britt kenley - [guardians of the gray tower 6] - guardian's king

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  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 6] - Guardian's King


  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 6] - Guardian's King


    Guardians of the Gray Tower 6 

    Guardian’s King 

    As ruler of Emryn, Kelan Rei has sacrificed much in the name ofduty. He even gave up a life with the man he loved in order toprovide the kingdom with an heir. Now his queen is dead, and he

    has the chance to finally be with the one man he has never

    forgotten, his wife’s brother, Teris Bas Rillian. 

    Teris loved his sister and would never have done anything to hurt

    her, but now she is gone, and he begins to hope that his dream tobe with Kelan might have a chance to come true. Kelan has moreto worry about than his relationship with Teris. Tiring of theAngkeshi problem, he has decided that a face-to-face meetingwith their queen is needed. Is Queen Kalandra behind all the

    recent troubles in Emryn, or was it someone else? Kelan and Terismust discover the truth, but at what cost?

    Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Historical

    Length: 25,972 words 

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    Guardians of the Gray Tower 6

    Britt Kenley



    Siren Publishing, Inc.

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    GUARDIAN’S KING Copyright © 2012 by Britt KenleyE-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-250-1

    First E-book Publication: September 2012

    Cover design by Harris Channing 

    All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, withoutexpress written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblanceto actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    PUBLISHERSiren Publishing,

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    Letter to Readers 

    Dear Readers,

    If you have purchased this copy of Guardian’s King  by Britt Kenleyfrom or its official distributors, thank you. Also,thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

    Regarding E-book Piracy 

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    This is Britt Kenley’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respectMs. Kenley’s right to earn a living from her work. 

    Amanda Hilton,

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    Guardians of the Gray Tower 6

    BRITT KENLEYCopyright © 2012


     In a medieval world very similar to our own lies the rich and

     prosperous kingdom of Emryn. Emryn is located in the FarNorth and

    is ruled by King Kelan the Wise. Enemies of the kingdom are many,

    but most threatening is the neighboring country of Angkesh, whose

    queen will stop at nothing to wrest control of Emryn for herself. The

    king and the rest of the royal family are guarded by an elite group of

     soldiers known as the Guardians of the Gray Tower. Called simplythe Gray by the citizens of Emryn, it is their sworn duty to protect

    with their last breath the kingdom of Emryn and its royal family.

    Their strength is unyielding. Their loyalty is unquestioning. Their

    dedication unswerving.

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    Guardian’s King   9 

    Teris Bas Rillian was Lyra’s older brother, and the man that Kelanhad fallen in love with the first time he’d laid eyes on him.

    Unfortunately, that had also been the day he’d become formally

     betrothed to Teris’s sister. Had there ever been a more ironic or

     pathetic fate? Not that that had really been a consideration. A king

    had to produce heirs, and that couldn’t be done if he was bonded to

    another male.

    He managed a slight smile at Teris’s question before turning his

    gaze back to the snow-covered city that lay stretched out beneath him.

    “Yes. I’m fine.” He heard Teris’s footsteps growing closer. The man

    came to a halt beside him, and Kelan could feel Teris’s eyes on him.

    He knew Teris was studying him to see how he was holding up under

    all of the strain. He ignored the look, as he had been doing for the past

    several days. It seemed as if someone was always hovering nearby,

    watching to see if their king would collapse beneath the blows that

     just kept raining down on his head. But Kelan Rei had the blood of

    warrior kings in his veins. He would not bend, and he would not

     break. But he would mourn. Goddess, yes, he would mourn for so

    many things he’d lost, not least being his trust in the  basic goodness

    of his fellow man.“I know how much it disturbed you to discover that Fenworth

     betrayed you,” Teris said softly.

    Kelan let out a short laugh, but there was no humor in the sound.

    “Yes, well, I’ve learned to deal with these disturbances. They seem to

     be happening with stunning regularity these days.” 

    “You’ve lost your wife, the mother of your son, and been betrayed

     by a family member . It’s okay that it has affected you. It’s okay to be

    angry. It’s more than okay to be sad.” 

    “I’m fine.” 

    “You know you don’t have to pretend with me, Kelan. I know

    you. This wasn’t just some soldier or servant. It was your cousin. It’s

    right and normal that you should be hurt by what he did. You’ve

    known him since you were children, played with him, had lessons

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    Kelan saw understanding light Teris’s features. He met Kelan’sgaze with a look of outrage. “I would never do anything that would

     jeopardize you or the kingdom of Emryn.  Nothing ,” he repeated, his

    chin tilting up at a proud angle.

    “You don’t have to do anything, Teris,” Kelan told him grimly.

    “All you have to do is exist.” 

    Teris took a step forward, his eyes pleading. “Would it be so

    terrible a thing, Kelan? For us to be together?”

    Kelan had to clench his fists against the urge to reach out and

    soothe Teris’s obvious distress. “Yes.” Giving in to his feelings for

    Teris was something he feared might fracture the kingdom, make

    them question his judgment as king. It would be bad enough should

    Kelan take a lover so soon after his wife’s death, but for that person to

     be her brother? He could just imagine the reaction of the Royal

    Council to that news. The questions and the probing into his personal

    life would be unbearable and could possibly distract them from the

    threat that Emryn was now facing from Queen Kalandra. “It’s

    impossible, Teris.” 

    “I loved my sister, Kelan. I would have never done anything that

    would cause her the slightest pain or confusion. I’m not ashamed ofmy feelings for you, though I can understand how it might look to

    others. But I want to be with you, to hold you. No one would have to

    know. We could keep things private, just between us, at least for

    now.” The other man was gazing at him, the longing openly there for

    anyone to see.

    “Don’t do this to me, Teris. Please. Not now. I don’t think I have

    the strength to resist you, even though I know it’s what I should do. If

    you press me now, I’ll let you have your way because it’s what I want

    as well. But I fear that we would regret it. You and I both know that

    nothing is secret in the palace. Someone would know. We would

     betray ourselves in some way, and the secret would be no secret at all.

    Then what?” 

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    * * * *

    The question hung in the air between the two men. Teris had no

    answer. He wanted to pound his fists on the wall and scream out his

    sorrow and his frustration. Bad enough that he’d had to watch for

    years as the man he loved built a life with Teris’s own sister  and had a

    child with her. Oh, he’d known from the beginning how it would be.

    They had never had a chance, he and Kelan. Fate had worked against

    them then, and now Lyra was dead. Fate was a cruel master.

    He could still remember the day he had first met Kelan Rei. It had

     been an unseasonably warm day, and he had ridden out to meet the

    royal entourage when they had been spotted by the guards that had

     been posted as lookouts. Having never before met the crown prince,

    he’d been eager to see the man his younger sister was going to marry.

    The family had been all ablaze at the news of the coming betrothal.

    He’d been flummoxed by the idea that his sister would one day be

    queen of Emryn. It had boggled his mind. It had seemed to Teris that

    Lyra was only just out of toddling clothes, and here she was, soon to

     be a wife.

    It was a bit unusual that he’d never met the prince before, but hetended to avoid trips to the capital whenever possible. Teris loved his

    home province. He was a studious young man who had no use at all

    for the gallivanting and partying that went on in the city and much

     preferred the quiet, rural life he had at Hawksworth. He was a

    conscientious landowner, having learned much about his

    responsibilities from his father. Eron Bas Rillian was getting older, so

    he had turned much of the running of the estates over to his only son.

    Between his obligations to Hawksworth and his studies of everything

    from animal husbandry to the occult, his fascinating hobby, Teris had

    little time or desire for what he considered the frivolity of court.

    The last time he’d been at court had been for his official

    introduction to the king, six years previously. He’d been only

    eighteen and more annoyed than anything else at having to take time

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    from his studies. Still, he always did his duty. He’d endured the wholething with stoicism and a wry sense of humor at the ridiculous pomp

    and circumstance. The crown prince, Kelan, at only twelve years old,

    had not made an appearance. He’d been relieved when the whole

    ordeal had ended, and they’d been able to return to Hawksworth.

    He’d spotted the line of riders along with the accompanying

    wagons, an inordinately large number it had seemed to Teris. When

    he’d ridden closer, he’d seen a young man astride a glorious pure

    white stallion. His heart had stuttered in his chest. The young man

    was stunningly beautiful, and Teris had known at that moment that he

    had just seen the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It all

    seemed so foolish now, but he had never doubted it for a second. His

    gaze had taken in every detail of that slender young figure seated so

    confidently astride his horse. He’d had short, curly brown hair and a

    strong-jawed face that had seemed sculpted by a master hand. He’d

    ridden forward, eager to meet this beautiful young man.

    “Hello,” he’d called as he’d gotten closer. “Welcome to

    Hawksworth.” He’d spoken to the older man riding out front, but his

    eyes had never left the young man’s face. 

    He’d pulled up next to the two riders, who halted as he reachedthem.

    “Thank you, young man. And whom do I have the pleasure of

    addressing?” The older man smiled warmly. 

    “I’m Teris Bas Rillian, son of the duke. I’m glad to see that you

    made it safely here without mishap. We’ve been expecting you for the

     past two days.” 

    “Yes, I’m afraid we had some trouble with one of the wagons and

    had to stop to get it repaired. It delayed us a bit.” The man paused.

    “I’m Alton Crane, Baron Ellimore.” 

    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my lord.” 

    “And of course, this is Prince Kelan.” 

    The young man’s light brown eyes met his, and Kelan had smiled

    at him, and Teris’s  heart had nearly stopped at the shock. It wasn’t

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     possible. This couldn’t been the prince, his sister’s soon-to-be- betrothed. But it had been. Teris still didn’t know how he’d managed

    to get through the next few minutes of that meeting. Over the course

    of the several days that followed, he’d fallen deeper and deeper in

    love with Kelan. The worst thing was, he had suspected that Kelan

    felt the same, but neither of them could do a single thing about it.

     Now, looking at the man he’d loved for so long, he knew that he

    could not live the way he’d lived for the past ten years, keeping his

    distance, hiding his feelings. He’d lost almost everyone he loved. Not

    long after his sister’s wedding, his father had taken a bad fall down a

    flight of stairs and had died shortly after that. His mother had died

    when he was a babe, and now his sister had been killed. All he had

    left, all he cared about, was Kelan and his nephew, Aric.

    “I don’t believe that it would be as bad as you think, Kelan. The

     people of Emryn love you. They would want for you to be happy.” 

    Kelan smiled, but shook his head. “They loved Lyra as well.” 

    “So did I,” Teris reminded the king. “But I know that she would

    want you to find happiness. She would want us to comfort one

    another in the face of this tragedy.” 

    “Teris, you know that my feelings for you are strong, and it would be easy —” 

    “Easy?” Teris burst out. “Nothing in this whole mess has been

    easy. But I love you, and you love me.” There. He’d said it, finally.

    For the first time, he uttered the words that he’d been keeping bottled

    up like a shameful secret for ten long years.

    Kelan was shaking his head. “No, Teris. I can’t—” 

    Teris couldn’t take it. When Kelan tried to deny his feelings, it

    was the last straw. He sprang forward and gripped Kelan’s shoulders,

     pulling him against him and sealing that lying mouth with his own.

    For a moment Kelan was completely still, as though he couldn’t

     believe what was happening. Teris took advantage of Kelan’s obvious

    shock to deepen the kiss. Forcefully he parted Kelan’s lips with his

    tongue, sending it deep into the warm recesses of Kelan’s mouth. 

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    He gave Kelan no opportunity to resist. Taking the kiss evendeeper, he plunged his fingers into Kelan’s hair, holding him tight and

    sealing their mouths together with heart-stopping need. His other

    hand pulled Kelan closer, his arm an unmovable band across the other

    man’s back . He felt it the moment Kelan relaxed into the kiss. Kelan’s

    tongue began to move against Teris’s, and his hands, which had come

    up to grip Teris’s shoulders, relaxed and slid up to curve around his


    Teris forced his own hands to loosen their grip as he became

    aware that Kelan was not struggling to get away, that he was, in fact,

     pulling Teris even closer. He released his hold on Kelan’s hair and let

    his hand trail down to cup over the other man’s neck, stroking his

    thumb gently across the pulse that was pounding out a hard rhythm

    against the sensitive skin.

    Teris couldn’t believe it was finally happening. For so long he’d

    dreamed of the moment when they would exchange their first kiss. He

    had longed for it as a freezing man longs for fire, though he’d thought

    it would never happen. It was even better than he’d imagined. Kelan’s

    mouth was sweet and spicy, his lips soft pillows that tempted Teris to

    do more, take more. He could feel his cock hardening and pressed itcloser against Kelan, rubbing against him with unhidden need. Kelan

    responded with a faint moan that Teris caught in his own mouth.

    His hand moved lower, pushing aside the neckline of Kelan’s

    tunic to tunnel underneath and claim the warm flesh hidden there. He

    rubbed a puckered nipple, drawing another moan from Kelan. He

    released Kelan’s mouth, his lips trailing down to place burning kisses

    across the other man’s face and neck. He bit down lightly on the skin

    at the base of Kelan’s neck  before sucking it into his mouth, needing

    to leave his mark on Kelan’s body.

    Kelan groaned. “Teris. Goddess, Teris, I want you so much.” 

    Teris moved back up to capture Kelan’s lips again. This kiss was

    long and hot, their need for one another undeniable. Teris raised his

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    head, his mouth hovering over Kelan’s. “Come with me to my rooms,  Kelan. I want to make love to you.” 

    At Teris’s whisper, Kelan froze. Then he tore himself out of

    Teris’s arms, moving to put a nearby table  between them. Teris’s

    hands clenched at his sides at the sudden loss of Kelan’s body.

    “ No,” Kelan barked out the word, his breath coming in harsh

    gasps. “We can’t do this, Teris. Never touch me again.” 

    Teris, his own breathing ragged, jerked back at the blow those

    words delivered. He didn’t say anything else. With a frigid glare at

    Kelan, he turned and quickly left the room, slamming the door behind


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    Chapter Two

    The next morning, Kelan met with the Royal Council of Emryn.

    Composed of his most trusted advisers, the council was designed to

    assist Kelan in making decisions on policies of state that would have

    significant impact on the country. Kelan had called the council

    meeting to discuss the situation with Queen Kalandra of Angkesh. He

    had hardly slept at all the night before, his mind full of the memories

    of what had happened between himself and Teris. It had been hard, so

    hard, to tear himself out of that embrace and to reject the man he had

    loved for so long. He knew he had hurt Teris, and it had killed him to

    do it. But he couldn’t allow his personal problems to prevent him

    from seeing to the security of his country. That must take top priority.

    Something had to be done about Kalandra, and soon.

    He sat at the head of a long table and looked down at the rows ofmen seated there. These were the men he trusted more than any

    others. He knew that they would do whatever was necessary to keep

    Emryn, and himself, safe, even if it cost them their lives.

    There was Rom, seated at his right hand, with his strong sense of

    right and wrong. He knew his duty and would see it done no matter

    the price he had to pay. And beside him sat Brax, whose easygoing,

    lighthearted manner on the surface hid a relentless and deadly fighter

    underneath. Next, lounging back in his seat in a loose sprawl, was

    Pike, the partier. He could spend all night drinking and chasing a

     bedmate and in the morning plan a cunning raid on the enemy that

    would leave them baffled and broken. After Pike was Sayer, who was

    known to be one of the quietest and most introverted of the

    Guardians, but he noticed everything. When he finally did speak, one

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    was wise to listen. Commander Lorn sat at the opposite end of thetable flanked by his aides. Lorn was a lean-faced man with iron-gray

    hair. He had ice-blue eyes that could cut through a man and size him

    up from one heartbeat to the next, and what he didn’t know about 

    military strategy hadn’t been thought of yet. His two aides were cut

    from the same mold, broad-shoulder warriors with stern faces and

    deadly eyes. To Kelan’s left was Lord Javan of Westmarch,

    spymaster and bondmate of Rom. Next to Javan sat Lords Edgely and

    Rossdale, both good men with years of wisdom and experience in

    matters of diplomacy. Finally, there was Sir Wilsin Dervis, his private

    secretary, an expert on matters of constitutionality and politics. He

    always knew what Kelan could legally do as king and how the king’s

    decisions would affect the country at large.

    A good group, Kelan thought to himself. They were strong and

    smart, loyal and dedicated. As he studied each face, he wondered how

    they were going to react to what he was about to tell them.

    “Gentlemen.” Kelan leaned forward and all conversation stopped.

    “I believe that it is time we did something about this situation with

    Kalandra. For too long now we have played a defensive game, and it

    has not worked in our favor. We need to become more proactive.” “I agree, sire,” Rom spoke. “We’re spending our time chasing

    after her pawns rather than eliminating the problem, Kalandra

    herself .” 

    “Exactly.” Kelan nodded in agreement.

    “What are you proposing? That we send someone into Angkesh to

    assassinate her?” Pike asked. 

    “Not yet. I’d like to try something else first.” He paused for a

    second, knowing that what he was about to propose was not going to

     be popular and bracing himself for the fight he was going to have on

    his hands. “I want to set up a meeting with Queen Kalandra. I want to

    talk to her face-to-face and try to seek a diplomatic solution.” 

    As soon as he said it, loud voices of denial and objection broke

    out in the room. Everyone, it seemed, had an opinion on the idea, and

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    few of them favorable from what he could glean from the cacophonyof suggestions, arguments, and dire warnings that filled the air. After

    a few moments, he held up his hand, and silence fell again.

    “I want to try,” Kelan stated firmly, knowing that to show any

    sign of weakness would be a mistake, especially with this group.

    “But, Your Majesty, everyone knows that one cannot reason with

    the Angkeshi. It would be a pointless waste of time,” Brax stated, and

    several others nodded their heads in agreement.

    “I don’t trust her,” Rom added. “If we let her get close enough to

    you, who knows what she will do? She’s already managed to take our

    queen. She surely won’t stop at trying to kill you as well.” 

    “I’ll have my Guardians to keep me safe,” Kelan responded and

    smiled at the look of exasperation on Rom’s face at that statement.

    “We’d have better luck planning a military invasion, sire,” Lorn

    said. “The Angkeshi understand nothing except superior strength.

    They will see any attempt at a peaceful resolution as a sign of


    Kelan turned to his commander. “The Mountains of the Gloam

    make any head-on attack a nightmare in logistics, Commander. You

    know that. Though I am not averse to doing just that if I need to, thecost to us in the lives of our men would be too great for that to be our

    first choice in eliminating this threat. However,” he spoke quickly to

    forestall any additional comment, “I would like to try a diplomatic

    solution first. If that doesn’t work, then I will, of course, have to

    consider other options.” 

    “I think it’s an excellent idea,” Lord Edgely commented. “If we

    can get some kind of agreement with her that doesn’t require any

    more bloodshed, I say that’s what we need to do.” 

    “But could we trust her to any agreement?” asked Rossdale.

    “She’s already proven that she has no moral code. Why would she

    keep to any treaty we might persuade her to sign?” He shook his head.

    “I am not fond of warfare, but we’ve had treaties with the Angkeshi

     before. And look where we are now.” 

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    “I’m not saying that I believe she would hold to her word.  WhatI’m saying is that if I don’t at least try, I could not in good conscience

    mount an attack against Angkesh.” Kelan glanced at Javan and saw

    the dawning light of comprehension.

    “You want to use the opportunity to spy on Kalandra,” the

    spymaster commented and grinned. Kelan should have known Javan

    would be the first to perceive his plan. The man’s brain was as wily as

    a snake.

    Kelan smiled. “The thought had crossed my mind. I know, Javan,

    that you have men in Angkesh who are doing a good job ferreting out

    information, but nothing would tell us as much as a face-to-face

    confrontation with their queen.” He leaned forward, setting his elbows

    on the table and giving each man a hard look. “I understand there

    would be great risk, but with great risk goes great reward. I want to

    know what she’s thinking. I want to look into her eyes and judge for

    myself what moves she is likely to make next. To figure out what

    motivates her actions. I think we would be indeed foolish to not at

    least make the attempt.” 

    He saw Rom nodding slowly. “Perhaps you are right, Kelan. As

    long as we are prepared for treachery, we can minimize the risk. I stilldon’t like it,” he added, shooting Kelan a sharp glare. “You would

    still be in danger, but I agree that it would be a valuable opportunity

    to study her up close.” 

    “I think you are all overreacting. There is still no proof that the

    queen was even aware of what was done. Why, Queen Kalandra

    would have no need of such underhanded methods. We all know of

    her powers,” interjected Sir Wilsin. “I think she would leap at the idea

    of a diplomatic arrangement with Emryn.” 

    Kelan leaned back and stroked a hand down his chin. “I hope that

    is true, Sir Wilsin, but we must be prepared for anything. Don’t you


    “Well, yes, of course,” he muttered.

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    “I’m glad you brought up the rumors of her magical abilities,though. That is something else I would like to discover. All these

    stories of her powers certainly must have some source. I want to know

    if there is any truth to them.” 

    “You mean we should find out if she really can turn into a cat?”

    Rom’s eyes widened. 

    Kelan laughed at the expression on his captain’s face. Everyone

    was well aware of Rom’s thoughts on shape-shifting and such. He

     believed it to be a lot superstitious nonsense. “Perhaps.” 

    Rom studied him for a moment before nodding. “All right. Let’s

    confront the monster and see what we shall see.” 

    Lorn agreed. “As long as we’re all clear on what we expect.” 

    “I’d like to set up a meeting somewhere near Angkesh.

    Commander, I want you to begin moving some of your troops into

     place at various spots along the border. But do it as surreptitiously as

    you can. If Kalandra tries anything, and I expect she will, I want our

    men ready to move into Angkesh if the need should arise.” 

    Lorn agreed.

    Kelan turned to his more elderly advisers. “Lord Rossdale and

    Lord Edgely, I’d like for at least one of you to consider going to themeeting with me. It will support the idea that we are interested in a

    diplomatic solution. Which we are. I just don’t believe for one second

    that she will agree to one.” 

    “That raises the question, why would she see even agree to a

    meeting, Your Majesty?” Sayer spoke at last.  “What would be the

     benefit to the Angkeshi?” 

    “Why for the same reason I just gave you. She’s going to want to

    see exactly what kind of opponent I am. And I’m sure that the idea of

    sliding a knife into my ribs if she can get close enough would be

    another incentive.” Kelan smiled. “So gentlemen, I’d like to meet

    separately with each of you over the next several days so we may

     begin formulating a plan.” 

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    Kelan signaled his dismissal, and everyone stood to begin makingtheir way to the doors. Kelan watched as they grouped together in

    twos or threes, heads close as they discussed the ramification of his

     proposal. That had gone better than he’d hoped.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Sir Wilsin was still

    sitting at the table. When their gazes met, Sir Wilsin rose and made

    his way around the table toward Kelan. Kelan could see from the

    expression on Sir Wilsin’s face that he had something on his mind. He

    smiled as the man reached him, quirking on eyebrow in question as he

    asked, “Did you need to speak to me, Sir Wilsin?” 

    * * * *

    While Kelan met with his council, Teris sat at a table in his

    apartments reading through his latest batch of communications from

    Hawksworth. He really needed to be home tending to his estates. He’d

    already been gone much longer than he had meant to, but somehow he

    couldn’t make himself leave with things between himself and Kelan

    so unresolved.

    Sighing, he tossed down a page containing a detailed accountingof the coins his manager had spent the last quarter on purchasing

    grain and other supplies for the horses and cattle. He couldn’t

    concentrate, which was a cause for concern. Normally he would have

     been eating up the information contained in the document, comparing

    his figures to last years, working on a plan to save money, considering

     possible new feeding mixes. But all he could think about was that


    For so long he’d fantasized about it, imagined how it would feel.

    And it had been so much more than anything he could have dreamed

    of. He touched his mouth, still feeling the press of Kelan’s lips against

    his, still tasting the sweet passion of Kelan’s brief surrender. He knew

    that it had meant just as much to the king as it had to him. That’s what

    made the whole situation so frustrating.

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    Damn the man. If he weren’t so farking noble, they would probably have ended the night before wrapped in one another’s arms.

    Instead, Teris had lain alone in his bed, tossing and turning until late

    into the night, his imagination running wild with pictures of himself

    and Kelan together. His erection had been a hard, throbbing rod of

    need pulsing between his legs. Finally, he’d been unable to stand it

    any longer. Reaching for the bottle of tunis oil he kept nearby, he’d

    coated his hands with the slippery liquid and then reached for his


    For too many years he’d pleasured himself while visions of Kelan

     played out erotic scenarios in his brain. As he stroked slowly up and

    down, he closed his eyes and let his imagination run wild once again.

    He pictured himself stretched out on a huge mattress with solid

    white sheets of finest cotton. Kelan lay beside him, his hand wrapped

    around Teris’s cock. With each tug and pull, Teris moved closer to

    orgasm. He’d played with his own balls, touching them lightly before

    rolling them around in his fingers, wishing it was the real Kelan there

    with him instead of just a fantasy figure. It hadn’t taken him too long

     before he was shooting his cum all over his hand. He’d cleaned

    himself up with quiet efficiency and lay back down, finally relaxedenough to fall to sleep.

    This morn, when he and Kelan had met to break their fast, Kelan

    had acted as though nothing had happened, as though the kiss had

    never occurred. Teris had gone along with the king’s obvious desire

    to ignore the whole incident, not knowing what else to do or say. But

    inside he’d been both hurt and angered by Kelan’s attitude. Didn’t

    Kelan care at all about what this was doing to Teris? Teris knew that

    Kelan was probably right about how it would be perceived by the

    general populace if it became known that he and Kelan were in love.

    And he had no problem keeping things private, temporarily. But

    surely as time passed, they could become more open about their

    relationship. The people of Emryn wouldn’t expect Kelan to mourn

    for his queen forever. And what would be more natural than that the

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    Kelan paused a moment before he let out a deep breath andrubbed his eyes. He said, “Oh, the meeting went fine. About as I

    expected. There were some who were vehemently opposed to my

    having a face-to-face meeting with Kalandra, but I think by the end,

    they all understood my motivation and had started to see the

    advantages of my proposal.” 

    Teris was shocked. “Meet with Kalandra? Have you lost your

    mind? That woman cannot be trusted within ten miles of you, Kelan.

    What are you thinking?” 

    Kelan shot him a small grin. “I’m thinking it’s time to take the

    fight to her instead of vice versa. Oh, she’s had us on our toes for the

    last few months, but that is about to change.” 

    “And the council agreed with this plan?” 

    Kelan nodded. “Eventually.” His grin became broader.

    “Then what has you so riled up?” 

    Kelan’s grin disappeared, and instead, a scowl creased his

    forehead. “It’s that fool Dervis.” 

    “Sir Wilsin?” Teris asked, surprised.  The man was a quiet and

    unassuming member of Kelan’s court.

    “Yes. That fool.” “What did he do?” 

    “He asked to speak to me on a private matter after the meeting

    was over.” 

    There was a pause.

    “And?” Teris prodded. 

    “He wanted to talk about putting together a list of prospective

    women to fill the new vacancy.” 

    “What vacancy?” Teris felt completely confused.

    “Why, the spot of queen, of course. It has recently become open,”

    Kelan spoke sarcastically, his mouth a firm line of disgust.

    Teris couldn’t move. His breath had become trapped within his

    chest. At last he managed to string together some words that he

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    thought would make at least some sense. “He wants you to remarry?But Lyra hasn’t been dead a month yet.” 

    Kelan nodded. “You think I’m unaware of that information?

    That’s exactly what I said to the fool. But he explained in ever so

    reasonable tones that he wasn’t expecting me to wed yet. After all,

    there is an official six months of mourning still to get through. He

    merely thought we should begin scouting around, so to speak, for my

    next wife.” 

    “That’s absurd.” 

    “Indeed, that’s what I thought myself.” Kelan shot him a look of

    amused outrage. “But he pointed out that I have only one son, and if

    anything should happen to Aric, the kingdom would be without an

    heir. Then he said that I had an opportunity to make a match that

    would be of great benefit to Emryn. After all, if I wed someone from

    Isteria or another powerful country, it would be an important alliance

    for us. We could call on the Isterian troops to aid us against Kalandra

    if it became necessary.”  Isteria was a neighboring kingdom, to the

    southwest of Emryn. The two kingdoms were friendly and had

    formalized their ties on more than one occasion, but if Kelan were to

    marry one of the royal princesses, it would be a real coup for Emryn.“And then, he actually hinted around that offering marriage to the

    Angkeshi queen might be just the thing to bring peace to our two

    countries. Can you imagine? Me married to Kalandra?” Teris could

    see the pure outrage that Kelan was feeling. Teris felt the same. Make

    a queen of the woman everyone knew was responsible for the death of

    the previous one? Incredible.

    “What did you tell him?” 

    “I  told him now was not the time to think about such things.”

    Kelan ran a hand over his face wearily before looking up to meet

    Teris’s eyes. Teris could see the sad acceptance in Kelan’s face. “But

    that I would think about his suggestions for the future. Oh, not about

    marrying Kalandra. That would be insane. But he’s right about the

    other. It just enrages me that he would bring this up right now, with so

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    many more important issues for me to deal with, but I knew that itwould come eventually.” 

    “What?” Teris felt as if his heart were stone in his chest. If Kelan

    was serious, if he were considering remarrying, even the tiny sliver of

    hope that Teris had cherished that he and Kelan could one day be

    together would be lost. “But what about us?” 

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    Chapter Three

    Kelan couldn’t meet Teris’s eyes. He turned and began pacing

     back and forth in front of the window.

    “What about us, Kelan?” Teris repeated his question.

    Finally Kelan stopped, gazing out at the city, a mimicry of the last

    time he had stood here talking to Teris. With his back to the other

    man, he said, “You know there can be no us, Teris.” 

    The man behind him was silent, and Kelan closed his eyes against

    the agonizing pain of loss. He would leave now, Kelan thought. And

    that would be that.

    He heard soft footsteps approaching, and then strong hands

    reached out to turn him around. Teris’s eyes were a stormy gray. “I

    refuse to accept that, Kelan.” 

    “I have a duty to my people —” “A duty you have more than fulfilled. For the Goddess’s sake,

    Kelan, you married once out of your duty to your people. You have

    given them an heir. Isn’t that enough?” 

    Kelan just shook his head.

    Teris’s hands tightened on his shoulders, and he gave Kelan a

    hard shake. “When is it time for you to be happy? For someone to

    consider you for a change?” He just shook his head. Teris’s hard grip

    eased, and his eyes grew very serious. “Do you think Lyra was happy,

    Kelan? Did you ever wonder that if you had followed your heart ten

    years ago, she might have met a man she loved and wed him instead?

    Instead of you both being sacrificed on the great altar of duty?” 

    “Lyra never said she was unhappy,” Kelan muttered, his mind

    turning to his deceased wife. “She seemed content.” 

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    Teris laughed bitterly. “There’s a world of difference between being content and being happy.” 


    “So you’re now going to find another woman who will be content  

     being your queen?” Teris asked sarcastically. “She’ll be content.

    You’ll be  content. Won’t we all just be so farking content with our

    lives? Is that truly what you want, Kelan?” 

    Kelan wanted to shout, “No!” That was not what he wanted. What

    he wanted was Teris. Instead he said, “It isn’t always possible to have

    what you want, Teris.” 

    “Isn’t it, Kelan? Isn’t it?” Kelan noticed a change in Teris’s tone,

    and his own gaze sharpened. He met Teris’s stormy eyes a moment

     before Teris’s caught his lips in a passionate kiss. Just as it had the

    night before, the need exploded between them, making a mockery of

    the logic and reason of Kelan’s arguments. Nothing existed but Teris.

     Nothing mattered but the way Teris made him feel.

    He had been trying so hard to do the right thing for Emryn. But

    with Teris so warm and close, his own desires would not let him turn

    him away. He loved Teris. There. He’d finally admitted to himself

     just how deep his own feelings ran. Oh, he’d known he cared aboutTeris, and that he’d desired him. But it was more , so much more.

    What he felt for the other man filled him, defined him. And Teris was

    right. He had cheated Lyra out of the life she could have had with

    someone who loved her. She had deserved that, and didn’t he deserve

    it, too? That was the last thought he had before the passion and hot

     blazing need burned away his ability to think at all and left him with

    only the ability to feel. And Goddess, did he feel.

    Giving in to the temptation, he wound his arms around Teris’s

    neck just as Teris changed the tenor of the kiss, softening the hard

     pressure and moving his mouth delicately over Kelan’s. The tip of

    Teris’s tongue came out to trace a wet trail around the outline of

    Kelan’s lips. Then he nibbled gently on his lower lip, biting down

    with a soft claiming, and sending a shiver of need through Kelan’s

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     body. He tightened his hold, leaning closer in an effort to feel the hardstrength of Teris’s chest against his own. Teris slowly took the kiss

    deeper, pushing his tongue between Kelan’s parted lips to gently

    stroke before pulling back again.

    Kelan’s hand moved up into Teris’s hair, tunneling through the

    short brown locks to tug impatiently, letting Teris know he needed

    more. Teris ignored the pressure to deepen the kiss, and Kelan grew

    even more needy. Taking his time, Teris explored Kelan’s mouth with

    long, leisurely skill. His slow deliberation stoked the fires of passion

    inside Kelan. Kelan moaned. At the sound, Teris pulled back, gazing

    down into Kelan’s eyes. Kelan knew that Teris could see the hunger


    “I want you so much,” Teris murmured against his mouth. “Let

    me in.” His tongue thrust inside with a greedy demand, and then

     pulled back and thrust in again. Kelan responded eagerly, feeling the

     blood rush to his cock, which became engorged with need. Teris

     pressed closer, rubbing against Kelan’s hardness, and his mouth

     became suddenly hard and demanding. Gone was the gentle stroking,

    and in its place was a fierce, shattering desire.

    They were both trembling with the passion they’d ignited. Kelancould no longer think at all, only respond to the devastating carnality

    streaking through him. His fingers grasped Teris’s head, pulling him

    even closer. Their mouths slanted against one another over and over

    as their passion drove them higher. Passion turned to heated demand

    as Teris took his mouth with raw possession.

    Teris broke the kiss, stepping back to pin Kelan with a hard stare.

    He held out his hand and, after a brief hesitation, Kelan took it. Teris

    led him into the adjoining bed chamber. He halted beside the bed and

    turned to face Kelan. Wordlessly, he began stripping Kelan quickly

    and efficiently, dropping each garment into a growing pile on the

    floor beside them.

    When Kelan was completely nude, Teris stepped back, his gaze

    moving over Kelan’s body with a look of primal ownership and naked

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    eroticism. Kelan shivered as Teris looked at him, feeling that gazelike a physical touch as it brushed across his nipples and down across

    his abdomen to linger at the swollen hardness of Kelan’s cock, proof

    of his desire and need.

    Then Teris began removing his own clothing, tossing them over to

     join Kelan’s in a discarded heap. At last he was done, and he reached

    for Kelan’s hand to pull him with gentle but urgent pressure to the

    large bed. He climbed on the bed and then pulled Kelan down on top

    of him.

    Kelan felt Teris’s hands  move up and down his body, gently

    exploring. Their eyes locked together. Then Kelan bent down to press

    a kiss on Teris’s full lips. Kelan kept his eyes open, wanting to see his

    lover’s reaction to his touch. As if sensing his need, Teris met his

    gaze with his own. They moved against one another as the kiss went

    deeper. Kelan nudged Teris’s knees apart, settling his thigh in the

    space he’d made. His leg pressed against Teris’s erection, stroking

    over the hard rod as their tongues swirled and danced together in an

    age-old duel of desire.

    * * * *

    Teris was in heaven. He couldn’t believe that it was finally

    happening. Kelan was in is bed, naked, and responding to Teris with

    all the passion and ardor he’d dreamed of for so long. Kelan’s body

    was warm and hard as it pressed in to his own, and his mouth was the

    sweetest thing Teris had ever tasted.

    Impatient for more, he rolled, so that he was on top and Kelan’s

     body was stretched out beneath him. His mouth moved, grazing down

    Kelan’s face and neck and dropping hot little kisses and bites across

    the expanse of Kelan’s chest and abdomen. He had one goal in mind,

    and he was eager to reach it. He scooted down lower on the bed, until

    his face was directly above Kelan’s cock. Goddess, it was a stirring

    sight. Hard and long, it had a slight bend to it that Teris found

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    intriguing. The shaft was pale, but the head darkened to a deeper, purplish color. The nest of curls that surrounded the base was a deep

     brown and felt silky soft when he moved his hand to curl around the

     base of the shaft.

    He stroked up, slowly, watching closely as his hand reached the

     plum-shaped head. His thumb stroked across the underside, and Kelan

    groaned and arched up. “Goddess, that feels good, Teris. Do it again.”

    Teris eagerly complied, watching as the shaft hardened even more and

    a small pearl of cum glistened in the slit at the top. Bending his head,

    he stuck out his tongue and delicately lapped up the salty-sweet


    Kelan moaned, and Teris paused to gaze up into Kelan’s face. His

    eyes were closed, and his teeth had caught his bottom lip in a tight

    clasp as though trying to hold back the betraying sounds of pleasure.

    He rose up to kneel between Kelan’s legs, wanting to see his lover,

    needing to study and learn every fraction of skin, every line of muscle

    and sinew. Kelan was gorgeous. Deceptively slender when clothed, in

    his glorious nudity, Kelan’s body gave proof that this was a king who

    did more than sit on a throne and dictate to his subjects.

    Kelan’s body was hard and well-muscled, though not the bulkymuscle of the warriors and Guardians. Rather it was the slender,

    sinewy build of a runner or an acrobat. He was strong, but not overtly

    so. His chest and belly were hairless, with nothing to hinder the

    viewer from tracing every muscled line. Teris’s gaze moved lower,

    taking in each molded curve of thigh and calf. Then he looked back at

    Kelan’s cock, still surrounded by his own hand. He was darker than

    Kelan, and the contrast between the paleness of Kelan’s shaft and his

    fingers was erotically enthralling.

    Teris tightened his hand and pulled upward, drawing another

    ragged moan from Kelan’s lips. He smiled and did it again, watching

    as the muscles in Kelan’s stomach tightened with each tug. He leaned

    forward to catch another bead of cum that leaked from the shaft head,

    drawing it into his mouth to savor its flavor. Then he bent and

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    engulfed the head of the cock in his mouth, sucking on it and relishingKelan’s harshly indrawn gasp. He spent several minutes devoted to

    learning what Kelan liked. He wanted to taste everything, to touch

    everywhere. He licked and kissed his way down the hard rod, burying

    his face in the curls at the base and inhaling, taking in the musky odor

    of Kelan’s arousal. His mouth traveled lower, exploring the wrinkled

    sac, pulling the balls into his mouth and suckling them, enjoying the

    gasps and moans coming from above him.

    He teased and tormented Kelan over and over, bringing him to the

     brink of orgasm several times before backing off. Soon Kelan was

     begging and pleading, crying for release. Teris could stand it no

    longer. He flipped Kelan over and reached over to grab the bottle of

    tunis oil. When he’d coated his hands and cock with the slick liquid,

    he rubbed his fingers  between the rounded curves of Kelan’s ass,

    seeking and finding his anal opening. He pressed inside, his finger

    sliding into the tight channel. He paused to make sure Kelan was all


    “Farking hell, don’t stop,” gasped the king. 

    Reassured, Teris added a second finger to the first, moving both

    deeper into Kelan’s body. He stroked in and out several times,widening the tight hole to make it easier to get his cock inside. Kelan

    responded to the touch, pressing his ass back against Teris’s hand

    each time he stroked inside. At last Teris could stand it no longer.

    “I have to fuck you,” he whispered.

    “Yes. Do it, Teris,” came the heated response. 

    Teris lay down and pulled Kelan’s body to him so that the two

    men were spooned together on the bed. He lifted Kelan’s leg up and

    draped it over his own. Then Teris began pressing his cock to Kelan’s

    hole. When the head passed the tight sphincter muscle, he paused,

    relishing the hot clasp of Kelan’s body on his rod. “Is it okay?” he

    gasped out, needing to know if he was hurting the other man, who

    trembled beside him.

    “Don’t farking stop,” Kelan answered.

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    Reassured, he pressed deeper, trying to keep the pressure slow andsteady and to resist the urgent need to push hard and deep. At last he

    was buried to the hilt in the warm paradise of Kelan’s ass. He could

    feel Kelan’s body pulse around his cock. His head dropped forward to

    rest on Kelan’s shoulder, and he could feel the other man’s shivering


    He place a burning kiss on the side of Kelan’s neck, and the other

    man reached back to wrap one arm around Teris’s head, clutching a

    handful of hair in his hand. Kelan turned his own head slightly,

     pulling Teris’s face down and offering his lips. Teris eagerly

    complied, covering Kelan’s mouth with his own, spearing his tongue

    into the delicious heat. Then he began moving his hips, drawing his

    cock from Kelan’s body with a long glide before pushing back inside

    with barely restrained force.

    Their mouths parted. “Harder,” Kelan gasped out. 

    Teris’s hand moved to Kelan’s hip. Grasping it firmly, he began to

    rock in and out of the tight channel. He released Kelan’s hip and

    moved his hand to wrap around the other man’s shaft, stroking it in

    rhythm with his own cock’s motions. Faster and faster he moved. He

    knew he wouldn’t last long. “I’ve needed this for so long, Kel. So farking long.” 

    “I know. I have, too,” Kelan whispered. 

    “You’re so tight, so beautiful. I want to fuck you all night. I want

    to shoot my cum in you and on you. I want you to swallow it down.

    Goddess, I’d love to coat you in my seed.” 

    Whether it was Teris’s heated words or the feel of the hand on his

    cock, Teris didn’t know, but it was only moments later when the

    king’s body became rigid and hot spurts of his cum shot from the

    head of his cock landed in ropey trails across Teris’s hand and the

     bedding. He groaned out his pleasure, and Teris paused, holding

    himself still as he relished every moment of Kelan’s climax. He

    stroked Kelan’s cock until the last spurt of cum trickled from the slit. 

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    “That was beautiful, Kelan. Goddess’s truth, it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

    “I love you, Teris,” Kelan gasped, and Teris lost control. 

    He began shafting Kelan harder. “You belong to me, do you

    understand, Kelan? You’re mine now,” Teris told the other man.

    “Farking hell, yes, Teris. Yes, I’m yours.” 

    “I love you, Kel.” 

    “I love you, too, Teris.” 

    At those words, Teris lost it. He came, shooting his cum deep into

    the cavern of Kelan’s ass. He buried his face against Kelan’s neck as

    his body was wracked with the trembling aftershocks of his release.

    At last he was still.

    His hands relaxed, softening into gentle caresses as they smoothed

    over the limp body that lay against him. They lay there together for a

    long time, until Teris’s softening cock slid from Kelan’s ass. Teris

    rose, moving across the room to grab a cloth and dampen it in the

     bowl he used to wash his face and hands. He brought it back to the

     bed and tenderly cleansed Kelan’s body of his fluids. He pushed

    Kelan so that he lay flat on his back and cleaned the cum from his

     penis. Kelan’s eyes were dark as they watched him.

     Neither man spoke. When Teris was finished, he took the soiled

    sheets and tossed them to the floor. Then he grabbed a blanket and,

    crawling back in beside Kelan, he covered them both. His hands

    reached out to pull Kelan against him, and they snuggled close. After

    a while, Kelan murmured, “I have to go. I imagine everyone is

    wondering where I disappeared to.” 

    Teris said, “I know. Will I see you tonight?” 

    Kelan moved, turning so that they were face-to-face. “You know

    this is still a bad idea.” 

    Teris didn’t say anything. 

    Finally Kelan sighed. “Yes, I’ll join you for the evening meal.” 

    “And after?” Teris asked. 

    Kelan tensed slightly and then relaxed. “Yes. And after.” 

    Teris closed his eyes in relief.

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    Chapter Four

    Kelan sat at his desk gazing down at the pile of scrolls and

     parchments he was supposed to be reading over, but he could not

    concentrate. His mind kept being pulled to the way Teris had looked

    that morn when Kelan had left his bed. They had just made love, and

    Teris’s mouth was swollen from their kisses. His eyes held a sleepy,

    slumberous sensuality that had beckoned Kelan to stay. He had to

    admit that he had been more than tempted to do just that, but he knew

    that if he didn’t leave then, he probably would end up staying in bed

    with Teris the rest of the day. It had happened before.

    Since they had become lovers, he’d had trouble keeping his hands

    off Teris. And the other man was just as bad. It was as though they

    were making up for lost time. In the past week, their affair had

     become an open secret among his personal staff. No one had saidanything, but Kelan knew they must be aware of the fact that the king

    seldom slept in his own bed these days. He tried to remember why he

    had been so concerned before, but the reasons for staying away from

    Teris paled into comparison next to the heady feeling of being in love

    and finally being able to express that love.

    A knock at his door had his head coming up. “Come in,” he


    The door opened, and Sir Wilsin stuck his head in. Kelan stiffened

    for a moment before forcing himself to relax. The man hadn’t

    mentioned marriage again, and Kelan told himself that he couldn’t be

    forced to do anything he didn’t want to. 

    “Are you busy, Your Majesty?” Sir Wilsin asked.

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    Kelan made himself smile and beckon the man inside. “I’m justgoing over some troop reports. It’s nothing that couldn’t stand an

    interruption. What can I do for you, Sir Wilsin?” 

    “I just wanted to bring you this list so that you can start

    considering your options.” 

    Kelan’s smile froze on his lips. “List?” 

    “Yes, of course. The list of possible brides, sire. I know there’s

     plenty of time yet, but it wouldn’t hurt to get an early start. There are

    only five months left before your period of mourning will be over,

    and it would be wise to have the list narrowed down to just a few

    names by then. It will make it so much easier to arrange meetings.” 

    Kelan took a deep breath. “I’m sure that I told you that I don’t

    intend to take a bride any time soon.” 

    Sir Wilsin looked surprised. “Well, yes, sire, but I  just assumed

    that was the grief talking. The country will need a queen, and so will

    you. And the sooner the better.” 

    “Perhaps I should have been clearer,” Kelan said. “I’m not sure

    that I will ever remarry.” 

    Sir Wilsin appeared shocked. “But, Your Majesty, you must.” 

    Kelan stood and paced over to the fireplace, suddenly feeling thechill seeping into his bones. “Why must I?” He stretched his hands

    out to the blazing warmth, not looking at the fussy man who had

     become one of his most unwanted counselors.

    Sir Wilsin sputtered, “Because it is your duty, of course. You need

    more heirs.” 

    “What if I marry a woman, and she is barren? What then? Or we

    have only daughters? Just because I marry again, there is no guarantee

    of an heir. And besides, I have plenty of cousins who could inherit the

    crown if, Goddess forbid, something should happen to my son.” 

    “There are other considerations, as well. You need someone to act

    as hostess. Someone to direct your staff.” 

    “There are ample people around to fill those roles. No, I  am

    unconvinced and prefer not to speak further on this matter.” He gave

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    Sir Wilsin a sharp look. “Now, if there is nothing further, I reallymust get back to these papers. Captain Rom will be arriving shortly,

    and so I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” 

    Sir Wilsin’s face was a study in outrage. “Very well, Your

    Majesty,” he said with cool disdain. He stood and gathered his robes

    around him. “Since you obviously do not value my advice, I’ll bid

    you good day.” With a lifted chin and haughty nod, Sir Wilsin left.

    Kelan’s chin dropped, and he rubbed both hands over his face.

    That hadn’t been pleasant. But he refused to be railroaded into

    another marriage he did not want. He could not betray Teris that way.

    Teris had shown him the true meaning of a loving, committed

     partnership. It was nothing at all like the friendly yet distant marriage

    he had had with Lyra. They had lived separate lives, coming together

    only for the purpose of raising their son and attempting to provide

    more heirs for the kingdom. Though he knew it would be difficult

    when it finally became public knowledge, he realized that he could

    never again be willing to return to that same kind of bonding.

    He wanted Teris. As they had spent more and more time together,

    in and out of the bedchamber, he’d discovered how valuable it was to

    have someone with whom he could discuss the more difficultdecisions that he had to make as monarch. Teris didn’t judge. And he

    didn’t always agree with Kelan,  but he always listened with interest

    and concern. He helped to ease Kelan when the responsibilities of his

    office seemed overwhelming.

    Another knock on the door interrupted his musings. When the

    door opened and Teris appeared, he almost sighed in relief. Thank the

    Goddess Sir Wilsin had not decided to return. He smiled widely.

    “Teris. Come in.”

    Teris looked hesitant as his eyes took in the pile of papers on

    Kelan’s desk. “I don’t want to interrupt anything.” 

    “You’re not, believe me.” He crossed to give his lover a brief kiss.

    “Come and sit down. I could use a break.” 

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    Once Teris was seated next to him on a sofa near the fire, Kelanasked, “Now, what brings you to my office?” 

    “Nothing special. I just wanted to see if you could join me for the

    noon meal.” 

    Kelan smiled. “I’d love to, but Rom should be here any minute for

    a meeting. If you wouldn’t mind waiting until after that, we could

    have a light meal sent up.” 

    “Of course. That would be perfect.” 

    “What have you been doing this morn?” Kelan moved so that his

    hand was draped across the back of the sofa, his fingers just grazing

    Teris’s shoulder. 

    He saw Teris’s eye darken slightly at the contact. The other man

    shrugged. “I went for a ride shortly after you left. Then I spent some

    time looking over some new racing stock that had been delivered to

    the stables.” 

    “I wish I could have gone with you. Maybe we could arrange to

    ride together tomorrow.” 

    “I would love to.” Teris smiled, his gray eyes soft and warm, and

    Kelan could not resist leaning forward to steal another kiss.

    He’d intended the caress to be no more than a quick press of lip tolip, but he became distracted by the sweet warmth of Teris’s mouth.

    He deepened the kiss, pressing his tongue inside and sliding it

    sensuously against the other man’s. When he pulled back, they were

     both breathing harshly. Gazing down into his lover’s face, he said, “I

     just can’t seem to get enough of you.” 

    Teris smiled. “Good.” 

    He had just bent his head for another taste of Teris’s sweetness,

    when a sharp rap on the door interrupted them. Jerking back, he

    frowned. “Farking hell.” 

    He stood and wiped his hand across his mouth to remove any

    trace of the kiss before calling out, “Enter.” 

    Rom Dartel, captain of the Gray, walked into the room. His sharp-

    eyed gaze took in the room at a glance, lingering for a moment on

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    Teris. At last his eyes settled on Kelan, a knowing glint in theirgolden-brown depths. “Are you ready for our meeting, or should I

    come back later?” he asked.

    Kelan shot a quick look at Teris, who had stood. He made a

    sudden decision. “No. Now is fine. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like

    for Teris to sit in on our meeting. I think he could provide a new

     perspective and offer some valuable advice and insight into the

    situation.” He saw the way Teris’s eyes widened and the flush of

     pleasure that slid over his face at Kelan’s statement.

    Rom’s eyes moved from Teris and back to Kelan. “Not at all. I

    think that is an excellent idea, sire.” 

    Kelan sighed. “When will you remember to call me Kelan, Rom?” 

    Rom gave a lopsided grin. “You’ll just have to keep reminding

    me, Kelan.” 

    “Come. Let’s all sit down and talk.” 

    * * * *

    Teris was bemused. He’d had no inkling that Kelan was going to

    ask him to participate in the meeting with Rom. He suspected it had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, but he couldn’t stop the feeling

    of warmth that filled him at the gesture. He saw Rom take in the sight

    of Kelan and himself as they sat next to one another on the small sofa.

    When Rom caught Teris’s eye, he offered a warm smile and a small

    nod. It was obvious that Rom knew of the king’s relationship with

    Teris and was giving them his tacit approval. Since Teris knew how

    much Kelan respected and admired the captain of the Gray, he felt a

    spurt of relief. He and Kelan still had a long way to go before things

    were settled between them. It was a relief to know that a battle with

    Rom was not going to be on the agenda.

    Once three of them had settled, he asked, “Have you met with

    Commander Lorn?” 

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    “But what of the queen’s magical abilities? Her shape-shifting powers? Surely you must have some plan to prevent her from using

    those? A way of guarding the king against that?” 

    Rom looked at him, and he could see the look of startlement on

    his face? “Shape-shifting powers?” He shook his head and grimaced.

    “Old wives’ tales. Surely you don’t believe in such nonsense, Your


    “Please call me Teris. And yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I can’t

     believe you would completely discount the possibility.” 

    “It’s pure superstition.” 

    Kelan laughed. “As you can see, Teris, my captain has no time for

    such outlandish stories. He’s quite the pragmatist.” 

    Teris became slightly alarmed at the captain’s hardheadedness. “I

     beg your pardon, Rom, but I’ve seen evidence of such powers with

    my own eyes. I think you are making a grave mistake and putting

    your king’s safety in jeopardy if you do not at least prepare for the


    He could see that Rom was surprised and perhaps even a little

    insulted at the suggestion that he wouldn’t do everything in his power

    to protect Kelan.“I assure you, Teris, no one will get to the king. They’ll have to go

    through my men and me in order to do so.” 

    “Yes, but if you aren’t expecting the queen to, say, change into a

    large cat, you might not be able to stop her.” 

    Rom laughed. “That’s not going to happen.” 

    Teris turned to Kelan, who was watching the debate between the

    two men with interest. “I beg of you to listen to me. I know what I’m

    talking about. I’ve spent many years studying stories of the occult. It

    is a hobby of mine. The things I have learned would make your hair

    stand on end. Trust me, Kelan. You must take precautions against the

    queen’s powers. At the very least, let me come with you. I know a

    few ways to guard against such devices.” He tried to portray to Kelan

    his sincerity, meeting his eyes head-on and speaking with assurance.

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    He could tell Kelan was surprised by his request. “I don’t know.I’ve never been sure what I believed about the rumors surrounding the

    queen of Angkesh.” He turned to Rom. “Surely it wouldn’t hurt to

    take a few safety measures. I know how you feel about the subject,

     but what if you’re wrong?” 

    “Fine. We’ll take precautions.” Rom looked annoyed but resigned.

    “Though I still think it’s a waste of time.” He looked at Teris. “So

    what would you suggest we do to protect the king from Kalandra’s 

    so-called abilities?” 

    Teris thought quickly. “I know a man. He’s called Old Marton. He

    lives in Averin Procince, not far from Hawksworth. He’s ver y

    knowledgeable about such powers as the queen is said to exhibit. He

     possesses some measure of power himself. I think we should take him

    with us. It wouldn’t be too far out of the way to pick him up on our

     journey to Hammerstone.” 

    “You say he has powers of his own?” Kelan asked. 

    Teris nodded. “Some. I’m not sure if they would be enough to

    defeat Kalandra if it came down to it. He was reluctant to talk to me

    as he’d been subjected to a lot of skepticism and ridicule and outright

    fear because of his abilities. He doesn’t trust many. He’s practically ahermit, living all alone deep in a wooded glade. It took me many

    weeks to get him to show me as much as he did.” He shot an accusing

    glance at Rom. “The people of Emryn are not always the most

    accepting when it comes to things they do not understand.” 

    Rom grinned wryly in acknowledgment but said nothing.

    “But I saw enough to know that he could be helpful to us, if

    nothing more than giving us an idea of what we might expect

    Kalandra to try.” 

    “Would he even be willing to aid us if, as you say, he is

    distrusting and reluctant to speak to anyone he doesn’t know?”  Rom

    wanted to know.

    “I’m not sure.” Teris shrugged. “All we can do is ask. He knows

    me, of course. And I think that during the time we spent together he

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    came to like and respect me. Perhaps if I asked him, he would agreeto go with us and to do whatever he could.” 

    “I think it would be worth our while to at least talk to the man,

    Rom,” Kelan said. “You say he’s in Averin Province?” 

    “His home is a few miles from Barrowshire, a small village. There

    are a few villagers who seek him out for healing potions and such as

    he’s a master of herb lore. But by and large, he is alone. He has no

    family that I am aware of. In the time I spent with him, we saw no one

    at all for days at a time.” 

    “I know where Barrowshire is. You’re right, it won’t be much of a

    detour for us. I suppose we can at least stop and talk to the old man on

    our way to Hammerstone. But we’ll have to leave a day or so earlier

    than I had originally planned if we are to keep our rendezvous with


    “I see no problem with that. Rom, make the arrangements as you

    see fit.” 

    “Yes, sire,” the captain of the Gray replied.

    “Is there anything else we need to discuss?” Kelan asked Rom. 

    The captain shook his head. “No, I believe that is all for now.” He

    stood. “I need to get back to the Tower  if you have no objection.” The king and Teris rose as well.

    Teris met Rom’s  gaze. “I appreciate your humoring me in this

    matter, Rom. I understand your feelings, but I would not feel

    comfortable if my concerns had gone unaddressed.” 

    Rom nodded. “The king’s safety is my primary concern. Whatever

    it takes to make him comfortable with my ability to protect him is all

    that matters to me.”

    A moment later he took his leave.

    Teris turned to Kelan, who was looking at him with a small smile

    on his face.


    Kelan shrugged. “I’m just pleased that you are so concerned for

    my welfare.” 

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    Teris rolled his eyes. “Well, of course I’m concerned. I love you.” Kelan sighed and reached out to  pull Teris close. “Show me,” he

    whispered before his lips claimed Teris’s. 

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    Chapter Five

    The next several days were spent preparing for the journey to

    Hammerstone. It seemed to Kelan that a million myriad details

    awaited his attention, but at last the day dawned that signaled the start

    of their journey. Luckily, the weather had decided to cooperate. The

    sun shone brightly down on the procession as it moved through the

    streets of Winterreach and then out the southern gates and beyond.

    Twenty members of the Gray accompanied Kelan and Teris as

     protection, including Rom who rode at the head of the line. Kelan and

    Teris were sandwiched in the middle of the group, surrounded on all

    sides by their heavily armed guard. Also accompanying them was

    Lord Edgely, who rode toward the end of the line accompanied only

     by one assistant. Two wagons holding supplies brought up the rear.

    As they moved farther and farther into the countryside, Kelan drew adeep breath, relishing the crisp morning air, untainted by the scents of

    a large, well-populated city.

    Teris rode beside him, sitting loose and at ease in the saddle.

    Kelan cast a quick glance at the man, admiring his tall, lean figure.

    “You look quite at home on horseback,” Kelan commented. 

    Teris tossed him a grin. “I should. I spend a lot of time riding

    around Hawksworth, partly for pleasure, but chiefly because it’s the

    easiest way to inspect my land and visit the various tenants on the


    “You’re obviously very involved in the workings of your


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    “I am. My father taught me from a young age the responsibilitiesof my station and my people. It’s a lesson I’ve never forgotten. I quite

    enjoy it, as well.” 

    “So you’re a farmer at heart, then?” 

    Teris laughed. “A farmer and a student.” 

    “Ah, yes, your studies of the supernatural. It seems quite an

    unusual hobby. How did that start?” 

    Teris grew serious. “When I was young, around ten I suppose, I

    snuck out of the house one night. There had been rumors of a small

     band of travelers from a distant land in the south crossing through

    Averin. Like so many boys of that age, I was eager to get a look at

    these strangers. Not much exciting ever happened at Hawksworth, so

    I couldn’t resist the temptation.” 

    “What boy could?” Kelan smiled understandingly. 

    “Exactly. The travelers had camped near a stream that cut through

    the very southern tip of Hawksworth. I found them easily enough

    simply because I knew those woods very well. I crept as close as I

    could, not wanting them to see me. There were only three men and a

    few of women and children. For a while, I lay there, just watching.

     Nothing much happened at first. Oh, I could tell they were strangers.They had hair dark as night, and it reached down past their backs. I

    noticed right away the graceful, sinuous way they moved, tending to

    their animals and cooking their meal. It was almost inhuman.

    Anyway, some troublemakers from the village apparently had decided

    that the strangers would be easy pickings. They rode in, intending to

    rob them. There must have been a dozen men, armed to the teeth.” 

    “What happened?” Kelan had turned in his saddle so he could

    watch Teris’s face as he told his story.

    Teris shook his head. “It was a massacre.” 

    “The travelers were killed?” 

    Teris met his eyes with a bleak stare. “Not a single one of the

    travelers was hurt, but the villagers were cut down like bothersome

    flies. The strangers moved so quickly, it was difficult to follow. And

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    one of them —”  He stopped and bit his lip, as though reluctant tocontinue.

    “Tell me,” Kelan urged, eager to hear the end of the tale. He was

    fascinated with this story of Teris’s. 

    Teris looked away for a moment. When he turned back to Kelan,

    he shrugged and his mouth curled up into a little half smile. “You’ll

    think me mad.” 

    “I swear I won’t.” 

    “All right.” He took a deep breath before blurting out, “One of

    them changed into a large cat.” 

    Kelan let out a bark of laughter. “You’re joking.” 

    “I knew you’d think I was lying.” 

    “Not lying. But you were a young boy with a fertile imagination.

    I’m sure it seemed to happen the way you remember.” 

    “I know what I saw. My father didn’t believe me either. I got out

    of there as fast as I could and ran all the way home. I woke my father

    and made him come back with me.” 

    “And?” Kelan prodded when Teris fell silent. 

    “And there was nothing there. No bodies. No travelers. No camp.

     Nothing.” “You have to admit the tale is rather unbelievable, Teris.” 

    “I’m telling you the truth, Kelan. It happened just as I said. No

    one would believe me, but I knew what I saw. I began studying,

    researching. For the next several years, I read every book, parchment,

    or scroll I could get my hands on. I talked to other people who had

    reported similar experiences. I became more and more convinced that

    what I saw was not a hallucination or a dream. It was real.” 

    Kelan considered what Teris had told him. He knew that the other

    man was not prone to hysterics or wild imaginings. If anything, he’d

    always found Teris to be very pragmatic and logical. He had a calm,

    easygoing manner. He frequently had his nose in a book on some

    subject or other. That he would tale such an outlandish tale seemed to

    go against what Kelan knew of the man.

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    “It’s hard to give credence to such a tale.” “I understand that. There are some things that must be seen to be

     believed. I’m just asking you to keep an o pen mind. My studies have

    taken me to some strange places, and I’ve met some very unusual

     people. I’ve seen things that defy logic and reason, Kelan.” 

    Kelan studied the earnest face of his lover. Finally he nodded. “I

    will reserve judgment, I promise. Unlike Rom, I have always been

    willing to keep an open mind on the subject, though I have personally

    never had any experiences such as you speak of.” 

    “That’s all I ask, Kelan.” 

    A comfortable silence fell between them as they continued on

    their journey. When darkness began to fall, the company began

    looking for a place to camp for the night. It didn’t take them long to

    set up camp near a small stream. The night passed uneventfully, and

    the next morning dawned bright and clear. By the end of the third day,

    they had passed into Averin Province. When they halted that night,

    Rom approached Teris and Kelan where they sat eating their evening


    He greeted his king, and then turned to Teris. “How much f arther

    is it to Old Marton’s home?” he asked. Kelan listened idly as Teris and Rom discussed which would be

    the easiest and quickest route to take to their destination. He’d been

    thinking about the story Teris had told him on and off as they’d ridden

    along, and he couldn’t get the sincerity and earnestness on his lover’s

    face out of his mind. He’d been telling Teris the truth when he’d told

    him that he’d never experienced anything supernatural himself, but

    he’d heard the tales and stories all his life. One of his nurses when he

    was young had been from Feresa, and she’d filled the young prince’s

    ears with tales of her own unexplainable experiences.

     No, unlike Rom and most of the other Guardians, Kelan did not

    completely discount the stories he’d heard. Oh, he was sure that

     plenty of it was made up stories and exaggerated claims by drunkards

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    and tale spinners. But he’d always believed that there was usually anelement of truth in even the most outlandish claims.

    He studied Teris’s face  as he bent to draw a rough map on the

    ground. The Duke of Hawksworth had always been a trustworthy

    man, and the more he’d thought about Teris’s story, the more he’d

     believed him. He was glad that he’d decided to bring Teris on this

     journey and was eager to meet and talk to this Old Marton that Teris

    was taking them to see. He had a feeling that his meeting with

    Kalandra might be more eye-opening than even he had thought. And

     perhaps his stoic captain of the Gray might be in for the shock of his

    life. That thought lifted his spirits no end.

    Whatever the coming days might bring, though, Kelan knew

     beyond a shadow of a doubt that he could want no finer group of men

    with him. He trusted them to protect him against any physical threat

    and hoped that they would be prepared for whatever else Kalandra

    might have up her sleeve.

    * * * *

    They rode as quietly as possible through the woods, the airoppressive and heavy. The thick canopy of trees overhead blocked

    much of the light. The members of the Gray were strangely subdued,

    speaking only in soft whispers. Teris had moved to the head of the

     procession, riding beside Rom, while Kelan remained in his protected

     position directly in the middle of a phalanx of Guardians. The

    surrounding trees and brush became more difficult to maneuver

    through. The trail they had been following narrowed until it was

     barely discernible. When Teris pulled his horse to a halt, the others

    did as well. Rom cast him a questioning look.

    Teris explained, “I think it would be best if I go ahead by myself  

    from here. Old Marton isn’t the most hospitable of people. I’m not

    exactly sure how he would react to the sight of so many warriors

    invading his privacy.” 

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    Rom frowned. “I’ll go with you. I don’t like the idea of yourmeeting with this man alone.” 

    “He wouldn’t harm me, I assure you. We got along together quite

    well when I was here befor e. In fact, we’ve visited together several


    “Nevertheless, I think it best that we go together. Surely one more

     person won’t upset this old man too much.” 

    Teris eyed the intimidating figure of the captain of the Gray for a

    moment. “You’re not exactly jus