bronte creek handbook

B RONTE C REEK Your Information Guide to Living Near the Valley

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Homeowner's handbook - Bronte Creek, Ontario


  • Bronte Creek

    Your Information Guide to Living Near the Valley

  • Bronte Creek

    Here, Home Ownership is a Natural Privilege

    Welcome to Bronte Creek....On behalf of Bronte Creek Community Ltd., we would like to welcome you to your new home. This booklet has been prepared for two primary reasons:

    1. To provide homeowners with useful information on how they can participate in keeping the 14 Mile Creek and surrounding ecosystem, healthy.2. To explain the unique features and functions that have been designed into this community to ensure a sustainable environment for all residents and future generations.

    You can help by becoming environmentally aware and by observing and implementing the recommendations presented on the following pages.

  • Bronte Creek


    The Principle of Stewardship....

    The Bronte Creek neighbourhood is bordered on the west by Bronte Creek Provincial Park, a significant natural area between Burlington and Oakville. The majority of the land where your new home now stands, was used for agriculture before being converted into a golf course which was active for nearly 25 years. The new owners in close consultation with the Town of Oakville and Conservation Halton have brought forward an ambitious plan that incorporates a diverse range of natural habitats including; wetlands, ponds, stream corridors and regenerated woodlands. As a result of these planned features and the existing natural habitat, the property is home to numerous species of plants, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

    About Bronte Creek....

    Strong stewardship prac t ices by local res idents wi l l ensure a strengthening in the health and divers i t y of the ecosystems of Bronte Creek . By adopting the pr inciple of stewardship, and tak ing steps to care for the ecological features in your communit y, you can help ensure that the unique sett ing of Bronte Creek is preser ved for generat ions to come.

  • Bronte Creek


    About Woodlot Parks...Large tracks of mature deciduous forest have been preserved on the property for long term ecological benefits and the enjoyment and appreciation of local residents. As these forests are sensitive natural features, a trail system has been designed to delineate where people should travel while experiencing them. From the trail, everyone can enjoy the beauty and variety of plant life on the shaded forest floor, while taking care not to disturb the complex ecological processes that are occurring. On occasion, you may encounter a white tailed deer, raccoon or red fox quietly going about their business. Staying on the trail will also minimize impacts to local wildlife. These forests are not only valuable aesthetic features, they also perform a number of other important ecological functions, some of which are listed below:

    Mature forests function as...

    Protective cover for wildlife moving between the habitat corridors of the 14 Mile Creek valley and the Bronte Creek Provincial ParkBreeding and over-wintering habitat for many native species of wildlife A source of ecological biodiversity A major contributor to cleaner air, a healthier watershed, and of the scenic beauty of the landscape

  • Bronte Creek

    Where are they and why are they important?

    Conservation Easements

    One of the ways that mature forest edges are protected is through the use of conservation easements. A conservation easement is a special protective zone located on private property to ensure that the construction of housing adjacent the forest edge does not lead to any further encroachment on the forest. If you own a property that backs onto a Woodlot Park, you have a 5.0m wide conservation easement running the full length of your rear yard boundary. All conservation easements at Bronte Creek are planted in accordance with an approved planting plan. The planting is protected by a Town wide by-law, and residents are asked to respect the protection of this zone by limiting uses of this area to those that are compatible with long term health of a forest edge. Additional planting of native species in the conservation easement is encouraged.

    Just beyond the rear yard boundary fence, Bronte Creek Community Ltd.,in partnership with the Town of Oakville, will introduce extensive regeneration planting to re-establish a new forest edge in support of the conservation easement initiative. Within a short period of time the new planting will develop into a forest edge and will form a contiguous part of the larger woodlot providing valuable protection to the interior from high winds and penetrating solar rays.

  • Bronte Creek

    The 14 Mile Creek Valley Environmental preservation and conservation practices are only one side of the equation in achieving healthy ecosystems. In some cases, lands that have been degraded by past uses require restoration to improve ecological function and habitat quality. The 14 Mile Creek Valley that bisects Phases 1 and 2 of Bronte Creek, is one such case where a restoration planting program is required to enhance both terrestrial and aquatic habitat. An extensive planting plan has been developed, in conjunction with the Town of Oakville and the Conservation Authority, for this section of the valley with the goal of returning it from its former use as a golf course, to a more naturalized, vegetated condition.

    The val ley restorat ion plan involves the plant ing of a mix ture of numerous nat ive species of deciduous and coniferous t rees, sapl ings, seedl ings and shrubs that would natural ly be found in a creek val ley in this region. Plant mater ia l wi l l be par t icular ly concentrated around the creek banks in an ef for t to enhance f ish habitat and water qual i t y. I n addit ion to plant ing, nat ive seed mix tures including grasses and wi ldf lowers wi l l a lso be appl ied to the s i te.

    Ecological Restoration

  • Bronte Creek

    The Creek Channel Another s igni f icant environmental restorat ion projec t in the Bronte Creek communit y is the construc ted stream feature that connec ts the 14 M i le Creek Val ley to the Woodlot Park in the nor th. This construc ted stream replaces a grass swale that ran through the old gol f course. The new conf igurat ion is speci f ica l ly des igned to provide a l l the features and func t ions of a natural s t ream, including r i f f le and pool sequences for aquat ic habitat and water qual i t y enhancement. Within the creek banks a diverse ecosystem wi l l evolve in harmony with the communit y.

    As with the 14 M i le Creek Val ley Restorat ion plan, the plant ing of the new creek consists of nat ive species that are commonly found a long creeks and f loodplains in Halton Region. This newly vegetated corr idor bet ween the val ley and the woodlot , provides a cr i t ica l green l ink for wi ldl i fe to t ravel bet ween habitat t ypes ranging f rom open meadow to dense forest cover. Such green l inks are cr i t ica l to helping maintain local wi ldl i fe populat ions given that suitable habitat i s increas ingly in shor t supply. The creek channel corr idor a lso has the added benef i t of providing a recreat ional t ra i l connec t ion to be enjoyed on a Town wide level .

    Green Corridors... Creek Channel Construction Aug. 2005

  • Bronte Creek

    Respec t ing the environmental features of the Bronte Creek communit y, i s just one of the many ways you can help protec t and enhance the integr i t y of the natural areas surrounding your home. The fol lowing pages of fer some addit ional guidel ines you can obser ve.

    One of the s implest things you can do is to take care not to encroach into environmental ly sensit ive areas. You can ensure that your ac t iv i t ies and the choices you make for your proper t y have l imited impac t on the surrounding environment by fol lowing these t ips :

    Avoid encroachment

    Tips to Remember...Do not remove leaves, fallen branches, shrubs or trees at the woodlot edge beyond your rear fence line.Do not extend lawns, structures, decks, and gardens beyond, or build gates through your rear yard boundary fence.Recognize that the land beyond your rear fence line belongs to the residents of the Town of Oakville. Any dumping of garbage and other debris on public lands is against the law. Remove garbage if you see it, and store your garbage in animal proof containers. Do not modify your approved back yard drainage conditions by connecting roof leaders to buried pipes, or directing runoff onto the public open space. Do not connect sump pumps or floor drains to homemade drainage systems as these activities cause erosion and the possible release of household contaminants into the environment.Do not drain pools towards the valley slope as chlorine is harmful to the environment.

    How can you help?

  • Bronte Creek


    The Bronte Creek community has been designed to minimize environmental impacts on the surrounding lands, offering all the advantages and attractive features associated with living next door to a significant natural area. The Town of Oakville and Conservation Halton promote a green development strategy that includes the placement of a street tree on each lot and the creation of planted buffers and walkway blocks in order to improve the environmental quality of the neighbourhood. These actions also promote green connections to existing wooded areas. As a property owner in Bronte Creek, there are many things that you can do to ensure the survival and healthy growth of the street tree in front of your property. Some suggestions include:

    Help protect urban street trees

    Tips to Remember...

    Water your new tree for 10 minutes on a weekly basis as you would any new planting on your property.Keep the mulch zone around the trunk free of weeds and do not mound the soil up around the trunk.Notify the Town Forestry Division if your street tree dies in order for a replacement to be arranged.Do not prune or plant anything around the base of the tree, fertil ize or sod over the root zone. Do not remove guying or protective collars from the tree trunk.Do not expand your driveway or walkways into the root zone without permission from the Town of Oakville.Appreciate that although the tree is positioned in front of your property, it is owned by the Town of Oakville.

  • Bronte Creek


    Helping the Bronte Creek Community Ltd., The Town of Oakville, and Conservation Haltons efforts to maintain a healthy and diverse native plant community is another way that you can benefit your community. In all of the environmental restoration initiatives at Bronte Creek, great care has been taken to ensure that only native plant species have been proposed. Unfortunately, many invasive, non-native species are becoming well established, crowding out native species and threatening ecosystem health. By taking care to plant only native species on your property, you can help keep invasive species from spreading into the woodlands. These actions have the added benefit of providing habitat and food for wildlife and bird populations. A list of native plant species that are both attractive and suitable for planting in lawns and gardens located near environmentally sensitive areas is provided on the following page.

    Help protect native plant populations

    Plant native trees and shrubs in your backyard to further enhance the environmental attributes of the Bronte Creek valley. Use environmentally friendly alternatives to herbicides and pesticides on your lawn and garden and remember to use them sparingly to minimize environmental impacts.Communicate with your neighbours and work together to promote a continuous, diverse plant community along the valley corridor.Report any unusual infestations or disease that may be impacting your garden to the Town of Oakville Forestry Division.

    Tips to Remember...

  • Title


    Trees Suggested Species Size at Maturity Light Required

    RedMaple(Acerrubrum) SugarMaple(Acersaccharum) RedOak(Quercusrubra) WhiteOak(Quercusalba) WhiteSpruce(Piceaglauca) WhiteCedar(Thujaoccidentalis) WhiteAsh(Fraxinusamericana)

    Height50ft,Spread30ft Height50ft,Spread30ft Height50ft,Spread40ft Height50ft,Spread30ft Height45ft,Spread10ft Height20ft,Spread7ft Height70ft,Spread65ft

    FullSun/PartialShade FullSun/PartialShade FullSun/PartialShade FullSun FullSun FullSun/PartialShade FullSun


    Red O i s e r D ogwood (Co rnu s s to l on i f e ra ) G rey Dogwood (Co rnu s r a cemosa ) H i ghbush C ranbe r r y ( Vi bu rnum t r i l obum) E l de rbe r r y ( S ambucus c anadens i s ) FloweringRaspberry(Rubusodoratus) AlleghenyServiceberry(Amelanchierlaevis) AmericanYew(Taxuscanadensis)

    Height6ft, Spread7ft Height12ft, Spread8ft Height7ft, Spread7ft Height6ft, Spread7ft Height8ft, Spread8ft Height20ft, Spread10ft Height5ft, Spread6ft

    Full Sun/PartialShade Full Sun/PartialShade Full Sun/PartialShade Full Sun Full Sun/PartialShade Full Sun/PartialShade Heavy/Par tialShade


    Pa l e Pu rp l e Cone f l owe r ( Ech ina cea pa l l i da ) B l a c k- eyed Su san (Rudbeck i a H i r t a ) B l ue F l ag I r i s ( I r i s ve r s i co l o r ) Wi l d Co l umb ine (Aqu i l eg i a c anadens i s ) Tawny Day l i l y (Hemero ca l l i s Fu l va ) Canada Anemone (Anemone c anadens i s ) Smoo th A s te r (A s te r l a ev i s )

    up to 40 24 -36 24 -36 24 -36 35 12 -24 24 -50

    S un S un /Pa r t i a l Shade S un /Pa r t i a l Shade S un /Pa r t i a l Shade S un S un /Pa r t i a l Shade S un

    Try Planting...

  • Bronte Creek


    G i v e n t h e d i v e r s i t y o f w i l d l i f e h a b i t a t s f o u n d i n t h e B r o n t e C r e e k Provincia l Park area, i t i s not surpr is ing that the region is home to many smal l mammals, birds, amphibians and repti les. The s ize of the park (40 hec tares) a lso makes i t a suitable habitat for larger mammals such as white -ta i led deer, red fox and coyotes. Unfor tunately, increas ing urban encroachment and i ts associated environmental impac ts i s threatening the per ipheral habitat qual i t y in the area .

    There are, however, a number of s imple measures that you can take to help protec t and enhance wi ldl i fe habitat , and minimize unwanted encounters with local wi ldl i fe. These include:

    Help protect local wildlife

    Tips to Remember...Install bird houses and/or feeders in your rear yard.Keep dogs on a leash when near environmentally sensitive areas. Do not allow your dog or cat to roam free day or night.Store household garbage in animal proof containers to avoid attracting skunks, racoons, and coyotes into the community.Do not approach wild animals and ensure that children are well aware of the dangers of doing so.Refrain from handling or rescuing baby animals as their parents will likely return and care for them without interference. Contact the Town of Oakville Humane Society at 05-45-1551 for assistance if needed.

  • Bronte Creek


    B r o n t e C r e e k i s a n e i g h b o u r h o o d t h a t o f f e r s r e s i d e n t s spec tacular visual resources, unlimited recreational potential, and an opportunity to coexist with a unique natural resource. In order to preserve the quality of this environment for future generations, we must remember that our actions even on a small scale can make a difference.

    Please act responsibly and follow the suggestions provided in this booklet. This is your new home, cherish it and protect it.


    Town of Oakville By-law 2000-05- regulating private woodlands in Oakville, visit for more information or call the Town Forestry Department at (05)-45-01 extn. 5.The Regional Municipality of Halton By-law No. -- to restrict and regulate the de-struction of trees in the Region of Halton, visit for more infor-mation.Conservation Halton - Tel: (05) -115 www.conservationhalton.on.caFederation of Ontario Naturalists - Tel: (41) 444-41, www.ontarionature.orgLocal Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests, www.leaftoronto.orgCanadian Wildlife Federation, www.wildaboutgardening.orgBronte Creek Provincial Park,

    For More Information Refer to...

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    Prepared by :Don Naylor + Associates Ltd.

    Landscape Architec ts245 Main St . N

    Brampton, ON, LX 1N05-45-50

    w w

    Prepared For :

    Bronte Creek Communit y Ltd.

    The contents of th is document are the proper t y of Bronte Creek Communit y Ltd. and may not be reproduced without the expressed wr it ten permiss ion of the O wner.