british military contingent (bmc) standing orders … bmc...

1 BRITISH MILITARY CONTINGENT (BMC) STANDING ORDERS 2016 ISSUED BY SQUADRON LEADER C J WALLER OFFICER COMMANDING BMC Issue No: SO/16/01 01 Jun 16 Introduction 1. British participation in the Exercise Nijmegen Marches 2016 (NM16) is a Military collective training exercise sponsored by Headquarters British Forces Germany (HQ BFG). Heumensoord Camp (HC) is situated some 3 miles south of Nijmegen in a nature reserve and accommodates all march participants and elements of the BMC Support Staff (BMCSS). HC is declared an official Dutch Military Barracks during the Nijmegen Marches and, with some 6000 personnel, will be the largest barracks in the Netherlands. Grave Camp (GC) is situated some 10 miles south-west of Nijmegen and is a BMC supply and support area. These orders apply equally to all BMCSS and march participants. The BMCSS consists of Admin Staff, Rest Area Support Staff, Medical Staff and RMP. Command and control 2. Overall command of the BMC is vested in Brig I Bell (GOC HQ BFG). Col N Channer will hold OPCON over all members of the BMC, including both BMCSS and marchers, regardless of Service, rank or parent unit, for the period 11 to 24 Jul. Sqn Ldr C J Waller is appointed Officer Commanding BMC and is to exercise TACOM throughout this period. Transit clearance 3. Further to completion of the Stage 3 'Notification of Movements' proforma of the Joint Service Entry Procedure, teams are responsible for arranging their own transit clearance for movement through the low countries in military vehicles (including white fleet or civilian hire). Diplomatic clearance 4. Diplomatic clearance for personnel taking part in Exercise Nijmegen Marches 2016 has been arranged centrally through G7 of HQ BFG. Duty status and personal insurance 5. Personnel are not to take leave for the period of the Exercise Nijmegen Marches. Marching personnel are only on duty whilst actually participating in the marches, travelling to/from their home unit and Nijmegen or when specified for other duties as notified by OC BMC. At all other times personnel are classed as off duty. It is therefore strongly recommended that all personnel take out adequate travel insurance to cover personal injury and accidents which may occur during periods when off duty. EHIC cards are to be carried. Fire and evacuation plan 6. Fire safety is critical at HC and GC as both are situated in large forested areas and personnel are accommodated in tents. All personnel are to read and understand the Fire Orders at

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Issue No: SO/16/01 01 Jun 16

Introduction 1. British participation in the Exercise Nijmegen Marches 2016 (NM16) is a Military collective training exercise sponsored by Headquarters British Forces Germany (HQ BFG). Heumensoord Camp (HC) is situated some 3 miles south of Nijmegen in a nature reserve and accommodates all march participants and elements of the BMC Support Staff (BMCSS). HC is declared an official Dutch Military Barracks during the Nijmegen Marches and, with some 6000 personnel, will be the largest barracks in the Netherlands. Grave Camp (GC) is situated some 10 miles south-west of Nijmegen and is a BMC supply and support area. These orders apply equally to all BMCSS and march participants. The BMCSS consists of Admin Staff, Rest Area Support Staff, Medical Staff and RMP. Command and control

2. Overall command of the BMC is vested in Brig I Bell (GOC HQ BFG). Col N Channer will hold OPCON over all members of the BMC, including both BMCSS and marchers, regardless of Service, rank or parent unit, for the period 11 to 24 Jul. Sqn Ldr C J Waller is appointed Officer Commanding BMC and is to exercise TACOM throughout this period. Transit clearance 3. Further to completion of the Stage 3 'Notification of Movements' proforma of the Joint Service Entry Procedure, teams are responsible for arranging their own transit clearance for movement through the low countries in military vehicles (including white fleet or civilian hire). Diplomatic clearance 4. Diplomatic clearance for personnel taking part in Exercise Nijmegen Marches 2016 has been arranged centrally through G7 of HQ BFG. Duty status and personal insurance 5. Personnel are not to take leave for the period of the Exercise Nijmegen Marches. Marching personnel are only on duty whilst actually participating in the marches, travelling to/from their home unit and Nijmegen or when specified for other duties as notified by OC BMC. At all other times personnel are classed as off duty. It is therefore strongly recommended that all personnel take out adequate travel insurance to cover personal injury and accidents which may occur during periods when off duty. EHIC cards are to be carried. Fire and evacuation plan 6. Fire safety is critical at HC and GC as both are situated in large forested areas and personnel are accommodated in tents. All personnel are to read and understand the Fire Orders at


Annex A. In case of fire or emergency at HC the Dutch Military Authorities will initiate a plan to evacuate all personnel. This Fire and Evacuation Plan will be briefed to Team Leaders and BMCSS at the security briefings given on arrival at HC. A separate Fire and Evacuation Plan will be briefed to personnel accommodated at GC. Security 7. A British Military Police detachment is available for help and advice and is co-located on HC with the Dutch Military Police. They work in close liaison with the Dutch Military Police and civilian police, as well as other foreign national military police detachments to maintain discipline and security in HC, GC and in the city of Nijmegen. 8. Access to HC and GC is strictly controlled by the Dutch Military Authorities. Personnel are to be in possession of the following identity documents at all times:

a. Service Identity Card (Certificates in Lieu are not acceptable). b. BMC Identity Card (for personnel not eligible for a Service Identity Card). The BMC Nijmegen Marches Registrations Officer (NMRO) issues these separately at Stage 3 of the Entry Process. A passport-sized photograph will be required. c. Dutch Security Pass (issued by BMCSS at the security brief on arrival at HC).

9. All losses of Identity Documents are to be reported to the Military Police, British or Dutch, the Security Office located in the CVM Operations Office and BMCSS in the BMC Admin Centre on HC at the earliest opportunity. 10. Teams and individuals are to be aware of the need to safeguard their personal belongings and equipment, particularly items of value, during their stay at HC. It is strongly recommended that personnel take out adequate insurance to cover the loss of personal belongings and their military issued equipment. The BMCSS will control all items of lost/found property, and can store valuables if required. 11. Nijmegen, like any city, has its share of criminal incidents and there have been cases in the past of muggings and assaults on individuals. Personnel are to be aware of the current security threat level. A security briefing will be given to Team Leaders as part of the arrivals process at HC; personnel are not to leave HC until they have had a security brief from their Team Leader and received their Dutch Security Pass. When leaving Heumensoord and Grave Camps, it is advisable to do so in-groups of at least 2. Groups in public bars are to adopt Sharkwatch procedures. Discipline 12. Service personnel of the BMC, including cadets and their adult staff, are subject to normal service discipline. All participating marchers and BMCSS are representing their country in a prestigious international event and are to maintain the highest standards of personal discipline and bearing throughout their stay in Nijmegen. Team Leaders are responsible for the discipline and behaviour of their team members at all times. In cases of ill discipline, teams and/or individuals will be returned to Units. Cadet Team Leaders 13. At all times, Cadet Team Leaders are wholly responsible for the conduct, discipline and welfare of the cadets they bring to Nijmegen. Cadet Team Leaders are not to attempt to abdicate responsibility for their cadets to the BMCSS.


Serious offences 14. The following are declared serious offences and may result in offenders being returned to their Units:

a. Climbing in the beer tent. The Dutch Military will ban offenders from HC. b. Smoking outside dedicated smoking areas. c. Indecent and obscene behaviour. d. Theft, unauthorised removal, damage or defacement of equipment, especially of any National Flag/Emblems. e. Throwing missiles (including beer cans). f. Drunk and disorderly conduct. g. Offensive songs and chants.

Standards of dress 15. Marching dress. Details of marching dress can be found at Annex B. During the march, uniform is to be worn correctly with regimental headdress/berets on. When outside villages and built-up areas headdress may be removed. All members of a team are to be dressed the same. Team leaders are to inspect uniforms before departure from parent units. UBACS or unit/team sweatshirts are not to be worn on the march. 16. Minimum dress standard. Whilst in any area of HC or GC, especially when transiting to and from the showers and toilets, the minimum dress standard is shorts and T-shirt. Towels worn around the waist are not acceptable even if shorts are worn underneath. This applies to male and female personnel alike. Failure to meet this standard may result in administrative action. Appropriate clothing is to be worn when presenting for treatment at the medical facility; those not suitably dressed will be turned away until they are correctly attired. 17. Outside camp. For security reasons, military uniform is not to be worn outside HC or GC except when participating in the Marches themselves, carrying out BMCSS duties or attending an official reception. At all times, civilian dress should be of a high standard, no vests, union-flag shorts etc are to be worn. 18. British and Canadian Reception - 21 Jul 16. Personnel selected to attend the British and Canadian Reception Cocktail Party are to wear Blue No.1C Formal Dress for Naval personnel, No.2 Service Dress for Army personnel and No.1 Service Dress for RAF personnel, less leathers and medals. White, KD or equivalent warm weather/tropical orders of dress are NOT to be worn. Personnel wishing to attend the Reception are to register their interest at the BMC Admin Centre where details will be available of timings etc. 19. Final march past. The final march past from Charlemagne field into Nijmegen City is mandatory and forms part of the regulation 40km distance on the 4th day’s march. Dress is to be marching dress in accordance with Annex B. Those males who are mandated to carry 10kgs ballast weight do not have to carry their weight for the final march past. Water bottles are to be filled prior to the final march past. Smoking 20. HC and GC are both declared as NO SMOKING AREAS, except in specific dedicated areas. For the location of the dedicated smoking areas see a member of the BMCSS or the BMC Admin


Centre notice board; there is strictly to be no smoking outside of these areas. Smoking outside of a dedicated smoking area is classed as a serious offence as at paragraph 14 of these orders. Vehicles on HC and GC 21. Access. Vehicle access to HC and GC is strictly controlled by the Dutch Military Authorities. Coaches and minibuses will only be permitted to enter HC to drop-off and collect personnel. All military vehicles self-driven to Nijmegen are to be parked at GC once the team has been dropped off at HC; a shuttle bus service will operate between GC and HC on Sat 16 Jul 16 and Sat 23 Jul 16 for the marchers who are also team vehicle drivers. Once at GC on Sat 16 Jul 16, vehicles will be secured and will not be available until Sat 23 Jul 16. Due to security arrangements, private vehicles are not permitted entry into HC or GC and are therefore not to be taken to Nijmegen. 22. Parking. HC lies in a nature reserve and water collection area so there are strict vehicle control rules. Only a very small number of BMCSS vehicles are allowed to park overnight on HC and they must be in possession of a ‘P’ pass. In addition to these vehicles, only a very small number of BMCSS vehicles are allowed temporary access to HC and they must be in possession of a ‘T’ pass. When parked all vehicles are to have an absorption mat placed under them to capture any oil or fuel leakage. Any violation of this rule will result in the vehicle’s pass being withdrawn by the Dutch Military Authorities. Team drivers 23. Teams with vehicle drivers as part of their marching team are reminded of military (JSP 800) and civil transport regulations and should not expect to depart HC until they have had at least 12 hours rest after the end of the 4 Days Marches. This will need to be managed by Team Leaders as all BMC personnel are required to vacate Heumensoord Camp by 1030hrs on Sat 23 Jul 16. Teams are also reminded that for such drivers it is an offence to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol and Team Leaders are required to manage their team’s end of event celebrations accordingly. 24. Foreign military contingent numbers are strictly controlled by the Dutch Military Authorities so the BMC cannot accept, and will not be responsible for, the welfare of non-marching drivers. There are no facilities for the accommodation or messing of non-marching drivers at either HC or GC. Units are strongly encouraged not to bring non-marching drivers. If it is impossible to avoid, then it is that team’s parent unit that are responsible for arranging food and accommodation for the non-marching driver for the period of the marches until such time as they are required for the return journey; messing and accommodation will not be available at either HC or GC. Location of HC and GC 25. Included at Annex C are location maps for HC and the route between HC and GC. Accommodation 26. All personnel at HC are accommodated in marquee-style tents, partitioned into rooms with bunk beds, mattresses, tables, and benches. All personnel are to supply their own bedding. All personnel are to keep their accommodation clean and free from litter, especially food waste, at all times. Team Leaders are responsible for enforcing this order. The accommodation will be inspected regularly and failure to obey this order will result in action being taken. At the end of the Marches on the morning of Sat 23 Jul 16 all accommodation will be inspected and teams will not be permitted to depart until their accommodation is deemed to be in a satisfactory condition. 27. Male accommodation is out of bounds to female personnel at all times. Female accommodation is out of bounds to male personnel at all times. Mixed teams are to arrange their team briefings outside of the accommodation. Personnel, regardless of rank, are not to move beds


within, or to other, accommodation blocks without the prior permission of BMC OC Admin. The nominal rolls displayed outside accommodation rooms are to be adhered to. This is for fire regulations and so that BMCSS/Dutch Fire Officers can find and account for individuals if required. 28. For fire safety reasons, personnel are not to tamper with any electric cabling or sockets in the accommodation tents. Tampering with the electrics includes plugging in mobile phone chargers or stereos. This will disable the emergency lighting and poses a serious fire risk from overloading the electrical distribution system. Action will be taken against individuals who fail to obey this order and items found plugged in will be confiscated. Separate facilities are available for charging electronic equipment including mobile phones. 29. Lights out will be at 2300hrs. Please be considerate to your fellow marchers and support staff as all personnel will be sharing the same tents. Noise is to be kept to a minimum inside the accommodation at all times; there may be driving or medical staff sleeping off shift. HC facilities 30. Details of the facilities at HC for the use of both marchers and BMCSS can be found at Annex D. This annex lists the messing, medical and other facilities available. Medical care 31. All personnel are to deploy with a valid EHIC and in addition to this, all regular serving personnel are to deploy to Nijmegen with an up to date FMed 965. Serving personnel can obtain their FMed 965 from their medical centre. 32. Should any member of the BMC require medical treatment requiring admission to a civilian hospital they will need to supply their EHIC details. Should an individual be unable to supply their EHIC details during admission, or they receive care not covered by the EHIC scheme, they will ultimately be liable for any medical charges incurred. It is strongly recommended that all personnel take out adequate insurance to cover personal injury. 33. If presenting for blister or other lower limb medical treatment on HC then personnel are to have showered and ensure that they are keenly observing the minimum dress standard. Underwear is to be worn to avoid embarrassing situations for both patients and medical staff. March regulations and procedures 34. Details of the March Regulations and Procedures can be found at Annex E. Visitors to HC and Charlemagne Field 35. Due to security arrangements put in place by the Dutch Military Authorities, casual visitors to HC are not permitted. Only unit Commanding Officers are permitted to visit HC. All visits of unit Commanding Officers must be notified to the BMC using the proforma at Annex F. These requests will be collated by BMC OC Admin and passed to the Dutch Military Authorities for approval. 36. Visits to HC are not permitted on Sat 16 Jul 16 or Fri 22 Jul 16. Any visiting CO must have their Service Identity card and will not be permitted to bring a vehicle onto camp. All visitors are to depart camp by 2300hrs on the same day as their entry to camp; no overnight stays are permissible. 37. If a CO wishes to visit Charlemagne field to see his or her personnel receive their medal on Fri 22 Jul 16 they may do so. Unfortunately, there will no vehicular access and any CO must make their own arrangements for travel to and from Charlemagne field.


RAF Lancaster memorial 38. On 23 Jun 1943 an RAF Lancaster bomber, LM325, was shot down on the outskirts of the town of Beuningen with the loss of 6 airmen. The town have erected a small memorial at the crash site and the route on day 2 of the march passes this memorial. Marchers are invited to pay their respects at the memorial where a small act of remembrance may take place on day 2 of the march. //Original signed// C J Waller Sqn Ldr OC BMC Annexes: A. Fire Orders. B. Marching Dress. C. Location Maps for Heumensoord and Grave Camps. D. Heumensoord Camp Facilities. E. March Regulations and Procedures. F. Heumensoord Camp Visitor Proforma.


Annex A to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01

FIRE ORDERS 1. All members of the BMC are to ensure that they read and understand these orders as soon as possible after they arrive at HC and GC. Team Leaders are responsible for ensuring their team members understand these orders. 2. In such a large forested and tented area all forms of fire are dangerous. Any form of open fire, including camping gas cookers etc, is strictly prohibited on HC and GC. Smoking in any tent or building on HC or GC is forbidden. Smoking is only permitted in dedicated smoking areas. 3. In the case of fire you are to raise the alarm immediately, and inform the following by the fastest possible means:

a. Dutch Fire Department, by calling ‘*87’ on any internal landline phone. b. BMC Admin Centre.

4. Those nearest the fire are to:

a. Shout “Fire, Fire, Fire”. b. Ensure that all tents/marquees are evacuated. c. If practicable, fight the fire using the first-aid fire appliances and sandboxes situated in the accommodation areas. d. Ensure that other tents/marquees are not occupied by sleeping personnel.

5. Those not involved with fire fighting are to:

a. Ensure that all tents/marquees are evacuated. b. Evacuate the area to the Camp Evacuation Assembly Area as briefed to the Team Leaders and BMCSS during their initial security brief. Team Leaders and BMCSS Heads of Department are to account for their team and report their status to the OIC Fire Assembly Area, who will be the senior member of the BMCSS present.

6. Instructions given by the Emergency Services are to be obeyed without question. 7. March participants and BMCSS are to familiarise themselves with the location of all fire fighting equipment and the Fire Assembly Area. 8. Personnel, regardless of rank, are not to move beds within, or to other, accommodation blocks without the prior permission of BMC OC Admin. 9. Teams can only erect modesty screens over doorways if they are fire retardant, woollen and come with a fire retardant certificate . Nothing is to be erected that could impede access for the Fire Service. 10. BMC OC Admin is nominated as the BMC Military Fire Officer, and any queries should be directed to them.


Annex B to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01


1. All members of a team are to be dressed alike. Marching dress for all BMC participants is to be:

a. Beret or Regimental headdress. b. PCS(CU) or interim MTP lightweight jacket/shirt. Alternatively, brown/OG T-shirt with combat smock (Brown/OG T-shirts are not to be worn without a combat smock or lightweight jacket unless specifically notified by the BMC due to heat stress concerns). Only cadet participants may wear CS95, Shirt Blue, OG or KD. Under Body Armour Combat Shirts (UBACS) and unit sweatshirts/clothing are not to be worn. c. PCS(CU) or interim MTP trousers. Only cadet participants may wear trousers CS95 or lightweight OG. d. Brown or black hi-leg military style boots. e. Waterproof jacket (PCS(CU), MTP or CS95) or poncho when required. Waterproof is to be carried if weather forecast indicates rain. f. British military-style webbing/bergen.

(1) Male marchers. Ballasted to 10kg dead-weight for those born between 1 Jan 1967 and 31 Dec 1997 (inclusive). Personnel are to make their own arrangements for this weight. Sand for ballast will be available at HC in the days preceding the marches. Body armour is not to be worn as ballast. (2) Female Marchers. Even in mixed teams, females should aim to carry the absolute minimum to include water, food, first aid kit and waterproof.

h. Brassards, blue or green as appropriate, with small union flag on each arm and/or unit crests may also be worn. (Optional)

2. Unit clothing. Unit/team sweatshirts are NOT to be worn in lieu of uniform shirts/jackets. However, they may be carried on the march and worn only when resting at BMC rest area locations. 3. Other. Personnel are not to wear Desert Combat Clothing uniform.


Annex C to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01

LOCATION MAPS FOR HEUMENSOORD AND GRAVE CAMPS A50 Motorway to Heumensoord Camp Hyperlink: Google Directions - A50 Motorway to Heumensoord Camp Heumensoord Address: Scheidingsweg 36, Zipcode 6525 TB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 1. Turn left off the A50 onto the A326 to Nijmegen. 2. After 6km go straight over the roundabout onto the N326 for Nijmegen. 3. After a further 4.5km turn right into Neerbosscheweg signposted for the University. 4. Continue into Weg door Jonkerbos. 5. Continue over Hatertseweg at crossroads into Grootstalselaan. 6. After 1.6km cross the N844 into Scheidingsweg. 7. The entrance to Heumensoord at the end of Beukenlaan is after 1.3km on the right.


Heumensoord Camp to Grave Camp Hyperlink: Google Directions - Heumensoord Camp to Grave Camp Grave Address: Voskeschestraat 13, Zipcode 5363 SK, Velp, North Brabant, The Netherlands. 1. Turn left out of Beukenlaan from Heumensoord Camp and head west on Scheidingsweg. 2. After 1.3km cross over the N844 at crossroads onto Grootstalselaan. 3. After a further 1.6km cross over Hatertseweg at crossroads into Weg door Jonkerbos. 4. After 650m turn left at crossroads into Tarweweg (signposted Winkelsteeg). 5. At the T junction turn left into Nieuwe Dukenburgseweg. 6. After 1.2km bear right taking the first exit on the roundabout into Van Schuijlenburgweg. 7. Turn left after 900m onto N324 signposted fro Grave. 8. Continue to follow N324 for 10.5km and go through Grave. 9. Turn left at Generaal de Bonsweg signposted for Mill then take the first right after only 20m

intoSteegsenhofseweg. 10. After 500m the road bears to the right, follow this route. 11. After a further 100m turn left onto Voskeschestraat. 12. Stay on road for 1.4km, arriving at the main gate, named Grave-Driehuis. 13. Report to the first building on the left.

N324 to Nijmegen


Annex D to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01

HEUMENSOORD CAMP (HC) FACILITIES Meals 1. All meals are to be taken at the Central Dutch Mess Tent. Opening times will be available at the Central Dutch Mess Tent and the BMC Admin Centre. All plates and cutlery are provided. 2. The Dutch Security Pass issued on arrival from the BMC Admin Centre is required to gain access to the Central Dutch Mess Tent. Entry is strictly controlled and lost passes will cost the individual up to €300 to replace. During marching days (Tue - Fri incl) marching personnel are to make their own packed lunch at the breakfast meal, but should be aware that perishable items should be consumed within 6 hours. Additional food and refreshments are available at the rest areas on marching days. Marchers are advised to carry a small quantity of currency on marching days if they wish to purchase refreshments on the route. Ablution facilities 3. Showers. The showers will be open 24 hrs a day. Showers are to be kept clean and all rubbish is to be placed in the bins provided. Separate shower facilities are designated for each participating country and gender; personnel are not shower in other nation’s or gender’s facilities. Note, when the gas bottles are exhausted the showers will run cold; gas re-supply can be arranged by a report to the BMC Admin Centre. 4. Washing. Washing troughs with cold running water are available outside of the accommodation and shower tents. All the water supplied on HC is drinkable; it is piped from the Nijmegen water supply. Boots are not to be cleaned in the washing troughs. 5. Toilets. Toilets and urinals are available throughout HC. Refreshment facilities 6. Cadet Canteen. The Cadet Canteen will be operated by personnel of the Canadian Military Contingent (CMC) and will be open daily for the sale of refreshments and confectionery. This is the primary canteen for the use of cadets. The dress standard is casual. Cadets are not allowed to purchase alcohol from the Cadet Canteen. 7. Dutch beer tent. The Dutch beer tent, situated near the Heumensoordplein (Heumensoord Square, adjacent to the flag poles), will be open throughout the week. Live music is played every night and food stalls operate outside of the tent. All purchases are made using a token system. The opening times will be displayed at the tent itself and at the BMC Admin Centre. Tokens can be purchased from cabins outside the tent. Electrical facilities 8. Electrical power at HC is well controlled, but power outages are possible when the system is overloaded and electrical fire remains a risk. Ironing tents will be located near to the marcher’s accommodation. No ironing is to take place anywhere else. Electrical charging stations should also be provided in these tents; these are the only location available to charge personal mobile phones etc. Official Team mobiles may be charged in the BMC Admin Centre entirely at the owner’s risk. Personnel are NOT to disconnect or disturb any electrical connectors in the accommodation tents for any purpose. All electrical wiring in the accommodation is for lighting and emergency lighting purposes and could save your life. Any marcher owned items found


plugged into the electrical connectors in the tents will be confiscated. Personnel leave equipment charging at the charging stations at their own risk; neither the BMC or Dutch authorities own any responsibility for items lost or stolen. Medical treatment facilities

9. Enhanced Treatment Facility (ETF). Opening times for the ETF will be published at the ETF and BMC Admin Centre. Personnel requiring medical treatment on completion of a day’s march are to take a shower before reporting for treatment and be in possession of their FMed 965 if issued. To ease the flow of personnel through the facility, marchers are to report for treatment as soon as possible after returning to HC. Please note the minimum dress standard for the ETF as noted at paras 16 and 33 of the Standing Orders. 10. University Hospital Nijmegen. All personnel are to be aware of the following strict regulations governing the admission of BMC personnel to civilian hospitals, in particular the University Hospital Nijmegen:

a. All personnel are to be in possession of a EHIC (without these cards, charges range from €250 for relatively minor treatment, up to approximately €8,000 for an overnight stay). Charges cannot and will not be met by the BMC. On admission, personnel are to give their name, rank, number and EHIC details. Even with a valid EHIC charges may be made for hospital treatment and personnel are to have adequate personal insurance. b. All Hospital admissions are to be reported to the BMC Medical Liaison Officer and the BMC Admin Centre.

BMC Admin Centre 11. The BMC Admin Centre is manned 24 hrs a day to deal with your queries. A notice board will be situated outside the building showing marching route maps, BMC Standing and any Routine Orders, facility opening times, march detachment times, weather forecasts and other useful information. BMC memorabilia will be on sale at the BMC Admin Centre. Telephone and internet 12. There are no public telephone facilities at HC. Teams are strongly advised to ensure that at least two team member have a mobile telephone suitably connected for use in Europe. Cadet Team Leaders are to ensure they have made suitable provision for cadets to contact UK on arrival and that relatives are provided with the details of a contact mobile telephone number for them to contact cadets in an emergency. A wifi service will be available across HC - please do not unplug any routers in the accommodation as this will disrupt the service. Postal and banking

13. There are no postal or banking facilities on HC. Postal and banking facilities are available in Nijmegen.

Bus service 14. A special half-hourly bus service provided by a civilian bus company operates between HC and Nijmegen Train Station (city centre). Weekly tickets for unlimited travel can be purchased from a booth outside the Dutch Beer Tent. Single journey tickets can be purchased on the bus. The bus departs from the road alongside the Dutch Beer Tent. The bus timetable will be displayed at the CVM Information Centre and at the BMC Admin Centre.


Annex E to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01

MARCH REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES 1. Introduction. Approximately 5000 military participants will start from HC each morning. With narrow lanes at the start and so many teams, some basic rules must be followed to avoid chaos. The following procedures do change and are updated each year to ensure a successful and error free march; Team Leaders are to brief their team on the contents of this Annex. 2. Organizers. The Stichting DE 4DAAGSE (S4D) are the civilian organizers of the entire event, they have the final say on all matters relating to the march. The S4D March Regulations can be found on their website The Dutch Military Authorities (CVM) are the military officials whom the BMC liaise with and, along with the civilian organizers, they enforce the S4D Marching Regulations for military personnel. The CVM also run HC and GC. The LSO and OC Route Support enforce the BMC’s March Procedures on behalf of OC BMC. 3. Marching detachments. The BMC is the second largest military contingent and is split into 3 marching detachments. Each detachment will have a different start time each day, which will be briefed to Team Leaders and displayed at the BMC Admin Centre. 4. Individual marchers. Selection as an individual marcher is a privilege not a right. Therefore, individual marchers are required at all times to provide help and assistance to BMC teams during the marches. Nominated individual marchers will be required to act as sweepers for the BMC on each day. They will be briefed on their duties by BMC OC Route Support. Individual marchers are required to join one of the 3 BMC marching detachments to march out of camp each morning; they may not start marching at any other times. 5. CVM team numbers. Each team will be allocated a CVM Team Number which is different to the BMC reference. An arm band with the CVM Team Number will be issued from BMCSS to the Team Leader as part of the arrivals process. This CVM arm band is to be worn by a team’s front right marker on the right arm. The CVM Team Number will identify your team for the duration of the Marches and if a team loses their CVM arm band they will be charged upwards of €30 for a replacement. Therefore, the CVM arm band should only be worn whilst marching and should not be left hanging on a shirt in the accommodation for opportunist souvenir hunters. 6. March participants wristband. Every participant in the march will be issued a wristband which is to be worn for the entire duration of the 4 day’s marches. If the wristband is removed then the participant will be disqualified from the march. Each wristband will be unique to the participant by means of a barcode/QR code. The barcode will contain such information as whether the participant is an individual marcher or a member of a team and whether they should be carrying weight or not. At the start and end of each marching day every participant is to have their barcode scanned. There will be various checkpoints throughout each day where the wristbands will also have to be scanned - ensure that an entire team are together to be scanned. If an individual misses a scan then this could be grounds for the S4D to disqualify that marcher. If any marcher damages their wristband report to the BMC Admin Centre. 7. Stichting DE 4DAAGSE time limit. Regardless of your marching detachment's allocated start time, all teams are to finish no later than 1700 hrs each day. If you have not completed the day’s march by 1700 hrs your team will be deemed by the S4D to have dropped out from the Marches. 8. Team form up. Start times will be allocated by the CVM and each BMC detachment will be allocated a forming-up time to meet this. This is the time by which teams must be at their designated detachment forming-up point and it will be displayed at the BMC Admin Centre. Team


leaders are to ensure that all team members assemble at the correct times ready to march-off. The main forming-up point is located at the front of the accommodation blocks. Having formed up, teams are to proceed to the Back Lane. At the Back Lane, teams are to form-up one behind the other on the right hand side of the road as directed by BMCSS under the control of the BMC RSM. 9. Missing your allocated start time. If you miss your allocated start time, you will be placed into the next BMC marching detachment. You may not start before the next official BMC start time, as you would interfere with another nation's departure. If you miss the last BMC start time you will not be permitted to leave Heumensoord until all the other national contingents have departed. 10. March-pasts. On departure from HC each morning teams will march-past the saluting dais where the Head of the BMC, or other senior officer, will take the salute. In addition, Team Leaders are to be aware that many of the villages on the route will have a saluting dais where local dignitaries, both civilian and military, receive salutes. When entering villages and towns, Team Leaders are to ensure that teams are correctly dressed and ready to pay the usual compliments. In previous years such locations have been marked with a camouflage inflatable banner over the marching route. 11. Weight regulation. All male marchers born between 1 Jan 1967 and 31 Dec 1997 are to carry 10 Kgs of dead-weight. This weight must not include food or water, but does include the weight of the marcher’s Bergen or webbing and other non-consumable items carried. BMC participation cards and retired marchers

12. Participation cards. BMC Participation Cards are used by the BMCSS to keep a check on the team's current marching status and to account for every marcher. Each card will have printed on it the information required to identify the marcher to whom it belongs. Team Leaders are to carry all the cards for their team with them on the march. These cards are only to be handed to the BMCSS March Recorders, in accordance with the instructions at paras 12 to 16 and not given to BMC medical staff, the Stichting 4DAAGSE, CVM or anyone else. 13. BMCSS march recorders - check out/in. The BMCSS March Recorders will be at the forming-up points in the morning and on the "in road" at the end of each day’s march. They will note your team's current strength and collect BMC Participation Cards for any retired marchers you may have had overnight or on the march. 14. Retirees on the marching routes. Where possible, should any of your team retire whilst on the march they are to be left in the care of the BMC Medical Staff at the Official Military Rest Areas. Where this is physically impossible for the individual concerned, the Team Leader is to carry out the following actions:

a. Send two members of the team to the nearest rest area, either forwards or backwards. They are then to report the following information to BMC Medical Staff at the Rest Area:

(1) CVM Team Number. (2) Name of Team. (3) Rank and Name of the Casualty. (4) The exact (or as near as possible) location of the casualty. (5) The condition of the casualty and the time they last saw the casualty.

b. The remainder of the team is to stay with the casualty and make him/her as

comfortable as possible until medical support arrives. The two team members or the remainder of the team (whichever is behind) are then to move forward until the team meet up again. Those in front are to remain at the last known point for the others to catch up.


c. You are not to leave a casualty on the side of the road, or merely notify the fact and hope that he/she is picked up. It is the Team Leader’s responsibility to ensure the casualty is in the hands of the BMC Medical Staff at a Rest Area before moving off.

d. On return to Heumensoord, whilst checking in with the BMC March Recorders, the

Team Leader is to hand over the participation card(s) for any team member(s), who retired from the march whilst on the marching routes.


15. Retirees overnight. The Team Leader is to report to the BMC Admin Centre and hand over the participation card(s) for any team member(s) who have completed the day’s march but will definitely not be marching the next day. In many circumstances the Medical Staff may "advise" an individual team member not to march the next day yet he/she may feel well enough to do so in the morning. Be sure that he/she will not be marching before handing in their card(s); once a card has been handed over, the individual concerned has officially withdrawn for the March and may NOT take any further part as a marcher. For instance, if someone drops out on Day 1, but is well enough to march on Day 3, they will not be allowed to rejoin the team. 16. Non-starters the next morning. On reporting to the forming-up area, the Team Leader is to hand over to the BMC March Recorders the participation card(s) for any team member(s) who will not be marching that particular day. He/she is to inform the March Recorders where and when the team member retired (eg: after finishing day 1 etc). 17. Retired marchers. All personnel are on duty during the Marches, including marchers who have been given medical advice stating they are medically unfit to march, or have failed to complete a day’s march by 1700 hrs. All such marchers, regardless of rank, are to report, daily at 0800 hrs, to the BMC Logs Controller at the front of the BMC marchers’ accommodation, having first had breakfast and having made their packed-lunch. Such personnel will be allocated tasks commensurate with their medical condition and will be permitted to return to their team at the end of each day. Award of the Vierdaagsekruis and final march past

18. All military marchers who complete the regulation distance of 40km per day will receive as their reward the Nijmegen 4 Days Medal, or Vierdaagsekruis. The award of medals will take place at Charlemagne field. This means that marchers will be issued with their medals before they have completed the regulation distance as the finish line is 4.5 km further at the Wedren in Nijmegen’s city centre. Every marcher will have their wristband scanned at Charlemagne and then further down the route in Nijmegen itself.

19. Any marcher who the S4D deems not to have completed the regulation distance as they have not had their wristband scanned in Nijmegen after completing the final march past will have their medal revoked.

20. The weight regulation at paragraph 11 does not apply to the final march past from Charlemagne field to the finish at the Wedren in Nijmegen City Centre. From here all marchers will be transported by bus back to Heumensoord Camp.


Annex F to BMC Standing Orders Serial No. SO/16/01

HEUMENSOORD CAMP VISITOR PROFORMA 1. Only unit Commanding Officers are permitted access to visit their personnel at Heumensoord Camp (HC). No other visitors are permitted. All prospective visits to HC by unit Commanding Officers are to be notified to the BMC so that the visit request can be submitted to the Dutch Military Authorities for approval. Although unlikely, Team Leaders must be prepared to have their request denied. 2. Unfortunately, visits are not permitted on Sat 16 Jul 16 or Fri 22 Jul 16. All visitors are required to leave HC by 2300 on the same day as their visit; no overnight stays are permitted. Visitors must be in possession of their Service Identity Card and cannot bring vehicles onto HC. 3. If required, this completed proforma should be handed in for the attention of the BMC LSO at the BMC Admin Centre on Heumensoord Camp. 4. If a CO wishes to visit Charlemagne field to see his or her personnel receive their medal on Fri 22 Jul 16 they may do so. Unfortunately, there will no vehicular access and any CO must make their own arrangements for travel to and from Charlemagne field. Team Details

Team Name:

Team Leader:

Contact Telephone Number whilst at HC:

Commanding Officer’s Details

Date of Visit:

Estimated Time of Arrival:





Service Number: