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Page 1: bro 2 3 - · The WUT Business School was established in 1991 as the result of a joint initiative by Warsaw University of Technology and three other internationally-recognised



Page 2: bro 2 3 - · The WUT Business School was established in 1991 as the result of a joint initiative by Warsaw University of Technology and three other internationally-recognised















Managing EditorZbigniew Turowski

EditorsJoanna P´gierLidia Grzybowska-

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Konrad SiudaPublisher

WUT Business School















Page 3: bro 2 3 - · The WUT Business School was established in 1991 as the result of a joint initiative by Warsaw University of Technology and three other internationally-recognised




A message from the Rector

Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology - here 19th century tradition encounters the visions ofthe future information era. Here 30 000 students meet 2 500 academics to learn fromthem not only technological creativity but also universal human values. Their careerchoices vary from architecture to business and management, from mathematics andcomputer science to biotechnology and environmental engineering, from appliedchemistry to geodesy and transport; but their life goals are common: to meet thechallenge of a changing world. Due to the huge investment and restructuring effortsaccomplished during the last decade, Warsaw University of Technology is today able tooffer not only a rich spectrum of standard ways to engineering careers, but also - for themost talented youth - individual paths of accelerated development enabling graduates toreach the most prominent positions in science, technology and management.

The WUT Business School was established in 1991 as the

result of a joint initiative by Warsaw University of

Technology and three other internationally-recognised

academic institutions: London Business School, HEC School

of Management Paris and the Norwegian School of

Economics and Business Administration (Bergen). Since

then it has been continually developing its educational offer.

The idea underlying the creation of the School was to build

a strong centre for managerial education, based on the

experience and resources of the four founding institutions.

Over time, the School launched several programmes of

studies aimed at meeting the needs of the developing Polish

economy, and providing generations of graduates with

challenging new career opportunities in both engineering

and management.

Development of a high-level managerial education in

technical universities is a worldwide phenomenon. On the

one hand, the managers need more skills in the area of

modern technology. On the other hand, the engineers need

more knowledge about economics and management. The

WUT Business School offers all these features in its

programmes. The graduates of the School are well educated

and well equipped to deal with the problems of the modern,

complex world. Thanks to this knowledge and skills, they

are perfectly able to compete successfully on the big market

created by the enlarged European Union.

I would like to congratulate the School on its dynamic

development and wish its present and prospective students

very successful business careers.

W∏odzimierz Kurnik, Ph.D., D.Sc. Professor and Rectorof Warsaw University of Technology

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The western schools represent a unique resource in the field of management education in

Europe, which combines outstanding research and academic credentials, as well as

exceptional links with the corporate world. They have decided to combine their know-how

and experience in order to deliver together with Warsaw University of Technology an

innovative package of general management programmes for university graduates eager to

make careers in Polish or international business

Fourteen years after theformation of the Warsaw Universityof Technology Business School, weare extremely impressed by themultidimensional achievements ofthe school:• the development of a diversified

portfolio of master’s degrees inmanagement,

• the rate of internationalisation ofthe faculty with a fine mix ofEnglish, French, Norwegian andPolish leading professors,

• the strong relationship establishedwith Polish and internationalcompanies and financialinstitutions,

• the top quality of student’s recruiting and placement; theentrepreneurial spirit of the alumni association,

• the top quality of the infrastructure, computer centre andlibrary,

• the vision, commitment and dynamism of the School’sDirector, professors and staff.Thus, in a very short period of time, Warsaw University

of Technology Business School has taken its place amongthe leading business schools in Europe and has developedthe capacity to serve the needs of the Polish businesscommunity. We are proud of being a part of this uniqueventure and we plan more integrated co-operation in thefuture with our Polish sister institution in the field ofresearch, and all kinds of management education.


ProfessorBernard Ramanantsoa

General DirectorHEC Paris

School of ManagementParisHEC

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WUT Business School has since1991 been an important initiative forNHH. It was our first serious attemptto participate in establishing a majorstudy programme abroad, and it hasover the years developed into a flag-ship of such programmes. Personally,I remember travelling to meetings inWarsaw early in the 1990s, and it feltlike more than just another trip abro-ad. I had the feeling that we were abo-ut to launch something of great value,and now I am convinced that the feelingwas correct. I have also had the pleasu-re of teaching in the programme –which gave me an excellent opportunity to observe how well theprogramme works.

There are many unique features of the WUT Business School.One is the long lasting, close cooperation between the four insti-tutions – WUT, HEC, LBS and NHH. A second one is the syste-matic development over time, from a start with almost all te-aching done by faculty from the western schools, to the presentsituation with a strong Polish faculty in many disciplines. Athird key factor is the excellent students the programme attracts.And finally, the proof of the quality and position of the School liesin the influence the candidates have in Polish business.

The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Admini-stration is proud to have been part of this development, and weare very happy that the cooperation continues. The success ofthe WUT Business School is also a success for the participatinginstitutions. The main achievement is, however, the fact that theSchool contributes to the development of the Polish economy.

London Business School is proud tohave been associated with WUTBusiness School from its beginning in1992. As the School celebrates its 14thanniversary it can look to the futurewith confidence. There is a readymarket for the skills which the School’sgraduates have to offer. Having gainedan excellent training in science orengineering, fluency in at least oneforeign language, and a mastery of the concepts and disciplinesof modern business, they are well equipped to take leading rolesin Poland’s fast moving economy.

The success of the School owes much to the support andencouragement of Warsaw University of Technology. Drawingon the intellectual resources of a leading technologicaluniversity is a major asset for WUT Business School, and hasenabled the development of a strong portfolio of programmescatering for young graduates trained in technological disciplinesand for practicing managers. WUT Business School has alsodemonstrated the mutual benefit of establishing close linksbetween the academic and business community. Thecollaboration between WUT Business School and three foreignbusiness schools - London Business School, NorgesHandelshoyskole and HEC Paris - has been a remarkablesuccess. Over the fourteen year period WUT Business Schoolhas grown from its first intake of 25 graduates to a currentposition where approximately 200 graduates are being educatedon either executive MBA or full-time MBA programmes. Overthis time the proportion of teaching done by Western-basedacademics has fallen from approximately 85% to 50% - the newinputs coming mostly from Polish professors who teach inEnglish. As part of the EMBA programme the School hasengaged in managerial projects with businesses, which hashelped to expose the critical links between academic learningand business requirements. And through its connections withWUT Business School, LBS has brought over 700 EMBAgraduates to Poland on international field trips and several visitshave been made by groups of Polish MBA students to London.

We congratulate the WUT Business School for itsachievements and growth over this period, and its excellentstudent intake. We are confident that WUT has much to offerand look forward to a continuing association in the future.

ProfessorJan I. Haaland

Rector NHH

ProfessorLaura D’Andrea Tyson

Dean LBS

Norwegian School of Economicsand Business AdministrationNHH

London BusinessSchoolLBS

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IA message from the Director

In the modern world, knowledge is the most important

factor contributing to the success of individuals and nations.

The more the world becomes complex, competitive, and

globalized, the more sophisticated tools are also necessary

to achieve a satisfactory outcome. For a country, for

instance, the intensive use of knowledge in economic

development allows it to achieve an increase in productivity

and living standards. For an individual, high skills are

indispensable for a successful career in every field of

professional life.

However, the challenge is not just to have high skills; it is to

have appropriate skills and to know how to use them.

Learning requires a huge effort. It is important that this

effort is as efficient as possible.

Why choose a Business School at the Warsaw University of

Technology? Let me express my personal views and ideas.

First of all, because of the big competitive advantage of this

place. The WUT Business School is a place where business

can meet with modern technology, giving our students a

powerful mix of managerial science and the tools for

applying it. Our pan-European roots guarantee that this

knowledge is the most accurate and up to date. Our plans

are to transform the WUT Business School into a leading

Polish think-tank in the area of organizational and

technological progress, managing technological change, and

developing a knowledge-based economy. In a nutshell, to

create a centre of excellence in the areas that will shape the

future of business in Poland, in Europe and in the World.

Consider joining our project.

Prof. Witold Or∏owskiDirector of the Warsaw University ofTechnologyBusiness Schoolsince October 2003

Warsaw University of Technology Business School

In 1992, the first full-time English-language programme, leading to the degree of Master ofScience in Business - now reorganised as the International MBA, was launched in the School. In 1995, a part-time programme, leading to the degree Master HEC en Sciences de GestionApprofondies, was launched for French-speaking graduates. In 1996, the Executive MBA was launched, as a significant extension of the School's offer,addressed to professional managers interested in enhancing their business skills. In 2002, Advanced Management Training in Pharmacoeconomics, Pharma Marketing andLaw was launched. This held in polish training is aimed at graduates with a Master Degreewho are working or intend to work in the pharmaceutical sector.In 2003, International Financial Reporting Standards course was launched, addressed toaccounting and financial professionals.In 2005, WUT Business School gained EU financial support for a special edition of ExecutiveMBA programme “European Manager”

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The way of learningFrom the traditional fixed structure – towards a virtual learning environment

In the global economy era, confor-mance to the standards acceptedworld-wide is crucial for any activity.

Among the most important conditions forsuccessful joint international businessinitiatives are reliance on similareconomic, social, political and ethicvalues, as well as the same understandingof business rules. This is the only way theworld can communicate and co-operate.

Our School offers Master of BusinessAdministration programmes, carried outin accordance with the highest standardsin management education. All the MBAlectures in School are given in theEnglish language, by International andPolish professors with internationalexperience. Our programmes offer tostudents a unique cross-cultural andinteractive challenge. They virtuallyguarantee excellent career opportunitiesin the international arena.

The quality of the degree and itsinternational standing are assuredthrough the participation of the WarsawUniversity of Technology and someleading European business schools: LBS -London Business School (first place inEurope on the Financial Times rankinglist), HEC School of Management Paris,and NHH – Norwegian School ofEconomics and Business Administrationin Bergen.The School benefits greatlyfrom the assistance of numerous otherinstitutions and companies. AccountancyTuition Centre, AMGnet, Bigram,Centertel, Chrono-Finance, Citibank,Deloitte & Touche, Hay Group, Hewitt,IBM, JobPilot, Kontel, mBank, Oracle,PricewaterhouseCoopers, Procter &Gamble, Reuters, Shell, and YESConsensus, are among the majorcompanies operating in Poland whichhave shared their experience with us.They have often collaborated in theproduction of “live” case studies, helpingus establish the right balance of theoryand practice.

Every year, we invite candidates withthe highest intellectual potential toparticipate in the journey towards aninternational learning environment,formed around two programmes: the one-year full-time International MBA, and avery demanding two-year part-timeExecutive MBA.

The students’ analytical skills,creativity and learning capacity challengethe School to form a platform for theiractive participation in learning. Casestudy methods, group projects, businesssimulations, contacts with companiesoperating on the Polish market andinternationally, lectures given by invitedguests: managers, policy makers orgovernmental officers – all these form anew spectrum of learning activities.

Exchange of best practices and ideas,in which the professor becomes adiscussion moderator, replaces a passiveone-way knowledge transfer. This isparticularly visible in the Executive MBAprogramme, where managers fromleading companies in Poland are in thestudent groups.

Active students participationencourages professors to design newforms of teaching. A good example is the“management lab” created by Prof.

Alastair Nicholson. The new businessprocess simulation methods, tested withour students, are now successfullyimplemented in the Executive MBAprogramme at London Business School.

Exchange of student between thePartner Schools is another importantelement of the learning environment. Atleast once a year, seventy students of theExecutive MBA programme from Londoncome to Poland. Together with ourstudents they visit different companies, tolearn about local business and to see whatare the typical management problems.Similar visits, to Paris and London, areorganized by our students.

Internet and videoconferencetechnology give easy access to world-widebest practices and prompt an exchange ofideas between regions of differentcultural heritages. Those who can learn touse these tools gain an enormouscompetitive advantage. In our Schooldistance learning has already beenimplemented for joint classes with theHEC, LBS and NHH students.

We are proud that our School is a fullmember of the prestigious EuropeanFoundation for ManagementDevelopment – EFMD, an organizationformed by the leading Europeanmanagement schools.

The School appreciates all the effortsmade by the four founding academicinstitutions: HEC, LBS, NHH & WUT, aswell as by all our other supporters, informing the WUT Business School into aninternational centre in the field ofmanagement.

Mr George Johnstone, Chairman,PricewaterhouseCoopers in Poland and Prof. WitoldOr∏owski discuss business-academic relationships


Case Study with Mateusz Kusznierewicz

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■ The International MBA is a one-year, full-time program-me(1000 hours) taught in English, divided into nine blocks of sub-jects, Business Projects, and a preparatory course in Mathematicsand Business English. Lectures take place from Monday to Friday.This programme is designed for young graduates who want anMBA, and is helping to shape one of the most important channelsthrough which talented young men and women enter managementcareers.

Participants in the programme must have had a five-year edu-cation leading to a master’s degree or its equivalent. Those whohave received a Bachelor degree abroad may undertake MBA stu-dies in parallel with M.A. studies at other University.

■ The Executive MBA is a two-year, part- time postgraduate pro-gramme (752 hours) also taught in English, and divided into nineblocks of subjects, Business Projects, as well as a preparatory co-urse in Mathematics and Business English.

The Executive MBA is designed to address the needs of profes-sional managers. It aims to enhance their business skills and of-fers access to the rapidly expanding business network.

Teaching is based on intensive lecturing at weekends with fol-low-up work carried out in the student’s own time. The lecturestake place on 2-3 weekends per month (from Friday to Sunday oron Saturday and Sunday).

EMBA requirements are a master’s degree and at least threeyears of professional experience.

Our programmes

■ In 2005, WUT Business School gainedEU financial support for a special edi-tion of the Executive MBA programme,"European Manager". These are two-year, post-graduate studies, conductedin English over the weekends. EuropeanManager as the other School's MBA

progammes is offered together withPartner Schools - London BusinessSchool, HEC School of Management Pa-ris, and the Norwegian School of Econo-mics and Business Administration. Thepurpose of the programme is to impro-ve the qualifications of executive mana-

gers in Polish corporations. We are hap-py that thanks to the help of the Euro-pean Social Fund, our School will helpimprove the competitiveness of Polishcompanies.

International MBAI MBA

Executive MBAE MBA

European Manager

Common aspects of both programmes

Each year the first semester runs from mid- Septem-ber to the end of January, the second semester fromthe end of February to the end of July. The course te-aching material in each block is delivered by the visi-ting faculty from the foreign schools and Polish pro-fessors with international experience. Expert practitio-ners based in Poland deliver follow-up material andpractical applications through case studies and assi-gnments. Stress is placed on active student participa-tion in learning, with up to half of the final grade ba-sed on written and oral presentations. There are mo-dern interactive methods of education used, such as:case studies, discussion classes, computer simula-tions, management laboratory, management work-shop, business projects or virtual discussion groups.Assessment is through written examinations at the endof each semester, project work and class participation.In the final year (EMBA) or final semester (IMBA) stu-dents write a project, applying techniques acquired du-ring the programme to a practical business problem.The criteria employed for evaluation are the same asthose used by the Partner Schools. This assures all in-terested parties that the holders of an MBA from theWUT Business School are in possession of a postgra-duate management qualification fully comparable incontent and excellence with those of a similar durationgiven by the three Western Schools.In addition to the main teaching programme, theSchool organizes a programme of visiting speakersfrom business and government to provide the oppor-tunity for students to develop contacts and becomeinvolved in the key business issues in Poland today.

The project is co-financed by the European Union, with funds provided by the European Social Fundand is supervised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

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■ The post-graduate studies areaimed at graduates with a Ma-ster Degree who are working orintend to work in the pharma-ceutical sector as well as the in-stitutions managing and finan-cing healthcare. These are week-

end studies (one semester, 133 h)held in Polish. The lectures,workshops and seminar classesare conducted by renownedexperts and professionals em-ployed in Office for Registrationof Medicinal Products, Medical

Services and Biocides employedby Government Ministries, Na-tional Institutions of Health andHygiene, legal offices, speciali-sing in counselling for the phar-maceutical sector, Polish and in-ternational pharmaceutical com-panies, IT companies and uni-versities. For those of you whoalready work in the pharmaceu-tical sector, or in the institutionsmanaging or financing healthca-re, these studies give you an ide-al opportunity to update yourknowledge alongside continuouseducation, and to prepare youfor the different conditions thatour competitors in the pharma-cological market may impose inthe European Union.

■ WUT Business School in co-operation with the British Part-ner ATC International is the firsteducational institution in Polandto offer training on InternationalFinancial Reporting that prepa-res for international ACCA’s Di-ploma in International FinancialReporting.

It is the ideal IFRS qualifica-tion for accounting, finance pro-fessionals - both qualified andnon-qualified but having at least3 years of professional experien-ce, CFO, Chief Accountants, Ma-nagement Board members, Audi-tors, Financial Controllers andindividuals who aim to become

the above. Also persons who pre-pare the financial records forother companies may find it use-ful.

Courses comprise 10 full daysin total - a 5-day intensive intro-ductory course followed, by a 5day revision course with a fullmock examination.

The course syllabus includesmost of the International Finan-cial Reporting Standards. Lectu-res are given by ATC Internatio-nal’s expert tutors with broadexperience in IFR training. Tra-ining materials by ATC Interna-tional have obtained the exclusi-ve licence of ACCA.

„As an answer to the challenge of market, we offer the interdisciplinary program adapted to needs andpossibilities (also time-related) of pharmaceutical sector executives and providing a chance to update andenlarge knowledge that is useful in the everyday management practice.”

“The move towards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) represents one of the most significantchanges in global financial reporting for years, particularly in the European Union (EU) where it is mandatory forall listed companies from 2005. This is why ACCA is pleased to be able to offer its Diploma In InternationalFinancial Reporting (DipIFR) to prepare the young Polish accountants and finance professionals of tomorrow"

Advanced Management Training Programme inPharmacoeconomics, Pharma Marketing and Law

Preparatory course for Diploma In InternationalFinancial Reporting (DipIFR) awarded by ACCA

Prof. TomaszHermanowskiHead of AdvancedManagement TrainingProgram inPharmacoeconomics,Pharma Marketing and Law

Program Content:Block I. Evolution of the healthcare and health insurance systemBlock II. Legal regulations of the pharmaceutical marketBlock III. Organization and management of a pharmaceutical company Block IV. Foundations od Pharmaceutical marketing Block V. Pharmaco-economics Organization of the StudyThe education programme is organized into 8 week-end sessions placed one or twicea month, from 5 p.m. on Friday to 1 p.m. on Sunday. During each session participantsget original didactic materials. Some of classes are conducted in the form of seminars,exercises and workshops tutored by lecturers.

Simon Thompson,Head of CorporateDevelopment, Centraland Eastern Europe,ACCA - TheAssociation ofChartered CertifiedAccountants

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The purpose of this module is to go over key phrases in the Englishlanguage relating to the free market economy and business and to familiarizethe students with mathematical and statistical terms used in MBA courses.

TEAM-BUILDING SESSION The course - due to a range ofelements (integrative games, team progress tracking, analysing teamroles) - prepares the students to work effectively in groups.

The course is divided into three sections, the first one dealing with theanalysis of the firm in the market environment, the second with themacroeconomic environment and the third with the internationalenvironment.Through their involvement in the school, the course teachershave developed their teaching material in the light of Polish experience.

Often referred to as “the language of business“, accounting is aregistration, measurement and communication discipline.The courseconcentrates on two areas of accounting: financial accounting andmanagerial (cost) accounting.

An introduction to financial decision-making. The first part is concernedwith making decisions on what assets to buy, and the second part isconcerned with the ways to pay for the assets. Other subjects includeequity portfolio management, mergers and acquisitions, internationalfinancial management, and institutions.

The course is designed to give an introduction to strategic marketingcovering the identification and definition of the market space in whichcompetition takes place, selection and change of competitive actions overtime, and adjustment of competitive action from segment to segment.Weightwill be given to the evaluation and design of managerial processes inmarketing concerned with diagnosing, planning and implementing changeahead of competition, as well as methods for forecasting patterns ofreaction of the market-place and within the marketing organization.

In the course are presented and discussed models that help in designingformal structures and relevant management systems, as well as help in

choosing the appropriate basis and degree of differentiation and theappropriate mechanism of integration within the corporate culture. Issuessuch as human motivation, individual and group behaviour and negotiationwill also be covered.

Examining strategies through environment and industry analyses, the coursebuilds on the concepts of value chains and business systems and explorespotential generic strategies such as cost leadership and differentiation. At thecorporate level the problems under review are: Does a company have toconcentrate on one industry or manage a portfolio of diverse businesses?Should it operate regionally, nationally or internationally? Does it have todevelop its activities alone or enter a strategic alliance?

The objectives of this course are to enable the student to understand howoperations management contributes to the way a firm competes in themarket place and achieves commercial results. Business operations areunderstood as the levels of activity connecting daily operations to businessinvestments. Topics treated in the course are: production and projectmanagement, logistics, quality assurance and the economics of variety.

The topics covered in this course are: cybernetic view of control systems,management control (from the functional and the value chain perspective),improvement of management control through information systemsexamining corporate and divisional reporting systems, changes in planningand forecasting systems, and the ability to perform ad hoc analysis, as wellas the significance of managerial behaviour in the design of managementcontrol systems.

The subject encompasses the most important, i.e. from the point of view of thefunctioning of a market company, basic legal aspects. Special attention is placedto issues connected with contracts and company law. The specific features ofPolish law and of the law of the European Union are considered as well.

Final projects function as expertise solving a manager’s problems in achosen company. They are conducted in groups of a few people. The choiceof the subject and the company belong to the students. After consultationwith the project mentor, and the drawing-up of the project, it is officiallydefended, which forms an opportunity to present a method of solving theproblem and to discuss that with examination comittee members.



MBA Core programme blocks

Block 0







Block 8


Block 9


Block 5


Block 6



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International learningenvironment

Poland is the ideal situ-

ation for reflecting on emer-

ging management issues. Wi-

thout established "best me-

thods" which have become

tradition to Western business,

and in the midst of switching

from a planned or command

economy to a market driven

environment, Polish busi-

nesses are the new experi-

mental ground for Western

management ideas, practices

and assumptions. Poland has

enough of a Western memory

and aspiration to compre-

hend the marketing ideas,

but enough of a different

starting point to put western theory to a new test.Close links be-

tween LBS and the Warsaw University of Technology Business

School and their International and Executive MBA programmes

make Poland into the ideal opportunity for the one week study

visit which forms part of our EMBA programmes. The basis of

the course is threefold:to contrast two business environments wi-

thin an international setting to learn how to interpret the pro-

spects of a business from a brief half-day or a one-day visit, to

reconsider the business theories as typically taught through We-

stern business schools in an emerging economy with different so-

cial values Eight study visits have been made so far. Each time it

has been essential to gain access to a different set of companies

with which questions and issues can be heard and debated.

Combine the company visits with the extra intelligence available

through mixing with other Polish MBAs and there is a golden op-

portunity for learning.Making a series of study visits to Poland

enables us to watch the development as it happens, to build a

set of relationships with companies and get deeper into resear-

ching the managerial questions. Gradually we are building the

story which journalists cannot obtain and which economic ana-

lysis will not provide. By going to study management and the

managers themselves, and reviewing their methods and as-

sumptions, we are researching a unique dimension of the emer-

ging Polish story. Predictions of the future of Poland and the

shaping of that future will ultimately be based on what the ma-

nagers do, and the perceptions from these study visits may yield

a key learning tool for students, Polish business and the rese-

arch community.

Prof. Alastair Nicholson LBS. One of the most innovativeprofessors with outstanding experience in business, helps us in making the right balance between the academic and practicalaspects of managerial education

Message from Prof. Eric Cornuel

A word from Alastair Nicholson

I am more than happy to see that WUTBS is today

one of the best management schools not only in Po-

land, but also in Central Europe. I think that one of

the essential key factors for success of the school is

the strong cooperation existing between its constitu-

ents: Warsaw University of Technology, HEC Paris,

London Business School and NHH Bergen. Indeed,

their commitment is really an example of a success-

ful collaboration between partners. I am sure that

this close link will last for long, and will become

stronger and stronger.

I started to teach at the origins of WUTBS in 1992.

It was the first cohort of the Master of Science in Bu-

siness (today the International MBA), comprising on-

ly 45 students. I remember their names quite well:

Dominik, Katarzyna, Andrzej, Dominika, amongst

others. I have to say that I keep a personal and

strong feeling about all of them, not only because

they were all good students (although it was someti-

mes difficult to get them back to the classroom at the

end of the break), but also because they taught me a

lot about Poland and human relations. I would like

here to personally thank all of them for the good ti-

mes we had together.

The school has greatly expanded since then, ad-

ding to its portfolio a HEC Master taught in French,

an Executive MBA, and some short seminars focu-

sing on Polish executives' needs. Concurrently, the

premises have been completely refurbished, and the

school is now at international standard. I am extre-

mely confident that the school will continue to flo-

urish, and will be an asset for Poland in its integra-

tion process with the European Union. Once again,

congratulations for all the work done, and good luck

in new initiatives!

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Prof. Blanc Georges, HECDr Bro˝ek JanProf. Brunstad Rolf Jens,NHHProf. Cornuel Eric, EFMDProf. Cousins Laura, LBSProf. Cz∏onkowski AndrzejProf. David -Pauline Jean-Fran˜ois, HECProf. Franck Guillaume,HECProf. Gasparski WojciechDr Go∏´biowska- TatajDariaHerburt-HeybowiczDominikaProf. Hermanowski TomaszProf. Jajuga KrzysztofDr Krawczyk Urszula Dr Kretschmer Tobias, LSEDr Kuszewski KrzysztofProf. Lar˜on Jean-Paul,HEC

Prof. Mazurek AleksanderProf. Micha∏ek JanProf. Michel Daniel, HECDr Miklaszewska EwaProf. Nicholson Alastair,LBS Niewada MaciejDr Orlewska EwaProf. Or∏owski WitoldDr Rudny W∏odzimierzProf. Sanecki MarekDr Szelejewski Wies∏awProf. Szymanski Stefan,Imperial College TanakaBusiness SchoolDr Âredniawa MarekDr Turowski ZbigniewDr Tymowska KatarzynaDr Urbaƒski Pawe∏Woêniak CezaryZduƒczyk Katarzyna

Adamkiewicz MaciejDr Balicki MarekBargie∏ DariuszBlechowski AndrzejDr Blatiak AndrzejDr Bogus∏awski StefanDr Borkowska MagdalenaDr Czech MarcinD´biec AndrzejGlogowski MarcinGrzeszczak AleksanderJamroziƒska-ToczyskaMiros∏awaDr Kalinowski JerzyDr Kamiƒski Micha∏Dr Kamiƒski ZygmuntKlepczarek PiotrDr Kondracki MarekKosiaty Jaros∏awDr Kotula ZbigniewKubicka-Daab JustynaKucharski ArturKuczkiewicz MikDr Kula PiotrLatawiec PiotrDr Lis JoannaLudwikowska Maja

Negri LuigiNiesyto JanuszNiewójt ZbigniewNowacka JoannaOkulicz- Kozaryn AnnaOlbrycht JacekOr∏owski TomaszDr Pachocki TomaszPatterson RobertPieróg JerzyPommersbach JoannaRutkowska EwaSopoliƒska EwaStanoch EdwardDr Stefaƒski Rafa∏Strug AndrzejSzafraƒska-BlankKatarzynaSzczypior AndrzejWi´ckowski Zdzis∏awWilks ColinWiÊniewska-Craven-GreenIzabelaDr Zieliƒski WaldemarZió∏kowskiTomaszZygad∏o Ewa



Outstanding Contributorsat Warsaw University of Technology Business School

Our Professors

Prof. Alastair NicholsonLondon Business School

Prof. Rolf BrunstadNorwegian School of Economics

and Business Administration

Business Circle LecturersLecturers

Certain professors have

contributed not only to the

School’s pool of knowledge,

but also ensured its

successful developement.

We are proud to recognise

these unusual individuals.

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Leszek Jasiƒski

Tomasz Hermanowski

Roman Morawski

Witold Or∏owski

Krzysztof Santarek

Zbigniew Turowski


Alastair Nicholson

Peter Reid


Antoine Hyafil

Jean-Paul Lar˜on

Henri-Louis Vedie


Roger Bivand

Rolf Brunstad

Gunnar E.Christensen

Stefan Szymanski


Eric Cornuel

WUT Business School is quite unique in Europe in the sense that its

international orientation goes back to its very early days, in 1991,

when it was created by Warsaw University of Technology along with

HEC Paris (France), LBS (UK) and NHH (Norway). From the

beginning these four academic institutions have forged an alliance for

academic excellence; ultimately the ambition of the School is to

contribute to the competitivenessof companies operating on the Polish

market, and to the success of their internationalization process in the

hyper-competitive European environment. Thus, a key role of the

Council is to make sure that the quality of the student body, the

quality of the faculty, and the quality of the curriculum are on a par

with international best practice in terms of management education.

Competition in management education is very severe at the European

and global levels, and takes many forms, ranging from investment for

research, academic material, and faculty development, to marketing

and development of a large portfolio of teaching programmes. Amid

this battle, WUT Business School is focusing on the Master and MBA

segment, and is building its long term competitive advantage on a few

very distinctive traits, such as: • the international reputation and

status of the faculty, • the integration of Technology, especially

Information Technology, in the curriculum, based on WUT excellence

in this area, • a strong relationship with the business community at

all levels: academic objectives and means, career planning and

market orientation. The Council is proud of the achievement career of

the School over the past thirteen years and is strongly committed to a

new era of competitive growth.

Jean-Paul Lar˜on – HEC

Prof. Jean-Paul Lar˜onHEC School

of Management Paris

School’s Council members:

A message fromthe Chairman

Students representing all programmes are also nominated every year.

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Professor Georges Blanc (HEC)I have always enjoyed teaching atWUT Business School, mainly fortwo reasons: First, the managementof the School is extremely open toinnovations. For instance, I was ableto drive a case study on a multinatio-nal firm with my WUT MBA groupin connection, through video-conference techno-logy, with a colleague teaching at HEC in Paristo his own MBA group, and with the active parti-cipation of high executives from the headquar-ters of the company in Paris, and of the executi-ves in charge of the Polish subsidiary in myclassroom in Warsaw. Second, the quality of theparticipants is always at world standards, and Iget a quality in the debates which is very similarto what I am used to in my classes of „Manage-ment of Change” in the TRIUM Global MBAwhere I am Academic Director and Professor.Prof. Georges Blanc Academic Director of TRIUM Global MBA– programme in partnership of New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, London School of Economics andPolitical Science and HEC School of Management Paris. Profes-sor of Strategic Management HEC School of Management, Paris

Professor Rolf Brunstad (NHH)Well, I was involved in the creationof the School nearly from the startin 1991, so it was only natural that Itook my share of teaching when thefirst class was admitted in the fallof 1992. The real question is therefo-re: why haven’t I stopped? The re-ason is of course the thrill of watching closelythe re-entrance of Poland into the sphere of de-veloped market economies. As an economist,this is about as close as you can get to watchinga live experiment. In addition we have all alongbeen able to attract students of very high qualitywhom it has been very rewarding to teach. Aslong as this continues, it is a pleasure to remainon the teaching team.Prof. Rolf BrunstadProfessor of Economics Norwegian School of Economics andBusiness Administration, Bergen

Professor Daniel Michel (HEC)We all know that it will not be easyto accomplish the development ofthis „enlarged Europe”. Obviously,one of the key issues for a positivefuture for European people is edu-cation. As far as management skillsare concerned, I still think that Eu-

rope should build its own but open managementculture. As a European teacher, I feel a duty tohelp in this construction which means the bestbalance between worldwide management con-cepts and those which are definitely linked toour original way of living. The WUT BusinessSchool is definitely a place where this is feasi-ble due to the high quality of the students, in-ternationally open, the collaborative manage-ment of the school, a European consortium ofteachers. This gives to this school the characte-ristics of a European Business School located ina country with a key geographical and economicposition in Central Europe.Prof. Daniel Michel Professor of Management Control and Information Systems HEC School of Management Paris. The father of the famous OVAR method.

Robert PattersonWhy do I like teaching at WUT BS?The Executive MBAs are both achallenge and a pleasure to workwith. They bring lots of their ownknowledge from their workplaces tothe classroom. This stimulates ideasand practical thinking. Whateversubject we’re studying, we try to relate it to thePolish Reality of this country’s dynamic emer-ging market economy. Most of all, we try to ge-nerate what I call the „Ah-hah! Factor” (i. e. asense of revelation from discovering new, freshideas). These business students are Poland’s fu-ture and I want to be part of contributing to theshape of things to come.Robert Patterson EMBA Instructor in Business Economics, Accounting and Banking. Canadian chartered accountant andcommercial banker. He has published three books on banking,accounting and finance.

Professor Stefan Szymanski (IC)I became involved with the creationof the Business School originally forsentimental reasons- to learn a bitmore about my father’s country- buthaving taught at WUTBS for fourteenyears it has come to mean much mo-re to me than that. Poland’s businesscommunity is one of the most vibrant in Europeand the opportunities to learn and study aboutbusiness are enormous- for the lecturers as wellas the students. Every year I look forward to thetime when I come to teach in Warsaw. Prof. Stefan Szymanski FT MBA Programme Director TanakaBusiness School Imperial College London South KensingtonCampus



Why do I teach at WUT Business School?

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Why study at the WUT Business School?

Jerome P. Touiller, IMBA 2004If my MBA degree was not the single prerequisite toboost my career path, it was clearly the best appro-priate experience to transform my hidden potentialsin new skills: soft and hard. Actually, the manage-ment disciplines look wide and complex once onedecides to investigate the “state of the art” and ma-ster it perfectly. That is why, after 8 years of profes-sional commitment, I felt the need to re-visit the key concepts, restruc-ture and refresh my knowledge. Politechnika Warszawska is proposingquite a unique MBA program, involving renowned Professors from thebest Schools of Management in Europe, including HEC and LBS. ThisMBA is, therefore, probably delivering the “best value for money” in Eu-rope. Thus, the continuous loading of individual and collective assign-ments, based on Case Studies - Harvard, HEC, INSEAD, LBS – as a pe-dagogic key principle, simulate top management trouble shooting, bra-instorming, complex decision-making processes and frequent publicpresentations, where the numerous Professors and students’ nationa-lities involved, provide real international environment conditions inclu-ding intercultural issues. Also, from the perspective of new businessopportunities and room for social and economics development, Cen-tral Europe is without doubt the right place to be nowadays - after Chi-na! That is another good reason to invest one full-time year in this MBA,an investment for life.

Janusz Dziurzyƒski, IMBA 1995In 1994, I graduated from the Warsaw University ofTechnology. I felt a strong deficiency of knowledgein the field of Economy, Finance and Marketing, so Idecided on one more year of intensive education atWUT Business School. Here I discovered new bran-ches of knowledge that so far had been completelybeyond the main current of my studies and as a re-sult poorly known to me. In the first half of the year I was simultane-ously completing the MBA course and working part-time at Proc-ter&Gamble, where from the first day of work I was fully responsiblefor my own project in the IT department. Successive projects dealt withproduction systems and Customer Service. Afterwards there was co--operation with the Sales Department… But the most interesting thingwas almost one year I was working at the Marketing Department, asthe only “unexplored territory” so far. It was a year totally outside IT butI came back... and after a year I become the IT Manager for Poland andBaltic Countries. Now I am Fabric & Home Care Commercial SystemsManager for Western Europe in Procter&Gamble Headquarters in Ge-neva, Switzerland. I have a wonderful family, a beloved wife and fourchildren... what more can I desire?

Dominika Herburt-Heybowicz, IMBA 1993I was one of the first MBA graduates in 1993. Sincethen, my career has included corporate banking forCitibank, systems integration for an American com-pany, Andersen Consulting (today Accenture) aswell as corporate finance for BNP Paribas, theFrench investment bank, in London. I am presently

working for TP, a Polish telecom operator, as an Advisor to the GroupCFO on corporate finance and strategic issues. Since graduating, Ihave kept close links with the School’s alumni networks and have as-sisted in recruitment. In 1997, I was honoured to be invited to join theStrategy and International Management group as a lecturer. Althoughvery demanding professional work and challenging lecturer activity atthe School, the chance to combine academia with my professionalcareer is proving most worthwhile.

Jan Karasek, EMBA 1998I believe that my degree from Warsaw University ofTechnology and MBA studies has had a significantimpact on my flexibility in professional life. It is espe-cially important for the Telecom/IT sector, where ma-nagers face significant dynamics of changes in tech-nology. The Executive MBA allowed me to gain know-ledge from international tutors as well as from stu-dents who were experts in their domains.I was simultaneously completing the MBA and working as a busi-ness consultant in Price Waterhouse. This combination of theoreti-cal knowledge and professional skills was very valuable. All thoseexperiences convinced me to taking new challenges, and to mana-ge my own future. I have fully utilised the competences gained du-ring the MBA studies, acting as Strategy Director of Optimus Gro-up. I have participated there in the development of modern businessareas (, as well as in preparation of completely new onestogether with international partners. The Business Development Di-rector position in Xtrade S.A. has been especially satisfactory, be-cause I had a possibility to implement the business plan I had ela-borated.Currently I am in charge of the Strategy Department in theEnterprise Division of one of the largest Polish companies– Teleko-munikacja Polska SA. Working for the market leader, together withmy MBA colleagues, my role is to efficiently foresee the strategy ofnew market players.

Tomasz Kluczyƒski, Programme in Pharmacoeconomics 2003Being a healthcare practitioner anda representative of Pharmaceutical ManufacturingCooperative “Galena” situated in Wroc∏aw, responsi-ble for supervision and safe use of pharmaceuticalsproduced by my company, I needed to build up myknowledge about the pharmaceutical economy to know how toascertain the reasonableness of the applied treatments in economicand social terms. Moreover, I wanted to gain marketing awarenessand learn about methods of advertising and rules of pharmaceuticalmarket, and to become familiar with pharmaceutical legislation to beable to perform successfully in the position of a pharmaceutical sa-fety supervisor.The post-graduate Pharmaco-Economics, Marketingand Pharmaceutical Legislation Programme at WUT Business Scho-ol allowed me to attain necessary expertise and skills at one placeand one time. The result is that I am confident in my work. I truly re-commend this programme to all people professionally associatedwith the pharmaceutical market.

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WUTBS Graduates

receive the diploma

of Master of Business


and the diploma

of Postgraduate

Studies awarded

by Warsaw University

of Technology. Since

2006 Graduates also

receive a Certificate

of Graduation signed

by the Rectors/Deans

of the four Partner


The MBA diploma

From lef to right: Marek Go∏´biewski, Dr Zbigniew Turowski, Prof. Jean-PaulLar˜on, Prof. Lech Czarnecki, Prof. Witold Or∏owski, Prof. Alastair Nicholson

MBA - International (or Executive) Master of Business Administration programme establishedby Warsaw University of Technology, HEC School of Management Paris, London BusinessSchool and the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.The quality of the degree and its international standing are assured through the participationof these Universities.

Diploma and Certificate

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WUTBS Students and Alumni have thepossibility to network through:SAAMBA - WUTBS Students andAlumni Association. This dynamicorganization is the firstassociation of MBA graduatesestablished in Poland and it ispresently the biggest associationof this type. Foundation Diadem (former Women MBANetworking) which isactive in organizingevents and training.



Citibank HandlowyMicha∏ Koz∏owski IMBA 1994/1995 MISManagement Information System Control-ler "Creativity, problem approach & solving– these are qualities required by the em-ployers. By studying in WUT BusinessSchool, I learnt creative thinking and pro-blem approach & solving during case stu-dies. Everyday I encounter tasks that requ-ire resourcefulness and quick thinking in ti-me-pressure conditions. To manage, I ha-ve to adopt a proper approach to the pro-

blem and put forward a solution. BusinessEnglish used in the Business School pro-ved very helpful at work in daily communi-cation with foreign persons. Alicja Su∏ek EMBA 1999-2001 Public Re-lations Manager" MBA means above allcontacts with people working in the bestcompanies in the country. In my case (I have a humanistic background), the stu-dies allowed me to gain comprehensivetechnical knowledge, which I could use tobuild a successful career in my bank."

IBMThere are many graduates of Warsaw Uni-versity of Technology Business Schoolamong the employees of IBM Poland.Knowledge acquired in the course of studiespays in everyday activities and contactswith clients. In addition, numerous businesssimulations allow better understanding ofbusiness rules and constitute an excellenttest of practical skills. Jacek Sad∏owski EMBA 1996-1998 ITSPricing & Project Controlling "My professio-nal career is mostly related to business ope-

rations. Thus my outstanding motto is 'clas-sics' by R. S. Kaplan & D. P. Norton : "Whatyou measure is what you get". Thinking ofthe MBA programe, I could draw a parallelstatement: " What you understand is whatyou can get experience on”. And those stu-dies the prime advantage is just providing abroad understanding of business." Leszek Wolski IMBA 2000/2001 IGS Finan-ce & Planning"Knowledge and experiencegained during MBA study allows a smooth-ly changing career path, in my case fromengineering to finance."

Our students and graduates

From left: Pawe∏ Filipowicz, Jacek Sad∏owski, Usamah Afifi,Leszek Wolski, Grzegorz Che∏micki, Miko∏aj ¸àczyƒski

From left: Beata Pajestka, Dorota Bartczak, Zbigniew Ratyƒski,Tomasz Cza∏bowski, Tomasz Miko∏ajuk, Marcin Szindler, AlicjaSu∏ek, Micha∏ Koz∏owski, El˝bieta Iwonin, Andrzej Szymaƒski

The graduates of WUT BS choose different paths of care-er. According to our statistics:- about 25 % are managingdirectors- 50% are middle level managers- 19% chooseto be specialists or experts- 6% are freelancers. As far asbranches are concerned most of our MBA graduates de-cide on careers in consulting and auditing companies(16%), and in banking and finance (14%.) There are com-panies which lead in the number of our graduates em-ployed. The absolute leader is Citibank Handlowy, em-ploying 19. Right behind are IBM, Telekomunikacja Pol-ska SA as well as Deloitte&Touche.

From left: Bogdan Jaworowski, Witold Sroga, Dominika Herburt-Heybowicz,Katarzyna Jancelewicz, Jan Karasek, Przemys∏aw Zubik

Katarzyna Jancelewicz IMBA 1997/1998Director of Recruitment Department "Whilethe telecommunications market undergoesfast changes, rapid development of moderntechnologies requires more and more skillsfrom us. MBA has given me a broader viewon business management and cooperationwith internal clients, especially within thearea of HR. Harmonious collaboration withother departments across the organization

translates into concrete financial results forthe entire company."Przemys∏aw Zubik IM-BA 1997/1998 Director of Value Added Se-rvices Department"In the Business School,I had the opportunity to solve Business Ca-se Studies in theory. This experience helpedme better understand the processes, whichtake place in my company at present. Now– being a participant in project works at TP– I can apply this knowledge in practice."

Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.

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EventsFriday@Five are one-hour meetings of present

and former students of WUT Business School withinteresting people in the business sector.Friday@Five meetings aim to present interestingcases from the vast business experience of ourguests. The meetings are held at WUT BusinessSchool on Fridays at 5:00 pm.So far, we have hostedat Friday@Five: Henryka Bochniarz, HannaGronkiewicz-Waltz, Danuta Hübner, DanutaPiontek, Peter Driscoll, Bruno Duthoit, MarekGoliszewski, Aleksander Gudzowaty, Jan Kluk, PaulKnotter , Marek Król, S∏awomir Lachowski,Krzysztof A. Lis, Jan Maciejewicz, Paul Meyers,Jeremi Mordasewicz, Zbigniew Niemczycki,Andrzej Olechowski, Stanis∏aw Pacuk, Jaros∏awPietras, John Quelch, John Quinn, Roman Rojek,Prof. Dariusz Rosati, Wies∏aw Roz∏ucki, ChristopherJames Shaw, Tomasz Sielicki, S∏awomir Sikora,Jacek Socha, Adam Sopoçko, Jean-Marc Vignolles,Colin N.J. Wilks, Zdzis∏aw Wrzesiƒski.

Visits of MBA students to our PartnerSchools are regular initiatives. Forinstance, an International Seminar “NewPoland-New Europe” at HEC School ofManagement Paris took place on July2004. WUT BS MBA students - asambassadors of the New Polish BusinessCommunity within the enlarged EU- visitedleading French automotive companies:Peugeot-Citroen, Renault, Valeo, Faurecia.

For over two years now, the Stock Exchange daily PARKIET has be-en organizing an Internet Stock Exchange Game for Students withthe aim of increasing knowledge about the stock exchange and pro-moting investments in shares and other securities among students.Statistics prove there is huge interest among young people in thisform of education. So far, there have been four editions of the game.The first attracted over 2000 people. The number of contestants isgrowing with each edition and reached 3074 students from over200 universities last time. The tremendous success of the game wo-uld have been impossible if not for the WUT Business School. Fromthe very start, the Business School awards the best contestants, be-ing the founder of the winner’s award, i.e. the opportunity to studyInternational MBA. Lidia Zakrzewska, Parkiet Editor-in-Chief

The 2004 Nobel Prize in economics hasbeen awarded to Mr. Finn Kydland,professor of Tepper School of BusinessAdministration and also professor and1968 alumnus of our partner school,Norwegian School of Economics andBusiness Administration. Prof. Kydlandwas recognized for his achievements andcontributions to macroeconomics. TheRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences inStockholm congratulated Kydland andPrescott for “their contributions todynamic macroeconomics: the timeconsistency of economic policy and thedriving forces behind business cycles.”

Marek GoliszewskiHenryka Bochniarz Aleksander Gudzowaty Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz

Marek KrólDanuta Hübner Jeremi Mordasewicz Zbigniew Niemczycki

Danuta PiontekAndrzej Olechowski Wies∏aw Roz∏ucki Jacek Socha

WUT Business School awards winnersVisits to Partner Schools

Nobel Prize for Professor of our Partner School NHH

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Norges Handelshoyskole - NHH

Founded in 1936, NHH is Norway’s largest and most prestigious centre for research andeducation in management and business administration, and is the only institution in Norwayoffering a full range of programmes from basic introductory courses to doctorate level inbusiness administration, management and economics. Located in Bergen on the west coastof Norway, it has approximately 2500 full time students, 116 full time professors, 90 researchassistants, and 20 adjunct professors. NHH co-operates with other leading Europeaninstitutions in the Community of European Management Schools CEMS. In addition to itsengagement in WUT BS NHH is involved in the development of management education inVilnius and Sant Petersburg.

Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology - here 19th century tradition encounters the visions of thefuture information era. Here 30000 students meet 2500 academics to learn from them not onlytechnological creativity but also universal human values. Their career choices vary fromarchitecture to business and management, from mathematics and computer science tobiotechnology and environmental engineering, from applied chemistry to geodesy andtransport; but their life goals are common: to meet the challenge of a changing world. Due tothe huge investment and restructuring efforts accomplished during the last decade, WarsawUniwersity of Technology is today able to offer not only a rich spectrum of standard ways toengineering careers, but also - for the most talented youth - individual path of accelerateddevelopment enabling, graduates to reach the most prominent positions in science,technology and management.

London Business School - LBS

One of World’s leading business schools (Number one in Europe in the Financial Times’ranking). LBS faculty and students are recruited from all over the world. The School offers afull range of postgraduate and executive training programmes. It has established aninternational research reputation in areas such as finance, strategy, economics and operationsresearch. The School has a number of research centres including the CISME Centre whichworks in Eastern Europe and the CIS. As well as participating in the WUTBS, it has beeninvolved in the development of management education in Hungary, the Czech Republic,Russia, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. It has organized research programmes for, among others,the World Bank, the European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment.

Hautes Etudes Commerciales - HEC Paris

Created in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, HEC has a reputation forexcellence in management education and research, and is undeniably recognized as theleading French “Grande Ecole“ in the field of higher education in management. Located inpleasant surroundings in Jouy-en-Josas just outside Paris, it has 1300 students, 100 full-timeprofessors and more than 450 adjunct faculty members comprising both practising businessprofessionals and professors. HEC co-operates with other leading European institutions in theCommunity of European Management Schools CEMS, and also has affiliates in severalcountries in Eastern and Central Europe, South East Asia, Africa and the Americas.


Our partners

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