brief report on jam-e-shirin

Contents Company profile Vision statement of QARSHI Introduction of jam-e-shirin Marketing mix for jam-e-shirin Competitors of jam-e-shirin Market segmentation of jam-e-shirin Market ratio of jam-e-shirin Conclusion Refrences

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Post on 03-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Brief Report on Jam-e-shirin


Company profile

Vision statement of QARSHI

Introduction of jam-e-shirin

Marketing mix for jam-e-shirin

Competitors of jam-e-shirin

Market segmentation of jam-e-shirin

Market ratio of jam-e-shirin



Page 2: Brief Report on Jam-e-shirin


From humble beginning in 1968, Qarshi Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. is now Pakistan's largest

herbal pharmaceutical company.In 1968 the youngest son of Shifa-ul-Mulk, Mr.Iqbal

Ahmed Qarshi after completing M.Sc in Chemical Engineering, laid the foundations of

Qarshi Dawakhana, which has now evolved into Qarshi Industries, a modern and

successful company that outweighs by far, the expectations of its original founder.

Qarshi Industries is highly rated company in its category in Pakistan. It has consolidated

its image as a quality-conscious company and has, over the year, demonstrated its firm

commitment to quality and strict adherence to international standards. Qarshi takes

pride in maintaining a high quality in its products and superior skills and acquiring the

latest in advanced technology. It is conscious of the need to improve efficiency and set

new standard of excellence in the competitive phyto pharmaceutical market.Qarshi

Industries (Pvt) Ltd has over 200 natural health food products made from pure herbs

and plants. They are produced by maintaining the highest standard of quality and purity.

These include:i

Health food supplements




These are some of the products of Qarshi that it’s targeting. It has various parts. It’s

operating more than one product. One more thing it’s not only operation in Pakistan but

now it’s also operating in different other countries like United Arab Emirates, Saudi

Arabia, UK. Etc.

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To be leader in Natural Medicines, Health Supplements, Refreshing Syrups, Natural

Mineral Water, Food and Farm products has evolved itself from cottage industry to one

of the largest Natural Products group in Pakistan, manufacturing & marketing leading

brands in National and International markets.

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The product that I have chosen for market segmentation is QARSHI’JAM-E-SHIRIN . As

it is a well known drink of the East and a brand leader from Qarshi Industries. Before the

preparation of each bottle of QARSHI’JAM-E-SHIRIN a scientific and stage-to-stage

research is conducted on all the components of distilled concoctions, herbs, flowers and

fruits that are used in the old system as well as modern system of medicine. At every

stage the best components are selected for the preparation of this ideal refreshing

drink.Offering QARSHI’JAM-E-SHIRIN to guests is a tradition.

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“Marketing mix is defined as the set of controllable tactical marketing tools that the firm

blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.”The marketing mix is also

known as the ‘Four Ps’:






“Product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or

consumption and that might satisfy a want or a need.”


Keeping in view there customer health qarshi have a special quality control

department which is also working to enhance and maintain the quality of jam-e-shirin.

125 different quality tests are taken while producing jam-e-shirin to assure the quality of

jam-e-shirin. Complete hygiene environment is create within manufacturing area of jam-

e-shirin. Which make jam-e-shirin completely safe and healthy


The packing of the product is based on the nature of the product. Because jam-

e-shirin is a red syrup category so it’s packing is designed accordingly. Plastic bottle

with three different sizes for the convince of customer. In the beginning jam-e-shirin was

available in glass packing and only in one size now keeping in view the need and

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demand of customer qarshi start offering jam-e-shirin in three sizes and beside that in

unbreakable packing. The sizes are:1.800 ml2.1500 ml3.3000 ml


The label of jam-e-shirin contains name as well as size and ingredient of jam-e-

shirin. Name is mention in a way that customer can locate jam-e-shirin easily among

other brands. The color of the label is red it is because of the product nature. Company

thinks that red color make packing more attractive and style is also convenient for

customer to carry jam-e-shirin easily.


Jam-e-shirin is available on in one flavor that is red. Some other drinks which fall

in same category offered by company are





Jam-e-shirin is enjoying more then 50 percent market share against his competitor

which tells the story of jam-e-shirin image in market.


There is no concept of pre sale service about jam-e-shirin. But after sale service is

provided like if the product is expire or damaged company take all the stock from the

retailer. This service is also available for end consumer that if he buy product and the

product is expire then he can return it back to shopkeeper and take his money back.

Company motto is to satisfy customer so after sales are offered to Price:

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is the value that customers give up or exchange to obtain a desired product .This is the

most important factor considered while talking about the marketing mix. How

QARSHI’JAM-E-SHIRIN price there product this is as fellow:

Pricing strategy:

When company starts producing this product they use penetrating strategy keeping

in view the competition. This is because to attain most market share. Now company still

fellow same strategy to retain market share.

Pricing product:

Right price to product is very difficult. Price plays very important role in the sale of

any product. So this is one of the major issues. Jam-e-shirin are fellow quality based

pricing out of survival, profit maximizing, and market share leader pricing. This is

because jam-e-shirin is market leader now and they are now just focusing only on the

quality of the product so they price according to the quality of the product.

Competition of QARSHI’JAM-E-SHIRIN :

Jam-e-shirin’s has a competitor like hamdard’s product. According to jam-e-shirin

they are in pure monopoly here in Pakistan. This because they and there competitor are

major market players in the market of the red syrup. And jam-e-shirin is enjoying greater

percentage of market share which is more then 50 percent.

Pricing discount:

Company never ever involve in any pricing discount. There is not concept of

seasonal, quality or functional discount offer yet by jam-e-shirin, and according to the

company official company is not thinking of any of such type of disco Promotional

pricing or survival pricing:

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As the company is market leader in red syrup market so the company is use

promotional pricing which is totally based upon the quality of the product and company

take no risk on the part of quality of the product. So the pricing is promotional and

quality based.

Competitor pricing:

Usually price is based on the quality of the product but it may vary in some case like

if competitor reduce the price there is the policy of the jam-e-shirin that the also reduce

the price to stay in competition. Other wise price is only quality based.

Factor consideration while setting prices:

There are some factor kept under consideration while setting the price of the

product some of them are

Consumer buying power.

Cost of the product

Pricing strategy

Advertisement cost.unt on price. e-shirin.

Advertisement cost is one which is not often considered because advertisement varied

on different stages. So this is one which is least considered .

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Distribution channels:

“A set of interdependent organizations (intermediaries) involved in the process of

making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or

business user.” About the jam-e-shirin they are also use different distribution strategy to

make there product available to every consumer. The information about jam-e-shirin

distribution strategy and channel are as fellows:

Product type:

Product type means that company rate there product on the bases of shopping by the

final consumer. There are different types of product which are as

product2.convenience product3.specialty product4.unsought productThese are some of

the types of the products. According to company they place there product as

convenience product this is one which easily available with low cost and customer need

not to go different stores to only for the better product.

Nature of distribution:

There are two distribution channels which are:

Direct channel

Indirect channel

Jam-e-shirin is involved in indirect distribution channel. They are following this method:

Production Intermediaries retailers

This is the distribution channels jam-e-shirin is using to make there product available to

every one.

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Distribution policy:

There are also three types of distribution policies which are as follows:




Intensive distribution means place product to every store and try to address each and

every consumer.

Selective means few well known general stores or departmental store are used to

appeal people to there product.

Exclusive means company has there own outlets where there product is

available .Jam-e-shirin is using intensive distribution it is because they are trying to

appeal as many people as possible and through this technique they are able to address

most number of people.

International distribution strategy:

In order to address international market they are use intermediaries to address

people which are selected by the company himself. Same is the case with national

intermediaries they are also selected by company.

Modes for distribution:

There are number of distribution mode like use



Air planes


But the company is not involved in any of these. Company is only responsible to send

the products to intermediaries which then take product to retailers. Company is just do

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only that they paint the transmission mode like trucks which the theme of the company

which show the product on the trucks. Modes are also set keeping in keep these things

which are as fellows





Distribution planning:

Company considers different thinks while designing the mode of distribution. Before

setting distribution channel company analysis consumer service need, view the channel

objectives and constraints, and also identify alternatives if the previous set distribution

channel fail to attain what company goal is. Same is the case with international

distribution channels. Distribution planning is based on getting the right product to right

consumer at right place and right time.

Physical distribution and customer attraction and satisfaction:

This is one of the factor company usually consider while setting intermediaries and

physical channels. Like it is difficult for only one intermediary to cover complete Lahore.

So keeping this in mind company make more then one intermediary to address that

large area. It is to satisfy the consumer need.

Problems in setting physical channels and intermediaries:

Company faces few problems while setting distribution channels like working on

different channels and assess which one is better and fullfil all these thing speed in

delivery, cost which one of the major factor, availability of the channel and whether or

not company can depend on the channel that it is trust worthy or not. Same is the case

of intermediaries company who look for the most reasonable person with enough

money to work with the company. So the distribution mode use to send jam-e-shirin to

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places which are far away from production is through tracks using containers. This

makes the product more safe and free from tear and wear.


Promotion is to promote product through advertisement and some other factors. It not

only included advertisement but also setting target market studying there requirements

and develop product accordingly. What are the promotional activity using by jam-e-

shirin and how they use them are as fellow:

Target market:

Integrated Marketing Communications: Demographic:

Promotional strategy

Target market:

Target market is the set of people whom company target to sell there product. In

case of jam-e-shirin they are targeting house wives and families and try to develop there

promotional campaign according to them.

Integrated Marketing Communications:

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is the concept under which the

company integrates and coordinates its communications channels to deliver a clear and

consistent message about the organization and its products. In case of jam-e-shirin

there is no concept of IMC in there. They are only relaying on outsources and develop

there promotional advertisement and campaign accordingly.

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Being a very well known company and to retain its position the policy of a company

is to study the demographic on regular bases and adopt all the possible changes

develop with in the people. To serve this purpose company have a team which is

working day and night to monitor each and every change with in consumer and give

available suggestion to work according to the demand of the consumer.

Promotional strategy:

In the beginning the company is use push strategy to increase sales by setting low

price try to penetrate but by the time begin the strategy is changed to pull. It is because

company now is being able to attain the greater percentage of sales and now they are

just considering to only retaining this position now.

Promotional Activities:

To promote the sale of the jam-e-shirin company is involve in number of activities

which are using ads on TVs placing bill boards and with arrange some sort of concerts

and public related activities like health related programs.

Modes for Advertisement:

Company use different modes of advertisement to make there message to reach to

every one. Advertisement modes include TV channels, news papers, bill boards, health

and safety programs and by publishing different health and safety related magazines.

All these are use to make sure that they can address all the people they are targeting

to. TV channels include all the local most famous and often watched channels and

same is the case of the news papers. Company called these advertisement modes

above the line and below the line. Above the line include TV channels, cable networks,

and exhibition. And below the line contain health and safety programs and all that



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Promotional ads:

Promotional ads are designed keeping in view the target market and there

understanding. Ethical standards are always considered while designing the ads for TV

channels as well as news paper. The concept of ADIA is always under consideration

while doing this activity. Attraction is usually developing through the color schemes

putting very essential information on ads. This is to create desire and interest in product

and finally actions are absorbed from the sale. Company is involved in designing

emotional ads to urge the final consumer to go for the product. Keeping in view the

target market this concept is use because the target market is house wives and they are

usually very much interested in family health. And the company try to strike the mind of

the people whom they are targeting that jam-e-shirin is very safe and health product to

use. It not only grows your children but also make them strong mPromotional budget:

Promotional budget is set keeping in keep number of things which include reduce in

sale, promotional activity of the competitor and some other factor like increase in sale

and some time percentage of sale is also used. But it is the method which is not often

used. Usually promotional budget are set keeping in view the competitor activity.

Personal selling:

Company is not yet involved in personal selling and the policies are showing that they

are not interested in doing so. This is not keeping in consideration because it increases

the cost of selling product. Not only personnel need to hire for this also problem of

taking them to the place of selling also arises.

Public Relation:

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This one of the way company use to advertise there product. Company involve in

charity programs, concerts, kids exhibitions where they try to realize the mothers of the

children that jam-e-shirin is better drink then any other fizzy drink like Pepsi and coca

cola. The company arrange different health related programs to make people know

about there health what is right what is wrong for them.

Promotional feedback:

There is no proper department to look what is the feed back of the promotional entally.

activity. Usually increase in sale considered as the feedback from the people that the

feedback is positive if sale increase and negative in other case


Jam-e-shirin has direct and indirect competitors and ROOHAFZA is consider to be very

tough competitor in market.because roohafza is also selling the same thing but the

different between the products is roohafza is instant energy drink while jam-e-shrin is

herbal base product and is sugar base.some competitors are.

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Qarshi has different products. It targeted JAM-E-SHIRIN in different segments of

markets by using different methods of market segments

Methods of Segmentation



Squash Taskeen-e-


Glucose -D





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Qarshi has been using different methods of segmentation of JAM-E-SHIRIN in Pakistan

on the basis of

Geographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation

Psychographic Segmentation

Now I would explain each segment randomly.

Geographic Segmentation:

a) Geographic Region:

JAM-E-ESHIRIN 1st of all it targeted its products in Lahore, and then it started targeting

its products into different other cities. Then it targeted whole country. Now it’s operating

in other countries of Europe, East globally. So its geographic segmentation is large.

b) Density:

JAM-E-SHIRIN first operated in Lahore. Then it started targeting urban, rural and sub-

urban areas.

c) Climate:

This is also fact that climate has great effect in targeting different market segments.

Qarshi Jam-e-Shirin , has been mostly targeted in the hot weather countries like Dubai,

Pakistan, Saudi Arabia.

Demographic Segmentation:

A) Gender:

JAM-E-SHIRIN targeted all genders including males, females

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B) Religion:

As JAM-E-SHIRIN is operating in Islamic country. So it makes its products with “


Because it targeted Islamic countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. As wine, cocaine and

different other material that are prohibited in Islam, so it doesn’t use any kind of

materials. So it targeted Muslim Countries. But now it’s operating at global level as well.


13 – 35 (people engaged in sports activities / professional athletes)

20 – 40 (field workers)

8 and above (no field required)


Professional Athletes, Sportsmen, Professionals, Students, Housewives

Psychographic Segmentation:

This is the most important segmentation which JAM- E-SHIRIN is using. It tells us what

customer think about our product. It describes point of view of customer about our

product. It’s the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand

customers. Since Qarshi has fist opened Dawakhana. So they tried to understand that

what customer wants. So when it realized the needs of customers. Then it started

working on different products according to customer needs

Like customer needed a quality refreshing beverages. So it introduced its product as

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“Jam-e-Shirin” for those customers. It’s regularly based product. It’s basically used to

set mind refresh.

Social Class:

It’s an economical drink which can be afforded by anyone especially the sachet.

Behavioral Segmentation:

This method of segmentation is most important. Because it includes the behavior of

customers. Customer behavior is very important for the company. Because Company

has to create long term relationship with customers. It includes different aspects which

are given below.

Behavioral Occasions:

As JAM-E-SHIRIN is seasonal products ,it is mostly use in SUMMER and in RMADAN

people use this product in these two season .


The benefit of jam-e-shirin that made jam-e-shirin with arqiat and natural herbs

which is there one of the competitive advantage over there competitors of red syrup.

Some other advantages are that the use of jam-e-shirin reduces the thirst and make you

comfortable mentally. As we know that qarshi was develop for the betterment of people

health so they assure this thing in making jam-e-shirin)

Loyalty Status:

Loyalty status describes about loyalty of customer and people are very loyal about the

name of JAM-E-SHIRINI .So according to my point of view it targeted medium loyal

customers .and its loyalty status is 60%

Readiness Stage:

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It tells that is your customer aware about the product or not. It also tells that is customer

interested in our product or not. Since Qarshi products are available everywhere in the

country, so most of the customers are aware about its products.

Attitude toward product:

According to my point of view, customers have positive attitude about Qarshi products

because these products are made up of natural and herbal materials. It also includes



The market ratio of JAM-E-SHIRIN is 52%.

The greater competitor of Jam-e-shrin that is Rooh afza only have 23% share.