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Using Video During Litigation – Miami Dade – Broward County Courts Friday, February 12th, 2016

Using Video During Litigation in a Florida Court

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(Miami, Florida) – Technology has changed the face of the way we do business today. That couldn’t be more true than when it comes to the use of video production, cameras and audio recordings. These devices are creating evidence used in today’s courtrooms. The use of video is becoming more routine in many court hearings and procedures. Video produced from on-duty police camera’s and insurance claims showing property damage or telling a victim’s story are examples of what is recorded and used. But did you know there are certain criteria a videographer must follow for a video capture to be compliant in court? Here are a few things to consider when it comes to using video production in court you may not know.

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The tape must include a timestamp embedded in the frame and cannot show any signs of editing or tampering. Surveillance video is often used, but again, there are many parameters that the video must stay within to make the tape permissible. Things like lighting, camera angles and video enhancements, editing or re-touching are considered and can be thrown out.

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Cases with insurance claims, where the plaintiff uses recorded images of property to show value and ownership, must be in a sealed and unopened envelope. The envelope must include tape or disc and documents containing date, timestamp and the videographer’s information. His signature states that he as a representative of the court if he’s certified.

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Videos can be made to demonstrate or reenact a particular incident. These may or may not be used and can easily be thrown out if the judge deems the tape as unusable. Yet, many people will include it during an argument to sway jurors in a particular direction.

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Videos with themes such as “A day in the life of” prove a person’s life events along with a timeline to familiarize the juror’s mile marks in a particular case. These events represent either before or after someone has been injured or became deceased. In these cases, the video company may or may not be certified and the video’s purpose is at the court’s discretion.

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Videographers can get a certification from the National Court Reporter’s Association to further credibility. When a videographer has gone through this type of certification, not only is it more secure it’s also a sign for the court to prove the person filming is competent and has followed strict guidelines as a court reporter. This tends to pass the video as more legitimate.

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Video is predicted to be used more often in court settings for the near future and is just another tool that can help present a sound and solid argument. Perhaps it will be used in your next case?

If you’re thinking about including video production during your next trial, our Miami-Dade and CountyBroward County Court Reporting Service is here to assist you in answering any of your video or audio related questions.

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Broward Miami-Dade Courts – Federal and District video litigation services