brief ac oct 2015

7/21/2019 Brief AC Oct 2015 1/3  Creative brief The Agency Job 1. Brief challenge  (1-2 sentences – What’s the assignment? What do we have to overcome in order to have a successfully campaign?) To build up notoriety regarding the educational role of AQUA Carpatica towards healthy nourishment, healthy living & pure sources of water, bases on the inside AC already has (the purest mineral water, lack of nitrates) 2. Key Brand Benefit (from international/past brand DNA, from other communication campaigns) Pour knowledge of the communication strategy regarding the “nitrate” impact on health; low communication on this health issue 3. Background/Current Brand Situation/Overview (What's the big picture? What's going on in the market? Anything happening on the client side that the creative team should know about? Any opportunities or problems in the market? This is where you introduce the project to the creative team. You'll go over this again in the briefing session, but write it down as well . For an overview, state, "Who is the ad talking to, and what is the one main thing we want to say?") From the very beginning, AC took this purity claim (lack of nitrates) and built campaigns with social impact (Legea Apei, Testul Puritatii), underlining the impact of nitrates on health (especially for infants). 4. Key Consumer Profile. Insight. (If the target would be only one person- what will make you to see him/her within a crowd? Try to make an alive portrait of the consumer) Medium to high income, educated, urban (core target 18-45y) Client Valvis Holding Date in October 2015 Brand  AQUA Carpatica Due date December 2015 Project name Online communication strategy Client’s name Valentina Vesler Client service team Pr& Communication Department Client’s email Valentina.vesler@valvis- Creative team proposal Client’s phone 0744372500

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Creative brief

The Agency Job

1. Brief challenge (1-2 sentences – What’s the assignment? What do we have to

overcome in order to have a successfully campaign?)

To build up notoriety regarding the educational role of AQUA Carpatica towards healthynourishment, healthy living & pure sources of water, bases on the inside AC already has (the

purest mineral water, lack of nitrates)

2. Key Brand Benefit (from international/past brand DNA, from other communicationcampaigns)Pour knowledge of the communication strategy regarding the “nitrate” impact on health;low communication on this health issue

3. Background/Current Brand Situation/Overview (What's the big picture? What's

going on in the market? Anything happening on the client side that the creative teamshould know about? Any opportunities or problems in the market? This is where youintroduce the project to the creative team. You'll go over this again in the briefing

session, but write it down as well . For an overview, state, "Who is the ad talking to, andwhat is the one main thing we want to say?")

From the very beginning, AC took this purity claim (lack of nitrates) and built campaignswith social impact (Legea Apei, Testul Puritatii), underlining the impact of nitrates onhealth (especially for infants).

4. Key Consumer Profile. Insight. (If the target would be only one person- what willmake you to see him/her within a crowd? Try to make an alive portrait of the consumer)

Medium to high income, educated, urban (core target 18-45y)

Client Valvis Holding Date in October 2015

Brand  AQUA Carpatica Due date December 2015

Project nameOnline communicationstrategy

Client’sname Valentina Vesler

Client service team Pr& CommunicationDepartment Client’semail [email protected]

Creative teamproposal

Client’sphone 0744372500

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5. Campaign Key Message/Reasons to Believe (If you would have 3 seconds to

convince the Key Consumer of this campaign- What would you tell him/her? Whatmakes it an intelligent choice? Why should the customer believe this promise?) 

 AQUA Carpatica is the best choice for people concerned about health & environmentdue to its purity, low sodium content and balanced minerals.Meantime, as a brand, AQUA Carpatica has a great concern about socialresponsibility.

6. What is the reason for investing in this assignment? (What do you target toachieve? Why would you pay for this?)First level purpose: launching an educational platform for topics related to purity, nitratesand environment, stressing out particularly the issues referring to water

Second level purpose: supporting and inflecting the communication strategy on variousmedia (online)

7. Touch Points (Touchpoints are all of the communication, human and physicalinteractions your organization has with its customers.Communication Touchpoints caninclude: Website, E-Mail, Letter, Brochure, Ad, Invoice, etc. Human Touchpoints can

include: Sales professional, Customer service rep, Accountant, etc. PhysicalTouchpoints can include: Store, Product, Packaging, Office, etc):

Pour ones – to be further discussed

8. Mandatory elements (Any creative or technical elements we need to take into


The identity elements and their proportions, in order to be easily recognizable within thecategory and under the AQUA Carpatica brand umbrella

9. Deliverables (What do we need to deliver to make you happy?) 

Integrated online communication strategy (channels, sites, social media), onlinecreation deliverables, such as banners, etc

10. List of activities planned for this project (all activities vs their starting date, relatedto this project) 

We are waiting for your suggestions – to be discussed as a second step

Additional information:


Mineral water market: consumption 52 liters/capita (half of the Europeanconsumption)

Market information (SNA):52% still mineral water consumption48% sparkling mineral water consumtion.

Our competitors on this market are:

!  Borsec

!  Dorna

!  Bucovina

!  Izvorul Minunilor

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