bruneilibraryassociation.wordpress · 01.01.2019 · hamzah bin haji sulaiman, minister of...

Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.1, Jan 2019 1 WADAH PERPUSTAKAAN Bil.1 JANUARI 2019 ISSN 1609-4271 KNOWLEDGE CONVENTION 2018 HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al -Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, and Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam attended the Knowledge Convention 2018 on 27 Nov 2018 at the International Convention Centre in honour of His Majesty’s 72nd birthday celebrations. This year’s Knowledge Convention focusses on a key area that is truly indispensible – agriculture, with the theme ‘Agricultural Sector: the Survivability of the People and Nation’.The theme is relevant enough to be discussed among experts such as academics, regulators and practitioners (entrepreneurs and farmers). It is undoubtedly an important area, but it is also vulnerable to various complexities, including the weather, unstable conditions, pests, crop diseases and other factors. His Majesty’s Titah, said ‘We should avoid being passive and squandering this opportunity to take up farming. We must also contribute to the greening of the earth. A green earth is the symbol of wealth. “Nevertheless, we are still required to delve into it. Why is that so? Because agriculture is the main driving force in life. Without agriculture, our lives would be impacted. “That is why I have put particular emphasis on agriculture as the field for determining our survival as an independent people and nation. “Therefore, there is no reason for us to slow down in making strides towards agriculture.” The monarch also broached the topic of local paddy cultivation, saying, “I am very confident that the relevant agencies will continue to attend to and prioritise the boosting of rice and paddy output in this country. “In this regard, I have permitted the implementation of new initiatives to increase rice and paddy production. Go to page 2

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Page 1: bruneilibraryassociation.wordpress · 01.01.2019 · Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman, Minister of Education, and also present was Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Matsatejo bin Sokiaw, Deputy

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Bil.1 JANUARI 2019 ISSN 1609-4271


HIS Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, and Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam attended the Knowledge Convention 2018 on 27 Nov 2018 at the International Convention Centre in honour of His Majesty’s 72nd birthday celebrations. This year’s Knowledge Convention focusses on a key area that is truly indispensible – agriculture, with the theme ‘Agricultural Sector: the Survivability of the People and Nation’.The theme is relevant enough to be discussed among experts such as academics, regulators and practitioners (entrepreneurs and farmers). It is undoubtedly an important area, but it is also vulnerable to various complexities, including the weather, unstable conditions, pests, crop diseases and other factors. His Majesty’s Titah, said ‘We should avoid being passive and squandering this opportunity to take up farming. We must also contribute to the greening of the earth. A green earth is the symbol of wealth. “Nevertheless, we are still required to delve into it. Why is that so? Because agriculture is the main driving force in life. Without agriculture, our lives would be impacted. “That is why I have put particular emphasis on agriculture as the field for determining our survival as an independent people and nation. “Therefore, there is no reason for us to slow down in making strides towards agriculture.”

The monarch also broached the topic of local paddy cultivation, saying, “I am very confident that

the relevant agencies will continue to attend to and prioritise the boosting of rice and paddy

output in this country.

“In this regard, I have permitted the implementation of new initiatives to increase rice and paddy

production. Go to page 2

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From page 1

“Firstly, I gave my consent to a farming project for a high-yielding hybrid variety known as Padi

Sembada this year, which is capable of producing six tonnes of rice per hectare in one season,

compared to the rice seedlings at present that can only produce three tonnes of rice per hectare

in one season.

“This will also be followed by the planting of Padi Titih seedlings, which can produce 8.5 tonnes

per hectare in one season.

“These paddy seedlings will be widely grown in areas with complete irrigation systems.

“Secondly, I also consented to the opening of a new area for commercial paddy cultivation in the

Kandol area, covering 500 hectares, in the Belait District. This area will be outfitted with the

appropriate infrastructure.”

“To ensure the success of these projects, the management of the paddy cultivation will be open

to companies, including government-linked companies (GLCs).

“Insya Allah, the introduction of the Padi Sembada and Padi Titih seedlings, coupled with the

opening of this new area, will increase the percentage of livelihoods and rice production for

Brunei Darussalam.”

His Majesty also added, “It is evident that my government has and will continue to provide a wide

range of opportunities, for the field of agriculture.

“I am enthusiastic about the fact that we have produced several farmers who successfully made

this field as their primary source of income, particularly in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits,

flowers, livestock and fisheries.

“I believe that these successes are due to their sincerity, persistence and keen attitude. I want

this attitude to linger among the members of the farming community.

“It is my fervent hope that our farmers will continue to manage their plantations with a sense of

responsibility, dedication and self-command, for the survival of the people and the nation.

“Finally, in accordance with the demands of Syariah law and with the integrated efforts of

government agencies and other stakeholders, I hope that this year’s Knowledge Convention will

truly become a platform, as well as a stimulus for the expansion and empowerment of the

agricultural sector in our country. May Allah the Almighty bless all our good works,” said His

Majesty, concluding the titah.

Later, Their Majesties and other members of the royal family toured the Knowledge Convention Exhibition 2018, which focusses on five areas – the Introduction to Agriculture, Agricultural Education, Agribusiness Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship and Products, and Agro-technology. Source: Borneo Bulletin

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BLA EXCO Meeting, 11 December 2018

BLA Prep Meeting with DBP Brunei on

Seminar & Workshop on Children’s Picture Books,

11 December 2018

With Brunei winners of the Samsung Kidstime Authors

Award 2016: Pg Khamarul Zaman Pg Hj Tajuddin writer of

The New King of Fruits and Mohd Faiz Hj Morshidi writer of

The Crazy Firefly both from DBP Brunei

Meeting with Mr Rama and Evely@nlb Singapore, 20 Dec 2018

Meeting with Irene in Singapore on proposed research on ASEAN Women Entrepreneeurs, 20 Dec 2018

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Preparations are underway in celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB)as the Islamic Culture Capital for the Asia Region in 2019, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin said. The designation is synonymous to the nation and the country, as the teachings of Islam are rooted in its political-culture, governance, history, the arts and letters, the practices and the people’s daily lives, the minister said. He also quoted a titah by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam on the importance of addressing the root causes of violent extremism and terrorism; and for such threats to be dissociated from any religion, nationality, race or ethnicity. The minister highlighted this during a speech at the recent extraordinary session of the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The minister shared some of the strategies undertaken by Brunei Darussalam in safeguarding human heritage and countering extremism, namely the whole-of-nation approach, the importance of education including religious education where the emphasis is not only in the acquisition of knowledge and skills but also in achieving the moral dimensions of the society, and the practice of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) philosophy that is embedded in Brunei Darussalam’s system and identity, governing values and practised throughout everyday life and Islam as a complete way of life, which includes development and modernisation. The minister highlighted the importance of the regional initiatives of ASEAN, which is the implementation of the Culture of Prevention towards a peaceful, inclusive, resilient, healthy and harmonious society. He also shared on the need for solidarity and collective actions in cooperation among member countries in all perspectives to safeguard the true values of the Ummah and to be more strategic, with culture providing a means to unite people and appreciation of each other, while bringing greater unity amid the diversity. The extraordinary session concluded with the adoption of the Action Programme on the Promotion of Islamic and International Support for Safeguarding Civilisational and Cultural Heritage in Al-Quds Al-Sharif; the Manama Process for the Action to Counter Extremism, Sectarianism and Terrorism; and the Declaration of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the permanent capital of the Islamic culture, starting in 2019. The conference, which carried the theme ‘Together for Safeguarding Human Heritage and Countering Extremism’, was inaugurated and chaired by the President of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities Shaikha Mai binti Mohammed Al-Khalifa and Minister of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife of the Republic of Sudan Dr Mohammed Abu Zeid Mustafa. The meeting was attended by ministers in charge of culture from the Islamic world, heads of delegations, the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Director-General of Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). Prior to the conference on 29 Nov 2018, Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan and other delegations attended the launch of the Pearling Path Heritage Site, officiated by His Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Bahrain. Go to page 6

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BLA was invited to the Brainstorming Sessions to share ideas on the proposed

Brunei National Library.

Brainstorming Session on Brunei National Library, 4 Dec 2018

Brainstorming Session on Brunei National Library, with YB Tuan Iswandy Ahmad and YB Pn Siti Rozaimeriyanty DSLJ Hj Abd Rahman, 5 Dec 2018

Brainstorming Session on Brunei National Library, 8 Dec 2018

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The Singapore Book Council turned 50 on 19 Dec 2018. Guests, friends, staff and volunteers joined

in the celebrations with speeches from Ms Claire Chiang, Mr Rama and William. There was an exhibit

highlighting SBC 50 years journey.The anniversary followed SBC move to Goodman Arts Centre, and

change to its new name from NBCS to Singapore Book Council.

from page 4

The first Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers was held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal (January

1989), the second in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco (November 1998), the third in Doha, State of Qatar (December 2001), the fourth in Algiers, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (December 2004), the fifth in Tripoli, Libya (November 2007), the sixth in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan (October 2009), the seventh in Algiers, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (December 2011), the eighth in Al Madinah Al Munawarrah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (January 2014), the ninth in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman (2015) and the tenth in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan (November 2017).


The Ministry of Education through the Department of Schools and the Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Programme (LNCP) held the presentation of Appointment Letters to school leaders and launched the "Teaching For Mastery Framework" book. The ceremony was held on 24 Nov 2018at Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri in the Capital.

68 school leaders received appointment letters which were presented by Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman, Minister of Education. The ceremony ran concurrently with the Presentation and Launch of the "Teaching For Mastery Framework" book. The book was published to improve the quality of teaching of teachers especially those who teach English Language and Mathematics, as well as improve the achievement of students at primary and secondary schools in numeracy and literacy.

Source: BruDirect

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LIBRARY INFORMATICS AND COMPUTING GRADUATES By Cg Nurul Rasyidah Ab Durahman, Education Officer,

School of ICT, Politeknik Brunei

Politeknik Brunei successfully held its 4th Convocation ceremony on the 4 December 2018 at Chancellor Hall, Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

750 graduates from the 5th Intake of the academic year of 2015 received their Diploma Level 5 and Diploma Level 4 certificates at the ceremony. Among 750 graduates, 17 of them were from Level 5 Diploma in Library Informatics and Computing from School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The certificates were awarded by Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji

Hamzah bin Haji Sulaiman, Minister of Education, and also present was Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Matsatejo bin Sokiaw, Deputy Minister of Energy for Energy and Manpower and Industry as the Deputy Chairman of Politeknik Brunei Board. School of ICT offers Library Informatics and Computing course aimed to provide essential knowledge and skills required by modern librarians and information professionals for effective organization and management of data and information. Previously, the course offered for library students were Advanced Diploma in Information Science and was renamed to the current course, Level 5 Diploma in Library Informatics and Computing, Politeknik Brunei is the first higher education institution in Brunei Darussalam to be awarded the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9001:2015 in providing Level 5 Diploma Education in the field of Business, Information Communication Technology and Science and Engineering..Go to page 9

KNOWLEDGE CONVENTION 2018 Tuesday, 27 November 2018 Session 1: Peningkatan Produktiviti Melalui Teknologi Moden Or Enhancing Productivity Through Modern Technology Session 2: Prinsip Prinsip Pertanian Dalam Islam Or Agricultural Principles In Islam Wednesday,28 November 2018 Session 3 Meningkatkan KDNK Melalui Sektor Pertanian Or Enhancing KDNK Through Agricultural Sector Session 4: Peranan Wanita Di Dalam Menjana Pengeluaran Pertanian Or Women’s Role In Promoting Agricultural Output Thursday, 29 November 2018 Session 5 Jaminan Sekuriti Makanan Dan Keselamatan Pengguna Or Food Security And Consumer Safety Guarantee Session 6 Penglibatan Masyarakat Khasnya Belia Di Dalam Sektor Pertanian Or The Involvement Of Community Specifically Youth In The Agriculture Sector

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Dates Activities

17 September 2018 Visitors from students and lecturers from Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

9 October 2018 visitors from Sekolah Ugama Lumut after attending motivational talk in School of Science and Engineering’s lecture theatre. (90 visitors)

22 -24 October 2018 LLD Officers attended “Adat-Istiadat” Protocol course in Jabatan Adat Istiadat Negara.

1 November 2018 Visit by Dato Paduka Haji Matsatejo bin Sokiaw Deputy Minister of Energy, Manpower And Industry

18 November 2018 LLD involvement in Convo Carnival and in-charge of“Kuiz Ceria” activity.

Visitors from Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

visitors from from Sekolah Ugama Lumut Kuala Belait.

Protocol course’s participants

LLD Librarians and staff in charge of “Kuiz Ceria” booth.

4th Politeknik Brunei Convo Khatam Al-Quran 4th Politeknik Brunei Convocation

From Page 7


Era Suryani Abdullah Duat, Ak. Mohammad Wahyuddin Pg Wahab, Muhammad Faiz Asnawi Paris Fadillah, Muhammad Hisyam Assanuddin Asmali, Muhammad Iqbal Hj Masmin, Nabiihah Awang Adris, Nabilah Huda Hj Morshidi, Norhamizah A Zulkapli, Nur Izzatul Amanina Rusidan, Nur Syakilah Eddeyiswandy/Muhammad Nur Rahmat, Nurina Azmina Azlan, Siti Nur Zarina Ladi, Syuriani Morshidi, Faeiqah Naajiyah Awang Yakof

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In conjunction with the 33rd anniversary of the Centre for

Children with Special Needs (KACA) and the International

Day of Persons with Disabilities, KACA officially launched its

first Mobile Play Library on 5 Dec 2018 that offers a ‘play

therapy’ concept in helping children with disabilities.

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali received another gift of Al-

Quran Mushaf (written copies) and books from the Royal

Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Brunei Darussalam, on 1 Dec


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A 76 page paperback book 'Al-Quran Terapi Kanser' or Al-Quran - Cancer therapy compiled by Hjh Aminah Hj Momin on the holy verses was launched at the Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar organised by Brunei Breast Cancer Support Group, on 29 Nov 2018. The book is sponsored by the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah.

Real Ghost Stories Of Borneo 2 follows the popular Real Ghost Stories of Borneo. It has 190 pages and is a collection of 30 real short ghost stories written by local writer Dr Aammton Alias including those contributed by Brunei witnesses.

On 29 Nov 2018, the State Mufti Office launched a 306 page book “Irsyad Hukum 2017” a collection of Islamic guidance published in the weekly government newspaper Pelita Brunei . The series was first published in 1996.

Launched at the Wasan paddy fields on Thursday 6 December 2018, the

book, “Flowers and Fruits in Cooking” by Siti Zaleha Kiprawi, features 80

recipes. The recipes in the book are curated by more than 20 professional

chefs, home cooks and individuals in the region — including local chefs

from Alter Ego, Radisson Hotel, Brunei Hotel and Royal Brunei Catering.

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15 Nov 2018 The launch ceremony of Gallery Exhibition of Splendid Chapters of Silk Road Cultures and Brunei Special Issue of China Report ASEAN Magazine at the Royal Wharf was sponsored by the State Council Information Office of China, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Brunei Darussalam and the Embassy of China in Brunei Darussalam, and was organized by China International Publishing Group, Brunei Museums Department and Brunei-China Friendship Association. The month-long exhibition featured about 100 pictures and artworks meant to portray the longstanding relation between the two countries that has existed since 1400 years ago, which can be traced via the ancient silk trade route.

16 Nov 2018 AMBD has officially launched its National Credit Scoring system which will help creditors evaluate the feasibility of granting loans to debtors. The system will classify debtors according to their payment habits.

21 Nov 2018 Young Entrepreneur Association Brunei (YEAB)’s fourth INSIGHT business networking and dinner event at the Radisson Hotel

22 Nov 2018 Royal Brunei flies a twice weekly flight to the chinese city Haikou

23 Nov 2018 In conjunction with the Diamond Jubilee of the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, this morning, a khatam Al-Quran ceremony was held for students of the Al-Quran and Muqadam classes at mosques, surau and religious halls nationwide conducted every Friday. The function was organised by the Imarah Section, Mosque Affairs Department with the cooperation of the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque takmir committee and the Mosque Affairs Office in the districts.

23 Nov 2018 25 th anniversary of Insurans Islam TAIB and Darussalam Holdings

23-25 Nov 2018 Pesta Sains 2018 organised by the Brunei Shell Petroleum Sendirian Berhad through the Oil and Gas Discovery Centre, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism and Jerudong Park Playground

23-25 Nov 2018 17 th Pusat Ehsan Charity Golf Tournament

24 Nov 2018 The Institute of Brunei Technical Education was presented with the ISO 9001: 202015 Quality Management System certificate.

27-29 Nov 2018 The Knowledge Convention 2018 with the theme 'Agriculture Sector: the Nation's Survivability.'

29 Nov 2018 Special Olympic Brunei Darussalam team held a Special Olympic Young Athletes Ribbon Day, Sekolah Rendah Sg Liang.

29 Nov-2 Dec 2018 Brunei Open softball 2018

29 Nov – 1 Dec 2018

The 2018 ASEAN Culinary Festival’ was hosted by ASEAN-Korea Centre at Convention and Exhibition Center (COEX) in Gangnam, Seoul. It aims to give the Korean public the chance to sample ASEAN’s signature rice-based dishes, desserts and beverages. The ASEAN Culinary Festival 2018 showcased dishes, desserts and beverages from each of the 10 ASEAN nations. Rosni binti Mohd Yassin, a Communication Attaché at the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Korea participated in the ASEAN cooking class organised by the ASEAN Culture House in Busan. The festival featured ‘Live Cooking Show’ by Korean celebrity chef and TV personality Lee Wonil and Malaysian chef Dato Ismail Bin Ahmad. The dishes were nasi katok and bubur pulut hitam (Brunei), sack kor ang jangkak and borbor thnot (Cambodia), bubur ayam and kue lumpur (Indonesia), pher and kaho sang kha gna (Lao PDR), nasi tomato and ayam masak merah, and kuih seri muka (Malaysia) nan gyi thoke and shwe kyi (Myanmar), bringhe (sticky rice with meat and seafood), ginataang halo-halo (coconut milk with tapioca and mixed fruit dessert) and mango juice (Philippines) . laksa and pandan cake (Singapore), khao kluk kapi and bua loy nam kati (Thailand), and pho ga and nem/cha gio (Vietnam).

30 Nov 2018 Royal Brunei Airlines launched its daily codeshare flight to Mumbai, India with its latest codeshare partner Air India Limited. the Bandar Seri Begawan-Singapore-Bandar Seri Begawan route is operated by RB, while Air India operates the Singapore-Mumbai-Singapore route

30 Nov 2018 Brunei Darussalam remained in the top 10 best performing Islamic finance markets out of 131 countries as published in the Thomson Reuters Islamic Finance Development Report 2018 . The report, which took into account data accumulated in 2017, revealed that Brunei’s score in the Islamic Finance Development Indicator (IFDI) increased from 47 to 50 – thus ranking the country ninth this year and second in ASEAN after Malaysia. The report showed that the global Islamic finance industry grew year-on-year by 11 per cent amounting to USD2.4 trillion in assets in 2017. It also demonstrated the industry’s potential to grow to USD3.8 trillion in assets by 2023. Malaysia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates remained the top three Islamic finance markets in overall development.

1 Dec 2018 Membaca Raga. Teaterikal Puisi Islam Multimedia organized by Rumah Seni Asnur, Indonesia and Akademi Ustaz Firdaus. 35 children, youths and senior citizens performed in the show. They were trained at the Akademi UF .Also taking part were 60 theatrical arts enthusiasts from Indonesia.

1 Dec- 13 Feb 2018 Brunei Salebration 2018

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1 -31 Dec 2018 Brunei December Festival 2018 with over 60 events lined-up to further enliven and fill the school holiday season in December throughout the country.

3 Dec 2018 A 'Raja Julangan Kasih Rakyat' or 'The People's Most Revered Ruler' Solo Art Exhibition of eleven paintings by a local portrait artist Huifong Ng was held at the Art Gallery of the Bandar Seri Begawan Royal Wharf organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, as part of the Brunei December Festival 2018.

3 Dec 2018 RB operates a new route to the key tourism and trade market on a codeshare basis with China Airlines (CI), from Brunei and Taipei three times a week. RB first flew to Taipei in 1986

3 Dec 2018 Launching Of SMARTER Brunei Bistro & Cafe as well as SMARTER Brunei's Employment Program

4 Dec 2018 750 Politeknik Brunei graduates received Level 5 and 4 Diploma certificates in various programmes at the 4th Convocation at the Chancellor Hall, UBD. 170 graduates in Business programme, 199 graduates in ICT, 277 graduates in Science and Engineering programmes and 104 graduates in Health Science programme. Also presented were Academic Excellence Award and Excellent Achievement in Enrichment Activities to students.

6 Dec 2018 Recover and Green Brunei launched the nation’s first Green Depot at No 1, Simpang 24-29, Jalan Panglima, in Kuala Belait

7-9 Dec 2018 One hundred youths took part in the Muslim Youth Camp 2018 at the Jame' Asr Hassanil Bolkiah as one of the activities in 'Brunei December Festival 2018.'

7 -9 Dec 2018 Brunei Darussalam hosted to the Bimpnt-Eaga Friendship Games. The country first hosted the games in 2008. Eight sporting events will be competed at the 10th Bimpnt-Eaga Friendship Games namely Aquatic, Athletics, Karatedo, Lawn Bowling, Pencak Silat, Sepak Takraw, Taekwondo and Wushu. Nine contingent are taking part in the games, namely Sabah, Federal Territory of Labuan, Sarawak, the Philippines, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Northern Territory from Australia and Brunei Darussalam. The country's contingent comprises of 140 athletes.

8 Dec 2018 The PKBN's 3 month training of 394 youth comprising 249 boys and 145 girls.

8-9 Dec 2018 Brunei e-sports tournament, RBRC

9 Dec 2018 International Volunteer Day@ Action Day 2018

9 Dec 2018 Over one thousand youth volunteers from various associations and non-government organisations took part in the Day of Action 2018 held in conjunction with the International Volunteer Day 2018. Various projects have been carried out, involving a number of aspects including cleanliness, awareness and knowledge sharing involving 40 associations. The Day of Action underlined the goal of together promoting volunteerism.

9 Dec 2018 The National Road Safety Council, MKKJR informs the public specifically drivers and road users in the country that 12 speed trap camera signboards have been installed in several selected areas.

9 Dec 2018 Larian Belon 2018

10 Dec 2018 The Land Transport Department and its branches as well as relevant post offices issue Driving Licenses without Microchips from today

10 Dec 2018 launching of the History Experts Apprenticeship Programme, is a collaboration between the Brunei History Centre and the Islamic Development Management Faculty of UNISSA. The main objective of the programme is to introduce and expose the students to practical studies, apart from producing students who are skilled in communication, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership

12 Dec 2018 The Jerudong Park Medical Centre and Yashoda Hospital of India will establish a living donor liver transplant facility in Brunei Darussalam, with the first liver transplant expected to take place in the first quarter of 2019.

12-17 Dec 2018 1st ASEAN Rover Moot 2018 themed ‘One ASEAN, One Community in Scouting’.

13 Dec 2018 Pure Fresh International Holdings Limited and Ghanim International Corporation Sdn Bhd signed a MoU for strategic partnership in overall aquaculture development and processing, including laboratory for export market.

14 Dec 2018 the Ministry of Communications is now known as the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications.

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