brown list 2010

Hollywood Temp Diaries

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A survey to fine the Most-Liked and Least-Liked Entertainment Execs


Page 1: Brown List 2010

Hollywood Temp Diaries

Page 2: Brown List 2010



Close the doors and hide the sheep! I'm back and I've brought the 2010 Brown List with me. Time to for the Hollywood Temp Diaries ( to reveal the results of the Most-Liked and Least-Liked Hollywood executives.

First, a brief history of the Brown List. I'm pretty sure one evening in 2009 I was drunk and thought to myself, “Self, remember that crappy job you took working for that psycho. It's a shame someone didn't warn you. It would have made your life a lot easier and caused you a lot less agita.” I ruminated on that thought for a few days (ok, I forgot) when something jogged my memory. Likely beer.

With little planning, I created a simple survey and then I waited. It was a hit beyond all expectations as results came pouring in. And then there was the media coverage from the LA Times, CNBC and Defamer among others. Heck, Nikki Finke called it “The Definition of Meaningless.” (This coming from the woman who saw news value in reporting a car-less traffic jam in Culver City.) Then I started hearing stories about executives who were proud of/miffed by their inclusion. One source told me one of the Least-Liked cried because of her inclusion. There's the agent who walked around his office bragging about it. And there's this email one of the “winners” sent to his/her co-workers:

For those of you who haven't seen the Brown List today, may I be the first to tell you that I¹m proud and honored to be in such an esteemed group of individuals. I wanted to take a moment to thank [Name Redacted] for clearly organizing this for me. For those who think being on the most hated exec list is a bad thing and disagree with my exuberance, my advice is to be careful of the individuals you allow in your life and how they choose to waste their time.

Clearly I'd struck a nerve, or it was also a slow news day. I could have stopped while I was ahead, but what's the fun in doing that. So the Brown List is back and longer than ever.


Voting is American Idol-style – vote for whomever you want and as many times as you want. People did just that. Over the course of the last month, I received more than 4,000 nominations for people's MOST-LIKED and LEAST-LIKED entertainment industry executives – nearly 4x last year's total. Not bad for a site with a $40 annual budget ($10 for the URL, $30 for beer pong team sponsorship.)

Please note that executive's titles and companies are based on the most current information from my pirated Studio Systems account. So if a nominee no longer works at that company or if their title is incorrect, blame the Internet. For multiple execs with the same name, I picked the one who seemed most important. Technically it's your fault as I asked you to list their company.

Hollywood Temp Diaries

“Tilda stops Culver City Traffic" (Deadline|Hollywood: 6/5/10)

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Enjoy the list for whatever it is. Pass it along to your friends. Pass it along to your enemies. Practice origami. But no matter what, realize this is the most important document ever. It'd also be neat if it shames certain executives into cleaning up their act. However, I doubt that will happen. I appreciate every response and hope you enjoy the report. And now, on to the results...

THE MOST-LIKED ENTERTAINMENT EXECUTIVES Let's be honest. People get away with a lot of crazy shit in this town. And the entertainment industry, while perhaps not encouraging it, certainly turns a blind eye to the abusive behavior Hollywood execs exhibit. In any other industry, their actions would result in a quick trip to HR. But entertainment jobs are coveted property. So those on the low end of the totem pole end up taking a lot of guff.

Luckily, not everyone gets sucked into this oversized Stanford Prison Experiment. I like to call these people the 10 Most-Liked Hollywood Executives:

Key Findings

• Nominations for the Most-Liked increased 300% over last year – from 609 to 1813 nominations. But total nominations still trail the Least-Liked. Why? It's more fun talking about how much you hate your old boss. My guess is you're not even reading this section.

• Irony Alert #1: Brad Fuller, whose company makes movies where evil beings scare and kill naïve 20-somethings, made the Most-Liked list. That is unless Platinum Dunes versions of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th are family comedies.

• Irony Alert #2. Kevin Spacey, who played supreme Hollywood jerk Buddy Ackerman in Swimming with Sharks actually made the Most-Liked list.

• A number of A-listers made the list, including Ron Howard (Frost/Nixon), Tom Cruise (Jerry Maguire) and Tom Hanks (Cast Away). This is a marked improvement over last year's Most-Liked star quality. Ahmet Zappa?

Hollywood Temp Diaries

Who is the Most-Liked Hollywood executive? Nominations445

2. Mark Holder - Manager, Zero Gravity 3163. Christine Holder - Manager, Zero Gravity 1164. Francesca Cecil – (Former) Assoc., Bay Films 765. Jenna Block – Dev't Exec, Escape Artists 44

347. Brad Fuller - Partner, Platinum Dunes 30


1. Edward Frumkes – Board Member, Public Media Works

6. Dana Brunetti – President, Trigger Street

8. Mike Vollman – EVP (Marketing), MGM9. Bret Slater – Assistant, Leverage Mgmt10. Rob McEntegart - Sr EVP, Lionsgate

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• Two words: Edward Frumkes!

• Mark and Christine Holder (Zero Gravity) must be the nicest people on earth. Their children will probably win the Nobel Peace prize or at least be top sellers of Girl Scout cookies.

• Dana Brunetti's (Trigger Street) Twitter campaign worked like a charm as he earned a spot on the Top 10 Most-Liked. It's been a good October for Mr. Brunetti. First his movie The Social Network topped the box office two weeks in a row while receiving critical acclaim. Now the Brown List. I do find it curious that Brunetti didn't focus his lobbying efforts on Facebook. Although he and Mark Zuckerberg probably aren't on speaking terms.

• Conan – 1. Leno – 0.

• A strong turnout for up-and-comers as Creative Execs and Directors of Development combined for 10% on the Most-Liked nominees. Hopefully this bodes well for the industry's future.

• One of the Most-Liked (Francesca Cecil) was most recently an employee at Michael Bay's company. I'm going to make an uninformed guess that Ms. Cecil's pleasant ways did not mesh with a certain nogoodnik who works at Bay Pictures. Talk amongst yourselves.

• Still no nominations for Temp X for Most-Liked. You'd think after as much work as I'd put into this blog, I'd get at least one vote. But fine, be that way. See if I care...Ok, I care.


“Len [Grossi of Baseline Media] is the old school movie mogul who knows his stuff and has no problem teaching others and helping the next generation with a leg up. He's honest and doesn't suffer fools.”

“Edward Frumkes is an absolute genius and is able to accomplish anything that crosses his path while managing an amazing sense of humor. He is a true treasure in this industry. It would be great if more executives would follow his lead.”

“Stuart [Krasnow of Krasnow Productions] is an excellent boss who cares about his clients, employees and the integrity of his shows and work.”

“Kim Callahan (Affirmative Entertainment) is one of the most caring, devoted managers that I have ever met. She is 100% dedicated to her clients and their needs. She has a way of bringing positive light to Hollywood and those she surrounds.”

“Working with Sean [Robbins, Broken Road Productions]...has been the greatest professional experience of my life.”

Doesn't this all just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. If so, I'm about to spoil the mood.

Hollywood Temp Diaries

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And now for the part everyone wants. I'd prattle on incessantly about how Hollywood is chock full of unchecked egomaniacs, drug-infused fools or unqualified members of the “Lucky Sperm Club,” but we already knew that. Well, that's all the lead in I have. Here's the Least-Liked Hollywood Executives, a.k.a. “The Bottom 10.”

Key Findings

• 267 Hollywood execs were named in the nearly 2,400 nominations. This is nearly a 400% increase over last years 655 nominations. Clearly there's a lot of unhappy in the air.

• With an astounding 1,117 votes, Pat Brisson takes the title of not only Least-Liked CAA executive (beating out Brody, Aloni, Steinman, Styne, Greenberg, Baumgarten and Lieberman) but the title of Least-Liked Hollywood Executive for 2010. What makes this quite interesting is that Brisson represents a bunch of drunk nobodies – that's right, hockey players. Did you even know that CAA repped toothless goons? Me neither. Chalk that up to complete disinterest. But seriously, 1,117 votes? Even I was surprised by that one.

• Nominations for Jeff Zucker as a Least-Liked increased 33% over last year while losing the one vote for Most-Liked. Comcast announces he's getting shown the door. Coincidence?

• Not surprised Mel Gibson (Summer City) made the Least-Liked list given his recent issues with voicemails, cops and countless other problems. Jake Gyllenhaal (Bubble Boy) did too. Not sure why people hate him. Perhaps a Disney exec was underwhelmed by domestic box office for Prince of Persia ($90 million on a $200 million production budget).

• Barack Obama ended up on this list. Obama should be concerned that someone thinks he's daft enough to be a Hollywood executive. Time to “nerd it up a notch” Mr. President.

• Maria "Tess" Downey only received one vote. That's not the important part. What's interesting is the name of her production company is Odyessey IV ( I hope that's intentional as the correct spelling is of odyssey is odyssey.

Hollywood Temp Diaries

Who is the Least-Liked Hollywood Executive Nominations1117

2. Michael McConnell -- Partner, Fortitude 2893. David Seltzer – Manager, Management 360 1444. Jenna Block – Dev't Exec, Escape Artists 51


8. Andrew Bernstein - VP, Walt Becker Co. 302622

1. Pat Brisson – Agent, CAA

5. Trevor Astbury – Agent, Paradigm6. Stacey Lubliner - President, Lime Orchard7. Randall Emmett - Partner, Family Room Ent.

9. Meredith Wechter – Agent, ICM10. Christopher Pawlak – Exec, 20th Century Fox

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• Last year's big winner, Family Room Entertainment's Randall Emmett (Major Movie Star), experienced a 20% slide from last year, but he still remains firmly in the Top 10.

• Super-duper agent Ari Emanuel beat 11 of his co-workers for Least-Liked WME2 agent. And in unrelated but related news, Harvey beat out his brother Bob for Least-Liked Weinstein Company (Who's Your Caddy!) co-chair.

• Twitter lobbying helped Twitter personality MysteryExec earn a spot too – unfortunately it was on the Least Liked list.


This might possibly be the greatest collection of quotes about Hollywood executives ever. Seriously!

(Note: The names of the executives have been redacted to protect the guilty.)

“Wakes up at noon and keeps everyone waiting for him until midnight, when his coke is delivered.”

“Triple threat: ignorant, rude, no talent.”

“If given the opportunity to choose between showering in human feces and working for [Name Redacted], you best put on your swim goggles.”

“When he's out of earshot, his direct reports change his first name to 'Crazy.'”

“Every family has its wretched drunken aunt, and ours is [Name Redacted].”

“I've been stranded on a roof, made to scrub floors, and clean the entire facade of the building for this A-hole. Run far, far away.”

“[Name Redacted] was just fired...Her day came today and now she has to live like the commoners she once made fun of. Now who is going to make her Diet Coke and chocolate syrup 8 times a day?”

“Hell's missing a demon.”

“A comedy exec without an ounce of humor...”

“Describes himself as the most powerful man in Hollywood.”

Hollywood Temp Diaries

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The new feature this year was the Comment Box. And comment you did. Sometimes on topic. Sometimes a little astray. Consider these literary outtakes your comic interlude.

“During production, he demanded to be massaged by a crew member while his assistant sat next to him massaging his pet bunny.”

“I'd really like to nail those hedge fund execs who sunk our economy but evidently I'm in the minority.”

“99 Percent of Hollywood executives are psycho.”

“[Name Redacted] eats bacon by the bowl.”

“NBC sucks.”

“I need a fucking raise.”

“Canada is the shit!”

“Every morning, his assistant has to rake his carpet with a yard rake to make sure that it's fluffy and the grain is moving in the right direction.”

“If only the executives treated the people below them like human beings, this industry might just be a happier place for us all.”

“Well if I can't say anything nice (which I cannot) then I won't say anything at all.”

Hollywood Temp Diaries

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It's almost poetic that someone can be so loved and yet so hated, and...never mind. Of the nearly 650 nominees, only 34 ended up on both lists. Meaning nice people are nice. And mean people suck. These people ended up on both lists. The higher the number, the More-Liked the executive.

Key Finding

• The polarizing figure that is Jenna Block. The Development Executive at Escape Artists received 44 “Most-Liked” while also garnering 51 “Least-Liked” noms. Frankly I'm not sure how to make a joke about someone who is so highly neutral. “Jenna, Jenna, bobenna; banana fanna fo fenna; Fee, fi fo-enna; Jenna.” Yeah. That'll work. And can someone get the girl some decaf?

And thus concludes the findings portion of the 2010 Brown List. Please enjoy an ad from my sponsor and then review the raw data. After that you can take a nap. Or take me on as a client. You pick.

Hollywood Temp Diaries

Executive +/-34 6 28

Carter Swan – VP, Trigger Street 9 1 8Sharif Ali – Agent, Aimee Entertainment 8 1 7

4 1 34 1 3

Gale Anne Hurd – CEO, Valhalla Motion Pict. 2 1 1Ben Davis – VP, AMC 1 1 0

1 1 0Donna Langley - Co-Chairman, Universal Pictures 1 1 0Jimmy Miller – Manager, Mosaic 1 1 0Jon Berg - SVP, Warner Bros. Pictures 1 1 0

1 1 0Kevin McCormick – Principal, Langley Park 1 1 0

1 1 01 1 0

Peter Cramer – EVP, Universal Pictures 1 1 01 2 -1

Clint Culpepper – President, Screen Gems 1 2 -11 2 -12 3 -1

Jake Wagner - Manager, FilmEngine 1 3 -21 3 -21 3 -2

Will Ward – Partner, Roar 1 3 -21 3 -21 4 -31 4 -3

Harvey Weinstein - Co-Chair, The Weinstein Co. 1 5 -4Jenna Block – Dev't Exec, Escape Artists 44 51 -7

2 10 -82 11 -91 13 -12

Andrew Bernstein - VP, Walt Becker Company 1 30 -291 1117 -1116

Most- Liked


Dana Brunetti – President, Trigger Street

David Goyer - Principal, Phantom FourMeredith Glynn - VP, Radical Studios

Chris Albrecht – President, Starz Entertainment

Josh Goldenberg – VP, Red Wagon

Leslie Conliffe - Manager, Intellectual Property GroupPam Abdy - President (Film), Stuber Pictures

Amy Pascal - Co-Chair, Sony Pictures Ent.

Jeffrey Katzenberg – CEO, DreamworksSarah Self – Agent, Gersh

Lisa Zambri – VP, ContrafilmMike Esola – Agent, WME2

Zak Kadison – Partner, Blacklight TransmediaDebbie Liebling – Pres. (Prod), Universal PicturesGail Heaney - SVP, Summit Ent.

Chris Coggins – Executive, Escape ArtistsScott Rudin – CEO, Scott Rudin ProductionsTony Sella – Co-Pres. (U.S. Mktg), 20th Century Fox

Pat Brisson – Agent, CAA

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Hollywood Temp Diaries

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

Most-Liked Hollywood Executive Nominations213

Adam Neuhaus – CE, Original Media 3111711

Albert Page – SVP, Mandeville Films/TV 1Alex Franklin - President, Loop Films 2Alex Goldstone - Manager, Anonymous Content 8

1Alison Small - CE, Paramount Pictures 2Allan DeLeon – Coordinator, Mosaic 1Allan Haldeman – Agent, UTA 1

1Allyson Seeger – DoD (Film), Mark Gordon Company 1


Amy Israel – EVP, New Regency Productions 11

Andrew Bernstein – VP, The Walt Becker Co. 11

Andy Fraser – VP, Morgan Creek 121

Angelina Chen - Manager, Energy Entertainment 21112215

Ben Davis – VP, AMC 1Ben Roberts - CEO, Protagonist Pictures 2

1Beth Roberts – Business Affairs, NBCU 1Bill Johnson – Co-Chair, Inferno Entertainment 2Bill Weinstein – Agent, Verve 1Billy Rosenberg – VP, 21 Laps Entertainment 1


Bonnie Forbes- Forbes Entertainment 1Bonnie Hammer - President, Universal Cable Prod. 1Brad Fuller - Partner, Platinum Dunes 30Brad Gardner – DoD, Hazy Mills Productions 2


Aaron Janus - VP, Scott Rudin Prod.Adam Kolbrenner – Principal, Madhouse Ent.Adam Marshall – Manager, Energy Ent.

Adam Shott – Executive, Polsky FilmsAdam Yoelin – VP, Kennedy/Marshall CompanyAdi Shankar – Executive, 1984 FilmsAdriana Alberghetti - Agent, WME2Alan Rautbort - Manager, 3 Arts Ent.

Alexandra Loewy – VP, Red Wagon Ent.

Ally Brecker-Shearmur -- President (MoPix), Lionsgate

Amotz Zakai – VP, Echo LakeAmy Halvorsen – CE, Radar Pictures

Amy Pascal - Co-Chair, Sony Pictures Ent.

Andrew Deane – Manager, Industry Entertainment

Andy Horwitz – CE, Atlas EntertainmentAngela Courtin – SVP, MTV

Anikah McLaren – DoD, Universal PicturesAnnie Laks – CE, ParamountAri Greenberg – Agent, WME2Ashwin Rajan - President, Blinding Edge Pix.Bard Dorros, Anonymous ContentBarry Katz - Head of Talent, New Wave Ent.Basil Iwanyk - President, Thunder Road Pix.

Ben Shields Catlin – Executive, Overture Films

Bob Cavallo - Chairman, Buena Vista MusicBobby Mitas, Further Films

Braden Aftergood - VP, Film 44Bret Slater – Assistant, Leverage MgmtBrian Medavoy - Partner, Jackson-Medavoy Ent.

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

1Brian Saunders - V.P. Disney Tech Services 2


Caleb Franklin – Agent, CAA 1Cara Tapper - Principal, SuperDelicious Prod. 2


Carter Swan – VP, Trigger Street 9Cassidy Lange – VP, Spyglass Entertainment 2

3Chad Kennedy – Manager, WBTV 1Charissa Gilmore – VP, ABC Entertainment 1


Christine Holder - Manager, Zero Gravity 116Clint Culpepper – President, Screen Gems 1Colleen Goldberg - Coordinator, NBCU 1Conan O'Brien – Host, Conan 1Corey Marsh – DoD, Prospect Park 2


Dan Cohen – DoD, 21 Laps 31

Dan Harrison – SVP, CBS Corp 11

Dan Richards – PR Exec, Disney/ABC 2341

Darin Friedman - Producer, Management 360 3Dave Becky - Manager, 3 Arts Entertainment 1Dave Brown – President, Artist International 1


David Goldman – Producer 241

David Mumford - EVP, Sony Pictures TV 1David Sherman – Agent, WME2 1


Deb Klein – Manager, Prospect Park 1111

Brian Morewitz, VP, ABC

Brie Neimand - Strike Ent.Bruce Margolis - SVP, 20th Century Fox TVBryan Kalfus – CE, Scott Sanders Prods.Bryan Unkeless – VP, Color Force

Carlos Gonzalez – Agent, GershCarrye Glazar – VP, Everyman Pictures

Caty Burgess – VP, The CW

Charles Eglee – ProducerChip Diggins – Producer, Route One FilmsChris Albrecht – President, Starz EntertainmentChris Bender – Principal, BenderspinkChris Coggins – Executive, Escape ArtistsChris Huvane – Manager, Management 360

Cori Abraham – SVP, Oxygen MediaDaisy Wu – Agent, GershDamon Lindeloff – Producer

Dan Erstad – CE, De Line Pictures

Dan Levine - President, 21 Laps Ent.

Dana Brunetti – President, Trigger StreetDaria Cercek – CE, 20th Century Fox

Dave Neustadter – CE, New Line CinemaDave Rath – Partner, Generate

David Goyer - Principal, Phantom FourDavid Lonner - Principal, Oasis Media

David Stapf – President, CBS/ParamountDawn Soler - VP, ABC Entertainment

Debbie Liebling – President (Prod.), UniversalDeborah TellezDena Hysell - Secret Handshake

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

3Doc O'Connor – Agent, CAA 1Donna Langley - Co-Chairman, Universal Pictures 1


445Elena Brooks – CE, CBS Films 1


Elizabeth Newman – Agent, CAA 2Elizabeth Porter - SVP, Comedy Central 1Ellen Rand - Manager, Universal Cable 1Erica Huggins – EVP, Imagine Entertainment 2


Ethan Salter - Agent, Henderson Hogan Agency 11

Francesca Cecil – (Former) Assoc., Bay Films 76Gabriel Cohen - Manager, Management 360 3

1Gale Anne Hurd – CEO, Valhalla Motion Pict. 2


Gary Newman – Co-Chair, 20th Century Fox TV 112

Gina Ramirez – Agent, UTA 1Gloria Fan – VP, Mosaic 2Graham King – Partner, GK Films 1


Guy Richard – (Former) Agent, WME2 1111

Hardy Justice – SVP, Mandalay Pictures 11

Harvey Weinstein - Co-Chair, The Weinstein Co. 1Henry Huang – Manager, Industry Entertainment 1


Holly Jacobs – EVP, Sony Pictures Television 1Ian Bryce – Producer 12J.J. Abrams – Producer 1


DeVon Franklin – VP, Columbia TriStar

Doug Belgrad - President, Columbia TriStarDoug Herzog - President, MTV Networks Ent.Doug MacLaren – Agent, ICMDrew Tappon – Executive, Warner HorizonDuncan Millership - Manager, Management 360Dylan Clark – President, Chernin EntertainmentEbenezer Addisu - CE, Larger Than Life Prod.Ed Fee – DoD, Di Bonaventura PicturesEd Kernan - Group Director, OMDEdward Frumkes – Director, Public Media Works

Elizabeth Avellan – Principal, Troublemaker StudiosElizabeth Kushman - VP, Dimension Films

Erik Feig - President (Prod), Summit Ent.Erika Kennair - VP, SyFy

Eva Lontscharitsch - Manager, Imprint Ent.

Gail Heaney - SVP, Summit Ent.

Garrett Basch – President, Film RitesGary Glushon - Executive, Overbrook Ent.

Geoff Steir – SVP, Paramount PicturesGeorge Furla - Partner, Family Room Ent.

Greg Mooradian – SVP, Paramount PicturesGreg Pedicin – Agent, GershGuy Danella – VP, Gold Circle Films

Guymon Casady – Manager, Management 360Hannah Minghella - Pres. (Prod), Sony Pict. Animation

Haroon "Boon" Saleem – Producer

Hernany Perla – DoD, LionsgateHolly Brown – CE, Overbrook

J.J. Jamieson – SVP, Landscape Entertainment

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries


Jackie Hayes – SVP, Warner Bros 2Jackson George – SVP, Universal Pictures 1


Jake Wagner - Manager, FilmEngine 1James Adams – Attorney 1


Janet Carol Norton – Agent, ICM 111

Jason Reed – EVP, Walt Disney Studios 1Jason Taylor - President (Prod), Bad Hat Harry 1


Jeffrey Giles – VP, Camelot Distribution 31

Jenna Block – Dev't Exec, Escape Artists 443

Jennifer Patterson – Producer 1Jennifer Todd - Principal, Team Todd 1Jenny Rawlings – Agent, WME2 1Jessica Lacy – Agent, ICM 1


Jimmy Miller – Manager/Producer, Mosaic 11

Jodi Hildebrand – VP, Marvel 111111

Joe Rose - Agent, Abrams Artists 8John Graham – CE, Screen Gems 2John Miller – SVP, Women's Entertainment 1Jon Berg - SVP, Warner Bros. Pictures 1


Jonathan King – EVP, Participant Media 1Jonathan Krauss – SVP, Blind Wink Prod. 1


Josh McLaughlin – Producer 11

Jack Gilardi – Agent, ICMJack Kingsrud – Agent, Paradigm

Jae Goodman – Co-Head (Mktg), CAAJake Kurily

James Waugh – Writer, Activision BlizzardJamie Kershaw – Biz Affairs, Dreamworks Anim.Jane Rosenthal - Partner, Tribeca Films

Janet Weiss - Director (Mktg), AMPASJason Barhydt – SVP, Relativity

Jay Polidoro – CE, Universal PicturesJeff Fierson – VP, Strange Weather Films

Jeffrey Katzenberg – CEO, Dreamworks

Jennifer Killoran - Head (Prod.), Appian Way

Jessica Shulman – Executive, OvertureJeyun Choi – CE, Summit EntertainmentJill McElroy – Manager, BenderspinkJim Gosnell – President, APAJim Wedaa – Principal, Jim Wedaa Prod.

Jiwon Park – DoD, CJ Entertainment

Joe Drake – President, Lionsgate Motion PixJoe Funicello – Agent, ICMJoe Hartwick – Pres. (Prod.), 20th Century FoxJoe Kessler – CinematographerJoe LeFavi – Principal, Quixotic Transmedia

Jonathan D. Krane – Principal, Krane MediaJonathan Eirich – DoD, Dreamworks

Jordan Sheehan, Dev't Exec, Scott FreeJosh Goldenberg – VP, Red WagonJosh Greenstein – Co-Pres. (Mktg), Paramount

Judd Apatow – Producer

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

1Julia Buchwald – Agent, Don Buchwald 1Kara Francis Smith - EVP, New Regency 1Karen Horne – Director (Diversity), NBCU 1Kathleen Kennedy - Partner, Kennedy/Marshall Co. 1


Kevin McCormick – Principal, Langley Park 1Kevin Reilly - President, Fox Broadcasting 1Kevin Spacey – Actor/Producer 1


Kristin Burr - EVP, Walt Disney Pictures 1Kyle Franke - DoD, Davis Entertainment 4Lance Johnson – VP, Escape Artists 9

1Laura Ivey – COO, After Dark Films 1


Lorrie Bartlett – Agent, ICM 1Luke Ryan – SVP, MGM 2Madelyn Hammond – Producer 15

2Mara Jacobs – VP, Scott Sanders Prod. 1Marc Abraham - President, Strike Entertainment 1Marc Evans - President (Prod.), Paramount 10Marcy Kraft – Director (Contracts), ICM 6Marjorie Kaplan – President, Animal Planet 1


Mark Holder - Manager, Zero Gravity 316Mark O'Connor – Executive, Green Hat Films 1Mark Ross – VP, CBS Films 1


Mary Lee – DoD, Mandate Pictures 1Matt Birch – EVP, Montana Artists 1


Matthew Signer – VP, Dimension Films 11104

Julia Barry – DoD, Laura Ziskin Prods

Ken Friemann – Manager, Circle of ConfusionKen Kamins – CEO, Key Creatives

Keyvan Peymani – VP, Warner BrosKim Callahan – Manager, Affirmative Ent.Kim Roth - President (Prod), Imagine Ent.

Lars Theriot – Agent, ICM

Lauren Corrao – ProducerLaverne McKinnon – EVP, EPIXLee Hollin - Manager, Fox BroadcastingLen Grossi – Principal, Baseline MediaLeonard Torgan - Manager, The CollectiveLeslie Conliffe - Manager, Intellectual Property GroupLindsey Ramey – CE, LionsgateLisa Ellzey – EVP, LionsgateLisa Zambri – VP, ContrafilmLorenzo di Bonaventura – Pres., Di Bonaventura Pictures

Mandy Safavi – EVP, Kurtzman/Orci

Mark Armstrong - Manager, Sanders Armstrong CasertaMark Bracco - VP, ABC Entertainment

Mark Teschner – Casting DirectorMarsha Bemko – Producer, Antiques Roadshow

Matt Perniciaro - Principal, Coalition FilmMatt Schuler – Manager, Levity Entertainment

Maureen Fitzpatrick – SVP, FremantleMedia Melanie Donkers – CE, FilmColonyMeredith Glynn - VP, Radical Studios

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries


Michael Fisk – VP, Sony Pictures 5Michael Joe - President, Relativity Media 1


Michael Sugar – Manager, Anonymous Content 1131

Mike Ireland - Executive, Appian Way 3303211

Neil Schubert - SVP, Lifetime TV 2Nick Sheets – Asst Manager, FuseFrame 1Nicole King – Manager, Management 360 1


Pam Silverstein - DoD, MGM 11

Paul Bloch - Co-Chair, Rogers & Cowan PR 1Paul Haas – Agent, WME2 1

1Peter Block – Principal, A Bigger Boat 1Peter Cramer – EVP, Universal Pictures 1

1Peter Rice – Chairman, Fox Broadcasting 1


Renee Simon - VP, Style Network 11

Richard Gold - CE, Fox Searchlight 11

Rick Sands – (formerly) COO, MGM 1Ricky Strauss – President, Participant Media 1


Ron Howard – Actor/Producer 1

Michael Botti - Assistant, Industry Ent.Michael Costigan - President, Scott Free

Michael McGahey – VP, Disney XDMichael Schreiber – VP, NBCU Digital

Michele Wolkoff – Pres. (Devt), Bazelevs Prod.Mike De Luca – Producer/WriterMike Esola – Agent, WME2

Mike Vollman – EVP (Marketing), MGMMilana Rabkin – ManagerMonika Zielinska – Dev't Exec, Comedy CentralNaketha Mattocks - Head (Prod), Larger Than LifeNan Sumski – PR Consultant

Nicole Norwood, VP, ABC EntertainmentNne Ebong - VP, ABC EntertainmentNorm Cauntay - Development, Spike TVNorman Todd – CE, Infinitum NihilOwen Ward – VP, LionsgatePalak Patel – President (Prod.), Roth FilmsPam Abdy - President (Film), Stuber Pictures

Pat Brisson – Agent, CAA

Perri Kipperman - Principal, Kipperman Mgmt.

Peter Kang – SVP, 20th Century Fox

Quan Phung – Head (TV), Stuber PicturesRani Sitty – Coordinator, ParadigmReena Singh – VP, Universal Cable Productions

Richard Brener - President (Prod), New Line

Richard Weitz – Agent, WME2

Rob Carliner - Head (Film), Prospect ParkRob Kenneally – Agent, CAARob McEntegart - Sr EVP, LionsgateRobert Kessel – EVP, OvertureRobert Mora – Getty ImagesRoberto Orci – Principal, Kurtzman/OrciRoger Kirman – VP, ABC Entertainment

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Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

Ron Meyer - COO, Universal Studios 1Russell Hollander – Executive, Stars Road 2

1Sam Brown – VP, New Line Cinema 1


Scott Landsman – VP, Comedy Central 221

Sean Bailey – Pres. (Prod.), Walt Disney MoPix 111

Sean Robins – Prod. Exec, Broken Road 413

Sharif Ali – Agent, Aimee Entertainment 81111

Steve Kent – Sr. EVP, Sony Pictures TV 1111

Steven Schneider - Principal, Room 101 111

Suzanne Todd – Principal, Team Todd 1221

Todd Black - Partner, Escape Artists 1Tom Burke - SVP, Warner Bros TV 1Tom Cruise – Actor/Producer 1Tom Hanks – Actor/Producer 1


Tonia Davis - DoD, Walt Disney MoPix 4111

Tracy Mercer - VP, Revelations Entertainment 31

Trey Pool – Coordinator, Strange Weather Films 1121

Walter Newman – Executive, Comedy Central 31

Ryan Engle – Pres. (Prod.), Kopelson Ent.

Sam Dickerman – SVP, Columbia TriStarSamantha Olsson – VP, Kickstart EntertainmentSarah Self – Agent, GershScott Atwell - Casting Executive NBCScott Aversano - Principal, Aversano FilmsScott Herbst – CE, Lakeshore Ent.

Scott Rudin – CEO, Scott Rudin ProductionsScott Stuber – Principal, Stuber Pictures

Sean Barclay – Agent, Gersh Sean Finegan - Silver Pictures

Shara Kay – Executive, DAS FilmsShara Senderoff – CE, Mark Gordon Co.

Sheree Guitar - Principal, Sheree Guitar Ent.Sonny Mallhi – ProducerStefanie Huie – SVP, Icon ProductionsSteve Asbell – SVP, 20th Century Fox

Steve Siskind - EVP, Paramount PicturesSteven Neibert – Agent, Imperium 7

Stuart Krasnow - Principal, Krasnow Prod.

Tariq Merhab – Principal, Merhab MgmtTendo Nagenda - VP, Walt Disney MoPixTobin Armbrust - Head (Prod.), Exclusive Media

Tom McNulty – ProducerTom Rothman - CEO, Fox Filmed Ent.Tom Zappala – ABC Family

Tony Sella – Co-Pres. (U.S. Mktg), 20th Century FoxTore Knos - Principal, Covenant Road Ent.Tracy Katsky – SVP, Nickelodeon

Trevor Engelson - Manager, Underground Mgmt

Tucker Tooley - Pres. (Prod.), Relativity MediaTyler Grasham – Agent, APAVivi Zigler - President, NBCU Digital

Wendi Niad – Manager, Niad Management

Page 17: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Most-Liked Executive

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

2Will Ward – Partner, Roar 1


TOTAL 1813

Will Hackner - Creative Assoc., DC Ent.

Zac Reeder - Circus Road FilmsZac Sanford – DoD, Suntaur/ElsboyZak Kadison – Partner, Blacklight Transmedia

Page 18: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Least-Liked Executives

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

Least-Liked Hollywood Executive Nominations5

Adam Goodman – Pres. (Film), Paramount Pictures 1Adam Rosenberg - SVP, Spyglass 2Alan Horn – President, Warner Bros 1

3Alex Young -- President, Giant Pictures 4


Allison Thomas - Partner, Larger Than Life Prod. 1Amanda Brown – CE, Paramount Pictures 1Amy Baer – President, CBS Films 1

2Amy Powell – SVP, Paramount Pictures 2Andrea Wong – (Former) CEO, Lifetime 1Andrew Bernstein - VP, Walt Becker Co. 30Andrew Rona - President, Silver Pictures 1


Ann Blanchard - Manager, Mosaic 115


Avi Lerner - CEO, Nu Image/Millennium Films 7Barack Obama – POTUS 1Barry McPherson – Agent, APA 2Ben Davis – VP, AMC 1


Ben Weiss – Agent, Paradigm 2Benny Medina - Principal, Medina Company 1

2Bob Weinstein – Co-Chair, Weinstein Co. 1Brad Weston - Principal, Weston Pict. 1Brandt Joel – Agent, WME2 5

1Brent Morley – Agent, WME2 1


Carter Swan – VP, Trigger Street 1Casey Wolfe - Director (Prod.), Walt Disney 1Cathy Schulman - President, Mandalay Pict. 1



Chris Lockwood – Editor 112

Chris Smith – Agent, WME2 1

Adam Goldworm - Principal, Aperture

Alex Yarosh – Agent, Gersh

Alexandra Milchan - Principal, New RegencyAlissa Vradenburg -- Manager, Untitled Ent.

Amy Pascal - Co-Chair, Sony Pictures Ent.

Andrew Solt – ProducerAndy Cohen – Agent, GershAndy Siditsky - V.P. Disney Home VideoAnil Kurian – VP, Intrepid Pictures

Anne Kopelson - Co-Chair, Kopelson Ent.Ari Emanuel – Agent, WME2Arnold Rifkin - Partner, Cheyenne Ent.Ashley Brucks - VP, Paramount Pictures

Ben Feigin - Manager, Anonymous ContentBen Silverman – CEO, Electus

Bob Cooper – CEO, Landscape Ent.

Brandy Rivers – Manager, Magnet Mgmt

Brett Ratner – CEO, Rat EntertainmentBrian Dobbins – Manager, Principato YoungBrian Dreyfuss - Agent, Featured ArtistsBruce Gersh - CEO, FishBowl Worldwide

Cecile Frot-Coutaz - CEO, FremantleMediaChris Albrecht - CEO, Starz Ent.Chris Coggins- Exec, Escape ArtistsChris Donnelly – Agent, WME

Chris McGurk – Executive, OvertureChris Sanagustin – SVP, Universal Cable

Page 19: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Least-Liked Executives

The Hollywood Temp Diaries



Clint Culpepper – President, Screen Gems 2Courtney Solomon – Principal, After Dark Films 2Craig Brody – Agent, CAA 1


Dan Schneider - Principal, Schneider's Bakery 916

Dana Honor - VP, 20th Century Fox TV 131111

David Johnson – SVP (HR), 20th Century Fox 10121

David Seltzer – Manager, Management 360 144142

Donna Cunningham – EVP, Sony Pictures TV 2Donna Langley – Co-Chair, Universal Pictures 1


Emma Watts - Pres, (Prod), 20th Century Fox 6321112

Evan Weiss - Head (TV), The Collective 1111

Franklin Leonard – DoD, Universal Pictures 1114

Gale Anne Hurd - CEO, Valhalla Motion Pict. 12

Gary Ross - Principal, Larger Than Life Prod. 211213

Christina Bazdekis - Executive, Cinetic MediaChristine Peters – Co-Chair, Cerenzie-Peters Prod.Christopher Pawlak – Exec, 20th Century FoxCielo Alano - Manager, Management 360

Dan Aloni – Agent, CAADan Fawcett – Pres. (Digital), Fox Filmed Ent.

Dan Steinman – Agent, CAADana Brunetti – President, Trigger Street

Daniel Pipski - Producer, Andrew Lauren Prod.David DeCamillo – Agent, GershDavid Fincher – DirectorDavid Glasser - Pres. (Int'l Dist.), Weinstein Co.David Goyer - Principal, Phantom Four

David Karp – Agent, WME2David Kopple – Agent, Gersh David Ready - VP, Di Bonaventura Pictures

Debbee Klein – Agent, Paradigm Debbie Liebling – Pres. (Prod), Universal PicturesDeette Kearns – VP, Focus Features

Elia Infascelli Smith – Agent, WME2Elie Samaha – ProducerElizabeth Raposo - VP, Paramount PicturesElyse Scherz – Agent, WME2

Eric Williams – President, Zero Gravity MgmtErika Schimik – SVP, LionsgateErin Oremland – VP, ICMErin Westerman - CE, Walt Disney StudiosEugene Young - CCO, FremantleMediaEvan Hainey - Manager, Untitled Entertainment

Felicia Sager - Manager, Sager MgmtFrank Carrere – Head of Corp. Dev't, Fox Int'lFrankie Lindquist - Manager, Scooty Woop Ent

Freddy Braidy - Partner, Deco EntertainmentFrederick Huntsberry - COO, Paramount Pict.Gail Heaney – SVP, Summit Ent.

Gareth Provan – Producer, Gurin Company

Gavin Polone - President, PariahGeoff Shaevitz – SVP, Summit Ent.Geyer Kosinski - CEO, Media Talent GroupGianni Nunnari – Pres., Hollywood Gang Prod.Gillian Bohrer - DoD, Summit Entertainment

Page 20: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Least-Liked Executives

The Hollywood Temp Diaries

Gina Shay - Producer 131

Harvey Levin - Principal, TMZ 1Harvey Weinstein – Co-Chair, Weinstein Co. 5

2Heather Parry – Head (Film), Happy Madison 1Hope Diamond – PR, Disney Channel 3Howard Owens - Managing Director, Reveille 1


Jake Gyllenhaal – Actor 2Jake Wagner – Manager, FilmEngine 3


Jason Lust - VP, Jim Henson Co. 11682

Jenna Block – Dev't Exec, Escape Artists 5131

Jill Jones - SVP, Summit Entertainment 11

Jim Osborne – Agent, Paradigm 4Jimmy Miller – Manager, Mosaic 1Joanie Wallace - SVP, 20th Century Fox 4Joel Silver - Chairman, Silver Pictures 1

1John Palermo – Producer 1Jon Berg – SVP, Warner Bros. Pictures 1

1Jordan Wynn – Producer 1Joseph Rice - Agent, Abrams Artists 1

1Josh Katz – Agent, UTA 1Josh Lieberman – Agent, CAA 3


Kevin McCormick – Principal, Langley Park Pict. 1112

Lawrence Bender - Principal, Lawrence Bender Prod. 9Lawrence Grey – SVP, Mandate Pictures 4


Liza Anderson - Publicist, Anderson Group PR 12312

Guy Oseary - Partner, Untitled Entertainment

Heather Kadin – Pres. (TV), Kurtzman/Orci

Ida Ziniti – Agent, ParadigmIvan Reitman – DirectorJackie Peretti – VP, Fox Filmed Ent.

Jason Barrett – Manager, Alchemy Ent.Jason Constantine - Pres. (Acq.), Lionsgate

Jason Nadler – Agent, UTAJeff Kwatinetz – Partner, Prospect ParkJeff Zucker – CEO, NBCUJeffrey Katzenberg – CEO, Dreamworks

Jeremy Steckler, VP - ImagineJerry Bruckheimer – CEO, Jerry Bruckheimer Prods.

Jill Weiss – Exec Asst., Jerry Bruckheimer Prods.

John Fogelman – Agent, WME2

Jonathan Baruch - Manager, Rain Mgmt

Josh Goldenberg – VP, Red Wagon

Josh Rothstein – VP, Double FeatureJustin Killion – VP, Original ProductionsKen Mok - Principal, 10 by 10 Ent.Kevin Burns - President, Prometheus Ent.

Kris Henigman - CE, Valhalla Motion Pict.Laura Berwick - Manager, Hofflund CompanyLauren Abrahams – Director, Columbia TriStar

Leslie Conliffe - Manager, IPGLisa Zambri – VP, Contrafilm

Lori McCreary - CEO, Revelations Ent.Lynda Obst - Principal, Lynda Obst Prod.Maradith Frenkel – DoD, Universal PicturesMarc Korman - Agent, WME Entertainment

Page 21: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Least-Liked Executives

The Hollywood Temp Diaries


Mark Morgan – Partner, Imprint Entertainment 1Mark Pearson - SVP, 20th Century Fox TV 1


Mary John Frank – Director, Paramount Vantage 1Matt Alvarez - President, CubeVision 1Matt Reilly - Head (Prod), Rough House Pict. 1Max Friedman - Max Friedman Management 1Mel Gibson – Actor 1



Michael McConnell -- Partner, Fortitude 289111311

Mike Southerly -- SVP, 20th Century Fox 151

Mystery Exec 1Nancy Josephson – Agent, WME2 1Nathan Kahane – President, Mandate Pictures 4


1117Patrick Moran - SVP, ABC Entertainment 1


Paul Chambers – EVP, 20th Century Fox 4Paul Hook – Agent, ICM 1Peter Cramer – EVP, Universal Pictures 1

1Peter Roth – President, WBTV 2



Rob Burnett – President, Worldwide Pants 3Robert Lazar – Agent, ICM 1


Ryan Murphy - Principal, Ryan Murphy Prod. 1Ryan Saul – Agent, APA 1

Margot Menzel - Manager, Evolution Ent.Mark Koesterer – CEO, Sports Studio Ventures

Mark Stern – EVP, SyfyMark Williams - Producer, Zero Gravity Mgmt

Melanie Greene -Manager, Affirmative Ent.Meredith Glynn - VP, Radical StudiosMeredith Wechter – Agent, ICMMichael Arata - Principal, Voodoo PicturesMichael DiGirolamo – Partner, Station Film Michael Ellenberg – SVP, Scott Free Prods.Michael Greenwald – Agent, Don BuchwaldMichael Grindon – (Former) Pres. Int'l, Sony TV

Michael Ovitz - CEO, AMSEFMichael Schafer - SVP, Summit Ent.Mickey Berman – Agent, ICMMike Esola – Agent, WME2Mike Fleiss – President, Next EntertainmentMike Larocca – VP, Chernin Entertainment

Mitchell Leib - Pres. (Music & Sdtrx), Disney Music

Neal Moritz - Principal, Original Film Nick Styne – Agent, CAANigel Sinclair - Co-CEO, Exclusive Media GrpOly Obst - Manager, Underground ManagementPam Abdy – President, Stuber PicturesPat Brisson – Agent, CAA

Patrick Whitesell – Agent, WME2Patty McTeague - SVP, Disney ABC TV

Peter Guber – Chairman, Mandalay Ent.

Phil Goldfine - COO, Steamroller Prod.Ralph Berge – Agent, Montana ArtistsRandall Emmett - Partner, Family Room Ent.Risa Shapiro - Manager, Schiff Company

Robin Russell – Sr. EVP, Columbia TriStar Ryan Kavanaugh – CEO, Rogue Pictures

Page 22: Brown List 2010

Brown List 2010: Least-Liked Executives

The Hollywood Temp Diaries


Sam Simon – Writer/Producer 1122113

Scott Bernstein – EVP, Universal Pictures 21

Scott Henderson – Agent, WME or Paradigm 1111

Scott Strauss - SVP, Screen Gems 1Sharif Ali – Agent, Aimee Entertainment 1

2Sheryl Levine – Casting Director 2


Stan Brooks – Principal, Once Upon a Time Films 12

Steve Levine – Agent, ICM 2Steven Jensen – Manager, Independent Group 1

1Teresa Wayne – VP, Warner Bros. 1

1The producer that green-lit "The Tooth Fairy" 1


Todd Cameron - Agent, Abrams Artists 32

Toni Howard – Agent, ICM 11

Tony Scott -- Chair, Scott Free Prod. 213

Tracey Jacobs – Agent, UTA 144112

Will Ward – Partner, ROAR 339

TOTAL 2366

Ryan Seacrest – Host/ProducerSabrina Padwa – VP, ABC Entertainment GroupSam Maydew – Manager, The Collective

Samantha Crisp - Agent, Kohner AgencySander Schwartz – EVP, FremantleMediaSandra Chang - Manager, Industry Ent.Sanford Panitch - President, Fox Int'lSarah Schechter - SVP, Warner Bros Pict.Sarah Self – Agent, Gersh

Scott Greenberg – Agent, CAA

Scott Rudin – CEO, Scott Rudin Prod.Scott Schwartz - Manager, Vision Art Mgmt

Shelley Browning – CEO, Magnolia Ent.

Spencer Baumgarten – Agent, CAAStacey Lubliner - President, Lime Orchard

Steve Caserta - Manager, Sanders Armstrong Caserta

Susan Ferris - Manager, Bohemia Ent.

Tess Downey – Principal, Odyessey IV Prod.

Thom Beers – CEO, Original ProductionsTim Palen - Co-Pres (Mktg), LionsgateTim Sovay – Director, Summit Ent.

Tom Lassally - Manager, 3 Arts Entertainment

Tony Krantz - CEO, Flame Venture

Tony Sella – Co-Pres. (U.S. Mktg), 20th Century Fox

Trevor Astbury – Agent, ParadigmTrish Vasquez – VP, Summit Ent.Victor Poon – Production Executive, HotplateWendy Finerman - Pres., Wendy Finerman Prod.

Zak Kadison – Partner, Blacklight TransmediaZig Gauthier – Owner, Red Varden Studios