broccoli wonder plant

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  • 8/11/2019 Broccoli Wonder plant


    Broccoli sprouts best to keep fit

    Broccoli sprouts - five days old

    Broccolisproutsare three- to four-day-old broccoli plants that look likealfalfasprouts, but tastelikeradishes.The radish flavor comes from a phytochemical that may act as protection againstvectors (see alsoradicalorfree-radical theory)while the broccoli plant is still young.[1]Thisphytochemical not only benefits the young plant, but also when eaten by humans, may act as anantioxidant to stimulate the ability of cells to protect against disease.


    While health-conscious people in the 1970s embraced raw sprouts as a dietary staple, it was notuntil the 1990s that broccoli sprouts became the mainstream. This is because in 1992[2]a team ofJohns Hopkins University scientists isolated a cancer-fighting phytochemical in broccolicalledglucoraphanin,which is theglucosinolateprecursor ofsulforaphane(SGS).[3]When chewed,

    broccoli releases glucoraphanin andmyrosinase,an enzyme found in another part of the plant cell,which work together to produce sulforaphane, which, in turn, activates a transcription factor, Nrf2 inthe cell. Once activated, Nrf2 then translocates to the nucleus of the cell, where it aligns itself withthe antioxidant response element (ARE) in the promoter region of target genes. The target genesare associated with process which assists in regulating cellular defences. Such cytoprotective genesinclude that for glutathione. Around 200 genes have been well-characterised, as many as 1700 arethought to be related to this aspect of cellular defense.

    The 1992 study was followed by the discovery in 1997[4]that glucoraphanin is in higherconcentrations in the three- to four-day-old broccoli sprouts, at least 20 times the concentration offull grown broccoli. This discovery was written about in the New York Times,[5]and created a globalshortage of broccoli seed that could not meet the sudden high demand.

    NutritionBroccoli sprouts actually have lower nutritional values than full sized broccoli according to theUSDA.[6]Many studies compare the nutritional value of dry, dormant seeds to sprouts to obtain anexaggerated positive result for sprouts. However, the sprouts are not typically consumed for theirnutrient content; they are consumed for their content of bioactive molecules withpotentnutrigenomicpotential. Broccoli sprouts contain a particular glucosinolate compound,glucoraphanin, which is found in vacuoles within the cytoplasm of the plant cell. The membrane ofthe plant cells also contain an enzyme, myrosinase, which is walled off from the vacuoles of
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    glucoraphanin. Only when the plant cell is ruptured by cutting, chewing, etc. do the two substancescome into contact with each other. In the moist environment of the cell, this leads to a chemicalreaction wherein the myrosinase converts the glucoraphanin to an isothiocyanate, sulforaphane. It ispredominantly the sulforaphane for which broccoli sprouts have been so widely researched. Theglucoraphanin of itself is inert.

    ResearchHundreds of research studies occur every year on the cancer preventive potential of plant nutrients.The cancer preventive property ofcruciferous vegetablesand sulforaphane is the subject of over700 research studies to date. The following table is a representation of the epidemiological evidenceof cancer prevention by cruciferous vegetables.

    Epidemiological Evidence of Cancer Prevention by Cruciferous Vegetables

    Site of cancer Amount of crucifers eaten

    RR - relative risk

    OR-odds ratio

    (P value)


    Bladder >5 servings/week RR 0.49 (0.008) Michaud et al. (1999)

    Lymphoma >5 servings/week RR 0.67 (0.03) Zhang et al. (2000)

    Prostate 5 servings/week OR 0.61 (0.006) Kolonel et al. (2000)

    Prostate >3 servings/week OR 0.50 (0.02) Cohen et al. (2000)

    Colon (men) Top 20% RR 0.76 (0.011) Voorips et al. (2000)

    Colon (women) Top 20% RR 0.51 (0.004) Voorips et al. (2000)

    Breast Top 25% OR 0.05 (0.01) Fowke et al. (2003)

    Kidney Top 25% OR 0.53 (0.001) Yuan et al. (1998)

    Source: E.H. Jeffery, Phytochemical Review, 2008.

    Sulforaphane works as a potent catalyst to boost Phase 2 enzymes in the body. These detoxificationenzymes trigger ongoing antioxidant action for at least 72 hours. As a result, the indirect antioxidantactivity of sulforaphane lasts significantly longer than that of direct antioxidants, such as vitamins C,E and beta carotene, although it also boosts the regeneration of the active forms of these vitamins.Furthermore, three-day-old sprouts have a much higher concentration of glucoraphanin than theaverage mature broccoli (73 mg v. 11 mg per serving, respectively), which means one ounce ofbroccoli sprouts contains as much glucoraphanin as over 1.25 pounds (20 ounces) of average
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    market-stage broccoli. However, the range of glucoraphanin varies considerably with the variety ofbroccoli grown, so that in market broccoli, there is at least a 15-fold range of glucoraphanin (Brownet al., J.Am. Hort. Soc. 2002). The highest concentration of glucoraphanin is found in the seed.Eating the raw, unsprouted seed could provide high amounts of sulforaphane, but seeds alsocontain the antimetabolite erucic acid, which is metabolized during sprouting, so eating seeds is notrecommended.

    Prepared extracts of either broccoli seeds or broccoli sprouts typically lose their myrosinase activity.As a result, the content of glucoraphanin may remain, but without the presence of the myrosinase,the ability to convert the bioactive sulforaphane has been lost. Based on some limited evidence fromanimal studies, the colonic microflora may have some myrosinase-like activity. One study suggeststhis may provide no more than 8% conversion.[7]A human study[8]showed there is such largeinterindividual variability in the population of colonic microflora in humans, such that any conversionto sulforaphane is not only limited, but also unpredictable. Other researchers have similarly foundthere is limited sulforaphane bioavailability in broccoli sprouts preparations in which the myrosinasehas been destroyed.

    The body of scientific knowledge concerning sulforaphane and broccoli sprouts continues to grow ata rapid rate; key studies with respect to broccoli sprouts are summarized below. Although researchsuggests a promising role for broccoli sprouts in promoting health, the research results do not permit

    definitive scientific conclusions on specific health benefits. At this time, the US FDA has notreached any such conclusions or authorized any claims specifically for glucoraphanin,sulforaphane or broccoli sprouts.

    Summaries of some key studies:

    CancerCarcinogen detoxification

    An elevated level of hepatitis virus and environmental toxins results in a very high prevalence of livercancer in a rural area of China. Scientists performed a clinical test to assess whether broccolisprouts influenced the bodys abilities to detoxify carcinogens. In a single-blind, placebo-controlledtrial, 100 test and 100 control subjects drank a water extract of three-day-old broccoli sprouts or aplacebo daily over a period of two weeks. The broccoli sprouts group showed a significant decrease

    in aflatoxin-DNA adduct (a biomarker of DNA damage) levels with increasing levels of broccolisprout consumption. The change in these biomarkers signals an enhanced detoxification(neutralization) of carcinogens from the human body, leading to a reduction in cancer risk .[9]

    Tumor progression and activity

    For the inhibition of breast cancer tumors, scientists reported sulforaphane andphenethylisothiocyanate(PEITC) could prevent initial benign tumors in the lungs of mice produced by acigarette carcinogen from developing into malignant cancer tumors. Using a model in which theanimals were exposed to the carcinogens, scientists demonstrated sulforaphane inhibits theprogression of the disease by causing the programmed death of the damaged cells. These findingssuggest chemoprotective agents might be useful among people exposed to tobacco carcinogens,including current smokers, exsmokers or those exposed to second-hand smoke.[10]

    Stomach cancer

    Infection with the bacteriumH. pylorican cause stomach ulcers and markedly increases the risk ofdeveloping stomach cancer. In vitroand animal experiments showed potent and selectiveantibacterial properties of sulforaphane and sulforaphanes ability to selectively target the H.

    pyloribacteria, which are often difficult to eradicate. Also, sulforaphane was effective against H.pyloristrains that had developed resistance to the typical antibiotic treatment. In a Japanese studyinvolving patients infected with H. pyloribacteria, patients eating 100 grams (approximately 3.5ounces) of broccoli sprouts daily for two months experienced substantially reduced measures of H.

    pyloriinfection when compared with control subjects fed a vegetable with no glucoraphanin. These
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    results suggest sulforaphane from myrosinase-active broccoli sprouts may be responsible for thereduction of the bacteria, and a diet rich in myrosinase-active broccoli sprouts may be useful inreduction of H. pyloriinfection and chemoprevention against gastric cancer.

    Skin tumors

    Some skin tumors form after exposure to UV radiation. Mice were exposed to damaging levels of UVlight for 20 weeks in a study conducted at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Following the exposure,application of sulforaphane resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of mice with tumors. Thenumber of tumors per mouse and the mass of tumors were also reduced. A significant aspect of thestudy is that administration of the chemoprotective agent was after carcinogen exposure, suggestingan ability to prevent the progression of cancer after cells are already damaged.

    Breast cancer

    Work from Johns Hopkins, published in 1994, demonstrated chemoprotective effects ofsulforaphane, showing its ability to reduce mammary tumor formation in rats. Scientists at ShanghaiCancer Center in China conducted a retrospective (epidemiological) study of 350 pairs of women.One of each pair had breast cancer. The other was cancer-free. The study results revealed thewomen who had eaten higher levels of Brassicavegetablesbroccoli, cabbage, cauliflower andkaleall of which contain glucoraphanin and related compoundswere 50% less likely to be

    diagnosed with breast cancer. Cornblatt and colleagues (2007) have now shown that sulforaphaneactually reaches breast tissue in humans within an hour or so of consumption.

    Prostate cancer

    Human prostate cancer cells responded to treatment with sulforaphane in the form of broccoli sproutextracts, showing dramatic increases in their Phase 2 protective enzymes. Dr. James D. Brooks,Urology Department, Stanford University, suggests broccoli sprouts, a rich natural source ofsulforaphane, might be appropriate for use in intervention trials in humans.

    Colon cancer

    American Health Foundation researchers showed sulforaphane significantly inhibited the formationof colon cancer in rats. Much work has demonstrated the ability of sulforaphane and broccoli sproutsextracts to inhibit cancer in vitroin human colon cancer cells.

    Bladder cancer

    Epidemiological evidence strongly suggested a role for cruciferous vegetables in prevention ofbladder cancer. Indeed, although an analysis of 47,909 men in the Health Professionals Follow-UpStudy showed virtually no correlation between cancer reduction and high consumption of fruits andvegetables overall, or yellow or green leafy vegetables specifically, it did show a statisticallysignificant reduction among those men who consumed large amounts of cruciferous vegetables.

    Several studies have suggested the bladder is one of the most responsive organs to induction ofdetoxification enzymes by extract, and demonstrated this was evident in human bladder cancercells in vitroand using broccoli sprouts rich in sulforaphane potential in animal models in vivo. Inaddition, studies have also shown sulforaphane and broccoli sprout extract can induce apoptosisand cell cycle arrest in human bladder cancer cells in vitro, while showing the activity levels frompure sulforaphane and broccoli sprout extracts were virtually equivalent, and confirming this effect is

    due exclusively to the sulforaphane potential in the sprouts, not other components.Impact on developing or developed cancers

    French researchers showed sulforaphane might do more than just activate antioxidants. Theirresearch describes the ability of sulforaphane to cause cancer cells to self-destruct, known asapoptosis or programmed cell death. The multidimensional ability of sulforaphane both to eliminateor detoxify carcinogens and to kill cells with potential cancer-causing mutations suggestssulforaphane may have broader effects on developed cancer at various stages, as well asprevention.

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    Scientists at the Amala Cancer Research Centre in India reported sulforaphane may inhibit thespread of B16F-10 melanoma cells in vitro. Mice were treated with sulforaphane either prior to,simultaneously, or following exposure to the carcinogens. Results indicated the simultaneoustreatment of sulforaphane was most effective with a 95% reduction of lung tumor formation and a94% increase in the life span of the animals. The findings suggest sulforaphane may have the abilityto prevent metastasis of established cancers, rather than simply preventing development of cancers.[

    Other health conditionsCholesterol levels

    In a pilot study, researchers at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and the JapanInstitute for the Control of Aging found that individuals who ate 100 grams of broccoli sprouts a dayfor just one week showed decreased overall levels of cholesterol, while increasing HDL or goodcholesterol. The glucoraphanin in broccoli sprouts also appears to reduce the amount of oxidativestress or cell destruction caused by free radicals.

    High blood pressure

    In laboratory studies with animals bred to have high blood pressure and are therefore at high risk forstroke, Dr. Bernhard Juurlink at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, foundsulforaphane-induced Phase 2 enzymes from broccoli sprouts improved cardiovascular health by

    decreasing inflammation and improving heart, artery and kidney function.Macular degeneration

    Johns Hopkins University scientists studied the ability of sulforaphane to protect retinal pigmentepithelial cells from damage by chemical carcinogens and by ultraviolet light. These processes arethe similar to the kind of damage that can lead to macular degeneration in the eye. Maculardegeneration is the leading cause of blindness among the elderly.


    Researchers in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences and the Division of Pulmonaryand Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine reported sulforaphane increasesthe activity of the phase II enzyme gene Nrf2 in human lung cells, which protects cells from damagecaused by toxins. Thus, presenting the possibility of therapy directed toward enhancing Nrf2-

    regulated antioxidants, reducing the effects of oxidative stress in COPD.Diabetes

    Sulforaphane activates the Nrf2 protein, which protects cells and tissues from damage by stimulatingthe phase 2 enzymes, which detoxify ROS molecules. Sulforaphane reduced reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) molecules by 74%, thus reducing damage to blood vessel cells by hyperglycemia.High glucose levels can cause a threefold increase in ROS levels, which can damage human cells.These results suggest sulforaphane from broccoli may help reverse the damaging effects ofdiabetes-linked vascular disease.

    A collaborative group in Iran showed a myrosinase-active broccoli sprout powder had favorableeffects on oxidative stress status in type 2 diabetes patients over a four-week period. The study useddoses of 5 or 10 grams daily, delivering 112 and 225 micromoles sulforaphane, respectively.Positive effects were seen at both doses, although effects on lipid peroxidation were only seen at thehigher dose.


    Broccoli sprouts are available in grocery and natural foods stores across the US and in othercountries. Broccoli seeds are available for home growing. One can sprout broccoli seeds using a jaror a commercial sprouting kit. Broccoli sprout powders and capsules are also available. However,many of these products are produced from myrosinase-inactive sprout or seed extracts. It is difficult,if not impossible, for the consumer to identify which products contain both the essential precursor
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    glucoraphanin as well as the active myrosinase enzyme. With a myrosinase-inactive product, anindividual may not convert any of the glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. Because so little is knownabout the role of human gut microflora at this stage, reliance on the gut microflora with its widevariability could pose a significant limitation on the achievement of a biochemical response.

    Sprout safety

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued suggested protocols recommendingcommercially grown sprout seeds be soaked and sterilized with 20,000 PPMcalciumhypochloriteprior to sprouting.

    A study published in Nutrition Journalquantifies the effectiveness of sprout safety programs.

    "A pound of (broccoli) seeds will probably make over ten pounds of sprouts which from the researchers calculations

    translates up to as much cancer protecting phytochemicals as 1000 pounds (half a ton) of broccoli!" Very, very nutritional-densefood!!

    Source: Wikipedia

    Photos: Internet


    Small quantities of fresh broccoli sprouts contain as much cancer protection as larger amounts of the mature vegetable soldin food markets, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Just 5 grams (0.17 ounces) of sprouts containconcentrations of the compound glucoraphanin equal to that found in 150 grams (5.2 ounces) of mature broccoli. Thecompound is a precursor to sulforaphane, proven in animal studies to boost cell enzymes that protect against moleculardamage from cancer-causing chemicals.

    Sulforaphane has been shown to mobilize, or induce, the body's natural cancer protection resources and help reduce therisk of malignancy. Broccoli is the best source of the chemical precursor to sulforaphane -- glucoraphanin. Now, broccolisprouts are an "exceptionally rich source" of inducers of cellular enzymes for "detoxifying" chemical carcinogens -- cancer

    causing compounds. Some of these compounds are potent enhancers of phase 2 enzymes, which speed the detoxication ofelectrophiles and reactive oxygen metabolites. Therefore, they say, induction of phase 2 enzymes by these compounds can"...protect cells against mutagenesis and neoplasia."

    The researchers attempted to calculate how much broccoli one would have to eat in order to produce a significant degree ofprotection against cancer, based on epidemiologic evidence. They found that one would have to eat about two pounds of anaverage broccoli a week in order to reduce, say, one's risk of colon cancer by about 50%.

    An additional complication is that it is impossible to determine by the looks of this cruciferous vegetable alone or even withknowledge of how and where it was grown whether you are buying the 'high-inducer' or 'low-inducer' broccoli. The enzyme-inducing abilities of samples taken from 22 varieties of fresh and 7 brands of frozen mature broccoli vary greatly. Onlysophisticated scientific measurements can determine the concentrations.

    But fresh broccoli sprouts offer an alternative. One can get away with eating 10 to 100 times lower quantities. Three day oldsprouts have the additional advantage that they're far more uniform in their potency. Broccoli sprouts look and taste

    something like alfalfa sprouts, according to the researchers. The report also notes that small quantities of broccoli sproutextracts markedly reduced the size of rat mammary tumors that were induced by chemical carcinogens.

    The researchers refer to the concept of "chemoprotection" -- deliberate efforts to increase the body's own defensemechanisms to reduce susceptibility to carcinogens by administration of substances that can be precisely identified, andideally, delivered in the diet. The interesting aspect of chemoprotection strategies is that they're almost never organ-specific.Chemoprotection produces a general cancer protective effect which blocks multiple steps -- a cascade of steps -- that arecommon to cancer formation.

    INSIGHT:At the present time, broccoli sprouts are not being grown commercially. However you can grow them yourselfquite easily. You can purchase organic broccoli seeds from Johnny's at 207-437-4301. Item number 148, four ounces are
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    $9.00 or a pound for $12.00. Non-organic seeds can probably be purchased through farm supply stores or other seedcatalogs. You can also call Jaffe Brothers at 619-749-1133 for instructions on how to sprout. They also sell sprouting lids toapply to Ball jars which make the entire process quite convenient. The library or health food store may also have someinstructions on sprouting seeds.

    A small amount of spouts go a long way. A pound of sprouts will probably make over ten pounds of sprouts which from theresearchers calculations translates up to as much cancer protecting phytochemicals as 1000 pounds (half a ton) of broccoli!The other major benefit is that the sprouts don't smell as you don't have to cook them. They are eaten raw, usually as an

    addition to salad. I have already ordered my sprouts. I suspect that there are similar benefits for many of the othervegetables when eaten as sprouts. From the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1997;94:10367-10372)

    Sprouting Instructions:Sprouting Time 5-7 days Temperatures 60-80

    Yield 1 Tbs seed=1-1 1/2 cups sprouts

    Place seeds in the jar and cover with cheesecloth or other porous material. Secure the cloth with a rubber band. Fill the jarfull with filtered water and let soak overnight. I have had some patients tell me that distilled water actually works much betterthan filtered or bottled water as it seems to increase the percentage of seeds that sprout successfully.

    In the morning drain off the water. The cloth will keep the seeds in the jar. Rinse seeds with water again and let drain. Youcan also use reusable plastic sprouting lids (available from Jaffe Brothers at 619-749-1133) which attach to Ball jars. Thisavoids having to use new cheesecloth each time. Put the container on its side in a dark location that stays about 70degrees. Rinse twice each day with water and drain. Continue the rinse cycle until harvested. When sprouts are 1 -2 inches

    long you can put them in the light to green them up. You can rinse out the hulls or skim them of the top of the water with aspoon. They are not harmful to eat but removing them minimizes spoilage when sprouts are stored. Sprouts are best storedin an airtight container in the refrigerator and keep for about one week.


    How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts

    Three Methods:Prepare to Grow Broccoli SproutsGrow Broccoli Sprouts With SoilGrow Broccoli Sprouts Without Soil

    Broccoli sprouts can be grown pretty much anywhere and require very little space or equipment. High in vitamins and

    antioxidants, broccoli sprouts have been found to contain higher concentrations of cancer-fighting compounds than broccoli

    grown to full size.

    Method 1 of 3: Prepare to Grow Broccoli Sprouts
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    1Purchase seeds.Use only organic, untreated seeds when growing sprouts. Many seeds sold for planting are treated withinsecticides or fungicides. You need 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of seeds for each 5 square inches (13 cm^2) of container space.Ad
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    2Choose a container with a hard surface that you can sterilize.Clear plastic containers with clear lids, such as those

    used for sprouts, berries and other produce at the store, work great for growing sprouts. You can use plastic wrap to cover

    containers that do not have a clear lid.

    The size of the container doesn't really matter as long as it is at least 4 inches (10 cm) deep.

    If you want to grow your sprouts in soil, the container must have drainage.
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    3Disinfect the seeds and the containers.Fill a bucket with a solution of 9 parts lukewarm water and 1 part household

    bleach. Soak the containers and the seeds in the water for 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can disinfect only the containers

    with the bleach solution.
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    4Soak the seeds in clear lukewarm water for 24 hours if you did not include them in the 20-minute bleach solutionsoak.Some growers have reported higher germination rates from seeds given the longer soak without the bleach.
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    5Rinse the seeds and the containers under cold running water after the soak.Place the seeds in a tea strainer to rinse


    Method 2 of 3: Grow Broccoli Sprouts With Soil
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    1Put a thin layer of moist, sterilized potting soil in the clean containers.
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    2Sprinkle the wet broccoli sprout seeds in a thin layer on top of the soil.
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    3Cover the seeds with another thin layer of moist potting soil.
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    4Put the covers on the containers or cover the tops with clear plastic wrap.When growing your sprouts in soil,ventilation is not usually necessary. However, if too much moisture should build in the container, make a couple of air holes.
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    5Place the container in a place where it won't be disturbed and is out of direct sunlight.Until leaves appear the sprouts

    do not require any light. Kept at a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 to 23.8 C), the seeds should sprout in 3

    to 5 days.
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    6Move the containers to an area of indirect sunlight on the 4th day or when first leaves appear.Direct sunlight will kill

    them, but the sprouts need some light exposure now if you want the leaves to stay green.
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    7Harvest your sprouts within 1 to 2 days after leaves appear. Use your hands to pull the sprouts from the soil andtransfer them to a large bowl of cool water.
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    8Agitate the water to move the sprouts around.This cleans the dirt from the sprouts and causes the hulls from the seeds

    to dislodge and float to the surface of the water.
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    9Skim the seed hulls off of the water surface and discard them.The hulls retain moisture, and if stored with the sprouts

    may lessen their shelf life.

    Method 3 of 3: Grow Broccoli Sprouts Without Soil
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    1Place a few layers of wet white paper towels in the bottom of a sterilized container.
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    2Sprinkle a thin layer of seeds on top of the wet towels.Leave the seeds uncovered.
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    3Cover the containers with a clear ventilated lid or use plastic wrap with air holes cut out.
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    4Place the containers near a window but not in direct sunlight, or put them under a fluorescent light if the room in

    which you are growing them is not warm enough. When growing without soil, seeds require temperatures to be at least

    70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 C) to germinate.
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    5Harvest the sprouts by hand and rinse them to remove hulls 3 to 5 days after they sprout.

    Organic Broccoli Sprouts Provide Amazing Health Benefits..andSulforaphane
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    Written byMax Goldberg on June 8, 2012. Follow Max onTwitter.

    If you ever go to a talk by Dr. Brian Clement, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute

    and the person inthis videodiscussing the merits of Green Juice vs. Green Smoothies,

    you can be guaranteed to hear this: eat and juice sprouts.

    The reason that he is saying this is because sprouts have incredibly important health

    properties. They have very high levels of nutrients and enzymes, which provide the

    body valuable energy to detox and strengthen the immune system.

    According to the Hippocrates Health Institute,the other key benefits of sprouts include:

    - Increased vitality, energy and vigor from the large amount of enzymes.

    - 10 to 100 times more enzymes than fruits and vegetables when eaten within the first

    seven days of being sprouted.

    - Powerful antioxidants which help fight free radicals and aging.

    - The minerals and nutrients are easily absorbed into the body.

    While there are many excellent sprouts, there is a specific reason why I buy organic

    broccoli sprouts.

    What broccoli sprouts offer is sulforaphane, a powerful anti-cancer compound that helps

    fight and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
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    Dr. Paul Talalay, Professor of Pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University,found that3-

    day old broccoli sprouts consistently contained 20 to 50 times the amount of

    chemoprotective compounds than those found in mature broccoli heads. And

    sulforaphane is the reason why.


    The Presidents Cancel Panel reportestimates that 41%(PDF File) of Americans will

    get cancer, and a large majority of those cases are environmental-related.

    Even though I eat pretty much 100% organic, I am still exposed to many, many toxins

    by living in New York City and my mother passed away from cancer. Therefore, eating

    foods that have serious anti-cancer properties is a priority for me.

    So, if I can get 20-50x times the cancer protection from eating broccoli sprouts ratherthan broccoli as a vegetable, Ill take that any day of the week.

    The next time youre in the produce section of your market, take a look at organic

    broccoli sprouts.

    This selection of sprouts and micro-greens offers distinctive flavours, appealing textures and high nutritionalvalues.

    All of our products are certified organic by ACO (Australian Certified Organic) and licensed by the NSW FoodAuthority.

    Pre-cut sprouts, micro-greens and grasses:

    Sunflower sprouts

    Crunchy sprouts with a beautiful nutty-kernel flavour.

    Available in 100g, 200g and 500g bags.

    Broccoli Sprouts

    Delicate texture and flavour, possibly the healthiest ofall.

    Available in 50g punnets and 200g bags.
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    Radish Sprouts

    Strong spicy taste.

    Available in 50g punnets and 200g bags.

    Sprouts Salad

    A delicious mix of all the favourite varieties.

    Available in 50g punnets and 200g bags.

    Live sprouts and grasses.

    We are excited and delighted to bring the organic garden to your kitchen. This is the real thing. Super food in itssuperb form. The freshest possible sprouts, ready for you to harvest when you want to eat.

    Live sunflower sprouts

    Live Broccoli sprouts

    Live Radish Sprouts

    Live Buckwheat sprouts

    Beautiful, coloured sprout with

    delicate texture and a slightly tangyflavour.

    Live Wheatgrass

    Our organic, soil-grown wheatgrassis actually sweet. Green super food.100g of wheatgrass is equivalent to
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    2.5kg of green, leafy vegetables.

    Live Barley Grass

    Highly potent green food: a singlespoon contains a daily supply of iron,copper, lutein, beta-carotene,betaine, thiamine and much muchmore. And the raw juice is muchmore nutritious than the capsule orpowder form.

    My Friend writes from Mexico:

    I just bought a slow-juicer machine and I made some alfalfa andbroccoli sprout juice. Delicious and nutritious! I'll try to drink oneshot every day!

    Sprouts increase nutritional content, as compared to dry seeds,from 4 to 100 times!! Enzimes content in sprouts increases up toone hundred times!

    I am now sprouting every seed I eat (even my Mexican beans!)they taste better and I feel more energetic.

    If we feed our people with nutritious food, instead ofprocessed/junk food, we'll be combating the stupidestablishment/capitalism (Monsanto, Bayer, DuPont, etc) at itscore. Pure consumer's power!

    Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
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