1 w. . . .B. F. DILLINGUAM

mr xxaiiD -- a

Package Express.Ofllcc, No. 07 Hotel street.

All kinds of Baggage and ParcelsIn all parts of the city with dis-

patch. Haviug a

xuaxi? caxttI am picpared'to haul HAND ilntl other

muteilal, aijd mako or repair foot- -

paths, 'either by load, day, orcontract.

Stand at Ramsay's Store, Hotel sticet.W. T. MacDonald, ,1, Proprietor, v

ar.oi lbnf6'dliijurs0W.mitoVp.in.' ' w

VfOTIOE. I beg to notify my xianyi.1 good filends and eustomeib that

E.A. BROKAWHas chaigoof my

DMYAGE BUSINESS,And that ho will bo pleased to accom.

modute them iu that Hue vlth

The Best Teams on the Beach !

tilting up Telephone No, 05

Wl0i you want teams, or leave nujersut tho oftleo on Queen Mreel, between'Wilder's and Tin: Daily Bulletin Of.lice. Don't forgot the number 01.U52 " U. II. ROBERTSON.

LOST,A largo Brown MARE,muvy wuu ioaii ,nobiuud; left hit) 'pop-ped.


C The finder willbe UJierallv rewarded

by leayipginformijdon "qf hetjwjiere.abouts wlthTJllllnghain & Co"., or with807 lw B. F. DlLLliSOHAM.







Ladies' nlid Gent's , !

rGold nnd Silver Watches No

" ' " "Just tb'band.

, Eveiy Watch wnrrnntcdtns;') J roprccntbd. V'

VVV uj.MiKT assay, yrJttamer

Fao-s'iinii'- Silver Caos.,M


18 k.

Actual weight,otGolds

GrostWgt' 'J



Ha-- e 3E5-emo.ve- to

No. '68 FORT,,..STREET

2O0Q pcifiom $0 to

Ftft'S '


to friends



I'roiuW. LEDERER, Manager, - '

n . J Mifor 'this Kingdom

N. B. Bowaro imita- -tions,' ns I h'aVA diacovdrcd 'scvcial silver watches bear-ing the name of u WalthatnW.atjjjic5," vhicli arc ,pfiSwissManufacture, auct arc sold asgenuine Walthnm watches.

(215) Facsimile of Cases



ii"t' ii

I . HKm')

ii t i

IVojii .Jii)iiii,i' iJ n.'i

I 1 1H ! ' I.Amy Turner, of the latest


j yj m in f ;iituy


r i

Nearly their former' placeof business.

'"LTCAN & JOHNSON,Impoi-tei- ttunlcrti In

Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, Concertinas,liiutjos, Violins, Flutes, Drums, Brass Baml '

instruments, and Strings for all .

' Mtfing instruments.Haying pujehased the enfue InlcieU of,MrrC!eo, F. JnthisJCingdmn,

wcslitill continue to ket'n (op.antly on li.ind'u fiiir'a'ssoitmcntof crytiiliig tKat

he did; ipid as we shall bu adding to our by ceij' arrival from the UnitedStates and Euiopc, you can always tee 'mil bc'autiful in the FancyGoods and Furnituio DepailniLiiti.

Tnwi, Hcceivod3000 Fans & otlior beautiful Japanese Goods

Chnirb.Just nccied?80



: ',

- 75:


ISJdTSV --0013$.un:

ONECoincrof Fort and Meichant Streets, 4 "

Bog notify their

entire new











&v tl'JlttC.rrr--


' ' 'the that

(JbMnfc '' "0m


Waturflivy vculntrtlll;iOL. H0SENBERGir V

Gent's Furnifliing, Hats, 0aps?,' Boots, 'Sliofj, Trunks, Bags, Yalises.,',

Has JustmrfWl by Suez.f 1 J fyl&?, '

All tho JLutest XovcltieH arrive by Mteumcr,Remeinber, the pi leo is on cadi from wlilulnilici'o

" no deviation. ' To'pun'hascu to tho amount of $5, or 8 per iK- -

,, cent uiacautyi. voHtoro opun U iv.in. to. 8 n.iii







and general public ''of "iaufl

accouuis Kepi.;

(aS'J) J.

btcainer uj)will, every

plainly marked aiticle, i




Page 4: B'Ryw Lf THE DAILY Hp · B'Ryw '. t jwl m wr trntr B..8f. wm? i 1 J. 0 I' if jXm-Lf esr-lar'i' T ' Hp 3l THE DAILYBULLETIN i Vol. II. No. 363. HONOLULU, H. L, SATURDAY, IVIAROII 31,

P - ,,J. :k Dt I '


5'i I



- . i -


l'cr brig AA'm. Q. Irwin, via Han Fran.,

41 CASES01 Genuine Choice,

Manila Cigars 1

Special Rates made to parties buyingIN BOND.

31. 8. CSrlnbntim Si. Co.351 lm.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Uakt BitOs., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in first-cla- ss style tit all hours

Open from 2 a, m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

Iced Xriiiks!75

s. ml CARTER & CO.to notify tliclr friends and the

general public of Honolulu, thatthey have


Retail Dealers in Wood,Coal and Feed.

They will nlo carry on the

General Drayage Businessm heretofore.

Orders respectfully solicited.Promptness narantccd.

Place of Business 82 King street.TERMS STIUCTIiY CASH. U16

Telephone No. 805.

SMOKERSWho wish to indulge in " A sweet whiff

of the balmy weed Nicotian," willdo well to call at the

BEAVER SALOON"where they n ill find the

Choicest Smoking and ChewingTobaccos, Cigars, &c.

PomahiegasUarciasCommercial f . . . Havana CioaksOberonYacht Ci.un

Vanity Fair Cigarettes,Meerschaum Pipes, &c, &c.

J2?Coino and be welcomed byH. J. NOLTE

. ; i t ' If J'oh want to sec the

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

.'o to 4 queen Street.

If you want to see

The Best Quality of Leather, In the Kingdom,

o to 4 Hneen Htreet.

If you want to

Buy Leather at the Lowest' a 51'riceb in the Kingdom,

iio to 4 luccu Htreet

If you want to Buy the

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4 queen Htreet.

f ; If you want

More for your Moneythun you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

Go to 42 Queen St.M. AV. McCHESNEY & SON.

230 tf

JuNt ArrivedBy the htmr City of New York,


IjiuIIcn' Si Gentlemen'

SADDLES!A Embroidered and plain beats.

1 Bridles in Russet & Bik leatherBiding Whips and Harness,

The llne&t ever imported into these Is.lands; also,

' Solid Leather Portmanteaus,Carpet Bags', Pouchc, and

,,. Russet Leather feuldlo Bags,'-- .


J. II. IVTJJCII'fcsgoo "f' No. 8tf Kjujj blrcl.o

&. WEST,Carriage gfflfe.' Builder.

Buggies, Cnrringcs, Express Wagons

awl every kind of vehicles


.BlacksniiUiing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Bakor.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephono 74.


A Large AssortmentOF Tin:


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


BgU Call and examine. 147



m Ceiling Decoration mKM OF THE LKADIKG KM

efaUnited States FactoriesS3 4,M .IUKT ltKUElVJSU f"

& S3BY Yfi



Helvetia Laces,Tuck Packing,

Sugar Coolcis,Clarificrb,

Tire Clay, 'Hemp Packing, with or without India

Rubber,Babbit Motal,

Barbed Fence Wire,Mining Steely

Hoc, Tlckaxcs,Cane Knives, with or without hooks,

Hand and Smith Hammers,Shovels", Ac,

Jackscrcws, Vice,Stenin-pip- c Brushes,

Patent Slcam.pipc Covering,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails, 'Sugar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

For sale by

II. IIACKFELD & Co.Oct. 10th

FOB SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed Mill, Grinds from D to 10 tons per day. ,

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder) can be run by steam or horbcpower, just the nrtlcle for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

50 LA1NE Co., 31 Fort st.

Water Notice.Ofllco Sup't Water Works,

nonoiuiu, duly u, iBt,A:LL persons having AVnter Pi ivilegcs

aro notified that tliolr AVnter Ratesaio payable hcmi-annuall- in advance,at tho olllco of tl'o Superintendent ofWater AVorks, foot of Nuuanu btiect,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeach year. OIIAS.B. AYILSON,

Sup'tAVaterAYorks.S. K, Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201

A. 3Vov JL.ot oiColonial Candies

Just Received at213 A. 8. Clegltorn CV.

BSF'Wliitc "pen front shirt&, atClms. J. Fishol'a Leading Millineryllo'llbC.

; ' , -- f r$ 3Wd


Per bark Kalakaua

A Splendid Stockof New

ll'l r Stared,201 ly Opposite Pantheon Stables

Sperm and Whale


fUST TO HAND, a quantity of SpermOil, from the AVhaling barks

" Abram Barker" and " Orca."

AVan anted puie. AKo,

A few casks of Whale Oil

all of fine quality, and


For Sale in quauliticsdcsiied by


Honolulu, Maidi 0, 1HU. all

" Variety the Spice ofLiferSPERM OIL !

AVc have on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.KACH, of

Olear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by tho "Orca," "Loulbn,"nnd

"Mary & Helen," which will bo


Castle & Cooke.mo


FROM A MONSTER SPERM AVhalc140 banelb, caught by the


juht juv:niiqjdAND


and Nicely Stiained.

Polar mid Whale OilConstantly on hand, and for salo by38n A. IV. l'ttllUiK Co.

A. S, CLEGHORN & Co.Have received a large assortment of

Boots & Shoesto suit all classes of punchascrb, 181


To Arrive per barkontino Discovery.


FIRE PROOF SAFESHaving been nppolntcd Agent for tho

Hawaiian Islands for'Hall's Snfo ami Lock Co..

i am now prepared to take orders forFire Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side-Boar- d

Safes, Jewelry or Plato Chests,Vault Fionts, Victor and Novelty BankLocks, &c. &c.

Mr. R. T. Polk, General Agent forHall's Safe and Lock Co., at presentstnviKi! hero ou his way to Australia,will gladly furnish any information

the above Safe", &c.

sAmur, XOTT,230 ly Beaver Block.



CIDER!Mado from tho materials,

It tho beitdrink on the !

" It will thoroughly themind nnd body."

J. Fluhcr, 13 Iiillhn Street.tT mny bo left at Mrs.

AVclk's, 253

M. OAT, Jr., CO.and. 3TevH

-- v Have Just'Rcceivcd, ex Suez,


Base Balls and Bats '

Now is tlio time to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 18811.

t3fAll orders will be filled promptly.jgj

253 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street, 3m

3, 4, 6,

12 ButtonAVnrrauted


drawing Jt'apcrPaper Cloth.



Ittandtrefresh jaded

Town ordersKlutc street.

J. &SStationei'ftS Dealers,


riEORGE LUCAS, kJt.--" Contractor 931nnd Bulldcr,iHonolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade. Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, AVlndow Frames, Blinds,.Doors, nnd all kinds of Wood-woi- k

finish. Turning, Sin oil and BandSawing. All kinds of Saw ing mid Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders tho other Is-lands solicited

8 and

Kid Glovesto "Weiiir, txt


i1 i.

! V

Established 1850.


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers.-- -


Printers and Book-Binder-s,

Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Ebtnblishmcnt in the Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of -

Blank Books, of all descriptions;Foolbcap, Legal and Bill Cap,

Journal and Trial Balance Papers,Linen Paper nnd Envelopes, all bizes;

Writing and Copying Inks, in quarts, pints and '

Mucilage In all sizes, especially adapted to this climate;1'cnciis,

TraclncTransit Books, Field and Level Books, adapted for the uso " if

of Survevois and Engineer;Memorandum and Pass Books, ,

Silver and Pcrfoiatcd Card ,'

Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Booki, and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt l ' ""

And numerous other articles in our line to befound in a well kept slock

MUSIC! MUSIC!AVe have mado such arrangements with our Music Agents, las will enable us

hereafter to keep on hand a full assortment and nl.--o to rccclvo tho latest pieces asthey are published. Any special order will rccelvo our best and prompt atlcn-f- v

turn. . t183tm!BBH",,l9lIWB-l?BBB5IP!HBa- H

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufactar

Nos. 113



ing Jeweler, ,..'113 Fort 5 ; JIouolulu.



Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry,Eleyunt

Sllver.l'Ialcd AVnre, &c,









Subscription Department,,At u prebent tlmo wo receive by every ma I oyer one hundred nnd flftv 'different Papers and Magazines, in Englisl,, Freack "WJUui unuScandinavian Languages.

As our subbcription list is large, wo ore coabled to furniBli tho Papers andMugazines ut a low rate of Subscription. , , jg