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Broner Issue Tracking System User Guide

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Broner Issue Tracking System User Guide

Page 2: Broner Issue Tracking System User Guide - PSI Issue... · 3.1 Using the Bugzilla Number to Retrieve an Issue ... Broner

Preliminary Pages

Broner Issue Tracking System User Guide 2

Copyright © 2015, Broner Metals Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved

Broner product names which are mentioned in this document and the Broner Metals Solutions logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Broner Metals Solutions Ltd.

All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

This documentation contains Broner Metals Solutions proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without prior consent of Broner Metals Solutions.

Address Broner Metals Solutions Ltd 1, Century Court Tolpits Lane Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 9RS United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)1923 652000 Fax: +44 (0)1923 816456

Email: [email protected]


About This Document Document Revision History:

Version Date Issued Author Description

1.0 1 June 2005 Richard Wightman

First draft

1.1 12 March 2009 Tim McAlpine Updated format

2 1 September 2009

Richard Wightman

Added text in section 2 – How to find a product in the list

3.4 10 November 2011

Tim McAlpine Reviewed for Release 33.4

3.5 25 May 2012 Robert Norledge

Final checks and generate PDF for 33.4


18/04/2013 Robert Norledge

Changes to describe use of FTP site, remove outdated references, provide information on issue status and the query page.

V2 31/10/2014 Robert Norledge

Changes for revision of software.

V3 15/10/2015 Robert Norledge

Changes for revision of the software.

V4 29/10/2015 Robert Norledge

Minor text changes.

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Preliminary Pages

Broner Issue Tracking System User Guide 3

Tips and Warnings Through the pages of this manual you may see two icons used:

This icon highlights a procedure that will save time or make a procedure easier to perform. It may also indicate a procedure that can be used to escape from a difficulty.

This icon highlights important advice that must be followed to avoid unwanted results. It is particularly used to warn of actions that will cause the application to fail later or to produce unintended results.

Your Comments on this Document

We would very much like to hear any comments that you would like to make about the content or accuracy of this manual. Comments about this manual or any problems relating to the use of this or any other Broner products should be made to the Broner Customer Support Centre.

Contacting the Broner Customer Support Centre

To contact the Support Centre:

Telephone: +44 (0)1923 652026 Fax: +44 (0)1923 816456 E-mail: [email protected]

Customers who have signed up for a support account can report and track support issues, via the Broner Issue Tracking System:

Open the Broner Website Home page ( and click the Broner Issue Tracking System button.

To apply for an account, send an e-mail to [email protected] the support centre and tell us your:


Company name

Job or role in your company

E-mail address

Telephone number

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Preliminary Pages

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Contents 1 Security and Log-In .............................................................................. 7

1.1 Displaying the Main Screen ........................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Logging in ....................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Entering a New Issue ........................................................................... 9

2.1 Displaying the Enter Issue Window................................................................................................ 9

2.2 Selecting the Correct Product from the Product List ...................................................................... 9

2.3 Entering the Details ...................................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 The Main Fields ............................................................................................................ 10

2.3.2 Attaching a File ............................................................................................................. 11

2.3.3 Creating the New Issue ................................................................................................ 12

3 Updating Issues .................................................................................. 13

3.1 Using the Bugzilla Number to Retrieve an Issue ......................................................................... 13

3.2 Updating a Single Issue ............................................................................................................... 13

3.2.1 The Main Fields ............................................................................................................ 13

3.2.2 Attaching a File ............................................................................................................. 16

3.2.3 Amending an Attachment ............................................................................................. 17

3.2.4 Amending the Attachment File...................................................................................... 17

3.2.5 Amending the Attachment Comments .......................................................................... 17

3.2.6 Emailing the Person Who Set Up the Attachment ........................................................ 18

3.2.7 Displaying the Dependency Tree ................................................................................. 18

3.2.8 Adding and Replying to Free Text Comments.............................................................. 19

4 Using a Query to Retrieve an Issue ................................................... 21

4.1 Displaying the Query Screen ....................................................................................................... 21

4.2 Using a Simple Search ................................................................................................................. 21

4.3 Using an Advanced Search .......................................................................................................... 23

4.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 23

4.3.2 String Search Options ................................................................................................... 24

4.3.3 Summary....................................................................................................................... 25

4.3.4 Products and Components ........................................................................................... 26

4.3.5 Status ............................................................................................................................ 26

4.3.6 Resolution ..................................................................................................................... 27

4.3.7 Detailed Issue Information ............................................................................................ 27

4.3.8 Search By People ......................................................................................................... 29

4.3.9 Search by Change History ............................................................................................ 30

4.3.10 Custom Search ............................................................................................................. 30

4.4 Browsing Search Results ............................................................................................................. 33

4.4.1 When a Search Finds Issues ........................................................................................ 33

4.4.2 When a Search Does not Find Issues .......................................................................... 34

5 Using Browsing to Retrieve an Issue ................................................ 35

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6 User Preferences ................................................................................ 37

6.1 Displaying the User Preferences Window .................................................................................... 37

6.2 General Preferences Tab ............................................................................................................. 37

6.3 Email Preferences Tab ................................................................................................................. 39

6.4 Saved Searches Tab .................................................................................................................... 41

6.4.1 Deleting a Saved Search .............................................................................................. 41

6.5 Account Information Tab .............................................................................................................. 42

6.6 Permissions Tab .......................................................................................................................... 42

7 Generating and Printing Reports ...................................................... 44

7.1 Displaying the Reports Window ................................................................................................... 44

7.2 Current State Reports .................................................................................................................. 44

7.3 Search Report .............................................................................................................................. 45

7.4 Tabular Reports ........................................................................................................................... 45

7.4.1 Displaying the Tabular Reports Window ...................................................................... 45

7.4.2 Entering Report Criteria ................................................................................................ 45

7.4.3 Entering Search Criteria ............................................................................................... 46

7.4.4 Generating the Report .................................................................................................. 46

7.4.5 The Fields at the Bottom of the Window ....................................................................... 47

7.5 Graphical Reports ........................................................................................................................ 47

7.5.1 Displaying the Graphical Reports Window ................................................................... 47

7.5.2 Entering Report Criteria ................................................................................................ 48

7.5.3 Entering Search Criteria ............................................................................................... 48

7.5.4 Generating the Report .................................................................................................. 48

7.5.5 The Fields at the Bottom of the Window ....................................................................... 49

7.6 Duplicates Reports ....................................................................................................................... 50

7.6.1 Displaying the Duplicates Reports Window .................................................................. 50

7.6.2 The Duplicates Table .................................................................................................... 50

7.6.3 Change Parameters ...................................................................................................... 51

7.7 Change Over Time Reports ......................................................................................................... 51

7.8 Old Charts .................................................................................................................................... 51

7.8.1 Displaying the Old Charts Window ............................................................................... 51

7.8.2 Entering Report Criteria ................................................................................................ 52

7.8.3 Displaying the Report ................................................................................................... 52

8 Using the FTP Site .............................................................................. 54

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Chapter 1: Security and Log-In

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1 Security and Log-In

1.1 Displaying the Main Screen

In order to use the Broner Issue Tracking System, you will need a user account. If you do not already have a user account, please contact the Customer Support Centre to obtain usernames and passwords for the people who will need to access the Issue Tracking System.

To access the Issue Tracking System, go to the Broner web site and select the Support Login button on the left of the page.

This will display Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking:

You can now do the following:

Log in.

Resolve a forgotten password.

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Chapter 1: Security and Log-In

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1.2 Logging in

At the top or bottom of the window, click Log In.

In login, enter your email address.

Enter your password.

Click Log In.

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Chapter 2: Entering a New Issue

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2 Entering a New Issue

2.1 Displaying the Enter Issue Window

Do one of the following:

In Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking, click this icon:


Select New at the top or bottom of the screen.

2.2 Selecting the Correct Product from the Product List

Enter Issue is displayed.

You will be presented with a product list which shows all of the Broner Planning , Scheduling and MES Applications products.

Select one of the products.

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Chapter 2: Entering a New Issue

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2.3 Entering the Details

2.3.1 The Main Fields

Enter the following information:

Version The software version. If you do not know the version, select Unspecified.

Category Select one of the following:

Bug. An error in the software.

Enhancement. An improvement to the software.

Question. A question relating to the software.

OS The operating system.

Priority The priority of the issue. To the right is an explanation of each priority option.

Data Location If there is a URL associated with this issue (e.g. a website where the problem can be seen) it should be entered here. For details of the Broner FTP site, see chapter 7.

FTP User The user name used to connect to the FTP site.

FTP Directory A folder on the FTP server that will be used to store files for this issue.

File Name(s) The names of the files stored on the FTP site. Enter a list, separated by commas or semi-colons.

Issue Occurred in The environment where the issue was first noticed.

Select one of the following:

Development. A development environment.

QA. A quality assurance (testing) environment.

Production. A live production environment.

Status This will be set to New. When the issue has been saved, it can be changed to Assigned and Resolved. Explanations are given below:

New. A new issue that has not yet been assigned to anyone.

Assigned. An issue which has been assigned, but not yet resolved.

Resolved. An issue which has been resolved.

Assignee The person this issues is assigned to.

QA Contact The person who will ensure that the issue is fixed.

CC An email address to which notifications will be sent when any changes are made

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Chapter 2: Entering a New Issue

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to this issue

Summary A brief description of the issue. Preferably using just one sentence.

Description A fuller description of the issue. Include all known information that may be useful to whoever will be dealing with this issue.

Make description and…

Check this option to only display this description for people in the PR-Broner group.

Add and attachment

Click this button to attach a file (such as a screen image, or a test plan) to the issue. See section 2.3.2.

Keywords Keywords used when searching for issues.

Depends on Any issues which must be resolved before this issue can be resolved. If there is more than one, enter a list separated by commas or semi-colons.

Blocks Any issues which can only be resolved after this issue has been resolved. If there is more than one, enter a list separated by commas or semi-colons.

Select 1 group…. Check the one of the boxes to determine which user group can view this issue

Submit Issue Create a new issue.

Remember value as bookmarkable template

Click this button to save your new issue as a bookmarkable template for future issues. This will save you time and effort when creating new issues which are similar to this one.

Submit Issue Click this button to create the new issue (see section 2.3.3 below).

2.3.2 Attaching a File

In the main fields (section 2.3.1) click Add an Attachment.

Use the following fields as required:

Make description and any new attachment private

Check this field to only allow users of the same user group to view and amend this attachment.

Don’t add an attachment Click this to cancel the new attachment.

File Click Browse and browse to the file to be attached.

Description Enter a brief description for the attachment. This will be displayed against the attachment in the main window for the issue.

Content Type Select patch if the attached file is a software patch.

Otherwise If this file is NOT a software patch, select one of the following:

Auto-detect. The file type will be detected

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Chapter 2: Entering a New Issue

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automatically. This is normally the easiest way of selecting the file type.

Select from list: If you select this option, you must select the file type from the pull-down. This should be used if Auto-detect does not work.

Enter manually. If Auto-detect does not work, and Select from list does not display the file type, then select this option and enter the file type manually. Enter the file suffix (e.g. docx for Word 10 documents).

2.3.3 Creating the New Issue

In the main fields (section 2.3.1) click Submit Issue.

This will generate a new issue number.

The following information is now displayed, above the issue details:

Issue NNNNN The issue number, which has just been generated automatically.

Email sent to All people that emails have been sent to. Who receives an email when an issue is created is determined by the Assignee, QA Contact and CC fields, and also by the Email Preferences tab (see section 6.3).

Excluding Anyone excluded from the emails (see section 6.3).

Issue Details These are displayed in full, and can be modified on this screen. See chapter 3 for full details of how to update issues.

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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3 Updating Issues

There are three ways in which an existing issue can be retrieved:

Using the Bugzilla number (the best method if you have this number).

Using a query.

By browsing.

See chapter 4 for how to use queries to retrieve an issue.

See chapter 5 for how to use browsing to retrieve an issue.

3.1 Using the Bugzilla Number to Retrieve an Issue

At the top and bottom of each window, you will see the Search field:

If the first screen (Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking), you will also see the Quick Search field.

In either of these fields, enter the Bugzilla number and click Search/Quick Search (or press <return>).

3.2 Updating a Single Issue

3.2.1 The Main Fields

When an issue has been selected, the following screen will be displayed:

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Amend the following fields as required:

Status Click edit to change the status. You will be taken to the Status field at the bottom of the window. See Status below.

This can be one of the following:

New. A new issue that has not yet been assigned to anyone. You cannot change the status back to New once the issue has been assigned or resolved.

Assigned. An issue which has been assigned, but not yet resolved.

Resolved. An issue which has been resolved. If you select this option, you must enter.

Component The software component. Note that if you select a component, a description will be displayed to the right of your selection.

Version The software version. If you do not know the version, select Unspecified.

OS The operating system.

Importance The Priority can be one of the following:

P1: A production system failure. The plant is not able to function and this issue must be fixed to prevent delays.

P2. A production system failure, but the plant is still able to function with work arounds or additional manual effort.

P3. An issue that needs to be resolved, but is not urgent.

P4. An issue that needs to be resolved, but it can wait until the next release.

P5. An issue for consideration by Broner, or on hold. This issue is to be discussed between the customer and Broner.

The Category can be one of the following:

Bug. An error in the software.

Enhancement. An improvement to the software.

Question. A question relating to the software.

Assigned To The person the issue is current assigned to. If the Status is New, this will be set to Support.

Click Edit to assign this issue. You will then be able to enter the email address of the assignee in a text field.

Click Take to assign the issue to yourself.

QA Contact The person who will ensure that the issue is fixed.

Click Edit to assign the QA contact for this issue. You will then be able to enter the email address of the QA contact in a text field.

Click Take to assign yourself the QA contact.

Data Location If there is a URL associated with this issue (e.g. a website where the problem can be seen) it should be entered here. For details of the Broner FTP site, see chapter 7.

Whiteboard A single line of text, used for tags and status information. This can only be added once the issue has been created.

Keywords Keywords used when searching for issues.

Depends on Any issues which must be resolved before this issue can be resolved.

Blocks Any issues which can only be resolved after this issue has been resolved.

Shoe dependency tree

Display all the issues that this one depends on, and all the issues that depend on it, in a separate panel. See section 3.2.2.

Reported The date and time this issue was first created, and the person who created it.

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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Modified The date and time this issue was last updated, and the person who updated it.

CC List A list of email addresses to which notifications will be sent when any changes are made to this issue.

FTP User The user name used to connect to the FTP site.

FTP Directory A folder on the FTP server that will be used to store files for this issue.

File Name(s) The names of the files stored on the FTP site. Enter a list, separated by commas or semi-colons.

Payment Status The current payment status. This can be one of the following:

---. No payment is required for this issue.

Unauthorised. Payment is required, and the customer has not authorised payment yet.

Authorised. Payment is required, and the customer has authorised payment.

Invoiced. The customer has been invoiced for this issue.

Paid. The customer has paid for this issue.

Issue Occurred in The environment where the issue was first noticed.

Development. A development environment.

QA. A quality assurance (testing) environment.

Production. A live production environment.

Customer The customer name will be displayed automatically in this field.

Root Cause Analysis

The root cause of the issue. This can be one of the following:

Code. The software code.

Configuration. The software configuration.

Documentation. The software documentation.

Environment. The software environment (e.g. network drive, space remaining on disk etc.).

Flow. A flow created using the MES Flow Configurator.

Schema. A database schema.

Screen Configuration. The configuration of a screen.

Attachments Any files that have been attached to this issue are listed here.

You can do the following:

Create a new attachment (see section 3.2.2).

Amend an attachment (see section 3.2.3).

Only users in all of the selected groups can view this issue

Check the boxes to determine which user groups can view this issue.

Comments See section 3.2.3 for how to update comments.

Status This can be one of the following:

New. A new issue that has not yet been assigned to anyone. You cannot change the status back to New once the issue has been assigned or resolved.

Assigned. An issue which has been assigned, but not yet resolved.

Resolved. An issue which has been resolved. If you select this option, you must enter a Resolution (see below).

Resolution If Status is set to Resolved, you must select a Resolution. This can be one of the following:

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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FIXED. A Broner person has fixed the issue.

TESTED. This issues has been tested by the Broner Metals Solutions Test Team.

RELEASED . This issue has been included in a software release to the customer.

WONTFIX. The software was meant to work this way.

REMIND. Waiting for information from the customer.

DUPLICATE. This is a duplicate of another issue. If you select this option, you must enter the number of the issue that it duplicates.

WORKSFORME. The Broner person has been unable to repeat the error.

Save Changes Click this button to save any changes made.

3.2.2 Attaching a File

In the Main Fields (section 3.2.1) click Add an attachment.

Enter the following information:

File Click Browse and browse to the file to be attached.

Description Enter a brief description for the attachment. This will be displayed against the attachment in the main window for the issue.

Content Type

Patch Select patch if the attached file is a software patch.

Otherwise, choose a method… If this file is NOT a software patch, select one of the following:

Auto-detect. The file type will be detected automatically. This is normally the easiest way of selecting the file type.

Select from list: If you select this option, you must select the file type from the pull-down. This should be used if Auto-detect does not work.

Enter manually. If Auto-detect does not work, and Select from list does not display the file type, then select this option and enter the file type manually. Enter the file suffix

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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(.e.g. docx for Word 10 files).

Reassignment Check the box to re-assign the issue to yourself. You can also change the status at this point.

Comment Enter any information here that someone viewing to amending the attachment may need to know.

Add me to the CC list Check this to add your own email address to the CC list for this issue.

Privacy Check the box to restrict use of this attachment to the group the issue is assigned to.

Click Submit to attach the file to the issue.

3.2.3 Amending an Attachment

In the Main Fields (section 3.2.1) see the Attachments box.

You can do three things:

Amend the attachment file. See section 3.2.4.

Amend the comments for the attachment. See section 3.2.5.

Send an email to the person who created the attachment. See section 3.2.6.

3.2.4 Amending the Attachment File

To amend the attachment details, click the attachment name (demo attachment in the illustration below).

If possible, the file will be displayed in the appropriate editor. If it is not read-only, it can be edited and the changes saved.

3.2.5 Amending the Attachment Comments

To amend the attachment comments, click date and time they were made (2015-07-01 15:29 BST in the illustration above).

You will now be taken to where the comments are, at the bottom of the window for the issue.

The following information is displayed for each comment:

The person who made the comment.

The date and time the comment was last updated.

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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Change the following information as required:

Comment <nn> Click this to amend the actual comment text.

Private Check this field to make the comment private (i.e. it can only be viewed by people belonging to the PR-Broner group). This option will only be available to members of the PR-Broner group.

Reply Click this to add extra comments, in reply to the original comments.

3.2.6 Emailing the Person Who Set Up the Attachment

Click the name of the person (in the above illustration Robert Norledge) to create an email which can be sent to that person.

3.2.7 Displaying the Dependency Tree

In the Main Fields (section 3.2.1) see the Show dependency tree.

You can show in a tree form:

All the bugs which have to be resolved before this one can be resolved.

All the bugs which can only be resolved when this one has been resolved.

Note the buttons at the bottom of the window:

Show Resolved Display resolved issues (as well as open issues).

Hide Resolved This is displayed if Show Resolved is clicked.

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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Hide resolved issues and display open issues only.

Max Depth The maximum level to display in each tree. For example, if you select 1, only issues being directly blocked by, or directly blocking, the current issue are displayed.

Arrows and Click these to move up or down one level in each of the two trees.

Unlimited Display all entries in each tree. For example, if there is a chain of 10 issues, each blocking the next in the chain, then all issues in this chain will be displayed.

Note the fields near the centre of the screen:

View as issue list Display the issues in a list format. The window displayed is the same as with section 4.4.1.

Change several Display all the issues in the tree on a screen which allows more than one issue to be changed at the same time. See section 3.3.

3.2.8 Adding and Replying to Free Text Comments

In the Main Fields (section 3.2.1) you can see the Comments fields.

Adding Free Text Comments

Type in your comments in the box provided.

If you want these to be only visible to people in your own group, check Make comments private.

When complete, click Save Changes.

These comments will now be added to the displayed comments for the issue.

Replying to Free Text Comments

Free text comments are displayed, each set of comments in its own box.

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Chapter 3: Updating Issues

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Click reply.

Type in the text as required.

Click Save Changes when finished.

These comments will now be displayed after the original comments:

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Chapter 4: Using a Query to Retrieve an Issue

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4 Using a Query to Retrieve an Issue

4.1 Displaying the Query Screen

In all main screens, you will see the following fields top and bottom left:

Click Search.

The following screen is displayed:

There are two types of search available:

Simple Search A simple search, using only four fields, to retrieve matching queries.

Advanced Search A more complex search, allowing for a many more fields to be used to retrieve matching criteria.

4.2 Using a Simple Search

Make sure the Simple Search tab is selected.

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Change the following search fields as required. Note that only issue matching all the specified criteria will be retrieved:

Status There are three options:

Open. Open issues (i.e. ones not resolved).

Closed. Closed issues (i.e. ones that are resolved).

All. Open and closed issues. Products Select a product name or All, for all products.

Customer Select a customer name or All, for all products. Note that PR-Broner can be selected for internal Broner issues.

Words Enter one or more search words, each separated by a single space. These words will be searched for, either in the Summary and the Comments, or just in the

Comments (see Include comments when

performing quick searches (slower) in section 6.2).

Click Search.

A list of matching issues is displayed:

Note that the specified search criteria are displayed in the top left of the main panel. If necessary, click Hide Search Criteria to hide this information.

In the ID column, click an issue to view it in detail.

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Chapter 4: Using a Query to Retrieve an Issue

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4.3 Using an Advanced Search

Make sure the Advanced Search tab is selected.

4.3.1 Introduction

Enter the required criteria.

Issues will only be retrieved if they match ALL your specified search criteria. If you want to search using one field only, do not select any entries from any other field.

If you want the selected search options to be saved as default, select and remember these as my default search options.

When the criteria are correct, click Search at the top or bottom of the window.

Search results are now displayed. See section 4.2.

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Chapter 4: Using a Query to Retrieve an Issue

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4.3.2 String Search Options

In a number of places, there is a standard set of string search options. You select the option from a pulldown, and in the field on the right enter the value to match by.

Each of the string search options is described below:

Contains all of the strings

Enter one or more character strings, separated by spaces. If all of these strings (which can be whole words, parts of words, or combinations of words) are found in the relevant field, the issue will be retrieved.



Manual alloc screen

Will retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Manual Allocation screen

But will not retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Allocation screen

Contains any of the strings

Enter one or more character strings, separated by spaces. If any of these strings (which can be whole words, parts of words, or combinations of words) are found in the relevant field, the issue will be retrieved.



Manual alloc screen

Will retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Allocation screen

Contains the string

Enter a series of characters, which can contain spaces. If this set of characters is found in the summary, the issue will be retrieved.



Manual allocation screen

Will retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Manual Allocation screen

But will not retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Allocation screen

Contains the string (exact

Enter a series of characters, which can contain spaces. If this set of characters is found in the

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case) summary (matched on case), the issue will be retrieved.



Manual Allocation screen

Will retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on Manual Allocation screen

But will not retrieve:

Piece details not displayed on manual allocation screen

Contains all of the words

Enter a list of one or more words, separated by spaces. If all of these words are found in the summary (not necessarily in the same order) the issue will be retrieved.



Allocation screen cutting

Will retrieve:

Cutting Allocation screen

But will not retrieve:

Allocation screen

Contains any of the words

Enter a list of one or more words, separated by spaces. If all of these words are found in the summary (not necessarily in the same order) the issue will be retrieved.



Allocation screen cutting

Will retrieve:

Allocation screen

Matches regular expression

Regular expressions are a standard set of wildcards used for string searches. For details, see

Enter a string containing regular expressions. If this string equates to a summary, the issue will be retrieved.

Does not match regular expression

Regular expressions are a standard set of wildcards used for string searches. For details, see

Enter a string containing regular expressions. An issue will only be retrieve if the string does not equate to the summary.

4.3.3 Summary

Select a value from the pulldown (see section 4.3.2 above).

Enter the string value in the field.

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4.3.4 Products and Components

Select a Product from the list. All Broner products are listed here.

If you select a product, the components for this product are listed in the Component list. If necessary, select a component. If you do not select a component, then the search will retrieve issues for all components for the selected product.

4.3.5 Status

Select a Status from the list. The following options are available:

NEW A new issue that has just been created by a Broner person.

ASSIGNED The issue has been assigned to a Broner person.

REOPENED The issue had been closed, but has been re-opened for some reason.

RESOLVED The issue has been resolved. When this happens, a Resolution is selected.

DELIVERED The amended software has been delivered to and verified by the customer.

CLOSED The customer has accepted the issue is resolved.

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4.3.6 Resolution

Select a Resolution from the list. The following options are available:

FIXED A Broner person has fixed the issue.

TESTED This issues has been tested by the Broner Metals Solutions Test Team.

RELEASED This issue has been included in a software release to the customer.

INVALID The problem described is not an issue.

WONTFIX The software was meant to work this way.

REMIND Waiting for information from the customer.

DUPLICATE This is a duplicate of another issue.

CANNOT REPRODUCE The Broner person has been unable to repeat the error.

4.3.7 Detailed Issue Information

Click Detailed Issue Information to reveal the search fields.


This uses the Comment field for the issue (see section 3.2.1 for details).

Select a value from the pulldown (see section 4.3.2 above).

Enter the string value in the field.

Data Location

This uses the Data Location field for the issue (see section 3.2.1).

Select a value from the pulldown (see section 4.3.2 above).

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Enter the string value in the field.


This uses the Whiteboard field for the issue (see section 3.2.1).

Select a value from the pulldown (see section 4.3.2 above).

Enter the string value in the field.


This uses the Keywords field for the issue (see section 3.2.1).

Select a value from the pulldown (see section 4.3.2 above).

Enter the string value in the field.

Issues numbered

You can include or exclude issues by issue number.

Enter one or more issue numbers in the field, separated by commas.


Then select one of the following options:

(should be) only included in (the results)

Retrieve only issues with these issue numbers.

(should be) excluded from (the results)

Retrieve issues without these issue numbers.


This uses the Version field for the issue (see section 3.2.1).

Select a Version from the list.

If a Product has been selected, then only versions of this product will be displayed.

If no Product has been selected, then all versions of all products will be displayed.


This uses the Category field for the issue (see section 3.2.1).

Select a Category from the list.


This uses the Priority field for the issue (see Importance field section 3.2.1).

Select a Priority from the list.


This uses the OS (operating system) field for the issue (see section 2.3.1).

Select the OS from the list.

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4.3.8 Search By People

Click Search By People to reveal the search fields.

Note that people’s names are held on the system as email addresses. Also please note that searches for people’s names as NOT case sensitive.

Select one or more of the listed roles:

the Issue Assignee The person an issue is assigned to.

the Reporter The person who created the issue.

the Tester The person who has been assigned to test the issue.

a CC list member A person who is on the defined cc list (i.e. they will be informed by email of any changes to the issue).l

a Commenter Any person who has added comments, or replied to comments for the issue.

Select an option from the pulldown:

contains This will retrieve an issue if the email address of the person contains the search string. e.g. John would return [email protected].

doesn’t contain This will retrieve an issue if the email address of the person does NOT contain the search string. e.g. John would exclude [email protected].

is This will retrieve an issue if the search string matches the email address of the person. It must be an exact match.

Is not This will retrieve an issue if the search string is not the exact match for an email address of a person.

matches regexp Regular expressions are a standard set of wildcards used for string searches. For details, see

Enter a string containing regular expressions. If this string equates to the person’s email address, the issue will be retrieved.

doesn’t match regexp

Enter a string containing regular expressions. If this string does NOT equate to the person’s email address, the issue will be retrieved.

Enter a string to search by.

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4.3.9 Search by Change History

Click Search By Change History to reveal the search fields.

In where ANY of the fields, all issue fields which can be changed are listed. Select one of these fields.

In changed to, enter the value the field was changed to.

In between, enter the first date on which the field may have been changed (in format YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2015-01-01).

If necessary, click this button and use the date browser.

In the second date field, enter the last date on which the field may have

been changed (in format YYYY-MM-DD, use if necessary).

Note that the second date field defaults to Now, which is the current date.

4.3.10 Custom Search

The Main Fields

You can create more complex custom searches.

Click Custom Search to reveal the search fields.

You will be creating one or more sets of custom search criteria. The following options determine how these are used:

Match ALL of the following separately

An issue will only be retrieved if it matches all of the specified custom searches.

Match ANY of the following separately

An issue will be retrieved if it matches any of the specified custom searches.

Match ALL of the following against the same field

An issue will only be retrieved if it matches all of the specified custom searches, which are all applied to the same field.

Click Show Advanced Features to give the option of:

Brackets, and

The Not option.

Use the following options, as required, to build up custom searches:

( Brackets are used to establish priority in processing.

Not Check this to select issues if the specified criteria do NOT apply. See the example below.

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<Field> Select a field name from the list. All fields which can be edited are in this list.

<Search type> Select the type of search to perform from the list.

Value Type in the value (to be used with the Field and Search Type

+ Add another line to the search.

For example:

Search Types

The search types are described below:


is equal to The value must exactly match the value of the field.

is not equal to The value must not exactly match the value of the field.

is equal to any of the strings Enter a list of strings, separated by spaces. The field must match one of these strings.

contains the string Enter a string of characters. The field must contain this string.

contains the string (exact case) Enter a string of characters. The field must contain this string, matching the case exactly.

does not contain the string Enter a string of characters. The field must not contain this string.

contains any of the strings Enter a list of strings, separated by spaces. The field must contain any of these strings.

contains all of the strings Enter a list of strings, separated by spaces. The field must contain all of these strings.

contains none of the strings Enter a list of strings, separated by spaces. The field must contain none of these strings.

matches regular expression Regular expressions are a standard set of wildcards used for string searches. For details, see

The value of the field must equate to the regular expression.

does not match regular expression

Regular expressions are a standard set of wildcards used for string searches. For details, see

The value of the field must NOT equate to the regular expression.

is less than For numeric values only. The value of the field must be less than the specified value.

is less than or equal to For numeric values only. The value of

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the field must be less or equal to the specified value.

is greater than For numeric values only. The value of the field must be greater than the specified value.

is greater than or equal to For numeric values only. The value of the field must be greater than or equal to the specified value.

contains any of the words In the Value, enter one or more words, each separated by a single space. The value of the field must contain at least one of these words.

contains all of the words In the Value, enter one or more words, each separated by a single space. The value of the field must contain all of these words.

contains none of the words In the Value, enter one or more words, each separated by a single space. The value of the field must contain none of these words.

changed before In Value, enter a date in format YYY-MM-DD. The last time the value of the field was changed must be before this date.

changed after In Value, enter a date in format YYY-MM-DD. The last time the value of the field was changed must be after this date.

changed from In Value, enter a date in format YYY-MM-DD. The last time the value of the field was changed must be before this date.

changed by In Value, enter a date in format YYY-MM-DD. The last time the value of the field was changed must be after this date.

matches The value of the field must match the entered string.

does not match The value of the field must not match the entered string.


To retrieve MES issues, specify the following:

To retrieve MES issues, apart from those for the Flow Configurator, you can specify the following:

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Or, alternatively:

4.4 Browsing Search Results

4.4.1 When a Search Finds Issues

When the Search button is clicked, if issues have been found, a list of issues will be displayed:

Click an issue number to edit an issue and view it in detail.

Note the following options at the bottom of the screen:

Long Format Display full details for each issue (this will display the Short Format button, to revert to the list display).

XML Display an XML file, containing details of each issue in the list.

Remember Search

Save the search criteria. See section 6.4 for how to use and maintain saved searches.

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4.4.2 When a Search Does not Find Issues

If no issues have been found, the following window is displayed:

The following options are available:

File a new issue Display the New Issue screen to create a new issue.

Edit this search Display the Search screen with the same search criteria, allowing you to change them.

Start a new search Display the Search screen, cleared of all search criteria, allowing you to start a new search.

Remember Search Save the search criteria. See section 6.4 for how to use and maintain saved searches.

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5 Using Browsing to Retrieve an Issue

At the top and bottom of each window, you will see the Browse option:

Click Browse.

The product categories are displayed:

Select a product category.

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Components for this product category are displayed.

Issues for the product category and component are displayed:

Click an issue number to select it.

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6 User Preferences

6.1 Displaying the User Preferences Window

In Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking, click this icon:

Broner Incident Tacking – User Preferences is displayed:

6.2 General Preferences Tab

Amend the following options as required:

Broner Incident Tracking's general

appearance (skin)

The skin which determines the general appearance of the Broner Incident Tracking system.

Automatically add me to the CC list of

issues I am requested to review

Your own email address will be automatically added to the CC list of any issues you are requested to review.

Quote the associated comment when

you click on its reply link

Enter a comment here. When you click on the reply value, this comment will be displayed.

Position of the Additional Comments


The position of the Additional Comments box on the main issue screen (see section 3.2.1).

Timezone used to display dates and The time zone used to display dates and times.

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Language used in email The language used for emails.

After changing an issue What will happen when the Save Changes button is clicked, after making updates to an issue.

Include comments when performing

quick searches (slower)

When performing a simple search to retrieve an issue, you can search on summary and on comments, or just on the summary. If you include the comments fields, the search may retrieve more issues but will take longer to run.

Zoom textareas large when in use

(requires JavaScript)

Enable or disable the automatic expanding of text areas when text is being entered.

Field separator character for CSV files Select either a comma ‘,’ or a semi-colon ‘;’ to use in exported CSV issue lists..

Automatically add me to the CC list of

issues I change

If set to On, your email address will automatically be added to the CC list for an issue if you make any changes to it.

When viewing an issue, show

comments in this order

The order in which to display comments, when displaying an issue.

Show a quip at the top of each issue


If set to On, a (hopefully) amusing piece of text will be displayed at the top of the screen when browsing for issues.

Preferred email format The format to use for email notifications.

Add 'New:' to subject line of email sent

when a new issue is filed

If set to On, when an email notification is sent about a new issue, the subject line is prefixed ‘New:’.

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6.3 Email Preferences Tab


When an issue is changed, if you are:

The assignee

The reporter

On the CC list

A QA contact

you can be sent an email notification, automatically.

Use this tab to determine when you will be sent email notifications.

Enable/Disable All Mail

These options allow you to enable emails under all circumstances, and disable emails under all circumstances.

Enable All Mail This will select all the options in the table below. This means that you will always be sent an email when the issue changes.

Disable All Mail This will deselect all options in the table below. This means that will never be sent an email notification when an issue changes.

Global options

Two global options are available:

Email me when someone asks me to set a flag

Email me when someone set a flag I asked for

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Field/recipient specific options

When my relationship to this issue is:

Assignee The person the issue is assigned to.

Reporter The person who created the issue.

CCed Any person on the CC list (see section 3.2).

QA Contact A person who ensures the issue is completed fixed.

I want to receive mail when:

A number of options are displayed. Check the boxes to determine when you will receive mail.

But not when (overrides above):

A number of options are displayed. Check the boxes to determine when you will NOT receive mail.

User Watching

You can set yourself up to “watch” a user. This means that if an issue changes that they are related to, you can be sent an email notification of the change.

When you will be sent a notification depends on how YOUR email notifications are set up.

For example:

Peter Green has configured himself to watch Brian Black.

Peter Green has configured himself to receive a notification for Assignee/A new issue is created.

A new issue is created. It is assigned to Brian Black.

Peter Green will now receive an email notification of this.

Add users to my watch list

Enter a list of full email addresses, separated by commas. These emails will be added to your watch list.

Users watching you

A list of users configured to watch you is displayed here.

Submit Changes

Click this button to save your changes.

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6.4 Saved Searches Tab

Search criteria can be saved using the Remember Search button (see section 4.1.1 and section 4.2.2).

All searches saved for your logon ID are displayed.

For each saved search, you can do the following:

Run Action the search. See section 4.4.

Edit Edit the search criteria. See section 3.2.

Forget Delete the search. See below.

6.4.1 Deleting a Saved Search

For the saved search, click Forget.

Search is gone is displayed:

To cancel the deletion, click Un-forget the search.

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6.5 Account Information Tab

Use this window to change your password, and enter your real name.

Enter your existing Password.

If required, enter a New Password.

Re-enter the name text in Confirm new password.

Enter Your real name (e.g. Peter Green).

Click Submit Changes.

6.6 Permissions Tab

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This displays the current user’s permissions.

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7 Generating and Printing Reports

7.1 Displaying the Reports Window

In Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking, click Reports.

If you are not logged on, you will see the following screen:

In login, enter your email address.

Enter your password.

Click Log In.

7.2 Current State Reports

These reports show the current state of the issues.

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7.3 Search Report

In the Reports Window, under Current State, click Search.

The following window is displayed:

See section 4.2 for how to use a Simple Search.

See section 4.3 for how to use an Advanced Search.

7.4 Tabular Reports

7.4.1 Displaying the Tabular Reports Window

In the Reports Window, under Current State, click Tabular Reports.

The following is displayed:

7.4.2 Entering Report Criteria

Select the following as required:

Vertical Axis The field that will form the vertical

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axis of the report.

Horizontal Axis The field that will form the horizontal axis of the report.

Multiple Tables If this is left as <none>, then only one table will be displayed. If a field is selected here, then a separate table will be displayed for each value of this field.

7.4.3 Entering Search Criteria

See section 4.1 for details of how to enter search criteria.

7.4.4 Generating the Report

At the bottom left of the window, click Generate Report:

The report is now displayed:

In this particular case:

The Vertical Axis field has been set to Category.

The Horizontal Axis field has been set to Status.

Multiple Tables has been set to Customer. This means there will be:

One summary table for all customers (the upper table displayed above).

A table for each customer (see lower table for customer Broner).

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7.4.5 The Fields at the Bottom of the Window

At the bottom of the screen, you will see the following:


Display the report as one or more bar charts.


Display the report as one or more line charts.


Display the report as one or more tables. This will only be selectable after you choose one of the other options on this line.


Save the report information as a CSV (comma separated variable) file.

Edit this report

Change the report and search criteria.

Remember report

Select this option and enter a report name in the text field.

The report name will then be displayed at the bottom left of Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking. Clicking the name will then generate the report.

7.5 Graphical Reports

7.5.1 Displaying the Graphical Reports Window

In the Reports Window, under Current State, click Graphical Reports.

The following is displayed:

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7.5.2 Entering Report Criteria

Select the following as required:

Vertical Axis The field that will form the vertical axis of the report.

Plot Data Sets Select either:

Individually. Display each column in the graph separately.

Stacked. Display columns stacked on top of each other.

Multiple Images If this is left as <none>, then only one graph will be displayed. If a field is selected here, then a separate graph will be displayed for each value of this field.

Format Select to display one of the following:

Line Graph

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Horizontal Axis The field that will form the horizontal axis of the report.

Vertical labels Check this to display labels on the horizontal axis vertically.

7.5.3 Entering Search Criteria

See section 4.1 for details of how to enter search criteria.

7.5.4 Generating the Report

At the bottom left of the window, click Generate Report:

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The report is now displayed:

7.5.5 The Fields at the Bottom of the Window

At the bottom of the screen, you will see the following:

This will only be selectable after you choose one of the other options on this line.


Display the report as one or more bar charts. This will only be selectable after you choose one of the other options on this line.


Display the report as one or more line charts.


Display the report as one or more tables.


Save the report information as a CSV (comma separated variable) file.

Edit this report

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Change the report and search criteria.

Remember report

Select this option and enter a report name in the text field.

The report name will then be displayed at the bottom left of Welcome to Broner Incident Tracking. Clicking the name will then generate the report.

7.6 Duplicates Reports

7.6.1 Displaying the Duplicates Reports Window

In the Reports Window, under Current State, click Duplicates.

The following is displayed:

7.6.2 The Duplicates Table

This table is illustrated above.

An issues can be resolved as a duplicate of another issues (see section 3.2.1). This table lists those issues most frequently duplicated. Select What is this data? for more information.

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7.6.3 Change Parameters

To display Change Parameters, do one of the following:

Select Change Parameters at the top left of the window.

Scroll down to reveal the Change Parameters.

Use these fields are required:

When sorting or restricting, work with There are two options:

Entire list. All issues which have any duplicates will be used when sorting issues for display, and when using the fields below to select which issues to display.

Currently visible list. Only issues displayed in the Duplicates Table will be used when sorting issues for display, and when using the fields below to select which issues to display.

Max rows The maximum number of rows to display. Depending on the criteria used, fewer rows than this maximum may be displayed.

Change column is change in the last NN days

This is used to select only issues that have changed recently. For example, if NN is set to 10, then only issues that have change in the last 10 days will be selected.

Open issues only Select only issues which are have a Status of UNCONFORMED, NEW or ASSIGNED.

Restrict to products Select one or more products from the list. Issues will only be displayed if their product matches one of the selected values.

Change Using the information entered in the above fields, re-generate the Duplicates Table.

Issue list Displays all the issues in the normal display format.

7.7 Change Over Time Reports

These reports show how issues have changed over time.

7.8 Old Charts

7.8.1 Displaying the Old Charts Window

In the Reports Window, under Current State, click Old Charts.

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The following is displayed:

7.8.2 Entering Report Criteria

Select the following as required:

Product Select either All (for all products) or select one product from the list. Only issues for this product will be included in the report.

Chart Datasets A chart dataset is a configured dataset that the report will use as the source data when it runs. This will normally make the report run much more quickly.

7.8.3 Displaying the Report

Click Continue.

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The report is displayed:

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8 Using the FTP Site

To transfer larger volumes of data (> 1MB, typically datasets) customers are advised to use the Broner FTP site.

This is located at and can be accessed via the customer's preferred FTP application (e.g. WinScp, Total Commander, FileZilla).

Login details are provided for each customer during their Support Service introduction.