bring on the war civil war


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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Bring on the War Civil War. Mr. Tota. Popular Sovereignty- the principle that settlers within a federal territory have the power to decide the legality of slavery within that territory. Politicians jump all over this…Why?. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Bring on the War Civil War

Bring on the WarCivil WarMr. TotaPopular Sovereignty- the principle that settlers within a federal territory have the power to decide the legality of slavery within that territory.Politicians jump all over thisWhy?Uncle Toms CabinHarriet Beecher Stowe, authorExplores the horrors of slavery stereo typical characters widely readsold 300,000 copies caused big reactionLincoln will call her the women that started the Civil War

Bleeding KansasStephen Douglas (IL)wealthy, ambitious experienced politicianKansas-Nebraska ActDivide region into two new territories Encourages settlementHopes to build a transcontinental railroad with terminals in Chicago and St. LouisPopular sovereignty Drive out Native AmericansWithdraw Missouri CompromiseNebraska becomes a free state

Bleeding KansasKansasPro and Anti-Slavery groups flood KS and battleBribe, intimidate and beat people1855-1856200 people are killed in KSConsidered the first fighting of the American Civil War1,500 registered voters6,000 votes receivedVote goes for slavery

Bleeding KansasKS splits in 2Pro slavery- Capital La ComptonAntislavery Capital Topeka and LawrencePresident Pierce should be slave areaanti-slavery side are traitorsPro side destroys Lawrenceburns town, report that 5 people are killed

Bleeding KansasJohn BrownFamily made big $, but lost it all Lost children to dysenteryTurns toward the Anti-slavery movementBelieved he was personally chosen by God to end slavery

JOHN Brown

John brownPottawatomie KillingsJohn Brown and his sons find people they thought burned LawrencePulled them out of their homesKilled them with broad swordsCut them up an left them around town Raid on Harpers FerryHarpers Ferry (VA)Arsenal 200,000 weaponsJohn Browns PlanAttack arsenalArm the slavesLead a slave revoltSecret SixRepublicans, Financial backers Recruits 21 menDo intelTakes the arsenal easilyTakes hostagesImportant towns peopleSlaves do not trust/understand him

Raid on Harpers FerryMarines roll inKill 10 of JBs menJB capturedArrested for treasonPleads not guiltyWants to take standGains sympathyNortherners agree with his idealsHanged, seen as a martyrSouth This was a violent threat to their way of lifeThey can no longer live in this countryBrings us closer to Secession

Senate Beat downCharles SumnerAnti-slavery Senator (MA)Crimes against Kansas speech on senate floorCalls out Andrew Butler Congressman (SC) Verbally attacks Butler repeatedlySenate Beat downPreston BrooksRepresentative (SC)Butlers nephewBeats Sumner nearly to death with a walking stick3.5 year recoverySent walking sticks by voters Underground RailroadSecret organization that had hiding places throughout the Northern statesBrought enslaved people out of the South to freedomThe goal was CanadaHarriet TubmanMoses of her peopleHelped 300 slaves to freedomWomen's rights activist

Fugitive Slave lawNorth madSouth can get anybodySlaves go to courtJudge gets paid based on decision

Dred Scott DecisionDred ScottSlave Moved around a lot - MO, WI, IL, back to MOMaster diedSues for his freedomGoes to Supreme Court9 out of 12 Justices are slave owners

DRED Scott DecisionScott loses badlyHe should not be freeSlaves are not citizensNo constitutional rightsSlaves are propertyCitizens can not be denied property4th AmendmentMO compromise unconstitutionalSLAVERY CAN GO ANYWHERE!Lincoln Douglas DebatesAbraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas are both running for US Senate in IllinoisDebates were followed by the nationDouglas a strong candidate for the Presidency in 1860Slavery a big issueDouglas for popular sovereigntyLincoln against expansion of slavery

Lincoln Douglas DebatesLincoln put Douglas in a bindAsks can the people of a territory in any lawful way excludeslavery from their limits prior to the formation of a State Constitution?Douglas hurt either wayYesshow support for popular sovereigntyHelp him get reelected as SenatorBut cost him the Southern Support for PresidencyNo would show that he abandoned popular sovereigntyAnd would cost him senatorial election

Lincoln Douglas DebatesFreeport DoctrineSlavery can not be banned (Dred Scott decision) but can be discouraged by local laws.Douglas wins Senatorial election, but loses support for the PresidencyLincoln wins national recognition

Election of 1860Lincoln wins 4 person race. Seven states secede before Abe takes office(SC,MI, FL,AL,GA,LA and TX)Fort SumterFirst Battle of the American Civil WarThe Confederacy wins battle in Charleston, SC. It is ON!