brown university black alumni reunion 2010 - program booklet

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Page 1: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet




wn Uk Alumembe


Univmni r 24 -


versReun- 26, 2


sity nion 2010


Page 2: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


TABLE Welcome Schedule History o Boldly B Facts an Biograph Inman P First Kno IPC Offic Panelists Student Photo Al Reunion Special T Campus


e Letters……


of Brown Un

rown, the C

nd Figures a

hy of Presid

age Black A

own Black G

cers and Bo

s, Speakers

Group Perfo








niversity ……

Campaign fo

about Brown

ent Ruth J.

Alumni Coun


oard of Gove

s and Honor









or Academic

n University


ncil (IPC)…












c Enrichmen










































Page | 1  
















Page 3: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



September 14,2010

Dear Friends,

It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you back to the Brown campus

for the 2010 Black Alumni Reunion, presented by the Inman Page

Black Alumni Council of Brown University. The theme of this specialreunion is "Black at Brown and Beyond - Careers, Communities, and


By returning to Brown for this milestone weekend, you are activelyparticipating in a process that will help Brown enhance a diversecommunity of scholars. Alumni are an essential part of thiscommunity when they are actively engaged with the life of theUniversity and committed to its success. Your participation in the2010 Black Alumni Reunion at Brown is a clear demonstration of yourlove for Brown and your desire to help improve the educationalexperience for Brown's African American students and all students ofcolor.

Again, I want to welcome you to Brown and to thank the organizers ofthis reunion, particularly the members of the Inman Page AlumniCouncil, who worked diligently over the past year planning yourreunion with the goal of providing you a terrific opportunity toreconnect with old friends and experience firsthand the many campus

transformations since you graduated.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.


Box r86o . Providence, RI ozgrz . USA

Phone 4or 863-2234. Fax 4or 861-lZll

Ruth l. Simmons


Page 4: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Dear Alum

On behalfBlack Alummonths inhonored th

Throughoinspiring engage inblack alumhave the night footb

As you prthings by

Reengagethat you cproviding other Browproviding

Engage wBrown whBrown claSee the B

Have FunPlanning We want ygood time

Again, I wwe, as Bla

In Peace,

Richard GIPC Presid


f of the Inmanmni Reunion

n the making hat you could

ut the BAR 2words from

n provocative mni for their option to par

ball game.

repare for thethe end of the

e with the Ucan continue leadership to wn giving camit.

with Alumni hen you wereassmates alsoBAR 2010 as a

n and Make FCommittee cryou to not onl

es roll!

want to thank yack Alumni, ca

Gray, Jr ‘85 dent

n Page Alumn(BAR) 2010 aand the Inma join us for th

2010 weekenalumni, prof

discussions service and rticipate in Al

e reunion acte weekend:

niversity – Dto support af IPC or anoth

mpaigns, disco

You Don’t Ke a student. o exist in the pan opportunity

Fun- BAR 20reated a weely participate

you for attendan raise our v

ni Council, I wat Brown Univan Page Alumis memorable

nd you will sfessors, studon important contributionslumni Fall an

ivities, I want

During the BAfter the reunier alumni orgover how Bro

Know - All clBut the quali

people who wy to get to kno

010 is not a mkend geared in the good ti

ding the Blackvisibility, raise

would like to wversity. This remni Council (e weekend.

see exciting pdents and P issues and h. BAR 2010

nd Homecomi

t to make a p

AR 2010, findon. Whether

ganization or cown can benef

ass reunionsties and capa

were present aow the Brown

meeting or cotowards alummes, we ask

k Alumni Reun our awarene

welcome you eunion has beIPC) is excite

performancesresident Simhonor distinguattendees wiing Weekend

personal requ

something or it is mentorcontributing tofit from what

s allow you toacities that mat Brown befo alumni you d

onference. Itmni having funyou to take a

nion 2010. Hess, raise mon

to the een 18 ed and

s, hear mmons,

uished ill also

d events, inclu

uest to each

or someone aring a studento the Alumni oyou have to o

o see the peomade you love

re or after youdon’t know.

t’s a reunion! n. But fun is

an active lead

elp IPC show ney and raise

Page | 3  

uding Brown’

of you to do

at Brown Univt or student gof Color Initiatoffer and com

ople who attee and respecu were on cam

The IPC Re what you ma in making su

the University the roof!!!

’s first


versity group, tive or

mmit to

ended t your mpus.

eunion ake it! re the

y how

Page 5: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Dear Alum

It’s my pleInman Pathe IPC scome bac The idea about as Washingtopositive eAlumni spvalue of bentirely toeveryone I becamegraduationdifficult timwhere eveparty at Rparty durinThrough tthe organOver the website, p In the futuwhere youColor Initiacurrent stbut pleasealumni org I want eacvarious dereceptionsmomentou Warm reg

Tiffani ScoBlack AlumIPC Secre


easure to wege Black Alum

secretary, I ack to Brown fo

to plan a seca result of thon, D.C. in Janergy genera

panning four dbringing the Bo short - the b together agai

actively invon, I felt inspireme connectingeryone would

Rites and Reang Commencthat initial expization in seelast few yea

publishing a q

ure, I would likur support is ative to endowudents and ye consider theganization.

ch of you to eetails of this s and partiesus occasion!


ott ‘98 mni Reunion Cetary

lcome you tomni Council (m very pleas

or this historic

cond reunion he IPC “Yes Wanuary 2009. Iated by havindecades attenBrown commbrainstormingin.

olved in IPC ed to do someg with other b

d see each otason with a Dcement Weekeperience, I waeking a varietyars, this has uarterly online

ke to see morneeded such

w the first schyoung alumni.e significance

enjoy the reureunion. I tru

s to thought-p


the Black AlIPC). As the c

sed that so m reunion week

of all classesWe Did” evenI was surpriseg a few hundnded that eveunity togethe began to pla

a few yearsething differenblack alumni ther. I reacheDJ and free foend with hund

as encouragedy of ways to cbeen achiev

e newsletter,

re alumni activh as recruitmeholarship for a I know that

e of sharing y

nion weekendly believe tha

provoking pan

umni Reuniochair of the re

many alumni kend!

s (the first onnt during inaued and moveddred Brown aent and I witnr. Because thn a reunion w

s ago. Althount for my ten-yso I thought

ed out to the ood. A seemdreds of attend to pursue aconnect alumed by hostinand growing t

vely involved ent of prospea black studenit is a challen

your knowledg

d! The commat there is sonel discussion

n 2010 hosteeunion commmade the de

ne was in 200uguration wed by the overwalumni come tnessed the pohe event in D

weekend to br

gh I was noyear reunion. it would be aIPC leadershingly minor e

ndees across a more active ni with each o

ng face-to-facthe Facebook

with IPC andective studentnt, and buildinnge to dedicage and exper

mittee has speomething to pns. Thank yo

ed by the mittee and ecision to

06) came ekend in

whelming together. ower and D.C. was ring

t active for s At my five-yea great idea thip at the timevent has turn a range of ag role in IPC wother and wit

ce events, lauk group to alm

d Brown. Therts, fundraisingng a stronger ate time to anrtise to streng

ent several mpique everyonou again for p

Page | 4  

several yearsear reunion, I to plan a fun e and organined into an ages and ethni

where I could th current studunching a na

most 500 mem

re are critical g for the Alum bond that supother organiz

gthening IPC

months planninne’s interest –participating i

s after had a event zed a

annual icities. assist dents. ational mbers.

areas mni of pports zation, as an

ng the – from n this

Page 6: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


SCHED Friday 3:00pm- 10:00pm

4:00pm- 6:00pm

Shuttle tr5:45pm. 6:00pm- 11:00pm


Shuttle tr Saturd Shuttle tr8:30am. B 8:00am- 9:30am


y, Septe

RegistPick upMaddo

Happy"Guys The Np.m. KVIVA L


Black MingleservedAlpha Go Dr Pr Tit SponsAlumn

- AfterpEnjoy VIVA L


day, Sep

ransportationBeginning at

ContinSalom Fe Int


ember 24

tration p your reunionock Alumni Ce

y Hour spons in Ties and GPHC Greeks

Kick off the reuLounge, 230 T

n will be pro

Alumni Reune with old and. Student pePsi. Featuringordon Chambr. Pedro Nogurofessor Elmotilola Ogunsol

orship provideae Hall (Meet

party complimentarLounge, 230 T

n will be prov


n will be pro 8:30am, the

nental Breakfon Center for

eaturing Ruth troduction by arvard Medica


n schedule anenter (corner

sored by AlpGirls in Pearls" at Brown invunion weekenThayer Street

ovided from

nion Kick-offnd new frienderformances bg the followingers ‘90

uera ‘81, AM ‘8 Terry-Morgala ‘12

ed by Black Eting Street be

ry refreshmenThayer Street

vided from Fa

r 25

ovided from shuttle will r

fast and Plenr Teaching, Ro J. Simmons, Dr. Augustus

al School

nd souvenir iteof Brown & G

ha Kappa Alp" ite you to enjd with curren

t (corner of An


f Reception ds. Complimeby WORD!, sg alumni and

84 n ‘74

Entertainment tween Brown

nts and minglet (corner of An

aunce Arch b

downtown Preturn to cam

nary Sessionoom 101 (MaPresident of B White ‘57, Pr

ems. George Streets

pha Sorority

joy an open bt students andngell Street)


entary hors dstepshow by student:

t Television. & Thayer Str

e with fellow angell Street)

back to down

Providence tmpus hourly.

n in Green) Brown Univerrofessor of Or



bar happy houd alumni!

to Faunce A

d’oeuvres andDelta Sigma



ntown Provid

to Faunce A

rsity rthopaedic Su

Page | 5  

ur from 4 p.m

Arch beginni

d cocktails w Theta and K


Arch from 7:3

urgery at

m. to 6

ng at

will be Kappa


Page 7: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



11:15am 12:15pm


GivingSalom Ro Te Sa Do At A NewChurch Co Be Do Liz Ra Da ExplorW. Du Eb Tr GettinW. Du Eld Ha Su Jim Ju Va


Race iSalom Ka Ja W N.

munity Panel

g Back throuon Center for

oland Laird ‘82eri Williams Coandy Darity ‘74onna Lambertiba Mbiwan ‘8

w World Odyshill House, Ritorey Walker, Penny Ambush onald King ‘93z Morgan ‘10,affini, Actor ananiel Widema

ring Intergenncan MacMill

bony Bridwell-icia Rose, Ch

ng Blacks to Bncan MacMilldridge Gilbertarold Bailey ‘7usan Farnum,m Miller ‘73, Dudith Sanford-alerie Petit Wi

enges Panel

in the Age ofon Center for

atrina Gambleames Bernard illiam “Sandy” Jeremi Duru


gh Non-Profr Teaching, Ro2, CEO, Posrohee ‘79, Pre4, Professor ot ‘98, Six Sigm82, Associate

ssey: 40 Yeates and ReasProfessor of A ‘73, Professio

3, Principal at Graduate Stu

nd Teacher n ‘91, Author

nerational Pelan Hall, Room-Mitchell, Prof

hair of Africana

Brown: Increlan Hall, Roomt ‘05, Director 70, Vice Chair Associate Di

Dean of AdmisHarris ‘74, Stlson, Associa


f Obama r Teaching, Roe, Professor o ‘87, Co-found” Darity ‘74, P ‘95, Associat


it Alumni Orgoom 001 (Maro Media - Moesident of Oneof African and

ma Consultant Director, Zeis

rs of Rites anon Theatre, B

Africana Studional SDC Sta King Commuudent at Brow

and Playwrig

erspectives om 117 (cornerfessor of Socia Studies, Bro

easing the Blm 115 (corner of YES Prep r, Alumni of Crector of Finassions, Brownudent Develo

ate Provost an

oom 001 (Maf Sociology, Bder of hip-hop

Professor of Afte Professor o

ganizations in Green)

oderator eUnited Bank d African Amet, IBM st Foundation

nd Reason TBASSPAS, 15ies, Brown Unage Director unications Grown/Trinity Rep


on Being Blacr of Thayer & iology, Brownown Universit

ack Student r of Thayer & Public Schoo

Color Campaigancial Aid, Bron University opment Counsnd Director of

in Green) Brown Universp magazines T

African-Americof Law, Templ

erican Studies


Theatre 55 Angell Streniversity - Mod

oup p

ck at Brown George Streen University - Mty

Matriculatio George Streeol - Moderatorgn Committeeown University

selor Institutional D

sity - ModeratThe Source a

can Studies, Dle University

Page | 6  

s, Duke Unive

eet derator

ets) Moderator

n ets) r

e y


tor and XXL Duke Universi



Page 8: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


12:30pm 1:30pm

ClosinW. Du Ri

Ins Pe Ad W DisparW. Du Tr W Pr


CareeSalom Dr

Ce Dr Dr Dr

Ce Dr

Sc CareeSmith- Sc Ma St Do Ed CareeW. Du Tr Ca De St Ri


ng the Educancan MacMillchard Gray ‘stitute for Schedro Noguera deola Oredolaarren Simmon

rity in the Crncan MacMilloy Wilson ‘83anda Moore ‘

reston Tisdale

r Panel Discu

rs in Medicinon Center for

r. Brian Harpenter for Cancr. Anne Beal ‘8r. Delane Casr. Myechia Mienter r. Joan Reedechool

rs in Enterta-Buonanno Hacott Poulson-Bark Downie ‘9eve Hill ‘84, Porsey James ‘disa Weeks ‘8

rs in Law ncan MacMilloy Wilson ‘83arolyn Wade Bennis Colemaeven Hunter ‘ck Thigpen nterprise Grou

ational Achievlan Hall, Room85, Co-Direc

hool Reform - ‘81, Professo

a ‘02, Executivns, Director o

iminal Justiclan Hall, Room3, Attorney, Lit83, Assistant

e ‘73, Director


ne r Teaching, Roper ‘83, Chiefcer Care and 84, Presidentiano ‘98, Profnter-Jordan ‘8

e ‘75, Dean fo

inment, Medall, Room 106Bryant ‘08, Jo91, TV and FilPresident of P‘83, President

87, Dance artis

lan Hall, Room3, Attorney, LitBlackett ‘79, Jn ‘75, Attorne‘99, Attorney, ‘81, Vice Pr

up (PSEG)

vement Gap m 117 (cornerctor of the Co Moderator or of Educatiove Director, Yf Annenberg

ce System m 115 (cornertigation – Mod Attorney Genr of Special Pu

oom 001 (Maf Operating OPrevention in, Aetna Foundfessor of Psyc84, Chief Med

or Diversity a

ia and the Ar6 (corner of Brurnalist, Co-fom Producer, R

Programming ft, L.A. Reid Mst, Choreogra

m 115 (cornertigation – ModJudge of Sheley, Sports Law Business andresident of S

r of Thayer & ommunity Inv

on, New York Youth in ActionInstitute for S

r of Thayer & derator neral, State ofublic Defende

in Green) Officer and M Harlem – Modation chiatry, Univedical Officer, D

and Communi

rts rown & Cushiounder of VIBRyamar Prodfor Music and

Music Publishinapher, Profess

r of Thayer & derator by County Co

w d Intellectual State Govern

George Streevolvement Pro

University n

School Reform

George Stree

f New Jersey ers, State of C

Medical Direcoderator

ersity of PennsDimock Comm

ty Partnership

ing Streets) BE magazine –uction

d Specials, BEng sor at Princet

George Stree

ourt, State of

Property Dispnmental Affai

Page | 7  

ets) ogram, Anne




ctor, Ralph L

sylvania munity Health

p, Harvard M

– Moderator


on University



putes rs, Public Se



h Care



Page 9: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


2:00pm 4:00pm

4:00pm 5:30pm

Shuttle trcampus. 6:00pm 10:00pm

8:00pm 10:00pm

CareeW. Du Tu

Mo Br Jo Ar BoldlyJoin thBrowncolloquSalom

IPC ReThe fooutstanEach hadditiohors dFoundAlumn Award Ge Dr

Sc Ly Ja Ke Gr


FootbDr. Autime. Brown

ScreenfollowThis dstory oprotes

r Transitionsncan MacMill

uneen Chisolmoderator rickson Diamooelle Murchisornold Lewis ‘8

y Brown: Thehe Alumni of students to uium, brief proon Center for

eception, Awollowing alumnding contribhas made a son, the newly d’oeuvres anation. ae Hall (Meet

Honorees eorge Lima ‘4r. Joan Reedechool ynn Nottage ‘8acques Louis ‘ezia Ellison ‘0race Briggs, fo

n will be pro

all Game, Brugustus White

Football Stad

ning of the Dwed by Q&A S

ocumentary eof the Americaters sang on

s lan Hall, Roomm ‘84, Attorn

ond ‘93, Senioon Hayes ‘95, 3, Director of

e Alumni of CColor Campa celebrate thogram, and cor Teaching, Lo

wards Ceremomni will be rebutions and significant, pos elected IPC nd cocktails

ting Street be

8, Tuskegee e ‘75, Dean fo

86 ‘95 5 ormer employ

ovided conti

own vs. Harve ‘57, P ‘98 w

dium, 400 Elm

DocumentarySession executive proan civil rights picket lines,

m 117 (cornerney, Intellectu

or Vice Presid Second Vice Customer Lo

Color Initiativaign Committe diversity oomplimentaryobby and Roo

ony and Induecognized byservice to thesitive impact i officers will will be serv

tween Brown

Airman or Diversity a

yee at Brown

nuously from

vard will be honored

mgrove Avenu

y "Soundtrac

oduced by Mamovement th in mass mee

r of Thayer & ual Property

dent, Capital G President of

oyalty, Macy’s

ve Celebratiotee, Brown’s of Brown. Thy international om 001 (Main

uction Ceremy the Inman e Black Comin their comm be inducted ved. Sponso

& Thayer Str

and Communi

Food Service

m Faunce A

d by the Ivy F

ue (at the corn

k for a Revol

ark Downie ‘9rough its powetings, in pad

George Streeand Entertai

Guardian Priv Diversity, Tra


on multicultural his event wil dinner buffet Green)

mony Page Alumn

mmunity at Brmunity and/or t in a ceremoorship provid


ty Partnership

es (posthumou

rch to the g

Football Asso

ner of Session


91 and Dannwerful music - ddy wagons,

Page | 8  

ets) nment Litigat

ate Client Seravelers Comp

affinity groupl include a ft.

ni Council forrown and Betheir professiony. Complimeed by the

p, Harvard M


game and ba

ociation during

n Street)

ny Glover, tel the freedom sand in jail ce

tion –

rvices anies

ps and faculty

r their eyond. on. In entary Aetna


ack to

g half-

lls the songs

ells as

Page 10: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Shuttle tr 10:00pm 12:30am

Sunda Shuttle tr 10:30am 11:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm

Please tak CAMPUSFriday, SeSaturday, The one-Waterman INFORMAFriday, SeSaturday, The informHouse, cominutes byou to the

they fosongs rivetingCongreSalom


Funk NSponsDigga"will be Alumn

ay, Sept


ContinThird W

ReflecA celeand pethe aluMannin

ke advantage

WALKING Teptember 24 - September 2-hour tour orn Street and B

ATION SESSIeptember 24 - September 2mation sessioorner of Watebefore the sche site.

ought for just by top artistg archival fooessman Johnon Center for

n will be prov

Night ored by the A" Davidson ‘00 provided conae Hall (Meet

tember 2

n will be prov

nental BreakfWorld Center,

ctions: A Spirbration in shaerspectives frumni sharing, ng Chapel (co

of the walkin

TOURS - 9:00am, 11:025 - 10:00am, riginates fromBrown Street)

IONS (ADMIS- 10:00am, 2:025 - 10:00am, ons are held ierman Streetheduled start

tice and equas, including Jtage; and inte Lewis, Harry

r Teaching, Ro

vided from Fa

Alumni of Col0. Complime

ntinuously fromting Street be


vided from do

fast 68 Brown St

ritual Walk - aring and sonrom their pers and Psalmistorner of Wate

g tours and in

00am, 1:00pm 11:00am & 1

m the Stephe. Please use t

SSIONS) 00pm 11:00am in a building and Brown of the sessio

ality. The filmJohn Legenderviews with cy Belafonte, Juoom 101 (Ma

aunce Arch t

lor Initiative. entary beer anm campus to dtween Brown

owntown Pro

treet (corner o

Brown and Bng as Brown sonal journey Katani Eatonrman & Prosp

nformation se

m, & 3:00pm 2:00pm en Robert Cthe new entra

within a five Street). Pleaon, where ou

features new, Joss Stonecivil rights fooulian Bond, anin Green)

to downtown

Music will bend wine will bdowntown Pro & Thayer Str

ovidence to F

of Waterman a

Beyond alums involve

y. Rev. Teresn Sumner ‘85 pect Streets)

ssions availa

Campus Centance leading t

minute walk se plan to arr Admission

w performanc, Wyclef Jea

ot soldiers andnd Ambassad

n Providence

e provided bybe served. Shovidence. reets)

Faunce Arch

and Brown St

ed in ministrya Fernandes will minister i

ble on campu

ter (Faunce through the ar

of the Campurrive at the COffice repres

Page | 9  

ces of the fren, and The Rd leaders, incdor Andrew Yo


y DJ Garfield huttle transpor

h and back.


y will share in ‘85 will be an song.


House, cornrch.

us Center (FaCampus Centsentative can

eedom Roots; luding oung.

"Garf rtation

sights among

ner of

aunce ter 15 direct

Page 11: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


HISTO Brown’s cliAs the thirCongregatwas the onfounded Rdedicated t The historyIsland in Wlocation onBrown, theestablishmcoordinate college wa Graduate provision wupon succbeyond thein 1857. TBrown begto publishawarding programs othe new p1889. Brown first1975, the fBrown Cor(PLME). Tundergradu Brown’s diin a Groucurriculum he wrote: “chose, all distributionpluses or mIvy League


imate of opennrd oldest collegionalist Yale a

nly one that wehode Island in to diversity and

y of Brown telWarren, Rhoden College Hill, e College of Rh

ment of the W structure for s merged with

study at Browwas made for tcessful complee bachelor’s deThe more modgan in 1887, w in the followof both the mof advanced wolan were gran

t organized a first M.D. degrerporation appr

The majority ouate degrees th

stinctive underp Independen harks back to “The various cothat he chose

n requirements minuses in the e (1847). Pemb


ness and coopege in New Eng

and Harvard; Pelcomed studen 1636 on the sd intellectual fre

ls of a universe Island, the s overlooking thhode Island wa

Women’s Collegeducating wom Brown in 1971

wn University bthe awarding otion of one ye

egree. This sysdern tradition

when the facultwing year’s cmaster’s and ork. The first m

nted in 1888 a

medical progrees of the modroved an eightf openings forhrough the PLM

rgraduate currit Study Progr a philosophy sourses should be, and nothing and allows any letter grading broke College,


eration can be gland and the

Presbyterian Prnts of all religioame principle)eedom.

sity undergoingschool registerhe capital city as renamed Broge in Brown men within the1.

began in 1850of the master’sear of academstem was discoof graduate s

ty and Fellowscatalog rules the Ph.D. in

master’s degreeand the first P

am in 1811. Tdern era were t-year medicalr the first-yeaME. Today Bro

culum dates toram and ratifieshaped by Browbe so arrangedg but what hey course to be system. The sBrown’s wome


traced back to seventh oldesrinceton; and Eous persuasion. Brown has lo

g constant chared its first stuof Providence

own UniversityUniversity. Th

e University. La

0, when s degree mic work ontinued study at s agreed

for the regular es under h.D.s in

The school waawarded to a continuum car medical clas

own awards ap

o 1969–70. Coed by the facuwn President Fd that, insofar ae chose.” The taken on a satchool has the o

en’s college, me

its founding ovst in America, Episcopalian Pns (following thong since shed

ange. Foundedudents in 1765e. In 1804, in ry. The first womis marked theater known as

as suspended graduating claalled the Progss are reserveproximately 80

onceived by unulty after muc

Francis Waylanas practicable, New Curricultisfactory/no croldest undergrerged with the

ver two centuri Brown was thPenn and Coluhe example of its Baptist affil

d in 1764 as th5. It moved in recognition of

men were admie beginning os Pembroke C

by President Wass of 58 studegram in Liberaed for student0 M.D. degrees

ndergraduate sch University-wnd in the mid-1 every student um, instituted redit basis. In araduate engine university in 1

Page | 10 

es ago. he Baptist answumbia. At the tRoger Williamsliation, but it re

he College of R 1770 to its pa gift from Ni

itted in 1891 wof eighty yearsollege, the wo

Wayland in 18ents. In 1984–8al Medical Eduts who receives each year.

students particiwide discussio9th century. In might study w in 1969, elimaddition, there eering program971.


wer to time, it s, who


Rhode present cholas

with the s of a omen’s

827. In 85, the ucation e their

ipating on, the 1850,

what he minated

are no m in the

Page 12: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Brown’s mteams are the bear, wgames. Pe Since 200university.


Beginning its strengthfor Academmedical edprogress toadmission advance saccomplishalumni volu It is essenremain reThat relevadjustmentassumptionwhich highfor ongoinextensive engaging process. Treaffirmed future emenhancem

ain campus is known as the

which dates baeople associate

1, Brown’s 18She is also the


in 2002, Brownhs and achievemic Enrichmenducation and toward the goafor undergrad

scholarship, rehments achievunteers and the

tial that the Pllevant in an

vance demandt of their goans in the face

her education og evaluation, review of the faculty, studen

The results of the core goa

mphasis on ent of

located on CoBrown Bears. ck to 1904. Th

ed with the Univ

8th president e first African A


n embarked on new levels of nt (PAE) has to position the

als outlined in tduates and stresearch and teed during this e generous sup

lan evolve oveever-changing

s continuous als, priorities ae of the broaoperates. Reflethe University

Plan in the snts, staff and the review, c

als of the plaseveral are


ollege Hill on thThe school coe costumed mversity are kno

has been RutAmerican and s

AMPAIGN UnCare-greprostufaccarecfis

n an ambitious excellence in rguided Brown

e University fothe Plan, inclurengthening fineaching; and time have bepport of alumni

er time if it is tog environmentevaluation andand underlying

ader context iecting the needy undertook aspring of 2007 alumni in th

called Phase In and focusedas: continued

e education

he East Side olors are seal bascot named "wn as Brunoni

th J. Simmonsecond female


nder Presidentampaign for Ac-evaluating theeater academicograms, reseudents who nculty and stafmpaign had mcord levels of cal year. The t

program of acresearch, educn’s efforts to r continued suding increasinnancial aid forinvesting in then due to the i, parents, and

o t. d g n d n

7, e I, d d


of Providence. brown, cardinal"Bruno" frequeans.

s, the first pepresident of an


t Ruth Simmoncademic Enrice existing currc ambition. The

earch, new fneed financial ff. In June 20

met its goal ninegiving despite

total sum raised

cademic enrichmcation, and pubprovide excelluccess. Since g the size of tr all students;he campus in hard work of other friends o

The universityl red, and whitently makes app

ermanent feman Ivy League in


ns, the Univerchment. This criculum and rae money will bfacilities, biolo assistance, 009, it was aeteen months the global ecod currently stan

ment that was blic leadership. lent undergrad 2002 they hathe faculty; est; providing es

nfrastructure. T many faculty,of the Universit

Page | 11 

y’s 37 varsity ae. Brown’s mapearances at a

ale president nstitution.


rsity has launccampaign consaising $1.4 billibe used for acaogy and medand expandinannounced thahead of targeonomic crises nds at $1.415 b

designed to bu Since then, thduate, graduatave made signtablishing needsential resourc

The momentum students, stafty.


athletic scot is


of the


ched a sists of ion for ademic dicine,

ng the at the

et, with of the billion.

uild on e Plan te and nificant d-blind ces to m and ff, and

Page 13: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


internationendorsed tplanning. These aspto these go Constructio












alizing the Unithese recomme

irations requireoals over the ne

on projects reconstruction of utumn 2006)

Relocation and ronversion of P

or the Humanit008) onversion of Jffice and Univeonversion of Rrchaeology andonstruction of f the section inontingent on reonversion of Fugust 2010) onstruction of ompletion Deceonversion of tsychological S

winter 2012) onstruction ofquatics Centeavid Zuccononditioning Ce

72,000 squareanuary 2012) onversion of atreet in the ducation Build

$45 million, com

versity, and fuendations in Fe

e significant invext several dec

ently complete the Sidney E

renovation of PPembroke Hall, ties and the Pe

J. Walter Wilsoersity offices (coRhode Island d the Ancient WThe Walk thro

n front of the Gemoval of AshaFaunce House

the Perry and ember 2010) the Metcalf lab

Sciences (74,00

f the Katherinr, the Nelson

ni ‘55 Varsenter, and the e feet, $46.6

an art deco buJewelry Distr

ding of the Alpmpletion autum

rther improvemebruary 2008,

vestments. All cades-and bey

ed, in progress,. Frank Hall fo

Peter Green Ho the original Peembroke Cente

on laboratoriesompleted autumHall to house

World (completough five city bGranoff Cente

amu Dance Stu to house the S

Marty Granoff

boratories on T00 square feet

ne Moran CoFitness Cente

sity Strength Ittleson Quad

million, comp

uilding on Richrict to the Mpert Medical S

mn 2011)

ment of academand they are n

those who carond.

, and in preparaor Life Science

ouse, the historembroke Colleger for Teachin

s to house themn 2008) the Artemis Ated September blocks from Linr by Decembe

udio and the greStephen Robe

f Center for th

Thayer Street , $42 million, c

oleman er, the and

drangle pletion

hmond Medical School

mic departmennow fully integr

re about Brown

ation: es (169,000 sq

ry department ge classroom bg and Resear

e Student Reso

A.W. and Martr 2009) ncoln Field to ther 2010, compeenhouse)

ert ‘62 Campus

e Creative Art

to the Departcompletion aut

nts and programrated into all el

n have an opp

quare feet, $9

(completed spbuilding, to hourch on Women

ources Building

rtha Sharp Jou

he Pembroke letion of Phas

s Center ($20.8

s (35,000 squa

rtment of Cognumn 2011, lab

Page | 12 

ms. The Corpoements of Univ

ortunity to con

5 million, com

ring 2008) use the Cogut Cn (completed a

g, with campu

ukowsky Institu

Campus (compe 5 after 2011

8 million, comp

are feet, $40 m

nitive, Linguistboratories comp


oration versity



Center autumn

s post

ute for

pletion 1, date



ic and pletion

Page 14: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



graduate pBrown Univ Tuition anUndergradcost is $54 Financial ABrown proundergradu2013 was $ Brown Univinitiatives, of these ini





Facilities The main c235 buildinare used fo


programs accepversity accepte

nd Fees uate tuition for


Aid ovides 100% ouate student b$33,290.

versity is communique to Browitiatives. ndergraduate dmission, do nave moderate lamilies with to

make a contribuamilies with tot

educed contributudents are abwards including

campus of Browngs. Of the Unior academic sp


pting 18% of thed less than 2%

r the academic

of the demonsbody receives n

mitted to assistwn, have been

financial aid not have a loanloans dependin

otal parent eartion toward thetal parent earnution. ble to use outg the summer s

wn occupies 14iversity’s 4.8 mpace and reside


he 7,283 stude% of its 5,000+

c year 2010-11

strated financineed-based fin

ing families in developed in o

applicants witn component ing on family totnings less thae cost of educanings less than

tside scholarshsavings expect

43 acres on themillion usable sence halls.

BROWN U AcademThe Col133 adjfaculty rundergr The admwas 9.3in the topercent began uThe Gra

ents who applie applicants.

is $39,928, a

al need for anancial aid. Th

meeting their dorder to better

th total parentn their awardstal income leven $60,000 and

ation. $60,000 and a

hips to eliminatation.

e East Side of quare feet of f


mic Life llege employs unct and visitinratio is 9:1. Everaduates.

mission rate fo3 percent. 96 pop 10 percent were either vusing the Commaduate Schooed in 2008. Th

and room, boar

all aided studehe average fina

demonstrated f assist our fam

t incomes less. Students witel. d assets less t

assets greater

ate all of the

Providence. Infloor space, ap


679 full-time fng professors.ery Brown facu

or the undergrapercent of acce of their high saledictorian ormon Applicatiool is also highhe Warren Alpe

rd, and fees ar

ents who matrancial-aid pack

financial need. milies. The follo

ss than $100,0th family earnin

than $100,000

than $100,000


ncluded within tpproximately 2.

Page | 13 

faculty membe Brown’s studulty member te

aduate class ofepted studentsschool class, ar salutatorian. on in the Fall ofhly competitiveert Medical Sch

re $14,442. Th

riculate, 41% kage for the cl

Several financowing is an ov

000, at the tings above $10

0 are not requ

0 have a signif

components in

the main camp9 million squa


rs and ent-to-


f 2014 s were and 38 Brown f 2008. e, with hool of

he total

of the lass of

cial aid erview

me of 00,000

ired to


n their

pus are re feet

Page 15: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


There are John Hay L The StudeBrown UniReview 20journal Wostyle.

B 52 A 10 Th 80 9% 15

Life After

35 60 B

ac O

bu W


more than 6 mLibrary, the Orw

ents versity has rec10 rankings. B

omen’s Wear D

rown currently 2% of undergrabout 29% of un0% hail from abhe graduation 0% of all under% of students b542 graduates

o 1196 Ao 312 Sco 22 Com

Brown 5% of undergra0% of undergrarown consisteccepted to med

Of those who apusiness school

Within 10 yearsrofessional stud

million items in wig Music Libra

cently been ranBrown was alsoDaily on the ba

enrolls approxaduates are femndergrads are broad. rate within 6 yergraduates livebelong to frater in the Class of

A.B. recipients c.B. recipients mbined A.B./Sc

aduates pursueaduates pursuently ranks amdical school, anpply to law sch applicants, the

s of graduationdy.

Brown’s 6 libraary, the Annma

nked #1 for Amo named "the masis that stude

ximately 5,900 male, 48% malpeople of color

ears is 95%. e in residence hrnities or sororif 2008:


e graduate or pe graduate or pong the top find these imprehool, 92 to 95 e figure is nearn, 80% of all s

aries: the Johnary Brown Mem

merica’s Happiemost fashionab

ents on campus

undergraduatele. r.

halls. ities; there are

professional stuprofessional stuve colleges inssive records apercent are acrly 100 percentstudents have

n D. Rockefellemorial Library, a

est College Stble school in ths seem to hav

es from all 50 s

12 fraternities

udy immediateudy within 5 yen the nation inare similar in occepted to onet. pursued furth

er Library, the Sand the John C

tudents, accordhe Ivy League"ve the stronges

states and 93 c

, and 5 sororiti

ly. ears. n the percentaother areas of ge of their top th

her education

Page | 14 

Sciences LibraCarter Brown L

ding to the Prin by the fashionst sense of pe



age of its appgraduate studyhree choices; a

through gradu


ry, the ibrary.

nceton n trade ersonal

licants . among

uate or

Page 16: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



In 1983, aSimmons leaving invice provoprovost ainvited byreport thapresident number oengineerin Simmons Philosophthe New CambridgTrustees Obama aseducationuniversitieUniversityUniversityCollege, WUniversityCaliforniaUniversityGreece.


after serving joined the P 1990 for twoost, she remand executive

y the presidenat resulted in of Smith Coof strategic inng program at

is a Fellow hical Society,

England Ase University, and the Boa

s a member oal, charitable

es, including y, Lake Foresy, NortheasteWashington Uy, Columbia , Tougaloo C

y of Vermont,


Ruth J. July 3, secure Ruth J. July 3, 2ComparpresideBrown. A nativeSimmonHarvardworks o

as associate Princeton Uno years to serained at the u secretary of nt to review th a number oollege, the laitiatives to stt a U.S. wome

of the Americand the Counsociation of and she servard of Directoof the Presidene, and civic e

Amherst Colst College, Urn UniversityUniversity in University, H

College, JewisMorehouse C


Simmons wa 2001. Undeits standing a

Simmons wa2001. She alsrative Literatunt of Smith C

e of Texas anns received d University iof David Diop

dean of the iversity admirve as provosuniversity unt the Prioritieshe state of raf initiatives thrgest womentrengthen theen’s college.

can Academyncil on ForeigSchools and

ves on a numors of Texas nt’s Commiss

endeavors, shllege, Bard C

University of y, New York St. Louis, Re

Harvard Univesh Theologica

College, Spelm


as sworn in ar her leaders

as one of the w

as sworn in aso holds an apure and the College from

nd a 1967 grher Ph.D. inn 1973. She and Aime Ce

graduate schnistration. Shst at Spelmantil June 30, 1s Committee, ace relations hat received n’s college ine college’s ac

y of Arts andn Relations. S

d Colleges, amber of board Instruments.

sion on White he holds honoCollege, HowMassachusetUniversity, U

ensselaer Poersity, Ewha al Seminary, man College,


as the 18th pship, Brown world’s finest

as the 18th pppointment asDepartment 1995 until t

raduate of Diln Romance l is fluent in


hool at the Uhe remained n College. Re995. As vice the universiton the Princewidespread a the United

cademic prog

d Sciences, aShe is a currean Honorary ds, including t. She was re House Felloworary degree

ward Universittts at AmherUniversity of

olytechnic Ins Womens C University o Union Colleg


resident of Bis making neresearch univ

resident of Bs professor inof Africana

the time of h

llard Universitanguages anFrench and

niversity of S at Princetoneturning to Pr provost she ty’s budget coeton campus,attention. In States, wher

grams and ina

and a membeent officer and Fellow at Sthe Howard Uecently appoiwships. Activees from numety, Dillard Unrst, Dartmout Pennsylvanititute, The G

College, Univeof Toronto, Prge, and The A

Page | 15 


rown Universew investmenversities. 

rown Universn the Departm

Studies. Sheher appointme

ty in New Ornd literatureshas written o

Southern Califn for seven yrinceton in 19 was deputy ommittee. In , Simmons w1995 she be

re she launchaugurated th

er of the Amed past PresidSelwyn ColleUniversity Boainted by Prese in a wide ranerous collegeniversity, Prinh College, Ba, Mount Ho

George Washiersity of Sourovidence Co

American Colle


sity on nts to

sity on ment of e was ent at

leans, s from on the

fornia, years,

992 as to the 1993, rote a

ecame hed a e first

erican ent of ge at ard of sident nge of s and

nceton Boston olyoke ington uthern ollege, ege of

Page 17: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Simmons Fulbright F1999 the President’Lifetime AChristian the JackieCongressMs. Wom2007, sheGlamour m In recent presentatiforeign laeducationat the WhUniversitieas a respo During heexpand anand medicdiversity inresources As an acauniversity prepare thleadership

is the recipiFellowship to Teachers Co

’s Award fromAchievement Leadership Ce Robinson Fional Black Can of the Yea

e was named omagazine Wo

years Simmions on a widanguage stud. Among num

hite House, thes, and the Aondent during

er tenure at Bnd strengthencal students; informs every

s in Brown’s e

ademic leader as a haven hem to becop role for high

ient of a num France. In 19ollege Medal m the United

Medal and tConference/WOFoundation; thCaucus Foundar in 2002. Inone of U. S. N

oman of the Y

ons, an articde array of eddy, diversity,

merous educathe World Eco

American Coug its live teleca

Brown Universn the faculty; improve facilit dimension ofducational mi

r, Simmons beof reasoned

ome informeder education

mber of prize997 she was afor DistinguisNegro Collegthe 2002 “DrOMEN. In 200he Eleanor Rodation. She wn 2001 Time mNews & Worldear.

culate spokesducational an

liberal arts, tional institutioonomic Forumncil on Educa

ast following P

sity, Simmonincrease finaties; renew a f the universitssion.

elieves in the debate with , conscientioin the arena o

es and fellowawarded the shed Service ge Fund. Sherum Major fo04 she receivoosevelt Val-

was selected amagazine namd Report’s top

sperson and nd public polic science eduons and natiom, the Nationation. In SeptPresident Bus

s has createdncial support broad commity. These initia

power of eduthe responsibus citizens. Sof national and

wships, includCentennial M from Columbe has been hor Justice” eved the ROBIE-Kill Medal; anas a Newswemed her Amep U.S. leaders

writer, has wcy issues, incucation, lead

onal forums, snal Press Clutember 2001 sh’s address t

d an ambitiou and resourcetment to sharatives have le

ucation to tranbility to challeShe has sped global affair

ding the GermMedal from Ha

bia Universityhonored with ducation awaE Humanitariand the chairmeek “person terica’s best cos and — for th

written and decluding institudership, and she has been ub, the Assoc

ABC News tato Congress.

us set of inities for undergred governanced to a major

nsform lives. Senge students

ent her careers.

Page | 16 

man DAAD aarvard Universy, and in 200the 2002 Ful

ard from Souan Award, givman’s award to watch” andollege preside

he second time

elivered papeutional govern

women in ha featured sp

ciation of Ameapped her to

iatives designgraduate, gradce; and ensur investment o

She champions intellectuall

er advocating


and a sity, in 01 the lbright uthern ven by of the

d as a ent. In e — a

ers or nance, higher peaker erican serve

ned to duate, re that of new

ns the y and for a

Page 18: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


INMA PhilosophThe Browcommunitto proacnurturing, The CounWashingtoof Brown the first kin the Clasfollowed iestablisheRhode Islthe Black University Mission oThe missistrengthenneeds andproductivefaculty anfor the BlUniversityUniversity Dr. Inmanclass of 1John Hopmember o1905 and gradateto black Trus


hy: wn experiencty at all levelsctively maki enriching and

ncil is formed on Milford, thUniversity in t

known Black uss of 1905, anin the path ted on April 14and, attended community o

y Alumni Relat

of the Councon of the Inmn Brown Und concerns oe interactiond staff. Memback commun

y. In additiony, including bu

n Edward Pag877, paved te, a member of Alpha Kapp went on to t receive a Phstee.


ce should bes and in all asng that exd healthy.

in honor of Inhe first knownthe class of 1undergraduatnd all of the Bthat they clea4, 2000 at a rd by Black aluof Brown Untions Office.

il: man Page Blaiversity by df its Black alu among Bla

bers of IPC shity of Brown , the membe

ut not limited t

e and Georgethe way for a of the Phi Bepa Alpha Sorteach Englishh.D. from Bro


e optimal forspects. IPC isxperience p

nman Page an Black unde877, Ethel T.

te of PembrokBlack studentsared. The Coretreat held inumni, other miversity, and

ack Alumni Codirectly addreumni and estaack alumni, hall endeavor University aners shall worto the Brown A

e Washingtonan impressive ta Kappa Soc

rority Inc. Sheh at Howard Uown. From 1


r its Black s dedicated prosperous,

nd George rgraduates Robinson, ke College s who have ouncil was n Newport,

members of the Brown

ouncil is to essing the ablishing a students, to channel th

nd maximizingrk with organAlumni Assoc

Milford, the f history of blaciety of the clae was the firsUniversity. In 967 to 1972,


heir energies tg Black alumnnizations thatciation.

first known Afack graduateass of 1894; ast black gradu 1932, Samu, he served a

toward broadeni participatiot further the

frican-Americaes to follow. Sand Ethel Treuate of the Wuel M. Nabrit as the Brown

Page | 17 

ening opportuon in the life

interest of B

an graduates Such individuaemaine RobinsWomen’s Colle

was the first Corporation’


unities of the Brown

of the als as son, a ege in black ’s first

Page 19: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


recognition ability, speaeloquence. There is no - Account

of his race by haking with weigh The scope of th doubt but he fai

of Class Day

his white associaht and sententio

he essay indicateirly earned his ho

y in the Provid

INMAN E Inman EdwaWarrenton, later moveUniversity fowas the Clain 1877, he in 1880 andand OklahoWilliams Un “…Mr. Page ioration was the“... Mr. Page

ates, although thousness withouted grasp of thouonors.”

ence Journal

GEORGE George WaStafford Cougraduating ffrom HowarWashingtonbefore the U


ard Page wasVirginia. Durid to Washior two years ss of 1877 Orearned A.M. 1918. He wa

oma, and weiversity in Ten

is the first colore ‘Intellectual Pr did not receivhe choice is nont effort at displaught and the lan

in 1877, Enc


ashington Milunty, Virginiafrom Brown Urd University i, DC Suprem

U.S. Supreme

PAGE, 185

s born into slaing the Civil Wngton, D.C. and then enrator. After gand LLD degras an educatoent on to bennessee and

red graduate frrospects of Ameve his positionne the less creday and at times

nguage was often

cyclopedia Bru


lford was bo. He was the

University in 1in 1901. He me Court in Court in 191


avery on DeceWar his famil Mr. Page nrolled at Broraduating fromrees from Wilor at several secome the P Lincoln Unive

rom the Universerica.’” n as class oratditable to them. s rising to a pron remarkable fo

unoniana by M


orn on Noveme Class of 1871877, he earn was admitted1902 and ad1.

Page | 18 

ember 29, 18ly fled Virginiattended Ho

own Universitm Brown Univlberforce Univschools in Mis

President of Rersity in Misso

sity. The theme

tor from a chiHe is an orator

ofound and impor elegance and

Martha Mitche


mber 11, 1877 Historian. ned a LLB ded to the bar bdmitted to pr


853, in a and oward ty. He versity versity ssouri Roger ouri.

e of his

valrous of rare ressive power.


852 in After

egrees by the ractice

Page 20: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



along withOffice for and a Juri






yh numerous oCivil Rights. is Doctorate D


Richard GrayPresident Richard GrayBrown Univecommunity-baequitable eduan Annie E. Cnon-profit orgaccountable sMD. Mr. GraBerkeley.

Rosetta HillaPresident-EleAn accomplisOffice for Civskills as a mrace, disabilitheadquartersRosetta estabdesigned tomanagement years of expe

other leadersh Ms. Hillary hoDegree from N

Tiffani ScottSecretary anTiffani Scott Technologiesspacesuit. ASupply Chainmultiple projeDemand Plaprocess for planning soforganizations


y, Jr. ‘85

y, Jr. is Co-Drsity’s Annenased collaborucational resoCasey Visitingganization coschools, and y also holds

ary ‘73 ect

shed attorney vil Rights, U.aster troubles

ty, age, and g staff in effoblished a cons assist in capacity, anerience as anhip and managolds a bachelNorthwestern

t ‘98 nd Chair of th began her s where she A few years lan Planner at Jects related tonner at BASthe chemica

ftware systems including: tu


Director of thenberg Instituteatives to imprurce allocatio

g Fellow with Committed to participatory a Juris Doc

and senior m.S. Departmeshooter and gender discrimrts to enforcesulting and co

troubleshootnd promoting executive cogement skills or’s degree in University Sc

he Black Alumcareer as

designed anater after comJohnson & Joho enterprise r

SF where sheal catalyst dim. Ms. Scottutoring studen


e Community e for School rove the studeons. Before joCitizens Houscitizen actiocommunity p

ctorate Degre

manager with nent of Educatchange agenmination, Ms.e Federal civoaching firm fting, leaders overall life

oach and pers that she acqn American Cchool of Law.

mni Reuniona Mechanica

nd developedmpleting businhnson where resource plane recently imivision using t has been ants in math an

y InvolvementReform. CIP

ent outcomesoining the Instsing and Plann to achieve

planning in thee from Unive

nearly 30 yeation, Rosetta

nt. Addressing Hillary led b

vil rights lawsfor executivesship developmastery. Mssonal coach t

quired during Civilization from

n al Design Ed enhancemeness school, s she served a

nning. Currentplemented a SAP, an ean active vond providing

Page | 19 

t Program (CP has helped and push foritute, Mr. Graning Associate decent hoe City of Baltiersity of Calif

ars of service Hillary deveg issues relatoth field offics. In August s and organizapment, incre. Hillary bringto her new veher tenure wim Brown Univ

ngineer at Uents for the Nshe was hiredas a project letly, she is a G demand planterprise res

olunteer in vaconsulting to


CIP) at build

r more ay was tion, a using, more, fornia,

in the eloped ted to

ce and 2008, ations easing gs 10 enture th the


United NASA d as a ead on Global anning source arious small

Page 21: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


businessequarterly bachelor’sAdministra

BOAR CommunDevelopmAlumni &Alumni &UniversityMatriculaNominatiHistorian

es. She has leonline newsl

s degree in ation from NY



ications ment & Student Rel& Student Rel

y Policy ation ons

ed the succeletter, and is

Mechanical YU Stern Scho

llen Hunter ‘0reasurer len Hunter sangana, thenoung confereas fortunate ommitted to aonsulting Grounter holds a niversity and usiness, Univ


Do Lia

lations Kenlations De

Jud Eld Ma Ru

ssful launch os the chair o

Engineering ool of Busines


tarted a com pursued an Mnce, sponsoreto receive a nd active in rup, where she bachelor’s de a Master’s ersity of Penn


nna Lambert nne Merchann McDaniel ‘6shaun Mars ‘0dith Sanford-Hdridge Gilbert ark Winston Gssell Malbrou

of the IPC naf the 2010 B from Brown


mpany with twMBA. Ellen seed by Whartofull-tuition Ho

recruiting stude currently woegree in Politin Business nsylvania.

‘98 t ‘82

69 08 Harris ‘74 ‘05 riffith ‘85 gh ‘99

ational and reBlack Alumnin University

wo classmateserved as Viceon’s African Aoward E. Mitdents of color orks as a Contical Science, Administratio

eunion websit Reunion. Mand a Mas

s, Langston e Chair of the American MBAchell fellowsh for Wharton nsultant in the Magna Cum

on from the W

Page | 20 

tes, publishingMs. Scott hoster’s in Bus

Dugger and annual WhitnA Associationhip award. Eland for the B

e Atlanta office Laude from BWharton Scho


g of a olds a siness

Adam ney M. n, and llen is

Boston e. Ms. Brown ool of

Page 22: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



nationally He holds the Univer

biology froMasters in



in the advoca B.A. in Thersity of Califor

HSmCtaCot DAiwhCHoqqaC

om Brown Un Public Healt


enny Sato Aenny Sato Airector, educroducing Direpartment of

or Teledramatnique, storytriented studyroduction, anational boardecades as aacy of cultura

eatre Arts andrnia, San Dieg

Harold BaileySince his daymaking BrowCommittee anthe numbers and reunion aCampaign thaof the Vice Ctrustee emerit

Dr. Anne BeaAnne C. Bendependent cwith The Comhealth care qCommonwealHospital, and on social influquality of carequality of carearticles in the Caring for Ouniversity, a Dth from Colum


Ambush ‘73 Ambush is a cator, consultector-In-Resid Performing Atic Arts and Ttelling-based, y in theater pd new medias - including n NEA and al equity, nond Dramatic Litgo.

y ‘70, Vice Chys as a stude

wn a better pnd later as secof alumni of

activities. Mr. at facilitated aChairs for thetus and holds

al ‘84 al, M.D., Mcharitable and

mmonwealth Fquality for lowth Fund, she on the facultyuences on pre for child hee, and childre medical litera

ur Children in Doctorate in Mmbia University


professional tant and pudence at EmArts of EmersTechnology - multidiscipliproduction, fila production. Theatre Comstate arts co-traditional caterature from

hair of the Alent leader andplace. As ancretary of the color involveBailey served

alumni calling e Alumni of C an honorary

.P.H. is the d philanthropiFund, where w-income ande was an attey at Harvard eventive heaealth. She is en’s health --ature, as well the First FiveMedicine fromy.


SDC stage blished com

merson Stageson College. California Stnary programlmmaking, vid He has servmmunicationsouncil panelisasting and plu Brown Unive

lumni of Colod athlete, Mr.

n early chair BAA, Bailey

ed in student d as the co-ch prospective

Color CampaPh.D. from B

president oic arm of Aetshe directed d minority paending physicMedical Scholth behaviors a recognized- topics on wl as a book tite Years. Dr. m Cornell Un

director, formmentator. Hee, the produHe was Directate Universitm that integdeo/televisionved on numes Group (TCGst and site euralism in theersity and MF

or Campaign. Bailey has of the BAA worked succerecruitment, hair of IPC’s Brown studenign Committerown Univers

of the Aetnatna Inc. Dr. Bthe Fund’s p

atient populacian at Massool. Dr. Beal’s, disparities id authority inhich she hastled, The Blac Beal earned

niversity Medi

Page | 21 

mer LORT Ae is currentlucing wing octor of the Insty, Monterey grated produn production, erous regionaG); has serveevaluator; is e American thA in Directing

n Committee been commit

A’s Minority Aessfully to inclocal programBlack Matricunts. He is alsee. Mr. Baileyity.

a FoundationBeal was prevprogram to imations. Prior tsachusetts Ges research focn health care health dispa

s published seck Parenting an A.B. degical College a


Artistic y the

of the stitute Bay’s

uction- radio al and ed for active eater.

g from

ted to Affairs crease mming ulation o one y is a

n, the viously

mprove to the eneral cused e, and arities, everal Book: ree in and a

Page 23: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


James BeJames Beand politicbusiness organizingBernard foculture forRock and a project which seleBernard is

earned a Jurisprude

ernard ‘87 ernard is a cocal action. Cu

developmentg campaigns ounded the twr the New Yor Rap Lists. Hof the Rockeects nominees an honors g

Bachelor of ence Degree

mmunity activurrently, Mr. Bt consultant and commuwo leading hiprk Times, the

He is the formeefeller Foundaes for the Newraduate of bo

Judge CaroJudge CaroCriminal CoCourt JudgeCourt Statecontinues toactivities. SAssociation At the local has served Bar AssociaBlackett hasthe State o

Arts Degree from St. Louis

Prof. EbonyProf. EbonyOrganizationdynamics of the co-primaproject, whicand among outcomes. Hchange, anddevelopmentreform. Prof.University, aGovernmentUniversity.

vist and natioBernard is an

for Nationalunity outreachp-hop magazi Village Voiceer executive cation, and haw York State

oth Brown Univ

olyn Wade Bllyn Blackett w

ourt by the Goe in Shelby

e Judge in tho be active

She is a mem and has serv level, she haon the Board

ation for Blacs served as aof Tennessee

from Brown s University S

y Bridwell-Mity N. Bridwens at Brown institutional pary investigatch examines hschools and

Her academicd public polict, public valu. Bridwell-Mitca Masters in and a Ph.D.

onally recogniz archivist for tl Heritage Ah for the Seines, The Soue and Entertacoordinator ofs served on

e Supreme Coversity and H

lackett ‘79 was appointeovernor of TeCounty and he State of in numerous ber of the Amved in a numbas served as d of Directors ck Lawyers ua member of t on the JudiUniversity in

School of Law

tchell, Socioell-Mitchell is University. processes, pator on a five how social retheir partner c and professcy are an exue and sociachell holds a n Public Pol in Managem

zed leader onthe Rock and

Academies. Uervice Employurce and XXLinment Weekf the Project Fthe Independourt on behalarvard Law S

d Judge of Dennessee. Shthe First AfrTennessee. professional

merican Bar Aber of nationaVice Preside of the Ben Fpon which shthe Court of Jcial Council. Providence, in St. Louis.

logy Departm an AssistaHer research

articularly in sc year, Nation

elations – amoorganizationssional interes

xtension of heal equity thro BA in Americicy from the

ment and Orga

n issues of pod Roll Hall of Until recentlyyees InternatL, and has wrkly and co-autForum on Racdent Judiciarylf of the Dem


Division IV of he was the firican AmericaJudge Blackl organization

Association anal elected andnt of the Wom

F. Jones Chaphe served asJudiciary and Judge CaroRhode Island

ment ant Professorh focuses onchool contextnal Science Fong teachers,s – affect schsts in educater desire to ough institutiocan Policy St

e Harvard Keanization Theo

Page | 22 

opular cultureFame as wel, he ran national Unionritten about pothored The Boce and Democy Screening P

mocratic Party

the Shelby Crst female Cr

an female Crkett has beenns and commnd the Nationad appointed omen Attorneypter of the Nas Treasurer. J continues to lyn Wade Blad, and a Doc

r of Sociolon the micro-ts. She is curFoundation fu, among princ

hool processetion, organizaencourage h

onal and systudies from Cennedy Schoory from New


e, race ll as a ational n. Mr. opular ook of cracy, Panel, y. Mr.

County riminal riminal n and munity al Bar ffices.

ys and ational Judge serve ackett ctor of

ogy & -social rrently unded cipals, es and ational human stemic

Cornell ool of w York

Page 24: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Hospital o

opportunitalbum wa

developmon severasuspectedMs Chisochemical

of the Univers

ty to write thes released in

ent engineer al U.S. and fod ozone deplelm earned heengineering

Dr. Delane CDr. Casiano of Medicine disparities aninvestigator fto evaluate treatment. Aconsultation lifespan. Dela(Honors TheSchool of Me

ity of Pennsyl

Gordon ChaGordon Charecord prodWhitney HoAmerican Snominated fwrote for An1986 with graduating, that reachewinning sonfor Essence

e song "Winki’ 2005, and his

Tuneen ChiTuneen Chion intellectucounseling. matters anddevotes signfor foster paobtaining renon-profit orbono mediaGeneral Ele

in the biotecoreign patentsetion and glober Sc.B. degre

from Lehigh

Casiano ‘98 is an Instructo Department nd cultural inflfor a study fun how culture

As a staff psand ongoing ane Casiano,sis in Health aedicine in 200vania in 2007

ambers ‘90 ambers is a ducer who huston and Be

Society of Cofor two Gramnita Baker. Chplans to mahe wrote "If Yd #8 on the

ng "I Apologize magazine ’s Theme" thas second, Lov

isolm ‘84 solm is an atual property Ms. Chisolm

d now includenificant time tarents and reestraining orderganzation, antor panel. Pr

ectric, Herculehnology and s in connectiobal warming cee in enginee

h University.

or of Psychiatof Psychiatr

luences on psnded by the Ne influences sychiatrist fortreatment rela M.D. receiveand Society) 03, and comp7.

Grammy Awaas written seyoncé Knowomposers, Au

mmy Awards, hambers atteajor in politicYou Love Me Billboard Hoe" for Anita Bin 1993, an

at appeared ove Stories, cam

ttorney, mediand entertai

has also litiges those areo pro bono wlative caregivers, serving and serving onrior to beginnes Corporatiospecialty che

on with her wcaused by CFering from Bro She earned

try in the Univry. Her reseasychiatric diagNational Instit patient’s dr the Center,ated to womeed her bacheloin 1998, her m

pleted her psy

ard-winning Asongs for artwles. He has uthors and Pwinning with nded Brown cal science e", a single bot 100. He aBaker. While n interview won her 1993 ame out in 200

ator and arbiinment litigat

gated product eas in her mework, which havers, assistingas general con the Los Anging her legal n, and DuPo

emicals induswork during thFC refrigerantown Universitd her Juris

versity of Penarch focuses gnosis and catute on Mentaecisions abo, Dr. Casianoen’s behavioraor’s of art frommedical degreychiatry reside

American singtists includingreceived eighPublishers (A the song "I University, whand becomey Brownstone

also wrote theworking as e

with Queen Lalbum Black R07.

itrator who fotion, business liability and pediation pracas included fag domestic vioounsel and vgeles County career, Ms. Cnt Company tries. She is

he early 1990ts and Halon ty and her MaDoctor from

Page | 23 

nnsylvania’s S on mental h

are. She is prial Health that out mental ho provides cal health acrosm Brown Univee from Morehency training

ger-songwriteg Aretha Fraht awards froASCAP) and Apologize" thhere he enrole a lawyer. e released in e Grammy Antertainment Latifah led tReign. His firs

ocuses her prs law and repatent infringectice. Ms Chacilitating adoolence victim

vice presidentSuperior Cou

Chisolm workas a researcsole or co-inv’s push to adfire extinguishaster of Scien the Univers


School health ncipal seeks health

clinical ss the versity house at the

er and anklin, m the been

hat he lled in

After 1994


to the st solo

ractice elated ement hisolm ptions s with t for a urt pro ked for ch and ventor ddress hants. nce in sity of

Page 25: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


PennsylanBrown Unsubject.

Sports FoDoctor de

determinaachievemDarity gra

nia Law Schoniversity Steer

oundation. Mrgree from Ge

ants of racial dent gap, andduated from B

ol, where shering Committe

Dennis ColeDennis Colem1993. As Chnationwide spinstitutions abasketball aNational Assoprovides a wtrademarks, ron numerousand member

r. Coleman eeorgetown Un

Sandy DarityDr. William AStudies and Duke Univerethnicity, straSouth theoriethe economicdoctrinal histhas publisheeconomics, pcurrent reseaappearance —to marriage

differences ind post-traumaBrown Univer

Brickson DiAs a senior Brickson Diamanagemennonprofit orgextends beyoBlackhouse filmmakers inof Trustees oand families

e authored heee on Slavery

eman ‘75 man has beehairman of thports, media,

and associationd football. ociation of Ba

wide range of real estate, ans boards inclu of the Board arned a Bachiversity.

y ‘74 A. (“Sandy”) Professor of rsity. Dr. Daratification ecoes of trade acs of reparatiotory and the sed more than public health, arch in popula— particularly to social d the incidence

atic stress disrsity and earne

amond ‘93 vice preside

amond coordint consultantsganizations oond Capital. Foundation, an the indepenof the Nationa facing end-of

r Law Review and Justice a

n a partner inhe firm’s Spo and entertainons. Mr. ColeMr. Coleman

asketball Coacadvice on issnd contract neuding past Pre of Directors ahelor of Arts

Darity Jr. is African and Arity’s researchonomics, schond developmons, the Atlanocial psycholo200 articles i sociology, hisation studies iy skin shade —disconnectede of hypertensorder as a ged a Ph.D. fro

ent with Capnates the divs and adviseon investmenHe is a founa nonprofit fodent film indu

al Hospice Fouf-life issues. H

w comment, wand numerous

n his law firmorts Law Gronment practiceman represen also serveches. In his ro

sues such as egotiations. Mesident of theand Executive Degree from

Arts & ScienAfrican Amerh focuses onooling and theent, skin shantic slave tradogical effectsn professionastory, literary includes ongo— on life outcness to heasion, schoolingroup-based om MIT.

pital Group Pision’s work w

es select went. His passioding board m

ocused on exustry. He is alsundation, whiHaving lost h

which is cited is law journal

m’s Corporateoup, Mr. Co

ce, with an ements over 30

es as Generaole as Generalicensing, spo

Mr. Coleman se Brown Univee Committee o

m Brown Univ

nces Professorican Studies n inequality be racial achievde and labor

de and the Ind of unemploy

al journals spa criticism, andoing work on comes rangingalth and weng, oppositionor collective

Private Client with North Amealthy individon for develomember and bxpanding opposo the currentich supports pis mother as

Page | 24 

in the Report publications o

e Department leman condu

mphasis on a0 head coachal Counsel tal Counsel, thonsorships, pserves as a diersity Hall of of Brown Univversity, and a

or of Public and Economby race, classvement gap, Nr market outcodustrial Revoment exposuranning the fied anthropologthe role of phg from employ

ellness, the nality and the phenomeno

Services divmerican invesuals, familiesoping relationboard chair oortunities for t chair of the patients, careg a child, he w


of the on the

since ucts a thletic

hes in to the he firm patent, rector Fame

versity a Juris

Policy mics at

s and North-omes, lution, re. He elds of gy. His hysical yment social racial n. Dr.

vision, stment s and nships of The Black Board givers


Page 26: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


to find a wrole in Brdegree inadministra

a produceairing on other docplayed bePoint of Vannual judSciences,

Professor professionits 2005 EBall: Racerelease in

way to help otrown Universi organization

ation from Ha

er on the first Beijing TV thumentary pro

efore CongresView series andge. He is als as well as an

Duru’s wornal athletics. IEntertainmente, Reformatio December, 2

thers dealing ity Alumni As

nal behavior arvard Univers

Mark DowniMark E. Domarketing coLinton, haveindependentIn film, Downfive feature Percent”). documentaryfor both Tribawards for Bis currently i

TV news mahen playing ooducing creditss on Capitol nd was nominso a judge forn advisor for T

N. Jeremi DProfessor NHis current the law, withreceiving hicompleted adegree in PJuris Doctorprogram in 1Keith of theassociated whe litigated Professor Dinterests in

k involved cn recognition

t and Sports Lon, and the Q2010.

with grief. Fossociation andand managem


ie ‘91 ownie is a filonsulting basee recently fot crime dramanie has raised films, two He recently

y, “Soundtracbeca and CanBest Documenn worldwide lgazine show n Shanghai Tts include: IrHill, has beenated for an Inr the Student Tribeca Film In

Duru ‘95 . Jeremi Dururesearch focu

h a particular eis undergrada joint-degreeublic Policy fr from Harva1999, Professe United Statewith the law fircomplex civi

Duru joined Memployment

challenges to of this work, Lawyer of theQuest for Eq

r the past 17 d Brown Univment from Br

lm producer ed in New Yoormed Liquid a/thriller whichd over $15 miof which heexecutive p

ck for a Revonnes Film Fentary includinglimited releasto broadcast

TV (as Arounris F. Kung’s n broadcast wnternational EAcademy Awnstitute’s All A

u is an Assocuses on emplemphasis on

duate educate program afrom the John

ard Law Schosor Duru servees Court of Arm of Wilmer l actions befo

Mehri & Skal discriminatio

o discriminato the National e Year awardqual Coaching

years, Mr. Dversity Annuarown Univers

and TV proork City. He a Films to shh will be the fillion from priv

e produced (roduced the

olution,” whichestivals, nomig making the e. In TV, Do life on Ameri

nd the World)groundbreaki

worldwide, incEmmy Award, wards of the AAccess Progra

ciate Professoloyment discr the intersectition at Browat Harvard Un F. Kennedyool. Followinged as a law cAppeals for tCutler & Pickore both statlet, PLLC, won and otherory employmBar Associati. Professor Dg Opportunity

iamond has pal Fund. He sity and a ma

ducer/creatorand his filmmhoot “Fantasfirst of many gvate and instit(“Franchesca celebrity muh was an officnated for 201 Oscar Nomin

ownie developica to China, ) from 1994 ting “Escape fcluding airing for which he

Association Moam.

or of Law at rimination andion of race, la

wn UniversityUniversity, recy School of Gg his graduaclerk to the Hothe Sixth Cir

kering in Washte and federa

where he repr civil rights

ment practiceson honored P

Duru’s new boy in the NFL

Page | 25 

played a leadeholds a bachaster’s in bus

r with expertaking partner

sy” this winteglobal productutional sourc Page,” “Huusic-driven fecial 2009 sele10 PGA and nation shortlisped, wrote andAcross the Pill 2002. Dowfrom China,” nationally on has since beotion Picture A

Temple Unived issues of raaw, and sporty, Professor ceiving a MaGovernment ation from theonorable Damrcuit. He washington, DC, wal courts. In

presented plamatters. Mu

s in the woProfessor Durook, AdvancinL, is schedule


ership helor’s siness

ise in r, Gee er, an ctions. ces for undred eature ection WGA st, and d was

Pacific, wnie’s which PBS’

een an Arts &

ersity. ace in . After Duru

aster’s and a e joint mon J. s then where 2003,

aintiffs’ uch of rld of

ru with ng the ed for

Page 27: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


a multi-disesteem, pmaster’s d

received afrom the SHealth fro

DifferenceBrown Unand a mas

sciplined apppeer pressuredegree in Wom

a B.A. in BioloState Universim Columbia U

e Institute. Msniversity, masster’s of scien

Kezia EllisoKezia EllisonInc. (ETAH) Public HealtCoordinator HIV/AIDS Moattention to hto spearheadschools, chuduring the MHIV/AIDS Aw

proach focusie, violence, amen’s Health

Dr. Brian HaDr. Harper isCenter for Cfirst African Ahis tenure, hbudget of aprograms incCommission Health Instituwith the StatHarper atten

ogy and a B.Aity of New YoUniversity. Dr

Joelle MurcJoelle MurcCompanies.diversity straand externabusiness obCorporate Corporationnonprofit secommittee oyears as a

s. Hayes holdsters of educance degree in

n ‘05 – Honon is the Foun headquartereth in Bostonat Beth Isra

onth highlighthow the HIV/Ad a communiturches, and Month of Marcwareness Dayng on societand economic from Suffolk

arper ‘83 s the Chief Op

Cancer Care aAmerican Comhe successfupproximately

cluding an Off to focus onute to investigte University nded Brown A. in Afro-Amrk, Health Sci

r. Harper is Bo

chison Hayeschison Hayes Ms. Hayes ategy, which al - to drive bjectives. PriRecruiting a, and previoctor, and in h

of the board oa diversity trds a bacheloation degree Communicati

oree nder and Presed in Pittsburn, MA as a

ael Deaconests the need foAIDS epidemity effort to edcommunity och and throuys in Pittsburgal issues imp

c issues. MsUniversity and

perating Officand Preventiommissioner ofully managed $450 millionfice of Minorit methods of

gate long-stanof New YorkUniversity fo

merican Studieience Center oard Certified

s ‘95 is Second V is responsib includes manand enhanceor to joiningand Diversit

ously held pohigher educatof directors oainer with th

or’s degree infrom Harvardion Managem

sident of Edurgh. She alsa Clinical Rss Medical Cor educating tic is affecting ucate teens a

organizations ughout the yegh, Harrisburgpacting the livs. Ellison is ad a bachelor’s

cer and Medicon in Harlem.f Health for Su

d a Departmen. Dr. Harpety Health to af curtailing thnding public h

k Health Scienor his underes. He went o at Syracuse, in Preventive

Vice Presidenble for leadinnaging stratee the organizg Travelers, ty Partnershositions of intion. She is aof Leadership he Anti Defan public policyd University’s

ment from Syra

ucating Teensso works for

Research AssCenter. Educateens about H youth.The goabout HIV/AIDto do their

ear. The projeg, and Philadeves of youth

a Pittsburgh ns degree from

cal Director o. Dr. Harper auffolk Countyent of 1500

er also createddress health

he HIV epidehealth problemnce Center argraduate edon to receive h and a Mastere Medicine an

nt of Diversityng the execu

egic relationshzation’s culturMs. Hayes w

hips at Unincreasing realso a memb Greater Haramation Leagy and educat

s Graduate Scacuse Univers

Page | 26 

s about HIV/AHarvard Sch

sistant and ating Teens HIV/AIDS andoal of the projDS by encourown program

ect sponsors elphia. ETAH such as low

native who hom Brown Unive

f the Ralph Lalso served a, New York. Demployees w

ed new innoh inequities, aemic, and a Pms in collabo

at Stony Brooucation whehis medical drs Degree in P

nd Public Hea

y at The Travution of Travhips - both inre and achiewas the Manted Technosponsibility ier of the exe

rtford and spegue’s A Wotional studieschool of Educsity.


/AIDS, ool of Study about

d calls ject is raging mming Teen

H uses w self-olds a ersity.

Lauren as the During with a vative

an HIV Public

oration ok. Dr. re he egree Public lth.

velers velers’ nternal eve its nager, logies n the cutive

ent 10 rld of

s from cation

Page 28: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Susan FaSusan Fagaining acintegrity afinancial n











arnum, Assocrnum is the Access to a Brand equity. Bneed.

ent from Smit

Stephen Hill Stephen Hill iHill previouslyfor BET. He h106 & PARK,RIP THE RU(2002-presenin 1999, Hill programminggenres of vidstandards pro

Steven HunteSteven V. Hcompanies inliability defendispute resolurisk managemthe "40 Illinoisin the area oChicago Bar (2006). Mr. Science) andHunter is regu

ciate DirectioAssociate Direown educatio

Brown Univers

Prof. KatrinaProf. Katrina research andcurrently seCongressiona(D-SC) in themember. Gamcongressionaunderstandinvoice, and popublished wochallenges thin political sch College.

‘84 is the presidey served as Ehas overseen RAP CITY aNWAY. Hill at) and the BEworked for fo. As director,deos for airpocesses.

er ‘99 Hunter is a t

complex busse. Mr. Huntution, motionsment, insurans Attorneys Uof Business L Association’Hunter is a

d a 2002 graularly invited t

or of the Officector of Finanon by counselsity is comm

a Gamble, So Gamble joine teaching focu

erving as aal Fellow. Whe Office of thmble’s resear

al politics, ang how race inolitical leadersork on how thhe political amcience from E

ent of ProgramExecutive Vic the productio

and THE DEAalso serves asET HIP HOP Aour years at , Hill was resplay, working

trial lawyer wsiness disputeter representss practice, trice coverage

Under 40 to WLitigation (20’s "Maurice W1999 gradua

aduate of theto speak on to

ce of Financincial Aid. Theing families aitted to assis

ociology Deped the facultyuses on politican Americanile on fellowse House Majrch interests nd identity pnfluences politship within th

he intersectionmbitions of woEmory Univer

mming, Musicce President oon of the netwAL, and netwos Executive P

AWARDS (200MTV in New sponsible for with talent

who represees, intellectuas clients in allal and appeaand records

Watch"; he an 09-2010); anWeigle Exce

ate of Brown e Georgetowopics related t

ial Aid e mission of tand administesting families

partment y at Brown Uncal institutionsn Political ship, Gamble jority Whip—tinclude politicpolitics. Her tical deliberat

he US Congren of race andomen of color.rsity in Atlant

c and Specialsof Music Prog

work’s music pork specials SProducer for t06-present). P

w York City as selecting anand supervis

ents national al property disl phases of lit

als) and partnretention. Mr Illinois Super

nd, he is the eptional Youn University (En University to trial practic

the office is toering financial in meeting t

niversity in thes and identityScience Asis working forthe third highcal representa

current resetion, the deveess. More recd gender iden. She receiveta, GA. She

Page | 27 

s for BET. Stegramming & Tprograms, incPRING BLINGthe BET AWAPrior to joinings director of d programmising the netw

and multinasputes and prtigation (alterners with clienr. Hunter is: orlawyer Rising a recipient ong Lawyer AEconomics/PoLaw Center.

ce and diversit

o assist stude aid programtheir demons

e Fall of 2005y politics. Gamssociation (Ar James E. Clhest ranking Hation, race poearch focuse

elopment of pocently, Gamblntity constraind her MA andearned an A


ephen Talent luding G and ARDS g BET music ng all work’s

ational roduct native nts on one of g Star of the

Award" olitical Mr. ty.

ents in s with


5. Her mble is APSA) lyburn House olitics, es on olitical le has s and d PhD

A.B. in

Page 29: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet






Eldridge GilbHis experiencupon graduaHurricane KaKIPP: New OPrep Public Syear at the Eleadership teaBlack Matricstudents. Mr.University.

Richard GrayRichard GrayBrown Univecommunity-baequitable eduan Annie E. Cnon-profit orgaccountable sMD. Mr. GraBerkeley. Dorsey JameDorsey Jameto sign new sa holding coassets primaVice PresideEntertainmenCouncil and rMr. James alsin Engineerin- The Wharto

Donald KingDonald W. KRI slated to Group(KCG)Artistic/Execdirecting creFlat, Siswe developed, a

bert ‘05 ces at Brown ation joined tatrina, EldridgOrleans West.Schools as a 6East End Camam to the Sculation Camp Gilbert holds

y ‘85, Inman y, Jr. is Co-Drsity’s Annenased collaborucational resoCasey Visitingganization coschools, and ay also holds

es ‘83 es is the presidsongwriters. Mmpany that irily related tont at Arista R

nt. Mr. James regional direcso serves as g from Brownn School.

g ‘93 King is Co-owopen in Janua) a communic

cutive Directordits include: BBanzi is Dea

and directed A

taught him ththe Teach F

ge evacuated In 2006 Eldr6th grade Socmpus and hachool Directorpaign that fas a B.A. from

Page Black ADirector of the

berg Institutatives to imprurce allocatio

g Fellow with Committed to participatory

s a Juris Doc

dent of LA ReMr. James wasinvests and to the music bRecords and was the form

ctor and area an alumnus tr

n University an

ner of Fete, aary of 2011.

cations, marker of the ProvidBlack Maria (wad, The DumA Tribute to L

he value of giFor America to Houston,ridge moved cial Studies teas transitionedr. Mr. Gilbert acilitated alum

m Brown Univ

Alumni Coune Community te for School rove the studeons. Before joCitizens Houscitizen actiocommunity p

ctorate Degre

eid Music Pubs previously ptakes an actibusiness. Mr General Man

mer president ochair for Browrustee to Brownd an M.B.A.

a three room, Don is the Preting & brandidence Black which he ada

mbwaiter, A KLangston Hug

ving back to Corps in Ne Texas and into a teachin

eacher. He is d from a teaserved as themni calling p

versity and an

ncil (IPC) Prey Involvement Reform. CIPent outcomes

oining the Instsing and Plann to achieve

planning in theee from Unive

blishing, a joinpresident of Sive managem. James alsonager at LaFof the Inman wn Alumni Scwn University from Univers

live music verincipal at Kining company.Repertory Co

apted for the sKwanzaa Songhes, which w

Page | 28 

his communitew Orleans. began teachng position at beginning hisching role inte co-chair of prospective Bn M.B.A. from

esident t Program (CP has helped and push foritute, Mr. Graning Associate decent hoe City of Baltiersity of Calif

nt venture witSkor Entertainment role in mo served as SFace RecordsPage Black A

chools Commy, he holds an sity of Pennsy

enue in Providng Communica He is the fou

ompany. Blacstage), Suicidng. He concewas commiss


ty and After ing at t YES s third to the IPC’s Brown

m Rice

CIP) at build

r more ay was tion, a using, more, fornia,

h EMI nment, media Senior s/BMG Alumni ittees. Sc.B. lvania

dence, ations

unding k Rep e in B eived,


Page 30: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


by the RhTheater Fare in nonrisk youthdefying, oDepartmeUniversityspecial “VBrown Un

video, andoften unreLaird is aentertainmLaird co-fothe Ethel T

DC, Little affecting tin the DC Brown Un

hode Island Festival and thn-traditional auh. Mr. King isoutdoor musicent of Arts, Cy. Recent honVision” awardniversity (2009

d film. Posro pealistic and malso the co-foment venue baounded the NTremaine Rob

Lights. She ithe DC comm Ivy communit


Foundation, ahe Providenceudience deves a DJ in thec festival, ProCulture and nors and awad; TCG Obse9).

Roland LairdRoland Lairdentrepreneur as politics, education anbroadcast ouat the heighTechnology ahis near 20convergent epurpose of PAmerican hisprojects’ positisleading portounder and mased in Harle

NY Chapter ofbinson Found

Donna LamDonna LambLambert woclients withinand Manufacurrently resservice. Msa youth deveround youth tutor and me

s co-found ofmunity, encour

ty. Ms. Lambe

and after its e Performing lopment and AfroSonic C

ovidence SouTourism. A

ards include: 2rvership Gran

d ‘82 d is a nationr with a passiorelationships,

nd religion, hautlets includingt of the U.Sat a wholly-ow0-year-old sidentertainmentPosro, an enstory and cultutive imagery itraits of the Amanaging dirm and schedf Brown Univ


bert ‘98, IPC bert is a Stratorks with a cn the public seacturing Engisides in Wash. Lambert is aelopment orga developmententor for anothf Ivy Cause Eraging volunteert holds a Ba

premiere at Arts Center. thematic appr

Collective and und Session, native of Pro2007 Motif Awnt (2008); Jo

nally acclaimeon for his com, societal issas appeared g NBC, CBS/C. financial cr

wned subsidiade business company spntertainment ure in a varies designed to

African Americrector of My uled to open ersity’s Inman

Communicaegy and Chanore team to ector. Prior toneer for Cathington DC wa board membanization in Wt program, afteher youth dev

Events (I.C.E),eerism, and aachelor of Scie

Black Rep aAs an arts coroaches spec co-producesin partnershiovidence, Mr

Awards for Beohn Hope Alu

ed author, cummunity. His sues, hip ho in numerousCW Philly, ABrisis, Mr. Lairary of a Globa Posro Medpecializing in production c

ety of formats o stand in shacan communitImage Studi

in 2011. A grn Page Black

ations Chair nge Lean Six deploy Lean

o joining consterpillar Inc. where she is ber for Facilita

Washington DCer school and

velopment pro, a group thatssisting the eence Degree

appeared at tonsultant, his cifically targetes New Englanp with the Cr. King gradu

est Director (Bumni Award f

ulture critic, work, which op culture as newspapersBC, and MTVrd left his poal Fortune 100dia into the African Ame

company, is including com

arp contrast toty. Adding to os (MIST), araduate of Brok Alumni Cou

Sigma Cons

n Six Sigma sulting, she wand Genera

actively invoated LeadersC. FLY provid

d summer. Shogram in Soutt promotes aw

efforts of socia in Mechanica

Page | 29 

the National areas of exped at urban a

nd’s largest, gity of Provideuated from BBlack Maria) for Public Se

and entertaincovers topics

and entertains, magazines

V. In October osition as a V0 company to

country’s leerican cultureto explore Amics, books, o the mass mhis many title

a ten million own Universitncil and its a

ultant for IBMmethodologie

worked as a Ql Motors Inc

olved in commhip in Youth (des youth withhe also servesth East Washiwareness of ial entrepreneual Engineering


Black pertise and at-genre-ence’s Brown and a


nment s such nment, s, and 2008, VP of

o grow eading e. The African

radio, edia’s

es, Mr. dollar

ty, Mr. ffiliate

M. Ms. es for

Quality . She

munity (FLY), h year s as a ington ssues urship g from

Page 31: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Airmen insociology witnessedBrown decharacteriorganizer,WashingtoNAACP acontinue hdrive for cFoundatioand trainin

within an Sizwe and


n World War in part to try

d and experieegree, the onistic determin, then as anon. Returning

and as a Rhohis fight for cichange. Just aon to create png.

urban contexd Cauvin.

George Liman April 1945,

Lima was onofficer’s club adecision for amove to integntegration of series of courifetime of cmmigrants froState CollegeII. Enrolling

to understanenced. After gly work he coation, he wen administratog to Provideode Island stavil rights. Anda few years aprograms em

Jacques LouJacques hasserves as theleading Philasections of Nchief strategiPrior to his cyears with Torganization grappled withaim is to acqt. Jacques is

a ‘48 – Honor as a membee of 60 blacat Freeman F

a military officgrate its clubthe military juageous action

commitment om Cape Verde, and servedat Brown afted the segregagraduation, dould find wasnt on to serveor with the Wnce, he servate representd the passagego, now in his

mpowering min

uis ‘95 – Hons been an age Director of Yadelphia CDCNorth Philadeist of a largecurrent post aThe Brotherh

founded by h learning thrquire a bettermarried to M

ee er of the U.S. k Air Corps

Field in Indiancer. But this ibs and was aust three yearns George Limto civil righ

de, Lima first d with the leger the war, hation and disc

despite his ms as a shippie as a union rWar on Poveved as presiative – using

e of time has s 80s, he founnority youth t

noree gent for sociaYouth Develo

C founded 35lphia. At the

e scale netwoat the Alleghe

hood/Sister Stwo Brown

rough three ler grasp of howarkita Morris-

Army’s 477thofficers arres

na – a couragincident provea turning poirs later. As it tma would takehts. The so attended NCgendary Tuskhe chose to scrimination heilitary serviceng clerk. Butrepresentativeerty and VISTident of the

g both positionot diminishended the Blacthrough educ

al change foropment for the5 years ago t

Allegheny Work of youth eny West Fo

Sol, the acclagraduates. T

enses: accessw those three-Louis ‘98 and

h Bombardmested for tryinggeous and poted to be decint on the roturns out, thise in a

on of C A&T kegee study e had e and t with e and TA in local ns to

ed his ck Air cation

r the past 17e Allegheny Wto improve th

West Foundatioservices in Nundation, Jacaimed HarlemThroughout hs, equity, ande elements ad they have tw

Page | 30 

ent Group, Gg to enter a tentially dangisive in the A

oad toward ths was only on

7 years. TodaWest Foundathe quality of on, Jacques North Philadecques spent sm-based nonhis career, hed engagemenffect young pwo wonderful


George white

gerous Army’s he full ne in a

ay, he tion; a life in is the

elphia. seven -profit e has nt. His people boys,

Page 32: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


this year’sthe Chaplpractice. Iof SpringsExecutiveUniversityCollege, aScience, f

program. helping Br

s Vertias Foruains and Relin addition to s of Life-Givi Director of W

y and the Una Masters of Dfrom Morehou




Before movirown students

Reverend WInterim DirecAssociate PReverend WUniversity, is Mathis joinedChaplain of renewal of Imstudent leadeof local andbetween the

um. His leadeigious Life forserving as Asng Water Ch

WLM Ministriesniversity of NDivinity from use College.

Atiba MbiwaAtiba Mbiwanin 1983 chantransformatioafterward. Foa professionaDirector of Thnonprofits whdevelopment was featured other Brown ng to Georgias connect with

Jim Miller ‘7Jim Miller is higher educathere as assoof financial ato Brown as managing relsix-month revMiller graducommunicatio

William Mathisctor of the Throtestant Unilliam Mathis, also serving d Brown in 20the Universit

mani Jubilee ership team a global com12 Protestan

ership in theser inter-and intssociate Protehurch, an Ams, Inc. He als

New Haven. Harvard Univ

n ‘82 n was born annged his namnal experiencor the past 25al, a parent ahe Zeist Founho serve child and growth o in the Brown alumni and a in 1992, Atih community b

3, Dean of Athe Dean of

ation as an adociate directorid. After 16 yexecutive direlationships wiview of Browated from Bons from Mich

s hird World Civersity Chap, currently Bras Interim Dir007. Since hty, he has sand its Sundnd an annualmunity servic

nt groups for we areas is stretra-faith dialogestant Chapla

merican Baptisso brings expe Rev. Mathis

versity, and a

nd graduated me to honor a

ce as an ex5 years, Atibaand a volunte

ndation, a famren and youthof the AmeriCn Alumni Mon

staff that prba spent ten based organiz

dmissions Admissions admissions anr of financial a

years as Harvector of capitaith the Univern’s potential Brown and higan State U

enter plain rown’s Assocrector of the This appointmeuccessfully pday evening l mission trip tce; programmwhom he provengthening thgue rooted in

ain of the Univst Church, in erience as ans received hi Bachelor of A

from Brown Ua young man xchange studa has been inveer. Current

mily foundationh. In the 1990

Corps Programnthly magazinrovided leade years in Provzations.

at Brown Unind financial aiaid and seniovard’s directoral giving. In arsity’s leadingto achieve a went on to niversity.

ciate ProtestaThird World Cent as the Asprioritized sevservice, incluto Brazil to ex

matic collabovides oversig

he core priorit intellectual in

versity, Rev. M New Haven

n adjunct profes Juris DoctoArts, in Accou

University as who befrienddent in Nigervolved in youtly, he worksn based in At0s, Atiba was m in Georgia. ne in the fall ership for thividence teach

iversity. He bid officer at Hr admissions r of financial

addition to hisg donors, Mille need-blind a earn a m

Page | 31 

ant Chaplain oCenter (TWC).ssociate Proteveral key areuding developxamine dimenration among

ght-- exemplifities of the Offnquiry and spMathis is the P, Connecticutessor at Quinorate from Bunting and Po

Michael Warded him durinria and died uth developmes as the Assotlanta that sup instrumental Consequentof 1993 alongis national sehing teenager

began his carHarvard, cont officer and diaid, Miller ret responsibilitier participate

admission proaster’s degre


of the Rev. estant eas: a ping a nsions g and ied by fice of piritual Pastor t, and nipiac

Boston olitical

rd, but ng his soon ent as ociate pports in the tly, he g with ervice rs and

reer in inuing irector turned es for d in a

ogram. ee in

Page 33: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Jordan is undergrad


pioneer thwork furthreturn to R

board certifiduate studies


in Conflict Re

he Open RPMher. Her writteRites and Rea

Dr. MyechiaMyechia MiDimock Comthe city of BServices at Jordan wasMedicine, acyears one tSinai Hospphysician leForce on prForces for physician m

ed in interna at Brown Uni

Wanda MoorWanda MoorCommunity Jcapacity, Ms. strategies. Ththroughout theducational, jinto the comaddressing threduce barrieBrown UniveUniversity Scesolution from

Liz Morgan Liz Morgan gand a seniorReason Thechoreographdirect a full Ariel (2008).in New YorPerformanceteam and c

M PlayLab preen work, skINason for a full

a Minter-Jordnter-Jordan,

mmunity HealBoston. Prior Johns Hopks a member cting as both hrough four. ital/Johns Ho

eader in Massrimary care. SQuality Lead

member of theal medicine. Dversity.

re ‘83 re, Assistantustice within Moore spearhis program ise State of Nejob assistancmmunity, inche needs of rrs to integrati

ersity in 1983chool of Law.

m Lesley Unive

‘10 graduated fror capstone in eatre includinher and dialecproduction a

. The script wrk City which e Method andcasting boardesentations toN Deep had al production in

dan ‘94 MD, MBA culth Care Cent to this, she

kins Bayview of the Colle

instructor of cShe complete

opkins Prograsachusetts. SShe is an actdership Teame MassachusDr Jordan co

t Attorney G the Office orheads the ims designed to ew Jersey. T

ce and other crease supporeentering exon. Ms. Moor3 and her J She receiv

ersity in Camb

om Brown Uni solo performang that of act coach. Liz t Rites and R

went on to be f Liz attendedd original pro of The Blac

o assist advana premiere rean the near fut

urrently serveter, one of th served as DMedical Cen

eges Programclinical skills aed her resideam in Internhe has been tive member

m. She curresetts Board oompleted her

General, is tof the New Je

mplementation reduce recid

The program social service

ort opportunix-offenders thre received heJuris Doctoraved her Mastbridge, Massa

iversity in 201ance. Liz hasactor, directowas one of thReason and mfeatured in thd to field queoduction. Lizck Lavender nced playwritading in Noveture. Recent

es as Chief e largest hea

Director of Menter in Baltimm at Johns Hand advisor tency in internnal Medicine. appointed to of the Greatently serves of Registration medical sch

the Director ersey Attorne of the Re-Enivism and enhis focused ones to enhancties for you

hrough systemer Bachelor oate Degree fter in Educatachusetts.

10 with a degs worn severaor, playwrighthe first undergmade her dir

he Annual POTestions aboutz has served

Experience. ting students ember 2009 ahonors includ

Page | 32 

Medical Officalth care centedical Consuore, MarylanHopkins Schoo medical stu

nal medicine . Dr. Jordano the Mayor’ster Boston Alas Secretary

n in Medicinehool education

of the Offiey General. Intry and Prevehance public sn providing gce integrationuth offendersm-wide changof Arts Degreefrom Northeation Degree w

ree in Theatral hats at Ritet, stage mangraduates invirectorial debuTPOURRI! Fet the Resear on the prod She also hin developing

and is schedude: Luis Paga


cer of ters in ltation d. Dr. ool of udents at the is a

s Task igning y and e. Dr n and

ce of n this ention safety reater

n back s and ges to e from astern with a

e Arts es and nager, ited to

ut with estival rch-to-uction

helped g their uled to an and

Page 34: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Joanne SKolobe Lerecipient oBrown UnMFA in ac

Noguera Universityin Sociolo

the first Athe Yale Sof New Dr

Suh New Pionegacy Award of the Minnie niversity in 20cting at Brown

received his y in 1981. Hegy from UC B




African AmericSchool of Draramatists.


neer Award ( (2010) each Helen Hicks

010. Liz has n/Trinity Rep.

Dr. Pedro Dr. Pedro University. focuses onconditions departmenthe SteinhaDepartmenExecutive Director oMetropolitaNew York

bachelors’ de earned his m

Berkeley in 19

Lynn NottageLynn NottageAfrican Amerfor her harrowbrutalized duextended runGoodman Thinterviewed wCongo for a discussed the

can to win theama, where sh

Adeola OredoMs. Oredola iProvidence wpositive socianext Free Minconference thwww.freemindProvidence PPark area of

(2007), Marsh for her contr Prize for Ovtrained at the

Noguera ‘81 Noguera is t Dr. Nogueran the ways in

in the urbants of Teachinardt School ont of SocioloDirector of th

of the Instituan Settings (Ito serve on

egree in Socimasters’ degre989.

e ‘86 – Honoe is an Ameriicans and wowing play, Ruring the war

n at the Manhheatre. To rewomen whose

dozen yearse creation of R drama Pulitzhe is currently

ola ‘02 s the Executi

where over 1,0l change thro

nds People Coat will take pl

dsfreepeople.oublic Schools the city. As

ha Z. West Lributions to Rerall Outstan

e London Dra

the Peter L. Aa is an urbann which schon environmenng and Learnof Culture, Edgy at New Yhe Metropolitaute for the GEMS). In 2the State Unology and Hi

ee in Sociolog

ree ican playwrig

omen. Ms. Noined, about a in the Demohattan Theatresearch the se lives had bes. The winnerRuined in the zer since 2002y a visiting lec

ive Director o000 young leaoughout their onference. FMace on July 7org. Ms. O

s, then Brown s a product o

Legacy AwardRites and Rea

ding Performamatic Academ

Agnew Profe sociologist w

ools are influnt. He hold

ning and Humducation and York Universan Center foStudy of G2008, he wasiversity of Neistory and a gy from Brown

ght whose woottage won thea group of woocratic Repubre Club, whicstory, Nottageen destroyer of a 2007 M March/April B2. She is a grcturer. Ms. No

of Youth in Acaders have bcity. YIA is al

MFP is a natio7-10, 2011 in Oredola grew University, aof the comm

d (2008, 200ason Theatre.ance & Artistmy and is cu

ssor of Educwhose scholaenced by so

ds faculty apmanities and S

Developmentsity. Dr. Nor Urban Educlobalization s appointed bew York Boarteaching credn in 1982 rec

ork often deae 2009 Pulitz

omen who havblic of Congoch coproducede traveled to

ed by the warMacArthur “g

BAM. She is traduate of Broottage is also

ction, a 12 yebeen at the folso the host oonal education Providence. Vw up Prov

and now lives munity in whic

Page | 33 

9), Ramona . Liz was alstic Excellencerrently pursui

cation at Newrship and rescial and eco

ppointments iSocial Scienct, as well as

oguera is alscation and thand Educatioby the Governrd of Trusteedential from Beived his doc

ls with the livzer Prize for Dve been rape

o. Ruined is od it with Chico Africa twicer that has raggenius” awardhe first womaown Universit

o a recent gra

ear old non-prorefront of creorganization fn and social jVisit the websvidence, atte in the Washich she works


Bass-so the e from ng an

w York search nomic in the ces at in the

so the he co-on in nor of

es. Dr. Brown ctorate

ves of Drama ed and on an cago’s e and ged in d, she an and ty and


rofit in eating for the ustice site at ended ington s, Ms.

Page 35: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Oredola isshe compto ensureinitiatives.Providenc

Raffini Raffini is storytellingLangston audition fowith Georcenter forthink to mreach pub

s truly dedicapleted a three e that both yo

She currentce Plan.

TiTitcohoRhAsheco SScitinEMnwdP

currently teag, and arts c Hughes theaor a show at trge being the r inner city chyself, if I can

berty. My goal

ated to every year term asouth and thetly serves as

tilola Gloria tilola Ogunso

oncentrator, aouse, a chorhythm, a Messistant. Titiloelping others onduct researc

Scott PoulsonScott Poulson-o-founding eds name), Pou

n such publicaEssence, EboMeasure of Bovel, The VIP

was born andegree from B

Presently, he i

ching at onecareer startedatre, where hthe GHB, and director. Raf

hildren. "I see teach them w with young fo

aspect of yous a member o community

s a Board M

Ogunsola ‘12ola is a junioand is also preographer foeiklejohn Peeola understanin any way tch abroad and

n-Bryant ‘08 -Bryant is an ditors of Vibe ulson-Bryant’sations as the ny, and The

Black Men in Ps, will be pub raised in Lo

Brown Universs working tow

of the outstad in the earlyhe saw Raffind the rest is hffini continues the need for

when they are olks is a new

uth and commf the Providenhave strongeember with A

2 or from Baltipre-med. Sheor Brown’s oer Advisor, ads the imporhat she can. d pursue her

award-winnin magazine in s journalism, p New York TSource. He iAmerica (pu

blished by Broong Island, Nsity (2008, thoward his PhD i

anding alterny 80’s. Georgni perform forhistory. Georgs to tour, direr such a place little, they wilmindset, a ne

munity develonce School Ber voices in pAS220, the W

more, Maryla is a mentoronly step teaand a Residertance of givi After her studream of bec

ng American j1992 (and theprofiles, revieimes, the Villis the author

ublished by Doadway Book

New York. Heough he was in American S

native schoolsge Bass wasr the first timge and Raffinct, and teache every day tll be a whole dew world”.

opment in ProBoard throughpolicy and scWomen’s Fu

and. She is r at the Johnam and liturential Peer Lng back to th

udies at Browcoming a med

ournalist and e editor who g

ews, and essaage Voice, R of HUNG: A

Doubleday Boks/Random Hoe received his originally in tStudies at Har

s in Rhode Iss invited to s

me. He askedni worked on mh. She is worthat i am in thdifferent pers

Page | 34 

ovidence. In which she w

chool improvend of RI, an

a Human Bn Hope Settlergical group-DLeader-Commhe communit

wn Titilola hopical doctor.

author. One gave the magays have app

Rolling Stone, A Meditation oooks in 2006ouse in 2011.s Bachelor othe Class of 1rvard Univers

sland. Her asee a show ad her to comemany other srking on a leahe system. Ion by the time


2006, worked ement nd the

iology ement Divine munity y and pes to

of the gazine peared Spin, on the 6). His Scott

of Arts 1989). sity.

acting, at the e and hows, arning often e they

Page 36: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Sinai SchSchool of

culture. BHer most and Why public confrequentlypolitics, bNPR andUniversityfield of Am

ool of Medici Public Health

lack Noise: R recent book iit Matters. In

nversation ony to scholarlylack culture a other nation

y where she remerican Studie

Dr. Joan ReJoan Y. RePartnership developmenleadership, gand advance(HMS). The has created the past 20 HMS that aiwho are intethe healthca

ne. She holdsh, and an MBA

Dr. Tricia RoProf. Tricia University. Ssocial historyinterest in blabout race inof her work rother forms odeveloped byRose is most

Rap Music andis entitled The

n The Hip Hon hip hop, exy and generaand music annal and locaeceived a BAes.

Judith SanfoJudith SanfoBoston. SheDiversity andadministrativand student students, anfor more thaserved on IPchapters in b

eede ‘75 – Hoede, MD, MS at Harvardnt and managuidance, andement of und impact of Dr. to benefit mi years, Dr. Rim to addresserested in caare professions an MPH anA from Boston

ose, Chair of Rose is the

She specializey, popular cuack cultural

n U.S. life, andreflects a deeof structural rey artists, commt well-known fd Black Cultue Hip Hop Wa

op Wars, Rosamining the rl audiences d gender. Rol radio outlet

A in Sociology

ord-Harris ‘7ord-Harris cue has servedd Community

ve posts in pu affairs, includ vice presid

an 20 years, PC’s Black Mbooks on sch

onoree S, MPH, MBA Medical Scagement of d support to per-represente. Reede’s wornority student

Reede createds pipeline andreers in med

ns. Dr. Reeded an MS in H

n University.

the Africanae Chair of thes in 20th ceulture, genderproduction, thd the politics

ep interest in elations and emunities and for her groundre in Contemars: What Wee explores terhetoric on eon a wide ra

ose has also ts, and on t and then rec

4 urrently worksd as director y Partnershipublic and privading the posent of studenserved as IP

Matriculation ool-college p

A, is the Deachool. Dr. Ra comprehe

promote the ied minority fark is reflectedts, residents, d and develod leadership isicine, academ

e graduated froHealth Policy

a Studies Dephe Africana entury Africanr and sexualihe role of ne of intimacy aexamining th

exploring the cmovements tod-breaking boporary Americe Talk About Wen of the mosach side of tange of topicbeen featuredtelevision. Proceived her Ph

s as a studr of educatiop at Harvard ate colleges itions of asso

nt affairs. ShePC National SCampaign coartnerships a

an for DiversiReede is reensive progrncreased recculty at Harva

d in the nume scientists, an

oped more thassues for minmic and scienom Brown Unand Manage

partment Studies Dep

n-American city. In additioew technologand social justhe current legcreative and vo build a more

ook on the emca, has sinceWhen We Tast crucial issuthe debate. Pcs relating to d as an expeof. Rose gra.D. from Brow

ent developmonal outreach Medical Schin the Bostonociate academe has been aSecretary froommittee. Sh

and academic

Page | 35 

ty and Commesponsible foram that procruitment, reteard Medical Srous program

nd 20 progranorities and wntific researchniversity and Mment from Ha

partment at Bulture and po

on to her schies and ideotice, a central

gacies of raciavisionary strate just society

mergence of hie become a clalk About Hip ues at stake Prof. Rose lec American cu

ert commentataduated fromwn University

ment counse in the Offic

hool and hasn area in acadmic dean, de

a BASC intervm 2006-2008he has contric advising, an


munity or the ovides ention, School ms she . Over ms at

women h, and Mount arvard

Brown olitics, holarly logies l facet al and tegies . Prof. ip hop lassic. Hop--in the ctures ultural tor on Yale in the

elor in ce for s held demic

ean of viewer 8, and ibuted d is a

Page 37: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


trustee of and an EEd.M. in c

female voat SymphoMaster’s d

CommonweadM in and Ph

counseling psy





ocalist for Manony Hall for Gdegree from H

alth School in hD in from Bychology and

Warren SimmWarren SimmUniversity. Thknowledge thin urban areaits mission iOrganizing anits work in tdevelops anddesigned to breceived his Bearned a doct

Katani EatoAfter a sucEngland in that her mosexperiencesyields to thetalents and R&B), theatrvocal arrangOriginal Hoperformer a

nhattan TouchGospel Night aHarvard.

Elmo TerElmo TerPerformaalso on tTheater Theatre, PlaywritinNews. BassociateHe also RecognitiProfessorUniversity

Boston. Dr. SBoston Colleg

PhD in Highe

mons mons directs he Institute wat improves cs and in schoin four areasnd Engagemehese areas, d disseminatebuild capacityB.A. in psychotorate in psyc

on Sumner ‘8ccessful careea large well-kst precious gi

s her undeniae call within to experiences rical productioger). She is

ouse of Blues well as theh band, singinat the Pops. M

rry-Morgan ‘7rry-Morgan is ance Studies; the faculty ofArts. Terry-MAfrican-Ame

ng. He has seBefore comine director andserved as wion Awards r Terry-Morgay of California

Sanford-Harrie. Dr. Sanforer Educationa

the Annenbwas establishconditions andools serving ds of work: Dent, Researchthe Institute

es tools and of urban schology from Machology from C

85 er as the firknown corporift was the gif

able talents, ho spread the g are far reacons (as featurs perhaps be

es’-Sunday G MC for ten y

ng the anthemMs. Sumner is

74, Associate Associate Pr and Artistic f the new BrMorgan’s areerican Folk Terved as mang to Brown

d playwright awriter and dir

for Excellencan holds a B

a-San Diego.

is holds an ABrd-Harris holdal Administrati

berg Institute hed in 1993 td outcomes inisadvantagedDistrict and h and Policy, conducts and products, ahool communiacalester ColCornell Unive

rst African-Amration, Ms. Sft of song. Evher vitality, cogood news in ching in the ared performerest known as

Gospel Bruncyears. Katan

m at a Celtic’ss a graduate

e Professor orofessor of AfDirector of Rrown/Trinity Reas of speciTraditions annaging editor Professor T

at the Nationarector of the ce in Black

BA from Brow

B degree fromds a BA fromion from Bost

for School to generate, n American s

d students. ThSystems Ch and Commund publishes and provides ities and systlege in St. Parsity in Ithaca

merican Unit Sumner knew veryone who onfidence and pursuit of heareas of singr as well as prs the “Inspira

ch where sheni can now bes game, or as of Brown Uni

of Africana Sfricana Studie

Rites and ReaRepertory Graalization arend Cultural r for the BlacTerry-Morganal Black Thea AUDELCO A

Theatre, NYwn University

Page | 36 

m Brown Univem Brown Univeton College.

Reform at Bshare, and a

schools, partiche Institute puhange, Communications. Th applied rese technical sutems. Dr. Simaul, Minnesotaa, New York.

Manager in deep down hears Ms. Sud intelligence.r purpose. Kaing (Gospel, roducer, direcational MC” ae was a feae seen as the a featured voversity and ho

Studies es and Theatrason Theatre aduate Progra

e African-AmeExpressions,

k Theatre Nen was a lonatre of HarlemAwards showYC, for 10 yy and a MFA


ersity, ersity,

Brown act on cularly ursues munity rough earch, upport

mmons a, and

New inside umner She

atani’s Jazz, ctor or at the atured e lead ocalist olds a

re and He is am in erican , and etwork ngtime m, NY. w, the years.

A from

Page 38: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


successfudegree froRhode Isla

Struggle fAmericansnationalismassociatio

ul statewide caom Columbiaand.


for Democracs have constrm forcing us

ons and dem

Richard ThRick ThigpeService Entbeen involveextensive constituenciexperience complicatedsuccessful sassociate abacked secDonald Paythe New J

ampaigns for a University S

Preston TisPreston TisConnecticutits inceptionoperations areceiving thDefender’s on Racial anthat capacityUniversity aUniversity –

Prof. Corey WCorey D. B. WBrown Univephilosophy, mrevolves aroutheological prfaculty at BroStudies at theof Local Knowat the HistorisProfessor Wacy in Americaructed a radicto reconsiderocratic politic

igpen ‘81 en is the Viceterprise Groued in New Jeexperience ies, and mak

moving pubd legal and postrategies in

at the New Yurities practicne in the earlyJersey Demo both national

School of Law

sdale ‘73 sdale is the , Office of Chn and has aand functions his appointmOffice. Attornnd Ethnic Dispy, since the C

and the New Y President’s A

Walker, AfricaWalker is Assersity where modern theolound a seriesroblems of mown in 2006, e University ofwledge at the sches Institut alker’s book, , provides a c

cally democratr much more cs. His forth

e President oup (PSEG) Sersey politics developing

king public poblic policy aolitical issuesthe public ar

York law firm,ce group, andy nineties. Mocratic Statel and state ca

w in New Yor

Director of Shief Public Deadministered within the Di

ment, he heaney Tisdale isparity in the C

Commission’s York UniversiAdvisory Coun

ana Studies ociate Profeshe teaches

ogy, critical ths of critical

modern thoug Professor Wf Virginia (200 University of at Friedrich-SA Noble Fighcritical lens fotic imaginary circumspectlycoming book

of State Goveervices Corpand governmpolitical straolicy at differagendas forws, have preparena. Previou Thacher Prod was the Dis

Mr. Thigpen wae Committeeandidates. Mr.rk, and is a g

Special Publefender. Pres

and manageivision of Pubaded the Fas a member

Criminal Justic inception. Mrity School of ncil. He is als

Department ssor in the De undergraduaeory, and reli investigationht and politic

Walker was A03-2006), Diref Virginia (200Schiller-Univeht: African Aor understand through formy the complexk, Between T

ernmental Affporation. An ment for over 2ategies, mobrent levels of ward, as weared him to crusly, Mr. Thigoffitt & Woodstrict Directoras also the Ex

e, where he . Thigpen holdgraduate of B

lic Defendersston has held ed all Speciablic Defender airfield Judicof the Connece System anr. Tisdale grad Law. He seso the former

epartment of Aate and graigion and polns into the cal practice.

Assistant Profector of the C02-2003), andersität Jena inAmerican Freding the distins of racial solx relationship Transcendenc

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fairs, for the P attorney who20 years, Ricbilizing grassf governmentell as negotraft and implegpen served d in the mortr for Congresxecutive Direc coordinatedds a Doctor o

Brown Univers

s for the Sta this position, al Public Def Services. P

cial District Pecticut Commnd he has servduated from Brves on the BPresident of I

Africana Studaduate coursitics. His resphilosophicaBefore joinin

fessor of RelCenter for the d Visiting Profn Germany (2

eemasonry annctive ways Alidarity and po between volu

ce and Histor


Public o has

ck has sroots . His tiating ement as an tgage-ssman ctor of d two of Law sity in

ate of since fender rior to Public ission ved in Brown Brown IPC.

dies at ses in search l and

ng the igious Study fessor 2002). nd the African olitical untary ry: An

Page 39: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Essay on of religionof politicsUniversityCollege of

White willSaturday

Religion and n in public life s to meet they, M.Div. fromf William and

DrOorGothmin ScprhoEd

be honored evening.

the Future of and propose

e challenges m Virginia Un Mary.

Edisa WeekEdisa Weeksdirector of environmentsInternationalland most reanniversary MFA in dancan Alberto University an

r. Augustus Wne of the forerthopaedic suordon Distinge spine. Dr. edical studies 1957. He thchool where rofessor at nuonorary degreducators Awaby the Ivy Fo

Daniel WideDaniel WideCarolina. relentlessly,Wideman’s Reason, dir(Soulfires: Yfiction, and collection engraduated frof London’sUniversity. H

f Democracy,es a novel conof the 21st c

nion Universit

s ‘87 s is a BrooklDELIRIOUS s in which ly her work ha

ecently in Bercelebration. E

ce from New YVilar Perform

nd Queens Co

White ‘57 emost orthopurgery at Harguished Profe White matrics and earned en became thhe served asumerous instiees and awarard for Outstaootball Assoc

eman ‘91 eman runs t

During his working in first play ("Gorected by ElmYoung Black essays are ntitled "Swimrom Brown Us School ofHe has served

critically exanception of thcentury. He hty, M.T.S. fro

lyn, NY baseDANCES. Into experiencas been produrlin, GermanyEdisa WeeksYork Universitming Arts Feollege.

paedic surgeorvard Medica

essor of Medicculated at Bro an A.B. degrehe first Africans President otutions in the

rds, including anding Contriiation during

the publishing undergraduboth the theaoing to Meet mo Terry-Mo Men on Lov widely anthming Pittsburniversity and f Oriental and as writer-in-

mines the poheological thinholds a B.S. om Harvard U

ed dance artin her work ce and interauced in Canay for the Haus holds a BA ty’s TISCH Scellow. She c

ons in the woal School as cal Educationown Universitee cum lauden American gof the studene US and abr the National ibution to Hehalf-time at t

g division of ate years, atre and the the Light") ha

organ. He puve and Violehologized. Hisrgh," was pub has also studnd African S-residence at

litical and thenking for artic in Finance fUniversity, an

st, teacher, cshe seeks tact with conda, England,

us der Kulture from Brown chool of the Acurrently teac

orld, Dr. White well as the n and specialty where he ce with high hograduate of tht body. He hroad, and ha Association oalth Professiohe Brown vs.

f Lulu Press he haunted Afro-Am depad its world published his fnce, Penguins most receblished in Augdied in EnglanStudies; and the DuBois P

Page | 38 

eoretical challeculating a newfrom Norfolk nd Ph.D. from

choreographeto create intntemporary d Italy, Japan, en der Welt’s University aArts where shches at Prin

e is a profes Ellen and Mlizes in the cacompleted his

onors in psyche Stanford M

has been a vas received seof Medical Mons Educatio. Harvard gam

in Raleigh, Churchill Hpartment. In premiere at Rfirst book in n), and his pnt book, a pgust. Mr. Widnd at the Univd at NorthwePan-African Cu


enges w form State m the

er and timate dance. Spain

s 50th nd an e was


sor of Melvin are of s pre-hology edical

visiting everal inority n. Dr. me on

North House 1994,

Rites & 1996 poetry, poetry deman versity estern ultural

Page 40: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


Centre in Hill. He is Teri WilliaTeri Williafirst Blackmanaged well as thmarketingShe belieeconomic financial spremier inVice Presdistinction

as the ProOversight Institute fmolecularfellow.

Accra, Ghana the son of Br

ams ‘79 ams is Presidek-owned inter bank in the che day to da

g, complianceves the finan developmentservices for anstitutions sucsidents. Ms. ns from Brown

ovost’s repres Committee

for School Rer biology and g

a, and at the rown professo

ent and servernet bank, thecountry. She ay operations, lending, info

ncial servicest and wealth ll and financiach as Bank ofWilliams hold

n University. Valerie PetitAssociate PValerie WilsoWorking clossenior admincommunity aperspectivesthe Office of formulation aprograms anmembers of and is chair o

sentative to thand assumineform. A gradgenetics at Jo

Troy WilsonMr. Wilson isheads his firplanner andprofessor of former chairpand presently

Sonja Haynesor and novelis

es on the Boae first Black-ois responsibles of the banormation tech

s industry hasbuilding. Oneal workshopsf America andds an M.B.A

t Wilson rovost and Don is the As

sely with deannistrators, shand to capital. She is a mef the Presidenand oversightnd practices tthe communiof the Univers

he Risk Managng the oversigduate of Xavohns Hopkins

n ‘83 s a founding prm’s litigation speaker for law at the Wperson of they serves on th

s Stone Centet John Edgar

rd of Directorowned interste for impleme

nk. These ophnology, custs not connecteUnited Bank . She brings d American E. with honors

Director of Inssociate Provns, departmenhe works to lize on the leember of thent, the Office t of policies that promote ty. She servsity’s Diversitygement Netwght role for tvier University University, w

partner at the department.r various CL

Widener Univee Philadelphiahe Bar Associ

er at the Univ Wideman.

rs of OneUnitetate bank anentation of thperational aretomer supported with urba can serve as25 years of f

Express, whers from Harva

stitutional Dvost and Dirnt chairs, the

enhance divearning oppore President’s of the Provorelated to plu diversity, inc

ves as staff toy Advisory Bo

work, Core Crithe Educationy of Louisian

where she was

Philadelphia . Mr. Wilson LE courses. ersity Schoola Bar Associaiation’s Board

versity of Nort

ed Bank. Oned the largeste Bank’s stra

eas include art, legal, and an communitis a bridge by financial servire she was oard University

iversity rector of InstOffice of Camversity througrtunities that Cabinet and

ost to provideuralism and eclusion and fao the Diversityoard. Valerie sis Team, ann Alliance, a

na, Wilson eas a Ford Foun

law firm of Whas been a He has taugl of Law. Mr.ation’s Crimind of Governor

Page | 39 

th Carolina, C

eUnited Bank t Black-ownedategic initiativeall retail bran human resoues to fully su offering afforices expertisene of the youy and a B.A

titutional Divempus Life andghout the caarise from dworks closely

e leadership foequity, and iair treatment y Advisory Cois currently sed the Public Snd the Anne

arned her Phndation predo

Wilson & Wilsomoderator, c

ght as an ad Wilson servnal Justice Ses.



is the d and es, as nches, urces. upport rdable e from ungest A. with

ersity. other

ampus iverse y with or the nitiate of all ouncil, erving Safety

enberg h.D. in octoral

on. He course djunct ed as ection

Page 41: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



ALPHA P“MONSTEAlpha PintercollegSince ourUniversityfraternity h100 yearsinitiatives:People i"MONSTEThursday,has been well as so

Bryant Unchapter hacontinues diverse an DIVINE RDivine Rhwas foundfemale mreligions a



Phi Alpha giate African Ar founding ony, located inhas transcend

s we have ser Go to Highs A Votele

ER" Alpha , February 2, serving the c

ocial events w

niversity, andas initiated ov to be, a citywnd challenging

RHYTHM hythm is a unided by Steshaembers, it ha

and backgrou


RATERNITY amma ChaptFraternity, American frat

n Tuesday, Dn Ithaca, Neded all in comrved the commh School – Gess People;

Gamma Ch, 1921 in Procommunity thhile keeping w

all of the otver 100 womewide chapter g experience

ique performia Emmanuel as evolved innds who all s


ter Incorporated ternity establi

December 4, ew York. Alpmmunity servicmunity througGo to Colleg

and Projechapter was ovidence, RI hrough commwith the frater

ther colleges en pledged to encompassinwith a bright p

ng arts group and Esther Dnto a team oshare a comm


is the fiished in histo1906 at Cornpha Phi Alpce. For the pah three nation

ge; A Hopelect Alpha. T

chartered and ever sinunity service rnity’s mission

DELTALAMDADelta Sover 25womenJanuaryUniversboasts Iota chon MamembeWales

in Rhode Is serious endeg the entire spast and a dir

p at Brown beDorzin in 2005of over 20 stumon love for s

irst ory. nell pha ast nal ess The

on nce as n.

A SIGMA THEA IOTA CHAPSigma Theta 50,000 predom committed toy 13, 1913 sity by 22 enover 950 chapter here in

arch 30, 19ership from University, th

sland. Since oeavor and pubstate of Rhodrect future.

ecause it is th5. While it oriudents of var

step. The team

ETA SORORITPTER Sorority, Inc.minately Blaco public servi on the canvisioned womapters worldw

n Providence,974. LambdaBrown Univehe Universityour inceptionblic service. Le Island, mak

he only step tiginated as a rious interestm takes pride

Page | 40 


is a sisterhok college eduice. It was fou

ampus of Homen and curwide. The La, RI was chaa Iota drawersity, Johnsy of Rhode Is, the Lambda

Lambda Iota isking Lambda

eam on camp small group ts, genders, r in its diversit


ood of ucated unded oward rrently

ambda rtered

ws its son & sland, a Iota s, and Iota a

pus. It of all-races, ty and

Page 42: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet


makes anstep and t

WORD! PWORD! w(particularThe groupalso servedevelop tacommunit

effort to creathe significanc

PERFORMANwas founded rly people of p meets to wes as the homalented writerty between yo

ate a contempce of this trad

NCE POETRY in 2003 bycolor) who ferite and share

me of Brown’ss, to explore t

oung poets of

porary appealition today.

Y y Sage Morgelt that their ve poetry evers Africana Stuthe personal all backgroun

, while still ac

KAPPA ALAMBDALambda X12th, 198two yearscampus support oAide, Intestepping,encompaaspects Brown Uthe Unive

gan-Hubbard voices were ry Thursday eudies Departmand the politic



ALPHA PSI A XI “The Oh Xi, chartered

83, after exists, has funneland commun

of Big Brotheerim House, " the Lambda

asses the traof the Frateniversity, Joh

ersity of Rhod

‘05 as a spmarginalized evening at Ritment. Over thcal character

and learning

So Klean Kh at Brown Uting as Chi Cled aspiring enity involvemers of Rhode and through

a Xi chapter daditional busernity. Todayhnson & Wale Island.

pace of expr in the largertes and Reas

he years, WO of performan

Page | 41 

from the orig

hapter” niversity on M

Chapter’s coloenthusiasm in

ments. Througe Island, Travh its adroit

demonstrates siness and y, we encomes University

ression for pr university seson Theater,

ORD! has helpnce art, and to


gins of

March ny for nto its gh its veler’s "cane that it social

mpass y, and

people etting. which

ped to o build

Page 43: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet

IPC Endowed


Boldly Brown The Alumni of Color Initiative




Partner with the Inman Page Black Alumni Council

in reaching the $250,000 goal to create the first

IPC Endowed Scholarship.

Give to The Alumni of Color Initiative and help ensure

that Brown remains accessible to African American

students, regardless of their financial circumstances.

While you’re on campus for the IPC Reunion, please make

a generous gift to the IPC Endowed Scholarship.

We have reached 50% of our goal and with your help we

can raise the $125,000 that we need to establish this much

needed financial aid endowment.

Our Participation Is Critical

To learn more about The Alumni of Color Initiative, the

IPC Endowed Scholarship and to make a gift log onto

Justin Williams ’12

Alicia Maule ’11

“ A lot of people have goals and dreams but

are not afforded the opportunity to see

them through. Being at Brown, I have the

opportunity. And, I am only here because of

financial aid. I can study what I want to,

because of the open curriculum. I can

volunteer for a variety of causes that are

important to me. I am able to fulfill my

goals and dreams because of the generosity

of others.”

Lindsay Priam ’11

Max Clermont ’11

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COMM Reunion Tiffani Sco ExecutiveRichard GRosetta HEllen HunDonna La Student PJustin ColTatiana LoTitilola OgJustin Wil Finance CThierry FoJohn C. G Social EvBarry BecRobert HaIdo JamarGreg BrowJudith SanMichele HHoward PAlaric TateKatani SuLynn BowHayward V Event ChCynthia JoAlissa MaHoward PAisha StroHayward V


Chair ott ‘98

e Planning CGray ‘85 Hillary ‘73

ter ‘04 mbert ‘98

Planning Comles ‘11 opes ‘11 gunsola ‘12 liams ‘12

Committee ortune ‘84 Graves ‘86

vents and Prockham ‘66 arlan ‘66 r ‘69 wn ‘71 nford-Harris ‘7

Harrell ‘77 Peyton ‘79 e ‘81 mner ‘85

wman ‘88 Vereen ‘88

eck-in Commones ‘93 yers ‘03

Peyton ‘78 oop ‘98 Vereen ‘88



omotion Com Kim Dia Ken Nic

74 Keh My Joe Ch Ais Ebo Ga


mmittee m Wright ‘90 ane Johnson ‘nya Crumel ‘9

cole Clement ‘hli Woodruff ‘9

yechia Minter-elle Murchisonamille Dennis

sha Stroop ‘98onee Williamsrfield Davidso


93 ‘94 94 Jordan ‘94 n Hayes ‘95 s-Kittles ‘98 8 s ‘99 on ‘00


Sasha MoseleLola Brown ‘01Alissa MayersDwight Vidale Lindsey West Eldridge GilbeChazz WoodsCarrie-Ann GoDeshaun MarsLamine N’douPaul Raymond

Page | 48 

ey Douglas ‘001 ‘03 ‘05 ‘05

ert ‘05 on ‘05

ordon ‘08 s ‘08 r ‘08 d ‘08



Page 50: Brown University Black Alumni Reunion 2010 - Program Booklet



SPECIA PresidentRuth J. SiHannelore DevelopmSuzy Alba Alumni RTodd AndValerie CoMyra LiwaVirginia MLisa MiranJill Rossi,



t’s Office mmons, Pres

e Rodriguez-F

ment a, Assistant D

Relations rews ‘83, Viceordeiro, Progranag ‘91, Dire

McQueen ‘81, nda, Program Director, Alum





sident Farrar ‘87, Ass

irector, Affinit

e President ram Assistantector, RegionaAssistant Dire Manager, Clamni Events


Aetna FounAnne Beal ‘8

Black EnterSteve Hill ‘8


sistant to the

ty & Graduate

, Regional anal and Multicuector, Regionaass and Regio


dation 84, Preside

rtainment Te84, Presiden



e Programs

nd Multiculturaltural Programal and Facultyonal Program


elevision (Bnt of Progra


al Programs ms y Programs


ET) mming

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