british intelligence

Our Pitch

Upload: mediammsd

Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Our Pitch

The song we have chosen is ‘Street fight’ by British Intelligence and we have based our video on the style of music and the lyrics within the song.

We are going to create a music video which will contain clips of none violent acts which contain a comedy aspect. This is more viewer friendly than a typical street fight or what would generally be seen in a music video of this style, we will also include clips of the band, and the main singer rapping.

Comedy fight based in streets and alleys which are dark gloomy and could be seen as a frightful area, and we will use appropriate lighting to highlight the actions by the actors.

This will be based in different areas, from Inside and outside of Lanchester and the local area.

The characters included in this music video are a general rock band looking but with an aggressive looking rapper as the main singer.

Close ups of the rappers face and expression when singing, this will include showing his clothing. This will also pan out so show the scene to show the dark areas which they are based in.

Long shots which show the surrounding areas which will include corridors and alleyways and dark placed.

The band as a whole showing drums, guitars, pianos in a music room with a dark settings highlighting characters faces.

Mixing between black and white within the music video, this shows and highlights certain aspects of the video as in facial expressions and band movements.

Split screen will be added to switch between close ups of the band which will divide the screen into 4 parts which will show all 4 characters in the band.

Lighting will generally be natural but we may add lighting when editing to highlight certain parts of the video.