brief introduction to lean, agile and scrum

© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L. What if…? A sneak preview on Lean, Agile and Scrum in four acts November 2009

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A brief introduction to Lean, Agile and Scrum that we use whit our clients. Hope you enjoy it and many thanks to the people we take some slides from: Henrik Kniberg and Jeff Patton amongst others.


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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

What if…?A sneak preview on Lean, Agile and Scrum in four acts

November 2009

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Ángel Medinilla

Telco Guy - cable, radio & ISP/portals

13 years in IT, 11 as a ProjectManager

Entrepreneur, blogger Aikido, Motorbikes, WoW,

books, cooking, wines, music,travel, comics,movies…

Certified Scrum Master - ScrumAlliance Member, Agile Spainco-founder, PMI member

[email protected]

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

ICT Project Management Consulting

Our mission is to improve the results of ourclient’s projects and initiatives

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Ourbusiness isto create


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…and improve yourcompetitive advantage

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Some references

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Enough about us…

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Intro Act one: the world Act two: Lean & Agile Act three: Scrum Act four: implementation Epilogue: books & references

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Act one

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.The world of projects

Page 11: Brief Introduction to Lean, Agile and Scrum

© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.Yap, for sure…

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

The awful truth Estimates are never correct Nobody knows what impediments may

arise Objectives are not understood Constant changes Client doesen’t know what he wants Developer doesnt’t know how to write it

Ergo… Commitments are not met There’s no project visibility Over time, over budget Who are we going to blame?

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The Standish report

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El Standish Report Cancelled: 31% Problems: 53% Successful: 16%

Never-used functionalities: 64% Seldom used: 16% Used: 20%

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In four words…

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The golden triangle

Good, beautiful, cheap… fix two!

?Time Scope


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Typical reasons Requirements Objectives Changes Planning Methodology Visibility Organization


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But don’t youworry nomore…

ProjectManager ishere!

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Or here?

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A fateful heritage







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Thin is In

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Try another way!

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“Here comes Edward Bearnow, down the stairsbehind Christopher Robin.Bump! Bump! Bump! onthe back of his head. It is,as far as he knows, theonly way of coming downstairs. He is sure thatthere must be a betterway, if only he could stopbumping for a momentto think of it”

A. A. Milne, Winnie-the Pooh, Chapter 1

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Or we can do “same thing andexpect different results”

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The Buzz:

4 -12 x performance& quality (“Toyotaeffect)

Lower managementoverhead

Superb motivationlevel

“New Deal” with ourclients

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Act two

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All muscle, nofat

Focus on whatclient needs andappretiates:follow client’spriorities

Everything elseis waste (Muda)

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Lean = Value - waste

Gastonecesario( trabajoincidental oaccesorio )



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The Lean Enterprise

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Meanwhile, in Detroit…

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Hundreds of tools…


A3 A3 ThinkThink KaizenKaizen



CellCell ProdProd










TaktTakt Time Time



OneOne piecepieceflowflow


Go and seeGo and see

ZoneZone control controlU-U-CellCell



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The principles

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Waterfall and Software

Emergent requirementsConstant Change

Unpredictable processesHeterogeneous projectsContinuous integration

High communication neededChanging technology

High complexity

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

A new model needed

Empirical process (inspect and adapt)Iterative and incremental development

Customer colaboration & communicationEmbrace change

Fixed time + fixed money = variable functionality

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Agile Manfesto

Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan

Over ≠ Instead of

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Principles:1. Satisfy your client2. Changes welcome3. Customer-Team collaboration4. Release early, release often5. Excelent quality6. Keep It Simple, Stupid7. Progress = Working software8. Self-organizing teams9. Motivation10. Face to Face11. Retrospectives12. Sustainable pace

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

Sounds good?

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But it’s not…

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Three keyconcepts:

Inspect and adapt Iterative and incremental People

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Empirical Process

Visibility, transparency Inspect and adapt (adaptative

approach vs predictiveapproach)

PDCA (Painters and DecoratorsContractors of America…No,watit…Plan, Do, Check, Act -Deming’s Circle)

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Predictive approach








Real need

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Adaptative approach



Real need

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“Empirical” is not…

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See “empirical” in action!

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1 2 3

User hasn’t got a perfect idea of what he wants.Changes are detected on late stages.

Iterative & incremental

© 2006-2008 Jeff Patton,

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User discovers what he wants as he sees.Changes are detected in early stages.

Iterative & Incremental

© 2006-2008 Jeff Patton,


1 2 3

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What are Agile companiesusing?

2nd Annual ”State of AgileDevelopment” Survey

Jun-Jul 2007

3rd Annual ”State of AgileDevelopment” Survey

Jun-Jul 2008

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Act Three:

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Scrum !

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Scrum! Works good withundefined / changingrequirements

Good impedimentsmanagement

Gives maximum valuefor a given effort

Can manage verycomplex projects

Gives a sense ofurgency, removes the“student syndrome”

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Scrum for Managers Give customer delivery

dates (and accomplish). Daily progress visibility. Improves performance and

motivation (warning! Onlyif done properly).

Reduces managementoverhead.

Gives a beter ROI

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Sample companies doing Scrum

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What Scrum is NOT:

A Silver Bullet

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-“Naysayers”- Messy organizations- Bureaucracy

¡Lo siento! Haber elegido la píldoraazul…

- No authority, no empowermet- Uncommitted management- Conflictive customers…

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Scrum 101


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Ten commandments of Scrum1. People2. No silver bullet3. Retrospectives, retrospectives, retropectives4. Daily Scum, daily management5. Progress = functional product (measure what’s left, not

what we’ve done)6. Self management of the team, abandon command & control7. Iterative & Incremental developmen8. Only team manages Sprint Backloj, Only product owner

manages product backlog9. Fixed duration for sprints10. Define “done, done”

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The greatest and firstcommandment…

¡Time Boxing!

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Scrum Framework


Product backlog Sprint backlog

Scrum board

Impediment backlog


Product owner

Scrum Master


ReunionesProduct planning Sprint planning Daliy Scrum

Retrospective Demo

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Roles Rol ≠ line, company positions Pigs and chickens

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Product Owner

Gather requirements Manages vision Prioritize and manage

product backlog Accepts deliverables Manages roadmap Economical responsibility Scrum / company

interface “Feathered pig”

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Scrum Master “Shepherd dog”, servant

leader, Coach Team member Works closely with product

manager Keeps and manages the

impediments list Keeps the Scrum process

moving on Improves team quality of life

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Estimates project Commited with delivery of

done-done product Report progress Multifunctional Self managed but

responsible before productowner

7±3 members

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Artifacts Product Backlog

Contains every functionalityto be built

Prioritized and estimated Sprint backlog

Subset of product backlog To be built in next sprint Every functionality is divided

in tasks (4-16h) Must produce a shippable

product increment

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Basic Product Backlog

1720Functionality C

3250Functionality B

24100Functionality A


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Not-so-basic product backlog







9107PENDIENTEPacoTarea 5

453PENDIENTEJuanTarea 4

996INICIADAMaríaTarea 3

475INICIADAPedroTarea 2

143TERMINADAJuanTarea 1



Estimación /Buffer

Estimación 90%

Estimación 50%



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Visual Management

Information radiators

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Pending Dev. Test DoneStoryProject:

Team: Scrum, Demo:


Release Plan:


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“Scrum&XP from the trenches”,

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“Scrum&XP from the trenches”,

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“Scrum&XP from the trenches”,

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Act four:

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Scrum Master Miyagui says…

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Why so many teams fail?

They build tools, but forget principlesPrinciples must root in corporate culture

“Culture Eats Strategy ForBreakfast”

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© 2009 Proyectalis Gestión de Proyectos S.L.

“It’s culture, stupid!”

Deciding to change and improve s easy. Making peoplechange and improve is very, very difficult.

If we are to change the company, we must change thecompany’s culture

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10 steps

1. Convince management2. Stablish corporate values3. Train everyone4. Build product backlog5. Design calendar6. Make teams work the backlog7. Sprint!8. Retrospective9. Work on impediments10. Stablish metrics

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“Every ten thousand miles trip beginswith a single step”

Lao Tze

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To read:

“Agile Software Development with SCRUM”, “AgileProject Management with SCRUM”, “The Enterprise andScrum”, Ken Schwaber

“Scrum y XP from the trenches”, Henrik Kniberg

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To read: “User Stories Applied”, Mike Cohn “Agile Estimation and Planning”, Mike Cohn “Agile Retrospectives”, Esther Derby y Diana Larsen “Peopleware”, “Walting with Bears”, Tom DeMarco &

Timothy Lister “The Mythical Man-Month”, Fred Brooks

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Software tools Commercial:

VersionOne Scrum for VSTFS+ Conchango template ScrumWorks Acunote (hosted, free for OpenSource projects) Scrum Desk (hosted or SQL sever +/-TFS) Jira (bugtracking) + confluence (wiki) + Bamboo (CI)

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Herramientas Free / Open Source

Red mine + scrum plugin Agilo, Trac (Bug Tracking), Bugzilla, Scarab BananaScrum (hosted), Ice Scrum, Agilito, Acunote… Git, Subversion (CVS) Gnats (Bug Tracking + Scrum, muy customizable, requiere

trabajo) xUnit, abbot, selenium, Fitnesse, Cruise Control, jMock…

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Our approach: DokuWiki + excel

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Best tools ever

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[email protected]