brimmdes otie escaped kansas kidnaped girl freed...

BRIMMDES DEBTS*™ . ' i illEARS Ohamberlaiu.'BefuBM to Tell Oommons A e th e r NaUon ; , W ill Default, TALKS OF.TAMPP WAR Thrcatoofl’ Economic Reprisals On abimtrios-Witli Trade Walls cxch(>qucr. In ’hls'.iMt parllaracn- tnry njicech bcr«?ra Urn worid eco-' nomic conftrcneo, ..aoundca'. a womlnj; to<lay< that Oreat'Brltaln wiU wofo unflitichlnfi: economlp warfare.on naUons.Uiot treat her unfolrly. ■ . i', Uniler the Labor party, Which dcmandcO a. nttitemcnt of policy on payment of -.tho <70,- ' 000,000 war debt In'atallmcnt June , J5, Chamberlain rcfuactl to com- ply for fear of projudlclng nego- tiotlooa with thii United tSatcs. Ho exprcki^' confldcncQ tliat tho JJnltcd Slates’, waa'aware of Britaln'a'dlfflcultics and would do nothing either to omphafllze thoia or . to . prejudice success of tho world economic conference.- • < Lust Session Today's oesslon of . tho House of Commonn wae-lta-lost..until Juno 10 .and opposition memb.^^ . were determined to' demand .In- formation on the govcmmenfs IntenUons • during the . next two weeks, which . may-bocome. hls- torlo.,' .ChamberlaW, as chief finance . officer of the govommcnt. re- plied to the Labor ,party ,attack. His -speech, was one 'thnt show- ed TJlalnly the-deUrmlnaUon of • tho goverament-to purauo a fight for'what It regards .as its. rights without compromise.. vr, It served'utthe'same-Ume to . ',<!mpbasl*e the ' govomment-B^ In- '■'tenUoii to'delay •docIsr6n „on tho •' war debt,,a:nd,to ompha8l».tt'_dl*. vlirtan.*-lh--thb,vg5vww«»t-'--ltsel^| (uj.'.to .Trbat;-Uia( -dbclslda-, should Police Closingf in on • Two Prisoners, in, Dense ids , SILOAM SPRINCS: Ark,, Juno I 11 (aR]~Uwia . Be<_'el. fuglllvc I pm tho Kansas b aito. prison. IS captured lodtg-'at a farm: ^ Drlpping'Spr?.{S. gThe capture wasl,iade by Floyd Bnn, deputy, ah? Iff of Dela- county, Oklal who reported mt Bcchtcl show d no flglit,- Othcr members,-if a Delaware county ponse wore reported clos- ing In on two companions of Bechtel. RefHHl Wlifin Rating Bcchtcl, 2S,-waa oclzcd while eating at the fai^ house. Ho told Glenn he and' Ills companions had dcclcled to split up after at- tfBCtlng.attenUon by firing at a speeding truck. His companions, he said, could'not be . far nway, as they, were fleeing on fooL .The posse proceeded cautiously, however, au they were known to' be, armed and might take refuge' a .cnve from which they could ilpc at tlie posscmen. Bechtel was .nerving a 10, to year-ncntence for robbery when he ■ cscaped with 10 .other eon-, vIcU. , Hq was convicted in Wal- lace county. • Previously he had seized a term in an Idaho'train-! ihg school for horse stealing. The! fugitive also had served a term In the Kansas reformaTory from AiYlNSEEK CAUSE OF CRASH Three Privates Killed., Four; Hurt ■When Bombing' Flano Hits Mountoin SAN BEaNARDINO, Cal., June: 2 lai:)—Army air officers today began'” an InvefiUgatlon of ar plane crash. iJl Cajon Puss, .... here, which-Uilled three army alrl corps privates ujid- Injured their four companions. , The plane, a duai-mbtored bomber, apparently strucl; the rocky walla of Cajon Pasji in o heavy fog ycutenlay. -Tho dead: Private Clinrles M, I^adbcttcr. Ro.seburg. Ore. . Private. X-a^rcnce D. Romuno. Syracuse, N. Y. Private AddlBon C. Spencer. Pittsburgh, Po.' Tho Injured: Private Paul L, Dlinlm. Alice, Tex., fractured arm and internol Injuries. . , * LleuU E, D. Kennedy. KanBOS- City, Mo,, compound fracture of left leg, head Injuries', and severe shock. spoke-that Prime Minister;Ram- u y ,I>(Bcbdnald would curtail his .'Whltnsday;lila home . . (Continued on Paga Two) Heart Attack KilU; .Spanish War Veteran on Road Near OaatlofOrd.- ' iaUHL. June. 2 ', (Special)— Stricken by. heart .dlsbase oa ho was dHvla'e iiia car.'on'.tho high- way'near. Casii#forc!,^rred 'Wor* '-ley,jsa,'.', 'SpimisV-.Am'rirlcan veteran.and: resldwt^bf Buhl;,for 26. yeah,, waa founai-^deaf m„hls machine yeitfenlay' by'.,two'pass- ; eraty.- -He was'oriiy.bBe andya half rallefl,:frtm-^ho KTme of'-hifl .daughter. Worley'fl'oar'^irved'f«m"the . ,rood 'iad’ atopiHs^^lla'a^tor^;? ^ er.,declar^: that UlSdgniUon was . sUll:. .bh'. - ' and';tiiD/^«a« - ' wore • :Sun'ivijr8r: ara‘;'irlv4?dauffhtcr«. .'..'deen,'-Mahos.-llts.',, MyrUe fBnialr .■■ :iey; B'uhr;.'Mrs..Albirtji'.ifcCann',- Himtlh^ii.'. Orc^t'-.-ltft '' 'iSdna :Ajndemn,^Buhl;f?il«StW«»»-W“*^ ley,'.' -BuW;."tw6 J . /-H. i m s fy;-lingiWfi Otie Escaped Kansas Oonvict Recaptured; Posse Hunts Others :ntiary dt Jefferson ity. - , Fire en .TrucIc Earlier today, fugitive convicts I (ConUnued on .Page Seven) ' Pivo Per.Cent Addition .Givon| : ; 100,000-Auto’ Workers . , , ^By Action DETROIT, June,.2 ((U!)—Divi- sions'of'Genera) Motors corpora,- u'oh:today were following.the cor- Lion's announced policy of a fivO per cent wage .Increase for Internal injurii . ' Fog. Hides Pass Lieut. C. M. ilcHenb-, Lob An- geles. pilot of.tho largo bomber, escaped with minor Injuries. Tho ship was en route from March field on a routine, mission to Crls- sy field, San Francisco. On account.of a heavy fog, Lieut. 2(cHenry flew the ship -Ho' said: he attempted-.-to lift ,tho:-.plan'e. through.a,holo;.in-tho foff aad-ovefi'-thoilnountainB.- Tho heavy ship . apparently •failed- to gain-elevation ,and :tho' left 'wing, struck tho mountainside. It crum- pled. demolishing' 'the craft hnd -- .w. -------- .within tho Mury aicElroy, 215, riKnt. UH lildiiitprd fur 30 lioiim und llicii relrttfi-d; Above Hio scciin' im MiKH .SipKlroy rcjolm-d her tninlly after. Iiolng freed on a hlgMvuy ouiHidn IliuiwiH City. I^ ft to righiv Huiiry McKlroy, Jr.. her liniiiiei Mint ,Mi!Klroy, und her fittliur, .Iiidgo 11. F. McKlroy, city mar Hger of Kuusjw Oily. Thu Judge, paid SS0,000 ruii«on> money, ul thoiigli $CO,nOO wm denmndvd by who forced (he girl to Iraivo her Imlli.'dri-wt and uccom- piiiiy tliBUl.' Tho iiMiielorjt were Htlii frc«' today, Hitti local, Htiito iiiid federal offlcerrf of tuo »tntcs working ,011 every nvalliiljio lilt of Kvery hoiwo wlthi fivo hilles of ', llie -siiot at wliloh MlBs'McEiroy w-ati relciiscd Ims been- Kciirclifd, und the kiUiiiiped society girl ha« uttcnipted to iden- tify tier uMuctoni l)y Kcrutlniilng the Kaniui!! City police “ninrKue." The Increase will .effect' 100,000 automobile workers In Jhe United States'6y the end of the weelc. Approximately 60,000 of tho work- 's are employ*^ in Michigan. Four divisions aaiipunced the Increase;late, yesterday and ,Uie' othera were expected .to fall in, ;lino today, and tomorrow. , The| ,four-were: CodiUac^Motor Cari I'company, cmpioylrig-3.000-work-1 ' ' ; -.tho ' Chevrolet Motor Corl — -ipany.'with 10.000 employes; the-Bulck Motor ,Car. company. -cmploylng.8;000^workora'-,aad th0| 01ds\Motot car .company,';with: IM I E PONDERS LIB ON tins Veterans' Reductions WiU Bo Held'to 25 For Cent By New Movo from war Injuries, to 25 per* cent . 'Announcement of > the .decision tt> accept . a . llmllaUon on “ - LWen'ce ' P. '.Fisher, ;-vicb.'pres^- ■dMt.-.of.,Genoi^.,Motow,sald tlie was made.-by Scpator Bymea, 'Dem., S. &, as a'rovolt.brewed in *• -senate against,the'drastic vet- M odmlnlstrBtloh. ccoaom Of Qeacrol-Uotors said: the poiixtloh' favored.'the. increase;,but was. not •making It a^rlgidrule for 'lh»;yarlous;.;dlvlaiona. ,^ ^ I idkha Poteto'Cr^fcj^ A^pircmcKes: Normal .., roAHO'fFXLLS.' Idabd..:Juno' 2 acrcaffo. foV^ heo^.V.norinal. - C.' R. Holden, ldaho;FaUA.p6tato dealer, I ” ^e^iK^rc^k--dMrcaa» .that ^ I - - - .fOrecast'Vcarller-Mhia- epHng. ,::,0vef00m0 ;.by;,' laat'Amlnuf plonttog-contered espceiallyiin th oaaUm w t -of ,tho-.8tat«;, lt,w a ■^ectetf:'the-.-c»p,-wauid/pxccc that ot i032 . / ............ mm V i. a-S'-SS iisi^»s Bachelors Taxed to Speed Nazi Weddings . rresldent,; Approves V . B^es'alM.said uiat’tho presi- dent had-decided several days ago to.odopt-regulaUon«'.wbIch would niako Uie averan .iMuctlon. for service . conbeotdi disablUUcs . be- Oons .provldlag'ft-riilnithum ctimr pensatloii r 6f-,,-4HS:;.;for'.-SpanUh! ' American .;,war;- vettoifl 5over .'62 years,old would:bo.'ptomulgated. ■ ,;No-:doflnlto. .detwintootron:' on th^ rate.of .compc^tlohrfor vet- eroffirof < tblii%age.: feuffer^ng- from aisabillUe8-:-haBiljoep'::KO«hed:^ thwe^aro being considered. Bjrncs ^ d j/a s 'a re VOib'caseB^of-:^widows |arid':or>'tHoBO.,’suff6rlng':cr6mTdls- Kidnaped Girl Freed Hitler Wants Girls to Quit Industry for Marriage , Berlin; June 2 nirt—a tax -1 employed baclielora and on un- married women to subsidize mar- riages of working girls wos de- creed today, by Uio government -Desiring to lessen the number of glrlB competing for Jobs with men. Chancellor . Adolf HlUer de- vtoed tho plan t»f offering a loan of 1.000 marks ($260) to brides .who- have- been cmployofl for sbc months.'provided they pronUse to and not seek employ- nent as a long os thdr husbands arc earning at leant 125 marka (S31.20)'a-month. . 1 Tho loan would be - equipment, and her form, ixed at 1 per ccn'faycar. The government hopes to Induce; 1(50,000 working :glrlo to' get'.married so Uicy can St-the'loan.- , ., The speclal bachelor and spin-, ster tax'decreed, to pay.for tho■ - •■• - -- cent on ..................... - and IfiO w k B - a month: and rifles, to B per'ccnt on those of 600 marks 01 !lt?5'iddiUon to.^ie.. loan plan'. the-'HItler. government also'mod.o another :inovc in its campalgn'.to take womefi from the-iobs-.whlch men should have.- , The ChAncellor aanouticed-. that'.'In,' futura;-, all houijihbld 8orvanla, counti, 'cd:d8:’.chlldrea--ta'.,flxlngMibft,te. meht ;of . income taxes.-, Tlie-ac-. Uon^is expcctisl to increase^uso.of domcsUe: ,'Bervantfl, and- thus-to ‘Uike.'-morQ. women: Out,.or,Indus.- - ' . V . ^'v' iiCidiiapers Captureid ^'^kAN■SAS^.'cITT.•'Mo.^-■Juno .2 aiBl—SiX'partielpants Snrtho kid- naping'.-; of. Miss, -Mary,;-'-MoBlroy baTo'bc»'’Cdptu^'and port-of , lber>30,00(> ■,rariBprn-:.jnoney, ;hM [■beda ■rccovercd. -pollco-announcod ■;vPpllce;:aald a • plane -:Waa ,-pre- imrlhg'.vlo'.-lcavo;:imracaiat61y, /or .C.ommissira •ii'C^CAaO,Juno .-8':,hU>l^Aclion lng'A:-b(oad^IUtlng<of:.r^rieUQna PLANO Famous Aviator and His Wifo| Will' Cover 12,000 , Miles , in All . LONDON, June 2 iIlUl—A- 10 to 7 gamble ugalnnt deaUi, .with the Blake Ulo thrill of making airplane fllghta no onu.cluo.haa made, wilt be csjtayed at 'noon Monday, by J.-A. Mollison and his wife, Amy Johnsau, two of Great Britain's foremost’avlators. The 'Mollinons .plan to fly from Croydon ' airdrome, near . London, to- t ’loyd .Bennett field. New York; to rest for one day; • then fly to' Bagdad,' Persia, and back to Croydon—12.000 mfles in' ail. Succl-sa would -mean making the-first two-way AUantic' fitght, ................tho.-'non-stop distance • tho'/S^cw -Yofk-Bagdad Testing. their new; plane, - ‘'Sea- farer," ■■ the -Molllsons ^ circled soutlieni: and eastern England in nlne-houra.' flight I figure a t'10 to MoUUon'^;today. ;vif'.';we through, .lt.-.wlil:lbo 'our lat- fllghtj>y«; can’t-gamblo^wlth Indefinitely.'.'- it« /ith-luck QO IZD ISCLOSES S NSTOCKCRASH Efforts to Save Markct.Madel Syndicnto More Than Mitlion EUROPEAN KINGS NAMED Pccora Olaahes Aiijfrily With Davis Over Income. Of Lamont WASHINOTON. Juno 2 (I Stock miirkul upurallonii which showed that J. K Morgan iinil compiiny. -made money even dur- ing till! ik.sperntc daya of -t»29 ; fortuncM wcru being wiialcd awiiy In crumbllnj; slock prlcc,i, iven; madt- public.toduy- In- Ihu SenulR Mork'an Invi'Btlgutlon. Siimu Ilf litv miirket opcrutlonsl A’eiil back to 11)20.. But quustiuii- iiiK by Fortllnnnil I’ecorii, com- mlllti' coun-Hul, rcvlviid llio dra- iniillc-ciUHiMli'H of Ijliick October. 1H2U, when Mor(;nn |iartn<.-rH Jolii- ' with Uuggonheim briith(.TH and five liitnkH In a "jiiinic jxicil" to iniUntiilii Htocli prltcH. ICliigH Mentlolivd Another hlghllKlil of thc-'morn- Ing wus the questioning of Sena- tor lU-ynoldB. Dem,. N, C„ \vho| attempled to cllcH from Gcorgu Whltnoy. Morgan partner on the atimd, whuthur any of lliu mera- of the British Rciyiil Houho. King Alhurt-^o^ tho BelgianH und Premier Mnssolini ofv Italy wore on any of the "bargain counter" stock llsLi of the House of Mor- gun, ' • ' Whitney aaid ho knew of such royal connections. Tho "market crash" syndicate bought-1.HG.OOO Hliarcn ot vari- ous stocks in three weeks of op- eraUons which ended Nov. 1029, It waa brought out In testimony.of Whitney., Early, in 1030 tho 'syndicate sold jt i a profit Df .J1,007,35B.-. '*■;'} Ang/T-Ei'clioiiifp!'--;,: Tho Inquiry^'TCCeMcd over- week-end after.- an angry change between Pccora and John W. 'Davis, chicf counsel for the Morgan Interests. Ditvis bbjcctcd to qucstionlngof, Thomas S. Larnont, a Morgan j partner and son of Thomas W.j Lamont. Pccora' apparently was , .mpling to produce testimony regarding- tho younger - I-amont'a | income , taxes but refused to go| into particulars when he r (Continued on Pago Two) ,CIIY PREPARES FOR AIR FLEE! Cliamber of Commerce li^Hiics Program for Monilny Sky Parade S, WlKlil. Bfon-Uiry Twin FallH CtiainbiT of Omi- ccce. toilay mud.! imhlli! Ihi- jir<i- -am uf i-vcniH in ounnocUoii tvltli 1 .! vlHll Iiori' or 17 iirriiy alr- anr.s from .March fli'M, Hlvor- ile. Callftinila, AlrplunuH ill thnr'i fiirmiiliim Rquiuii-on.s am! currying hoiiu- 75] House 1}1II bo reduccd-to-one-hal'f urmy officcrH and attondonln wllllof <tnL> per cent. Tho revised bi'gln niimeuvi-rln'g on and off the) [irogrum he said would ralso ~vln Full!! airjxirl. from 10:15 a, I S227.000.000 or ^7,000.000 moro , until 12:30 p. m.p u sight never 1than tho necessary annual' reve- fore «evn In this coinmunUy, I nucs needed to finance tho S3,* In a statemenl, Wight pnys: ,300.000,000 public worlui pro- '•TlK'-se • nighl formatlonH andjR™"'- ~ .,.1 non nnn Inspection of. regular army equip-i *“““ »-i7.uuo.uuo mont of varloua types of pursuit I The Harrison lax schedule will plan.-H.-transport planes and ob-| raise the following amounU: 'Tax nervation planea arc drawing crowds at all airports, and nlml- irly In Jlils community are ex.- pected to bring hundreds of peo- (Continued on Pago Two) Mechanical, Mon Pilots Plano As Noted Aviator Seeks U. S..fiecord LOS ANGELES, Juno 2 (URl— Lieut. Comdr.- Frank Hawks roared away from •munlclpal;,air- port today , in a specially de- signed , plane piloted .by .a me- chojiicol robot which ho hoped would' land him In Now York In record-breaking Ume. , • He planned no stops en rouU. Hawks was attacking tho 'West- East speed record of 10 hours and -10- mlnutaa,' Bct, bj* Jimmy Halilip. •,He planned on folowing .the ■gwit elrcfo rouU, crossing Colo- rado, Kansas City, SL.Louls,,Ia- •• iolls,- Colut . .. to Floyd n New 'york.->., . ,, He'said' he'.would: |cav6"tho Today’s Gaines' Brooklyn. '•_:.000 ooo.doiw l.- 0 ':n Boston :_;C..;0lO;oiO<Ox-:- a,12-;0 B roo kl^‘ii;.V:.\'iL;'2l-;.Oo6o Boston » __________000 Ho—,2 _____ __,work to checking :the! accuracy of-tho, piano's cou ' tests; ::.the.:device rwaa. 'si Bteeriwltbln, 2 ,degrees of ■coureo;;'v'ii performance ,tno.. -- aotihg, than toat-;oi;,'a human pU ' ;..ARtEniCA?|{ . I ^ a U B ao-top . - 'stntoCaupremo'''court blocked^ ottonipta •.to'^lliutdattf.^.thb. troasury^;%by«*dllnir>;«wuriUtf Morgan Pleads for ] Barred Press Men WASHINGTON, Juno- 2 rt-lr)—J. .1'. Morijan inter- ccilcil tiidiiy for pliolDjjrii- pliiTH wlio I Incurred ttn- wralh <if llie .Senate. bunl(- ing and currunOy commit- Ice bj- iinnpplng Uie flnan- cliT wllli a elreUHjinUlful iia hl!i Inp, AKirgan pruteKtnl thill III- illil not waiil to caiiiic! .•xcliiHlim of |iliot<in- REVISION ASKEO f lAX CLAUSE OF WORKS BILL j Senate Finance Obaimian W ill • Eliminate Increase of Income' Levy IWOULD CUT GAS BAISE ! Propose.? Aasessnienf Againsi . Capital stock of Corporations -I'dietlng that ^ Ic-lliT I; , N.-v WASHINGTON, June 2 OUll—. ■)iiilrinun lliirrlnon <if the Senate • jfimincQ commlttco said today ho I would Hi-ek a complelo' revision ot ;lli.' revenue raining provisions ot ' jtlio indimtrlal recovery-public I WDpkH 1)111 lut piiaspd by tho house, jltit-luding «u1i.Hlltiilon of a capl- tal Htoek, lax for Increased 'In-" conlu taxes, Harrlmjn iil»i projKjHcd that tho additional thrcu quartern of a ^Miline lax provision in tlio l.poUco ’'Diacovor’'P iiw ":XoD^ In.Pirc; Stains May - ' Bo' Blood SAN JOSE,. Cal.; Jupo -2 a'.r.i - murder complaint charging bavld Lamson with the death 'of Ills wife, Allene, was filed here today.- of dlvitlcndfl, *70,000,000; capiUI mock tax,' J80,000;000; admInU-. tratlvo clianges, $10,000,000; gaa.'- ollne increase of. cent per gallon. 562.000,000; total,. *227,- 000.000. The tax on capital stock based 1 tho net worth of a corporation ' would amount to I-IO oC one per cpnt. . ; . * . Harrison said ho would present ' ' his revenue raising the commltteo aa,sooa aa-it-be-i gan to'studylng, the’ addlUonaV taxes secUon of .tho biil.:-.-..-V;... .. B, before to-, . PALO ALTO, Cal.. June 2 «Ui) ~ A stubby piece of Iron pipe, whitened by the heat of a bonfire. ;iroJcclcd today.into tliemazo iict and circumstance sur> rounding tho death of Mrs, Ai- leno Lamson. young Stanford Y. W. C. .A. secretary. Tho 10-lnch section of pipe was found in tho ashes of. a backyard fire David Lamson was tending Memorial day morning, when his . Tho pipe showed traces of blood stains, according to SherUf- Will-, lam tSmlg,’ but his clalm.was;dls-i puled by ,Dr. Fri - -• - who said It would requlrt several days to',complete ehemlcal.tests., Proescher, -also ' was .' cxamtning several .charred fragments of cloth, ;reportcd, ’found-■ In . ihes. . . ’ ' : Husband SUll Held. The 30-year-old ^ le s muidgnr of tho Stanford University . Press still was held without chaises la the cbiinly-Jail at,Sah'Jose.:Dls- trlct-VAttonjey :Fred„U. .Thbmaa said:ho.wss awaiting a’flhal'.rc-^ port iroja invcsUgatoni-btfore,doi he'-wo'uld .-issue, a against 'the.-husband 'or 'center ' tho investigation'.‘.on;, .a search fSt'a myatcribuB-stranger! reported seen'ln the neighborhood.' .. Thomas;'SiicrIf» .Emrg.'nn'd .Pt>., iieo Chlef 'Howard/ZInk •6^:Pdlo 'Alto, agreed',.bn-,th'e. thebnr-',:thb victim .was-slalh'-.and :no<-.kllled in, an 'accidental, falti ai'claimed EtEEWFFBS: State . Oonvontion , Ends H enj.,, Today; Dole^tca OWcon , . : . ■On Sconic:’E id c ;.- Tho 'fourteimth ,'annual':,conveh* ' - on of the .Idaho, CouncU.'.'of. Catholic Women-was to'closo'-here, this ,afteni»on' wIth‘ the. 'clMUm', of .officers and, report bf',tho-,'rtsn-,',.''.'- olutlon8''commltt^;,- .luia'. jiraiw \ V - '• Reno,' ildaho •Falia.- p'rMld^t-'/ot'V.r'’, tlid council thi past year,; ' her ;conveaUon-'inesaagw'itb\"th'o-j^ dple^tes ^during, the,in'bmingr ^ - ' -•on.,-'■ ■- '■ '.-- '."■ .'•/.■■VW- '’--V .Foljdwtoff/Incheon, four state,' ____ _____ _ play:»l?aAvJollnS»olb,\i by M«o-S^;..;Beclc

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    . ' i i l l E A R SOhamberlaiu.'BefuBM to Tell

    ■ Oommons A e th e r NaUon

    • ; , W ill D efau lt, •


    Thrcatoofl’ Economic Reprisals

    On abimtrios-Witli Trade Walls

    cxch(>qucr. In ’hls'.iMt parllaracn- tnry njicech bcr«?ra Urn worid eco-' nomic conftrcneo, ..aoundca'. a womlnj; to•' war debt,,a:nd,to ompha8l».tt'_dl*. vlirtan.*-lh--thb,vg5vww«»t-'--ltsel^| (uj.'.to .Trbat;-Uia( -dbclslda-, should

    Police Closingf in on • Two Prisoners, in,

    Dense ids

    , SILOAM SPRINCS: Ark,, Juno I 11 (aR]~Uwia . Be(Bcbdnald would curtail his .'Whltnsday;lila home . . (Continued on Paga Two)

    Heart Attack KilU; .Spanish War Veteran on Road

    Near OaatlofOrd.- '

    iaUHL. June. 2 ', (Special)— Stricken by. heart .dlsbase oa ho was dHvla'e iiia car.'on'.tho highway'near. Casii#forc!,^rred 'Wor*

    '-ley,jsa,'.', 'SpimisV-.Am'rirlcan veteran.and: resldwt^bf Buhl;,for 26. yeah,, waa founai-^deaf m„hls machine yeitfenlay' by'.,two'pass-

    ; eraty.- -He was'oriiy.bBe andya half rallefl,:frtm-^ho KTme of'-hifl

    .daughter.■ Worley'fl'oar'^irved'f«m"the . ,rood 'iad’ atopiHs^^lla'a^tor^;?

    ̂ er.,declar^: that UlSdgniUon was . sUll:. .bh'. -' and';tiiD/^«a« -' wore

    • :Sun'ivijr8r: ara‘;'irlv4?dauffhtcr«.

    .'..'deen,'-Mahos.-llts.',, MyrUe fBnialr

    .■■:iey; B'uhr;.'Mrs..Albirtji'.ifcCann',- Himtlh^ii.'. Orc^t'-.-ltft '' 'iSdna

    :Ajndemn,^Buhl;f?il«StW«»»-W“*̂ ley,'.' -BuW;."tw6 J . /-H.


    m sfy;-lingiWfi

    Otie Escaped Kansas Oonvict Recaptured; Posse Hunts Others

    :ntiary dt Jeffersonity. -,

    ■ Fire en .TrucIc Earlier today, fugitive convicts I (ConUnued on .Page Seven) '

    Pivo Per.Cent Addition .Givon|

    : ; 100,000-Auto’ Workers . ,

    , ^By Action •

    DETROIT, June,.2 ((U!)—Divisions'of'Genera) Motors corpora,- u'oh:today were following.the cor-

    Lion's announced policy of a fivO per cent wage .Increase for

    Internal injurii

    . ' Fog. Hides PassLieut. C. M. ilcHenb-, Lob An

    geles. pilot of.tho largo bomber, escaped with minor Injuries. Tho ship was en route from March field on a routine, mission to Crls- sy field, San Francisco.

    On account.of a heavy fog, Lieut. 2(cHenry flew the ship

    -Ho' said: he attempted-.-to lift ,tho:-.plan'e. through.a,holo;.in-tho foff aad-ovefi'-thoilnountainB.- Thoheavy ship . apparently • failed- to gain-elevation ,and :tho' left 'wing, struck tho mountainside. It crumpled. demolishing' 'the craft hnd -- .w. -------- .within tho

    Mury aicElroy, 215, riKnt.UH lildiiitprd fur 30 lioiim und

    llicii relrttfi-d; Above Hio scciin' im MiKH .SipKlroy rcjolm-d her tninlly after. Iiolng freed on a hlgMvuy ouiHidn IliuiwiH City. I^ ft to righiv Huiiry McKlroy, Jr.. her liniiiiei Mint ,Mi!Klroy, und her fittliur, .Iiidgo 11. F. McKlroy, city mar Hger of Kuusjw Oily. Thu Judge, paid SS0,000 ruii«on> money, ul thoiigli $CO,nOO wm denmndvd by

    who forced (he girl to Iraivo her Imlli.'dri-wt and uccom- piiiiy tliBUl.' Tho iiMiielorjt were Htlii frc«' today, Hitti local, Htiito iiiid federal offlcerrf of tuo »tntcs working ,011 every nvalliiljio lilt of

    Kvery hoiwo wlthifivo hilles of ', llie -siiot at wliloh MlBs'McEiroy w-ati relciiscd Ims been- Kciirclifd, und the kiUiiiiped society girl ha« uttcnipted to identify tier uMuctoni l)y Kcrutlniilng the Kaniui!! City police “ninrKue."

    The Increase will .effect' 100,000 automobile workers In Jhe United States'6y the end of the weelc. Approximately 60,000 of tho work

    's are employ*^ in Michigan. Four divisions aaiipunced the

    Increase;late, yesterday and ,Uie' othera were expected .to fall in, ;lino today, and tomorrow. , The| ,four-were: CodiUac^Motor Cari I'company, cmpioylrig-3.000-work-1 ' ' ; -.tho ' Chevrolet Motor Corl — -ipany.'with 10.000 employes; the-Bulck Motor ,Car. company. -cmploylng.8;000^workora'-,aad th0| 01ds\Motot car .company,';with:

    I M I E PONDERSL I B ON t in s

    Veterans' Reductions WiU Bo Held'to 25 For Cent

    By New Movo

    from war Injuries, to 25 per* cent . 'Announcement of > the .decision tt> accept . a . llmllaUon on “ -

    LWen'ce ' P. '.Fisher, ;-vicb.'preŝ - ■dMt.-.of.,Genoi^.,Motow,sald tlie

    was made.-by Scpator Bymea, 'Dem., S. &, as a'rovolt.brewed in *• - senate against,the'drastic vet-

    M odmlnlstrBtloh. ccoaom

    Of Qeacrol-Uotors said: the poiixtloh' favored.'the. increase;, but was. not •making It a^rlgidrule for 'lh»;yarlous;.;dlvlaiona. ,̂ ^

    I idkha Poteto'Cr̂ fcĵA ^ p ir c m c K e s : Normal

    .., roAHO'fFXLLS.' Idabd..:Juno' 2

    acrcaffo. foV̂ heo^.V.norinal. - C.' R. Holden, ldaho;FaUA.p6tato dealer,

    I ” ^e^iK ^rc^k--dM rcaa» .that ̂I ---.fOrecast'Vcarller-Mhia- epHng.

    ,::,0vef00m0 ;.by;,' laat'Amlnuf plonttog-contered espceiallyiin th oaaUm w t -of ,tho-.8tat«;, lt,wa ■^ectetf:'the-.-c»p,-wauid/pxccc that o t i032 . /

    — ............

    mm— V i .

    a -S '-S S i i s i ^ » s

    Bachelors Taxed to Speed Nazi Weddings

    . rresldent,; Approves V . B ^es'a lM .said uiat’tho president had-decided several days ago to.odopt-regulaUon«'.wbIch would niako Uie averan .iMuctlon. for service . conbeotdi disablUUcs . be-

    Oons .provldlag'ft-riilnithum ctimr pensatloii r 6f-,,-4HS:;.;for'.-SpanUh! ' American .;,war;- vettoifl 5 over .'62 years,old would:bo.'ptomulgated. ■ ,;No-:doflnlto. .detwintootron:' on

    th^ rate.of .compc^tlohrfor vet- eroffirof < tblii% age.: feuffer̂ ng- from aisabillUe8-:-haBiljoep'::KO«hed: ̂thwe^aro being considered. Bjrncs ^d j/as 'are VOib'caseB̂ of-:̂ widows |arid':or>'tHoBO.,’suff6rlng':cr6mTdls-

    Kidnaped Girl Freed

    Hitler Wants Girls to Quit Industry for

    Marriage ,B e r lin ; June 2 nirt—a tax

    -1 employed baclielora and on unmarried women to subsidize marriages of working girls wos decreed today, by Uio government - Desiring to lessen the number of glrlB competing for Jobs with men. Chancellor . Adolf HlUer de- vtoed tho plan t»f offering a loan of 1.000 marks ($260) to brides .who- have- been cmployofl for sbc months.'provided they pronUse to and not seek employ- nent as a long os thdr husbands arc earning at leant 125 marka (S31.20)'a-month. . 1

    Tho loan would be - equipment, and

    her form, ixed at 1

    per ccn'faycar. The government hopes to Induce; 1(50,000 working :glrlo to' get'.married so Uicy can

    St-the'loan.- , ., The speclal bachelor and spin-, ster tax'decreed, to pay.for tho■

    - •■ • - - - cent on .......... ...........- and IfiO

    w kB - a month: and rifles, to B per'ccnt on those of 600 marks 01

    !lt?5'iddiUon to.^ie.. loan plan'. the-'HItler. government also'mod.o another :inovc in its campalgn'.to take womefi from the-iobs-.whlchmen should have.-, The ChAncelloraanouticed-. that'.'In,' futura;-, all houijihbld 8orvanla, counti, 'cd:d8:’.chlldrea--ta'.,flxlngMibft,te. meht ; of . income taxes.-, Tlie-ac-. Uon^is expcctisl to increase^uso.of domcsUe: ,'Bervantfl, and- thus-to ‘Uike.'-morQ. women: Out,.or,Indus.-

    - ' .V . ^'v'

    iiCidiiapers Captureid'̂^kAN■SAS^.'cITT.•'Mo.^-■Juno .2 aiBl—SiX'partielpants Snrtho kidnaping'.-; of. Miss, - Mary,;-'-MoBlroy baTo'bc»'’C dptu^'and port-of

    , lber>30,00(> ■,rariBprn-:.jnoney, ;hM [■beda ■rccovercd. -pollco-announcod

    ■;vPpllce;:aald a • plane -:Waa ,-pre- imrlhg'.vlo'.-lcavo;:imracaiat61y, /or


    •ii'C^CAaO,Juno .-8':,hU>l^Aclion

    lng'A:-b(oad^IUtlng., . ,,He'said' he'.would: |cav6"tho

    Today’s Gaines'

    Brooklyn. '•_:.000 ooo.doiw l.- 0 ':n Boston :_;C..;0lO;oiO;«wuriUtf

    Morgan Pleads for ] Barred Press Men

    WASHINGTON, Juno- 2 rt-lr)—J. .1'. Morijan inter- ccilcil tiidiiy for pliolDjjrii- pliiTH wlio I Incurred ttn- wralh

    rounding tho death of Mrs, Ai- leno Lamson. young Stanford Y. W. C. .A. secretary.

    Tho 10-lnch section of pipe was found in tho ashes of. a backyard fire David Lamson was tending Memorial day morning, when his

    . Tho pipe showed traces of blood stains, according to SherUf- Will-, lam tSmlg,’ but his clalm.was;dls-i puled by ,Dr. Fri - - • -who said It would requlrt several days to',complete ehemlcal.tests., Proescher, - also ' was .' cxamtning several .charred fragments of cloth, ;reportcd, ’found-■ In .

    ihes. . . ’' : Husband SUll Held.The 30-year-old ^les muidgnr

    of tho Stanford University . Press still was held without chaises la the cbiinly-Jail at,Sah'Jose.:Dls- trlct-VAttonjey :Fred„U. .Thbmaa said:ho.wss awaiting a ’ flhal'.rc-̂ port iroja invcsUgatoni-btfore,doi

    he'-wo'uld .-issue, a against 'the.-husband 'or

    'center ' tho investigation'.‘.on;, .a search fSt'a myatcribuB-stranger! reported seen'ln the neighborhood.' .. Thomas;'SiicrIf» .Emrg.'nn'd .Pt>., iieo Chlef 'Howard/ZInk •6^:Pdlo 'Alto, agreed',.bn-,th'e. thebnr-',:thb victim .was-slalh'-.and :no

  • m m-HfeeTwo' ' IDAHO EVENING times’ TWIN FALLS, ID'AHg' ’:


    Cliy .PREPARES: .

    iFORlFLEChamber-of Oommerco Issues]

    ProfiTftin for Monday’s

    Sky Parade.

    OUT OUR WAY By Williams

    (Continued trtyni PnRO One), .pl£ 're=i /sat t3-.v= rcr Ihu

    'cniilon. Thl«. In llio /Irsl llmo tuui lull Ulc opporlun'

    Ity of flccint,' the army ulr rorccfl £ln ncUdts on Ihclr field pracUco -niBlilfl. . ■ • .£ . : Guard on Duty

    •■•Especially clabanxlc plans ewlnff-mfuTB to handle thu cro' "Tho critiro Twin- Falls nallonni ^n^ard company will bo on linnd t part on Trip Ifrs, Byron Deo and dajigliters,

    Dorla and' Glennu, left tiiday for Halt L.-ikc , City,. wheru • they, will

    ■■ Miiei Rosemary. Deo. who lias 'IsIUng In Wyoming. They

    will make an extended trip Uirougti Califdniia. Mi.-m Ora-I-ou rhllllps accompanied Uicm aa far wi

    ,Tvvo CouplcH (Jet Lii-nnses'Vcmis WajTie Culley. Rupert,' Id Rutli Jrerie Rockford, Aeo-

    quia: and Mabel, Lyonal Mooso, Declo, and Ira Hugentoblcr, Rupert. havQ been iaaucd wwldlng Ilceniii's at the office of th& c ty recorder. •


    jAIore Gj'psln Here l^ Throo nddltional cars of gypslcL ISrrlvcd In. Twin Falla last evening

    .o'clock ami wore uahercd O}jrough; by Traffic Offl- ,*cem ,Tcd Gockner and Claud

    :They wore headed cant .they were earouto to Earlier In the week a

    . other cars of lhcso .trlbe.i- , ., i.mcn. .arrived hero and were

    out of town. They camped • ^^lear Hanaen. for two nights, oc-

    : to Fontaine Cooper, state officer. .

    To Frolic at ConUutMembers of the . iraglciann'

    club at their weekly luncheon meeting at tho Jlogerson hotel ycaterday, voted to ontorlnln their friends at a dancing parly at ContJict a weeit froni Satur-


    Haly Con . Sunday, in the li

    i OliHiTvrd. . . .i of tho

    fourth i|uarter of . the oonferenco year in .the McUioiUhI Eplaeo|uii .church, and tlie occasion will bo observed wlUi holy communion at 11,o'clock. Dr.,Elijah, Hull l^ng- brake, ’minister, nnnounce:t.

    Incorpomira Loni|i»iiy ' Incorporation papers for the,

    iPcrcalx National Saica conil|5any

    [: Hello Folks!rW . :na suro and see the,ARMY AIR ■ SQUADRON drive In at—

    • • lOlIB 'A. M. MONDAY .•,It’H going to, be 0 real.treat for ’

    SEE THE '



    I,al8o want to remind you of our apcclnlly prepared 2nc and 00c Sunday dinners.-TheHv dlnnera arc pn'pnrcJ from tho beat the market afford hud wu aaimro yDu our aerv- ico wUl bo satlsfactoiy. ■/;.'Wo specially Invito tho Fnrmerfl'to bring In their faifilllcs and enjoy, tho biggest and beatmeal 'Iri.-Sduthom Idaho' for .... .


    :2 5 c

    nizvrl with n capital iitoeli of $̂ 5,01)0. havu_bceii pliiCMi on fllu ■ the office 6t the county record- . la•n̂ . lncor|)oralesumably ,to-hear J3a- vIb' argumcnUi agalnut going Intc l^moat's pvr.'ional stock iranBac-

    Pecora's (lueatloning regarding I.nmont'n Block aaics of December 30 last' indicated tho poMiblo necllon with incom? taxe.r cora naked the, wltnoan whether he had »ohl at that Umo 1,S00 Bliniea of. Continental Oil, 1,000 liluires of Shamrock Oil, COO Hhari-a of Slate Streoflnveotment company flluireSî SOO nhares of In- vcHlment company of Philadelphia :ind 1,000 almres of’ Sima Petroleum company.

    The white-haired Davis juMped la his feet to object iitrenuounly. "We. Ifialiit upon fair play," ho crl(Ml at Fccora.

    "I don't thlnlc you nre called upon to arum’cr for tidu wltnoHH.' I'ecora replied. .

    "I am within my rights,” coun tereii Davis. "This Is not an orderly proceeding."

    When Ijimont was finally eallc11 friends of tini church .are cordially, invited tu .brfng'their dinners, an i enjoy tho fellowship of the morning worship.and dinner hour. Rev. Mr. Slimp and his family are leaving for Indiana 'next wcelc. Rev. Mr. Humphries and Mrs.

    JOB-K SAYS;- .Wilbur H; cjnimn, that when

    ■JohB W. ordered a now law book ho put .a P.. S. I'Plcasa '' not send me one bounil'In__f; as 1 nm a vegetarian,"Eh what? Don't bo hido bound — get your uharc of Uio Good Timea Juot around the coracr- '̂

    ----- AT JOK-H’S —

    TOMOHUOW and SUNDAY , Tfvu Splendid 1st Kun I

  • ilM K ;:

    ‘ Jlirob Scouts Wfttoh MlsBibal .' Hurlor- Hold Sonnlors

    •1 To Six Hits

    SAN FnANCiaCO, Juno 2 (UR) , —Tho Btcttdy. robust nhn of Younfr

    , _Johnny UWich pull ' him lalo .higher company before •.Vcry"l6ng, • " '

    I t wnn wortdnK with pf'",gatdGii plants Wo havovtlio.hest



    .'fl^m :g1a(lfwcliavoouKowolclcpl W)j

    ;: was cw iljarniwngwliea

    .’no'i|^lil)or;»tclcp1toncandl‘.so £ i.t i

    ' r iip tc d hcif d in n e r or iiilc u d cd vhcd

    cnlcrtaimng fu^iids -* 1 ' \ :

    cmiilo^(x w ill ia/c ̂ eu^ ofrfcr; . .. I ■ ......

    T H I M p U N T A lll i4 ,T

    T E lE P H 0 N E 'A N b 'T E lE 6 R 'A *


  • IDAHO EVENING TIMES. .^WIN PALLS; IDAHO ‘ /Friday. Cfune 2,198^

    ■ TBLBPnONB 88 ■

    rwi XiMj*a w in e • AuoolatldB. roll NBA. rMtnr*

    CnUtM u flMMDd Clua M&U UaXtar In Uie Twin FUIs Post Offli*. AvrU 11. Itlt. Uod*r Ael ot CoDcnsf, Uu«b 9. lITi. ,

    'i:” - '■


    j Twin Palls as a city is glad to have l)con liost to •inemberB^of-tKe-Idaho-Councll of CaLiVolic-Women,

    .^ere in annual convention.. This is only one of several conventions cither al- •ready held here this year, or scheduled to meet latei*.

    .With' its ‘central location, excellent meeting jjlaces

    'and hotel facilities, the Magic City believes this is "an'ideal place for conventions of fi'aternities, relig-

    ;ioijB groups, and professional bodies, and extends oa sincere welcome to its jjresenfc and future guests, "in the .hope that they will have enjoyed theii* so-

    here.'and w ill want ,to come again whenever

    •the opportunity.offers.

    ■ FEW ER ACCIDENTSUnlike many communities, this section fared re

    markably well from the standpoint of accidents ovei* the recent'holiday. . _

    On such occasions,, w tK an increased liumber of- automobiles on th6 highways, the element of danger naturally is greater.

    No drownings, no tra£fic fatalities, no serious in juiiea-^this is the record of south-central Idaho over Memorial, day.

    I f phidence will continue to be.exercised,,similar records can be maintained thi'oughout the summer. A t least the element of cai*elessness can be eliminated. .This factor is the chief contrihutor to tragedy.

    Every'serious accident should be a warning to avoid danger, to drive more carefully, to take fewer j chances. .

    Highways are constantly being improved; tlvey . are better marked, motor care are made better, brakes are more effective, bndges are less danger- ous-^verything, it seems, should make for fewer

    • accidents on highways. •Now if humans w ill improve in carefulness, judg-

    • ment and in their' actions, in the same ratio our conveniences have improved, then there is no reason

    - why records similar'.to those made here this week, Bhould-iiot-be;commonplace, instead of so unusual a^'to^meHt'eongratulation.


    .iSometime in the'not-distant future the American' people are going to have to make up their minds just how far t^ey care to go in helping to maintain the peace of Europe.■ That peace is a very unstable thing. It has been,

    • ever since the war. I t ^vas unstable for decades before rte .war., There is nothing in sight right now to indicate that is is going, to be any more stable in the immediate future.- This is because there has not, for many.decades,

    been a.situatio' Europe which was not deeply displeasing to certain important, minorities. Before 1914, France wanted to regain her lost provinces, Polish patriots dreamed, of independence, restless groups-in the HapSburg empire-schemed for separation; since the war,.the;central. powers, particularly Germany, have felt-'the Versailles treaty as an iric- some restriction .whicMniust;some day be end_ed.

    Hence every, ni^tion must be prepared, ultimately, to appeal'to force. As ft jesult, disarmament schemes usually come to gnef; Those nations interested in mamtaining existi*ig'‘.frdntiers and treaties will not give up their military predominance unless they are

    - assured that such countries as England and Amer-■ ica will join them in-preventing the discontented mi- . norities from kicking over the traces. .

    All-.of which leads up to the question, How far - are we prepared to go in underwriting the status quo ovei^eas,?:'-

    V . .. I f we continue to stand aloqf the disannamenl pro-, gram must collapse.' .A new war will become more

    : thkn likely, and we Have no assurance whatever that i we shall be any more able to keep out of i't than we i-.iyere,able to.-keep'out of the last one. . •

    On the,other hand, if we line up firmly for exist-■ v.Sng: treaties, we cominit oui-selves deeply in quarrels

    that aVe not 'of our making and we lend our sup- port to a situation which many of us feel-contains great.injusticei . . - •

    i '.'vrlfc won’t;be' an easy decision. But it js J ia rd to ... it can .be avoided. .• We are rapidly ap- :-proaching a great fork in the road, and there is no vsmiddle course. /Before long we must make one of •fv̂ the most important choices m ’ our history.

    ^ j'/P ro^ exercises 50 muscles in the face,?' says >ctor;.;Moral: Take less exei-cise. . . ‘

    ttj mflBEL- - • ■mcEUJO'n

    ' tiR iin TOBAir'MO.\niR O-nAltlC la >t Htut

    departments. ThoCidxia enii Is helng Ambiuisudor Sumner M'elicfk • •;

    ^Vhnt you will jiroliahly «et is thu Allotmant Pluti nnd reclpro- cifywHhCuba,■ You may not havo noticed that

    a - recent commiaalon ..announco- ment’on sugar made a significant point about refined. It prtce. difference between refined-wna 114- cenis when'tho' tariff law was passed whercns It. la only one' cent now. That mado. it appear as If the. commUalon'Ii against- altering the. present dU- ferenUal.

    You can bank on the fact that tho next step In UiU slluatlon-wlll not como from tho. tariff commla- ulon,-but from-tho.WhlU'Houjie.'

    • ■ : ny .I5MES McMULttN NEW YORK'— The 'ilnflnUon

    program for.'Uii;. near future will consist of a .mbclmum' of ucUvity for. a-.-maximum of psychologicalCffeCt' -That’s'tho s to^ b can fall back on'tho Fedcrol Ro-', servo for its', financing.if by . chance commercial T.banks and'; .private: Investors - don’t., como. .across 08 required.; .

    Such an omergenoy'Ia luilike-: -ly .to develop. Tho best opinion . holds that a billion- .dollars or moro could , bo floated wiUiout flicking, an., eyelash; But’:, -tbo

    . FoUeriS Reserve docflti’t:want to., commit.itself too far in oUier directions'until It-Icnows defl- nlUly It-will not ho neoded'os a life-saver.:• The government haa a cortlfl--

    rcate lssuo of.}37S,000, 'mbg'duo'on.Juno 14th. A-bond.: issuo Df 9600,000,000 or moro is .bobig-dlscusaod to replaco It on

    -^; ,r.:,

    TAXBS';:-'■,-.Tho fast:Uilnker8 InWali Btreeti have airoady'doped.out a plan to' cacapo the cxtm burden If consoli- dater'lncome tax roturhs'are'obol- isherf.. -

    V e g e t a b l e s

    Bo Bpre- -to' see our '

    ," ‘̂ egotaWo' departmoiit

    tomorrowrilveryihing' V

    w ill bo'; on displa^ "

    and -nt prices, •whiofi ’

    nro surol '.to . plooso

    you.' - . . . -

    VAN, CAMP'S,

    I' PORK & B ^N SMedium sizo tins, -

    ... wliolo meal in each ,-..cau— ;■

    5 c

    TOILET jPAPER'Fuil-lOOd'-count; boBt'''



    '̂w h e a t ; ::

    : ':: v 'EtAkE5


    SO/iP■’X-i. fu ll, sised ..wrapped'^

    bari-notliinS.bolter f ■: laundry; soapi ilO-b'im t :

    2 5 c



    — tbo^Jdoul ,:wanni,^^ .WMthlir,;.^esaert.

    TOMATO DUICE■■ ’ '■.ijHnl£’'-.tonidt6-/iuloo ,

    . forioolth;?.CMapboll'B,vL.|

    '.largo-.BlroXtiii^i ■

    6 c

    ........................ ..............................

  • Fxiday.Junb .'2,-1083 IPAHO-EVENTNG TmiES, TWIN FALLS. ID A H a '- Pflgo Fl?g ,

    -STAGES B E iF l!Fourtobn Unita -Fnrticipiitc' inj

    P ro^am and Contest at

    - : >;Fair Grounds

    -FILEfl, Juno'2’ (Spccltil)—Four-': tccn eubordinalo GrtuiBea of Twin Fallfl : County Pomona Grarigo

    ■'o^niwnid a benefit p rb ^m ■onil cakO'bakInK contest nt tho Twin, Falls county fftlrgi^ounUs loat night j

    . --- . nttendcd by 200 Ruesla. Harvey S;': Hale. Twin' Fnlls county aeent,

    sold tho prlZQ-wlnnlnc caltcfl at • • iiucUoh. ilra.; Harry/Capps, Twin

    Falln, , Pomonat Grange lecturcr, cbnductoU the ..proffram. Pike’s Peak-cake flour manufacturers, who awarded, tho prlicrf were ck- tonded a' vote of thanks tram Uie Granco at tho closo of tho evening.

    -- Program numbers Includcd'-'adramatic rcatHo'e.'-.MlHB Eleanor Roberts, Uurtaugb.'.wlnnar of tho 8tato-wlde high aSbool

  • ' t ’age S h ? ' . ' mAgO'EYEtntTG TIMES; J I W : FALLS..VBiAgO .

    Society and Glufe' .Nfe'W'Si| = ^

    Vi'.H f a m " E c o T i o i ^ t “ =

    : .'infW iifi^onomT

    • •' |Mr. nh j Mm, ■ npreiici .Conner.. OBcd 7B Jind 70, residents ot lanlio ' fot> Iho fwfll as years an8cnt wore A. E. Uttler,

    Mrs. Wonl y . Sonner. Mhi. Irl V. Sonnet,, an d cJnughter, Bonnlo

    • Kingsbury. J, 11. Grieve. MK and MTS.- A.- h : Sonner. Payette: Mr.

    • and Mrs. Milo 0. Sonner, Wilder; Mr. and Mrs. I t T. King, Caldwell; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred JMlllon, Eagle; nay Stuak-t, Bolao; Mr. and Urs. B’rcd, Qrlovc, Twin Falls; Mrs.-MI-

    . nerva Ueledones and 'oono, .NIeK• and Charles, Jerome; Mrs. Loyd

    Gili(o'ond chlldrpn, Loyd, jr., and■ . Barbara, TwinPalls, aad Rex Son-

    nen Payette. ;' ). Mr. Sojiner is • the oldest of H

    , children,,ll.of;whom nro sUll living. .'Hlo mother is aUll acUve lit

    ' Iho ago ot 'Ol.: Ho w'lia bom In Jet- .. fcr«n., county,- ,'Iowu, • near loka.

    Wov.rJO,/18a8..>Hls wlfo. .formerly Ulat Carrio:Beatrlco McCJur^; was .the tildcet ot' Mreo children, all of

    . ' whom aro .living. : Sho was bom ' hear Macomb, McDonough'ceunty,.

    III./.AUff. 31, 1803. Her paren^. .moved from that locality to.IOiva

    ivhcn she was two years old.+ ♦■ +


    Thirty five membero nnd friends attended a-cleverly appointed,sll-, ver tea Tliursday'ftfUmoon In tlio- ,women’s • room of : the Clirlstlan

    • church, arranged by tho.Women's Missionary: iioclcty.'-Yellow lullpa

    '.and orchid illlftcs’forined the decorations. Mrfl. O. Raines and

    ... Mr».'W. 3. Parish pnMlded at tho.

    .• . tea. table. '. .■ • The' following ' offlccro wcro. . elected a t n business meeting; Mrs.

    E. O. Rulnes, president; Mrs. E. F. j Brown, vice president;. Mm . J. F.- , Denny, oecrctoryj Mrs. Moore„Bcc- . rotary of literature; Mrs. Herman■ Rexroot, • treasurer.. •■ .■•Mrt. F. B. Carson led tlie dc-

    votionalfi.'.; The program IncludedBAinn mtlHa T^la AviilAn-

    DouMc'VVii/d'aiffg'" Oeremony dbservel. MIm biflilya ,l.mvry, hiilij,’ 'And

    Diiral HiwniB. Twin FnllB,- iind MIh.1 Knllier Wllllnmn, Filer, and John Calder, TwIiiI.'allB. woro mnr- rlcil nt B double wedding ccrUi!i,

    ' Mr«, J. D. Connor. . 1.- Mrs, 0 . V..Brmvn nnil Mm. V.

    ' , C. .Balbuityne wero clected. ilele- .‘ gates to the church eonvcntlun at { -..RuporfJuno 12-lfi,

    ♦ ♦ .. METIfOUlHT All)-SOCIKTV Kl.K(.rS '. , ‘ Mra. Itoy Evunii was elected, J

    jiresldcnt ot tho McUiodlst Ladlen',f -- AW society Thursday attemoon. 1

    auccceding • Mrs. R. A. Parrott. I .VOtlier.^offlccni electcoo, vice-president; Mrs.

    .Donald Craves, secretary, nnd Mrs. •..;nay' 8luyter. treasurer.. Mrs.,W

    N., Cecil conducted the devotional.!. -ond-Mrs. E. J, Finch Uio program , i -I Maiy. Lou-Scott gave two readlagB ̂-i aad Mr». W. W. Wlght.aang two ’ A-.Bolos,- aeeompanled by Mrs,' C, H..", Stinson. Refrbshmenta were i y„ cd to Uio iS.membora prciienl

    Blatiket, Quilt and Pillow Special

    June 1st to June 17th

    Homemaker’s Exchange '

    Pj.y'.r-?';v',-dABaEItOLB' OF: BIUTTO i C . ..‘^Oflo Htlc

  • : r o A H d Ev e n in g f t k s s, t w in fatX s .' i d a h o ' : Fagc gev<


    TiMESj'; c iA sa i i i ^ •■r a t e s - ,

    '^ach InJsertJori. per lino .06 ''■,;(PorXlnit31n8wtli>M) ‘: Subsequent .•InserUonn,.- ...t ..02%Twelve. montlw' con-.; . tract; every lawe, each .•. • iMertlon. per lino ^02 • No'-ftOs •^cn'.for.IcM---

    than a llnea,•Minimum.• • . ■ ; charw .20 All ads munt Ijo onlore recent sildi at 2 -to

    . .. of.‘6as,''ahd_____ I'Qualltles.' 'Demand wa*......ported iBtoodyion' the CiB'nhd


    '*==! SSI

    N. Y. STOCKSNKW Vr>ltU. Ju>

    iiiiiiel clus.'il hlglu'r:lll.'< Chalniurn..............nici'lciin llailtat'.r ........Uiiikii JunuaU................llli'ti Cheiiilciil ..............mrrican .Siiicltlag .........miTlean Tcli-|'himo'Hcan T.iliacoo B........

    Aimcriiwla C?»]ip.'r Atcli. Toi>i:k:i &• Santa Ti.- Atlantic Refining . . . . .Aubiirn Motorn ..............Raltinioro & Olilc. , .......Uomlix AvJatlmi ..............nothlehi'm Steel ............norden Co.........................J. I. Cafie Co.....................C. M. S. P. & Pacific ..Chryaler Corp....................Coca Cola ....................Comvntrclal SoWcntB ......Common & SouthernCon. Oir of. Delaware ....Corn Products ......-.......Drug Inc.DuPont Do Nemours,.......Eastman Kodak .............Electrlo .Power & Light .... Fox Film! General Electric ........... .iCenentl Foods ...............; General Motors ...... ........Cioot points from the.' previous::... S7 td r-- ... 39%:„ 1711 ... 30 ?i

    IP. W- )


    , N. Y. C llU l BXLlIANCr.American,Super Poi*"- ; CiUea Service. c{ ,tei«tric'.Bond(a-,Ford MotoriCo.Swift & Co _United ■.̂ ‘('3^.by.


    RUiug-• Metal Prices' Oatisins

    ; 't Exodus of Miners to

    ; . . Mountains

    DENVEn. Colo., June 2 ilUli— *1116 ninBTclIc lure tit yt-lolw tnel- nl ;Wtta fell ngnln ■ loarl in. the p*>- Kansas,iltical and economic reconstruction — ---------------

    S L E r S ' f e S ' S r . t ;- M o n t a n a y r i i v i r « t y™ « jpiHii In 1110 B o a s t s 8 ,2 0 1 G r a d s

    w otl."T t“rn2;iv\::i‘ pm̂ b cf."

    pgnffkd'Tjnd’Im.Uip̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ ve?Bily.'1fas"'j.^;duaIe,l =^^2 at".!:ti-ilu re-strlctions, blaate.l mo^ 2,02,T i-ecnlved

    aysteijis, • H tlcrtsm, guitar- diplomas In the la.H 10fears, au«i.lclona and.hatreds, yy^r,;. t IiV state college hiul grad-

    ..lieCher all tho .would be.dir--uaicd l.TflO aluilouLs; the sUitofercht toflay had America cm- normal. 2.0l-l! the iicboof of mines,barlied on world ponpcra'.lon a dec- I'ijji; (.natem MonUina normal, -104,ado ago no one can.iwy, but clear- and northern Montana normal, '111.

    d(T Thei'C loId E a r r i n g P a y s -

    F .o r G r o e e r y O r d e rSaturday u(teril