bridging the gap of relational to hadoop using sqoop @ expedia

Bridging the gap of Relational to Hadoop using Sqoop@Expedia (Enhancing Sqoop for Synchronization) Shashank Tandon, Expedia Kopal Niranjan, Expedia

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Bridging the gap of Relational to Hadoop using Sqoop@Expedia(Enhancing Sqoop for Synchronization)

Shashank Tandon, Expedia

Kopal Niranjan, Expedia

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Agenda• Problem statement

• Why- Sqoop

• Expedia Enhancements for Sqoop.

• New Tool : Hive Merge

• Data Synchronization

• Demo

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Data Synchronization

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Problem Statement• Import huge amount of data available on RDBMS to Hive


• Support multiple partitions on Hive while importing.

• Regular updates happening on RDBMS.–Merge the new/updated data to hive tables.–Merge the data in parallel.

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Community Solution - Sqoop• Sqoop is an open source tool designed to efficiently

transfer bulk data between Hadoop and structured data stores such as relational databases.

• Support various relational databases like Teradata, SQL Server, Oracle,Mysql,DB2 etc.

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Enhanced Sqoop Features • Enhanced Sqoop Features for community business needs.

- Hive Merge - Merges the incremental data migrated to hdfs into your

existing hive tables.- Supports merge based on composite keys- Merges older partitions as well as add new partitions.

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Enhanced Sqoop Features - Hive Dynamic Partition

- Hive Dynamic Partition with Partition Format

- Hive External Table

- Compression like Snappy

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Hcatalog for Hive- Hcatalog is a java wrapper on top of Hive metastore.

- Sqoop supports all the latest Hive features using Hcatalog.

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External tables with HCatalog

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Sqoop Import to Hive Managed Table

• Sqoop connects to mysql database test

• Import table MYTABLE in a hive managed table test_part1

• The hive managed table is located in /apps/hive/warehouse

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New Enhancement :Import to Hive External Table

• The above command creates a hive table in the user managedDirectory /user/root/test_part2

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Dynamic Partitioning with HCatalog

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Sqoop Import to Hive Static Partition• Can pass only 1 static partition as sqoop argument

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Sqoop Import to Hive Static Partition• Check Hive Partition

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Sqoop Import to Hive Static Partition on Date column

• Can pass only 1 static partition as sqoop argument with date value specified manually.

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How to Import Data if there are more than 200 partitions ? Should I manually run these jobs again and again ?

How to Import Data if the date format is month or day or year?Is there any way that I can pass the format ?

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New Enhancement : Import to Hive Dynamic Partition

• A new argument is passed –hcatalog-dynamic-partition-keys in sqoop.

• It works along with current static partition key.

• If both are passed then it will give more preference to static partition key.

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New Enhancement : Import to Hive Dynamic Partition with Date Format

• A new argument is passed –hcatalog-dynamic-partition-key-format with argument –hcatalog-dynamic-partition-keys.

• Check the Hive Partitions after the Sqoop Import.

• The partitions created will be in the user-specified format.

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Password encrypted in Sqoop Metastore• Password will now be saved in Sqoop metastore in

encrypted manner.

• The logic is same as done in file encryption where generic passkey and algorithm is passed in command line.

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Issues with Sqoop Merge Tool• Designed to merge two directories on HDFS. Will need

modification to support merging of Hive tables.

• The output directory must be specified while performing the merge.

• Supports merge based on a single column.

• To merge many partitions, each will require separate sequential Sqoop jobs.

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Merge Incremental data using Sqoop and Hive External Table

• Import records from base table to a HDFS directory.

• Import updates using incremental imports to another HDFS directory.

• Create a hive external table for both the directories.

• Create a view that combines record sets from both the Base (base_table) and Change (incremental_table) tables.

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Merge Incremental data using Sqoop and Hive External Table

• The view now contains the most up-to-date set of records.

• Generate a table from the view created in above step.

• Replace the base table with the entries from the above generated table.

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New Tool: Hive Merge• Import original base table into Hive

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New Tool : Hive merge • Import incremental data into Hive

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• Finally merge data using tool hive-merge.

New Tool : Hive merge

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Acquiring locks during Hive Merge• In order to allow only single Hive merge happen on same

table, tool acquire lock in the start and release lock once it finishes.

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Performance metrics : Hive Merge tool

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Other Key Enhancements• Save encrypted password in Sqoop Metastore

• Teradata varchar/char support

• Teradata current timestamp support

• Sqoop Job runs for Incremental Import

• Snappy compression support in Hcatalog

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Apache Sqoop Jiras These are the few jiras for which the patch has been provided by us:

• SQOOP-2332: Dynamic Partition in Sqoop HCatalog- if Hive table does not exists & add support for Partition Date Format

• SQOOP-2335 :Support for Hive External Table in Sqoop – Hcatalog

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• SQOOP-2585: Merging hive tables using sqoop

• SQOOP-2596:Precision of varchar/char column cannot be retrieved from teradata database during sqoop import

• SQOOP-2801: Secure RDBMS password in Sqoop Metastore in a encrypted form.

• SQOOP-2331: Snappy Compression Support in Sqoop-Hcatalog

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Hive Merge Internal ArchitectureStep 1: Identify partitions to update. Skip this step for non-partitioned tables.

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Hive Merge Internal ArchitectureStep 2: Merge the new partitions with the old partitions(only for partitioned tables).

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Hive Merge Internal ArchitectureStep 3: Delete older versions.