brochure occular pentacam

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  • 8/11/2019 Brochure Occular Pentacam


    OCULUS Pentacam


    The Gold Standard in

    Anterior Segment Tomography

    We focus on progress

  • 8/11/2019 Brochure Occular Pentacam


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    Cataract surgery

    Following a Pentacamexamination my doctorused the Pentacamimages on his iPadandshowed me my cloudy crystalline lens. I wassurprised that I could see anything at all! Mydoctor used the Pentacaminformation to selectand recommend a premium IOL. I am delighted

    with the result of my cataract surgery andrecommend my doctor to all my friends.

    Refractive surgery

    I was tired of wearing eye glasses and went to

    a refractive surgeon to explore the options for

    refractive surgery. A Pentacamexam confirmed

    that I was a good candidate for LASIK. My doctor

    used my Pentacamimages and explained the

    surgery in detail. I was happy with the competent

    consultation and careful evaluation prior tosurgery.

    Providing the Best Care

    to Your Patients

    >Sight is the most important sense.

    Loss or impairment of sight is something your patients

    would rather not even imagine.

    >Fast, non-contact measurements will find

    favour with your patients.

    Establish good doctor-patient relationships by showing your patients the

    intuitive Pentacamdisplays and discussing treatment options with them.

    >Your staff will appreciate the ease of use and seamless

    connectivity to the EMR System.

    Glaucoma screening

    I went to my eye doctor to get contact lenses. Aquick Pentacamexam revealed very small anteriorchamber angles and showed that I was a glaucomarisk patient. According to my doctor this earlydetection was crucial in managing the conditionand preserving my eyesight!

    Establish the basis for long-

    term relationships

    with your patients.

    >The OCULUS Pentacamwins patient trust.

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    The Pentacammeasures the cornea from limbus to limbus. It

    measures up to 25,000 true elevation points. During the rotating

    scan that takes max. 2 seconds, up to 50 Scheimpflug images of

    the anterior eye segment are captured with outstanding precision.

    Based on these images the Pentacamprovides topographic data

    on elevation and curvature of the entire anterior and posterior

    corneal surfaces. The corneal thickness (pachymetry) is measured

    and presented graphically over its entire surface. A topography

    based keratoconus detection and quantification are performed. The

    anterior chamber depth, chamber volume (size) and the chamberangles are automatically calculated and presented for glaucoma

    screening. The illumination of the eye using blue LED light makes

    corneal and lens opacities (cataract) visible. The anterior chamber

    can be visualised and displayed with the virtual tomography model.

    After measurements have been taken and the quality specifications

    of the scan have been checked by the user the Pentacamcan

    generate an Indices Report. This Indices Report summarises the

    abnormalities found during the scan to direct doctors attention

    to the areas of concern. This report is based on published clinical

    studies and articles that define abnormalities.

    The standard model is affordable and is suitable for pre-exam

    lanes, satellite offices and for quick screenings.


    The Affordable Model

    Basic Software:

    Indices Report to detect abnormalities in the anterioreye segment

    for glaucoma screeningfor refractive screening

    General Overview Display4 Maps RefractiveQualitative assessment of the cornea

    Topography and elevation maps of the anterior andposterior corneal surfaceOverall pachymetry, absolute and relative

    Iris camera and automatic HWTWTopography based keratoconus detection and classification

    3D anterior chamber analysisComparison and differential analysis of 2 examsComparison and superimposition of Scheimpflug imagesOverview of all captured Scheimpflug imagesAnterior segment tomography

    The PentacamHR is our high resolution model, measuring up to138,000 true elevation points. It is equipped with a high resolutionCCD chip and optimized optics.

    While performing a rotating scan the PentcamHR captures upto 100 high-resolution Scheimpflug images to provide a detailedanalysis of the cornea. IOLs and pIOLs, corneal rings, cornealinjuries and corneal opacities such as in Fuchs dystrophy arethus brought into view in brilliant detail. The crystalline lens is

    displayed from anterior to posterior capsule, even with opacitiespresent.

    The PentacamHR is optionally available with a unique 3D pIOLsimulation software including aging prediction.


    The Professional Model

    This is What Makes the HR Special:

    High resolution CCD camera and high end optical designto generate brilliant Scheimpflug images to display

    corneal opacities, corneal implants and ringsIOLs and pIOLs in terms of position and orientationPCO (posterior capsular opacification)

    Special scan mode to display pIOLsPrecise measurement of the cornea with up to100 Scheimpflug imagesMovable fixation target3D pIOL simulation software including aging prediction

    Now with a new

    iris camera lens system for

    automatic HWTW measurement.

    Now with a new

    iris camera lens system for

    automatic HWTW measurement.

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam

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    Data Network

    EMR CompatibilityThe Pentacamsoftware is compatible with manycommercially available EMR systems. This allows a quickand paperless transfer of examination results and reportsto all workstations.

    The Pentacamcomes with a free patient data management software

    that ensures increased efficiency and networking capabilities.

    Software Licenses on a

    Floating License Key

    The Pentacamresults can be displayed as static pageson workstations in a network. To have full functionalityof the Pentacamsoftware and to be able to interactivelywork with it, additional analysing software options maybe required.

    The new OCULUS Floating License Key is designed to work

    in a local network and is plugged into the central server. Itis equipped with the basic software and provides parallelaccess to the Pentacambasic software results fromevery workstation. The Floating License Key can supportmultiple instruments such as Pentacam, Keratograph 5Mand other OCULUS devices simultaneously. In additionto the basic software other optional software modulescan be purchased and added to the floating license key.This allows viewing the additional software features onparallel workstations. For example, the Holladay Reportcan be used on 2 and the Belin/Ambrsio Enhanced Ectasiasoftware on three workstations.

    DICOM Compatibility (Optional)The Pentacamsoftware is fully DICOM compatible. ThePentacamsoftware receives information from the DICOMModality Work List (MWL) from the Hospital InformationSystem (HIS) and transmits the results to the PictureArchiving and Communication System (PACS) for storageand further evaluation.


    An efficient practice means

    more time for your patients.

    C en te rfi el d 2 P ARK 1 Pentacam

    Keratograph 5M

    The front desk staff checks in the

    patient and enters the patients personal

    information into the OCULUS Patient Data

    Management (PDM) or the EMR system.

    Select the patients name in the PDM.Explain the testing procedure to thepatient and perform the requiredexaminations. The results will be savedand available on every workstationconnected to the server.

    The physician reviews the pre-examination

    data. If an additional slit lamp examination

    is performed, it can be recorded and

    documented with the ImageCam2.

    Patient consultation sessions can be

    optimised. The scans can be interactively

    assessed and images can be shown to the

    patient on the monitor or the iPad.

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    PDM: Patient Data Management


    PDM: Patient Data Management










    Complete patient

    information and

    examination data



    Pre examination

    data and additionaldata



  • 8/11/2019 Brochure Occular Pentacam



    Modern, Easy and Intuitive

    OCULUS sets new standards in patient consultation andinformation. A free PentacamViewer App allows easytransfer of Pentacamexams to an iPad.

    The Pentacam

    Viewer AppShow your patients how you utilise cutting-edgetechnology in your practice. Download the freePentacamViewer App from the Applestoreto your iPad.

    Cutting Edge Technology

    The Free PentacamiPadApp

    The invisible WIFI access point for the iPadconnectionis integrated in the OCULUS lifting tables.

    The Comprehensive Package

    Sleek and Ergonomic Design

    The iMac stand is attached to the table and the monitorcan swivel, providing a shapely, functional solution withno more tangled cables.

    Illuminated Up/Down Buttons

    Illuminated Up and Down keys allow easy control ofthe lift table even when the Pentacamis operated in adark or dimmed room.



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    General Screening

    The Indices Display combined with the brilliant Scheimpflug images permit intuitive screening for close angle glaucoma inthe anterior segment. Treatment follow-up, documentation and patient education are supported qualitatively as well asquantitatively by various comparison displays.

    Refractive Screening and Surgery

    Refractive screening and early detection of corneal abnormalities can be performed quickly and intuitively with the Belin/Ambrsio Enhanced Ectasia Display. The OCULUS Pentacamcan help plan for corneal refractive surgery and corneal ringimplantation.

    Cataract Screening, IOL Power Calculation, Premium IOL Selection

    The opacity of the crystalline lens is measured quantitatively and can be shown to patients. The Cataract Pre-Op Displayhelps in selecting the most suitable premium IOL. Various links to modern IOL power calculators such as Phaco Optics,OKULIX or the BESSt II formula are available to assist in challenging cases of post-refractive IOL power calculation andimprove the outcome of the toric IOL procedures. The keratometry overlay in the i ris image helps with the orientation oftoric IOLs.

    Cataract Refractive

    Planning cataract refractive surgery with phakic IOL implantation becomes a routine process with the OCULUS Pentacam.A special simulation software including aging prediction is available for iris supported phakic IOLs (pIOLs). It visualisesthe fit of the pIOL after surgery. The OCULUS Pentacamprovides all necessary information for pre-op planning for ICLimplants.

    Clinical ApplicationsThe OCULUS Pentacamoffers many clinical

    applications for anterior segment analysis.


    The Scheimpflug images produced by the Pentacam offer

    a clear representation of lens opacity. The 3D cataractanalysis combined with PNS (Pentacam Nucleus Staging)is a unique feature. The centre of the cornea and itsanterior and posterior surfaces are measured preciselyfor optimal calculation of corneal refractive power. Thistranslates into better IOL power calculation. The Pentacam supports the selection of the optimal premium IOL for therespective patient. All measurements are performed withthe same high precision device and during the same eyeexamination.

    > Cataract

    The Pentacamprovides comprehensive, completeand automatic analysis of the anterior chamber. Theinstrument displays whether the patient has an increasedrisk of glaucoma. It shows alterations of the anteriorchamber after, for example, an iridectomy or othersurgical interventions.

    > Glaucoma Screening

    The Pentacamdata helps the doctor decide whether the

    patient is a suitable candidate for a certain procedure,such as premium IOL implantation. The Pentacamimagescan be used as a patient education tool to explain thecondition and the surgical procedure. The Pentacam simulates the position of iris fixated phakic IOLs in 3D.Moreover, the Pentacamsimulates the future position ofthe pIOL.

    > Cataract Refractive

    The Pentacamstands out by virtue of its high-resolutionimages. Surgical success is documented completely fromstart to finish. Even the smallest irregularities in thehealing process are detected early.

    > Cornea

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    Brilliant Images

    Enhance your diagnosis

    The real images of the anterior segment obtained with the Pentacamcan enhance your diagnosis.These images provide valuable insight into the condition of the cornea, iris, anterior chamber and thecrystalline lens or intraocular lense. It is easy to detect narrow chamber angles or early cataracts bylooking at these high resolution images. The best part is that these images are documented and can

    be shown to the patient to describe the medical findings and discuss treatment options.

    > C orneal inlay for p resb yo pia correct io n > E nd ot helian d et achm ent a ft er Descemet M em brane

    Endothelium Keratoplasty (DMEK)

    > Cornea with Fuchs endothelial dystrophy

    > Pterygium beginning growth of the conjunctiva > Descemet stripping and automated endothelium

    keratoplasty (DSAEK) after Fuchs endothelial dystrophy

    > Penetrating keratoplasty corneal transplant after

    Fuchs endothelial dystrophy

    > Pellucid marginal degeneration an inferior band of

    corneal thinning

    > High keratoconus causing an extreme central thinning

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    Basic Software

    Discover the Possibilities


    Quick screening of new patientsDetection of abnormalitiesIntuitive guide through the Pentacam/ PentacamHRsoftware


    Important parameters of the anterior eye segmentthat are displayed with the Pentacam/ PentacamHRsoftware are analysed and validated in published papersand articles. Their normal (green) and pathological (red)distribution is displayed in diagrams. This presentation

    provides an intuitive, quick but comprehensive overview.The literature source used is also mentioned, permittingdetailed

    Based on individual results the software recommendsfurther displays to review additional details.

    Indices Display


    Comprehensive clinical overviewPatient information


    The Overview Display provides important clinicalinformation on the anterior eye segment.The Scheimpflug image provides physician and patientan intuitive representation of opacities of the cornea andlens (cataract) or of the position of an IOL. The cornealkeratometry, pachymetry and asphericity are displayed.The anterior chamber is described in terms of anterior

    chamber depth, volume and angle. When combinedwith tonometry readings the IOP can be corrected withreference to corneal thickness to permit an assessmentof possible glaucoma risks. It also allows the display ofall colour maps.

    General Overview

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam

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    Basic Software

    Discover the Possibilities


    Keratoconus detectionPre-surgical planning of corneal refractive surgeryFollow-up after corneal surgeryCalculation of IOL refractive powerPlanning of astigmatism of limbal relaxing incisions (LRI)Follow-up after refractive surgeryPre-post LASIK, PRK, PKP, LKP, DSEK


    The rotating measurement principle guarantees highresolution of the measuring points in the central cornea.

    Topographic analysis of the anterior and posterior cornealsurfaces is based on measured real height data. Theseprovide the basis for:

    Sagittal (axial), tangential (local) curvature maps,refractive power maps of the anterior and posteriorcorneal surfaceElevation maps of the anterior and posteriorcorneal surfaceFour colour coded maps display for refractiveassessmentTopometric display for detailed corneal shapeassessment including true net powerTopography based keratoconus detection andclassificationComparison and differential displays

    Topography Maps of the Anterior

    and Posterior Corneal Surface


    Pre-surgical planning of corneal refractive surgeryAbsolute and relative presentationGlaucoma screeningRelative pachymetry map for early keratoconusdetectionIOP correction taking into account measured cornealthickness based on various correction formulas(for e.g. Ehler, Shah, Dresden etc.)


    An overview representation in colour shows the corneal

    thickness from limbus to limbus. The measured valuescan be displayed in a pre-determined grid or representedmanually at any point via mouse click.Automatic representation of:

    Corneal thickness in the centre of the pupilCorneal thickness in the apexThe thinnest point of the cornea

    Pachymetry Maps


    Fast overview of gathered dataChanges which become visible in the Scheimpflugimage are represented amazingly well in a 3D model.


    The rotatable and movable 3D model of the anterioreye segment proves an enormous help in patienteducation. The patient can see his or her eye from allsides. Irregularities and scars can be explained easily.

    Anterior Segment Tomography


    Glaucoma screeningPre- to post-operative comparison of changes inanterior chamber, e.g. after iridectomyTomographic representation, virtual model of anteriorsegmentAutomatic calculation of

    Anterior chamber angles (ACA)Anterior chamber volume (ACV)Internal or external anterior chamber depth (ACD)


    The high resolution images and the 3D Anterior ChamberAnalysis are used to assess the anterior segment forabnormalities. This information can be easily sharedwith the patient to explain the condition and discusstreatment options.

    3D Anterior Chamber Analysis

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam

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    Comparison and Differential

    Analysis of 2 Exams


    Overview image of the iris to recognise landmarksAutomatic determination of the corneal diameter(HWTW)Determination of pupil location and shape


    The Pentacamand the PentacamHR are equipped withan improved iris camera optic. The corneal diameter(HWTW) is calculated automatically from the iris photo. Itcan be used for the selection and calculation of IOLs andpIOLs as well as for contact lenses.

    Iris CameraTopometric


    Comparison of the Scheimpflug images of twodifferent examsVisualisation of changes after surgical interventionPatient education


    The superimposition of the Scheimpflug images includesa blending function to qualitatively visualise and analysechanges in the anterior chamber.Examples:

    Cornea, before and after LASIK

    Anterior chamber condition before and after iridotomyProgression of lens opacifications (cataract)

    Comparison and Superimposition

    of Scheimpflug Images


    Corneal shape assessmentDetection and classification of corneal abnormalities


    The early detection and follow-up of corneal shapeabnormalities such as keratoconus and others is avital part of the eye specialists everyday practice. Thesoftware performs an objective classification of anteriorcorneal shape abnormalities based on various indices.The anterior and posterior corneal curvature are displayedin order to:

    Detect differences in terms of the axis of theastigmatismEarly detection of posterior shape abnormalities.


    Objective changes and progression analysis


    Two exams can be loaded and analysed. The differencebetween the two loaded exams is shown. The colour mapsand parameters can be assessed and compared.The display consists of three parts:

    Numerical, for pure data comparisonCombined, with maps and valuesColour maps only

    Basic Software

    Discover the Possibilities

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam

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    Additional Software

    Refractive Software Package


    This Package Contains:

    Overview Display for refractive surgeonsCorneal, optical densitometry analysis in differentlayers and zones qualitatively and quantitativelyCorneal thickness progression analysis for earlykeratoconus detectionFourier Analysis Display

    Freely selectable Four Maps DisplayExtended comparative and differential analysis ofup to four examinationsSide-by-side comparison of two examinationsSide-by-side comparison of topometric andpachymetric dataFreely selectable reference bodies for elevationmaps


    Objective analysis of corneal optical density. Forexample before and after CXL, PRK, LASIK, DSEK etc.Detection of corneal diseases like Fuchs dystrophy orcorneal scars


    In the past, objective evaluation of the corneal opticaldensitometry was not possible. Now the new Pentacam/PentacamHR software allows customised andstandardised evaluation of corneal densitometry.

    The corneal optical densitometryis displayed as a colour coded map over its full depthand area.can be assessed individually in different layers andzones. The respective layer depth and zone size aredisplayed in the two Scheimpflug images as well asin a coloured or grey scaled displayed in fixed layers and zones for studypurposes in the table chart.

    Corneal Optical Densitometry Corneal Thickness Progression


    Comprehensive corneal shape assessmentGeneral printout


    The keratometry and corneal pachymetry are displayedas colour maps or presented in terms of importantparameters like the thinnest location. The cornealthickness progression combined with the topographicevaluation of the anterior corneal shape gives a firsthint of a possible irregular cornea. The sagittal (axial)curvature map, together with corneal asphericity data,

    provides a detailed analysis of the corneal shape. Theposterior elevation and pachymetry maps complete theevaluation of early signs of keratoconus or post LASIKectasia.


    Early detection of corneal abnormalities likekeratoconus or Fuchs dystrophy


    Corneal thickness progression is analysed on concentricrings around the thinnest point towards the periphery.It is displayed in two diagrams and numeric parameters.Corneal thickness progression is different in normalcorneas than it is in a cornea with keratoconus or Fuchsdystrophy. Often corneal thickness progression gives thefirst hint of an abnormality.

    Overview Display for Refractive


    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam

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    4 steps in assessing corneal optical properties:Evaluation of corneal irregular astigmatismDetection of abnormal corneal shapeEvaluation of corneal spherical aberrationEvaluation of corneal cylinder


    Thanks to the availability of new IOL designs such as toric,

    multifocal or aspheric, surgeons are today better able toimprove the visual outcome of their patients. To supportsurgeons in the selection of the best premium IOL a new

    display called Cataract Pre-Op was developed in co-operation with Prof. Naoyuki Maeda, University MedicalSchool, Osaka, Japan.

    Evaluation of Corneal Optical

    Quality for Premium IOLs

    Additional Software

    Cataract Software Package

    Cataract Software Package

    Cataract Pre-Op Display, developed incollaboration with Prof. Naoyuki Maeda, MD, forthe pre-op assessment of corneal optical quality toselect premium IOLsPNS and 3D Cataract AnalysisCorneal Wavefront and Zernike Analysis of thetotal corneaTrue measurements in Scheimpflug imagesPower Distribution Display / Total CornealRefractive Power for improved IOL powercalculationOrientation of toric IOlsTrue Net Corneal PowerExtended comparative and differential analysisof up to four examinationsSide-by-side comparison of two examinationsSide-by-side comparison of topometric andpachymetric dataFour maps, anterior chamberFour maps, topometricAnterior Chamber Depth MapAnterior chamber angle in 360, automatic


    Pre-op planningMinimum corneal thickness is shown according to theoperation method

    for manual dissection techniquefor Femto laser treatments

    Orientation of the corneal rings with regard tokeratometry or coma axisQualitative and quantitative assessment ofcornealproperties


    The Pentacam

    can measure very irregular corneaswith advanced keratoconus. This assists the surgeonpre-operative planning for corneal ring implantation.Essential data include the minimum corneal thicknessand its axis, but how these are best presented will dependon the operation technique. In the Pentacamthey areshown for manual dissection technique as well as forFemto laser controlled treatments. The following data areshown to assist in the orientation of the corneal ring:

    Keratometry3rdand 5thorder coma aberration.

    These colour maps provide a comprehensive overview ofcorneal conditions.

    Corneal Rings Fourier Analysis


    Assessment of differences in the astigmatism axisAssessment of achievable optical outcome


    The shape of the cornea is broken down into its spherical,astigmatic and its remaining irregular components. Theregular astigmatic component shows the difference inaxis orientation between the centre and the periphery.This information is essential when fitting contact lensesfor highly irregular corneas.The remaining irregularities give an indication of the

    retinal image quality which can be achieved wi th glassesor contact lenses.

    Additional Software

    Refractive Software Package

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    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam


    Objective quantification of lens opacities(densitometry) in 2D and 3DGraduation of lens opacities (PNS)Visualisation of lens opacitiesVisualisation of posterior capsular opacities (PCO)Representation of Bowmans membrane


    Opacities of the natural lens are made visible byblue light illumination. The excellent quality of theScheimpflug images allows automatic and objective

    quantification of lens opacities.

    PNS and

    3D Cataract Analysis


    Selection of aspheric IOLs for correction of cornealspherical aberrations (Z4.0)Fitting of corneal rings according to the axis of comaDetermination of low and high order aberrations


    Zernike Analysis as performed by the Pentacamconsistsof two parts:

    Calculation of the corneal wavefront for the entirecornea (anterior and posterior surface) is performed viaray tracing and is thus independent of the shape of the

    cornea (e.g. post LASIK, PRK, LKP, PKP etc).Surface based Zernike Analysis is performed withrespect to, e.g., an ideal corneal ellipse (ecc = 0.751).This can be shown separately for the anterior andposterior surface of the cornea.

    Corneal Wavefront Analysis

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam


    Assessing pupil size and shape with regard tocorneal powerEvaluation of differences between anterior cornealpower and total corneal refractive powerDefining a pointer to an iris mark to compensate forcyclo-rotationEvaluation of virtual pupil size as compared to truepupil size


    The keratometry of the anterior sagittal power as well as

    the total corneal refractive power are projected onto theiris image. This allows, e.g., pre-op evaluation for toric IOLimplantation to see possible differences in the axis of theastigmatism. The keratometry is calculated with referenceto the corneal apex or to the pupil centre.A marker can be defined for prominent landmarks tocompensate for cyclo-rotation.Finally the colour maps are projected onto the pupilarea or apex for comprehensive pre-op assessment andplanning.

    Keratometry Overlay on

    the Iris Image


    Comparing anterior sagittal power with total cornealrefractive powerDetecting differences in axis orientation of cornealastigmatism between different zones taking pupildiameter under scotopic and mesopic conditions intoaccountCalculation of corneal power in different zones or forrings of definable diameter around the corneal apex orpupil centreAssessment of corneal power distribution


    The Corneal Power Distribution Display allows a detailedassessment of corneal power in different zones andrings from 1mm up to 8mm in the table chart. Data ispresented in reference to the pupil centre or the cornealapex. This display makes it easy to determine the amountand axis of posterior c orneal astigmatism and comparethe result with anterior surface conditions.Corneal power can be individually calculated in everyzone/ring around the corneal apex.

    Corneal Power Distribution

    Additional Software

    Cataract Software Package

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    Automatic display of all measurement data required forcontact lens fittingAutomatic suggestion of contact lensesRealistic fluorescein image simulationIntegrated and expandable contact lens database withover 560,000 lens geometries


    Dynamic fluorescein image simulation makes it possibleto view the fit of contact lenses in advance. Theintegrated expandable contact lens database contains

    over 560,000 lens geometries. The user can draw up hisown rating list and add further contact lenses to thedatabase as required. The inclination and position of thecontact lens can be customised manually.

    Contact Lens Fitting


    Comprehensive clinical comparative representationsEKRs (Equivalent Keratometer Readings) for optimisedIOL power calculations for post-refractive patient eyesin cases where pre-op data are not available


    The Holladay Report was developed in collaboration withJack T. Holladay, MD, USA. It supplies data for IOL powercalculation for patients who have undergone refractivecorneal surgery such as LASIK or RK. This is especiallyuseful in cases where pre-op data are not available. The

    Holladay Report calculates the true relationship betweenthe posterior and anterior corneal surfaces. The overallrefractive power of the cornea is calculated and describedin various zones using EKRs. These can be used in IOLformulas, e.g. the Holladay 2 Formula.

    Holladay Report and

    Holladay EKR Report

    Additional Software Modules


    Pre-surgical planning of an iris-fixated pIOLSimulation of the post-operative position of theiris-fixated pIOLSimulation of age-related lens growth and the positionof the iris-fixated pIOL resulting from thisPatient selection


    The examiner enters the subjective refraction result.The software calculates the refractive power requiredfor the selected pIOL type using the van der Heyde

    formula. The examiner accordingly selects a pIOL fromthe current database. The position of the pIOL in theanterior chamber is automatically calculated in 3D andrepresented in the Scheimpflug images. The minimaldistances between

    the pIOL and the crystalline lensthe pIOL and the endothelium

    are calculated automatically in 3D and displayednumerically and with a colour map. The results can beshown to the patient. This software module is availablefor the PentacamHR only.

    3D pIOL Simulation Software

    and Aging Prediction

    These functions are unique and are only availablewith the OCULUS Pentacam


    Minimises false positives and false negativesDetection of keratoconus in very early stagesIncludes a database for myopic and hyperopic eyes


    The Belin/Ambrsio Enhanced Ectasia display is thefirst screening tool which combines elevation data ofthe anterior and posterior corneal surface with cornealthickness progression analysis. It was developed incollaboration with Prof. Michael W. Belin, MD, USA andRenato Ambrsio Jr., MD, Brazil.

    Originally designed for myopic eyes the Belin/Ambrsio isnow also available for hyperopic eyes. In addition to itsoverall more precise keratoconus detection this screeningfacilitates early detection in particular. Corneal thicknessprogression analyses are calculated using concentricrings, starting at the thinnest point and extending to theperiphery. Evaluation of deviations from the standardelevation map and the enhanced elevation map isfacilitated by displaying the results in green, yellow andred.Several indices are calculated individually and thencombined into one global index and displayed colourcoded.

    Belin/Ambrsio Enhanced

    Ectasia Display

  • 8/11/2019 Brochure Occular Pentacam


    Feature Pentacam PentacamHR

    Camera digital CCD camera digital CCD camera

    Light source blue LEDs (475 nm UV-free) blue LEDs (475 nm UV-free)

    Processor DSP with 400 mil. operations/s DSP with 400 mil. operations/s

    Speed 50 images in 2 seconds 1) 100 images in 2 seconds 2)

    Dimensions (HxWxD) 535 x 280 x 360 mm 535 x 280 x 360 mm

    Weight 9 kg 9 kg

    PC minimum requirements PentiumIV, 1.5 GHz, WindowsXP, 2 GB RAM,VGA graphic card 1024 x 768 true color,SB interface

    PentiumIV, 1.5 GHz, WindowsXP, 2 GB RAM,VGA graphic card 1024 x 768 true color,SB interface

    Measurement Range Pentacam PentacamHR

    Precision 0.2 D 0.1 D

    Reproducibility 0.2 D 0.1 D

    Operating distance 80 mm 80 mm

    10.71 inch272 mm

    7.99 inch203 mm





    14.17 inch360 mm

    11.02 inch280 mm

    Technical Data

    All Pentacam


    in accordance with Medical Products Directive 93/42/EEC

    1) Scheimpflug image of the entire anterior segment2) Cornea fine scan



    OCULUS Optikgerte GmbH

    Postfach 35549 Wetzlar GERMANYTel. +49-641-2005-0 Fax +49-641-2005-295Email: [email protected]

    OCULUS USA, [email protected] OCULUS Asia, [email protected] OCULUS Czechia oculus@oculus cz


